Author alphabetical order – Up date March 3, 2009


Author alphabetical order – Up date March 3, 2009
(Author alphabetical order – Up date March 3, 2009)
1. Acuña Chinchilla, P. I. 1986. Morfología de Stryphnodendrom [Stryphnodendron]
excelsum Harms (Leguminosae,Mimosaceae). Tesis de Licenciatura.
Universidad de Costa Rica.
2. Aguilar Amuchastegui, N. 1999. Criterios e indicadores de sostenibilidad
ecológica: caracterización de la respuesta de dos grupos de insectos
propuestos como verificadores. Tesis de Maestría. CATIE.
3. Alverson, W. S. 1986. Quararibea Aubl. s.l. (Bombacaceae) in Mexico, Central
America and the Antilles: a taxonomic study. Ph.D. Dissertation. University
of Wisconsin.
4. Ambrose, M. 1994. A growth and yield model for two species of native Costa
Rican hardwoods grown in plantation. M.Sc. Thesis. North Carolina State
5. Amsberry, Lindsay K. 2003. Dispersers and herbivores: the positive and negative
effects of consumers on plants. M.Sc. Thesis. University of Montana.
6. Andersen, H. F. 2007. Is genetic polymorphism in invasive insects reflected in
ecology and behavior? The case of Xylosandrus morigerus (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in Costa Rica. M.Sc. Thesis. University of
7. Anderson Olivas, E. 2004. Ecological and social implications of hydropower
development on a neotropical river system, Costa Rica. Ph.D. Dissertation.
University of Georgia.
8. Araya Fallas, M. 1998. Depredación de nidadas artificiales en fragmentos de
bosque rodeados por monocultivos de banano. Tesis de Maestría.
Universidad de Costa Rica.
9. Archibald, S. B. 2007. Climate and species diversity: the Eocene Okanagan
highlands insect view. Ph.D. Dissertation. Harvard University.
10. Arnáez Serrano, E. 2005. Fenología y algunos aspectos del desarrollo radicular
en Vochysia ferruginea (Botarrama) en Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Rica.
Tesis de Maestría. Universidad de Costa Rica.
11. Arroyo Mora, J. Pablo. 2008. Natural forest management plans in Costa Rica: A
potential framework for assessing tree biodiversity. Ph.D. Dissertation.
University of Connecticut .
12. Baechler, B. S. 1987. Paramyxovirus and hematozoan infections in birds of
tropical rain forests and agricultural areas of Costa Rica. M.Sc. Thesis.
University of Wisconsin.
13. Baker, D. C. 2000. Wood density patterns of young Costa Rican trees in planted
and natural forests. M.Sc Thesis. Oregon State University.
14. Beach, J. H. 1983. The evolutionary ecology of flowering plant sexual systems.
Ph.D.Dissertation. University of Massachusetts .
15. Beard, F. 1989. The feeding ecology of tropical freshwater fish in three Costa
Rican rivers. Tesis de Bachilleato. University of Birmingham.
16. Bell, K. E. 2005. Conservation ecology of amphibians and reptiles in Sarapiquí,
Costa Rica: forest fragmentation and long-term population change. MSc.
Thesis. Florida State University.
17. Bello y Bello, M. B. 1997. Biología de la dispersión de las Marantaceae en dos
selvas tropicales de Costa Rica: interacción con hormigas. Tesis
[Licenciatura]. Universidad Autónoma de México.
18. Bellow, J. G. 2000. Canopy variation in overstory species and assessment of light
availability for shaded crops in agroforestry systems. M.Sc. Thesis.
University of Florida.
19. Bergeson, D. J. 1996. The positional behavior and prehensile tail use of Alouatta
palliata, Ateles geoffroyi, and Cebus capucinus. Ph.D. Dissertation.
Washington University.
20. Best, L. 1988. A study of the importance of shading in native species trials for
reforestation of abandoned pasture in the Sarapiquí region, Costa Rica.
B.Sc.Thesis.[Tesis de Bachillerato]. University of Birmingham.
21. Bien, A. R. 1982. Substrate specificity of leafy liverworts (Hepaticae:
Lejeuneaceae) in a Costa Rican rain forest. M.S. Thesis. State University
of New York.
