Saturday, February 6 - Resurrection Catholic Church


Saturday, February 6 - Resurrection Catholic Church
Resurrection Catholic Church
Serving Others We Are Serving God
1211 Winter Garden Vineland Road, Winter Garden, Fl 34787
Office 407-656-3113— Fax 407-654-4935
E-Mail: [email protected] 
Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 5:00pm
7:00pm Spanish
9:30am and 4:30pm Spanish
7:30pm Portuguese
Vigil of Holy Day: 7:30pm or
Weekday Mass: 8:00am
Wednesday: 7:30pm Spanish
Half hour before
all weekend Masses
Staffed by the Missionaries of
St. Charles /Scalabrinians
Fr. Carlos Anklan, c.s.
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Vincenzo Ronchi, c.s.
Ministry Coordinator:
Kathy Molhem
Faith Formation Director & RCIA:
Sr. Pat Sipan, SND
Religious Education Coordinators:
English - Mary Ann McFerrin
Nancy Parker
Spanish - Silvia Aguilar
Religious Education Facilitator:
Terry Virgona
Assisting Priest:
Fr. Robert Kurber
Youth, Liturgy & Music:
Jon Sarta
Pre-K Director:
Denise Williams
Fernando Fred Molina:
[email protected]
Business Manager:
Bob Pautienus
Come Together, One Church, One Family
February 6, 2016
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Page 2
Mass Intentions of the week
Saturday, January 30
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Jeanine Werner (Birthday)
Divino Niño Jesus
Josmalyn Maria Batista
Emanuel Batista
Sunday, January 31
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 AM
Nardulli Family
9:30 AM (Spanish)
Souls in Purgatory
+Jose Federico Betancour
+Julia Barreto
11:30 AM
+Silvia Alves
4:30 PM (Spanish)
+Antonio Gonzalez
+Jaime Martinez
+Armando Suarez
7:30 PM
For all the Parishioners
Monday, February 1
8:00 AM
Souls in Purgatory
Tuesday, February 2
The Presentation of the Lord
8:00 AM
+Elidia Segarra
Wed., February 3
St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr, St.
Ansgar, Bishop
(Blessing of throats—Bendicion de la garganta)
8:00 AM
+Nilda Barreto
7:30 PM (Spanish)
+Yolanda Mercado
+Rocio Villagran
Souls in Purgatory
Thurs., February 4
8:00 AM
Eva Medina (Birthday)
Friday, February 5
St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr
8:00 AM
+Mr. & Mrs. John Wypa
Saturday, February 6
(St. Paul Mikki & Companions, Martyrs)
5:00 PM—Mass for all
(Multicultural parish
AT 7:00 PM
“Well done my good and faithful servant”
7:30am—Mass English
9:15am-English (Preschool service)
12:00pm-Mass English
3:25pm-English (Religion Education service)
6:00pm-Mass English
7:30pm-Mass Spanish (church)
7:30pm-Mass Portuguese (Gleason Hall)
(No ashes outside of these services)
Fasting is to be observed by all 18 years of age and older, who have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday. On
a fast day one full meal is allowed. Two other meals,
sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according
to each one's needs, but together they should not equal
another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and juices, are allowed.
Abstinence is observed by all 14 years of age and older.
On days of abstinence no meat is allowed. Note that
when health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. When in doubt concerning fast and abstinence, the parish priest should be
Ash Wednesday, February 10, 2016 and Good Friday,
March 25, 2016 are days of fast and abstinence. All the
Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence.
Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three traditional disciplines of Lent. The faithful and catechumens
should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of
penance and of preparation for baptism or of renewal
of baptism at Easter.
(February 12th-Roger Greiner-Special presentation of the
Stations of the Cross)
English—Every Friday 7:00pm
Spanish—Every Wednesday 8:00pm
Portuguese—Every Sunday 7:00pm
Every Friday during Lent (NO Good Friday)
With Father Giles Schinelli, TOR
March 5th
Families contributing by
using envelopes………………..359
Offertory 01/24/16…...……….…$12,481.21
Online Giving……………….$1,155.50
Tuesday, February 23 at 7:00pm
- Operation Rice Bowl
-40 days for Life
4th Sunday in the Ordinary Time
Page 3
Robert A. Johnson, an American psychotherapist and a celebrated author, writes in his
book “The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden”: "Sanskrit has 96 words for love; ancient
Persian has 80, Greek three, and English only one. This is indicative of the poverty of
awareness or emphasis that we give to that tremendously important realm of feeling. Eskimos have 30 words for snow, because it is a life-and-death matter to them to have exact
information about the element they live with so intimately. If we had a vocabulary of 30
words for love ... we would immediately be richer and more intelligent in this human element so close to our heart.
