MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection, 1945


MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection, 1945
MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection , 1945-1992.
Series A: Writ ings and Addresses. 1947-1991
Box 4, Folder 21 , Report on fact-finding mission to Argentina ,
Brazil , Uruguay, 6-18 August 1984.
3101 Clifton Ave , Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
(513) 221·1675 phone. (5 13) 22 1·76 12 fax
August 6- 18, 1984
Or. Marc H. Tanenbaum, Director
International Relations Departeent
Jacobo Kovadlotf, Director
South American Af'.lrs
Anerlcan Jewish Committee
In September 1983. AJC President Howard I. Friedman and his fellowofficers invited me to become d. rector of International relations for the
American Jewish Committee.
One of my early tasks, as I saw
deve lop a first-hand knowledge of AJC offices and programs
Western Europe , Mexico, Central and South America.
was to
From Nov. 9-18, 1983. WIII,am Trosten, then AJC acting director,
and I accompanied AJC's national officers on a miSSIon to Israel. There
we met With key leaders in Israel's government, in other political parties,
and from various sectors of Israel. life.
We al so undertook a detailed
examination of our Israel oFFice, headed by Dr. M. Bernard Resnlkoff, and
evaluated what our Future needs were for our Jerusalem operation
On Sept.
9, 1984, Or. DaVid Gordls, AJC's executive vice-president, Mr. Trosten, and
I traveled to Israel to implement our plans for strengthening our Israeli
From Jan. 24-29, 1984, Sergio NudelsteJer of MeXICO City, director
of AJC' s Mexican and Central American office, and I attended the national
convention of FEOECO, the Federation of JeWish COrTmUnltles from throughout
Central America (also attended by representative s from South American
countries). As offiCial participants In that Important program, we were
able to establish firm fraternal and programmatIc ties With JeWish leaders
throughout Central America as well as WIth government and Israeli ambassadors With whom we met In Guatemala, site of the convention.
On Feb. 24, 1984, AJC PreSident Friedman led an officer's miSSion to
Paris for an extremely successful week-long series of consultations With
French PreSident Hltterrand, Forergn Minister Cheysson. and five cabinet
officers, and leaders of every major French JeWi s h organization. In consultation With Hrs. Nives Fox, director of AJC's Paris office, Bill Trosten
and I, who accompanied AJC leadership on thiS miSSion, were able to assess
the needs and POSSibilities of an expanded AJC program In Western Europe.
From March 27-30, I represented AJC at an international conference in
Amsterdam, The Net herlands, co-sponsored by the Vatican and the International JeWish Committee for Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC). At
that meeting, we were enabled to explore further InterreligiOUS dimenSions
of our International program
Othe r meetings were held With key international personalities French
Commerce Minister Cresson (April 3), Argentine Forei gn / Minister Dante Caputo
(April 9), West German Ambassador Van Well (April 10), US Ambassador Wa l ter
Stoessel (April II), MeXican PreSIdent de la Madrid (/'tay 15) led by AJC's
Theodore Ellenaff, UN Secretary General Perez de Cuellar (June 1). On Ma y 14 .
PreS ident Friedman met In Bonn With West Germany's (FRG) Chancellor Helmut
Koh I .
From June 13-1S. I met with leaders of the Hungarian Jewish community
and government officIals in Budapest to review the JewIsh situation In East
European countries.
On June 16 and 17. an international conference on "Moral
Values and Human Rlghts'l was held In Ottobeuren. West Germany, where I was
able to consult at length with Dr. Alois Mertes, Minister of State of FRG.
and with Dr. Hans August Lucker, vice-president of the European Parliament.
On July 2, Hr. Leo Nevas, chairman of the AJC's International Relations
CommiSSion, led an AJC miSSion to Washington, D.C.,where meetings were held
With the Ambas~adors and other Embassy officials of Austria, Belgium, Italy.
Sweden and the United Kingdom.
On July 12, Hr. Nevas chaired a meeting With Mr. Samuel Toledano of
Madrid, President of the Spanish Jewish community, to discuss a proposed AJC
miSSion to SpaIn.
On July 17. IRD staff met With Mr. Leslie Caplan, president of the
New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies, of Australia, to discuss closer
AJC-Australlan-Jewish ties, with Dr Mohan Cheema who represented the World
Sikh Organization (July 19), Mr. Leon Feffer of Sao Paulo, BraZil, PreSident
of the JeWish Cultural Association of Sao Paulo, Ambassador Sol Linowltz
(July 25) to diSCUSS the present situation in Central and South America,
Argentine Ambassador to the U.S. LUCIO Garcia del Solar (July 25) and With
Hr Robert Morley, director of the Southern Cone desk of the U.S. State
Departmen t.
Common themes were advanced by AJC throughout all these missions
°A calion all these governments to become assertive In opposing antiJeWish and anti-Israel attacks at the United Nations and all other international bodies
(An AJC memorandum detatllng these attacks was left With
these government offiCials.)
°A plea for greater systematic support of human rights and the cause
of Soviet and Syrian Jewries. (Alde-memolres on "Antl-Semltlsm In the Soviet
Unlonl! and on "Syrian Jewr/' were given these foreign leaders.)
°A request for cons I stent efforts to counter the PLO and the International terrorism which threatens all nations.
°An affirmation of AJC support of governments and nations that uphold
constitutional democracy, oppose all forms of totalitarianism, and advance
the cause of universal human rights.
In keeping With thiS approach of gaining fir s t-hand knowledge of
the JeWish communities and their SOCieties With whom we are vitally concerned, Jacobo Kovadloff, AJC's director of South American Affairs, and I
undertook an IntenSive two-week miSSion to Argentina. BraZil. and Urug~ay.
Based on previous missions of AJC officers and staff to these countries,
and thanks to the extensive network of personal relationships that Jacobo
Kovadloff has developed over many years throughout South America, we were
able to hold invaluable diSCUSSions with top leaders In government, the
Roman Catholic Church, the organized Jewish communities, and the media.