22. Bigelow, S. W. 1992. Nutrient content and resorption in leaves of tropical wet
forest plants of varied stature and life form. M.S. Thesis. University of
23. Bigelow, S. W. 1998. Stand rotation frequency as a determinant of leaching in the
humid tropics. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Florida.
24. Blankenship, E. L. 1993. The effects of diet on the predatory larva of the smoky
jungle frog (Leptodactylidae: Leptodactylus pentadactylus). M.S. Thesis.
Auburn University.
25. Bodner, G. S. S. 2002. Biodiversity assessment and systematics of neotropical
jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) . Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
26. Boyko, A. R. 2005. The evolution of warning coloration in Heliconius butterflies.
Ph.D.Dissertation. Purdue University.
27. Boyle, B. L. 1996. Changes on altitudinal and latitudinal gradients in neotropical
montane forests. Washington University.
28. Boyle, W. A. 2006. Why do birds migrate? The role of food, habitat, predation and
competition. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Arizona.
29. Braker, H. E. 1986. Host plant relationships of the neotropical forest grasshopper,
Microtylopteryx hebardi Rehn (Acrididae: Ommatolampinae). Ph.D.
Dissertation. University of California.
30. Bratt, A. l. 1991. The influence of canopy gaps on decomposition rates of
Pentaclethra macroloba in tropical rainforest. M.S. Thesis. Colorado State
31. Breitsprecher, A. A. 1987. Stem-growth periodicity of trees in a tropical wet forest
of Costa Rica. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Washington.
32. Brooke, A. P. 1987. Natural history of the Honduran white bat, Ectophylla alba, in
Costa Rica. M.A. Thesis. Boston University.
33. Budowski, G. 1961. Studies on forest succession in Costa Rica and Panama.
Ph.D. Dissertation. Yale University.
34. Buhi, C. W. 1997. Soil hydraulic properties in two tropical lowland forests: Jatsun
Sacha, Ecuador and La Selva, Costa Rica. M.S. Thesis. University of
35. Burcham, J. 1985. Fish communities and environmental characteristics of two
lowland streams in Costa Rica. M.S.Thesis. Texas A&M University.
36. Butterfield, R. 1993. Tropical timber species growth in the Atlantic lowlands of
Costa Rica and woody variation of two native species. Ph.D. Dissertation.
North Carolina State University.
37. Byrne, M. M. 1991. Ecology and coexistence mechanisms of tropical twig-dwelling
ants. M.S. Thesis. University of Florida.
38. Canet-Desanti, L. 2007. Herramientas para el diseño, gestión y monitoreo de
corredores biológicos en Costa Rica.Tesis de Maestría. Centro
Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza.
39. Cardelús, C. L. 2002. Distribution and abundance of vascular epiphytes in tropical
wet forests: a multi-scale approach. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
40. Carlson, J. E. 2007. Floral traits, pollinator behavior, and plant reproduction: tests
of natural and sexual selection in the hummingbird-pollinated herb
Chrysothemis friedrichsthaliana. Ph.D. Dissertation. Louisiana State
41. Carney, K. M. 2003. The influence of plant diversity and land use on the
composition and function of soil microbial communities. Ph.D.Dissertation.
Stanford University.
42. Carvajal Vanegas, D. 2004. Intercepción de precipitación en dos especies
forestales nativas: Vochysia guatemalensis y Vochysia ferruginea
(Vochysiaceae).Tesis de Bachillerato.
43. Casey, M. 1996. Throughfall in a forestry plantation at the La Selva Biological
Station, Costa Rica. M.Sc. Thesis. University of Tennessee.
44. Castillo Centeno, V. E. 1986. Factores ecológicos y de mercado de la
reproducción de Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima y Kinosternon scorpioides
(Testudines: Emydidae y Kinosternidae) en Costa Rica . Tesis de
Licenciatura. Universidad de Costa Rica.
45. Castillo Núñez, M. 1999. Creación y validación de un mapa de cobertura vegetal,
usando imágenes del satélite Landsat 5, en Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí.
Tesis de Bachillerato. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica.
46. Cavaleri, M. A. 2007. Ecosystem respiration and foliar morphology of a primary
tropical rain forest: the effects of canopy structure and environmental
radients.Ph.D.Dissertation. Colorado State University.
