Come, Be My Disciples - St. Matthew Catholic Church


Come, Be My Disciples - St. Matthew Catholic Church
Saint Matthew Catholic Church
25 Wilkins Road, S.W. Winder, Georgia 30680
Tel: 770-867-4876 Fax: 770-867-6034
August 28th, 2016
Rev. Gilbert Exumé
Rev. Mr. Tim Kirksey
Rev. Mr. Larry Welsh
Rev. Mr. Dan Buckley
Parish Office Hours
Office Closed
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday: 12:00PM
Tuesday: 6:30PM
Communion Service
Wednesday: 7:00PM
Thursday: 9:00AM
Friday: 9:00AM
Weekend Mass Schedule
Be My Disciples
5:00PM Vigil
1:00PM (Spanish)
Wednesday: 6:00PM
Saturday: 4:00PM
In case of a sacramental emergency
or death, call 770-862-2007.
August 28th, 2016
Mass Intentions
Saturday, August 27th
5:00p.m.– Regina Rios †
Sunday, August 28th
8:30a.m.– The People of St. Matthew
10:30a.m.– Kyra Montes 
1:00p.m.– Mario Rodriguez &
Nely Aguirre †
Monday, August 29th
12:00p.m.– Bonie Northrup †
Tuesday, August 30th
6:30p.m.– Communion Service
Wednesday, August 31st
7:00p.m.– Joseph Ba Nguyen †
Thursday, September 1st
9:00a.m.– Flavion Ernest Mancini 
Treasury Report
We plan financially to go on
vacation, we plan financially for the
education of our children, we make
financial plans for our retirement; do
we plan financially to support God’s
work in our parish community? In
gratitude for the gifts we receive
from God, 33% of our registered
families and those visiting made a
joyful return to the Lord to assist in
the support of God’s work in our
parish community. Let’s increase
this participation to 100%.
August Offertory Goal $51,800.00
08/07/16……………..$ 9,451.00
08/14/16……………..$ 8,309.00
08/21/16……………..$ 7,298.00
Online Giving……….$ 4,880.00
Offertory Total — $ 29,938.00
Includes Spanish Mass
Friday, September 2nd
9:00a.m.– John Medved 
Deceased- † Healing- 
Special Intentions- SI
Birthday- 
Burn the Mortgage Fund Goal$14,583.00
08/07/16.……………..$ 1,283.00
08/14/16………………$ 1,170.00
08/21/16………………$ 5,162.00
Online Giving………..$ 1,185.00
August BTM Total — $ 8,800.00
Includes Spanish Mass
Parish Information
New Members: We are
delighted to have you join our
parish family! Registration forms are available in
the narthex and in the parish office. They can
be mailed, turned into the parish office, or
dropped in the collection basket. Come by the
church office for a Welcome Packet.
Mass Intentions: Please stop by the parish
office to offer a Mass intention for a loved one.
Baptism: Family must be registered and
participate in the life of the Parish. For more
information on specific requirements, baptismal
preparation, class dates and available Baptism
dates, contact the parish office.
Matrimony: Arrangements must be made at
least six months prior to the wedding date.
Couples must schedule an appointment with the
parish priest to secure a date on the parish
calendar and begin preparation.
Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Homes:
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
take communion to the homebound. Family
members should call the parish office to inform
us about those who are ill.
Altar Flower Donations: To honor or
memorialize a loved one with a gift of altar
flowers, call or stop by the parish office.
Arrangements are $75.
Bulletin and Pulpit
Announcements: Items to be published in the
bulletin or announced during Mass are due in
the parish office by 9:00AM on FRIDAY the
week before they are to be published.
Monday, August 29th
11:30p.m.– Rosary
Wednesday, August 31st
6:30p.m.– Rosary
Burn the Mortgage Debt
Thursday, September 1st
8:30a.m.– Rosary
Friday, September 2nd
$ 389,061.16
8:30a.m.– Rosary
Balance D ue
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish News and Activities
Week at a Glance
Parish Activity Schedule
Monday August 29th
Coro de Grupo de Oracion
Choir Practice
Clases de Evangelizacion
Danza Azteca
August 30th
Edge Core Team Meeting
August 31st
5:00pm Youth Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm Life Teen & Edge
September 1st
Women’s CRHP
Grupo de Oracion
Ministry Leaders Meeting
September 2nd
5:00pm CRSP-Retiro de Hombres
6:00pm Prayer Group
7:00pm Cristo Rey-Mujeres
September 3rd
8:00am CRSP-Retiro de Hombres
7:00pm Evangelizacion
8:00pm Cristo Rey-Hombres
Sunday September 4th
CRSP-Retiro de Hombres
No 1st-5th Grade Classes
No 1ro & 2ndo Grado(Spanish)
Men’s CRHP
August 28th, 2016
In Our Prayers...
