Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church


Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Contact us via e-mail: [email protected]
Visit us at:
Most Holy Trinity August 5, 2012
Basilian Fathers
Santísima Trinidad
The Bread of Life
El Pan de Vida
Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica
Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston
1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Texas 77515
The Mission of Most Holy Trinity
Catholic Church, a parish empowered by the Holy
Spirit, is to spread the Gospel of Jesus the Christ
in order to bring all people into union with God our
Father, through worship, preaching, teaching,
fellowship and service.
La Misión de la Iglesia Católica de la Santísima
Trinidad, una parroquia bajo el poder del
Espíritu Santo; es proclamar el Evangelio de
Cristo Jesús, con el fin de unir a todos con Dios
Padre a través de la alabanza, la predicación,
la enseñanza, la convivencia y el servicio.
Sunday Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Dominicales
8:00 a.m. Español/Spanish (Nursery/Guardería)
10:00 a.m. English/Inglés (Nursery/Guardería)
Daily Mass Mon.-Tue.-*Thur.-Fri.
Misa Semanal Lun.-Mar.-*Jue.-Vier.
8:10 a.m. English/Inglés
12:00 Noon English/Inglés
Mass for Vocations/Misa para Vocaciones:
Saturdays / Sábados 9:00 a.m.
Saturday Anticipated/Sábado Anticipado:
5:00 p.m. English/Inglés
Confessions/Confesiones – English & Español
5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Thursday/Jueves
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Saturday/Sábado
Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santísimo:
Mon, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Tue & Thur. 9:00-5:00 p.m.,
Wed. 1:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fri. 9:00 - 3:00
Anointing of the Sick/Unción a los Enfermos:
1st Sunday after Mass/1er Dom. despues de la Misas
Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations /
Hora Santa de Oración por Vocaciónes
1st Friday / 1er Viernes 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina:
Monday-Thursday/Lunes-Jueves– 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Friday/Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 12:30
Contact us at The Parish Office using our Ext # or via E-Mail
(closed for lunch 12:30-1:30 oficina cerrada)
Church Office/Oficina Parroquial ------------- --------- (979) 849-2421
Church Fax ---------------------------------------- --------- (979) 849-2425
Parish Social Ministry/ Servicio Social -------- --------- (979) 849-9458
Parish Social Ministry Fax ---------------------- --------- (979) 848-3146
Resale Shop/Tienda de 2a mano---------------- --------- (979) 849-2767
Emergency/Emergencias ----------------------- --------- (979) 849-1143
Parish Staff/Personal Administrativo:
Pastor: Rev. Maurice Restivo, CSB, x-118
[email protected]
Deacon/Diacono: Robert Ward
[email protected]
Deacon/Diacono: Luis Hernandez
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate/Asociada Pastoral: Cheryl Scott, x-109
[email protected]
Receptionist/Recepcionista: Rebecca Mireles, x-100
[email protected]
Secretary/Secretaria: Santana Belmares, x-111
[email protected]
Bookkeeper/Contadora Publica: Annie Damian, x-104
[email protected]
Music Director: – Tim Dyksinski, x-112
[email protected]
CCE Coordinator/Coord. CCE: Norma Mata, x-110
[email protected]
Director of Parish Social Ministry: Mildred Wauson
979-849-9458 [email protected]
Maintenance: Eleuterio (Marty) Martinez, x-105
Web Resources:
U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops:
Catholic News Service:
Lectionary, Scripture Study:
Mass Attendance
July 28/29 -Total 768
Sat. 5:00 p.m. 155
Sun.8:00 a.m. 252
10:00 a.m. 355
Stewardship Corner
July 28/29 2012
Not Available at the
time of press.
Mark Your Calendar!
Catechist in-service
Kinder - 6th grade
St. Basil Hall with RCL Publisher
Sept. 10 at 6:00 p.m.
7th - 8th grade
St. Basil Hall
Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m.
OLG = On-Line Giving
Thank you, to those of you who signed up for Online Giving.
If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving, please prayerfully
consider this option. Not only can it be used along with our offering
envelopes, it will also help reduce expenses, and allow the parish to
count on a steadier stream of income.
