SaintJosephParish - St. Joseph Parish


SaintJosephParish - St. Joseph Parish
oseph Parish
Mission Church of St. Vincent de Paul
9961 Elk Grove Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 ● (916) 685-3681 ● FAX (916) 685-7254
Mission Church: 14673 Cantova Way, Rancho Murieta, CA 95683 ● (916) 354-2403 ● FAX (916)354-2404
We, the parish community of Saint Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove) and Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul
(Rancho Murieta), enriched by many traditions and cultures, come together to worship God in Sacrament, liturgy, and prayer.
We are committed to acting as One Body in Christ, and to living our One Faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. We
continually seek to reach out in loving service to others, both within our parish as well as in the greater community, in order to
spread the Good News of our faith.” (Parish Mission Statement)
Schedule of Services
Office Hours
Saint Joseph Parish
Saint Joseph Parish
Weekend Masses
4:30 PM
7:30 9:00 11:00 AM
& 1:00 PM (Español),
& 5:00 PM (Filipino Mass Every First Sunday,
English Mass - All Other Sundays)
Weekday Schedules (Monday to Friday)
Liturgy of the Hours
7:30 AM
Daily Mass
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
First Friday Mass
7:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
8:30 - 10:00 AM
Every First Friday
7:30 - 10:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Or By appointment
Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul
Weekend Masses
Weekday schedules
Daily Mass (Wednesday)
Service of the Word
Eucharistic Adoration
Every First Friday
Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
4:00 - 4:30 PM
Or By appointment
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Trina Koontz (Principal) (916) 684-7903, ext. 12
e-mail: [email protected]
Tammy Babich (Preschool/EDP Director) (916) 691-4825
e-mail: [email protected]
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Tuesday to Friday
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Visit us on our website:
See us on Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove, CA)
Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Parish Staff
Fr. Brian Atienza (Pastor), ext. 122
e-mail: [email protected]
Fr. Carlo Tejano (Parochial Vicar), ext. 125
e-mail: [email protected]
Deacon Larry Hiner, 916-685-3681
e-mail: [email protected]
Deacon Ned Quigley
e-mail: [email protected]
Aurora Fragozo-Aguirre (Parish Administrator), ext. 120
e-mail: [email protected]
Sr. Ma. Imelda Grace Dañas, RVM (DRE of Faith Formation),ext. 124
e-mail: [email protected]
Jerome Baybayan (Youth Ministry Coordinator), ext. 123
e-mail: jbaybayan
Julius Roberto (Database Administrator), ext. 121
e-mail: [email protected]
Armida Gallegos-Lee (Administrative Assistant), ext. 128
e-mail: [email protected]
Veronica Padilla Perez (Administrative Assistant), ext. 127
e-mail: [email protected]
Bill DuVal (SVdP -Administrative Assistant), (916) 354-2403 ext. 129
e-mail: [email protected]
Amy Roberts (Liturgical Music Coordinator)
e-mail: [email protected]
Paul Seishas (Marriage/Family/Therapist) (916) 616-1800
e-mail: [email protected]
Saint Joseph Parish
: 09/28 08:00am - Avelina de Jesus †
Pope Francis (SI)
: 09/29 08:00am - Jack Smith †
Jack Talluto †
: 09/30 08:00am - Joan Burke †
Eduardo Oliva †
RM 08:30am - For the Parishioners of SVDP
Thu: 10/01 08:00am - Julz Roberto (SI)
Jack Talluto †
Fri: 10/02 08:00am - Pedro Villarimo †
Nazzirre Pugh †
Sat: 10/03 04:30pm - William & Sandra Toy †
Archie Grassi †
RM 05:00pm – Virginia Barber †
10/04 07:30am – Ken Stone †
Eddie Martin †
09:00am - Missa Pro Populo
RM 09:00am - For the Parishioners of SVDP
11:00am - John Myron & Idella Withrow †
01:00pm - Los damnificados de los incedios
05:00pm - Tomas Celino †
Today’s Readings
First Reading
— Moses said, “Would that all the
(Numbers 11:25-29).
Psalm —
The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart
(Psalm 19).
