FOCUS BIODIVERSITY CNRS IN BRIEF The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research) is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France’s Ministry of Research. FACTS… Founded in 1939 by governmental decree, CNRS has the following missions: • To evaluate and carry out all research capable of advancing knowledge and ringing social, cultural, and economic benefits to society • To contribute to the application and promotion of research results • To develop scientific information • To support research training • To participate in the analysis of the national and international scientific climate and its potential for evolution in order to develop a national policy CNRS research units are spread throughout France, and employ a large body of permanent researchers, engineers, technicians, and administrative staff. Laboratories are all on four-year contracts, renewable, with bi-annual evaluations. There are two types of labs: • CNRS labs: fully funded and managed by CNRS • Joint labs: partnered with universities, other research organizations, or industry © CNRS Photothèque / Nicolas Cegalerba. An adult homopteran (Membracidae), French Guiana. As the largest fundamental research organization in Europe, CNRS is involved in all scientific fields, organized in the following areas of research: • Life Sciences • Physics • Chemistry • Mathematics • Computer science • Earth Sciences and Astronomy • Humanities and Social Sciences • Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development • Engineering Sciences CNRS conducts some twenty interdisciplinary programs. One major objective is to promote inter-disciplinarity in order to improve knowledge, ensure economic and technological development or solve complex societal problems. They concern the following fields: • Life and its social challenges • Information, communication and knowledge • Environment, energy and sustainable development • Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials • Astroparticles The CNRS annual budget represents one-quarter of French public spending on civilian research. This DREI, AN OFFICE DEVOTED TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CNRS pursues an active international policy, whose implementation is the responsibility of the Office of European and International Relations (Direction des relations Européennes et Internationales, or DREI). The DREI coordinates the international activities of CNRS with that of other research organizations in France and abroad. It oversees the role of CNRS in any international actions carried out by the French government, working closely to this end with the Ministries of Research and Foreign Affairs. The DREI also plays a role in promoting international exchange. It proposes new venues for collaboration, based on a science and technology watch in other countries. This watch is carried out with the help of CNRS offices abroad and of scientific attaches in French embassies. To accomplish its task, the DREI has offices in Paris responsible for four geographical areas (Europe; Americas; Africa and Middle East; Asia-Pacific) and 9 offices in foreign countries. Contact: Isabelle Chauvel, [email protected] funding comes from various sources: • Government and public funding • CNRS funds, primarily from industrial and EU research contracts and royalties on patents, licenses, and services provided. More information at: …AND FIGURES Budget for 2005 €2,738 billion of which €494 million come from revenues generated by CNRS Personnel 26,000 permanent employees: 11,500 researchers and 14,500 engineers and technical staff Organization • 1,145 research and service units –almost 90% are joint laboratories • €20 million devoted yearly to interdisciplinary research programs Industrial Relations in 2005/2006 • 3,901 contracts signed with industry • 35 framework agreements and 34 joint research units with industrial partners • €132 million of revenues generated from contracts (EU contracts not included) • 7,450 Patents in CNRS portfolio (238 deposited and 239 PCT) • 578 Active licenses • €50 million of royalties • 220 start-ups created since 1999 IN NUMBERS: Exchange agreements: 80 (with 60 countries) Foreign visiting scientists: 5,000 (PhD students, post-docs and visiting researchers) Permanent foreign staff members: • 1,340 researchers of whom 54% come from the European Union • 262 engineers and technicians • International Programs for Scientific Cooperation (PICS): 332 • International Associated Laboratories (LEA + LIA): 54 • International Research Groups (GDRE + GDRI): 56 • International Joint Units (UMI): 9 Budget for 2006: €10M FOCUS BIODIVERSITY page 04 EDITORIAL page 06 DEBATE page 12 UNDERSTANDING BIODIVERSITY page 18 ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS page 24 THE IMPACT ON HEALTH page 30 BIODIVERSITY IN DANGER page 36 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT page 43 BIODIVERSITY: A FEW STATISTICS SOMMAIRE RESEARCH ON BIODIVERSITY The huge variety of life on Earth is one of the great puzzles of modern science. Why do so many species coexist? Is such diversity inevitable given the laws of evolution? What is the history of life? How did species diverge and succeed one another over the course of evolutionary history? What impact have dominant species had on the formation of today’s environment? What role do they currently play in the modification of environmental processes? These questions have fascinated biologists for many decades and are at the heart of one of the greatest intellectual adventures of our time. Since the Rio de Janeiro conference in 1992 biodiversity has also become a social issue and its maintenance one of the major challenges for sustainable development. Biodiversity needs to be protected and managed, but why? The simple answer to this question is that life on our planet depends on biodiversity. Humans draw upon it for the food and the raw materials necessary for their survival. Biodiversity is a source both of concern and of hope. It is a source of concern due to the incredibly fast rate at which species are vanishing today, which leads the general public, understandably, to ask about the seriousness of the situation. In scientific terms, this issue is fueling a huge debate about the functional value of biodiversity. For instance, we need to define the role that species play in the biophysicochemical organizations of which they are a part, or put another away, their position in ecosystem structure and function. We also need to determine whether a minimum number of species is required for ecosystem survival and whether or not genetic diversity plays the same role as species diversity with respect to ecosystem performance. These problems are not only of theoretical interest to ecologists. They also have a direct bearing on the quality of our environment. One only has to consider the key role played by biodiversity in what are called ecosystem services, i.e. the ecological functions listed in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, which affect the chemical composition of water and the atmosphere, the spread of disease, etc. Or the response of ecosystems to climate change, which will depend above all on the number of species present in a given ecosystem, the nature of the interactions and relationships among the species, their ability to disperse and the impact of such changes on genetic variability. For instance, the amazing plasticity of genomes such as microbial genomes represents an evolutionary response to the spatially and temporally variable environment in which humans live. The future of our planet will thus depend on our capacity to manage this biodiversity. Biodiversity is also a source of hope. Firstly, there is nothing inevitable about the loss of species. It can be slowed down or even halted by using innovative methods of land management and species reintroduction based on the most recent research findings. Secondly, living organisms are an almost inexhaustible source of molecules of interest to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, which every day enable us to fight disease or produce a number of substances which are essential to industry. Knowledge of natural substances, their variability and how they change in space and time is also an investment for the future. Finally, manipulating populations of plants, animals or micro-organisms in situ makes it possible to rehabilitate degraded environments or maximize certain of their characteristics or functions, depending on the environmental problems, as well as issues related to the exploitation of natural resources, which arise. THE ACTIVITY OF CNRS CNRS, in partnership with universities, the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (French National Museum of Natural History, MNHN), Inra (National Institute for Agricultural Research), IRD (Institute for Research into Development), Cirad (French Agricultural Research Center for International Development), Ifremer (French Research Institute for Marine Resources), and others, is totally committed to research into biodiversity. Aware of its responsibilities with regard to giving sustainable development a scientific basis, CNRS has made this issue one of its top priorities. In concrete terms, CNRS encourages theoretical and empirical innovation in four broad fields: the analysis and management of biodiversity, mechanisms for the emergence and maintenance of biodiversity, interactions between biodiversity and the environment, and the cultural, social and economic aspects of biodiversity. CNRS develops this activity on the basis of studies carried out in collaboration with researchers from various regions of the world, especially French Guiana and the French overseas departments and territories, southern Africa (South Africa and Madagascar), Asia, etc. To this end, CNRS relies on ca. 2,300 people, of whom about a thousand are CNRS staff members, both in its own laboratories and in laboratories associated with universities and various partner organizations (MNHN, Inra, IRD, Cirad, Ifremer). All the research departments of CNRS are concerned by the issue of biodiversity because of its multidisciplinary nature. The recently created Department of Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development directly manages the laboratories which are the most involved, looks after training and promotion of scientific activities in biodiversity, and organizes research and equipment development programs. CNRS defines its policies in partnership with the other national bodies and institutions. A body which has traditionally adopted an integrated approach is the Institut national des sciences de l’Univers (National Institute of Earth Sciences and Astronomy), which plays a major role in financing research into the diversity of marine organisms, interactions between the biosphere, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, and paleobiodiversity. CNRS is also a member of two scientific consortiums, the Institut français de la biodiversité (French Institute for Biodiversity) and the Bureau des ressources génétiques (Genetic Resources Institute), which regularly issue calls for research proposals, represent France in a number of European and international bodies and propose national programs on different themes. CNRS contributes to various bodies of the Agence nationale de la recherche (French National Research Agency), the main funding agency in France. It also supports European organizations such as the European Science Foundation via Eurocore Eurodiversity, as well as networks of excellence such as Marine Genomics. Some of the major challenges currently facing researchers are the long-term study of model populations, communities and ecosystems; the continuous monitoring of variations in the environment (including its biological aspects); modeling evolution and ecosystem functioning; and experimenting on biological assemblages of varying complexity. However, an ever increasing number of results published throughout the world on the dynamics of biodiversity are based on technical facilities especially dedicated to such approaches. There is therefore a strategic dimension to the development of such tools in France. CNRS gives financial support and provides staff for diverse environmental research projects in specific areas where long term research is being undertaken, an example being the experimental station at Nouragues in French Guiana. CNRS has also initiated an ambitious Ecotron program (one in Montpellier and one near Fontainebleau) whose objective is to conduct experimental research on natural and artificial ecosystems within a confined environment. René Bally and Luc Abbadie, Deputy Scientific Directors of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development Bernard Delay, Scientific Director of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development 04-05 EDITORIAL 06 DEBATE DESPITE ITS POPULARITY, THE CONCEPT OF BIODIVERSITY IS COMPLEX. TO DEMONSTRATE THE WIDE RANGE OF QUESTIONS IT RAISES, FIVE RESEARCHERS IN ECOLOGY, TAXONOMY, GENETICS, ETC GOT TOGETHER WITH RENÉ BALLY, DEPUTY SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT THE CNRS. IN WHAT FOLLOWS WE REPORT THEIR DISCUSSION, WHICH ALTHOUGH CONTROVERSIAL AT TIMES, IS INSTRUCTIVE THROUGHOUT. ROUND TABLE WITH LUC ABBADIE, ROBERT BARBAULT, PIERREHENRI GOUYON, HERVÉ LE GUYADER AND MICHEL VEUILLE. WHAT IS BIODIVERSITY? PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : Humans became aware of biodiversity very early on. The idea of classifying the untidy, messy thing called Nature was bound to catch on. Living things are classified in every known culture. The way they’re classified, however, varies from one culture to another. the Book of Genesis when Noah saves each species by only keeping a single couple of individuals. Darwin revolutionized the way we view this classification. He introduced the idea that diversity within species and diversity between species are of a similar nature. In other words, that diversity between species is simply a development of diversity within species. Our initial view of biodiversity was exclusively based on classification by species. Linnaeus stated that all species were created by the hand of an all-powerful Creator, and that when these species reproduced they remained confined to their own type. He gave no credit to the importance of within-species variability. That was the Western view of the world in the 18th century. You find the same view in HERVÉ LE GUYADER : Biodiversity can be defined at three levels: biodiversity of genes, biodiversity of organisms and biodiversity of ecosystems. What PierreHenri Gouyon has just said shows that biodiversity between species and biodiversity between genes are totally connected. We should also remember that all this takes place over time and in space. We know little about species bio- Pierre-Henri Gouyon is a professor at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (French National Museum of Natural History), at INA-PG and at the École polytechnique. He is a researcher at the Laboratory for Functioning and Evolution of Ecological Systems. Hervé Le Guyader is a professor at the University of Paris 6, and Director of the Research Unit for Taxonomy, Adaptation and Evolution. diversity; we haven’t described everything, and I believe that we know even less about the biodiversity of genes and of ecosystems. We may thus have to protect organisms that we don’t know much about. MICHEL VEUILLE : The word "biodiversity" is recent. Our generation of taxonomists, geneticists and ecologists has seen a change in attitudes (in parallel with the emergence of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of biodiversity), both with regard to cultural and social awareness of biodiversity, as well as in the need for increasing cooperation in research, as is shown by the creation of an interdisciplinary department dedicated to the environment and sustainable development within the CNRS. Michel Veuille is Directeur d’études at the École pratique des hautes études, Director of the Taxonomy and Evolution Department at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle and Director of the Research Network for Population Genomics. ROBERT BARBAULT : I believe that the word "biodiversity" first emerged within the context of the Rio Conference, although the word was actually used several years earlier in scientific circles where the talks were being organized. From 1992 onwards, the entire scientific community has adopted the word "biodiversity". LUC ABBADIE : It could go further and integrate the functional aspects which regulate the interactions between the organization of life and the flow of matter and energy and, more generally, the environment. There has been a lot of work done on the functional value of biodiversity, practically all of it at species level. Very little notice has been taken of the functional consequences of genetic diversity. However, life varies along a continuum from the gene, through the species, to the community of organisms. PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : Can we create a concept of biodiversity which integrates both diversity within species and diversity between species? We don’t know how to do that today. But this is a good time to start working on it. To construct phylogenies—to understand the evolutionary relationships among species—we can now use gene coalescence. In this way we can take into account genetic diversity in the study of diversity between species. 