You Too CAN Be A PIoNeer - Belnap Family Organization


You Too CAN Be A PIoNeer - Belnap Family Organization
News and Information for Young Single Adults and
Institute Students in the New York City Metropolitan Area
VOL 2 No. 2
Spring 2010
Institute Class Schedule, p. 2
Spring 2010 Events Calendar, p. 4
You Too Can Be a Pioneer
Call them pioneers, groundbreakers, trailblazers, or guinea pigs. Whatever you call them,
call them college students forging a pathway to
a better life.
One Group Moves On, Another Begins
This past fall, twenty-two New Yorkers
became part of the first group of Latter-day
Saints to begin getting their college degrees
through the BYU-Idaho Pathway Program. Each
Thursday evening they gathered in Manhattan
Pathway program
finishes and begins.
institute class and socialized afterwards
with other institute students.
Starting January 2010 a second group of
about twenty Pathway students will join them.
The first group moves on to new courses of
study while the second group follows in their
footsteps. The cost is only $65 per semester
hour! And they are getting a BYU education.
Elder and Sister Lunt, a new missionary
couple assigned to Pathway, are their mentors
and cheerleaders. Every pioneer is given
opportunity to make it to the promised land.
how can you become a pioneer?
Check out the Pathway Program website ( Complete the
application form or talk to Elder and Sister
Lunt (480.272.5636; [email protected]) or Jon
Stephenson, Manhattan Institute director
([email protected]) at 212-367-8942.
The next session begins soon. You too can be
a pioneer!
from all parts of the
tri-state area, including
New Jersey, Westchester,
Staten Island, Queens,
and Brooklyn. Some
are married, most are
young single adults.
During the week they
daily toiled over assignments and joined
online discussion
groups as they completed their academic
work. They studied the
first half of the Book of
Mormon together in an Pioneers, Group 1.
A Message from
Elder Gary L.
Area Seventy
advantage of this process. Remember this truth
each time you attend a baptism, go to the temple,
or partake of the sacrament. May you make
2010 the year you renew your efforts to become
perfected in Christ, I pray, in the name of Jesus
Christ, amen.
Have you ever noticed there are some things
in the Church that have to be done perfectly?
When you were baptized, if any aspect of this
ordinance was done incorrectly, for example, if
the wording was wrong or if you were not fully
immersed in water, there were two witnesses to
signal if it needed to be done over. It is repeated
until it is done completely correctly.
The same principle applies to the ordinances
in the temple. If you have been to the temple to do
baptisms for the dead or receive your own endowment, you will know that the ceremony has to be
done correctly or it has to be redone. Likewise,
the sealing ceremony uses the same wording each
time a couple is sealed. If there is an error the
words will be repeated until it is correct. We experience this same thing every Sunday when the sacrament is blessed.
And so it is with us. The Savior’s challenge
in the Sermon on the Mount is to “be ye therefore perfect” (Matthew 5:48). It seems so daunting! Yet whatever mistakes we have made, if we
will stop, and go back, effectively replaying what
we have done, but this time without the mistake,
through the atoning sacrifice of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ, we can become perfect.
So, my dear young brothers and sisters, as you
start this new year, realize that you can do over,
this time correctly, whatever you might have done
in the past which separates you from perfection.
Your bishop holds the keys to enable you to take
¿Alguna vez han notado que hay algunas
cosas en la Iglesia que se deben hacer perfectamente? Cuando ustedes fueron bautizados, si
algún aspecto de esta ordenanza fue hecho incorrectamente, por ejemplo, si las palabras fueron
incorrectas o si no fueron sumergidos completamente en el agua, había dos testigos para señalar
si necesitaba hacerse otra vez. Se repite hasta que
se haga completamente correcta.
El mismo principio se aplica a las ordenanzas
del templo. Si han ido al templo a efectuar bautismos por los muertos o recibir sus propias investiduras, sabrán que la ceremonia tiene que hacerse
correctamente o debe hacerse de Nuevo. De la
misma manera, la ceremonia de sellamiento usa
las mismas palabras cada vez que una pareja se
sella. Si hay un error en las palabras se repite
hasta que este correcta. Experimentamos esta
misma cosa cada Domingo cuando se bendice la
Santa Cena.
Y lo mismo sucede con nosotros. El desafío
del Salvador en el Sermón del Monte es “se pues
vosotros perfectos” (Mateo 5:48). ¡Parece tan
desalentador! No importa los errores que hayamos cometido, si paramos, y regresamos, repitiendo efectivamente lo que hemos hecho, pero
esta vez sin cometer errores, por medio del sacrificio expiatorio de nuestro Señor y Salvador,
Jesucristo, podemos llegar a ser perfectos.
