Parish Events and Notes


Parish Events and Notes
245 North Main Street, Spring Valley New York 10977
AUGUST - 14TH - 2016
Served By
Parochial Vicar:
Parochial Vicar:
Parochial Vicar:
Chaplain Malankara
Indian Community:
Weekend Associate:
Parish Secretary:
Evening Receptionist:
PREP Director:
PREP Asst. Director:
Director of Music:
Rev. Levelt Germain
Rev. Patrick Adekola
Rev. Cyprien Emile
Rev. Robert L. Rodriguez
Bishop Naickamparambil
Fr. Waclaw Swierzbiolek
Rev. Mr. Jose Pena
Rev. Mr. Peter Venezia
Djena Abraham
Mayra Vides
Maureen Foley
Alicia Lima
Mr. Mark LaRosa
Parish Office
Address: 333 Sneden Place W. Spring Valley,
New York, 10977
Office Hours: 9:00am-8:00pm(Monday-Friday)
Closed from 12:00pm-1:00pm for lunch
Contact Us
Rectory: Telephone: 845-356-0311
Fax: 845-352-8126
Main Church Email:
[email protected]
Music Director: ext. 22
[email protected]
Parish Administrator: ext. 10
[email protected]
Religious Education: ext. 23
[email protected]
Mass Schedule
Weekday: Monday –Friday
9:00am and 5:30pm in the Main Church
Saturday : 9:00am in the Main Church
Saturday Vigil Masses in the Church:
5:00pm (English) 7:30pm (Spanish)
Sunday in the Church: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:15 am
(English) 1:15pm (Haitian) and 5:30 pm
Sunday in the Chapel: 9:45 am (Polish) &
1:15 pm (English)
Sunday in the Gym:: 11:00 am (Spanish)
Indian Masses: Malankara Mass Sunday at 4:30pm
Monday: Miraculous Medal Novena
9:00am Mass followed by the Novena
Wednesday: Saint Joseph Novena
9:00am Mass followed by the Novena
Wednesday Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
8:00pm in the main Church
Thursday Our Lady of Manaoag Novena / Exposition
Our Lady of Manaoag Novena Following the 9:00 am daily Mass.
Exposition from 8:00pm-10:00pm (Stone Chapel in Spanish)
Friday Divine Mercy Chaplet
After 9:00am Mass & 5:00pm Mass
Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10:00am-5:00pm ending with
Baptism Instruction Class for Parents and Godparents
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month in English at 7pm in the Rectory
3rd Friday of the month in French/Creole at 7:00pm in the Rectory Chapel
4th Friday of the month at 7:30pm in the School Building
Baptisms Celebrated On:
The 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month in English at 12:30pm
The 3rd Saturday of the month in French/Creole at 12:30pm
The 4th Saturday of the Month in Spanish at 2:00pm
To schedule a baptism please contact the rectory office for more
information at 845-356-0311.
Reconciliation: Saturday 12:00pm, 4:30pm and 6:30pm in the Church.
You may come to the Rectory Monday through Friday and request to
speak to the Priest on duty.
Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the parish office at any time and
make arrangements with one of our Priests. In cases of illness, please
notify us if you or a family member would like to receive Holy
Communion at home, hospital or nursing home to make arrangements.
Marriage: Please contact our parish office at least 6 months prior to
your scheduled wedding date and to schedule a meeting with one of our
priests. Religious Education: Sacramental preparation for First
Communion and Confirmation is offered for public school students in
grades 1 through 10. All children should be registered before attending
class. For further information please call 845-356-0054.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): A process of
Liturgical and Spiritual formation for those seeking to receive the
sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For more
information contact our Parish Office.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, August 13, 2016
9:00am: +Jean Baptiste Dumel
5:00 pm: Jayden Almonord (B)
7:30 pm: Spanish Multiple Intentions
Sunday, August 14 2016
7:30am: +Jerome Guce
9:00am: +Frank Kurnat
11:00am: Spanish Multiple Intentions
11:15am: Huguette Dempaire (T)
1:15pm: Myrlande Menisere (T)
1:15pm: +Rev. Father Louis Kralovich
5:30pm: +Bright Joseph
Monday, August 15, 2016
9:00am: Andy Ambroise (B)
5:30pm: +Robert Neilson
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
9:00am: +Santa A. Taccetta
5:30pm: +Zelina Dorceus
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
9:00am: +Nancy Guirand (Deliverance)
5:30pm: +Mario Richard
Thursday, August 18, 2016
9:00am: +Yvelt A. Jean Baptiste
5:30pm: +Yvelt A. Jean Baptiste
Friday, August 19, 2016
9:00am: +Philomene Millien
5:30 pm: Marye and Franz Justafot (T)
Aug. 6th and 7st: $13,317
Last Year: $11,818.00 (+$1,553)
Thank you for your support and sacrifice.
