May 10, 2015 - St. Norbert Catholic Church


May 10, 2015 - St. Norbert Catholic Church
May 10, 2015 | Sixth Sunday of Easter
120 St. Norbert teens were confirmed by Bishop Kevin W. Vann on Friday, April 24, 2015.
300 East Ta Avenue • Orange, CA 92865
Telephone: (714) 637-4360 • Fax: (714) 637-4311
Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor
Rev. Agus n Escobar, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence
Deacon Dave Blake
Deacon Joseph Esparza
Deacon Juan Espinoza
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m.,
12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m.
and 7 p.m. (Spanish)
Monday - Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish)
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
(Sunday Vigil)
Holy Days of Obliga on: as announced
Ahl Agus n, Chris an Service
Irene Ahedo, Office Manager
Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert
Catholic School
Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Forma on
John Erhard, Music Ministry
Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry
Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries
Kirsten King, Youth Faith Forma on &
Confirma on
Maria Mar nez, Business Manager
Robin Mayes, School of Religious Educa on
Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m.
First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m.
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m.
and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with
Benedic on.
Please call the Parish Office for informa on
and to schedule Bap sm Prepara on.
Programs are available in English or in Spanish.
Please call the Parish Office for informa on.
Six months advance no ce is required.
Marriage Prepara on is available in English or
in Spanish.
Kindly call the Parish Office to make
At the me of death, kindly call the Parish
Office for assistance in making arrangements.
St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving
to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service.
Reflecting on God’s Word
Sixth Sunday of Easter
As a na on, we are a mobile people. Not
only do we travel around during
vaca ons, for special events, and for
visi ng family and friends, but we readily
move from one place to another for
college, work, health reasons, and finally
re rement. While previous genera ons
usually stayed with one job and in one
house for prac cally all of their lives,
today it is common to move from one
place to another, to a different state or
even to a different country. This mobility
carries over into our rela onships. We
can find that our lives take us from one
set of friends to another, from one close
rela onship to another.
So Jesus’ admoni on to remain in his love
can sound quite challenging to people
whose lives are characterized by change
and impermanence. The word “remain” is
some mes translated as “abide.” The
meaning of this invita on is to “take up
permanent residence.” Last week Jesus
called us to “remain” in his word; this
week, to “remain in my love” (John 15:9).
Jesus tells us how to do this (by keeping
his commandments), why we should do
this (so that his joy might be in us and our
joy complete), what specifically we should
do (love one another as I have loved you,
that is, by laying down my life for you),
and what is to be gained by doing this (an
ongoing friendship with him that bears
fruit and gains whatever we ask the
Father in his name).
Not a bad exchange for se ling down . . .
in his love.
—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Copyright © 2014, World Library Publica ons.
All rights reserved.
A en on High School Seniors!
Three $1000 Scholarships will be awarded to
St. Norbert Parish Youth!
The St. Norbert Guadalupana Scholarships provide financial assistance
to high school seniors planning on con nuing their studies full- me at
a community college, university or voca onal/trade school. The
requirements for all scholarships include a minimum GPA of 2.5 and
community service involvement in St. Norbert parish ac vi es.
 Scholarship A - Awarded for academic excellence and extracurricular ac vi es.
 Scholarship B - Awarded to a student who is a first-genera on college student.
 Scholarship C - Awarded with considera on given to financial need.
Watch the bulle n for important dates and deadlines. For more informa on or to
contribute to our scholarship fund, please contact Pat Robles-Friebert at
[email protected] or (714) 813-8477.
Christian Service
Food Collection
This month we are collec ng packages of Jello
AND boxes of instant mashed potatoes (small and
medium boxes only, please.) Kindly leave your
dona ons in the bins in the ves bule of the church on Taco Sunday, May 17, or in the
Ministry Center any me during the month. Thank you for your con nued assistance in
helping us feed those who are hungry.
A en on Seniors!
Understanding Senior Housing Options
PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Nurse Program Senior Luncheon on Wednesday, May 20, has been
moved to the Ministry Center Hall.
If you are interested in learning more about the many different op ons available to
seniors for housing, please join us at the next Parish Nurse Program Senior Luncheon
scheduled for Wednesday, May 20, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Family & Youth
Center. Jacqueline Lauder, Manager of Community Giving for Independence at Home—a
SCAN Community Service, will once again be our guest speaker. Many of you may
remember Jacque’s very informa ve presenta on on In-Home Care at our last luncheon.
