pastoral staff and ministries worship and spirituality


pastoral staff and ministries worship and spirituality
Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community
Page 2
November 9, 2014
A Door to the Sacred: From Death to Life.
In the past week the Church has reflected extensively upon
death. “All Souls” has an ability to focus us on mortality in ways
that are slightly different than our Lenten focus. Fr. Ronald Rolheiser has a few things to say about “death” and “life” in the following reflection.
It’s hard to say something consoling in the face of death, even
when the person who died lived a full life and died in the best of
circumstances. It’s especially hard when the one who’s died is a
young person, still in need of nurturing and care in this life, and
when that young person dies in less-than-ideal circumstances.
What, more precisely, is the image? Few images are as primal,
and as tender, as that of a mother holding and cradling her newborn baby. Indeed the words of the most-renowned Christmas
carol of all time, Silent Night, were inspired by precisely this image. Joseph Mohr, a young priest in Germany, had gone out to a
cottage in the woods on the afternoon of Christmas Eve to baptize a newborn baby. As he left the cottage, the baby was asleep
in its mother’s lap. He was so taken with that image, with the
depth and peace it incarnated, that, immediately upon returning
to his rectory, he penned the famous lines of Silent Night. His
choir director, Franz Gruber, put some guitar chords to those
words and froze them in our minds forever. The ultimate archetypal image of peace, safety, and security is that of a newborn
sleeping in its mother’s arms. Moreover, when a baby is born, it’s
not just the mother who’s eager to hold and cradle it. Most everyone else is too.
However, consoling as that may be, it doesn’t take away the sting
of losing a loved one to death. Nothing takes that away because
nothing is meant to. Death is meant to indelibly scar our hearts
because love is meant to wound us in that way. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer puts it: “Nothing can make up for the absence of someone we love. … It is nonsense to say that God fills the gap; God
doesn’t fill it, but on the contrary, God keeps it empty and so
helps us keep alive our former communion with each other, even
at the cost of pain. … The dearer and richer our memories, the
more difficult the separation. But gratitude changes the pangs of
memory into a tranquil joy. The beauties of the past are borne,
not as a thorn in the flesh, but as a precious gift in themselves.”
Whether we’re mourning the loss of a loved one, the loss of a
veteran pastor, a change in welcoming a new pastor, the ending
of Masses at one Whiting parish or a change in Mass times at
another, Jesus invites us to be thankful for what we had and
blessed for what now have, which includes our past. We are the
sum of our experiences and our experiences have the potential to
disclose something of the holy to those daring to see it. That’s
why all of our experiences are inherently sacramental – infused
with the goodness of God! Even death.
Fr. Kevin Scalf, C.PP.S.
Your presence is valued. Please
come to the Sacred Heart Rose Room, Tuesday, Nov. 11th, 6:308:00 p.m. for a study of The Paschal Mystery: The Mystery of
Jesus’ Death and Resurrection.
For our sake, Jesus gives his life out of love for the Father, to
repair our relationship with God. Learn more how we are also
called to the same sacrificial love.
Join us on Thursdays, 3:15-4:45 pm. SJB Mural Room.
This Thursday’s Topic is: Who is Jesus? Just a Good Man or
Lord of Our Lives? Jesus is both human and divine, the one
mediator between God and man. This week we will explore who
His is and what difference He makes in our lives.
Monday, November 10, St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of
the Church
Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6
7:00 am
†Frank Kulasak (SJB)
Tuesday, November 11, St. Martin of Tours, Bishop
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10
7:00 am
†Eugene M. & Dorothy D. Kasper (SJB)
Wednesday, November 12, St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr
Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19
7:00 am
†Rev. Michael Homco, C.PP.S (Anniv.) (SJB)
Thursday, November 13, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin
Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25
7:00 am
†Mary Ann Hajduch (SJB)
Friday, November 14, Weekday in Ordinary Time
2 Jn 4-9; LK 17:26-37
7:00 am
8:30 am
†Margaret Duray (SJB)
†Mary Paz (SJB)
Saturday, November 15, St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor
of the Church
3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8
7:00 am
4:30 pm
†Dorothy Grabovac (Anniversary) (SJB)
45th Wedding Anniversary of Bernie & Dorris
Weber (SJB)
Sunday, November 16, Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30
8:00 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
Whiting-Robertsdale Catholic Community (SJB)
†Evelyn Janik (SH-Spanish)
†William & Helen Kertis (SJB)
The Mass Book for 2015 intentions is now available. All Mass
intentions will be taken at the St. John Rectory business office
Monday through Friday 9:00 am to noon, and 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
Call 659-0023 with questions.