An Eskimo probably would die of clumsiness if he had only one word for snow; we are close to dying of loneliness because we have only one word for love. Of all the Western languages, English may be the most lacking when it comes
to feeling."
We truly know so little about love and are so easily deceived about its true meaning!
Today’s Liturgy of the Word invites us to meditate on love. The second reading is the magnificent Hymn to Love from
the First Letter to the Corinthians. Paul declares in no uncertain terms that anything we do, any mighty deed we
might accomplish, even faith to move mountains, without love is empty and meaningless. “Love makes the world go
round” or at least “it’s what makes the ride worthwhile.” (Franklyn P. Jones).
As Jesus began his public ministry and started gathering a group of followers, he also immediately was met with opposition, rejection, even persecution. His own townsfolk in Nazareth attempted to kill him by hurling him down a
cliff. Why so much resistance, why all this opposition? Because they demanded preferential treatment, they expected favors, they sought after privileges. But Jesus preached and embodied love, true love: divine, unconditional,
sacrificial love.
We glamorize romantic love, or erotic love, but fail to understand that love is self-sacrifice, “to love is to will the
good of the other as other” (St. Thomas Aquinas.)
A world that does not understand love could not but reject the One who came exactly to reveal Love!
Fr Vincenzo Ronchi, c.s.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Page 4
at 7:00am followed by Mass at 8:00am
Our next meeting is THIS Monday (2/1/16) at 7:00pm in the
Parish Center. A light meal to be served at 6:30pm before the
February 14th, 2016. Time 9:00am to 10:30am.
Thank you for your support!!
We light a wax candle to indicate the presence of
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This week (Jan.
31-Feb. 6) will be for deceased Joeseph & Clarice
The ashes we use on Ash Wednesday come from
the blessed palms of last year’s Palm Sunday. If
you have blessed palms in your home could you, please bring
them to church and place them In the basket in the back of
church before Ash Wednesday (which is just three weeks
away) These will be burned for our ashes on Ash Wednesday.
2016 marks the 41st year of CRS Rice Bowl – the largest
and oldest Lenten program practiced by Catholics in
the United States. Catholics have used their Lenten
sacrifice to alleviate hunger caused by poverty and improve the lives of individual and families in developing
countries as well as in their own communities. The CRS
Rice Bowl boxes will be available this weekend of January 30 & 31 after each Mass in preparation for Lent!
Our young people and adults have been
preparing for Confirmation. Through a
minimum of two years of instruction in
the faith, through church and community service, through special preparation sessions to understand the ritual,
symbols and implications of the sacrament, we are ready to present to Resurrection Parish our candidates for Confirmation. This presentation will be at the 5:00, 8:00,
9:30, 11:30 and 4:30 Masses. Our Candidates are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 2, 2016. Let us pray for
them asking the Holy Spirit to transform them into witnesses of the
faith who share the Gifts of the Spirit with all peoples.
Emilio AcostaEmilio
Erika Acosta
Alex Aguila
Sofia Aguilar
Yanelli Alvarez
Veronica Amadeo
Christian Ardizone
Yaricsa Arroyo
Maya Barragan
Gisselle Becerra
Jorge Bernales
Jose Chavez
Juan Cubillos
Nayeli DeJesus
James Dela Pena
Kevin Delgado
Natalie Diaz
Scott Donnarumma
Jessica Flores
Alejandro Flores
Citlaly Garcia
Nayeli Garcia
Brian Garcia
Robert Garofalo
Xavier Garza
Mitzy Godinez
Diana Gonzalez
Rosario Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez
Jasmine Gonzalez
Yarisma Gutierrez
Kimberly Hamilton
Cristian Hernandez
Daisy Hernandez
Janel Hernandez
Roberto Hernandez
Geraldine Hernandez
Jose Hernandez
Teresa Hernandez
Nayeli Herrera
Bella Ibarra
Daniel Infantini
Madison Jacob
Jesus Jimenez
Yatzary Jimenez
Andres JimenezHernandez
Korey Karbowsky
Nadia Khan
Megan Kleinsmith
Nolan Kraemer
Madison Lemons
Brock Lenci
Blake Leo
Esmeralda Laborico
Raul Lopez
Monica Lopez
Angela Lopez
Lesly Lopez
Jose Madrigal
Gabrila Magana
Ulises Magana
Anay Maldonado
Paola Martinez
John Martinez-Garcia
Sydney Mays
Billy McFerrin
Evan Mentges
Madison Merrill
Lindsay Merrill
Jewel Miller
Jonathan Molina-Sosa
Steven Moore
Liza Morales
Paddy Moran
Mason Myers
Grant Nguyen
Andres Ortiz
Julia Pacheco
Alexis PalenciaSolano
Joel Prosper
Asha Prosper
Dania Ramirez
Heriberto Rangel
John Rangel
Victor Rangel
Lizeth Rangel
Grace Ray
Geromy Rivera
Yaretsi RobleroHernandez
Diana Rodriguez
Andreina Rosas
Katie Roth
Thomas Roth
Daisy Rubio
Aaron Rubio
Courtney Russo
Addison Russo
Isamar Sanchez
Ramiro Sanchez
Benjamin Santiago
Erica Sarta
Arturo Saucedo
Tyson Schwalbach
Bridget Shaffer
Vicente Silguero
Taylor Smith
John Stalvey
Kaitlyn Stewart
Emily Stover
Sara Suarez
Kailey Tavarez
Xavier Tejada
Sebastian Testa
Jose Tineo
Maria Tirado
Gonzalo Torres
Yosselin Torres
Emily Vanover
Esmeralda Velazquez
Crystal Velazquez
Arianna White
Kyle White
Hope Whitener
Jaqueline Zubieta
Anellely Zubieta
Every first Sunday of the month
we ask for a donation of food for the poor. Next
Sunday, Feb 2 is a great day to share and stock the
shelves of our Christian Service Center. When you
BOGO: Buy one, get one perhaps buy one and share
4th Sunday in the Ordinary Time
Jesus atraiu multidões, convidou seguidores, converteu pecadores.
Porém, em sua própria terra fez poucos milagres. Não foi aceito pelos seus
conterrâneos. Jesus era conhecido, pois se criou em meio àquele povo.
Apesar disso, não deixou de anunciar um novo jeito de ser e de viver. Ele foi
sempre incansável na fidelidade ao Pai, mesmo quando encontrou resistência
e crítica.
Quem carrega Jesus no coração é chamado a ser sinal de esperança. Em
nossas vidas diárias, somos desafiados a continuar a obra da evangelização,
sem jamais desistir ou desanimar. Viver a fé em Cristo exige estar disposto a
prosseguir no anúncio da Boa Nova, mesmo que não sejamos aceitos por
aqueles que estão mais próximos de nós, sabendo lidar com a críticas de
amigos, colegas de trabalho e até mesmo de parentes e familiares, pedindo a
Deus que nos dê sabedoria e mantenha em nós a fidelidade na fé.
Obrigado por ser
O dízimo de 24 de
janeiro foi $370.
Page 5
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Page 6
Robert A. Johnson, un psicoterapeuta estadounidense y un célebre autor, escribe en su
libro "The Fisher King and The Handless Maiden": "en Sánscrito tienen 96 palabras para el
amor; Antigua Persa tienen 80, griegos tres y en inglés solo una. Esto es indicativo de la
pobreza de conciencia o el énfasis que le damos a esa tremenda realeza de sentimientos.
Los esquimales tienen 30 palabras para la nieve, ya que es una materia de vida o muerte
para ellos disponer de información exacta sobre el elemento en que viven diariamente. Si
tuviéramos un vocabulario de 30 palabras de amor ... seríamos inmediatamente más ricos y
más inteligentes sobre este elemento humano tan cerca de nuestro corazón. Un esquimal
probablemente moriría de torpeza si tuviera sólo una palabra para la nieve. Estamos tan
cerca de la muerte de la soledad, porque sólo tenemos una palabra para el amor. De todos los idiomas occidentales,
el inglés puede ser el más falto cuando se trata de sentimiento "
¡Nosotros realmente sabemos muy poco sobre el amor y estamos tan fácilmente engañados acerca de su verdadero
significado! La Liturgia de la Palabra de hoy nos invita a meditar sobre el amor. La segunda lectura es el himno magnífico al amor de la primera carta a los Corintios. Pablo declara en términos inequívocos que cualquier cosa que hagamos, milagros que podríamos lograr, incluso la fe para mover montañas, pero sin amor seria todo vacío y sin sentido.
"El amor hace girar al mundo" o al menos "que es lo que hace que el viaje valga la pena." (Franklyn P. Jones).
