Holy Rosary Bulletin October 14, 2012


Holy Rosary Bulletin October 14, 2012
Holy Rosary Cathedral
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 14, 2012
ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB
RECTOR: Very Rev. Glenn Dion
ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. Richard Zgorzelak, SDS • Rev. Federico Buttner • Rev. Anicet Pinto
IN RESIDENCE: Rev. John Eason (Seaports Chaplain) • Rev. Terry Larkin
646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Tel.: 604-682-6774 / Fax: 604-331-8406 / Email: [email protected] / Web: www.holyrosarycathedral.org
Cathedral Parish Office
Office Email
[email protected]
Office Address
646 Richards Street,
Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Sunday Masses
5:10 pm anticipated Mass
8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am ,
12:30pm, 5:00pm,
6:30pm in Spanish; 8:00 pm
Weekday Masses
Monday to Friday 7:15am, 8:00am,
12:10pm, 5:10pm
7:15am, 8:00am,
Monday to Friday
7:45am, 11:45am,
7:45am, 11:45am
4:00 to 5:00pm
Sunday Vespers
Morning Prayer
Mon to Sat 8:30am
Monday to Saturday
11:40am, 4:45pm
First Saturday Devotion 10am to 12pm
Chaplet of the Divine M ercy
Fridays 3:00pm
Prayers to God the Father
Tuesdays at 4:00pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every First Friday
12:45pm to 5:00pm
Scan this code to connect
to our Parish WEBSITE !
Fr. Glenn Dion
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Angela Burghard
[email protected]
604-682-6774, ext. 5
Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe
[email protected]
604-682-6774, ext. 6
R EADINGS - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
-First Reading - Wisdom 7.7-11:
I accounted wealth as nothing in
comparison to wisdom.
-Responsorial Psalm 90:
R. Fill us with your love, O Lord,
that we may rejoice and be glad.
-Second Reading - Hebrew 4.12-13:
The word of God can judge the
thoughts and intentions of the heart.
-Gospel - Mark 10.17-30:
Go, sell what you own; then follow me.
M onday OCT. 15 # St. Theresa of Jesus
Gal 4.22-5.1 / Lk 11.29-32
Tuesday OCT. 16 # W eekday
Gal 5.1-6 / Lk 11.37-41
W ednesday OCT. 17 # St. Ignatius of Antioch
Gal 5.18-25 / Lk 11.42-46
Thursday OCT. 18 # St. Luke
Gal 2 Tm 4.10-17/ Lk 10.1-9
Friday OCT. 19 # Sts. John de Brébeuf,
Isaac Jogues, and Companions
Eph 1.11-14 / Lk 12.1-7
Saturday OCT. 20 # W eekday
Eph 1.15-23 / Lk 12.8-12
Sunday OCT. 21 # Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 53.10-11 / Heb 4.14-16 / Mk 10.35-45
OCTOBER 14, 2012
Dear Parishioners:
For the next two weekends, at all the Masses, every
parish in the Archdiocese will be taking a count of all those
attending Mass. Here at the Cathedral, after the Gospel has
been proclaimed, a group of ushers will take just a few
minutes to count everyone, and then the celebrant will
continue with his homily. The Archbishop has mandated this
Sunday census to establish an accurate picture of the
numbers of the faithful that actually attend Mass on Sunday.
It should be a quick and easy task.
This week the Pastoral Center at 150 Robson will host
the annual Secretary’s Day for all the parish secretaries that
serve in our parishes. Guest speakers, workshops, Mass, and
lunch, are all part of this special day for the benefit of these
people that are vital to the well-being of our parishes. We
pray for all of them, and in a special way for our own
Angela, who is an indispensable part of our Cathedral staff.
We give thanks for her continued good health and dedication
to the parish.
Bless you all.
Fr. Dion
A Parish W orkers Prayer to
Our Lady of Good Hope
Our Lady of Good Hope,
Madonna of the Crucifix,
I unite to Your purity,
Your sanctity, Your zeal and Your love,
All my thoughts, words, acts,
And sufferings this day.
May there be nothing in me
That does not come through You,
a pleasure to Jesus.
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Hope!
Pray for our parish staff & volunteers;
Protect all who serve this office.
Give us strength against those who scorn.
