TAKE A STAND: New project threatens neighborhood success


TAKE A STAND: New project threatens neighborhood success
• MARCH 2016 •
VOL.7 NO.2
TAKE A STAND: New project threatens neighborhood success
By Maarten Jacobs
community meetings to inform the
community about CNY Services’ proposed
project at 831 W. Fayette Street. At those
meetings, it became clear that the majority
of those present were very concerned about
the project, the oversight and management
of the building, and the increase in
concentrated poverty that would occur as
a result. Despite hearing these concerns
directly from the community, John Warren,
the Executive Director of the CNY Services,
has said that he plans to move forward with
the project in the neighborhood regardless
of neighborhood opposition.
As a result, the Near Westside Initiative
Board of Directors voted unanimously to
oppose the CNY Services project. We feel that
it is imperative that neighborhood residents
understand the potential impact of this
project. We hope you will speak out publicly
against it. There is no reason that this
project has to be built in the Near Westside
neighborhood. There are plenty of locations
throughout the city and local suburbs that
would be better suited for this project.
To voice your concerns, we suggest that
you drop a note to, or call the following
elected officials and let them know that
you oppose this project:
In recent months many of you have likely
heard the news that Syracuse was recently
ranked as having the highest rate of extreme
concentrated poverty out of the nation’s
100 largest metropolitan areas. This is
according to a reputable study on poverty
in America written by Paul Jargowsky, a
fellow at The Century Foundation.
Sadly, what the local media isn’t talking
about is how to reverse this trend and
create more equitable and mixed-income
neighborhoods in cities like Syracuse.
While it hasn’t been talked about much in
the news, the Near Westside Initiative has
been working to create a more opportunity
rich mixed-income neighborhood in
the Near Westside of Syracuse for
the better part of the last decade. As
a result, over 60 new homes have been
built and sold to first-time home buyers
(70% of whom were previously renting in
the neighborhood). New businesses have
relocated into the community generating
new job opportunities. Neighborhood
infrastructure and public spaces have
improved, and community health and
improved. All of this has all been done with
residents like you, sitting at the table. By
no means has everything been solved, but
certainly the neighborhood has stabilized,
and more and more people want to call the
Near Westside neighborhood their home.
Now, our progress is threatened by a
proposal to further concentrate poverty in
the Near Westside. Currently, CNY Services,
a not for profit focused on serving people with
mental health and substance abuse issues
through outpatient treatment and housing, is
proposing to build 50 new residential rental
units at 831 W. Fayette Street. Of these 50
units, 20 would be for people with mental
health disabilities, and 30 units would be for
low-Income housing. The majority would be
one bedroom units, with approximately 10,
two bedroom units. This means that it will
not be accessible to families in need of better
housing in the Near Westside.
These services and housing options are
very important and needed in the broader
Central New York community. However,
building these apartments in the Near
Westside will only further concentrate
poverty and continue to stigmatize our
neighborhood. Many recent studies have
shown that the higher the concentration of
poverty, the higher the likelihood of crime,
drug issues, problems with schools, loss of
Senator DeFrancisco
Phone: (315) 428-7632
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 333 East Washington Street
800 State Office Building Syracuse, NY 13202
Senator Valesky
Phone: 315-478-8745
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 333 East Washington Street 805 State
Office Building Syracuse, NY 13202
population, loss of jobs, and the deterioration
of neighborhoods. In this regard, the CNY
Fair Housing Council, a not for profit
organization dedicated to eliminating
housing discrimination, has conducted a
series of studies and research. They have
decided to formally oppose this project.
By transforming a former commercial space
along a major thoroughfare into residential
units, the neighborhood loses yet another
building that could be developed into a future
place of employment which our community
so desperately needs. The neighborhood has
always been one where residential units are
on the interior of the major corridors, with
warehouse spaces lining our community and
creating an opportunity for people to walk to
work. The Near Westside needs employers
A Community Organizing Event
What: Come learn more about this
important issue, write letters to elected
officials (we’ll have templates), and get
lawn signs stating your opposition to
further concentrative poverty in the Near
When: Monday, March 21st from 5:30 to
Where: Salt Quarters Gallery, located
at 301 Wyoming Street (the corner of
Wyoming and Otisco streets).
along West Fayette Street, not 50 one bedroom
Over the last month, the Near Westside
Initiative and several other groups hosted
John Warren
Executive Director of CNY Services
Phone: 315-243-4897
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 518 James Street, Suite 240/280,
Syracuse, NY 13203
Commissioner Paul Driscoll
City of Syracuse Department of Neighborhood
and Business Development
Phone: (315) 448-8100
Email: [email protected]
Mail: City Hall Commons, 6th Floor, 201 E.