Pray For Our Military Families
Steven Alsop
Josh Alonzo
Don R. Baker II
Robert Bohon
Solomon Bolt
Carl Ian Bravo
Jaclyn Buno
Mark Dollar
Benjamin Erwin
Matthew Farrell
Joey Feathers
Roman Fernandez
Gabriel franzoia
Serena Grandov
Graham Hebert
Valery Keaveny Jr.
Joseph King
Freddie Koeller
Glenn Lewis
Kyle Linebaugh
James Lovello
Amber McGovern
Russell Miller
Mike Montini
Jared Ortner
Sean Passmore
Cherry Pangilinan
Dominic Peterson
Ian Rubstello
Michael Riehl
Jousha Shaffer
Zachary Schiele
Jason Stiles
Shawn Tostado
Jason Lee Tudor
Brien Warfield
Jaime Wong-Lopez
Jordan Wood
Jason Woodford
Shai-Lin Ynacay
Diosdado Pangilinan
Military Prayer List Additions
To add new names of active military to our
military list, please send an e-mail to
[email protected] or call Pat at 916-686-5977.
Parish Weekly Collection
Weekly Goal:
St. Joseph
$ 11,200.00
$ 2,600.00
Offertory this Week:
St. Joseph
$ 12,534.50
FOR EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)
If you wish to contribute via EFT (electronic fund transfer)
please visit our parish website for more information.
“Thank you for your generosity and may God continue to bless
you with His providence.”
Second Reading
— Come now, you rich. The wages
you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields
are crying aloud (James 5:1-6)
Gospel — Whoever is not against us is for us (Mark 9:3843, 45, 47-48).
Readings For The Week
Mon: Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Lk 9:46-50
Tues: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a;
Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51
Wed: Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6; Lk 9:57-62
Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11; Lk 10:1-12
Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 18:1-5, 10
Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Lk 10:17-24
Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128:1-6; Heb 2:9-11;
Mk 10:2-16 [2-12]
This coming first Friday, October 2nd, at 6pm the
Knights of Columbus and the Elk Grove Squires will
be honoring our Holy Mother Mary with their
monthly Living Rosary at our Parish rosary garden in
the front of the church. Candles will be provided. We
welcome all parishioner to attend. After the rosary,
please join us for First Friday Mass at 6:30pm and
Adoration in the church.
Second Collection
Today, our parish will have a second collection
for those affected by the valley and local wildfires.
Your generosity is appreciated.
Segunda Collecta
Hoy tendremos una segunda colecta a beneficio
de los damnificados por el valle y los incendios
forestales locales, por favor sea generoso.
Saint Joseph Parish
the end of the second century, a
churchman in North Africa, Tertullian, described an
early form of penance. Imagine if it had survived!
There were three steps to this very public ritual. The
unfortunate sinner was brought before the community
in an itchy garment of goat’s hair. The communities
of the day were small and intimate, and everyone
knew everyone else. The shame of exposure for a big
sin—murder, idolatry, or adultery—would have been
profound. The penitent would beg the community for
prayers of intercession, and then go sit in a place
assigned to penitents. After this public confession, the
penitent would be assigned some discipline, usually a
relatively severe fast, or the wearing of distinctive
garb. This remedy for sin was for a certain period of
time, or at least until the bishop (every small
community has its own bishop) judged that enough
was enough. Then the person would be readmitted to
the eucharistic community, although Tertullian
doesn’t tell us how. Probably the bishop tenderly
placed his hands on their heads, precisely where they
were anointed at baptism. We do know that the
readmission of penitents to the eucharistic table
became in some churches a great celebration, and
there are records from Spain of bishops leading
penitents in a dance-like processional into the
eucharistic hall on Holy Thursday.
dice a sus discípulos: “Les aseguro que no
quedará sin recompensa el que les dé de beber un vaso
de agua por el hecho de que ustedes pertenecen a
Cristo” (Marcos 9:41). De esta manera Jesús muestra
ser un buen judío. Existe una vieja tradición hebrea que
relata que Dios premia no sólo a sus santos, los profetas,
sino también a los discípulos del santo, y a quienes
ayudan y alimentan a los profetas o sus discípulos. Así
mismo, Dios abre las puertas de su generosidad con los
santos y quienes de una manera u otra están
relacionados con dicho profeta.
