October 2015 ECEAP


October 2015 ECEAP
Snohomish ECEAP
Preschool News
221 Union Avenue Snohomish, WA 98290
(360) 563-4641
Picture Day
Tomo de Fotos Escolares
Volume 27, Number 1
Curriculum Night / Noche de Currículo
All families are welcome to our first monthly ECEAP Parent
Committee meeting in the Central Library
Thursday, October 15
6:00-7:30 pm
Curriculum Night
Noche de Currículo
6 - 7:30 pm
If you need childcare, please call the ECEAP
office at 360-563-4641 at least 3 days before the meeting
so we can have enough helpers.
No ECEAP Classes /
No habrá clases
En la Biblioteca de la Escuela
Family Night
Noche de Familia
6 -7:30 pm
Jueves, 15 de Octubre
6:00-7:30 pm
Llame a la oficina para reservar cuidada de niños al 360-563-4641
Family Night / La Noche de Familia
Family Night- Puppets Please!
In-the-Round Marionette Variety Show!
Thursday, October 29
6:00-7:30 pm
Central Gym
La Noche de Familia - ¡Marionetas!
Reminder / Recuerdos
Please remember to call your child’s
classroom when your child will not be at
school. Thank you.
Por favor recuerde de llamar a los
lugares, a la maestro cuando su hijo(a)
no va venire a la escuela.
Kathy AM
Linda AM
Britta PM
ECEAP Office
Jueves, 29 de Octubre
6:00-7:30 pm
En el gimnacio de la Primaria Central
Help your child become familiar with words and books.
Ÿ Encourage creative writing: write down stories that he tells and songs that he makes up
Ÿ Show him words and symbols and the sounds they make
Ÿ Read to him a few minutes each day. Twenty minutes is ideal. Make reading a pleasant and
relaxed experience. Let him choose a favorite story and explain pictures and answer
questions about them.
Ÿ Provide her with paper, pencils and crayons at home to encourage writing.
Ÿ Take your child to the library and check out books.
Help your child by taking them on trips to explore the wonders of
nature; including trips to the zoo, aquarium, and parks. Encourage
them to grow plants and vegetables
beginning with seeds and seedlings on a bedroom windowsill or in a
Your child needs to learn how to talk with others and to
listen. You can:
Ÿ Talk with him about things he is interested in.
Ÿ Teach her how to know when it is her turn to speak and
when she needs to listen.
Ÿ Teach her words to describe her feelings and needs,
and when to use them.
Help your child by discussing
colors, texture, and shapes of
the things you see when you take
a walk. Make greeting cards,
decorations, puppets. Re-use all
kinds of household throw-aways
for arts projects: yarn, odd
pieces of wrapping paper, old egg
cartons. Proudly display your
child’s creations on the wall,
refrigerator or bulletin board.
We are committed to:
Supporting positive learning
environments that are developmentally appropriate.
Offering a continuum of service options for families within
their local communities.
Developing caring relationship
with families and caregivers
respecting individual family life
styles and choices.
Providing developmental information for all children through
screening and/or assessment.
Upgrading each staff member’s
skills and the program’s quality
through staff development and
Estamos comprometidos a:
Mantener un ambiente positive
de aprendizaje apropiado para
un buen desarrollo.
Ofrecer un sinnúmero de
servicios para la familia dentro
de la comunidad local.
Desarrollar relaciones
profundas entre familiares y
personal de ECEAP, respetando
estilos de vida y decisiones
Proveer información sobre el
desarrollo de cada niño a
través de chequeos y/o
exámenes físicos.
Proveer de cursos de
capacitación a nuestro personal
y mejorar la calidad del
programa a través del
desarrollo del personal.
Encourage your child to try different foods and
to eat a well-balanced diet. Help him learn his
street address and phone number. Make sure
that she is wearing her seat belt when she’s
riding in the car. Model good health habits for
your child. Encourage the habit of vigorous daily
activity and join your child in active games. Active play builds strong muscles, which are basic
to good health and posture.
Provide things to sort by shape, size or
color. Help your child learn to count and
understand that numbers have meaning.
Count things at home and in the community. Bingo, dominoes, toy telephones,
card and board games, clocks with large
numbers, and many other things at home
can help your child learn about the
world of numbers. Encourage your child
to help when you cook or bake. They can
measure ingredients. Use and discuss
the calendar with your child.
ECEAP Philosophy
The Snohomish School District
ECEAP Preschool, serving limited
income children, believes in growth
and development that is optimum
to provide a chance for a successful future. We are pledged to work
as partners with families to meet
each child’s developmental needs
and to empower them to advocate
effectively for themselves and
their children through active participation in federal, state, community, and school organization.
