Summer Camp 2006 - Greater Naples YMCA


Summer Camp 2006 - Greater Naples YMCA
Greater Naples YMCA
School Attending: Royal Palm ____Golden Gate_____ Shadowlawn _____
(Program on Site)
BUS SERVICE FROM – (CIRCLE SCHOOL) - Vineyards, Big Cypress, Osceola, Pelican
Marsh, Poinciana, Seagate TO THE YMCA _____ Other:_____________________
Child Name: __________________________________ Grade Entering: ___________
Birth Date: ______________
Gender: M or F
Enrollment Date_________________
Ethnicity: □ Asian □ African American □ Hispanic □ Native American □ Caucasian □ Other
Address: _____________________________________ Zip code: ________________
Family Email Address: _________________________________________________
Home Phone #: ______________________ Child Lives With ___________________
Custodial Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________ Birth Date: ____________
Place of Employment: __________________Work#:___________ Cell#:________________
2nd Custodial Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________ Birth Date: ________
Authorized to pick up child:
 Yes
 No
Place of Employment: __________________ Work #_________________ Other # __________
Emergency Contact: _________________________ Phone #: _________________
Physician’s Name: __________________________ Phone #: __________________
Please list any allergies, medications, dietary restrictions, or any other special concerns:
Persons Authorized to pick-up my child (name other than parent):(Must be 18 years of
age or older) Child will not be released to others without written permission.
Relationship to Child
Discipline Policy
Our discipline policy is based on recognizing and providing positive reinforcement for appropriate
behaviors and natural or logical consequences as a response to less desirable ones. We believe
that children truly want to learn how to behave in an appropriate manner. Our job is to help
them learn this by serving as role models and guides. Our discipline policy is designed to be
effective in a variety of situations and is based on the following components: Consistency,
Emphasis on the positive, Logical consequences, Response. *We will never use any type of
physical punishment. Nor will we shame, scold, or humiliate children.*The YMCA reserves the
right to dismiss a child from the YMCA After School program if repeated efforts at modifying
misbehavior have failed and/or if parents are not cooperating with our policies.
Authorization for Emergency Treatment
Medical Information: I give Permission for the staff of the Greater Naples YMCA to contact the
following medical personnel to obtain emergency medical care if necessary:
Doctor: _______________________________Phone # __________________________
I give permission for the staff of the Naples YMCA to take whatever steps may be necessary for
my child’s medical care in the case of an emergency.
Parent Signature X ______________________________ Date: __________
Tuition Payments
It is my complete understanding that I am reasonability for making sure all payments are
complete. Failure to due so will result in dismissal from the program. It is also my complete
understanding that if I wish to terminate or change my child care in anyway I must submit it in
writing to the Youth Development Director prior to the next payment date. If proper notice is not
given, I will be responsible for tuition regardless of whether or not my child attends. Payments
are due the 1st and 15th of the month. Payment must be paid in advance for all payment
Parent or Guardian X ______________________________ Date: __________
Compliance with State Regulations
The Greater Naples YMCA shall comply with all required state licensing standards. As such
parents must receive the following information:
 Parent Handbook, which includes discipline policies
 “Know You Child Care Facility” brochure
 Informational brochure about the Influenza Virus (a portion must be signed by parent and
returned to the child care provider)
 “Permission for Food-Related Activities & Special Occasion Food Consumption”; to be
signed by parent/guardian and returned to child care provider.
Field trip permission forms (as necessary and must be returned to child care provider;
information about scheduled field trip must be communicated to parent at least 48hrs. in
advance of trip).
YMCA Liability Release
I give permission for my child to participate in the YMCA afterschool program. I understand that
even when reasonable precaution is taken, accidents can sometimes happen. I hereby
acknowledge that I am releasing the Greater Naples YMCA as well as its staff members and
volunteers from all liability due to injury, loss, or damage, which may occur on the YMCA or
granted property while my child participates in the activities of this program. By signing below I
acknowledge that I have read and understand, and voluntarily agree to this authorization and
release and that I have received information regarding compliance with State Regulations.