Entonces, mis queridos jóvenes hermanos y
hermanas, al comenzar este Nuevo año, dense
cuenta que ustedes lo pueden volver a hacer, esta
vez correctamente, sin importar lo que hayan
hecho en el pasado que los separe de la perfección. Su Obispo posee las llaves que hace posible
que ustedes puedan sacarle provecho a este proceso. Recuerden esta verdad cada vez que asistan a un bautismo, vayan al templo, o participen
de la Santa Cena. Que puedan hacer del 2010 el
año en que ustedes renueven sus esfuerzos para
perfeccionarse en Cristo, es mi oración, en el
nombre de Jesucristo. Amén.
Unidos en un Señor, y Una Fe
En un área tan poblada y diversa como el área
tri-estatal de la ciudad de Nueva York, cumplir el
mandamiento del Señor de “sed uno” (D&C 38:27)
es una oportunidad y desafío constante. Hay tantas
cosas que pueden dividirnos: cultura, edad, raza,
género, experiencia profesional, estado civil, idioma,
experiencias de la vida, talentos, espiritualidad, temperamento, debilidades, finanzas, punto de vista
político, etc. Con tantas diferencias, ¿cómo puede
ser posible “ser uno”?
¡Solo en el evangelio de Jesucristo podemos
estar unidos! El Apóstol Pablo predicó y oró por
unidad entre los miembros de la Iglesia. El enseñó
de un verdadero Señor, una verdadera fe y suplicó
a los santos de la antigüedad a tener paciencia los
unos con los otros en amor, en los lazos de paz
(véase Efesios 4:1-7). Te invitamos, no importa tu
idioma o cultura, a asistir a esta Conferencia de
YSA, y celebrar las gloriosas verdades del evangelio
de Jesucristo en amor y hermandad con tus hermanos y hermanas hispano-parlantes. Todas las sesiones serán en Español. Se proveerá traducción.
In an area as populated and diverse as the
New York City tri-state area, fulfilling the Lord’s
command to “be one” (D&C 38:27) is a constant
opportunity and challenge. There are so many
things that can divide us: culture, age, race, background, gender, marital status, language, lifeexperiences, talents, spirituality, temperment,
weaknesses, finances, political views, etc. With so
many differences, how can we possibly “be one?”
Only in the gospel of Jesus Christ can we be
united! The Apostle Paul preached and prayed for
unity among the Church members. He taught of
one true Lord, one true faith and pled with the
early Saints to forbear one another in love, in the
bond of peace (see Ephesians 4:1-7). We invite
you, no matter your language or culture, to attend
this YSA Conference, and celebrate the glorious
truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ in love and fellowship with your Spanish-speaking brothers and
sisters. All sessions will be in Spanish. Translation
Registración y Costo
Registration and Cost
La actividad es libre de cargos para todos los
que se pre-registren. En la puerta, el costo es $10.
Todos los participantes deben registrarse por el
31 de ENERO. Registres enviando un correo electrónico (e-mail) con su nombre y barrio a institute.
[email protected]. Por favor también indique
a cuál de los SIETE eventos planifica asistir. Por
ejemplo, su correo electrónico debería decir: “Juan
Pérez, Barrio Rego Park, Eventos 1, 5, y 6” o “Suzana
Rodríguez, Barrio Inwood, todos los eventos.”
Event is free of charge for all who preregister.
At the door, cost is $10. All participants should
preregister by JANUARY 31. Register by emailing
your name and ward to institute.nycmetro@gmail.
com. Please also indicate which of the SEVEN
events you plan to attend. For example, your email
registration would say, “Joe Jones, Rego Park Ward,
Events 1, 5, and 6” or “Suzy Smith, Park Slope
Ward, all events.”
Feb. 12
E. 87th St
Oraciones. Música. Testimonios.
Comentarios por el Discursante Principal.
Vestido: casual. Se proveerá traducción
Feb. 12
9:0010:30 pm
Edificio E.
87th St
Buffet. Galletas, quesos, vegetales, frutas,
y ponche.
Feb 13
E. 87th St
Buffet: Fruta, bagels, cereal, leche, chocolate caliente, jugos, donuts, merienda.
del Evangelio
Feb 13
-4:00 pm
E. 87th St
Discursante Principal: Sesión de preguntas y respuestas. Talleres enseñados
por líderes locales: tres sesiones, cuatro
clases por sesión. Vestido: casual. Se
proveerá traducción.