Mindy Akil
Anita Armand
Emmanuel Assola
Matthew Bacchus & Family
Binna Balinski
Ray & Marie Bare
Dillon Barrett
Ronald Bauer
Rita Baumgartner
Betty Bennett
Kelly Bowie
Chance Browning
Christy Bryant
Catherine Buckner & Family
Fran Bullard
Charles Byron
Leticia Cadena
Jack & Nancy Cannon
Jim Casey
Landen Christensen
Betty Cohron
Tom Conley
Bob Cornett
Juan and Olga Cruz
Doris Dick
Donald Evans
Mary Jane Farren
Connie Flaherty
Helen & David Gagnon
Ed Gerety
Dot Gerety
Andrew Grala
Kelly Green
Flora & Gordon Hafer
Heinz Hardt
Karal Ann Hart
Tanya Hoard
Brooks House
Catherine James
Annie Johnson
Maryann Jones
Shaun Kielty
John Kisters
Cindy Laird
Fran Laird
Miles Lanier
Terrence Long
Theresa Loye
Gloria Martinez
Therese Monga Mboyo
Alicia McCaled
Jack & Gerri McEntee
Connor McMahon
Sherri Nutter McMurray
Kyle Miller
Mariano Montemayor
Carl, Erick, and Kurt Muehlmann
Anna Murphy
James Murphy
Rolando Mustera
Linda Narey
Anne Needham
Carol Nutter
Debbie Oldiges
Nora Oliver
Carrie Durnell O’Neill
Russell Pellegrino
Elenaor Pellicci
Becky Peppers
Andrew Phinney
Carl Pope
Marge Ronk
Charlie Powell
Hunter Puglise
Manuel Rodriguez
Brandi S. Rouse
Melissa Russell
Roman Salinas
Vilma Schroeder
Ray Sferra
Chris Shekey
Carolyn Shephard
Roger Shimmin
Eva L. Staunton
Kathy Stevens
Cynthia Sturchio
Denis & Karen Sullins
Rosario Talbo
Gerri Tate
Teodoro Torres
Mona-Mae Uini
Kristie Upton
Allison Wages
Sharon Walter
Kelly Walters
Noah Watkins
Shaune Welsh
Andrea White
Patricia Laird Williams
Arlene Wilson
Barbara Wyrick
Michael Acevedo
Michael Bailey
Jordan Baker
Justin Baker
Kendall Burdette
Tyler Burdette
Kelly Carter
Brandon Cotter
Louis Dewitt
Jason Duffy
Dan Gagnon
Walter Garlinghouse
Sarah Hanson
Ian Harris
Anette Ilus
Travis Keever
Karl Knowlton
Colonel Jeff Kolb
Augie Marks
Thomas Martin
Fr. David McGuire
Matthew McGuire
Gary Miller Jr.
Kasey Mortillaro
Andy Morrison
Sam Morrison
Maria Patricia Nickerson
Andy Powell
Daniel Primm
Karina Ruiz
Justin Seeley
Michael Shekey
Ryan Shekey
Blaine Stewart
Bruce Tucker
Casey Warren
and all those listed in our prayer book of
Parish News and Activities
Life Teen and Edge is giving it away
again this year. We are supporting
the Lazarus Foundation, an Atlanta
homeless ministry during their
“Health Day” on September 18th .
Help us cloth the less fortunate by
donating your gently used
jeans. Our goal is 2000 pairs of blue
jeans. A box is available in front of
the church. The deadline is
September 14th.
For more info please contact:
WARREN DUGAS 678-975-7096 or at
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish News and Activities
St. Matthew will soon begin a new journey in faith to
share the richness of the Catholic Church and our
parish family. We invite you to learn what the
Church teaches, and be introduced to some of our
parish members. These sessions also are
opportunities for you, and others that you may wish
to invite, to ask those perplexing and difficult
questions you may have about the Church. These
gatherings are for inquirers and are open to people
who are unbaptized, as well as those who are
baptized Christians from Protestant or Evangelical
backgrounds. The first session is Tuesday, August
30th at 7:00pm in Hedges Hall (kitchen area). Feel
free to come any day. Please give us a call if you
have questions or would like further information at
St. Matthew is preparing a new Parish Pictorial
Directory. Pictures will be taken September
13th thru 17th and September 20th thru 24th
in the Hedges Hall kitchen area from 2:00 P.M. 8:00P.M.. Sign up for the pictures will be
before and after all of the Masses during
the month of August. For further assistance
about picture sessions please call Carol Marino
at 770-586-0506. If you have your picture taken
for the directory you receive one free picture and
a free directory.
