

oseph Parish
Mission Church of St. Vincent de Paul
9961 Elk Grove Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 ● (916) 685-3681 ● FAX (916) 685-7254
Mission Church: 14673 Cantova Way, Rancho Murieta, CA 95683 ● (916) 354-2403 ● FAX (916)354-2404
We, the parish community of Saint Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove) and Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul
(Rancho Murieta), enriched by many traditions and cultures, come together to worship God in Sacrament, liturgy, and prayer.
We are committed to acting as One Body in Christ, and to living our One Faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. We
continually seek to reach out in loving service to others, both within our parish as well as in the greater community, in order to
spread the Good News of our faith.” (Parish Mission Statement)
Schedule of Services
Office Hours
Saint Joseph Parish
Saint Joseph Parish
Weekend Masses
4:30 PM
7:30 9:00 11:00 AM
& 1:00 PM (Español),
& 5:00 PM (Filipino Mass Every First Sunday,
English Mass - All Other Sundays)
Weekday schedules (Monday to Friday)
Liturgy of the Hours
7:30 AM
Daily Mass
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
First Friday Mass
7:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
8:30 - 10:00 AM
Every First Friday
7:30 - 10:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Or By appointment
Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul
Weekend Masses
Weekday schedules
Daily Mass (Wednesday)
Service of the Word
Eucharistic Adoration
Every First Friday
Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
4:00 - 4:30 PM
Or By appointment
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Trina Koontz (Principal) (916) 684-7903, ext. 12
e-mail: [email protected]
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Tuesday to Friday
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Visit us on our website:
See us on Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove, CA)
Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Parish Staff
Fr. Brian Atienza (Pastor), ext. 122
e-mail: [email protected]
Fr. Carlo Tejano (Parochial Vicar), ext. 125
e-mail: [email protected]
Deacon Larry Hiner, 916-685-3681
e-mail: [email protected]
Deacon Ned Quigley
e-mail: [email protected]
Aurora Fragozo-Aguirre (Parish Administrator), ext. 120
e-mail: [email protected]
Vernel Ploché (Database Administrator), ext. 121
e-mail: [email protected]
Sr. Ma. Imelda Grace Dañas, RVM (DRE of Faith Formation),ext. 124
e-mail: [email protected]
Veronica Padilla Perez (Administrative Assistant), ext. 127
e-mail: [email protected]
Armida Gallegos-Lee (Administrative Assistant), ext. 128
e-mail: [email protected]
Jerome Baybayan (Youth Ministry Coordinator), ext. 123
e-mail: jbaybayan
Bill DuVal (SVdP -Administrative Assistant), (916) 354-2403 ext. 129
e-mail: [email protected]
Amy Roberts (Liturgical Music Coordinator)
e-mail: [email protected]
Paul Seishas (Marriage/Family/Therapist) (916) 616-1800
e-mail: [email protected]
Saint Joseph Parish
Pray For Our Military Family
: 02/23 08:00am—Dylan Bernal (SI)
: 02/24 08:00am - Richard Sexton †
: 02/25 08:00am - All Souls in Purgatory
RM 08:30am - Par ishioner s of SVDP
Thu: 02/26 08:00am - Rober to Ar es †
Margaret Amberlong †
Fri: 02/27 08:00am— All Souls
Sat: 02/28 04:30pm— Angie C. Moore †
RM 05:00pm –William Elringer †
03/01 07:30am –Robert B. Ares (SI)
09:00am—Rosalyn Vinalon †
RM 09:00am—Parishioners of SVDP
11:00am— For St. Joseph Youth
01:00pm—Margaret Amberlong †
05:00pm—Misa Pro Populo
Steven Alsop
Josh Alonzo
Don R. Baker II
Robert Bohon
Solomon Bolt
Carl Ian Bravo
Jaclyn Buno
Mark Dollar
Benjamin Erwin
Matthew Farrell
Joey Feathers
Serena Grandov
Dominic Peterson
Michael Riehl
Jousha Shaffer
Zachary Schiele
Jason Stiles
Shawn Tostado
Jason Lee Tudor
Brien Warfield
Jaime Wong-Lopez
Jordan Wood
Jason Woodford
Diosdado Pangilinan Shai-Lin Ynacay
Military Prayer List Additions
To add new names of active military to our
military list, please send an e-mail to
[email protected] or call Pat at 916-686-5977.
Today’s Readings
First Reading
Graham Hebert
Valery Keaveny Jr.