Patience to endure difficult tasks.
Give courage to the fearful;
Joy to those that are stressed;
-Sunday Social: Drop in to our Sunday Social for coffee &
sim ple refreshm ents, m eet fellow parishioners & visitors to
the Cathedral, after the 9:30 & 11:00am Masses.
-Holy Rosary Catholic W omen’s League Invites all
m em bers and their guests to our General M eeting this
Thursday, October 18, 6:30-8pm in the Hall.
**Help those in need: W e are beginning to collect again
non-perishable food item s for the Vancouver Food B ank, as
well as NEW toques, scarves, gloves and socks for those in
need. Drop-off donations after Sunday Masses in the Hall.
... M ark your Calendar for the K of C Dinner, Dance and
Karaoke event on Sat, Nov. 17. Buy your TICKETS now,
$25 each, and com e on out for an entertaining evening.
-Olive W ood Carvings: this w eekend, Oct. 13 / 14. The
incom e generated from the sales of these item s helps to
prom ote em ploym ent and assists Christian com m unities in
Bethlehem and Jerusalem . Thank you for your support!
-Next w eek is W orld M ission Sunday,
celebrated in every parish across the world
as a global sign of the Universal Church and
m ission. Your prayers and donations will
help support churches, hospitals, schools
and vocations in countries where the Church
is beginning and where it is new. By sharing
the gift of faith we can bring hope and love
to those who need it m ost.
Hope and peace to the contrite of heart;
Perseverance to the just.
And let all experience your protection,
Most Holy Mother, we pray on this day
For Your intercession,
With your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Holy Rosary Cathedral
FALL 2012 CONCERT SERIES presents:
1. - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2012 - 8:00 PM
works by François Couperin, André Cam pra, Diderik
Buxtehude, Rachel Lauren, Ann MacDonald Diers &
Denis Bédard, and others.
2. - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012 - 8:00 PM
works by Bach, Alain, Couperin, and arrangem ents of
pieces by Beethoven and W agner, and m ore.
- TICKETS are $20 Adult / $15 Senior/Student - orif you attend both concerts, $35 / $25.
Tickets available now at the parish office.
-Devotional Prayers to God the Father:
Every Tuesdays at 4:00
-Chaplet of the Divine Mercy: Fridays at 3:00 pm .
Everyone welcom e. Booklets to follow are available
Celebration of the Canonization of
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
Sunday, October 28, 2012 - 2:30pm
at Holy Rosary Cathedral.
Procession of First Nations members, and Mass
celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB. A
painting and relic of Blessed Kateri will be on display
during Mass, followed by veneration of Saint Kateri
which will include First Nations singers and
drummers. For more information contact Rennie
Nahanee at [email protected]
-Karol W ojtyla Club (KW C):
If you are in the 18-35 age group, join us as we explore our
faith in creative and exciting ways. W e are involved in a
variety of social justice, prayer and faith-deepening
activities and welcom e non-Catholics interested in finding
out m ore about the Faith. Sundays at 1:45pm in Holy
Rosary Hall. Em ail: karolwojtyla.club@ yahoo.ca
-Free Programs for Adults 50+ at Holy Rosary Hall:
1) Bible Sharing Tuesdays, 10:30 to 11:30am ;
2) Line-Dancing Thursdays, 10:30 to 11:30am .
-Epiphany Sacred Arts Guild presents an Exhibition of
original local sacred art works, ‘That God’s W orks be Made
Manifest’, at St. Jude’s parish, Oct. 13-21. Call 604-9423171, visit www.epiphanysacredarts.org
-Handmaids of the Lord - Christian Life Program
begins today, Oct. 14, 2 - 5 pm, at Holy Rosary Hall.
“Go, spread the good news and m ake disciples of all
nations” W ill you say “YES”? W e invite catholic wom en to
explore this call through teachings, fellowship and acts of
m ercy. Ten Sunday afternoon sessions. Free. Call Tess at
604-808-8111 for m ore info.