In order to comply with our publisher’s deadlines, please submit
your articles for publication to the bulletin editor no later than
MONDAY at 10:00 am. Send by email or place in the St. John
Rectory drop box. Also, please give the dates you wish your
article to appear. Every effort will be made to comply with your
request. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Bulletin Editor
Rev. William O’Donnell, C.PP.S., Pastor
Rev. Kevin Scalf, C.PP.S., Associate
Rev. Jerome Stack, C.PP.S.
Deacon Joseph Manchak
ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT ........... Margaret Saliga (219) 659-4138
BAPTISMAL PREPARATION .............. Diane Puplava (219) 473-7557
BULLETIN ........................................... Carol Bender (219) 659-0023
FAITH FORMATION/RCIA ................. Diane Puplava (219) 473-7557
HISPANIC MINISTRY.............................. Nora Perez (219) 659-0023
MARRIAGE PREPARATION ...................................... (219) 659-0023
ST. JOHN SCHOOL ............ Marilyn Tomko, Principal (219) 659-3042
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ............................................. (219) 659-1073
YOUTH MINISTRY ........................... Jamie Sandona (219) 659-0023
Whiting Robertsdale Faith Community
Page 3
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Immaculate Conception…………………………………………..….$695.00
Sacred Heart……………………………………………………………....$1,585.51
St. Adalbert…………………………………………………………………….$591.00
St. John the Baptist
High School………………………………………………………………….…...$21.00
Grade School………………………………………………………….………..$66.50
Total……………………………………………………………………….…… ..$7,443.15
Please remember in your prayers all the homebound, all
those who are in hospitals, adult foster care homes, those
who are ill and those with ongoing health issues. Please
remember those we have been asked to pray for:
Elaine Badnarik, Virginia Banas, Mary Bayus, Bernice Bercik,
Richard Bobos, Melissa Bradley, Ray Buell, Jerry Burke, Thomas
Castillo, Betty Chidalek, Magdalena Chirinos, Dorothy Chovan,
Doris Cinotto, Abigail Coates, Rebecca Coates, Marie Dado,
Gloria Demeter, John Durkovich, Irene Dvorscak, Alice Escamilla,
Jeanine Faulkner, Art Fortener, Charles Gawlik, Andrea Gaynor,
Julie Geffert, Joseph Gerba, George Grenchik, Florence Gresko,
Marianne Gurekovich, Tom Hasher, Nicole Hipp, Laura Holman,
Len Hoyda, Marianne Hruskocy, Kurt Hurtig, Peggy Hyde, Tom
Janiga, Bernice Johnson, Edy Johnson, Mark Jurek, Ann Marie
Kaminsky, Gloria A. Kaminsky, Rosemary Kaminsky, Gerry
Kasarda, Ann Klochan, Cathy Kobe, Randal Koch, Janet Kompier,
Barbara Jean Korba, Margaret Korba, Ann Kovach, Richard
Kovach, Steve Kovacik, Ann Kovar, Ann Kraly, Nathan Kras,
Laura Kresich, Abigail Krieger, Tom Kusbel, Sarah Lampa, Lenore
Lazur, Leslie LeClaire, Edward Michniewicz, Catherine Marnan,
Evelyn Meyer, Jane Mika, Janet Moran, Judy Muryzn, Bryce
Nowakowski, Jennifer O’Donnell, Collette Ormes, Charles
Pantoga, Sarah Penrose, Joan Peters, Shirley Pierce, Nancy
Pieters-Mayfield, Judith Pitlik, Caitlan Pawlowski, Alexis Puplava,
Tom Puplava, Kathleen Radloff, Frank Ratkay, Aloma Robinson,
Mary Rost, Ed Roszkowski, Marian Rovito, Joyce Rybicki, Andrea
Salazar, Dave Sikes, Grace Simko, Anne Singel, Catherine
Smutniak, Nick Speziale, Jack Strisko, Nancy Teles, James Toth,
Richard Tumidalsky, Katelyn Valencia, Adina Vargas, Marge Vrlik,
Marianne Zemen.