Parent Signature X _______________________________Date: __________
Information/Photography Release
Please check the appropriate line in regards to YMCA staff photographing or video taping my
child for YMCA promotional purposes (ads, brochures, newspapers, recruitment videos, ) or for
onsite activity purposes.
______ I do give the YMCA permission to take my child’s picture/video tape for promotional
purposes or onsite activities.
______ I do not give the YMCA permission to take my child’s picture/video tape for promotional
purposes or onsite activities.
Parent Signature X _______________________________Date: __________
YMCA School Age Care
Statement of Understanding
I have received the Parent Handbook from the YMCA, and agree that the YMCA has
informed me of its’ policies and procedures by providing me with the handbook. I
understand that if I have a question regarding specific content in the handbook, a YMCA
staff will clarify for me.
I agree to follow all program policies as stated in the Parent Handbook, with special
attention to the following areas: Guidance Policy, Fees and Collection Policy and
Supervision/Safety Policy
I understand that my child will not be release to anyone without proper documentation
and presentation of a valid photo identification.
I understand that the YMCA staff cannot withhold a child from a custodial or biological
parent without legal documentation (i.e. court orders, custody papers, etc.)
I understand and will follow the YMCA’s fee policy as outlined in the Parent Handbook.
I understand that if my child is ill or will not be attending for any reason; the YMCA
program must be notified prior to my child’s scheduled attendance.
I understand that credits will not be issued for any absences. Credits will only be issued
for program closings due to severe weather or facility closings where other arrangements
have not or could not be made by the YMCA.
I understand that if my child does not attend for two consecutive weeks without notifying
the YMCA, my child’s slot may be forfeited. In the event that I lose my slot, the YMCA will
notify me.
I understand that the YMCA is not responsible for and discourages employees from
providing paid care and custody for a YMCA participate under the age of 18 outside of a
YMCA program. (i.e. babysitting).
I have reviewed the YMCA Code of Conduct for Parents.
The information given in the registration paperwork and medical information paperwork is
correct and complete to the best of my knowledge, and the person herein described has
permission to engage in all activities in the program except those noted. All necessary and
important medical information regarding my child has been documented on the medical
forms provided in the registration paperwork.
I agree to hold harmless the YMCA, its’ agents and employees for all incidents alleging
bodily injuries, or property damage or loss incurring while the person herein described is a
participant at a YMCA sponsored activity on or off the YMCA premises. I will not hold
harmless the YMCA from any liability arising out of negligence of the YMCA.
Parent Signature X _______________________________Date: __________
I (we) authorize the Greater Naples YMCA to debit the amount above on the date indicated by
After School Services. Should any debit not be honored by any bank/credit card company, I
understand that I am still responsible for the payment, plus a $25 service charge applied by the
YMCA. This is in addition to any service fee that my bank/card company may require.
Parent Signature X _______________________________Date: __________
Parent/Guardian Consent for Greater Naples YMCA
Afterschool Transportation Service
This form shall serve as parent/guardian consent that ______________________ will be
picked up from (school name) ____________________________ by the Greater Naples
YMCA in order to attend the on-campus afterschool program at:
Greater Naples YMCA
5450 YMCA Rd.
Naples, FL 34109
I understand that the Greater Naples YMCA will not transport the child(ren) back to their
school location and it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to arrange for
authorized pick-up of the childn(ren) by the end of program session, 6:00pm.
I also understand that I am responsible for notifying the school and the Greater Naples
YMCA of any changes in transportation required (parent pick-up, riding on district bus,
etc.) at the end of the school day.
Parent/Guardian Name (print): _________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________
Date: ________________________
* This form is to be completed and returned to be kept on file.
Permission for Food-related Activities
and Special Occasion Food Consumption
Pursuant to 65C-22.005(1)(c)2.,F.A.C., licensed child care must obtain written permission from parents/ guardians regarding a child’s
participation in food related activities. These activities include such things as: classroom cooking projects, gardening, school wide
celebrations, and birthdays.
Give / decline permission for my child
Circle One
Child’s Name
to participate in food related activities and special occasions wherein food is consumed.
Please provide the following information:
My child DOES NOT have a food allergy or dietary restriction. He or she may participate in activities.