150 years after Darwin, wouldn’t it be possible to create an authentic concept of biodiversity which combines genetics and taxonomy? Robert Barbault is a professor at the University of Paris 6, Director of the Institute for Ecology, Biodiversity, Evolution and Environment and Director of the Department of Ecology and Biodiversity Management at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle. PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : Although we have a conceptual framework, we would only really get a handle on the problem if we were capable of saying what processes determine the number of genotypes and species. We know what the processes are, but we don’t know how to organize them in order to explain what’s going on at the level of the planet. ROBERT BARBAULT : By looking at biodi- MICHEL VEUILLE : The word biodiversity is an extremely valuable portmanteau word. It reflects our ignorance. Linnaeus knew of about forty thousand species. Today, more than a century after Darwin, about 1.8 million species have been described. We know that there exist five to ten times as many organisms traditionally described as animals and plants, in other words between 10 and 15 million. We are only acquainted with a tiny part of the biodiversity of bacteria and fungi. It is currently thought that we only know about 5 to 10% of fungi. We don’t really have the research capability needed to discover all these species. When researchers from the National Museum of Natural History explore an area in the Pacific they find that 20% of the mollusks they bring up from the sea floor are new species. nonetheless a conceptual framework: the theory of evolution. Darwin showed that when there is selection, diversity increases. There exists a positive connection between biodiversity and the productivity or stability of an ecosystem. And yet some very old and very productive ecosystems are lacking in species. In such systems enhanced genetic diversity may "substitute" for low species diversity. Any such functional equivalence between intraspecific (genetic) and interspecific diversity remains to be explored. PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : Theories determine our descriptions. Linnaeus and Darwin had different views of biodiversity because they had different mechanisms in mind. We should give up the idea that we can describe nature without having any theories about the way biodiversity has evolved. MICHEL VEUILLE : It’s obvious that if we had a theory which explained why there are so many species, it would also be a theory that would better explain ecosystem functioning and how we can preserve third order biodiversity, i.e. that of populations and ecosystems. This order determines many things. versity from an ecological angle we can attempt to answer these questions. Besides kinship relations and genetic variability, there are selective pressures. The ecological context produces these and enables us to understand why there is a build-up of diversity, and why, after each extinction crisis, biodiversity reestablishes itself. We live in a world that is constantly changing on all scales. So there are no species which are adapted to all the conditions on the planet. On that basis, just as for genetic approaches, we can gradually improve our understanding. That’s why, when I talk about the diversity of life, I tend to start off at a global level. What is the diversity of life? It’s the living fabric of the planet, of which we are part, which is made up of species possessing enormous genetic variability. It’s a fabric of countless interactions which evolve in a changing world. The reason diversity exists is the need to adapt to unceasing changes in space and time. HERVÉ LE GUYADER : We can look at biodiversity from three different levels. Pierre-Henri Gouyon started off by talking about species. Robert Barbault sees it at a planetary level, as a fabric of interactions. If we had a hard-line molecular biologist here, they would probably begin with the genome and end up with the diversity of genes. All biologists, whatever their starting point, eventually end up at this concept of biodiversity. HERVÉ LE GUYADER : Let’s be clear about this. We don’t have a theory, but there is Luc Abbadie is a professor at the University of Paris 6 and Director of the Research Unit for Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Terrestrial Environments (Bioemco). 06-07 DEBATE DO WE NEED TO PRESERVE BIODIVERSITY? MICHEL VEUILLE : People are becoming © Pierre Lozouet, Marina Poddubetskaia et Stefano Schiaparelli - Panglao Marine Biodiversity Project ever more aware of the fragility of nature. Until recently, many biologists thought in terms of equilibrium when they constructed a model of population genetics. Many people say that the image of the Earth seen from the Moon played a key role. Today, the notion of the blue planet is meaningful for everyone. MICHEL VEUILLE : Aside from the moral question posed regarding the conservation of the whole living world in existence today, some people are wondering if so many species are necessary for functional groups, or whether coral reefs really need all those butterfly fish (pantodon buchholzi), etc. Granted, there are 15 million species, but we have never been aware of the existence of most of them. Do we need to keep them all? Are they all useful for the preservation of ecosystems? PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : For me, the question is above all a moral one. I’m in favor of the preservation of biodiversity. We’re making a moral problem dependent on a scientific result. It’s the same thing as saying that you shouldn’t be racist because there are no genetic dif- LUC ABBADIE : I agree with you, there are first of all moral grounds for preserving biodiversity. But there are also more objective reasons. If I go back to what we’ve just been saying, current biodiversity is basically the result of a piling up of past events, of a series of reactions of each species to pre-existing environments and to the presence of other species. Certain organisms were abundant at one time. They are less so today, but they might make a massive comeback, depending on changes in the environment. The time scale is important. Some scientific results can be, and are, wrongly interpreted. You hear conclusions such as ‘There are many species which serve no purpose Ecosystems could function with fewer species.’ The trouble is that we only see a snapshot of biodiversity. A species which today appears redundant, not essential, might become vital to the ecosystem in some future phase because the environment will have changed, Photograph of the Earth as seen from space (1968). For many people, seeing the Earth as it looks from space made them question the idea that nature is all-powerfull, and to assimilate the ntion that nature is fragile and that species can disappear. PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : I am one of those who think that there is actually no ecological need to have a huge amount of biodiversity. I believe that there are enough species, and enough genotypes for species, to keep things ticking over nicely. But that’s a personal impression. I can’t prove it. Nor can those who think otherwise. ROBERT BARBAULT : There’s no proof, but there is nonetheless some evidence for it. Only a tiny proportion of the world’s species are known. 1,600 marine species are discovered and described every year. Tropical regions, and especially coral reefs, are exceptional reserves of unknown species. During six weeks of intensive fieldwork, the Panglao Marine Biodiversity Project (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle/Universiy of San Carlo/National University of Singapore) discovered several hundred new species of shellfish, and nearly a thousand new species of mollusk. ferences between ethnic groups. But if we did find a genetic difference, would that mean that we could be racist? The problem is to know what role the human species sees itself playing in the management of the Earth. This question should be kept separate from that of knowing whether we need lots of species on the grounds of ecology or sustainability. Yes, I’m in favor of preserving biodiversity, first of all on moral grounds, and then, if there are practical, concrete reasons as well, so much the better. © NASA / Science Photo Library For these biologists, before humans made their considerable impact, and with the exception of a few post-glacial fluctuations, nature was in balance. It was invulnerable. Nowadays we know that this does not apply to the recent history of biodiversity. We know that even before the Neolithic, when humans first started to have a significant influence on nature, there had been extinctions. PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : The idea that species can become extinct is a new one. It was Cuvier’s idea and is only 200 years old. It took us a long time to assimilate it. © CNRS Photothèque / J. Lecomte © Alexis Rosenfeld / Science Photo Library species, each with little genetic variability, or should we keep few species, each with a great deal of genetic variability, so that they have the most chances of evolving? We don’t yet have the conceptual tools to answer this kind of question. PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : We all agree that Mediterranean and Pacific sea floors. Tropical ecosystems have undergone little disturbance, which is why biodiversity is greater there than in the Mediterranean. because it will have rained a little bit more or less, for instance. Biodiversity is a storeroom of responses of living things to changes in the environment, which have been tested in the past over thousands and millions of years. If we reduce the content of this storeroom, there will be a gap between the variations in the environment and the range of possible responses. Every species has probably had, at one moment or another, a major impact on the environment. The notion of key species is a dangerous one, since a given species is only critical ("key") at a particular moment in time. HERVÉ LE GUYADER : The Earth has extraordinary stability. At the end of the Permian, 80% of species vanished, and yet this disturbance was absorbed. We’ve always wondered why biodiversity, in the western Pacific for instance, is far greater than in the Mediterranean. Yet again it’s a question of stability. Tropical ecosystems have been very stable from an environmental point of view, whereas in the Mediterranean, whether we’re talking about glacials or about the evaporation of the sea during the Neocene, there were major fluctuations. Biodiversity frequently declined suddenly and never returned to the level found in tropical ecosystems. That’s one possible interpretation. PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : Events such as these dry periods were widespread. If you compare the diversity of plants in Africa and South America you find the opposite result. The high degree of disturbance in South America formed refugia, and that was certainly the reason why biodiversity increased. Disturbances can have completely opposite effects depending on their type. HOW CAN WE MANAGE BIODIVERSITY? this conceptual work needs to be done. That said, once we have the answer, the question will no longer be stated in the same terms. You don’t manage biodiversity in the same way as you pack a suitcase. Oddly enough, it’s the most deterministic sciences from which we can learn. Today, physicists and chemists who are working in nanotechnology get objects to self-assemble in order to make systems, rather than trying to make each element in the system one after another. In evolutionary biology and in the ecology of biodiversity, where everything is interaction and where we work with very complex systems, we’re still wondering whether we should keep species X or species Y. We all work with this concept of self-organization even if we don’t always realize it. We can try to manage the whole self-organized system, but certainly not each species one by one. MICHEL VEUILLE : I’d like to come back to the little blue globe on which humans, together with biodiversity, are traveling through space. Since humans take up a lot of room, there’s less room for biodiversity. The spread of invasive species is another factor which is eroding biodiversity. Those which are human-commensal species displace native or endemic ecosystems by installing a kind of McDonald’s ecosystem, which we’re soon going to be finding in every corner of the planet. In a certain way, humans are now managing biodiversity like a garden. Until now, biodiversity was self-sufficient. Henceforth it will only exist insofar as we leave it the room to do so. With regard to biodiversity, humans are a bit like someone who’s packing a suitcase and who has to decide what to take. Should you take a wide variety of different types of clothes, or a large number of clothes of similar type? Should we keep many ROBERT BARBAULT : The expression "managing biodiversity" is totally excessive when you look at what we are capable of. On the other hand, we can establish rules for preserving the diversity of large ecosystems without having to intervene within those ecosystems. In nature, there are parasites and pathogens as well as food resources and medicines. So it’s a struggle. But it’s a judo-style struggle, which relies on forces that already exist. In this way, there can be an adjustment of the relationship between the development of human societies and the preservation of a biosphere in good working order. However, to imagine that we’re going to be running things as if we were some kind of planetary super gardeners is not on the cards. There’s a difference between what we have to do and what we decide to do. We have to decide what kind of society we 08-09 DEBATE want. We could single out showcase areas of biodiversity such as coral reefs, and focus all our efforts on preserving them. As if the diversity of the tundra or of Europe’s cold regions, which get less media coverage, were of no interest to the people who live there! We should try not to confuse scientific analysis with social or political choices. overall logic of the ecosystem. This logic is difficult to detect: natural systems, which are sustainable, diversified and productive, provide an ideal situation to define the proper logic. Although we now more or less understand the principles of evolutionary mechanisms, the subsequent interactions that they generate are hugely complex. Throughout the history of the planet, a vast number of "biodiversityenvironment" scenarios have been tested and live on in the way biodiversity is currently organized. I think we should try to preserve this potential, even though I’m also a keen supporter of ecological engineering. There are natural models which we would do well to think about. HERVÉ LE GUYADER : Here are Gold medal struck in India the elephant moving to the right, eastwards, is a direct reference to the conquest of India and to the victory over the elephants of Porus in 326 BC. LUC ABBADIE : Management basically involves setting up a partially artificial system which we think we can control. However, we don’t have the intellectual means for this control. Let me take a specific example, that of farming systems. They often perform poorly despite being supplied with huge quantities of energy and nutrients. The reason for this is that we have changed some of the players and some of the processes without verifying that these alterations fit the three current examples of action being taken for biodiversity conservation. First, the ‘Apple-eaters’ Association’. What are they doing? Well, they’re in the process of "saving" all the varieties of apple which are disappearing. Here we’re talking about intraspecific variability, i.e. within one species. Some people fight to save dolphins and whales. They focus on one species, usually a charismatic one, because it’s big, it’s beautiful and it’s pretty exceptional. Let’s take a third example: the Australians and the Great Barrier Reef. Now imagine that the fish in the coral reefs weren’t as brightly colored. I’m not sure that we’d hear about them as much. I chose these three examples because they represent the three levels of biodiversity. It’s obvious we could never "manage" all the species in the way the Apple-eaters do. Actually, coral reefs really are showcase ecosystems, but that doesn’t mean that the tundra ecosystem is any the less extraordinary. BIODIVERSITY: ETHICAL VALUE OR ECONOMIC VALUE? PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : I compare the ethical issue of biodiversity with the issue of the death penalty. You can find a lot of rational arguments in favor of the death penalty. But a society which gives itself the right to kill people is simply a society which devalues itself. As far as I’m concerned, a society which gave itself the right to destroy all the living species which were of no use to it would be in the same category. We can talk about the usefulness of biodiversity to humans —and I think that it’s a good thing to talk about it— but that’s not the main issue. The most important thing is how we see ourselves in our relationship with nature, from which we came, and to which we belong. Today, we live in a social, economic and political system which has trouble taking this kind of dimension into consideration. Unless we succeed in giving ethical values an economic value, I fear that the attitude which consists in systematically giving everything, including biodiversity, an economic value won’t let us take into account the most fundamental dimension of this question. MICHEL VEUILLE : Since 1992, the Rio Convention on Biological Diversity has given us a framework for thinking about biodiversity which is different from an absolute or, if you like, philosophical one. The interesting thing about the Convention was that it brought together nations which see biodiversity in different ways: as an esthetic resource, as a material resource or even as a potentially economic resource. The Rio Conference made it possible to think about these issues collectively, to escape from the sterile discussion about the value of biodiversity per se, and in so doing confront us with our responsibilities. ROBERT BARBAULT : I think that the first thing that should be said when someone asks what biodiversity is for —an irritating and poorly formulated question, because they don’t say what biodiversity should be for— is that the diversity of the living world is the result of four billion years of evolution. Species have invented quite a few things. Over several millions of years, they have been solving problems in order to survive, to reproduce and so on. That should earn our respect. Any wanton destruction of them is an attack on our own status as the human species. Once you’ve said that, you’ve made the fundamental point. Then you can say that we depend on the diversity of THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY living things and on all the interactions that it entails. We depend on it not only for the esthetic and spiritual values that are associated with it, but also for food, for health and so on. It isn’t necessary to give everything an economic value. Some people are worried about the disappearance of species. First of all, it isn’t totally irreversible. In fact, the biodiversity crisis is an opportunity for the human species to react and to reconsider its goals regarding development. This brings us back to the need for lasting, sustainable development, except that for the moment it’s more a case of "let’s hope it lasts" development. large water companies are well aware that it is cheaper to preserve the quality of ecosystems, and therefore biodiversity, than to build and maintain huge water treatment plants. PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : You often hear people say, ‘Scientists will find a solution.’ Here I think it’s important to say that we’re not going to find the solution that people are expecting. We have a theoretical solution to the problem, but this solution isn’t the one that people are hoping for. It’s more about regulating consumption, expenditure and so on. MICHEL VEUILLE : Like Socrates would LUC ABBADIE : Biodiversity is a symbol of sustainability and adaptability. Our mode of development is not sustainable because it is not adapted to the finite nature of resources and because it ignores the role that other species play in the regulation of our environment. Civilization has reached a real crisis point. We have to re-think the world; in this respect, the history of life could provide some good ideas. ROBERT BARBAULT : The ecological service concept, irritating though it is, nonetheless has the merit of making people understand that certain things which are important for our well-being may not be subject to market forces, and that they can deteriorate to the point that it becomes essential to take technical measures to replace them. This can be an extremely expensive business. The © CNRS Photothèque / Jérôme Orivel The Convention on Biological Diversity is a historic commitment. It is the first treaty concluded at world level which tackles all aspects of biological diversity. It concerns not only the protection of species but also of ecosystems and the gene pool, as well as the sustainable use of natural resources. It is the first treaty to recognize that the conservation of biological diversity is a ‘common concern of humankind’ and that it is an integral part of any sustainable socio-economic development. Open for signature at the Earth Summit, at Rio de Janeiro, 5 June 1992. Came into force on 29 December 1993, 90 days after the 30th ratification. Ratified by 188 countries. say, the first act of reason is to be aware of one’s own ignorance. Science can’t do everything, and in particular it can’t accurately predict the future, even though one of its roles is to enlighten the public about future changes. The other area of society where predictions are made is in politics. You can always go on about unkept promises, and about the actual consequences of what politicians do. Nevertheless, when you put all those political acts end to end the result is called History. Somehow or other, it marches on. That’s more or less the image of what we can modestly hope to have during the 21st century to preserve biodiversity. However, whatever we do or don’t do, consciously or not, whether it be interventionist or laissez-faire, will be decisive for the preservation of biodiversity. Science still underpins our thinking, even though we need to oppose absolute A caterpillar, Vettius tertianus, at the final stage of development. This caterpillar is a parasite in gardens inhabited by the ant Pachycondyla goeldii. faith in science. PIERRE-HENRI GOUYON : That applies to technology more than science! HERVÉ LE GUYADER : I’d like to come back to the problem of the notion of time. In the 18th century, foresters managed the forest for future generations. They grew oaks to make ships. They knew they would never see the oaks that were planted used during their own lifetime. Today, politicians only think in terms of the next few years, i.e. until the next election. MICHEL VEUILLE : Biodiversity is characterized by its cross-disciplinary nature, which is now also true at CNRS. But obviously, for it to be cross-disciplinary there has to be something there for it to cross! In fact, there are scientific foundations to this cross-disciplinary field. The interesting thing about an institution like CNRS is precisely that it combines fundamental research with a cross-disciplinary approach which brings everything together. 10-11 DEBATE 12 UNDERSTANDING BIODIVERSITY FROM GENETIC VARIABILITY TO THE WEALTH OF FAUNA AND FLORA, FROM THE DIVERSITY OF SPECIES TO THE DIVERSITY OF ECOSYSTEMS AND LANDSCAPES: UNDERSTANDING BIODIVERSITY MEANS FIRST OF ALL IDENTIFYING, LISTING AND CLASSIFYING THE BIOLOGICAL ENTITIES THAT MAKE IT UP. IN ADDITION IT ALSO MEANS ANALYZING THE GENETIC STRUCTURE OF THEIR POPULATIONS, RECREATING THE HISTORY OF EVOLUTIONARY LINEAGES AND UNDERSTANDING THE EFFECTS AND SCOPE OF PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY. FINALLY, IT MEANS INVESTIGATING THE WEALTH OF INTERACTIONS AMONG SPECIES, WHICH MAKE UP THE ECOLOGICAL FABRIC OF WHAT IS PROPERLY CALLED BIODIVERSITY DYNAMICS. © Ifremer / A. Fifis HOW MANY SPECIES ARE THERE ON EARTH? Kiwa hirsuta was discovered by a researcher at Ifremer in March 2005. During the first weeks of March 2006 the media quite unexpectedly took the story up. Within a few days, the number of pages about this animal on the Goggle search engine jumped from a mere handful to 200,000. From time to time, the announcement of the discovery of a plant or an animal becomes widely reported in the media, rather than remaining confined to specialist circles. For instance, the discovery of both the world’s smallest vertebrate, Paedocypris progenetica, a fish from the mangrove swamps of Sumatra less than eight millimeters long, and a species which represents a new family of crustaceans from the Eastern Pacific, Kiwa hirsuta, have received a great deal of media coverage. Away from the spotlight of the media, the inventory of our planet continues, with 16,000 new species described every year. Even in Europe, new species continue to be discovered, with 600 descriptions of animal species being added per year, a rate that hasn’t slowed down since the beginning of the 20th century. In fact, the only thing that we’ve become sure of in the last twenty years is that the total number of living species is one, or even two, orders of magnitude greater than the 1.8 million species already described. Tropical forests, coral reefs, the large ocean basins and parasites as a whole make up the main reserves of unknown species. For unicellular eukaryotes, new types of organization (new classes and orders) doubtless remain to be discovered. Completing the inventory of vertebrates, phanerogams and a few rare groups of invertebrates (butterflies and odonates) is no doubt by and large within our reach with the human resources at our disposal. For most groups, however, the human and methodological means needed to describe species diversity is woefully inadequate, and will also need to be upgraded by one or two orders of magnitude. At the current rate at which new species are being listed, most of them will have become extinct before they can be described and named. Viewed in this light, although the molecular revolution drastically altered the taxonomy of prokaryotes as early as the 1970s, its contribution to the taxonomy of eukaryotes currently remains marginal. The impact of international initiatives such as the Bar code of Life, which consists in sequencing the gene that codes for Cytochrome oxidase 1 in order to recognize and separate species, is still a subject of debate among the scientific community. 248 Penn. 286 Eureptilia Parareptilia Sauropsida Amniota Reptiliomorpha Mississi. Amphibia Tetrapoda Devonian 408 Phylogeny of tetrapods. Given the huge number of living species, biodiversity can only be made sense of by using concepts. The role of classifications is to create these concepts as well as words with generally accepted meanings. Classifications are arbitrary. Their function is to meet pre-established specifications. Objects are grouped together in order to account for certain specific properties: for example, our culinary needs (seafood, game, etc.). In the field of biological sciences, the aim of a classification can also be to create groups which reproduce the unity of species as regards their functional relationships in environments (e.g. phytoplankton, zooplankton). A good classification accounts for properties which have been agreed on. Over the last 150 years, within the framework of the theory of evolution, the goal of taxonomy (the science of classifying species) has been to create concepts known as taxa which reproduce the relative degrees to which species are related to each other. For a century, phylogeny has been the "tree of life" which depicts these relationships. The role of taxonomy is not just to identify species and give them names. It pieces together kinship relationships on the basis of comparative anatomy and by comparing homologous genes. On a phylogenetic tree, each branch of the tree is given the name of a particular taxon, and contains all the subsequent branches. A phylogenetic classification is a system of taxa nested within one another. We have only been able to create such phylogenies for about fifty years. This way of classifying living things represents the culmination of a truly Copernican revolution, the seeds of which were already to be found in Darwin’s ideas. Rather than reflecting the central place in the Universe that humans liked to think they had, it revealed the degree to which all living beings are related. STRATEGIC DATA BASES Just as with meteorology, modeling and predicting biodiversity is possible as long as large sets of spatial zed data on species are available. By superimposing the geographical coordinates of the occurrence of species on maps of climate, geology, ecology, etc., it is possible to calculate the potential distribution of species on the basis of their observed distribution. For instance, by varying the climatic parameters according to the various existing models, it is possible to predict the possible evolution of local biodiversity under the influence of climate change. Experimental data of this kind has accumulated in museum collections over the last two centuries —such as the specimens in the herbariums at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (the French National Museum of Natural History, and, much more recently, in data bases of environmental observations ( In order to build the infrastructure which will make it possible to utilize all this data which is scattered among countless institutions, the technological and scientific challenge is to make existing data bases interoperable. In this way, any user will be able to utilize the data as if it were stored in a single database. Computer software for this will be made available to potential users. To achieve this goal, several international groups are working within an international network known as GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility,, with a view to clarifying ideas and creating software that will enable all this disparate data to be used. A DIVERSITY FIRMLY ROOTED IN GENETICS © GBIF © Michel Laurin 320 360 Archosauromorpha Synapsida Mesosauria Pareiasauria Procolophonia Chelonia Younginiformes Lepidosauromorpha Aistopoda Nectridea Microbrachis Rhynchonkos Lysorophia 213 Pemnian Triassic Jurassic 144 Diadectomorpha Apoda Urodela Anura HOW CAN SPECIES BE CLASSIFIED? Most of the mechanisms which can be used to explain diversity with regard to species —chance, natural selection and migration— also operate at the level of populations. Mutations, which take place randomly in the genome of individual organisms, provide the basic variation on which the other evolutionary forces can work. 12-13 UNDERSTANDING BIODIVERSITY Expanding population THE MOLECULAR MARKERS OF THE HISTORY OF SPECIES Time Population of constant size Figure 1. Molecular signature of past demographic events. In a population, the sequences of the same gene (here, six sequences represented by squares) have common ancestors (represented by circles). In a population of constant size, many of these ancestors are recent, while a small number are distant. In contrast, in an expanding population, most of the common ancestors date from the beginning of the population’s history, and are comparatively distant. The phylogeny of genes within species thus gives us information about the history of populations. Time Ancestral species Isolation Speciation Daughter species A Daughter species B Figure 2. The molecular signature in taxonomy, or bar-code, is a simple system for characterizing species. When populations of the same species divide, giving rise to different species, some polymorphisms of the ancestral species are fixed, by chance or by selection, in one or other of the daughter species (mutations are represented by circles). The diagnostic mutation is shown in blue. This mutation appeared in the common ancestor of all the sequences of daughter species B. They are the basis of the molecular "bar-code". However, not every mutation leads to a new species. Collaboration between geneticists and taxonomists is vital if we are to define a universal bar-code system. A species’ history leaves traces in its genes. In the last few years, researchers have made a spectacular leap forward in interpreting this molecular information. Population geneticists are now able to enumerate the genes which bear the "signature" of natural selection or of demographic events (see Figure 1). For cultivated plants, for instance, it is possible to detect the genes which bear a ‘domestication syndrome’, a record of the artificial selection carried out by early farmers. Over the course of generations, mutations appear in a gene. The same gene can thus be found in the genome of individuals from the same species in different forms. Over the past twenty years there has been enormous progress in interpreting this polymorphism of DNA sequences. "Coalescence theory", together with the development of new bioinformatic tools for data analysis has made it possible to interpret the phylogeny of genes in a single species. Population geneticists have used these techniques to model the colonization of Europe by modern humans. Their model incorporates the geography of Europe and the growth of populations. Inra’s laboratories have studied the recent spread through Europe of an invasive species of corn pest. They have discovered the origin of the invasion. It is the result of three different introductions of individuals from North America. The next challenge for population genomics (see Figure 2) is to develop a molecular signature for each species. This taxonomic information will then be of benefit to the whole scientific community. GENETIC DIVERSITY AND STRUCTURE OF POPULATIONS In order to characterize genetic variability, certain biochemical or molecular markers are used. Markers with a single genetic determinism, whose variation is discontinuous, are mainly used to "identify" gene flow between individuals (reproductive systems on a local scale) and populations (reproductive systems on a regional scale). They frequently consist of fragments of DNA of unknown function, whose variability is apparently neutral with respect to natural selection. Phenotypic features —the visible characteristics— can also be used to characterize genetic diversity. They are often nonneutral with respect to natural selection. We therefore use certain phenotypic characters which show continuous variation, for whom the genetic determinism of the variation is frequently complex, and whose expression is heavily influenced by the environment in which it is observed. The evolutionary success of different phenotypes depends on the environment, so much so that it is possible to observe phenomena of local adaptation. Migration and mutation have opposing effects on this local adaptation. These two evolutionary forces introduce variation, on which natural selection can then act. When populations are small in size, natural selection becomes less effective. By chance, harmful mutations may become more frequent and lead to populations becoming less viable. This is what is called genetic load or inbreeding depression. Consider the example of the island cabbage, Brassica insularis, a protected species endemic to the islands of Sardinia and Corsica. This species has a self-incompatible reproductive system. Two cabbage plants having the same allele at the self-incompatibility locus cannot breed. Besides the monitoring of populations carried out since 1999, molecular diversity, the diversity of quantitative characters and diversity at the self-incompatibility locus have also been studied. All the results show that the populations are small in size, and have low genetic diversity and that there is a quasiabsence of gene flow among populations. What’s more, one of the populations shows particularly reduced diversity at the self-incompatibility locus. Hence, little crossbreeding is possible among individuals in this population. The question here is as follows: is it better to reinforce this population, at risk of making it lose its genetic identity, or to let things be and hope for the appearance of mutations at the selfincompatibility locus? The answer has yet to be found… © CNRS Photothèque / Isabelle Olivieri DIVERSITY: BEYOND GENETICS Although genetic diversity is the chief source of diversity among individuals of a given species, some types of phenotypic diversity are not necessarily associated with genetic differences. For instance, plasticity enables two individuals with the same genotype to have a different phenotype depending on their habitat, and thus be better adapted to their environment. The amount of such plasticity depends on the individual and on the species. Other mechanisms, such as developmental instability, can lead to greater phenotypic variance. This random variability may be adaptive in an unsettled, unpredictable environment. This, for instance, is the case for the flowering period of gorse, Ulex europaeus. Lastly, a gene can undergo different kinds of regulation during transcription (transformation of a DNA sequence into RNA). The same genotype can therefore give different phenotypes. It can undergo epigenetic variation, in other words hereditary changes which are not coded for by DNA. These may be the chief source of diversity, as was shown by a team from the Ecobio Laboratory for the invasive clonal grass Spartina anglica. Understanding biodiversity thus makes it necessary to take into account the whole of diversity, whether it be deterministic or random, hereditary or not, that can be generated by the same genotype. The genetic variability and genetic evolution of a population are very complex. There are a large number of phenomena at work, of which we know but a few. The genetic biodiversity which they give rise to is indeed considerable. We now need to incorporate these phenomena at the ecosystem level. Their relationships with the environment, the interactions among species and the evolution of these relationships over time are all dimensions that need to be taken into account if we are to understand ecological dynamics. © Anne Atlan/Ecobio 2006 Population of the cabbage Brassica insularis called Conaca. Not only does the reduced genetic diversity at the self-incompatibility locus result in a reduction of the proportion of compatible crosses, but moreover, selective pressure for resistance to flower parasites is undoubtedly weakened, precisely because of the low rate of reproduction in this population. This is why attacks by parasites are more pronounced in this population (in this case by aphids) than in the other populations on the island. These two individuals of Ulex europaeus, of identical age and grown under the same experimental conditions, do not flower at the same time. This experiment demonstrates intraspecific variation in flowering. 