March 31, 2013 - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of
March 31, 2013 - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of
ST. PETER’S CHURCH — A Roman Catholic Parish Community — Belleville 155 William Street Founded 1837 New Jersey 07109 Pastor: FATHER IVAN SCIBERRAS - Parochial Vicar: Father Wojciech Jaskowiak - In Residence: Father Mark O’Connell Deacon: Julio Roig - Deacon: Guillermo Valladares Rectory: 973-751-2002 School: 973-759-3143 Religious Education Office: 973-751-4290 Sunday Masses: SATURDAY at 5:30PM SUNDAY: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM and 1:00PM Mass in Spanish Daily: Monday thru Friday – 9AM Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 7PM (Retreat House Chapel) Saturday at 8AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession): Saturday: 1PM – 2PM COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN SPANISH: (First Communion and Confirmation): Rosie Velasquez 973-351-4908 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord † March 31, 2013 Page Two March 31, 2013 Page Three FINANCE Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is truly risen, Alleluia! 3-24-2013– Palm Sunday Collection - $7,249 3-24-2013— Assessment Collection —$2,497 HOLY HOUR ON DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 7 Please join us this Sunday for a Holy Hour which begins with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament right after the Mass in Spanish. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed at 2:15 p.m. in Spanish and at 2:45 p.m. in English. We conclude with Benediction at 3:00 p.m. PLEASE REMEMBER TO MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TO THE 2013 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL 2013 as of 3-20-2013 Goal: $31,227 Pledges Received: $26,423) Over (Under) Goal: ($4,804) Number of Donors: 109 LUNCHEON/FASHION SHOW The Luncheon/Fashion Show was originally scheduled for Saturday, February 9th at 12 noon. Because of the snowstorm on that date, the Luncheon/Fashion show was postponed and the new date is Saturday, April 6th at 12:00 noon. It is being held at Victor’s Chateau in Little Falls, New Jersey. The deadline for purchasing Lucheon/Fashion Show ticket was Friday, March 29th. If you bought raffle tickets for the gifts being raffled off at the Luncheon/Fashion Show, SAVE them for the date of the raffled is also changed to April 6th. Raffle tickets are still available at the rectory. CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS OR ADOLESCENTS If you are an adult and have not yet received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation or Eucharist, there will be a Rite of Christian Initiation Inquiry Session on Thursday, April 11th at 8:00 pm in the Rectory Meeting Room # 2. At the meeting you will be able to find out about our program. This meeting is also for non- Catholics who would like to become Catholics. If you have any questions, please call Fr. Mark at the rectory. SAINT PETER ROSARY CONFRATERNITY St. Peter’s Rosarians will meet this Wednesday, April 3rd, for recitation of the Rosary and the 9 a.m. Mass. After the Mass, they will go the Rectory Meeting Room #1 for refreshments and their meeting. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 835 invites you to their “ANNUAL TRICKY TRAY” on Saturday April 6 - 6:30 pm at St. Peter’s School Auditorium, 152 William Street, Belleville. Donation: $20 per Person includes: One Sheet of Level 1 Tickets, Soda, Coffee & Dessert, Bring Your Own Food. For Information and Tickets: Joseph Downey, Grand Knight (862) 220-1160 or Thomas Doeffinger, PGK (201) 873-0507. WORD AND WORSHIP CLUSTER This cluster helps our parish proclaim and teach the good news of Jesus Christ and forms Christian disciples. For information on this cluster, call Angie Stefanelli at 973-759-5252. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 SERVICE CLUSTER This cluster works to bring the Gospel message to the world through actions centered on justice, peace and charity. For information on this cluster, call Deacon Bill Valladares at 973-667-1323. MAINTENANCE DAY All are invited to the “Maintenance Day” at our Parish. It will take place on Saturday, April 6th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Please wear working clothes. We will meet in the rectory at 9:00 a.m. for a light breakfast. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING & FREE BLOOD GLUCOSE SCREENING with Dr. Sidali and Staff April 8 & 15, 2013 from 7-9pm St. Peter’s Retreat House, 149 William Street Page Four Saturday, March 30 8:00 pm Angelo Calia, rq Mysia Hoogsteden Doc Gibbons, rq Daniel & Nelly Sunday, March 31 7:00 Frank Zaccha (4th Anniversary), rq Zacca Family 8:30 Special Intentions of the Sauchelli Family, rq Sauchelli Family 10:00 Dermot Finn (3rd Anniversary), rq Pat Finn & Family 10:15 Norma Velez, rq Wydalis Myol 11:30 Flo & John Resciniti, Leo & Rose Marino, rq Barbara & Frank Marino 1:00 Gregorio Aureliano & Antonio Munno, rq Bianca Aureliano & Rosa & Maria Munno Monday, April 1 9:00 David Oliveira, rq Claudia Oliveira 7:00 Rose Strafaci, rq Cathy & Kevin Morris & Family Tuesday, April 2 9:00 Jean Cataldo, rq Dc. Joe & Phyllis Sisco Wednesday, April 3 9:00 Elizabeth O’Dell, rq St. Peter’s Rosarians 7:00 Maria Nguyen Thi Thom, rq Quynh & Lienh, Quan & Qui, Thach & Thuy, Long & Trang, Su & Minh Thursday, April 4 9:00 David Izaguirre, rq Cesar Izaguirre Friday, April 5 9:00 Michael Garis, rq Lori & Greg MacDonald & Family 7:00 Diosdada Buot, rq Sentina Family Saturday, April 6 8:00 Elizabeth & Walter Heyl, rq James F. Begans 5:30 Dorothy Goldrick (20th Anniversary), rq Pat Nichols Sunday, April 7 7:00 People of the Parish 8:30 Mary Franceschini, rq Dc. Julio & Maxine Roig 10:00 Robert Freitag, rq wife, Irene 11:30 Barbara Mulcahey Herman, rq St. Peter’s Class of 1971 1:00 Sr. Anne Roberta Scott, rq Dc. Julio & Maxine Roig YEAR OF FAITH PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND June 19-29, 2013 with Fr. Ivan Sciberras TOUR COST - $3,198.00 per person/double occupancy For a single occupancy please add $550.00. This price includes: - Roundtrip economy class airfare from Newark on NONSTOP flights with United Airlines - Airline taxes/fuel surcharges as currently levied - Accommodation in First Class hotels in Jerusalem & Galilee - All hotel taxes, All transfers and porterage - Breakfast and dinner daily - Land transportation by deluxe motorcoach - Comprehensive sightseeing with a licensed Christian guide - All entrance fees as per itinerary - Daily Mass at Holy Sites Airfares from other departure cities throughout the United States are available upon request. For further information on this pilgrimage please contact: George’s International Tours 9265 Dowdy Drive, Suite 232, San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: (800) 566‐7499 Fax: (858) 271‐6692 Email: [email protected] Website: CST# 2035995‐40 You can view a detailed itinerary on our website: To sign-up, please call immediately Pray for these in our community who are ill among us: Maria Jose Alfonso, Dolores Bowie, Frank Bradley, Jamie Canal, Jim Cataldo, Marie Cerreto, Nancy Corris, Janet Cubellis, Evelyn DiChiara, Delaine Kurbyla, Felipe LaRiba, Fran Lombard, Barbara Mende, Antonio Rosa, Cirilo Sison, Ana Salazar, Marie McConnon, Ana Challenger, Tony De Sent, Phil De Sent, Riley Hayes-Lopez, Margaret Steinhauser, Casey Paradine, Ethel Thomas, Gordon Gladden, Patricia Concato, Joe Mullery, Carmella Parilla, Phyliss Bocchino, John Grimes, Carmela Vassallo, Orlando Perry, Alice McCants and all people wishing to remain nameless. Let us also pray for those who have recently died. SPECIAL WEDDING ANNIVERSARY LITURGIES There will be two special Masses celebrating milestone years for married couples. The Archbishop will celebrate Mass: April 7, 2013 - 3 pm for couples celebrating 50 or more years. May 5, 2013 - 3 pm for couples who are celebrating 5 and 25 years of marriage. Both liturgies are at the Cathedral Basilica and couples need to The BLESSED MOTHER LAMP will burn week beginning March 31st in memory of Domenico Sartori at the request of Angie Baldan. The CHURCH SANCTUARY LAMP will burn week beginning March 31st in loving memories of Samuel, Isabella & Rose Troiano at the request of their daughter and sister, Rose. register with Sr. Vilma (973-751-2002) in order to receive certificates. Registration is due on March 22nd for 50 + years and April 19th for 5 & 25 years. Page Five POPE FRANCIS We are reproducing excerpts of the homily that Pope Francis delivered during the Easter Vigil in 2008, when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires In the shadows of the Temple we have followed the signposts of a long road. God chooses a people and sends them on their way … towards the land which was promised. Recently we too made our way listening to [the telling of] this history of traversing lands and centuries, with our fixed on the paschal event - the definitive Promise made reality, the Living Christ, victor over death, resurrected. Life in God is