This me, Jacque plans to explain the different op ons available for housing, such as
independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing facili es, board & care homes, and what
to consider when making the choice. She will also discuss paying for these housing
op ons. A delicious catered lunch will be provided to all in a endance along with blood
pressure screening. There is no cost for this event. Please R.S.V.P. to Ann Bilash, RN at
(714) 637-4360 by Sunday, May 17. We will be unable to accept R.S.V.P.s a er this date.
Weekly Parish Offering
Thank you for your con nuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1,
2014, to June 30, 2015, our parish budget calls for $27,900 to be donated weekly at the
Sunday collec on. The collec on for Sunday, May 3, was $23,607.94. These collec ons are
not only for opera ng expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work,
upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. Your regular dona ons are needed for the good of St.
Norbert Parish and the spread of the Gospel.
Parish Life
Mother’s Day
Orchid Sale
May 9 & 10
Celebrate the blessing of
motherhood. Buy a fresh orchid plant
for Mom this Sunday for $15 to $20
each. Hispanic Ministry is holding its annual Mother’s Day flower
sale this weekend. Beautiful hothouse orchids are available for sale
on the Ramada after all Masses. Proceeds will be used toward a
scholarship fund for catechists in training. We thank you in advance
for your support of Hispanic Ministry and our catechists.
Blessing of Mothers
Holy God,
You compare Your own love for Your people to
the love of a mother for her children.
Look with kindness on these mothers,
give them comfort in moments of sorrow,
and joy in their work for their families.
Listen to their prayers, and bless them in all they
do for You.
Let them share with Jesus Your Son and Mary our mother
in the everlas ng happiness of Heaven.
Father, we ask this grace through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Don’t miss out!
Taco Sunday & Christian Service Boutique
Mother’s Day Novena Cards
Be sure to stop by the Ministry Center next Sunday, May 17, for
Taco Sunday and the Chris an Service Bou que Super Sale.
Delicious homemade Mexican food will be served from 10 a.m. to
2 p.m., and the bou que will be open a er the 7:30 a.m. Mass
un l 2 p.m. This month’s Bou que will feature a large selec on of
valuable collec bles at bargain prices! Coffee & Doughnuts will be
available during Bou que hours.
Mother’s Day Novena Cards are available in the ves bule of the
church and at the Ministry Center Office. What a beau ful way to
remember our mothers, living and departed, by offering a
Spiritual Bouquet of Masses in their honor. The Novena of Masses
begins on Mother’s Day, May 10.
Prayer & Meditation with Scripture
We welcome you to join us on Tuesday evening, May 12, when we
will reflect on the upcoming Sunday Scripture readings in the
Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:30 p.m. This weekly hour of prayer
me u lizes varying prayer forms each week, including Lec o
Divina, centering prayer, prayer of remembrance, Taizé prayer and
Igna an medita on. It is a me to meet with others in quiet and
peace away from the busyness and noise of the world. You are all
most welcome!
Sewing Circle Ministry
Do you like to sew, quilt, knit or crochet? We would
love to have you join our Sewing Circle. Come share
your ideas and skills, or learn a new technique at our
meeting this Wednesday, May 13, at 7 p.m. in the
Ministry Center. Our loving hands craft unique,
handmade items for Christian Service Ministry boutiques and parties.
For more information please call Ellen Riopel at (714) 750-9039.
Feast of the Ascension
Just a reminder, in the Western United States,
the Feast of the Ascension is celebrated in
place of the Seventh Sunday of Easter.
Therefore, Thursday, May 14, is NOT a Holy
Day of Obliga on.
Vacation Bible School
VBS will be held June 22-26. Please
see the VBS link on the parish website
for more informa on. Registra on
will end on Friday, May 15.
New this year: ALL ONLINE
registra on for campers, student
volunteers and adult volunteers! Please go to the parish website for the link to register. Upon
comple ng your form online, you must print out and sign a
waiver, then drop it off to the Ministry Center office with
payment. Your spot at VBS is not confirmed un l we receive your
waiver and payment.
 If you commi ed to dona ng an item from our Wish List, please
drop it off to the Ministry Center Office by Friday, May 15.
Thank you for your support!