My child DOES NOT have a food allergy or dietary restriction. He or she may not participate in activities.
My child DOES have a food allergy or dietary restriction. He or she may participate in activities, but may not eat or
handle the following items (please list below):
My child DOES have a food allergy or dietary restriction. He or she may not participate in activities.
I understand that is my responsibility to update this form in the event that my decision for permission changes. I agree that
this form will remain in effect during the term of my child’s enrollment.
5450 YMCA Rd, Naples, FL 34109
P 239 597 3148 F 239 596 1828 W
During the 2009 legislative session, a
new law was passed that requires child
care facilities, family day care homes
and large family child care homes
provide parents with information
detailing the causes, symptoms, and
transmission of the influenza virus
(the flu) every year during August and
My signature below verifies receipt of the
brochure on Influenza Virus, The Flu, A
Guide to Parents:
Child’s Name:_________________________
Date Received:________________________
What should I do if my child
gets sick?
Consult your doctor and make sure your child gets
plenty of rest and drinks a lot of fluids. Never give
aspirin or medicine that has aspirin in it to children
or teenagers who may have the flu.
Call or take your child to a
doctor right away if your child:
as a high fever or fever that lasts a long time
Has trouble breathing or breathes fast
Has skin that looks blue
Is not drinking enough
Seems confused, will not wake up, does not
want to be held, or has seizures (uncontrolled
• Gets better but then worse again
• Has other conditions (like heart or lung
disease, diabetes) that get worse
Please complete and return this portion of
the brochure to your child care provider, in
order for them to maintain it in their records.
How can I protect my child
from the flu?
A flu vaccine is the best way to protect against
the flu. Because the flu virus changes year
to year, annual vaccination against the flu is
recommended. The CDC recommends that all
children from the ages of 6 months up to their
19th birthday receive a flu vaccine every fall or
winter (children receiving a vaccine for the first
time require two doses). You also can protect
your child by receiving a flu vaccine yourself.
What can I do to prevent the
spread of germs?
The main way that the flu spreads is in respiratory
droplets from coughing and sneezing. This can
happen when droplets from a cough or sneeze of an
infected person are propelled through the air and
infect someone nearby. Though much less frequent,
the flu may also spread through indirect contact with
contaminated hands and articles soiled with nose and
throat secretions. To prevent the spread of germs:
• Wash hands often with soap
and water.
• Cover mouth/nose during
coughs and sneezes. If
you don’t have a tissue,
cough or sneeze into your
upper sleeve, not your
• Limit contact with people
who show signs of illness.
• Keep hands away from the
face. Germs are often
spread when a person
touches something that is
contaminated with germs
and then touches his or
her eyes, nose, or mouth.
When should my child
stay home from child care?
A person may be contagious and able to spread
the virus from 1 day before showing symptoms
to up to 5 days after getting sick. The time frame
could be longer in children and in people who don’t
fight disease well (people with weakened immune
systems). When sick, your child should stay at home
to rest and to avoid giving the flu to other children and
should not return to child care or other group setting
until his or her temperature has been normal and has
been sign and symptom free for a period of 24 hours.
For additional helpful information about the dangers of the flu and how to protect
your child, visit: or
I nf l u e n z A V ir u s
What is the influenza (flu) virus?
Influenza (“the flu”) is caused by a virus which
infects the nose, throat, and lungs. According to
the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), the flu is more dangerous than the common
cold for children. Unlike the common cold, the
flu can cause severe illness and life threatening
complications in many people. Children under 5 who
have the flu commonly need medical care. Severe flu
complications are most common in children younger
than 2 years old. Flu season can begin as early as
October and last as late as May.
How can I tell if my child has a cold,
or the flu?
Most people with the flu feel tired and have fever,
headache, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy
nose, and sore muscles. Some people, especially
children, may also have stomach problems and
diarrhea. Because the flu and colds have similar
symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the difference
between them based on symptoms alone. In
general, the flu is worse than the common cold,
and symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme
tiredness, and dry cough are more common and
intense. People with colds are more likely to have a
runny or stuffy nose. Colds generally do not result
in serious health problems, such as pneumonia,
bacterial infections, or hospitalizations.
