Primera Edicion / First Edition 1992


Primera Edicion / First Edition 1992
Primera Edicion / First Edition 1992
Segunda Edicion / Second Edition 1996
Reimpresion / Reprinted 1998
Editorial Stanley
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Written by / Escrito por:
Edward R. Rosset
Member of the Bachelor of Arts Association of
Miembro del Colegio de Licenciados de Filosofia y
Letras de Euskadi
Revised by / Revisado por:
Beryl Aguado Lait
Principal of Apsley School of English.
Portsmouth - England
Published by / Editado por:
Editorial Stanley
Layout / Diseno y Maquetacion:
Angela Gomez Martin
Front page design / Diseno portada:
© Editorial Stanley
Apdo. 207 - 20302 IRUN - SPAIN
Telf. 943 64 04 12 - Fax. 943 64 38 63
ISBN: 84-7873-323-X
Dep. Leg. SS-1365/98
Second edition / Segunda edicion 1996
Reprinted / Reimpresion 1998
Printers / Imprime:
Graficas Topo
Present simple and present continuous
Look, sound, seem, appear, feel
Modifiers: Quite, fairly, rather, pretty
Phrasal verbs
Must, can't + infinitive
Should, ought to, could + infinitive
Such, so
Gerunds after prepositions - keep, try
Comparison of adjectives
Comparison of adverbs
Adverbs of manner
Order of adjectives
Adjectives ending in ing/ed, ful/less
Present continuous, going to, future simple
Used + infinitive, would
If, when, as soon as, until, while, clauses
Infinitives after adjectives
Linking words and phrases
Have to, must, need to
Uses of the article "the"
Use of the article a/an, one
Since, as, because, so, so that, while
Infinitive of purpose
Conditionals: type 1, 2 and 3
May, might and could + infinitive
Clauses of reason, purpose and result
Ability, can, know how to + infinitive
Gerunds after prepositions - worth
Present perfect (ever, just, already)
Present perfect (with for and since)
Present perfect continuous
I would rather - prefer to
Had better - infinitive - it's time
Past continuous
The past perfect
I wish, if only
Quantifiers (much, many, a lot, little, few, plenty)
Quantifiers (cont.)
Links-however, whichever, whenever,while, whereas,yet, besides
Too and enough + infinitive
Need and want + gerund - help - can't help
Causative verbs: have y get
Indirect speech
Indirect speech (cont.)
The passive - prepositions
Relative clauses: defining, non-defining
Indirect and embedded questions
Infinitives after adjectives
Participles (ing-ed) in clauses
Bare infinitives after make, let and verbs of perception
Future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous
2- 3
4- 5
6- 7
8- 9
10- 11
12 - 13
14 - 15
18 - 19
20 - 21
22 - 23
24 - 25
26 - 27
28 - 29
30 - 31
32 - 33
34 - 35
36 - 37
38 - 39
40 - 41
42 - 43
44 - 45
46 - 47
50 - 51
52 - 53
54 - 55
56 - 57
58 - 59
60 - 61
62 - 63
64 - 65
66 - 67
68 - 69
70 - 71
72 - 73
74 - 75
76 - 77
78 - 79
80 - 81
82 - 83
84 - 85
86 - 87
88 - 89
90 - 91
92 - 93
94 - 95
96 - 97
98 - 99
100 - 101
102 - 103
104 - 105
1. Mi hermana fuma mucho.
2. Tu hermanito esta fumando en el servicio.
3. A veces trabajamos hasta muy tarde.
4. Tu padre esta trabajando en este momento.
5. ^Vas alguna vez a Sudamerica?
6. '<-,Que hace el Sr. Martin?' 'Es medico.'
7. La tierra gira alrededor del sol.
8. Me quedo dos meses en Nueva York.
9. Salimos maiiana a las 10 y llegamos a las 4 de la tarde.
10. Mariana es domingo.
11. Vamos en avion.
12. El partido de tenis empieza a las cinco.
13. Salimos el lunes.
14. La exposicion abre en junio y cierra en septiembre.
15. Va con su amiga Jane.
16. £A que hora empieza la funcion?
17. Juan ya es arquitecto pero todavia no trabaja.
18. Mi padre no pertenece a ningun partido politico.
19. ;Date prisa! El autobus viene. No quiero perderlo.
20. Mi padre va a trabajar en coche.
21. El no Nilo desemboca en el Mediterraneo.
22. Este tren va muy rapido hoy.
23. Esta chica no vive con nosotros. Vive sola.
24. Siempre cultivan flores pero este ano cultivan verdura.
25. Mi padre se suele hospedar en el Hilton, pero hoy se hospeda en el Palace.
26. ^Que hace tu hijo hoy en dia?
27. Estudia Historia en la Universidad de Bristol.
28. No te lleves el boligrafo. Lo estoy usando.
29. Tu hermano llega esta noche.
30. Date prisa. El tren sale.
31. Siempre nos esta contando las mismas cosas.
32. Mariana juego al tenis con Pedro.
33. Ciertamente estoy de acuerdo contigo.
34. Alguien te esta esperando.
35. El teatro empieza a la 7.30 y termina a las 9.30.
36. Esta tarde jugamos contra los Rangers.
37. El proximo domingo pasaremos el dia en el campo.
38. Tu padre viene a las cuatro.
39. El tren de Glasgow llega a las siete.
40. El tren de Glasgow llega a las siete todos los dias.
1. My sister smokes a lot.
2. Your little brother is smoking in the toilet.
3. Sometimes we work until very late.
4. Your father is working at this moment.
5. Do you ever go to South America?
6. 'What does Mr Martin do?' 'He is a doctor.'
7. The earth goes round the sun.
8. I am staying two months in New York.
9. We are leaving tomorrow at 10 and arriving at 4 in the afternoon.
10. Tomorrow is Sunday.
11. We are going by plane.
12. The tennis match starts at five.
13. We are leaving on Monday.
14. The exhibition starts in June and ends in September.
15. She is going with her friend Jane.
16. What time does the show begin?
17. John is already an architect but he is not working yet.
18. My father doesn't belong to any political party.
19. Hurry up! The bus is coming. I don't want to miss it.
20. My father goes to work by car.
21. The Nile River flows into the Mediterranean.
22. This train is going very fast today.
23. This girl doesn't live with us. She lives alone.
24. They always grow flowers but this year they are growing vegetables.
25. My father usually stays at the Hilton, but today he is staying at the Palace.
26. What is your son doing nowadays?
27. He is reading History at Bristol University.
28. Don't take the biro away. I'm using it.
29. Your brother is arriving tonight.
30. Hurry up. The train is leaving.
31. They are always telling us the same things.
32. Tomorrow I'm playing tennis with Peter.
33. I certainly agree with you.
34. Somebody is waiting for you.
35. The play starts at 7.30 and finishes at 9.30.
36. This afternoon we are playing against the Rangers.
37. Next Sunday we are spending the day in the country.
38. Your father is coming at four.
39. The Glasgow train is arriving at seven.
40. The Glasgow train arrives at seven every day.
l. Tienes un aspecto cansado.
2. Esa guitarra suena terrible.
3. No me mires asi.
4. Investigare el asunto.
5.Probd el vino pensativamente.
6. La vieja de repente aparecio en la puerta.
7. La joven parecia estar esperando a alguien.
8. La vieja parecia seca y marchita
9. El viejo instrumento sonaba raro en la oscuridad.
10. Esta sopa tiene un sabor raro.
11. La miro airadamente.
12. Esa cosa huele horrible.
13. El acuerdo parecia dificil.
14. La nina tenia un aspecto triste.
15. La nina le miro tristemente.
16. Parecia deprimida al telefono.
17. Un coche rojo aparecio de repente.
18. Cogio un trozo y lo probo.
19. Tiene un sabor delicioso.
20. Ayer tenfas un aspecto enfermo.
21. Ese piano suena a barato.
22. La situacion parecia complicada.
23. Parecia decisivo.
24. Tenia un aspecto caro.
25. Esa roca tiene un aspecto impresionante.
26. Tu padre parecia muy enfadado ayer noche.
27. Hable con un hombre que parecia ser el jefe.
28. Parece estar cansada.
29. Parecia ser una persona muy agradable.
30. Parecia muy normal.
31. Aquel instrumento tenia un sonido barato.
32. El problema parecia imposible de resolver.
33. El medico le palpo el brazo con cuidado.
34. Parecia estar ciega.
35. El hombre tenia un aspecto sospechoso.
36. Estas preciosa esta noche.
37. Tenia un aspecto terrible despues de una noche interminable.
38. ^Es bueno ese piano? Parece barato.
39. Su piel se sentia suave al tacto.
40. Todos estos instrumentos suenan a barato.
1. You look tired.
2. That guitar sounds terrible.
3. Don't look at me like that.
4. I'll look into the matter.
5. He tasted the wine thoughtfully.
6. The old woman suddenly appeared in the doorway.
7. The young lady seemed to be waiting for somebody.
8. The old woman looked dry and withered.
9. The old instrument sounded strange in the dark.
10. This soup tastes strange.
11. He looked at her angrily.
12. That thing smells awful.
13. The agreement seemed difficult.
14. The little girl looked sad.
15. The little girl looked at him sadly.
16. She seemed depressed on the phone.
17. A red car appeared suddenly.
18. He took a piece and tasted it.
19. It tastes wonderful.
20. Yesterday you looked sick.
21. That piano sounds cheap.
22. The situation seemed complicated.
23. It seemed decisive.
24. It looked expensive.
25. That rock looks impressive.
26. Your father looked very angry last night.
27. I spoke to a man who seemed to be the boss.
28. She seems to be tired.
29. He seemed to be a very nice person.
30. He seemed very/quite normal.
31. That instrument sounded cheap/had a cheap sound.
32. The problem appeared impossible/seemed impossible to solve.
33. The doctor felt his arm carefully.
34. She seemed to be blind.
35. The man looked very suspicious.
36. You look beautiful tonight.
37. He looked terrible after an endless night.
38. Is that piano good? It looks cheap.
39. Her skin felt smooth to the touch.
40. All these instruments sound cheap.
1. Su nuevo libro es bastante interesante, pero no es el mejor.
2. Me quede muy impresionado por su actuacion - no estaba nada mal.
3. Hay algo bastante raro en la forma en que te habla.
4. Es un buen tipo. Todos le queremos.
5.Es un espectaculo impresionante.
6. Es mas bien demasiado dificil para nosotros.
7. Hemos invitado mas bien a demasiada gente.
8. Habla ingles bastante bien despues de tres meses en Inglaterra.
9. Habla ingles muy bien. Se las arregla muy bien.
10. Habla ingles estupendamente. Es un buen lingiiista.
l l . E s t o y quedandome bastante harto.
12. El es bastante mas viejo que su mujer.
13. Ella tiene una voz buenisima.
14. Ese chico es muy bueno al tenis aunque tiene mucho que aprender.
15. Esa pelicula es bastan.te buena, aunque yo no iria a verla.
16. Veinticinco anos es mucha edad para empezar a estudiar ballet.
17. Sus cuadros estan muy bien. Yo ciertamente iria a verlos.
18. Me quede muy sorpendido al conocerla. Es muy agradable.
19. Hay algo bastante raro en la manera en que se comporta.
20. Hace bastante calor. Estoy todo pegajoso.
21. El es bastante listo, pero su hermano es bastante tonto.
22. Yo ando bastante rapido, pero el anda mas bien despacio.
23. El estaba bastante relajado, pero ella estaba mas bien tensa.
24. La exposicion era bastante interesante, aunque nada fuera de este mundo.
25. Este es un libro bastante aburrido.
26. Era una caja bastante pesada.
27. Esta sopa esta bastante caliente. Demasiado caliente para mi.
28. Esta sopa esta bastante caliente. Me gusta asi.
29. El tiempo estaba bastante peor de lo que yo habia esperado.
30. Estas completamente seguro de que esto es asi?
31. La funcion es muy buena. Deberias ir a verla.
32. Ese chico es todo un experto en monedas romanas.
33. Ese hombre es un orador bastante bueno, aunque nada extraordinario.
34. Mi hijo es un buen chico pero bastante perezoso.
35. Los resultados son bastante buenos, mejor de lo que yo esperaba.
36. El Profesor Buffle estaba muy complacido cuando gano el premio.
37. Es una historia mas bien triste.
38. El trafico se esta moviendo muy despacio.
39. ;Te has metido en un buen lio!
40. Los dos son muy parecidos.
1. His new book is fairly interesting, but it is not his best.
2. I was quite impressed by his performance, it wasn't bad at all.
3. There is something rather strange about the way he talks to you.
4. He is a pretty good fellow. We all like him.
5. It is quite an impressive show.
6. It is rather too difficult for us.
7. We have invited rather too many people.
8. He speaks English fairly well after three months in England.
9. He speaks English quite well. He manages quite well.
10. He speaks English rather well. He is a good linguist.
11. I am getting pretty fed up.
12. He is rather older than his wife.
13. She's got a rather good voice.
14. That boy is quite good at tennis although he has a lot to learn.
15. That film is fairly good, though I wouldn't go to see it.
16. Twenty-five is rather/pretty old to take up ballet.
17. His pictures are quite good. I'd certainly go to see them.
18. I was very surprised when I met her. She is rather nice.
19. There is something rather strange about the way he behaves.
20. It is rather hot. I'm all sticky.
21. He is fairly clever, but his brother is rather stupid.
22. I walk fairly fast, but he walks rather slowly.
23. He was fairly relaxed, but she was rather tense.
24. The exhibition was fairly interesting, nothing out of this world though.
25. This is a rather boring book.
26. It was a rather heavy box. / It was rather a heavy box.
27. This soup is rather hot. Too hot for me.
28. This soup is fairly hot. I like it like this.
29. The weather was rather worse than I had expected.
30. Are you quite certain that this is so?
31. The show is quite good. You should go and see it.
32. That boy is quite an expert on Roman coins.
33. That man is a fairly good speaker, nothing extraordinary though.
34. My son is a good boy but rather lazy.
35. The results are rather good, better than I expected.
36. Professor Buffle was rather pleased when he won the prize.
37. It is a rather sad story. / It's rather a sad story.
38. The traffic is moving pretty slowly.
39. You've got yourself into a pretty mess!
40. The two/Both are pretty much the same.
1. El niiio perdido ha aparecido.
2. Rechazaron muchas buenas sugerencias.
3. Estoy buscando a mi hija.
4. Estan regalando dinero.
5. Esa chica se parece a su madre.
6. Se negaron a aguantar su comportamiento mas tiempo.
7. Las monjas educaron al nifio en el convento.
8. Tenemos que reducir los gastos.
9. Estos chicos han crecido mucho desde el ano pasado.
10. El volumen esta demasiado alto. Bajalo.
11. Esa respuesta no es correcta. Tachala.
12. Hace mucho frio. Ponte el abrigo.
13. La reunion se va a disolver en cualquier momento.
14. Tenemos que recuperar el tiempo perdido.
15. Mariana saldremos a cenar.
16. Hace calor. Quitate el abrigo.
17. Me dijo que apagara el televisor, asi que lo apague.
18. Me pidio que llamara a Jim por telefono, asi que le llame.
19. Esta empresa va a cerrar debido a la crisis.
20. En este ejercicio denes que rellenar los huecos.
21. Me pidio que plegara el papel, asi que lo plegue.
22. Ese nino se va a caer de esa rama.
23. jQue bonita chaqueta! Pruebatela, ^quieres?
24. Me dijo que me probara la falda, asi que me la probe.
25. Ese avion va a despegar dentro de media hora.
26. Tengo que maquillarme la cara todavia.
27. Generalmente los ricos te miran por encima del hombro.
28. Apaguen los cigarillos, por favor.
29. Tienes que arrancar esta hoja.
30. Estoy deseando verte.
31. Mi padre ya se ha repuesto de su enfermedad.
32. Nos hemos quedado sin gasolina.
33. No se que ha sucedido.
34. Vuestro perro ataco al cartero esta manana.
35. Apaga todas las luces de la casa, por favor.
36. Entregad todos los ejercicios para el viernes.
37. Tengo suefio. Me voy a la cama.
38. El domingo pasado partimos muy temprano.
39. El coche se averio en el camino.
40. La pobre mujer se desplomo al oir las noticias.
1. The lost child has turned up.
2. They turned down many good suggestions.
3. I am looking for my daughter.
4. They are giving money away.
5. That girl takes after her mother.
6. They refused to put up with his behaviour any longer.
7. The nuns brought up the child in the convent.
8. We have to cut down the costs/expenses.
9. These boys have grown up a lot since last year.
10. The volume is too high. Turn it down.
11. That answer is not correct. Cross it out.
12. It's very cold. Put your coat on./Put on your coat.
13. The meeting is going to break up at any time.
14. We have to make up for lost time.
15. Tomorrow we'll go out for dinner.
16. It is hot. Take your coat off./Take off your coat.
17. He told me to turn off the TV set, so I turned it off.
18. He asked me to ring Jim up, so I rang him up.
19. This firm is going to close down due to the recession.
20. In this exercise you have to fill in the gaps.
21. He asked me to fold up the paper, so I folded it up.
22. That child is going to fall off that branch.
23. What a nice jacket! Try it on, will you?
24. He told me to try on the skirt, so I tried it on.
25. That plane is going to take off in half an hour.
26. I still have to make up my face.
27. Generally rich people look down on you.
28. Put out your cigarettes, please.
29. You have to tear off this page.
30. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
31. My father has already got over his illness.
32. We have run out of petrol.
33. I don't know what has come about.
34. Your dog went for the postman this morning.
35. Please, turn off all the lights of the house.
36. Hand all your exercises in by Friday.
37. I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed.
38. Last Sunday we set off very early.
39. The car broke down on the way.
40. The poor woman broke down on hearing the news.
1. Tengo que ir al banco a coger dinero.
2. No puedes tener sed despues de beber una jarra de cerveza.
3. Cuando entres en el edificio debes ensenar tu pase al guarda.
4. Esa mujer no puede tener mas de cincuenta anos.
5. No debes abrir la puerta a los desconocidos.
6. No puede ser tan tonto.
7. No puede haberlo terminado.
8. No debes llegar tarde.
9. No se puede correr un maraton en dos horas.
10. Debes comportarte como un hombre.
11. Eso no puede ser tan facil.
12. Ese debe de ser el hombre que buscamos.
13. Esa no puede ser la mujer que yo vi.
14. Debeis hablar mas despacio.
15. No puedes hablar a una persona mayor asi.
16. Debe de estar teniendo muchos problemas con el idioma.
17. No se puede decir eso, sabes.
18. Deben de ser gemelos.
19. No se puede leer y escribir al mismo tiempo.
20. No pueden haber llegado a una conclusion todavia.
21. Usted debe de ser el Sr. Martin.
22. Usted no puede ser la persona con la que hable ayer.
23. No debes dejar la verja abierta.
24. No se puede hacer tanto ruido de noche.
25. Debes de tener hambre despues de esta caminata.
26. No se puede tener un piano en un piso pequeno.
27. Debe usted de ensenarme el pase si quiere entrar.
28. No se pueden decir esas cosas delante de todo el mundo.
29. No debes perderte esta oportunidad.
30. Esta muy lejos. No puede llegar a tiempo.
31. Ya debes de haber visto esa pelicula.
32. No puede haber visto esa pelicula. Es nueva.
33. Debo de haber leido algo acerca de eso.
34. Sencillamente debes ver esa pelicula. Es estupenda.
35. No puedes tener hambre despues de comer todo eso.
36. Ya debe de haber recibido el paquete para ahora.
37. No puede haber recibido el paquete. Lo mandamos ayer.
38. Debes de ser un hombre muy atareado.
39. El hombre no puede volar como un pajaro.
40. Debes pedir perdon por lo que has dicho.
1. I must go to the bank to get some money.
2. You can't be thirsty after drinking a pint of beer.
3. When you enter the building you must show the guard your pass.
4. That woman can't be over fifty.
5. You mustn't open the door to strangers.
6. He can't be so silly.
7. He can't have finished it.
8. Y'ou mustn't arrive late.
9. You can't run a marathon in two hours.
10. You must behave like a man.
11. That can't be so easy.
12. That must be the man we are looking for.
13. That can't be the woman I saw.
14. You must speak more slowly.
15. You can't speak to an adult like that.
16. He must be having a lot of problems with the language.
17. You can't say that, you know.
18. They must be twins.
19. You can't read and write at the same time.
20. They can't have reached a conclusion yet.
21. You must be Mr Martin.
22. You can't be the person I talked to yesterday.
23. You musn't leave the gate open.
24. You can't make so much noise at night.
25. You must be hungry after this long walk.
26. You can't have a piano in a small flat.
27. You must show me your pass if you want to come in.
28. You can't say those things in front of everybody.
29. You mustn't miss this opportunity.
30. He is very far. He can't arrive in/on time.
31. You must have seen that film already.
32. He can't have seen that film. It is new.
33. I must have read something about that.
34. You simply must see that film. It's wonderful.
35. You can't be hungry after eating all that.
36. He must have received the parcel by now.
37. He can't have received the parcel. We sent it yesterday.
38. You must be a very busy man.
39. Man can't fly like a bird.
40. You must apologize for what you've said.
l.Deberfais poner calefaccion central.
2. Ten cuidado. Podfas haberte cafdo.
3. Deberias haber ido al medico antes.
4. j Podfas habermelo dicho!
5. Deberias pasar tu examen. Conduces muy bien.
6. No podia ser el. Esta muerto.
7. Yo creo que deberfas comprarte un coche nuevo.
8. Podrfas venir con nosotros.
9. No deberfamos trabajar tanto.
10. No pude venir a tiempo.
11. Deberias ir a la cama mas temprano.
12. El bebe podria llegar en cualquier momento.
13. Creo que deberiamos pedirle perdon.
14. ^Podria usar tu telefono?
15. No deberian gritar tanto.
16. ^ Podria tomar prestada tu bicicleta?
17. Creo que deberfas dejar eso para mafiana.
18. (-.Podria venir a verte la semana que viene?
19. Deberias dejar de fumar.
20. ^Podrfas pasar a maquina otra carta antes de irte?
21. Deberiamos haber salido a cenar.
22. ^,Crees que podrias darme un cigarrillo?
23. Yo deberia haberle hablado (a ella).
24. Tengo tanta hambre que podria comerme un caballo.
25. Deberias mantener la ventana abierta.
26. Podrfan haberse olvidado de telefonear.
27. No deberia haberle insultado.
28. For lo menos podias haberme mandado una postal.
29. Deberias haber echado las cartas esta manana.
30. Podriamos escribir una carta al director.
31. No deberfas hablar con la boca llena.
32. Siempre podrfamos llamarle a su casa.
33. ^No deberiamos ir mas temprano?
34. El podrfa hacerlo mucho mas rapido.
35. No deberfas preocuparte.
36. Podfas haber venido con nosotros.
37. Deberfas habermelo dicho antes.
38. Ella sabfa hablar varies idiomas.
39. No deberiamos hablar asf de el.
40. No pude llegar a tiempo a la reunion.
I. You should/ought to install/put in central heating.
2. Be careful. You could have fallen.
3. You should/ought to have gone to the doctor before.
4. You could have told me!
5. You should/ought to pass your test. You drive very well.
6. It couldn't be him. He is dead.
7. I think you should/ought to buy a new car.
8. You could come with us.
9. We shouldn't/oughtn't to work so much.
10. I couldn't come in time.
11. You should/ought to go to bed earlier.
12. The baby could arrive at any time.
13. I think we should/ought to apologize.
14. Could I use your phone?
15. They shouldn't/oughtn't to shout so much.
16. Could I borrow your bicycle?
17. I think you should/ought to leave that for tomorrow.
18. Could I come and see you next week?
19. You should/ought to stop/give up smoking.
20. Could you type another letter before you go?
21. We should/ought to have gone out for dinner.
22. Do you think I could have a cigarette?
23. I should/ought to have spoken to her.
24. I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse.
25. You should/ought to keep the window open.
26. They could have forgotten to phone.
27. You shouldn't/oughtn't to have insulted him.
28. You could have at least sent me a post card.
29. You should/ought to have posted the letters this morning.
30. We could write a letter to the headmaster.
31. You shouldn't/oughtn't to speak with your mouth full.
32. We could always ring his home number.
33. Shouldn't we/Oughtn't we (to) go earlier?
34. He could do it much faster.
35. You shouldn't/oughtn't (to) worry.
36. You could have come with us.
37. You should/ought to have told me before.
38. She could speak several languages.
39. We shouldn't/oughtn't to speak like that about him.
40. I couldn't arrive in/on time at the meeting.
1. Nunca habia leido un libro tan interesante.
2. Este libro es tan interesante que no puedo dejarlo.
3. ^Que sucede en tales ocasiones?
4. Esas ocasiones son tan raras que suceden de ciento en viento.
5. jTiene unos ojos tan bonitos!
