ftÇ ]Éá° Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv - San José Catholic Church


ftÇ ]Éá° Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv - San José Catholic Church
ftÇ ]Éá° Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{
3619 Toledo Road - Jacksonville, Florida 32217
Phone: 904-733-1630 ~ Fax: 904-731-4335 ~ www.sjcatholic.org
Office Hours: Mon. —Thurs. 8:30 a.m.— 4:00 p.m. Fri. — 8:30 a.m.- Noon
Pastor ~ Rev. Gregory Fay
[email protected]
Mass Schedule
Associate Pastor ~ Rev. Rodolfo Godinez
Ext. 118, [email protected]
Weekday (Monday—Friday)
8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Priest in Residence ~ Rev. Thomas Moore
Saturday ~ 8:00 a.m.
(Spiritual direction, counseling, confession, or to chat.
Please leave a message with your name & phone number.)
Saturday Vigil ~ 5:30 p.m.
Deacon — Deacon Chris Supple
Ext. 204, [email protected]
8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. ~ English
12:30 p.m. ~ Spanish
Phone - 379-6880
Deacon — Deacon Angel Sanchez
Ext. 204, [email protected]
Parish Staff
Office & Finance Manager ~ Donna Carle
Ext. 104, [email protected]
Receptionists ~ Mary Ann Wright & Camille Marmo
Ext. 101, [email protected]
Dir., Religious Education ~ Anita Michaels Ext. 111,
[email protected]
Director, Music/Liturgy ~ Carol Johnson Burns
Ext. 108, [email protected]
Youth Director ~ Mike Diaz
Ext. 103, [email protected]
New Parishioners — We invite new members to register as soon
as possible by filling out a new parishioner form available in the
back of the church.
Sick Calls — Call the office at any time. When any of our parishioners are hospitalized or confined to their homes, please advise
the Pastor.
Baptism — To present a child for Baptism is a serious obligation
and requires a faith commitment on the part of the parents and
godparents. This commitment is exemplified by being practicing,
active Catholics for at least 6 months, at San José Parish. If you
have just moved into the parish, a letter from your previous Pastor verifying the same is acceptable.
Pastoral Care ~ Sr. Anne Campbell, RSM
Ext. 109, [email protected]
Marriages — Contact the Priest at least 8 months in advance.
Marriage preparation is required. Verification of couple being
practicing, active, Catholics at San José or previous Parish is required.
Hispanic Ministry ~ Cristina Perez
Ext. 120, [email protected]
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults — Those interested in becoming Catholic are invited to call the office for information.
Spanish Music ~ Jeanette Rivera de Mejia
[email protected]
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament — Fridays 8:30 am-5:00 pm
School Principal ~ Brian Wheeler
733-2313, [email protected]
Reconciliation — Saturday, 4:30 — 5:00 pm
Pentecost Sunday — May 15, 2016
Page 2
Pentecost Sunday — May 15, 2016
Masses for the Week
W e e k ly C o l l e c t i o n
Saturday, May 14
5:30 pm Special Intention for Sr. Anne
Sunday, May 15
8:30 am † Helen Boohaker
10:30 am † George Edward Meyers
12:30 pm No Intention
Monday, May 16
8:00 am † Jim Arndts
5:30 pm † Elizabeth Glisson Deaux
Tuesday, May 17
8:00 am † Josefa Feria Sison
5:30 pm † Pacita Feria Descallar
Wednesday, May 18
8:00 am † Martha Rose Benoit
5:30 pm † Lizabeta Shkurtaj
Thursday, May 19
8:00 am † Dorothy Ready
5:30 pm Spec. Intention The Gjergji Family
Friday, May 20
8:00 am No Intention
5:30 pm † All Deceased
Saturday, May 21
8:00 am † Bernadette & Mary Pio
May 8, 2016
Regular Collection
Hispanic Collection
Online Giving
Debt Reduction
$ 24,599.50
$ 1,604.00
$ 3,156.00
Parish Weekly Operating Cost:
Surplus / (Deficit)
$ 23,655.00
$ 6,178.50
Bridge the Gap
Catholic Home Missions
One miracle of Pentecost was
that, despite their diversity,
each listener heard God’s word
in his or her own language. The
meaning for stewardship is
that, by sharing the gifts
poured out on us by the Holy
Spirit, we will be empowered
to meet the needs of our
brothers and sisters, whatever
they may be.