not sedentary: it is a life on the way ... and even God Himself desired to be on the way, in search of man ... and became man. On this night we have traveled both roads: of the people, of man, towards God and that of God towards man. Both roads lead to an encounter. The anxiousness for God sown in our human heart, that anxiousness of God given as a promise to Abram and, on the other hand, the anxiousness of God's heart, His immeasurable love for us, are to be found here today, before this paschal event, the figure of Christ Resurrected that resolves in itself all searches and anxiousness, wishes and loves; Christ Resurrected is the goal and triumph of these two roads that meet. This night, a meeting takes place! The Gospel we have just heard describes the meeting of Jesus Christ, victorious over death, with the women. Nobody stands still ... all are in movement, on the move: it is said that the women went, that the earth shook strongly; the Angel came down from Heaven, making the stone roll, the guards trembled. Then, the invitation: He will go to Galilee, that all go to Galilee. The women, with that mix of fear and joy - that is, with their hearts in movement – go back quickly and run to spread the news. They encounter Jesus and approach Him and fall at His feet. Movement of the women towards Christ; movement of Christ towards them. In this movement the meeting happens. The Gospel announcement ... is a reality that repeats itself each time we place ourselves on the road towards God and we allow ourselves to be met by Him. The Gospel tells of an encounter, a victorious encounter between the faithful God, passionate for His people and us sinners. He is thirsty for love and keeps searching for those who have finally accepted placing themselves on the road ... on the road to find Him ... to allow ourselves to be found by Him. In that instant, existential and temporal, we share the experience of the women: fear and joy at the same time. We experience the stupor of an encounter with Jesus Christ which overflows our desires. The encounter relaxes us, strengthens our identity and sends us forth; puts us on the road again so that, from encounter to encounter, we may reach the definitive Encounter. I was recently mentioning that, in the midst of the shadows, our gaze was fixed on the Paschal event – Christ - reality and hope at the same time; reality of an encounter today and hope for the great final encounter. This is good because we have become accustomed to living in a culture of loss, in which our passions, our disorientations, enmities and conflicts confront us, separate [literally, "eliminates our brotherhood"] us, isolate us, crystallize us inside a sterile individualism which is proposed to us as a [viable] way of life daily. The women, that morning, were victims of a painful loss: they had had their Lord taken from them. They found themselves desolate before a sepulcher. That's the way today's cultural paganism, active in the world and our city, wants us: alone, passive, at the end of an illusory path that leads to a sepulcher, dead in our frustration and sterile egotism. Today we need the strength of God to move us, that we have a great shaking of the earth, that an Angel move the great stone in our heart. That stone that prevents us from heading out on the road, that there is lightning and much light. Today we need our soul shaken, that we're told the idolatry of cultured passivity and possesiveness does not lead to life. Today we need, after being shaken by our many frustrations, to encounter Him anew. He tell us, “Be not afraid”- get back on the road once again, return to that Galilee of your first love. We must renew the march begun by our father Abraham and which signals this Paschal event. Today we need to encounter Him; that we find Him and He will find us. Brethren, “Happy Easter!” My wish for us is that today an Angel rolls away our stone and we allow ourselves to encounter Him. SAINT PETER’S THIS WEEK MONDAY, April 1 Easter Recess—School Closed 12-1pm NA Support Group, Church Basement 8-9pm Estudio/Biblia, Casa de Retiros TUESDAY, April 2 Easter Recess—School Closed—NO CCD WEDNESDAY, April 3 Easter Recess—School Closed 7:30pm Spanish Communion Class, RMR 2 7:30pm Spanish Confirmation Class, RMR 1 8:00pm Vietnamese Prayer Group, Chapel THURSDAY, April 4 Easter Recess—School Closed 7:00pm Youth Group, Church Basement 7:30pm Legion De Maria, RMR 3 FRIDAY, April 5 Easter Recess—School Closed 12-1pm NA Support Group, Church Basement 7:00pm NA Support Group, Church