Let us keep up this great work and together
we can make Saint Joseph, great!
Saturday Vigil: Aug. 13, 2016
5:00pm: Olga Freeman
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2016
7:30am: Juana Billy
9:00am: Terry Teodoro
11:15am: Priscilla Baruc
1:15pm: Anite Sopin, Innocent
Valsaint & Jacqueline Mondesir
1:15pm (Chapel): Jean Marescot
5:30pm: Vicky Gatchalian
Saturday, August 20, 2016
9:00am: 50th Wedding Anniversary of Peter
and Jo-Anne Venezia (T)
5:00 pm: +Remedios Montevirgen
Sarrah McCants, Lodz Cesar, Marie Cadet, Eduardo Francis Kelly,
5Michelle Dumel, Joan Oster, Dennis Murphy, Bill Schroeder, Brian
Domtrovits II, Mirvil Touzin, Frida Carline, Lamercie Magloire,
Olivena Fabre, Gerry Fraioli, Christina Daniello, Judth Pena, Nena
Ireneo, Elza Delice, Lidia Jean, Joan DiMarzo, Marilyn LaRosa,
Marie Mompoint, Juliette Jean Kernosaint, Smith Florvil, Junie Florvil, Judith and
Shiline Bonasse, Gerarg Junior Janvier, Maud Cajuste, Leonar Cirus, Rigoberto
Torres, Lucette Francois, Dominick Moment, Alice Tomelden Rosalinda Ancheta
-Menor, Mariquit Tabudlo, Juliet Cruz, Lucy Mendoza , Boyet Dompor, James
Tomelden, Ely Banes, Lucille Hynes, Lawrence Stromberg, Sandy Rivera, Ray
Renart, Marie Ankner, Carline Antoine, Eden Azor, Keylin Belotte, Sasha
Belotte, Samson Bernard and all our homebound parishioners and the residents of
our local Nursing Homes.
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap
sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will
also reap bountifully. Each must do as
already determined, without sadness
or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful
giver.” II Corinthians 9:6-8
Lector Schedule
Parish Goal: $79,500
Pledged To Date: $21,136
Paid To Date: $17,281
This year we will focus on having more
participants for the Cardinal's Appeal.
We are currently at 111 participants
and looking for 500 to help support
the Archdiocese.
If you wish to give anonymously, you
can do so, but please make sure that
you use the envelope for Saint Joseph
Church so we can get the credit.
Lets see what we can do together!
E.M. Schedule
Saturday Vigil: Aug. 13, 2016
5:00pm: Thomas Ridore & Jean
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2016
7:30am: Christina Daniello $ Jean
9:00am: Helen Esposito, Chantal
Thevenot $ Celestine Chantale
11:15am: Rose Milien, Fely Carrera
& Tony Carrera
1:15pm: Raymonde Torchon, Taciana,
& Mitane Chery
1:15pm (Chapel): Ketty Ciceron
5:30pm: RPoch Gatchalian, Celeste
Pena & Ernise Lecorps
Gerry Leote,
Marie Douyon,
Anne Marie
Dumel, Jacqueline Sanon , Annette
Fredericque, Edwige Joseph, Thomas
Ridore ,Jean-Claude Dubuisson,
Wilhelmena Wolk and Chantal Thevenot
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine
XX Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10
Jeremiah urged the people of Jerusalem to surrender to the
enemy. This angered the princes, who then requested that
Jeremiah be put to death. The king allowed the princes to
leave him in a cistern without food or water. But after Ebed
Melech pleaded for Jeremiah's life, the king decided to free
Second Reading: Hebrews 12:1-4
This letter to the Hebrews inspires all Christians to persevere,
in spite of the trials they may face. Jesus endured much
suffering and was rewarded by God. Despite our struggles, we
must remember Jesus' ability to endure and maintain strong
faith in him.