 Adult Volunteers will have a mee ng on Sunday, May 17, from 1
to 3 p.m. in the Family and Youth Center
 Student Volunteers will meet on Sunday, June 7, from 11 to 4 p.m.
 We’d love some help pain ng, making decora ons and
organizing supplies every Saturday beginning May 31. We meet
from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the school courtyard area next to the
Family & Youth Center. Volunteers age 12 and up, please!
Please contact Amy Glenane at [email protected] or (714)
974-8781 for more information.
Youth & Teen Ministries
School of Religious Education
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
SRE Closing Ceremony
Serving Junior High through College-Age Young Adults
The Closing Ceremony for ALL CLASSES, Grades 1 through 6, will
be held on Monday, May 11, at 6 p.m. in the Family & Youth
Center. Parents and students of Monday and Tuesday classes at 4
or 6:30 p.m. are asked to be present. This will be held in place of
regular class mes. This mee ng will include important
informa on for Fall and SRE changes and updates.
Registration for Confirmation Year 2015-16
Pre-K and Kindergarten families are welcome to a end, but your
last class this year will be on Sunday, May 17.
First Communion Photos
If you purchased a package from the photographer your
Communion photos will be mailed to you directly. If you did not
purchase a package, your child’s photograph (receiving
Communion) will be available in the SRE Office in about 4 weeks.
You must physically come to the SRE Office to iden fy your child
in the photograph.
Registration for 2015-16
SRE Early Bird Registration officially begins June 1 and runs until
July 31. The deadline for SRE registration is August 31. You may go
to the St. Norbert Church website and download the registration
packet now to get a head start:
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost me for Registra on again!
Please make note of the following registra on guidelines:
Re-Registration Open House Dates
Tuesday, June 23: 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Early Bird Registra on discount!
Wednesday, July 22: 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 16: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
These dates above are reserved for re-registra ons only. All teens
and junior high students already in the program must re-register
at one of these three open houses. Youth Ministry will start
accep ng any NEW registra ons any me star ng June 1. All new
registra ons must come to YOUTH MINISTRY during regular
business hours to turn in completed applica ons. Applica ons will
be available online, in the Ministry Center, or at YM Office by the
end of the month. Copies of Bap sm & First Communion
cer ficates are required.
Junior High Ministry
 See above informa on for Registra on for 2015-16.
 Don’t be a stranger this summer! Come by Youth Ministry any
me. Watch for Summer Socials info in future bulle ns.
Catechists Needed
Vision Ministry
Catechists are needed for the SRE English Faith Forma on classes.
Please consider giving one hour of your me once a week for
about 6-1/2 months, beginning in the fall. (October 2015 through
May 2016, Mondays OR Tuesdays, 4 to 5 p.m. OR 6:30 to 7:30
p.m.) This is a wonderful ministry to share your faith with the
children of our parish. You do not need to be a professional
teacher. Training will be offered over the summer. You simply
need to love Jesus and help the children on their faith forma on
journey. Together in Jesus we can make a difference! Please call
Robin Mayes at (714) 998-1070 for more informa on.
Stay connected to His Vine! All teens who were confirmed, be sure
to join us for our Vision Social with juniors & seniors on
Wednesday, May 13, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Leadership Team
Mark your calendars! (details to follow):
 Teachers Volunteer Apprecia on Dinner (Adults only): May 19,
6 to 8:30 p.m.
 Leadership Retreat for all Confirma on teachers, co-teachers
& Vision: June 27-28.
St. Norbert Catholic School
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day from St. Norbert Catholic
Gracious God, pour out your love and care today
on all women who are called to shower their
motherhood on the world in the par cular ways
that God makes possible.
The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God
is the heart of a mother -St. Therese of Lisieux
Service Opportunities
All teen volunteers must sign-up in advance with Helen via e-mail
at [email protected]
 Vaca on Bible School:
Sign up for VBS to help as a Student Volunteer and get credit
for a Confirma on Service Project! See VBS ar cle on page 3
of this bulle n for details and registra on info for this exci ng
summer opportunity.
 Chris an Service Food Distribu on: Every Saturday
Shi s are available from 8 to 11 a.m. OR 10:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m. Join us to help our Chris an Service Ministry serve our
Faith Formation & Enrichment
spiritually the mother of all of us.
This Thursday, May 14, our Neophytes (newly bap zed) will be
learning about what the Paschal Mystery means and how to apply
it to our daily life experiences.
As we con nue to love and honor our own grandmothers and
mothers, even a er they have passed on to heaven, so we
con nue to love and honor the mother of our Lord. Worship is
given to God alone. When we pray to Mary, we are simply asking
her to pray with us before God, to present our pe ons and
thanksgivings to her son. As we believe that all Chris ans live
forever in Christ, it is no different than asking any other Chris an
friend to pray for us. We are instructed in the scriptures to pray
for one another. Catholics keep pictures and statues of Mary in
our churches for remembrance, just as one keeps photographs of
loved ones in a wallet or on the wall of their home. The picture is
not the same as the person, it is just a way to remember them, to
not forget their goodness and the love we have shared with them.
Anyone desiring to become a Catholic is welcome to begin the
Inquiry Process on Thursday evenings at 7:30. In order to be
received into the Catholic Church by Easter 2016, it is necessary to
begin the process during the Easter Season this year.
Wednesday Evening Bible
This Wednesday evening, May 13, we will
con nue with the second session of our
study of the Gospel of John. We will
meet in the Ministry Center Library from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Please read
John chapters 5-6 prior to the mee ng. This sec on of John’s Gospel
contains the most detailed explana on of the Eucharist given by Jesus
to his Apostles that is recorded in the scriptures, and it vital to our
understanding of the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Monday Bible Study
On Monday morning, May 11, we will con nue with the fi h of an
8-part series on the Biblical texts regarding Mary. This study is
accompanied by a DVD with beau ful photography of the places
in the Holy Land associated with the life of the Virgin Mary. In this
outstanding presenta on, walk with Mary through the Easter
season visi ng those places dear to her heart and to her Son. We
will meet in the Ministry Center Library from 9:15 to 11 a.m. For
more informa on contact Mary Prather at (714) 709-3768. A
workbook is available to par cipants for a suggested dona on of
Wondering Why
This Sunday is celebrated as Mother’s Day in the United States.
Many people will take their mothers out for brunch, dinner, or
stop by for a visit with a gi . Others may think lovingly about
mothers who are now living in heaven. At Mass, special blessings
will be given to mothers.
As Catholics, we honor Mary as the Mother of the Church, and the
whole month of May is dedicated to her. Some mes honor we
give to Mary in our Church is misunderstood by other Chris ans,
who are concerned that it is idolatrous, giving the worship due
only to God to a human being.
This is an incorrect understanding of Catholic devo on to Mary.
We honor Mary because she was the mother of our Lord. Mary
was founda onal in the life of Jesus, giving birth to him, caring for
him through infancy, childhood and adolescence. Mary washed
Jesus clothes, cooked meals for him and told him bed me stories,
like all good mothers do. According to John’s Gospel, when Jesus
died, he entrusted Mary to the Beloved Disciple, who represents
the Church. She becomes not only the mother of Jesus, but
Mary’s life was not an easy one as a first century Jewish peasant.
She faced many challenges and had to trust in God, when the way
did not seem easy or clear just as many of us do. Mary was an
unmarried pregnant teenager whose fiancé was not too sure
about going ahead with the marriage. While the Gospels have
preserved for us the story of the angel and the divine origin of her
pregnancy, we have to remember that her neighbors did not
know what we now know, and made their own assump ons. Even
Joseph had to be convinced that Mary was suitable to become his
According to Luke’s Gospel, Mary and Joseph were away from
home when Jesus was born and had no place to stay, forcing her
to give birth in a stable. Ma hew tells us that a decree from King
Herod that all newborns be put to death caused the Holy Family
to become poli cal refugees, fleeing to a foreign country to
preserve their lives. In Egypt, they had no established home and
Joseph did not have a job, so they would have had to depend
upon the kindness of strangers.
At some point it appears that Joseph dies, leaving Mary a widow,
and then her son leaves home to begin his ministry. Mary would
have had to depend upon other rela ves for support as women
did not hold paying jobs, and there was no life insurance or social
security benefits. She lived in a town that was occupied for foreign
poli cal forces who showed li le respect for the local people,
especially women, and she had no man to protect her.
Ul mately, Mary sees her son arrested and painfully executed for
crimes he did not commit. As a mother, how incredibly difficult
that must have been. But, she is also present with the other
believers a er the Resurrec on, when the Holy Spirit comes upon
them all to encourage and empower them with his gi s.
This is a woman who understands the difficul es and the joys of
human life. Mary is worth honoring, she is the first and most
perfect disciple and the Mother of the Church.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Ministerio Hispano
Reflexionemos sobre la
Palabra de Dios
Sexto Domingo de Pascua
Como nación somos un pueblo en
movimiento. No es que sólo viajemos
durante las vacaciones y para visitar a
familiares y amistades, sino que estamos
dispuestos a mudarnos de un lugar a otro
para ir a la universidad, para trabajar, por
razones de salud y finalmente para
nuestra jubilación. Mientras que
generaciones anteriores normalmente
permanecían en un solo trabajo y en una
misma casa prác camente por toda su
vida, hoy es común mudarse de un lugar a
otro, a un estado diferente y aun a otro
país. Esta movilidad afecta nuestras
relaciones llevándonos de un grupo de
amigos hacia otro, de una relación ín ma
hacia otra.
Es por eso que la amonestación de Jesús
para que permanezcamos en su amor
puede parecer como un gran reto para
aquellas personas cuya vida se dis ngue
por el cambio y la transitoriedad. La
palabra “permanecer” a veces se traduce
como algo “duradero”. El significado de
esta invitación es “quedarnos en una
residencia duradera”. La semana pasada
Jesús nos exhortó a “permanecer” unidos
en sus palabras; esta semana nos dice
“permanezcan en mi amor” (Juan 15:9).
Jesús nos dice cómo hacer eso
(cumpliendo sus mandamientos), por qué
hacerlo (para par cipar en su alegría y
que nuestra alegría sea completa), qué es
lo que debemos hacer específicamente
(amarnos los unos a los otros como él nos
ha amado, esto es, que entregó su vida
por mí y por ) y qué ganamos por hacer
esto (una amistad con nua con él, la cual
produce frutos y nos concede todo lo que
pidamos al Padre en su nombre).
Un intercambio bastante bueno por
permanecer . . . en su amor.
—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publica ons.
Todos los derechos reservados.
¡Atención Jóvenes en High School!
¡Becas disponibles para los Jóvenes de San
El fondo de Becas Guadalupanas de San Norberto ofrece becas a
jóvenes de la parroquia que estén cursando su úl mo año de escuela
preparatoria (high school) y que estén planeando inscribirse como
estudiantes de empo completo en un colegio comunitario,
universidad o escuela vocacional/comercial. Los requisitos incluyen un
promedio mínimo (GPA) de 2.5 y la par cipación en las ac vidades parroquiales.
 Beca A – otorgada a la excelencia académica y ac vidades extracurriculares.
 Beca B – otorgada a un estudiante que sea el primero de su familia (primera
generación) en graduarse de la universidad.
 Beca C – otorgada a un estudiante considerando la situación financiera de la familia.
Estén al pendiente en el bole n para fechas importantes y fecha límite de entrega de las
solicitudes. Para más información sobre las becas o para hacer dona vos al fondo de
becas, favor de ponerse en contacto con Pat Robles-Friebert al [email protected] o (714)
Escuela Bíblica de Verano
La VBS se llevará a cabo del 22 al 26 junio. Por favor consulte el
enlace de la VBS en el si o web de la parroquia para más
información. Las inscripciones se terminarán el viernes 15 de
Nuevo este año: Los campistas, estudiantes voluntarios y
adultos voluntarios ¡pueden registrarse en línea! Por favor visiten la página web de la
parroquia para el enlace para inscribirse. Una vez completado
el formulario en línea, se necesita imprimir y firmar una exención (waiver) y entregarla en
las oficinas del Centro de Ministerios junto con su pago. Su lugar en la VBS no estará
confirmado hasta que recibamos su exención y su pago.
 Si se ha comprome do a donar un ar culo de nuestra lista de deseos, favor de
entregarlo en las oficinas del Centro de Ministerios el viernes 15 de mayo. ¡Gracias por
su apoyo!
 Los adultos voluntarios tendrán una reunión el domingo 17 de mayo, de 1 a 3 p.m. en el
Centro Familiar y Juvenil.
 Los estudiantes voluntarios se reunirán el domingo 7 de junio, del 11 a.m. a 4 p.m.
 Nos encantaría que nos ayuden a pintar, hacer decoraciones y organizar los materiales
que usaremos en la VBS, nos reuniremos cada sábado comenzando el 31 de mayo, de 9
a.m. a 12 p.m. en el pa o de la escuela, junto al Centro Familiar y Juvenil. Voluntarios
de 12 años en adelante, ¡por favor!
Por favor comuníquese con Barbara Brule al (714) 287-9780 o [email protected] para
más información.
Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial
Agradecemos su apoyo con nuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2014 a junio
30, 2015. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra parroquia
necesita para cubrir los gastos de cada semana, el cual es de $27,900. La colecta del
domingo pasado 3 de mayo, fue $23,607.94. Se necesita de su donación semanal para el
bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio.
Ministerio Hispano
Venta de Orquídeas para el
Día de las Madres
Como cada año, el programa de educación
religiosa en español tendrá su venta de
hermosas orquídeas en todas las misas, dando inicio el sábado 9
de mayo, en la misa de las 5 p.m., con nuando en las misas del
día domingo 10 de mayo. Los fondos recaudados son para ayudar
a que las catequistas terminen su formación y de esta forma
puedan compar r más ampliamente la fe a los niños que cada año
llegan al programa de nuestra parroquia. De antemano les
agradecemos su apoyo.
Felicitaciones a Rita Mejia
Felicitaciones por su nominación como Mujer Católica de Año por
medio de Caridades Católicas, Diócesis de Orange. Orando para
que su ministerio con núe abundante en bendiciones para usted
y para los que sirve.
Último Día de Clases
Informamos a los padres de familia que volveremos a clases el
sábado 16 de mayo en sus horarios regulares, y el úl mo día de
clases será el sábado 23 de mayo.
¡Invitación Especial!
Se invita a todas las madres que tiene niños con necesidades
especiales a la Misa del próximo miércoles 13 de mayo, a las 7 p.m.
para una bendición especial, ya que ellas son el ejemplo de Madres
que cuidan a sus hijos con mucho amor y les dan su cuidado 7 días a
la semana, 24 horas al día. El Padre Agustín aprovechará esta
oportunidad para celebrarles junto con la festividad de la Santísima
Virgen de Fátima. Traigan a sus niños para que estén junto con
ustedes.Para más información pueden comunicarse al (714) 6374360 x106 con Carmen Estrada. ¡no falten!
Formación en la Fe:
Inscripciones 2015-2016
Se informa a las familias de la comunidad de San Norberto, que las
próximas inscripciones para sus niños de 3 años al 6 grado, serán
el sábado 16 de mayo, de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m. en el pa o de la
escuela. Favor de traer el cer ficado de bau zo de sus niños para
poder registrarlos, es un documento muy importante para
nosotros ya que necesitamos dejar la información en los archivos.
Recuerde que el cupo es limitado. Para más información puede
comunicarse al Centro de Ministerios, al (714) 637-4360 x105 o
106 con Carmen o Shyn a.
Servicio Cristiano
Durante este mes de mayo Servicio Cris ano está colectando
paquetes de gela nas y cajas pequeñas de puré de papa. Les
agradecemos su apoyo y les invitamos a que dejen sus donaciones
en los contenedores que se encuentran en las oficinas del Centro
de Ministerios.
¡Se le paga por entrenar!
Taller San José
Si eres un joven entre 18 y 28 años, enes documentos para
trabajar y hablas inglés, Taller San José ofrece clases de
computación, cuidado médico, y en el área de la construcción.
Nuestros programas pueden ayudarte a conseguir trabajo en
oficina, en el área de comercio, o en construcción. Para más
información llama al (714) 543-5105. Taller San José está ubicado
en: 801 N. Broadway St., en Santa Ana, en la esquina de Civic
Center y Broadway.
Parish Calendar
May 10, 2015 ~ May 16, 2015
Sunday, May 10
Mother’s Day Orchid Sale
3:15 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia
Monday, May 11
9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Group
9:15 a.m. Monday Morning Bible Study
7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Grupo de Oración
Tuesday, May 12
7:00 p.m. Adult Confirmation Class
7:30 p.m. RICA
7:30 p.m. Praying with Scripture
Wednesday, May 13
6:00 p.m. YM Vision Ministry
6:45 p.m. Men’s Basketball
7:00 p.m. Sewing Circle
7:30 p.m. Bible Study: Gospel of John
7:45 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia
7:45 p.m. Jóvenes Para Cristo Formación de Discipulos
Thursday, May 14
12:00 p.m. Catholic Chari es Woman-of-the-year Honoree Tea
6:00 p.m. RCIC
7:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración
7:30 p.m. RCIA & Inquiry
Friday, May 15
VBS Registra on Closes
7:00 p.m. Journey of Hope Support Group (Divorced & Separated)
7:00 p.m. Jóvenes para Cristo
7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Niños
7:00 p.m. Adolescentes
Saturday, May 16
10:00 a.m. Bap sms
10:00 a.m. Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL)
10:00 am. Preparación para la Ciudadanía
12:00 p.m. Chris an Service Food Distribu on
3:30 p.m. Confessions
5:00 p.m. Reunion Mensual de los Proclamadores de Palabra
Community Life & Groups
St. Norbert Mothers
Come connect with other Catholic
moms! We are a diverse group of
women gathering together for mutual
support, fellowship, service and love. We
welcome you to join in our upcoming events and become a part of
this great group of moms.
Look what we have planned for the coming months:
 Saturday, May 16: Couples Night Out
 Sunday, May 17: Tissue Flower Making Service Project at 10 a.m.
 Friday, May 22: Faith and Fellowship at 7:30 p.m.
 Saturday, June 27: Movie Night
 Sunday, June 28: Singing at Kirkwood at 10:15 a.m.
Contact Barbara Brule at (714) 287-9780 or [email protected]
for more information.
Support Group for
Divorced & Separated
St. Norbert Church is hos ng an ongoing
13-week program to support those going
through the emo onal pain of divorce or
separa on. Key challenges and unique family dynamics as a result
of this unexpected journey will be addressed as well as a safe
environment to share concerns and reconnect with understanding
and a new hope. The dona on is $35 to register at any me which
includes book, journal and drop-in format for all groups. Call Kelly
Klaus for addi onal informa on or registra on (949) 292-7281.
Mee ngs are held on Friday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the
Family & Youth Center Youth Room (upstairs).
Summer School and Youth
Camps at Mater Dei
Mater Dei High School is hos ng summer
school for all high school students and a
variety of youth camps in its state-of-theart facili es. Credit Recovery and Advancement classes available
to all high school students. The youth camps will provide
compe ve skill development in a posi ve and fun environment.
Camps being offered such as: Band & Drum Line, Color Guard,
Baseball, Basketball, Cheer and Song, Cross Country, Dance,
Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Robo cs, Soccer, So ball, Swim, Tennis,
Theatre Arts, Track and Field, Volleyball, Water polo and
Wrestling. Mater Dei youth camps are open to boys and girls who
are entering K through eighth grades. Visit
summerschool or to register today!
Pray for the sick . . .
Alice Benne
Ava Berg
Be y Bick
Omar Brito
Jackie Burick
Burke Family
Giovanni Camponovo
Soccoro Cas llo
Centellas Family
Lillian Cordaway
Margaret Cordova
Jorge Cortés
Linda Cucovatz
Baby Autumn Jiricek DeCleene
Nelson Françozo
Janice Fournier
George Germak
Durfee Family
Faraj Joubran
Jim Kilroy
Mark Losi
Rosalyn Lugones
Dennis McCarthy
Helen Mellyn
Brenda Oswald
Ron Pohl
Maria Saavedra
Aurora Sánchez
Chris ne Stevens
Seminarian Nicolaus Duy Thai
Sheila Utrup
A. Widner
. . . and for those who have died.
Josephine Barrera
Pauline Borsch
Maria Ramos
Mass Intentions
Saturday, May 9, 2015
5:00 p.m. + Frank & Mary Bruno
Sunday, May 10, 2015
7:30 a.m. + William Ernest
9:00 a.m.
Mother’s Day Novena
10:00 a.m. + Christopher Gayahan
12:00 p.m. + Alfredo Ruiz
2:00 p.m.
St. Norbert Parishioners
5:30 p.m.
All Mothers
7:00 p.m.
Karen González
Monday, May 11, 2015
6:15 a.m. + All Souls in Purgatory
8:30 a.m.
Mother’s Day Novena
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Antoine e Meneses
8:30 a.m.
Mother’s Day Novena
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Sr. Frances O’Leary
8:30 a.m.
Mother’s Day Novena
7:00 p.m.