14-15 UNDERSTANDING BIODIVERSITY Interactions among species are both numerous and complex. They play one of the most important roles on the biodiversity stage. Parasites, for instance, and more generally symbionts, are an integral part of biodiversity. It has even been shown that groups which have adopted a parasitic way of life have become more diverse than free groups. This is a demonstration of the extremely dynamic nature of durable interactions. Parasites are often dominant on the "selective stage". They alter population dynamics and the evolution of free species. They can play a predominant role in the success or failure of a biological invasion. The success of an invasion of a new area by a free species can depend on the presence of its parasites. They may not follow the free species, or alternatively they may become more virulent when on native hosts, acting as a sort of biological weapon. This reasoning can be turned on its head in order to explain the failure of an invasion. There is any number of scenarios, the plot can become just about as complex as you wish, and the outcome will to a large extent be linked to the factors on which the local adaptation of hosts and parasites depends. Among these factors, the most important are the characteristics which make up the genetic systems of species, migrations, mutations and the reproductive mode, interacting with the abiotic environment. Parasites are involved in a large number of interactions. An increase in their transmission may, directly or indirectly, increase their pathogenic effects and alter characteristics connected to the reproduction, survival or even behavior of their hosts. The hosts counter-attack. They initiate mechanisms help avoid parasites, stop infection before it starts, or limit its effects. © CNRS Photothèque / Lerouge BIODIVERSITY SHAPED BY A NETWORK OF INTERACTIONS AMONG SPECIES The aquatic mollusk Biomphalaria glabrata is the obligatory intermediate host of the parasite Schistosoma mansoni. © Roger Le Guen COLORATION, A SIGNAL AT THE HEART OF COMPLEX INTERACTIONS. Using color is one of the ways in which animals communicate. It is a compromise between attracting conspecifics, avoiding predators and hiding from prey. The crab spider imitates the precise color of the flower which it is on so as to camouflage itself. It imitates the color within the range to which its predators and prey are sensitive: birds have four types of cone (UV, blue, green and red) while insects have three (UV, blue and green). These visual systems differ considerably, not only in their range of sensitivity but also in the number of photoreceptors. It is thus unlikely that the spider imitates the color of the flower accurately. A team from the Ecotrop laboratory used spectroradiometry to measure the colors of a spider placed on peppermint flowers and then at the center of a tansy ragwort flower. Results from modeling show that color mimicry can operate simultaneously in the visual systems of predators and prey. For birds, the spiders take on the pink color of mint flowers when seen with their four cone system. Similarly, on the ragwort, each spider has the individual color of the center of the yellow flower on which it hunts its prey. However, against the background of the outer petals of the ragwort, where they don’t hunt, the spiders produce a strong color contrast which is easily detected by birds. To hymenoptera the spiders appear to have the same blue-green color as the mint flowers when seen with their three-cone system. To hymenoptera, they accurately mimic the blue-green color of the center of the ragwort flowers, but stand out against the outer petals. These results show that the crab spider’s color mimicry works well for the visual systems of both predators and prey. A PROCESS WHICH UNFOLDS THROUGH TIME © MNHM, Paléontologie, D. Serrette The number of plant or animal species in any particular place not only depends on the ecological conditions prevailing today but is also the result of history, back to the distant geological past. Evolution has shaped the structure and functioning of living communities. For example, the extraordinary evolutionary process which during the Devonian, 370 million years ago, led to the appearance of the tetrapods and to vertebrates leaving the water for the first time, had momentous consequences for the history of terrestrial biodiversity. At the other end of the geological time scale, the adaptive radiation —i.e. rapid diversification and adaptation— of rodents during the Pliocene and Quaternary (2 million to 50 000 years ago) enriched terrestrial ecosystems with thousands of new species of small size, thus presenting a large number of carnivores with renewed biomass. Tetrapod fossils from the Devonian. Skulls of Ichtyostega and Acanthostega, and a leg of Tulerpeton compsognathus. © CNRS Photothèque / F. d’Errico, M. Vanhaeren HUMANS AND BIODIVERSITY These small pierced shells, Nassarius kraussianus, dating from 75 000 years ago, were discovered in the Blombos caves in South Africa. They were used as ornaments. They are the oldest jewellery ever discovered. UNDERSTANDING BIODIVERSITY Coordinator: Robert Barbault Institut fédératif d’écologie fondamentale et appliquée,(Federal Institut of Fundamental and Applied Ecology) CNRS/université Paris 6,7,12/ENS Cachan/Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN)/Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) With contributions from: Philippe Bouchet Taxonomy/Collections Unit, CNRS/MNHN Guillaume Lecointre Taxonomy, Adaptation and Evolution Unit, CNRS/Université Paris 6/MNHN/IRD/ENS Paris The latest episodes in the history of biodiversity are closely connected to the history of humans. Remains from archaeological sites, of both plants (charcoal, charred seeds, and fruit) and animals (shells and bones), contain a wealth of information which throws light on interactions between human groups and biodiversity. They tell us about both the ways in which humans exploited these raw materials that were necessary for their survival and the impact of this exploitation on vegetation cover, the structure of forests, the composition of animal communities, and the extinction of large predators. Seen this way, the archaeological record gives us a unique opportunity to observe the long-term effects of a wide range of human activities, whether it be hunting, fishing or the gathering of shells by small prehistoric groups, the organized management of the countryside by ancient or medieval cities, and animal husbandry and farming in the first village societies. Understanding this interaction on the scale of centuries or millennia represents a major contribution to the understanding of biodiversity dynamics, which is of key importance to the management of our current resources with a view to sustainable development. Simon Tillier Taxonomy, Adaptation and Evolution Unit, CNRS/Université Paris 6/MNHN/IRD/ENS Paris Isabelle Olivieri Institut des sciences de l’évolution (Institute of Evolutionary Sciences), CNRS/Université Montpellier 2 Michel Veuille Population Genomics Unit, CNRS/École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) Anne-Gile Atlan Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Evolution (Ecobio) Unit, CNRS/Université Rennes 1 Ioannis Michalakis Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Unit, CNRS/IRD Jean-Denis Vigne Archeozoology and History of Societies Unit, CNRS/MNHN Marc Théry Functioning, Evolution and Regulatory Mechanisms of Tropical Forest Ecosystems Unit (Ecotrop), CNRS/MNHN 16-17 UNDERSTANDING BIODIVERSITY 18 ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS AN ECOSYSTEM IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPLEX ENTITIES RESEARCHERS CAN STUDY. ECOSYSTEMS ARE MORE THAN JUST THE TOTALITY OF SPECIES PRESENT IN A GIVEN PLACE. THEY ARE ALSO MADE UP OF ALL THE INTERACTIONS WHICH EXIST BETWEEN THE SPECIES AS WELL AS BETWEEN THEM AND THEIR PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT. THIS PARTICULARLY DENSE NETWORK OF INTERCONNECTED RELATIONSHIPS MAKES IT VERY DIFFICULT TO FORECAST ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS. ECOSYSTEMS AND THEIR DYNAMICS © CNRS Photothèque / Hervé Thery Ecosystems are both physical and biological systems. They are capable of selfregulation and are dependent just as much on the laws of thermodynamics as on the laws of Darwinian evolution. An ecosystem may be analyzed in terms of its structure. In this case, researchers study the type of species present, the spatial distribution of its species and physical components, and the organization of food webs between species. However, the description of these systems can also focus on their functioning. In this case, stress is placed on variation in structure over time, the movement of matter and energy within the ecosystem, and exchanges of matter and energy with the atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere. Today, ecosystems are subject to considerable pressure. They are being subjected to rapid climate change, the spread of built-up areas and farmland, and reduction in biodiversity. And yet they are essential sources of energy, materials and food for humans. They play a key role in regulating biogeochemical cycles. Because of this, more and more research work is being carried out on them, especially at CNRS. Development of satellite towns in Brazil. Nothing remains of the original savannah vegetation: only the gallery forests have been partly preserved. BIODIVERSITY PRESERVES ECOSYSTEMS The rapid fall in the number of species present on the planet leads many people to wonder about the importance of the role that biodiversity plays in ecosystem dynamics. What effect will reduced biodiversity have on the performance of ecosystems with respect to resource utilization? Subject to disturbances of various kinds, e.g. storms, fires and pollution, can ecosystems persist? Under what conditions do they maintain their capacity for resilience? There is a positive connection between the performance of an ecosystem and the number of species which inhabit it —its species diversity— © CNRS Photothèque / Xavier Leroux Annual brush fires are a major factor in the dynamics of the West African savannah. especially in plant communities. For instance, this is the case for European grassland, where, for a given density, plant productivity increases in line with the number of species present. A certain number of observations also hint at genetic diversity having a major positive effect on the productivity and stability of ecosystems. BIOLOGICAL INSURANCE © CNRS Photothèque / Alain Dejean Biodiversity provides the ecosystem with buffering capacity against fluctuations in the physical and biological environment. The mechanisms of this effect, known as biological insurance, are still being debated, and are the subject of a great deal of experimental and theoretical work within the CNRS. The aim of this research is to determine to what extent the haphazard selection of particular species, the complementarity between species and the establishment of mutualistic relationships between species can explain the positive effects of biodiversity on the performance and resilience of ecosystems. A major research effort is also being carried out on the functional significance of the biodiversity of micro-organisms, especially with respect to the regulation of certain key phases in the nitrogen cycle (nitrification and denitrification), and more generally on interactions between soil biodiversity and soil’s physical and chemical characteristics. PREDICTING THE FUTURE OF ECOSYSTEMS Diminishing biodiversity leads not only to a reduction in the number of species, but also to a modification in the structure and dynamics of animal, plant and microbial communities. The mechanisms which regulate the size of populations as well as the nature and intensity of interactions between species are thus altered. Predicting the effects of these changes on the functioning of ecosystems is still not easy to do and gives rise to a great deal of modeling and experimental work. For instance, we are trying to understand the role evolutionary mechanisms play in the response of ecosystems to climatic variation, predict to what extent the flow of matter and energy can vary within the ecosystem and between the ecosystem and atmosphere or hydrosphere, and determine the conditions that make an organism become an invasive species, and the effects of invasions on ecosystems. Invasive species themselves are a cause of reduced biodiversity. For example, there is the famous case of Cape ivy (South Africa), which has invaded the whole of Europe and is causing a drastic reduction in the number of plant species found in grassland. Climate change and fragmentation of environments also disturb communities, and their effects are added to those of species loss. One of the big challenges for research today is to define the future geographical ranges of species by analyzing the characteristics of their life histories, and use them to infer the new (emergent) communities and ecosystems that will form. For instance, depending on Grasshopper trapped by ants. These Allomerus decemarticulatus ants, which live exclusively in the plant Hirtella physophora, construct a trap to capture insects which are then consumed. The association between this ant and the plant is a mutualism: the plant provides the ants with a home in the form of pockets located at the base of the leaves, while in return the ants protect their host plant against herbivorous insects. Thanks to this trap, the ants manage to catch insects over 1,500 times their own weight. 18-19 ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS which assumptions are made, by 2100, the beech tree may either completely disappear from France or remain just in the western part of the country. CRU TS 2,0 1901-2000 Favorable area not reached Colonized area Increased likelihood of occurrence Decreased likelihood of occurrence Current distribution Extinction © Équipe de Génomique Intégrée des Interactions Microbiennes The changing distribution of a species of North American tree, Fraxinus americana, over the 21st century, according to simulations using the Phenofit model. Left: simulation of the current range of the species using data from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU), (University of East Anglia, UK). Right: simulation of the range of the species in 2100 using data from the HadCM3 model (Hadley Center, UK), according to the A2 model (defined by the IPCC). The simulation shows that the species’ dispersion ability will not enable it to occupy all the areas which are climatically favorable in 2100, and that populations located at the southern most fringe of the range are likely to become extinct by 2100. IDENTIFYING THE BIODIVERSITY OF SOILS The characterization of biodiversity is a difficult stage in any study of the biological functioning of ecosystems. Indeed, it is practically impossible at species level for the micro-organisms in soils, fresh water and oceans. New tools are being developed at CNRS for the rapid characterization of genetic diversity in such environments and to enable comparative approaches to be made. High throughput genomic techniques as well as DNA chips open up interesting new possibilities for understanding how soil biodiversity varies under the influence of environmental change, including pollution. DNA chips make it possible to identify micro-organisms present in complex environments (soils, aquatic environments, etc.). DNA sequences from different micro-organisms are obtained from international data bases. Thanks to the development of new algorithms, researchers at the Protist Biology Laboratory can then determine the oligonucleotides which are specific to each species of micro-organism, and fix them on a glass slide. The RNA of the micro-organisms from soils or aquatic environments are then marked with a fluorescent label and hybridized with the specific sequences fixed on the slide. Each dot of light thus reveals the presence in these complex environments of one species of micro-organism, and in this way makes it possible to get a better understanding of the mechanisms which govern how these ecosystems work. © http// 1 © Xavier Morin, CEFE 0 Simulated probability of occurrence Scenario A2 HadCM 3 2001-2100 RESEARCH ON A LARGE SCALE © CNRS Photothèque / Richard Lamoureux In order to understand the consequences of global change —in climate or land use— on populations and communities of vertebrates, it is necessary to do research on a large scale. The CNRS Center for Biological Studies at Chizé is carrying out interdisciplinary research on environmental constraints, adaptation of individuals and the implications for managing populations. The goal of this research is to identify the mechanisms involved, through long-term research on populations of predators and herbivores, both in marine and terrestrial environments. An evolutionary ecophysiological approach makes it possible to study the mechanistic connections between variation in the environment and phenotypes. Some research has shown the importance of variation in resources over space and time for the structure of communities. Other studies endeavor to describe the relationships between global change and biodiversity conservation. This work mainly concerns threatened species, such as bustards and albatross, or invasive species such as roe deer, whose dynamics depend very strongly on global change. These three areas of research are improving our knowledge of population dynamics and animal communities in a changing environment, and are making it possible to draw up new principles for the sustainable management of biological resources. THE ECOSYSTEM: A SET OF TROPHIC INTERACTIONS… The concept of biodiversity has revitalized research on ecosystems by focusing attention on interactions between organisms and geochemical cycles. In particular, the aquatic environment has been the subject of a great deal of study in this area, due to the ease of experimental work within it. CNRS is carrying out a great deal of research in this field. Scientists are attempting to understand the role of the organization of food webs, which are groups of species linked together by predator-prey relationships. For instance, they determine the trophic connections between species and the role of their functional diversity on energy flows and on the movement of the main elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, etc.) within ecosystems. In addition the coupling together of classic (plant-animal) food webs and decomposers via the microbial loop is more fully integrated. The movement of matter within food webs, or the trophic level of organisms can be measured more accurately by using markers for organic matter such as fatty acids or stable isotopes. ...AND NON-TROPHIC INTERACTIONS Increasing attention is now being paid to allelopathic interactions, in other words to the inhibiting or stimulating effects of one species on another via chemical compounds. Similarly, the effects of anthropogenic chemical substances cannot be fully understood without taking into consideration the structure of the food webs into which they are released. Theoretical and experimental approaches are being developed in order to better assess the relative proportion of direct or indirect effects of such chemical substances on the working of ecosystems in connection with the structure © CNRS Photothèque / Alain Pasquet © CNRS Photothèque / Nathalie Mansion Left: Nitrogen-fixing nodule (symbiosis between Medicago truncatula (alfalfa) and Sinorhizobium meliloti). Right: The spider Arycope bruennichi. A large species found locally. The blue patches are marks made by the experimenter in order to monitor the movement of individual spiders. This makes it possible to test in the field the influence of factors such as the density of prey or of conspecifics on the way in which an individual changes the place where it makes its web. 20-21 ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS © CNRS Photothèque / Alain R. Devez of food webs. All these different aspects show how diverse the networks of interactions within ecosystems are. A detailed understanding of the role biodiversity plays in functional processes within ecosystems is no longer conceivable today without taking into account coupling between networks of trophic and non-trophic interactions (parasitism, competition, allelopathy and mutualism). URBAN ECOSYSTEMS Long considered to be of minor interest, biodiversity in urban environments is today the subject of several research programs at CNRS. Contrary to popular belief, urban areas are home to a substantial number of species, and some taxa are actually better represented in cities than in the surrounding countryside. Urban biodiversity forms an ideal model for study of many current issues in ecology. This is because the colonization of these new environments, which on the face of it are not very favorable to living organisms, provides researchers with novel assemblages of species, i.e. with new models for the analysis of the factors influencing the structure of communities. The extreme fragmentation of urban environments leads to the formation of a network