Cultural Latino Feb 13
E. 87th St
Experimente el sonido y la mirada del
mundo hispano-parlante de Norte, Centro,
Sudamérica, y Europa. Vestido: casual. Se
proveerá traducción
Feb 13
E. 87th St
Buffet: Pruebe el excitante y único sabor
de la cocina autóctona latina de la Ciudad.
Vestido: casual
Instrucciones Sab,
de Baile Latino Feb 13
E. 87th St
Aprenda a bailar salsa, merengue, y otros
bailes latinos con instructores de baile
profesionales. Vestido: casual Se proveerá
9:0011:00 pm
E. 87th St
DJ Santo de los Últimos Días. Vestido:
Feb 13
Para aquellos que se pre-registren y
quienes vengan de más de 90 minutos
de distancia. Se alojarán en hogares de
Greater New York City Metropolitan Area Institutes of Religion Spring 2010 Class Schedule
For young adults, ages 18-30
Classes begin January 11 and end April 30 (some vary) For more information, call 212-367-8942 Red = an on-campus institute class and program
2 5 180th St
Metro North New Haven
Metro North New Haven Line
Metro North Harlem Line
B D Kingsbridge Rd
Monthly, 2nd Fri, 5:30 pm
Miércoles 8:00 pm
Thurs 7:30 pm
Fri 9:30 AM
Viernes 8:00 pm
The Book of Mormon, Semester 2. A study of 1 Nephi – Moroni 10
El Libro de Mormon, Semestre 2. Un estudio de 1 de Nefi – Moroni 10
The Book of Mormon, Semester 2. A study of 1 Nephi – Moroni 10
The Book of Mormon, Semester 2. A study of 1 Nephi – Moroni 10
El Libro de Mormon, Semestre 2. Un estudio de 1 de Nefi – Moroni 10
Elder/Sister Lunt
Javier/Zoila Ramos
Jason Anderson
Onassis Tavarez
Mon 6:30 pm
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
Elder/Sister Edwards
Carroll St
Newkirk Avenue
G Carroll St
25th Avenue
Q Newkirk Avenue
8th Avenue
8th Avenue
Daytime TBA
Tues 7:30 pm
Wed 7:30 pm
Wed 7:30 pm
Thurs 10:30 AM
Thurs 7:30 pm
Domingo 12:15 pm
Sunday 12:15 pm
Domingo 4:15 pm
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
El Libro de Mormón: Viviendo por sus Preceptos
El Libro de Mormón: Viviendo por sus Preceptos, Parte 2
Elder/Sister Edwards
Elder/Sister Edwards
Jon Stephenson
Elder/Sister Edwards
Elder/Sister Edwards
Elder/Sister Edwards
Maricela Palomeque
Su Lan (Jiang) Reinhardt
Francisca Lora
to Liberty Avenue
to Liberty Avenue
to Forest Avenue
to Marcy Avenue
Martes 7:30 pm
Thurs 7:30 pm
Viernes 6:00 pm
Sabado 7:00 pm
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 1
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
Benito Dorantes
Elder/Sister Adolphson
Solande Carreño
Salvadora Suero
Wed 8:00 pm
Thurs 8:30 pm
Tues 7:00 pm
Wed 7:30 pm
Wed 7:30 pm
Fri 7:30 pm
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
Elder/Sister Adolphson
Elder/Sister Lee
Elder/Sister Scott
Rotating Teachers
Elder/Sister Scott
Elder/Sister Scott
Tues 8:15 pm
Monthly, 1st Fri, 12 noon
Monthly TBA
Wed 7:30 pm
Monthly TBA
Monthly TBA
Weekly TBA
Weekly TBA
Tues 8:00 pm
Weekly TBA
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
The Gospel and World Religions
The Gospel and World Religions
New Testament: Hebrews and Revelation
The Gospel and World Religions
The Gospel and World Religions
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
Doctrines of the Gospel
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts
Elder/Sister Lunt
Jon Stephenson
Jon Stephenson
Jon Rainey
Jon Stephenson
Jon Stephenson
Jon Stephenson
Jon Stephenson
Jon Stephenson
Jon Stephenson
Tues 10:00 AM
Tues 10:30 AM
Tues 7:00 pm ASL
Tues 8:00 pm
Wed 7:30 AM
