Page Two • St Charles Borromeo Mass Intentions Labor Day Mass


Page Two • St Charles Borromeo Mass Intentions Labor Day Mass
Page Two
St Charles Borromeo •
St Charles Borromeo
St. Vincent De Paul Society
This is the time of year when many home vegetable gardens have an over abundance of produce. We would love to have your
excess for the families who come to us every Monday morning for food. Please bring your treasures to Mass this weekend and
leave them in the boxes in the vestibule, or drop them off Monday morning between 7 am and 9 am. We will bag them up to be
distributed with the other groceries we hand out. It's always a treat to enjoy fresh, homegrown food from the garden!. Thank you
for your generosity and thoughtfulness toward those in need. Our hotline number is 733-2010.
School News
Newly elected student council members will be attending a diocesan workshop on student leadership. This is the third year in a
row our students have attended this workshop. The students return charged with energy and ideas for strengthening the Catholic
identity of our school. Christian Brothers, Jesuit and St. Francis High Schools are visiting with our 7th and 8th graders in the
upcoming weeks to encourage them to apply to those high schools. Many of our recent graduates are attending those high schools
with much success!
Our vibrant Preschool focuses on developing social, emotional and academic skills in a loving, Christian environment. We offer
an extended care program for our preschool families. There are just a few spots left for children who will be turning 4 by
September 1st. Come see how our preschool can help your young child grow in reverence, open-heartedness, character,
knowledge.If you have a preschool-age child, call 916-421-6189 to schedule a visit.
SBC Catholic Youth Group:
On Fire- is rapidly approaching! September 17th. This event is for High School youth and Young adults. The cost is $49.00 and
includes park entrance, lunch buffet, concerts, speakers, and two hours of exclusive ride time! Already a season pass holder?
Discounted OnFire tickets are available for $30.00 which includes Lunch buffet, Talks and exclusive ride time. For more
information email Ana:[email protected] or’t miss it!
OnFire-2016- se aproxima!! Sabado, 17 de septiembre. Este evento es para jóvenes de secundaria y jóvenes adultos. El costo es
$49.00 e incluye entrada al parque, buffet de almuerzo, conciertos, pláticas exclusivas, uso exclusivo de los juegos. Si tienes un
pase de temporada al parque, el costo es $30.00. Para más información comunícate con Ana:[email protected] ¡No te lo
Join us for ONE Hour Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, Sept. 16 from 7-9pm in the
Church. We invite all teens and High School students - those preparing for Confirmation and young adults.
Planned for youth by youth, is an opportunity to come, worship, adore and pray. Please bring snacks to share.
Unete con nosotros a nuestras HORA de Adoración Eucarística el Viernes Septiembre 16 de las7-9pm en la
iglesia Invitamos a todos estudiantes de High School, los que se estarán preparando para la Confirmacion y
jóvenes adultos . Prevista para los jóvenes por los jóvenes, es una oportunidad de venir, adorar y orar.
Favor de traer algún bocadillo para compartir.
Requests for Mass Intentions /Pedido de Intenciones para las Misas
Requests for mass intentions need to be received in the parish office with stipend at least two weeks in advance if you want
your request included in the weekly bulletin.
Los pedidos de intenciones de Misa deben de hacerse dos semanas de anticipación, y su estipendio para que aparezcan en
el boletín
Catholic Faith Formation (CFF) English 2016/17
Registration for Catechism is now going on in all grades until September 7, 2016. There is no more registration after this
date, Registration fee is $80.00. Classes will start on Saturday September 10th. Office hours for registration: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Mon. Tues. Wed. & Friday, Saturdays from : 9:00am-12:30pm., closed on Thursday. For more information, please contact
Sr. Josie at 916 421-7174.
Aviso Importante de Catequesis para el 2016/17
Las inscripciones reinician en Agosto del 18-30 en la Oficina de Catequesis, horas de oficina: Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes
de 2:00 -6:00 pm; Sábados de 9:00 am a 2:00 pm; Domingos de 10:30 am a 1:00 pm. No hay servicio de oficina los Miércoles.
Para mas información comuníquese con la Hna. Patricia, HCJC al (916) 421-1063.
Requisitos de Primera Comunión: Copia de Fe de Bautismo (recuerde que no se aceptan originales ni se sacan copias), edad
adecuada 8 años en adelante, cuota $80.00 Requisitos par Confirmación: Copias de Fe de Bautismo y de Primera Comunión
(recuerde que no se aceptan originales ni se sacan copias), edad adecuada es de 13 años cumplidos, cuota $80.00.
Grateful to
Our Giving Community,
We ask the Lord to compensate its generosity.
Previous Sunday Collection $8,411.50
The median of the past years’ operating expenses is $619,893
which sets the goal for each Sunday to $11,921.00.