-Little Flow er Academy welcom es all prospective 20132014 candidates and their fam ilies to an Open House on
Tues. Oct. 16, 6:00 - 8:00pm at the school auditorium ,
1625 Nanton Ave. Call 604-738-9016, www.lfabc.org
-Corpus Christi College Preview Event - Oct. 18 for
prospective students and fam ilies, 7:00 to 8:30pm . To learn
m ore visit www.corpuschristi.ca
-The Catholic Forum invites you to explore “Vatican II Year of Faith”, Tues. Oct. 16, 7:00 pm at St. Mary’s
Church, Van. Guest speaker: Archbishop J. Michael Miller.
Everyone welcom e, m ore info at 604-588-5696 (Paul).
-University Students’ M ass in the Year of Faith- Oct. 20
Archbishop Miller invites university and college students, as
well as faculty to this Mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral,
O ctober 20, 7:30pm . Confessions begin at 6:30pm .
Reception following at Holy Rosary Hall. For info contact
your Catholic Chaplaincy on cam pus, or 604-683-081.
-Free Luncheon for Seniors: A free hot sit-down lunch
will be served at 12 noon on the 3 rd W ednesday of each
m onth. The next luncheon with live m usic will be on W ed.
October 17 at St. Andrews-W esley Church Salon, 1018
Nelson, wheelchair access via 1022 Nelson. All welcom e.
- Inspired to M ake A Difference
Explore the vital work of Prison Ministry in the Archdiocese
of Vancouver, O ctober 20, 8:30am to 3:00pm , at St.
Andrew Kim parish, Surrey. Mass with Archbishop Miller,
talks about how to “Inspire and Be Inspired”, and “How do
we Make a Difference?” All welcom e. Further info or RSVP:
Blair Perra, 778-240-4886, em ail bperra@ rcav.org
-W orld Youth Day Information Session - Oct. 17
University and college students interested
in attending W orld Youth Day 2013 in Rio
de Janeiro are invited to attend an
inform ation session at Corpus Christi
College, UBC cam pus, W ed. Oct. 17,
4 :0 0 to 5 :3 0 p m . M ore info a t
www.oyyam .com or call 604-683-0281.
First ever full-day Catholic Men’s Conference, Sat. Oct. 27,
9:00am to 4:30pm at the Centre for Perform ing Arts,
downtown Vancouver. Explore and enrich your faith for
personal, fam ily and Church renewal. Enjoy dynam ic talks,
opportunity for Confession, Mass with the Archbishop and
m ore. Visit www.rcav.org/m analive for m ore inform ation.
-Development & Peace AGM & Fall W orkshop - Oct. 20
Explore Catholic Social Teachings with Fr. Ken Forster,
OMI and D & P anim ator John Gabor. Spend the day being
transform ed as we look at how God is calling us to be
agents of change. Sat. Oct. 20, 9:00am to 4:30pm , at Holy
Rosary Hall. Bring a bag lunch and a friend!
-Appeal for Candy by Agape Street M inistry
Each year the Ministry has over 35,000 street encounters
where wom en are greeted with a gift of a little bag of
assorted candies and sm all chocolate bars along with a
prayer card. Agape Ministry invites you to share som e of
your wrapped candy in unity with Jesus’ m essage of love,
hope and acceptance. Can be dropped off at parish office.
-Back by popular dem and - Nov. 16 & 17: Sem inar by
Vernon Robinson, “How to Pray For Your Sons, Daughters
& Loved Ones”, at St. Francis de Sales, Bby. 604-460-0114
OCTOBER 14, 2012
¡Bienvenidos feligreses de habla hispana y visitantes a la Catedral del Santos Rosario!
CONFESIONES en Español con el Padre Federico
Buttner. Mierc, Jue y Vier 11:45am y 4:45 pm. Sábado 11:45 am y de 4 a 5 pm. ¡Pregunta por él!
ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos 6:05 pm
EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO Primer sábado de cada
mes, 6:30pm. ¡Jesús resucitado te espera!
CONVIVIO MENSUAL: No habrá convivio mensual en los
meses de Agosto y Septiembre.
Participa como voluntario de la tienda de artículos
religiosos de la Catedral.
