09NA12.Bibliograf 125-128


09NA12.Bibliograf 125-128
África General
AHLUWALIA, P. & ZEGEYE, A. (eds): African Identities: Contemporary Political and
Social Challenges. Ashgate Publishers, Londres, 2002.
ALLMAN, J; GETGER, S. & MUSISI, N. (eds): Women in African Colonial Histories. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2002.
COOPER, F.: Africa since 1940: The Past of the Present. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2002.
CHABAL, P; BIRMINGHAM, D; FORREST, J.B. et al.: A History of Postcolonial Lusophone Africa. Hurst, Londres. 2002.
CHERU, F.: African Renaissance: Roadmaps to the Challenge of Globalisation. Zed
Books, Londres, 2002.
DEUTSCH, J.G; SCHMIDT, H. & PROBST, P. (eds).: African Modernities: Entangled Meanings in Current Debate. James Currey Publishers, Londres, 2002.
EHRET, C.: Civilizations of Africa: A History to 1800. James Currey Publishers, Londres, 2002.
GARLAKE, P.: Early Art and Architecture of Africa. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.
INIESTA, F. & ROCA, A. (eds).: África en la frontera occidental. Casa de África, Madrid, 2002.
MANNIX, D.P.: Black Cargoes: A History of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 2002.
MERIWETHER, J.: Proudly we can be Africans: Black Americans and Africa, 19351961. University of North Carolina Press, 2002.
SHEPHERD, V. (ed).: Working Slavery, Pricing Freedom: Perspectives from the Caribbean, Africa and the African Diaspora. James Currey Publishers, Londres, 2002.
SIMEÓN RIERA, J.D.: El mite d’Àfrica. Els exploradors vuitcentistes i la seua visió de
l’alteritat africana. Universitat de València, 2002.
TARIQ, A.: Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity. Verso, Londres, 2002.
África del Norte-Magreb
AHMED, A.: Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History and Society. Routledge, Londres, 2002.
BENNOUNE, M.: The Making of Contemporary Algeria, 1830-1987: Colonial Upheavals and Postindependence Development. Cambridge University Press, Londres,
BUSH, R. (ed.): Counter-Revolution in Egypt's Countryside: Land and Farmers in the
Era of Economic Reform. Zed Books, Londres, 2002.
MAROZZI, J.: South from Barbary: Along the Slave Routes of the Lybian Sahara. Harper Collins, Londres, 2002.
WEISS, H. (ed.): Social Welfare in Muslim Societies in Africa. Nordic Africa Institute,
Uppsala, 2002.
África Occidental
ADEBAJO, A.: Building Peace in West Africa: Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea Bissau. Rienner, Londres, 2002.
ADEBAJO, A.: Liberia's Civil War: Nigeria, Ecomog and Regional Security in West
Africa. Lynne Rienner, USA, 2002.
DIBIE, R.A.: Public Management and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. MilitaryBureaucracy Relationship. Ashgate, Londres, 2002.
LEJEAL, F.: Le Burkina Faso. Karthala, París, 2002.
LE PAGE, M. & VIDAL, C. (eds.): La Côte d'Ivoire. L'Année Terrible, 1999-2000. Karthala, París, 2002.
NUGENT, P.: Smugglers, Secessionists and Loyal Citizens on the Ghana-Togo Frontier: The Lie of the Borderlands Since 1914. James Currey Publishers, Londres,
O'BRIEN, D.B.C; DIOP, M.C. & DIOUF, M. (eds.): La construction de l'État au Sénégal. Karthala, París, 2002.
SHAW, R.: Memories of the Slave Trade: Ritual and Historical Imagination in Sierra
Leone. Chicago University Press. Chicago. 2002.
TOULMIN, C; DEVILLE, P.L. & TRAORÉ, S. (eds.): Dynamics of Resource Tenure in
West Africa. James Currey Publishers, Londres, 2002.
VAN BEUSEKOM, M.: Negotiating Development: African Farmers and Colonial Experts. James Currey Publishers, Londres, 2002.
África Oriental-Cuerno de África
ANDERSON, D.: Eroding the Commons: The Politics of Ecology in Baringo, Kenya.
1890s-1963. James Currey Publishers, 2002.
ANTANWU, C.N.D.: The Days of Terror. Spectrum Books, Nigeria, 2002.
BROCKINGTON, D.: Fortress Conservation: The Preservation of Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania. James Currey Publishers, Londres, 2002.
CHAMI, F. & PWITI, G. (eds.): Southern Africa and the Swahili World. Dar es Salaam
University Press, 2002.