of habitats that are isolated from each other, and that can also be used in order to identify processes of colonization and extinction of small populations functioning as a network (the metapopulation concept). In addition, cities provide a new type of habitat for species, which are obliged to adapt to it. It thus forms an authentic evolutionary laboratory, where we can expect to observe alterations in biological traits (dispersion, reproduction, behavior, etc.) in response to natural selection. Finally, since cities are artificial spaces, they make it possible to study the role of humans in the functioning of ecological systems and to improve the scientific foundations of biodiversity conservation in anthropentric environments. The long-tailed nightjar, Caprimulgus climacurus, is a tropical African migrant and a regular winter visitor. It lives in human environments, such as trails, villages and slash-and-burn cultivation, in the Makokou region of Gabon. © CNRS Photothèque / Jean-Georges Harmelin AN OCEANOGRAPHIC LABORATORY FOR THE STUDY OF BIODIVERSITY IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Oceanographic laboratories have long practiced the interdisciplinary research required for an integrated approach to ecology and marine biodiversity. They provide facilities for experimental work both in situ and in the laboratory using naturally circulating seawater, which makes it easier to allow for interactions between the physical factors of the medium and biological complexity. These laboratories have now been established for over a century and a half, and possess series of highquality long-term observations which not only make it possible to estimate environmental change but also to validate models. Oceanographic laboratories also play an active role in disseminating knowledge to decision-makers, schools, clubs and associations, and the general public, thus making a contribution to good governance of the environment. The Diversity, Evolution and Marine Functional Ecology Unit (Dimar), based at the Endoume oceanographic laboratory, in Marseille, is part of the Centre d’océanologie de Marseille (Marseille Oceanology Center). It brings together the skills needed for research into the connections between biological diversity (genetic, phenotypic, specific and functional) and the dynamics and functioning of marine ecosystems. Special importance is given to the study of the impact of large rivers such as the Rhône on benthic communities and on fishing, as well as to biological invasions, since the Mediterranean Sea is severely affected by this phenomenon. The results are helping us to understand and predict the impact of disturbances (whether natural or anthropogenic) and of climate change on coastal environments. Many researchers at Dimar are involved as experts in a large number of protection and conservation programs, not only locally, but also at regional, national and European levels. Reef slope in the Cassis area, with Parazoanthus (orange sea anemone) and Corallium rubrum (red coral). ECOTRONS: ECOSYSTEMS UNDER OBSERVATION © Mandataire : P. Albaret - BET Technique Auvertech - Architecte : Agence Matte/Devaux/Rousseau As a result of an article by Michel Loreau published at the end of 1998 in "Bio", the journal of the Department of Life Sciences, CNRS decided to equip itself with Ecotrons on a national scale. In these experimental stations, natural or artificial ecosystems, as well as animal, plant or microbial communities, can be subjected to predetermined environmental conditions. The aim is to understand and predict their responses to pressure such as global climate change. The first Ecotron saw the day in the UK, at the Centre for Population Biology (Imperial College) near London. Its goal is to quantify the relationship between the organization of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Currently there are two projects under development in France, while a third one is planned. The first French project is the Montpellier Ecotron, to be located on the CNRS and Baillarguet campuses. It is planned to contain an experimental plot and an array of twelve macrocosms, which will be enclosed chambers in daylight, within which the climate can be controlled. The chambers will be equipped with instruments which continuously measure temperature, humidity, the atmospheric CO2 concentration, etc. One of their original features is that the chambers will be able to accommodate intact soil monoliths measuring 5 m3 complete with their natural vegetation. An array of mesocosms and microcosms will used for short-term studies, i.e. less than two years in length. This setup, which is used to study terrestrial ecosystems, will be completed by the Medimeer station (Sète), where it is already possible to confine pelagic communities. The Foljuif Ecotron, located near Fontainebleau, is run by the École normale supérieure. One plot is used to carry out long-term experiments under natural conditions. The core of the project is an array of 24 climate chambers designed to subject artificial, terrestrial or aquatic communities and ecosystems to a range of environments. Ponds will be used for long-term monitoring of interactions between the structure of food webs, the dynamics of plankton communities and the physical chemistry of water. Population cages are used to test the effect of climate change and fragmentation of the environment on the dispersion of animals. Finally, sophisticated greenhouses are used to analyze the functioning of plant communities under semi-controlled conditions. A third Ecotron, given over to Alpine biodiversity, is under study. It will be set up on the site of the Lautaret Alpine garden, located at 2,100 meters altitude. It will in particular include cold greenhouses which allow accurate control of soil parameters. © Foljuif Architect’s drawing of the Ecotron in Montpellier. ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS Coordinator: Luc Abbadie Unit for Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Continental Environments, CNRS/Inra/université Paris 6/Institut national agronomique Paris-Grignon (INA-PG)/ ENS Paris/École nationale supérieure de chimie de Paris (ENSCP) With contributions from: Gilles Boeuf Evolutionary and Cell Biology Models Unit, CNRS/université Paris 6 Patrick Duncan Centre d’études biologiques de Chizé (Chizé Center for Biological Studies), CNRS Pierre-Olivier Cheptou Centre d’écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive (Center for Evolutionary and Functional Ecology), CNRS/universités Montpellier 1, 2, 3/École nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier/Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (Cirad) Jean-Pierre Féral Diversity, Evolution and Marine Functional Ecology Unit, CNRS/Université Aix-Marseille 2 Gérard Lacroix Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Terrestrial Environments Unit, CNRS/Inra/Université Paris 6/INA-PG/ENS Paris/ENSCP These experimental plots run by CNRS at Foljuif enable researchers to carry out a long-term study of the impact of climate warming on the functioning of populations. 22-23 ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS 24 THE IMPACT ON HEALTH 2.5 BILLION IN 1955, OVER 6.5 BILLION TODAY, AND NEARLY 10 BILLION IN 50 YEARS TIME. THAT’S THE RATE HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS IS EXPANDING WITHIN THE BIOSPHERE. HUMANS ARE CHANGING THE EARTH AND ALL ITS ECOSYSTEMS BY UPSETTING THE BALANCE OF INTERACTIONS, COMPETITION AND COOPERATION AMONG SPECIES. WHAT WILL BE THE CONSEQUENCES OF REDUCED BIODIVERSITY FOR THE EVOLUTION OF MICROBES, WHICH, LIKE US, ARE PART OF THE LIVING WORLD? OUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION. © CNRS Photothèque / D. Cot, G. Nabias MICRO-ORGANISMS: A CENTRAL ROLE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN POPULATIONS 5 μm © CNRS Photothèque Bacteria and red blood cells in a mouse intestine. Staphylococcus aureus growing on a vascular prosthesis. Micro-organisms are one of the essential biological components of our planet, and one that cannot be ignored. The emergence of higher organisms, including the first humans, and their impact on the environment encouraged selection for new types of activity by micro-organisms. These new possibilities gave rise to a large number of associations which have proved beneficial to humans. Such microbial diversity has a great impact on human health and on the development of human populations. EVER SINCE THE BEGINNING OF HUMAN EXISTENCE… Certain micro-organisms colonize humans and live in close interaction with them. They are found on the skin, and in all the human body’s entry and elimination routes: the nasal cavity, the oral cavity, the alimentary tract, etc. These micro-organisms use the products of the human body or ingested and digested food in order to grow. The colonization of these routes by the micro-organisms has been going on, generation after generation, for at least several thousand years, and possibly for the last 195 000 years on the basis of the most recent dating of the oldest skulls of Homo sapiens. However, it has only been in the last fifty years or so that the benefits for human health of colonization by some of these micro-organisms have been recorded and recognized. Some micro-organisms break down food which has not been digested by humans. They improve digestion, stimulate the immune system, and prevent colonization by pathogens. These observations have given rise to the term "probiotic", which denotes a micro-organism which benefits the health of its host. However, despite the benefits they bring, it shouldn’t be forgotten that some micro-organisms in the human body can turn into opportunistic infectious agents if the body is weakened or immunodeficient. © CNRS Photothèque / C. Delhaye, G. Nabias RECYCLING ORGANIC MATTER AND WASTE TREATMENT Micro-organisms lie at the heart of food chains and the major biogeochemical cycles. Without their help and their great diversity, there would be a breakdown in the recycling of organic matter, the bioavailability of many elements essential to life and, more generally, ecosystem functioning. We would be submerged by vast quantities of waste that can only be broken down and made accessible by micro-organisms, by a process known as "regeneration". A significant example of how regeneration can be put to work is given by the very concrete case of waste water treatment. Sewage has often caused major epidemics (plague, cholera, typhoid, etc.) and produces foulsmelling odors. In 1914, British scientists used microbial diversity and Pasteur’s research on fermentation to develop a system whereby sewage was aerated and broken down by micro-organisms in a tank. This method has since been modernized but still uses the same principles. In the past few years, molecular analyses of microbial diversity have demonstrated the great diversity and complexity of interactions in waste water treatment plants. Intensive research is now being carried out, in particular at CNRS, in order to characterize the micro-organisms involved, understand how they work and study how they complement each other. This new knowledge should make it possible to further reduce the biological and chemical risks associated with waste water. Thiobacillus ferroxidans sp. in a bacterial mat in a pond for the treatment of acid water polluted by arsenic, seen through a scanning electron microscope. Bird populations are reservoirs for viruses such as West Nile fever or bird flu. Depending on the diversity of bird species in a community, the same infectious agent may be transmitted in very different ways. © Eye of Science/ Cosmos It is biodiversity in general, and not only the biodiversity of micro-organisms, which plays a key role in regulating the environment. The arrival of bird flu in Europe and the outbreak of Chikungunya on the island of Reunion are there to remind us of the major role played by reservoirs and host vectors in the development and spread of infectious diseases. The problems related to the emergence or resurgence of diseases cannot be understood from an anthropocentric, reductionist viewpoint. Their complexity appears inextricable to us, since thousands of vector and reservoir species are connected by ecological interactions which are subjected to, and react to, environmental conditions. The question of how to control diseases which have a major environmental component is not an easy one to answer. New epidemics are highly likely to occur. What can be done to prevent them from spreading? For a large number of diseases of environmental origin, an ecological approach appears to be the most appropriate one, because the focus is on the interaction of living organisms with a microbial agent, and on the way in which this interaction reacts to environmental conditions. The most productive studies using this approach are unquestionably those which have revealed fundamental phenomena that explain the movement of pathogens within ecosystems. Reservoir and vector animal species show very varying abilities to pass on micro parasites. This natural diversity plays a key role in the transmission of infectious agents in their environment. In the US, Lyme’s disease illustrates this remarkably well. The bacterium which causes this disease is transmitted by ticks to a number of animal species. In the United States, the small rodent Peromyscus leucopus is far and away the most competent species when it comes to transmitting the microbe to ticks which bite them. Environmental conditions, especially the fragmentation of forest ecosystems, have encouraged the proliferation of this species to the detriment of others, thus leading to increased transmission of the microbe to the vectors and therefore to human populations frequenting high-risk areas. This situation doesn’t occur in other more forested areas of the US since the preservation of greater biodiversity in these ecosystems leads to regulation of the population of Peromyscus leucopus. Thus, according to this study, high local biological diversity tends to dilute the infectious agent in reservoir hosts which are not or only slightly competent, and therefore to decrease the risk of it being passed on to humans. This phenomenon has been named "dilution effect". Since then, mathematical modeling has made it possible to show that these results can be generalized to so-called "frequency-dependent" diseases, for which contact with an infected individual does not depend on the density of individuals present. Nonetheless, the ecological mechanism in question seems more difficult to © Gilles Balança (Cirad) BIODIVERSITY CAN PROTECT US FROM DISEASE If not treated, Lyme’s disease causes skin, arthritic, heart, neurological and sometimes eye disorders. The agent which causes the disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, is a highly mobile bacterium, spiral in shape and between 5 and 25 micrometers long. It is transmitted by ticks. 24-25 THE IMPACT ON HEALTH © David Aubrey / Science Photo Library explain for "density-dependent" diseases. To what extent can these results be extrapolated to other zoonotic diseases and to other environmental conditions? Today, research is being carried out at CNRS with the aim of formalizing the effects of biodiversity and its evolution for other diseases such as West Nile fever and bird flu, diseases for which it is suspected that a great diversity of reservoir birds are involved. The outbreak of bird flu is a phenomenon which is likely to recur. Natural bird sanctuaries and wetlands are stopping off places where migrating birds, carrying numerous pathogens, come into contact with resident species. These areas are highly favorable to the movement of pathogens, even at a low level. To what extent did the proximity of intensive poultry production and wetlands in the Ain Department, where the H5N1 virus was detected, facilitate the triggering of a chain reaction, in which humans may also have played a role, and which led to over a thousand turkeys being slaughtered? In the United States, Peromyscus leucopus is a reservoir for Borrelia burgdorferi. These rodents transmit the bacterium to ticks, which transmit it to humans. It is therefore necessary to study the dynamics of the rodent population in order to understand the frequency of Lyme’s disease. BIODIVERSITY VERSUS EPIDEMICS Depending on the diversity of bird species in a community, the same infectious agent may be transmitted in very different ways. 1. In the presence of a diversity of reservoir species (each species can transmit the virus) the pathogen can find many different ways of being transmitted, the overall result being a dilution of its effects. The greater the proportion of reservoir species that have only a low capacity to transmit the virus, the greater this dilution effect becomes. 2. In communities where reservoir species are less abundant, where one or several species which have a high capacity to transmit the virus have taken advantage of the environmental conditions to breed, the transmission of the infectious agent becomes easier and its effects are more easily seen. This is a situation that can be encountered when migrating birds with a high capacity for virus transmission settle in a local community where that virus is absent. 3. An extreme situation occurs where individuals of a single species of bird, with a high capacity for virus transmission or which suffer its consequences, are concentrated in large numbers, as in poultry farms. 1 2 3 THE EXAMPLE OF AGRICULTURE Agriculture is another example of the role biodiversity plays in controlling epidemics. In the past few years, the risk inherent in cultivating a limited number of varieties of a given crop plant and the benefits of genetic diversity have been recognized. In plant pathology there have been many cases of disease developing following the cultivation of a particular variety or a group of related varieties. This observation has led to the concept of "genetic vulnerability". The cultivation of vulnerable varieties is a key factor in epidemics. It disturbs the balance between pathogens and their hosts and encourages their propagation. In contrast, intraspecific diversity may have beneficial effects. The progression and DR © CNRS Photothèque / D. Mc Key A field of healthy cassava, and a leaf affected by cassava mosaic. A field in Uganda destroyed by cassava mosaic. © J. M. Thresh subsequent control of outbreaks of cassava mosaic in Uganda in the 1990s provides a spectacular example of the beneficial role of genetic diversity. The first time cassava mosaic was observed was in 1894 in Tanzania. This disease of viral origin is transmitted by cuttings and insects. Some varieties are more affected by the disease than others. By selecting varieties which were relatively unaffected farmers avoided major crop losses. These early findings have since been corroborated by observations in a large number of African countries, particularly during the outbreaks in Uganda in the 1990s, which have been studied by researchers at IRD. The most affected regions in the country were those where the local Ebwanateraka variety was almost exclusively cultivated. The only crops to be spared were those which contained a large number of other varieties. Ebwanateraka had been selected for its early maturity and high yield, and grown by farmers several years earlier, at a time when cassava mosaic was insignificant. Ebwanateraka was grown in many regions of Uganda, but the variety turned out to be very sensitive to outbreaks of cassava mosaic. There were thus considerable crop losses. The growth of the plants was so reduced that they produced neither tubers for consumption nor cuttings for future planting. An extensive survey carried out between 1990 and 2003 showed that there have been major changes in the range of cultivars grown. Nearly twenty five varieties are now grown in the areas where Ebwanateraka was predominant. Some were selected for their resistance as a result of programs to improve cassava. Others are local varieties chosen by farmers because of their resistance and tolerance. In this way production recovered and the crisis was overcome. In a number of areas in west and southwest Uganda, the situation was completely different. A large number of varieties of cassava are grown there, and farmers are far less dependent on it. When the first outbreaks of cassava mosaic occurred, the farmers eliminated the most seriously affected varieties and planted far more of those which were least affected. They thus adapted rapidly to the disease, without any knowledge of mosaic, and without any technical assistance. This epidemic is one of the most striking examples of the contribution genetic diversity makes to the control of plant diseases. EPIDEMIC IN UGANDA As a result of the epidemic of cassava mosaic in Uganda in the 1990s, a large number of village populations suffered a total loss of their income. Food shortages made their appearance, and government boards of enquiry were informed of deaths due to famine. Since cassava was no longer able to play its role as a stop-gap crop in the event of shortages, the situation became especially difficult after the drought of 1993-1994. Given the almost total absence of cassava, the farmers had no choice but to turn to other crops such as sweet potato. This led to prices rocketing. Given the seriousness of the situation, emergency food aid was established, and various governmental and nongovernmental organizations supplied cuttings of mosaic-resistant cassava. 