La Escuela Preescolar ECEAP del
Distrito Escolar de Snohomish, la
cual da servicio a niños de bajos
recursos económicos; cree en un
crecimiento y desarrollo óptimo
para proveer al niño(a)
oportunidades para un futuro
exitoso. Tiene como promiso el
trabajar con las familia, como un
equipo, para satisfacer cada
necesidad de desarrollo del niño(a).
También brindarle a las familias la
capacidad de salir adelante
efectivamente por si mismas a
través de una participación activa
en las organizaciones Federales,
Estatales, Comunitarias, y
15 Minute Reading Activities
Make 15 minutes go a long way. Try these quick reading activities with your younger kids.
 Better than TV. Swap evening TV for a good action story or tale of adventure.
 Look and listen. Too tired to read aloud? Listen to a book on tape and turn the book’s
pages with your children. You’ll still be reading with them!
 Labels, labels, labels. Label things in your children’s room as they learn to name them.
Have fun while they learn that written words are connected to everyday things.
 Pack a snack, pack a book. Going someplace where there might be a long wait? Bring
along a snack and a bag of favorite books.
 Recipe for reading. The next time you cook with your children, read the recipe with
them. Instructions, ingredients, and measurements are all part of words in print!
 Shop and read. Notice and read signs and labels in the supermarket. Back home, putting
away groceries is another great time for reading labels.
 A reading pocket. Slip fun things to read into your pocket to bring home: a comic strip
from the paper, a greeting card, or even a fortune cookie from lunch. Create a special, shared moment your child can look forward to every day.
 A little longer? When your child asks to stay up a little longer, say yes and make it a 15
minute family reading opportunity.
El leer a los preescolares en voz alta los ayuda a:
A apredner sobre las palabras y el lenguaje; y a expander sus destrezas de
Escuchar los sonidos en las palabras y a dares cuenta de que algunos son los
Ganar conocimiento sobre una variedad de temas.
Hablar sobre los personajes, el scenario, la trama y relacionarla a sus pro-
mismos y algunos son diferentes.
pias vidas.
Trate de poner en práctica los siguientes secretos de la lectura:
 Presente el libro: hablen sobre de lo que se podría tartar el libro; sugiera
que pongan atención en algunas cosas que podrían ver o escuchar.
 A medida que lea siga la lectura con su dedo, marcando las palabras que lee.
 Conteste las preguntas de los niños relacionadas al libro.
 Hable sobre la historia o cuento durante, y después de haber leído en voz
 Use libros de información y de referencia para contestar las preguntas de
los niños.
 Pídale a los niños que pongan mucha atención a las fotos o dibujos para ayudarles a comprender la historia y a hacer predicciones sobre lo que
pasará después.
 Repita las palabras y rimas interesantes durante la lectura y en cualquier
otro momento después.
 Déle seguimiento a la historia. Invite al niño a hablar, dibujar o pintar; pretender ser uno de los personajes, etc.
Great Snack Idea!
Sneaky Vegetables / Verduras engañosas
Place 1/3 c. unpopped popcorn in a
brown paper lunch sack. Microwave
approximately 1-1/2 minutes. Sprinkle with favorite topping and enjoy!
Pasta/Pizza sauce: add chopped
carrots, broccoli, mushrooms
Gran idea del bocado!
Coloque 1/3 taza de palomitas sin
reventar en una bolsa de papel de
lonche. Microónda aproximadamente 1-1/2 minutos. Asperje con el desmoche preferido y goce.
Lasagna/Casseroles: add spinach, zucchini, chopped fresh tomatoes,
fresh parsley, basil
Chili: add tomatoes, carrots, celery, peas, corn
Canned soup: add pureed sweet
potato and carrots
Eggs: add mushrooms, tomato, broccoli with cheese for a tasty omelet
Mashed potatoes: mix in sweet potato
Salsa: add chopped green beans, peppers, corn, tomato
Salsa para pasta/pizza: agregue
zanahorias, brócoli, hongos picados
Lasagna/Guisados: agregue espinaca, calabacín,
tomates frescos picados, perejil fresco, albahaca
Eat with your child.
When you eat with your child you
are doing more than sharing food.
You are telling your child that you
love him and want to spend time
with him.
Chile: agregue tomates, zanahorias,
apio, chícharos, maíz
Sopa Enlatada: agregue puré de batata
y zanahorias
Huevos: agregue hongos, tomate, brócoli con queso para preparar una
sabrosa torta de huevos
Puré de Papa: agregue batata
Coma con su niño.
Salsa: agregue ejotes picados, pimientos, maíz, tomate
Cuando comen juntos, comparten
más que la comida.