November 2, 2014
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” attributed to Mother Teresa (
“May we help people to discover the joy of the Christian message:
a message of love and mercy.” - Pope Francis @Pontifex, Oct. 28
“A good example brings about so much good, but hypocrisy
brings about much evil.” - Pope Francis @Pontifex, Nov. 1
Have we considered some of the underlying causes of the Ebola
virus outbreak, including poverty and the corruption, social
conditions, and the indifference of others which perpetuate it?
What can we do to help improve the living conditions of others
who do not have the resources that we do?
“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me…”
Let us be the change we want to see in the world.
On November 23rd you are asked to bring food for our annual
Thanksgiving collection of foods to be distributed among the
needy of our W/R Catholic Community Cluster of churches. Your
generosity toward both these requests fulfill our Christian responsibility to share with those in need: “I was hungry and you gave
me food…naked and you clothed me...” (Mt 25: 35). Pray that the
Holy Spirit inspires our faith community to continued generosity
Please continue to pray for all the service men
and women who are currently serving in the
military, especially: Xavier Almeda, Matt
Barbetta, Sean Bowman, Cristina Campos,
Christina Campra, Sean Coleman, Larry Gazafy,
Matthew Geffert, John Gervais, Gerardo Gonzalez, James
Grunhard Jr., Alex Gonzalo Hernandez, Elliot Hlavaty, Justin
Jansky, Thomas M. Kaminsky, Keith Kennedy, Jeff Klobucar,
Jason Koscielski, Jeffery Koval, Mark Koval, Joe Lush, Walter
Malenki, Benjamin Mann, Randall McAllister, Mike McCay, Hugh
A. McNinch, Philip Mlynarski, Derek Monks, David Novotney,
Zack O’Drobinak, Nicholas Okamura, Justus Oliver, Mark
Opachan, Nicholas Orbik, Michael Ortiz, Kenneth Petkunas,
Douglas Potter, Thomas Puplava Jr., Robert Rodriguez, Eric
Schaufele, Elliott Schultz, Natalie Serna, John Starzyk Jr, Alex
Supergan, Jason Sutton, Stephen Taylor, Jeffrey Thormeyer,
Christopher Trojnar, Samuel Valdyke, Ryan Walker, Ray Walsh.
Our Cluster Parishes are the “designated” support group for the
Renaissance Apts. in Hammond for the date of Saturday,
November 15th at 8:30 am. Please call Chris Suarez at 219-3133580 as soon as possible if you are able to help distribute food to
the needy on this date. If you have questions, do not hesitate to
Betty Libner
Bernadette C. Beda
November 8th will be the last day for donating new
hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for children in
our diocese who are in need. Collection baskets
are located at the entrances of the church. A BIG
THANK YOU to those who have already given the gift of
warmth. Many children in our Whiting/Robertsdale community will
benefit from your generosity.
III Russ Wirbicki & Betty Graves
I Adam Chenowepa & Christine Bonales
Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community
Page 4
During the 10:30 am Masses on most Sundays, trained adult
leaders present Children’s Liturgy of the Word sessions. This
special time is designed for children in PreK4 through 3 rd grade to
help them better understand the Gospel. During the sessions, the
Word of God is proclaimed and an age appropriate discussion is
held. The children share their own prayers of petition and receive
“homework” to help them apply God’s Word to their daily lives.
Because of the design of this part of our Sunday Liturgy, we request that only children who are in PreK4 through 3 rd grade attend. Children who are younger than age 4 cannot fully participate in the structured format. Children who can receive Holy
Communion are old enough to hear the Word of God proclaimed
with the adult community. We thank all parents for their kind understanding.
