Medical Marijuana - School of Journalism
Medical Marijuana - School of Journalism
EL 1976 ~ 34 Years of Service ~ 2010 inDePenDiente Free/gratis Medical Marijuana Shops Ready to Open By Caitlin Harrington Although medical marijuana will probably not be available in Arizona until summer 2011, the wait has not deterred prospective medical marijuana dispensary owners from preparing to set up shop. They are doing this in hopes that they will be one of the 124 stores allowed to sell the drug in Arizona. Allan Sobol is one of thousands who has already applied for a license to dispense medical marijuana. Unlike some of the other applicants, Sobol has already set up shop. As owner of Marijuana Marketing Strategies LLC, he has managed to find a way to keep his head above water while patiently awaiting a license from the state. Then he can sell medical marijuana out of his store in Glendale, Ariz. Currently, Sobol and his partner hold seminars for people looking to open their own dispensary at the same shop. “Medical Marijuana Marketing Strategies is a business me and my partner set up,” Sobol said. “There really is no other program out there that does what we do.” The program aims to teach future shop owners the ins and outs of owning a dispensary. He refers to this program as, “expert help with medical marijuana dispensary start ups.” The shop in waiting is adorned with jars of fake pot and larger than life black-and-white posters displaying marijuana-smoking people with diseases, such as glaucoma and cancer. Currently, the storefront houses a back room that serves as a classroom for the hundreds of students attending training sessions each week. “What we do in these training sessions is really prepare prospective owners and guide them on the step-by-step process of opening a dispensary,” Sobol said. “Now that the initiative has passed, there are so many people interested in opening their own shops but there’s no real information out there anywhere on how to do it.” The training seminar, entitled “From Seeds to Success,” covers every aspect of owning and operating a medical marijuana dispensary and helps future owners in the application process and submission. But getting licensed to own and operate a dispensary is not as easy ‘Marijuana’ /See page 6 December 9 / 9 de diciembre 2010 Mexico Prepares for Christmas Four Loko Read the story online at Medical Marijuana Watch the video online at photo By Kirsten Boele In Puerto Peñasco, the city council building is decorated with a giant tree. A nativity scene and a small petting zoo also added to the town’s Christmas spirit. Holiday Stories, pages 4-5 No habrán más ventanillas de información de Sun Tran; inminentes recortes de presupuestos Escrito por Erin Badger Traducido por Ana Cecilia Barragán En ninguno de los tres centros de transporte habrá personal disponible para vender boletos ni dar información sobre las rutas a los usuarios del Sun Tran, debido a la reducción de presupuesto. Posibles reducciones al presupuesto de Sun Tran pueden significar en un futuro el aumento de precio en los boletos y la pérdida de servicios para los usuarios. Los tres centros de transporte – Tohono Tadai Transit Center, Roy Laos Transit Center y el Ronstadt Transit Center – cerraron sus ventanillas el día primero de diciembre después del despido de 15 empleados no sindicalizados, quienes proporcionaban información, de acuerdo a la Directora de Mercadotecnia Michele Joseph. “Desafortunadamente creemos que habrá un periodo de ajuste para los usuarios”, dijo Joseph. “Entendemos que la gente ya se había acostumbrado a cierto nivel de comodidad en los centros de transporte”. Los usuarios del Sun Tran podrán comprar los boletos por internet, por correspondencia o en alguno de los 41 puntos de venta de la ciudad, sin embargo no todos estos establecimientos venden Foto por Kirsten Boele Los puestos de informacion en los tres centros de tránsito de personal Sun Tran van a cerrar el 1 de diciembre. todos los tipos de boletos disponibles. La línea telefónica de servicio al cliente está abierta los siete días de la semana para contestar preguntas de los clientes y para ayudar a planear las rutas. Hay mapas completos disponibles en cada uno de los tres centros así como también la información actualizada de los horarios de los autobuses. Habrá televisores dentro de las ventanillas de información para mostrarles a los online extras usuarios el horario de la próxima llegada de los autobuses. El horario de los autobuses y la lista completa de los sitios que venden los boletos están disponibles en “Queremos que la gente entienda que no los vamos a dejar sin ningún tipo de información”, dijo Joseph. A Sun Tran le han cancelado los fondos estatales, se vieron afectados por la huelga del sindicato en agosto y por la disminución de ganancias. También le descontinuaron de manera significativa el reembolso estatal de $600,000 dólares. El ayuntamiento de Tucsón, pidió que Sun Tran recuperara el reembolso sin recortar los servicios que provee. Joseph comentó que la única opción era el recorte de personal. Desde que los votantes rechazaron el aumento de los impuestos bajo la proposición 400 en noviembre, es “muy probable” que se hagan más recortes en el presupuesto de Sun Tran, dijo Joseph. El concejal Steve Kozachik cree que el costo de los boletos debe aumentar y espera que Sun Tran reciba más recortes en su presupuesto. Kozachik comentó que no sabe exactamente qué tipo de recortes serán, ya sea en forma de recorte de personal, cambios en el costo de los boletos o en la reducción del número de rutas; esto dependerá de la gerencia de Sun Tran. “Al estar al tanto de la cantidad de la deuda, no me sorprenderá ver que el resultado de la reducción de dinero se refleje en el recorte de servicios”, dijo Kozachik. Joseph aclaró que si se llegaran a presentar recortes, que no serán ‘Sun Tran’ /vea página 6 Website Assists College Planning By Amanda Johnson The Arizona Board of Regents launched a set of online tools to help the state’s high school students plan for college. The website, www.AZ, provides students with information about state college admissions requirements, how to obtain college credit while in high school and how to transfer from a community college to a university. Students can have a report tailored to them after answering a couple of questions about which school they would like to attend and their intended area of study. The tools are intended to help high school students plan for college and boost the number of high school graduates going on to college. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 45 percent of Arizona’s high school seniors pursue a college degree. This is the lowest rate among the 50 states. Current college students who are interested in transferring to another Arizona school can reference the course equivalency guide to see which course credits can transfer. The website, funded by a grant from the Lumina Foundation for Education, also features resources for faculty members and student advisors at high schools and institutions of higher learning. el inDePenDiente Page / Página 2 December 9 / 9 de diciembre 2010 Waste From Proposed Mine Concerns Residents By Leana Levine Coughing, sneezing and wheezing may be what’s in store for folks living near the Santa Rita Mountains if Rosemont Mine is built by the end of 2012. Opponents of the mine are concerned about their health if the Canadian-based Augusta Resource Corp. constructs their projected one mile wide and one-half mile deep open-pit copper mine in the beauty of Tucson. Gayle Hartmann, president of Help Us Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, is concerned mostly about mine tailings -large piles of crushed rock that are left over after copper has been removed from - and the dust they can create that could cause respiratory problems for people living in the area. Hartmann said that high winds that blow dust from the tailings at the Mission Mine, located 15 miles south of Tucson, can cause serious health concerns. The Rosemont Mine will be located just below the eastside of the ridge line in the Santa Ritas. Save the Scenic Santa Ritas questions the value of destroying an entire valley for some copper, Hartmann said. She doesn’t believe the mine will be built due to all the “noise” her group has been making. Currently, 13,243 mines in California, Arizona, and Nevada are considered “abandoned mines with potential environmental hazard,” wrote the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in an assessment of Region 9 state data. Children and people with previous pulmonary complications will be affected by blowing dust from a mine site most, said Dr. Jay Gandolfi, the University of Arizona Superfund Basic Research program director. “Just dust can affect breathing; metals can make it worse.” While the UA Superfund has yet to complete research on the Rosemont mine, Gandolfi said that winds will affect how hazardous the dust from the mine could be. According to the Superfund’s data, contaminatants in mine tailings found in the western U.S. and northern Mexico include arsenic, lead and cadmium (a metal similar to zinc) and are prone to “wind distribution” and water corrosion. The study found that the spread of tailings by wind and water result in a significant increase in metal toxicants on humans and wildlife. The tailings contain more small particles than natural dust which could aggravate existing lung conditions including asthma and force people to seek immediate medical attention. These tiny particles can lodge themselves into people’s lungs and cause coughing and wheezing. The smaller the particle the deeper it can become lodged in the lung tissue. Rosemont addresses these issues in their Plan Project. “The project will require engineering and physical control to manage dust.” The company’s plans include: • Construction of buttresses that will break up air flow and reduce wind exposure to the mine tailings. • Sufficient moisture content in the tailings. • The tailings stacking method will create an irregular shape to break up air flow. The method will reduce EL inDePenDiente South Tucson’s Bilingual Newspaper El Independiente encourages letters from all its readers, but reserves the right to edit correspondence for grammar, style, clarity and length. UA School of Journalism Phone: 621-3618 [email protected] Graphics and Layout Advisers John deDios Gawain Douglas Managing Editor Distribution Manager Juliana Vasquez Adam Kirkman News Editor Copy Editors Erin Badger Maggie Giuffrida Leanna Levine Lisa Rich Rossana Sándigo Design Chief Melanie Tortorello Photo Editor Call Karen Wilhelmsen 243-7449 Visit and To sign an online petition against Rosemont Copper Mine, visit photo By Kirsten Boele The Ajo copper mine closed after an employee strike and a bad copper market in 1985. the number of trucks which will also reduce the amount of dust. • Grind sizing will be larger therefore reducing the likelihood of airborne dust. Supervisor Ray Carroll and County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry have publicly opposed the mine. “We aren’t just making a lot of noise,” Hartmann said of Save the Scenic Santa Ritas. She is satisfied with public officials opposing the project. On May 26, Carroll wrote to the Arizona Daily Star regarding his concerns with the mine. “Trust me, the Rosemont copper mine is anything but good for Southern Arizona,” he wrote in a published opinion piece. Huckelberry issued a memo on Aug. 19. His office had received numerous calls regarding the air quality permit. Callers wanted the county to approve the permit. In his memo, he said that an investigation into the phone calls found that the callers had been contacted by Rosemont and encouraged to call the Pima County Board of Supervisors. In response to Huckelberry's memo, a representative for Rosemont attended a board of supervisors meeting to declare that the board of supervisors was not involved in the air quality permit process. U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords also opposes the mine. In a debate held before the mid-term elections, she cited water concerns as the basis of her opposition. The federal contractor SWCA sent out the Environmental Impact Statement the week of Nov. 17. The U.S. Forest Service must review the draft and receive reviews from Pima County and other state and federal agencies. They should release the review by the end of 2010. Day Care Available During Holiday Season By Natalie Fulton The weather is cooler, school is almost out for the semester and the kids are getting excited for the holiday season. This time of the year is an exciting one for students, but often a difficult one for their working parents who either have to take time off while their child is home or find a day care. There are many programs around Tucson that provide fun and education for children in a safe place for them while parents are at work. These facilities are open all year for after-school care and for full-day services when school is out of session. Full-time day care is also available for infants and preschoolers year-round. Children do not need to be year-round participants to take part in programs offered over the holidays. Below is a list of locations that provide full day care. All of these facilities are willing to work with families to establish a price that fits their budget. Ask about financial aid, payment plans and their policy on DES. Guarderías están abiertas todo el año Adviser Maggy Zanger Spanish Editor For more information about the status of the rosemont Copper Mine: Photographers Por Natalie Fulton Traducido por Zandra García El clima está más fresco, el semestre escolar está por terminar y los niños están entusiasmados por la temporada navideña. Esta época del año es muy emocionante para los estudiantes, pero a menudo difícil para los padres que trabajan y que o bien tienen que tomar tiempo libre mientras que sus hijos están en casa o encontrar una guardería. Hay muchos programas en Tucsón que ofrecen diversión y educación para los niños en un lugar seguro mientras sus padres siguen trabajando. Estas instalaciones están abiertas todo el año y ofrecen servicios después de la escuela y durante todo el día cuando la escuela está cerrada. La atención de tiempo completo está también disponible para bebés y niños en edad preescolar. No es necesario que los niños Kirsten Boele Morgan Galbraith Caitlin Harrington Nick Rob Letson sean participantes de todo el año para poder participar en los programas que se ofrecen durante los días festivos. A continuación se muestra una lista de lugares que ofrecen cuidado de día completo. Todas esas instalaciones están dispuestas a trabajar con sus familias para establecer un precio que se ajuste a su presupuesto. Pregunte sobre la ayuda financiera, planes de pagos y las normas de DES. Kids Forever Quincie Douglas 1575 E. 36th St. 623-7789, DES Accepted Jackie Tran Designers Natalie Fulton Amanda Johnson Mari Kelly Krystal Clear Daycare 108 W. 27th St. 622-0608, DES Accepted Ally Siegel Translators Copy Chief Ana Cecilia Barragán Zandra García Sathya Honey Victoria La Casita Day Care 1440 W. Ajo Way 807-1770, DES Accepted Community Events Editor Alexa Miller News Room Manager Robbie Abbit Web Managers Kirsten Boele Adam Kirkman Santa Cruz Catholic School 29 W. 22nd St. 624-2093, DES Accepted Translation and Interpretation Department of Spanish and Portuguese and Mexican American Studies Foto por Caitlin harrington Krystal Clear Day Care ofrece servicios cuando la escuela está cerrada. Tutys South 251 W. 38th St. 620-9332, DES Accepted el inDePenDiente December 9 / 9 de diciembre 2010 Page / Página 3 ‘Book Trailers’ Inspire Students to Read More By Amanda Johnson Both educators have witnessed a spark in students that they have not seen in years. Students began showing a huge interest in reading and really grasped the assignment of creating a book trailer. Students were more likely to read the books they saw in the trailers instead of the books they knew nothing about, Soza said. Soza and MacDonald believe the book trailers are more effective than traditional book reports because they require students to grasp the themes and consider the importance of reading. MacDonald and Soza recognized the need for more books. The library’s budget had taken hit, so the two applied for the grant. The Cinematic Book project received the largest grant from the program. “We got bragging rights,” said MacDonald. MacDonald attributes them winning to the fact that the project is sustainable. The project is designed to continue through the years. Sunnyside Unified School District is matching the grant and the educators hope to purchase Amazon Kindles, an e-reader device used to download and view e-books. MacDonald plans on having five Kindles for each of her classes and a student can check one out for two weeks. Both educators have already Sunnyside High School was awarded a $9,995 grant from the Arizona Technology in Education Association in partnership with Qwest for the Cinematic Books project last month. The Cinematic Books project requires students to create a video trailer that would get others interested in reading a book. The book trailer, as the students and teachers see it, takes the place of a basic book report. The idea for the project began when Barbara MacDonald, an English teacher, brought her class to the library for the yearly library presentation. Ruth Soza, the school’s librarian, incorporated book trailers that she had seen online into her presentation. Within a week after the students had viewed the book trailers, there was a waiting list to check out the previewed books at the school’s library. “Book trailers are to books what movies are to trailers,” MacDonald said. “It gets students interested in a book.” MacDonald and Soza saw this as an opportunity to get students more interested in reading, and they decided to turn it into a class project. MacDonald assigned the book trailers in her freshmen and junior English classes and students immediately went to the school library to find a book. noticed a number of positive effects that this project has had on their students. “I’ve asked some of the kids how many books they had read this time last year and many of them will say none,” MacDonald sad. “It’s a big change from last year.” Some students are realizing they like books more once they give them a chance. Alex Martinez, a senior at Sunnyside, chose J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye for his project. Martinez did not want to read the book at first, but started to enjoy it the more he read. “Once I started making my trailer, I started to appreciate the book more,” he said. Other students chose their books because they saw trailers for them. Nicholas Verdugo, a junior at Sunnyside, had seen the trailer for his book in the initial meeting that his class had in the library. Verdugo has almost completed his trailer and said that he enjoyed all aspects of the process. “It takes forever to place all the pictures in, but I like putting it together and seeing my work,” he said. Both Soza and MacDonald hope to see the project incorporated into other English classrooms at Sunnyside. They also plan to continue working together. “It’s a collaborative work from all aspects,” MacDonald said. photo By amanda Johnson Sunnyside High School English teacher Barbara MacDonald shows an Amazon Kindle to her student. The school plans to purchase Kindles with grant money. dad fronteriza y aumentar el comercio y turismo en la ciudad. Bersin dijo que “la mejor forma de asegurar la frontera es por medio de la construcción de una fuerte infraestructura, junto con la dedicación de los agentes, junto con la tecnología y la implementación de la ley en todos aquellos que violen la ley”. Enhancements to Border Fence to Improve Security, Travel By Robbie Abbit image Courtesy oF/imagen Cortesía de u.s. Customs and Border proteCtion $41 milliones para asegurar la frontera Por Robbie Abbit Traducido por Ana Cecilia Barragán Cinco de los proyectos de construcción del gobierno federal están programados para iniciar en los próximos seis meses en Nogales, Ariz., para mejorar la seguridad en la frontera y aumentar el comercio. Con un costo total de $41 millones estos planes incluyen asegurar los túneles del drenaje, la construcción de aproximadamente siete millas de nuevas carreteras, el remplazo del cerco fronterizo de acero y las mejoras en los senderos peatonales en el centro. Los proyectos serán parte del progreso hacía la seguridad fronteriza, de acuerdo a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB), una de las ramas del Department of Homeland Security. Las rejillas del alcantarillado de Nogales se actualizarán para evitar el derrame de las tuberías de drenaje, la perforación en las líneas de aguas residuales y la construcción de túneles para el contrabando. “Las mejores en las rejillas y el alcantarillado de Nogales así como los túneles, servirán el propósito de mejorar el tratamiento de las aguas residuales y no el del contrabando”, dijo el comisionado de CBP Alan Bersin. Bersin anunció los cinco proyectos de infraestructura durante la junta comunitaria en el ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Nogales en noviembre. Él declaró que el programa había sido diseñado años atrás y que no es una respuesta directa a la SB1070. Cerca de tres millas del cerco fronterizo que pasa por el centro de Nogales se remplazará con un cerco de bolardos –postes de acero—de 18 pies de altura. “El cerco de bolardos permitirá poder ver claramente desde un lado de la frontera al otro por medio de los postes de acero rellenos de concreto”, dijo el oficial mayor de la CBP Marco López. En 1990 se construyó el actual cerco fronterizo de acero que es fácil de cortar y esconderse detrás de él ya que la patrulla fronteriza no puede ver lo que hay al otro lado. El cerco se construyó con materiales que se usaron como amortiguadores para el aterrizaje de helicópteros en Vietnam. Justo al oeste del centro de Nogales una nueva carretera fronteriza de 608 millas se construirá para ampliarles el espacio a los agentes de la patrulla fronteriza. La CBP también está planeando reestructurar el histórico cruce fronterizo de Morley para mejorar el flujo peatonal para aquellos que van de compras y cruzan caminando. Se espera que disminuya el tiempo de espera para aquellos que cruzan la frontera. El puerto de entrada de Dennis DeConcini, otro cruce peatonal, también será renovado y estará terminado a principios del 2011. En un futuro se añadirán líneas peatonales que permitirán la entrada rápida de aquellos que viajan y que estén previamente aprobados o clasificados como “bajo riesgo” y que entren por la garita de Morley y DeConcini, dijo Guadalupe Ramírez, directora del puerto de entrada de Nogales. López dijo que se ha programado la finalización de estos proyectos para septiembre del 2011. Los funcionarios de Nogales y la CBP colaborarán en estos proyectos para mejorar la seguri- Five federal construction projects are set to begin over the next six months in Nogales, Ariz., to improve border security and increase commerce. At a total cost of $41 million, plans include securing drainage tunnels, building approximately seven miles of new roads, replacing the “landing-mat” border fence and improvement of pedestrian walkways downtown. The projects will serve as proof of progress toward securing the border, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a division of the Department of Homeland Security. Grates within the Nogales sewer system will be upgraded to prevent leaking sewer pipes, punctured sewage lines and tunnels formed by smugglers. “Improving the grates and drainage system of Nogales’ sewer tunnels will serve the purposes of waste treatment and not of smuggling,” CBP Commissioner Alan Bersin said. Bersin announced the five infrastructure projects during a community meeting at Nogales City Hall in November. He says the projects have been drafted for years and are not a direct response to SB 1070. Close to three miles of border fence that runs through downtown Nogales will be replaced by bollard fencing at a height of 18 feet. “Bollard fencing will allow for transparency from one side to the other, through concrete-filled steel tubes,” said CBP Chief of Staff Marco Lopez. Constructed in the 1990s, the current “landing-mat fence” is easy to cut through and hide behind since Border Patrol agents cannot see anything on the other side. The fence was constructed of materials used as helicopter landing pads in Vietnam. Just west of downtown Nogales, 6.8 miles of border roads will be built to expand access for Border Patrol agents. CBP also plans to reconfigure the historic Morley border crossing to improve pedestrian flows for tourists. Wait times are expected to diminish for border crossers. The Dennis DeConcini Port of Entry, another pedestrian walkway, will also be renovated and completed by early 2011. Pedestrian lanes will be added in the future to allow preapproved and low-risk travelers to quickly enter Arizona at the Morley and DeConcini crossings, said Guadalupe Ramirez, director of the Nogales port of entry. The projects are scheduled for completion by September 2011, Lopez said. Nogales city officials and CBP will work together on the projects to improve border security and increase city commerce and tourism. “Building a strong infrastructure, together with the dedication of agents, together with the technology, together with the delivery of consequences to those who violate our laws, is the best way for us to secure this border,” Bersin said. el inDePenDiente Page / Página 4 December 9 / 9 de diciembre 2010 Share Holiday Cheer Through Food and Gift Giving By Morgan Galbraith Traducido por Zandra García The 2010 holiday season is here and so are difficult economic challenges. However, organizations like the Salvation Army and the Community Food Bank are providing gifts and food, adding cheer to families facing tough times. The following organizations are offering food and gift assistance for qualifying families. La temporada de fiestas está aquí y también los difíciles retos económicos. Sin embargo, organizaciones como el Salvation Army y el Community Food Bank están ofreciendo regalos y comida, dándoles alegría a las familias que enfrentan momentos difíciles. Las siguientes organizaciones ofrecen asistencia alimentaria y regalos para las familias que cumplen los requisitos. miracle in el Barrio: NOVA Home Loans will be hosting their 8th annual Miracle in El Barrio. The event is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dec. 22, at Peter Piper Pizza, 3717 S. 12th Ave. Santa will be there to give gifts to children. Partnering businesses will be handing out candy, food, drinks and school supplies. miracle in el Barrio: NOVA Home Loans será el anfitrión de la 8ª entrega anual Miracle in El Barrio (Milagro en el barrio). El evento es de las 9 a.m. a las 2 p.m., el 22 de diciembre, en Peter Piper Pizza, ubicado en 3717 S. 12th Ave. Santa estará ahí para dar regalos a los niños. Las empresas asociadas estarán entregando dulces, comida, bebidas y útiles escolares. miracle of 31st street: Will be celebrating their 40th year bringing Christmas cheer to children and families of Tucson. The event will take place on Dec. 24, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Tucson Electric Park, 500 E. Ajo Way. Christmas street Banquet: The Gospel Rescue Mission will be putting on their 18th annual street dinner. The Christmas dinner will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Dec. 23, at 326 W. 28th St. Children with an adult will receive a gift. Visit for more information. miracle of 31st street: Celebrará sus 40 años llevando alegría navideña a los niños y las familias de Tucsón. El evento se llevará a cabo el día 24 de diciembre, de las 8 a.m. a las 2 p.m., en el Tucson Electric Park, ubicado en 500 E. Ajo Way. toys for tots: The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve will be collecting new, unwrapped toys during December for the holiday season. To fill out a toy request form, visit Banquete de navidad en la calle: El Gospel Rescue Mission celebrará su comida anual de la calle 18. La comida de Navidad será el día 23 de diciembre, de las 11 a.m. a las 2 p.m., ubicado en 326 W. 28th St. Los niños que vayan acompañados por un adulto recibirán un regalo. Para más información visita Colecta de alimentos en beneficio del Community Food Bank: Cox Communications y 92.9 The Mountain se han asociado para organizar una colecta de alimentos en beneficio del Community Food Bank. Los artículos no perecederos estarán disponibles en las ubicaciones del banco de comida después de la recolecta de alimentos el día 17 de noviembre. El banco de alimentos funciona en los lugares indicados en el cuadro de abajo. Llame para obtener información acerca de horas y servicios. Marana Community Food Bank 682-3001 11734 W. Grier Road, Marana, Ariz. toy shop: The Salvation Army will host their annual “Toy Shop” Dec. 17 - 23. To apply to receive toy assistance, call 792-1629. Food Bank Food drive: Cox Communications and 92.9 The Mountain have partnered to host a food drive benefiting the Community Food Bank. Non-perishable items will be available at food bank locations after the food drive on Nov.17. The food bank operates at the locations listed in the box below. Call for hours and services available. Amado Community Food Bank 398-2942 28720 S. Nogales Highway, Amado, Ariz. Black Friday Boosts Holiday Shopping By Rossana Sándigo It takes a certain amount of courage to conquer Black Friday, a special breed of shopper. The day after Thanksgiving, these shoppers marched into the early dawn, ready for the frontlines and the biggest bargains of the year. “Lines were beyond ridiculous,” said Ofelia Flores, a University of Arizona student. She was part of the pack of dedicated shoppers at local malls. “We were at the mall around 4 a.m. on Friday…our family likes to go shopping on Black Friday with a game plan of the stores we are going to and the items we are getting,” said Jasmin Quintana, another UA student. Shoppers spent a reported $10.69 billion on Black Friday, a little more than last year, as indicated in opening sales data from ShopperTrak RCT Corp. The Chicago-based organization provides shopper-traffic management and data analysis for retailers across the globe. Retail sales increased a slim 0.3 percent from the previous year. UA student Danielle Hauptman lucked out Friday morning while shopping at Target. She marched into Target with a sole mission: to purchase a 40” TV. But when she reached the electronics center, they were all taken. Seconds later, “a man walked up and simply placed the TV in my cart,” said Hauptman. “I got one, I got one!” Hauptman cheered. Mission accomplished. Black Friday marks the beginning of holiday shopping for many, and it often helps stores break into profitability for the full year. Stores utilize Black Friday to measure customers’ eagerness to spend during the holiday season, which is critical for many businesses. “I found things that were relatively inexpensive as far as clothing, accessories and inexpensive flat screen TV’s and I noticed many people bought one,” Flores said. Stores attracted customers with Green Valley/Sahuarita Community Food Bank 625-5252 250 E. Continental Road, Green Valley, Ariz. Program Listing for Unemployed Tucsonans By Maggie Giuffrida Although the economy seems to be gradually improving, the unemployment rate in Arizona stands at 10 percent this holiday season, according to the latest report by the Department of Commerce. The following Tucson agencies offer support and training for the unemployed: Catholic Social Service—Project Ayuda 140 W. Speedway Blvd. #130 Tucson, AZ 85705 623-0344 Ext 1052 or 1053 Eligibility: Low-income adults ages 55 and older. Provides on-the-job training and employment placement for lowincome people ages 55 and older. Includes counseling and supportive services. Pima County One Stop—Employment Center 300 E. 26th St. Tucson, AZ 85713 838-3300 Eligibility: Homeless and unemployed men, women, veterans and youth. Offers assistance in basic needs first and then participants enroll in a two-week employability skills training program. Primavera Works photo By morgan galBraith Customers shop in Tucson during Black Friday to take advantage of price cuts and deals. discounts and coupons. Mailers with coupons were sent to residents in the areas neighboring the Foothills Mall, said Mary Wallace, marketing coordinator of Foothills Mall. Tucson retail centers are relying on Mexican shoppers more than ever this holiday season. “We advertised down in Mexico and also currently have a holiday coupon booklet that is down in Mexico that they bring with them to shop,” Wallace said. Some people do not have to leave their home to shop, much less their country. This year, the average amount spent shopping online rose approximately 16 percent, according to web marketing analyst Coremetrics. Online shopping orders increased to an average of $190.80 compared to last year’s $170.19. “This year I noticed that many of the Black Friday deals were immediately available online,” Flores said. “Maybe next year I will opt for shopping in the comfort of my home.” Although there was only a slight increase in retail sales from the previous year it doesn’t mean Black Friday weekend wasn’t a good start to the holiday season. “Ultimately this is a positive sign for retailers, as November monthly performance will be strong and December should still receive a strong boost from procrastinating shoppers in the week leading up to Christmas,” said Bill Martin, founder of ShopperTrak. 151 W. 40th St. South Tucson, AZ 85713 882-5383 Eligibility: Homeless or low-income, motivated adult workers Offers employment assistance to unemployed or underemployed adults. Temporary work for daily, weekly, long-term, temp-to-hire and crew work available. Program also includes individual job counseling and referrals for basic needs. Tucson Urban League—Employment and Training 2305 S. Park Ave. Tucson, AZ 85713 791-9522 Eligibility: Adults ages 18 and older. Offers vocational training, career counseling, GED preparation, onthe-job training, job development, job placement services, Summer Youth Employment Program and ISTEP (In School Training and Employment) and UYEP (Urban Youth Employment Program). For a complete listing of resources in both English and Spanish, visit December 9 / 9 de diciembre 2010 el inDePenDiente Page / Página 5 Tucson Looks Forward to Annual Winterhaven By Alexa Miller photo By JaCKie tran One of over 250 homes at Winterhaven in central Tucson shown decked out for the neighborhood’s 61st Festival of Lights. Servicios para los desempleados Por Maggie Giuffrida Traducido por Sathya Honey Aunque la economía parece estar mejorando gradualmente, las estadísticas sobre desempleo en Arizona siguen a un nivel sin precedentes, de acuerdo al reporte más reciente del estado. Las siguientes agencias en Tucsón ofrecen apoyo y entrenamiento para personas que están desempleadas, subempleadas o en transición en la fuerza laboral. Catholic Social Service—Project Ayuda 140 W. Speedway Blvd. #130 Tucsón, AZ 85705 623-0344 Ext 1052 or 1053 Elegibilidad: adultos de bajos recursos de 55 años de eda o mayores. Ofrece capacitación en el trabajo y servicio de colocación para personas de bajos recursos de 55 años de edad o mayores. Incluye servicios de terapia y apoyo. Pima County One Stop-Jackson Employment Center 300 E. 26th St. Tucsón, AZ 85713 838-3300 Elegibilidad: hombres, mujeres, veteranos y jóvenes sin hogar y desempleados. Ofrece asistencia para encontrar empleo y capacitación de empleo para los sin hogar y desempleados. Primero cada persona recibe asistencia con alojamiento y otras necesidades básicas y después se le inscribe en un programa de dos semanas de capacitación para desarrollar habilidades empleables. Primavera Works 151 W. 40th St. South Tucson, AZ 85713 882-5383 Elegibilidad: personas sin hogar o de bajos ingresos, trabajadores adultos motivados. Ofrece asistencia para adultos desempleados o subempleados. Hay trabajo temporal diario, semanal, a largo plazo, de empleado temporal a permanente y en cuadrilla. El programa también incluye asesoramiento en materia de empleo y referencias para necesidades básicas como comida, ropa, alojamiento y salud. Tucson Urban League—Employment and Training 2305 S. Park Ave. Tucsón, AZ 85713 791-9522 Elegibilidad: adultos de 18 años de edad o mayores. Ofrece orientación y entrenamiento vocacional, preparación para el GED, capacitación en el trabajo, desarrollo en el trabajo, servicios de colocación, Summer Youth Employment Program e ISTEP (In School Training and Employment) y UYEP (Urban Youth Employment Program). Para más información, visite rides and trolley rides. For the Arizona natives who still think it’s too cold, there will be hot chocolate for sale. The festivities attract between 100,000 and 200,000 people, according to Karen Miller, secre- tary treasurer of the Winterhaven board. “We get people from all Tucson neighborhoods, even from out of state and out of country. It’s one big melting pot of people.” Spectators are asked to give monetary or food donations to the Tucsón espera el Winterhaven anual idad estilo sureste”, “El cachorro elegido” y “El hidrante mejor vestido”. El cartero del vecindario vota por el buzón mejor vestido para el Puede que no tengamos una blanca navidad, pero la falta de nieve en premio “La elección de cartero”. Tucsón permite una tradición que El gran premio es el “C.B los tucsonenses valoran—El Richard”, por el cual los residentes votan. Winterhaven Festival of Lights. Los visitantes suelen pasear por Desde 1949, los residentes del vecindario Winterhaven, ubicado el barrio para ver las luces, pero en Fort Lowell Rd., y Tucson también encontrarán paseos en carBlvd., han estado decorando sus ruajes y paseos en carretilla. Para casas con miles de luces los nativos de Arizona que todavía parpadeantes. Exhibiciones de piensan que hace demasiado frío, Navidad y Hanukkah iluminan la habrá venta de chocolate caliente. Las festividades atraen entre zona para este festival anual. No hay buzón, coche, hidrante o puer- 100,000 y 200,00 personas, según Karen Miller, secretaria tesorera de ta delantera que no sea adornado. Todo comenzó con un hombre la junta de Winterhaven. Nos llega llamado CB Richards, fundador de gente de los vecindarios de Tucsón, la Winterhaven Water & Devel- incluso de fuera del estado y fuera opment Company. Después de visi- del país. Es un gran crisol de pertar una exhibición similar en sonas. Se les pide a los espectadores Beverly Hills, California, le compró al vecindario su primer conjun- donaciones monetarias o comida to de luces. También compró Pinos enlatada para el Community Food Aleppo de un vivero local y los Bank. El año pasado más de plantó en toda la zona. Estos $23,000 y 33,000 libras de comida árboles sirven como lienzos para fue donado. Este año, el trineo de Santa las luces de hoy. Hay alrededor de 270 casas en chocó contra un tope en la calle el vecindario Winterhaven y au- cuando la ciudad de Tucsón cortó nque no es un requisito, más de la los fondos de los que depende mitad decora para el festival. El Winterhaven. “Se necesitan unos $90,000 para festival también funciona como un concurso amistoso de la vecindad. echar a andar el festival”, dijo Todo tipo de premios son entrega- Miller. “Afortunadamente hemos dos, de “Eco-Amistoso” a “Nav- recaudado suficientes fondos a través de donaciones públicas y Prince Road privadas para tener el festival este año, pero Winterhaven boundaries tenemos la esperanza de superar esta cantidad para donar al Community Food Bank y ahorrar para el próximo año”. Solamente un año la comunidad Main entrance ha decidió to Winterhaven quedarse a obscuras— durante la crisis de energía de 1970. Por Alexa Miller Traducido por Zandra García Country Club Road the best-dressed mailbox for the “Mailman’s Pick” award. The grand prize, the “C.B. Richards” award, voted on by the residents. Visitors usually stroll through the neighborhood to view the lights but you will also find hay- Tucson Blvd. We might not have a white Christmas, but Tucson’s lack of snow allows for a holiday tradition that Tucsonans treasure—the Winterhaven Festival of Lights. Since 1949, the residents of the Winterhaven neighborhood, located at Fort Lowell Road and Tucson Blvd., have been decorating their homes with thousands of twinkling lights. Christmas and Hanukah displays light up the neighborhood for this annual festival. There isn’t a mailbox, car, fire hydrant or front door that isn’t bedecked. It all started with a man named C.B. Richards, the founder of Winterhaven Water & Development Company. After visiting a similar display in Beverly Hills, Calif., he bought the neighborhood its first set of lights. He also purchased Aleppo Pines from a local nursery and planted them throughout the area. These trees serve as canvasses for lights today. About 270 homes are in the Winterhaven neighborhood and although it is not a requirement, more than half decorate for the festival. The festival also doubles as a friendly neighborhood competition. All sorts of awards are given, from “Going Green” to “Southwest Christmas” to “Pup’s Pick,” the best-dressed fire hydrant. The neighborhood mail carrier chooses Community Food Bank. Last year over $23,000 and 33,000 pounds of food were donated. This year, Santa’s sleigh hit a bump in the road when the city of Tucson cut the funding Winterhaven depends on. “It takes about $90,000 to put on the festival,” Miller said. “Fortunately, we’ve raised enough funds through public and private donations to put the festival on this year, but we’re hoping to exceed this to donate to the Community Food Bank and save for next year.” Only one year did the community decide to stay dark—during the 1970 energy crisis. “You can’t shove the genie back in the bottle,” Miller said. “If we were to say we’re not having it, people would still come. And honestly, it would put their safety at risk because there wouldn’t be any police or barricades. We had to find a way to make to make this wonderful festival happen.” Tucsonans look forward to Winterhaven. It’s a time to spend with friends and family. “My family goes every year. I can’t imagine a holiday season without it,” said Tiffany Hawkins, who was born and raised in Tucson. “It really spreads joy.” The Winterhaven Festival of Lights will take place nightly from Dec. 11 through 26 from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Fort Lowell Road Foto por JaCKie tran Una escena del nacimiento en el barrio de Winterhaven. “Ya no nos podemos retirar”, dijo Miller. “Si decidiéramos que no tendremos el festival, la gente vendría de todas formas. Y, honestamente, pondría en riesgo su seguridad debido a que no habría ningún policía ni barricadas. Tendríamos que encontrar una manera de hacer que ocurriera ese maravilloso festival”. Los tucsonenses esperan el festival de Winterhaven. Es tiempo para pasar con amigos y familia. “Mi familia va todos los años. No me puedo imaginar la temporada de fiestas sin ello”, dijo Tiffany Hawkins, quien nació y creció en Tucsón. El festival de luces de Winterhaven se llevará a cabo todas las noches del 11 de diciembre al 26 de las 5:30 p.m., a las 10 p.m. Para más información, visite el inDePenDiente Page / Página 6 December 9 / 9 de diciembre 2010 Medical Marijuana; Setting Up Shop Near You Cierran de ‘Marijuana’ Continued from page 1 as attending training sessions and filling out an application. Getting a prescription may be even more difficult. For a patient, this means seeing a primary care physician who will determine if the patient is indeed a candidate for medical marijuana. The Department of Health will have the final say in licensing of the dispensaries and distribution of medical marijuana cards that will allow the patients to buy up to two and-a-half ounces of marijuana every two weeks. “Two and-a-half ounces may seem like a lot, but you gotta think about these patients who can’t smoke because they have lung cancer or asthma,” Sobol said. “So instead, these people can cook with it, which requires a lot more of the product.” In addition to the training seminars for future shop owners, Sobol plans to have a mandatory class for customers before they can purchase the marijuana. “The class we will be requiring our customers to attend is not something that is government required,” he said. “We want our customers to know all they need to about using medical marijuana.” “Just because someone has a medical marijuana card, doesn’t mean they can be out operating a car completely stoned,” Sobol said. According to Tucson Police Captain, Michael Gillooly, spotting a driver under the influence photo By Caitlin harrington Owner of Marijuana Marketing Strategies, Allan Sobol, watches over the phone that constantly rings. of marijuana is only slightly harder than identifying a driver under the influence of alcohol. “We have been pulling over and arresting people under the influence of marijuana and other narcotics for ten years now, so we know what we’re doing,” Gillooly said. “We have trained our officers to identify certain signs and to administer tests that will tell them if the driver is under the influence of marijuana.” Operating a car while using medical marijuana is only one of the problems that may arise. The reselling of the medical marijuana and increase in crime has already been seen in Colorado and California, where medical marijuana is available “TPD does not have a position on the validity of medical marijuana,” Gillooly said. “What we are concerned about though is the quality of life in the areas that these shops will be located.” “What we have seen in California and Colorado are clusters of medical marijuana shops all located in the same area.” According to Gillooly, these “clusters” equal more burglaries, the reselling of the drug and overall lower quality of life in the neighborhoods they are in. Arizona is going to keep clusters from forming once shops begin to get licensed by limiting the number of shops allowed in the state and restricting areas where shops can be located. For example, how far from one another they must be, as well as how far the shops must be from schools, churches, etc. Sobol, who became interested in this business of medical marijuana for the money, said that the training sessions are aimed at just that goal, to make money. But the actual selling of the product is to help people who really need it. “I don’t condone the smoking of marijuana for personal use whatsoever and I never have,” Sobol said. “But you see the way it helps people who are legitimately sick, even though some people say it’s a placebo affect. It makes them feel better and it makes these people who are dying more comfortable. I’m not ashamed of what I do, I’m proud to help people.” información ‘Sun Tran’ continua de página 1 de manera inmediata. Es probable que el próximo año se presenten reducciones de presupuesto de un 15 por ciento de los servicios de Sun Tran, pero todavía no se ha tomado una decisión oficial, dijo Joseph. Michael Graham, el portavoz del Department of Transportation de Tucsón, dijo que el alcalde y el ayuntamiento tomarán la decisión final en caso de que se hagan recortes o se aumente el costo de los boletos del transporte público. Antes que el alcalde o el City Council tomen una decisión, cualquier recorte de servicios y cambios en el costo de boletos están sujetos a una audiencia pública. Kozachik dijo que a principios del próximo año habrá audiencias públicas para que los contribuyentes puedan hacer valer sus voces en cuanto a cualquier cambio dentro en el presupuesto de Sun Tran. Sun Tran Customer Service Line: 792-9222 Horario de servicio: Entre semana de 6 a.m a 9 p.m Fin de semana 8 a.m a 7 p.m Para encontrar una lista de los sitios en donde se pueden comprar los boletos de autobuses visite Sun Tran Budget Cuts Could Mean Last South Tucson Bar Bus Fare Increases and Layoffs Closed, No Liquor License By Lisa Rich By Erin Badger Sun Tran riders can’t buy bus passes or obtain route information from staff at its three transit centers anymore, due to budgetary shortfalls. Further cuts to Sun Tran’s budget may mean higher fares and a loss of services for riders in the future. The three centers – Tohono Tadai Transit Center, Roy Laos Transit Center and the Ronstadt Transit Center – closed their staffed information booths Dec. 1, following the layoffs of 15 nonunion employees, according to Sun Tran’s Director of Marketing Michele Joseph. “Unfortunately we do think there is going to be a period of adjustment for our riders,” Joseph said. “We understand people have developed a real comfort level at the transit centers.” Sun Tran riders can purchase bus passes online, by mail or at 41 different city and retail outlets, although not every outlet sells every type of pass available. Sun Tran’s customer service line is open seven days a week to answer customer questions and assist in trip planning. System-wide maps are posted at all three centers, as well as updated bus arrival times. TV monitors will remain inside the information booths to show riders when the next bus arrives. Bus schedules and full listings of outlets that sell bus passes are also available at “We want people to understand they’re not going to be stranded there without any information at all,” Joseph said. Sun Tran has lost state fund- photo By Kirsten Boele The staffed information booths at Sun Tran’s three transit centers closed Dec. 1. ing, suffered a union strike in August and passenger revenues have declined. Most significantly, Sun Tran lost a $600,000 federal rebate this year. The City of Tucson requested Sun Tran make up for the loss of the rebate without cutting services. Staff layoffs were the only option, Joseph said. Since voters rejected Pro position 400’s sales tax increase in November, more cuts to Sun Tran’s budget are “very possible,” Joseph said. Council Member Steve Kozachik believes that fares need to be increased and expects Sun Tran to take more budgetary cuts. Exactly how those cuts will be absorbed – be it in the form of layoffs, fare changes or route reductions – is up to Sun Tran’s management, Kozachik said. “Knowing the size of the budget hole we face though, I would be surprised if some cuts to services would not be the result of reductions in money,” Kozachik said. Joseph said if cuts do happen, they won’t be in the immediate future. A 15 percent service reduction in Sun Tran’s budget next year is a possibility, but no official decisions have been made yet, Joseph said. Michael Graham, spokesperson for Tucson’s Department of Transportation, said the mayor and city council will be making the final decision if there will be cuts or fare increases for public transit. Any service cuts or fare changes are subject to public hearing before the mayor and City Council can make any decisions. Kozachik said that there will be public hearings early next year for taxpayers to voice their concerns about any budgetary changes to Sun Tran. Antonio’s Bar sits on a corner of South Fourth Avenue, empty since its closure in late August. South Tucson’s last bar was forced to close because it owed the city money for utilities and taxes it could not afford to pay. While Antonio’s was the last remaining bar in South Tucson, it did not use to be this way. Prior to the 1980s, South Tucson was home to upwards of 50 bars. A brutal murder in 1979 caused the attitude towards these establishments to shift, according to City Manager Enrique Serena. “Today, we’re a different place and a different time,” he said. “We have another very significant historical juncture that’s very recent in fact and that’s our neighborhood preservation ordinance. This ordinance gives us a lot more legal muscle with which to hold property owners accountable for whom they rent to.” At the Nov. 15 city council meeting, original bar owner Antonio Riojas asked the council for the bar’s license to be renewed. The council voted 5-0 to send a negative recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for the renewal. While the closure has dismayed some people, like Riojas, the South Tucson Police Department and the City of South Tucson have greeted the closure happily. “The last of the bars that we have, Antonio’s Bar, quite frankly from a police prospective, represents a significant problem for our police department, our city, the neighborhoods around that location,” Serena said. “Typically there’s just a lot of excessive drinking and criminal behavior and it kind of flows over into the neighborhood because so many of the folks that seem to go there are pedestrian.” The city is currently trying to gather enough data to prove that since its doors closed, the neighborhoods surrounding Antonio’s Bar have seen a decrease in crime. Even without the statistical analysis however, the community believes that there has been a noticeable difference. “It’s better for our community that there’s no longer any liquor or any bars in our neighborhood,” said Gloria Hamelitz, the John Valenzuela Youth Center Director. “We seem to have a large problem with people that are abusing alcohol, and one less place means one less place for people to go and do that and it helps reduce crime the bar was causing.” Serena agreed that the change was noticeable. “So much of the feedback that we’ve gotten comes from the community themselves, expressing their appreciation for how well things are going now,” Serena said. “They’re not seeing that late night, early morning circulation of drunken behavior and litter along the streets by people that are leaving [the bar].” South Tucson Patrol Officer Marc Brown explained the strains the bar used to put on the department. “When you have Antonio’s up and running, calling for a disturbance, it’s pulling our resources so thin, and it’s draining us and it’s taxing us so we don’t have enough time or man power just to be proactive, to be visible within the community, on just normal patrol,” Brown said. December 9 / 9 de diciembre 2010 el inDePenDiente Page / Página 7 Number of Homeless LGBT Youths on Rise in Arizona By Erin Badger Vyola Jacques, 19, hasn’t had a place to call home since she was a child. Like so many other gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered youth, Jacques was driven away from her parents’ house after coming out to her family. “I don’t like to go there; I’m harassed for who I am,” Jacques said. Since age 10, Jacques has been in and out of group homes, juvenile detention and treatment centers. She started living on the streets and “couch hopping” in her early teens. She is not alone. There are between 1.6 and 2.8 million homeless youth in the U.S., and a disproportionate number of these are LGBT young people. Approximately five to 10 percent of the entire U.S. youth population is LGBT, while 20 to 40 percent of the homeless youth population is LGBT, according to the Center for American Progress. When Jacques revealed she was a lesbian at age 11 to her Catholic family, her mother dismissed it as a phase. Her father never accepted her as a lesbian, and still verbally degrades her for being gay, Jacques said. Nearly 56 percent of homosexual youth became homeless because of family problems directly associated with their sexuality, according to a 2005 report conducted by the Tucson Planning Council for the Homeless. Jacques started getting into trouble from a young age -- skipping school, using drugs, getting into fights and running away to escape the turmoil at home. She has been on and off probation since age 10 and dropped out of school for the first time in the fifth grade. photo By Caitlin harrington Vyola Jacques,19, volunteers to help LGBT teens and was once homeless as a young teen. “I was rebellious…I was different, an outcast,” Jacques said. “They [kids at school] called me names like ‘ugly,’ and ‘dyke.’” She later attempted suicide while being held in a juvenile detention center. “I couldn’t be gay, I couldn’t be myself for shit,” Jacques said. “I was 15 and couldn’t take it any more.” Nearly 62 percent of homeless LGBT youth attempt suicide, as opposed to 29 percent of heterosexual homeless youth, according to the Center for American Progress. Kevin Jackson is the Homeless Youth Project (HYP) coordinator for Wingspan in Tucson. The program provides free basic needs assistance to youth under 23, such as meals, bus passes, hygiene products, clothing and referrals to LGBT-friendly providers like Open Inn and Our Family Services. HYP offers a safe haven for LGBT youth called the Eon Youth Center, 430 E. 7th St. “We’re seeing more LGBT young people on the streets than we have in the past,” Jackson said. This increase could be because LGBT youth are more informed about where to find services, are more visible in the community or because LGBT youth homelessness is increasing, he said. Open Inn is an Arizona non-profit organization that offers services to homeless and runaway youth, including living arrangements and developing life skills for their clients to become self-sufficient. The number of client referrals to Open Inn’s services increased 32 percent from fiscal year 2009 to 2010, said Kenneth McKinley, Independent Living Services program director for Open Inn. Jackson said that the economy is one of many factors that contribute to LGBT homelessness. “With one or more parents losing jobs, domestic violence in the home, rejection during the coming out process, you have a combination that pushes youth out or youth being thrown out of their homes,” he said. Other LGBT youth, like 18-yearold “Jack” (who chose to remain anonymous), are on the verge of becoming homeless due to serious financial strains at home. Homeless LGBT youth are also more susceptible to alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual assault, prostitution and drug trafficking than their heterosexual counterparts, according to the Center for American Progress. Jackson said that many LGBT homeless youth turn to “survival sex” – exchanging sex for a place to stay, transportation or other basic needs. “Those sorts of behaviors they all too often turn to because their lives are unbearable,” Jackson said. “When your choice is to trade sexual intimacy for a place that is reasonably safe, rather than being in the street, camping out in the desert, in ditches…the risks for exploitation are exponentially higher.” Today, Vyola Jacques is an activist for LGBT youth. She is a mainstay at Eon Youth Center and is also involved with Puertas Abiertas, a Wingspan social group for LGBT Latinos. She also shares her story on YouTube for “It Gets Better Tucson,” a project aimed to inspire hope for LGBT young people to survive their teen years. Jacques earned her G.E.D. while in juvie and has since taken some college classes. She now has a job and lives in her own apartment provided by Open Inn’s independent housing program.“I’m doing my own things and I’m focused on myself,” Jacques said. “I don’t let my family discourage me or bring down my motivation.” 1960s Chicano Paper Border Fence Takes Toll on Wildlife Brought Back to Life By Jackie Tran By Juliana Vasquez Students from the University of Arizona’s Department of Mexican American and Raza Studies presented a revamped issue of the ’60s Chicano newspaper, El Coraje to the original creators at a conference on Dec. 2. The conference, “Combating Hate¸ Censorship and Forbidden Curricula,” promoted Chicano culture and took place Dec. 2 to the 4 with a variety of panel discussions, a run to A-Mountain, and the unveiling and presentation of the 2010 issue of El Coraje. The Spanish word, “coraje,” means “courage” or “anger,” which both might define the attitude of the founders when the first issues of El Coraje were published in Tucson during the Chicano movement in 1969 and 1970. The original newspaper was used as a tool to help the Chicano community understand what the issues were within the community. Delivered door-to-door, it helped the Chicano community stand up and fight to change school systems, including the struggle to implement ethnic studies. El Coraje petitioned administrations to offer Chicano studies and hire Chicano professors in their schools. The current newspaper focuses on issues in immigration and education, and includes the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the death of Ruben Salazar, a Mexican-American journalist and former Los Angeles Times reporter who was killed by police during a Vietnam War protest. Roberto Cintli Rodriguez, a UA professor, oversaw the Coraje project and served as the advisor this semster. “We are living through some historic times here in Arizona,” said Karina Salazar, editor of the 2010 issue. “Everywhere we go, we are followed with the thought that as students, we want our voices heard and taken into account.” Salazar said this is why Coraje originally began—to make sure all voices are heard. That is the reason behind their efforts to publish it again. As the “Elders” of the original Coraje were presented with the current issue, they spoke about how they now want to be able to follow the younger generation’s lead. “My heart glows with pride with the knowledge that we’ve won the fights for Chicano rights every time,” said Salomon Baldenegro, an original Coraje staffer. “No matter how hard it is¸ we will win!” Baldenegro is now retired from teaching Chicano history for the UA Mexican American Studies and Research Center. Today, Coraje is formatted as a magazine, with photography and poetry, but also contains journalistic articles and research reports. The original Coraje staffers are excited to see the younger generation acting on today’s issues like SB1070 and HB 221. “I want to be right behind you on that street corner with you guys leading the movement,” said Cecilia Cruz, an original staff member of Coraje. “Seeing what you guys are doing makes my heart soar.” Endangered animals have it bad on both sides of the border. Construction of the border fence for security reasons has caused a widespread environmental impact and now money has been allocated to address the most serious problems. The extent of damage to the animal habitats is extreme enough to warrant $6.8 million from the federal government for eight Southwestern conservation projects, six of which are in Arizona. “The projects we are announcing today are, in effect, part of a down payment on mitigating the impact on wildlife and its habitat from the on-going effort to secure our southern border,” said Rhea Suh, assistant secretary for policy, management and budget at the Department of the Interior. “It [the border] has increased vehicular traffic, both border patrol and public,” Matt Clark, a representative for Defenders of Wildlife in Tucson said. Smuggler vehicle chases and other illegal activities have caused severe damage to the land. Some of the wildlife affected includes ocelots, bats, jaguars, desert tortoise and several endangered fish in the San Bernardino Valley in Arizona, Clark said. The border fence has augmented flooding issues and prevents many wild animals from crossing in their natural habitat. Even winged animals, such as the pygmy owls at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, are low-flying animals so the wall is a barrier to their movement. Direct human activity is not the only cause of damage to the surrounding environment at the U.S.Mexico border line. “When there’s no vegetation to soak up the water it runs off the dirt photo By JaCKie tran The ocelot’s habitat was damaged with construction of the border fence. and into the washes and in many instances, cuts down more rapidly than it would otherwise,” Clark said. Heavy storms create the most evident erosion damage, which creates an incision. The erosion is carried down in the form of sediment. “The debris is blocked by the wall and creates a dam effect so the water is diverted around the water crossings and erodes the scourings adjacent to the washing,” Clark said. The gates that can be lifted during storm events might be in the works by Homeland Security, he added. The Organ Pipe National Monument has suffered major flood damage from the wall. In Nogales, the same storm created a flood where the fence was blocked with debris and caused a back up on the Mexican side, Clark said. The solid concrete wall at the port of entry was about five feet tall and created a dam-like effect, causing about $8 million worth of property damage. The $2.1 million Sasabe Biological Opinion is four-year program for jaguar management. It will allow the communities and government to survey, monitor and report on the jaguars. The Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument Biological Opinion has been allotted $980,000. Some of the funds will help replant around 200 columnar cacti that were moved and stored when the border fence was built, Lee Baiza, the monument’s superintendent said. Some of the funds will manage roads and repair land by the fence near Lukeville, Ariz., which was damaged by construction. The San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona will use $657,000 for restoration. An additional $441,000 will be used to study four federally protected Rio Yaqui fish species and four sensitive fish species there. The Coronado National Memorial Agave Restoration program in Arizona will use $274,873 to plant agaves to make up for the ones destroyed during border construction. “The border wall is a discontinuous barrier, but there are tens of continuous miles of wall that are impermeable to most terrestrial wildlife,” Clark said. “That causes extensive wildlife fragmentation,” he added, “severing wildlife corridors that extend across wildlife boundaries. It cumulatively has permanently converted many hundreds of acres of wildlife habitat.” By Alexa Miller Traducido por Sathya Honey ? Page / Página 8 Dec. 3 – 22 el inDePenDiente December 9 / 9 de diciembre 2010 qué Pasa? Nacimiento at the Tucson Museum of Art The Reid Park Zoo will be adorned in thousands of sparkling lights this winter. Come see light displays, animal-themed sculptures, falling snow and Santa! Zoo Lights runs 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday through Sunday, Dec. 3 –18 and Monday through Wednesday, Dec. 20 – 22. Cost is $5 for adults, $4 for members and $3 for children ages two to 14. Through Dec. 12, receive $2 off admission with each new, unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots. Located at 1100 S. Randolph Way. For more information, visit Dec. 10 – 12 Del 11 al 26 de diciembre Fourth Ave. Street Fair Winterhaven Browse more than 400 arts, crafts and food booths at Southern Arizona’s largest festival, the Fourth Avenue Fall Street Fair. Also see musicians and performers on two stages. Located on Fourth Ave. between University Blvd. and 9th St. Friday, Dec. 10 through Sunday, Dec. 12. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, visit Ver página 5. 15 de diciembre Sons of Orpheus El decimotercero Annual Holiday Benefit Concert de Sons of Orpheus será en apoyo del Community Food Bank y de los estudiantes de primaria de las Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind (ASDB). Localizado en el Berger Center for the Performing Arts, Campus de ASDB, 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. Entrada gratuita para los que traigan un artículo de comida imperecedera o una donación monetaria deducible de impuestos. Dec. 11 Legend of the Poinsettia Bring your children to the Southwest Branch Library to listen to the Mexican Christmas legend of the Poinsettia. They are invited to make a poinsettia ornament and enjoy Mexican holiday treats such as bizcochos and hot chocolate. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Located at 6855 S. Mark Road. Space is limited, call 594-5270 to sign up. Del 16 al 19 de diciembre A Tucson Pastorela Dec. 11 The Sam Lena-South Tucson Branch Library and Tucson Oasis are looking for volunteers who are interested in motivating children to be successful at reading and writing. Ten hours of training are provided from the OASIS Reading Help Program. The volunteer will be paired with one student to tutor during this yearround program in which students meet for one hour per week. For more information, contact Managing Librarian, Leanne Yoder at leanne. [email protected] or 594-5267. Or contact OASIS Reading Help Program coordinator at Carlinda Dirks at [email protected] or 322-5627. Dec. 11 – 26 Winterhaven See page 5. Dec. 15 Sons of Orpheus The Sons of Orpheus 13th Annual Holiday Benefit Concert will support the Community Food Bank and the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind (ASDB) elementary students. Located at the Berger Center for the Performing Arts, ASDB Campus, 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. Admission is free with a non-perishable food item or a tax-deductable monetary donation. For more information, visit Voluntarios de OASIS El Sam Lena – South Tucson Branch Library y Tucson Oasis buscan voluntarios interesados en motivar a los niños para que tengan éxito en la lectura y la escritura. Diez horas de entrenamiento se proporcionan por OASIS Reading Help Program. El voluntario será emparejado con un estudiante durante un año entero, y se reunirán durante una hora por semana. Para obtener más información contacte a Leanne Yoder, Managing Librarian al leanne.yoder@pima. gov o al 5945267 o contacte a OASIS Reading Help Program coordinator Carlinda Dirks en [email protected] o al 322-5627. Zoo Lights OASIS Volunteers 11 de diciembre Photo by Nick Rob Letson Maria Luisa Tena prepares and arranges the Nacimiento in memory of her mother at La Casa Cordoba. Dec. 16 – 19 Dec. 18 Del 10 al 12 de diciembre. A Tucson Pastorela Downtown Parade of Lights Fourth Ave. Street Fair Borderlands Theater presents the 15th Annual “A Tucson Pastorela.” This play depicts Tucson’s unique take on the nativity story. Follow the shepherds, dog and sheep as they journey to witness the birth of Jesus. Accompanied by Christmas carols in Spanish and English. Located at the Leo Rich Theater at the Tucson Convention Center, 260 S. Stone Ave. General admission is $19.75, $17.75 for seniors and $10.75 for students. Dates and times vary. For more information, visit Dec. 16 – 19 Mercado Holiday Bazaar Stop by Tucson’s first public market, Mercado San Agustin for their Holiday Bazaar. Peruse artisan foods, kids clothing and toys, jewelry and much more. See the lifesized gingerbread house and Santa himself! From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free. Located at 100 S. Avenida del Convento. For more information, call 461-1110. Marvel at lighted vehicles and floats, Santa and musical groups at the 16th Annual Downtown Parade of Lights. Free and open to the public. Parade begins at 6:30 p.m. at 17th St. and Stone Ave. For more information and to view the parade route, visit Del 3 al 22 de diciembre Luces en el zoológico Este invierno el Reid Park Zoo estará adornado con miles de luces brillantes. ¡Venga a admirar las exposiciones de luces, las esculturas con temas de animales, la nieve y a Santa! Las luces están en exposición de 6 a 8 p.m. del jueves 3 de diciembre al domingo 18 y del lunes 20 al miércoles 22. Los boletos cuestan $5 para adultos, $4 para los miembros y $3 para niños de dos a catorce años de edad. Hasta el 12 de diciembre habrá un descuento de $2 por cada juguete nuevo y sin desenvolver para Toys for Tots. Localizado en 1100 S. Randolph Way. Para obtener más información visite Ojée más de 4oo puestos de artes, manualidades y comida en el festival más grande del sur de Arizona, el Fourth Avenue Fall Street Fair. También podrá ver músicos y artistas en dos escenarios. Localizado en Fourth Ave. entre University Blvd. y 9th St. del viernes 9 de diciembre al domingo 12 de 10 a.m. a 6 p.m. Para obtener más información visite 11 de diciembre La Leyenda de la flor de Nochebuena Traiga a sus hijos a la Southwest Branch Library a escuchar la leyenda navideña de la flor de Nochebuena. Se les anima a los niños a hacer un adorno de flor de Nochebuena y a disfrutar de antojitos navideños, de las 11 a.m. a la 1 p.m. ubicado como bizcochos y chocolate caliente en 6855 S. Mark Road. El espacio es limitado, llame al 594-5270 para inscribirse. Borderlands Theater presenta su decimoquinta “A Tucson Pastorela”. Esta obra de teatro representa la versión única Tucsonense del nacimiento navideño. Acompañe a los pastores, el perro y los borregos en su viaje para presenciar el nacimiento de Jesús. Incluye villancicos en español y en inglés. Los boletos de admisión general cuestan $19.75, $17.75 para personas de la tercera edad y $10.75 para estudiantes. Las fechas y horarios varían. Para obtener más información visite Del 16 al 19 de diciembre Mercado Holiday Bazaar Asómese al primer mercado público de Tucsón, el Mercado San Agustín, para ver su Bazaar Navideño. Examine los alimentos artesanales, ropa y juguetes de niños, joyería y más. Vea la casa de pan de jengibre de tamaño natural y ¡hasta al mismísimo Santa! De 11 a.m. a 7 p.m. Entrada libre. Localizado en 100 S. Avenida del Convento. Para obtener más información llame al 461-1110. 18 de diciembre Desfile del centro de la luces Maravíllese ante los vehículos y carrozas decoradas, vea a Santa y los grupos musicales en el decimosexto Downtown Parade of Lights anual. El evento es gratuito y abierto a todo público. El desfile empieza a las 6:30 p.m. en 17th St. y Stone Ave. Para obtener más información y para ver la ruta que seguirá el desfile, visite