The enclosed schedule of our meetings provides a clear Idea of the broad
range of the leaders with whom we met and discussed Issues of common
This summary of our mission furnishes an overview of the issues we
explored and some of our major findings. We trust these WIll provide the
baSIs for a constructive review of AJC's important work In South America
and WIll enable us to analyze carefully what constructive next programmatic
steps we should be taking in thiS vital area of our national and Jewish
Marc H. Tanenbaum
September 20, 1984
8 30 a . m
Breakfast meeting with RABBI ROBERTO GRAETZ, of the
Assoclacao Rellglosa Israeilta
- Pontifical Catholic
of RIo de JaneIro, meeting
EMANUEL BOUZON. the Dean of Theology and Humanistic
SCiences, and DR
1 00 p.m.
ISAAC KERSTENETZKY, the Dean of Soclal
- Luncheon with FRED WEINSTEIN, Latin American director of
3 00 p.m.
- Press Interview with a Globe
5 00 p . m.
- Meeting with DR, VIVAlDO BARBOSA, Secretary of Justice of
the State of RIO de Janeiro, RONALDO GOMLEVSKY, vlcepresident of FIERJ (Federation of RIO Jewish Community),
and OR. PAULO GOLDRAJCH, president
8 30 p.m.
counselor to Brazilian government
12 15 p.m.
3 30
p m.
luncheon With ISRAEL KLABIN, president of Klabln Industries
and former Mayor of RIO
Meeting With CARDINAL DaM EUGENIO SALES , Archbis ho p of RIO
de Janei ro
4 30 p . m.
- TV Interview on Brazil Ian Educational TV
7.00 pm
- Reception With Rlo's Jewish leadership
9 00 p m
- Rabbi Tanenbaum lecture before the Assoclacilo
, Rellglosa
Israel Ita do RIO de Janeiro (Christians ana Jews)
.. /
12 00 p.m.
- Luncheon with HON
ROBERT G LOFTIS, Second Secretary.
U.S. E.mbassy
1 30 p.rn
Meeting with senior sta ff, U.S. Emba ssy (br iefing ) JAMES
Israel, Embassy
3 00 p.m
4 00 p.rn
- Meeting with DR . ARTHUR DE CASTllHO NETO, General Secretary
of the Ministry of Justice
s i\ 0
P A U L 0
9 00 a.m
10 00 a.m.
II 00
a m.
12 30 p.m.
- VISit to Albert E.nsteln Hospital With RABBI HENRY SOBEL
- V,Sit to Assoclacao Hebralca
_ luncheon With MARCOS ARBAITHAN and ERVINO SOICHER, pres,dent
and vice-president of Hebralca
2 00 p.m.
_ Meeting With CARDINAL 001'1 PAULO EVARISTO ARNS, Archbishop
of ~o Paulo
3 00 p
_ Conference With DOM SIN(SIO BOHN of the Conf6rencla Naclonal
dos Blspes do BraSil (the National Conference of CatholiC
Bishops), the National CommisSion on Cathollc- JeWish
Dialogue, and the Sisters of Zion
30 p m
_ lecture by Rabbi Tanenbaum on "Rel Ig lOUS Values In an Age
of Violence!! at the CongregaJao Israellta Paullsta {Present
HON JOHN LEARY, Consul Genera l of the USA. HON ZVI
CASPI, Consul Genera l of Israel)
12 00 p m.
_ Luncheon With DR. JOSE ~OPlICH, preSident of the Federasao
Israel Ita do Estado de Sao Paulo, LEON FEFFER, preSident
of the Assoclaca6 Unl verSlta rl a de Cultura Judalca
S A 0
P A U L 0 (cont1d)
3 00 p.m.
General of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBS)
4 30 p.m.
- Interview with VeJa Magazine, Assistant Editor JOSE ANTONIO
6 30 p.m.
- Sermon by Rabbi Tanenbaum at Congregaiao Israel
on "Fundamentalism and FanatiCism"
9 00 p,m.
MILNITZKY, president of the Confederac~ Israel Ita do Brasil
3 00 p.m.
- Interview With VeJa Magazine
8 00
- Meeting With ROLF HERTZBERG. executive director of the
Paulo Jewish Federation
p m.
6 30 p.m.
Conference With members of the Comlre General
del Uruguay
10 00 p.m .
Israel Ita
home of general secretary, DR. PEDRO S. SCLOFSKY
- Dinner With DR. SCLOFSKY and vice - president, JULIO BENSION
8 00 a.m
,- Press Interview SemanarlO Hebreo. editor, JOSE JEROZOL[MSKI
9 00
- Press Interview La Manana and El Dlarlo
10 00 a.m
11. 00 a.m.
Meeting with U.S . AMBASSADOR ARANDA and Polltlal Counselor
11 45 a m.
- InterView With El PaIs
12 15 p.m.
- Address before Board mmembers of the Comlte Central Israel Ita
H 0 N T E V
IDE 0 (cont'd)
- Consultation with Archbishop of Montev ideo.
3 30 p.m.
5.00 p.m
- Meeting with editor of El Pais, SR . MARTIN AGUIRRE (Former
Ambassado r to The Netherlands.)
6 30 p.m.
- Meeting with editor of El Ola, DR. RAFAEL NOSOA, and editorial
- Conference of Christians and Jews at Communldad Israel Ita del
7·15 p.m.
11 00 a.m.
4 30 p.m.
- Welcome by ALBINO GOMEZ. press secretary of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, at the Buenos Aires airport
- Heetlng with U.S. AMBASSADOR Fr~NK ORTIZ and Counselor
5 30 p.m.
Meeting with DR. PUGLIESE, Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies
(,n ParI lament) and adVisor, DR. HUGO MINSC
7.30 p m.
- Meeting with Steering Committee of DAtA, DR. SION COHEN-IMACH,
2 00 p.m.
_ Meeting with Isra e l
4.00 pm.
- Meeting with Foreign Minister, DANTE CAPUTO
5 00 p.m.
- Press conference at the Foreign Ministry
7 30
_ Lecture at the Post-~raduate Faculty. University of Belgrano,
9 30 p.m.
to Semlnarlo Rablnlco latlnoamerlcano
A IRE S (cont'd)
9 30 a.m.
- DR. ADOLOFO CASSo Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations
Cerroll ttee
It 00 a.m.
- Meeting
with LUIS PERElMUTER, president and members of
AMIA Board
1.00 p.m.
- Luncbeon with ANTHONY POLITO, Political Counselor, U.S .
7.00 p.m.
8.15 p.m.