Wed 10:00 AM
Wed 9:00 AM
Wed 10:30 AM
Wed 8:00 pm
Thurs 10:30 AM
Thurs 8:00 pm
Thurs 8:00 pm
Thurs 8:00 pm
Thurs 8:00 pm
Viernes 7:00 pm
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
The Doctrine and Covenants, Part 2 (American Sign Language)
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
Teachings of the Living Prophets
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
Doctrines of the Gospel
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 1
Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
The Gospel and World Religions: Finding Common Ground
El Libro de Mormón: Viviendo por sus Preceptos, Parte 2
Lori Mitchell/Tenney Jensen
Elder/Sister Lunt
Joseph Featherstone
Spencer Rosenbaum
Jon Stephenson
Jon Stephenson
Rachel Blanchard
Elder/Sister Lunt
Elder/Sister Lunt
Maria Pedroza
Ben Spackman
Elder/Sister Lunt
Brent Belnap
Sony Tapia
Tues 7:30 pm
Wed 7:30 pm
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
Chris Beynon
Don Larsen
Wed 8:00 pm
Tues 8:00 pm
Tues 8:00 pm
Martes 8:00 pm
Wed 8:00 pm
Tues 7:30 pm
Thurs 8:00 pm
Thurs 8:00 pm
Thurs 8:00 pm
Fri 8:00 pm
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
David Bean
Denise Stewart
Elder/Sister Miller
Claudia Loso
Elder/Sister Sorensen
Elder/Sister Nelson
Elder/Sister Nelson
Elder/Sister Miller
Elder/Sister Sorensen
Elder/Sister Nelson
Wed 12:15 pm
Tues 7:30 pm
Wed 7:30 pm
Wed 7:30 pm
Jueves 7:30 pm
Thurs 7:30 pm
Thurs 7:30 pm
Viernes 7:30 pm
Viernes 8:00 pm
Teachings of the Living Prophets
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
Teachings of the Living Prophets
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
Presidents of the Church
The Book of Mormon, Part 2
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
Cory Bangerter
Elder/Sister Williams
Cory Bangerter
Elder/Sister Williams
Caroline Castañeda
Cory Bangerter
Elder/Sister Williams
Merlyn Martinez
Julian Dominguez
Tues 8:00 pm
Martes 8:00 pm
Thurs 8:00 pm
The Book of Mormon, Semester 2
El Libro de Mormon, Semestre 2
The Book of Mormon, Semester 2
Jeff Osborn
Fabio Gayoso
Jim and Christie Davis
Bronx and Westchester NY Institute of Religion
Yeshiva University—Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Capilla de New Rochelle 111 North Avenue
New Rochelle Chapel 111 North Avenue
Scarsdale Chapel 60 Wayside Lane
Capilla de Kingsbridge 211 E. Kingsbridge Road
Brooklyn and Staten Island NY Institute of Religion
Pratt Institute—Brooklyn Campus 200 Willoughby Avenue
Class taught at the Park Slope Chapel
CUNY—College of Staten Island 2800 Victory Blvd.
Staten Island Northshore Chapel 151 N. St. Austins Place
Park Slope Chapel 343 Court Street
Midwood Chapel 1218 Glenwood Road
Park Slope Chapel 343 Court Street
Bensonhurst Chapel 2455 86th Street
Capilla de Midwood 1218 Glenwood Road
Dyker Heights 教堂 828 60th Street
Capilla de Dyker Heights 828 60th Street
Clinton—Washington St
S62 Bus @ Staten Island Ferry
Brooklyn North NY Institute of Religion
Capilla de East New York 110-114 Pennsylvania Ave
East New York Chapel 110-114 Pennsylvania Ave
Capilla de Ridgewood 63-32 Forest Avenue
Capilla de Bushwick185 Marcy Avenue
Long Island NY (Plainview and Lynbrook) Institute of Religion
Marine Military Academy – Kings Pt – 300 Steamboat Rd
Stony Brook University 100 Nicolls Road
Bayshore Chapel 351 Brook Avenue
Rockaway Chapel 1600 Central Avenue, 4th Floor
Lynbrook Chapel 10 Peninsula Blvd.