47. Chaverri E., P. 1992. Diagnóstico preliminar de microorganismos patógenos en
doce especies forestales nativas de la Región Huetar Norte de Costa Rica.
Tesis de Bachillerato. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica.
48. Chazdon, R. L. 1984. Ecophysiology and architecture of three rain forest
understory palm species. Ph.D. Dissertation. Cornell University.
49. Chehrezad, D. 2005. Effects of management on Lepidoptera and parasitoids in
tropical banana agroecosystems. M.Sc. Thesis. San José State University.
50. Chen, S. H. 2001. Cytogenetic study of the lower Central American frogs of the
subgenus Craugastor (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Eleutherodactylus).
Ph.D.Dissertation. University of Miami.
51. Chun, Sara L. M. 2008. The utility of digital aerial surveys in censusing Dipteryx
panamensis, the key food and nesting tree of the endangered great green
macaw (Ara ambigua) in Costa Rica. Ph.D.Dissertation. Duke University.
52. Cifuentes Jara, Miguel. 2008. Aboveground biomass and ecosystem carbon pools
in tropical secondary forests growing in six life zones of Costa Rica. Ph.D.
Dissertation. Oregon State University.
53. Clark, M. L. 2005. An assessment of hyperspectral and lidar remote sensing for
the monitoring of tropical rain forest trees. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
54. Corella Rodríguez, O. 2001. Elaboración de un mapa histórico del cambio de uso
del suelo en la Estación Biológica La Selva, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí,
Heredia. Tesis de Bachillerato. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica.
55. Corrales Molina, L. F. 1986. Patrones espacio-temporales de la floración de
especies de Heliconia en Costa Rica: la dinámica del polen y de
explotación del néctar por colibríes. Tesis de Maestría. Universidad de
Costa Rica.
56. Crawford, A. J. 2000. The evolution and maintenance of a color pattern
polymorphism in neotropical frogs. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
57. Cunningham, S. A. 1995. The reproductive ecology of Calyptrogyne
ghiesbreghtiana: a rain forest understory palm. Ph.D. Dissertation.
University of Connecticut.
58. Dauphin López, G. 2000. The Genus Ceratolejeunea Jack & Steph. (Hepaticae:
Lejeuneaceae) in tropical America.[Ph.D. Dissertation] . Georg-AugustUniversität zu Göttingen.
59. De La Fuente, M. A. S. 1995. Sources of variation in the efficacy of ant-tended
extrafloral nectaries as an antiherbivore defense for Stryphnodendron
microstachyum Poeppig & Endl. M.S. Thesis. University of Missouri.
60. Delgado Hidalgo, G. 1997. Impacto de sistemas mixtos y de monocultivo de
especies forestales nativas sobre las poblaciones de artrópodos del
mantillo. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad de Costa Rica.
61. Deuth, D. A. 1980. The protection of Cassia fruticosa (Leguminosae) from
herbivores by ants foraging at the foliar nectaries. M.A. Thesis. University
of Colorado.
62. DeWalt, S. J. 2003. The invasive tropical shrub Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae)
in its native and introduced ranges: Tests of hypotheses of invasion. Ph.D.
Dissertation. The Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical
63. Donnelly, M. A. 1987. Territoriality in the poison-dart frog Dendrobates pumilio
(Anura: Dendrobatidae). Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Miami.
64. Drake, J. B. 2001. Estimation of tropical forest aboveground biomass using largefootprint lidar (Costa Rica). Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Maryland.
65. Drewe, K. E. 2003. Insectivore to frugivore: Ontogenetic changes in gut
morphology and digestive enzyme activity in the characid fish Brycon
guatemalensis from Costa Rican rain forest streams . M.Sc. Thesis.
California State University at Fullerton.
66. Dunn, R. R. 2003. Fauna in an abandoned landscape: Animal responses to
tropical forest regeneration at multiple scales. Ph.D.Dissertation. The
University of Connecticut.
67. Dupuy, J. M. 2000. Dynamics of woody seedling and sapling recruitment in
second-growth tropical wet forests: an experimental approach. Ph. D.
Dissertation. University of Connecticut.
