Easter Sunday - Sacred Heart of Jesus


Easter Sunday - Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Boulder, Colorado
Easter Sunday
March 27, 2016
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish
Boulder, Colorado
Welcome to Sacred Heart of Jesus!
We extend a warm welcome to new parishioners and guests who are celebrating Mass with
us today. To find out about parish groups and programs, please call the Parish Center.
Sacred Heart of Jesus School has been the center for Catholic education in Boulder for
nearly 120 years. We offer outstanding programs for students in preschool through 8th
grade. Please visit the school’s website school.shjboulder.org to learn about our
curriculum and activities.
New members, please fill out a registration card and place it in the collection basket or
return it to the Parish Center.
2312 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80304
303.442.6158, Fax 303.442.7905
Monday-Friday, 8 am-12 pm & 1-4 pm
Closed 12-1 pm
Parish Center
Parish Center Hours:
Parochial Vicar
Father Chris Renner
Father Warli Castro
Father Terry Ryan, CSP
Deacon David Luksch
Deacon Walter Sweeney
[email protected]
Deacon Christopher Byrne
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
Director of Administration
Michelle Anderson
Business Manager
Patty Middleton
Facilities Manager
Francisco Hernandez
Music Director
Dr Adam Ewing
Volunteer Coordinator
Karen Harrison
Youth Leader
Ryan Balke
Staff email last name then first [email protected]
1317 Mapleton Avenue, Boulder, CO 80304
Parish School
Admissions Coordinator
Preschool Director
303.447.2362, Fax 303.443.2466
Roonie Leittem-Murrell
Jennifer Wilcomb
Kristen Oliver
2960 Valmont, Boulder, CO 80301
Monday-Friday, 8:30 –10:30 am & 1-3 pm
Thursday, 5-6:30 pm
Faith Offering
Week of March 20
$ 10,639
Thank you for your generosity!
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil (anticipatory)
5:00 pm English
5:30 pm English & Spanish*
*Neocatechumenal Way Mass in Jubilee Hall
8:00 am & 10:00 am English
1:00 pm Spanish
6:00 pm English
St Rita Mission Church, Nederland
9:30 am English
Weekday Masses
Monday — Friday
Anointing Mass
7:00 am & 12:10 pm English
Friday, April 1, at 12:10 pm
Adoration — in the Parish Center Chapel
8 am—10 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation—Confessions
6 to 8 pm English and Spanish
11:30 am to 1:00 pm English
12 to 1 pm Spanish
Sacrament of Baptism for Infants through age 6
The preparation class for parents and godparents is on
the first Monday each month at 7 pm in the Parish
Center. The next class will be on Monday, April 4. Call
the Parish Center at 303.442.6158 to register in advance.
Please note: There are no baptisms during Lent.
Sacramental Preparation
Children are eligible to prepare for First Reconciliation
and First Holy Eucharist beginning in the second grade.
Please call the Parish Center for more information.
Sacrament of Marriage
Call the Parish Center at least eight months in advance.
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the Parish Center to request Anointing of the
Sick or to arrange for Communion to be brought to
someone homebound, in a hospital or in a nursing home.
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
March 27, 2016
A Letter from Our Pastor
Why Easter Is Like Basketball
Every year, when it comes time to celebrate Easter, it
seems that we are also celebrating "March
Madness". To many sports fans, the NCAA Basketball
Tournament is the height of sports viewership. It is
certainly an exciting time. But have you ever thought
of how the basketball tournament is like Easter?
truly "One Shining Moment" for all believers. I hope I
have not violated a copyright!
I know that comparing Easter to basketball is a
stretch. Nothing truly captures the monumental event
of Easter. As Christians, our entire faith is built on
Christ's resurrection. The early Christian community
First, we have underdogs and betting favorites, just
knew that this is what Jesus wanted for them. "Do this
like Jesus and Pontius Pilate, Herod, etc. You know
in memory of me" applied not only to the Eucharist/
the smart money was on the Sanhedrin back in Jesus' Last Supper but also to our entire experience of
day! The game itself goes back and forth just like the
worship. The early Christians broke with Jewish
interrogation between Pilate and Jesus. There is a
custom in establishing the Sabbath on Sunday, the
starting lineup and a bench much like the Apostles and day of the Lord's resurrection. Every time we celebrate
the women at the cross. Very often the bench has to
the Mass on Sunday, we are really "marking" another
pull out the game when the starters falter.
Easter, another gift of Christ to God's people.
Jesus eventually wins over death through great
suffering. The victory in a basketball game is
achieved through great struggle as well. On the
cross, Jesus stands alone. In a game, the lone freethrow shooter is alone also, with everything relying
on him. There is joy in victory. Our Easter joy cannot
really be contained. This great triumph of Jesus is
Father Chris Renner
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parishioners:
Thank you for touching many lives with your regular contributions to the parish.
Your generosity is truly appreciated.
We’d like to remind you who use Faith Direct for your weekly/monthly offering to arrange
donations for Easter. Christmas and other Holy Days by going online to faithdirect.net.
Please call the SHJ Business Office with any questions. Thank you.
Scripture Readings
Week of March 27
Acts 10:34a, 37-43/
Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23/
Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/
Jn 20:1-9 or
Lk 24:1-12 or Lk 24:13-35
Acts 2:14, 22-33/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11/
Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41/Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22/
Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 105:1-4, 6-9/
Lk 24:13-35
Acts 3:11-26/Ps 8:2, 5-9/Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12/Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27/
Jn 21:1-14
Acts 4:13-21/Ps 118:1, 14-21/
Mk 16:9-15
Next Sunday: Acts 5:12-16/
Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24/
Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19/
Jn 20:19-31
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Sunday 3/27
Easter Sunday
Monday 3/28
7 am + Msgr William Jones
12:10 pm + Patricia Scala
Tuesday 3/29
7 am
12:10 pm
Karen Harrison
Ernesto Pinto-Andrews
Wednesday 3/30
7 am Joe Brexa
12:10 pm Nora Andrews de Pinto
Thursday 3/31
7 am + Izetta Schneider
12:10 pm + Kathryn Ellen Oden
Friday 4/1
7 am + Joe Hibl
12:10 pm Marie Pinto-Andrews
Saturday 4/2
5 pm
Pro Populo
Pro populo means “for the people”. A Mass not
offered for a specific person (a Mass Intention) is for
the people of the parish (Pro populo). By canon law
at least one Sunday Mass each week must be offered
Pro populo. At Sacred Heart of Jesus the Pro populo
Mass is rotated through the Sunday schedule, so one
week it’s the anticipatory Mass on Saturday, the next
week it’s the 8 am Sunday, then the 10 am, etc.
Mass Intentions may be arranged at the Parish
Center. The $10 donation includes a Mass card.
Please remember in prayer...
Guy Dorrel
Lillian Eck
Dr John Frederick
Robin Jacobson
Jim Kelly
Karen Harrison
Carl Lindegren
Chance & Katie Long
James Maguire
Elaine Middleton
Dianna Oterro
Chrystal Aragon Pene
Donald Reinhardt
Richard & Family
Jett Rose
Bernie Strittmatter
Deacon Walter Sweeney
Paul Wernsdorfer
A Message from Father Warli
Father Warli is scheduling Friday afternoons to
visit parishioners unable to come to his office. He
will spend time with the home-bound, the elderly,
those in nursing homes and hospitals, and others
who would like spiritual guidance or need the
sacraments. Please contact Father Warli at
[email protected] or 303.442.6158 x114.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish
2960 Valmont
Thanks for your HOPE Can donations!
You can still turn in cans at the Parish Center and, of
course, food and monetary donations to the Pantry
are always welcome. Put the week of April 17-25 on
your calendar for the annual Spring Food Drive —
more information in bulletins to come.
Once again SHJ’s Men’s Club hosted a
spectacular St Patrick’s Day Fish Fry!
The food was delicious, the company congenial and
the Irish dancing a real treat. Thank you, Men’s Club,
for bringing members of the parish together for fun.
Lecture on the Shroud of Turin: Scientist
Barrie Schwortz will present his personal perspective
on Shroud science at St Francis of Assisi, Longmont,
on Sunday, April 10, at 6:30 pm. Doors open at 6 pm;
no registration required. Mr Schwortz has appeared in
documentaries on major broadcast and cable networks
and given lectures around the world. Call St Francis,
303.772.6322, for complete information.
March 27, 2016
SHJ School News
The Academic Decathlon, 2016
On March 5, twenty-one teams participated in the
Denver Archdiocese Academic Decathlon, one of
the largest educational competitions in the area.
It promotes academic excellence as well as
cooperative learning skills, higher-order thinking
and teamwork, and celebrates
the diversity and traditions
of our Catholic schools.
The Middle School decathlon
features two team events: a
rigorous Logic Quiz and a Super Quiz finale
encompassing religion, literature, science, art,
and geography. Individuals also face off in
religion, math, social studies, science, fine arts,
current events, literature, English grammar and
spelling. Our students prepared for months, both
on their own and with their coaches.
Vigil Candles are now for sale at the Parish
Center and in the Sacristy: $3 each.
CO Child Care Contribution Tax Credit:
Taxpayers and businesses contributing to SHJ
Preschool may claim a Colorado income tax credit for
50% of their contribution. For details, visit
The Altar & Rosary Society
of Sacred Heart of Jesus
provides opportunities for all women and
men who want to serve the parish through hospitality,
prayer and donations.
 Hosting luncheon receptions after funerals
 Laundering the altar linens used at Masses
 Sewing quilts for those who need warmth/comfort
 Baking cookies for birthday parties at Boulder
Manor nursing home
Please consider being part of this longstanding,
though often unsung, SHJ ministry. Sign-up forms are
on the A&R bulletin board in the narthex (vestibule).