Please visit to sign
up or for more information. God Bless You.
Our Parish; is on FaceBook! “Like” us and join the group!
Here’s how. Either: Log in to facebook and
search: “Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church,
Angleton, TX,” or Scan this QR code
**These sites will be used to invite you to events
at our parish, share the latest news from our
parish community and beyond, and point you to
ways to learn about our faith online.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 5, 2012
Pastor’s Weekly Message:
Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
5 de August de 2012
Mensaje del Párroco:
Greetings once again from a hot and humid
Chicago. As I write this we have just passed the
halfway point in CPT training. I am amazed at how
much I have learned so far, and at how much more
there is to go. Our days are packed. I am also
conscious of what a privilege this experience is for
Saludos una vez más desde un caloroso y
húmedo Chicago. Al escribir la presente acabamos de
terminar la mitad de la formación del CPT. Estoy
sorprendido de lo mucho que he aprendido hasta el
momento, y de cuánto más hay aún que recorrer.
Nuestros días están repletos. También estoy consciente
de que esta experiencia es un privilegio para mí.
La semana pasada trabajamos sobre como
“deshacer opresiones.” Es un despertar bastante brusco
el aprender acerca de los privilegios que tengo en mi
vida simplemente porque soy un hombre blanco. Y sé
que, al acrecentar la conciencia, también se acrecienta
la obligación de utilizar mi privilegio para ayudar a
otros a levantarse. No es un juego que totaliza cero: si
yo gano, tú tiene que perder; si tú ganas, entonces yo
pierdo. En vez de esto, la enseñanza de Jesús nos ayuda
a todos a ganar. Si tú ganas, yo también gano. Para mí,
eso suena mucho más al mensaje que Jesús enseñó.
La mañana en la que escribo esta, me la pasé
con los miembros de la Liga de Justicia del Inmigrante
Juvenil (siglas en ingles IYJL por Immigrant Youth
Justice League) y el movimiento Nuevo Santuario.
Ellos trabajan con muchos niveles de gente,
especialmente los jóvenes, que están atrapados en la
compleja realidad del sistema de inmigración de los
E.U. Para cuando lean esta, yo habré participado en una
vigilia de oración mientras los trabajadores
indocumentados son llevados al aeropuerto para su
En estas semanas de verano, cuando nuestros
pasajes del Evangelio dominical son concernientes a
Jesús como el Pan de Vida, los invito a pensar en las
maneras en que, siendo alimentados y fortalecidos por
ese Pan, nosotros también salgamos a alimentar a otros.
Tengan la seguridad de que están en mis pensamientos
y oraciones durante estos días.
This past week we worked with “undoing
oppressions.” It is a rather brusque awakening to
learn about the privileges that I have in my life
simply because I am a white male. And I know that,
as I grow in awareness, I also grow in obligation to
use my privilege to help lift others up. It is not a zero
sum game: if I win, you must lose; if you win, then I
lose. Instead, Jesus’ teaching helps us to all win. If
you win, I win too. For me, that sounds much more
like the message Jesus taught.
The morning I write this was spent with
members of the Immigrant Youth Justice League
(IYJL) and the New Sanctuary movement. They
work with the many layers of people, especially
youth, who are caught in the complex reality of the
US immigration system. By the time you read this, I
will have participated in a prayer vigil as
undocumented workers are taken to the airport for
In these summer weeks when our Sunday
Gospel passages concern Jesus as the Bread of Life,
I invite you to think about the ways that, being fed
and strengthened by that Bread, we, too, can go out
and nourish others. Be assured that you are in my
thoughts and prayer during these days.
Become a 2012 Bazaar
All bazaar sponsors are given ads in
our Parish bulletin 4 times
throughout the year; a sponsorship
display at the bazaar, and
meal tickets.