DONHAM, D. & JAMES, W. (eds.): The Southern Marches of Imperial Ethiopia: Essays
in the History and Social Anthropology. James Currey Publishers, Londres, 2002.
JAMES, W; DONHAM, D.L; KUNIMOTO, E. & TRIULZI, A. (eds.): Remapping Ethiopia:
Socialism and After. James Currey Publishers, Londres, 2002.
LEWIS, I.M.: A Modern History of the Somali: Nation and State in the Horn of Africa.
James Currey Publishers, 2002.
MBELLE, A.V.Y; MJEMA, G.D. & KILINDO, A.A.L. (eds.): Nyerere Legacy and Economic Policy-Making in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam University Press, 2002.
OWINO, J.: Kenya: Into the 21st Century. Minerva Press, Londres, 2002.
PHILLIPSON, D.W.: Ancient Ethiopia: Aksum; Its Antecedents and Successors. British
Museum Press, Londres, 2002.
SSEKAMWA, J.C. & LUGUMBA, S.M.E.: A History of Education in East Africa. Fountain
Publishers, Kampala, 2002.
África Central
ARDENER, S.: Swedish Ventures in Cameroon, 1883-1923. Berghan Books, USA,
BALE, J.: Imagined Olympians: Body Culture and Colonial Representation in Rwanda. University of Minnesota Press, 2002.
CLARK, J.F.: African Stakes in the Congo War. St. Martin’s Press, USA, 2002.
GRAY, C.J.: Colonial Rule and Crisis in Equatorial Africa: Southern Gabon, 18501940. University of Rochester Press, 2002.
MALON, J.L.: Construire un démocratie consensuelle au Rwanda. L’Harmattan, París, 2002.
POTTIER, J.: Re-imagining Rwanda: Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in the Late
Twentieth Century. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
UMUTESI, M.B.: Fugir o morir al Zaire. Pagès Editors, Lleida, 2002. (Hay edición en
castellano en Editorial Milenio).
ZELTNER, J.C.: Histoire des Arabes sur les Rives du Lac Tchad. Karthala, París, 2002.
África Austral
BLAIR, D.: Degrees in Violence: Robert Mugabe and the Struggle for Power in Zimbabwe. Continuum, Londres, 2002.
COMPAGNON, D. & MOKOPAKGOSI, E. (dirs.): Le Botswana Contemporain. Karthala,
París, 2002.
ELDREDGE, E.: A South African Kingdom. The Pursuit of Security in Nineteenth-Cen-
tury Lesotho. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
HEBINCK, P. & BOURDILLON, M.F.C. (eds.): Women, Men and Work: Rural Livelihoods in South-Eastern Zimbabwe. Weaver Press, Harare, 2002.
MAZONDE, I.N. (ed.): Minorities in the Millenium: Perspectives from Botswana.
Lightbooks Publishers, Gaborone, 2002.
McDONALD, D.A. et al. (eds.): Environmental Justice in South Africa. Ohio University Press, Athens, 2002.
NHERA, A.: Democracy in Zimbabwe. From Liberation to Liberalization. Zimbabwe
University Publications, Harare, 2002.
OSADA, M.: Sanctions and Honorary Whites: Diplomatic Policies and Economic Realities in Relations Between Japan and South Africa. Greenwood, USA, 2002.
WEST, M.O.: The Rise of An African Middle Class: Colonial Zimbabwe, 1898-1965.
Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2002.
AL-SHAYKH, H.: Esto es Londres. Ediciones del Bronce, Barcelona, 2002.
BELL, R.M.: Understanding African Philosophy: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Classical and Contemporary Issues. Routledge, USA, 2002.
BRINK, A.: Los derechos del deseo. Ediciones del Bronce, Barcelona, 2002.
CHIWOME, E.M.: Social History of the Shona Novel. Mambo Press, Gweru, 2002.
COETZEE, J.M.: Youth. Secker and Warburg, Londres, 2002.
DJEBAR, A.: Les nits d’Estrasburg. Edicions 62, Barcelona, 2002. (Hay edición en
castellano en Alfaguara).
DJEBAR, A.: Ombra Sultana. Edicions 62, Barcelona, 2002.
LESSING, D.: El somni més dolç. La Magrana, Barcelona, 2002.
UKADIKE, N.F.: Questioning African Cinema: Conversations with Filmmakers. University of Minnesota Press, 2002.
XUKRI, M.: Amor i malediccions. Bromera, Alzira, 2002.

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