Basement 7:00pm Retiro De Jovenes, Retreat House 7:30 - 8:30 pm—Exposicion Del Santisimo, Capilla SATURDAY, April 6 Retiro De Jovenes, Retreat House 8:30 - 12Pm Maintenance Day/Dia Del Mantenimiento 9:00-11:30 am First Communion Class, School 1 pm Confessions, Church 7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, Cafeteria Area SUNDAY, April 7 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Retiro De Jovenes, Retreat House 8:30-9:45am CCD Classes, School 10 am & 1 pm Children Liturgy of the Word 2:00pm Virgen Peregrina, Church 2:00-3:00 pm Divine Mercy Holy Hour, Church Page Six Saint Peter School forming the future with Purpose, Passion and Power! FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK. . . Habemus Papam! We have a Pope! St. Peter’s School celebrated the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the papacy with a special prayer service led by our eighth graders with assistance from our students in the fifth grade. The prayerful tribute recognized Pope Francis I as our Good Shepherd on earth and successor to St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles. It was a great teachable movement as all our students were introduced to the life and person of the new Pope through various prayers, readings and symbols. Thank you to Father Ivan for presiding! Our eighth graders, under the direction of Mrs. Varricchio, presented the Stations of the Cross to the entire school on Wednesday. It was a moving experience for all. Our students commemorated Holy Thursday by participating in a re-enactment of the Last Supper. To prepare for Easter and the reception of the Eucharist, our students received the sacrament of Penance. The month of March has provided our students with many religious education activities. Spring has finally arrived at St. Peter’s School. The highlight of the spring season is the celebration of Easter. The Easter Bunny, Easter eggs and candy are symbols of the spring season but Jesus is the real reason for the Paschal season. As our students know, the Easter Cross is a special sign of our faith reminding everyone that we are Easter people. Our students are fortunate to be in a Catholic School to be able to observe, learn and participate in so many aspects of their religion. May the Risen Lord bless you during the season of hope and renewal. Happy Easter! Alleluia! Mrs. Phyllis Sisco, St. Peter's School Principal, delivers concluding remarks at the end of a Celebration of the Election of Pope Francis, held at the School on Friday March 22. St. Peter’s School will be open on Monday April 8 and Tuesday April 9 from 6:00—9:00 pm for School Registration for 2013-2014 School Year Pre-K 3-4 (full day) till 8th grade Contact St. Peter School’s Office for more information (7:30 AM to 3 PM) Tel: 973-759-3143 Rincón Parroquial Pascua es tiempo de risas y alegría. Tiempo de victoria. Después de un partido de fútbol, los triunfadores se abrazan, cantan y celebran con gran alegría y algazara la victoria. Los cristianos, el domingo de Pascua, día de la victoria sobre nuestro último enemigo, la muerte, tenemos motivos más que sobrados para saborear y celebrar vivazmente este gran acontecimiento. Los cristianos orientales, durante el tiempo de Pascua, archivan los saludos rutinarios y se abrazan mientras se dicen: “Cristo ha resucitado.” Y se responde: “Verdaderamente ha resucitado.” Hermosa costumbre que centra la vida en el corazón de nuestra fe. Cristo ha resucitado. Cristo vive. Aleluya! Esta es la gran noticia. No estará en la primera página del New York Times ni de ningún periódico, pero este grito de alegría resonará en todas las iglesias del mundo. Este gran acontecimiento, no visto por nadie, no estará tampoco en los canales principales de la televisión, pero alegrará muchos corazones. Esta victoria, ganada por uno, será compartida por los millones de seguidores de Jesús congregados en todas las Iglesias del mundo. Esta comunidad de San Pedro quiere celebrar gozosamente la victoria de Jesús y nuestra victoria y quiere proclamar la gran noticia: Cristo ha resucitado! Cristo vive. Aleluya! Hoy, me toca a mi anunciarlo, hermanos y hermanas, pero no soy el primero y no seré el último en ser testigo y dar testimonio de este gran milagro. Pascua es el triunfo del amor. Pascua es tiempo de alegría y esperanza. Pascua proclama que Dios existe y que está del lado de la vida y la bondad. Al devolver a Jesús a la vida, Dios revela su activa preocupación por nosotros y su compromiso con nuestra historia. Pascua significa para nosotros