Platinum Sponsorship $1,000
Gold Sponsorship $500
Silver Sponsorship $250
For more information, call:
Sandra Mouton, 281-814-5466
Or send email to
[email protected]
Gospel Reflection for
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 5, 2012
A few weeks ago our prayer group was meditating
about this Sunday’s Gospel. Specifically the question
about why do we look for Jesus? And I, personally, must
confess that, as the people in today’s Gospel, most of the
time I look for Him to help me with my human needs. I do
not think this is bad since I do need things each day. But
at the same time I have to remember what Jesus says in
the gospel and look for “... the food that endures for
eternal life...”
Each day, the "physical bread" is necessary to
feed my body, but it is not enough to feed my spirit. If I
feed only my body, but left my spirit empty, I believe that
I will always feel unsatisfied. For me, to be nourished by
that “Bread of Life” requires not just receiving the
Eucharist regularly, but also to be “nourished”
by the Word of God, the “Word of Eternal Life”, studying
the Bible and trying to live daily the teachings learned
from it.
I thank God that our parish, based and guided on a
true knowledge of Jesus, has committed persons who help
us to offers both foods. The “physical bread” to our poor
and needy, through the work done by our social ministry
in St. Thomas Center, and the “Bread of Life” not only in
the daily masses but also receiving the “Word of God”,
offered through several catequesis and bible study groups.
Let us not waste these blessings that God has given us.
Jesus gave us his Life, his Church and his Body,
so we could have life and have it abundantly. May we
learn, by his example, to feed our brothers and sisters,
sharing the gifts that God has provided to us.
- Deacon Luis
Wednesday August 15, 2012
Holy Day Of Obligation
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
• Aug. 14 - English
7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass
• Aug. 15 - English
12:00 p.m. Noon Day Mass
• Aug. 15 - Español
7:00 p.m. Misa
Reflexión sobre el Evangelio para el
Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
5 de August de 2012
Unas semanas atrás, en nuestro grupo de oración,
meditábamos sobre el evangelio de este domingo.
Específicamente la pregunta de ¿Por qué buscamos a Jesús?
Yo personalmente debo de confesar que, así como la gente del
evangelio de hoy, la mayoría de las veces lo busco para pedir
ayuda con mis necesidades humanas. No creo que esto sea
malo pues necesito las cosas de cada día. Pero a la vez tengo
que recordar lo que dice Jesus en el evangelio y buscar “…el
alimento que dura para la vida eterna…”
En verdad, el “pan físico” de cada día es necesario
para alimentar mi cuerpo, pero no es suficiente para alimentar
mi espíritu. Si alimento mi cuerpo, pero dejo vacío mi
espíritu, creo que siempre me sentiré insatisfecho.
Alimentarme de ese “Pan de la vida”, Jesús mismo, es para
mí, no únicamente comulgar regularmente, sino además
“alimentarme” con la Palabra de Dios, “Palabras de Vida
Eterna”, estudiando la biblia y tratando de vivir diariamente
de acuerdo con las enseñanzas que se encuentran en ella.
Doy Gracias a Dios que nuestra parroquia, basada y
guiada en un verdadero conocimiento de Jesús, tiene personas
comprometidas que nos ayudan a ofrecer ambos alimentos. El
“pan físico” a nuestros más pobres y necesitados, por medio
de la obra que hace nuestro ministerio social en el Centro de
Santo Tomas. Y también el “Pan de Vida” no solamente en la
eucaristía diaria sino también en la “Palabra de Dios” que se
ofrece en varios grupos de catequesis y de estudio bíblico.
Que no desaprovechemos estas bendiciones otorgadas por
Jesús nos ha dejado su Vida, su Iglesia y su Cuerpo,
para que tengamos vida y la tengamos en abundancia.
Pidámosle que aprendamos a alimentar a nuestros hermanos y
hermanas, compartiendo los dones que Dios nos ha otorgado.
- Deacon Luis
50th & 25th
Wedding Anniversary
The 2012 Wedding Anniversary
Jubilee Mass honoring couples celebrating Golden
(50th) and Silver (25th) Anniversaries of marriage in
the Catholic Church.