Readings for the Week
Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk
Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk
Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk
Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:4150
Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 1112; Mk 10:1-12
Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk
Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5;
Jn 16:12-15
That on our website we post a
monthly Mass schedule that
shows which priest is
presiding at each Mass?
Just go to www.sjcatholic.org and click on “Liturgy
Schedule” on the left side of the page.
Parish Name
San Jose - Jacksonville
Participation Goal (No. Donors)
Active Family Count
Family Participation
13.69 %
13.75 %
Amount Pledged
Amount Paid
Balance Due
No. Donors
Fifteenth Sunday inPentecost
Ordinary Time
— July
— May
Pearls, Publicans, Pharisees
and Prodigals:
Jesus’ Parables
The parables comprise about one third of all of
Jesus’ teaching. From the very beginning of the
Gospel narratives these seemingly quaint and
simple stories have been open to a variety of
interpretations. Over the centuries they have
been allegorized, moralized and tamed into
platitudes that may have nothing to do with Jesus’ original intent.
In a six session program, Dr. Glenn Kuhnel will look
at the category and genius of the scriptural parable in context, their main themes, and attempt an
understanding of what Jesus taught in his parables.
Session will be held on Wednesdays 9:30-11:00
a.m. in the St. Augustine Room in the Parish
Center. The sessions run from April 13
through May 18.
San Jose Catholic Church
THIS Sunday, May 15
9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.
All donors will receive a FREE T-Shirt and a wellness
checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron
count and cholesterol screening!
Support Group
A support group for those who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage,
ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or newborn death
is available at St. Vincent Medical Center and
meets monthly. For more info and other miscarriage support resources visit www.dcfl.org
or call (904) 551-2619.
San Jose’s
Are Available for
Companion Niches — $2,300
Single Niches — $1,800
If you are interested in purchasing a niche or
would like more info, please contact Donna
in the Parish Office at 733-1630, ext. 104, or
email [email protected].
Volunteer Opportunity
Do you have a passion for God and our young
people? Are you great with details and schedules or maybe you like to go with the flow? Do
you enjoy building relationships? Do you like
facing your fears and challenges? And most
important of all do you like to have fun? Why
don’t you join our High School Youth Ministry Core team? We’re looking for core team
members to walk with our young people on
their faith journey. Contact Mike at 733-1630
ext. 103 for more information or if you have
Catholic Charities
Refugee Resettlement
Program is in Need of:
Twin & Double bed sets (mattress, box spring &
frame), Dressers, Night stands, Lamps, Sofas, Coffee tables, Kitchen and dining tables with chairs.
Call 224-0071 or email [email protected] for details.
Page 4
Sulzbacher Center
Vo l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Sulzbacher Supper dates for 2016 are:
May 23, Jun. 27, Jul. 25, Aug. 22, Sept. 26,
Oct. 24, Nov. 28, Dec. 26
Join us on any of these 4th Monday’s to cook and
serve the evening meal at the Sulzbacher Center
at 611 E Adams St. Cooks arrive at 3:00 pm to
begin food preparation, servers arrive at 5:30
pm. We begin serving the meal at 6:00 pm and
are always finished by 7:00 pm. Come by yourself, with a friend, a family, or a ministry. No
experience necessary, but it’s an industrial
kitchen so volunteers must be over age 12. For
more info please contact Ruby Peters at
448-6555 or email [email protected].
Please consider a commitment to
weekly Eucharistic Adoration a part
of your life. Adoration is held Fridays from 8:30 a.m.— 5:00 p.m.
There is a need for additional Adorers. The rewards are great and far
surpassing the time spent. Look your schedule
over and pray about making an hour appointment
for the Lord. The Angelus will be said at 12 Noon
and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 p.m. For
info call Anne at 733-1492 or email
[email protected].
Filipino Ministry
Diocese of St. Augustine
Dinner Dance on Saturday, July 23 at the Resurrection Parish Hall (3383 University Blvd N.
Jacksonville), from 6:00 p.m. to midnight.
Tickets are $30.00/person, proceeds will go to
the two Filipino Saints, St. Lorenzo Ruiz and
St. Pedro Calungsod Shrine which will be
erected at the Marywood Retreat Center. For
more information, please contact Luz Lavilla
Mojica at 772-1381 or email luzmojica@
mail.com; Pete Herrera 612-9101 or email
[email protected]; or Father Rafael
Lavilla, OSJ at 887-8727 or email paengosj@
Pentecost Sunday — May 15, 2016
T h e Pa s t o r a l C a r e
N e e d s Vo l u n t e e r s
San Jose Parish Pastoral Care Ministry has been
assigned a new facility to visit...Arbor Terrace. This new facility is an assisted living facility for those with memory loss issues. The
facility is scheduled to open in May and is located at 3760 DuPont Avenue.