un nuevo nacimiento. "Por la gran misericordia de Dios hemos nacido a una nueva esperanza por la resurrección de Jesucristo de los muertos". No se llamen a engaño. Si Cristo no ha vuelto a la vida, olvídense de todo. Vayan a casa, enciendan la televisión y diviértanse con lo que más les haga cosquillas, sea lo que sea. No pierdan su tiempo aquí hablando de un Jesús que es mero recuerdo, pobre cuadro colgado de la pared. Pues no! nuestro Cristo está vivo! Más vivo que cualquiera de nosotros. Vivo para nosotros, para usted y para mi, vivo para lo que Pablo llama "renacer". Y nacer de nuevo significa que tenemos una nueva vida, vida que no tiene fin a pesar de todo. Les deseo Feliz Pascua! Hagamos Pascua. Hacer Pascua porque Cristo ha resucitado. Hacer Pascua porque somos amados por Jesús y vivos en Jesús. Aleluya. Aleluya. Feliz Pascua a todos. VOLUNTEERS DINNER Saint Peter’s Parish will host its annual Volunteers Dinner on Saturday, April 20th in the school cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. Any parishioner who volunteers their services to the parish in any way during the past year is cordially invited. This is our way of showing our appreciation for your help. You can sign up at the door of Church on the weekends of April 7th and 14th, or you can call or email the Rectory. Anyone going must sign up by April 29th. Volunteer’s Dinner “April 14th” at 6:30 p.m. Name___________________________________________________________ I will attend __________ Number attending ________ __ SECCIÓN HISPANA Page Seven EL MINISTERIO “JOVENES CREYENTES DEL SENOR DE LA MISERICORDIA” DE ST. PETER’S TE INVITA AL Retiro de Jovenes de 14 a 18 años !HAY QUE MORIR….PARA VIVIR! (Juan 12-24-26) FECHA DEL RETIRO: 5-6-7 de abril 2013 LUGAR: Casa de Retiros Juan XXIII, 149 William Street, Belleville, NJ COSTO: $ 60.00 HORAS SANTAS EN LA FIESTA DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA - Acompanenos en la Hora Santa el Domingo Abril 7 (2PM-3PM) Comienza con la Exposicion del Santisimo apenas termina la Misa Hispana. RETIRO CERRADO Ingreso el viernes 5 de abril hora: 6-7pm y termina el domingo , 4 pm con la Misa de Clausura en el DIA DEL SENOR DE LA MISERICORDIA… PARA MAS INFORMACION LLAMEN A: Rezamos la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia a las 2 p.m. en espanol y a las 2:30 p.m. en ingles. NANCY PORTILLO (201-898-7354) O JUAN QUINONES (973-901-2231) Terminamos con la Bendicion Sacramental a las 3 p.m. RETIRO POST-ABORTO Si usted o alguien que usted conoce sufre debido a un aborto tenga esperanza…. sienta el amor curativo de Jesucristo. El Viñedo de Raquel es un retiro que brinda una oportunidad magnífica para honrar a los bebes, darle esperanza a las madres y a los padres y para disipar la oscuridad con la luz y la compasión del Señor. Su llamada y participación es estrictamente CONFIDENCIAL Próximo retiro: Abril 12-Abril 14 Para informarse o registrarse comuníquese al 8150 o a [email protected] CONTROL GRATIS DE LA PRESION DE LA SANGRE Y DEL AZUCAR por el Dr. Sidali y sus enfermeras 8 y 15 de Abril de 7PM a 9PM En la Casa de Retiros, 149 William Street A través del perdón los brazos de Jesús te levantan 2Co5:17) LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: REGISTRACION ESCUELA DE ST. PETER Las matrículas para el año académico 2013-2014 de St. Peter School ya están abiertas. Hay cupos disponibles para jornada completa (7:30 a.m.-3 p.m.) para Pre-K3, Pre-K4, Kindergarten y para los grados 1-8. También hay servicio de guardería, Pre-Care (7-8 a.m.) y After-Care (3-6 p.m.). Para mayor información, por favor llame o visite nuestra escuela (973-759-3143). Si necesita asistencia en español, por favor pregunte por la Señora Aida González por la manana. 908-303- Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Hch 2:36-41; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Hch 3:1-10; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Lc 24:13-35 Hch 3:11-26; Sal 8:2, 5-9; Lc 24:35-48 Hch 4:1-12; Sal 118 (117):1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Hch 4:13-21; Sal 118 (117):1, 14-21; Mc 16:9-15 Hch 5:12-16; Sal 118 (117):2-4, 13-15, 2224; Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 DÍA DEL MANTENIMIENTO LA ESCUELA QUEDARÀ ABIERTA EL LUNES ABRIL 8 Y MARTER 9 (6PM-9PM) PARA QUE PAPAS QUE TRABAJAN PUEDAN REGISTRAR A SUS HIJOS Todos los jóvenes y adultos están invitados a participar en el mantenimiento de nuestra Parroquia. Tendrá lugar el Sábado, 6 Abril, de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 del día.