For additional information, please visit or contact your
local licensing office below:
“The Flu”
A Guide
for Parents
CF/PI 175-70, June 2009
This brochure was created by the Department of Children and
Families in consultation with the Department of Health.
Parent’s Role
A parent’s role in quality child care is vital:
☐☐ Inquire about the qualifications and
experience of child care staff, as well
as staff turnover.
☐☐ Know the facility’s policies and
☐☐ Communicate directly with caregivers.
☐☐ Visit and observe the facility.
☐☐ Participate in special activities,
meetings, and conferences.
☐☐ Talk to your child about their daily
experiences in child care.
☐☐ Arrange alternate care for their child
when they are sick.
☐☐ Familiarize yourself with the child care
standards used to license the child
care facility.
and free
This child care facility is licensed
accordingto the minimum licensure
standards included in
section 402.305, Florida Statutes
(F.S.), and Chapter 65C-22, Florida
Administrative Code (F.A.C.).
License Number: ___________
License Issued on __/__/__
License Expires on __/__/__
For more information regarding
the compliance history of this child care
provider, please visit:
Office of Child Care Regulation
and Background Screening
Office of Child Care Regulation
and Background Screening
To report suspected or actual cases of
child abuse or neglect, please call the
Florida Abuse Hotline at 1-800-962-2873.
CF/PI 175-24, 03/2014
This brochure was created by the
Florida Department of Children and Families,
Office of Child Care Regulation and Background Screening
pursuant to s. 402.3125(5), F.S.,
Know Your
Child Care
General Requirements
Every licensed child care facility must meet
the minimum state child care licensing standards
pursuant to s. 402.305, F.S., and ch.
65C-22, F.A.C., which include, but are not limited
to, the following:
☐☐ Valid license posted for parents to see.
☐☐ All staff appropriately screened.
☐☐ Maintain appropriate transportation vehicles
(if transportation is provided).
☐☐ Provide parents with written disciplinary practices
used by the facility.
☐☐ Provide access to the facility during normal hours
of operation.
☐☐ Maintain minimum staff-to-child ratios:
Age of Child
Child: Teacher Ratio
1 year old
2 year old
3 year old
4 year old
5 year old and up
Health Related Requirements
☐☐ Emergency procedures that include:
• Posting Florida Abuse Hotline number
along with other emergency numbers.
• Staff trained in first aid and Infant/Child
CPR on the premises at all times.
• Fully stocked first aid kit.
• A working fire extinguisher and
documented monthly fire drills with
children and staff.
☐☐ Medication and hazardous materials are
inaccessible and out of children’s reach.
Training Requirements
☐☐ 40-hour introductory child care training.
☐☐ 10-hour in-service training annually.
☐☐ 0.5 continuing education unit of approved
training or 5 clock hours of training in
early literacy and language development.
☐☐ Director Credential for all facility directors.
Food and Nutrition
☐☐ Post a meal and snack menu that provides daily nutritional needs of the children (if meals are provided).
Record Keeping
☐☐ Maintain accurate records that include:
• Children’s health exam/immunization
• Medication records.
• Enrollment information.
• Personnel records.
• Daily attendance.
• Accidents and incidents.
• Parental permission for field trips and
administration of medications.
Physical Environment
☐☐ Maintain sufficient usable indoor floor space
for playing, working, and napping.
☐☐ Provide space that is clean and free of litter
and other hazards.
☐☐ Maintain sufficient lighting and inside
☐☐ Equipped with age and developmentally
appropriate toys.
☐☐ Provide appropriate bathroom facilities and
other furnishings.
☐☐ Provide isolation area for children who
become ill.
☐☐ Practice proper hand washing, toileting,
and diapering activities.
Quality Child Care
Quality child care offers healthy, social, and
educational experiences under qualified supervision
in a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment.
Children in these settings participate in daily,
age-appropriate activities that help develop essential
skills, build independence and instill self-respect.
When evaluating the quality of a child care setting,
the following indicators should be considered:
Quality Activities
☐☐ Are children initiated and teacher facilitated.
☐☐ Include social interchanges with all children.
☐☐ Are expressive including play, painting, drawing,
story telling, music, dancing, and other varied
☐☐ Include exercise and coordination development.
☐☐ Include free play and organized activities.
☐☐ Include opportunities for all children to read, be
creative, explore, and problem-solve.
Quality Caregivers
☐☐ Are friendly and eager to care for children.
☐☐ Accept family cultural and ethnic differences.
☐☐ Are warm, understanding, encouraging, and
responsive to each child’s individual needs.
☐☐ Use a pleasant tone of voice and freqently hold,
cuddle, and talk to the children.
☐☐ Help children manage their behavior in a positive,
constructive, and non-threatening manner.
☐☐ Allow children to play alone or in small groups.
☐☐ Are attentive to and interact with the children.
☐☐ Provide stimulating, interesting, and educational
☐☐ Demonstrate knowledge of social and emotional
needs and developmental tasks for all children.
☐☐ Communicate with parents.
Quality Environments
Are clean, safe, inviting, comfortable, child-friendly.
Provide easy access to age-appropriate toys.
Display children’s activities and creations.
Provide a safe and secure environment that fosters
the growing independence of all children.
Estándares para la Obtención de Licencias
Esta instalación de cuidado infantil se
encuentra licenciada conforme a los
estándares mínimos para el otorgamiento
de licencias incluidos en la sección
402.305, Estatutos de la Florida (F.S.), y el
Capítulo 65C-22, Código Administrativo de
la Florida (F.A.C.),
Mantener vehículos apropiados para el transporte
(si se suministra servicio de transporte).
Proporcionarles por escrito a los padres las
prácticas disciplinarias utilizadas por la instalación.
Proporcionar acceso a la instalación durante l
as horas normales de funcionamiento.
Número de Licencia: ___________
Licencia Emitida el __/__/__
La Licencia Vence el __/__/__
Ambiente Físico
Mantener suficiente espacio interior utilizable para jugar, trabajar y dormir siestas.
Proporcionar espacios limpios y libres de
Para más información en lo concerniente al
historial de cumplimiento de este proveedor
de cuidado infantil, por favor visite:
desperdicios y otros peligros.
Mantener suficiente iluminación y control
de temperatura adentro.
Equipar las instalaciones con juguetes aproToda instalación de cuidado infantil con licencia
debe cumplir con los estándares mínimos
estatales para la obtención de licencias de
cuidado infantil, conforme a s. 402.305, F.S., y
ch. 65C-22, F.A.C., los cuales incluyen pero no
están limitados a lo siguiente:
piados para la edad y desarrollo de los niños.
Proporcionar suficientes baños y otros
Proporcionar área de aislamiento para los
niños que se enfermen.
Practicar el lavado apropiado de las manos, del
Requisitos Generales
Licencia válida exhibida de manera que los
padres la puedan ver.
Todo el personal debe haber sido seleccionado
Mantener cocientes mínimos de personal-aniños:
Por debajo de 1 año de edad
1 año de edad
2 años de edad
3 años de edad
4 años de edad
5 años de edad y mayores
Requisitos Relacionados con la Salud
Procedimientos de emergencia que incluyan:
• Exhibir el número Telefónico contra el
Abuso de Florida junto con otros
números de emergencia.
• Personal entrenado en primeros auxilios
y en CPR [resucitación cardiopulmonar] de
infantes/niños en las instalaciones en todo
• Botiquín de Primeros Auxilios
completamente surtido.
• Un extinguidor de incendios y simulacros
mensuales de incendio documentados con
los niños y el personal.
Lugar de almacenamiento cerrado bajo
llave para almacenar medicamentos y
materiales peligrosos, fuera del alcanze de los
Alimentos y Nutrición
Exhibir un menú de comidas y meriendas
que proporcione las necesidades
nutricionales diarias de los niños. (si se
proporcionan comidas).
uso del inodoro y de cambio de pañales.
Llevar Registros
Requisitos de Entrenamiento
Cuarenta (40) horas de entrenamiento
introductorio de cuidado infantil.