- lecture by Rabbi Tanenbaum at the Centro Cultural San
Hartin of the Municipality of Buenos Aires
11 00 a.m.
3 00 p.m.
- Interview with Hundo Israel.ta, ARIE L PlOCKSHUK
4.00 p.m.
- InterVieW with dally Clarln, MR. HALPERN
6 00 p.m.
- Sermon at the Congreg8clbn Israel Ita de la Rep~bl lea Argentina
9 00 p.m.
- Reception by President of the Congregacl~n. HR. GUllERMO
POLACK and MRS. AMALIA POLACK, president of the WIZO, Supreme
Court Justice DR . CARLOS FYAT. Phlll Iplne Ambassador to the
EEC, and Jewish leaders
September 1984
The fIrst overarchlng realIty that Impressed me durIng my flrst
visit to Argentlna, BrazIL and Uruguay was how dIfferent each country
was from the other, and the dl fferlng character of each of the JeWIsh
communIties In these countries.
The first country we vislted was BraZlI, fran August 6-11.
Brazil defIed all my popular images -. the Amazon Jungle, the rIotous
Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, coffee beans, sambas, favelas, repressIve
military juntas. The dynamiC realitIes of BraZIL shatter the slmpllc1t Y of th ose images:
Brazl L occupies almost one-half of the South AmerIcan conll.nent.
It Is the fifth largest country In the world. 'l¥1th Its populauon of
130 million people, it Is the most populous country In LatIn Amertca
and ranks sixth in the world.
With a gross nat1.onal product of $295 b1.lUon, BraZlI 1.S the
world's e1.ghth largest economic power. It LS the largest market 1n
Latin AmerIca. Brazil is also the fifth largest arms exporter--wlth
Iraq the largest purchaser of Brazilian missiles, armored veh1.cles,
and uranium, followed by Saudi Arabia, and LIbya (more about thIS
Brazilian-Arab arms connection later.) Brazil Imports 40-45 percent
of its oil from Iraq (somewhat diminished since the Iraqi-Iran war.)
Signi ficantly, of its total imports in 1983 of $22.1 blllIon, sane ~1
percent were devoted to the purchase of crude 011 mainly fran Iraq,
Saudi Arabia, and LIbya, but increasIngly from N1.gerla and Angola
(Brazil has recently been intensifYlng its trade and dlplanatlc
relations In Africa and Asia.)
Brazil has strengthened 1n recent years lts econOOIlC and Industrlal development -- of ltS GNP, some 38' is based on Industry, 50'
on services , and 12' on agriculture. The Unlted States 1S Braz1l's
largest trading partner (non-ol1), with 18\ of BraZll's exports going
to the U.S. (EEe is next with about 12%), and w1th imports (non-01.l)
from the U.S. amounting to 16' (Japan 1S the next 6'.)
Brazilian-U.S. relations are therefore an lmportant factor 1n Brazll's
economic and geopol1tical SItuation.
Beclouding Brazil's econOOllc development 1S Its preSSIng International debt of $95 bllhon (of which 515 bllhon 15 short-term debt,
$80 blillon 1 ong- term.) The U.S. plays a central role I n the IMf and
the World Bank in the present renegotiatIon of Brazil's debt payments.
Of the $19.2 b~llLon In foreIgn lnvestments In Brazll (1982), the
U.S. provided 55.8 bIllIon. There are about 238 Amencan buSInesses
In Brazil with 43,000 AmerIcans working there.
American tourlsts visited BrazIl In 1983.
Accordlng to Amerlcan Embassy offl.ctals
Only some 110,UUO
BrasllIa wtth whan we
met, BrazIl has been pursuing an independent foreIgn polley, aVOldlng
automatlc alignments with any bloc (although it 15 a member of the
"Non-Aligned NatIons.") BraZIl has kept a "low profile" on the
international politlcal scene, and under the cover of thls "neutrallty" it has pursued increased trade relatIons wtth the USSR,
ChIna, the Arab countries and Asia.
After 19 years of repressive mIlItary rule, Braztl moved 1n 1984
toward the establishment of representatlve democracy. On August 8,
Jacobo Kovadloff and I were in Brasllia, the architecturally surreahst capital city, when the two major polItical partles were
holding electIons for pres1dential candIdates.
Despite some popular demand for dlrect presldentlal elect.Lons 1n
January 1985, the Braziltan Congress voted tn Aprll that the next
Pres ldent wIII be chosen lnd lrectly by the 686-mernber Electoral
College. The Electoral College WIll select a clvtl preSIdent who WIll
take office In March 1985.
The nominat tng conventIons we Wltnessed In Brasil ta were termed
by the LatIn Amerlca Daily Post (Aug. 11, 1984) publlshed In RIO de
JaneIro, as "an htstOrIC weekend WIth both maJor pollt.Lcal parlles
electIng their candidates for preSident and VIce preSIdent of the
nation In the first legItImate nomInatIng conventlons 1n more than two
WhIle acknowledg1ng that "there 1S a slZable group of
citizens who belleve the electoral college system IS 111eg1tlmate,"
the Post noted that "the fact 1S that Brani ls already very close to
be1ng a 'true' democracy after the successful 1982 natIonal electIons
for governors, state and federal congressmen and some subsequent
"Clearly we have a system In WhIch public OpInion plays a much
greater role than at any other tIme SInce the ml11tary came to power
In 1964, with Congress operattng With great llberty, With freedom of
the press assured ••. Brazll certaInly has left behInd the days when the
milItary hIgh command selected ItS candldate and Imposed hIm on the
nation ..• Brazil has shown that, even somewhat flawed, it IS now a
democratIC nallon," the Post added.
At the August conventions, the SOCIal Oemocral1c Party (POS)
nOfQlnated Paulo SalIm Maluf, the former governor of Sao Paulo state,
as Its presidentIal candIdate. The OPPOSIt1on Brazlitan DemocratIC
Movement Party (PMOB) nomlnated Tancredo Neves, the 72 year-old
governor of MInas GeraIS state.
In our meetings wlth leaders of the Jewlsh communItIes of RIO de
Janeiro (Ronaldo Gomlevsky, newly-elected presldent of FlERJ, the
federation of Rlo Jewish CommunitIes; and outgoing pres ldent , Dr.