If you are looking for something to do that
could make a difference in a person’s life, or
your own, maybe this is it! We looking for 12
to 14 Eucharistic Ministers to visit this facility.
Visits will be once every other month on a Sunday. If you are not a trained Eucharistic Minister, there will be a training session on April 25
at 6:30 p.m. in the church that you can attend. If you are interested in volunteering,
please call Sister Anne at 733-1630, Ext. 109
or email [email protected].
T V and Online Mass for
the Homebound
Is someone you love unable to get to church? “My
Sunday Mass” will bring spiritual comfort and joy
for the homebound. Visit www.MySundayMass.org
for the Sunday time and channel guide. Please
Note: For those who can get to church, the TV/
online liturgy will not meet the Sunday Mass obligation. Thank you for spreading the word about Mass
for the homebound!
Divorce & Annulment
Do you have questions regarding divorce and
annulments in the Catholic Church? If so, Sr.
Ann Kuhn, SSJ, is available on Thursdays, 1:00
to 4:00 p.m. to help. She can be reached at
800-3293, email: [email protected] or at the
Tribunal Office, 2598 Forbes St. in Jacksonville.
Bishop Estévez prays the Angelus three times Monday
through Friday at 6:00 a.m., noon and 6:00 p.m., on
Queen of Peace Radio-1460-AM/ 1600-AM. Tune in for a
daily dose of prayer.
7 5
Fifteenth Sunday inPentecost
Ordinary Time
— July
— May
Please Pray
For Our
Military Personnel
MTCM T. Alan Propes II, USN, husband of Christine
Pikula Propes, father of Alexandra Propes & son-inlaw of Joseph & Jennie Pikula; Joshua Hastings,
grandson of Nona Hastings, great nephew of Mittie
Kenan & son of Terri Hastings; Lance Corporal
Richard J. Sheard, USMC, Son of Chris & Karen
Sheard; Luis D. Baez, Jr., USMC, son of Mary & Luis
Baez; PFC Peter Kirschner, USA; Sgt. Christopher
Futch, USMC; Sgt. Chris Boland, USMC, grandsons
of Yvonne & Joe Paffe; Lt jg Daniel Burke, son of
Gina & Mike Burke; Corporal Kenishia Perry,
daughter-in law of Everett & Kathy Perry. Lance
Corporal Joshua Hastings, USMC, grandson to
Nona Hastings, great nephew to Mittie Kenan & son
to Terri Hastings; SPC Diego F. Villanueva, USA,
son of Diego & Ana Villanueva; Lt Cdr. Tim
Tuschinski, USN, son of Dick & Linda Tuschinski;
1st Lt Geoffrey Troy, USMC, grandson of Harriet
McDonald; 1st Lt Jason DeWitt, US Army, brother
of Kris Lucey; ADC Jorge E. Estrada, USN, husband
of Madeleine, father of Gabriela & Daniella, son of
Doris Ayala; 1st Lt. Joshua Green, USA, grandson
of Jack & Anne Coyle, cousin to Tommy & Reilly
Farrell; Joseph Shaia, USA, grandson of Joseph &
Gloria Shaia, Lt. Nick Smith, son-in-law of Ann &
Terry Farmand; GSM3 Aran E. Marquez Bihouet,
USN, husband of Jessica Marquez, Gregory Jackson, USN, husband of Katie Jackson; 1st Lt. Philip
Bebeau, USMC, son of Gene and Jan Bebeau; LCDR
Steve Duba, USN, father of Charlie Duba; Airman
Adam Shaia, USAF, grandson of Gloria Shaia, Pvt.
Alex Curlin, USMC, grandson of Sheila Curlin; SPC
Jerrold Burroughs,USA, 101st Abn Div Asslt, son
of Jerrold & Darlene Burroughs; CDR Bill Fallon,
USN, nephew of Grace & John Fallon; MSgt Johnny
Rhodes, USA, son-in-law of Linda Forbes
Sister Anne’s
Thought of the Week
The year 2016 is the Celebration of the Jubilee
Year of Mercy. Often the work “mercy” is associated with forgiveness or the removal of a welldeserved punishment. But in this year of mercy,
it is good for us to reflect upon the broader vision laid out by Jesus. In order to accomplish
this, during this Easter season, each week we are
going to reflect upon one of the seven corporal
works of mercy.
