“Visas para un Sueño”


“Visas para un Sueño”
“Visas para un Sueño”
Por Juan Luis Guerra
Banco de Palabras
Hechos sobre la Republica Dominicana
Ciudad Capital
Santo Domingo
9, 442,000
Segundo más grande en el caribe y
América Central
Sueldo Promedio
30% de la gente rural vive en
Pobreza (20% en pobreza extrema.)
Turismo y recurso naturales
Republica Presidencial
68.9% católico, 18.2% protestante,
10.6 ateo, 2.3% otra
Día 1y 2: Escuchar la canción y revisar los significados del banco de palabras en inglés
Eran las 5:00 de la _____________________
Con la _____________________ que se acaba
1. Un seminarista, _____________________
Pues ya no hay visa para un _____________________
2. Con mil papeles de solvencia
Que no le dan para ser _____________________
Buscando visa para un sueño (bis).
6. Buscando visa de _____________________ y cal
Eran las 7:00 de la _____________________
Y en el asfalto quién me va a encontrar.
3.Y uno por uno _____________________
Buscando visa para un sueño (bis).
4. Pues cada cual tiene su precio
Buscando visa la _____________________ de ser
Buscando visa para un sueño.
Buscando visa 7. para no ___________________
Buscando visa la_____________________
5. El sol quemándoles la entraña
Buscando visa que rabia me da
Un formulario de consuelo
Buscando visa golpe de poder
Con una _____________________ 2 x 4
Que se derrite en el _____________________.
Buscando visa que más puedo_______________
Buscando visa 8. para naufragar,
Eran las 9:00 de la _____________________
Santo Domingo 8 de _____________________
Buscando visa carne de la ________________
Buscando visa la razón de ser
Buscando visa para no ___________________
9. (Sonido de helicóptero)
Canciones: Principiantes
Archivos Auditivos
Creado por Carlos 1415
Día 3: Chequear la letra con el video con letra e imágenes
Día 4 Empareja la frase con una referencia cultural
____________ must convince the U.S. immigration service that they are not only economically solvent but so firmly
established in the Republic that it would be disadvantageous to overstay the visa and work in the United States.
Aspiring migrants thus sometimes use falsified documents.
_____________ a butchering of hopes
_____________ The sun beating down from waiting in line for so long at the U.S. Embassy.
_____________ _Dominicans from all social backgrounds arriving at the U.S. consulate, all having the same dream.
_____________ _notion of bribing U.S. embassy officials
_____________ references making a journey to Puerto Rico made on little rafts (called yolas)
_____________ reference to the constant presence of immigration officials over the seas.
Ver El Video Dominican Americans Start at 3:30
In the 1960’s there was a large immigration of Dominicans into the U.S. Let’s take a look at a family that
immigrated during that time.
How many Dominicans are living in the U.S.?
2. What kind of background did most Dominicans come from?
3. What were the reasons that many Dominicans came to the U.S.?
4. What kind of business did Luis start?
5. What does the phrase mean “Estamos aquí para lo que venimos”?
Baseball Dreams (Start at 1:00)
Currently, it is much more difficult to emigrate to the U.S. from D.R. Let’s look at one way that Dominican youth use
to get the U.S. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_jvWbBAy_Y
What percentage of boys will make it to Major League Baseball?
2. Why might the training of these boys be considered abuse?
3. How are some youth giving themselves an advantage in getting into the major leagues?
4. What does “La Buena Mentira” mean in English?
5. How might it be considered “good”?
Canciones: Principiantes
Archivos Auditivos
Creado por Carlos 1415
Viaje en Yola (desde :32 segundos hasta 1:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwcUF2sVDkM
Dominicans who are not able to gain visas will sometimes use other ways of leaving their county, such as Yola Boats to
Puerto Rico. Watch the video and share your observations.
1. What do the conditions look like on a Yola (describe it as if to a person who hadn’t seen it)? Describe how
much space they have.
2. What are the sea and weather conditions like?
3. What could be some of the dangers of a trip like this (60-90 miles)?
What are some of the personal sacrifices that were told within all of the videos and song? What did people
have to give up?
What are some of the elements in your life that you might take for granted (or may not think about on a daily
basis?) How would you feel if they disappeared?
What would you be willing to sacrifice to reach the promise of another country? (never seeing your family?
Risking death? What else?)
Canciones: Principiantes
Archivos Auditivos
Creado por Carlos 1415

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