Paulo Goldrajchj Israel Klabln, the impresslVe presIdent of Klabln
Industrles and former mayor of Rlo; Or. Jose Knopllch, president of
the Jewish Federation of Sao Paulo, Leon Feffer, praninent IndU$triallst and presLdent of the UniverSIty ASSocIatIon of JeWish
Culture) we were told that Tancredo Neves IS a good frIend of the Jews
of Brazil and of Israel.
Paulo Haluf, they saId, 1$ a Lebanese
ChristIan, who while personally frIendly with Jews, IS deeply involved
In heavy financlal dealings WIth Arabs. Some Jews told us he has a
reputation for corruption, and they are concerned ~er hIS possIble
The concern Is deepened by the startilng fact -- told us by
Israeli Ambassador Raharnin Timor -- that there are an estImated five
million Arabs lIving in Brazil who exert considerable econoOlC and
political power.
(There are about 200,000 Jews In Branl, sane
100,000 in Sao Paulo, "the JewIsh capital of BraZIL," about 65,000 In
RiO; perhaps lS,OOO In Porto Alegre; several hundred In government
work in Brasilia.)
It is no accldent that the PLO held a continent-wide congress In
March 1984 in Sao Paolo (including representatIves from the CarIbbean)
and announced that it was launching a continent-wide campaign to bring
about the destruction of the State of Israel. Several left-Wing
Brazilian political spokesmen spoke at the congress or sent messages
in support of the PalestInian cause. The inflammatory and hostIle PLO
rhetorIc deeply upset the Jewish communIties of Brazil .
On August 6, Jacobo Kovadloff and I, accanpamed b)' Ronaldo
Camlevsky, FIERJ President, met with Dr. Vlvaldo Barbosa, Secretary of
Justice of the State of Rio, and on August 8 Jacobo and 1 met WIth Dr.
Arthur de Castllho Heto, General Secretary of the ~nlstry of JustIce
in Brasilia.
We began by expressing our lnterest Ln J1JIproving
bilateral relatIons between the peoples of Brazil and the U.S., our
welcoming the m~es toward democracy, an end to the VIolatIon of human
rights, and our support of the defense of human liberties. There was a
good posltlve atmosphere established. We then expressed our deep
concern over the PLO' s published declarat 10ns which we saId would
incite hatred toward Jews as well as toward Israel.
Both Or. Bar bas a and Or . Heto saId they were aware of the PLO' s
actIvities which they were watching carefully. They Informed us that
a PLO magazine, entItled uJerusalem," WhICh cOlltalned a flagrantly
anti-SemitIc article had been suppressed. In SimIlar phrases, both
JustIce offlcials saId, "We wlll not allow bigotry to spIll over fran
the Middle East ConfllCt into BraZIl." They IndIcated there were laws
on the books that allowed them to take action to suppress the dlS-
seminatlon of antl-Semltlc materIals, and they asked us to send them
any lnformatton we had regarding the dIssemInatIon of the I1Protocols
of the Elders of ZIon," pnnted In SpanIsh In BraZlI, whIch :Jacobo
pranlSed to do.
Our conversation WIth IsraelI Ambassador TImor at the Israell
Embassy In BraSIlia was soober, even sad. Because of Brazil's heavy
rellance on Arab ad and petrodollars, its heavy arms sales to Iraq,
Saudl Arabia, and Libya, Its growIng ccmnerclal relations w1th Arab
countrles, relal IonS between Bran! and Israel are at a low ebb. The
large Arab presence 10 BraZil IntensIfies that CondItion. He feels
very isolated in Braslila.
Almost plaIntIvely, he urged us to
encourage the JeWish leaders we were meet1ng w1th 1n RIO and Sao Paulo
to keep in contact wIth the Embassy.
Brazilian Jewry
Braul is a multi-cultural SOCiety ("mestizo" -- the baSlC ethnlC
stock IS Portuguese; the 60S "whlte" populatlon lncluchng Italians,
Germans, SpanIsh and Polish; 301); mIxed, 8~ black, 2~ rnd!.an, the
largest Japanese commun!.ty in the world, outside of Japan, 15 In Sao
Paulo; some 5 mllllon Arabs.) "Despite class dlstlnctlons," BraZlllan
soclo1ogtsts write, "national solidarity lS strong and raCial fnctlon
is mlnimal."
Brazillan Jewry 1S also multi-cultural. The Jewlsh populatlon
bears the traces of ItS irlYlllgratlon hIstory -- 16th century ml.gratlon
of marranos from the Portuguese Inqulsltlon, 17th century Dutch
conquest, 19th century Jewlsh mlgratlon from T angler and Morocco
settling In the north of BraZIL tn ReCIfe, Belem, and Manaus, In 1671,
French Jews from Alsace; 20th century 1rrrnIgrants fran Eastern Europe
(Bessarabla, Poland and Llthuanla), In the 1930s, Jews fran Germany,
Austria, CzechoslovakIa, and Italy; after World War II, a substantIal
number of DPs lmmlgrated, and the last bIg wave of lIMngrants came
between 1956 and 1957 from Egypt, SyrIa and Hungary.
As a result, BraZILIan Jewry 1s dlvided Into many small groups
and communItles. In Sao Paulo, for example, there are more than 3U
synagogues, most of them small. The largest cOOlll1unlty was founded by
Jews from central Europe.
In an effort to un1fy these multiple commUnl.tles, Jewlsh federatIons have been established In RIO de JaneIro (about 65,000 Jews) and
in Sao Paulo (about 100,000 Jews.)
As lndlcated, Sao Paulo IS
consldered "the JeWish capital of Braul" and therefore has become the
seat of the Confederation of Jewlsh CommunIties In Brazll, an umbrella
group for the enhre country.
Except for occaslonal sporadIC eplsodes of antl-Senlll1sm,
religious and communal leaders told us that "there 15 no notIceable
anti-Semitism either fron the Government or fran the general population." There are signs fran time to time that there are people who
dislike Jews -- such as a recent poll quoted by Rabbi Henry Sobel of
Sao Paulo that reported "12.7' of those polled conSIder Jews Infenor
to other Bras1l1ans. 11 Jews have done well econonically 1n Branl,
with many In industry -- such as Leon feffer of Sao Paulo and Israel
Klabln and Adolfo Bloch of Rio -- and are prominent in the lIberal
professions (lawyers, doctors, architects, engineers, teachers,
professors, scientists, and sane artists and writers). Th1S econan1C
well-being has led to expressions of envy and dIsl1ke.