Plainview Chapel 160 Washington Avenue
Manhattan NY Institute of Religion College Campus Locations
Columbia University Hamilton Hall
Columbia—Health Sciences Hammer Bldg
Columbia—Law, Greene Hall, Room TBA
NYU Kimmell Center, 9th Floor
NYU—Dental E. 24th Street and First Avenue
NYU—Law, Furness Hall
CUNY—Hunter College West Building
CUNY—John Jay College, 1099 10th Ave (at 58th St)
Juilliard School of Music 60 Lincoln Center Plaza
SUNY—Fashion Institute of Technology 236 W. 27th Street
116th Street
A C 168th Street
116th Street
C E B D F V West 4th
5 6 23rd Street
C E B D F V West 4th
68th Street
2 3 A C B D Columbus Circle
66th Street
E 1 23rd Street
Manhattan, NY Institute of Religion Church Meetinghouse Locations
E. 87th Street Chapel 217 E. 87th Street
Inwood Chapel 1815 Riverside Drive
Union Square Chapel 144 West 15th Street
Inwood Chapel 1815 Riverside Drive
Union Square Chapel 144 West 15th Street
Union Square Chapel 144 West 15th Street
Blanchard Home, Roosevelt Island
Harlem Chapel, 360 Malcolm X Blvd
Lincoln Square Chapel 125 Columbus Avenue, 3rd Floor
Lincoln Square Chapel 125 Columbus Avenue, 3rd Floor
Union Square Chapel 144 West 15th Street
Union Square Chapel 144 West 15th Street
Union Square Chapel 144 West 15th Street
E. 87th Street Chapel 217 E. 87th Street
Capilla de Harlem 360 Malcolm X Blvd
A 1
6 86th Street
Dyckman Street
1 2 3 F V L A C E
A 1
1 2 3 F V L A C E
1 2 3 F V L A C E
PATH 14th St
Dyckman Street
PATH 14th St
PATH 14th St
Roosevelt Island
125th Street
66th Street
66th Street
2 3
PATH 14th St
PATH 14th St
1 2 3 F V L A C E PATH 14th St
1 2 3 F V L A C E
1 2 3 F V L A C E
2 3
6 86th Street
125th Street
Newburgh NY Institute of Religion
Military Academy, Rm. 444, Thayer Hall, 600 Thayer Road, West Point, NY
Poughkeepsie Chapel 204 Spackenkill Road, Poughkeepsie, NY
New Jersey North Institutes of Religion
Princeton U Frist Student Center, Room 234, Princeton Ward Chapel
Paterson Chapel, 42-48 East 39th Street, Paterson
Paterson Chapel, 42-48 East 39th Street, Paterson
Capilla de Union City, Caldwell Stake 2500 New York Ave, Union City
Jersey City Chapel, Caldwell Stake 140 Sip Avenue, Jersey City
Centro de Estaca East Brunswick 301 Dunham’s Corner Rd, East Brunswick
East Brunswick Stake Ctr 301 Dunham’s Corner Rd
Eatontown Chapel, East Brunswick Stake, 14 Reynolds Dr, Eatontown
Morristown Stake Center 283 James Street
Maplewood Chapel, Scotch Plains Stake 1600 Springfield Ave
Perth Amboy Chapel, Scotch Plains Stake 271 Maple St
Queens NY Institute of Religion
Queens College 65-30 Kissena Blvd
Jamaica Chapel 90-40 160th Street
Woodside Chapel 40-30 62nd Street
Flushing Chapel 144-27 Sanford Avenue
Capilla de Flushing 144-27 Sanford Avenue
Woodside Chapel 40-30 62nd Street
Rego Park Chapel 86-06 60th Road
Capilla de Jamaica 90-40 160th Street
Capilla de Woodside 40-30 62nd Street
Main Street
J Z Parsons Blvd
Main Street.
Main Street
R V Woodhaven Blvd
J Z Parsons Blvd
Yorktown NY Institute of Religion
Yorktown Chapel 801 Kitchawan Road, Route 134, Ossining, NY
Capilla de Stamford 834 Stillwater Road, Stamford, CT
New Canaan Chapel 682 South Avenue, New Canaan, CT
The Book of Mormon, Semester 2. A study of 1 Nephi through
Moroni 10. TAUGHT BY: Elder/Sister Lunt, Jeff Osborn, Jim/
Christie Davis, Jason Anderson
El Libro de Mormon, Semestre 2. Un estudio de 1 de Nefi
hasta Moroni 10. TAUGHT BY: Onassis Tavarez, Javier/Zoila
Ramos, Fabio Gayoso
The Book of Mormon, Part 2. A study of Alma 30 through Moroni
10. TAUGHT BY: Chris Beynon, Don Larson, David Bean, Denise
Stewart, Elder/Sister Miller, Elder/Sister Sorensen, Elder/Sister Small, Ben Spackman, Elder/Sister Nelson
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2. Un estudio e Alma 30 hasta
Moroni 10. TAUGHT BY: Claudia Loso
The Book of Mormon, Part 2. A study of the events in Alma
30-Moroni 10 in chronological order, with additional emphasis
on the teachings, doctrine, and personalities. TAUGHT BY: Elder/Sister Adolphson, Rotating Teachers, Elder/Sister Scott,
Elder/Sister Lee, Elder/Sister Williams
El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2. Un studio de los acontecimientos en Alma 30-Moroni 10 en orden cronologico, con enfasis
adicional en las doctrinas y personalidades. TAUGHT BY:
Benito Dorantes, Solande Carreno, Salvadora Suero, Caroline