Washington St. Syracuse, NY 13202
If you would like to learn more about the
negative impact of concentrated poverty, please check
out the following resources:
• Architecture of Segregation
• The U.S. Supreme Preserves Fair Housing Act in
Inclusive Communities Case
• CNY Fair-Housing Study
The end of littered televisions
Una de las razones porque me
encanta vivir en el Westside son las
actividades de la comunidad con que
uno se puede comprometer. Un grupo
que es muy activo en la vecindad
Westside (WRC por sus siglas en
our corner // nuestra esquina
ingles). El verano pasado, WRC se
asoció con Alchemical Nursery y
When I was researching for my last
ganó una subvención del Banco de
column on Skiddy Park I came One of
Tierras para el cuidado de un lote del
the reasons I love living on the Near
Westside ahora conocido como el 610
Westside is because of the community
Gifford Street Community Garden.
activities I engage with. One group
Los residentes del Westside se han
that is very active in the neighborhood
reunido en el jardín los sábados a las
is the Westside Residents Coalition
11:00 de la mañana para establecer
(WRC). This past summer, WRC
un jardín para nuestra comunidad. A
partnered with Alchemical Nursery
medida que se acercaba el invierno,
and won a grant from the Land
el grupo, también conocido como
Bank to care for a piece of the Near
WestSideWalks, hizo la transición
Westside now known as the 610
a palear las aceras alrededor y las
Gifford Street Community Garden.
que se extienden desde el jardín.
Residents of the Near Westside have
Sin embargo, con el suave invierno
been gathering at the garden on
y la falta de nieve, han abordado
Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. to establish a
otras actividades como la limpieza
garden for our community. As winter
de malas hierbas cerca de las aceras
approached, the group, also known
y eliminación de la basura.
El 9 de enero de 2016, el grupo decidió
to shoveling sidewalks around and
recoger televisores esparcidos en los
extending from the garden. Though,
lados de la carretera en todo el barrio
with the mild winter and absence
y llevarlos a un evento de reciclaje de
of snow, they have tackled other
productos electrónicos en el norte
activities like clearing brush back
de Syracuse. Con 13 televisores en
from sidewalks and litter removal.
una pequeña camioneta, llegamos
On January 9, 2016, the group decided
al evento de reciclaje y fuimos
to pick up televisions littered aside the
rechazados con los 13 televisores
road throughout the neighborhood and bring them to an electronics recycling event in North
porque las cubiertas exteriores de los televisores ‘se rompieron causando riesgo de toxinas’.
Syracuse. With 13 televisions in a small pickup truck, we arrived to the recycling event to be turned
Los organizadores del evento de reciclaje no se llevaron los televisores. No podíamos creer
away with the 13 televisions because the televisions’ exterior casings were broken causing risk of
lo y peor en ese momento estábamos atrapados con 13 televisores rotos, potencialmente
toxins. The organizers of the recycling event would not take the televisions. We could not believe it
tóxicos! Por suerte, hemos sido capaces de trabajar con el Departamento de Obras Públicas de
and worse, we were now stuck with 13 broken, potentially toxic televisions! Luckily, we were able
Syracuse para disponer de ellos en pocos días.
to work with the City of Syracuse Department of Public Works to dispose of them a few days later.
Este evento fue notable para mí y me hizo reflexionar mucho y tomar acción. Nunca supe que
This event was remarkable to me and caused great thinking and action. I never knew a television
un televisor con carcasa rota podría tener fugas de toxinas en nuestro medio ambiente donde
with broken casing could be leaking toxins into our environment where our kids play and animals
nuestros niños juegan y donde los animales pisan. Este hecho es lo que me inspiró a ponerme
walk. It is this fact that inspired me to contact constituents calling for action to remediate the
en contacto con otros para que adopten medidas para remediar la aparición de televisores
occurrence of televisions being set out on the curb.
botados en nuestras aceras.
I was connected with Andrew Radin, Director of Recycling and Waste reduction at Onondaga
Me puse en contacto con Andrew Radin, Director de reciclaje y reducción de residuos en
County Resource Recovery Agency (OCRRA). He informed me of a law that requires television
la agencia de recuperación de recursos del condado de Onondaga (OCRRA por sus siglas
manufactures to “take-back” electronics. This law was enacted to increase the recovery and
en ingles). Me informó de una ley cual requiere que los fabricantes de televisores reciclan
recycling of unwanted electronics throughout NY State, and to place the responsibility for the
televisores usados. Se promulgó esta ley para aumentar la recuperación y el reciclaje de
convenient and free drop off of such materials on the products’ manufacturers. Since the law was
productos electrónicos no deseados a lo largo del estado de NY, y para dar la responsabilidad
implemented in 2011, over 400 million pounds of so-called e-waste have been removed from the
a los fabricantes de los productos de tener puntos de reciclaje convenientes y gratuitos. Dado
waste stream and recycled, though there are some loop holes in the law restricting its effectiveness,
que la ley se puso en práctica en 2011, más de 400 millones de libras de basura electrónica se
and, in some cases, putting a cost on consumers.
ha eliminado de la corriente de desechos y reciclado, aunque hay algunos problemas con la ley
A few things I learned from this endeavor:
que restringe su eficacia, y, en algunos casos, impone costos a los consumidores.