Gospel: Luke 12:49-53
Jesus tells his disciples that his message will not bring peace
to the earth. Instead, even families will become sharply
divided because some members will embrace him, while
others condemn him.
XX Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday: Rv 11:19a, 12:1-6a, 10ab; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56
Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Mt 19:23-30
Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Mt 20:1-16
Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Mt 22:1-14
Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Mt 22:34-40
Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Mt 23:1-12
Parish Events and Notes
The Our Lady of Manaoag Society will have a Mass in
honor of Our Lady on Saturday, October 15, 2016 starting at
10:00 a.m. with a procession with rosary followed by Mass in
the Main Church. There will be light reception after in the
gym. Please join them as we honor Our Lady.
Saint Joseph Church Social Media Links
Find us at #saintjosephsvny and add that to your
photos on your Instagram account.
This September sign up for Flock Notes and get the
latest information from your ministry.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Blood
Drive: Sunday, August 28th, 2016. Please plan to
donate! Blood supplies traditionally run low in the
summer and each and every pint can help save us
life. For more information please contact the rectory at
845-359-1230 or email [email protected]
Pastor’s Corner:
We are coming to the conclusion of summer very soon.
This is a time to start back to school and in our case the
new financial year begins. I want to thank you for all your
sacrificial support for the parish that you do. Last year we
embarked on an increased giving campaign for the parish.
Those who responded to the call I thank you. However we
have seen a decrease in the collection and this is probably
due to the summer months. It is my hope that we can be
back at our $16,000 mark once again.
Our electric bill (and yes I bring this up a lot) is extremely
expensive. Let me give you an example. Sunday Mass at
the parish uses both the school, church, and chapel. Most
places the church is only used. Here we use all three
buildings. Lights , bathrooms being used, water running,
and the heat and the AC we spend $52,000 a year on
electricity. I would love to reduce that amount and use the
savings for a some projects here at the parish. We are the
largest parish in the area and the most active. What we do,
and I mean you reading this, is amazing.
You may have noticed the envelopes have changed. We
have done this to help lower the costs to the parish. Take a
moment and think about tithing. (There is a pamphlet that
can help you make this decision in your mailings.) This
would be a great help to the parish. Please take this in
consideration when you make your offertory donation.
With the new fiscal year we have made some
administrative changes in the rectory. My job as your
pastor, as I have said before, is to protect the parish
spiritually and financially. I work with my staff to make
the best decisions for the future. The good old days are
gone and I want to remind you that the buildings are to be
vacated by 10:00 p.m. for all ministries. Your schedules
must be in to the rectory before September. I have asked
for them and received only a small amount. Again if you
do not have them submitted then do not seek a key from
the rectory. It is a simple as this.
I want to work and make this parish stronger. We need to
come together and be Saint Joseph Church. I encourage all
of you to attend a Mass that you have not been to here at
the parish. Children of the parish CCD program I want to
see you and your family at the Masses getting your cards
signed. Parents you also need to attend Mass and set the
example for your children. A strong family makes for a
strong parish.
Finally, we will soon be returning to our regular schedules
as the summer comes to the end. I look forward to the new
year ahead and the great work that we will do together.
God Bless +
1ÈRE LECTURE: JÉRÉMIE: 38, 4-6. 8-10
Ma mère, tu m’as enfanté homme de
querelle pour tout le pays
PSAUME: PS 39 (40)
R: Seigneur, viens vite à mon secours !
Courons avec endurance l’épreuve qui
nous est proposée
Je ne suis pas venu mettre la paix sur terre,
mais bien plutôt la division
Comme les disciples, il est habituel de croire que
Jésus est venu apporter la paix sur la terre. N’est-il
pas le Prince de la paix annoncé par les prophètes ? Dès lors,
le discours de l’évangile d’aujourd’hui dérange. Qu’est-ce qui
nous a échappé dans le message de Jésus ? La paix. Jésus
proclame un royaume de paix, car lui-même est la paix. Les
artisans de paix sont heureux puisqu’ils sont appelés fils de
Dieu (Mt 5, 9). Le salut et la paix vont de pair, comme lorsque
Jésus guérit la femme souffrant d’hémorragies (Mc 5, 34). La
paix est le don du Ressuscité (Lc 24, 36 ; Jn 20, 21)… Si la
paix n’est pas la source de la division, serait-ce alors le feu ?