Castaneda, Julian Dominguez, Merlyn Martinez
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 1. A study
of the major stories in the first half of the Book of Mormon in
chronological order with a focus on lessons for living. TAUGHT
BY: Maria Pedroza
The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2. A study of
the major stories in the second half of the Book of Mormon in
chronological order with a focus on lessons for living. TAUGHT
BY: Elder/Sister Edwards, Jon Stephenson, Elder/Sister Lunt
El Libro de Mormón: Viviendo por sus Preceptos, Parte 2. Un
estudio de los principales acontecimientos de la segundo mitad
del Libro de Mormón en orden cronológico con un enfoque en
las lecciones de vivir. TAUGHT BY: Maricela Palomeque, Sony
Tapia, Francisca Lora
摩門經 TAUGHT BY: Su Lan (Jiang) Reinhardt
The Gospel and World Religions (Islam, Judaism, Christianity): Finding Common Ground. A comparative study of
LDS doctrines and how to express them in ways that others can
understand and appreciate. TAUGHT BY: Jon Stephenson, Elder/
Sister Lunt, Brent Belnap, Spencer Rosenbaum, Lori Mitchell,
Tenney Jensen
New Testament: Hebrews and Revelation. A study of the
teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the images used by the
Apostle Paul and the vision of John the Revelator. TAUGHT BY:
Jon Rainey
Doctrines of the Gospel. A study of fifteen basic doctrines and
how to apply them today using the scriptures and the words of
living prophets. TAUGHT BY: Jon Stephenson
Teachings of the Living Prophets. A study of selected recent and/
or classic addresses from the general conferences of the Church.
TAUGHT BY: Rachel Blanchard, Cory Bangerter
The Doctrine and Covenants, Part 2.
A study of section 78-O.D. 2 of this modern book of scripture.
(American Sign Language) Via videoconference. TAUGHT BY:
Joseph Featherstone
Presidents of the Church. A study of the lives and teachings
of the fifteen men called to lead the Church in the last days.
TAUGHT BY: Cory Bangerter
Jon Rainey
Elder & Sister Adolphson
Fabio Gayoso
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormon, Semestre 2
TEACHING: New Testament: Hebrews &
Jason Anderson
Tenney Jensen
Su Lan (Jiang) Reinhardt
TEACHING: Book of Mormon, Semester 2
TEACHING: The Gospel and World Religions
801-367-1750 [email protected]
914-698-4622 [email protected]
Cory Bangerter
718-672-6141 [email protected]
203-388-8839 [email protected]
646-524-5444 [email protected]
Don Larsen
845-427-3217 [email protected]
801-358-2743 [email protected]
347-707-3025 [email protected]
Javier & Zoila Ramos
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon: Part 2
[email protected]
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormón: Semestre 2
Francisca Lora
Spencer Rosenbaum
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormón: Viviendo por
sus Preceptos
[email protected]
TEACHING: The Gospel and World Religions
Brent Belnap
Elder & Sister Lee
Elder & Sister Scott
TEACHING: The Gospel and World Religions
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
Chris Beynon
Claudia Loso
Elder & Sister Small
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon: Part 2
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
TEACHING: Presidents of the Church,
Teachings of the Living Prophets
David Bean
908-419-2150 [email protected]
646-320-7707 [email protected]
413-531-6252 [email protected]
Rachel Blanchard
917-558-3745 [email protected]
661-644-3571 [email protected]
201-840-4088 [email protected]
Elder & Sister Lunt
480-272-5636 [email protected]
307-689-6791 [email protected]
801-830-3428 [email protected]
Elder & Sister Sorensen
661-860-7012 [email protected]
TEACHING: Teachings of the Living Prophets
TEACHING: Gospel and World Religions;
Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, Part 2
Solande Carreño
Merlyn Martinez
Ben Spackman
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
no phone no email
Caroline Castañeda
Elder & Sister Miller
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
773-350-2526 [email protected]
212-367- 8942 [email protected]
208-403-9056 [email protected]
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon: Part 2
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon: Abiding by
Its Precepts; The Gospel and World Religions;
Doctrines of the Gospel.
Jim & Christie Davis
Lori Mitchell
Denise Stewart
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon: Semester 2
TEACHING: The Gospel & World Religions
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
Julian Dominguez
Elder & Sister Nelson
Salvadora Suero
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
203-656-2262 [email protected]
[email protected]
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
646-863-3796 [email protected]
801-678-7981 [email protected]
Benito Dorantes
Jeff Osborn
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormon, Parte 2
TEACHING: Book of Mormon: Semester 2
718-647-2413 [email protected]
Elder & Sister Edwards
316-706-9288 [email protected]
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon: Abiding by
Its Precepts, Part 2
Joseph Featherstone
801-815-1920 (text only) [email protected]
TEACHING: Doctrine & Covenants, Part 2
914-293-7819 [email protected]
Maricela Palomeque
718-871-2854 [email protected]
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormón: Viviendo
por sus Preceptos
Maria Pedroza
773-818-8161 [email protected]
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its
Precepts, Part 1
908-507-8144 [email protected]
Sony Tapia
212-234-8054 [email protected]
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormón: Viviendo
por sus Preceptos
Onassis Tavarez
347-238-4674 [email protected]
TEACHING: El Libro de Mormon, Semestre 2
Elder & Sister Williams
801-376-0017 [email protected]
TEACHING: The Book of Mormon, Part 2
Jan 8
8:00 pm
Dance for Young Single Adults. LDS DJ. Wide variety of music
played. Audience requests welcome. Light refreshments served.
Join the fun and friendly crowd.
Stake Center at Woodside, Queens, 40-30 62nd Street.
Take the 7 Train to 62nd Street—Woodside. More info:
718-672-6141. Dress: Nice casual.
Jan 10
8:00 pm
CES Fireside Broadcast with Elder Neil L. Anderson. For all
young adults. Refreshments served.
Various locations and Dress: Sunday best.
Jan 11–15
Spring semester classes begin (some locations may vary). See
schedule of classes on page 2.
Class locations throughout the tri-state area. More info:
Jan 16
Jan 25
7:00 pm
Regional YSA Activity (Hosted by stakes in NJ North) Details TBA.
Hosted by the Caldwell NJ Stake. More info: 908-889-0912.
8:00 pm
Family Home Evening at the Institute Lounge. Lesson by guest
speaker. Dinner served. Basketball, ping pong, pool, board games,
and much more. All single members welcome. Bring a friend.
Union Square Building, 144 W. 15th Street (6/7 Ave). 1, 2,
3, F, V, A, B, C, or PATH Trains to 14th Street or L Train to
Sixth Avenue. Dress: Nice casual. More info: 212-367-8942.
Feb 12–13
2 days
Tri-state area Spanish-language Conferencia de YSA”
See article in this edition of the Trumpeter. For all English
speakers also! Translation provided.
Stake Center at E. 87th St in Manhattan. 217 E. 87th Street
(Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) 4, 5, 6 Trains to 86th St.
Dress: Nice casual. More info: 212-367-8942
Feb 20
7:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in New Jersey North).
Multi-cultural night followed by a dance.
Maplewood Chapel, Scotch Plains NJ Stake. 1600 Springfield
Avenue. More info: 908-889-0921. Dress: Nice casual.
Feb 27
10 am-10 pm Intercollegiate Latter-day Saint Student Event. Lunch and
dinner served. Meet students from Columbia, NYU, Princeton,
CUNY, West Point, and many more.
8:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in NYC & Long Island).
Details TBA.
Stake Center at E. 87th St in Manhattan. 217 E. 87th Street
(Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) 4, 5, 6 Trains to 86th St.
Dress: Nice casual. More info: 212-367-8942
Mar 7
8:00 pm
CES Fireside Broadcast with Elder Ronald A. Rasband. For all
young adults. Refreshments served.
Various locations and Dress: Sunday best.
Mar 12
8:00 pm
Dance for Young Single Adults. LDS DJ. Wide variety of music
played. Audience requests welcome. Light refreshments served.
Join the fun and friendly crowd.
Stake Center at Woodside, Queens, 40-30 62nd Street.
Take the 7 Train to 62nd Street—Woodside. More info:
718-672-6141. Dress: Nice casual.
Mar 20
7:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in New Jersey North).
Formal dinner followed by a guest speaker.
Morristown NJ Stake Center. 283 James Street. Dress:
Sunday best. More info: 908-889-0921.
Apr 9
8:00 pm
Dance for Young Single Adults. LDS DJ. Wide variety of music
played. Audience requests welcome. Light refreshments served.
Join the fun and friendly crowd.
Stake Center at Woodside, Queens, 40-30 62nd Street.
Take the 7 Train to 62nd Street—Woodside. More info:
718-672-6141. Dress: Nice casual.
Apr 10
8:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in NYC & No. Suburbs).
Details TBA.
Stake Center at E. 87th St in Manhattan. 217 E. 87th Street
(Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) 4, 5, 6 Trains to 86th St.
Dress: Nice casual. More info: 212-367-8942
Apr 17
7:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in New Jersey North).
Details TBA.
Hosted by the Caldwell NJ Stake and Paterson NJ District.
Dress: casual. More info:908-889-0921.
Apr 26–30
Spring semester classes end. (some locations may vary). See
schedule of classes on page 2.
Class locations throughout the tri-state area. More info:
May 1
8:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in NYC & Long Island)
Details TBA.
Stake Center at E. 87th St in Manhattan. 217 E. 87th Street
(Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) 4, 5, 6 Trains to 86th St.
Dress: Nice casual. More info: 212-367-8942
May 2
8:00 pm
CES Fireside Broadcast with Bishop H. David Burton. For all
young adults. Refreshments served.
Various locations and Dress: Sunday best.
May 10
8:00 pm
Family Home Evening at the Institute Lounge. Lesson by guest
speaker. Dinner served. Basketball, ping pong, pool, board games,
and much more. All single members welcome. Bring a friend.
Union Square Building, 144 W. 15th Street (6/7 Ave). 1, 2,
3, F, V, A, B, C, or PATH Trains to 14th Street or L Train to
Sixth Avenue. Dress: Nice casual. More info: 212-367-8942.
May 10–14
Summer semester classes begin (some locations may vary).
See schedule of classes on page 2.
Class locations throughout the tri-state area. More info:
May 14
8:00 pm
Dance for Young Single Adults. LDS DJ. Wide variety of music
played. Audience requests welcome. Light refreshments served.
Join the fun and friendly crowd.
Stake Center at Woodside, Queens, 40-30 62nd Street.
Take the 7 Train to 62nd Street—Woodside. More info:
718-672-6141. Dress: Nice casual.
May 15
7:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in New Jersey North).
Paella Feast.
Bean Family Home: 28 Whispering Hills Drive, Annandale,
NJ. Dress: casual. More info: 908-889-0921.
Jun 5
8:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in NYC & No. Suburbs)
Details TBA.
Stake Center at E. 87th St in Manhattan. 217 E. 87th Street
(Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) 4, 5, 6 Trains to 86th St.
Dress: Nice casual. More info: 212-367-8942
Jun 11
8:00 pm
Dance for Young Single Adults. LDS DJ. Wide variety of music
played. Audience requests welcome. Light refreshments served.
Join the fun and friendly crowd.
Stake Center at Woodside, Queens, 40-30 62nd Street.
Take the 7 Train to 62nd Street—Woodside. For more
information, call 718-672-6141. Dress: Nice casual.
Jun 19
7:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in New Jersey North)
Beach barbeque.
Hosted by the East Brunswick NJ Stake. More info:
Jul 9
8:00 pm
Dance for Young Single Adults. LDS DJ. Wide variety of music
played. Audience requests welcome. Light refreshments served.
Join the fun and friendly crowd.
Stake Center at Woodside, Queens, 40-30 62nd Street.
Take the 7 Train to 62nd Street—Woodside. For more
information, call 718-672-6141. Dress: Nice casual.
Jul 17
6:00 am
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in New Jersey North).
Trip to the Palmyra Pagaent.
Meet at the Morristown NJ Stake Center, 283 James Street.
For more information, call 908-889-0921.
Aug 2–6
Summer semester classes end (some locations may vary). See
schedule of classes on page 2.
Class locations throughout the tri-state area. More info:
aug 7
8:00 pm
Regional YSA activity (Hosted by stakes in NYC & Long Island).
Details TBA.
Stake Center at E. 87th St in Manhattan. 217 E. 87th Street
(Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) 4, 5, 6 Trains to 86th St.
Dress: Nice casual. More info: 212-367-8942
Aug 13
8:00 pm
Dance for Young Single Adults. LDS DJ. Wide variety of music
played. Audience requests welcome. Light refreshments served.
Join the fun and friendly crowd.
Stake Center at Woodside, Queens, 40-30 62nd Street.
Take the 7 Train to 62nd Street—Woodside. For more
information, call 718-672-6141. Dress: Nice casual.
Sponsored by a young single adult committee
Sponsored by an institute of religion council
Union Square Building, 144 W. 15th Street (6/7 Ave). 1, 2,
3, F, V, A, B, C, or PATH Trains to 14th Street or L Train to
Sixth Avenue. Dress: Nice casual. More info: 212-367-8942.
Board of Directors Executive Editor: Elder Gary L. Crittenden, Area Seventy Assistant Executive Editors: President David W. Checketts (NY/Connecticut),
President D. Kirk Drussel (NJ North), David L. Buckner, New York City/Long Island, Institutes of Religion, David L. Duffy, New York City/Long Island, Young Single Adults
Managing Editors: Cory Bangerter, David Bean, Chris Beynon, Dwight Durrant, Jon Stephenson Graphic Designer: Maria Petrova

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