Nuestro Dios es un Dios generoso, por tal motivo,
ama a quien da con alegría. Los cristianos somos
receptores de la generosidad del Dios de Israel, ya que
éste no nos negó a su propio Hijo. Desde el principio del
cristianismo la generosidad de tiempo, talento y dinero
han sido la señal palpable de nuestro amor fraterno.
Jesús promete que esta generosidad será premiada en
esta vida y en la vida eterna. Seamos generosos.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The Shaker hymn describes a circular journey
from innocence to innocence with characteristic
’Tis the gift to be simple, ’tis the gift to be free.
’Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be.
This journey is easier sung about than done. It
takes humility and time to recover a second
innocence. Titles, positions of honor, money, and
power are not requirements of the kingdom of God.
Jesus says and demonstrates in today’s Gospel that
members of God’s kingdom must hold in their
embrace the most inconsequential of persons, for that
person is identified with Jesus. This attitude ran
counter to the intuition of the world of Jesus’ time, as
it does in ours.
The simplicity set forth by Jesus requires the
shedding of unnecessary, unimportant, false, and
burdensome attachments that earthly power demands.
Membership in the Kingdom is light enough to put a
song in our heart.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
toca volver a aprender una y otra vez cuán
pródigo es nuestro Dios. Es como si Dios no pudiera
decir “no”. Por supuesto, que estamos de acuerdo
cuando Dios es pródigo conmigo—rico en
misericordia y perdón, generoso con su gracia. Pero
cuando se trata del otro –¿el enemigo, el pecador, el
hereje, el excluído? Pues entonces queremos que Dios
sea tan tacaño con esa persona como yo soy.
Moisés y Josué también querían un mundo así de
conveniente. Se preguntaban cómo es que el espíritu
de Dios se había posado sobre los dos que no se
aparecieron a la reunión –la Iglesia de hoy. Y los
apóstoles en el Evangelio se quejaron porque habían
unos haciendo milagros que en definitiva no eran
seguidores de Jesús. La extensa y libre generosidad de
Dios los confundió a todos. Que así sea, dice Jesús.
Por su parte, ustedes que guían a otros, continúen
siendo dignos de su vocación.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Saint Joseph Parish
Excerpted from The Joy of the Gospel
by Pope Francis
#10 The Gospel offers us the chance to live life
on a higher plane, but with no less intensity: “Life
grows by being given away, and it weakens in
isolation and comfort. Indeed, those who enjoy life
most are those who leave security on the shore and
become excited by the mission of communicating
life to others.” When the Church summons
Christians to take up the task of evangelization, she
is simply pointing to the source of authentic personal
fulfilment. For “here we discover a profound law of
reality: that life is attained and matures in the
measure that is offered up in order to give life to
others. This is certainly what mission means.”
Consequently, an evangelizer must never look like
someone who has just come back from a funeral?
Let us recover and deepen our enthusiasm, that
“delightful and comforting joy of evangelizing, even
when it is in tears that we must sow...And may the
world of our time, which is searching, sometimes
with anguish, sometimes with hope, be enabled to
receive the good news not from evangelizers who
are dejected, discouraged, impatient, or anxious, but
from ministers of the Gospel whose lives glow with
fervor, who have first received the joy of Christ.”
#21 The Gospel joy which enlivens the
community of disciples is a missionary joy. The
seventy-two disciples felt it as they returned from
their mission (cf. Lk 10:17). Jesus felt it when he
rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and praised the Father for
revealing himself to the poor and the little ones. (cf
Lk10:21), It was felt by the first converts who
marveled to hear the apostles preaching “in the
native language of each” (Acts 2;6) on the day of
Pentecost. This joy is a sign that the Gospel has been
proclaimed and is bearing fruit. Yet the drive to go
forth and give, to go out from ourselves, to keep
pressing forward in our sowing of the good seed,
remains ever present. The Lord says: “Let us go on
to the next towns that I may preach there also, for
that is why I came out” (Mk 1:38). Once the seed
has been sown in one place, Jesus does not stay
behind to explain things or to preform more signs;
the Spirit moves him to go forth to other towns.