68. Dyer, L. A. 1994. Lepidopteran larval defenses against predators in tropical and
temperate systems: the importance of diet breadth and chemistry. Ph.D.
Dissertation. University Colorado.
69. Engelbrecht, B. M. J. 1998. Ökologie und Ökophysiologie von koexistierenden
Piper - Arten im Unterwuchs tropischer Regenwälder. Ph.D. Dissertation.
Technischen Universität Darmstadt.
70. Enríquez-Rocha, P. L. 1995. Abundancia relativa, uso de habitat y conocimiento
popular de los Strigiformes en un bosque húmedo tropical en Costa Rica.
Tesis de Maestría. Universidad Nacional.
71. Espinoza, F., and R. E. Owens. 2007. Identifying roads and trains under canopy
using lidar. M.Sc.Thesis. Naval Postgraduate School .
72. Evans, S. 1997. The green republic: a conservation history of Costa Rica, 18381996. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Kansas.
73. Fallas Castillo, A. 1997. Diagnóstico de las poblaciones de insectos herbívoros
asociados a dos especies forestales Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemao y
Pentaclethra macroloba (Will) Ktze.Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí,Heredia
.Tesis de Bachillerato. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica.
74. Ferris, J. S. 1997. Landscape analysis of a lowland tropical forest based on
remotely sensed spectral reflectance and thermal response characteristics.
Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Georgia.
75. Flietner, D. W. 1987. Root distribution of two communities in abandoned pastures
in the humid tropics. M.S. Thesis. University of Florida.
76. Flores Llampa, B. 2005. Efectos de la fragmentación del hábitat sobre la ecología
reproductiva de Quararibea ochrocalyx (K. Schum) Vischer en el bosque
húmedo de Costa Rica. Tesis de Maestría . CATIE.
77. Franz, N. M. 1999. Biología reproductiva de algunas ciclantáceas
(Cyclanthaceae) y de los picudos asociados (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Tesis de Maestría. Universidad de Costa Rica.
78. Frolking, S. E. 1993. Modeling soil climate controls on the exchange of trace
gases between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere. Ph.D.
Dissertation. University of New Hampshire.
79. Gallery, R. E. 2007. Seed banks, seed mortality, and the role of fungal
communities in neotropical forests. Ph.D.Dissertation. University of Illinois.
80. Garrison, J. S. E. 1995. Traplining foraging behavior in a tropical hummingbird
species Phaethoriis superciliosus. M.S. Thesis. University of British
81. Gentry, A. H. 1969. Tabebuia (Bignoniaceae) in Central America. M.S. Thesis.
University of Wisconsin.
82. Gentry, G. L. 1998. Mutualistic interactions between parasotoids and a neotropical
extrafloral nectary plant in the Solanaceae. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
83. Gerwing, J. J. 1993. Competitive effects of monocultures and a polyculture of
three tropical tree species on understory plant growth. M.Sc. Thesis.
University of Florida.
84. Goldwasser, L. P. 1987. I. Branching patterns, generating rules, and astogenetic
trajectories in Bugula (Cheilostomata, Bryozoa). II. Mutualism and its
ecological and evolutionary consequences. Ph.D. Dissertation. University
of California.
85. González Jiménez, E. 1996. Tropical tree species for reforestation: studies on
seed storage, foliar nutrient content and wood variation. Ph.D. Dissertation.
Texas A&M University.
86. Graham, D. L. 1996. Interactions of understory plants and frugivorous birds in a
lowland Costa Rican forest. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Miami.
87. Gray, A. R. 2001. Investigations of visual and acoustic communications in the
Neotropical frog Agalychnis calcarifer. M.Phil [Master Thesis]. University of
88. Green, G. C. 1989. Conservation projects in Central America: an analysis to
determine the ingredients for success. Ph.D. Dissertation. Oxford
89. Greig, N. 1991. Ecology of co-occurring species of neotropical Piper (Piperaceae):
distribution, reproductive biology, and seed predation. Ph.D. Dissertation.
University of Texas.
90. Grove, K. F. 1985. Reproductive biology of neotropical wet forest understory
plants. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Iowa.