Week Six: Instruct the Ignorant.
Too often we approach conflicting points of view
by assuming our own rightness and everyone
else’s wrongness. This week, approach such conflicts by seeking to understand why your opponent holds a differing opinion. Beginning with
mutual respect makes it more likely that you will
be an effective witness.
If you have a relative currently on active duty in the Military, we invite you to submit their name for prayer.
Please include their name, your name and your relationship to the military relative. Email admin@ sjcatholic.org
or call Donna at 733-1630.
Jim McInerney, Catherine
Millan, Kristoph Paffe, Rose
Mendez, Crystal Bote, Vicki
Rayburn, Raymond Rodriguez,
Jeanette Currie, Mercedes
Galarza, Mary Galvin, Jean
Galvin, Fran Gibson, Riyad
Haddad, Jack Pearce, Luis Miguel Rolando,
Augustin Sosa, Robert Grimes, Leo Fitzpatrick,
Kyle Bolte, Elaine Paffe Curran, Sharon Symko,
Pamela Ossi Cooper, Mary Zerbest, Troy
Stanek, Carmen Jimenez-Walizer, George &
Martha Wise, Jeri Frantz, Gayle Milan, Matt
Magovern, Al Lombana, Miriam Hapner, Becky
Snyder, Katie Higbee, Connie Baker, Samuel
Evans, Raymond Brault, Lee Lafser, Maureen
Kincaid, Anastasia Rush, Barbara Ventimiglia,
Joe Stanley, Zachary Gibs, Genovev Lopez,
Melissa Martin, Dolores Segora, Kristine
Moraga, Vincent Ossi, Teresa Eichner and
Young Jim Connolly, Greg Farrell, Infant Elliot
Watson, Emily Leone
Classes take place in
the school on Tuesdays
& Thursdays at
7:00 p.m. and Sundays
at 11:00 a.m.
Due to HIPPA laws, we are prevented from receiving
information from hospitals and health care facilities
regarding patients. Therefore, we ask that the patient,
family or friends, please notify Sr. Anne at 733-1630 x109,
if a family member is sick, hospitalized or in a facility, and
if the parishioner would like to receive the Eucharist while
they are homebound. Thank you.
Easter Sunday
Of The Resurrection
Of TheTime
— July
Bishop Estévez Celebrates Feast Day at San Jose Catholic School
On Monday, Bishop Felipe J. Estévez celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, the
patron saint of San Jose Parish, with a morning Mass followed by visits with students in their
classrooms. The Mass was attended by over 400 students,
faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, and parishioners. The
Bishop spoke of St. Joseph’s role as the protector and guardian
of Mary and Jesus of Nazareth. Bishop Estévez explained how
we can learn from St. Joseph the lessons of prayer, work, and
love. At the conclusion of his homily, the Bishop spoke of love
by quoting St. Paul (1Corinthians 13), “love is always patient
The Players announces Toby Keith concert
and kind.”
Your options with a Chip in For Youth ticket
purchase just got more exciting! The Players has
announced that this year's concert performance will
be country superstar Toby Keith. The concert is
Tuesday May 10th at 6:30pm and will be held on the
iconic 17th hole.
When you purchase a Chip In For Youth ticket for
$45, San Jose will earn $25 back. Your ticket is good
for admission any one day of the tournament you
choose, and if you choose to go May 10th, would
also provide admission to the concert.
After Mass, to the delight of students and teachers, Bishop
Estévez toured the campus and visited with them in their
classrooms. There were discussions about academics, singing,
and laughter throughout the school. It was a blessing to share
this special day with Bishop Estévez and to give witness to San
Jose’s dedication to fostering Catholic identity and academic
excellence through faith, love, and knowledge.
code SJCS to purchase tickets or contact Adriana
Shoemaker at [email protected] to purchase
by check and save the online surcharge. Tickets
must be purchased before the end of April so don't
3619 Toledo Road, Jacksonville, FL 32217
Page 7
Pentecost Sunday — May 15, 2016
Registration Forms
and Teen Volunteer Forms
are available in the Parish Office
ADULT volunteers are still needed!
These positions are still available:
3 Adult Team Leaders
Please contact Anita Michaels at
[email protected] or 733-1630, ext. 111
Come join the Knights for
a Spaghetti Dinner on
Friday, May 20
Serving 5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.
All are welcome!