Submit bulletin Articles by Friday 12 noon
(one week prior ) to:
e-mail: [email protected]
A Catholic education is an investment in your
child’s spiritual and academic future. Elk Grove’s
only Catholic elementar y school, St. Elizabeth
Ann Seton, is accepting Kindergarten applications
for the 2016-2017 school-year through December
18, 2015. Please visit our website at: Applications can be
downloaded from our website or through our school
office located at: 9539 Racquet Court, Elk Grove,
CA 95758. School tours are offered on Thursday
Please call our school office 916-684-7903 to
schedule. Prospective Kindergarten students must be
five years old by September 1, 2016 to apply for the
2016-2017 school year. May God bless our Elk
Grove Catholic families! Mrs. Koontz, Principal
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Open
Informational Meeting
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School is
hosting an informational meeting on Sunday,
October 4th at St. J oseph’s right after the 11am
Mass. Join us for a short presentation to learn how
your child can benefit from a Catholic Education.
Join us for a Bible Study of
the Psalms
The first session of the Sunday Bible Study series
on the Psalms will begin on October 4th, in
St. Anthony’s room. The ser ies will continue
Sundays (usually 3 times per month) at 12:15 –
1:45 pm, until May 2016. Visit Deb in the
vestibule on September 27, after the 7:30am
Mass and between the 9am and 11am masses to sign
up and to order. Come and See: David and the
Psalms. You may contact Deb by email at
[email protected].
Immaculate Heart Radio Needs
Your Help!
September 28th- October 1st
Volunteering a few hours of your time to assist us
in answering phone calls during our September
Pledge Drive would be a blessing to us.
Meet the announcer staff, enjoy food, fun and
fellowship and even win some great books, movies
and CD’s. Contact Nicole Cardin today:
[email protected] or call 888-887-7120.
Saint Joseph Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Society News
"If anyone wishes to be first, he
shall be the last of all and the
servant of all." This was Father
Brian's theme on the September 20th
bulletin. Father wrote that The "child"
in our midst today is the poor, the
hungry, the sick, the outcast, the lonely, and the
forgotten. To serve them is to serve the One sent and
the One who sent Him. This is what the members do
at the Society of St Vincent de Paul ministry. Come
join us at one of out meetings and learn how we
We will be meeting on October 6, 2015 at
7:00pm in the Renwald Room. We look for war d
to meeting you.
Our members are happy to announce the election
of a new President, Cathy O'Neil. Cathy is a long
time member of the EGSVdP conference and we
look forward to serving with her. Her first meeting
will be on October 6, come and say hello.
Congratulations Cathy!!!
If you or someone you know is in need of help
with food, clothing or utilities, please call our
confidential hot line at 916-667-2779. One of our
volunteers will return your call to schedule a home
visit to discuss your needs. God Bless you.
Knights of Columbus Luau Dinner
Aloha. It is once again time for The Knights of
Columbus Annual Luau Dinner. The Luau will be
held Saturday, October 17, 2015 in the Social Hall
at 6:00pm. No host bar starts at 5:30pm and dinner
from 6:30-8:00pm. Tickets can be pur chased in
the vestibule after each mass. Tickets are: adults
$15.00, kids $8.00 6-12, (under 5 free). The menu
consist: roasted pig or ribs, Chicken Teriyaki,
Macaroni Salad and steamed rice. There will be live
entertainment with Hula dancing and raffle prizes.
To include a Flat Screen TV and a Blu Ray Player.
Just to name a few. I am at this time of course
asking for more donations. Of course, I would
appreciate the help from all of my Brother Knights.
Let’s make this year’s Luau a big success. Please
join us for the fun. You can always ask any Brother
Knight or contact Don Schulte 916-317-7519 for
more information.
Noticias de la Sociedad de S.V. de Paúl
"Si alguno quiere ser el primero, que sea el último de todos y el servidor de todos " . Éste fue el
tema del Padre Brian el Domingo pasado. El Padre
escribió, " El niño " en medio de nosotros hoy en
día, es el pobre, el hambriento, el enfermo, el marginado, el solitario y el olvidado. Servirlos a ellos es
servir al Enviado y al que lo Envió a Él. Esto es lo
que hacemos como miembros de la Sociedad de San
Vicente de Paúl. Acompáñenos a nuestras juntas y
vea como servimos. Nuestra próxima junta es el
martes 6 de Octubre, a las 7pm, en el Salón Renwald. Todos son bienvenidos.