The ceremony will be held on Sunday,
September 16, 2012 at the George R. Brown
Convention Center at 3 pm. Whether or not a couple
attends the ceremony, they are eligible to receive a
special certificate signed by His Eminence Daniel
Cardinal DiNardo. Couples wishing to
participate are asked to please call the parish
office at 979-849-2421 Deadline for
registration is August 17, 2012.
Raffle tickets will be distributed
at all masses next weekend.
Please pickup your raffle tickets
in the gathering area.
We have great prizes!
If you would like to help with raffle ticket sales,
please contact TJ Sbrush at 979-292-6532.
Cut along the dotted line
Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church – 2012 Annual Bazaar
If you would like to support our annual bazaar by donating a Live auction item,
please complete this form and return to the Parish Office.
Yes! I want to make a donation to the Live Auction.
Business Name (if applicable)__________________________________________________
Phone:___(_______)_________________Email: __________________________________
Item/Monetary donation:_____________________________________________________
Estimated retail value of donated item $ ________________________________________
Donation will be delivered by _________________________________________________.
To be included in Live auction program,
item must be received by Friday, Oct. 5th by 5 p.m.
Large item donations can be delivered to KC Hall on Friday, Oct. 5th.
Questions related to Live auction,
contact Sandra Lopez at [email protected] or 979-864-0605.
Thank you for your donation. It is very much appreciated!
Live Auction Ideas:
Tickets to an Event (Sports – Pro or college)
Fishing Charter
Sports memorabilia or autographed sports collectibles
Outdoor furniture
Basket of Spa certificates & products – manicure, pedicure and/or facial
Anything (fun & safe) for children
Weekend trip for two
Backyard Bash cookout for group of 25
Home delivery of a homemade supper for family of 4 to 8 people
Religious items (statue, cross, etc.)
Children’s Choir Camp
August 13 – 15, 2012
9:00 am – 12:10pm
This year’s theme will be Mary Mother of Jesus.
The children will learn music for the holy day – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Wednesday
August 15. They will sing at the 6:30pm Mass on the holy day followed by refreshments in Heyck Hall.
The camp is open to children entering the 3rd Grade – students entering the 8th Grade.
The fee for the camp is $16.00 per student.
Questions: call Tim at the Parish office – Monday – Wednesday – 979 – 849 – 2421.
Registration Form
Childs Name _________________________________________ Grade entering_____
Home Phone #__________________________ Parents Cell #_____________________
Email (PLEASE print clearly)_______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________________________
Return or mail to the parish office with camp fee by August 8, 2012.
CCE News
New Altar Server Training
When we assist with the
actions of the Mass, we serve
*Classes are filling up
God’s Holy people. When
quickly so please register
we serve God’s people, we
now if you want your first
serve God. The ministry of
choice. Classes begin 9/17/12 Altar Server is a wonderful
**Confirmation Candidates opportunity for young people
to participate more fully in
must register for CCE, Sacrament prep,
the Mass and grow in their
Turn in a current baptismal certificate,
knowledge of the church's
questionnaire, sponsor information and set sacred liturgy. There is a
up interview.
need for servers at all the masses, but especially at the
5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass. Anyone interested in
serving in this ministry is asked to please call Cheryl
**All CCE Parents are asked to stay for a in the parish office at 849-2421. Servers must be fifth
grade or older (by the upcoming school year), must
PARENT MEETING on the first day of
class ONLY while the children are in CCE. have been baptized and received their first
communion and in CCE. The next training date for
We will discuss Hand books, NEW policies,
new servers is Friday, August 24 at 5:00 p.m.
volunteer work ect.
**Information Past Due**
Please pray for those in the hospital: Maria del Carmen Flores,
Teresa Hundl, Peggy Koenig, Kenneth Matt.
Also let us Pray for those in nursing homes: (Cypress Woods Care,
Country Village, Country Village Assisted Living) and for their caregivers
may the Lord Bless them with...Love, Patience, Strength and
Welcome to
Miss Sylvia “Sylvie” Artiles,
ECHO apprentice from
the University of Notre Dame.