The Bob Needham Classic Charity
Golf Tournament to Benefit People
with Intellectual Disabilities will be
held by your Knights of Columbus
on Sept. 24th at the Chimney’s golf
course in Winder GA. You do not
need to be an outstanding golfer to
participate and support this terrific
cause. Please contact Ted
Heiderscheit or Manual Rodriguez if
you would like to participate or
advertise for your organization at
this year’s event. More information
in the narthex.
Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Noticias de Nuestra Parroquia
Cristo Renueva Su ParroquiaHombres invita a todos los hombres
a tener un encuentro con nuestro
Señor Jesucristo en Septiembre 3 y
4. Estaremos registrando después de
Misa. Para más información
contacte a Luis Miralrio al
Estamos aceptando
inscripciones para
adultos que no hayan
recibido el sacramento
del Bautismo, la
Primera Comunión o
Nuestro picnic parroquial
sera el sabado, 17 de
septiembre de 11:00am4:00pm en el terreno de la
parroquia. Por favor traiga
su platillo favorito para
Por favor recuerden utilizar
un sobre o cheque para su
ofrenda semanal. Ésta es la
única manera que podemos
saber si usted está
asistiendo a la Misa
regularmente y si es activo.
Si no está registrado, por
favor regístrese.
Ofertorio Mes de agosto
Solamente Misa de 1:00pm
08/07/16 ………….$ 1,086.00
08/14/16…………..$ 1,335.00
08/21/16…………..$ 1,563.00
$ 3,984.00
Reducción Hipotecaria Mes de agosto
Solamente Misa de 1:00pm
08/07/16………….$ 862.00
08/14/16………….$ 899.00
08/21/16.…………$ 1,337.00
$ 3,098.00
Flores para el Altar
Las flores pueden ser donadas en memoria o en
honor a un familiar, amigo (a). Su dedicación será
colocada en el boletín en la semana seleccionada.
La oficina mantiene el registro de cada fecha
disponible y de donde ordenar las flores.
El costo por un arreglo florar grande es de $75.00
dólares. Nos puede llamar a la oficina para más
Confesiones en español
son los sábados a las
4:00pm y se terminan a
las 4:45pm y los miércoles
a las 6:00pm y se
terminan a las 6:45pm.
Agosto 28, 2016
En Nuestras Oraciones
Recordemos en nuestras oraciones a los siguientes feligreses quienes están
hospitalizados, o sufriendo de cuerpo, mente, o espíritu:
4:00PM-4:45PM Sábado
6:00PM-6:45PM Miércoles
María Acosta
Rodolfo Arango
Martha Avilez
Liliana Brignioni
Carmen Loera Camacho
Zonny de la Paz
Gabino De Leon
Guadalupe Diaz
Evelyn Dunn
Saba Duque
Domingo, Agosto 28, 2016
1:00PM Misa Mario Rodriguez &
Nely Aguirre †
Descanse en Paz- † Salud-
Intencíon Especial- IE,
Cumpleaños- 
Sara Escobedo
Marcela Galván
Luis García
Teresita García
Tomas García
Maria Lidia Gutiérrez
Cristina E.Fernández
Dulce María
Cecilia Rodríguez
Jovanny O. Sánchez
Y todas las personas
apuntadas en nuestro libro
de intenciones.
Los Sacramentos
Requisitos Para Casarse
Requisitos Para Bautizar
Tiene que estar registrado y ser miembro
activo de la parroquia
Presentar el certificado de nacimiento del
Los Padrinos deben ser Católicos
practicantes y estar casados por la Iglesia
(presentar acta de matrimonio)
Si los padrinos no son miembros de
nuestra iglesia tendrán que presentar una
carta de la iglesia a la que asisten
Los Padres deberán de asistir a las
clases de preparación pre-bautismal
Haga una cita previa con el sacerdote por lo menos
6 meses antes de fijar la fecha del matrimonio.
Se requieren los
siguientes documentos:
 Certificado de Bautismo con anotación
Licencia de Matrimonio, o si ha sido
casado por el civil, necesitamos el
Certificado de Matrimonio.
Hora de Reuniones
Grupo de MujeresViernes a las 7pm
Grupo de HombresSábado a las 7:30pm
Cristo Renueva Su
Proceso espiritual de renovación diseñada
para reunir miembros de nuestra parroquia a
Dalila González
Luis Miralrio
Vicente Soldevilla
Cristo Rey
Invita a las personas que han servido el retiro Mujeresde CRSP a reuniones de crecimiento
Viernes 7pm-9pm
HombresSábados 8pm-10pm
Guillermina Curiel
Humberto Salazar
Grupo de Oración
Ayudar a que la renovación carismática en el Jueves 7:00pm
Espíritu llegue a mas católicos hispanos
Francisco Avellaneda
Escuela de Evangelización
San Andrés
Formando nuevos evangelizadores para la Cada quince días de Isabel Ramirez
Nueva Evangelización del tercer milenio.
5:00pm a 7:30pm
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