Attention Parents & Parishioners: With the winter months upon us,
we the HSA would like to offer our services to the homebound and
the elderly. If anyone orders from Market Day and cannot get to
the school to pick it up, just let us know and one of our HSA Officers will gladly delivery it to your door. Please remember to include
your name and address with your order. If you have any questions, please contact Olivia Rhodehamel at (219) 6783700. Thank you and God bless!
In concluding our 86th anniversary year, Marian
Theatre Guild presents the Northwest Indiana premier
of ‘SHREK THE MUSICAL”, directed by Shelly
Graves Crosby. Remaining production dates are
November 8-9 and 15-16.
The story line a faraway kingdom turned upside down
things get ugly when an unseemly ogre—not a handsome
prince—shows up to rescue a feisty princess. Throw in a donkey
who won’t shut up and a bad guy with a SHORT temper, a cookie
with an attitude and over a dozen other fairy tale misfits, and
you’ve got the kind of mess that calls for a real hero. Luckily,
there’s one on hand...and his name is Shrek. Full of all-new
songs, great dancing and breathtaking scenery, “Shrek The
Musical” is part romance, part twisted fairy tale and fun for
everyone. Saturday after dinner show available. Box office opens
October 20th 7-9:00 pm. 219-473-7555. A special ticket price, for
grade school children attending the Sunday production only and
accompanied by an adult, will be $6.00. Ticket prices for high
school students and senior citizens is $12.00 and general
admission is $15.00
The next St. John Rosary Society meeting will be held on Thursday, November 20th. We will begin at 1:00 pm in church for the
rosary and Benediction. There will be a memorial service for the
members who have passed away since last November. We encourage the Rosary Society members to attend and also invite all
women of the cluster parishes to join us. Following the prayer
service we will go to the Mural Room for our regular meeting.
Group 2 (Marsha Banik, promoter) will host this meeting. Attendees are asked to bring non-perishable food items to be donated to the Thanksgiving food drive baskets.
On Sunday, November 23, we will host our Fall bake sale/raffle/
Christmas bazaar from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm in the Mural Room.
Members are asked to bake and/or make a monetary donation
($10 minimum suggested). We are asking for donations of Christmas items for the bazaar—not garage sale items, but nice things
that may be sold. The money raised will purchase items for our
school. Set-up takes place at 10:00 am on the 22nd. If you have
items to be picked up contact Joyce Wagner at 219-922-8413.
November 9, 2014
Come and enjoy a traditional ethnic dinner. The ladies of
Immaculate Conception, the Whiting Knights of Columbus and the
FCSLA Branch 452 will sponsor a Holupky/Sausage Dinner
(stuffed cabbage rolls) fundraiser. This will be held on Sunday,
November 9th from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Whiting Knights of
Columbus Hall. Dine in or carry out orders will be available. For
tickets call Mary Ann at 659-2454, Flo at 659-3510, Barb at 6592455 or the Knights of Columbus 659-1168 (leave a message).
Dinners include 2 holupky, sausage, mashed potatoes, vegetable,
salad, bread, dessert and a drink. Adult tickets $10, children
under ten $5.00. A Bake Sale will be going on too!
The parish would like to thank the Rummage Sale committee for
their donation to the Catholic Services Appeal.
St. John's 2015 Winter Festival will be held
the weekend of Feb. 13, 14, & 15. Save
your pennies for a mouth-watering menu of
beef sandwiches, desserts, Mexican dishes, pizza, homemade fried chicken, baked goodies and more. Face
painting, Valentine photos, children's games, raffles, tips,
bingo, baskets-for-bidding, and top notch music and
entertainment are on the agenda. This fantastic family
weekend takes much planning and effort.
We are
requesting your help. Presently we are in need of rolls of
stamps to help notify the many generous vendors who
annually come to our aid with Silent Auction gifts and food
donations. If you are able, please send any stamps to
school to the attention of Margie Malkowski or Jan
Dirindin, our Festival Co-Chairpersons.
Can you feel the Love?????