Escríbenos a nuesto email:
[email protected]
Directorio de Coordinatores:
# Sacerdote: P. Federico Buttner
# Coro: Ricardo Chaparro y Liliana Garcia
# Lectores: Elsa Bernal y Carolina Montes
# Hospitalidad: Vanessa Tapia y Clare McCormick
# Eventos: Catalina Tahuil y Vanessa Tapia
# Ministros Ext. De Eucaristía: Ricardo de la Garza
# Apoyo Gral. a la Com. de Base: Edna D. y Carla V.
Letanía a la Virgen María
Tanto el mes de Mayo como el de Octubre están dedicados a la
devoción a la Virgen María, por tal motivo se promueve de manera
especial el rezo del Santo Rosario.
Muchos devotos de María cierran el rezo de dicha devoción con el rezo
de la Letanía a María, llamada comúnmente como Letanía de Loreto ya
que en el siglo XV fue en la Casa de Loreto, Italia donde se inició dicha
En esta Letanía se invoca a María bajo 50 títulos de excelencia. Los
primeros cuatro anuncian el tema de la Letanía. en los siguientes se
invoca a María como la Madre de Dios, Virgen Perpetua, Intercesora
Universal y Reina de cuanto existe en el Cielo y en la Tierra. Es
importante hacer notar que se alcanza indulgencia plenaria a quien la
recite al final del rezo del Santo Rosario si lo hiciere durante un mes
Hermosa Celebración en el Día de Acción de Gracias
El Domingo pasado nuestro amado Sr. Arzobispo J. Michael Miller
presidió una Misa a las 2:30 p.m. en Catedral con motivo de celebrar la
Festividad de Ntra. Señora del Rosario.
¡ Cuanta alegría el celebrar distintos acontecimientos en dicha
celebración Eucarística ! La proclamación del inició del Año de la Fé,
50 años del inició del Concilio Vaticano II, 20 años de la circulación del
Catecismo de la Iglesia, además, varios Sacerdotes de distintas
parroquias con-celebraron en dicha Eucaristía ya que el Sr. Obispo J.
Michael otorgó un reconocimiento a un nutrido grupo de laicos que han
voluntariado extraordinariamente en distintas parroquias compartiendo
sus talentos, tiempo y bienes materiales con sus comunidades de Fé
Hemos regalado varias Biblias debido al interés que se ha
despertado con la lectura del libro de Hechos de los Apóstoles en
el grupo de Génesis. Nuestra próximas reuniones se llevarán a
cabo los días 18 de Octubre, 1ro, 15 y 29 de Noviembre. ¡ Anímate
y participa ! Las pláticas son a las 7 de la tarde en el salón # 3 del
Hall de Catedral.
Cathedral Organist & Music Director
Denis Bedard 604-322-5995
Assistant Organist/Music Administrator
Catherine Walsh 604-222-8072
Music Programme for the 11:00 am Mass
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Celebración de Fieles Difuntos
Quieres ayudarnos a colocar el altar ? Quieres traer la foto de
algún deudo ? Serás bienvenido !
Organ Prelude: 1. Tierce en Taille
2. Chorale Glory to God on High
-W orldw ide M arriage Encounter: Consider a Marriage
Encounter W eekend Oct. 19-21 at the Pacific Inn, W hite
Rock. Contact Steve & Mary Bohnen by phone, 604-8767298, or em ail bohnens@ telus.net
Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei: Mass of Wisdom
Offertory: Ave Verum (Choir & Soloist)
Communion: 1. Adjuva Me Domine (Quartet)
2.Chorale Blessed Jesus, We Are Here (Organ) - J. S. BACH
3. Anima Mea (Choir)
–BC Christian M editation Community is hosting a retreat
with speaker Fr. Laurence Freem an, OSB, Oct. 27 & 28 at
Star of the Sea Catholic School, Surrey. $90 incl. Sat. Lunch.
bccchristianm editation@ gm ail.com or Jim 604-538-7020.
Organ Postlude: Prelude and Ciacona in C major
Would you or your company like to
advertise on the back of the
Holy Rosary Bulletin?
If yes, please contact Max Madrussan
for more information at 778-899-6388.
Music Preview for Sunday, October 21, 2012
Missa Quinta - V. E. HORAK
Ave Gratia Plena - C. VERDONCK
Benedic Anima Mea - C. DE SERMISY
- Baptisms: Sundays at 2:00pm .
Preparation classes are held every couple of m onths.
Please contact Fr. Dion to find out m ore.