Agradecemos a Nuestra Comunidad Dadivosa
por su generosidad.
Colecta del fin de semana pasado $8,411.50
Los gastos del año pasado fueron $619,893 Objetivo de
colecta semanal para cubrir gastos es de $11,921.00.
Mass Intentions
August 27 - September 02, 2016
8:00 am - -Erika Cota, †Alfredo & Estrelita
4:00-4:45 pm - Confessions / Confesiones
5:00pm- -Carly Lujan
6:30pm- †Esperanza Plancarte, †Serafin Yepes
Page Three
Labor Day Mass with Bishop Jaime Soto
Bishop Jaime Soto will preside at the Mass in Spanish on
Saturday, Sept. 3 at 8 a.m. at the National Shrine of Our Lady of
Guadalupe, as those gathered will pray for the dignity of all
workers. The church is located at 711 T Street in Sacramento.
Following the Mass, there will be a special blessing of workers
and their tools from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. For more information about
the Mass and blessing, contact Carolina Estrada at (916) 7330253 or [email protected].
El obispo Jaime Soto presidirá la Misa en español el sábado 3 de
septiembre 8:00a.m. en el Santuario Nacional de nuestra Señora
de Guadalupe, se rezará por la dignidad de todos los
trabajadores. La iglesia se encuentra en la calle T 711 en
Sacramento. Después de la Misa habrá una bendición especial de
los trabajadores y sus herramientas de 9:00 a 10:00 para más
información sobre la Misa y la bendición, contacta a Carolina
Estrada at (916) 733-0253 or [email protected].
Preparing for the Canonization of
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcuta
7:30am- -†Alfredo & Estrelita Quintans,
†Andrew Burke, †Taylor Barlow,
†Modesto Ursua
9:00am- -Familia Hernandez, -Jose Angel Rivera Cardona, Ramona Galindo, -Erika Cota , †Agustina Hernandez
10:30am– Betty Metropoulos, -Cheung Hing Lee,
12:00nn- -Ma. Victoria & Van Neal, Jr. & family, †Eddie Miguel,
†Felipe Miguel, Sr.
1:30pm- -Omar, Luis y Agustin Manriquez, †Candelaria Lepe
5:00 pm- †Marcial Aquino, †Imelda Wehrman, †Jose Tuazon
6:30 pm -
There will be a Mass in Celebration of Canonization of Blessed
Teresa on Sunday, September 4 at the Cathedral of the Blessed
Sacrament at 9:00 a.m. with Bishop Jaime Soto.
8:00am- -Erika Cota,
Mary, the First Disciple award retreat is planned for
October 14-16, 2016
Trinity Pines Catholic Center 28000 Rollins Lake Road, Colfax,
CA 95713
Girl Scouts are able to work towards this prestigious award.
Registration & Information is now LIVE online at
Scouts must be at least 13 years old. The event is limited to 40
8:00am - -Rose Jubane, -Erika Cota, -Oscar & Edna Bulanan,
†Angelita Barba,
6:00-6:45 pm - Confesiones / Confessions
7:00pm- †Martin y Francisco Vargas
8:00am- -Erika Cota,
6:00 - 6:45 pm - Confessions / Confesiones
7:00 pm - †Dominga Valenzuela, †Emiliano Lapitan
8:00am - †Emma Floresca, †All Souls in Purgatory
1st Friday
8:00am- - Ma. Lani & Edward Malicdem, -Vincent & Kimberly Bulanan,
†Jose & Elvira Montes
Ministry Days 2016 / Jornada Pastoral 2016
Save the date for Ministry Days 2016! September 23 and 24,2016
at St. Francis High School. Visit for more
¡Reserve la fecha para la Jornada Pastoral 2016! 23 y 24 de
Septiembre en la escuela secundaria St. Francis. Para mas
información visite
Attention All CatholicGirl Scouts
Pope advances sainthood cause for Bishop Alphonse
Gallegos, declared Venerable
In decisions made on July 8, Pope Francis advanced the
sainthood cause of the late Bishop Alphonse Gallegos, who
served as auxiliary bishop of Sacramento from 1981 until his
death in an auto accident near Yuba City in 1991. He was
particularly known as the “bishop of the barrio” for his ministry to
farmworkers for the poor and marginalized, and also known as
the “lowrider” bishop because of his support for members of local
modified-car clubs. He was particularly concerned about the poor,
un-catechized young people, migrants and other people who
lacked support from the community, and often spent his summer
vacations living with farmworkers in the Central Valley.
Bishop Jaime Soto will preside at a Mass of thanksgiving for
Venerable Alphonse Gallegos on Saturday, Nov. 19, at 1:30
p.m. in the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in downtown

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