It is illegal to set electronics out at the curb! If found at the curb, DPW will issue a warning to get
Un par de cosas que he aprendido de todo este esfuerzo:
it off the curb. If it remains, DPW will pick it up but the property owner will be fined $225.00!
emitirá una advertencia al dueño. ¡Si se mantiene allí, DPW lo recogerá, pero el dueño de la
Some retailers, like Best Buy, will accept your unwanted electronics for a $25.00 fee. See the
¡Es ilegal dejar sus electrónicos afuera de su casa! Si se encuentra junto a la acera, DPW
OCRRA webpage for more information on how to dispose of unwanted electronics, go to www.
propiedad será multado $ 225.00!
ocrra.org and search Electronics
• Algunas tiendas, como Best Buy, aceptarán sus equipos electrónicos no deseados para
I hope this information will assist you with proper disposal of your electronics. No cost recycle
events, like the one we were turned away from, are often in the suburbs. It would be nice to have one
una cuota de $ 25.00. Ver la página web OCRRA para obtener más información sobre cómo
deshacerse de los electrónicos no deseados: www.ocrra.org y busca por electrónicos.
in the City to allow ease of City residents to dispose their unwanted electronics. If you would like to
Espero que esta información le ayudará con la eliminación adecuada de sus equipos
join me in working with OCRRA to improve ease of proper electronics disposal, please contact me
electrónicos. Los eventos de reciclaje gratuitos, como el donde fuimos rechazados, están a
by phone at (315)308-0513, or email at [email protected].
menudo en los suburbios. Sería bueno tener uno en la ciudad para permitir que los residentes
And one more thing, OCRRA is organizing a countywide 2016 Earth Day Litter Cleanup on April
de la ciudad puedan disponerse de sus aparatos electrónicos no deseados. Si desea unirse a mí
22 and 23. The Near Westside Initiative and WRC will host the Near Westside’s 4th Annual Clean
en el trabajo con OCRRA para mejorar la facilidad de eliminación de equipos electrónicos de
Up ‘Cuse event on Saturday, April 23. We will meet at Ward Bakery Park at 9:00 a.m. and spread
manera adecuada, por favor, póngase en contacto conmigo por teléfono al (315) 308-0513, o por
out in the neighborhood to clean up litter. Please volunteer for this event! Get your neighbors and
correo electrónico en [email protected].
/Near Westside Initiative
/Near _ Westside
What are your rights as a tenant? What are
your responsibilities? Who can you turn to
when you have issues with your landlord?
¿Cuáles son tus derechos como inquilino? ¿Cuáles
son tus responsabilidades? ¿A quién puedes recurrir
cuando tienes problemas con el propietario?
Come learn about : Page 6 – Winter 2015
 Eviction
 Landlord and tenant responsibilities
 Security deposits
 Housing discrimination
 Safe and habitable housing
 Rent increases
Ven y aprende sobre:
 Desalojo
 Depósitos de garantía
 Alojamiento seguro y habitable
Ink and Toner Cartridge Recycling Options
Residents and businesses can reduce waste through mail-back or exchange programs
Dave Nettle, Recycling
Specialist 23, 2016
WHEN: Wednesday,
Responsabilidades del propietario y
del inquilino
 Discriminación en la vivienda
 Incrementos en la renta
CUANDO: Miércoles, 23 de Marzo del 2016
Photo by Andrew Radin, OCRRA
On average, a printer
Did you know that tridges and 50 percent of
cartridge can be refilled
all toner cartridges are acink and Westside
toner cartridg- Peacemaking
DONDE: Near Westside Peacemaking Ctr,
5-7 times.
es found in laser print- tually repurposed.
601 Tully ers,
So, if you have printer
over 375 miland faxNY
601 Tully St, Syracuse, NY 13204
machines can be refilled, lion empty cartridges cartridges at your home
and resold?
TIME: 2:00refurbished
pm - 4:00
pm are thrown away. This is or place of work, make
HORA: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
That’s right, they can be equivalent to throwing sure they are being rereused and recycled which out 1,000,000 cartridges cycled. Most manufacturers
per Services
day or 11
saves natural
This workshop is presented
by attorneys
from Legal
of Central
Yorkand office Este
taller es provisto por abogados de la organización Legal Services of Central New York
stores (Office Max,
StaAccording to AGreener per second.
375 million cartridges ples, etc.) have mail-back
e f i l l .refreshments
c o m , e a c h ywill
e a r be served
Habrá refrigerio
in North America, more p u t e n d - t o - e n d w o u l d programs or check out
al español disponible
the earth more than Ink and Toner Express
than 40,000
tons of services
plas- circle
in Syracuse (952-5633;
tic and metal are removed three times!
Depending on the type www.thinkinkcny.com).
from the waste stream as
Si estás interesado favor contactar a
of cartridge
(inkjet vs. la- Dave Nettle can be reached at
a result of
RSVPrecyto Vivian
cling. Up to 97 percent of ser), between three ounces [email protected].
Vivian al
[email protected]
the materials
that make and three quarts of oil are
[email protected]
(or) 315-266-4350
Monday,to produce a new
up a printer
cartridge canbyrequired
(ó) 315-266-4350
a másrecycling
OCRRA's Cheri Zajac shows
off a Toshiba toner cartridge
be recycled or March
It cartridge. When reusing
21 de Marzo.
that she will use to send spent printer
back to Toshiba for
is estimated that only 30 a cartridge, oil consumpreuse. Whether you are a business or a resident with empty cartridges,
percent of all ink car- tion is reduced to zero.
remember recycling them is far better than throwing them away.
2016 Earth Day
Litter Cleanup Registration Form
april 22 & 23, 2016
Name of Group:
Number of Workers:
Name of Contact Person (one name only):
Address of Contact (where information/stickers are to be sent):
Zip Code:
Phone #: (W)
Day(s) Your Group Will Be Cleaning:
q Friday, April 22 q Saturday, April 23
q Both
You will receive two trash bag stickers per worker.
