Principal`s Message - Columbia Middle School
Principal`s Message - Columbia Middle School
Cougar News February 2012 Columbia Middle School • 17600 East Columbia Avenue • Aurora, Colorado 80013 Steve Hamilton, Principal Carla Stonbraker, Assistant Principal Jeffry Hoff, Dean of Students Phone: 303-690-6570 Attendance: 303-326-1651 Fax: 303-326-1251 Principal’s Message Columbia Community, February is one of the busiest months at Columbia. We are completing registration for high school, visiting elementary schools to meet next year’s incoming 6th grade students and having our current 6th and 7th grade students register for 7th and 8th grade. You will be receiving registration information for your child’s classes for next year. Please keep in mind that the elective choices are limited to three. Students interested in choir, orchestra and/or band should indicate this on the form. All other electives (drama, PE, visual arts and graphic design) are used to fill any gaps in a student’s schedule and are not “choice” classes. A key factor to the classes your child will receive directly relates to his/her level of proficiency in reading, writing and math. Students who need additional support in reading, writing and math will receive intervention support classes in place of one or both electives. We also offer a series of advanced classes for students who are excelling in the areas of reading, writing and math. These classes can be taken separately or together and in conjunction with our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Pathway. Ultimately, whether a student is on an advanced track, in grade level classes or getting additional support through intervention classes, the number one thing all students and parents should be focusing on is effort towards improving. A solid, consistent and positive focus on school will prepare a student to be successful in high school and eligible to participate in the many college programs during high school. He/she will be able to confidently strive for goals and dreams. The time to challenge oneself begins every day, each period and in each class. Please encourage your son/daughter to push themselves daily, strive for excellence and openly ask for help when needed. Please remember that we have after school study support in the media center every day until 3:45 PM. Many students are taking advantage of this regular support and are showing progress because of this extra effort. Students have access to computers, books, printers and staff support to help them with their work during this time. In addition to the upcoming registration process, the district has opened up the open enrollment window. If a student is currently attending Columbia as an open enrolled student, parents/guardians will be receiving a letter from me indicating attendance and discipline for the first semester. Students with strong, consistent attendance and no discipline issues can be assured that they will be able to continue next year at Columbia. Students who have been unable to attend regularly or have had behavior issues will be contacted later in the spring to determine their continuation at Columbia. We have an incredibly long waiting list every year of families who want to attend, and can only accept a handful of those requests. The open enrollment window is open from January 17th through May 1st. New applicants have already been turning in their paperwork since early morning on the 17th. Students already here on open enrollment will be allowed to continue automatically, no new paperwork is required, if their attendance and behavior are positive and consistent. A final area to mention is the beginning process of selecting students for 5th block in June. Remember that 5th block is summer school for students who are showing a strong work habit but are not yet proficient in reading, writing and math. Parents/guardian will be receiving information regarding this in the near future if your son/daughter meets the district guidelines. Please continue to support your child through consistent encouragement to give his/her best effort. Steve Hamilton, Principal Columbia’s website address: Mensaje del Director Comunidad de Columbia, El mes de febrero es uno de los meses más ocupados en Columbia. Estamos terminando las registraciones para la preparatoria, visitando escuelas primarias para conocer a los estudiantes que vendrán a cursar el 6to grado el año entrante y nuestros estudiantes actuales de 6to y 7mo grados seleccionarán sus clases para el próximo año. Por favor tengan en mente que sólo hay 3 opciones para clases optativas. Los estudiantes interesados en coro, orquesta y/o banda deben de indicar esta opción en la forma. Todas las demás clases (drama, educación física, artes visuales y diseño grafico) son asignadas para llenar huecos en los horarios de clases de los estudiantes, pero no son necesariamente clases que todos los estudiantes pueden elegir. Un factor elemental referente a las clases que su estudiante recibe se relaciona directamente a su nivel de competencia en lectura, escritura y matemáticas. Los estudiantes que necesitan ayuda adicional en lectura, escritura y matemáticas recibirán clases de apoyo de intervención en lugar de una o dos clases optativas. También ofrecemos una serie de clases avanzadas para estudiantes quienes sobresalen en las áreas de lectura, escritura y matemáticas. Estas clases pueden ser tomadas separadas o juntas o en conjunción con nuestra Trayectoria STEM (acrónimo para ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas). Al final, independientemente de si un estudiante tiene clase avanzadas, clases a su nivel o está recibiendo ayuda por medio de clases de intervención, el enfoque número uno de los alumnos y los padres es el de esforzarse en mejorar. El enfoque positivo, sólido y consistente en la escuela preparará a un estudiante a ser exitoso en la preparatoria y a calificar para participar en los muchos programas universitarios disponibles en la preparatoria. Él/ella podrá tratar de alcanzar sus metas y sueños con confianza. El tiempo para desafiarse así mismo es diariamente, en cada periodo y en cada clase. Por favor motive a su hijo/hija a empujarse así mismo diariamente, a alcanzar la excelencia y pedir ayuda cuando sea necesario. Por favor recuerde que tenemos apoyo de estudio diariamente después de escuela en la biblioteca (media center) hasta las 3:45pm. Muchos estudiantes están tomando ventaja de este apoyo regular y están mostrando progreso por este extra esfuerzo. Los estudiantes tienen acceso a computadoras, libros, impresoras y apoyo del personal para ayudarles con sus tareas durante ese tiempo. En adición al proceso de registración que está por venir, el distrito ha empezado la temporada para solicitar matriculación abierta. Si un estudiante está asistiendo a Columbia como un estudiante aceptado en matriculación abierta, los padres/tutores legales recibirán una carta de mi parte reportando sobre la asistencia y disciplina escolar durante el primer semestre. Los alumnos que tienen asistencia consistente y sólida y ningún problema de disciplina pueden estar tranquilos de poder continuar asistiendo a Columbia el próximo año. Los estudiantes que no han podido asistir a la escuela regularmente o que han tenido problemas de comportamiento serán contactados mas tarde en la primavera para determinar si podrán continuar en Columbia. Tenemos una lista de espera increíble todos los años ya que muchas familias quieren que sus hijos asistan a esta escuela, pero sólo podemos aceptar unas cuantas solicitudes. El periodo de tiempo para aceptar solicitudes es entre el 17 de enero y el 1ro de mayo. Nuevos solicitantes han estado sometiendo sus aplicaciones desde muy temprano el día 17. A los alumnos que ya están asistiendo aquí por medio de matriculación abierta se les permitirá continuar aquí automáticamente, no se requerirá nuevo papeleo, sólo si su asistencia y comportamiento son positivos y consistentes. Un área final para mencionar es el comienzo del proceso de seleccionar estudiantes para la 5ta Sesión de Instrucción en junio. Recuerde que la 5ta Sesión es un programa de verano para estudiantes que están mostrando hábitos de trabajo sólidos pero que aún no han alcanzado competencia en lectura, escritura y matemáticas. Padres de familia/tutores legales recibirán información referente a esto en el futuro cercano si es que su hijo(a) llena los requisitos del distrito. Por favor continúe apoyando a su hijo/a por medio de motivación consistente para que haga su mejor esfuerzo. Steve Hamilton, Director SI USTED NECESITA INFORMACIÓN SOBRE CUALQUIER ARTÍCULO EN ESTE BOLETÍN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON MITZI TORRES AL NÚMERO 303-690-6570 Important Numbers Attendance Line: Main Office Phone: Cafeteria: Main Office Fax: Counseling Office: Counseling Fax: Columbia’s Website: School Office Hours: 303-326-1651 (24 hours) 303-690-6570 303-326-1151 303-326-1251 303-326-1897 (Direct Line) 303-326-1898 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM Monday-Friday Student Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 1st Bell – 7:10 AM 2nd Bell – 7:20 AM (Seated in first period classes) Last Bell – 2:50 PM (Students dismissed for the day) Campus Cleared – 3:00 PM Student Hours: Every Tuesday is a Late Start Day 1st Bell – 8:40 AM 2nd Bell – 8:50 AM (Seated in first period classes) Last Bell – 2:50 PM (Students dismissed for the day) Campus Cleared – 3:00 PM Important Dates Coming Up… Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Mar. 9 Mar. 12 Mar. 13-May 12 March 21-22 Mar. 26-Apr. 2 Teacher In-Service (Non-Student Day) Parent Conference Exchange Day (Non-Student Day) 2nd Semester Conferences, 4:00 pm-7:30 pm PRESIDENT’S DAY – No School 2nd Semester Conferences, 4:30 pm-8:00 pm Last Day – Quarter 3 Teacher Workday (Non-Student Day) Girls Basketball Season Co-ed Soccer Season Spring Musical: Rapunzel, 7:00 pm SPRING BREAK – No School Columbia Middle School – PTSO Happy New Year Columbia Parents! We have just entered into 2012 and you have heard the requests for parents to become involved in your child’s school. We need your help in the PTSO and need parents volunteering at Columbia. If you would like to volunteer you can reach Terry Foxworthy the PTSO Secretary at 303-9997457 or contact the office at Columbia. Parents we would like to cordially invite and welcome you to any of these PTSO meetings!!! February 9th, March 1st, April 5th, and May 3rd Parent involvement is crucial to the health and well-being of a child. As a parent, you are the most important influence in your child’s success in school and in life. In this role, you have a fresh opportunity every day to get involved with your child. Parent involvement in children’s education allows kids to perform better in school, and navigate more easily some of the challenges of growing up, such as bullying. PTSO is committed to being the leading resource for parent involvement. We offer comprehensive resources for helping parents get involved and stay involved in the lives of their children. Learn about new ways you can make a difference in your child’s life and while you’re here bring your ideas and resources to PTSO. As parents, students and staff you are already member of Columbia Middle Schools PTSO. All you have to do is come to the meetings and you are all welcome. The meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm; just come to the office entrance at Columbia Middle School and join in on the FUN. Our next meeting is February 9th, 2012. SPRING FUNDRAISER COMING SOON! Parents, Teachers, and Students we will be having the Spring Fundraiser soon. Columbia Middle School needs your support to help the students with programs, events and trips. We appreciate your efforts to help make the fundraiser successful and the students will benefit from your support. Student Poems Showcased Prior to winter break, we discussed family stressors that the 8th grade students face at home during a holiday break. One of our Tuesday PRIDE lessons was to brainstorm things that are stressful for their families over the holidays and write a parody of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” using these stressors. These poems were to be entitled, “Twas the Days Before Winter Break” and were also written in small groups. This lesson was followed up with ways to alleviate stress and deal with these things in a safe and healthy manner. Below are the three winning poems from the contest. 1st place winners 3rd place winners Twas the days before winter break and all through my home, Facebook every morning on my purple square phone. I get home to my sister who’s a pain in the neck, I’m sorry, but someone needs to put her in check! I think of the children with no food and all alone. No house, no beds, not even a blue or red gnome. No cookies, no milk, for Santa tonight. No star on the tree to shine so bright. Twas the days before winter break and all though my home, Everyone was sick and could not roam. Siblings coughed and sneezed and also freezed. So I went outside to get a glimpse of what I could see. Everybody was out on the street handing out candy and treats to those in need. I creeped inside to see what I could find, a big present that was mine! I ran back outside to give my present to those in need. They pleased me with hugs & kisses and then I felt free. Michelle Adubea Aja’Nai Brown Cindy Maryinez So sorry they have no one to call. No toy cars or malibu barbie doll. For Christmas I will give a whole bunch of gifts, And not write a lot on my Christmas list. I hope Santa will use magic, Oh please help the kids whose life is so tragic. Hope this year they get so much love, from the angels watching them up from above. Porter Young Derek Puckett Ryan Knox Spring Play Performance 2nd place winners Rapunzel will be performed on the following dates and times. Grade level performances are for students only, evening performances are for families. Please contact Darius Pope or Nina Walsh if you have any questions. Twas the Days before winter break and all through my home, there wasn’t enough money to get me a comb. The Christmas shopping was not yet done, and none of the kids were having fun. It was too cold to go out and all the kids began to pout. They decided to go shopping, but all the good presents were gone and all the kids were mad at their dear father John. They were having car problems, gas prices were too high. there were no friends in town to help my family and I. It’s getting close to Christmas and our pantry ran dry, the kids couldn’t sleep and they started to cry. Christmas day was nearing, things started getting better. Our friends were coming back and we started getting good weather. Twas the day of Christmas eve, all the shopping was done. All the kids were happy and filled with much fun. March 19th: during 1st and 2nd period 6th grade performance March 21st: during 1st and 2nd period 7th grade performance March 21st: 7pm performance March 22nd: during 1st and 2nd period 8th grade performance March 22nd, 7pm evening performance March 23rd, 1:00pm Dalton performance Kris Aylward Suzie Leslie James Jones Clubs And Activities Besides sports for 7th and 8th graders, Columbia offers diverse opportunities for all students to become involved in after school activities. Below please find a list of clubs and activities currently offered: Club/Activity When Room # C3 Club - Caring Community Club Tuesdays 3:00-3:45 C204 Chess Club Thursdays 3:00-4:00 C103 Tri-M Honor Society TBA / as needed D129 Super Students (homework/tutoring) Tuesdays 2:50-4:00 B204 Peer Tutoring Wednesdays 3:00-3:45 C220 Poms/Dance Club Varies / 2x per week D220 Intramurals Daily (except Tuesdays) 6:40-7:10 AM Gym (Activities/ sports/ games) Power Weights / Speed and Conditioning Wednesdays 3:00-3:30 Gym Sponsor Ms. Wilbanks & Ms. Mugatha Mr. Reed Ms. Walsh Ms. Wolter Ms. Chapman Ms. Freeman Ms. Schock Mr. Marshall Hoops are Happening!! The boys’ basketball season is underway. 7th and 8th grade boys are playing all other Aurora middle schools. We have games this month on February 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 23rd, and 28th. 7th and 8th grade basketball championships will be March 10th at Rangeview High School. 8th grade A & B teams are the defending city champions. We plan on being there again! Come and cheer for the home team! Please demonstrate your dignity and sportsmanship by following these rules: • Please cheer for Columbia, not against the other teams. • Please refrain from coaching from the stands. • Please go easy on the referees. Their job is difficult enough. • Please do not stomp on the bleachers or harass players at the free throw line or respond to any comments by opposing fans. Thanks for your support, Coach Epstein (8th Grade) Coach Pope (7th Grade) District Notices 2012 Community Update Now Available The Aurora Public Schools Community Update is now available at This update provides information about student academic progress including ACT, CSAP and CSAPA scores, Adequate Yearly Progress performance and teacher quality data for the 2010-11 school year. If you would like a printed copy of the data, contact the APS Communication Department at 303-365-7805. El informe 2012 para la comunidad, ya está disponible El informe de las Escuelas Públicas de Aurora, para la comunidad, ya está disponible en Este informe proporciona información sobre el progreso académico, incluyendo resultados de ACT, CSAP y CSAPA. El rendimiento del “Adequate Yearly Progress” (progreso anual adecuado) y el informe de calidad del maestro para el año escolar 2010-11. Si usted quisiera una copia impresa del informe, comuníquese con el “Communication Department” (Departamento de Comunicación) al 303-365-7805. Town Center at Aurora Offers APS Computer Kiosks APS parents can access computer kiosks at the Town Center at Aurora shopping mall to view their children’s Parent Portal accounts, find information on the APS website, or browse mall shopping opportunities. The APS Parent Portal is part of the Infinite Campus student information system. The portal is a secure, confidential Web site that allows parents to view current information about their child’s attendance, grades, class assignments and other resources. To access the Parent Portal, parents must request a Parent Portal ID from their child’s school and then follow the online instructions to set up the account. The computer kiosks are located on the first level of the mall near Guest Services, and on the second level in the food court. The kiosks are a joint venture between Aurora Public Schools and the Town Center at Aurora and are provided as a free service to APS parents and students. El Town Center of Aurora ofrece kioscos con computadoras para APS (Escuelas Públicas de Aurora) Los padres de los alumnos de APS, tienen acceso a los kioscos con computadoras en el centro comercial Town Center of Aurora, para ver las cuentas Parent Portal (portal de padres) de sus hijos, para encontrar información en el sitio de internet de APS o para buscar oportunidades de compras en el centro comercial. El APS Parent Portal es parte del sistema de información del alumno Infinite Campus. El portal es un sitio web seguro y confidencial que permite a los padres ver información actual acerca de la asistencia de su hijo/a, calificaciones, tareas de las clases y otros recursos. Para tener acceso al Parent Portal, los padres deben pedir una identificación “Parent Portal ID” a la escuela de su hijo/a, y seguir las instrucciones en el internet para establecer la cuenta. Los kioscos con computadoras están localizados en el primer nivel del centro comercial, cerca de “Guest Services”, y en el segundo nivel en el área de comida. Los kioscos son un proyecto conjunto entre las Escuelas Públicas de Aurora y el Town Center of Aurora, y son provistas como un servicio gratis a los padres y alumnos de APS. 2012-2013 New Student Screening Schedules For Colorado Preschool Program & Tuition Based Preschool . Your child’s birth certificate is required at the time of screening. If your name does not appear on the child’s birth certificate, you MUST bring legal documentation of guardianship. Laredo Child Development Center 1420 Laredo Street Aurora CO 80011 Jamaica Child Development Center 800 Jamaica St Aurora CO 80011 (Cross streets: Laredo St and Colfax St) (Cross streets: Havana St and 8th) Dates Times Dates Times Thursday, February 02, 2012 8 am to 7 pm Monday, February 6, 2012 8 am to 7 pm Monday, February 13, 2012 8 am to 3 pm Monday, March 5, 2012 8 am to 3 pm Monday, March 12, 2012 8 am to 3 pm Monday, April 9, 2012 8 am to 3 pm Monday, April 16, 2012 8 am to 3 pm Monday, April 23, 2012 8 am to 3 pm Meadowood Child Development Center 3333 South Norfolk Way Aurora CO 80013 (Cross streets: Buckley Road and Floyd St) Dates Times Friday, February 3, 2012 8 am to 7 pm Monday, February 27, 2012 8 am to 3 pm Monday, March 19, 2012 8 am to 3 pm *Children must be 3 or 4 years old, on or before, October 1, 2012. Children do not need to be present for screenings. Screening length is 20 minutes depending on volume of families waiting. If you have questions regarding the schedule above, please call 303-364-9371. Students are not placed on a first come basis. Due to limited space, attendance of a screening does not guarantee placement. 2012-2013 Calendario de Evaluaciones Para Estudiantes Nuevos Programa Preescolar de Colorado Y El Programa de Colegiatura . niño(a) a la evaluación. Si el nombre Por favor de traer la Acta de Nacimiento de su de usted no está presente en la Acta de Nacimiento del niño(a), usted TENDRA que traer documentación legal que diga que usted es el Padre/tutor legal del niño(a). Laredo Child Development Center 1420 Laredo Street Aurora CO 80011 Jamaica Child Development Center 800 Jamaica St Aurora CO 80011 ( Laredo St and Colfax St) (Havana St and 8th) Fechas Horarios Fechas Horarios Jueves, Febrero 02, 2012 8 am - 7 pm Lunes, Febrero 6, 2012 8 am - 7 pm Lunes, Febrero 13, 2012 8 am - 3 pm Lunes, Marzo 5, 2012 8 am - 3 pm Lunes, Marzo 12, 2012 8 am - 3 pm Lunes, Abril 9, 2012 8 am - 3 pm Lunes, Abril 16, 2012 8 am - 3 pm Lunes, Abril 23, 2012 8 am - 3 pm Meadowood Child Development Center 3333 South Norfolk Way Aurora CO 80013 (Buckley Road and Floyd St) Fechas Horarios Viernes, Febrero 3, 2012 8 am - 7 pm Lunes, Febrero 27, 2012 8 am - 3 pm Lunes, Marzo 19, 2012 8 am - 3 pm *Su hijo(a) deberá tener 3 años o 4 años cumplidos antes o el 1ero de Octubre del 2012. El niño(a) no necesita que estar presente durante la evaluación. La evaluación durara menos de 20 minutos dependiendo en el volumen de familias que estén esperando. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre los horarios de las evaluaciones por favor de comunicarse al 303-364-9371. Los estudiantes no son puestos en el programa preescolar dependiendo en cuando hacen su evaluación si no en los riesgos de cada niño(a). Por lo cual, su atendencia a la evaluación no le garantiza entrada segura a el programa preescolar. 8th Grade Baby Pictures WHAT??!! Do you want your friends to see how beautiful, sweet, adorable and cute you were as a baby? YOU HAVEN’T ORDERED YOUR 2011-2012 Then submit your baby picture (with this form) YEARBOOK YET?! so COLUMBIA it can be printed in the 2011-2012 yearbook at no cost. They are only $10 and must be pre-ordered by March 2nd. If you have not ordered your yearbook yet, fill out an order form and Weyour will not extrasto to the sell. main office. turn it in with $10order payment Yearbook order forms are available in the main office and in the library. Student Name_____________________________________________Grade__________ Please include student’s full name on the back of #_________________ the baby picture. Homeroom Teacher______________________Home/Cell Phone All baby photos must$10 be Paid submitted before FEBRUARY 8TH. Date Paid________________ By: Cash________ Check #_____________ Please make checks payable to Columbia Middle School. Student name: ________________________________________ If you have already pre-ordered your yearbook, Thank You and please disreguard this notice. Parent name: _________________________________________ 8th Grade Baby Pictures WHAT??!! Do you want your friends to see how beautiful, YOU HAVEN’T ORDERED YOUR 2011-2012 sweet, adorable and cute you were as a baby? COLUMBIA YEARBOOK YET?! Then submit your baby picture (with this form) so are it can be printed the 2011-2012 yearbookbyatMarch no cost.2nd. They only $10 andinmust be pre-ordered We your will not order extras sell.out an order form and If you have not ordered yearbook yet,tofill turn it in with your $10 payment to the main office. Student Name____________________________________________Grade____________ Yearbook order forms are