Le plus souvent, il est une image de l’Esprit Saint. Ce sont les
langues de la Pentecôte (Ac 2, 3). Ou le baptême annoncé par
Jean : Jésus baptisera dans le feu (Mt 3, 11 ; Lc 3, 16). Le feu
de l’Esprit habite et anime celui qui s’ouvre à lui, le dotant de
ses dons (Ga 5, 22-23). L’Esprit suscite l’énergie, la générosité,
l’action, le service, l’engagement, le témoignage... La réponse
de chacun au feu de l’Esprit est source de division. C’est
l’expérience de conversion des premiers disciples, laissant
famille, terre et métier et suivant Jésus sur-le-champ. C’est
François d’Assise embrassant une vie de pauvreté. C’est
Charles de Foucauld, Louis et Zélie Martin, Mère Teresa…
C’est chacun d’entre nous lorsque nous empruntons les
chemins de la sainteté. Ainsi le pape Jean-Paul II disait, lors
des Journées mondiales de la jeunesse de l’an 2000 : « Si
vous êtes ce que vous devez être, vous mettrez le feu au
monde entier ! »
Clôture de l’année de la Miséricorde
Retraite “Esprit de service et de miséricorde”
23-25 Septembre 2016 @ Graymoor Spiritual Life Center
Prix par personne $ 300.00 (double) $ 400.00 (simple)
Incluant transport nourriture et logement
Pour informations, contactez
Jacqueline Sanon, Paulette Cadet
Le Coin du Pasteur:
Nous nous approchons de la fin de l’été. C'est le temps de préparer
la rentrée des classes; pour nous autres au bureau, c’est le début de
l’année fiscale. Je tiens à vous remercier pour tous vos efforts et
sacrifices. L'an dernier, nous avons entrepris une campagne pour
l’augmentation des dons à la paroisse; nombre ont répondu à l'appel.
Toutefois, nous avons constaté une diminution dans la collection qui
se justifie probablement par la saison estivale. J'espère que nous
reviendrons à notre “$16,000”.
Notre facture d’électricité est extrêmement coûteuse. Le dimanche
nous utilisons à la fois l'école, l'église, et la chapelle. Les lumières, les
toilettes, l’eau, l’air conditionné en constante utilisation porte le
montant de notre facture annuelle à $52,000. J'aimerais bien réduire
ce montant et utiliser cet argent pour réaliser certains projets pour la
paroisse. Nous sommes la plus grande et la plus active paroisse de la
zone. Ce que nous faisons, je peux vous en assurer, est
Vous avez peut-être remarqué un changement dans la configuration
des enveloppes; c’est l’une des actions prises pour diminuer les
dépenses. Ce fournisseur nous offre le même produit à un prix réduit.
Si vous réfléchissez sur la dîme. il y a un dépliant dans le paquet
(lisez-le) qui vous aide à prendre cette décision. Avec la nouvelle
année fiscale, nous avons fait quelques changements administratifs
dans le presbytère. Mon travail comme pasteur, comme je l'ai dit
avant, est de protéger la paroisse spirituellement et financièrement.
Je travaille avec mon personnel pour prendre les meilleures décisions
pour l'avenir. Les bons vieux jours sont révolus, et je tiens à vous
rappeler que toute activité ne doit pas aller au delà de 10:00 heures,
le soir. Nous vous rappelons de faire parvenir votre programmation
pour l’année avant le mois septembre.
Je veux travailler à rendre cette paroisse plus forte. Nous avons
besoin de nous unir pour le bien l'église de Saint Joseph. Je vous
encourage tous à assister à la messe, que cela soit ici à la paroisse
ou ailleurs. Les enfants du programme CCD doivent se faire
accompagner de leurs parents afin de faire signer leur carte de
messe. Une famille forte rend sa paroisse forte.