Please indicate if you will need more.
April 15
Number of ADDITIONAL Stickers
Remember, NO chemical waste, paint cans, furniture, appliances, yard waste or gas tanks are acceptable.
OCRRA encourages groups to recycle any bottles and cans they find.
Municipality (city/town/village) where you are cleaning. This info is used to provide instructions on litter drop off.
What area are you cleaning? (You may choose any public space in the county.
Be as specific as possible to avoid cleanup overlap):
Cleanup supplies are your group’s
OCRRA provides the stickers for free
disposal through the municipality.
Any questions, please call OCRRA
at 453-2866, ext. 202.
Register Online at
vIA fAx 453-2872
100 Elwood Davis Road
North syracuse, NY 13212
Rechargeable batteries must be recycled by law. Recycle them at Wegmans or OCRRA’s Rock Cut Road Transfer Station.
cooking corner
Eating healthy on a budget may
seem diffacult, but it doesn’t have
to be. Here are two healthy, tasty
meal options for your family that
can be made for $4 or less.
Want to win a free gift certificate to Nojaim’s?
Take a picture of you making either one of these recipes and
share it with us! Upload your photos to Facebook and tag Near
Westside Initiative or email them to [email protected] by April
15 and you will be entered in a random drawing for a $25 gift
certificate to Nojaim’s Supermarket. You’ll also have a chance
to have your photos featured in an upcoming issue of the Near
Westside Insider!
/Near Westside Initiative
/Near _ Westside
Makes 12
Mix the flour, cornmeal, and salt in a large bowl. The cornmeal
isnt’ traditional in empanadas–I just like the extra crunch it gives.
You can substitute more flour for the cornmeal if you like.
Place the butter in the freezer for 10 minutes, then grate it
directly into the flour mixture. Wash and dry your hands, then
use them to gently squish the butter into the flour until it looks
like bread crumbs.
Make a crater in the flour mixture. Crack the egg into it along
with the water. Mix with your hands until it comes together
into a smooth ball. If you’re using whole-wheat flour and the
dough seems dry, add another tablespoon of water. Cover
with plastic wrap or a moist towel.
Put the broccoli and water in a pan over medium heat. Cover
it with a lid. Cook for 5 to 7 minutes, until the water is gone and
the broccoli is tender.
Meanwhile, crack 8 of the eggs into a bowl, saving the last one
for an egg wash later. Mix the eggs with the garlic, chili flakes,
salt, and pepper.
2 cups all purpose or
whole-wheat flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter
1 egg
1/2 cup cold water
4 cups broccoli with
stems, chopped
1 cup water
9 eggs
2 cloves garlic, finely
1/2 tsp chili flakes
salt and pepper
1 cup sharp cheddar,
Once the broccoli is tender, pour the eggs into the pan. Stir until
just scrambled, about 2 minutes. Turn off the heat, add the cheese,
and stir.
Heat the oven to 400 F. Lightly oil or butter two baking sheets.
Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces and roll each into a ball.
Dust your counter lightly with flour, then use a rolling pin to flatten
each ball into a thin circle, a little bigger than a DVD. Place some
filling on one side of the circle, then fold over the other side to form
a half moon. Pinch the edges and place the empanada on a baking
sheet. Repeat!
If you own a pastry brush, an egg wash will make the empanadas
shinier. Since it doesn’t affect the taste, only how the empanadas
look, this step is very optional. In a small bowl, beat an egg with a
fork. Brush the tops of the empanadas with the egg wash.
Rinde 12 empandas
Mezclar harina, harina de maíz y sal en un tazón grande. La harina de maíz
no es tradicional en empanadas-me gusta que les hacen mas crujientes.
Se puede sustituir más harina para la harina de maíz, si quiere.
Coloque la mantequilla en el congelador durante 10 minutos, y luego
rallar directamente en la mezcla de harina. Lavar y secarse las manos,
luego usarlos para aplastar suavemente la mantequilla en la harina
hasta que queda como migajas de pan.
Hacer un cráter en la mezcla de harina. Romper el huevo en ella junto con el
agua. Mezclar con las manos hasta que se junta en una bola suave. Si está
utilizando harina de trigo y la masa parece seca, añadir otra cucharada de
agua. Cubrir con papel de plástico o una toalla húmeda.
Ponga el brócoli y agua en una cacerola a fuego medio. Cubrir con una
tapa. Cocine durante 5 a 7 minutos, hasta que el agua se ha ido y que
el brócoli esté tierno.
2 tazas harina para todo
uso o harina de trigo
½ taza de harina de maíz
½ cucharadita de sal
¼ de taza de mantequilla
1 huevo
½ taza de agua fría
4 tazas de brócoli con
tallos picados
1 taza de agua
9 huevos
2 dientes de ajo, finamente picados
½ cucharadita de
hojuelas de chile
sal y pimienta
1 taza de queso cheddar,
Mientras tanto, rompe 8 de los huevos en un bol, ahorra el último para
después. Mezclar los huevos con el ajo, hojuelas de chile, sal y pimienta.
Una vez que el brócoli esté tierno, verter los huevos en el sartén. Revuelva hasta que estén bien revueltos, unos 2 minutos. Apagar el fuego,
añadir el queso, y remover.