91. Guevara Líos, C., and N. Zamora Cervantes. 1997. Evaluación del crecimiento y
productividad de cinco especies nativas plantadas en Sarapiquí, Heredia,
Costa Rica. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Nacional.
92. Gush, T. J. 1983. Chemical variation in the defensive secretion of four species of
Nasutitermes (Isoptera, Termitidae). M.A.Thesis. State University of New
93. Gutiérrez Vásquez, C. A. 2000. Efecto de la historia geológica del suelo y la
topografía sobre la distribución de palmas en un bosque húmedo tropical
en Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad de Antioquia.
94. Guyer, C. 1986. The role of food in regulating population density in a tropical
mainland anole, Norops humilis. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Miami.
95. Guzmán Alvarez, J. A. 1999. Red de drenajes extraída de un modelo de
elevación digital, generado con elevaciones de un altímetro-ratreador laser
(L VIS), en la Estación Biológica La Selva, Sarapiquí. Tesis de
Bachillerato. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica.
96. Haber, W. A. 1978. Evolutionary ecology of tropical mimetic butterflies
(Lepidoptera: Ithomiinae). Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Minnesota.
97. Hammel, B. E. 1984. Systematic treatment of the Cyclanthaceae, Marantaceae,
Cecropiaceae, Clusiaceae, Lauraceae and Moraceae for the flora of a wet
lowland tropical forest, Finca La Selva, Costa Rica. Ph.D. Dissertation.
Duke University.
98. Hanson, T. 2006. Effects of habitat fragmentation on the reproductive ecology and
conservation genetics of the almendro (Dipteryx panamensis), a keystone
rainforest tree. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Idaho.
99. Hartshorn, G. S. 1972. Ecological life history and population dynamics of
Pentaclethra macroloba, a tropical wet forest dominant and
Stryphnodendron excelsum, an occasional associate. Ph.D. Dissertation.
University of Washington.
100. Hazlett, D. L. 1981. Change in structure, growth, and decomposition during
succession in a species-rich forest in Honduras. Ph.D. Dissertation.
University of Washington.
101. Heaney, A. 1988. Ecological studies in six forests at a range of altitudes on
Volcán Barva, Costa Rica. M.Sc. Thesis. University of Stirling.
102. Heckel, G. 2000. Mating system and reproductive tactics in the white-lined bat,
Saccopteryx bilineata (Emballonuridae). Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
103. Herrera Rodríguez. M. 2008. Sustainable development in Costa Rica: a moral
geography. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Kansas.
104. Hilje Rodríguez, B. 2004. Distribución y abundancia de anfibios en bosques
tropicales húmedos con diferente estado de sucesión, Estación Biológica
La Selva, Sarapiquí, Costa Rica. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad de
Costa Rica.
105. Hines, K. N. 2000. Variation in vocalizations of male Dendrobates pumilio from La
Selva, Costa Rica. M.Sc. Thesis. Florida International University.
106. Hiremath, A. J. 1999. Nutrient use efficiency in simplified tropical ecosystems.
Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Florida.
107. Hummel, S. 1997. Stand development of Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae), a
neotropical secondary forest tree in Northern Costa Rica (1992-1996).
Ph.D. Dissertation. Oregon State University.
108. Huston, M. A. 1982. The effect of soil nutrients and light on tree growth and
interactions during tropical forest succession: experiments in Costa Rica.
Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Michigan.
109. Inouye, B. D. 1998. The role of aggregation at nested spatial scales for the
coexistence of competitors . Ph.D. Dissertation. Duke University.
110. Iriarte, S. V. 2001. Seedling growth and survivorship on native tree species in
response to light heterogeneity in wet second-growth forests of
Northeastern Costa Rica. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Connecticut.
111. Irons, J. G. III. 1993. Latitudinal gradients in leaf litter decomposition in streams:
effects of leaf chemistry and temperature. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
112. Janos, D. P. 1975. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth in a
Costa Rican lowland rainforest. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Michigan.
113. Janovec, J. P. 2000. A systematic study of Compsoneura (A. DC.) Warb., a
neotropical member of the nutmeg family (Myristicaceae). Texas A&M
114. Joerger, A. G. 1991. Central Volcanic Cordillera Biosphere Reserve - La Selva
Biological Station - Environmental Education Center. M.S.Thesis. Cornell
115. Johnson, D. M. 2003. Spatial analyses of a neotropical beetle: Cephaloleia
fenestrata. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Miami.