"There is no open discrimInation against Jews In Brazil, II we were
told. Relations with the large, predaninantly Lebanese Christlan
populations have been good. In recent years, there has been sutr
stantial immigration of rtJsHm Arabs fran Syna, Jordan and the West
Bank and they are regarded as unfriendly, but, as yet, not a dangerous
By and large, Brazilian Jewry is turned lnward. Jews playa very
minor role 1n government or politics . They have concentrated the1r
energies and resources on strengthening the1r synagogues, their
internal Jewish cultural, educatIonal, social welfare and recreational
When I addressed the large Liberal (really Conservat1ve) synagogues in Rio and Sao Paulo, I was impressed to see a large turnout
of young people. Rabbi Robert Graetz of Rlo and Rabbi Henry Sobel of
Sao Paulo, both tralned at U.s. Reform Semlnar1es, both told me that
the involvement of hundreds of young people in relig10us 11fe glves
them much nachas.
Most impressive Is the Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo,
buUt by the Jewish community and considered the best hospItal 1n
High government officials, Includ ing the PreS1dent and
Governors, use the hospital's fac1IIties. T a then credl.t, the
hospital has devoted a special floor for free treatment of the poor
people from the favelas. (During a recent flood in Santa Catarlna
pray ince, sane 75 Jewish teen-agers and university students organIzed
a IIJewish peace corps," went to the affl1cted areas and provided a
variety of aid. (They were given much posi t1ve attention in the
One of the most impressive institut10ns 1n Sao Paulo 15 the
"Hebraica," the largest Jew1sh soc1al club. WIth a membersh1p of
24,000 1ndividuals, and a magn1flcent sports center, Hebra1ca meets
cultural, SOCIal and religious needs of the entire commun1ty. SIde by
side with the Conregacao Israel ita Paullsta, one of the largest
synagogues on the South American contInent (WIth 2,000 member fam-
lItes), and the ten Jewish schools In Sao Paulo (wIth about S,OUO
students, 3U$ of the Jew1sh student populatIon), the HebraLca 15 the
center of Jewlsh communal eXlstence.
As In ArgentIna and Uruguay, BraZil's JeWish polltlcal ltfe IS
Israel-ortented and 15 domlnated by Zlonist poLltlCS. Until recently,
electlons for federatton leadership followed Israelt political party
lInes -- Mapal, Mapam, NRP, etc. In the latest eLectIons, a new young
generatIon has begun to take over and 15 pledged to reorder the JeWish
poll tical system to follow far more the AmerIcan JeWish model than the
ZIonIst pattern -- while stIll remalnLng loyal to Israel. It remains
to be seen whether they wl11 succeed.
With all thiS lntense, tnternal Jewlsh actlvIty, Rolf Hertzberg,
executive d1rector of the Sao Paulo Jewish federatIon, told us that
"ass1m1lation 15 easy and qUIte strong. No f.lgures are available
about the percentage of mixed marr1ages, but 1t can be assumed that
their number 1S conSIderable." The young, effectl .... e RabbiS Graetz and
Sobel, and the JeWIsh educational system, Including the Unl .... erslty
Judalca programs are seek1ng to counter that trend.
In all our con .... ersations WIth Jew15h cOlmlunal, educatlonal, and
rellgious teaders, we were asked for certaln materIals produced by
AJC, and we promlsed to send them what we could, In addltion to what
Kovadloff has regularly prOVided them.
There was some con .... ersation In Rto and Sao Paulo about then
helpIng to re-publlsh COHMENTARIO. Followlng poltcy dtSCuSSlon at AJC
natIonal, we agreed to cooperate wIth them, but made It clear that
they would ha .... e to accept responslblhty for the publIcatiOn.
They are econantcally well able to do so.
Catholic-Jeglsh Relations
Latln America contalns almost half of the world's Ranan CathollC
population. BraZIL IS the Largest and most populous Ranan Cathol1C
natton 1n the world; of the 130 millIon BrazlllanS, 9), are Cathollc.
There are 358 CatholIC bIShops, a nllTlber of them In the forefront
of the soc tal Justice and human rlghts mo.... ement. (The recent Vattcan
challenge to "l1beratlon theology" in Braztl and the eXlstence of
70,OUO CathoL1c "base communities" wlth four mtlhon members, 1ndlcates the1r pol1tIcai and SOCIal slgnlflcance.)
I was astounded to flnd that the contact between the Jewlsh
communltles of RIO and Sao Paulo and the Roman CathoLlc church was
Ltmlted to the pOlnt of beIng almost lnconsequentlal. Only Rabbl
Graetz and Israel Klabln (who 15 much respected by RIO' 5 CardInal
Sales) maintaln any meanIngful contact wlth Cathol1c authorltles. In
Sao Paulo, only Rabbi Fritz Plnku5s, the semor rabbl who IS now 111,
and hls associate, Rabbi Henry Sobel, carryon any relatLmsh1p With
Cathollc offICIals.
One of the reasons, we were told by JewLSh spokesmen who were
concerned by this lack of contact, was that many Jews had become
comfortable with the right-wing, milltary governments and felt that
Roman Catholic challenges to the status quo and demands for social
Justice and upholdlng human rights would be: autcmatlcally lnterpreted
as leftist movements opposed to the government.
So they hId for
cover, even though most Jews dld not approve of human rights violations.
After much discussion with a whole spectrum of JewlSh leaders, I
was convinced they were being short-SIghted In the long-term . There
15 a defini te movement toward democracy 1n Brazll. Jews do not face
threats to their secunty fran the Government as much as they do fran
the growLng milltancy of the recent wave of ttJsllm Arabs and the PLO
activlstS . Jews would therefore be WIse to have strong all1es frem
the most powerful group In the society; namely, the Roman Cathol1c
As a consequence, Jacobo Kovadloff arranged a sertes of meet.lngs
with the highest author.lties of the Roman CatholIC church and they
were without exception wonderful and posltlve exper1ences. In each
1nstance, we inslsted on having local Jewlsh leaders accompany us.
In R10, we met with Card1nal Oom Eugen.lo Sales, and separately
w1th the Chancellor of the Pontifical Cathollc Untvers1ty, the kev.
