St. Joseph Catholic Church


St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph
Catholic Church
330 E. Fullerton Ave., Addison, IL
P. 630-279-6553
F. 630-279-4925
Rev. Luís Gutiérrez
Mr. Philip Marrow
Twenty-Fourth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
September 11, 2016
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil 4:30pm
Sunday 7:30 & 10:30am
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30am
Communion Service
Tuesday & Thursday 8:00am
Saturday 3:30 - 4:15pm
Monday - Thursday 8:00am
Adoration/Adoración al Santísimo
Friday 8am - 7pm
Misas en Español
Sábado 6:30pm
Domingo 9am y 12:30pm
Misa en Español entre Semana
Jueves 7pm
Parish Office Hours - Horario de Oficina Parroquial
Monday trough Thursday/Lunes a Jueves 9 am - 4 pm
Friday/Viernes Closed/Cerrado
Our Parish Mission Statement
Nuestro Lema de la Misión Parroquial
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon us,
because the Lord has anointed us to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ!”
“¡El Espíritu del Señor esta sobre nosotros,
porque el Señor nos ha Ungido para proclamar la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo!”
(Inspired by Jesus’ Mission Statement - Luke 4:18)
(Inspirado por el Lema de la Misión de Jesús - Lucas 4:18)
September 11-18, 2016
4:30 pm: †Regina Ciucci
6:30 pm: † Ismael Rodriguez 1° Aniversario
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary
Sunday, September 11
7:30 am: †
9:00 am: †
10:30 am: † Giuseppe Romano 1st Anniversary
12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass:
Emelia Franco, Dorothy Fritzler, Maria Lorena Morasa,
Angel Hernandez, Guadalupe Urzua Balderrama,
Rina Neri, Yeraldine Ruiz, & Alma Isidoro
†Rest in Peace
Father Mark Anthony Fracaro, Rose M. Kindle, Francisco Robles & Julia Urzua Balderrama
Monday– September 12 The Most Holy Name of Mary
7:30 am: † Margaret P. Gisburne
Tuesday– September 13 Saint John Chrysostom,
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
8:00 am: † Communion Service
Wednesday– September 14 The Exaltation of the
Holy Cross
7:30 am: † David Hartman
Thursday– September 15 Our Lady of Sorrows
8:00 am: † Communion Service
7:00 pm: †
Friday– September 16 Saints Cornelius Pope
7:30 am: †
Saturday– September 17
4:30 pm: †Regina Ciucci
6:30 pm: †
Monday, September 12, Lunes7:00 pm Parish Ministry Leaders - St. Francis Room
7:00 pm Seminario Vida en el Espiritu Room 9
Tuesday, September 13, Martes6:30 pm Renovación Carismática Lideres Room 9
6:30 pm Choir Practice - Church
Wednesday, September 14, Miércoles6:00 pm Faith Formation Classes
Thursday, September 15 Jueves6:00 pm Faith Formation Classes
7:00 pm Misa/Spanish Mass
Friday, September 16 Viernes -
8am - 7pm Benediction/Adoración al Santísimo
Renovación Carismática Católica Hispana -Circulo de
Oración "Nueva Vida en Cristo" Charismatic Renewal
Catholic Hispanic Prayer Group "New Life in Christ"
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, September 18
7:30 am: †
9:00 am: †
10:30 am: † William Johnson
12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass:
1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-10, 17;
Lk 7:1-10
1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Ps 100:1-5;
Lk 7:11-17
Wednesday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38;
Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17
1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 28;
Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 7:36-50
1 Cor 15:12-20; Ps 17:1bcd, 6-8b, 15;
Lk 8:1-3
Saturday: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56:10c-14;
Lk 8:4-15
Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8;
Lk 16:1-13 [10-13]
rom the Faith
Formation Office…
The Faith Formation office will
not be accepting registrations
this week so we can prepare for the first
days of classes on Wednesday and Thursday. Registrations will reopen on September 13 for
one last week. Registration for this school year will
close on September 15. You may request a registration form by email or from the Faith Formation office.
