Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 20, 2013
World Mission Sunday Weekend
Today is World Mission Sunday! We are called to this Eucharistic Celebration
and invited to “do good on earth,” to be a missionary by putting our faith into
action in support of the work of missionaries. Bishop Cirilo Flores writes, “We
should be proud of the mission spirit evident in our parishes, and of diocesan
contributions to the missions. Our mission spirit is reflected in a variety of ways.
Our Catholic Schools and Religious Education Programs participate in Mission Projects
through the Missionary Childhood Association. Last year our diocese ranked fifth among
all the Unites States dioceses in providing financial support to the Pontifical Mission
Societies. A number of missionaries from our diocese are currently active in mission
countries. We are blessed and we are the source of blessing. Funds raised through the
collection for the Propagation of Faith make it possible for churches, schools, and medical
clinics to be built; for programs of catechesis to be established; for seminaries to provide education and
formation; and for orphanages to offer children shelter.”
Your prayers and generous gifts to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith on World Mission Sunday
support the tireless work of so many priests, religious and lay leaders around the world as they offer practical,
emotional and spiritual care to communities, children and families in desperate need, bringing the light of
Christ to the darkest of circumstances. For more information visit: Also check
out the October issue of the Southern Cross. The Mission Supplement contains some very good informational
items and inspirational stories of our missionaries. Some of the missionaries featured visited parishes of the
diocese this summer.
There are special envelopes for this collection in the pews.
Please return them in the collection basket or to the Parish Office.
Faith that Saves
It almost seems as if Jesus got distracted. Or maybe he was carrying on two
conversations at the same time, one of them off camera: “When the Son of Man
comes, will he find faith on earth?” How does that fit with the story of the judge
and the pesky widow?
It depends on what you mean by faith. Faith here does not mean the definitions
of a catechism. Jesus doesn’t use the widow as an example of correct doctrine
but rather to show the persistence of those who cry out to God day and night
because they trust his love and care in spite of appearances. This is praying
without ceasing, and praying without proof. When Jesus tells people in various
Gospel stories, “Your faith has saved you,” he means the attitude of trust by
which a person depends completely on the mercy of God.
On this Sunday, as on every Sunday, we “profess our faith” at Mass, recommitting ourselves to the
truths that have been handed down to us from the apostles. This is a good and necessary meaning
of faith. But it is possible to profess the true doctrine without having the faith that saves, the faith by
which we turn our lives over to God with complete trust in his love and mercy.
When the Son of Man comes, will he find this kind of faith on earth? Or more to the point, will he
find it in me?
—Abbot Jerome Kodell, OSB, abbot of Subiaco Abbey in Arkansas from Give Us This Day
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The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
Saturday…………........October 19
5:00PM………………....†Eleanor Martinez
Sunday………….....…..October 20
8:30AM…………...…….†Pat Joe Heerey
10:00AM………….…….†Frank Danna
11:30AM………………..People of St. Didacus
Monday………………...October 21
7:30AM………………....†Marcela Brunet Chabert
Tuesday………..…..….October 22
6:00PM……………........†Cliff Inlow
Wednesday……......….October 23
8:30AM………………….†Carolyn Curiel Hastings
Thursday………...…….October 24
7:30AM…………………..†Gene Olmscheid
Friday…………...……...October 25
7:30AM………………….All Souls Novena
Saturday…………........October 26
5:00PM………………....All Souls Novena
Readings for the Week of October 20, 2013
Next Sunday:
Ex 17:8-13/2 Tm 3:14--4:2/Lk 18:1-8
Rom 4:20-25/Lk 12:13-21
Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21/Lk 12:35-38
Rom 6:12-18/Lk 12:39-48
Rom 6:19-23/Lk 12:49-53
Rom 7:18-25a/Lk 12:54-59
Rom 8:1-11/Lk 13:1-9
Sir 35:12-14, 16-18/2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18/
Lk 18:9-14
Culture of Life Family Services
Baby Bottle Drive
Next weekend at all the Masses!
A representative from COLFS will
be here next weekend to explain what their
organization does and how we can help them reach out
to those in need through our donations to their baby
bottle fundraiser drive.
Welcome to St. Didacus Parish!
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English
11:30am in Spanish
Daily Mass
Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am
Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesdays 7:30am—8:30am
First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am
Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt.
Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor
Parish Office 619-284-3472
October 20, 2013
Weekly Events at St. Didacus
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Altar Society Sale
Youth Ministry Tamale Sale
Monday, October 21, 2013
Cub Scouts
Small Faith V
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Small Faith III
Youth Ministry
Small Faith I & II
Small Faith IV
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Eucharistic Adoration
Religious Ed
Encuentro Matrimonial
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Divine Mercy
Spanish Choir
Friday, October 25, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
School’s Fall Festival
COLF’s Baby Bottle Drive
8:00am-1:30pm Hall
9:00am-1:00pm Outside
9:00am-9:00pm School
after Mass
†Loretta Balistreri
THE WEEK OF October 13, 2013
Collection for October 13, 2013
Restricted Funds for October 13, 2013
Total Income:
$ 867.00
Please Pray For
Maria Luz Arrellano
Katherine Artale
Jim Barnes
Diann Bauer
Dan Bauer
Herbert Baxter
Martha Becerra
Rita Bonnell
Norm Boyer
Herminia Brignoni
Ibeth Brignoni
Lee Burnett
Ruben Campos
Marie Cavanaugh
Terry Davidson
MaryLou De Luca
Juanita Diaz
Cecelia Dueber
Maria Fielding
Susan Guenzel
Rosie Kinninger
Marcella Halweg
Bernie Kober
Marilyn Kober
Virginia Lantry
Juanita Lopez
Maria Lopez
Dolores Mediano
Esteban Mediano
Segunda Ordona
Sylvia Paiz
Dominick Palestini
Diane Porter
Dolores Robertson
Atina Rodriguez
Aaron Rodriguez
Alette Rodriguez
Gladys Palestini
Jeff Salazar
Patricia Seay
Christine Segura
Alice Sergi
Michael Smith
Raymond Sparks
Mary Sutton
Angel Tapia
Pedro Tapia
Therese Tucker
Carol Verdon
Catarina Zizzo
Rose Zaragoza
Adalina Zarate
And the special
intentions in our Book of Needs
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The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116
Have you:
Got a new phone number?
Added a child or two to your
Let us know! We’d like to
keep our records updated and
you can help us by letting us
know when changes come
along in your life.
St. Didacus School’s
Fall Festival
Saturday, October 26th
St. Didacus
Parish Feast Day
and our
87th Anniversary!
And don’t forget to turn in your raffle tickets
for your chance to win $1000! Drop them off
at the School or Parish Office by Friday.
You haven’t missed the Altar Society’s
Fall Sale! Stop by the Parish Hall after
Mass today to check out all the great
Potluck Dinner
Sunday, November 10th
5:00pm in the Parish Hall
Please bring a dish to share from the categories
listed by your last name:
A-G Side Dish
Join us for this special night…
All Saints Bilingual Vigil Mass
Thursday, October 31st at 6pm
Followed by a
Special Presentation on
Padre Pio
at 7pm in the Parish Hall
This special presentation on the life
and spirituality of Padre Pio is
called, "Padre Pio's Life in Pictures." Accompanied by sacred music and hymns, this one hour
program presents more than 100 photographs in
a unique power point format. Free literature on
Padre Pio will be available. Blessing with relic of
St. Pio follows the program.
The Religious Education Program will be hosting
Día de los Muertos. We invite all members of the
community to bring pictures of your deceased
family members to be placed on the altar in the
Parish Hall. Please write your name on them and
bring them to the Parish Office by Wednesday,
October 30th .
October 20, 2013
H-R Main Dish
S-Z Salad
We still need raffle prizes!
Bring your donations to the
Parish Office!
All Souls Novena
October 25-November 2nd
Enroll your loved ones using the
envelopes at the entrance of the Church.
Church Floor Renovation
You may be alarmed this
week if you come for daily
Mass or pop in for a short
prayer that half of the pews
in the Church will be missing. This week we will be in
the process of having our
wood floors refinished. The
refinisher will remove the
pews from one side of the
Church to sand and seal the floors. He should have the
one side done and pews reinstalled and ready to go for
Masses next weekend. The other side will be done
next month during the week of November 4th.
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The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 20, 2013
Governor Vetoes SB131
A Simple Way to Pray
In an unusually detailed threepage veto message released
on October 12th, Governor
Jerry Brown said the SB131
raised questions of equal treatment of public and private employers. Pointing to a
centuries-long tradition of limiting the period when
legal claims can be filed. Brown said institutions
should feel secure that "past acts are indeed in the
past and not subject to further lawsuits."
Is prayer a regular part of your
life? There is a simple way to
begin to pray regularly that will
help you use the scriptures and
quiet time. Find a passage in the Scriptures. It doesn’t have
to be long. A good guideline is to use one of the Mass
readings of the day. You can find those listed right here in
the bulletin. You can also use one of your favorite Bible
stories. Calm yourself, and ask God to help you. Read the
passage and then sit quietly. Try not to think about anything. Just let the passage settle in you. Now go back a
second time and read the passage again. Take note this
time of a word or phrase that might jump out at you, something you are drawn to. Take some quiet time to just think
about your word or phrase. Don’t try to analyze it. Just let
the words rest in your mind and in your heart.
He also argued that the legislation, which would have
in part lifted the statute of limitations on sexual abuse
claims for one year to allow some childhood victims
to file lawsuits, was "unfair" because it singled out
private organizations, such as Catholic dioceses and
the Boy Scouts. Public schools would not have been
affected by the bill, something Brown called "a
significant inequality."
Thank you to all of you who took the time and effort to
address this concern with letters and e-mails to the
Fr. Mike
Academy of Our Lady of Peace Presents…
A New
November 1, 7, 8 and 9 at 7pm and
November 3rd at 2pm.
4860 Oregon Street
San Diego CA 92116
Tickets are $12 and can be purchased online at
Cathedral Catholic
High School
Open House
Saturday, October 26th
This event is open to families and
students of all ages and will include tours, panel
sessions and an information fair, introducing you to
the Dons family. Visit the school’s website at for more information.
Read your passage a third time, and this time ask God
what it is he wants you to understand about your word or
phrase. Then write down your word or phrase and carry it
with you for a day or a week, to remind you of what you
have experienced. When you are ready, you can move on
to another Scripture passage. This prayer experience can
also be done with your friends or family. It will help you
to see how God is working differently in your lives. It will
also help you to support one another.—The Catholic Faith Handbook
Kid’s Corner
Do you know why Catholics make
novenas? NOVENA comes from a Latin
word meaning nine. The apostles spent
nine days praying between the Ascension (when Jesus left them to go back
to heaven) and Pentecost (when the
Holy Spirit came to inspire them). So when there’s
something very important to pray about, prayers are
said every day for nine days in a row, asking God for
help. And that’s a novena! Here at St. Didacus we have
several novenas each year. The one that starts on
October 25th is our All Souls Novena. Each day for
nine days we pray for the souls of our departed loved
ones at Mass. Can you think of something important
that you would like to pray about for nine days?
—365 Fun Facts for Catholic Kids
Pagina 6
XXIX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
La parábola de la viuda y el juez
Esta parábola nos invita a la insistencia
en la oración. En la primera lectura vemos como Moisés tuvo esta experiencia, mientras oraba, con las manos elevadas a lo alto del
monte, Josué ganaba la batalla; cuando las bajaba, y dejaba de orar, los amalecitas, sus adversarios, los vencían. Los compañeros de
Moisés, conscientes de la eficacia de la oración,
le ayudaron a no desfallecer, sosteniéndole los
brazos para que no dejase de orar. Y así estuvo
con los brazos alzados, orando insistentemente, hasta que Josué venció a los amalecitas. Se
resalta en este texto la importancia de permanecer en oración, de insistir ante Dios.
Una buena manera de hacer oración es a
través de las Sagradas Escritura, ellas nos enseñan, reprenden, corrigen y nos educan. De
este modo estaremos equipados para realizar
toda obra buena.
Como dice el dicho: “A Dios rogando y
con el mazo dando”. ¿Es lo que hago yo?
Los invitamos a traer las fotografías
de sus seres queridos que ya están
en la paz de Dios para colocarlas en el altar del
día de los muertos antes del miércoles 30 de
Botellas para recaudar fondos para mamas con necesidad
El próximo fin de semana en
todas las misas, habrá un representante de COLFS para
explicar lo que su organización y cómo podemos
ayudarles a llevar nuestras donaciones y las botellas de recaudación de fondos para bebés.
Novenario de Misas por Todos
los Files Difuntos
25 de octubre al 2de noviembre
Inscriba a sus seres queridos mediante los
sobres a la entrada de la Iglesia.
20 de octubre 2013
Festival de Otoño
Sábado, 26 de octubre
10 AM-9 PM
+ Juegos, premios mucho diversión.
+ Puestos de comida abren temprano
para el desayuno y comida todo el día.
+ Cena-Baile familiar de 7 a 9 PM.
!Los esperamos con toda su familia!
El gobernador veto la propensión
En un mensaje de veto del gobernador Jerry Brown, que estuvo inusualmente
detallada el pasado 12 de octubre, dice que
la SB131 plantea cuestiones de igualdad de
las instituciones que deben sentirse seguras
de que "los actos pasados son de hecho en el
pasado y no están sujetas a otras demandas."
Gracias a todos los que se tomaron el
tiempo y esfuerzo para hacer frente a este
problema con cartas y correos electrónicos al
gobernador Brown.
P. Mike
Acompáñanos ...
Misa Bilingüe por la
Vigilia de Todos los
Jueves 31 de octubre, 6 pm
Seguido por una presentación especial
sobre Padre Pio
a las 7 pm en el Salón Parroquial
Es una presentación especial es sobre la vida y
la espiritualidad del P. Pío se llama: "La vida del
Padre Pío en imágenes", acompañada con música sacra, himnos, esta presentación dura una
hora con más de 100 fotografías en formato de
power point.

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