6. Sus ojos son tan bonitos que todo el mundo se queda mirandola.
7. Poetas tales como Keaths and Shelley escribieron poesia romantica.
8. jEstos poemas son tan largos...!
9. No es tan tonto como parece.
10. Ese hombre es tan tonto que no sabe donde esta su mano izquierda.
11. Nunca he visto una pelicula tan aburrida.
12. La pelicula era tan aburrida que nos salimos del cine.
13. Nunca habia comido una comida tan maravillosa.
14. Esa chica es tan maravillosa que me he enamorado de ella.
15. Ese hombre tiene tantos problemas que no puede dormir.
16. Esos problemas son tan dificiles que nadie los puede resolver.
17. Era un tren tan rapido que estabamos aqui en media hora.
18. El tren era tan rapido que estabamos aqui en media hora.
19. Nunca he comido una comida tan horrible.
20. La comida era tan horrible que no la pude comer.
21. No pudimos salir con un tiempo tan horrible.
22. El tiempo estaba tan horrible que no salimos.
23. jChristine Rossetti escribio una poesia tan maravillosa....!
24. jEsta poesia es tan maravillosa ...!
25. Era una charla tan aburrida que me quede dormido.
26. La charla era tan aburrida que me quede dormido.
27. No me acuerdo; fue hace tanto tiempo....
28. jEs una tonteria tan grande!
29. jHaces un cafe tan estupendo, querida!
30. Pocas veces se oyen noticias tan espantosas.
31. [Era una noticia tan buena ...!
32. jEsa noticia es tan buena ...!
33. iQue muebles tan bonitos!
34. jEsos muebles son tan bonitos!
35. Nunca habia visto una conducta tan mala.
36. Nunca habia oido una tonteria tan grande.
37. Es diffcil imaginar tal violencia.
38. Yo nunca habia dado tales consejos.
39. jEsos consejos son tan buenos ...!
40. jNunca habia oido tales truenos!
1. I had never read such an interesting book.
2. This book is so interesting that I can't put it down.
3. What happens on such occasions?
4. Those occasions are so rare that they happen once in a blue moon.
5. She's got such beautiful eyes!
6. Her eyes are so beautiful that everybody stares at her.
7. Such poets as Keats and Shelley wrote Romantic poetry.
8. These poems are so long...!
9. He is not such a fool as he looks.
10. That man is so silly that he doesn't know where his left hand is.
11. I have never seen such a boring film.
12. The film was so boring that we walked out of the cinema.
13. I had never had/eaten such a wonderful meal.
14. That girl is so wonderful that I've fallen in love with her.
15. That man has such a lot of problems that he can't sleep.
16. Those problems are so difficult that nobody can solve them.
17. It was such a fast train that we were here in half an hour.
18. The train was so fast that we were here in half an hour.
19. I've never eaten such horrible food.
20. The food was so horrible that I couldn't eat it.
21. We couldn't go out in such awful weather.
22. The weather was so awful that we didn't go out.
23. Christine Rossetti wrote such wonderful poetry....!
24. This poetry is so wonderful ...!
25. It was such a boring speech that I fell asleep.
26. The speech was so boring that I fell asleep.
27. I can't remember; it was such a long time/so long ago...
28. It's such nonsense!
29. You make such wonderful coffee, darling!
30. Seldom you hear such awful news.
31. It was such a good piece of news ...!
32. That piece of news is so good ...!
33. What nice furniture!
34. That furniture is so nice!
35. I had never seen such bad conduct.
36. I had never heard such nonsense.
37. It's difficult to imagine such violence.
38. I had never given such advice.
39. That advice is so good ...!
40. I had never heard such thunder.
1. Despues de terminar mi carta me fui al cine.
2. Antes de hacer eso piensalo.
3. Estoy deseando verte.
4. El no es muy bueno aprendiendo idiomas.
5. Estoy hasta la coronilla de hacer siempre lo mismo.
6. Este cuchillo es para cortar pan.
7. Ella insistio en pagar por ella.
8. No merece la pena coger tu coche.
9. Estoy a favor de dar a todo el mundo el dia libre.
10. ^Esta usted interesado en trabajar para el?
11. Cenaron antes de ir al cine.
12. Mi hijo es muy bueno en resolver esos problemas.
13. Despues de nadar en el mar tomaron una ducha.
14. Esta pensando en emigrar al Canada.
15. En vez de ir al cine nos fuimos al teatro.
16. A pesar de caerse gano la carrera.
17. Este es un aparato para abrir latas de conserva.
18. Es muy aficionado a escalar montanas.
19. Se fue sin decir adios.
20. Siguio haciendolo una y otra vez.
21. Para dejar de estornudar trata de mantener la respiracion.
22. No hacia nada mas que molestarme.
23. Primero lo intentaron poniendo una alambrada.
24. El borracho siguio llamando al timbre.
25. Ha salido con esta lluvia sin paraguas.
26. Estoy deseando volver a verte.
27. Estamos hasta la coronilla de comer espaguetis.
28. Ese cuchillo es para trinchar carne.
29. Entro en la casa rompiendo la ventana de la cocina.
30. <,De que sirve trabajar tanto?
31. Encontramos lo que queriamos sin buscarlo.
32. Seguimos hablando hasta medianoche.
33. No podia parar de refrme.
34. No esta interesado en meter horas extraordinarias.
35. lE&ta usted a favor del tratado de paz?
36. Tu hijo no es muy bueno en matematicas, me temo.
37. Ella insistio en venir con nosotros.
38. Ella aparecio sin decir nada a nadie.
39. ^,Que vas a hacer despues de dejar el colegio?
40. Antes de salir le dio a su madre un beso de despedida.
1. After finishing my letter I went to the cinema.
2. Before doing that think about it.
3. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
4. He is not very good at learning languages.
5. I'm fed up with always doing the same thing.
6. This knife is for cutting bread.
7. She insisted on paying for herself.
8. There is no point in taking your car.
9. I'm in favour of giving everybody the day off.
10. Are you interested in working for him?
11. They had dinner before going to the cinema.
12. Mi son is very good at solving those problems.
13. After swimming in the sea they had a shower.
14. He is thinking of emigrating to Canada.
15. Instead of going to the cinema we went to the theatre.
16. In spite of falling he won the race.
17. This is a gadget for opening tins.
18. He is very fond of climbing mountains.
19. He went away without saying goodbye.
20. He kept doing it again and again.
21. To stop sneezing try holding your breath.
22. He kept bothering me.
23. First they tried putting up a fence.
24. The drunkard kept on ringing the doorbell.
25. He's gone out in this rain without his umbrella.
26. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
27. We are fed up with eating spaghetti.
28. That knife is for carving meat.
29. He entered the house by breaking the kitchen window.
30. What's the point of working so much?
31. We found what we wanted without looking for it.
32. We went on talking until midnight.
33. I couldn't stop laughing.
34. He is not interested in working overtime.
35. Are you in favour of the peace treaty?
36. You son is not good at maths/mathematics, I'm afraid.
37. She insisted on coming with us.
38. She turned up without saying anything to anybody.
39. What are you going to do after leaving school?
40. Before leaving he kissed his mother goodbye.
1. ^Cual es el mas grande de los dos?
2. Hoy esta mas agradable que ayer.
3. Es mucho mas facil hacer las cosas bien.
4. Es mucho mejor dar que recibir.
5. Cuanto mas larga sea la llamada mas tienes que pagar.
6. Necesitamos una casa mucho mas grande que esta.
7. Si lo dejas para manana sera mucho peor.
8. Cuanto mejor sea el profesor, mas aprenden los alumnos.
9. Cada dia se esta poniendo mas dificil encontrar trabajo.
10. Yo creia que iba a ser mucho mas interesante.
11. Tu hotel es mucho mas comodo.
12. Esta maleta parece hacerse mas pesada cada vez.
13. Cuanto mas tienes, mas quieres.
14. Cuanto mas caro es, mas se vende.
15. Segun pasaban los dias se ponfa mas y mas nerviosa.
16. El andar es mucho menos cansado que el correr.
17. Hoy hace mucho mas frio que ayer.
18. Las cosas son mucho mas caras hoy en dia.
19. Ese chico esta haciendose mas y mas alto.
20. Me siento menos cansado hoy que ayer.
21. ^Cual es la mas pequena de las dos?
22. Nuestro coche es mucho peor que el vuestro.
23. Una chaqueta de cuero es mucho mas cara que una de plastico.
24. Ha habido muchos mas accidentes este ano.
25. Ha habido menos crimenes este ano que el ano pasado.
26. Este chico es mas alto que lo normal.
27. Fue mucho mas interesante de lo que yo esperaba.
28. Parece un poco mas contenta que ayer.
29. El tiempo esta haciendose mas y mas caluroso.
30. Cuanto mas alto subes mas frio hace.
31. Este es un poquito mejor.
32. Era incluso mas caro que el nuestro.
33. Los videos son cada vez menos y menos caros.
34. ^Quien es el mas alto de estos dos chicos?
35. Cuanto mas tiempo espera mas impaciente se pone.
36. Parece ser mucho mas amplio.
37. Aquella casa es mucho mas grande que la nuestra.
38. La grieta del muro se esta haciendo mas y mas grande.
39. Cada vez esta lloviendo mas.
40. Fue mucho mas aburrido de lo que yo creia que iba a ser.
1. Which is the bigger of the two?
2. It's more pleasant today than it was yesterday.
3. It's much easier to do things properly.
4. It's much better to give than to receive.
5. The longer the phone call the more you have to pay.
6. We need a house much bigger than this one.
7. If you leave it for tomorrow it will be much worse.
8. The better the teacher is, the more the pupils learn.
9. It's getting more and more difficult to find a job.
10. I thought it was going to be much more interesting.
11. Your hotel is much more comfortable.
12. This suitcase seems to be getting heavier and heavier.
13. The more you have the more you want.
14. The more expensive it is the more it sells.
15. As days passed she became more and more nervous.
16. Walking is much less tiring than running.
17. Today it's much colder than yesterday.
18. Things are much more expensive nowadays.
19. That boy is getting taller and taller.
20. I feel less tired today than I felt yesterday.
21. Which is the smaller of the two?
22. Our car is much worse than yours.
23. A leather jacket is much more expensive than a plastic one.
24. There have been many more accidents this year.
25. There has been fewer crimes this year than last year.
26. This boy is taller than average.
27. It was much more interesting than I expected.
28. She looks a bit happier than yesterday.
29. The weather is getting warmer and warmer.
30. The higher you climb the colder it becomes.
31. This is a bit better.
32. It was even more expensive than ours.
33. Videos are getting less and less expensive.
34. Who is the taller of these two boys?
35. The longer he waits the more impatient he becomes.
36. It seems to be much wider.
37. That house is much bigger than ours.
38. The crack on the wall is getting bigger and bigger.
39. It is raining harder and harder.
40. It was much more boring than I thought it would be.
1. La ultima vez que llovio fue hace seis meses.
2. Era una pregunta dificil, asi que la conteste la ultima.
3. Marta canta tan dulcemente como su hermana.
4. Se nadar tan bien como tu.
5. Las nubes desaparecieron mas rapidamente de lo que esperaba.
6. Cuanto mas rapido escribo a maquina mas equivocaciones hago.
7. Mi hermano conduce mas rapido que nadie que yo conozco.
8. Hoy el tiempo no es tan bueno como ayer.
9. No vamos a venir tan pronto como ayer.
10. Llegaron mas temprano que de costumbre.
11. El come mucho mas rapido que yo.
12. Jugo mejor de lo que habia jugado jamas.
13. Llegaron mas temprano de lo que yo esperaba.
14. Cuanto mas tarde saigas antes volveras.
15. Trabajo tan despacio como pudo.
16. No ronca tan fuerte como tu.
17. El no juega tan bien como esperabamos.
18. El canta mas alto que nadie que yo haya oi'do jamas.
19. Trabajas mas duro que el.
20. Se como Juan: vete a correr todos los dias.
21. Yo no canto tan bien como ella.
22. Yo corro tan rapido como tu hermano.
23. Ella no puede saltar tan alto como su amiga.
24. No me siento tan en forma como ayer.
25. No se sobre peliculas tanto como tu.
26. Ella no estaba tan nerviosa como de costumbre.
27. Estaba nevando mas y mas fuertemente.
28. La ultima vez que nos encontramos fue hace dos meses.
29. Yo voy alii mas a menudo que tu.
30. Mi tio viene a vernos menos a menudo que mi tia.
31. Se expresa menos claramente que su hermana.
32. Yo voy alii mucho mas a menudo que tii.
33. Venimos aqui mas rara vez que antes.
34. No bebe tanto como solia.
35. Escribes peor que antes.
36. Vendremos mas tarde que de costumbre.
37. Mi casa esta mas lejos del rio que la tuya.
38. Ella lo hizo mucho mas rapidamente que el.
39. Fuimos al Museo de Cera lo ultimo.
40. Le veo mas raramente que antes.
1. It last rained six months ago.
2. It was a difficult question, so I answered it last.
3. Martha sings as beautifully as her sister.
4. I can swim as well as you.
5. The clouds disappeared more quickly than I expected.
6. The faster I type the more mistakes I make.
7. My brother drives faster than anyone that I know.
8. Today's weather is not as good as yesterday.
9. We are not going to come as early as yesterday.
10. They arrived earlier than usual.
11. He eats much more quickly than I do/ than me.
12. He played better than he had ever played.
13. They arrived earlier than I expected.
14. The earlier you start the sooner you'll be back.
15. He worked as slowly as he could.
16. He doesn't snore as/so loudly as you do.
17. He doesn't play as well as we expected.
18. He sings louder than anyone I have ever heard.
19. You work harder than he does/than him.
20. Be like John: go jogging every day.
21. I don't sing as well as she does.
22. I run as fast as your brother.
23. She can't jump as high as her friend.
24. I don't feel as fit as yesterday.
25. I don't know about films as much as you/you do.
26. She wasn't as nervous as usual.
27. It was snowing heavier and heavier.
28. We last met two months ago.
29. I go there more often than you.
30. My uncle comes to see us less often than my aunt.
31. He expresses himself less clearly than his sister.
32. I go there much more often than you/than you do.
33. We come here more seldom than before.
34. He doesn't drink as much as he used to.
35. You write worse than before.
36. We'll come later than usual.
37. My house is farther from the river than yours.
38. She did it much more quickly than he did/than him.
39. We went to the Wax Museum last.
40. I see him more rarely than before.
1. Yo pago mis cuentas trimestralmente.
2. Estaba locamente enamorado de la joven.
3. Estos actores actuan muy mal.
4. Esta habitacion necesita malamente una capa de pintura.
5. El habla ingles muy bien.
6. La excursion estaba muy bien organizada.
7. Decidieron en secrete encontrarse otra vez.
S.Ella cantaba maravillosamente.
9. Este tren es muy rapido.
10. Ella mecanografio las cartas muy mal.
ll.Dejo su trabajo reluctantemente.
12. Nego airadamente que el habia robado el dinero.
13. Paga muy bien al personal.
14. Los documentos fueron debidamente recibidos.
15. Siempre me saluda de una manera muy amistosa.
16. Este hombre se comporta siempre de una manera muy noble.
17. Esta gente siempre rie muy alto.
18. Tienes que hacerlo de una manera muy cuidadosa.
19. La pelfcula termino felizmente.
20. Condujo muy rapido.
21. Probablemente llovera esta noche.
22. 'Ire cuando quiera,' dijo con sequedad.
23. Basicamente es la misma cosa.
24. Pagamos las facturas mensualmente.
25. De repente aparecio en la puerta.
26. Estabamos muy mal pagados.
27. El viejo barco parecia navegar de costado.
28. Giramos siguiendo la direccion de las manecillas del reloj.
29. Miro suspicazmente a todos los que estaban en la sala.
30. Bajo el cuadro lentamente.
31. Estaba disenado muy mal.
32. Dio un paso hacia atras.
33. Oigo muy mal.
34. Es muy improbable que vengan temprano.
35. Fueron recibidos de una manera muy amistosa.
36. Era una persona extremadamente delicada.
37. La nina miro a los monos con curiosidad.
38. Ella me contesto en un alto susurro.
39. Salio con mucha prisa.
40. El pajarito cantaba alegremente todo el dia.
1. I pay my bills quarterly.
2. He was madly in love with the girl.
3. These actors act very badly.
4. This room badly needs a coat of paint.
5. He speaks English very well.
6. The excursion was very well organized.
7. They secretly decided to meet again.
8. She sang beautifully.
9. This train is very fast.
10. She typed the letters very badly.
11. He gave up his job reluctantly.
12. He denied angrily that he had stolen the money.
13. He pays his staff very well.
14. The documents were duly received.
15. She always greets me in a very friendly way.
16. This man always behaves very nobly.
17. These people always laugh very loudly.
18. You have to do it very carefully.
19. The film ended happily.
20. He drove very fast.
21. It will probably rain tonight.
22. 'I'll go whenever I want,' he said drily.
23. It is basically the same thing.
24. We pay the bills monthly.
25. He suddenly appeared in the doorway.
26. We were very badly paid.
27. The old ship seemed to sail sideways.
28. We turned clockwise.
29. He looked suspiciously at everybody in the room/lounge.
30. He took the picture down slowly.
31. It was very badly designed.
32. He took a step backwards.
33. I hear very badly.
34. It's very unlikely that they come early.
35. They were received in a friendly way.
36. She was an extremely delicate person.
37. The little girl looked at the monkeys curiously.
38. She answered me in a loud whisper.
39. He left in a hurry/hurriedly.
40. The little bird sang happily all day long.
1. Teniamos una mesa de madera hecha a mano.
2. Compro un mantel italiano hecho a mano.
3. Habia una joven china pequena muy amistosa en el mostrador.
4. Sus ropas estaban sucias, viejas, mojadas y gastadas.
5. Era un joven moreno, alto, apuesto.
6. Habia un pequeno camarero muy amistoso.
7. Era pequeno, moreno y sucio.
8. Teniamos un bello, antiguo aparador italiano marron.
9. Vimos a lo lejos un precioso pueblecito pesquero.
10. Tenia un enorme, perro bianco gordo.
11. Su cabello era precioso, negro y largo.
12. En la tienda de antiguedades vi un anillo de plata raro.
13. Jill estaba admirando un antiguo e interesante cuadro italiano.
14. Una viejecilla simpatica estaba sentada en el banco.
15. Entro acompanada por un apuesto joven.
16. Vivian en una casa moderna de ladrillos rojos.
11 .La mujer llevaba un bolso de cuero negro.
18. Vimos una pelicula japonesa nueva.
19. Bronson era un viejo cruel y rencoroso.
20. Una carretera larga y estrecha se alargaba delante de el.
21. Teniamos un armario de cocina de roble hecho a mano.
22. Llevaba una camisa nueva de seda china verde hecha a mano
23. La nina tenia un enorme batido de fresa muy frio.
24. Importan camisas hechas a mano de Taiwan de venta rapida.
25. Era un viejo y bello edificio italiano.
26. Vivia en una preciosa y espaciosa habitacion aireada.
27. Salia con un joven intrepido piloto de la Fuerza Aerea.
28. Comieron algo en un viejo restaurante indio barato.
29. El popular dramaturgo recien enviudado, H. Hill, viene hoy.
30. Era una dia precioso soleado.
31. Su cara era delgada y palida.
32. Una estrecha y serpenteante carretera comarcal les esperaba.
33. Pasaron el dia en una pequena play a arenosa mediterranea.
34. Esgrimia en la mano un cuchillo largo y afilado.
35. Tenian elegantes cortinas de terciopelo azul.
36. Tenia unos ojos grandes y acuosos.
37. Habia un viejo hombrecito grurion detras del mostrador.
38. Habia una antigua y rara mesa francesa blanca en el centro.
39. El cafe que tomamos era negro y fuerte.
40. Era una atractiva mujer japonesa de edad media.
1. We had a handmade wooden table.
2. He bought an Italian handmade tablecloth.
3. There was a very friendly small Chinese girl at the counter.
4. His clothes were filthy, old, wet and worn out.
5. He was a tall dark handsome young man.
6. There was a friendly little waiter.
7. He was short, dark and dirty.
8. We had a beautiful old brown Italian cupboard.
9. We saw in the distance a lovely little fishing village.
10. He had a huge fat white dog.
11. Her hair was beautiful, long and black.
12. In the antique shop I saw a rare silver ring.
13. Jill was admiring an interesting old Italian painting.
14. A nice little lady was sitting on the bench.
15. She entered accompanied by a good-looking young man.
16. They lived in a modern red brick house.
17. The woman carried a black leather handbag.
18. We saw a new Japanese film.
19. Bronson was a cruel and rancorous old man.
20. A long and narrow road stretched in front of him.
21. We had a handmade oak kitchen cupboard.
22. He wore a new green Chinese handmade silk shirt.
23. The little girl had a huge ice-cold strawberry milkshake.
24. They import quick-selling Taiwan handmade shirts.
25. It was a beautiful old Italian building.
26. She lived in a beautiful spacious airy room.
27. She went out with a young daring Air Force pilot.
28. They had something to eat in a cheap old Indian restaurant.
29. Recently-widowed popular dramatist, H. Hill, is coming today.
30. It was a beautiful sunny day.
31. Her face was thin and white/pale.
32. A narrow winding country road awaited them.
33. They spent the day on a sandy little Mediterranean beach.
34. He brandished a sharp long knife in his hand.
35. They had elegant blue velvet curtains.
36. She had large watery eyes.
37. There was a grumpy little old man at the counter.
38. There was a rare old white French table in the centre.
39. The coffee we had was black and strong.
40. She was an attractive middle-aged Japanese woman.
1. Nos quedamos sorprendidos porque el final era sorprendente.
2. La noticias eran muy alarmantes.
3. Nosotros creemos que el arte es muy interesante.
4. Estabamos muy preocupados por la situacion.
5. Es una pelicula muy divertida.
6. Le divirtio ofr la anecdota.
7. Tened cuidado al cruzar la carretera.
8. Estamos muy interesados en el Jazz.
9. Nos encontramos en una situacion asombrosa.
10. Fue una experiencia terrorifica.
11. Los dos chicos se encontraban en una situacion desesperada.
12. La vieja Mrs Clinton se sentia muy deprimida.
13. Era una situacion verdaderamente embarazosa.
14. Es muy aburrido el hacer lo mismo dia tras dia.
15. Seria muy excitante el bajar por el rio en canoa.
16. Es muy interesante para los ninos ver como viven los animales
17. Esta pelicula no ha tenido mucho exito.
18. Esa es una palabra sin sentido.
19. Es un hombre muy confiado.
20. Es una persona muy descuidada.
21. Era una ceremonia excitante de observar.
22. Estoy encantada de verte otra vez.
23. La situacion del viejo mercante era preocupante.
24. Estaba preocupado a causa del estado del viejo barco.
25. Me senti deprimido al oir las noticias.
26. Se sintio desilusionado. Las noticias eran desalentadoras.
27. Estaban asustados. Era una experiencia terrible.
28. ^Estas interesado en el trabajo? Es muy interesante.
29. Fue una experiencia muy alentadora.
30. Nos sentimos todos muy animados.
31. Fue un viaje muy excitante. Todos estabamos muy excitados.
32. Era deprimente encontrar la casa vacia.
33. Era una herida muy dolorosa.
34. No te preocupes, es una extraccion sin dolor.
35. Es un hombre de negocios de mucho exito.
36. Son todos hombres sin temor.
37. Parecia ser un pozo sin fondo.
38. Todo esto es muy divertido.
39. Fue una velada deliciosa.
40. La pobre chica estaba desconcertada.
1. We were surprised because the ending was surprising.
2. The news was very alarming.
3. We believe that art is very interesting.
4. We were very worried about the situation.
5. It is a very amusing film.
6. He was amused to hear the anecdote.
7. Be careful crossing the road.
8. We are very interested in Jazz.
9. We found ourselves in an astonishing situation.
10. It was a terrifying experience.
11. The two boys found themselves in a hopeless situation.
12. Old Mrs Clinton felt very depressed.
13. It was a really embarrassing situation.
14. It's very boring to do the same thing day after day.
15. It'd be very exciting to canoe down the river.
16. It's very interesting for children to see how animals live.
17. This film has not been very successful.
18. That's a meaningless word.
19. He's a trustworthy man.
20. He is a careless person.
21. It was an exciting ceremony to watch.
22. I'm delighted to see you again.
23. The situation of the old cargo vessel was worrying.
24. He was worried because of the condition of the old ship.
25. I felt depressed on hearing the news.
26. He was disappointed. The news was disappointing.
27. They were frightened. It was a frightening experience.
28. Are you interested in the job? It's very interesting.
29. It was a very encouraging experience.
30. We all felt very encouraged.
31. It was a very exciting journey. We were all very excited.
32. It was depressing to find the house empty.
33. It was a very painful wound.
34. Don't worry, it's a painless extraction.
35. He is a very successful businessman.
36. They are all fearless men.
37. It seemed to be a bottomless pit.
38. All this is very amusing.
39. It was a delightful evening.
40. The poor girl was bewildered.
1. Esta noche salgo a las diez.
2. '^Cuando lo sabras?' 'Lo sabre esta noche.'