Students new to the program will need a baptismal
certificate at the time of registration. Information and
registration can be done during the Faith Formation
office hours Tuesday through Thursday next week.
e la Oficina de
Educación Religiosa
La oficina de Formación de
Fe no estará aceptando
inscripciones esta semana
para que podamos prepararnos para el
primer día de clases el miércoles y el jueves.
Las inscripciones se reabrirán el 13 de septiembre por
una semana más. Las inscripciones para este curso
escolar se cerrará el 15 de septiembre. Usted puede
solicitar un formulario de inscripción por correo
electrónico o en la oficina de Formación de Fe. Los
estudiantes nuevos al programa necesitaran un
certificado de bautismo en el momento de la
inscripción. Información e inscripciones pueden
realizarse durante las horas de oficina de Formación
de Fe de martes a jueves la próxima semana.
“Tootsie Roll Drive”
Los Caballeros de Colon están buscando
voluntarios para la campaña de los chocolatitos “Tootsie Roll”
The Knights of Columbus are looking for Volunteers for the
Tootsie Roll Drive
Cuando: del 16 al 18 de Septiembre
When: September 16, 17 & 18
Para mas información o para registrarse llame al
Sr. Chuck Seriano al 630-417-9044
For more information or to sign up please call
Mr. Chuck Seriano at 630-417-9044
St. Joseph Parish in Addi- required. Must be bilingual (English/ Spanish) as well
as must be able to translate documents (English/
son, IL
is seeking candidates for employment as an administrative
The administrative assistant will
be responsible for staffing the front desk, answering
phones, maintaining sacramental and parishioner records. Various other tasks as needed. Good communication and interpersonal skills are important as well as
the ability to work collaboratively. Candidates must
have a desire to use their skills to support the mission
of the church. Office experience is required.
Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Publisher is
Spanish) – (Spanish/English) Experience with Parish
Data Systems software is desirable.
This non-exempt position is part-time and not benefited. The position is available as of September. Must be
available Monday through Friday from 9AM – 4PM.
And temporarily some evenings.
Please email resume and cover letter to
[email protected] - To the attention of
Edna Pasillas or mail it to Fr. Luis Gutierrez 330 E.
Fullerton Ave. Addison, IL 60101
artners on the Journey
As many of you know, a satisfying marriage has huge benefits for your overall
health and happiness, for the security of your children and the welfare of the
Like anything of real value, a successful marriage requires a conscious commitment to
give the relationship the time, interest and effort it needs to remain strong. Part of that
effort is taking the time to learn new insights and skills that have been proven to make
marriages last. This “Partners on the Journey” enrichment series is intended to offer you these insights and skills. If you are
newly married or married fifty years, you can been benefit from this program.
This program attempts to combine a Catholic Christian understanding of marriage with practical knowledge gained in the
research in the social sciences. It is meant to both inspire and equip couples to form more stable and satisfying relationships. It is designed to nourish couples spiritually, intellectually and emotionally.
Each meeting will begin with an opening prayer, a warm up question related to the theme of the session, a video presentation, followed by an exercise to integrate the content of the presentation, a suggestion for homework, and a closing prayer.
Each participant will have a booklet, which contains session materials and each couple will receive a copy of John Gottman’s The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.
Our first meeting will be on Friday September 22nd at 7 pm in the St Francis room of the Parish center. This would be a
great “Date Night”, one that can enhance your marriage and make it thrive.
Please call Deacon Phil at 630 651-9190 if you plan to attend.
There will be a Parish Mission given by Rev. Fr. Tom Donaldson
beginning on Sunday, October 2nd through Tuesday, October
Reunión de Todos
All Ministry
Leaders Meeting
Los Lideres de
Monday, SeptemLunes, 12 de Sepber 12, 2016
tiembre del 2016
@ 7:00 pm
@ 7:00 pm
St. Francis Room
St. Francis Room
In preparation for this mission, Fr. Tom asks for all to pray each
week for the mission’s success.
Mission Prayer:
O Lord, we ask your blessing upon our parish as we
prepare for the parish mission. Teach us to be open to
the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Help us to use these gifts
for the building of your kingdom here in our community. Bless every person of our faith community. May
this time of preparation bless all of us as we ready ourselves for this time of renewal.
Let us love you, Lord our God, and see ourselves as
we really are; pilgrims in this world, Christians called
to respect and love all your people. Help us to cherish
your love and give witness to your saving grace among
us. May our parish be protected from all harm and
grow in the service of your name.
We pray in the name of Jesus.
CMAA Report By Parish
2016 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal through 09/02/2016
# 121
Parish Name
St. Joseph Parish - Addison
Amount Pledged $26,725
Amount Paid
Balance Due
Donor Count
2016 Rebate
Año de la Misericordia
Saludos desde la oficina de Ministerio Hispano,
Misericordia para que dirija a nosotros su mirada y vele en
nuestro camino”.
(Papa Francisco 11 de abril, 2015)
Participa e Invita a otros y nos vemos el 17 de sep-
Quiero tomar las palabras de Papa Francisco al anunciar tiembre!¡
el Año de la Misericordia y cordialmente invitar a
Visita la página web la Peregrinación del Año de la MiseTODOS/AS a una peregrinación Diocesana el sábado, 17 ricordia!
de septiembre. Adjunto el volante.
“Queridos hermanos y hermanas he pensado a menudo en cómo la Iglesia puede poner más en evidencia su misión de ser testimonio de la misericordia. Es
un camino que inicia con una conversión espiritual.
Por esto he decidido convocar un Jubileo extraordinario que coloque en el centro la misericordia de
Será un año santo de la Misericordia, lo queremos
vivir a la luz de la palabra del Señor: 'Seamos misericordiosos como el Padre'. Estoy convencido de
que toda la Iglesia podrá encontrar en este Jubileo
la alegría de redescubrir y hacer fecunda la misericordia de Dios, con la cual todos somos llamados a
dar consuelo a cada hombre y cada mujer de nuestro tiempo.
Lo confiamos a partir de ahora a la Madre de la
Thank you Carol’s Learning Academy for your generous donation to
St. Joseph’s 60th Anniversary Celebration.
The Buzz
Holy Family Catholic School News
Welcome to The Buzz!
Dear Parishioners,
The 2016-2017 academic year is off to a great start and I look forward to sharing with you all the good things that are happening in
school. Each weekend you will find school news here in the Sunday
Bulletin. The faculty, staff, and I realize we would not be able to
provide students an excellent educational program in a Christ centered learning environment without your ongoing financial support. For this I am extremely grateful. When you pick up your
bulletin, I hope you will turn to The Buzz to stay abreast of school news. I hope you begin
to feel a connection to our teachers, students, and their families. After all, Holy Family
Catholic School is your school. Thank you again for all you do to support us.
In the Peace of Christ,
Linda Kelly, Principal
Athletics Car Wash
All School Mass &
Hospitality Brunch
Please join us for the first All School
Sunday Mass at 11:00 am on September
18th at St. Charles Borromeo Church.
All are invited to the Hospitality
Brunch in the school gym immediately
following Mass. We hope you’ll stop
by and say hello to students and faculty members.
Start the Week with a Clean Car!
Support the HFCS Girls’ Volleyball
Time: Sunday, Sept. 11th
from 2:00-5:00 pm
Place: Holy Family Catholic School
Parking LotDonation: $5.00
5-8th Graders
Develop Positive
Together with their teachers and
Mrs. Kelly, the 5th through 8th
grade students have developed a
list of school-wide positive behavior expectations. With a focus on Christ-like behaviors,
ideas that grew out of two brainstorming sessions include: Treat
others as you want to be treated
and take care of materials and
supplies in classrooms; include
everyone who wants to play in
games and help younger students
during recess; and many others.
The students were reminded that
public schools have rules while
Catholic Schools have Jesus. We
have a higher calling when it
comes to how we behave and
how we treat one another. The
students were serious about the
task at hand and came to consensus. Their final lists of positive
behavior expectations will be
posted around school.
Tuition Transfer Grant Program
$1,500 off of Tuition to Transfer Students*
Holy Family Catholic School is pleased to offer a Tuition Transfer Grant to
any parishioner who transfers their child into grades 1-7 from any private*,
public, charter or home school. This two-year grant, $1,000 in year one and
$500 in year two, will be applied to offset the current school tuition.
For more information and a tour, please call our principal, Linda Kelly, at 630-766-0116.
September Staff Birthdays
Mrs. Leslie-10th
Mrs. Bianco-21st
9/14 Religious Education
Classes Begin
9/19 IOWA Test of Basic
9/28 Confirmation Orientation
Stewardship Thought for the Week
September 5, 2016
201 Envelopes
Children's Env.
La Salette Missions
Our Goal each Week to cover our expenses is
$11,500. Thank you for your kind generosity and
your deep love of Saint Joseph.
Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es
de: $11,500. Gracias por su generosidad.
Thank you to all who have so generously supported the
On Wednesday, September 7 we gave 34
Gracias a todos los que generosamente han
ayudado con la despensa.
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time –
11 September 2016
Lost sheep. Lost coin. Lost child. Losing a possession
is one thing. Losing one’s way is something else. Today’s examples: (1) The people of Exodus so lost their
way to God, they turned to a molten calf of their own
design. Worshiping something that is not God is idolatry, is
deep down infidelity, is mistrust of God. Moses pleads for
these stiff-necked people. And God relents; God does not
punish. (2) The prodigal son thought owning things and going far off was the way to live. He comes to his senses and
returns home and finds his father – filled with compassion –
running to embrace him. The point: it is God’s very nature to
relent, to exude compassion, to run to us, to love.
How can I be like God today?
For whom will I plead today?
Whom will I run to embrace?
Sacrament Procedures
Baptisms: Pre-baptism Class is required before your
date will be set. Please register two to
three months in advance.
Weddings: Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX
months in advance. Do not make your
reservations until you have met with the
Sacrament of the Sick:
First Friday of the month at 7:30 am.
Communion Visits: Call the Parish Office.
Requisitos para Sacramentos
Please remember St. Joseph
Parish in your will and estate
planning. Please call the Rectory
at 630-279-6553 for more information. Thank you.
Las Charlas Pre-bautismales son requeridas antes de fijar la fecha de Bautismo.
Favor de inscribirse con dos a tres meses
de anticipo.
Preparación Espiritual empieza por lo
menos con SEIS meses de anticipo. No
haga preparaciones para su Celebración
antes de reunirse con el párroco.
Sacramento de los Enfermos:
Children’s Faith Formation Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe-Catecismo
Mr. Carlo Zeffiro - DRE
Email: [email protected]
follow us on Twitter @StJosephAddison
Summer Office Hours
Tuesday: 9am - 4pm
Wednesday: 1pm - 7pm
Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Office Hours subject to Change
Primer Viernes del mes a las 7:30 am.
Visitas de Comunión: Llame a la parroquia.
Quince Años: ¡Solamente para miembros activos de
la parroquia!
Holy Family Catholic School
Escuela Católica Sagrada Familia
Mrs. Linda Kelly - School Principal
Email - [email protected]
Web Site -
St. Joseph Church #512139
330 East Fullerton Avenue
Addison, IL 60101
630 279-6553
Edna Pasillas or Nayely
MS Publisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
MS Office 2010
RICOH Aficio MP C4502 RPCS
Pages 2 through 5
September 11, 2016

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