116. Johnson, D. W. 1975. Processes of elemental transfer in some tropical,
temperate, alpine and northern soils. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
117. Jones Román, G. 2000. Regeneración temprana de dos especies arbóreas de
semilla grande en bosques fragmentados de la Zona Norte de Costa Rica .
Tesis de Maestría. CATIE.
118. Jordan, M. T. 2003. Effects of interbasin groundwater transfer on water and
chemical budgets in lowland tropical watersheds - La Selva, Costa Rica.
M.Sc.Thesis. North Carolina State University.
119. Joyce, A. T. 1967. Aerial photographic interpretation of tropical vegetation in
Costa Rica. M.S.Thesis. Pennsylvania State Univ.
120. Judziewicz, E. J. 1985. Revision of Pharus (Poaceae). M.S. Thesis. University of
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122. Juncosa, A. M. 1982. Embryo and seedling development in the Rhizophoraceae.
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123. Kaspari, M. 1992. Niche relationships in an assemblage of neotropical
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124. Kennedy, L. M. 1998. Prehistoric agriculture, fires, and droughts at the La Selva
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125. Kitasako, J. T. 1967. Observations on the biology of Dendrobates pumilio Schmidt
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126. Kluge, J. 2005. Diversity, distribution patterns and morphological characteristics of
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127. Kobe, R. K. 1995. Scaling from individuals to forest communities and landscapes
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128. Kolmer, Kerstin. 2002. Co-operation and conflict in societies of the ponerine ant
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129. Kress, W. J. 1981. Reproductive biology and systematics of Central American
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130. La Pierre, L. M. 2002. Diversity and ecology of insect herbivores associated with
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131. Laidlaw, K. L. 1996. The implementation of a volunteer stream-monitoring
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132. Le Corff, J. 1992. The significance of a mixed reproductive strategy in an
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134. Levey, D. J. 1986. Fruit-frugivore interactions in a Costa Rican rain forest. Ph.D.
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135. Li, M. 1991. The ecology of neotropical forest tree seedlings. Ph.D. Dissertation.
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136. Lieberman, S. S. 1982. The ecology of the leaf litter herpetofauna of a neotropical
rain forest: La Selva, Costa Rica. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Southern
137. Limerick, S. 1976. Dietary differences of two sympatric Costa Rican frogs. M.S.
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138. Lobo Cabezas, S. 1998. Remoción de frutos y supervivencia de plántulas de
Dipteryx panamensis (Pittier) Record, en un bosque lluvioso tropical: I.
Efecto de los mamíferos terrestres sobre la remoción de los frutos. II.
Supervivencia de las plántulas. Tesis de Maestría. Universidad de Costa
139. Loescher, H. W. 2002. Ecosystem-level responses of carbon and energy from a
tropical wet forest in Costa Rica . Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Florida.
140. Loiselle, B. A. 1987. Birds and plants in a neotropical rain forest: seasonality and
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141. Lopes, E. C. 2005. Wood and soil-atmosphere CO2 fluxes from a tropical forest
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142. López Gutiérrez, J. E. 1996. Hábitos alimentarios de murciélagos frugívoros y su
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143. Luvall, J. C. 1984. Tropical deforestation and recovery: the effects on the
evapotranspiration process. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Georgia.
144. Lücking, R. 1990. Zur Taxonomie und Pflanzengeographie blattbewohnender
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145. MacDougal, J. M. 1983. Revision of Passiflora L. Section Pseudodysomia
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146. Maiocco-Nosetto, D. C. 1998. Distribución de Zamia skinneri, un producto no
maderable de los bosques de Centro América. Tesis de Maestría. Centro
Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza.
147. Mariscal Chavez, A. G. 1998. Efecto de plantaciones forestales sobre la calidad
de regeneración leñosa en la Estación Biológica La Selva, Costa Rica.
Tesis de Maestría. CATIE.
148. Maroto V., O. 1990. Aportes para un sistema de inventario forestal continuo
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Edited by Ana B. Azofeifa
[email protected]

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