Calentar el horno a 400 ° F. Ligeramente cubrir dos bandejas de horno
con aceite o mantequilla.
Dividir la masa en 12 partes iguales y rollar cada uno en una bola.
Empolvar su mesa ligeramente con harina, a continuación, utilizar un
rodillo para aplanar cada bola en un círculo delgado, un poco más
grande que un DVD. Coloque un poco de relleno en un lado del círculo,
luego doblar sobre el otro lado para formar una media luna. Pellizcar los
bordes y colocar la empanada en una bandeja para hornear. ¡Repetir!
Si usted posee una brocha de pastelería, una colada de huevo batido
hará que las empanadas sean más brillantes. Ya que no afecta el sabor,
sólo el aspecto de las empanadas, este paso es muy opcional. En un
recipiente pequeño, batir un huevo con un tenedor. Cepille las tapas de
las empanadas con la mezcla de huevo.
Serves 4
I don’t make jambalaya exactly the way they do down south,
but this vegatable-heavy version is fast er and just as good–
a great, throw-everything-in-the-pot kind of meal. It’s spicy,
savory, and deeply satisfying. The leftovers are great for
making burritos or warmed up with a fried egg on top.
Start with the oil in a large high-sided saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the onion, pepper, and celery, then cook
for about 5 minutes, until they become translucent but not
Add the rest of the ingredients except for the rice and broth.
Let everything cook for about 1 minute to let some of the
tomato juice release. Add the rice and slowly pour in the
broth. Reduce the heat to medium and let the dish cook until
the rice absorbs all the liquid. It should take about 20 to 25
If you’re using any of the additions, thrown them in at about
the 15-minute mark to let them warm up.
2 tbsp vegatable oil
1 medium onion,
1 green bell pepper,
3 stalks celery, finely
3 cloves garlic, finely
2 large tomatoes,
2 bay leaves
1 tsp paprike
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp Worcestershire
sauce or soy sauce
3/4 cup long-grain rice
3/4 cup vegetable or
chicken stock
For more information on the Near Westside Initiative visit our website or
contact Maarten Jacobs at 315.443.0320 or [email protected].
Rinde 6 porciones
No hago jambalaya exactamente de la manera que lo hacen
en el sur, pero esta de origen vegetal es más rápida, tan
bueno, y un gran tirar-todo-en-la-olla tipo de comida. Es
picante, sabroso y muy satisfactorio. Las sobras son buenas
para hacer burritos o calentados con un huevo frito encima.
2 cucharadas aceite vegetal
1 cebolla mediana, picada
1 pimiento verde, picado
3 tallos de apio, picados
3 dientes de ajo, finamente picados
1/2 chile pequeño verde, finamente
Comience con el aceite en una cacerola grande con bordes
altos a fuego medio-alto. Añadir cebolla, pimiento, apio y, a
continuación, cocer durante unos 5 minutos, hasta que estén
transparentes, pero no dorados.
Añadir el resto de los ingredientes excepto el arroz y caldo.
Que todo cocine durante aproximadamente 1 minuto para
dejar que se suelta algo del jugo de los tomates.
1 cucharadita de pimentón
Añadir el arroz y agregar lentamente el caldo. Reducir el
fuego a medio y dejar el plato cocer hasta que el arroz
absorba todo el líquido. Se debe tomar alrededor de 20 a 25
1/2 cucharadita tomillo seco
Si se utiliza cualquiera de las adiciones, agregarlos a los 15
minutos para dejar que se calienten.
2 tomates grandes, picados
2 hojas de laurel
1 cucharadita ajo en polvo
1 cucharadita de pimienta de cayena
1/2 cucharadita de orégano seco
1 cucharadita sal
1 cucharadita pimenta
1 cucharadita de salsa inglesa o salsa
de soja
3/4 taza de arroz de grano largo
3 tazas de caldo de verduras o caldo
de pollo adiciones
rodajas de chorizo frito, camarones,
carne de sobra, tofu o frijoles
Para mas información de Near Westside Initiative, contacte a Maarten
Jacobs en el 315.443.0320 o [email protected]
OU (a pro
artist Patt
ject by
y Ortiz) se
s workers
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to be
planning a
of a
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learn, wor
desire to
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and speak
behalf of y
out on
our comm
ity. Particip
must be a
ble to follo
workers a
re paid fo
r work do
the super
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the artist.
Job Details
The Rescue Mission is seeking a Part Time Client Care
Specialist for its Crossroads
facility, 59-bed supportive
residence for men with mental, physical, or developmental disabilities. The primary
schedule will be Tuesday,
Thurs & Friday 10:00am to
3:00pm, however additional
availability required to cover
open shifts as needed. The
client care specialist maintains a safe and supportive
environment for clients,
utilizing the resources of the
Rescue Mission to ensure
a healthy and pleasant stay
and provide an environment
of positive change.