CONGRATULATIONS to our academic
decathletes for a phenomenal job! SHJ took
fourth place in the Super Quiz, and two SHJ
students took second place in the individual math
test and the individual science test.
A parent walking out of the event was overheard
to say, "I am so proud of all our students who
worked hard for this and persevered. Sacred
Heart of Jesus represents the best of the best!”
Colorado Spelling Bee
CONGRATULATIONS, too, to awesome 8thgrader Andrew Haapala, who won third place in
the Colorado State Spelling Bee on March 12.
27 de Marzo del 2016
Carta de Nuestro Pastor
Cada año, cuando llega el momento de celebrar la Pascua, parece que también estamos celebrando
"La Locura de Marzo". Para muchos aficionados a los deportes, el torneo de baloncesto de la NCAA es la
que tiene mas audiencia en deportes. Sin duda, es un momento emocionante. Pero, ¿alguna vez has
pensado en cómo el torneo de baloncesto es como Pascua?
En primer lugar, tenemos oprimidos y favoritos en las apuestas, así como Jesús y Poncio Pilato,
Herodes, etc Usted sabe que el dinero inteligente estaba en el Sanedrín atrás en el tiempo de Jesús! El
juego en sí va y viene al igual que el interrogatorio entre Pilato y Jesús. Hay una alineación titular y un
banco al igual que los Apóstoles y las mujeres en la cruz. Muy a menudo, se usan los de la banca al juego
cuando fallan los entrantes.
Jesús finalmente gana a la muerte con gran sufrimiento. La victoria en un partido de baloncesto se
logra a través de gran lucha también. En la cruz, Jesús se queda solo. En un juego, el lanzador de tiros
libres en solitario es por sí sola también, con todo, confiar en él. Hay alegría en la victoria. Nuestra
alegría en Pascua en realidad no puede ser contenida. Este gran triunfo de Jesús es verdaderamente "Un
momento Radiante" para todos los creyentes. Espero no haber violado un derecho de autor!
Yo sé que la comparación de Pascua con el baloncesto es muy estrecha. Nada realmente captura el
evento monumental de Pascua. Como cristianos, toda nuestra fe se basa en la resurrección de Cristo. La
comunidad cristiana primitiva sabía que esto es lo que Jesús quería para ellos. "Hagan esto en memoria
mía" aplicado no sólo a la / última cena de gracias, sino también a toda nuestra experiencia de adoración.
primeros cristianos rompieron con la costumbre judía en el establecimiento el día de reposo en
domingo, el día de la resurrección del Señor.
Cada vez que celebramos la misa el domingo, estamos realmente "marcando" otra Pascua, otro
don de Cristo a la gente de Dios.
Este año, mi oración es que veamos la misericordia de Dios que brilla a través de la persona de
Cristo. Como dijo Jesús, "Cuando me ven, ven al Padre". Dios quiere que su pueblo se acerca a Él, a
través de buenos y malos. La manera de que se encuentra a través de la cruz y la resurrección de Jesús.
Por lo tanto, feliz locura de marzo, y mucho más importante, Feliz Pascua a todos!
Padre Chris Renner
¡Cristo Vive!
Coordinadora de Voluntarios:
Karen Harrison (Ella habla español)
Teléfono: (303) 442-6158 Ext. 102
Domingo de Resurrección
Horario de oficina: Lunes-Viernes 8 am-12 pm y 1-4 pm
Padre Warli Castro (303) 442-6158 x114
27 de Marzo del 2016
Cerrada entre 12 y 1 pm
1:00 pm Domingo
CONFESIONES: 12:00 a 1:00 pm Domingo, Viernes 6:00 a 8:00 pm
Rezo del Santo Rosario: 12:20 pm Domingo
Misa de Unción de los Enfermos: Viernes 1 de Abril 12:10 pm (Ingles)
EDITORA BOLETIN EN ESPAÑOL: Catalina Méndez (720) 903-6234 [email protected]
MATRIMONIOS: Comunicarse a la Oficina para mas información
CATECISMO: Coordinadora Catecismo: Micaela Ortiz (303) 499-3464
BAUTIZOS: Platicas tercer sábado de Cada Mes 2 p.m. en el sótano de la Iglesia. Solamente adultos,
porque no hay cuidado de niños.—El Bautismo es cada segundo y cuarto sábado de cada mes.
Para platicas pre-bautismales contacte a: María y Ricardo Valdez (720) 643-9540.
QUINCEAÑERAS: Comunicarse a la Oficina para mas información.
PRESENTACIONES AL TEMPLO PARA NIÑOS DE 3 AÑOS: Orientación: último domingo de cada
mes antes de Misa a las 11:45 AM: Bendición de Presentación: segundo Domingo de cada mes
después de Misa. Para mas información: Catalina Méndez (720) 903-6234
MONAGUILLOS: Francisco Hernández (303) 442-6158, Ext 103