Tenemos mucho gusto en anunciar la elección de
nuestra nueva Presidenta, la Sra. Cathy O'Neil, ella
ha sido miembro de nuestra Sociedad por muchos
años y estamos deseosos de poderla ayudar a Servir.
Su primera junta como Presidenta será el 6 de
Octubre, por favor vengan a saludar la. !!!
Muchas felicidades Cathy!!!
Si usted o alguien que usted conoce necesita
ayuda de comida, ropa, muebles o renta, por favor
llame a nuestra línea confidencial, al 916-667-2779
y deje mensaje. Cuando le regresemos su llamada,
platicaremos sus necesidades en su casa. Que Dios
los bendiga.
La Cena Luau con los Caballeros de
Aloha. Una vez más es tiempo de nuestra fiesta y
banquete tradicional hawaiano patrocinado por los
Caballeros de Colón. Nuestro Luau será el sábado 17
de Octubre, 2015 en el Salón Social a par tir de las
6 de la tarde. Puer tas y bar r a se abr ir án a las 5:30
pm, la cena se servirá de 6:30pm a 8:00 pm. Los
boletos se pueden comprar en el área del vestíbulo
después de cada misa. Los boletos cuestan $15
dólares adultos y $8 dólares niños de 6 a 12 años
(menores de 5 entran gratis). El menú consiste de:
Puerco y costillas rostizadas, Pollo Teriyaki,
Ensalada de Macarrones y arroz al vapor. Habrá
entretenimiento en vivo con baile de Hula y rifas con
fabulosos premios. Por mencionar algunos; Televisor
de Pantalla Plana, un reproductor de Blu Ray y
muchos otros. Solicitamos de más donaciones, y por
supuesto apreciaremos la ayuda de nuestros
Caballeros de Colón. Vamos a hacer de esta fiesta
Luau un gran suceso! Por favor únanse con nosotros
para la diversión. Para más información pueden
contactar al Sr. Don Schulte al 916-317-7519 o
cualquiera de nuestros Caballeros De Colón.
Saint Joseph Parish
Youth Ministry News
High School Youth Ministry
will begin
meeƟng on September 27 from 6-8pm in the
Youth Room in the social hall.
will begin meeƟng on September 28th in the
Social Hall from 6:30-8pm. Please arrive early for
check-in before the meeƟng starts.
¡Noticias Del Ministerio
El Ministerio Juvenil de High School
empezará a reunirse el domingo 27 de SepƟembre
de 6 a 8pm en el salón de jovenes.
El programa de EDGE
reunirá el lunes 28 de
SepƟembre en el salón social de 6:30 a 8pm. Por
favor llegar temprano para registrarse antes de
empezar la junta.
at St. Vincent De Paul will begin meeƟng on
September 29th from 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room.
Please arrive early for check-in before the meeƟng
1:8 Program ConfirmaƟon Dates
Year 2 ConfirmaƟon will meet on September 27th
from 2:30-4pm in the Social Hall. Our first topic is
“Grace Perfected: The Sacrament of ConfirmaƟon.
Youth Ministry Mass
Thank you to those who parƟcipated in our youth
ministered mass on Sunday, September 20th at the
5pm mass. Youth Ministry Mass will fall on every
third Sunday of the month. Our next mass will fall
on Sunday October 18th at the 5pm mass.
[email protected] to sign up and
volunteer for the Youth Ministry Mass.
El programa de EDGE en San Vicente de
Paul se reunirá el martes 29 de SepƟembre de 7 a
8:30pm en el salón de jovenes. Por favor llegar
temprano para registrarse antes de empezar la
Fechas de Confirmación para el Progrma
Confirmación Año-2 se reunirá el domingo 27 de
SepƟembre de 2:30 a 4pm en el salon social.
Nuestro primer tema será: “La Gracia Perfecta: El
Sacramento de Confirmación.”