Additional Duties:
This position develops
rapport with clients and
provides support, encouragement, and motivation
towards building and/or
maintaining independence
while maintaining appropriate professional employeeclient boundaries at all
times. Participates as a team
player to provide the best
possible care for every client
who enters Rescue Mission facilities by completing
rounds, monitoring facilities, facilitating drug and
breathalyzer tests, giving out
personal care items and bedding, enforcing guidelines
as appropriate and referring clients to appropriate
internal services; does so
while treating clients with
respect and dignity. Shares
pertinent client information
via documentation, participation in meetings, and on an
individual basis as needed,
maintaining confidentiality as
High School Diploma or
equivalent required
Associates degree in human
services or related field or
equivalent work experience
preferred. Experience working with homeless, addicted
and/or mentally ill clients
desired. Other skills needed
to perform effectively
Sensitivity and compassion
for the homeless population.
TO APPLY pick up a job application at
301 Wyoming St
Syracuse, NY 13204
Excellent Communication
skills. Interviewing/assessment skills Flexibility to
change. Strong interpersonal
skills. Manages time efficiently. Crisis management
skills. Maintains a calm professional presence, even in
times of being exposed to
complex personalities, problems and needs of clients.
Computer literate.
Valid New York State Drivers
License in compliance with
Rescue Mission driving criteria preferred
Must meet Department of
Health Background criteria
including finger prints.
Visit http://bit.ly/1TRwMkd
to apply.
Job Details
The Rescue Mission is currently hiring a Full Time Shift
Leader for our Food Service
Team. The Shift Leader will
primarily work: Wed (10:00
am - 5:30pm), Thurs, Fri, Sat
(6:00am - 5:30pm). At the
Rescue Mission, we believe
that no one in our community should go hungry. That is
why our Food Service Center
in Syracuse serves breakfast,
lunch and dinner every day
of the year to anyone who
needs one. Altogether, we
serve about 700 free meals a
day and nearly a quarter million meals a year.
Facilitates the service
of meals by supervising
assigned staff and volunteers to prepare the kitchen
and dining room by coordinating the service line and
overseeing cleanup.
Assists the Director of Food
Service in managing the
overall operations and fulfilling the responsibilities of
food services.
Creates welcoming atmosphere in kitchen, dinning
room, and service line consistent with best practices in
customer service.
Prepares and oversees of
large scale meals, supervises kitchen assistants and
volunteers regarding the
completion of assigned tasks
and regular duties.
Adheres to all food safety
protocols and Department of
Health regulations governing
a food services establishment.
Associates Degree in restaurant/food management
required; bachelor’s degree
preferred and/or five year
experience in restaurant/
food management
Experience with institutionalsize food preparation equipment and safety procedures
Experience with inventory
Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities
Needed to Perform Effectively in this Position
Knowledge of large-scale
menu planning and food
Knowledge of Department of
Health regulations ensuring
food safety
Microsoft Office / Outlook
software program skill
Communication skills; able
to speak and write clearly
and directly
Leadership and motivational
skills Team building skills
Decision-making and creative problem-solving capabilities Demonstrates strong
interpersonal skills
Manages time efficiently;
responds quickly to timesensitive issues Maintains a
calm professional presence
Guest-focused; service
oriented Working at the
Rescue Mission allows you
to be part of our mission to
share hope, end hunger and
homelessness, change lives
and strengthen communities’
one person at a time. We
offer a comprehensive benefit package including health,
dental, vision, life insurance,
and generous 401(K) program plus additional voluntary benefits.
The Rescue Mission is an
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Visit http://bit.ly/21Evv55 to
Local company looking for
cleaner to clean fire and
smoke damages. No experience required. Full time, M-F
with occasional weekends.
Background check, drug
test, and license required.
Please email resume to
[email protected]
This position will require
working days, weekends and
evenings as necessary.
Posting Details
Position Information
Posting Number
Job Title
Service Support Worker
(Part-Time, Temporary)
Custodial (Campus Facilities)
Job Description Summary
This is a temporary, non-benefit eligible position that will
provide custodial/cleaning
services as needed at Onondaga Community College.
Major Responsibilities
Duties include but are not
limited to: collecting and disposing of paper and rubbish;
scrubbing, mopping, waxing, sweeping and polishing
floors; dusting and polishing
furniture; refilling soap, toilet
tissue and paper towel containers; washing windows,
blinds, woodwork, toilets,
washrooms and fixtures;
washing outside windows;
policing outside property
to keep free from trash and
refuse and shoveling snow
and salting walkways. Position also involves the monitoring of events which will
entail frequent checks of
restroom, cleaning up bodily
fluids on occasion and the
ability to lift and move up to
40 pounds.
Minimum Qualifications
Candidates must have working knowledge of the methods, materials and equipment commonly used in custodial work; ability to understand and follow simple oral
and written instructions; and
physical condition commensurate with the demands of
this position.
Visit http://bit.ly/1QsHPuu for
more information on applying.
SALTQuarters presents:
A Darkened Wood
By Michelle Reynolds
An art exhibit that draws from myth, fable
and magic features works by Cayetano
Valenzuela and Casey Landerkin. Each
artist draws from the pool of imagery
associated with the long history of myth,
fables, magic, archetypes and storytelling
in order to describe personal narratives
and constructed interior worlds. These
visions ref lect our common struggles,
passions and perhaps our mystified
separation from tradition and ritual. The
Fable maintains a powerful hold on our
Una exposición de arte que se centra en
mitos, fábulas y características mágicas de
las obras de Cayetano Valenzuela y Casey
Landerkin. Cada artista dibuja un grupo
de imágenes asociadas con la larga historia
de mitos, fábulas, magia, arquetipos y
cuentan historias con el fin de describir las
narrativas personales y mundos interiores
construidos. Estas visiones ref lejan
nuestras luchas comunes, pasiones y tal
vez nuestra separación mistificada de la
tradición y el ritual. La fábula mantiene
una poderosa inf luencia en nuestra
cultura como lo ha hecho desde tiempos
conflictos y arquetipos figuran todavía
para encantar. Las historias contienen un
microcosmos del mundo en general, todavía
se tejen con la poesía y lo sobrenatural.
Sin embargo, las verdades profundas de
cuentos de hadas y folklore son suturadas
en el tejido de nuestra memoria colectiva
y es este tapiz que los artistas pretenden
tirar de un hilo suelto con el fin de revelar
la investigación de licitación de fábulas en
A Darkened Wood.
Acompáñenos en la recepción de
apertura el 18 de marzo de 2016, desde
las 6pm hasta las 9 pm. A Darkened
Wood también estará abierto los fines de
semana o por cita.
See how people in America define the American
dream with WCNY, and share how YOU define
the American dream. What is your American
dream? How do you describe success for yourself
or your family today? Is your dream today
different from your dream from 10 years ago?
What challenges have you faced in making your
dream come true?
Share your thoughts with us on WCNY’s
Facebook page: facebook.com/wcnyconnected,
on our website at wcny.org/redream or if you
wish, by mail (or stop by WCNY to drop them
off). Do you like creating videos with your cell
phone? Then create a Re:Dream video and post
it on WCNY’s Facebook page! And speaking of
videos, during the month of March, WCNY will
periodically show short videos featuring people
from across the country sharing their American
dreams on its large outdoor television screen. If
you have questions or want to talk about your
American dream, contact Debbie Stack at WCNY
– 453-2424 or by email at [email protected].
For more information on the Near Westside Initiative visit our website or
contact Maarten Jacobs at 315.443.0320 or [email protected].
culture as it has for time immemorial. The
events, conflicts and archetypes contained
therein still engage and enchant. The
stories contain a microcosm of the world
at large yet are woven with poetry and the
supernatural. However, the deep truths of
fairytales and folklore are stitched into
the fabric of our collective memory and
it is this tapestry that the artists seeks to
pull upon a loose thread in order to reveal
the tender investigation of fables in A
Darkened Wood.
Join us for the opening reception on March
18th, 2016 from 6-9pm. A Darkened Wood will
also be open on weekends or by appointment.
Vea cómo la gente en los Estados Unidos definen el sueño
americano con WCNY, y comparte cómo Usted se defina
el sueño americano. ¿Cuál es su sueño americano?
¿Cómo se describe el éxito para usted o su familia hoy?
¿Es el sueño de hoy diferente de su sueño de hace 10
años? ¿Qué desafíos ha enfrentado al hacer su sueño
Comparte sus pensamientos con nosotros en la página
de Facebook WCNY: facebook.com/wcnyconnected, en
nuestra página web wcny.org/redream o si lo desea,
por correo (o pase por WCNY a dejarlos). ¿Le gusta
crear videos con su teléfono celular? Pues crea un video
de su Re: Sueño y publícalo en la página de Facebook
WCNY! Y hablando de vídeos, durante el mes de marzo,
WCNY mostrará periódicamente vídeos cortos que
ofrecen las personas de todo el país compartiendo sus
sueños americanos en la gran pantalla de televisión al
aire libre. Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea hablar de
su sueño americano, póngase en contacto con Debbie
Stack en WCNY - 453 a 2424 o por correo electrónico a
[email protected].
Para mas información de Near Westside Initiative, contacte a Maarten
Jacobs en el 315.443.0320 o [email protected]
Tome una posición: Nuevo proyecto amenaza el éxito de nuestro barrio
Maarten Jacobs
En los últimos meses muchos de ustedes
probablemente han escuchado la noticia que
Syracuse fue clasificado recientemente por
tener la más alta concentración de pobreza
extrema de las 100 áreas metropolitanas
más grandes del país. Esto es según un
estudio de renombre en la pobreza en
América escrita por Paul Jargowsky, un
miembro de la Fundación Century.
Desafortunadamente, en nuestra
ciudad nadie está hablando de la forma
de revertir esta tendencia y crear barrios
más equitativas y de ingresos mixtos en
ciudades como Syracuse. Si bien no se
ha hablado mucho en las noticias, Near
Westside Initiative ha estado trabajando
para crear un barrio con más ingresos
mixtos en el Westside de Syracuse durante
la mayor parte de la última década. Como
resultado, más de 60 nuevas viviendas
se han construido y vendido a personas
compradores de vivienda por primera
vez (70% fueron previamente inquilinos
en el barrio), nuevas empresas se han
trasladado a la comunidad generando
nuevas oportunidades de empleo, la
infraestructura del barrio y los espacios
públicos han mejorado, y la salud de la
comunidad y el acceso de bienestar ha
mejorado dramáticamente. Todo esto se
ha hecho con los residentes como usted
involucrados en el proceso. De ninguna
manera esta resuelto todo, pero sin duda
el barrio se ha estabilizado, y cada vez hay
más personas quienes quieren llamar a la
zona de Near Westside su hogar.