Laercio 01as De Moura, S.J. After a long and frlendly conversat10n
w1th Father de Moura, we proposed the convening of a conference on
"Moral Values and Human Rights" at hlS umversity. Wlth two deans of
facul ty present (moral theology and soclal sC1ences), he accepted the
ldea enthusiastically and proposed that we hold it 1n Apr1l 1985 to
mark the 20th anniversary of Vat1can CounCil II.
Rabbi Graetz, who was wIth us, was enthuslastlc ~er the agreement, and consented to be co-partner w1th us, the Rio Jewish Federat lon. and h1s synagogue. He sald that that was the fust t1me that
has happened at the Pontifical Universlty. At the w1th
Cardlnal Sales, we 1nvIted him to take part 1n the conference, and to
bring a message about supporting Cathollc-Jewish relatIons, and he
agreed to do so quite spontaneously.
Ourlng a two-hour luncheon with Israel KlabIn, he sald that was
an Important development for Brazlllan Jewry and added that he would
want to partiCIpate. We told hlm that we were eager to have hlm do
so. (Perhaps he may even do so f l nanclally.)
In Sao Paulo, Rabbt Sobel accompanled Jacobo and myself to a
meeting wIth Cardlnal Paulo Avarlslo Arns.
It was a remarkable
meetlng begun wlth "abracados", and filled wIth affectlon and mutual
respect. Cardlnal Arns 15 a maJor force for human flghts and care for
the poor In Braztl. He loves Jews and Judalsm, when a Jewlsh Journal.lst, H. Herzog, was ktlled by pollee, Cardlnal Arns sponsored a
memortal servtce In the Cathedral and an estImated 100,OOU people
turned out. We proposed that a conference be held In Sao Paulo around
October 1985 to mark the 20th anntversary of Vattcan Councll II's
declaratIon on Cathollc-Jewlsh relatIons. He accepted at once, and
sald he would partlcipate.
On that same day, August 9, we met WIth the National Conference
of 8razL!ian CathoLIC Bishops, led by BIShop Dam Sinesio Bohn, the
National CommlsSlon on Cathollc-Jewish Relatlons, and the Slsters of
The next day, at a very movlng meetlng wlth the Secretary
Ceneral of the Nahonal Conference of Catholtc Blshops, Dam
Luctano Pedro Mendes de AlmeIda, held \n the hc:me of Rabbl. Sobel, we
discussed the general state of Cathollc-Jewish relattons 1n Braz11,
ant1-Sem1t1sm and the role of the church in combattlng tt, and
relations WIth Israel. There was a universally POSitive and sympathetIC response to all our concerns and a wlilingness to cooperate
in programs that we proposed.
At both meetlngs there was agreement to JOln In sponsonng an
October 1985 conference on Vattcan Councli II and Cathollc-Jewlsh
relattons With promtses of full and actlve parttCtpation. We were
glven a maJor study of BraZilian catechetlcal materlals Just completed
on "The Image of Jews Ln CatholLc CatechetLcs." (Jacobo has Lt, we
plan to have It translated and determLne how we can have 1t used most
effectLvely In BraZiL.>
In general, virtually every meet Lng In BraZLI could not have been
more grat Lfy ing, especuUy in terms of tachlLs 1n progr.crn POSS1 bLIItles for AJC and the local JeWIsh communItIes.
Both the general, CatholIC and Jew1sh medIa couLd not have been
more generous tn covertng our VIs1t, meetlngs, and speeches. (Rolf
Hertzberg, Just before we left, asked If we could use h1S serVIces as
AJC representative In Braztl. We need to conSIder.)
On BrazIt, in sum, we come to the follOWIng conclUSionS:
On a pollttcal level, we need to explore how we can take
advantage of the good state of relat ions between BraZIL and
the U.S. to try to counter, 1n however mInImal ways, the
1 ncreas 1 n9 stranglehold Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and to a lesser
extent, L1bya, have on BraZll's Mtddle East pollcy. , I have
no Ulusions about the posslbllity of success, rut we need
to talk to the Brazi t Lan desk of the State Department,
perhaps sOllIe U.S. Industnahsts, and others, and see what
possibilities there arej
contact wLth
BraZl.llan government
offlciaLs in the U.S. and at the U. N. to ex.plore the
possibilities of Improving t.Les;
We need to strengthen our working relatlonships with the
JeWIsh communal and religious LeadershIp who are frIendly
and open to cooperatlon with Ale;
We need to move quickly to follow-up with all the CatholIC
authorlties we met and implement the program coomltments
they gave us;
We need to strengthen Jacobo Kovadloff' 5 abIhty to reach
the press, radlo and TV to hLS SpaOlsh (Portuguese) materlals whICh they received with such openness,
We need to cultivate ties wIth speclal indIvlduals of major
influence and fInancial resources, such as, Israel Klabln of
Rio; Leon feffer of Sao Paulo; and Adolfo Bloch of RIO.
Jacobo Kovadloff and I arrived In Buenos Alres on Tuesday, August
14 (followlng a two-day stay in MonteVIdeo, Uruguay -- more about that
later) and stayed untl.l Saturday, August 18 (Jacobo stayed on for
several days for follow-up and personal matters.)
My fust ImpreSSIon of Buenos Alres is that It IS a European
city. I regularly felt that I was walkIng through Parls, MadrId or
London. Argentlna was settled predomInantly by Spanish and ItalIan
immlgrants, with later admixtures of British, European (West and
East), and some 500,000 Syrian, Lebanese, and other Mlddle Eastern
Dr. COhen-Imach, president of DAIA (the Central Jewlsh Federat i on) and Dr. LUIS Perlmuter, presldent of AMIA (the central JeWIsh
educational and cultural agency), told us that Argentina has a
population of 29.6 milllon; sane 10 mIllIon reside In sprawlIng
metropolItan Buenos AIres. The Jewlsh populatlon of Buenos AIres
numbers about 230,000 people, and there are some 7U,000 ~ews scattered
I n the provinces.
Europeans constltute 97% of the populatlon, and 92$ of them are
identlfied as Roman Cathollc (Protestants are 2%, Jews 2%).
the second largest c(lUntry
LatIn Amenca, after
BrazIL, and the elghth largest 1n the world. One-thlrd of ArgentIna's
populatIon resldes In Buenos Atres, making It the focus of national
it fe.