Misa del Ministerio Juvenil
Muchas gracias a todos quienes parƟciparon en
nuestra misa organizada por nuestros jóvenes el
pasado domingo 20 de SepƟembre a las 5 de la tarde.
La misa del Ministerio Juvenil se realiza cada tercer
domingo del mes. uestra próxima misa será el
domingo 18 de Octubre en la misa de 5 de la tarde.
Por favor contactar a la Sra. Stacy McCarley a través
de su correo electrónico [email protected]
para ser voluntario en la Misa del Ministerio Juvenil.
FCCW - Women’s Study &
Fellowship Group
SVdP Family Picnic-Voyage of Sub’s
Don’t forget the SVDP’s Annual Church Picnic is
this Sunday Sept. 27th. Our voyage of “Subs at
Stonehouse” will run from 11:00am – 2:30pm at
Stonehouse Park Gazebo.
40 Days For Life
Opening Mass for the Lenten 40 Days for Life
Starts on Wednesday, September 23rd – November 1st
at the Women's Health Specialists abortion clinic at
1482 Ethan Way and Hallmark, Sacramento. SVDP
Church prayer time will be every Wednesday from
11am to 1:00pm. Car pooling will be leaving fr om
SVDP Church at 10:15. If you are interested, please
contact Lynn King at [email protected] or
Free Medicare Seminar
We would like to invite you to the annual
presentation regarding Medicare and the changes for
2016, at the SVdP Church, Anderson Hall, Saturday
Oct. 3rd at 10:00am. This is not a sales event of
any kind, just an informative and educational
presentation. To reserve a seat please call Sue Sipe at
916-354-8578. Additional information can be
discussed at a separate, private appointment.
The 10th annual Divine Mercy Conference will be
held on Saturday, October 3, 2015 at Divine Mercy
Parish, 2231 Club Center Dr ive, Sacr amento, CA
95835. Speakers include drugs-to-priesthood, Fr. Don
Calloway, MIC; Christine Watkins, a former atheist,
Mike Solton, personal testimony and John Watkins,
diocese plan for Year of Mercy. Tickets are $20 in
advance or $25 at the door. For tickets call Lynn King
at 687-6442 or email [email protected]
Flue Shot Clinic!
We will hold a Flu Shot Clinic here at SVdP on
Saturday October 10, 2015 fr om 3:30 to 5:00pm.
Save the DATE
Beer Brats and Bingo is Coming
Save the 7th of November for a fun evening.
Please SEE The Rest of Our Bulletin.
There are hidden gems Throughout!
Please see page 5 regarding CFF Corner.
Articles for this column should be submitted to Bill no
later than Wednesday of the week before it is to be
published. This deadline will vary for holidays.
The Fellowship of Catholic
Christian Women invites all
women of the parish to join us
as we continue our study of
Psalms: Invitation to Prayer.
October 1, 2015, in St. Peter’s
room, 7 – 9 pm. To be
prepared, please read Psalms 10 and 80.
More questions? Contact Deb at
[email protected]. For mor e info about
FCCW go to http://
Christian Brothers High School
Open House
Join us for Open House on Sunday, October 4,
from 11a.m. to 2p.m. Stop by and see firsthand why
CB is the place to be for exceptional academic
programs, the arts, athletics and more – all in a faithfilled, nurturing community. Highlights of the day
include campus tours including the engineering labs
and CB’s award-winning television studio - KBFT,
an art exhibition, performances by the band and
choir, academic department information tables and
more. Informational presentations are scheduled for
11:30am and 12:30pm.Visit
to register.
Are you retired or have Tuesday mornings free?
We would love to have you join us at the Women's
Health Specialists Clinic located at 1442 Ethan
way, acr oss fr om the East Gate at Cal Expo, to
pray, meditate and/or hold signs during our 40 Days
for Life event. This is a peaceful 2 hours spent
praying for the Unborn babies, their mothers and
fathers. We will meet on Tuesday, September 29th
for Mass at 8:00am here at St. Joseph, followed by
prayers from 9:00am to 11:00am at the clinic; this
will occur every Tuesday through October 27th.
Please join us and help save lives. For more
information, call Dee or Joe at 685-5679.

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