Freddie Koeller
Glenn Lewis
Kyle Linebaugh
James Lovello
Amber McGovern
Russell Miller
Mike Montini
Jared Ortner
Cherry Pangilinan
— I will set my bow in the clouds to
Parish Weekly Collection
serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the
earth (Genesis 9:8-15) .
Weekly Goal:
Psalm — Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to
Offertory this Week:
those who keep your covenant (Psalm 25).
Second Reading
— The water of the flood
prefigured baptism,
(1 Peter 3:18-22).
— Jesus was tempted by Satan, and the angels
ministered to him (Mark 1:12-15).
Readings For The Week
Mon: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
Mt 25:31-46
Tues: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15
Wed: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
Lk 11:29-32
Thur: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;
Mt 7:7-12
Fri: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Sat: Dt 2 6 : 1 6 - 1 9 ; Ps 1 1 9 : 1 - 2 , 4 - 5 , 7 - 8 ;
Mt 5:43-48
Sun: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10,
15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10
St. Joseph
$ 11,200.00
$ 2,600.00
St. Joseph
$ 11,382.50
FOR EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)
If you wish to contribute via EFT (electronic fund transfer)
please visit our parish website for more information.
“Thank you for your generosity and may God continue to bless
you with His providence.”
Help Wanted! Musician/Cantor
St. Joseph’s Parish in Elk Grove and St. Vincent
De Paul in Rancho Murieta is in need of a part-time
Musician/Cantor with the ability to play the piano
and sing, also bilingual is a plus. This Musician/
Cantor needs to have a thorough understanding of
Catholic liturgy and is a leader in music who is able
to enhance the music of the mass at St. Joseph’s in
Elk Grove and at St. Vincent De Paul in Rancho
Murieta. The Musician/Cantor will effectively lead
through music and song during various mass times.
They will provide music for various Sunday masses
and other major celebrations. Lastly, they will
encourage participation of the music during the
various liturgies of our parish.
If interested please contact Aurora FragozoAguirre at [email protected]
or call the parish office at 916-685-3681 ext. 120.
Saint Joseph Parish
Lent is the time of year that we devote to
scrutinizing our lives in the light of our baptism into
the death and resurrection of Jesus. Today’s
readings are a nice shorthand catechism of what our
baptized lives mean. As Noah passed through the
waters of the flood to a covenant with God, so did
we enter into a covenant, a promised relationship
with God through our baptism. The psalm reminds
us that if we truly keep the covenant, the way of life
God expects us to follow will not be a burden, but a
source of love and truth. Peter’s letter gives one
explanation of what our baptism means: it is an
appeal that we make to God for a clear conscience.
How do we obtain this clear conscience? The words
that Jesus proclaims immediately following his
temptation show us the way: “Repent and believe in
the gospel.” It might be a good spiritual exercise to
keep these readings before us throughout the entire
season of Lent, a means to help us return to a life
lived in our baptismal promises.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Cuaresma es la época del año que dedicamos a
escudriñar nuestras vidas a la luz de nuestro
Bautismo en la muerte y resurrección de Jesús. Las
lecturas de hoy son como un catecismo abreviado de
lo que nuestras vidas de bautizados significan. Tal
como Noé pasó por las aguas del diluvio a una
alianza con Dios, así también nosotros entramos en
una alianza, una relación con Dios prometida por
nuestro Bautismo. El salmo nos recuerda que si
realmente vivimos la alianza, el modo de vida que
Dios quiere que vivamos no va a ser una carga, sino
una fuente de amor y verdad. La carta de Pedro
ofrece una explicación de lo que significa nuestro
bautismo: es una plegaria a Dios pidiendo una buena
conciencia. ¿Cómo obtenemos esta buena
conciencia? Las palabras que Jesús proclama justo
después de su tentación nos señala el camino:
“Arrepiéntanse y crean en el Evangelio”. Podría ser
un buen ejercicio espiritual mantener estas lecturas a
nuestro alcance durante todo el tiempo de Cuaresma,
un medio para ayudarnos a volver a una vida vivida
según nuestras promesas bautismales.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Fasting may be a priority in your Lenten spring-
cleaning regimen. Almost every religious tradition
recognizes that fasting is a key to heightened
spiritual awareness. You know this from your own
experience. When you are engaged in a hobby,
painting a room, keeping vigil near a delivery room,
or standing watch at a sickbed, you may simply
forget to eat. What you are doing so fills you that the
intensity of the action is itself nourishing. In fasting
from food, or drink, or habitual behaviors, you make
room for what is truly important.
Even though Lenten Sundays stand apart from
the Lenten fast, you will notice traces of fasting in
our liturgy. We fast from singing the Gloria and
Alleluia, we fast from flowers bedecking the altar,
and there may be a noticeable drop in the number of
infant baptisms as parents elect to wait until Easter.
This hints that fasting is a prelude to feasting, and
the vigor of our Easter alleluias is rich fare after a
long silence. In the same way, even a small fast—no
cream in the coffee, no pepper in the soup, no radio
in the car—can not only point to deeper hungers, but
help us rejoice more fully in the feast when we break
our fast together.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Según un dicho ár abe, si quier es conocer bien
a una persona, debes convivir durante cuarenta días
con ella. Cuarenta no puede tomarse al pie de la
letra, ya que en las culturas semitas de siglos
pasados cuarenta significaba “un largo periodo de
tiempo”. Los judíos, cristianos y musulmanes
provenimos de esas culturas antiguas y es por eso
que para nosotros el número cuarenta es muy
importante. Algunos ejemplos bíblicos: El diluvió
duró cuarenta días. Moisés habló con Dios durante
cuarenta días en el Sinaí. El pueblo de Israel pasó
cuarenta años en el desierto purificándose de sus
pecados. Jesús ayunó cuarenta días en el desierto
antes de iniciar su ministerio público. El profeta
Mahoma tenía cuarenta años cuando Dios lo llamó;
asimismo, según el Islam, Dios creó a Adán en
cuarenta días, y la persona que desea sabiduría
necesita ayunar cuarenta días.
No se sabe de dónde viene esta conexión del
número cuarenta con la religión. Algunos
astrónomos piensan que es debido al planeta Venus.
Venus (estrella matutina) viaja por el cielo
regresando a su lugar de origen cada cuarenta años
menos cuarenta días.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. ch Co.
Saint Joseph Parish
St. Joseph Parish in Elk Grove has an immediate
full time opening for a Catholic in good standing to
provide the pastor and parish administration with
prompt and accurate parishioner information using
the ParishSOFT (a Microsoft Access-Based
Program), Family Directory and Religious
Education databases. He or she will also be
responsible for maintaining our website updated.
Records Management responsibilities include from
the maintenance/development of our current records
management system to adequate archiving.
Skills: Three years computer experience,
database management, website development and
records keeping maintenance. Knowledgeable in
data base entry with Microsoft Office: Word, Excel,
Access and Publisher. Familiar with Mail Merge and
Sort functions. Proficiency in Spanish is a big plus.
Full understanding of Google Apps and Google sites
is a desired advantage. Experience in IT or basic
computer networking is also a plus. Typing speed at
45 words a minute, 10-key adding machine
This position will be filled by one full-time
person. Interested applicants submit their resume
di o c e s a n
(PT-80 Application 7421Form) to Aurora FragozoAguirre at the par ish office or email
[email protected]
St. Patrick's Dinner at
St. Joseph's Church
This year we hope you all come and celebrate with
us at our St. Patrick's Day Dinner. It will be filled
with fun for the whole family. We will have the
expected Irish Fare with music, games and more.
Tickets will be on sale after masses thru March 8,
but get them early before they sell out. Adults
$15.00 & Children under 10 only $10.00. Bring the
whole family & friends...Irish or Not !!!!
Submit bulletin Articles by Friday 12 noon
(one week prior ) to:
e-mail: [email protected]
Altar Server Scholarships
The Agnes Hrepich Memorial Scholarship forms
are now available in the parish office. Altar servers
who currently serve and have served our parish for
four years or mor e ar e encour aged to apply. The
scholarship is designated for use in Catholic
education to assist for tuition or fees (the check will
be payable to the high school, college or technical
training school.)
Please check the application for other
requirements. Applications must be received in the
parish office or scanned and emailed to
Aurora Fragozo-Aguirre at [email protected] by March 13, 2015. Response to
applicants will be sent by March 27, 2015.
KOC Council 7241 Scholarships
St. Joseph's Knights of Columbus Council 7241, is
making available three (3) $800 scholarships for
academic year 2014-2015. Candidates must be high
school seniors having met the necessary
requirements for graduation, an active member of St.
Joseph's Parish or the Mission Church of
St. Vincent de Paul in Rancho Murieta, and
completed the necessary items on the application.
Scholarship Applications may be obtained from the
church vestibule, office, or your high school career
center. The deadline for receipt of the application is
4:30pm on 4/1/2015. Please see application for
further instructions. Any questions regarding the
scholarship may be directed to Nick Garcia via
email at [email protected].
Vocation Retreat
Have you ever thought about becoming a
Sister? Single Catholic women ages 18 - 40 are
invited to a Religious Vocation Discernment Retreat
with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
April 10-12, 2015 in Los Altos Hills, California
(Bay Area).
If you would like to know more about attending
this prayerful and reflective discernment retreat,
contact Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C. at 650-949-8890,
213-210-9903, or email us at [email protected].
Find us on Facebook at: Daughters of Charity
Vocations U.S., follow us at
Saint Joseph Parish
Annual Catholic Appeal
Llamado Católico Anual
Thank you to those who have already pledged to
the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal! The Annual
Catholic Appeal is our annual tradtition that
connects us to thousands of people who need our
help every day. If you have not yet made a donation,
Appeal envelopes are available in the pews, or
contact the parish office. Your gift truly makes a
difference in the lives of others. 25% comes back to
our parish to serve our local needs.
Muchas gracias a todos los que han prometido
contribuir al Llamado Católico Anual del 2015! El
Llamado Católico Anual es una tradición de la
diócesis que cada año nos une a miles de personas
que diariamente necesitan nuestra ayuda. Si todavía
usted no ha aportado su donativo, puede hacerlo en
los sobres que encontrará en las bancas de la iglesia,
o puede comunicarse a la oficina parroquial. Su
donativo verdaderamente significará un cambio
positivo en la vida de otras personas. El 25% de lo
recaudado revierte a su parroquia para atender las
necesidades locales de la misma.
St. Vincent de Paul Society News
The members of the Society of
St. Vincent de Paul are called
Vincentians. We are composed of
women and men committed to
imitate Jesus who, "For the Son of
Man did not come to be served but
to serve". (Mk 10:45). We serve
lunches at Loaves & Fishes on
every third Friday of the month
and on March 1st, we will be visiting two
convalescent homes in our area.
We are in need of volunteers; if you are interested
in joining us or would like more information, please
[email protected], for Loaves & Fishes and
[email protected] for the convalescent
home visits. If you find yourself or someone you
know in need of help with food, clothing, or shelter,
please contact our confidential hotline at
916-667-2779 and a volunteer will return your call
to schedule a home visit to discuss your needs.
God bless you.
KOC Annual
Prime Rib & Shrimp Dinner
The Knights of Columbus Assembly # 2336,
Presents their annual Prime Rib & Shrimp Dinner /
Raffle Saturday March 7, 2015 in the Social Hall of
St. Joseph Parish. Tickets are $25.00 each or $45.00
per couple.
For tickets please contact: Bill Montoya at
916-690-6023. Deadline for tickets is, Sunday
March 1, 2015.
Noticias de la Sociedad de S.V. de Paúl
Estamos buscando más voluntarios para nuestro
ministerio de ayuda para los pobres. Si está interesado en llegar a ser miembro o quisiera saber
más de lo que hacemos, por favor acompáñenos a
nuestras juntas, el primer Martes de cada mes, en el
Salón Renwald, a las 7pm o comuníquese con Gloria
al 916-682-8599.
Si usted o alguien que usted conoce necesita
ayuda de comida, ropa, muebles u otros gastos de la
casa, por favor llame a nuestra línea confidencial, al
916-667-2779 y deje mensaje, cuando le regresemos
la llamada, platicaremos sus necesidades en su casa.
Muchas gracias y que Dios los bendiga.
Grief Support Session
St. Joseph's Ministry of Consolation
will be offering weekly grief support
sessions on Wednesdays from 10:00 11:30am through February 25th. We
are present for those grieving the loss
of a loved one or any other
significant loss. This ministry takes
place in the context of faith and is caring,
supportive and compassionate.
We will be meeting in the St. Peter's room in the
Social Hall. For mor e infor mation, please
contact one of the following Marilyn Petruska
Tr a p p
Stations of the Cross
If you're ministry wants to lead one of the six nights
to be in charge of The Stations of the Cross, 6:15pm
Spanish and 7:00pm English. Please contact Jerome at
the parish office or e-mail him at [email protected]
Saint Joseph Parish
Youth Ministry News
High School Youth Group:
High School Youth Ministry meets on Sunday,
February 22nd fr om 6-8pm in the Youth Room.
EDGE Middle School: meets on Monday
February 23 fr om 6:30-8pm in the Social Hall.
Our next rehearsal will be on February 22 from
9-10:30am in the Youth Room. We will be singing
for the 11am mass on February 22nd. Children and
Youth of all ages are now invited to participate in the
Youth/Children’s Choir.
Starting February 22nd Raffle Tickets will be on sale
for $10. More details to follow! Please be on the look
1:8 Program
March Confirmation Dates
YR 1 Confirmation is on Sunday March 8 fr om
3-4:30pm in the Social Hall.
YR 2 Confirmation is on Sunday March 15 fr om
3-4:30pm in the Social Hall.
¡Noticias Del Ministerio Juvenil!
El Grupo de Jóvenes de High
El Ministerio Juvenil de High School se reunirá el
domingo 22 de Febrero de 6 a 8pm en el Salon del
Grupo de Jovenes.
EDGE el Ministerio de Secundaria no se reunirá
esté lunes 23 de Febrero de 6:30 a 8pm en el Salón
Jóvenes / Coro de Niños
Nuestro próximo ensayo será el 22 de febrero a
partir de las 9am hasta las 10:30am en la Salón de
Jóvenes. Ensayar emos par a cantar en la misa de
las 11:00am del 22 de febrero. Niños y jóvenes de
todas las edades están cordialmente invitados a
participar en el Coro Juvenil/Infantil.
Recaudación de Fondos de la Pastoral
A partir 22 de febrero, tendremos los boletos para
una gran rifa. Los boletos serán ofrecidos a $10 cada
uno. Tendremos más detalles muy pronto! Por favor,
esten pedientes!
Programa de 1:8 Fechas para
el mes de Marzo:
Para el 1er año de Confirmación, la clase ser á el
domingo 8 de marzo, de 3-4:30pm en el Salón
Para el 2 año de Confirmación, la clase ser á el
domingo 15 de marzo, de 3-4:30pm en el Salón
40 Days for Life
The 40 Days for Life starts on Ash Wednesday, February 18th at the Women's Health Specialists
abortion clinic at 1482 Ethan Way and Hallmark, Sacramento. SVDP Church prayer time will be every
Wednesday fr om 11am to 1:00pm. Car pooling will be leaving fr om SVDP Chur ch at 10:15am. If you
are interested, please contact Lynn King at [email protected] or 687-6442.
Ministry to the Sick
Are you looking to do something for someone who can’t make it to Mass. There are always times when
one of our brothers and sisters just can’t get to Mass due to either a short or long term illness or disability.
They miss terribly the chance
to participate
in the
liturgy and
to receive our Lord in the Eucharist. Please
to Life
& Auction
of celebration
this worthwhile
to setNovember
up a training
A Black
and White
of Lifeeffort.
will beI held
on like
8 at the
volunteers out here at St. Vincent de Paul but need to make it fruitful. Please contact me in the office
the US and now
a nationally
Leader and
Monday, inWednesday,
fr omrecognized
or Advocate.
email Come
me and
hear her story. Cost is $135 or $1300 for a tablet of 10. If you are interested in going, please contact Lynn
billduval@stjoseph-elkgrove .net .
King at [email protected] or 687-6442.
Vocations Cross
for taking
the Vocations Cross in Needed
September and
A thank you to
prayers for Ceres
for taking
it in October.
Thank Church
you! sponsors are volunteering at Loaves and Fishes for both
The Society
of SVdP
at St. Joseph’s
St. Joseph’s and the St. Vincent de Paul Mission Churches. St. Joseph’s Church volunteers participate only
on the 3rd Friday of the month and car pool fr om St. Joseph’s at 9:30am.
CONTACT information for the St. Joseph unit is Camile Narine at 531-3762 or by e-mail at
[email protected]. SVDP Mission Church volunteers participate every Friday except the 1st Friday
and carpool from the Local Bean Coffee Shop in Rancho Murieta at 9:30am.
CONTACT information for SVDP Mission Church unit is Lynn King at 687-6442 or by e-mail at
[email protected]. Volunteers need to be at Loaves and Fishes located at 1351 NORTH C St.,
Sacramento by 10:30am and finishes by 1:15pm. This would be a great LENTEN PRACTICE, SERVING
SVDP Youth Ministry
EDGE meets on February 24th from 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room.

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