Ahora, nuestro progreso esta siendo
concentrar aún más la pobreza en el
Westside. Actualmente, CNY Services, una
organización sin fines de lucro enfocada
en atender a las personas con problemas de
salud mental y abuso de sustancias a través
de un tratamiento ambulatorio y programa
de vivienda, propone la construcción de
50 nuevas unidades residenciales de
alquiler en 831 de la calle W. Fayette. 20
de estas unidades serían para personas
con discapacidades de salud mental, y 30
unidades serían para viviendas de bajo
ingresos. La mayoría serán unidades de
un dormitorio, con aproximadamente 10
unidades de dos dormitorios. Esto significa
que no será ideal o accesible para familias
Estos servicios y opciones de alojamiento
son muy importantes y necesarios en la
comunidad más amplia de la región
Central de Nueva York, sin embargo, la
construcción de estos apartamentos en el
Westside concentrará aun mas la pobreza y
continuará a estigmatizar nuestro barrio.
Muchos estudios recientes han demostrado
que cuanto mayor es la concentración de
la pobreza, mayor será la probabilidad
de delincuencia, problemas de drogas,
problemas con las escuelas, pérdida de
población, pérdida de puestos de trabajo, y
el deterioro de los barrios. En particular,
la Feria del Consejo de Vivienda CNY, una
organización sin fines de lucro dedicada
a eliminar la discriminación de vivienda,
ha llevado a cabo una serie de estudios
e investigaciones que les ha llevado a
oponerse formalmente a este proyecto.
En el último mes, Near Westside Initiative
y varios otros grupos organizaron
reuniones comunitarias para informar a
la comunidad sobre el proyecto propuesto
por CNY Servicios en 831 de la calle W.
Fayette. En estas reuniones, se hizo muy
claro que la mayoría de los presentes
estaban preocupados por el proyecto, la
supervisión y administración del edificio,
y el aumento de la pobreza concentrada que
se produciría como resultado. A pesar de
estas preocupaciones llevadas directamente
de la comunidad, John Warren, el Director
Ejecutivo de CNY Services, ha dicho que
tiene planes de seguir adelante con el
proyecto en el barrio a pesar de la oposición
del vecindario.
Como resultado, Near Westside Initiative
votó de manera unánime para oponerse al
proyecto de CNY Services. Creemos que es
imperativo que los residentes del barrio
entiendan el impacto potencial de este
proyecto. Esperamos que puedan hablar
públicamente en contra del proyecto. No
hay ninguna razón por la que este proyecto
tiene que ser construido en el barrio del
Near Westside. Hay un montón de lugares
en toda la ciudad y los suburbios locales que
serían más adecuados para este proyecto.
a, o llame a los siguientes funcionarios
elegidos y háganles saber que usted se
opone a este proyecto:
Para expresar sus preocupaciones,
sugerimos que se le entrega una nota
CNY Fair-Housing Study
Senator DeFrancisco
Phone: (315) 428-7632
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 333 East Washington Street 800 State
Office Building Syracuse, NY 13202
Senator Valesky
Phone: 315-478-8745
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 333 East Washington Street 805 State
Office Building Syracuse , NY 13202
John Warren, Executive Director
of CNY Services
Phone: 315-243-4897
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 518 James Street, Suite 240/280,
Syracuse, New York 13203
Commissioner Paul Driscoll, City of
Syracuse Department of Neighborhood and
Business Development
Phone: (315) 448-8100
Email: [email protected]
Mail: City Hall Commons, 6th Floor, 201 E.
Washington St. Syracuse, NY 13202
Si desea aprender más acerca de los efectos
negativos de la pobreza concentrada, por favor,
echa un vistazo a los siguientes recursos:
Architecture of Segregation
The U.S. Supreme Preserves Fair Housing
Act in Inclusive Communities Case
Meets every Saturday from
11–12:30pm at Gifford Street
Community Garden
Weekly community gatherings in the
garden. Winters we shovel snow,
sometimes we pick up trash, when
the weather cooperates and in the late
spring, summer, and early fall, we garden,
grow food, and harvest!
Mundy Library
Wednesday, March 16
6:30 p.m.
The Music@Mundy series introduces the
listener to different sounds from around
the world. Step into Irish music with the
Butler-Sheehan Academy of Irish Dancers.
Join us to enjoy the lively, traditional
performance of this talented troupe of
school-age dancers.
A Community Organizing Event
NWS Peacemaking Center
What: Come learn more about this
important issue, write letters to elected
officials (we’ll have templates), and get
lawn signs stating your opposition to
further concentrative poverty in the Near
When: Monday, March 21st from 5:30 to
Where: Salt Quarters Gallery, located
at 301 Wyoming Street (the corner of
Wyoming and Otisco streets).
Wednesday, March 23, 2–4:00 p.m.
Do you know your rights as a tenant? Who
you can turn to when you have issues
with your landlord? If yes, then come join
us at the Tenants’ Rights Workshop. The
workshop will be led by attorneys from the
Legal Services of Central New York. Bring
your questions and concerns! Spanish
translation services will be available, and
refreshments will be served. Please RSVP
to Vivian at [email protected]
or 315-266-4350 by March 21st, 2016.
/Near Westside Initiative
/Near _ Westside

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