26-27 THE IMPACT ON HEALTH PARASITES: ORGANISMS NOT TO BE OVERLOOKED Unlike free organisms, parasites and pathogens have rarely been considered to play a role in the working of ecosystems. Nonetheless, research carried out over the past few years at CNRS have brought to light an unsuspected number of consequences of the influence they have on ecology and the evolution of the host populations. As often happens in ecology, these effects can be spectacularly amplified by cascade processes. Parasites and pathogens can in this way totally disrupt food chains, competitive relationships between species, or even the invasive potential of some species. Upsetting these "balances" may or may not favor the preservation of biodiversity. Current scientific research into the consequences of parasitism in ecosystems, range all the way from purely fundamental questions about the roles of parasitism in ecosystems to more applied topics, such as clarifying the influence of land management methods (farming, hunting, deforestation, nature reserves, etc.) on the dynamics of parasite communities. Knowing that practically all the ecosystems on the planet suffer the consequences of human activities to varying degrees, it would appear to be of crucial importance to improve our understanding of the interactions between human activities, parasitism and biodiversity. This research thus contributes not only new information enabling more account to be taken of parasites in conservation programs, but is also laying the foundations of the rapidly growing discipline of health ecology. With regard to fundamental research, one of the top priorities for CNRS is the identification of the mechanisms whereby parasites can locally favor biodiversity. The processes involved are as astonishing as they are diverse. For instance, by altering the appetite of their herbivore hosts, nematodes in the alimentary tract can indirectly affect the structure of plant communities. Some parasites in lagoon ecosystems prevent shellfish from burrowing under the sediment and thus help to diversify the nature of the possible substrates to which limpets, sea anemones, chitons and tube worms fix themselves. This diversification of the habitat leads to a lessening of competition between benthic invertebrates, which in return favors their coexistence. © CNRS Photothèque This cockle, Austrovenus stutchburyi, is parasitized by the trematode Curtuteria australis which prevents it from burrowing into the sediment. This alteration in behavior enables two species of invertebrate, the limpet Notoacmea helmsi and the sea anemone Anthopleura aureoradiata to coexist in this environment. © CNRS Photothèque / Laurence Médard The leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella, a plant-eating lepidopteran of the superfamily Yponomeutoidea, attacks plants of the genus Allium, and especially the leek, Allium porrum. Found all over Europe, this species causes huge damage to crops. In the center of the picture, the hole made by a newly born larva and the beginning of a mine can be seen. Taking parasites into account is becoming increasingly important in conservation biology, especially within areas which enjoy protected status. This is because parks and reserves are hot spots when it comes to population density and species diversity. These differences in the density of the animal population (and therefore of hosts) compared to adjoining areas have direct repercussions not only on the dynamics of pathogen communities and on their virulence, but also indirectly on the populations of invertebrate prey. Quantifying these phenomena is important for several reasons. For instance, nature reserves may in some cases be areas where there is a high parasite risk for the very species that they are supposed to protect, or where the prey available there is not as valuable to predators because of parasitism. It is also conceivable that the concentrated population of animals in these areas encourages the transmission and proliferation of pathogens which are a potential risk to human health. This clearly illustrates the connection between conservation biology and health ecology. For CNRS, it is essential over the next few years to provide the knowledge which will enable ecosystems to be managed in a way that allows for the transmission of pathogens to human and animal populations. However, so that they can be managed in a way that also favors the preservation of biodiversity, it is essential that this research be carried out in close collaboration between biologists, veterinarians and managers of protected sites. Despite a great deal of progress regarding theory in this field, the setting up of long-term studies and monitoring of the interactions between human activity, biodiversity management and parasitism are more than ever of utmost importance for the understanding and prevention of public and veterinary health problems. THE IMPACT ON HEALTH Coordinator: François Renaud Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Unit, CNRS/Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) With contributions from: Benoît Cournoyer Microbial Ecology Unit, CNRS Jean-François Guégan and Benjamin Roche Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Unit, CNRS/IRD Denis Fargette Crop Diversity and Genomes Unit, IRD Frédéric Thomas and Camille Lebarbenchon Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Unit and la Tour du Valat Biological Station, CNRS/IRD A larva at the 5th larval stage on its host plant. This is a male, which can be identified by its orange testes. This larva mines the leek leaf on hatching, where it will then take refuge. © CNRS Photothèque / S. Morin, J.-P. Pointier BIODIVERSITY, PARASITISM AND HUMAN HEALTH: A FRAGILE BALANCE For over twenty years, Guadeloupe’s freshwater mangrove swamp has been used as a natural laboratory by teams from CNRS who are studying the evolutionary ecology of host-parasite systems. In this swampy forest in an island environment, a combination of ecological, behavioral and demographic factors has led to a human parasite (the schistosome) crossing over to the overabundant populations of roof rats. Although this is a recent phenomenon, it has already led to remarkable adaptations of the parasite to its new hosts. Analysis of the genetic co-structures of the populations concerned (parasites, rodents and mollusks) also makes it possible to understand the dynamic processes at work in these complex systems of interactions, and to envisage the most appropriate ways of combating the parasite. 28-29 THE IMPACT ON HEALTH 30 BIODIVERSITY IN DANGER HUMANS ARE THE MAIN THREAT TO DIVERSITY. IN THE LAST FIFTY YEARS THEIR POPULATION HAS MORE THAN DOUBLED AND THEIR CONSUMPTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES HAS INCREASED SIXFOLD. THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN SOCIETIES HAS LED TO THE OVER EXPLOITATION OF ANIMAL AND PLANT SPECIES TO THE POLLUTION OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS AND IS NOW CONTRIBUTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE. OVER AND ABOVE THE CHANGES THAT HUMANS HAVE BROUGHT ABOUT BY THEIR NUMBERS AND THEIR ACTIVITY, THEY HAVE ALSO DIRECTLY ACTED UPON SOME ECOSYSTEMS IN ORDER TO SATISFY THEIR NEEDS. ALL THESE FACTORS IMPACT ON BIODIVERSITY AND ARE LIKELY TO CAUSE A MASS EXTINCTION OF SPECIES. THE HUMAN IMPACT ON BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity is an essential part of human activity, nutrition and health. Applied research in the field of biodiversity may have a major impact on our development and its sustainability. In the short term, the interest of such research is not always immediately clear, and it may be tempting to prefer research that leads to a rapid improvement in production or health. However, because of the major effect human activity has on living species, as well as the importance of sustainability for medicine and farming, in the medium term, research on biodiversity is potentially of huge importance for the future of our species. © CNRS Photothèque / Yann Rantier THE IMPACT OF AGRICULTURE The sea floor off Frioul (Bay of Marseille) in 1970. Oceans and seas are used as garbage dumps for the waste left over from human activity. Algal bloom in Lannion Bay. Every summer, a large number of estuaries and bays in Brittany are invaded by the alga Ulva lactuca. The proliferation of these algae is due to high concentrations of nitrates and phosphates in coastal waters, and is directly caused by human activity (farm waste, leaching from farmland, and sewage). Agronomists have always been aware of the need to make use of existing biodiversity. However, over the course of the last century, we have witnessed the emergence of an agronomy which is less and less sustainable. Research into the origin of crop plants, the basis of all human food, has shown that they are the result of a process of domestication carried out in constant interaction between wild and cultivated forms. The wild relatives of cultivated varieties provide the diversity which is essential for the adaptation of cultivated forms to environmental changes (especially to pests and pathogens). It is clear that the increasingly intensive nature of agriculture has been detrimental to these processes. Plant geneticists continue to draw on wild forms for the genetic resources which make it possible to adapt cultivated forms, but the preservation of this diversity is becoming increasingly problematic. The only solution currently implemented on a large scale consists in freezing existing diversity in gene banks. Research aimed at a more practical and active management of genetic diversity, based on the agricultural © CNRS Photothèque / Jean-Yves Pontailler environment itself and treating the agro ecosystem as a whole, is currently under way. It aims to transform an attitude based on productivity into one which encourages sustainable management practices. With this research, carried out in partnership by CNRS, Inra, IRD and Cirad we treat questions of agronomy, as one leading member of Inra put it, "as an applied branch of ecology". PATENTING LIFE Research has shown that plant pollen spreads much further than once thought. Naturally, in the immediate vicinity of a crop, the quantity of pollen originating from this crop falls off rapidly the further away you are. However, this is only true for pollen which has fallen straight onto the ground. Other pollen, caught up by atmospheric turbulence, are spread almost uniformly throughout the turbulent layer (from 0 to around 1,000 meters altitude), and the distance they disperse then only depends on how long they survive. Apart from the many agricultural and economic consequences this phenomenon can have, it takes on particular importance if you take into account the practice of patenting plant genes, which is recognized all over the world except in Europe. A Canadian farmer was recently convicted for sowing rape seed, collected from his own fields, which contained genes patented by an agrochemical company. The genes, in the form of seeds or pollen, had been blown into the farmer’s field. He hadn’t stolen them, but they were patented. The farmer was therefore banned from continuing to use his own seed. After a lengthy court battle, the Supreme Court of Canada finally came down in favor of the firm. It’s easy to see that wind-blown pollen and seed, together with American patent legislation, can enable biotechnology companies to take over the genetic resources of the entire planet. All they have to do is to patent the genes, grow the plants that contain them, and then let the wind do the rest. This prospect opens up the possibility of a massive loss of genetic diversity among the organisms which are most valuable to humans: the plants on which all their food is based. © Eye of Science/ Cosmos This grain of pine pollen has a shape which favors its dispersion by wind. The need for diversity in cultivated forms has led to an innovative technical solution, which is to look for the genes which can be used to improve a domestic species not just in closely-related species, but rather in any living organism. Research in the field of biotechnology has been extremely active, and rapidly led to the production of GMOs able to bring about a number of improvements to farming. Unfortunately, this approach did not include a wider analysis of the diversity of crop plants and their wild relations. Adding a gene taken from a bacterium to a plant in order to kill the insects that attack it can certainly be useful to agriculture, by making it possible to fight against pests without harming other species. Similarly, making a species resistant to a herbicide makes it possible to be sparing with toxic chemicals when eliminating weeds from crops. However, research into the impact of such practices jointly carried out by CNRS and Inra, have shown that a certain number of precautions need to be taken. Firstly, it would be irresponsible to make all plant species resistant to all herbicides. That would lead to an inextricable situation when it comes to dealing with self-sowing plants of one crop within another. Secondly, it is necessary to make sure © CNRS Photothèque / Nathalie Mansion GMOS: A PRECAUTIONARY APPROACH A genetically modified tomato plant. 30-31 BIODIVERSITY IN DANGER that crossbreeding between crop plants and wild plants doesn’t end up producing resistant super-weeds. And finally, it would be foolish to insert the same resistance to insects into all plants. Just as bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics, such an approach would inevitably lead to widespread resistance by insects. © CNRS Photothèque / Christophe Lebendinsky CHEMICAL DIVERSITY: A COMPLEX PUZZLE Catalytic ozonization device for breaking down pollutants in aqueous solution in a laboratory reactor. The goal of this research is to study the reaction mechanisms of catalytic ozonization on model molecules and to develop processes for depolluting water. Chemical pollution contaminates all food chains. Over 100,000 different chemicals are produced in Europe. Not much is known about their individual effects, and even less about their synergistic or antagonistic effects. Most of these substances or their breakdown products are found in the environment. That makes thousands of different chemicals which have to be tracked and monitored. The development of new analytical methods means that it is now possible to detect chemical elements at very low concentrations, and identify new molecules liable to have biological effects and which are as yet unregulated. It was in the 1970s that people first became aware of the dangers of industrial pollution, while the 1980s saw increased awareness of the problems caused by agricultural pollution due to the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Now, in the first decade of the new century, there is increased interest in the problems caused by new substances which are present in the environment mainly because of use by individuals. These new classes of chemicals include plasticizers, detergents, pharmaceutical and body care products, natural or synthetic estrogen compounds (contraceptive pills), and pesticides with recent formulations. A number of carcinogenic, mutagenic, immunosuppressive and neurotoxic effects are associated with such chemical compounds. The Reach directive is a major step forward with regard to the security and safety of chemistry for health and for the environment. In future, chemicals will be authorized only if they have no toxic effects, or under special conditions if they are dangerous but essential. The industry will have to produce toxicological evidence that their products are harmless. Over 30,000 chemicals produced or imported into the European Union will be analyzed and recorded over a period of eleven years. The eventual goal of Reach is to promote the withdrawal of those chemicals that give most cause for concern and their replacement by alternative substances that are more suitable and safer. These regulations will make the European chemical industry more competitive by encouraging innovation (e.g. green chemistry and toxicity tests) rather than restricting it as happened with previous legislation. What is more, this legislation establishes rules which will set an example to the World with regards sustainable chemical production. © W. Thuiller BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Pessimistic (left) and optimistic (right) forecasts for the shift in the geographical range of the chestnut by 2080 (in red, areas where it will have disappeared; in blue, areas which it will have colonized). Besides direct human impact on certain ecosystems, the burning of hydrocarbons and coal due to human activity has led, since 1950, to a massive increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. Since then, the global mean surface temperature has risen by 0.6°C. Models predict that by the end of the 21st century this average global temperature will have increased by between 1.5°C and 5.8°C. Global warming has already to begun to manifest its impact on biodiversity. For instance, of the 95 most common species of passerine birds, those in northern regions are declining the fastest. This trend was confirmed during and after the heatwave of 2003. The most pessimistic projections predict that by 2050, 35% of living species will probably have disappeared, with global warming coming on top of the other three major causes of extinction: environmental deterioration, biological invasions and overexploitation by humans. In return, biodiversity makes a big contribution to the absorption of anthropogenic emissions of carbon, and is thus slowing down ongoing climate change. The greater the biodiversity, the greater the biomass. Biodiversity and climate change are therefore connected. The way in which biodiversity evolves will lead to either an acceleration or a slowing down of climate change in the future. © CNRS Photothèque / Jérôme Fournier Plants which make up the restinga, a plant association which is typical of coastal dunes in Brazil (Ilha do Mel, Brazil). The bay of Paranaguá is located at a very pronounced biogeographic boundary on South America’s Atlantic coast, since it separates the tropical and subtropical areas, and is home to plant species and associations from both areas. Climate change on a major scale would lead to the expansion or decline of vegetation belonging to one of the two areas IT’S NOT ALWAYS EASY TO MOVE © CNRS Photothèque / Xavier Arnaud de Sartre © CNRS Photothèque / Alain Pavé Besides the reorganization of communities, the impact of global warming on the diversity of species could be made worse by the reduction in size of their ranges. The number of species liable to disappear could double if individuals are not able to migrate to their new ranges. Biodiversity monitoring stations are pointing to the existence of real difficulties for migrating species. Specialist species (dependent on one particular type of habitat) are the most likely to decline in abundance and go extinct… These movements of species are seriously disrupted by human land-use management. Human pressure is fragmenting natural habitats. A species whose demographic potential diminishes due to the deterioration of its environment caused by human activities (urban growth, building of roads and freeways, barriers which prevent movement of migratory animals, etc.) is even more likely to become extinct if climatic conditions are no longer conducive to its survival. View of a landslide caused by runoff in southern India. Unprotected ground left bare by the destruction of forest cover is especially affected by this phenomenon. Aerial view of the Trans Amazon Highway. The road is absolutely straight, except where it crosses a stream (middle of photo). Its route was drawn in the offices of the military authorities with the aim of occupying the Amazon basin in a rational way. Only a few short sections are paved. Running parallel to the highway, a high voltage power line (visible due to the clearing of trees beneath the line) serves the main towns and exports the hydroelectricity produced in the region. 