Please help those who are in need in our
parish cluster this coming Thanksgiving. Donations of canned goods, non-perishable
food items, and toiletries can be dropped off
in the back pews of St. John Church. Volunteers are needed immediately after the 10:30
am Mass on Sunday, November 23rd, to help package and deliver
the baskets. Be generous of your time and gifts for these families
this Thanksgiving! Questions? Call Tom and Lucy at 659-7943.
The use of incense at liturgical worship dates back to the earliest
days of Christianity. It has long been used to purify, to bless, and
to symbolize the motion of prayer lifting upwards to God. In the
description of prayer in the Book of Revelation (5:8; 8:3-4), gold
vessels of incense symbolize the prayers of God’s people. Incense is used at funerals and in earlier days became popular to
honor the altar, sanctuary, high church officials, and eventually the
congregation. In the 8th century, it was introduced into the Liturgy
of the Hours at Lauds and Vespers. At Sunday worship we periodically use this custom of incensing. May it heighten our attitude
of reverence and piety as we, the assembly, worship our Almighty
Whiting Robertsdale Faith Community
Page 5
The following is the mission statement set forth by the 13 person
The Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community Ministry Fair
aims at developing the stewardship & discipleship of the parish by fostering a deeper sense of community and involvement for its parishioners. By raising an awareness of the
meaning of discipleship in the hearts and minds of all, we
hope to cultivate a deeper relationship with God and each
There will be a meeting on November 9th, at 6:30 pm in the
Founders Room for the committee and anyone interested in helping to move forward with Spring 2015 Ministry Fair.
Bishop Noll Institute is holding an Open House on Sunday,
November 9th from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm. You are invited to
come tour the campus, meet the faculty and see why Bishop Noll
is a Four Star School. The school is located at 1519 Hoffman
Street in Hammond.
This is your last opportunity to order
Fannie May Candy and support St. John School.
Please turn in your orders and payment by today, Sunday, November 9th to the St. John Rectory drop box.
Any questions call: Annette Markovich 659-3238
Mount Carmel Mothers’ Club is hosting a Christmas Bazaar on
Thursday, November 20th from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. This holiday
event will feature unique holiday décor and the finest artisan
crafts. Admission is $5.00, but if you bring a friend they get in
FREE! It will be held in the Mount Carmel Gym. The Mothers’
Club hopes to Jingle and Mingle with you on the 20th!
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Sunday, November 9
9:00 am
Faith Formation—Middle School (SH)
3:00 pm
“Shrek The Musical” (Marian Theatre)
10:30 am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SJB & SH)
6:30 pm
Ministry Fair Meeting (SJB Founders Room)
Monday, November 10
10:30 am
Bible Study (SH)
7:00 pm
Spanish Bible Study (SH Rose Room)
7:00 pm
Forever Blue & Gold Meeting (Pastoral Center)
Tuesday, November 11
4-7:00 pm
Spaghetti Dinner (American Legion Hall)
6:30-8:00 pm Symbolon (SH Rose Room)
Wednesday, November 12
6-7:30 pm
Faith Formation Gr. 1-6 (SH)
8:30 am
Staff Meeting (SJB Rectory)
6:30 pm
Festival Meeting (SJB Founders Room)
Thursday, November 13
9:00 am
RCIA (SJB Pastoral Center)
3:15-4:45 pm
Symbolon (SJB Founders Room)
6:30 pm
Adult Choir Rehearsal (SJB)
6:30 pm
Crime Watch Meeting (CCSJ)
Friday, November 14
Saturday, November 15
10:30 am
Veteran’s Day Brick Dedication (Forsythe Park)
12:00 noon
Spanish Choir Rehearsal (SH)
8:15 pm
“Shrek The Musical” (Marian Theatre)
Sunday, November 16
9:00 am
Faith Formation—Middle School (SH)
10:30 am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SJB & SH)
1:00 pm
FCSLA Holiday Luncheon
(Andorra’s Banquet Hall)
3:00 pm
“Shrek The Musical” (Marian Theatre)
All are invited to join the Whiting Lions Club on Saturday,
November 15th, at 10:30 am for a Veterans Day Brick dedication
ceremony. Twenty-five local veterans will be honored with
engraved bricks added to the memorial. The ceremony takes
place at the Forsythe Park War Memorial located at 116th and
Caroline Avenue.