Diez (10) horas anuales de entrenamiento
mientras se están prestando los servicios.
Unidad de educación continua de 0.5 horas de
entrenamiento aprobado o 5 horas reloj de
entrenamiento en alfabetización temprana y
desarrollo del lenguaje.
Credencial de Director para todos los
directores de las instalaciones.
Mantener registros exactos que incluyan:
• El registro de los exámenes médicos/
vacunaciones de los niños.
• Registro de medicamentos.
El Papel [Rol] de los Padres
El papel [rol] de los
padres en el cuidado
infantil de calidad es vital
para su éxito. Al
asociarse con el
proveedor de cuidado para
lograr esta meta, los
padres deben:
Familiarizarse con los
estándares de cuidado
infantil utilizados para
otorgarle la licencia a la
instalación de cuidado
Averiguar acerca de los títulos y experiencia del
personal de cuidado infantil y la longevidad de
los miembros del personal en sus respectivos
Conocer las políticas y procedimientos de la
Comunicarse con el proveedor de cuidado.
Visitar y observar la instalación.
Participar en actividades especiales, reuniones
y conferencias.
Hablarles a sus niños acerca de sus experiencias
diarias en el cuidado infantil.
Hacer los arreglos para cuidado alterno cuando
los niños están enfermos.
• Información sobre inscripción.
• Expedientes del Personal.
• La asistencia diaria de los niños.
• Accidentes e incidentes.
• Permiso de los padres para excursiones
y administracion de medicamentos.
Para denunciar incumplimientos con los
estándares estatales para la obtención
de licencias, por favor comuníquese con
su oficina local de otorgamiento de
Cuidado Infantil de Calidad
El cuidado infantil de calidad brinda experiencias
saludables, sociales y educacionales bajo
supervisión calificada en un ambiente seguro,
cariñoso y estimulante. Los niños que se
encuentran en estos ambientes participan en
actividades diarias apropiadas para sus edades
que los ayudan a desarrollar habilidades
especiales, aprender a ser más independientes e
inculcarles el autorespeto.
Ambientes de Calidad
Son limpios, seguros, atrayentes, cómodos y
amistosos para con los niños.
Proporcionan acceso fácil a los juguetes
apropiados para las edades de los niños.
Exhiben las actividades y creaciones de los
Al evaluar la calidad de un entorno donde se
proporciona cuidado infantil, los siguientes
indicadores deben ser tomados en consideración:
Proporcionan un ambiente seguro y que fomenta
Proveedores de Cuidado de Calidad
Actividades de Calidad
Son amistosos y deseosos de cuidar a los niños.
Son iniciadas por los niños y facilitadas por las
Aceptan las diferencias culturales y étnicas de
las familias.
Son cálidos, comprensivos, alentadores y
Usan un tono agradable de voz y con frecuencia
Incluyen el ejercicio y el desarrollo de la
de una manera positiva, constructiva y no
Les permiten a los niños jugar solos o en grupos
De Cuidado
Incluyen intercambios sociales con todos los
Son expresivas, incluyendo el juego, la pintura y
Ayudan a los niños a manejar su comportamiento
Para información adicional, por favor visite o póngase en
contacto con su oficina local de otorgamiento
de licencias, a continuación:
la independencia de crecimiento de los niños.
responden a las necesidades individuales de cada
sostienen a los niños en los brazos y les hablan.
Para denunciar casos sospechosos
o reales de abuso o abandono
infantil, por favor llame a la Línea
de la Florida contra el Abuso, al
otras actividades variadas.
Incluyen el juego libre y las actividades
Incluyen oportunidades para todos los niños para
que puedan leer, ser creativos, explorar y resolver
Son atentos con los niños e interaccionan con
Proporcionan actividades estimulantes,
interesantes y educacionales.
Demuestran conocimiento de las necesidades
sociales y emocionales y las tareas de desarrollo
para todos los niños.
Se comunican con los padres.
CF/PI 175-25, 10/2007
Este folleto fue creado por el Department of
Children and Families, Oficina del Programa de
Cuidado Infantil, conforme a s. 402.3125(5), F.S.,

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