Familia Bartolo Or z
Thursday, May 14, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Hernan Rivera Antezana
8:30 a.m.
Mother’s Day Novena
Friday, May 15, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Nelly Antezana de Rivera
8:30 a.m.
Mother’s Day Novena
Saturday, May 16, 2015
8:30 a.m.
Mother’s Day Novena
Our Parish & Beyond
Get on the Bus
Get on the Bus is a program that rallies
communi es throughout the state to provide
children of incarcerated parents with a visit to
see their mothers and fathers. Several buses
will be leaving Orange County for prisons on
May 30 and June 8. We are in need of financial help to make
these visits possible. Money is used for bus rentals, food, coloring
books, games, snacks, etc. Checks can be made out to Get on the
Bus and mailed to Sister Eymard Flood, Diocese of Orange
Pastoral Center, 13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove, CA
92840, or call (714) 282-3114.
Ladies, you are invited to a end
ODCCW Annual
May Crowning
Place: St. Mary Church on Commonwealth in
Date: Tuesday, May 19
Time: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Dona on: $15
The Orange Diocesan Council of Catholic Women invites you to
a end the Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary with beau ful
singing by Chad Berlinghieri. Enjoy the celebra on co-hosted by
St. Pius V and St. Mary Parishes. Mass at 8 a.m., registra on in the
hall at 8:30 a.m., General Mee ng at 9 a.m. with a con nental
breakfast. Bring flowers of the rarest to Queen of the May as you
follow the procession and corona on in the church at 10 a.m.
Lunch will follow at noon in the hall with adjournment at 1 p.m.
Reserva ons are due by Friday, May 15, by contac ng Pat Mar n
at (714) 892-5219 or by e-mail at jimandpatmar [email protected]
Come for fellowship, socializing, and community building with likeminded women who seek spiritual and intellectual development.
All women in the Diocese of Orange are automa cally members of
the Orange Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (ODCCW) which
meets for its General Mee ng and luncheon at a different parish
each month to provide the opportunity for apostolic endeavors by
assis ng Bishop Kevin Vann with his goals and programs for the
Get paid to train
Taller San José
If you are between the ages of 18 and 28, have rightto-work documents, speak, read and write English,
Taller San José has training programs that can help
you find employment in a medical career, in the construc on
trade, or as a Microso Office specialist. For more informa on call
(714) 543-5105. Taller San José is located at 801 N. Broadway in
Santa Ana on the corner of Civic Center and Broadway.
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, May 16
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Embassy Suites Anaheim – South
11767 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast proudly presents
Michael and Lourdes Carroll, God’s holy and
humble servants, transformed through the
union of Christ in their marriage and by His
Divine Mercy. Join us for this truly inspira onal tes mony,
Touched by God’s Mercy and Healed by His Love!
Registra on by mail postmarked by May 11: $28 per person
Registra on at the door: $33 per person
Mail to: Magnificat Ministry, P.O. Box 4381, Orange, CA 92863
The meal includes a full plated breakfast as well as the speaker’s
program. Please visit for a flyer and
registra on informa on. Flyers are also available in the ves bule
of the church. For registra on informa on, contact Chris na at
(714) 809-9382 or [email protected]
Catholic Charities Auxiliary
Women who assist Catholic Chari es of
Orange County (CCOC) with fundraising,
community service & extending God’s love.
Save the Date: Thursday, May 28
The Catholic Women-of-the-Year Luncheon will
be held at the Hilton Orange County Costa Mesa.
For further informa on contact Maureen Romaine at (949) 2811112 or [email protected] For more informa on
on Catholic Chari es of Orange County, visit our website at
St. Norbert Church congratulates Rita Mejia, our parish nominee
for Catholic Woman-of-the-Year. May your ministry con nue to be
a rich blessing to you and to those you serve.
Rosary High School Summer
Looking for a fun summer camp for your child
that also provides academic enrichment?
Rosary High School is very excited to announce
our summer camp opportuni es!! The Royal
Summer Academy for girls ages 8-12 years, offers a one week
Computer Science and Imagina on Camp, July 6-10, and a twoweek Music Conservatory Camp, July 13-24. Our Math Academy
for girls AND boys in Grades 5-10 will run July 27-31 and August 34 to review select topics of mathema cs. For more informa on,
please go to or call Mrs. Michele
Hein, Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruc on, at (714)

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