Enfin, nous allons bientôt retourner à notre horaire habituel comme
l'été arrive à sa fin. J'ai hâte de commencer la nouvelle année et voir
le résultat de l'excellent travail que nous ferons ensemble. Merci. Que
Dieu vous bénisse!
Dans le Christ +,
Jeremías instó a la gente de Jerusalén a rendirse al enemigo.
Esto enojó a los príncipes, quienes pidieron que mataran a
Jeremías. El rey permitió que los príncipes lo dejaran en una
cisterna sin agua ni comida. Pero después de que Ebed-melec
suplicó que no mataran a Jeremías, el rey decidió liberarlo.
Esta carta a los hebreos inspira a todos los cristianos a
perseverar, a pesar de las dificultades que tengan. Jesús pasó
por mucho sufrimiento y fue recompensado por Dios. A pesar
de nuestras dificultades debemos recorder a Jesús y mantener
una fuerte fé en El.
Jesús dice a sus discípulos que su mensaje no traerá paz a la
tierra. Aún familias se dividirán grandemente pues algunos de
sus miembros se unirán a El y otros lo condenarán.
“Ya que estamos rodeados de
una verdadera nube de
testigos, despojémonos de
todo lo que nos estorba, en
especial del pecado, que
siempre nos asedia, y corramos resueltamente al combate
que se nos presenta. Fijemos la mirada en el iniciador y
consumador de nuestra fe, en Jesús… Piensen en aquel
que sufrió semejante hostilidad por parte de los
pecadores, y así no se dejarán abatir por el desaliento.”
Cada cuatro años, atletas del mundo entero se congregan para
competir por medallas y reconocimiento.
Aunque las
Olimpiadas duran pocas semanas, el tiempo de preparación
parece eterno. Niños crecen como gimnastas, corredores
saltan vallas, clavadistas practican desde alturas peligrosas,
todo por la gloria de convertirse en campeones.
La oportunidad de participar es algo realmente especial para
los ganadores. Mucho dinero se gasta en las entradas, en la
construcción de instalaciones. Ahora estamos en Río para la
competencia. Otra competencia es la de puestos políticos.
Mitines, camarillas, reuniones municipales y convenciones han
estado frente a nosotros por muchos meses. La carrera final
se aproxima. Somos observadores.
Estamos llegando a la
conclusión de verano muy pronto. Este es un buen momento para
iniciar el regreso a la escuela y, en nuestro caso el nuevo ejercicio
que comienza. Quiero darles las gracias por todo su apoyo a la
parroquia de sacrificio que haces. El año pasado iniciamos una
campaña dando mayor para la parroquia. Aquellos que respondieron
a la convocatoria, le doy las gracias. Sin embargo, hemos visto una
disminución en la colección y esto es probablemente debido a los
meses de verano. Es mi esperanza que podamos estar de vuelta en
nuestra marca de 16.000 dólares una vez más.
La factura de electricidad (y sí menciono esto mucho) es
extremadamente caro. Permítanme darles un ejemplo. La misa
dominical en la parroquia utiliza tanto de la escuela, de la iglesia y de
la capilla. La mayoría de los lugares la iglesia sólo se utiliza. Aquí
utilizamos los tres edificios. Una hora de luces, baños utilizados, agua
corriendo, el calor y el aire acondicionado nos gastamos $52,000 al
año en electricidad. Me encantaría tener esa cantidad y guardarla
para importantes proyectos aquí en la parroquia. Somos la parroquia
más grande de la zona y más activa. Lo que hacemos, y me refiero a
los que están leyendo esto, es increíble.
Usted puede haber notado los sobres han cambiado. Hemos hecho
esto para ayudar a reducir los costes de la parroquia. Tome un
momento y piense en el diezmo. (Hay un folleto que puede ayudarle
a tomar esta decisión en sus mailings.) Esto sería una gran ayuda
para la parroquia. Por favor tome esto en cuenta cuando realice su
donación del ofertorio.
Con el nuevo año fiscal, hemos realizado algunos cambios
administrativos en la rectoría. Mi trabajo como su pastor, como he
dicho antes, es proteger a la parroquia espiritualmente y
financieramente. Yo trabajo con mi personal para tomar las mejores
decisiones para el futuro. Los buenos viejos días se han ido y quiero
recordarles que los edificios son para ser desocupada antes de las
10:00 p.m. para todos los ministerios. Su agenda debe estar en la
rectoría antes de septiembre. He pedido y recibido sólo una pequeña
cantidad. De nuevo, si usted no la han presentado luego no buscan
una clave a partir de la rectoría. Es un simple como este.