Le está diciendo a su niño que lo
ama y que quiere estar con él.
Pizza de pan árabe
Pita Bread Pizzas / Pizza de pan árabe
1 pan árabe integral
2 a 3 cucharadas de salsa para pizza
½ taza de verduras frescas picadas, tal como, champiñones, pimientos, brócoli, zanahorias, cebollas, coliflor y col
1/3 taza de queso mozzarella rallado
1 whole wheat pita bread
2-3 tablespoons pizza sauce
Fresh vegetables as desired (to total up to ½ cup vegetables)
Possible vegetables are: mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, carrots,
onions, cauliflower, and cabbage.
1/3 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese
Precalentar el horno a 400° F.
Colocar el pan árabe en una bandeja para hornear.
Untar la salsa para pizza sobre el pan árabe, dejando
aproximadamente ¼ de pulgada cerca de la orilla sin
Arreglar las verduras encima de la salsa.
Espolvorear el queso de manera uniforme sobre las
Cocinar 8 a 10 minutos o hasta que el queso quede
derretido y dorado.
Preheat oven to 400° F.
Lay pita bread on baking sheet.
Spread pizza sauce over pita bread,
leaving ¼ inch around the edge uncovered.
Arrange assorted vegetables over sauce.
Sprinkle cheese evenly over vegetables.
Resources / Recursos
Snohomish Library (Bibloioteca)
311 Maple Ave.
Mon—Thurs: 9 am—8 pm;
Fri-Sat: 10 am—6 pm; Sun: 1-5 pm
Berry Picking, Corn Mazes,
Pumpkin Patch
(Laberinto de maíz)
Bob’s Corn Maze: 360-668-2506;
The Farm: 425-334-4124;
Stocker Farm: 360-568-7391;
Craven Farm: 360-568-2601
Imagine Children’s Museum
1502 Wall St., Everett
Free family passes to the Museum
available in the ECEAP office.
Just stop by and ask for one!
Free Friday Night Live! 5:30-9:00
Third Friday of every month!
Snohomish Food Bank
(Cocina de Comunidad de
Tuesdays: 3-6:45 pm
Fridays: 10-2:45pm
If first time visitor, bring a piece
of mail with your Snohomish address on it.
Food Worker Card Class
(La Tarjeta del Trabajador del
425-339-5250 (Cost: $10)
Medical & Dental Forms
Remember to get your child scheduled for his or her well-child and dental exam
for good health. Well child exams give your child the chance to be checked out by
his or her doctor. The doctor will look for any physical problems your child might
have, screen your child for any delays in his overall development and make sure
your child is up to date on her immunizations. It is also a good opportunity to talk
to your doctor about any concerns you may have about your child’s health.
A dental exam for your child is also important. Baby teeth are just as important as
permanent teeth. Tooth decay can be prevented by use of fluoride, healthy meals
and snacks, regular brushing from the time the teeth emerge and regular exams
by the dentist. If tooth decay develops and goes untreated, it can cause your
child to have problems with eating and/or pain in his mouth. In some cases abscesses develop or the decay becomes so extensive that removal of a tooth is
necessary. Early dental care is a very important part of your child’s health.
Well Child and Dental exams need to be completed
by the end of October!
Remember to take the ECEAP medical and dental forms to your child’s
appointment. Forms are available in ECEAP office.
¡Exámenes médicos y dentales deben ser completados
a finales de octubre!
Recuerde de llevar las planillas de ECEAP a las citas con el medico y
con el dentista. Formularios están disponibles en la oficina de ECEAP.
Exámenes Médicos y Dentales
Recuerde de buscarle a su hijo citas para su examen médico y dental con el fin
de que tenga mejor salud. Los exámenes médicos le dan la oportunidad a su
hijo de sea chequeado por su doctor. El doctor buscara por cualquier problema
físico que su hijo pueda tener, le hará exámenes para ver su desarrollo y se asegurara de que tenga completas sus vacunas. También es una oportunidad para
que usted hable con el doctor sobre cualquier preocupación que usted tenga
sobre la salud de su hijo. El examen dental también es muy importante. Los
dientes de leche son tan importantes como los permanentes. Las caries se pueden prevenir usando flúor, con comidas y meriendas saludables, cepillando los
dientes regularmente desde que estos salen y haciéndose exámenes dentales
regularmente. Si se desarrollan las caries y no se curan, esto le puede causar a
su hijo problemas al comer o producirle Dolores en su boca. En algunos casos
se desarrollan accesos o las caries se extienden demasiado y es necesario hasta sacar los dientes. El cuidado dental temprano es una parte muy importante de
la salud de su hijo.

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