ECHO is a two year service,
learning, and lay ministry formation
program through Notre Dame’s
Institute for Church Life designed for
young men and women interested in
exploring catechetical ministry while
doing concurrent graduate theological
study. Apprentices are paired with a parish catechetical
mentor, who in conjunction with the pastor, staff, and
parish community will provide a valuable hands-on
leadership experience and opportunity to learn the art
and profession of parish catechetical ministry. Four
dioceses in the United States will host a total of 12
apprentices, of which four will call the Archdiocese of
Galveston-Houston home.
Sylvie will be arriving in our parish on August 23rd
to begin a 2 year apprenticeship under the mentorship of
Cheryl Scott. She will be a full time staff member here at
Most Holy Trinity, which will be her learning community
for the next two years. Sylvie’s family originated in Cuba,
settled in Kansas where she grew up. Her family
eventually made their way to Dallas, where Sylvia
graduated with a BA in Theology from the University of
Dallas in 2008. She has worked in Campus Ministry in
the Diocese of Beaumont, and performed inner city
missionary work in Washington, DC and Kansas City,
MO. She is excited to be given the opportunity to work at
Most Holy Trinity and looks forward to meeting everyone
here and becoming part of our parish family. Sylvie and
the three other apprentices will be living in a common
house in the Pearland area. As anyone knows who
moves into a new home, there is lots of expense to set up
house. If you would like to offer a simple, small but big
Angleton welcome to Sylvia and the other apprentices,
(such as a gift card, gas card, etc.) please contact Cheryl
in the parish office.
Wanted:P.S.M. (Parish Social Ministries)
Needs a volunteer to mow the lawn
over the summer, If you can help please
call Cheryl at the
Church Office 979-849-2421
FR sored b
The Junior Catholic Daughters of
America (JCDA)
Invite everyone of all ages to come and
listen to some music for the soul;
They will also have snacks available for
purchase. Donations are gladly
accepted and greatly appreciated.
Aug. 5-Aug. 11, 2012
Liturgical Ministries
August 11 & 12
Sunday/Domingo, August 5
{ Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Ps 78; Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35 }
8am - Misa: Sociedad Guadalupe
10am - Mass: For all the People
5:00 PM
8:10am - Mass: John Jenkins (+)
by sister Mildred & David Wauson
7pm - Grupo de Oración
7:30pm - RCIA Inquiry
Tuesday/Martes, August 7
Minister of
{ Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10 }
De Vries
Oscar Ramos
T. J. Sbrusch
Greg Wiley
Rudy Lopez
O. Eluid
Jesus Ozuna
Chris Coale
Ram Salazar
Fred Sander
Ryan Sbrusch
Antonio Mata
Joey Rey
Alexis Huesca
Jesus Huesca
Eddie Ocañas
Jessica Santos
Brian Ernst
Beth Kaspar
Keith Mouton
Art Muñoz
Ana Leveck
Elsa Luna
Julia Perez
Perez Sr
Elisa Sustaita
Marge Bankson
Steve Buentello
Liz Buentello
Donna Hundl
Jackie King
Leslie LaMont
Carma Mass
Betty Rees
Lois Svoboda
Mack Yañez Sr
Ruth Weicht
Sylvia Munoz
Glen LaMont
George Rau
Betty Rees
Efren Perez
{ Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 }
8:10 am -Mass: Francisco & Antonia Villarreal
(+) by son, Jose
Golden Stars
10:00 Book Club
12:00pm - Bulletin Deadline
6pm - Legion de María SB2
7:30pm - KC Charity Bingo (non-smoking)
Wed./Miércoles, August 8
Thursday/Jueves, August 9
{ Jer 31:31-34; Mt 16:13-23 }
8:10am - Mass: E.J. Rab (+) by wife, Bettie
5pm - Confessions / Confesiones
7pm - Estudio Biblico
Friday/Viernes, August 10
{ 2 Cor 9:6-10; Jn 12:24-26 }
8:10am - Mass: For living and deceased members of KJZT
Eucharistic Minister
{ Jer 31:1-7; Mt 15:21-28 }
12pm - Mass: RobJohn Jerabek (+) by KC Council 5155
Caleb Joe Sandoval in Thanksgiving for birthday
by parents Joe & Kristina
6pm - Choir practice
Saturday/Sábado, August 11
{ Hb 1:12 — 2:4; Mt 17:14-20 }
9am - Mass: For Vocations
3:30pm - Confessions / Confesiones
5pm - Mass: For All the People
The Parish Directory has
arrived! If you took a family
photo you can pick your
directory copy FREE in the
church office.