Quiero trabajar y hacer de esta parroquia más fuerte. Tenemos que
unirnos y ser la iglesia Saint Joseph. Os animo a todos a asistir a una
misa que no ha sido aquí en la parroquia. Los niños de la parroquia
programa CCD quiero ver a usted y su familia en las masas
obteniendo sus cartas firmadas. Los padres también deben asistir a
misa y establecer el ejemplo para sus hijos. Una familia fuerte hace
una fuerte parroquia.
Por último, pronto estaremos regresando a nuestros horarios
regulares como el verano llega hasta el final, espero que el nuevo
año que tenemos por delante y la gran labor que haremos juntos.
En Cristo +,
Parish Calendar: .
August 15, 2016 - Monday (Sol. of the Assumption)
7:00 p.m. - Women’s Group (CR 9)
7:30 p.m. - French Mass for the Assumption (Church)
8:00 p.m. - Spanish Charismatic Group Planning (CR 1)
8:00 p.m. - Spanish Choir Rehearsal (CR 12)
August 16, 2016 - Tuesday
7:00 p.m. - Women’s Group (CR 9)
8:00 p.m. - Spanish Choir Rehearsal (CR 12)
August 17, 2016 - Wednesday (St. Joseph Novena)
6:00 p.m. - Legion of Mary, English (Rectory Basement)
8:00 p.m. - Kerygma Planning Group (CR1)
August 18, 2016 - Thursday (O.L. Manaoag)
7:00 p.m. - Haitian Choir Rehearsal (CR 14)
7:30 p.m. - Parish Choir Rehearsal (CR 12)
8:00 p.m. - Spanish Exposition / Adoration (Church)
8:00 p.m. - Kerygma Soccer (Café / Aud)
August 19, 2016 - Friday (Divine Mercy Chaplet)
9:30 a.m. - Exposition (Church)
4:30 p.m. - French Baptismal Class (Rectory Chapel)
4:00 p.m. - Legion of Mary, French (Rectory Basement)
7:30 p.m. - Haitian Choir Rehearsal (CR 12)
8:00 p.m. - Spanish Adoration (Church)
August 20, 2016- Saturday
9:30 a.m. - Legion of Mary, French (Rectory CFR)
12:30 p.m.- Confessions English (Church)
12:30 p.m.- French / Creole Baptism (Church)
4:00 p.m. - YOUTH for Jesus (CR 11 and 12)
4:30 p.m. - Confession English (Church)
5:00 p.m. - Kerygma Meeting (School Basement)
6:30 p.m. - Confession Spanish (Church)
7:00 p.m. - Haitian Choir Rehearsal (CR 12)
August 21, 2016 - Sunday
3:00 p.m. - Nigerian Mass (Church)
4:40 p.m. - Nigerian Mass Fellowship (School Basement)
7:00 p.m. - Start of Jericho (Church)
Upcoming Parish Events
Family Fun Day!
Friday, August 26, 2016
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Church Grounds
$30 Admission Includes Food and Games
Parish Pilgrimage to Fatima, Spain and Lourdes
July 16-25, 2017
$4,299 from New York
for more information.
Parish Pilgrimage Information Night
Monday August 22, 2016
7:30 p.m. in the School Auditorium
Standing Council Meetings
Finance Council -Every 3rdMonday of the month at
7:00 p.m. Rectory Conference Room 13
Parish Council - Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00
p.m. in School Conference Room 13
Comite Pastoral de Guia - Every 1st Monday of the month
at 7:30 p.m. in the School Conference Room 13
Comite Pastoral de Liason: Every 2nd Wednesday of the
month at 7:00 p.m. in the School Conference Room 13
Knights of Columbus Council: 2nd and 4rd Monday of the
Month at 7:30 p.m. in the School Conference Room 13
Filipino Steering Committee: Last Sunday of the Month
Announced Banns of Marriage III
Julio Ramos and Angie Rocha
CALL: MELECIA MING 646-794-3271
EMAIL: [email protected]

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