ADULTS ---$8.00
CHILDREN UNDER 12 ---$4.00
All adult volunteers must have a
Protecting God’s Children Certificate and current background check.
VBS is limited to 100 participants!! Submit your registration forms ASAP!!
Divine Mercy House
Thrift Store
Needs Your Donations
Springs has sprung and all over people are opening
up their windows to let the fresh air in. This year
why not also open up your closets and drawers and
donate. Anything, from seldom-used clothing,
household goods to furniture is needed. It’s easy to
turn a spring-cleaning ritual into a donating tradition. No matter the items you find in your closet,
storage bins or extra furniture you want to find a
good home for, chances are they can be put to
good use for others. The Divine Mercy House Thrift
Store located at 11018 Old St Augustine Road, Suite
141 (next door to Pizza Hut) phone number (904)
268-9968. Call and we will pick up your furniture.
All proceeds go to support the Moms and their babies at Divine Mercy House.
The Gift Shop is
Located in the Church Vestibule.
Hours of operation are
Saturday 5:00—6:30 pm &
Sundays 7:30 am—12:30 pm
D i vo rc e d o r S e p a r a t e d
a n d Wo u n d e d
If you have recently experienced the loss of a relationship and are in need of immediate guidance
and/or confidential, compassionate support, call:
(904) 452-8318. You will be given information
about a divorce support group which meets on Fridays from 7—9 pm at Holy Family Parish, 9800 Baymeadows Road, in Jacksonville. We are here for
Pagina 8
Pentecostés — 15 de mayo del 2016
La Buena Nueva
“La Gloria de Dios es una persona verdaderamente viva”
MISION DE LA PARROQUIA “Nosotros la Comunidad Católica de San José, unidos al Obispo de San Agustín,
con el lema de “los amó hasta el extremo”, nos comprometemos como familia, a rezar y trabajar juntos
para que todos conozcamos, amemos y sirvamos a Dios.”
VISION HISPANA: Trabajar unidos para promover la fe cristiana a través de implementar el plan pastoral
compartiendo nuestros talentos, tiempo y tesoro, siendo miembros activos del cuerpo de Cristo: en la
comunidad de San José.
‘El Buen Pastor no se resigna a perder
ninguna oveja’
Por eso ha señalado que no podemos exigir al
Señor que permanezca con nosotros, olvidándose
del otro; “nadie puede sujetarle, frenar su amor
por todos”. El Santo Papa ha concluido asegurando
que “si queremos “tenerle”, debemos seguirle,
(Ciudad del Vaticano).- Miles de personas proceseguirle allí donde se encuentra la oveja descadentes de todos los rincones del mundo, se han
rriada, si nos movemos con él, también nosotros
reunido un miércoles más en la plaza de San
Pedro, con ocasión de la audiencia general del pa- haremos fiesta al encontrarla y volver juntos a
pa Francisco. El Santo Padre, antes de la cateque- casa”.
sis, ha pasado por los pasillos de la plaza con el
A continuación, el papa Francisco ha saludado corpapamóvil para responder desde la cercanía a la
dialmente a los peregrinos de lengua española, en
calurosa bienvenida que le daban los fieles.
particular a la peregrinación interdiocesana de
En la reflexión de esta semana, el Pontífice ha ha- Mérida-Badajoz y Coria-Cáceres acompañados de
blado sobre la imagen del Buen Pastor, icono que sus Obispos Mons. Celso Morga y Francisco Cerro,
así como a los grupos provenientes de España y
“desde siempre representa la preocupación de
Jesús hacia los pecadores y la misericordia de Dios Latinoamérica.
que no se resigna a perder a ninguno”.
Así, ha aseverado, “cada uno de nosotros es esa
Así, en el resumen que hizo en español, indicó que oveja que el Señor lleno de misericordia ha queri“delante de los Fariseos que se escandalizaban de do cargar sobre sus hombros para llevarla a su casa y, al mismo tiempo, cada uno de nosotros hesu relación con los pecadores, Jesús les propone
esta paradoja: «¿Quién, si se le pierde una oveja, mos sido llamados a recoger junto al Buen Pastor a
sería capaz de dejar a las 99 en el desierto para ir toda la grey, para participar así de su alegría”.
a buscarla?” Fíjense –ha indicado– que no dice que
las deja en el redil, en un lugar seguro, sino en el Después de los saludos en las distintas lenguas, el
papa Francisco ha saludado en particular a los jódesierto, sin agua, sin comida, a merced de las
venes, los enfermos y los recién casados. Recorfieras y ladrones.