El Directorio Parroquial ha
llegado! Si usted se tomó una
foto de familia usted puede
recoger su copia del
directorio, GRATIZ en la
oficina parroquial.
10:00 AM
Altar Server
Monday/Lunes, August 6
8:00 AM
Bautizos: Se requiere que los padres de familia y los padrinos asistan a las
clases de preparación. Los padres de familia deben de ser católicos que
practican su fe y deben estar registrados en la parroquia. Llamen a la oficina
parroquial tan pronto como sea posible durante el embarazo para preregistrarse para las clases. La fecha del bautismo se establecerá después de
haber completado las clases requeridas.
RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos): Este proceso lleva a la
plena comunión en la Iglesia Católica. Es para las personas que no están
bautizadas, o que están bautizadas en otra religión y están interesadas en
convertirse en católicos. También es para católicos bautizados que no han
recibido los sacramentos de iniciación (Eucaristía y Confirmación).
Primera Reconciliación / Primera Comunión: La inscripción, para iniciar
el proceso de preparación para este sacramento, está disponible a los niños
desde el 2º año escolar en adelante, que están registrados en la parroquia, que
están asistiendo fielmente a misa y que están inscritos en el Programa de
Formación de Fe en curso. Ambos sacramentos incluyen sesiones de
preparación que son requeridas tanto para los niños como para los padres de
Confirmación: el proceso de preparación para este sacramento es de 2 años.
La inscripción está disponible para los jóvenes del 10º año escolar en adelante,
que practican activamente la fe católica y están registrados en la parroquia.
Los jóvenes deben de estar asistiendo regularmente a Misa y a las clases de
formación en la fe en curso. Una entrevista de admisión podría ser requerida.
Matrimonio: Únicamente con cita previa de 6 a 12 meses de anticipación.
Cuando menos uno de los dos novios debe estar registrado en la parroquia.
Se requiere un Programa de Preparación para el Matrimonio. Durante la
Cuaresma no se efectuaran bodas..
Orden Sacerdotal: Si está interesado en el sacerdocio o el diaconado, favor
de ponerse en contacto con el Padre Maurice Restivo, C.S.B.
Fallecimiento en la Familia: Llame a la oficina parroquial antes de hacer
una cita con la funeraria. Estamos aquí para ayudarle espiritual y
Si tienen alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial al 849-2421
Baptisms: Preparations sessions are required for parents and
godparents and a recognition Mass. Parents should be registered in the
parish and practicing Catholics. Call the parish office as early as
possible during pregnancy to pre-register for classes. Baptism will be
set upon completion of the required classes.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For individuals who
are not baptized, baptized in another denomination and interested in
becoming Catholic, or baptized Catholics who never completed the
sacraments of initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation). This process
leads to full communion in the Catholic Church.
First Reconciliation/First Communion: Enrollment in the sacrament
preparation process is open to children in grade 2 or older who are
registered in the parish, faithfully attending Mass and enrolled in
ongoing faith formation programming. Classes include required parent
& child sessions for both sacraments.
Confirmation: Enrollment in a 2-year preparation process is open to
youth in grade 10 or higher who actively practice the Catholic faith
and are registered in the parish. Youth must be regularly attending
Mass and ongoing faith formation classes. An entrance interview may
be required.
Marriage: By appointment only, 6-12 months in advance. Either one
or both of the couple must be registered in the parish. Marriage
Preparation Program required. No weddings during Lent.
Holy Orders: If interested in the Priesthood or Diaconate, contact
Fr. Maurice Restivo, C.S.B.
Death in the Family: Call the Parish Office before you make an
appointment with the funeral home. We are here to help you spiritually
and emotionally.
If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 849-2421.

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