The pampas (the rich, temperate pLaIns) WhiCh stretch from Buenos
AIres through east-central Argentina, are among the richest farmlands
In the world and year-round pasturage for Its famed cattle lndustry.
ArgentIna ts one of the Largest exporters of foodstuffs 1n the world.
As everyone knows, Argentlna 15 in deep economIC trouble desplte
its great national wealth. Fran the tIme of the mLhtary coup 1n 1943
led by Army Colonel Juan DomIngo Peron (1897-1974) whlch ousted
constitutIonal government, Argentina has gone through a roller-coaster
of mliitary coups and Violent pol1tlcal upheaval which has been a
disaster on many levels -- an unstable economy, vlrtual CIV1I war
between left and rlght, repression of human rIghts ~ the milltary
Junta that took over from Isabel Peron In March 1976, the defeat of
the mIlItary 1n the Falklands/Malvlnas crlslS, the Beagle Channel
conflict with Chile.
Argentlna has a GNP of $53 bllllon (contrasted wlth Brazll's ~295
btllion) and 35' lS based on Industry (food proceSSIng, motor vehlcles, text1les, chemlcals, etc.); AgrIculture, 13.7\, and Trade -Exports $7.6 bllllon, imports $5.4 btlhon.
Argentina obtalns about 20-22\ of ItS Imports fran the USA
amounting to Sl.2 blllion (out of $5.4 btlhon). In 1983, Argentlna
exported $7.6 blllion In goods and servlces, $974.6 mIllIon went to
the USA, representlng about 13.2' of the country's total exports.
Argentina has been plagued by inflatlon for decades, With Its
1984 rate settIng a new record for the country -- about 600~. Its
foreign debt lS now estimated at more than $40 billton.
On December 10, 1983, Raul Alfonsln, leader of the Radlcal Party
(ldeologically social democratlc) was lnaugurated President of
Argentlna. Hls commltment to return the country to democracy, bnng
to account the m1lltary Junta that violated human nghts, and In
general to restore a reg1me of law and due process became a shot heard
and felt throughout Latin America.
On Thursday, August 16, Jacobo Kovadloff and I had the priVilege
of a private audIence wlth Prestdent Alfonsin In the Cas a Rosada (the
Presldent's Plnk House). The day before, we had an hour-long meetIng
WIth hIS ForeIgn MInlster Dante Caputo (whom AJC offlcers had earlIer
met In New York on Apnl 9).
P~lor to our meeting wlth Alfonsln and Caputo, we met wIth U.S.
Ambassador frank Ortiz and Polttlcal Counselor Anthony Polito at the
U.S. Embassy (arranged by the U.S. State Department LatIn Amencan
Ambassdor Ortlz, an impreSSive long-tIme forelgn serVIce officer,
was friendly and candid. He told us (confldentially) that he thInks
Alfonsln is a good man, deeply moral, and genUinely conmltted to
democracy and human rights. But the polItlcal sltuatlon IS so complicated, Ortiz sald, -- with pressures from the Pe[', the
mIlItary, the labor unions, the strong human fIghts groups -- that
AlfonSln has not been able to take the decIsIve pOSItlons on the
econony, and that could be hIS undOlng. Thus, he noted, the ArgentIne
government loses a million dollars a day In SUbSldlzlng aIrlIne and
other fon.s of transpo['tation.
Unless It curtaIls such runaway
expendItures and p['actlces greater austerIty, WIthIn a year or earlIer
the inflatIon rate wll1 soar to one thousand percent.
No government can surVIve WIth an econOOly so impertled, Ortiz
said. Up tIll now, Alfonsin's people have been blamIng AmerIcd's hIgh
Interest rates and have been aVOIdIng "biting the bullet" In takIng
charge of their economy. If the econCllllc Issues are not dealt WIth
decisively and soon, he added, he fears that all the hopes for
constItutIonal democracy and human rIghts could collapse (Goo
forbId l ),
Ortiz nevertheless said that It .as Important that we encourage
Alfonsln's movement to democracy and human rlghts; WIth all hIS
complex problems, he needs that support.
President Alfonsin made a strong, pOSItive ImpressIon on us for
his warmth, dIrectness and sincerIty. We told hlm about AJC's support
of constitutIonal democracy and human rlghts SInce our foundIng, and
told hIm that PreSIdent FrIedman and our officers have made numerous
public declaratIons welcoming hIS electIon and the pnnc.lples of
liberty and CIvil and polItical liberties for WhICh he stood.
We then told hlm that on hIS next VISIt to New York, the AJC
would like to present its Human Rights Award to him. He was genUInely
moved and said he was honored to accept. He would let us know when he
plans to visit the U.S. and would work out hIS schedule to be WIth AJC
for the award. (We wanted to work that out durIng hIS Sept. 24-l5
VIsit to the lJII General Assembly, but hIS schedule for our meetIng IS
impossIble. We do have his CClTDllltment for a later date.)
We then dIscussed our concerns over two JeWIsh Issues: a) the
proposed law outlaWIng anti-Semltism and other forms of dlSCrtminatlon; and b) Argentina's supportIng anti-Israel resolutlons
introduced by Arab nations at Geneva last March.
On the fust, he told us that he had Just approved a text
outlawing dntl-Semi t.lsm and makIng anll-Jewish act tons pUnishable by
crimlnal law; he urged us to obtaIn a copy of the teJtt fran hIS
advisor, legal counselor NIno (a Jew whom we later met In hlS buIldlng
and who gave Jacobo a COPYi we were the fIrst Jewlsh agency to have It
and Jacobo gave a copy to DAIA's presldent). The law has SInce been
introduced to the Parliament for debate. (Jacobo 15 watching thIS
carefully and we will respond to It when adopted.)
On Israel, he repeated what Caputo told us. "The vote was a
mistake. We WIll not allow politics In the MIddle East confllct to
affect our votes on human rlghts Issues.
We WIll vote on lssues
affecting Israel based on then merlts and not on the baS1S of
preconcel ved alignments or blackma 11. II
While he sald Argentlna is part of the "non-allgned bloc," 1t is
determlned together With MexICO, Colombia, and Venezuela to become
I1genuinely non-aligned and not allgned tn one dlrectlon only" (meamng
the Sovlet-Thud World bloc.) We strongly welcaned that polLcy
As a predo,unantly European country, we felt 1n our dISCUSSIon
that Al fonSln sees himself oriented toward the West and the USA. At
the same time, he IS reaching out to establ1sh econanlC relatIons With
the USSR, ChIna, African and ASIan countries (as Brazll is d01ng).