3. '^Cuando le vas a ver?' 'Le voy a ver esta noche.'
4. Mi novio me va a llevar al teatro esta noche.
5. '^Nos encontramos en el pub?' 'No, te ire a buscar.'
6. Voy a comprar un coche nuevo.
7. Voy a pensar acerca de ello.
8. Mi hijo va a ser dentista cuando crezca.
9. He comprado unos ladrillos. Voy a construir un garaje.
10. ^Que vas a hacer con esa pala?
11. Voy a plantar un rosal.
12. Vamos a viajar de dia y de noche.
13. Probablemente me lo dira manana.
14. Si, me lo va a decir manana.
15. Salimos temprano manana por la manana.
16. Voy a arreglarte la bici esta noche.
17. 'Se me ha estropeado la bici.' 'Bueno, ahora te la arreglo.
18. Ha cogido la raqueta. Probablemente va a jugar al tenis.
19. Parece que va a Hover.
20. Te vas a caer de esa rama.
21. ^Que haces el sabado que viene?
22. El sabado que viene me quedo en casa.
23. Esta noche nos encontramos a las ocho.
24. ^Haces algo esta noche?
25. Este ano voy a escribir dos libros.
26. Salgo para Brasil dentro de dos dias.
27. Voy a visitar varies paises de Sudamerica.
28. '<-,Me vas a dar el libro?' 'Te lo dare esta noche.'
29. No te preocupes no te hare dafio.
30. Te devolvere el dinero en cuanto pueda.
31. '^Como vais a EE.UU.?' 'Vamos en avion.'
32. Te ayudare con esa maleta.
33. Bajate de la escalera. Te vas a caer.
34. Creo que me quedare en casa esta noche.
35. '^Cuando te casas?' 'Nos casamos esta noche.'
36. 'Silvia quiere hablarte.' 'Ahora la llamo.'
37. Vamos a coger un par de dias de vacaciones.
38. 'No tengo dinero.' 'Te prestare unas libras.'
39. Vamos a cruzar el canal esta tarde.
40. Los Irenes son muy lentos. Creo que ire en avion.
1. Tonight I'm leaving at ten.
2. 'When will you know it?' I'll know it tonight.'
3. 'When are you meeting him?' 'I'm meeting him tonight.'
4. My boyfriend is taking me to the theatre tonight.
5. 'Shall we meet at the pub?' 'No, I'll call for you.'
6. I am going to buy a new car.
7. I am going to think about it.
8. My son is going to be a dentist when he grows up.
9. I have bought some bricks. I'm going to build a garage.
10. What are you going to do with that spade?
11. I am going to plant a rosebush.
12. We are travelling day and night.
13. He'll probably tell me tomorrow.
14. Yes, he is going to tell me tomorrow.
15. We are leaving early tomorrow morning.
16. I'm going to repair your bicycle this evening.
17. 'My bike has broken down.' 'Okay, I'll repair it now.'
18. He has taken his racket. He's probably going to play tennis.
19. It seems it's going to rain.
20. You are going to fall from that branch.
21. What are you doing next Saturday?
22. I am staying at home next Saturday.
23. Tonight we are meeting at eight.
24. Are you doing anything tonight?
25. This year I'm going to write two books.
26. I'm leaving for Brazil in two days' time.
27. I'm going to visit several countries in South America.
28. 'Are you going to give me the book?' 'I'll give it to you tonight.'
29. Don't worry, I won't hurt you.
30. I'll give you the money back as soon as I can.
31. 'How are you going to the U.S.A.?' 'We're going by plane.'
32. I'll help you with that suitcase.
33. Get down from the ladder. You're going to fall.
34. I think I'll stay in tonight.
35. 'When are you getting married?' 'We're getting married tonight.'
36. 'Sylvia wants to talk to you.' 'I'll phone her in a minute.'
37. We are going to take a couple of days off.
38. 'I haven't got any money.' 'I'll lend you a few quid.'
39. We are going to cross the channel this afternoon.
40. Trains are very slow. I think I'll fly.
1. Mi padre solia fumar 40 cigarrillos al dia.
2. ^Solias beber alcohol cuando eras joven?
3. El esta acostumbrado a beber.
4. El suele beber una botella de whisky los sabados.
5. Cuando era joven me lavantaba temprano.
6. El Sr. Martin solia ser profesor de matematicas.
7. Solia estar sentado en ese banco durante horas.
8. El esta acostumbrado a trabajar duro.
9. Solia trabajar duro.
10. Suele trabajar muy duro.
11. Solia beber mucha sidra cuando vivia en el Pais Vasco.
12. Suelo beber una botella de sidra los domingos.
13. Estoy acostumbrado a beber sidra.
14. Soliamos ir al cine todos los sabados.
15. Solemos ir al cine todos los sabados.
16. El viejo solia mirar al mar durante horas.
17. ^Solia Pedro venir temprano?
18. No soliamos viajar mucho.
19. Yo solia ir al cine una vez a la semana.
20. ^Soliais ir al teatro cuando viviais en Madrid?
21. Solian vivir en Londres. Ahora viven en Nueva York.
22. Yo solia tomar muchas medicinas, pero ahora soy vegetariano.
23. Soliamos ir de vacaciones a Italia todos los anos.
24. Solemos ir de vacaciones a Italia todos los anos.
25. Estoy acostumbrado a tomar el sol.
26. ^Solias entrenar mucho?
27. ^Sueles entrenar mucho?
28. ^Estas acostumbrado a entrenar mucho?
29. Yo no solia madrugar mucho.
30. No suelo madrugar mucho.
31. No estoy acostumbrado a madrugar mucho.
32. Ellos solian comer bien.
33. Suelen comer bien.
34. Estan acostumbrados a comer bien.
35. ^Solian hablar los alumnos en ingles?
36. ^Suelen hablar los alumnos en ingles?
37. ^Estan los alumnos acostumbrados a hablar en ingles?
38. Estos ninos no solian decir mentiras.
39. Estos ninos no suelen decir mentiras.
40. Estos ninos no estan acostumbrados a decir mentiras.
1. My father used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
2. Did you use to drink alcohol when you were young?
3. He is used to drinking.
4. He usually drinks a bottle of whisky on Saturdays.
5. When I was young I used to/would get up early.
6. Mr Martin used to be a maths teacher.
7. He used to/would sit on that bench for hours.
8. He is used to working hard.
9. He used to work hard.
10. He usually works very hard.
11. I used to drink a lot of cider when I lived in the Basque Country.
12. I usually drink a bottle of cider on Sundays.
13. I am used to drinking cider.
14. We used to go to the cinema every Saturday.
15. We usually go to the cinema every Saturday.
16. The old man used to/would look at the sea for hours.
17. Did Peter use to come early?
18. We didn't use to travel very much.
19. I used to go to the cinema once a week.
20. Did you use to go to the theatre when you lived in Madrid?
21. They used to live in London. Now they live in New York.
22. I used to take a lot of medicines, but now I'm a vegetarian.
23. We used to go on holiday to Italy every year.
24. We usually go on holiday to Italy every year.
25. I am used to sunbathing.
26. Did you use to train very much/hard?
27. Do you usually train very much/hard?
28. Are you used to training very much/hard?
29. I didn't use to get up early.
30. I don't usually get up very early.
31. I am not used to getting up early.
32. They used to eat well.
33. They usually eat well.
34. They are used to eating well.
35. Did the pupils use to speak in English?
36. Do the pupils usually speak in English?
37. Are the pupils used to speaking in English?
38. These children didn't use to tell lies.
39. These children don't usually tell lies.
40. These children are not used to telling lies.
1. Me enfadare si venis tarde.
2. Te lo mandare cuando termine con el.
3. Te dare su direccion cuando la encuentre.
4. Se lo dire en cuanto le vea.
5. No saldremos hasta manana por la noche.
6. Te telefoneare si no llegamos muy tarde.
7. Te prestare el dinero cuando me lo pidas.
8. Te mandare una postal en cuanto lleguemos.
9. No saldremos hasta que pare de Hover.
10. Si llama tu hermano dile que no estoy.
11. Cuando te despiertes estaras en Barcelona.
12. Voy a escribir una carta mientras terminas los deberes.
13. Lo arreglare cuando vuelva esta noche.
14. Vendra a verte en cuanto se lo pidas.
15. Estaremos aqui hasta las ocho.
16. Me sorprendena mucho si Jaime pasara el examen.
17. Se lo dire a papa cuando vuelva a casa.
18. Te dare un golpe de telefono en cuanto sepa algo.
19. Estuvimos trabajando hasta las doce de la noche.
20. Si necesitas ayuda me llamas.
21. Cuando le veas dile que quiero hablarle.
22. Te lo enviare en cuanto termine con el.
23. Estuvimos en la discoteca hasta las tres de la madrugada.
24. Mientras tu hacias las compras yo he hecho las camas.
25. Si hacemos una fiesta os invitare a las dos.
26. Cuando lleguemos a Roma iremos derechos al hotel.
27. En cuanto lleguemos al hotel me dare un bano.
28. Hemos estado en la cama hasta las nueve de la manana.
29. Pondre la mesa mientras terminas de cocinar.
30. Iremos a la playa si no llueve.
31. Cuando pare de Hover iremos a dar una vuelta.
32. En cuanto tengamos noticias suyas te lo comunicare.
33. Nos quedaremos en casa hasta que pare de Hover.
34. Hare el desayuno mientras te afeitas.
35. Te llamare por telefono si me retraso.
36. Cuando vengas a Inglaterra debes hacernos una visita.
37. En cuanto llegue a Nueva York ire a ver a Tia Berta.
38. Estare en Nueva York hasta fin de mes.
39. Cuida de los ninos mientras estoy fuera.
40. Si te echan una multa por aparcar aqui, no la pagues.
1. I'll be angry if you are late.
2. I'll send it to you when I finish with it.
3. I'll give you his address when I find it.
4. I'll tell him as soon as I see him.
5. We won't leave until/till tomorrow night.
6. I'll phone you if we don't get there very late.
7. I'll lend you the money when you ask me.
8. I'll send you a post card as soon as we arrive/get there.
9. We won't go out until/till it stops raining.
10. If your brother calls tell him I'm not in.
11. When you wake up you'll be in Barcelona.
12. I'm going to write a letter while you finish your homework.
13. I'll repair it when I come back tonight.
14. He'll come to see you as soon as you ask him.
15. We'll be here until/till eight.
16. I'd be very surprised if James passed the exam.
17. I'll tell Dad when he comes back home.
18. I'll give you a ring as soon as I know something.
19. We were working until/till midnight.
20. Call me if you need help.
21. When you see him tell him I want to speak to him.
22. I'll send it to you as soon as I finish with it.
23. We were in the 'disco' until/till three o'clock in the morning.
24. I've made the beds while you were shopping.
25. If we have a party I'll invite both of you.
26. When we arrive in Rome we'll go straight to the hotel.
27. I'll have a bath as soon as we get to the hotel.
28. We've been in bed until/till nine o'clock in the morning.
29. I'll lay the table while you finish cooking.
30. We'll go to the beach if it doesn't rain.
31. When it stops raining we'll go for a walk.
32. I'll let you know as soon as we get any news from him.
33. We'll stay at home until/till it stops raining.
34. I'll prepare breakfast while you shave.
35. I'll give you a ring if I am delayed.
36. When you come to England you must pay us a visit.
37. As soon as I get to New York I'll go to see Aunt Bertha.
38. I'll be in New York until/till the end of the month.
39. Look after the children while I'm away.
40. If you are given a ticket/fine for parking here, don't pay it.
1. Fue muy tonto de tu parte hacer eso.
2. Este hombre no es lo bastante fuerte como para levantarlo.
3. Siempre esta dispuesto a hacer lo que le pidas.
4. Es una persona muy dificil de complacer.
5. Es una mujer muy aburrida con la que vivir.
6. Esta es una competicion imposible de ganar.
7. Eres una persona muy agradable con la que hablar.
8. Este chico siempre es el primero en llegar.
9. El es la persona idonea a la que podemos preguntar.
10. Jaimito es siempre el ultimo en entregar el examen.
11. El sera el proximo en llegar.
12. Estaba demasiado debil para levantar la caja.
13. Es una persona decidida a triunfar.
14. Mi hija esta ansiosa por conseguir el trabajo.
15. Fue muy estupido de tu parte insultar al profesor.
16. Es muy generoso de tu parte darnos el dinero.
17. Ha sido muy amable de tu parte acompanarnos hasta aqui.
18. Ha sido muy descuidado de tu parte el cruzar sin mirar.
19. Estaba ansioso por demostrar lo que sabia.
20. Estoy decidido a terminar el viaje.
21. Eso fue lo peor que se podia hacer.
22. Es muy posible que acepten tu proposicion.
23. Tiene miedo de saber la verdad.
24. Sentimos mucho oir lo que paso.
25. Esta clase de tela es muy dificil de lavar.
26. Es un joven ansioso de aprender.
27. Fue muy inteligente por tu parte contestarle asi.
28. Esta mal hacer eso.
29. Estoy dispuesta a ir contigo hasta el fin del mundo.
30. Estaba avergonzado de mostrar su debilidad.
31. Es muy rudo de tu parte contestar asi.
32. Fuimos los segundos en llegar.
33. No tiene derecho a hacer eso.
34. Es demasiado estupido para entender.
35. Es imposible estar enfadado con esa mujer.
36. Sentia curiosidad por saber lo que habia pasado.
37. Es aburrido ver dia tras dia la misma pelicula.
38. Estabamos ansiosos por volver a casa.
39. Fue muy bravo de tu parte el arrojarte al mar para salvarle.
40. Fuimos los ultimos en salir.
1. It was very silly of you to do that.
2. This man is not strong enough to lift it.
3. He is always ready to do whatever you ask him.
4. He is a very difficult person to please.
5. She is a very boring woman to live with.
6. This competition is impossible to win.
7. You are a very nice person to talk to.
8. This boy is always the first to arrive.
9. He is the best person to ask.
10. Jimmy is always the last one to hand in the exam paper.
11. He will be the next to arrive.
12. He was too weak to lift the case.
13. He is a person determined to succeed.
14. My daughter is anxious to get the job.
15. It was stupid of you to insult the teacher.
16. It's very generous of you to give us the money.
17. It has been very kind of you to accompany us here.
18. It was very careless of you to cross without looking.
19. He was anxious to show what he knew.
20. I am determined to finish the journey.
21. That was the worst thing to do.
22. They are very likely to accept your proposal.
23. He is afraid to know the truth.
24. We were very sorry to hear what happened.
25. This kind of cloth is very difficult to wash.
26. He is a young man eager to learn.
27. It was very intelligent of you to answer him like that.
28. It's wrong to do that.
29. I'm willing to go with you to the end of the world.
30. He was ashamed to show his weakness.
31. It's very rude of you to answer like that.
32. We were the second to arrive.
33. He has no right to do that.
34. He is too stupid to understand.
35. It's impossible to be angry with that woman.
36. He was curious to know what had happened.
37. It's boring to watch the same film day after day.
38. We were eager to come back home.
39. It was very brave of you to jump into the sea to save him.
40. We were the last to leave.
1. Aunque perdimos el partido jugamos bien.
2. Podemos ir en coche o en tren.
3. Podemos hacer las dos cosas, ir al teatro y a cenar.
4. Cultivamos flores asi como verdura.
5. No iremos a este restaurante sino a aquel.
6. Owen no sabe hablar ni espanol ni frances.
7. No me apetece ir, por otro lado, tampoco puedo.
8. Es un musico con talento asi como un buen fotografo.
9. Puedes coger o came o pescado, pero no los dos.
10. No es muy listo, sin embargo, ha conseguido el trabajo.
11. Abrio la puerta asi como la ventana.
12. He leido el libro y tambien he visto la pelicula.
13. No quiero el rojo sino el azul.
14. Se corto con un cristal, perolsin embargo no lloro.
15. El dice que pagara, aunque no creo que lo haga.
16. Tenemos pocos libros, y por otro lado, la gente ya no lee.
IT.Estabamos tanto cansados como hambrientos.
18. O lo hacemos bien o no lo hacemos.
19. No es muy listo, de todas formas, trabaja mucho.
20. A pesar de no tener ningun titulo consiguio el trabajo.
21. Aunque no tenia titulos consiguio el trabajo.
22. Cantaba mientras se afeitaba.
23. A pesar del mal tiempo todos completaron la carrera.
24. Los dias eran cortos pues ya era diciembre.
25. Estaba asustado pues la corriente era muy fuerte.
26. Ademas de hacer la cocina cuido del jardm.
27. No sabe ni leer ni escribir.
28. No solo fueron muchos hombres sino tambien algunas mujeres.
29. Debemos ir temprano, lo demds/si no, no encontraremos asiento.
30. Las maletas eran pesadas, asi que cogimos un taxi.
31. Aunque son muy caros la gente los compra.
32. Son carisimos; sin embargo, la gente los compra.
33. No han jugado bien, pero de todas formas, han ganado.
34. No se ganaba mucho, por mucho que se trabajase.
35. Tanto los hombres como las mujeres deben ir al ejercito.
36. No te ayudare a no ser que me digas la verdad.
37. Quiero saber si ha firmado el contrato.
38. No solo lavo el coche, sino tambien le saco brillo.
39. Ni habla frances ni lo entiende.
40. No solo fuimos al teatro sino tambien cenamos en el Ritz.
1. Even though we lost the game we played well.
2. We can either go by car or by train.
3. We can do both, go the theatre and have dinner.
4. We grow flowers as well as vegetables.
5. We won't go to this restaurant but to that one.
6. Owen can't speak either Spanish or French.
7. I don't feel like going, on the other hand, I can't.
8. He is a talented musician as well as a good photographer.
9. You can take either fish or meat, but not both.
10. He is not very clever, however, he's got the job.
11. He opened the door as well as the window.
12. I have read the book and I have also seen the film.
13. I don't want the red one but the blue one.
14. He cut himself with a piece of broken glass, but didn't cry.
15. He says he'll pay; I don't think he will, though.
16. We've got few books, and on the other hand, people don't read anymore.
17. We were both, tired and hungry.
18. Either we do it properly or we don't do it.
19. He is not very clever, nevertheless, he works very hard.
20. Inspite of having no qualifications he got the job.
21. Although he had no qualifications he got the job.
22. He sang while he shaved.
23. Despite/In spite of the bad weather they all finished the race.
24. The days were short as/for it was now December.
25. He was frightened as/for the current was very strong.
26. Besides doing the cooking I look after the garden.
27. He can neither read nor write.
28. Not only many men but also some women went.
29. We must go early, otherwise, we won't find a seat.
30. The cases were heavy, so we took a taxi.
31. Although/Though they are very expensive people buy them.
32. They are very expensive; yet people buy them.
33. They haven't played well, but all the same, they've won.
34. You didn't earn very much, however hard you worked.
35. Both men and women must join the army.
36. I won't help you unless you tell me the truth.
37. I want to know if/whether he has signed the contract.
38. He not only washed the car but he also polished it.
39. He neither speaks, nor understands French.
40. We not only went to the theatre but also had dinner in the Ritz.
1. Hoy es domingo y no tengo que trabajar.
2. El medico dice que tienes que dejar de fumar.
3. Me alegro que no tengo que trabajar hoy.
4. No tienes por que venir con nosotros si no quieres.
5. No vayas con vaqueros. Debes ponerte un vestido.
6. Tienes que llevar uniforme cuando estas de guardia, <?,no?
7. No necesitas hacer dos copias. Con una vale.
8. Para hacer esta traduccion debes usar un diccionario.
9. Hay que entrenar muy duro para competir, supongo.
10. Te dare un cheque. No necesitas darme un recibo.
11. Debes lavarte la cara todos los dias.
12. Hay que levantarse temprano en el ejercito, ^,no?
13. No tienes por que decirmelo ahora.
14. Debe usted comer con sensatez. No debe comer demasiado.
15. Me temo que tendremos que cruzar el no.
16. No tienes por que conducir tan rapido. Tenemos mucho tiempo.
17. No debes conducir tan rapido. Hay un limite de velocidad.
18. En esta oficina todo el mundo tiene que estar trabajando para las 9.
19. No tienes necesidad de leer todo el libro.
20. El medico dice que no debes tomar tantas pfldoras.
21. Tiene que hacerse toda la ropa. No le llega para comprarla.
22. No necesitas llevar una dieta.
23. No debes decir esas cosas a tus profesores.
24. Tendremos que mandar a un hombre rana para mirar los dafios.
25. Si se va el dolor no tiene por que tomar mas aspirinas.
26. Debemos cortar ese arbol o se caera sobre un coche.
27. Tengo que hacer ese recorrido cuatro veces al dia.
28. No necesitas pedir permiso para hacer eso.
29. Tengo que contarte lo que me paso ayer noche.
30. Me quede sin dinero y tuve que sacar algo del banco.
31. No necesitas cambiarte de ropa. Puedes venir como estas.
32. Tengo que contarte un sueno que tuve ayer noche.
33. Mi hermana tiene que llevar gafas. No ve nada.
34. No tienes por que mandarlo por avion.
35. Tengo que contarte sobre mi nuevo amigo.
36. Tendras que escribirlo de nuevo, me temo.
37. (-.Hay que ponerse corbata?
38. Los visitantes no deben dar de comer a los animales.
39. Tendran ustedes que venir conmigo a la comisaria.
40. No tenias por que esperarnos.
1. Today is Sunday and I don't have to work.
2. The doctor says that you must stop smoking.
3. I'm glad I don't have to work today.
4. You needn't come with us if you don't want to.
5. Don't go in jeans. You must wear a dress.
6. You have to wear a uniform when you are on duty, don't you?
7. You don't need to/needn't make two copies. One will do.
8. To do this translation you must use a dictionary.
9. You have to train very hard to compete, I suppose.
10. I'll give you a cheque. You needn't give me a receipt.
11. You must wash your face every day.
12. You have to get up early in the army, don't you?
13. You needn't tell me now.
14. You must eat sensibly. You mustn't eat too much.
15. I'm afraid we'll have to cross the river.
16. You needn't drive so fast. We've got plenty of time.
17. You mustn't drive so fast. There is a speed limit.
18. In this office everybody has to be at work by nine.
19. You needn't read all the book.
20. The doctor says that you mustn't take so many pills.
21. She has to make all her clothes. She can't afford to buy them.
22. You needn't go on a diet.
23. You mustn't say those things to your teachers.
24. We'll have to send a frogman to have a look at the damage.
25. If the pain has gone he needn't take any more aspirins.
26. We must cut down that tree or it will fall on a car.
27. I have to walk that distance four times a day.
28. You needn't ask for permission to do that.
29. I must tell you what happened to me last night.
30. I ran out of money and I had to draw some from the bank.
31. You needn't change your clothes. You can come as you are.
32. I must tell you about a dream I had last night.
33. My sister has to wear glasses. She can't see anything.
34. You needn't send it by air.
35. I must tell you about my new friend.
36. You'll have to write it again, I am afraid.
37. Need I/Do I need to wear a tie?
38. Visitors must not feed the animals.
39. You'll have to come with me to the police station.
40. You didn't need to wait for us.
1. A menudo escuchamos la radio.
2. Solemos ver la television despues del te.
3. <,A que hora es la comida?
4. Ayer noche fuimos al cine.
5. Desayuneltome el desayuno en un cafe.
6. No te sientes en el suelo. La hierba esta mojada.
7. Este hombre se pasa la mayor parte de su vida en el mar.
8. Cenamos en un precioso restaurante pequeno.
9. Tratamos de aparcar pero el espacio no era bastante grande.
10. En el espacio hay millones de estrellas.
11. Los ninos estan haciendo mucho ruido.
12. Los ninos siempre hacen ruido.
13. La rosa es mi flor favorita.
14. Las rosas son mis flores favoritas.
15. ^Cuando se invento el telefono?
16. Los telefonos son aparatos muy utiles.
17. El gobierno deberia hacer mas por los parados.
18. Los ciegos no son necesariamente desgraciados.
19. Odio la violencia.
20. La violencia del viento le sorprendio.
21. El crimen es uno de los mayores problemas de la sociedad.
22. Las camas en este hotel son muy incomodas.
23. Todos los libros en la estanteria me pertenecen.
24. ^Estas interesado en el arte?
25. ^Conoces a la gente que vive al lado?
26. La segunda guerra mundial termino en 1945.
27. La natacion es mi deporte favorite pero tambien me gusta esquiar.
28. La vida seria muy dificil sin la electricidad.
29. Acabo de leer un libro sobre la vida de Gandhi.
30. Se casaron pero el matrimonio no tuvo exito.
31. Dicen que las manzanas son buenas para la salud.
32. La mayoria de la gente todavia cree en el matrimonio.
33. El matrimonio y la vida familiar son las bases de nuestra sociedad.
34. Dicen que el queso frances es muy bueno.
35. Las mujeres son mejores profesores que los hombres.
36. Todos los coches tienen ruedas.
37. A todos los estudiantes de la clase les gusta su profesor.
38. Preferimos la musica clasica a la musica 'pop'.
39. Los medicos estan mejor pagados que los profesores.
40. A mi mujer le encantan las flores.
1. We often listen to the radio.
2. We usually watch TV after tea.
3. At what time is lunch?
4. We went to the cinema last night.
5. I had breakfast in a cafe.
6. Don't sit on the ground. The grass is wet.
7. This man spends most of his life at sea.
8. We had dinner in a nice little restaurant.
9. We tried to park but the space wasn't big enough.
10. There are millions of stars in space.
11. The children are making a lot of noise.
12. Children always make a noise.
13. The rose is my favourite flower.
14. Roses are my favourite flowers.
15. When was the telephone invented?
16. Telephones are very useful gadgets.
17. The goverment should do more for the unemployed.
18. The blind are not necessarily unhappy.
19. I hate violence.
20. The violence of the wind took him by surprise.
21. Crime is one of the biggest problems of society.
22. The beds in this hotel are very uncomfortable.
23. All the books on the shelf belong to me.
24. Are you interested in art?
25. Do you know the people who live next door?
26. World War II ended in 1945.
27. Swimming is my favourite sport, but I also like skiing.
28. Life would be very difficult without electricity.
29. I've just read a book about the life of Gandhi.
30. They got married but the marriage wasn't successful.
31. They say that apples are good for your health.
32. Most people still believe in marriage.
33. Marriage and family life are the basis of our society.
34. They say that French cheese is very good.
35. Women are better teachers than men.
36. All cars have wheels.
37. All the students in the class like their teacher.
38. We prefer classical music to pop music.
39. Doctors are better paid than teachers.
40. My wife loves flowers.
1. Conoci a un heredero de este hombre.
2. Era, ante todo, una mujer europea.
3. Este hombre es un hombre honrado.
4. Tenia un ojo clavado en ella.
5. Esa palabra se deletrea con 'h'.
6. Hay que trabajar para una union europea.
7. Tenia un pendiente en la oreja izquierda.
8. Una noche hubo una tormenta terrible.
9. Esta letra es una 'u'.
10. Un dia llego un telegrama.
11. Un tal Mr Smith vino a vernos un dia.
12. Valen 5 peniques el kilo.
13. Estabamos haciendo 60 kilometres la hora.
14. Deme un kilo y medio de higos.
15. Este es un caso raro.
16. No debeis hacer ruido.
17. El es frances y ella es una chica americana.
18. Ella era doctora en medicina.
19. Un dia lamentaras haberle tratado asi.
20. Solo unos pocos de estos higos estan buenos.
21. Ha telefoneado un tal Mr Pink y ha dejado un mensaje para ti.
22. Hace muchos anos un cierto mercader llego a Bagdad.
23. Un arquitecto es una persona que disena edificios.
24. jQue sorpresa! ^Cuando has venido?
25. Fue un cafe lo que pedimos, no dos.
26. Vamos alii dos o tres veces al dia.
27. Estuve en la cama con gripe.
28. Tengo dolor de cabeza.
29. jQue historia tan interesante!
30. Habia un cuarto de litro en la botella.
31. Este hombre es un socialista.
32. Esta es una novela de Dickens.
33. Xilofono se escribe con 'x'.
34. 'Yo tengo una blanca.' 'Y yo una verde.'
35. '<<,Has visto un perro negro?' 'Si, he visto uno muy grande.'
36. Estos son los que me gustan.
37. Este es el mas bonito.
38. Unos pocos supervivientes llegaron a tierra.
39. Es un honor tenerle con nosotros.
40. Me gustaria tomar una cena caliente.
1. I met one of the heirs of this man.
2. She was, above all, a European woman.
3. This man is an honest man.
4. He had his eye on her.
5. We spell that word with an 'h'.
6. We have to work for a European union.
7. He had an earring in his left ear.
8. One night there was a terrible storm.
9. This letter is a 'u'.
10. One day a telegram arrived.
11. A Mr Smith came to see us one day.
12. They cost 5p. a kilo.
13. We were doing 60 kilometres an hour.
14. Give me a kilo and a half/one and a half kilos of figs.
15. This is an unusual case.
16. You mustn't make a noise.
17. He is French/a Frenchman and she is an American girl.
18. She was a doctor of medicine.
19. One day you'll be sorry you treated him like this.
20. Only a few of these figs are good.
21. A Mr Pink phoned and left a message for you.
22. Many years ago a certain merchant arrived in Baghdad.
23. An architect is a person who designs buildings.
24. What a surprise! When did you come?
25. It was one coffee we ordered, not two.
26. We go there two or three times a day.
27. I was in bed with flu.
28. I've got a headache.
29. What an interesting story!
30. There was a quarter of a litre in the bottle.
31. This man is a socialist.
32. This is a Dickens novel.
33. Xylophone is spelt with an 'x'.
34. 'I have a white one.' 'And I've got a green one.'
35. 'Have you seen a black dog?' 'Yes, I've seen a very big one.'
36. These are the ones I like.
37. This is the nicest one.
38. A few survivors came to shore.
39. It is an honour to have you with us.
40. I'd like to have a hot dinner.
1. Como no tenian dinero no podianlpudieron comprar otro coche.
2. Vete con ellos puesto que eso es lo que quieres.
3. No pudo entrar porque era demasiado joven.
4. Como estudiante le hacen una rebaja.
5. No podia dormir asi que me levante.
6. Algunos tienen que morir para que otros puedan vivir.
T.Pensaba mientras caminaba.
8. No te dire la respuesta puesto que parece que lo sabes todo.
9. Como era domingo se quedo en la cama.
10. No salimos porque estaba lloviendo.
11. Pronto paro de Hover asi que salimos a dar una vuelta.
12. Trabajamos una semana para que todo estuviera listo.
13. Hazlo puesto que eso es lo que quieres.
14. Mientras se afeitaba pensaba en los ultimos acontecimientos.
15. No puedes venir con nosotros porque eres demasiado pequerio.
16. Estaba solo en la casa asi que me fui a la cama.
17. Te digo estas cosas para que puedas criticarme.
18. No le dijo nada puesto que no se fiaba de ella.
19. Como hombre casado deberias saberlo.
20. Se divorciaron porque no podian vivir juntos.
21. Todas las tiendas estaban cerradas asi que no pude comprarlo.
22. Pusimos un corcho en el agua para que flotara.
23. Tuviste muchas oportunidades mientras vivias aqui.
24. Tendras tu propia habitacion puesto que te quedas con nosotros.
25. Como es tan alto puede hacerse jugador de baloncesto.
26. No te creo porque eres un mentiroso.
27. Tenia hambre asi que prepare algo para comer.
28. Encendio la calefaccion para que la casa estuviera caliente.
29. Mi padre siempre canta mientras se ducha.
30. Tendre que castigarte puesto que no me dices la verdad.
31. Como medico es muy conocido.
32. Vendi el coche porque no tenia dinero.
33. Me quede sin gasolina asi que continue a pie.
34. Mientras el hacia una cosa yo hacia otra.
35. Puesto que estas decidido a casarte, ;adelante!
36. Como estudiante no es muy bueno.
37. Acepte porque era mi ultima oportunidad.
38. Eran ya las ocho, asi que cerre la tienda y me fui a casa.
39. Ahorramos para que nuestros hijos pudieran estudiar.
40. Escuchaba la radio mientras cocinaba.
1. As they had no money they couldn't buy another car.
2. Go with them since that is what you want.
3. He couldn't get in because he was too young.
4. As a student he gets a discount.
5. I couldn't sleep so I got up.
6. Some have to die so that others can live.
7. He was thinking while he walked.
8. I won't tell you the answer since you seem to know everything.
9. As it was Sunday he stayed in bed.
10. We didn't go out because it was raining.
11. It soon stopped raining so we went out for a walk.
12. We worked for a week so that everything would be ready.
13. Do it since that is what you want.
14. As/While he shaved he thought about the latest events.
15. You can't come with us because you are too small.
16. I was alone in the house so I went to bed.
17. I tell you these things so that you can criticize me.
18. He didn't tell her anything since he didn't trust her.
19. As a married man you should know it.
20. They got divorced because they couldn't live together.
21. All the shops were closed so I couldn't buy it.
22. We put a cork in the water so that it would float.
23. You had a lot of opportunities while you lived here.
24. You'll have your own room since you are staying with us.
25. As he is so tall he can become a basketball player.
26. I don't believe you because you are a liar.
27. He was hungry so he prepared something to eat.
28. He switched the heater on so that the house would be warm.
29. My father always sings while he has a shower.
30. I'll have to punish you since you don't tell me the truth.
31. As a doctor he is very well known.
32. I sold the car because I didn't have any money.
33. I ran out of petrol so I proceeded on foot.
34. While he did one thing I did another/something else.
35. Since you're determined to get married, go on!
36. As a student he is not very good.
37. I accepted because it was my last chance/opportunity.
38. It was already eight, so I closed the shop and I went home.
39. We saved so that our children could study.
40. She listened to the radio while she cooked.
1. Mi hermana fue a Francia para aprender frances.
2. Fui a Correos para comprar sellos.
3. Los nifios van a la escuela para aprender.
4. El va a pie a la oficina para ahorrar dinero.
5. Van al aeropuerto para coger el avion.
6. Tenemos un haul para guardar toda la ropa vieja.
7. Le telefonee para darle la noticia.
8. Estamos ahorrando para comprar un coche.
9. Lleva abrigo para mantenerse caliente.
10. Fui al dentista para sacarme un diente.
11. No estas en forma para correr un maraton.
12. No tenemos bastante dinero para comprar una casa.
13. Necesito un vestido nuevo para llevar en la fiesta.
14. Nos reuniremos para tratar de resolver el problema.
15. Esta pobre gente no tiene una cama para dormir.
16. Necesitamos unas estanteria para poner los libros.
17. Esta encendiendo el fuego para calentar la casa.
18. Ha subido a las habitaciones para hacer las camas.
19. Traeme una silla para sentarme.
20. Fuimos temprano para no perdernos el principio.
21. Entro de puntillas en la habitacion para no despertar al nino.
22. Esta es una herramienta para abrir latas de conserva.
23. Se disfrazo para que nadie la reconociera.
24. Ven para hablar a mi madre.
25. Vete a decide que deje de hacer ese ruido.
26. Debo ir para terminar eso lo antes posible.
27. Esta aprendiendo espanol para poder viajar a Sudamerica.
28. Le di mi direccion para que pudiera escribirme.
29. Compro un coche para que su hijo aprendiera a conducir.
30. Le escondio la ropa para que no saliera de casa.
31. Es un armario para guardar ropa.
32. Este es un cuchillo para cortar pan.
33. Lo escribio en clave para que nadie lo entendiera.
34. Hay telefonos para que los conductores puedan pedir ayuda.
35. Pidele la Have para que podamos entrar en la casa.
36. Enchufa la radio para oir las noticias.
37. No es bastante alto como para ser policia.
38. No eres lo bastante lista como para casarte con el.
39. No es lo bastante rapido como para ganar la carrera.
40. Me fui para no verle.
1. My sister went to France to learn French.
2. I went to the Post Office to buy stamps.
3. Children go to school to learn.
4. He walks to the office to save money.
5. They go to the airport to take/catch the plane.
6. We have a trunk to keep all the old clothes in.
7. I phoned him to give him the news.
8. We are saving up to buy a car.
9. He is wearing a coat to keep warm.
10. I went to the dentist to have a tooth pulled out.
11. You are not fit to run a marathon.
12. We haven't got enough money to buy a house.
13. I need a new dress to wear at the party.
14. We'll get together to try to solve the problem.
15. These poor people haven't got a bed to sleep in.
16. We need some shelves to put the books on.
17. He is lighting the fire to warm the house.
18. She has gone up to the rooms to make the beds.
19. Bring me a chair to sit on.
20. We went early so as not to miss the beginning.
21. He tiptoed into the room so as not to wake the child up.
22. This is a tool for opening tins.
23. She disguised herself so that nobody would recognise her.
24. Come and talk to my mother.
25. Go and tell him to stop making that noise.
26. I must go and finish that as soon as possible.
27. He is learning Spanish so that he can travel to South America.
28. I gave him my address so that he could write to me.
29. He bought a car so that his son might learn to drive.
30. She hid his clothes so that he wouldn't leave the house.
31. It's a wardrobe for keeping clothes in.
32. This is a knife for cutting bread.
33. He coded it so that nobody would understand it.
34. There are telephones so that the drivers can ask for help.
35. Ask him for the key so that we can get into the house.
36. Switch on the radio to hear the news.
37. He is not tall enough to be a policeman.
38. You are not clever enough to marry him.
39. He is not fast enough to win the race.
40. I went away so as not to see him.
CONDITIONALS: type 1, 2 and 3
1. Si hace buen tiempo saldremos.
2. Si hiciera buen tiempo saldriamos.
3. Si hubiera hecho buen tiempo habriamos salido.
4. Si tengo dinero comprare un coche.
5. Si tuviera dinero compraria un coche.
6. Si hubiera tenido dinero habria comprado un coche.
7. Si vienen jugaremos a cartas.
8. Si vinieran jugariamos a cartas.
9. Si hubieran venido habriamos jugado a cartas.
10. Si vamos en avion llegaremos antes.
11. Si fueramos en avion llegariamos antes.
12. Si hubieramos ido en avion habriamos llegado antes.
13. Si robas dinero iras a la carcel.
14. Si robaras dinero irias a la carcel.
15. Si hubieras robado dinero habrias ido a la carcel.
16. Si hablas idiomas ganaras mas dinero.
17. Si hablaras idiomas ganarias mas dinero.
18. Si hubieras hablado idiomas habrias ganado mas dinero.
19. Si vas en tren ahorraras dinero.
20. Si fueras en tren ahorrarias dinero.
21. Si vas andando llegaras antes.
22. Si fueras andando llegarias antes.
23. Si hubieras ido andando habrias llegado antes.
24. Si no llueve saldremos.
25. Si no lloviera saldriamos.
26. Si no hubiera llovido habriamos salido.
27. Si no vienes tu aqui ire yo alii.
28. Si no vinieras tu aqui iria yo alii.
29. Si no hubieras venido tu aqui habria ido yo alii.
30. Si dejas de fumar estaras mas sano.
31. Si dejaras de fumar estarias mas sano.
32. Si hubieras dejado de fumar habrias estado mas sano.
33. Si vas solo te aburriras.
34. Si fueras solo te aburririas.
35. Si hubieras ido solo te habrias aburrido.
36. Si tengo que conducir no bebere.
37. Si tuviera que conducir no beberia.
38. Si hubiera tenido que conducir no habria bebido.
39. Si llueve ire en tren.
40. Si lloviera iria en tren.
CONDITIONALS: type 1, 2 and 3
1. If the weather is good we'll go out.
2. If the weather was good we'd go out.
3. If the weather had been good we would have gone out.
4. If I have money I'll buy a car.
5. If I had money I would buy a car.
6. If I had had money I would have bought a car.
7. If they come we'll play cards.
8. If they came we would play cards.
9. If they had come we would have played cards.
10. If we go by plane we will arrive earlier.
11. If we went by plane we would arrive earlier.
12. If we had gone by plane we would have arrived earlier.
13. If you steal money you will go to prison.
14. If you stole money you would go to prison.
15. If you had stolen money you would have gone to prison.
16. If you speak languages you will earn more money.
17. If you spoke languages you would earn more money.
18. If you had spoken languages you would have earned more money.
19. If you go by train you will save money.
20. If you went by train you would save money.
21. If you go on foot/walk you'll get there quicker.
22. If you went on foot/walked you'd get there quicker.
23. If you had gone on foot/walked you would have got there quicker.
24. If it doesn't rain we will go out.
25. If it didn't rain we would go out.
26. If it hadn't rained we would have gone out.
27. If you don't come here I'll go there.
28. If you didn't come here I'd go there.
29. If you hadn't come here I would have gone there.
30. If you stop smoking you will be healthier.
31. If you stopped smoking you would be healthier.
32. If you had stopped smoking you would have been healthier.
33. If you go alone you'll get bored.
34. If you went alone you would get bored.
35. If you had gone alone you would have got bored.
36. If I have to drive I won't drink.
37. If I had to drive I wouldn't drink.
38. If I had had to drive I wouldn't have drunk.
39. If it rains I'll go by train.
40. If it rained I'd go by train.
MAY, MIGHT and COULD + infinitive
1. <?,Puedo entrar, Sr. Brown, o molesto?
2. Podria ser que emigraran a Australia el ano que viene.
3. Estoy seguro que no podia estar diciendo la verdad.
4. '^Donde esta mama?' 'Puede que este en la cocina.'
5. Podria ser verdad, pero no creo.
6. '^,Ha comprado el coche?' 'Puede que lo haya comprado.'
7. Cuando era joven podia correr un maraton en dos horas y media.
8. Puede que este mintiendo.
9. Puede que fuera contigo si me lo pidieras.
10. Yo no podria hacer eso aunque quisiera.
11. Quiza alguien haya arrojado un cigarrillo.
12. Podriamos haber sido felices.
13. Podian haberse escapado por la ventana pero no lo hicieron.
14. Puede que haya venido.
15. Podria ser que te lo prestase.
16. No pudo haber sido el viejo Tom. Esta muerto.
17. Puede que el te diga la verdad hoy.
18. Quiza no fuera el el que conducia.
19. No podiamos escuchar la radio en la biblioteca.
20. Puede ser que venga con nosotros.
21. En ciertas circunstancias la policia puede entrar en tu casa.
22. Podria ser que fueramos esta noche.
23. Yo sabia tocar el piano cuando tenia cuatro anos.
24. Podia dejar de fumar si se lo dijeras.
25. Puede que te preste el coche si se lo pides.
26. Podria ser que el te prestara dinero, pero lo dudo.
27. Ella podia cruzar el no a nado cuando era joven.
28. Puedes venir con nosotros si quieres.
29. Ella dijo que podria ser que alquilaran una furgoneta.
30. Ese chico ya sabia hablar varies idiomas a los ocho anos.
31. ^Puedo fumar en este compartimiento?
32. Podia habersete ocurrido antes.
33. Los domingos podiamos quedarnos en la cama hasta las nueve.
34. Puedes hablar ahora si lo deseas.
35. Podria ser que fueramos temprano.
36. No podiamos volver mas tarde de las diez.
37. Si lo desea puede apelar.
38. Podriamos conseguir algo si apelaramos.
39. ^Puedo hablar contigo un momento?
40. Ese hombre podia correr 100 metros en diez segundos.
MAY, MIGHT and COULD + infinitive
1. May I come in Mr Brown, or am I bothering you?
2. They might emigrate to Australia next year.
3. I'm sure he couldn't be telling the truth.
4. 'Where is Mum?' 'She may be in the kitchen.'
5. It might be true but I don't think it is.
6. 'Has he bought the car?' 'He may have bought it.'
7. When I was young I could run a marathon in two and a half hours.
8. He may be lying.
9. I might go with you if you asked me.
10. I couldn't do that even if I wanted to.
11. Someone may have dropped a cigarette.
12. We might have been happy.
13. They could have escaped through the window but they didn't.
14. He may have come.
15. He might lend it to you.
16. It couldn't have been old Tom. He's dead.
17. He may tell you the truth today.
18. He might not be driving himself./It may not have been him who was driving.
19. We couldn't listen to the radio in the library.
20. He may come with us.
21. In certain circumstances the police may enter your house.
22. We might go tonight.
23. I could play the piano when I was four.
24. He might stop smoking if you told him.
25. He may lend you the car if you ask him.
26. He might lend you money but I doubt it.
27. She could swim across the river when she was young.
28. You may come with us if you want to.
29. She said that they might hire a van.
30. That boy could speak several languages at the age of eight.
31. May I smoke in this compartment?
32. It might have occurred to you before./You could have thought
about it before
33. On Sundays we could stay in bed until nine.
34. We might go early.
35. We couldn't come back after 10.
36. You may appeal if you wish.
37. We might get something if we appealed.
38. May I speak to you for a moment?
39. That man could run 100 metres in ten seconds.
1. Puesto que tu tambien vas a Santiago vayamos juntos.
2. Como era malo para la salud deje de fumar.
3. 'Lo pase muy mal.' 'Si es asi, £por que fuiste?'
4. Como habia llovido, las carreteras estaban peligrosas.
5. Y por esa razon vinimos temprano.
6. Como hacia un buen dia nos fuimos a dar una vuelta.
7. Estaba ya oscuro asi que acampamos alii.
8. Los coches de carrera llevan neumaticos especiales para no resbalar.
9. Como no tenia dinero pague con la tarjeta de credito.
10. Helo por la noche asi que las carreteras estaban peligrosas.
11. Lo hicimos de madera para que flotara.
12. Como la puerta estaba cerrada entramos por la ventana.
13. Estas aqui; asi que puedes acompanarme.
14. Es un chico tan grande que nadie bromea con el.
15. Como no tiene coche va a la oficina andando.
16. El avion llego tan tarde que no pudimos asistir a la reunion.
17. Anduvo durante tanto tiempo que termino agotado.
18. Como la puerta estaba abierta cualquiera podia entrar.
19. Hacia mucho viento asi que nos quedamos en casa.
20. Llevan unas insignias para que la gente pueda identificarles.
21. Como manana es fiesta no tendre que levantarme temprano.
22. Terminamos de trabajar temprano asi que nos fuimos al pub.
23. Hablaba despacio para que todo el mundo pudiera entenderle.
24. Como el ejercicio estaba mal tuve que hacerlo de nuevo.
25. No habia autobuses asi que tuve que coger un taxi.
26. La madre se sacrifice para que los nifios pudieran salvarse.
27. Como no teniamos dinero fuimos andando.
28. Hacia mucho frio asi que me quede en la cama.
29. Se levanto temprano para que nadie dijera que era perezosa.
30. Como hacia tanto calor dormimos en el porche.
31. Era tarde asi que fuimos derechos al anden.
32. Hizo lo que le dijeron para que nadie se quejara.
33. Como la empresa no tenia dinero los empleados no cobraron.
34. No me sentia bien asi que me fui al medico.
35. Me levante para que no dijeran nada.
36. Como habia nevado por la noche habia nieve en las calles.
37. Habia nieve en las calles asi que me puse las botas.
38. Les abrigue bien para que no cogieran catarro.
39. Como era un fumador empedernido lo paso mal en la isla.
40. Vivia en una isla desierta asi que no tenia vicios.
1. As/Since you are also going to Santiago let's go together.
2. As it was bad for my health I stopped smoking.
3. 'I had a bad time.' 'If so, why did you go?'
4. As it had rained the roads were dangerous.
5. And that's why we came early.
6. As it was a nice day we went for a walk.
7. It was already dark so we camped there.
8. Racing cars use special tyres so that they don't skid.
9. As/Since I had no money I paid with my credit card.
10. There was a hard frost that night so the roads were dangerous.
11. We made it out of wood so that it floated.
12. As/Since the door was closed we went in through the window.
13. You are here; so, you can accompany me.
14. He is such a big boy that nobody jokes around with him.
15. As/Since he has no car he walks to the office.
16. The plane arrived late so we couldn't attend the meeting.
17. He walked for such a long time that he ended up exhausted.
18. As/Since the door was open anybody could get in.
19. The wind was blowing hard so we stayed at home.
20. They wear badges so that people can identify them.
21. As/Since tomorrow is a holiday I won't have to get up early.
22. We finished work early so we went to the pub.
23. He spoke slowly so that everybody could understand him.
24. As/Since the exercise was wrong I had to do it again.
25. There were no buses so I had to take a taxi.
26. The mother sacrificed her life so that the children might live.
27. As we didn't have any money we went on foot.
28. It was very cold so I stayed in bed.
29. She got up early so that nobody would say that she was lazy.
30. As/Since it was so hot we slept in the porch.
31. It was late so we went straight to the platform.
32. She did what she had been told to do so that nobody would complain.
33. As/Since the firm had no money the employees didn't get paid.
34. I didn't feel well so I went to the doctor.
35. I got up so that they wouldn't say anything.
36. As/Since it had snowed during the night there was snow in the streets.
37. There was snow in the streets so I put on my boots.
38. I made them wear warm clothes so that they wouldn't catch a cold.
39. As/Since he was a heavy smoker he had a hard time on the island.
40. He lived on a desert island so he didn't have any bad habits.
1. Esa mujer necesita mucho dinero para vivir.
2. ^Necesitas mandarlo por avion?
3. No necesitas decirselo a mi padre.
4. ^Necesitas llevar uniforme en el colegio?
5. No hace falta que venganl No necesitan venir tan temprano.
6. Necesito mas dinero para llegar a fin de mes.
7. ^Necesitas venir tan temprano?
$.No hace falta que paguesINo necesitas pagar tanto dinero.
9. Necesito que me echen una mano con estas cajas.
10. ^Tienes que ser tan grosero con la gente?
11. No tienes por que levantarte tan temprano.;
12. Esa nina necesita mucho carifio.
13. <<,Hay que mandarlo por avion?
14. No tienes por que ir esta manana.
15. Necesitamos mas tiempo para terminarlo.
16. ^Necesitabas ayuda?
17. No tenfas por que haber hecho las camas.
18. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es firmar este formulario.
19. No creo que necesites ir todavia.
20. No se si necesitas coger un tren mas temprano.
21. ^Necesitamos hacer muchas copias?
22. No tenemos por que darnos prisa esta noche.
23. ^Necesitaste que alguien te echara una mano?
24. No tenias por que haber corrido tanto.
25. Me pregunto si necesito tomar todas estas plldoras.
26. iNecesitolTengo que rellenar este impreso?
27. No tienes por que pagar hasta final de mes.
28. ^Tienes que mecanografiar estas cartas hoy?
29. No necesitas repetirlo tantas veces.
30. ^Tienes que hablar tan alto?
31. ^Necesitaron los nuevos impresos?
32. No tienes por que mecanografiarlo.
33. Necesitaremos otra caja.
34. ^Habeis necesitado el dinero que os preste?
35. Yo no necesite tanto tiempo para hacerlo.
36. No tenias por que haber madrugado tanto.
37. ^Necesitas un hombre para hacer esos trabajos?
38. Las ventanas necesitan que las laven.
39. El jardm no necesita que lo rieguen.
40. Esta habitacion necesita que la pinten.
1. That woman needs a lot of money to live on.
2. Need you/Do you need to send it by plane?
3. You needn't/don't need to tell my father.
4. Need you/Do you need to wear uniform at school?
5. They needn't/don't need to come so early.
6. I need more money to make both ends meet.
7. Need you come so early?
8. You needn't/don't need to pay so much money.
9. I need a hand with these boxes.
10. Need you/Do you need to be so rude with people?
11. You needn't/don't need to get up so early.
12. That little girl needs a lot of love.
13. Need we/Do we need to send it by air?
14. You needn't/don't need to go this morning.
15. We need more time to finish it.
16. Did you need any help?
17. You needn't have made the beds.
18. All you need do/to do is sign this form.
19. I don't think you need go/to go yet.
20. I don't know if you need take/to take an earlier train.
21. Need we/Do we need to make many copies?
22. We needn't/don't need to hurry tonight.
23. Did you need anyone to give you a hand?
24. You needn't have run so much.
25. I wonder if I need take/to take all these pills.
26. Need I/Do I need to fill in this form?
27. You needn't/don't need to pay until the end of the month.
28. Need you type these letters today?
29. You needn't/don't need to repeat it so many times.
30. Need you/Do you need to speak so loud?
31. Did they need the new forms?
32. You needn't/don't need to type it.
33. We'll need another box.
34. Did you need the money I lent you?
35. I didn't need so much time to do it.
36. You needn't have got up so early.
37. Do you need a man to do those tasks?
38. The windows need washing/to be washed.
39. The garden doesn't need watering/to be watered.
40. This room needs painting/to be painted.
ABILITY, CAN, KNOW HOW TO + infinitive
1. Mi marido sabe hablar tres idiomas.
2. Pedro sabia tocar el piano cuando tenia cinco anos.
3. Huelo algo que se esta quemando.
4. Se ve que eso no es verdad.
5. Yo no oia nada.
6. Podiamos haber hecho una fortuna si hubieramos querido.
7. Podiamos habernos matado.
8. ^Cuantas pintas de cerveza podfas beber?
9. Despues de mucho correr consiguio escapar.
10. Puedo correr 100 metros en 10 segundos.
11. El avion se incendio pero pudimos saltar en paracaidas.
12. Hemos mirado por todo pero no hemos podido encontrarlo.
13. Pregunta a mi tio. El deberia poder ayudarte.
14. Se como llegar alii mas rapido que los otros.
15. Se como hacer una tortilla sin huevos.
16. No se hablar chino ahora, pero sabia hablar un poco hace anos.
17. Todo el mundo pudo escapar del barco que se hundia.
18. Cuando levante la vista pude ver al avion que se acercaba.
19. Era muy tarde pero pude encontrar algo de pan en una tienda.
20. No le entiendo. Nunca he podido entenderle.
21. ^,'Ganaste el partido?' 'Si, pude derrotarle por fin.'
22. Despues de dos horas por fin pude encontrar la casa.
23. El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores sabe hablar cinco idiomas.
24. El solia poder hacerlo, pero ahora esta demasiado gordo.
25.Podias haberle matado.
26. Ella sabe como hacerte sentirte relajado.
27. ^Puedes venir esta noche?
28. Despues de cenar podre echarte una mano.
29. El aiio pasado no podia decidir que es lo que queria.
30. No puedo trepar a un arbol ahora pero podia no hace mucho.
31. Ella no puede correr un maraton ahora pero podia hace un ano.
32. Estaba tan borracho que no podia encontrar la Have.
33. No se puede hablar y comer al mismo tiempo.
34. Se como hacerte feliz.
35. Cuando se caso no sabia cocinar.
36. Podremos hacerlo mas facilmente si nos juntamos.
37. Podias haberte caido del arbol.
38. Cuando era boy scout sabia encender el fuego con dos palos.
39. ^Cuanta cerveza puedes beber de un trago?
40. Se hizo dano en la rodilla, asi que no puede entrenarse.
ABILITY, CAN, KNOW HOW TO + infinitive
1. My husband can speak three languages.
2. Peter could/was able to play the piano when he was five.
3. I can smell something burning.
4. You can see that that is not true.
5. I couldn't hear anything.
6. We could have made a fortune if we had wanted to.
7. We could have got killed.
8. How many pints of beer were you able to drink?
9. After a lot of running he was able to escape.
10. I can run 100 metres in 10 seconds.
11. The plane caught fire but we were able to parachute.
12. We've looked everywhere but we couldn't find it.
13. Ask my uncle. He should be able to help you.
14. I know how to get there faster than the others.
15. I know how to make an omelette without eggs.
16. I can't speak Chinese now, but I could speak a little years ago.
17. Everybody was able to escape from the sinking ship.
18. When I looked up I could/was able to see the approaching plane.
19. It was very late but I was able to find some bread in a shop.
20. I can't understand him. I've never been able to understand him.
21. 'Did you win the match?' 'Yes, I was able to beat him at last.'
22. After two hours at last I was able to find the house.
23. The Minister of Foreign Affairs can speak five languages.
24. He used to be able to do it, but now he is too fat.
25. You could have killed him.
26. She knows how to make you feel at ease.
27. Can you come tonight?
28. After dinner I'll be able to give you a hand.
29. Last year I couldn't decide what I wanted to do.
30. I can't climb a tree now but I could not long ago.
31. She can't run a marathon now but she could a year ago.
32. He was so drunk that he couldn't find the key.
33. You can't eat and speak at the same time.
34. I know how to make you happy.
35. When she got married she couldn't cook.
36. We'll be able to do it more easily if we get together.
37. You could have fallen from the tree.
38. When I was a boy scout I could light a fire with two sticks.
39. How much beer can you drink at one go?
40. He hurt his knee, so, he can't train.
1. ^Estas interesado en trabajar para esa empresa?
2. A pesar de salir el ultimo llego el primero.
3. Deberiais avergonzaros por comportaros asi.
4. Tuvimos dificultades en encontrar un sitio para aparcar.
5. Se escaparon metiendose por un agujero.
6. Siento tenerte esperando.
7. Esta pensando en enrolarse en el ejercito.
8. ^Que tal si dejamos la maleta en consigna?
9. Estoy deseando verte.
10. No merece la pena enfadarse por eso.
11. ^Merece la pena visitar la galena de arte?
12. Ella no aprueba el escalar montanas.
13. Despues de nadar senti frio.
14. Eso es un aparato para abrir latas de conserva.
15. Estoy cansado de discutir di'a tras dia.
16. Le echaron una multa por conducir borracho.
17. Tengo miedo de perderme.
18. ^Que sabe usted hacer ademas de escribir a maquina?
19. No tengo inconveniente en oir tu version de nuevo.
20. Este chico es muy bueno jugando al ajedrez.
21. Estoy acostumbrado a esperarla.
22. No merece la pena venir tan temprano.
23. ^Puedes tocar el suelo sin doblar las rodillas?
24. A mi madre le encanta la musica.
25. No soy muy aficionado al juego.
26. Prefiero andar en bicicleta que correr.
27. Estamos deseando ir de vacaciones.
28. Tradujo el articulo sin usar diccionario.
29. Antes de ir a la cama tomo una taza de te caliente.
30. Poco despues de despegar el avion se incendio.
31. En vez de ir al cine fueron al teatro.
32. Consiguieron entrar en la casa rompiendo la ventana.
33. No estoy acostumbrado a hacer colas.
34. Prefiero vivir en la ciudad que vivir en el campo.
35. No estoy ansiando ir al dentista.
36. No tengo ninguna intencion de darle dinero.
37. El prefiere holgazanear que trabajar.
38. Este cuchillo es solo para cortar carne.
39. Estoy cansado de estudiar siempre lo mismo.
40. A pesar de caerse gano la carrera.
1. Are you interested in working for that firm?
2. In spite of being the last one to start, he arrived first.
3. You should be ashamed of yourselves for behaving like this.
4. We had difficulties in finding a parking place.
5. They escaped by squeezing themselves through a hole.
6. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.
7. He is thinking of joining the army.
8. What about leaving the case in the left-luggage office?
9. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
10. It's not worth getting angry about that.
11. Is it worth visiting the art gallery?
12. She disapproves of climbing mountains.
13. After swimming I felt cold.
14. That's a gadget for opening tins.
15. I'm tired of arguing day after day.
16. He was fined for drunken driving.
17. I'm afraid of getting lost.
18. What can you do besides typing?
19. I have no objection to hearing your version again.
20. This boy is very good at playing chess.
21. I'm used to waiting for her.
22. It is not worth coming so early.
23. Can you touch the floor without bending your knees?
24. My mother is very fond of music.
25. I am not very keen on gambling.
26. I prefer cycling to running.
27. We are looking forward to going on holiday.
28. He translated the article without using a dictionary.
29. Before going to bed he had a cup of hot milk.
30. Soon after taking off the plane caught fire.
31. Instead of going to the cinema they went to the theatre.
32. They managed to get into the house by breaking the window.
33. I am not used to queuing up.
34. I prefer living in the town to living in the country.
35. I am not looking forward to going to the dentist.
36. I have no intention of giving him any money.
37. He prefers idling to working.
38. This knife is only for cutting meat.
39. I'm fed up with always studying the same thing.
40. In spite of falling he won the race.
PRESENT PERFECT (ever, just, already)
1. ^,Has estado alguna vez en Paris?
2. ,?,Has estado alguna vez en un globo?
3. <^Has hecho ya eso?
4. Esta es la mejor sidra que he bebido jamas.
5. <?,Has estado alguna vez en la Galena Tate?
6. Este es el libro mas interesante que he leido jamas.
7. Mi padre ya ha dejado de fumar.
8. Acabamos de llegar esta manana.
9. ^Has jugado alguna vez al cricket?
10. Acabo de ver a tu hermano en la calle Mayor.
11. Ya han terminado los deberes.
12. ^,Has visto alguna vez una ballena?
13. Acabo de hablar con el.
14. Ya me lo han dado.
15. ^,Has estado alguna vez en el Museo de Cera?
16. Acaban de pasar por aqui.
17. El bebe ya se ha bebido el biberon.
18. «?,Te he contado alguna vez lo que paso aquel dia?
19. Acabamos de tomar una decision.
20. Lo siento, ya se han ido.
21. ^Has estado alguna vez enamorado?
22. Acabo de decirtelo.
23. Ya hemos empezado.
24. Esta es la mejor cerveza que he probado jamas.
25. Acabamos de volver de vacaciones.
26. Ya he oido las noticias.
27. Este es el bocado mas exquisite que he probado jamas.
28. Acabamos de llegar a un acuerdo.
29. Es demasiado tarde para telefonear esta noche.
30. <<,Has leido a Lord Byron alguna vez?
31. Acabo de echar las cartas a correos.
32. 'Susana, echa las cartas'. 'Ya las he echado.'
33. ^,Te he contado alguna vez mis aventuras en la guerra?
34. '<*,Un cigarrillo?' 'No, gracias. Acabo de fumarme uno.'
35. <*,Han venido ya los ninos?
36. Esta es la primera vez que monto en una mula.
37. Acabamos de desayunar.
38. Ya se lo he enviado de vuelta.
39. Es el trabajo mas facil que he hecho jamas.
40. Acabo de acordarme.
PRESENT PERFECT (ever, just, already)
1. Have you ever been to Paris?
2. Have you ever been in a balloon?
3. Have you done that already?
4. This is the best cider that I have ever drunk.
5. Have you ever been in the Tate Gallery?
6. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
7. My father has already stopped smoking.
8. We have just arrived this morning.
9. Have you ever played cricket?
10. I've just seen your brother in High Street.
11. They have already finished their homework.
12. Have you ever seen a whale?
13. I've just spoken to him.
14. They have already given it to me.
15. Have you ever been to the Wax Museum?
16. They have just passed this way.
17. The baby has already finished the (feeding) bottle.
18. Have I ever told you what happened that day?
19. We have just taken a decision.
20. I am sorry, they have already gone.
21. Have you ever been in love?
22. I've just told you.
23. We have already started.
24. This is the best beer I have ever tasted.
25. We have just come back from holidays.
26. I have already heard the news.
27. This is the tastiest morsel that I have ever had.
28. We have just come to an agreement.
29. It's already too late to phone tonight.
30. Have you ever read Lord Byron?
31. I've just posted the letters.
32. 'Susan, post the letters'. 'I've already posted them.'
33. Have I ever told you about my adventures in the war?
34. 'A cigarette?' 'No, thank you. I've just had one.'
35. Have the children come already?
36. This is the first time that I have ever ridden a mule.
37. We have just had breakfast.
38. I have already sent it back.
39. It's the easiest job that I have ever done.
40. I have just remembered.
1. Lleva horas nevando.
2. Lleva nevando desde medianoche.
3. Llevo siglos pasando a maquina estas cartas.
4. Llevamos viendo la tele desde las cuatro.
5. Tu hija lleva media hora al telefono.
6. Lleva sin Hover desde abril.
7. Estuvimos dando vueltas durante horas.
8. No tengo noticias suyas desde Navidad.
9. No le he visto desde Mayo.
10. Llevamos dos anos aqui.
11. Vivieron mas de 20 anos en Paris.
12. No le he visto desde Semana Santa.
13. Llevo siglos esperandote.
14. Llevo esperandote desde las siete.
15. Mi padre lleva dos anos en el paro.
16. Llevamos saliendo juntos desde que nos encontramos en Roma.
17. Hace anos no me invita a su casa.
18. Llevo conduciendo autobuses desde los veinte anos.
19. Hace una semana que no veo a mi novia.
20. Lleva trabajando en esta oficina desde que salio del colegio.
21. Hace anos que nos conocemos.
22. No nos vemos desde las Navidades.
23. Mi abuelo lleva enfermo mucho tiempo.
24. Estoy enamorado de esa chica desde que la conoci.
25. Llevo 20 anos enamorado de mi mujer.
26. Llevo en la marina desde enero.
27. Hace anos que no nieva en este pais.
28. Mi padre no trabaja desde el verano.
29. Hace 20 anos que no he cogido unas vacaciones.
30. No he cogido catarro desde las Navidades.
31. Hace anos que no compro coche nuevo.
32. No llueve en este pais desde septiembre.
33. Hace anos no vamos al cine.
34. No fumo en pipa desde 1990.
35. Hace semanas que no veo a tu hijo.
36. Es fumador desde los 13 anos.
37. Llevo horas tratando de contactar contigo.
38. Estoy en el paro desde abril.
39. Esa mujer lleva horas sentada en ese banco.
40. El pobre hombre lleva en la cama desde que tuvo un accidente.
1. It has been snowing for hours.
2. It has been snowing since midnight.
3. I've been typing these letters for ages.
4. We've been watching the telly since four.
5. Your daughter has been on the phone for half an hour.
6. It hasn't rained since April.
7. We were going around for hours.
8. I haven't had any news from him since Christmas.
9. I haven't seen him since May.
10. We've been here for two years.
11. They lived in Paris for over 20 years.
12. I haven't seen him since Easter.
13. I've been waiting for you for ages.
14. I've been waiting for you since seven o'clock.
15. My father has been on the dole for two years.
16. We've been going out together since we met in Rome.
17. He hasn't invited me to his house for years. /
18. I've been driving buses since I was 20.
19. I haven't seen my girlfriend for a week.
20. He has been working in this office ever since he left school.
21. We've known each other for years.
22. We haven't met since Christmas.
23. My grandfather has been ill for a long time.
24. I've been in love with that girl ever since I met her.
25. I've been in love with my wife for 20 years.
26. I've been in the Navy since January.
27. It hasn't snowed in this country for years.
28. My father hasn't worked since last summer.
29. I haven't taken a holiday for 20 years.
30. I haven't caught a cold since Christmas.
31. I haven't bought a new car for years.
32. It hasn't rained in this country since September.
33. We haven't been to the cinema for years.
34. I haven't smoked a pipe since 1990.
35. I haven't seen your son for weeks.
36. He has been a smoker since he was 13.
37. I've been trying to get in touch with you for hours.
38. I've been on the dole since April.
39. That woman has been sitting on that bench for hours.
40. The poor man has been bedridden since he had an accident.
1. Pedro lleva toda la manana estudiando.
2. Tu padre lleva dos horas durmiendo la siesta.
3. Lleva usted demasiado tiempo fumando.
4. Mi mujer y mi hija llevan todo el dia comprando ropa.
5. ^Que has estado haciendo?
6. He estado arreglando la valla del jardin.
7. Lo siento, querido, ^llevas mucho tiempo esperando?
8. Llevo toda la noche estudiando.
9. Has estado bebiendo demasiado ultimamente.
10. <<,Has estado cocinando, mama?
11. He estado hablando con tu profesor, Pedro.
12. ^De que habeis estado hablando?
13. '^Ha terminado el maraton?' 'No, llevan dos horas corriendo.'
14. ^,Has estado espiandome?
15. Ninos, ^,que habeis estado comiendo?
16. ^Que historias has estado contando por ahi?
17. Llevamos anos usando estas herramientas.
18. Hace anos que esperan una oportunidad.
19. Ha estado lloviendo toda la noche.
20. Llevo anos jugando al golf como profesional.
21. Llevo trabajando toda la manana.
22. Ha estado arreglando la bici toda la manana.
23. El bebe ha estado diez horas durmiendo.
24. Llevo media hora esperando.
25. Como verdlpuede ver, mi madre ha estado pintando la cocina.
26. He estado toda la tarde cortando el cesped.
27. Este chico ha estado jugando al fiitbol desde las nueve.
28. He estado escribiendo relates cortos ultimamente.
29. Ha estado pintando cuadros desde que salio del colegio.
30. La secretaria lleva escribiendo cartas desde las 9.
31. Ese hombre lleva horas hablando.
32. Has estado fumando mucho ultimamente.
33. Estoy cansado. Llevo toda la manana trabajando.
34. Llevo todo el dia leyendo el libro pero no lo he terminado.
35. He estado toda la manana telefoneando a los clientes.
36. Esa pobre gente lleva horas en la cola.
37. ^Cuanto tiempo llevas esperando?
38. ^Cuanto tiempo llevais viajando por Europa?
39. Lleva jugando al tenis desde 1985.
40. Mi abuelo lleva anos escribiendo para este periodico.
1. Peter has been studying all morning.
2. Your father has been having a nap for two hours.
3. You've been smoking for too long.
4. My wife and daughter have been buying clothes all day.
5. What have you been doing?
6. I've been repairing the fence in the garden.
7. Sorry, darling, have you been waiting long?
8. I've been studying all night.
9. You've been drinking too much lately.
10. Have you been cooking, Mum?
11. I've been talking to your teacher, Peter.
12. What have you been talking about?
13. 'Has the marathon ended?' 'No, they've been running for two hours.'
14. Have you been spying on me?
15. Children, what have you been eating?
16. What stories have you been telling passing around?
17. We've been using these tools for ages.
18. They've been waiting for an opportunity for years.
19. It has been raining all night.
20. I've been playing golf as a professional for years.
21. I've been working all morning.
22. He has been repairing the bike all morning.
23. The baby has been sleeping for ten hours.
24. I've been waiting for half an hour.
25. As you can see, my mother has been painting the kitchen.
26. I've been mowing the lawn all afternoon.
27. This boy has been playing football since nine.
28. I've been writing short stories lately.
29. He has been painting pictures ever since he left school.
30. The secretary has been typing letters since 9.
31. That man has been talking for hours.
32. You've been smoking too much recently.
33. I'm tired. I've been working all morning.
34. I've been reading the book all day but I haven't finished it.
35. I've been phoning the clients all morning.
36. Those poor people have been queuing for hours.
37. How long have you been waiting?
38. How long have you been travelling round Europe.
39. He has been playing tennis since 1985.
40. My grandfather has been writing for this newspaper for years.
1. Prefiero cerveza que whisky.
2. Mi padre prefiere conducir que ir en tren.
3. Prefiero beber vino que cerveza.
4. El preferia leer que ver la television.
5. Yo preferiria que fueras tu a Madrid.
6. Yo preferiria que escribieras la carta ahora.
7. Prefiero ir en avion.
8. Prefiero quedarme en casa.
9. '^Quieres hacer tu la comida?' 'No, prefiero que cocines tu.'
10. '^Vamos?' 'Prefiero esperar unos minutos.'
11. Prefiero ir al cine que ver la television.
12. Prefiero comer en casa que en un restaurante.
13. Prefiero ir a pasear que jugar al tenis.
14. Preferiria pensar sobre ello algun tiempo antes que decidir ahora.
15. Preferiria que fueras tu al banco.
16. '^Quieres salir esta noche?' 'Prefiero no salir.'
17. La mayoria de la gente prefiere ver la tele que leer libros.
18. Prefiero conducir mas que viajar en avion.
19. Prefiero telefonear que escribir cartas.
20. Prefiero vivir en un piso que en una casa.
21. Prefiero esperar unos minutos.
22. '^Vamos a un restaurante?' 'Prefiero comer en casa.'
23. Prefiero ver una pelicula mas que ir al teatro.
24. Mi padre prefiere andar que correr.
25. Yo prefiero correr que andar.
26. Preferiria que hicieras tu este trabajo.
27. Preferiria que pagara usted en metalico.
28. Prefiero tomar una ducha que un bano.
29. Prefiero jugar mas que ver.
30. Mi hermana prefiere esquiar que patinar.
31. Mi hermano mayor prefiere patinar que esquiar.
32. Preferiria que tu hermana hiciera las compras.
33. Fuimos en tren, pero hubiera preferido haber ido en avion.
34. Prefiero vino que cerveza.
35. Prefiero beber vino que cerveza.
36. Prefiero volar antes que ir en tren.
37. Mi padre prefiere ir en tren antes que volar.
38. Mi abuela preferia hacer punto mas que ver la tele.
39. Antes, yo preferia ir al cine que al teatro.
40. Yo preferiria que no intentaras arreglar el televisor.
1. I prefer beer to whisky.
2. My father prefers driving to going by train.
3. I'd rather drink wine than beer.
4. He preferred reading to watching television.
5. I'd rather you went to Madrid.
6. I'd rather you wrote the letter now.
7. / prefer to/I'd rather fly.
8. / prefer to/I'd rather stay at home.
9. 'Do you want to cook?' 'No, I'd rather you cooked.'
10. 'Shall we go?' 'I'd rather wait a few minutes.'
11. I prefer to go to the cinema rather than watch television.
12. I prefer to eat at home rather than go to a restaurant.
13. I'd rather go for a walk than play tennis.
14. I'd prefer to think about it for a while rather than decide now.
15. I'd rather you went to the bank.
16. 'Do you want to go out tonight?' 'I'd rather not.'
17. Most people prefer watching the telly rather than reading books.
18. I prefer to drive rather than travel by plane.
19. I prefer phoning to writing letters.
20. I prefer to live in a flat rather than (live) in a house.
21. I'd prefer to/rather wait a few minutes.
22. 'Shall we go to a restaurant?' 'I'd prefer to/rather eat at home.'
23. I'd prefer to watch a film rather than go to the theatre.
24. My father prefers walking to running.
25. I prefer to run rather than walk.
26. I'd rather you did this job.
27. I'd rather you paid cash.
28. I'd rather/prefer to have a shower than a bath.
29. I prefer to play rather than watch.
30. My sister prefers skiing to skating.
31. My elder brother prefers to skate rather than ski.
32. I'd rather your sister did the shopping.
33. We went by train, but I'd rather have gone by air.
34. I prefer wine to beer.
35. I'd rather drink wine than beer.
36. I'd rather fly than go by train.
37. My father prefers to go by train rather than fly.
38. My grandmother preferred knitting to watching the telly.
39. Before, I preferred to go to the cinema rather than go to the theatre.
40. I'd rather you didn't try to repair the TV set.
1. Mas vale que le escriba hoy.
2. Mas vale que salgamos ahora, si no llegaremos tarde.
3. Se esta haciendo tarde. Mas vale que nos demos prisa.
4. Parece que va a Hover. Mas vale que coja el paraguas.
5. Mas vale que no pierdas el tren.
6. Mas vale que cojas el abrigo. Hace frio.
7. ^No es mejor que pidas permiso?
8. ^No sera mejor que salgamos ya?
9. Me dijo que mas valia que lo hiciera lo antes posible.
10. Mas vale que vayamos a otro restaurante.
11. Mas vale que nos compremos otro coche.
12. Mas vale que te cambies antes de ir a la iglesia.
13. Nifios, mas vale que os levanteis ya.
14. Mas nos vale coger un taxi.
15. Mas vale que llevemos al nino al hospital para un chequeo.
16. Mas vale que pintemos la cocina.
17. Mas vale que no vayas a trabajar hoy.
18. Mas vale que nos bajemos en la proxima parada.
19. Mas vale que no os baneis en ese rio.
20. Mas vale que me digas la verdad.
21. Ya es hora de ir a casa.
22. Ya es hora de irnos a casa.
23. Ya es hora de que los ninos esten en la cama.
24. Ya es hora de que te compres un coche nuevo.
25. Ya va siendo hora de que volvamos.
26. Ya va siendo hora de que hagas algo por mi.
27. Chicos, ya va siendo hora de que os levanteis.
28. Ya va siendo hora de que escribas a tus padres.
29. Ya va siendo hora de que se haga algo acerca del trafico.
30. Ya va siendo hora de que saiga el tren.
31. Ya va siendo hora de que empiece a preparar la comida.
32. Ya va siendo hora de que se haga algo acerca del paro.
33. Ya va siendo hora de que te compres otro traje.
34. Ya va siendo hora de que pintemos la cocina.
35. Ya va siendo hora de que el nino aprenda a andar.
36. Ya va siendo hora de que cambie el tiempo.
37. Ya va siendo hora de que pare de Hover.
38. Ya iba siendo hora de que se dijeran estas cosas.
39. Ya iba siendo hora de que se hiciera algo acerca de la inmigracion.
40. Ya iba siendo hora de que me dijeras la verdad.
1. / had/I'd better write to him today.
2. We had/We'd better go out now, otherwise we'll be late.
3. It's getting late. We had/We'd better hurry.
4. It looks like rain. / had/I'd better take my umbrella.
5. You had/You'd better not miss the train.
6. You had/You'd better take your coat. It's cold.
7. Hadn't you better ask for permission?
8. Hadn't we better leave now?
9. He told me that / had/I'd better do it as soon as possible.
10. We had/We'd better go to another restaurant.
11. We had/We'd better buy another car.
12. You had/You'd better change before going to church.
13. Children, you had/you'd better get up now.
14. We had/We'd better take a taxi.
15. We had/We'd better take the child to hospital for a checkup.
16. We had/We'd better paint the kitchen.
17. You had/You'd better not go to work today.
18. We had/We'd better get off at the next stop.
19. You had/You'd better not swim in that river.
20. You had/You'd better tell me the truth.
21. It's time to go home.
22. It's time for us to go home.
23. It's time the children were in bed.
24. It's about time you bought a new car.
25. It's about time we went back.
26. It's about time you did something for me.
27. Boys, it's about time you got up.
28. It's about time you wrote to your parents.
29. It's about time something was done about the traffic.
30. It's about time the train left.
31. It's about time I started getting dinner/lunch ready.
32. It's about time something was done about unemployment.
33. It's about time you bought another suit.
34. It's about time we painted the kitchen.
35. It's about time the child learned to walk.
36. It's about time the weather changed.
37. It's about time it stopped raining.
38. It was about time these things were said.
39. It was about time something was done about immigration.
40. It was about time you told me the truth.
1. Estaba lloviendo cuando me fui a la cama.
2. Vi a tu amiga. Estaba paseando por el parque con un chico.
3. Estabamos cenando cuando sono el telefono.
4. A las ocho yo estaba desayunando.
5. A las nueve estaba leyendo el periodico.
6. A las diez estaba haciendo las compras.
7. Mi hermanito estaba desayunando cuando llego el autobus.
8. Estaban viendo la tele cuando llegue a casa.
9. A la una estabamos comiendo.
10. Yo vivia en Londres cuando me case.
11. Bajaba las escaleras corriendo cuando se cayo.
12. No conducia muy rapido cuando ocurrio el accidente.
13. Estaba esperando a su novio cuando empezo a Hover.
14. Mi hermano estaba viendo la tele y leyendo un libro.
15. Los ninos estaban jugando en el jardin cuando empezo a Hover.
16. Sono el telefono mientras ella hacia las camas.
17. A las once estaba pasando la aspiradora.
18. A las doce las dos mujeres estaban preparando la comida.
19. Estaba tomando una ducha cuando vinieron los Evans.
20. Ella esperaba a que apareciera el hombre idoneo.
21. Estaba leyendo un libro cuando llamaste por telefono.
22. El reloj dio las doce mientras paseabamos por el rio.
23. Yo estaba estudiando en la universidad de Bristol cuando la conoci.
24. Estaban haciendo el tour de Europa en bici.
25. El gato estaba dormido en una silla.
26. Los Browns estaban tomando cafe cuando llegamos.
27. Cuando le vi estaba comiendo pescado frito y patatas fritas.
28. Los chicos estaban jugando al futbol en el medio de la calle.
29. Los dos chicos estaban haciendo sus deberes cuando entre.
30. El Sr. Martin estuvo trabajando en el jardin toda la mafiana.
31. Los chicos estaban jugando en clase cuando entro el profesor.
32. Cuando of las noticias estaba haciendo la cena.
33. Cuando el avion se estrello sobre las casas no habia nadie en ellas.
34. Justamente te estaba escribiendo cuando llamaste.
35. Estabamos nadando en el rio cuando empezo a Hover.
36. Ayer estuve toda la manana escribiendo este articulo.
37. Estaba pintando el techo cuando se cayo de la escalera.
38. Cuando le dijeron lo de su hijo estaba a punto de salir.
39. Estaba corriendo en el maraton cuando se sintio enfermo.
40. Estaba aparcando el coche cuando el Ford azul le golpeo.
1. It was raining when I went to bed.
2. I saw your friend. She was walking in the park with a boy.
3. We were having dinner when the phone rang.
4. At eight o'clock I was having breakfast.
5. At nine o'clock I was reading the newspaper.
6. At ten I was doing the shopping.
7. My little brother was having breakfast when the bus came.
8. They were watching TV when I arrived home.
9. At one o'clock we were having lunch.
10. I was living in London when I got married.
11. He was running down the stairs when he fell down.
12. I wasn't driving very fast when the accident happened.
13. She was waiting for her boyfriend when it started to rain.
14. My brother was watching the telly and reading a book.
15. The children were playing in the garden when it started to rain.
16. The telephone rang while she was making the beds.
17. At eleven she was hoovering/vacuuming the carpets.
18. At twelve o'clock both women were preparing lunch.
19. I was having a shower when the Evans came.
20. She was waiting for the right man to appear.
21. I was reading a book when you rang.
22. The clock struck twelve while we were walking by the river.
23. I was studying at Bristol University when I met her.
24. They were touring Europe by bike.
25. The cat was sleeping on a chair.
26. The Browns were having coffee when we arrived.
27. When I saw him he was eating fish and chips.
28. The boys were playing football in the middle of the street.
29. The two boys were doing their homework when I went in.
30. Mr Martin was working in the garden all mornin'g.
31. The boys were playing in the classroom when the teacher came in.
32. When I heard the news I was preparing dinner.
33. When the plane crashed on top of the houses there was nobody in them.
34. I was just writing to you when you rang.
35. We were swimming in the river when it started to rain.
36. I was writing this article all morning yesterday.
37. He was painting the ceiling when he fell off the ladder.
38. When he was told about his son he was about to go out.
39. He was running in the marathon when he felt ill.
40. He was parking the car when the blue Ford collided with him.
1. El siempre habia sido un hombre honrado.
2. Habia estado cocinando toda la manana y estaba cansada.
3. Vio que alguien habia entrado en la casa.
4. El televisor habia desaparecido.
5. Los ninos ya habian terminado de desayunar.
6. Hacia frio porque habia estado nevando.
7. Todo el mundo se habia ido a la cama.
8. Yo nunca habia estado en un avion antes.
9. No habian estado en Roma nunca.
10. Estaba debil porque habia estado enfermo.
11. Cuando llegaron al cine la pelicula ya habia empezado.
12. Varias personas habian estado fumando en la habitacion.
13. Llevaba 20 anos sin ver a mi madre.
14. Acababan de terminar cuando llegamos.
15. Aquel hombre llevaba muchos anos haciendo el mismo trabajo.
16. Yo nunca habia corrido un maraton antes.
17. La secretaria llevaba 10 anos con nosotros.
18. Llevaba en la empresa desde los 18 anos.
19. Habia perdido el paraguas y tuvo que pedir uno prestado.
20. Acababa de hablar con el hacia cinco minutos.
21. Llevaban trabajando horas cuando les vimos.
22. El jarron se habia roto al caer al suelo.
23. Eso fue despues de que hubo llegado el grupo de salvamento.
24. Alguien habia pintado la cocina.
25. Los Browns acababan de salir.
26. Aquel hombre nunca habia sacado una foto antes.
27. Ellos no habian estado en la carcel nunca.
28. Llevaba meses pintando aquel cuadro.
29. Acababa de darmelo.
30. Yo nunca habia visto a aquel hombre antes.
31. La Sra. Collins nunca habia usado aquel detergente.
32. Me preguntaba quien habia enviado la carta.
33. Maria le dijo al jefe que ya habia trabajado bastante.
34. Cuando llegaron, los jovenes ya se habian ido.
35. El cadaver habia desaparecido cuando llego la policia.
36. Alguien habia vaciado las botellas.
37. Nadie habia encontrado jamas las esmeraldas.
38. Jamas habian estado tan cerca del triunfo.
39. El nino jamas habia bajado a aquella bodega.
40. Nunca habia oido hablar acerca de aquel pasadizo.
1. He had always been an honest man.
2. She had been cooking all morning and she was tired.
3. He saw that somebody had broken into the house.
4. The TV set had disappeared.
5. The children had already finished breakfast.
6. It was cold because it had been snowing.
7. Everybody had gone to bed.
8. I had never been on a plane before.
9. They had never been to Rome.
10. He was weak because he had been ill.
11. When they arrived at the cinema the film had already started.
12. Several people had been smoking in the room.
13. I hadn't seen my mother for 20 years.
14. They had just finished when we arrived.
15. That man had been doing the same job/work for many years.
16. I had never run a marathon before.
17. The secretary had been with us for 10 years.
18. He had been in the firm since he was 18.
19. He had lost his umbrella and had to borrow one.
20. I had just spoken to him five minutes earlier.
21. They had been working for hours when we saw them.
22. The vase had broken when it fell on the floor.
23. That was after the rescue party had arrived.
24. Somebody had painted the kitchen.
25. The Browns had just gone out.
26. That man had never taken a photo before.
27. They had never been in jail/prison before.
28. He had been painting that picture for months.
29. He had just given it to me.
30. I had never seen that man before.
31. Mrs Collins had never used that detergent before.
32. I wondered who had sent the letter.
33. Mary told the boss that she had worked enough already.
34. When they got there, the youngsters had already gone.
35. The corpse had disappeared when the police arrived.
36. Somebody had emptied the bottles.
37. Nobody had ever found the emeralds.
38. They had never been so near to succeeding.
39. The child had never gone down to that cellar.
40. I had never heard about that secret passage.
1. Ojald supieralYa podia saber lo que hacer.
2. Ojald vivieramoslYa podiamos vivir en el sur de Espana.
3. Ojald fuera/Ya podia ser mas alto.
4. Ya podia dejarlOjald dejara de tocar el piano esa mujer.
5. Ya podia hablarlOjald hablara mas despacio ese hombre.
6. Ya podia par an'Ojald parara de Hover.
7. Ojald hubieralYa podia haber seguido tu consejo.
8. Ya podia venirlOjald viniera a verme pronto ese hombre.
9. ;Ya podias ayudarme!
10. jYa podian dejar de hacer bombas!
11. jYa podias callarte!
12. jYa podia venir antes ese chico!
13. Ella deseaba no haberle visto nunca.
14. Miro la foto. 'Ojala no le hubiera conocido,' penso.
15. Ojald me digalYa me podia decir pronto lo que quiere.
16. Ya podia haber I'Ojald hubiera dicho lo que queria.
17. Ojald nievelYa podia nevar pronto.
18. Ya podia ser I Ojald fuera un poco mas inteligente ese chico.
19. Ya podias decirme de una vez lo que quieres.
20. Ya podia estar aqui mi marido.
21. jSi al menos el hubiera estado aqui!
22. ;Si al menos supiera lo que va a suceder!
23. jSi al menos viniera a verme de vez en cuando!
24. ;Si al menos dijera la verdad!
25. ;Si al menos no hubiera perdido el dinero!
26. ;Si al menos me quisiera un poco!
27. jSi por lo menos no la hubiera matado!
28. jSi por lo menos dejara de Hover!
29. ;Si por lo menos fuera un poco mas alto!
30. ;Si por lo menos fuera un poco mas guapa!
31. ;Si por lo menos estudiaras mas!
32. ;Si al menos dejara de tocar el piano un rato!
33. jSi al menos vinieras a verme!
34. ;Si al menos me dijeras que me quieres!
35. [Si al menos siguiera mis consejos!
36. ;Si al menos no hiciera tanto frio!
37. |Si al menos los libros fueran mas baratos!
38. jSi al menos no comieras tanto!
39. jSi al menos no fuerais tan pelmas!.
40. jSi al menos me hubiera dicho algo antes de irse!
1. wish I knew what to do.
2. wish we lived in the south of Spain.
3. wish I was/were taller.
4. wish that woman stopped/would stop playing the piano.
5. wish that man spoke/would speak more slowly.
6. wish it stopped/would stop raining.
7. wish I had followed your advice.
8. wish that man came/would come to see me soon.
9. wish you would help me!
10. wish they would stop making bombs!
11. wish you would shut up!
12. wish that boy would come earlier!
13. She wished she had never seen him before.
14. She looked at the photo. 'I wish I had never met him,' she thought.
15. I wish he told/would tell me what he wants soon.
16. I wish he had said what he wanted.
17. I wish it snowed/would snow soon.
18. I wish that boy was/were a little more intelligent.
19. I wish you would tell me what you want, once and for all.
20. I wish my husband was/were here.
21. If only he had been here!
22. If only I knew what was going to happen!
23. If only he came to see me from time to time!
24. If only he told the truth!
25. If only I hadn't lost the money!
26. If only he loved me a little!
27. If only he hadn't killed her!
28. If only it stopped raining!
29. If only I was/were a little taller!
30. If only she was/were a little prettier!
31. If only you studied more!
32. If only she stopped playing the piano for a while!
33. If only you would come to see me!
34. If only you would tell me you love me!
35. If only he would follow my advice!
36. If only it wasn't/weren't so cold!
37. If only books were cheaper!
38. If only you didn't eat so much!
39. If only you weren't such nuisance!
40. If only she had said something before leaving!
QUANTIFIERS (much, many, a lot, little, few, plenty)
1. '^Hay muchos hombres?' 'Hay unos cuantos.'
2. '^Hay muchos?' 'No, hay pocos.'
3. Se necesita una gran cantidad de paciencia.
4. Apenas hay nada de trafico.
5. Hay muy poca duda acerca de eso.
6. Ninguno de los presentes sabia nada.
7. Eso es lo menos que puedo hacer por ti.
8. Seguro que la mayoria de los chicos pueden decirtelo.
9. No quiero todo el pastel. Dame solo la mitad.
10. Sin su jefe poca gente sabia lo que hacer.
11. Los dos son muy buenos jugadores.
12. Habia una cierta cantidad de huevos en una cesta.
13. Habia un poquitm de polvo bianco sobre la mesa.
14. La mayoria de ellos estaban descalzos.
15. Habia menos gente que otros dias.
16. Hay menos trafico que ayer.
17. Apenas podia respirar a causa del humo.
18. Hay cantidad de peces en el mar.
19. Cada hombre tiene que cumplir con su deber.
20. Apenas quedaba leche.
21. Tenia dos docenas de huevos.
22. Habia docenas de huevos rotos en el suelo.
23. Habia cientos; mas bien, miles de hombres y mujeres.
24. Habia varies cientos de personas.
25. Habia cantidad de grano en el granero.
26. Otra gota de agua mas y el vaso rebosara.
27. No habia bastante mano de obra.
28. La mayoria de ellos sabia hablar bastante ingles.
29. Habia una enorme cantidad de agua en la presa.
30. En esta aula hay menos alumnos que en aquella.
31. Queda un poquitm de aceite en esa botella.
32. Ninguno de los presentes sabia que decir.
33. Hay muy poco que pueda hacer por ti.
34. Apenas hubo oposicion.
35. La mitad de la clase no habia terminado todavia.
36. Cogio menos de la mitad.
37. '^Quieres mas?' 'No; tengo bastante, gracias.'
38. Unos cuantos hombres se le acercaron.
39. Ninguno de los estudiantes sabia la respuesta.
40. La mayoria de nuestros empleados son de toda confianza.
QUANTIFIERS (much, many, a lot, little, few, plenty)
1. 'Are there many men?' 'There are a few.'
2. 'Are there many?' 'No, there are few.'
3. You need a good deal of patience.
4. There is hardly any traffic at all.
5. There is very little doubt about that.
6. None of the people present knew anything.
7. That is the least I can do for you.
8. I'm sure that most of the boys can tell you.
9. I don't want the whole cake. Just give me half.
10. Without their leader few people knew what to do.
11. Both are very good players.
12. There was a number of eggs in a basket.
13. There was a bit of white dust on the table.
14. Most of them were barefooted.
15. There were fewer people than other days.
16. There is less traffic than yesterday.
17. He could hardly breathe because of the smoke.
18. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
19. Each/Every man has to do his duty.
20. There was hardly any milk left.
21. He had two dozen eggs.
22. There were dozens of broken eggs on the floor.
23. There were hundreds; rather, thousands of men and women.
24. There were several hundred people.
25. There was a good deal of grain in the barn.
26. Another drop of water and the glass will overflow.
27. There wasn't enough manpower.
28. Most of them could speak quite a lot of English.
29. There was a large amount of water in the dam.
30. In this classroom there are fewer pupils than in that one.
31. There is a bit of oil left in that bottle.
32. None of the people present knew what to say.
33. There is very little I can do for you.
34. There was hardly any opposition.
35. Half the class had not finished yet.
36. He took less than half.
37. 'Do you want any more?' 'No; I have enough, thanks.'
38. A few men approached him.
39. None of the students knew the answer.
40. Most of our employees are trustworthy.
QUANTIFIERS (cont.), many, a lot, tittle, few, plenty)
1. No te preocupes nos queda cantidad de tiempo.
2. Me temo que queda poca nieve.
3. ^Sacaste muchas fotos en la boda?
4. Ella siempre pone cantidad de leche en el te.
5. No hay muchas chicas en esta clase.
6. No nos queda mucha gasolina.
7. Dejame en paz. Tengo mucho trabajo que hacer.
8. Vamos a hacer tortillas. Tenemos cantidad de huevos.
9. No me sorprende que tengas hambre. No has comido mucho.
10. Los heridos han perdido mucha sangre.
11. No nos queda mucho tiempo.
12. En este pais la gente bebe mucha cerveza.
13. Es muy callada. No habla mucho.
14. No hay mucho que hacer en este pueblo.
15. Este coche consume cantidad de gasolina.
16. Ese hombre tiene tanto dinero que no sabe como gastarlo.
17. Tenemos cantidad de tiempo.
18. Vamos a echar un trago. Nos queda un poco de tiempo todavfa.
19. Es un tio raro. Tiene pocos amigos.
20. Siempre esta lloviendo. Pocos turistas vienen aquf.
21. Dame un poco mas de te, pero solo un poco.
22. La tierra esta seca. Ha habido poca lluvia ultimamente.
23. Date prisa tenemos poco tiempo.
24. Vi a tu padre hace unos pocos dias.
25. No vale como profesor. Tiene poca paciencia.
26. Yo no tenia dinero, pero mi hermano tenia un poco.
27. El viejo McDonald murio hace unos pocos meses.
28. Esto mismo ha sucedido unas cuantas veces antes.
29. '^Hablas italiano?' 'Solo unas palabras.'
30. La sala estaba vacia. Habia poca gente.
31. Todavia tengo unas cuantas libras en el bolsillo.
32. No tenemos mucho cafe.
33. Habia poca nieve en las pistas.
34. Habia un poco de bruma en la cima.
35. Tenemos mucho en comun.
36. Bebo muchas tazas de te a lo largo del dia.
37. Ella bebe mucho cafe.
38. Me temo que ha perdido un poco de sangre.
39. No se asuste, ha perdido poca sangre.
40. Tenemos mucho tiempo libre.
1. Don't worry. We've got plenty/a lot/lots of time left.
2. I'm afraid there is little snow left.
3. Did you take many/a lot of photos at the wedding?
4. She always puts a lot of milk in her tea.
5. There are not many/ a lot of girls in this class.
6. We haven't got much/a lot of petrol left.
7. Leave me alone. I've got a lot of work to do.
8. We are going to make omelettes. We've got a lot/lots of eggs.
9. I'm not surprised you're hungry. You haven't eaten much.
10. The injured have lost a lot/lots of blood.
11. We haven't got much time left.
12. In this country people drink a lot/lots of beer.
13. She is very quiet. She doesn't speak much.
14. There is not much to do in this village.
15. This car uses a lot/lots of petrol.
16. That man has so much money that he doesn't know how to spend it.
17. We've got a lot/lots of time.
18. Let's have a drink. We've still got a little time left.
19. He is a strange bloke/guy. He has few friends.
20. It's always raining. Few tourists come here.
21. Give me a little more tea, but only a little.
22. The land is dry. There has been little rain lately.
23. Hurry up. We've got little time.
24. I saw your father a few days ago.
25. He is no good as a teacher. He has little patience.
26. I had no money but my brother had a little.
27. Old McDonald died a few months ago.
28. This very thing has happened a few times before.
29. 'Do you speak Italian?' 'Only a few words.'
30. The room was empty. There were few people.
31. I've still got a few pounds in my pocket.
32. We haven't got much/a lot of coffee.
33. There was little snow on the slopes/ski runs.
34. There was a little mist on the top.
35. We have a lot in common.
36. I have many/a lot/lots of cups of tea during the day.
37. She drinks a lot of coffee.
38. I'm afraid he has lost a little blood.
39. Don't worry, he has lost little blood.
40. We've got a lot/lots of free time.
1. For mucho que ganes nunca ganaras bastante.
2. Quienquiera que fuera el que te dijo eso es un mentiroso.
3. Sea lo que sea que hagas ten cuidado.
4. Cualquier camino que cojas llegaras alia.
5. Cuando quiera que vengas seras bien venido.
6. Dondequiera que vayas estare contigo.
7. For muy dificiles que scan los problemas siempre los resuelve.
8. El siempre sonrie, no importa lo que le digas.
9. Quienquiera que sea el que telefonee dile que no estoy.
10. Sea lo que sea que hagas, hazlo bien.
11. Cualquiera que sea el libro que estudies, siempre aprenderas.
12. Cuando quiera que Madonna viene a este pais, la gente se vuelve loca.
13. Dondequiera que vayas, encontraras amigos.
14. For muy rica que sea la gente, siempre quiere mas.
15. No importa lo que le digas, no se enfada nunca.
16. <<,D6nde diablos has estado?'
17. ^Quien diablos eres tu?
18. ^Como diablos escapaste ileso?
19. 'Trae una Have inglesa.' '^Y para que?'
20. ^Cuando diablos te fuiste?
21. Aunque admito que somos diferentes, seremos felices.
22. Este es muy facil mientras que aquel es muy diffcil.
23. A mi me gusta el te, mientras que a el le gusta el cafe.
24. Yo bebo cafe negro, mientras que el lo prefiere con crema.
25. El ingles lo hablan millones, mientras que el Coptic apenas se conoce.
26. Ellos sabian que venia, mas todavia, me estaban esperando.
27. Este es bueno, mientras que el que compraste es barato.
28. Eramos unos quince, aparte del anfitrion.
29. Sabian que vendrias, mas todavia, sabian a que hora.
30. Mi novia es muy inteligente, ademas, es muy guapa.
31. Juana trabaja muy despacio, sin embargo, muy a conciencia.
32. Trabajo duro, sin embargo, suspendio su examen.
33. Unos comen demasiado, mientras que otros se mueren de hambre.
34. Estaremos cinco para cenar, ademas de Pedro.
35. No tuve tiempo de ver la pelicula, ademas dicen que es muy mala.
36. La obra fue mal interpretada, ademas de ser demasiado larga.
37. No me escribe nadie, ademas de ti.
38. Jim es nuestro hijo mas pequeno, y ademas tenemos otros tres.
39. Algunos tienen demasiado dinero, mientras que otros no tienen nada.
40. Este es demasiado caro, mientras que aquel es demasiado barato.
1. However much you earn you will never earn enough.
2. Whoever told you that is a liar.
3. Whatever you do be careful.
4. Whichever way you take you'll get there.
5. Whenever you come you'll be welcome.
6. Wherever you go I'll be there with you.
7. However difficult the problems are he always solves them.
8. He always smiles, no matter what you tell him.
9. Whoever telephones tell him/her I am not in.
10. Whatever you do, do it well.
11. Whichever book you study you will always learn.
12. Whenever Madonna comes to this country people go crazy.
13. Wherever you go you will find friends.
14. However rich people are they always want more.
15. No matter what you say to him, he doesn't get angry.
16. Wherever have you been?
17. Who ever are you?
18. How ever did you escape unhurt?
19. 'Bring a spanner.' 'What ever for?'
20. When ever did you leave?
21. While I Although I admit we're different, we'll be happy.
22. This one is very easy, while that one is very difficult.
23. I like tea while he likes coffee.
24. I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.
25. English is spoken by millions while Coptic is hardly known.
26. They knew I was coming, moreover, they were waiting for me.
27. This one is good, whereas the one you bought is cheap.
28. There were about fifteen of us, besides the host.
29. They knew you were coming, moreover, they knew at what time.
30. My girlfriend is very clever, besides, she is very pretty.
31. Joan works very slowly, yet/however, very thoroughly.
32. He worked hard, yet/however, he failed his exam.
33. Some eat too much, whereas others die of hunger.
34. There will be five of us for dinner, besides Peter.
35. I had no time to see the film, besides, they say it's very bad.
36. The play was badly acted, besides.being far too long.
37. Nobody writes to me besides you.
38. Jim is our youngest child, and we have three others besides.
39. Some people have too much money, whereas others have nothing.
40. This one is too expensive, whereas that one is too cheap.
1. Esa lampara es demasiado pesada para colgarla del techo.
2. Esas preguntas son demasiado dificiles para responder.
3. La hierba esta demasiado humeda para sentarse.
4. Este paquete es demasiado voluminoso para mandarlo por correo.
5. La sopa esta demasiado caliente para comer.
6. Esta maleta es demasiado pesada para llevar.
7. Es demasiado pronto para que yo pueda decir que va a pasar.
8. Tu hijo es demasiado listo para aceptar la primera oferta.
9. La casa es demasiado pequena para que los Browns vivan en ella.
10. La hierba estaba demasiado humeda para que nos sentaramos.
11. El problema es demasiado dificil para que tu puedas entenderlo.
12. Esta caja es demasiado pesada para que un nino la levante.
13. Es demasiado temprano para que se levante tu hermano.
14. Esta demasiado oscuro para sacar fotos.
15. Pedrito es demasiado joven para ir a la escuela.
16. La silla es demasiado pequena para que se siente esa mujer.
17. El piano es demasiado pesado para que lo movamos nosotros.
18. La leche esta demasiado caliente para que la beba el bebe.
19. Este hotel es demasiado caro para quedarnos.
20. Hace demasiado frio para ir a la playa.
21. Este nino no es lo bastante mayor para ir a la escuela.
22. La hierba no estaba lo bastante seca como para sentarnos.
23. No tenemos bastantes sillas para todo el mundo.
24. No tienen bastante .dinero para ir de vacaciones.
25. No es lo bastante fuerte como para llevar eso.
26. La caja no es lo bastante ligera como para que la lleve un nino.
27. Estos zapatos deberian ser bastante pequenos para Bobby.
28. Mary no tuvo bastante tiempo para terminar el examen.
29. No hay bastante luz como para sacar fotos.
30. Ese chico no es bastante bueno para ti.
31. Esos chicos ya tienen bastantes problemas.
32. ^Tenemos bastante leche para el bebe?
33. No eres lo bastante alto como para ser policfa.
34. El tiempo no es lo bastante bueno como para ir a la playa.
35. Tenemos bastante tiempo para todo.
36. Esta mesa es lo suficientemente grande para toda la familia.
37. No era lo bastante grande como para que entrara todo el mundo.
38. No necesitamos pedir un prestamo. Tenemos bastante dinero.
39. Este asiento no es bastante grande para todos nosotros.
40. No tengo bastante dinero para pagar la cuenta.
1. That lamp is too heavy to hang on the ceiling.
2. Those questions are too difficult to answer.
3. The grass is too wet to sit on.
4. This parcel is too bulky to send by post.
5. The soup is too hot to eat.
6. This suitcase is too heavy to carry.
7. It's too early for me to say what's going to happen.
8. Your son is too clever to accept the first offer.
9. The house is too small for the Browns to live in.
10. The grass was too wet for us to sit on.
11. The problem is too difficult for you to understand.
12. This box is too heavy for a child to lift.
13. It's too early for your brother to get up.
14. It's too dark to take photos.
15. Little Peter is too young to go to school.
16. The chair is too small for that woman to sit on.
17. The piano is too heavy for us to move.
18. The milk is too hot for the baby to drink.
19. This hotel is too expensive for us to stay in.
20. It's too cold to go to the beach.
21. This child is not old enough to go to school.
22. The grass was not dry enough for us to sit on.
23. We haven't got enough chairs for everybody.
24. They haven't got enough money to go on holiday.
25. He is not strong enough to carry that.
26. The box is not light enough for a child to carry.
27. These shoes should be small enough for Bobby.
28. Mary hadn't enough time to finish the exam.
29. There isn't enough light to take photos.
30. That boy is not good enough for you.
31. Those boys already have enough problems.
32. Have we got enough milk for the baby?
33. You aren't tall enough to be a policeman.
34. The weather is not good enough to go to the beach.
35. We've got enough time for everything.
36. This table is big enough for all the family.
37. It wasn't big enough for everybody to get in.
38. We needn't ask for a loan. We've got enough money.
39. This seat is not big enough for all of us.
40. I haven't got enough money to pay the bill.
1. Me temo que la bateria necesita que la carguen.
2. Estas plantas necesitan que las rieguen.
3. Tu camisa necesita que la laven.
4. Esas ventanas necesitan que las limpien.
5. Este seto necesita que lo recorten.
6. Esta habitacion necesita que la pinten.
7. Esta agua necesita que la filtren.
8. Esta cerradura necesita que la engrasen.
9. Ese reloj necesita que le den cuerda.
10. ^Puedes ayudarme a hacer las compras?
11. Todos ayudaron a limpiar la casa.
12. Todos te ayudaremos a terminarlo a tiempo.
13. No puedo evitar el pensar que yo tambien fui joven una vez.
14. No pude evitar el llorar cuando oi las noticias.
15. Cuando oigo esa cancion no puedo evitar el pensar en tu padre.
16. No puedo evitar el reirme cada vez que veo a ese hombre.
17. Este coche necesita que lo revisen.
18. Necesitas que te corten el pelo.
19. Este jardm necesita que lo cuiden.
20. Esa camisa necesita que la planchen.
21. Necesitas que te limpien los dientes.
22. Necesitas que te tinan el pelo.
23. Necesitas que te venden esa herida.
24. Estos tornillos necesitan que los aprieten.
25. Estos zapatos necesitan que los ablanden.
26. Mi padre siempre me ayuda a hacer los deberes.
27. Te ayudare a empujar el coche.
28. Ese nino travieso necesita que le castiguen.
29. No pudo evitar el pensar en lo que habia sucedido.
30. No puedo evitar el sentirme triste cuando le veo.
31. Esa nina necesita que la quieran.
32. Estos zapatos necesitan que los arreglen.
33. La contabilidad necesita que la revisen.
34. Este motor necesita que lo revisen.
35. Mi hermano me ayudo a escribir la carta.
36. No puedo evitar el sentirme culpable cuando le veo.
37. Esta cocina necesita que la pinten.
38. Cuando me levanto no puedo evitar el preguntarme que hacer.
39. Esa falda necesita que la acorten.
40. Esa herida necesita que la desinfecten.
I. I'm afraid the battery needs/wants charging/to be charged.
2. These plants need/want watering/to be watered.
3. Your shirt needs/wants washing/to be washed.
4. Those windows need/want cleaning/to be cleaned.
5. This hedge needs/wants trimming/to be trimmed.
6. This room needs/wants painting/to be painted.
7. This water needs/wants filtering/to be filtered.
8. This lock needs/wants oiling/to be oiled.
9. That clock needs/wants winding/to be wound.
10. Can you help me (to) do the shopping?
11. Everybody helped (to) clean the house.
12. We will all help you (to) finish it in time.
13. I can't help thinking that I was also young once.
14. I couldn't help crying when I heard the news.
15. When I hear that song I can't help thinking about your father.
16. I can't help laughing every time I see that man.
17. This car needs/wants servicing/to be serviced.
18. Your hair needs/wants cutting/to be cut.
19. This garden needs/wants looking after/to be looked after.
20. That shirt needs/wants ironing/to be ironed.
21. Your teeth need/want cleaning/to be cleaned.
22. Your hair needs/wants dyeing/to be dyed.
23. That wound needs/wants bandaging/to be bandaged.
24. These screws need/want tightening/to be tightened.
25. These shoes need/want softening/to be softened.
26. My father always helps me (to) do my homework.
27. I'll help you (to) push the car.
28. That naughty boy needs/wants punishing/to be punished.
29. He/She couldn't help thinking about/of what had happened.
30. I can't help feeling sad when I see him.
31. That little girl needs/wants loving/to be loved.
32. These shoes need/want repairing/to be repaired.
33. The accounting needs/wants revising/to be revised.
34. This engine needs/wants overhauling/to be overhauled.
35. My brother helped me (to) write the letter.
36. I can't help feeling guilty when I see him.
37. This kitchen needs/wants painting/to be painted.
38. When I get up I can't help wondering what to do.
39. That skirt needs/wants shortening/to be shortened.
40. That wound needs/wants disinfecting/to be disinfected.
1. Ayer me corte el pelo.
2. Hice que me revisaran el coche.
3. ^Habeis instalado calefaccion central?
4. Voy a mandar limpiar la chimenea.
5. Le hice cortarlHice que cortara la hierba del jardin.
6. Me voy a sacar una muela.
7. Voy a llevar a arreglar el reloj.
8. Le hice pintar/Hice que pintara la cocina.
9. Hice que midieran el pasillo.
10. Me voy a sacar una foto para el pasaporte.
11. Le robaron el coche nuevo antes de estrenarlo.
12. Mientras me sacaba una foto alguien me robo el coche.
13. Voy a hacer que Jimmy quite la nieve.
14. Voy a hacer que mi hijo me arregle la lavadora.
15. La casa es muy pequena, voy a construir un garaje.
16. Me voy a hacer un chequeo del corazon.
17. Vamos a redecorar el salon.
18. Voy a echar medias suelas a los zapatos.
19. Voy a hacer que corralhacerle correr el maraton conmigo.
20. Las ruedas estan desgastadas. Voy a cambiarlas.
21. La semana pasada hice que me pintaran la cocina.
22. Voy a hacer que me limpien los cristales de las ventanas.
23. La Sra. Evans hizo que su hijo quitara el polvo.
24. Vamos a instalar aire acondicionado.
25. ^Deshollinais la chimenea muy a menudo?
26. Al coche le pincharon las cuatro ruedas.
27. A varias casas el viento les arranco las chimeneas.
28. Arreglamos el tejado el mes pasado.
29. Hice que mi hijo limpiara su habitacion durante las vacaciones.
30. Me quitaron las amfgdalas de pequeno.
31. A Jimmy le robaron la bici la semana pasada.
32. Ayer me limpiaron las alfombras con champu.
33. Nos pintaron todas las ventanas.
34. Nos cambiaron todas las tuberias.
35. Ayer me lavaron el coche.
36. Vamos a poner una antena parabolica.
37. Me voy a chequear la vista.
38. Voy a renovar el pasaporte.
39. Van a renovar el centre de la ciudad.
40. Voy a hacer que me eche un vistazo al lavavajillas.
1. I had my hair cut yesterday.
2. I had my car serviced.
3. Did you have central heating installed?
4. I'm going to have my chimney swept.
5. I got him to cut the grass in the garden.
6. I'm going to have a back tooth pulled out.
7. I'm going to have my watch repaired.
8. I got him to paint the kitchen.
9. I had the corridor measured.
10. I'm going to have a photo taken for my passport.
11. He had his new car stolen before he could drive it.
12. While I had my photo taken somebody stole my car.
13. I'm going to get Jimmy to clear the snow.
14. I'm going to get my son to repair the washing machine.
15. The house is very small, I'm having a garage built in.
16. I'm going to have a heart checkup.
17. We are going to have our sitting room redecorated.
18. I'm going to have my shoes resoled.
19. I'm going to have him run the marathon with me.
20. The wheels are worn out. I'm going to have them changed.
21. Last week I had my kitchen painted.
22. I'm going to get my windows cleaned.
23. Mrs Evans got her son to dust.
24. We are going to have air conditioned installed.
25. Do you have your chimney swept very often?
26. The car had all four wheels punctured.
27. Several houses had their chimneys ripped off by the wind.
28. We had our roof repaired last month.
29. I got my son to clean his room during the holidays.
30. I had my tonsils taken out as a child.
31. Jimmy had his bike stolen last week.
32. I had my carpets shampooed yesterday.
33. We had all the windows painted.
34. We had all our pipes changed.
35. I had my car washed yesterday.
36. We are going to have a satellite dish installed.
37. I'm going to have my eyesight checked.
38. I'm going to have my passport renewed.
39. The town centre is going to have a face-lift.
40. I'm going to get him to have a look at the dishwasher.
1. Les dije a los ninos que no jugaran cerca del no.
2. Ella queria que yo la esperara en la esquina a las cinco.
3. El me dijo que no abriera la ventana.
4. Les aconseje que dejaran de fumar.
5. Mi hermano se ofrecio a llevarla en coche.
6. Me pregunto si yo podia vivir con 100 libras a la semana.
7. Me dijo que dejara de tomar pastillas para dormir.
8. Dijo que habia habido muchos robos de coches.
9. Dijo que estaba escribiendo un libro.
10. Mi madre me imploro que no corriera riesgos.
11. El recepcionista me pidio que firmara el registro.
12. Dijo que debian haberlo roto los ninos.
13. Dijo que le compraria un coche si pasaba el examen.
14. Dijo que si ella fuera el, iria a ver a otro abogado.
15. Ella le dijo que le diria exactamente lo que pensaba.
16. Les dijo a los ninos que se quitaran los abrigos.
17. Dijo que habian vivido en aquella ciudad muchos anos.
18. Nora le dijo a su novio que no tenia mucho tiempo.
19. Alberto dijo que la reunion se habia cancelado.
20. Su padre le dijo que se olvidara de aquel joven.
21. El profesor les ordeno que se callaran.
22. Mi jefe me dijo que le echara una cartas a correos.
23. El policia nos pidio que le ensenaramos los pasaportes.
24. Le dijo al detective que la siguiera a dondequiera que fuese.
25. Les adverti que no abrieran la ventana.
26. El anfitrion les invito a que se sentaran..
27. La Sra. Smith le recordo a su marido que pidiera vino.
28. Aconsejo a su amigo que no dejara la bicicleta sin candar.
29. Imploro que le dieran algun dinero.
30. Sus amigos le animaron a que lo intentara de nuevo.
31. El le juro que la querria por siempre.
32. Dean dijo que habia pasado todos los examenes.
33. Me dijo que limpiara la mancha con un limpiamanchas.
34. Le pedi a Olivia que me esperara a la salida de clase.
35. Pidio al camarero que les trajera vino.
36. Los ninos preguntaron si podian hacer ruido.
37. El pobre hombre se preguntaba si estaba perdiendo el tiempo.
38. Ella me dijo que me sentara a su lado.
39. Linda le pregunto si queria que fuera con el.
40. Nos animo a seguir estudiando.
1. I told the children not to play near the river.
2. She wanted me to meet her on the corner at five.
3. He told me not to open the window.
4. I advised them to stop smoking.
5. My brother offered her a lift.
6. He asked me if I could live on £100 a week.
7. He told me to stop taking sleeping pills.
8. He said that there had been many car thefts.
9. He said that he was writing a book.
10. My mother begged me not run any risks.
11. The receptionist asked me to sign the register.
12. She said that it must have been broken by the children.
13. He said that he would buy him a car if he passed his exam.
14. She said that if she were him, she'd go to see another lawyer.
15. She told him that she'd tell him exactly what she thought.
16. She told the children to take off their coats.
17. He said that they had lived in that town for many years.
18. Nora told her boyfriend that she didn't have much time.
19. Albert said that the meeting had been cancelled.
20. Her father told her to forget about that young man.
21. The teacher ordered them to keep quiet/shut up.
22. My boss told me to post some letters for him.
23. The policeman asked us to show him our passports.
24. He told the detective to follow her wherever she went.
25. I warned them not to open the window.
26. The host asked them to sit down.
27. Mrs Smith reminded her husband to order wine.
28. He advised his friend not to leave his bike unlocked.
29. He begged to be given some money. /He begged for some money.
30. His friends encouraged him to try it again.
31. He swore to her that he would love her for ever.
32. Dean said that he had passed all his exams.
33. She told me to clean the stain with a stain remover.
34. I asked Olivia to wait for me at the end of the class.
35. He ordered the waiter to bring them some wine.
36. The children asked if they could make a noise.
37. The poor man wondered if he was wasting his time.
38. She told me to sit down near/next to her.
39. Linda asked him if he wanted her to go with him.
40. He encouraged us to go on/continue studying.
1. Dice que lo ha leido, pero que no lo entiende.
2. Dice que acaban de verle en la cafeteria.
3. Dijo que habia ido a Londres.
4. Sonia me dijo que me habia estado esperando.
5. Le dijo a Diana que la veria al dia siguiente.
6. Dijo que terminaria para las ocho.
7. Dijo que habria terminado para las ocho.
8. Me dijo que si conducia no bebiera.
9. Me aconsejo que no condujera si bebia.
10. Aconsejo que se cerrara la fabrica.
11. La policia ordeno que todos salieran del edificio.
12. Ordene que la casa fuese evacuada.
13. Sugirio ir de picnic.
14. Nora sugirio que no dijeran nada.
15. Mi padre sugirio vender la casa.
16. Sugirio no jugar a ese juego estupido.
17. Me dijo que no lo hiciera si habia peligro.
18. Me pregunto si entendia las instrucciones.
19. Ella dijo que llevaba horas esperando.
20. Irene pregunto que decia el articulo.
21. Ella dijo que podria conseguirlo al dia siguiente.
22. La Sra. Shine les dijo a los ninos que no tocaran nada.
23. Paula dijo que se quejana si ella fuera yo.
24. Toni dijo que me ayudaria si pudiera.
25. Luisa dijo que habia cambiado de trabajo.
26. Ingrid dijo que habia vivido en el Pais de Gales muchos anos.
27. Sally dijo que por aquella epoca estaba viviendo en Escocia.
28. Mi amigo sugirio que fuesemos a la playa.
29. Les sugeri que no dijeran nada.
30. La polici recomendo que se cerraran las tiendas.
31. Me aconsejo que fuera lo antes posible.
32. Dijo que lo habria terminado para la hora de comer.
33. Sugirio que las ordenes deberian ser dadas.
34. Le urgio para que lo hiciera cuanto antes.
35. Dijo que lo haria si pudiera.
36. Sugeri que no se tocase nada hasta que viniera la policia.
37. Aconsejo que se hicieran los tramites lo antes posible.
38. Dice que ha leido las instrucciones pero no las entiende.
39. Les dije a los ninos que no metieran ruido.
40. La nota decia que el dinero deberia ser dejado en aquella cueva.
1. He says that he has read it, but he doesn't understand it.
2. He says that they have just seen him in the cafe I cafeteria.
3. He said that he had gone to London.
4. Sonia told me that she had been waiting for me.
5. He told Diana that he would see her the following day.
6. He said that he would finish by eight.
7. He said that he would have finished by eight.
8. He told me that if I shouldn't drive and drink.
9. He advised me not to drive if I drank.
10. He advised that the factory should be closed down.
11. The police ordered that everybody should leave the building.
12. I ordered that the house should be evacuated.
13. He suggested going for a picnic.
14. Nora suggested not saying anything.
15. My father suggested selling the house.
16. He suggested not playing!that we shouldn't play that silly game.
17. He told me not to do it if there was any danger.
18. He asked me if I could understand the instructions.
19. She said that she had been waiting for hours.
20. Irene asked/wanted to know what the article said.
21. She said that she could get it the following day.
22. Mrs Shine told the children not to touch anything.
23. Paula said that she would complain if she were me.
24. Tony said that he would help me if he could.
25. Louise said that she had changed her job.
26. Ingrid said that she had lived in Wales for many years.
27. Sally said that at that time she was living in Scotland.
28. My friend suggested going to the beach.
29. I suggested to them not to say anything.
30. The police recommended that the shops should be closed down.
31. He advised me to go as soon as possible.
32. He said he would have finished it by lunch time.
33. He suggested that orders should be given.
34. He urged him to do it as soon as he could.
35. He said that he would do it if he could.
36. I suggested not touching anything until the police came.
37. He advised that the proceedings should be done as soon as possible.
38. He says he has read the instructions but doesn't understand them.
39. I told the children not to make any noise.
40. The note said that the money should be left in that cave.
1. El coche fue robado por ese hombre.
2. La rama fue desgarrada por el viento.
3. El contenedor fue levantado por medio de una grua.
4. Fue matado por un coche que se dio a la fuga.
5. La sala estaba llena de gente.
6. La bolsa estaba llena/atiborrada de ropa sucia.
7. La cerradura estaba cubierta de pintura.
8. Esa catedral fue disenada por un gran arquitecto.
9. El puente fue destruido por una bomba.
10. Las estanterias estaban atiborradas de comida.
11. La cosecha fue arruinada por el granizo.
12. Su cara estaba tiznada de carbon.
13. Una biblioteca nueva se construira pronto.
14. La ventana la rompieron esos ninos.
15. Tenia todo el pelo cubierto de aceite.
16. La jarra estaba llena de agua.
17. Nuestro gato fue matado por un coche.
18. Este poema fue escrito por Lord Byron.
19. Una autopista va a ser inagurada por el ministro.
20. Esta pieza fue compuesta por Mozart.
21. Mi madre fue operada por el Dr. Watson.
22. Este problema puede ser resuelto muy facilmente.
23. Esta obra debe de haber sido escrita por Shakespeare.
24. Un nuevo restaurante de lujo va a ser inaugurado pronto.
25. Los cajones estaban atiborrados de ropa vieja.
26. Fue sujetado por medio de unas correas.
27. Este es un aparato para abrir latas de conservas.
28. Ese es un cuchillo para cortar pan.
29. Era una maquina para hacer salchichas.
30. ^Por quien fue escrito 'Hamlet'?
31. iPor quien fue hecho el trabajo?
32. Tenia la cara manchada de tinta.
33. Las paredes habfan sido cubiertas de posters.
34. La chimenea fue arrancada por la galerna.
35. Mi coche fue danado por una pizarra que cayo del tejado.
36. El suelo estaba cubierto de nieve.
37. <<,Por quien fue disenada esta catedral?
38. Esta es una maquina para aplastar coches viejos.
39. Ese es un ferry para cruzar el canal.
40. Ese Castillo se construyo hace 900 anos.
1. The car was stolen by that man.
2. The branch was torn by the wind.
3. The container was lifted by means of a crane.
4. He was killed by a runaway car.
5. The room was crowded with people.
6. The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes.
7. The lock was covered with paint.
8. That cathedral was designed by a great architect.
9. The bridge was destroyed by a bomb.
10. The shelves were packed with foodstuff.
11. The crop was ruined by the hail.
12. His face was smeared with coal.
13. A new library will be built soon.
14. The window was broken by those children.
15. His hair was completely covered with oil.
16. The jug was filled with water.
17. Our cat was killed by a car.
18. This poem was written by Lord Byron.
19. A motorway is going to be opened by the minister.
20. This piece was composed by Mozart.
21. My mother was operated on by Dr. Watson.
22. This problem can be solved very easily.
23. This play must have been written by Shakespeare.
24. A new luxury restaurant is going to be opened soon.
25. The drawers were stuffed with old clothes.
26. He was held down by means of some straps.
27. This is a gadget for opening tins.
28. That is a knife for cutting bread.
29. It was a machine for making sausages.
30. Who/Whom was 'Hamlet' written by?
31. Who/Whom was the job done by?
32. His face was stained with ink.
33. The walls had been covered with posters.
34. The chimney was ripped off by the gale.
35. My car was damaged by a slate that fell off the roof.
36. The ground was covered with snow.
37. Who/Whom was this cathedral designed by?
38. This is a machine for crushing old cars.
39. That is a ferry for crossing the channel.
40. That castle was built 900 years ago.
1. La mujer que me dijo eso era muy alta con pelo largo, negro.
2. La joven que vi me dijo que volviera hoy.
3. El joven a quien escribiste esta aqui.
4. Estas son las madres cuyo hijos son deficientes mentales.
5. Esta es la pelicula que causo tanto escandalo.
6. Ese es el ordenador que compre la semana pasada.
7. Ese es la silla en la que estaba sentado.
8. Esas son las tejas que cayeron de tu tejado.
9. Ese es el hombre que me gustaria que conocieras.
10. La chica con la que bailaste ha venido hoy.
11. El hombre a quien escribiste esta ahi.
12. Esa es la gente cuyas casas fueron destruidas por el huracan.
13. Ese es el libro que suscito tal polemica.
14. Ese es el banco en el que estaba sentada.
15. El chico que me trajo el paquete rehuso darme su nombre.
16. Esa es la mujer que vimos cerca del crimen.
17. Ese es el chico con quien he estado viajando.
18. Ese es el cuadro que mi hija ha pintado.
19. Ese es el cuadro que produce tales sensaciones.
20. Ese es el banco en el que esta trabajando.
21. Mi amigo, que es muy pesimista, dice que va a Hover.
22. El mayordomo, de quien todos sospechaban, es inocente.
23. Esa chica, con quien fui a pasear el sabado, es muy guapa.
24. Enrique, a quien conoci el domingo pasado, es muy listo.
25. Mi hermana, cuyo hijos han crecido, esta buscando trabajo.
26. Ese cuadro, que costo anos pintar, no ha sido expuesto nunca.
27. Este libro, que es el primero que he escrito, se puede comprar aqui.
28. Esta mansion, por la que pago tanto dinero, siempre esta vacia.
29. Mi novio, que tiene 29 anos, me ha pedido que me case con el.
30. Esa nina, que todo el mundo quiere, es un pequeno diablo.
31. Tony y Jaime, con los que entreno, van a correr el maraton.
32. Esa nina, cuyo hermano murio en el accidente, esta muy triste.
33. Ese barco, que costo millones en construir, no ha navegado nunca.
34. Este anuncio, que puedes ver en cualquier sitio, es eficaz.
35. El trofeo, por el que entreno tanto, esta en el desvan.
36. Mi vecino, que es muy simpatico, siempre esta en el jardm.
37. Esa viejecita, a quien todo el mundo queria, ha muerto.
38. Mi companero, con quien a menudo discuto, es muy listo.
39. La Sra. Smith, cuyo hijo es drogadicto, se ha quedado viuda.
40. La autopista, que costo millones, va a ser inaugurada manana.
1. The woman who told me that was very tall with long black hair.
2. The young girl (who/whom/that) I saw told me to come back today.
3. The young man (who/whom/that) you wrote to is here.
4. These are the mothers whose children are mentally handicapped.
5. This is the film which caused such a scandal.
6. That is the computer (that/which) I bought last week.
7. That's the chair on which I was sitting.II was sitting on.
8. Those are the tiles that/which fell off your roof.
9. That is the man (who/whom/that) I'd like you to meet.
10. The girl (who/whom/that) you danced with has come today.
11. The man (who/whom/that) you wrote to is there.
12. Those are the people whose houses were destroyed by the hurricane.
13. That is the book which/that arouse such a controversy.
14. That is the bench on which she was sitting. /She was sitting on.
15. The boy who brought the parcel refused to give me his name.
16. That's the woman (who/whom/that) we saw near the scene of the crime.
17. That is the boy (who/whom/that) I have been travelling with.
18. That is the picture (that/which) my daughter has painted.
19. That is the picture which/that produces such sensations.
20. That is the bank in which he is working./He is working in.
21. My friend, who is very pessimistic, says it's going to rain.
22. The butler, who/whom everybody suspected, is innocent.
23. That girl, with whom I went for a walk on Saturday, is very pretty.
24. Henry, whom I met last Sunday, is very clever.
25. My sister, whose children have grown up, is looking for a job.
26. That picture, that/which took years to paint, has never been exhibited.
27. This book, which/that is the first I've written, can be bought here.
28. This mansion, for which he paid so much money, is always empty.
29. My boyfriend, who is 29, has asked me to marry him.
30. That little girl, whom everybody likes, is a little devil.
31. Tony and Jim, with whom I train, are going to run the marathon.
32. That little girl, whose brother died in the accident, is very sad.
33. That ship, which cost millions to build, has never sailed.
34. This advertisement, which you can see anywhere, is effective.
35. The trophy, for which he trained so much, is in the attic.
36. My neighbour, who is very nice, is always in the garden.
37. That old woman, whom everybody loved, has died.
38. My classmate, with whom I often argue, is very clever.
39. Mrs Smith, whose son is a drug addict, has become a widow.
40. The motorway, which cost millions, is going to be opened tomorrow.
1. Ella me pregunto que queria.
2. Diana me pregunto cuando se lo habia dado.
3. Linda queria saber cuando era el proximo tren.
4. Le pregunto al guardia como podia ir a la estacion.
5. Pregunte a los bomberos que habia causado el incendio.
6. El Sr. Johnson queria saber que habia causado el incendio.
7. El nino pregunto si habia alguien en casa.
8. Se preguntaba si la volveria a ver.
9. Le pregunto a su padre que deberia hacer.
10. El nino se ofrecio a traerle el periodico.
11. Tony sugirio encontrarse a las ocho.
12. Ella pregunto quien era el encargado.
13. El queria saber quien vivia en la puerta de al lado.
14. Su marido le pregunto cuando iba a venir.
15. Su madre le pregunto por que habia llegado tan tarde.
16. Queria saber cuando venia su padre.
17. Le pregunte cuando se iba a casar.
18. El guardia le pregunto si habia visto el accidente.
19. La joven pregunto si queria ir en tren o en avion.
20. Su madre ofrecio traerle otra manta.
21. El queria saber que iba a hacer Julia esa noche.
22. Pregunto al guardia donde estaba el ayuntamiento.
23. La encargada me pregunto que queria.
24. Estaba interesado en saber como lo habia hecho.
25. Pregunto en la taquilla a que hora salia el tren.
26. El agente queria saber si yo habia visto el robo.
27. Le pregunte cuanto le habia costado.
28. Yo me preguntaba quien vivia en el piso de al lado.
29. El nino queria saber que deberia hacer.
30. Sugirio que se encontraran en la estacion a las cinco.
31. Se preguntaba si jamas tendria otra ocasion como esa.
32. Pregunto a un transeunte donde estaba la oficina de correos.
33. Me pregunto si queria ir a Benidorm o a Salou.
34. Su padre queria saber por que no habia pasado el examen.
35. Se preguntaba si merecia la pena ir.
36. Pregunto en voz alta si habia alguien en la casa.
37. Queria saber cuando llegaba el autobus de los ninos.
38. El camarero queria saber si tomaria te o cafe.
39. Se preguntaba si volveria jamas a aquella ciudad.
40. Diana sugirio que se escribieran una vez al mes.
1. She asked me what I wanted.
2. Diana asked me when I had given it to her.
3. Linda wanted to know when the next train was.
4. He asked the policeman how he could go to the station.
5. I asked the firemen what had caused the fire.
6. Mr Johnson wanted to know what had caused the fire.
7. The little boy asked if/whether there was anybody at home.
8. He wondered if he would see her again.
9. He asked his father what he should do.
10. The little boy offered to bring him the paper.
11. Tony suggested meeting at eight.
12. She asked who was in charge there.
13. He wanted to know who lived next door.
14. Her husband asked her when she was coming.
15. His mother asked him why he had arrived so late.
16. He wanted to know when his father was coming.
17. I asked her when she was getting married.
18. The policeman inquired if he had seen the accident.
19. The young woman asked whether he wanted to go by train or by air.
20. His mother offered to bring him another blanket.
21. He wanted to know what Julia was going to do that night.
22. He asked the policeman where the Town Hall was.
23. The woman in charge asked me what I wanted.
24. He was interested to know how I had done it.
25. He inquired at the booking office at what time the train left.
26. The policeman wanted to know if I had seen the robbery.
27. I asked her how much it had cost her.
28. I wondered who lived in the next door flat.
29. The child wanted to know what he should do.
30. He suggested meeting at the station at five.
31. He wondered if he would ever have another chance like that one.
32. He asked a passerby where the Post Office was.
33. She asked me if I wanted to go to Benidorm or to Salou.
34. His father wanted to know why he hadn't passed his exam.
35. He wondered if it was worth going.
36. He asked aloud if/whether there was someone in the house.
37. He wanted to know when the bus with the children was arriving.
38. The waiter inquired whether he would have tea or coffee.
39. He wondered whether he would ever return to that town.
40. Diana suggested writing to each other once a month.
1. Fue muy estupido por tu parte dejar el dinero en la mesa.
2. Fue muy amable de su parte el ayudarnos.
3. Es siempre mejor reservar las vacaciones.
4. Es justo darle su parte.
5. Este camion es muy dificil de conducir.
6. No es aconsejable que te mezcles con esa gente.
7. No es necesario que les digas lo que sucedio.
8. Este plato es muy facil de hacer.
9. Ha sido maravilloso verte de nuevo.
10. Fue maravilloso oir esa cancion de nuevo.
11. Estoy inclinado a creer tu historia.
12. Es imposible encontrar un buen restaurante en esta ciudad.
13. Es aburrido el hacer el mismo trabajo todos los dias.
14. Es muy enervante oir a tu vecino tocar el piano.
15. Es muy deprimente estar en el paro mucho tiempo.
16. Es muy raro encontrar agua en este desierto.
17. Ha sido estupendo el verte otra vez.
18. Es importante controlar el balon.
19. Es mejor jugar en la arena.
20. Es vital llevar comida al area del terremoto.
21. Ha sido muy interesante el oir esa historia.
22. Fue tonto de su parte dejar las bicis sin candar.
23. Fue muy bravo de tu parte salvar al nino.
24. Fue muy amable de tu parte el venir a vernos.
25. Es esencial que lleguen a tiempo los refuerzos.
26. Fue muy cruel de su parte decide eso al nino.
27. Es peligroso que la gente saiga de noche en esta ciudad.
28. Fue muy inteligente de tu parte el contestar las preguntas.
29. Es terrible para los jovenes estar en el paro.
30. Es raro que nos den una acogida asi.
31. Es algo muy facil de entender.
32. Es dificil encontrar gasolina en este pais.
33. Fue muy sensato por tu parte el callarte.
34. Fue muy estupido por su parte el escaparse.
35. Es importante el mantener el control de la situacion.
36. Es muy aburrido el ver la misma pelicula todos los dias.
37. La nina era incapaz de pronunciar una palabra.
38. No es necesario que me digas lo que paso.
39. Es horrible estar siempre en esta situacion.
40. Un libro asi es dificil de escribir.
1. It was very stupid of you to leave the money on the table.
2. It was very kind of him to help us.
3. It is always better to book your holidays.
4. It is only fair to give him his share.
5. This lorry/trailer is very difficult to drive.
6. It is not advisable for you to mix with those people.
7. It is not necesary for you to tell them what happened.
8. This dish is very easy to make.
9. It has been wonderful to see you again.
10. It was delightful to hear that song again.
11. I'm inclined to believe your story.
12. It's impossible to find a good restaurant in this town.
13. It's boring to do the same job every day.
14. It's very annoying to hear your neighbour playing the piano.
15. It's very depressing to be unemployed for a long time.
16. It's very rare to find water in this desert.
17. It has been wonderful to see you again.
18. It is important to control the ball.
19. It's better to play in the sand.
20. It's vital to send food to the earthquake areas.
21. It has been very interesting to hear that story.
22. It was silly of them to leave the bikes unlocked.
23. It was very brave of you to save the child.
24. It was very kind of you to come to see us.
25. It is essential for the reinforcements to arrive in time.
26. It was very cruel of him to say that to the child.
27. It is dangerous for people to go out at night in this town.
28. It was very clever of you to answer the questions.
29. It's terrible for young people to be unemployed.
30. It's strange to be given such a welcome.
31. It's something very easy to understand.
32. It's difficult to find petrol in this country.
33. It was very sensible of you to keep quiet.
34. It was very stupid of him to run away.
35. It is very important to keep control of the situation.
36. It is very boring to see the same film every day.
37. The little girl was unable to utter a single word.
38. It's not necessary for you to tell me what happened.
39. It's awful to always be in this situation.
40. A book like this is difficult to write.
PARTICIPLES (ING - ED) in clauses
1. Esa es la gente que necesita cuidados medicos.
2. <^Por que no vienes a bailar con nosotros?
3. Al abrir el cajon vio que el libro estaba dentro.
4. Al oir que venia todas las noches se sento a esperarle.
5. Observe a los ninos como jugaban en el parque.
6. Gamine por el sendero mientras pensaba.
7. Habiendo escrito unas lineas en un papel se lo metio en el bolsillo.
8. El viejo curandero le tuvo andando en dos dias.
9. Esos son los coches que compiten en el rally.
10. Este es el mapa que marca los limites politicos.
11. Estos son los hombres que trabajan en la carretera.
12. Esas son las personas que desean visitar la fabrica.
13. Mariana vamos a navegar.
14. Voy a montar a caballo despues de comer.
15. Vamos de compras esta tarde.
16. ^Por que no vienes a cantar con nosotros?
17. Mientras se alejaba remando pensaba en los ultimos acontecimientos.
18. La vi de pie junto a la ventana.
19. Vi las luces de un coche que se acercaba.
20. Al oir que ella vivia en el area se quedo esa noche.
21. El nino, horrorizado por lo que habia visto, dio un paso atras.
22. Pedrito entro en la clase acompafiado por su madre.
23. Despertado por el estruendo, se puso en pie de un salto.
24. Habiendo sido asaltado tres veces, ahora llevaba un arma.
25. El joven entro, seguido de su amigo.
26. Habiendo oido sobre el caos en las carreteras, cogio el tren.
27. Debilitado por el terremoto, el puente no era seguro.
28. Convencido de que tenia razon, trato de persuadirla.
29. La mujer, horrorizada por lo que habia visto, no podia hablar.
30. El boxeador, aturdido por el golpe, cayo al suelo.
31. Habiendo sido advertida acerca de Mark, no salio con el.
32. Habiendo sido mordido una vez, el cartero rehuso llevar las carta.
33. Habiendo terminado de escribir el libro, decidieron celebrarlo.
34. Alarmado por el griterio en la calle, corrio a la ventana.
35. Habiendo perdido ya cantidad de dinero, dejo de jugar.
36. Asustado por lo que habia visto, fue a la policia.
37. Alarmado por las noticias, decidio huir.
38. Advertido sobre el incidente, decidio dar los pasos necesarios.
39. Debilitada por la enfermedad, la vieja yacia en la cama.
40. Cansado de vagar por el mundo, se establecio en el pueblo.
PARTICIPLES (ING - ED) in clauses
1. Those are the people needing medical care.
2. Why don't you come dancing with us?
3. On opening the drawer he saw that the book was inside.
4. On hearing that he came every night he sat to wait for him.
5. I watched the children playing in the park.
6. I walked along the path thinking.
7. Having written a few lines on a piece of paper he tucked it in his pocket.
8. The old quack had him walking in two days.
9. Those are the cars competing in the rally.
10. This is the map marking the political boundaries.
11. These are the men working on the road.
12. Those are the people wanting to visit the factory.
13. Tomorrow we are going sailing.
14. I'm going horse riding after lunch.
15. We are going shopping this afternoon.
16. Why don't you come singing with us?
17. He rowed away thinking of the latest happenings/events.
18. I saw her standing by the window.
19. I saw the lights of a car approaching'.
20. Hearing that she lived in the area he stayed overnight.
21. The child, horrified by what he had seen, took a step backwards.
22. Little Peter entered the classroom accompanied by his mother.
23. Woken by the uproar, he jumped to his feet.
24. Having been assaulted three times, he now carried a gun.
25. The young boy entered, followed by his friend.
26. Having been told about the chaos on the roads, he took the train.
27. Weakened by the earthquake, the bridge was not safe.
28. Convinced that he was right, he tried to persuade her.
29. The woman, horrified by what she had seen, couldn't speak.
30. The boxer, stunned by the blow, fell on the floor.
31. Having been warned about Mark, she didn't go out with him.
32. Having been bitten once, the postman refused to deliver the mail.
33. Having finished writing the book they decided to celebrate it.
34. Alarmed by the shouting in the street, he ran to the window.
35. Having already lost a lot of money, he stopped playing.
36. Frightened by what he had seen, he went to the police.
37. Alarmed by the news, he decided to flee.
38. Warned about the incident, he decided to take the necessary steps.
39. Weakened by the illness, the old woman lay in bed.
40. Tired of wandering about, he settled in the village.
1. El policia me hizo mover el coche.
2. Vive y deja vivir.
3. Les of hacer un plan.
4. Le vi cambiar la pila de la radio.
5. Vi al bombero romper la ventana.
6. La vi salir de la casa.
7. Le of toser una vez.
8. El profesor les hizo quedarse a los chicos despues de clase.
9. Nora me dejo sentarme a su lado.
10. Ese hombre me obligo a hacerlo.
11. Dejale que se vaya.
12. Of al nino llorar y quejarse un par de veces.
13. Hice que el perro se echara.
14. Of a alguien abrir la puerta y entrar.
15. Me obligaron a escribir la carta.
16. Mis padres no me dejan ir de vacaciones al Sahara.
17. El profesor me hizo arrodillarme.
18. No me dejaron ver los documentos.
19. Sentf que alguien me daba un golpecito en la espalda.
20. Les vi coger el cuadro y escaparse.
21. Of a alguien que gritaba algo incomprensible.
22. En esa oficina no te dejan fumar.
23. Le obligue a venir conmigo.
24. Sentf que su rodilla me golpeaba en la barbilla.
25. Le deje fumar un cigarrillo.
26. Le vi saltar por encima de la valla.
27. Impotente, observe a los gamberros destrozar el lugar.
28. Dejame vivir y yo te dejare vivir.
29. Le obligue a que estudiara la leccion.
30. Vi a este hombre saltar al rfo.
31. Sentf que un coche me golpeaba por detras.
32. Ofmos que alguien pedfa auxilio.
33. Atonito les observe escalar el muro y escaparse.
34. Dejales que se vayan si quieren.
35. El profesor me hizo ir al colegio el sabado por la tarde.
36. Le vi arrebatarle el bolso a esa mujer y escaparse corriendo.
37. Sentf que alguien me robaba la cartera.
38. Le of dar un grito al otro lado de la calle.
39. Mi madre me obliga a lavarme la cara todos los dfas.
40. Me gusta dejarle al perro que corra por el campo.
1. The policeman made me move my car.
2. Live and let live.
3. I heard them make a plan.
4. I saw him change the battery of the radio.
5. I saw the fireman break the window.
6. I saw her leave the house.
7. I heard him cough once.
8. The teacher made the boys stay after class.
9. Nora let me sit next to her.
10. That man made me do it.
11. Let him go.
12. I heard the baby cry and moan a couple of times.
13. I made the dog lie down.
14. I heard someone open the door and come in.
15. They made me write the letter.
16. My parents won't let me go on holiday to the Sahara.
17. The teacher made me kneel down.
18. They didn't let me see the documents.
19. I felt somebody tap me on my shoulder.
20. I saw them take the picture and run away.
21. I heard someone shout something unintelligible.
22. They don't let you smoke in that office.
23. I made him come with me.
24. I felt his knee hit my chin.
25. I let him smoke a cigarette.
26. I saw him jump over the fence.
27. Helpless, he watched the hooligans smash up the place.
28. Let me live and I'll let you live.
29. I made him study the lesson.
30. I saw this man jump into the river.
31. I felt a car hit me from behind.
32. We heard someone ask for help.
33. Astonished I watched them climb the wall and run away.
34. Let them go if they want to.
35. The teacher made me go to school on Saturday afternoon.
36. I saw him snatch the bag from that woman and run away.
37. I felt somebody steal my wallet.
38. I heard him give a shout at the other end of the street.
39. My mother makes me wash my face every day.
40. I like to let the dog run in the country.
1. Mariana a esta hora ya estaremos trabajando otra vez.
2. Julia va a venir manana.
3. Tu hermano no va a venir a la reunion.
4. ^Vas a jugar al tenis manana?
5. Para esta hora manana ya habremos llegado a Miami.
6. ^Estaras trabajando todo el dia?
7. Para fin de afio habremos ahorrado 10.000 libras.
8. El dia 5 de enero llevaremos casados 20 anos.
9. Manana no voy a cocinar. Podeis estar seguros de eso.
10. Para finales de ano llevare 30 anos trabajando aqui.
11. Para entonces ya tendre mi licenciatura.
12. Voy a pasar mi examen de conducir la semana que viene.
13. Mi hermana hara la cocina manana.
14. Para esta hora la semana que viene ya me habre examinado de todo.
15. Para las 11 ya habre cortado el cesped.
16. Para cuando corra en el campeonato habre estado entrenando 6 anos.
17. No le voy a ver manana.
18. Habre terminado mis estudios para el afio 2005.
19. Dentro de 10 minutos llevare tres horas firmando autografos.
20. Me encontrare con ella la semana que viene.
21. Vamos a venir a tu fiesta el sabado.
22. Para fin de ano ya nos habremos casado.
23. Para Navidades llevaremos 10 anos viviendo en esta casa.
24. Voy a escribir a mi padre manana.
25. Para las 2 ya habremos terminado de comer.
26. Dentro de unos dias hara diez anos que le espero.
27. Voy a abrir todas las ventanas dentro de un momento.
28. Para fin de curso habre estado 8 anos en este colegio.
29. Para las once llevaremos tres horas esperandole.
30. Voy a pasar mi examen de conducir manana.
31. Para las once habre pasado a maquina 20 cartas.
32. Para las once habre estado escribiendo a maquina tres horas.
33. Voy a abrir una cuenta en vuestro banco manana.
34. Para el ano 2004 ya habremos terminado este proyecto.
35. Para junio llevaremos cinco anos trabajando en este proyecto.
36. Voy a cocinar este fin de semana.
37. Para la una habre terminado de cocinar.
38. Para la una llevare cuatro horas cocinando.
39. Manana voy a verle al hospital.
40. Para manana a esta hora ya estaremos lejos de aqui.
1. Tomorrow at this time we'll be working again.
2. Julia will be coming tomorrow.
3. Your brother won't be coming to the meeting.
4. Will you be playing tennis tomorrow?
5. By this time tomorrow we will have already arrived in Miami.
6. Will you be working all day?
7. By the end of the year we will have saved £10,000.
8. By the 5th of January we will have been married for 20 years.
9. I won't be cooking tomorrow. You can be sure of that.
10. By the end of the year I will have been working here for 30 years.
11. By then I will have become a graduate.
12. I'll be taking my driving test next week.
13. My sister will be cooking tomorrow.
14. By this time next week I will have taken all my exams.
15. By eleven o'clock I will have already mown the lawn.
16. By the time I run in the championship I'll have been training for 6 years.
17. I won't be meeting him tomorrow.
18. I will have finished my studies by 2005.
19. In ten minutes' time I'll have been signing autographs for three hours.
20. I'll be meeting her next week.
21. We'll be coming to your party on Saturday.
22. By the end of the year we will have already got married.
23. By Christmas time we'll have been living in this house for 10 years.
24. I'll be writing to my father tomorrow.
25. By 2 o'clock we will have already finished our dinner/lunch.
26. In a few days' time I'll have been waiting for him for ten years.
27. I'll be opening all the windows in a moment.
28. By the end of this year I'll have been in this school for 8 years.
29. By eleven o'clock we'll have been waiting for him for three hours.
30. I'll be taking my driving test tomorrow.
31. By eleven o'clock I'll have typed 20 letters.
32. By eleven I'll have been typing for three hours.
33. I'll be opening an account with your bank tomorrow.
34. By the year 2004 we'll have already finished this project.
35. By June we'll have been working on this project for five years.
36. I'll be cooking this weekend.
37. I'll have finished cooking by one o'clock.
38. By one o'clock I'll have been cooking for four hours.
39. I'll be going to see him at the hospital tomorrow.
40. By this time tomorrow we'll be far from here.
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On Second Thoughts (para ninos)
In the Third Place (para ninos)
Diccionario de bolsillo Espanol-Ingles
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