The FCSLA Senior Branch 81 will be hosting a HOLIDAY
LUNCHEON at Andorra's Banquet Hall, 1112 Indianapolis Blvd in
Schererville on Sunday, November 16th at 1pm. This event is free
to members, a guest price is $20. Please come celebrate the
Holidays with us and RSVP by November 10th to: Gerri at 3108428 or Marjorie at 659-4546.
A Spaghetti Dinner/Bake Sale sponsored by
Whiting Post 80, at the American Legion Hall, 2003
Indianapolis Boulevard, will be held on Tuesday,
November 11th from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Adult
tickets are $6.00 and children $3.00.
St. John’s Alumni Association appreciates input, good or bad,
from St. John graduates. To this end, graduates are offered two
opportunities to share their views. On Monday, November 10, the
alumni board will have a meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center (formally the convent). St. John Alums are invited to this meeting. One of the items for discussion will include topics for the next
newsletter that will be sent to over 1,300 alums.
We realize that the majority of St. John alums do not live close
enough to attend a weeknight meeting, therefore you are invited
and encouraged to send us your ideas regarding topics for the
Alumni Newsletter.
Please email us at: [email protected] or respond to
our Facebook page. Thanks for your input!
Veterans will eat for free! Call 659-0215 for more information.
~ Call Carol Vargo at (219)-659-3041 ~
For information on our wonderful
menu & banquet facilities.
Real Estate
1403 121st Street
219-659-7413 or 219-433-9800
Comunidad Catolica De Whiting-Robersdale
Page 6
9 de Noviembre, 2014
Anuncios Dominicales
¡Anuncios Para El Boletín!
Si usted desea clasificar un anuncio en el boletín (en
[email protected]. Ó también puede llamar al
teléfono 659-0023 o al TEL. 219 – 484-6917. Estos
anuncios deben de entregarse los Lunes NO más tarde de
las 9:00 am. Por favor especifique las fechas en que le
gustaría que su anuncio sea publicado.
Preparación para la Celebración de
la Virgen de Guadalupe
El Viernes 12 de Diciembre, celebraremos a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Para que como cada año nuestra celebración sea todo un éxito necesitamos iniciar con los planes de preparación ya!
En estos planes de preparación, necesitamos de su amable
cooperación. Una de las maneras en que usted puede
cooperar seria participando en la danza u obra de las apariciones de la Virgen o motivando a sus niño/as a participar.
La novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe dará inicio el Miércoles 3 de Diciembre a las 7:00 pm. (a excepción del 8 de
Diciembre, celebración de la Inmaculada Concepción. Misa
7:00 pm. y novena después de Misa) necesitamos familias
voluntarias para dirigir la novena por lo menos una vez durante los nueve días.
Se ocupan familias voluntarias para la decoración del salón, ayudar a servir durante la cena y para limpiar la cocina
o el salón después de la celebración.
El Viernes 12 de Diciembre iniciamos nuestra celebración a
las 5:00 am. cantándole la mañanitas a Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe por una hora. Después de las mañanitas, continuamos con el desayuno en el salón Rosa. Para el desayuno necesitamos donaciones de pan dulce, galletas, chocolate, leche, o jugo de naranja.
La obra dará inicio a las 6:00 pm. y la Misa a las 7:00 pm. y
después de la Misa, cena en el salón Rosa. Para la cena
necesitamos donaciones de Pozole (ya cocinado), verdura
para el pozole, tostadas, salsa, charolas de frijoles, y refrescos.
El celebrar a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es una celebración de todos y para todos. Por lo tanto para hacer que
nuestra celebración sea todo un éxito y ofrecer nuestro mejor regalo a la Virgen, necesitamos de su cooperación!