available in the main office and in the library. Homeroom Teacher________________________Home/Cell Phone #________________ Please include student’s full name on the back of the baby picture. Date Paid_____________________ $10 Paid By: Cash________ Check #__________ All baby photos must be submitted before FEBRUARY 8TH. Please make checks payable to Columbia Middle School. If you have already pre-ordered your yearbook, Thank You and please disreguard this notice. Student name: ________________________________________ Parent name: _________________________________________ Big Daddy Meat Lovers Pizza Cheese Pizza Pizza “Big Daddy Meat Lovers Pizza” Pizza de queso Breakfast Bagel Desayuno de pan tipo “bagel” 28 Old Fashioned Oats Avena estilo antiguo Rib-B-Que Sandwich* Southwest Chicken Alfredo Sándwich de costillas de cerdo a la parrilla* Pollo Alfredo “Southwest” Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich* Calzone Sándwich caliente de jamón y queso* “Calzone” No Breakfast Cold Cut Combo Spaghetti w/meat sauce Combinación de fiambres Espaguetis con salsa de carne 29 22 Cheeseburger Chicken Quesadilla Hamburguesa con queso Quesadilla con pollo Ultimate Breakfast Round “Ultimate Breakfast Round” Pocket Burger Chicken Fajita “Pocket Burger” Fajita de pollo Whole Wheat Muffin Egg Sandwich Sándwich con pan integral tipo “English Muffin” Hamburger Chicken Soft Taco Hamburguesa, Taco suave de pollo Hot Turkey & Cheese Sandwich Cheese Ravioli w/meat sauce Sándwich caliente de pavo y queso Ravioles de queso con salsa de carne No Breakfast” Sausage & Cheese Biscuit Sándwich de desayuno, de panecillo con salchicha y queso 15 8 Pot Roast Beef Hard Taco Carne asada Taco de res (tostado) Ultimate Breakfast Round “Ultimate Breakfast Round” WEDNESDAY No Breakfast Philly Cheese Steak Chicken & Rice Burrito Sándwich de queso y bistec estilo “Philly” Burrito de pollo y arroz No Breakfast 1 NO SCHOOL THURSDAY 23 16 Sándwich italiano Herb Roasted Chicken Italian Sub Sandwich Pollo asado con hierbas Pancake on a Stick Panqueque en una paleta Western Chili Sweet & Sour Chicken “Western Chili” Pollo agridulce Cranberry Orange Bar Barra de arándano y naranja Chicken Pot Pie Beef Fajita Pie de pollo Fajita de res Homemade French Toast w/syrup Pan tostado al estilo francés y casero, con miel 9 2 Cheese Sticks Beef Stew Barritas de queso Carne guisada Scrambled Egg & Bacon* w/toast Huevos revueltos, con tocino y pan tostado NO SCHOOL FRIDAY 24 Macaroni & Cheese Beef Burrito Macarrones con queso Burrito de res Cinnamon Puff & String Cheese Pastelito de canela y barrita de queso Baked Fish Fillet Mexican Combo Filete de pescado al horno Combo mexicano Blueberry Muffin Square & Yogurt Cuadrito de mollete de arándano y yogurt 17 10 3 Note: 1/2 pint of milk is included with meal. Choices Include –1% Lowfat Milk, & Skim Milk. Looking for part-time work while your children are in school? If interested in working for Nutrition Services, apply at 1085 Peoria, Aurora or online ($10.00/hr). Big Daddy Ham & Pineapple Pizza Cheese Pizza Pizza de jamón y piña de marca Big Daddy Pizza de queso Pancakes w/strawberry topping Panqueques con salsa de fresa NO SCHOOL 21 14 7 TUESDAY Non-discrimination Statement: This explains what to do if you believe you have been treated unfairly. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Declaración de No-Discriminación: Esto explica qué hacer si usted crée que se le ha tratado injustamente. De acuerdo con la ley Federal y la póliza del Departamento de Agricultura, está prohibido que ésta institución discrimine basado en la raza, el color, la nacionalidad, el sexo, la edad o la incapacidad. Para presentar una queja por discriminación, por favor escriba a USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 o llame al 202-720-5964 (voz y TDD). USDA es un empleador y proveedor de igualdad en las oportunidades de trabajo. 27 20 Pepperoni Pizza* Cheese Pizza Pizza de peperoni* Pizza de queso Trix Cereal Bar & String Cheese Barra de cereal integral de marca Cheerios o Trix y barrita de queso 13 6 MONDAY AURORA PUBLIC SCHOOLS February 2012 Middle School Breakfast and Lunch Menu