-The Grace of Forgiveness
Forgiveness has healing power! Learn the facts about forgiveness and how to truly start the path where resentm ents
won’t have any power over you anym ore. Oct. 18, 7:00pm , at
St. Peter’s Parish, New W est. Register at 778-239-7996.
- M arriages:
Appointm ents should be m ade at least six m onths in
advance. Couples please contact the Parish Office for
inform ation.
-Spiritual Spa - Contemplative Prayer W eekend
Give yourself the gift of a special retreat of silence and contem plative prayer with facilitator Angelina Muniz, founder of
Lum en Vitae, an organization dedicated to the developm ent of
hum an values and spiritual life, at W estm inster Abbey,
Mission, Fri., Oct. 26, 7pm , to Sun., Oct. 28, 1 pm . Cost $175.
Info at 604-924-0225, em ail q-a@ shaw.ca
- Sick Calls & Holy Communion at Home:
Please contact the Parish Office.
- RCIA: (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Classes are held on Tuesday evenings from Sept. to
May, 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards
St. Please call the office for inform ation and registration.
-Individual Retreats at Rosemary Heights
“Com e by yourselves to an out-of-the-way place and rest a
while...” (Mark 6:31). Individual Day Retreats include use of
the Chapel, special reflection areas, library and grounds.
Please reserve in advance. For more inform ation call 604-5768802, visit www.rosem aryheights.com
- Cathedral Bell Ringers:
A skilled & dedicated team of bell ringers ring our octave
of bells by hand. New ringers are welcom e. Practices
are Tuesdays at 7:30 pm . Visit www.vscr.ca
-Grief to Grace Retreat - November 15 to 18
“Reclaim ing the Gift of Sexual Dignity” is a spiritual journey for
anyone who has suffered degradation or violation through
sexual abuse, rape, incest, physical or em otional abuse and
neglect or other form s of traum atic violation in childhood,
adolescence, or as an adult. For m ore inform ation please call
250-878-7603, or visit www.grieftograce.org
- The Legion of M ary:
A num ber of praesidia m eet in the Hall. Please contact
Norm a at 604-944-8311 or visit www.legionofm arybc.ca
for inform ation.
- Cathedral Catholic W omen’s League:
W e m eet on the 3rd Thursday of each m onth. Please call
Jane Rosenthal for m ore inform ation at 604-323-1401.
Available at the Gift Shop:
- Matthew Kelly’s popular and easy to read book:
Rediscover Catholicism, $5.
- Living With Christ Missallettes: we have a limited
number of Missallettes for sale by the middle of the
month for the following month. Tip: if you use the
missallette on a regular basis, consider ordering
your own subscription to avoid disappointment.
- Knights of Columbus:
General m eeting is on the 2 nd Friday of each m onth. For
inform ation please contact Denis at 604-356-3804,
em ail dfaucher@ shaw.ca
- Cathedral Gift Shop:
The Gift Shop aim s to be open before & after the noon
& evening weekday Masses, as well as during the
Sunday m orning & evening Masses, and is staffed by a
crew of dedicated ladies. Thank you for your support.
The Archdiocese of Vancouver has a Facebook
page which is updated daily. You are welcome to
Like us, find out what’s happening in the Archdiocese, and maybe make an online friend.
Tw enty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
G iven that 48% of the world’s people live on less than $60
a m onth - an am ount which m any easily spend in a m onth
at Tim Horton’s - we can rightly consider ourselves wealthy.
The wealthy m an in today’s Gospel m ust have struggles
with his choice. W e can experience a great tension in our
hearts whenever we acknowledge the ever-widening gap
between those who have and those who have not. This
tension is good because it creates in us an awareness of
our own abundance, which in turn gives us the confidence,
and the desire to share. Possessing m aterial goods in a
sensible m anner is a worthy strategy for sharing generously!
Archbishop Miller has written a Prayer
of Evangelization marking the YEAR
OF FAITH, and Prayer cards are being
distributed to everyone. On it you will
see Peter turning to Jesus in
repentance and faith (see Luke 5.111). The Archbishop encourages us to
recite this prayer daily, asking God for
the conversion of hearts and minds.
S tewardship O ffice, T he A rchdiocese of W innipeg, www.archwinnipeg.ca
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