32-33 BIODIVERSITY IN DANGER Adaptation to new climatic conditions will be an alternative response of species to the reduction in their range or to problems in migrating. In this case, intraspecific diversity represents is of major importance since it determines the persistence of adaptive processes within a context of rapid climate change. © CNRS Photothèque / Alain R. Devez THE BIOLOGY OF EXTINCTION, A VICIOUS CIRCLE Namibian desert. This succulent, euphorbia, grows in cracks in the rocks of Swartzbank. Sea mists from the ocean, located 20 kilometers away, condense on this granite inselberg and provide water for the plants, which are adapted to extreme drought stress. Humans are the main threat to biodiversity. The deterioration of habitats is reducing the possible range of those species which, confined to the limits of their range, experience a fall in numbers and become caught up in a spiral, leading to their extinction. Besides outside pressure, once a population’s numbers have started to decline, random processes may come into play and push the species over the brink into extinction. The smallest populations of the species are affected by demographic, genetic and environmental factors. The survival rate of a population is directly connected to its size in terms of the number of individuals present. Small populations are the most likely to disappear. Intuitively, it is not difficult to imagine that a population composed of only two individuals has far more chances of disappearing than a population with fifty individuals. The likelihood of the two individuals in the small population dying are greater than the likelihood of the fifty individuals in the larger population disappearing. Over and above this demographic effect, a small-sized population is faced with harmful genetic effects which threaten its survival. At the level of a population, the number of different copies of a gene, i.e. the number of alleles, constantly diminishes, apart from the odd mutation. Some alleles (alternate forms of gene) are not transmitted to offspring. This phenomenon is called genetic drift. Genetic drift impoverishes the evolutionary potential of the population. In the event of an allele which is less favorable to an individual’s survival or fecundity being transmitted, it can also diminish the average fitness of the population. If this allele becomes permanently established in the population, and its effects are too weak for it to be rapidly eliminated by natural selection, inbreeding depression can be observed. EVOLVING TOWARDS EXTINCTION Habitat degradation is the cause of the extinction of a large number of populations, but a species can adapt to its new environment, even if it is degraded or partially destroyed if it has sufficient evolutionary potential. It can colonize new sites, acquire tolerance to pollution or new behavior, and so on. However, there are cases where a species can not adapt to a new environment. For instance, it may be highly specialized to its environment and thus not contain the genetic variability necessary for adaptation to new conditions. The range of a species can be restricted not only by the absence of favorable environments but also by its limited ability to disperse. Moreover, the absence of a favorable environment is in itself connected to the environmental requirements of the species, and therefore to its degree of specialization. When there are few favorable environments, genes that confer a decreased aptitude for dispersion Centaurea corymbosa is a protected monocarpic plant and is only found on a single massif in the south of France near Narbonne. © CNRS Photothèque / Bruno Colas are selected. This phenomenon can be illustrated by the distribution of Centaurea corymbosa, an endemic plant in the La Clape massif in the Hérault department. The species is made up of six populations, and its range is restricted to ten square kilometers. THE AMAZON BASIN © CNRS Photothèque / P. Charles-Dominique et Nicolas Cegalerba (grenouille) Biological diversity in the Amazon basin is principally threatened by human activity for all the reasons we have already mentioned, and especially by deforestation to provide new land for agriculture and livestock farming. This is a worldwide, long-term process. Due to the growth of human populations and therefore the increase in food needs, as well as the need to promote new agricultural methods which are less harmful to the environment and human health, and will lead to more land being farmed. Within fifty years, 30 to 50% of the Amazon forest will have disappeared or been considerably altered by humans. There is no doubt that this transformation will cause a decline in biodiversity. BIODIVERSITY IN DANGER Coordinator: Pierre-Henri Gouyon With contributions from: Denis Couvet Species Conservation, Restoration and Monitoring of Populations Unit, CNRS/Muséum national d’histoire naturelle/Université Paris 6 Isabelle Olivieri Institut des sciences de l’évolution (Institute for Evolutionary Sciences), CNRS/Université Montpellier 2 Alain Pavé CNRS French Guiana Unit, CNRS. Philippe Garrigues Laboratoire de physico-toxicochimie des systèmes naturels (Laboratory of PhysicoToxico-Chemistry of Natural Systems) (LPTC), CNRS/Université Bordeaux 1 © CNRS Photothèque / Hervé Thery The Central coast stubfoot toad of French Guiana, Atelopus franciscus; fungi; the fruiteating bat Artibeus gnomus; the rainbow boa. The Amazon basin, together with the other tropical rain forests, covers 7% of the Earth’s surface, and may contain over half of all living species. Controlled burning in order to clear grazing land near Redenção, Brazil. 34-35 BIODIVERSITY IN DANGER 36 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT THE STATES WHICH SIGNED THE RIO CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AGREED ON THE NEED TO HALT THE REDUCTION IN BIODIVERSITY BY 2010. WE NOW KNOW THAT THIS WILL BE FAR FROM BEING THE CASE, AND THAT MUCH PROGRESS NEEDS TO BE MADE WITH REGARD TO MANAGING BIODIVERSITY. MANAGING NATURE MEANS UNDERSTANDING AND ADAPTING HUMAN RELATIONS WITH RESPECT TO NON-HUMANS, WHETHER DOMESTICATED OR WILD. IT IS THEREFORE NECESSARY TO OBSERVE, MODEL, DEVELOP ECOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES AND ENGINEERING, AND IMPLEMENT NUMEROUS TOOLS, FROM LOCAL TO GLOBAL LEVELS. © CNRS Photothèque / Colin Fontaine and Depending on the culture they come from, humans see nature in very different ways. Left: View from the administration building of the Jussieu campus in Paris: a small patch of nature can be seen, consisting of a few embankments covered with wild composite plants. Right: Aka Pygmy children washing their clothes in a creek. Central African Republic. Bombus terrestris on Mimulus guttatus. The pollination of crops, which is essential to their survival, is one of the services that ecosystems provide and on which humans depend. © CNRS Photothèque / Alain Epelboin © CNRS Photothèque HUMAN RELATIONS WITH RESPECT TO NON-HUMANS. Although the word ‘biodiversity’ had been coined some time before, this new word only really came of age at the Rio de Janeiro conference in 1992. Even in the remotest villages in the world, farmers were asked to change the way they viewed the world. They were invited to do so by civil servants or by NGOs who very often didn’t themselves really understand what the word meant, but nevertheless talked about the need to safeguard "nature". Every society has its own view of nature, and a Pygmy certainly doesn’t see it in the same way as a French farmer, let alone a Parisian! Nonetheless, the need to preserve the diversity of the living world is becoming a worldwide concern, and reflects the idea that a watered down version of life wouldn’t really be life at all. People’s perception of nature underpins any management of biodiversity. Managing biodiversity means managing human relations with respect to nature. How can these different interests and activities be reconciled? It is up to scientists to clarify the choices and help the decision-making process. Simply listing all the different life-forms implies a considerable long-term effort by all of the world’s groups of taxonomists. This is nonetheless essential if we are to understand the interactions between these life-forms over space and time. It’s a huge task, and it is already raising a number of problems with regard to managing, analyzing and making the data available. Several international scientific programs are involved in this, especially the GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) and the GTI (Global Taxonomy Initiative), as well as others at European level. The interactions between organisms and environments give rise to the services that ecosystems provide, on which humans depend and from which they draw benefit, such as recycling the atmosphere, filtering water, soil fertility, pollination, etc. Biodiversity management is essential for the preservation of these ecosystem services. The importance of these services in the economic and social spheres is poorly understood and considerably underestimated. Biodiversity is a source of raw materials, technology and products: its profits represent somewhere between 20 and 90% of the turnover of companies, depending on the industry. We need to invent a kind of "life Variation in the abundance of birds in France, according to their specific habitat (statistics established on the basis of observations of over 300 000 birds). The ‘common birds’ indicator appears to show an especially steep decline in biodiversity in farmland. 1,3 1,1 0,9 0,7 0,5 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 Generalists + 7 % Urban + 9 % Forest - 17 % Farmland - 29 % MONITORING STATIONS AND INDICATORS Biodiversity monitoring stations: rationale and first results There is a lack of biodiversity monitoring stations whose job is collect quantitative information, as is done in Earth and Astronomical Sciences, about the general state of biodiversity. The most successful experiment concerns observatories for common birds, which have been operating in the US for the last fifty years and in France over the last fifteen years. They show that there has been a fall of around 1% per year in the bird population, i.e. a fall of over a million birds per year in France. This major decline, which covers the whole range of ecosystems in the northern hemisphere, can only be proved irrefutably by increasing the number of observation points (10,000 points per year in France), given its low annual intensity. Butterfly monitoring stations, which have been operating in Northern Europe for twenty five years have observed not only a steep drop in numbers, but also a reorganization of communities, favoring generalist and southern species (the same thing has been observed in birds). As for plants, monitoring over the past sixty years in the State of Wisconsin, USA, has shown a steep drop in plant diversity among protected species (-50% in species diversity as opposed to -10% for ordinary species), which may be due to the proliferation of herbivores. From monitoring stations to indicators The findings from biodiversity monitoring stations provide information for the development of indicators. Indispensable tools for biodiversity management, indicators can promote dialogue between scientists, politicians, the general public and where relevant, farmers, hunters, industrialists, etc. This is because indicators, besides providing a succinct description of the state of biodiversity, make it possible to rank the different types of pressure affecting biodiversity and the effectiveness of measures taken for its conservation. Indicators are only effective if they facilitate dialogue among the different groups mentioned above. WHAT GOVERNANCE AND WHAT TOOLS FOR MANAGEMENT? Laws and regulations are the first tools that spring to mind. They are of great importance, provided it is remembered that they are expensive and complex to implement and administer. For society, they are indispensable when their role is to define the global rules of the game, but much less so when they attempt to go into the finer details of management at the local level. Protected areas play a major role in biodiversity management, by making them safe from being plundered. They cover around 10% of land and less than 0.5% of the 36-37 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT © Denis Couvet accounting", which would place business activity within the context of living processes. Some scientists hold a completely different view, and believe that we could improve management by giving nature a price. Simply evaluating the cost of replacing these natural services by technical solutions is usually enough to demonstrate the importance of preserving them. One oft-quoted example is New York’s drinking water supply, where it was shown that the natural water treatment afforded by the hills was more efficient and far less expensive than using a water treatment plant. It is cheaper to preserve the quality of water in the ecosystem than to treat used water. Biodiversity management will have to be based on long-term observation systems which enable indicators to be established. Indicators are tools which enable dialogue between decision makers, the general public and scientists, in order to decide on the goals and means for biodiversity management. For instance, monitoring bird populations provides information about changes in land use and in human habitats. Modeling, which is developing very rapidly, has turned out to be crucial to understanding the living world on the basis of partial information, and also to uncovering the dynamic systems of interactions between organisms and environments, as well as between environments and societies. © CNRS Photothèque / François Sarrazin ocean. They make up one of the tools for the management of biodiversity, and are themselves diverse, ranging from strict nature reserves to biosphere reserves, a Unesco concept aimed at reconciling conservation and development. The recent French National Parks Act (14 April 2006) attempts to bring the management of the parks into line with our current state of knowledge about biodiversity dynamics. In particular, it attempts to ensure that the surface areas are appropriate given conservation constraints and that there are ecological corridors. Regional parks (Parcs naturels régionaux, PNR) are run by the elected authorities, and are similar in concept to Unesco’s biosphere reserves. Contracts play an important role in regulating relations between private and public stakeholders, especially with regard to bioprospecting. They are supposed to regulate access to resources and the sharing of benefits. Such contracts rapidly come up against the difficulty that human communities whose territory contains these living resources do not have property rights over them. Economists are therefore now advocating the establishment of clearly defined property rights, whether private, public or state-controlled. They also suggest that rights of access and rights of use be clearly separated since any regulation of use is pointless in the absence of control over access. Overexploitation of fishery resources is a good illustration of this because, despite a huge number of regulations, the absence of any control over access to these resources has allowed their overexploitation. There is a wide range of tools available, but their effectiveness depends on having clear goals and the means to verify their implementation. However, and sadly, up till now users have always managed get round measures taken to manage ecosystems. The range of measures available can restrict the quantities extracted (quotas), restrict the number of users (licenses) or put rights of access and of use on to the market (marketable permits or rights markets). Biodiversity management is the management of conflicts of interest or of culture. This is well illustrated by the misadventures involved in the reintroduction of bears to the Pyrenees. The social sciences have developed methods of arbitration which can facilitate dialogue between conflicting sides and the emergence of common long-term goals. Some of these approaches have recourse to role games and modeling. In all cases, the aim is to enable stakeholders to share a common representation of the ecosystems which are to be managed, and to build a body of expertise which will facilitate the decision-making process. Griffon vultures, Gyps fulvus. These vultures were reintroduced into the Gorges du Tarn and the Gorges de la Jonte, which run alongside the Causse Méjean limestone plateau in southern France in the early 1980s. This conservation program is run and monitored locally by the Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (French Society for Bird Protection) and by the Cévennes National Park. BIODIVERSITY AND CONTRACTS The analysis of contracts for bioprospecting, extraction of non-renewable natural resources, and access to biotechnological innovations in developed countries is at the center of social scientific research into biodiversity. These contracts need to take into account the interactions and conflicts between different stakeholders. To limit conflicts, scientists recommend defining and implementing property rights. This step is crucial, since whereas the English-speaking countries advocate private property as the only management model, French scientists are seeking alternative models for property: common property, distinction between rights of access and rights of use, collective administration of intellectual property, etc. The goal of these alternatives is to improve the economic, social and environmental effectiveness of contracts associated with development projects, and to facilitate access both of companies to natural resources and of the poorest populations to pharmaceutical and agricultural innovations. © CNRS Photothèque / Isabelle Olivieri INTERNATIONAL GOVERNANCE Planting out greenhouse germinated seedlings of Senecio inaequidens, Cape ivy, in an experimental set up at Montpellier. This plant is native to South Africa and arrived in Europe at the end of the 19th century in the holds of boats carrying wool. The aim of this experiment is to determine the evolutionary consequences of the invasion of Europe by this invasive species. Biodiversity management is also an international issue and has given rise to the establishment of conventions and international auditing mechanisms. The 1992 International Convention on Biological Diversity has been ratified by 188 countries. Over the past fourteen years it has succeeded in getting these countries to agree on a common method for defining problems, which is a remarkable result. It serves as a reference for thinking about biodiversity management. In parallel, there exist other specialized conventions about wetlands (Ramsar), desertification and biosafety. The role of science in establishing this world governance is considerable. The worldwide Diversitas program is exerting a great deal of influence on the ‘scientific bodies’ involved in the support and implementation of the convention. Scientists provide counterintuitive results which influence international discussion, and will continue to do so in the future. For instance, this is the case regarding the management of one of the biggest problems in biodiversity, i.e. biological invasions. The solutions are both national (improved planning of land use, less fragmentation) and international. This is because invasive species generally travel via international trade, like Crepidula fornicata, an oyster parasite which is carried in the ballast tanks of merchant shipping, or the corn rootworm, which invades via airports. It is estimated that 10% of introductions lead to naturalization and spread from the site of introduction, and that 10% of these introductions subsequently cause problems. Research is being carried out in order to attempt to develop diagnostic tests for quantifying the susceptibility of ecosystems to such invasions and ways of controlling them. © Roscoff THE URGENT NEED FOR RECOGNIZED EXPERTISE Left: flow cytometry. This device is used to determine the abundance and characteristics of phytoplankton cells thanks to their fluorescent properties. Demonstration of fluorescence using colored solutions. Right: Chroodactylon ramnosum. Decision-makers, politicians, administrators and industrialists have become aware of the importance of biodiversity, in other words, of preserving life on Earth. They wish to act but don’t know how, and are seeking established, recognized expertise. Firstly, it is necessary to encourage the emergence of professional ecological engineering. Based on the progress made in fundamental and theoretical ecology, we now need to develop the tools necessary to solve environmental problems and to invent adaptive and self-sustaining systems. This means learning how to direct or restore ecosystem functions and restore degraded ecosystems, constructing ecosystems that are adapted to the survival of threatened species, and so on. Ecological engineering will need experimental evaluation under controlled condi50 μm tions, the developments of predictive models and experiments on real ecosystems. It should not be forgotten that although management has a technical basis, it also means reconciling what are frequently conflicting human interests. Ecological engineering will therefore also need to make use of social science skills. Thus to be credible, it will need to be interdisciplinary in nature. On the international level, several mechanisms of expertise are under way, the best-known being the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, which is available on the internet. The results of this work, which was carried out by 1,320 experts from all over the world, including ten from France, are being carefully studied by both public and private decision-making bodies. An international consultation is also in progress whose goal is to draw up the outlines of an international mechanism of expertise at the disposal of public and private decision makers. The consultation is the result of the "Biodiversity, Science and Governance" conference held in Paris in January 2005, which was attended by 1,500 people. The conference reviewed the current state of knowledge and ignorance, and called for an immediate speeding up of the decisionmaking process. 38-39 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT A CHALLENGE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT © CNRS Photothèque / Pascale Dollfus Biodiversity management has major implications for the future of societies. The disappearance of a large number of species alters the environment and makes it more vulnerable. For instance, the loss of microbial diversity leads to the selection of highly resistant strains of pathogen; lower diversity makes ecosystems less resistant to biological invasions; in tropical countries, deforestation and concentration of property force the poor onto unproductive land and leave them with precarious rights of use. Poverty, biodiversity and sustainable development are closely linked. Managing biodiversity and preserving evolutionary potential means keeping the options open for the future of humankind. Flocks of sheep and goats being taken up to summer pasture by nomads from Rupshu. Eastern Ladakh, Northern India. AMAZONIA: AN EXAMPLE OF BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT The word ‘Amazonia’ tends to conjure up images of the rainforest, the "green hell" or the "emerald-green forest", depending on your point of view. We also think of the river, the biggest river system in the world, often as if it were somehow separate from the forest. Of course, it’s true that much of Amazonia is covered by forest, the largest in the world together with the Siberian forest. However, Amazonia is much more than that. There are towns and villages forming a widely scattered habitat covering a huge area; a large number of highly diverse human societies (in French Guiana alone, there are around ten different languages spoken); a high biodiversity (not only terrestrial but also aquatic) that is a potential and sometimes overestimated source of wealth; close interdependence between rivers and forest; areas of savannah; a coastline with large areas of wetland; a fluvial island system; one of the most ancient basements in the world (the Proterozoic, or possibly even Archean, basement of the Guyana Plateau); mineral resources; and a humid intertropical climate, with a strong Atlantic maritime influence which can be felt right up to the Andes. How important is the role this system plays in the main dynamic processes on our planet? B 17 17 16 16 8 8 16 16 11 11 8 3 13 9 12 10 0 6 7 8 0 7 C D What role does biodiversity play? How did it evolve? How does it maintain itself spontaneously? What resources are connected to it? What is the best way of managing and developing this vast territory with a view to the sustainable development of the societies who live in and off it? What technologies should be adapted or developed in order to bring about this development? How can this development be planned, how can the health of the populations be improved, while at the same time preserving and making the best use of the wealth of this environment, and minimizing the impact on biodiversity? The best, and most economical, way of preserving the diversity of a living system, as well as its capacity to generate diversity, is probably to let it evolve spontaneously. This doesn’t mean that monitoring should be neglected, or that exploration or a certain amount of forestry and farming should be banned, but it does mean that it’s important to be careful not to disturb the spontaneous mechanisms that increase, maintain or reduce biodiversity. © CNRS Photothèque / P. Charles-Dominique 8 © Alain Pavé A 8 Distribution model of trees in a tropical forest and sensitivity to environmental disturbance. The trees are shown as colored dots. Each color corresponds to a particular species. In practice, in the vast majority of cases, a type B distribution will often occur (individuals are distributed randomly, or else they form small groups, which at a larger scale are also distributed randomly). Although they are distributed at random, this is not just due to chance. This distribution ensures the preservation of the maximum number of species, and hence of biodiversity, in the event of a major disturbance (D). © CNRS Photothèque / P. Charles-Dominique In 2004, CNRS set up the Amazonia program. The goal of this interdisciplinary program is to give CNRS a permanent footing in French Guiana, and to promote scientific policies and provide incentives to this end. The vast Amazonian system, where there are still to be found extensive, almost totally undisturbed areas of high biological diversity, is of enormous scientific interest, especially with respect to questions relating to biodiversity. In the CNRS tradition, activities are carried out in cooperation with its partners, universities and other research establishments. The Amazonia program has three main roles. It looks after the setting up of research facilities in French Guiana (field stations, laboratories, and accommodation of researchers participating in scientific programs). It encourages research in line with the policies outlined in its scientific program. The subject of biodiversity obviously plays a central role in several areas: the search for biologically active substances and for bioinspired technologies; the dynamics and management of the Amazonian region; health ecology (emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases); conservation biology; and the history and functioning of Amazonian ecosystems. Finally, the Amazonia program aims to model and simulate the dynamics of biodiversity and ecosystems on the basis of theoretical analysis of data gathered. The money that can be made from biodiversity has raised a lot of hope, to such an extent that this has boomeranged, with researchers in some areas being suspected of "biopiracy". It is high time that this issue be discussed in a rational and reasonable manner, emphasizing that this is not the same kind of resource as a mine, which is located in one particular spot, and that developing it usually requires major investment. © CNRS Photothèque / Nicolas Cegalerba THE AMAZONIA PROGRAM Once this is established, it is necessary to determine the size and location of the areas concerned, and have good assessments of their biological diversity and its dynamics. These data are frequently not available, not only because the necessary means to obtain them were not implemented, but also because for a long time researchers were more interested in finding and describing new species than in quantifying them. The development and management of a region and its biodiversity require: reliable data; regular monitoring of changing conditions; defining which areas are to be protected, and where, and which are to be used for human use such as farming and forestry; and the establishment of connections between them. It is also necessary to set up flexible management methods which enable land-use plans to be revised in a well-ordered and regular way. In this way, Amazonia will be developed rather than devastated. Identifying a sample of termites at the Nouragues laboratory, a tropical ecology research station (Nouragues Station, French Guiana). Aerial view of the camp (Inselberg site). MANAGING NOT ONLY TERRITORIES, BUT ALSO RESOURCES AND TRADITIONS Managing biodiversity is not just a question of managing a geographical area or monitoring biological and ecological processes. We can mention two sensitive issues, especially in Amazonia: on the one hand, traditional knowledge, and on the other, the widespread hope of being able to make money from a living resource. The AOC label ("appellation d’origine contrôlée" or Controlled Designation of Origin), which designates the geographical area, the variety, and how, how much and where a product is made, and the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) label, which only designates the geographical origin of the product, are based on the principle of combining geographical origin with local knowledge. With respect to traditional knowledge, this medium is effective in the case of food resources, materials or repellents. However, therapeutic knowledge is a much trickier thing to use and develop. A therapeutic substance may only be effective because of the placebo effect, and an antipyretic substance can be confused with an antibiotic substance. Moreover, knowledge, which is a source of power, is not shared in these societies. 40-41 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT © CNRS Photothèque / Richard Schartzmann The peptides secreted by the skin of this tree-dwelling frog from French Guiana, Phyllomedusa bicolor, made it possible to characterize molecules with analgesic and antibacterial properties which can be used in pharmacology. © CNRS Photothèque / P. Charles-Dominique TOWARD A GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING OF BIODIVERSITY? © CNRS Photothèque / Nicolas Cegalerba View of the forest from the summit of the Nouragues Inselberg. It has to be admitted that we’re having some trouble building up a global understanding of biodiversity, in a scientific world which is still highly compartmentalized. Only scientists can bring about the interdisciplinary approach required to achieve this understanding, without which no major progress will be possible in a subject of such complexity. Besides, the thing that distinguishes the current "big questions" about the environment from the small ones is precisely what might be called the doubly global nature of the former: they concern the whole planet, and they involve a host of scientific and technological disciplines, as well as various political, economic, health and social aspects of the way our societies are run. However, above all, biodiversity concerns the living world, and it is also only by improving our understanding of the biological and ecological processes involved in the three mechanisms that increase, maintain or reduce biodiversity (whether they be spontaneous or induced) that we will have a better basis on which to manage our common heritage. Finally, a major effort must be made with respect to the gathering and classification of reliable data, as well as to a frequently neglected area, namely the creation of sound theoretical foundations on which to build evolutionary models of biodiversity. An adult homopteran (Membracidae) with larvae. SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT Coordinator: Jacques Weber Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (Cirad) and Institut français de la biodiversité (IFB) Avec les contributions de : Denis Couvet Species Conservation, Restoration and Monitoring of Populations Unit, CNRS/Muséum national d’histoire naturelle/Université Paris 6 Alain Pavé CNRS French Guiana Unit, CNRS. Franck Courchamp Ecology, Taxonomy and Evolution Unit, CNRS/Université Paris 11/École nationale du génie rural des eaux et forêts André Micoud Centre de recherches en sciences sociales (Center for Social Science Research) (Cresal), CNRS/Université Saint-Étienne/Université Lyon 2 Luc Abbadie Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Terrestrial Environments Unit, CNRS/Inra/Université Paris 6/INA-PG/ENS Paris/ENSCP Michel Trometter, Inra Grenoble BIODIVERSITY: A FEW STATISTICS I I I I I 2,300 people do work on biodiversity in CNRS laboratories, of whom 1,000 are CNRS staff members 1.8 million species have been described. It is estimated that there are between 10 and 15 million animal and plant species living on the Earth. About 16,000 new species are described every year, of which 600 are found in Europe. Species are going extinct 100 to 1,000 times faster than in the past as revealed by the geological record. FURTHER READING Un éléphant dans un jeu de quilles : L’homme dans la biodiversité, Robert Barbault, ed. Seuil, 2006 Biodiversité et savoirs naturalistes locaux en France, Collective edition, Inra-Cirad-Iddri-IFB, 2005 La nature a-t-elle encore une place dans les milieux géographiques ?, Paul Arnould and Éric Glon (eds), Publications de la Sorbonne, 2005 Actes de la Conférence internationale Biodiversité, science et gouvernance – Paris, 24-28 janvier 2005, Robert Barbault, coordinated by Jean-Patrick Le Duc. MNHN Biodiversité et changements globaux – Enjeux de société et défis pour la recherche, Robert Barbault and Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis (eds) Coordinated by Anne Teyssèdre. Adpf / Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 2004 Les biodiversités. Objets, théories, pratiques, coordinated by Pascal Marty, Franck-Dominique Vivien, Jacques Lepart and Raphaël Larrère, CNRS éditions, 2005 TO FIND OUT MORE: I I I I I I I I I I I I – Official site of the Convention on Biodiversity. – French site on the implementation of Agenda 21. – Site of the French scientific committee for the Convention to Combat Desertification. - Official site of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the complete text of the Kyoto convention can be downloaded in pdf format). – Site in French on sustainable development, where Agenda 21 can be consulted – Site of the (Genetic Resources Bureau). Bureau des ressources génétiques - Site of the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. – Site of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. - Site of the United Nations Development Program. An excellent site to get a clear picture of world economic and social development. – Site of UNESCO’s Program on Man and the Biosphere. Information about the Seville Strategy and the Global Network of Biosphere Reserves. - Site of the United Nations Environment Program. – Site of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) whose goal is to make available all the disparate data on biodiversity already collected. This brochure is published by the CNRS Communications Office. Institutional publications manager: Stéphanie Lecocq (01 44 96 45 67) Design and coordination: Aude Philippe Scientific coordination: Luc Abbadie, René Bally, Robert Barbault, Pierre-Henri Gouyon, François Renaud and Jacques Weber Picture research: Aude Philippe Graphic design: Sarah Landel Graphics: LaserGraphie Printed by: C.print December 2006 FOCUS DECEMBER 2006