Cuando Jesús comenzó su ministerio público y comenzó a reunir a un grupo de seguidores, también de inmediato se
encontró con la oposición, rechazo, incluso la persecución. Su propia gente de la ciudad de Nazaret intentó matarlo
tratando de lanzarlo por un acantilado. ¿Por qué tanta resistencia?, ¿por qué toda esta oposición? Debido a que exigían
un trato preferencial, que esperaban favores, buscando después privilegios. Pero Jesús predicó y mostro el amor, el
verdadero amor: divino, incondicional, amor sacrificial.
Tenemos gran atractivo por el amor romántico o el amor erótico, pero fallamos en entender que el a`mor es autosacrificio, "Amar es querer el bien del otro como otro" (Santo Tomás de Aquino).
¡Un mundo que no entiende el amor no podía sino rechazar a Aquel que vino precisamente para revelar el amor!
Padre Vicenzo Ronchi, c.s.
Fiesta de la Presentacion de Jesus al templo
-Candelaria2 de febrero del 2016—7:30pm
5237 Deneef St.
Apopka, fl 32703
Les esperamos!!
4th Sunday in the Ordinary Time
Somos un grupo de jóvenes, de 18 años en adelante, no casados, y nos reunimos todos los miércoles, después de la
Misa, para:
· formar buenas amistades,
· compartir nuestra fe,
· buscar juntos las respuestas importantes de la vida,
· formar líderes,
· estudiar los asuntos apremiantes y polémicos de nuestra
· formar una red de apoyo y de servicio a los demás
· y mucho más...
Te invitamos a visitarnos, a hacer parte de esta aventura de
fe y de iglesia. Todos los miércoles, en las salas 10 y 11 del
centro parroquial, alrededor de las 8:00 pm. Para más información comuníquense con Joanna Escobedo al (321) 2259180 o hablen con el Padre Vincenzo.
Estas se llevan a cabo el último sábado de cada mes de 9:00
AM a 1:00 PM, en los salones 10 y 11. Todos están cordialmente invitados. “Lo que buscáis leyendo lo encontrareis
meditando” San Juan De la Cruz. Para más information llamar a Juan Carlos Hernández al 407-592-3625.”
Page 7
Primer Encuentro Parroquial de Parejas
“Misericordiosos como el Padre.”
20 de febrero del 2016
Habra charlas y dinamicas de
como se puede vivir la Misericordia como parejas.
Lugar: Resurrection Catholic Church,
Winter Garden, Fl
Cuido de niños 4-8
$5 cada uno
Exposición al Santísimo Sacramento
Todos están cordialmente
El grupo de oración carismático se reúne todos los lunes a
las 7:30pm en la Iglesia. Todos están cordialmente invitados. Para más información favor llamar la Sr. Helton Blanco
al 407-936-8655.
Invitamos a aquellas personas interesadas en
aprender sobre la humildad y servicio de Nuestra Madre la Virgen María a que asistan a las
reuniones que se llevan a cabo los miércoles de
5:30pm a 7:00pm en el salón numero 2. Para
más información favor de comunicarse con la
Sra. Adriangela Esposito al 407-288-0620.
El movimiento Juan XXIII se reúne todos los martes a las
7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial. Para más información pueden llamar a Ramiro Valdez al teléfono 772-418-2965.
Los devotos de la Devoción a la Divina Misericordia se reúnen en la iglesia todos los lunes a la 6:30pm para rezar el
rosario de la Divina Misericordia. Para más información favor
de comunicarse con Hilda Pérez al 407-296-4304.
La Unidad Medica Movible proveerá exámenes físicos, tratamientos de síntomas, y evaluaciones para adultos (18 años
hacia arriba).
Para hacer citas favor de llamar a la Unidad Medica Movible al teléfono 407-245-7341. Deje su nombre y numero
de teléfono donde usted pueda ser contactado y una persona de habla hispana le regresara su llamada.
El año 2016 marca los 41 años del Plato de Arroz de
CRS – el programa de Cuaresma más grande y más antiguo practicado por los Católicos en los Estados
Unidos. Católicos han utilizado sus sacrificios de Cuaresma para aliviar el hambre causada por la pobreza y
mejorar la vida de personas y familias en países en
desarrollo, así como en sus propias comunidades. La
cajita del Plato de Arroz se va a repartir este fin de
semana de Enero 30 y 31 después de cada Misa en
preparación para la Cuaresma!

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