dando que el mes de mayo lo dedicamos a la Virgen, ha pedido a los jóvenes que cultiven “la deDe este modo, el Santo Padre ha asegurado que
voción a la Madre de Dios con la oración cotidiana
“no parece sensato, y sin embargo así hace el
del Rosario”. Del mismo modo, ha pedido a los
Buen Pastor”. No se preocupa, ha precisado el
Papa Francisco, de poner a salvo primero al resto enfermos que sientan la cercanía de María de
del rebaño, sino que va de inmediato en busca de Nazaret “en la hora de la cruz”. Y finalmente, ha
pedido a los recién casados que recen a la Virgen
la oveja perdida y la lleva a casa sobre sus
“para que no falte nunca en nuestra casa en amor
y el respeto recíproco”.
Al respecto, el Pontífice ha advertido de que
“muchas veces también nosotros nos escandalizarnos de esta actitud aparentemente inconsciente
del Señor, pero hay una razón para actuar así”.
Pagina 9
Pentecostés — 15 mayo del 2016
Para las personas nuevas a nuestra parroquia las invitamos a que se inscriban en la parroquia, para poder
servirles mejor y poder informarles de lo que esta pasando en nuestra parroquia, Si usted necesita algún
sacramento, necesita estar inscrito por lo menos seis meses, o si necesita alguna carta de cualquiera
índole es la única manera que podemos saber si pertenecen a la comunidad de San José
Oficina Hispana de San Jose
Colecta de la semana del
Para citas e información llamar de lunes a jueves
de 9:15 a 3:00 pm, también pueden dejar su mensaje después de horas y se le contestara lo mas
rápido posible.
Padre Rodolfo Godínez
733-1630 ext 118
M Cristina
733-1630 ext 120
8 de mayo de del 2016
Presentar un niño para el Bautismo es una obligación
seria y requiere de un compromiso de fe por parte de los
padres y padrinos. Este compromiso verifica ser
católicos activos por lo menos 6 meses, en la Parroquia de San José. Si usted se acaba de mudar a la parroquia, una carta de su párroco anterior verificando que
usted era activo es aceptable.
Mayo 15 — Junio 12
Las clases se ofrecen después de la misa de 12:30
pm en el Jubilee Room del Centro Parroquial. Por
favor traigan una copia del acta de nacimiento.
Junio 4 10:00 am— Julio 2 10:00 am
Mayo 19-El grupo de oración se reúne en la capilla
de Ntra. Sra. De Guadalupe-7:30pm
Mayo 20-Misa de Sanacion-7:00pm
Mayo 26-El grupo de oración se reúne en la capilla
de Ntra. Sra. De Guadalupe-7:30pm
Mayo 30– La oficina de la parroquia estará cerrada
Colecta Regular
Misa en español
Colecta Electrónica
Reducción de deudas
$ 24,599.50
$ 1,604.00
$ 3,156.00
Costo de operaciones:
Sobra / (Déficit)
$ 23,655.00
$ 6,178.50
Apoyo al colegio
Misiones Católicas del pais
"Pero el Paráclito, el Espíritu Santo, que el Padre enviará en mi nombre, os lo enseñará todo y os recordará toJuan 14:26
do lo que yo os he dicho."
El materialismo de nuestra sociedad nos atrae a concentrarnos más en lo que queremos que en lo que Dios quiere para nosotros. El relativismo de nuestro mundo nos
dice que debemos ser tolerantes en todas las cosas, que
no hay una verdad absoluta. Recemos al Espíritu Santo y
pidiéndole que ponga en nuestra boca las palabras correctas cuando cuestionen nuestra fe.
Pautas para Matrimonios
En el baúl de los recuerdos No. #14. Recuerda el primero
viajo largo que tomaron juntos-de paseo, o para conocer
a la familia del cónyuge o hasta para asistir a un funeral.
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta cuando planean juntos un
viaje? ¿Ha habido tensiones debido a diferencias de opinión? ¿Qué has aprendido?
tomado de Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net."
Educacion Religosa
Felicidades a todos los jóvenes que recibieron a
Jesús por primera vez y a los jóvenes que recibieron en don del Espíritu Santo.
Esto no quiere decir que ya no tenemos que seguir
formándonos, la formación nunca para.
Los esperamos en septiembre
Oportunidad de trabajo: la diócesis tiene varias vacancias para mas informacion: