Bulletin - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church


Bulletin - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Thomas the Apostle
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 19, 2016
There is neither Jew nor Greek,
There is neither slave nor free person,
There is not male and female;
For you are all one in Christ Jesus.
-Galatians 3:28
Address: 7377 SW 64th St, Miami, FL 33143
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Phone: 305-665-5600 Fax: 305-662-9034
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
Rev. Alejandro J. Rodríguez Artola - Pastor
Rev. Matías A. Hualpa - Parochial Vicar
Rev. Anselm Ohanekwu - In Residence
Rev. Mr. Carlos M. Pulido - Deacon
Rev. Mr. Carlos Charur - Deacon
Parish Office
Phone: 305-665-5600
Ms. Melissa Aguilar
[email protected]
Religious Education
Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion,
Mrs. Tania Gonzalez
Phone: 305-665-6862
[email protected]
Ms. Elizabeth Sanchez
[email protected]
Ms. Vivian Barrios
[email protected]
St. Thomas the Apostle
Catholic School
Principal: Mrs. Lisa Figueredo
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Angie Ayan-Novo
7303 SW 64th Street Miami, FL 33143
School Office: 305-661-8591
School Fax:
Email: [email protected]
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Schedule
Sunday Masses:
English: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am,
5:30pm, 7:00pm
Saturday Vigil:
English: 5:30pm
Daily Masses:
English: Mon-Fri 8:00am
Español: 7:00 pm
Daily Rosary: 7:35am
Saturday Mass:8:00am
School Mass: Wednesday 9:15am
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday 4:00pm - 5:00pm or by Appointment
Sacraments & Religious Education
Baptisms: Call Parish Office for more
information on requirements, Baptismal Preparation classes, and dates available.
Anointing of the Sick:
Call the Parish Office for information.
Religious Education Schedule:
Wednesdays 4:00-5:15pm
PreK thru 5th Grade
Wednesday 7:00-8:00pm
Grades 6th Thru Confirmation
RCIA Schedule:
Tuesdays at 7:00pm (English)
Sundays at 11:00am (Español)
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastoral Care for the Sick & Homebound:
Notify Parish Office when a parishioner is hospitalized
or homebound and unable to attend Mass.
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will assist
in bringing the Eucharist to them.
Music Ministry Director: Riuben Frometa
Please send an email to [email protected] if you
are interested in participating in the choir.
Liturgical Ministry Coordinator:
Mrs. Tania Gonzalez
If you are interested in being a Sacristan, Minister of the
Eucharist, Lector, Usher, or Altar Server please call the
office at: 305-665-6862
Intercessory Rosary for the Sick of our Parish:
You are invited to pray the Rosary for the sick and
suffering of our parish every Thursday after the
8:00am Mass.
Perpetual Adoration: Chapel is always open!
Come and visit Our Lord.
If you want to commit to one hour per week please call
the office at 305-665-5600.
MONDAY June 20, 2016
For the life of Michael Carricarte Sr.
+Eli, Alexander, Sigifredo, Rafael
& Jose
TUESDAY June 21, 2016
Healing of Giselle Hernandez
+Silvia Ramirez
WEDNESDAY June 22, 2016
+Nenita Grau Santeiro
++Dario & Mercedes Alarcon
THURSDAY June 23, 2016
+Dr. Andres Mejides
+Maria Lopez
FRIDAY June 24, 2016
+Regnier Jurado
+Carlos Martinez, Ismael Quintana,
Jose Pizarro & In Thanksgiving to
Martha Rodriguez
SATURDAY June 25, 2016
Dear parishioners, come join us
at the
Missionaries of Charity Shelter,
724 N.W. 17 Street,
every 3rd Sunday of the month
to cook for and feed the
homeless men of Miami.
Don’t miss this beautiful
opportunity to serve God by
serving the poor.
The shelter opens for the
volunteers at 7:30 am but they
don’t start serving food to the
homeless until 9:30am.
There is a second food service
at 10:30 am and a third at
Those volunteers that get to the
shelter in the morning help
prepare and serve the food
during the first service.
You are welcomed to come at
any time or day of the week.
The shelter is closed on
If you have any questions,
please do not
hesitate to contact me,
Jaime Murati, at:
Friends of the
Missionaries of Charity
[email protected]
+Luz Pagan
+Florencio & Fefa Tezanos
SUNDAY June 26, 2016
+Oswaldo Acosta
+Nestor Fuentes
+Aurelio Ibanez & Ibanez Family
+Baco Viamonte deceased family
+Jose Cueto
+Maria Yurena Rivero Osorio
May all you
wonderful dad’s enjoy
a Happy Father’s
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 25– June 26, 2016
Sat. 5:30pm
Sun. 7:30am
Sun. 9:00am
Sun. 11:00am
Eucharistic Minister
Altar Server
Aleida Fernandez
Martha Gonzalez
Maria Anduiza
Francisco Anduiza
Lee Williams
Marisol Menendez
Lourdes Rodriguez
Gen Stine
Andrea Lugo-Hurtado
Jessie Lastres
Pedro Alfaro
Rosemary Alfaro
Bernie Macias
Nena Macias
Ana Milena Arcila
Millie Puig
Beatriz Lanata
Marianna Herrera
Nicolas Stolarczyk
Emiliana Rincon
Marsha Maynard
Maria DiBernardo
Luis Roblejo
Jackie Roblejo
Alessie Lastres
Hugo Castro
Evelyn Garcia
Carolina Gentzschein
Diana Rincon
Sun. 1:00pm
Ines Duran
Gloria Stephen
Fidalgis Leon
Eufemia Gonzalez
Efrain Jimenez
Annabelle Lamazares
Gisselle Lamazares
Sun. 5:30pm
Rosa Romero
Eric Romero
Maggie Serrate
Mayra Finale
Claudia Peñalba
Victor Fernandez
Amparo Fernandez
Paola Consuegra
Camila Romero
Ana Portela
Diego Romero
Ella Romero
Gabriela Serrate
Luz Maria Cutie
Rosa Prieto
Aidan Hevia
Sun. 7:00PM
them in to the office. We
Help support STA the easy
encourage you to download the
way! Box Tops for
App SHOPAROO and help STA
Education is a nationwide
earn Cash. We thank the 65
fundraising program
supporters that have joined!
sponsored by General Mills that
exchanges box tops for cash.
This money can then be used to
buy equipment, supplies, books,
etc. for STA. Just clip the box
tops from any specially- marked
everyday food products and turn
With the intercession of our Blessed Mother, Our
Lady of Guadalupe, please pray with us for
expectant mothers.
Patricia Erdmann Houk
Jezabel Frometa-Joa
Maria Rosario
Maria Moremen Hull
If you are expecting please call the Rectory
305.665.5600 to be added on the list.
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings for the Week
Sunday, June 19:
Monday, June 20:
Tuesday, June 21:
Wednesday, June 22:
ZEC 12:10-11; 13:1
PS 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9
LK 9:18-24
2 KGS 17:5-8, 13-15A, 18
PS 60:3, 4-5, 12-13
MT 7:1-5
2 KGS 19:9B-11, 14-21,
31-35A, 36
PS 48:2-3AB, 3CD-4, 1011
2 KGS 22:8-13; 23:1-3
PS 119:33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40
MT 7:15-20
Thursday, June 23:
Friday, June 24:
Saturday, June 25:
Sunday, June 26:
2 KGS 24:8-17
PS 79:1B-2, 3-5, 8, 9
MT 7:21-29
JER 1:4-10
PS 71:1-2, 3-4A, 5-6AB,
15AB AND 17
1 PT 1:8-12
LK 1:5-17
LAM 2:2, 10-14, 18-19
PS 74:1B-2, 3-5, 6-7, 2021
MT 8:5-17
1 KGS 19:16B, 19-21
GAL 5:1, 13-18
LK 9:51-62
Our Lady of Mercy Catholic
The seventh Corporal Work of Mercy
teaches us to bury the deceased with
dignity. The Church has consecrated
our Catholic Cemeteries to ensure
that we have the appropriate place to
fulfill this teaching. We have invited
representatives from Catholic Cemeteries Family Service
program to visit our parish on JULY 16 & 17. The counselors will
have information available to help you make your own decisions.
We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to learn
about advance planning in a Catholic Cemetery.
We invite you to visit Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Cemetery online
at our website www.catholiccemeteriesmiami.org and view our
new video.
For more information, and to learn about advance planning in a
Catholic cemetery please call us at (305) 357-5750.
We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity today.
Cementerio Católico Our Lady of Mercy.
La séptima obra Corporal de Misericordia nos enseña que
nosotros estamos llamados a darle, con dignidad, santa sepultura
a los que han fallecido. La Iglesia ha consagrado nuestros
cementerios católicos para asegurar que nosotros tenemos el
lugar apropiado para cumplir con esta enseñanza. Nosotros
hemos invitado a los representantes del Cementerio Católico que
visiten nuestra parroquia el 16 Y 17 DE JULIO.
Los representantes tendrán información disponible para
ayudarles a tomar una decisión. Nosotros sugerimos que tomen
esta oportunidad para preguntar e informarse más sobre la
posibilidad de hacer preparaciones con anticipación.
Los invitamos a visitar el Cementerio Católico Our Lady of Mercy
por medio del internet (de la red) al enlace
www.catholiccemeteriesmiami.org y ver nuestro nuevo video.
Para más información sobre asuntos de pre-arreglos favor de
llamar (305) 357-5750. Tomen esta oportunidad hoy.
Tithing: Give, and it will be given to you.
Diesmo: Dad, y os será dado.
June 11– June 12, 2016
Saturday (5:30pm)
Sunday (7:30am)
Sunday (9:00am)
Sunday (11:00am)
Sunday (1:00pm)
Sunday (5:30pm)
Sunday (7:00pm)
Second Collection
Guadalupe Fund
$ 942.00
$ 168.00
$ 130.59
Sandwich Gang
Thursday please
The “Sandwich Gang” meets
every Thursday at 6:30pm at
the Family
Center to prepare
sandwiches for the poor.
Also, if any family is
interested in providing the
sandwich supplies this
Barbara Guisasola:
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Misa de
sanación cele-
Por el Rev. Padre Alvaro Huertas
St. Thomas the Apostle
7303 SW 62 ST.
Miami, Fl 33143
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
Men’s Discernment Retreat
The Vocations Office of the Archdiocese of
Miami is hosting a discernment retreat for young
adult men (Ages 18-30). The retreat will start at 9
a.m. on June 25 and it will end at 2 p.m. on June
26. It will be held on the grounds of St. John
Vianney College Seminary in Miami and consists of
numerous talks, liturgies, and social events with the
seminarians and priests. Participants will have
ample time to ask questions, gain an understanding
of seminary life and prayerfully consider God's call.
If you would like to attend, please contact your
parish priest or the Vocation Director, Father Elvis
González at [email protected] or by calling
305-762-1137. Space is limited.
If you would like to place an intention in the
adoration chapel by lighting a candle, please fill out the
blue envelopes located around the church and the
adoration chapel.
Donation: $5.00
Archdiocese of Miami
Congratulations to Ana
Arcila, Delia Castellanos,
& Milda Puig on
successfully graduating
from the Archdiocesan School of
Ministry. They have grown in faith,
knowledge and love for our Church.
Thank you for serving our community
of faith.
God bless you & yours.
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Jubileo Extraordinario de la
We are collecting non-perishable food to give to some of
the families in need in our Parish.
Please bring your donations to the Church during the
week and place them in the boxes located in the vestibule
of the Church.
Thanks for your generosity!!!
Pray for those
who are ill:
Manuel Alvarez
Federico Buendia
Natasha Yaciuk
Norma Rodriguez
Eduardo Fernandez
Lourdes Pañeda
Berta Cancio
Victor Gutierrez
Giselle Hernandez
Luis Ortiz
Jose M. Flores
Dana Hernandez
Luis Rodriguez
Laurie Mesa Portuondo
Teresita Toraño
Delia Castellanos
Catherine Gonzalez
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pray for those who
have died:
+Alfredo Landin Jr.
+Jose Ramon Vigon
+Elia Sarraff
+Raul Justinano
+Sarah Forehand
Estamos recogiendo alimentos no perecederos para las
familias más necesitadas de nuestra parroquia.
Por favor, traer las donaciones durante esta semana y
colocarlas en las cajas que están en el vestíbulo de la
¡Gracias por su generosidad!
These are some of the items we also need:
Ensure (Shakes or Powder)
Enfamil Newborn Baby Formula
Gluten free non-perishable food
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist, where we
grow in our relationship with Our Lord. That one hour each week with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will be
the most peaceful, the most satisfying hour of your whole week.
We are in need of adorers for the following days/hours. Please complete the form and leave it in the
collection basket, the Guadalupe Fund Box, or in the Office.
If you’d like to be a substitute only, please mark that option in the form.
Necesitamos adoradores para los siguientes días/horas. Por favor complete la forma y déjela en la canasta
de la colecta, en la alcancía de Guadalupe Fund, o en la Oficina. Si desea ser solo sustituto para alguna
hora, por favor marcarlo en la forma.
7 AM – 8 AM
8 AM – 9 AM
10 AM - 11 AM
1 PM- 2 PM
4 PM- 5 PM
7 AM – 8 AM
11 AM - 12 PM
1 PM- 2 PM
4 PM- 5 PM
6 AM – 7 AM
7 AM – 8 AM
5 PM – 6 PM
1 AM - 2 AM
6 AM – 7 AM
7 AM – 8 AM
5 PM- 6 PM
12PM- 1 PM
1 AM - 2 AM
10 AM – 11AM
2 PM- 3 PM
3 PM- 4 PM
4 PM- 5 PM
1 AM - 2 AM
7 AM – 8 AM
9 AM – 10 AM
11 AM - 12 PM
1 PM - 2PM
2 PM - 3 PM
3 PM - 4 PM
1 AM - 2 AM
6 AM – 7 AM
10 AM – 11AM
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Bulletin - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church

Bulletin - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church information on requirements, Baptismal Preparation classes, and dates available. Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office for information.

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