Para más información o si usted ya tiene idea de cual va
hacer su regalo a la Virgen de Guadalupe este año, por
favor comuníquese con Nora Pérez al TEL. 219-484-6917 o
después de la Misa de 10:30 am.
Como ya es tradición cada año celebramos nuestra Posada. Este año la posada será el Sábado, 20 de Diciembre de
6:00 a 9:00 p.m. Para poder llevar a cabo este bonito evento necesitamos de su cooperación. La manera en que usted podría ayudar es donando piñatas, bolsitas de dulces,
pan dulce, chocolate ó champurrado. De antemano agradecemos su cooperación. Gracias!!
Liturgia de la Palabra para Niño/as
Durante las Misas de 10:30 am casi todos los Domingos, adultos
entrenados presentan las sesiones de la Liturgia de la Palabra
para niño/as. Este momento especial está diseñado para ayudar a
los niño/as a entender mejor el Evangelio mas apropiadamente de
acuerdo a la edad de ellos. Durante la sesión, además de escuchar el evangelio, también los niños comparten sus oraciones de
peticiones y reciben "tarea" para ayudarlos a aplicar la Palabra de
Dios en su vida diaria. Las edades para que los niño/as puedan
participar en este ministerio son desde kindergarten hasta 3er
grado. Niño/as menores de 4 años no pueden participar en este
ministerio ya que están muy pequeños y nuestros líderes no pueden estar al pendiente de ellos. Niños/as que recibieron su Primera Comunión, no deben de participar en el ministerio ya que están
lo suficiente mayores para escuchar la Palabra de Dios junto con
la comunidad. Agradecemos a todos los padres de familia por su
amable entendimiento.
Paz y Justicia Social
Cada año una semana antes del Día de Acción de Gracias
(Thanksgiving), tenemos nuestra colección de comida para ayudar
a familias necesitadas de nuestra comunidad de WhitingRobertsdale y este año no va ser la excepción. Por favor traiga su
donación de latas de comida, cajas de cereal, etc. para el Domingo, 23 de Noviembre. Con su generosidad ante esta petición nos
hace cumplir con nuestra responsabilidad como buenos Cristianos
y compartir con aquellos necesitados. "Porque tuve hambre y ustedes me dieron de comer; tuve sed y ustedes me dieron de beber. Fui forastero y ustedes me recibieron en su casa. Anduve sin
ropas y me vistieron. Estuve enfermo y fueron a visitarme. Estuve
en la cárcel y me fueron a ver." (Mateo 25:35-36)
Visitas de Hospital
Si usted va a ingresar al hospital por alguna cirugía ó tiene algún
familiar enfermo en el hospital y le gustaría que el Padre lo visite,
por favor llame a las oficinas de las parroquias de nuestra comunidad de Whiting-Robertsdale al 219-659-0023, 219-659-0733, en
español comuníquese con Nora Perez al TEL. 219-484-6917.
Si usted desea bautizar a un niño (a) en la Iglesia del Sagrado
Corazón por favor comuníquese al teléfono 219-659-0023 ó 219484-6917 con Nora Pérez. La familia debe de ser mimbra activa
de la Parroquia o tener al menos 6 meses de pertenecer a la Iglesia. Los bautizos son celebrados los Domingos durante la Misa de
10:30 am. (en Español ó Inglés).
Como pertenecer a la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón
Si usted no está registrado en nuestra Parroquia y le gustaría ser
miembro del la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, puede llamar al TEL.
219-659-0023 o 219–484-6917. Si usted está registrado pero NO
está recibiendo los sobres, por favor comuníquese con Nora Pérez al teléfono ya mencionado. Si en su familia viven jóvenes que
ya cumplieron sus 18 años de edad, es esencial que ellos llenen
una forma como miembro de la Iglesia por separado. Confesiones
son escuchadas en español de 9:45 a 10:15 am. Todos los
Domingos antes de la Misa de 10:30 am.
Si usted conoce alguna persona enferma ó que tiene un impedimento para asistir a Misa y le gustaría que se le lleve la Santa
Comunión a su casa, por favor comuníquese con Nora Pérez al
TEL. 219-659-0023 ó 219-484-6917.