June 5th - Saint Anne`s R.C. Church


June 5th - Saint Anne`s R.C. Church
St. Anne’s R.C. Church
“Our Love shines through” Est. 1895
88 Second Ave. Brentwood, New York 11717
(631) 273-8113 Fax (631) 436-7914
Parish Website: www. stannebrentwood.org
Parish Email: [email protected]
The Pastoral Staff
Rev. Stanislaw Wadowski, Pastor
Rev. Eden Jean-Baptiste, Associate Pastor
Rev. Christopher Mirabal Diaz, Associate Pastor
Deacon Thomas R. Samson
Deacon Jay Alvarado
Deacon John E. Walters
Deacon Andres Colpa
Mrs. Marge Baum, Pastoral Associate
Mrs. Sue Lindsay, Director of Music
Mrs. Bertha Keenan, Director of Family Faith Formation
Mrs. Janet Lambert, Outreach Coordinator
Monday - Friday: 12:00 Noon and 5:30 PM (English)
Wednesday: 7:30 PM (French Creole)
Thursday: 7:30 PM (Spanish)
Saturday: 9:00 AM (English)
Saturday: 5:00 PM (English), 7:30 PM (Spanish)
Sunday: 7:30 AM (English), 9:00 AM (Spanish),
11:00 AM (English), 12:30 PM (French Creole),
5:00 pm—(English)
The Powerful Compassion
of Jesus
Will be announced as each Holyday is celebrated.
Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM in English & Spanish
PARISH MEMBERHIP: We welcome all new families! To register as a part of the family of
Saint Anne’s Parish, please stop by the Rectory Office to fill out a simple registration form.
You have joined a wonderful community!
Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00a.m.-12:00 noon, 1:00p.m - 5:00p.m. & 7:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.
Friday & Saturday 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS.
Welcome • Bienvenidos • Bienvenue
To keep the faith alive for future generations, please consider
remembering St. Anne’s in your Will.
June 5, 2016 - 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
God is always ready to forgive,
Come back to Confession.
Confessions will be heard at 5:00 p.m. before
the 5:30p.m. Daily Mass
Monday through Friday.
Confessions will be heard at 8:30a.m., just
before the 9:00a.m. Spanish Mass on
Sundays and at 10:30a.m.
just before the 11:00a.m.
Mass on Sunday beginning
May 9th, this week.
This Year of Mercy is a Time
to Heal, to Help, to Forgive.
Also Every Saturday 4:00 p.m.—4:45p.m.
Just before 5:00p.m. Mass Or by appointment
with a priest by calling the Parish Business
office 273-8113.
Confessions available in English,
Spanish and French.
First Banns
Jonathan Ponguillo & Erika Aldana
(Wedding June 25, 2016)
Second Banns
Miryam Calderon & Neil Veliz
(Wedding June 11, 2016)
Third Banns:
Alexander Argueta & Mellein Romero
(Wedding June 18, 2016)
Baptisms: Let us congratulate the following
Babies and their families who were welcomed
into our church this past week:
Valentina E. Marcia, Ronald S. Marcia,
Brian A. Gonzalez, Keily Penate, Abriella L. Geter,
Anderson E. Zavala, Axel Y. Casco,
Benjamin A. Skelly, Braden T. Wilson,
Anthony N. Constantino
If you are living in our parish
community and attend our Masses
and Services, please feel free to come
in and register in our Parish. All are
welcome by just coming into the
Parish Business Office filling out the
Census Form available in English and
Spanish and you are registered!
Saturday, June 4, 2016
9:00 McCormick Family (Liv.)
+Mary O. Selva
5:00 +John Perino
Deacon Jay Alvarado(25th Annv. Ordination Liv.)
7:30 (Spanish) +Esperanza Orejuela
+Jorge Mejia
+Bonito Lopez
Sunday, June 5, 2016
7:30 - Deacon Jay Alvarado(25th Annv. Ordination (Liv.)
9:00 - (Spanish) +Carmen Suarez
+Abdon Hernandez (5th Annv.)
11:00- +Lloyd Dow
+Joseph DeBenedittis
12:30- (Haitian) Farath Charles & Family (Liv.)
5:00 St. Anne’s Parishioners Living & Deceased
Monday, June 6, 2016
Noon - Available
5:30 +Patricia Masiar
+Patricia Masiar
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
NOON – +Geo Adams
+Catherine Russo
5:30Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Noon - +Maria DiMuro
+Adrienne Reyes (Birth.)
7:30 (Haitian) Available
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Noon - +Rose Marie Krulish
+Catherine Russo
5:30 +Clinton Merz Jr.
7:30 - (Spanish) Available
Friday, June 10, 2016
Noon - Available
5:30 The Biangardi & Riedel Family (Liv. & Dec.)
+Linda Chin
Saturday, June 11, 2016
9:00 +Joseph Selva (Birth.)
5:00 Souls in Purgatory
+Ruth Sanders
7:30 (Spanish) +Adrian Martinez (30 días)(Dec.)
Sunday, June 12, 2016
7:30 - +Ronald Hellberg
9:00 - (Spanish) Mary of Guadalupe
Nestor Uruchima (42nd Birth.)(Liv.)
Efrain Antonia Rodriguez (2nd Annv.) (Dec.)
11:00- +Joseph Breheny
+Nydia Margarita Andino Prince (6th Aniv.)
12:30- (Haitian) The Justima Family in Thanksgiving
5:00 St. Anne’s Parishioners Living & Deceased
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish
who practice the spiritual work of mercy to “comfort the
sorrowful” by calling or visiting friends in difficult
situation or who may be lonely; or, by writing an
encouraging note to someone in need of support.
Weekend of May 29, 2016
First Collection: $9,112.00
Second Collection: $3,134.00
Thank you to all who use their envelopes
and for those who just give from their
hearts and pockets.
Mary Ann Conlon, Darica Meticas, Susan Schmidt,
Carmela Inguanti, Antoinette Inguanti, Joseph Inguanti,
Gertrude Schmidt, Irene Gore, Zas Family, Bartosik Family,
Marsch Family, Biangardi Family, Melfi Family, Emmaline Strick,
Barbara Smith, Maryann O’Keefe, Dorothy Stephan, Connor Amato,
Salvatore Esposito, The McCoughlin Family, Jerry Sich,
George Grabe, Barbara Grabe & Family, Tribone Family,
Marina Iglesias, Taylor Shanoine, Debbie Dicristoforo,
Barbara O’Neil, Gary Margolis, Eillie Canada, Isaiah Fontaine,
Margaret Calandra, Stacey Selzer, Maurice Lalonde,
Jenny Jamsy Rodriguez, Pat Rasanen,
Taylor Chanoine,
Emily Busch
Steven Reyes
Thomas Shelton
Richard Laureano
William Suhr
Daniel Mejia Sr.
John Lampkin
Alexandria Talleriso
William Krausch Jr.
Matthew James Murphy
Jon Jay Uebel
Peter Daniel Rivera
Tyler Rodriguez
Angel Gonzalez
Christopher A. Cary
Americo Otero
Luis Vieta
Trinifer Garcia
Robert Gilman
Timothy Corwin
Mariana Rodriguez
Colin McNulty
Joseph A. Rodriguez
Stacey Delano
Omer Cadet
Angel Gonzalez
Kevin Shaw
Stephen Gregory
Keith Jermyn
Ryan Gregory
Shawn G. Muller
Baptism: For children under 5, please contact the Parish
Office (273-8113) for an appointment to speak with a Priest or
Deacon at least several weeks before the Baptism. For older
children, contact the Office of Family Faith Formation
First Holy Communion: Children usually begin Religious
Education studies in the First Grade and are prepared for
Communion in the Second Grade. Call the Family Faith
Formation Office (231-7344) to register your child the summer
before the school year begins.
Confirmation: This Sacrament is currently celebrated in
the Eighth Grade after 2 years of preparation. Please call the
Religious Education Office (231-7344) for more information.
Sacrament of the Sick: Call the Parish Office at any time
to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick either at home or in the
The Sacrament is celebrated every
Saturday from 4:00 - 4:45 PM in the Church or by appointment.
Marriage: Congratulations! Couples planning to marry
should make an appointment with a Priest or Deacon at least
eight (8) months in advance of the wedding to allow time for
adequate preparation.
Holy Orders: Is God calling you? Call a Priest or Deacon
to discern a possible vocation to the Priesthood, Diaconate or
the Religious life.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Each Thursday from
12:30 PM until 5:15 PM. First Friday from 5:30 PM until 7:00
PM. Rosary after the 12:00 daily Mass.
Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after the 12:00 Mass
and First Saturday from 8:15 - 9:00 AM.
St. Anne’s Outreach Ministry (Fr. Thomas Conerty
Outreach) is open every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from
9:00 a.m. until 1:00p.m. The Food Pantry operates on the
same days from 9:30 AM to 1:00p.m. only. Please call 2738113 ext. 229.
Parish Offices: 273-8113
Parish Fax: 436-7914
Office of Family Faith Formation: 231-7344
Fr. Thomas Conerty Outreach: 273-8113 ex 229
Haitian/American Apostolate: 951- 0129
Hospitality Too/Soup Kitchen: 482-8538
Our Lady of Providence Regional School: 234-6324
St. Anne’s Gardens (Senior Housing): 952-5411
Crisis Pregnancy: 243-2373 or 1-800-287-BABY
Pronto: 231-8290
Catholic Charities Immigrant Service:631-789-5235
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process by
which a teen or adult either joins the Church or completes their
Sacraments of Initiation. There is no fee. Please call the
Parish Office (273-8113) for more information.
As a community concerned with the process of educating our
young people, we turn to the family as the primary source of
passing on the faith. We attempt to form families in the faith for
this generation and the next. For more information and to register your family, call 273-8113 ext. 221
Every 3rd Friday of the Month; 9:00p.m. to 6:00a.m.in the
Chapel next to Parish Business office. All are welcome.
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
After the celebration of Corpus Christi, when we appreciated the gift of
Eucharist among us, we are now going into the consequences of what we have experienced.
I hope you had a great time with your family and friends for the Memorial Day weekend.
After receiving so much from God, and even God himself in the Holy Communion, now we are asked
to give back generously.
In fairness to God we are asked to give back for the service of God 10% of what we receive as
income, Genesis 14;18-20. That is called TITHING - and that, can be done by giving 5% to the Parish, and 5% to the
works of Charity.
Today we are going to ask you for that 5% for the Charity, by giving it to the Catholic Ministries Appeal. By supporting it we serve a multitude of causes in the Diocese; starting with supporting pro-life activities, parish schools, seminary formation for new priests, assistance to the sick, to the homebound, to the elderly in low income housing, food programs, outreach programs. So please consider joining the Catholic Ministries Appeal, as your charity reaching out to
those in need.
We received many blessings from God, let's share them with those in need and our reward will be great in heaven. That would be a good ticket to heaven, to have the needy bless us and pray for us in thanksgiving to God. As Jesus
says " if you give a glass of water to the thirsty, it will not be forgotten, but your reward will be great in heaven. Let's believe
the words of the Lord, they are wisdom and life. Our faith without good works would be nothing. We express our faith by
becoming Good Samaritans to those in need, whom we meet on our way of life.
Let's start today by watching the video that speaks of the works of the Catholic Ministries Appeal, so that you can
understand where your support goes, as you participate in CMA.
Today we also want to congratulate Deacon Jay Alvarado on this his 25th Anniversary of his Ordination to the
Diaconate. We are very fortunate to have such great dedicated Deacons here at St. Anne’s and we invite everyone to join
us in the lower church for a little coffee and cake to celebrate with him and his family this very special day.
Summer is coming fast. The weather is becoming - a pool weather so let us enjoy it, as our beaches are not too far
away, to cool down if it gets too hot. As you see in the bulletin, we are going to organize the Parish Feast with Pig Roast
and Mega Raffle with big wins. Half of the proceeds from the tickets becomes a parish donation, and the other half goes
to the number of winners, that could be YOU. TO WIN IT , YOU NEED TO BE IN IT !!!
So please consider participating in the raffle. You may purchase a ticket with several other persons, so that it becomes affordable to you. A $100 it's a lot of money, but with 3 persons it would be $ 33 which is not so bad, than the first
prize is $10,000 dollars - a big win too - so after all it should be fun to be a winner or to see the face of the winners. Pig
Roast and some small prizes, should be some consolation for those who will not be the big winners, but the time together
with parish supporting the raffles, will be fun. Let's wait for children to finish the school year, and let the summer come
with its full display.
God bless You All !!!
Fr. Stan
Please, when your Mass or Service is finished, remember to replace all the Prayer
Books or Hymnals to the corner of the pews. Make sure to remove all personal items
and any scraps your children might have left behind. Lets us try to keep our church
neat and clean for all our visitors.
Un amable recordatorio:
Por favor, cuando su Misa o Servicio sea terminado, recuerde colocar todos los libros
de Oraciones y Cantos en las esquinas de las bancas. Asegúrese de remover todos los
accesorios personales y cualquier objeto que los niños pudiesen haber dejado atrás.
Tratemos de mantener nuestra Iglesia presentable y limpia para todos los nuevos
Come to me, all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will
refresh you. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me, for I am
gentle and humble of heart. Your souls will find rest, for my yoke is easy
and my burden light.
Do you know a man or woman 18 years or older who have expressed an interest in joining
our Catholic Faith? Do you know an adult who has not yet completed their
sacraments ( Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation ) in the Catholic Church and would like to do
so ? In the RCIA process, we will study the Scriptures, discuss Catholic teaching, and most importantly, get a true,
good and honest idea about what the Catholic Church is really all about.
Come ! Light the Way Thru RCIA.
Through weekly gatherings, those attending gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Catholic beliefs and
practices. The first gathering of the RCIA process is starting up again this Sept. 12, 2016 and
inviting all those who wish to complete their Sacramental Journey by Easter 2017 . Meetings are scheduled on Monday
Evenings . Please contact the Parish Business office of St. Anne's @ 631-273-8113 for an Interview . Interviews will be
Scheduled commencing first week of June 2016 thru and including September 2016 . You must be Scheduled for a one
on one Interview prior to attending RCIA .
Come Lite The Way to begin an Exciting Journey , one you will never forget !
he Eternal light of your Journey with Christ .
“Vegan a mí los que van cansados, llevando pesadas cargas, y yo los
aliviaré. Carguen con mi yugo y aprendan de mí, que soy paciente y humilde
de corazón, y sus almas encontrarán descanso. Pues mi yugo es suave y mi
carga liviana.” Mt. 11:28-30
¿Conoces a alguien mayor de 18 anos que haya expresado un interés en participar de
nuestra fé Católica?
¿Conoces algún adulto quien no haya completado sus sacramentos (Bautismo, Primera
Comunión, Confirmación) en la Iglesia Católica y le gustaría hacerlo?
En el proceso de RICA estudiaremos las Escrituras, compartiéremos las enseñanzas de
nuestra Iglesia Católica, y lo más importante tener una buena, verdadera y honesta idea de
que es la fé católica y de que se trata.
¡Ven sé la luz en el camino a través de RICA!
Tendremos reuniones semanales para aquellos que quieran conocer más y apreciar más
nuestra fé. Comenzaremos en Septiembre y las clases serán impartidas en las noches. Toda
persona interesada necesita programar una entrevista antes de asistir a clases. Mas
información llamar a la oficina 273-8113.
¡Ilumina el comienzo de un viaje maravilloso , uno que nunca olvidarás!
Please call the Retreat Office at 631-588-8366 to
register, or register on line at www.cenaclesisters.org/
July 5, 6, 7 and 8, 2016
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. arrivals and refreshments
The Spirituality of Pope Francis
The papacy of Pope Francis and the vision he has shared since his election have been remarkable and indeed
electrifying to many. His papacy has been marked by many “firsts.” Not least among these, he is the first Jesuit pope
and the first pope to choose the name Francis. His words and example have become an inspiration to believers and non
-believers alike. This workshop will examine the first three years of his papacy and what biographer John Allen has
called, “The Francis Miracle.” In the course of the week, we will discuss the Franciscan and Ignatian influences on his
spirituality together with an analysis of his writings, interviews, and homilies with a particular focus on the themes of
mercy and joy.
Presenter: Tom Petriano, Ph.D.
Offering: $100 - $25 deposit required to hold your reservation
May was another busy month at our outreach. We were able to assist
112 families. Within those 112 families were 33 seniors, 161 adults
and 155 children. We had 7 new families. Thanks to your donations
we were able to give them extra food and toiletries.
National Association of Letter Carriers had their annual food drive on May 14th. However, on
May 13th, Island Harvest sent a photographer to our pantry and interviewed Tom Curran and
Ed Ercole. Tom and Ed became our “outreach celebrities” that night on Fox News at 5pm-5
seconds of fame! All of our volunteers do a tremendous job every day. They are truly
dedicated to St. Anne Parish and to helping those in need.
The following items are needed: soup, jelly (small jars), cereal,
toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, shampoo, conditioner, bar
soap, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brushes, disposable
diapers sizes 3, 4 and 5, baby wipes, dish detergent, laundry
detergent and pet food. We are also starting to collect school
supplies. These school supplies will be distributed at the end of
August to the children of our outreach clients.
If you have any questions, please call me 273-8113 ext.229
Thank you for all you do for this wonderful parish.
Janet Lambert, Outreach Coordinator
Extraordinary Jubilee
Year of Mercy 2016
Crossing the threshold of
The Holy Door
Año Jubilar
de la Misericordia
la Puerta Santa
Bienvenidos todos al año de la
PUERTA SANTA, que nadie se quede
afuera… Nos esperan los brazos
amorosos de DIOS, hoy todos somos el
hijo pródigo y Dios nuestro padre
Welcome all to the year of
FORGIVENESS , no one is left out ...
We expect the loving arms of God ,
today we are all the Prodigal Son
and God our father .
Junio/June 18, 2016
Salida/Depart : Parroquia
St. Joseph - Ronkonkoma
45 Church St, Ronkonkoma,
NY 1177
a las 9:30 a.m.
Lugar/Place: Santuario de Nuestra
Señora de la Isla
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island!
258 Eastport Manor Road
Manorville, New York 11949
Invitado/Guest :
Rev. Padre Michael Rieder
Donación: $ 20.00
Para más información llamar a /
More información, please call to
Sandra Chacón 516-320-4144 ó
Ana García 631-588-8077
Construyendo la Ciudad de Dios!!!
Fr. Christopher Mirabal, coordinador
TEL: (631) 273-8113 Fax: (631) 436-7914
Santa Misas:
jueves, 7:30 PM; sábado, 7:30 PM;
domingo, 9:00AM
Confesiones: Los sábados, 4:00 - 4:45 PM
Primer y tercer sábado de cada mes a las 11:00 A.M. Clases prebautismales, segundo sábado de cada mes a las 9:00A.M. Favor
de traer el acta de nacimiento del niño dos meses antes del
1. Copia de Fe o Certificado de nacimiento del niño o de la niña.
2. Certificado de inscripción de su Parroquia ( padres y padrinos).
3. Los padres deben traer estos documentos a la oficina de Santa
Ana para fijar las fechas de charla pre-bautismal (OBLIGATORIA
para padres y padrinos) y la fecha del Bautismo.
Parejas que planean su matrimonio, deben hacer una cita con
uno de los sacerdotes o diáconos ocho (8) meses antes de su
boda. De este modo tendrán suficiente tiempo para recibir las
instrucciones prematrimoniales y obtener los documentos
necesarios. Para mas información llame al 273-8113.
Exposición del Santísimo
El Primer jueves de cada mes a las 8:15 P.M.
Cursillo de Cristiandad - Gonzalo Marroquin 897-6906
Or Manuel Molina 988-0130 or Ultrella - jueves después de la
Misa de las 7:30 PM.
Renovación Carismática
Miércoles 7:30 PM. Coordinador, Martin Martínez 631-404-6084
Celeste Payano Sub-Coordinadora 631-231-6968
Grupo Juvenil Renacer viernes, 7:30 PM.
En los bajos de la Iglesia. Coordinador: Patricia Iglesias 631-7086958. Sub Coordinador: Victor Farfan 631-708-9120
Grupo Divina Misericordia
Cenáculos: 2do y 4to domingo de mes, desde las 2:00 PM. en
adelante. Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia los jueves después de
la Misa de 7:30pm: José y Carmen Núñez, 813-1490 y
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Alberto y Margarita Roman
Hermandad de Emmaus: Todos los martes a las 7 de la tarde
en la capilla del convento Coordinadores: Romilio Lorenzo 631404-5205 y Iris Emiliano: 631-813-1852. “Buscando la Vía del
Legión de María
Eva Díaz (631) 617-5547
R.I.C.A. Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos
Fr. Christopher 273-8113 lunes 7:30 - 9:00
Reunión de Coordinadores de Grupos
Esperanza Justiniano, Presidente. 747-5062
Reunión de la Comunidad y Café de Amistad
Cuarto domingo a las 10:30 AM.
Coro del Sábado y Coro del Domingo
Moisés Telenta 745-2164
Práctica: Domingos 6:00 PM
Fr. Eden Jean-Baptiste Tel: (631) 951-0129
Fax: (631) 436-7914
Office Hours: Monday 9 - 12:00 PM,
Wednesday - Thursday 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.–
1:00P.M.– 5:00 P.M.
Masses: Wednesday 7:30 P.M Sunday 12:30 P.M.
Pastoral Services
Charismatic Prayer Group, Mondays, 7:00 P.M.
Marian Devotions, Mondays, 7:00 P.M.
Prayer Vigil (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament):
First Friday of the Month
Pastoral Care of the Sick
Wednesdays & Fridays by appointment. (hospital and
home visits - Confession and Communion).
Youth Activities
Saturdays, 2:00 PM, in the lower hall of the Church.
By appointment & before Wednesday evening Mass.
By appointment only. In order for the couple to have
sufficient time to prepare for their wedding and to
receive their “Pre-Cana” instructions according to
the Diocesan guidelines, couples must register eight
(8) months prior to their wedding.
Committee Meeting:
Third Sunday of the month at 7:00 P.M. in the
Lower Rectory Meeting Room.
Liturgy Committee
Choir Rehearsals
Youth Choir: Fridays, 6:00 P.M. Adult Choir:
Fridays, 8:00 P.M., in the “Yellow Room” of the lower
Cultural Celebration First Sunday of each month.
Veillez et priez, afin que
vous ne tombiez pas dans
la tentation; l'esprit est
bien disposé, mais la
chair est faible.
(Mat 26 :41)
Prière avec la Confrérie
St Michel Tout les
Samedis soir de 7:00hrs a
9:00hrs A la chapelle de
St Joseph a St Anne,
Un Dieu assez humain pour nous comprendre
La première lecture a été choisie parce que l'évangile de Luc s'en inspire pour
raconter la réanimation par Jésus du fils d'une veuve de Naima. Comme le prophète
Elie avait remis l'enfant vivant a sa mère, Jésus, ayant ordonne au jeune homme de se
lever, le remit a sa mère. Mais, a la différence du récit de la première lecture, Luc décrit
l'émotion qui s'empara de Jésus a la vue de cette veuve qui venait de perdre son fils
unique:" Le Seigneur fut saisi de pitié pour elle". Le Christ est assez humain pour
comprendre toutes les douleurs humaines, entendre tous les cris d'angoisse, assez
sauveur pour demander a d'autres de l'accompagner jusqu'au chemin du Calvaire. "Ne
pleure pas", dit Jésus. Les sentiments et les paroles d'affection de l'homme Jésus
signifient que Dieu lui-même compatit a la détresse de ses enfants qui souffrent. Voila
pourquoi la résurrection du fils est simultanément celle de la mère, comme anticipation
a la Pâque du Christ. Notre Dieu est assez humain pour nous comprendre. Essayons
d'être assez divins pour comprendre un peu Notre Dieu.
Our Lady of Providence Regional School
Central Islip, NY 11722
Cuanto esta pagando por el cuidado de su niño/niña?
Considere esto: PreK ó Kindergarten para su
niño/niña con un programa por la mañana de cuidado desde las 7:15 am y programa por la tarde
hasta las 5:45 pm y todo esto con una Educacion
Esto se puede proporcionar sin
hacer tanto gasto! INSCRIBA A
Central Islip, NY 11722
How much are you paying for Day Care?
Consider this: Pre K or Kindergarten for your child with
early drop off (as early as 7:15 am) and late pick up (as
late as 5:45 pm) and they get a Catholic Education!
Pre K (4 years old by 12/1/2016) $390/month.
Morning & After School Program: $250/month/child.
More affordable than daycare! ENROLL YOUR CHILD
PreK - 4 years old by 12/1/2016
$390/ month
Morning & After School Program: $250/month/child
PreK - 4 years old by 12/1/2016
$390/ month Morning & After School
Program: $250/month/child
Big Band Beat Is Back-Happy Father's Day;
a great gift for him and his
special lady.
St.Sylvester's Community
Dance featuring
"The Savoy Swing Band"
A live 20pc. band with
vocals playing for your listening and dancing
Birthdays and Anniversaries WELCOMED.
When: Saturday June 18, 2016 at 7pm to 10pm
Where: St. Sylverster's Pat Desmond Hall,
68 Ohio Ave. Medford, NY 11763
Admission: $15.00pp snacks and beverages included.
Visit us on our website; www.goodolddanceband.com or
(631) 730-3333 Thank you, your host Mike V.
On Sunday, June 25 at the 11:00a.m.
Mass, Our Lady of Lourdes Church
455 Hunter Ave, West Islip, N.Y. will
be hosting a special ‘WHITE COAT”
Mass for all those involved with the
health-based ministry.
All Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Emergency Medical
Personnel and those who care for the sick are invited.
Refreshments to follow. Wear your uniforms! For
more information, call Fr. Brian at 631-661-3224.
We wish to inform you about the Scalabrini
Center’s practice in immigration advocacy and social
services: Scalabrini Center NYC for all migrants, located
at 25 Carmine Street NY 10014, provides all these services at
a low cost, being a non- profit organization:
Immigration Status Consultation;
Immigration Forms and Filing;
Language translations;
Referrals to social agencies;
English ESOL Instruction;
Citizenship classes;
Scalabrini Center NYC for All Migrants, is a non-profit
organization ( SPES [spells HOPE in Latin] 501 (c)3) and is
the Scalabrinian Project for Education and Services to all

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