Wlth Caputo, we had a longer, easy, and frlenoly conversat10n.
We dIscussed the same Issues that we talked about WIth Alfoos1n, and
got pretty much the same answers.
"We w111 not have knee-Jerk
anti- Israel pos i tlons, II he told us.
At this pOlnt I got ftrm and he got a llttle uneasy when I satd
that he has been sayIng thlngs like thIS to Jewlsh leaders for nIne
months now and the t Ime has come to see those vlewS expressed 1n
action at the UN and at other Internatlonal bodles.
Unless that
happens, the Alfonsln government's credlblhty wlll collapse In the
JeWish community and that will be bad for all of us. I referred to
the population conference then being held 1n MeXICO, w1th the PLO and
theLr thIrd world supporters holding a gun at the head of the International community, and preventIng the world from deallng With ItS
massive human problems of economy, hunger, refugees -- unless they
capitulate to the PLO-Arab view. Caputo acknowledged that as a seriOUS
threat and he said we wlll soon see changes In ArgentIna's POSltionS.
We told hIm we will look forward to that.
On Thursday morning, August 16, we had simllar dlSCUSSlons wlth
Or. Adolfo Gass, chairman of the Senate Forelgn Relations Commlttee (a
geshmakeh Jew), and on Tuesday evenIng, WIth Or. Lee Pugltese,
chairman of the Chamber of Oeputles.
It 15 clear from all these conversatIons that there 15 much
sympathy for our Views and concerns, they WIll try to do ftght by Jews
and by Israel; they are deeply dependent on Amenca's gOodW111 to
solve their crushing economIc problems, and that they see AmerIcan
Jews, part lculady "the powerful" AJC as a potential lmportant fnend
and all)'; but that they are also walklng a tIghtrope polItIcally while
trying to cope with all the strong internal polltical pressures.
We left with each of the government people we met copies of our
aide-memoLres on "Anti-Jewlsh HostILIty at the UN," "Antl-Se'n1tlstn In
the Soviet Union," which they all pranised to study.
Argentine Jewl$h Community
1n Buenos Aires
DAIA, the representative Jewlsh
wanted them to understand why we
was to be canplementary and supwe had no lntention to supplant
We dell berately met on our fust day of arrival
wlth the steering commlttee of the
body headed by Or. Cohen-Imach. We
came to ArgentIna, that our miSSl(lfl
portive of their efforts, and that
their spOkesmanship on Jewish lssues.
Their response was immediate and afflrmlng. They qUlckly began
discussing substantlve issues about antl-Semitism in ArgentIna, the
need for a law (WhICh had not been forthcomIng), the antI-Israel
votes. Then they asked us to represent these Vl.ews to AlfonSln and
Caputo because they felt for the powerful AJC to do thl.s would
reinforce thelr position, espeClally since Argentina needed U.S. ald
and support so desperately. It was a wonderfully positlve meeting.
They asked us to inform them about what happened at our meetings WIth
Alfonsin and Caputo and we did (for whlch they were additlonally
It is evident that DAIA is stlll rocklng under the attacks that
they did not do enough to help the Jews who disappeared (desaparecidos) under the mliltary, and they welcomed our constructive
outreach to them.
They told us that anti-Semitlsm has declined under the AlfonSln
regime, but they believe the antI-SemItIc persons and groups remaln
intact waiting to act out agaIn when the tlme IS ripe. They attach
much importance to the enactment of a law outlawIng antl-Semitism with
crIminal punishments.
On August 16, at 11 a . m., we met with LUIS Perlmuter and the AMIA
board. They gave us a rather canplete overVlew of thelr activ1.tles 1.n
education, Jewish culture, relIgIon, and social welfare serVIces,
especially for the Jewish poor and elderly. It IS a most
Clearly there are many internal Jewish problems -- ['Haines
between the Orthodox rabbinate and the Conservatlve RabblOlcal
Seminary; the DAIA elections based on Israel! party hnes, whlch seem
hopelessly Inappropriate and anachronistIC; the central role of the
Israelt Embassy In shaplng internal Jewish polLcles.
Those reqUire a
full diSCUSSIon of lts own.
I lectured at the Post-Graduate Faculty of the UnIverSity of
Belgrano (Aug. 15), the Centro Cultural San Martin (Aug. 16), and
preached at the Congregacion Israel Ita de la Republlca ArgentIna (Aug.
17). I trled to make connections between Jewlsh values ana tdeals and
contemporary human problems, and was gratified by the warm response.
Both the university and the San Martln center InvIted me to cane back
to dellver "a cycle of lectures."
Catholic-Jewish Relations
We met wlth Archbishop AntonIO Quarraclno, who 1S one of the
heads of the ArgentInian church but who 15 also president of the Lat1n
American Conference of Cathollc B15hops (C£LAM's) at hIS office. He
15 a longt hae frIend of Jacobo's and we gave hIm a receptIon last
February at AJC In New York.
He greeted us lIke brothers, WIth
embraces and kisses.
We reVIewed the present condItion of Cathollc-Jewish relatIons.
He said that while they are good, there is really very llttle contact
on any ongoing bas1s between Catholics and Jews In Buenos Aues. We
proposed the holdIng of a conference wlth C£LAH co-sponsored by AJe's
Latln AmerIcan off1ce. He saId he was eager to do so, espec1ally
Slnce next year is the 20th annlversary of Vatlcan Councll 11.
But then, he saId, almost dramatIcally: "You must reopen your
offIce In Buenos Aires. It 15 difficult for me to sponsor a conference with an American group that has no presence here. You must
ccrne back."
He told us he was running a small conference WIth the World
Jewish Congress' Latin American branch (5 CatholIcs, 5 Jews) but that
he really wants to run a continent-Wide conference under ([LAM wlth
the AJC. We told him that thlS Is an lmportant polley questIon for
AJC and that we are now giving it serlOUS thought. In the meantlme,
we are prepared to do what Is necessary to co-sponsor the CI:LAt1
conference, either 1n Colombia (CELAH'S headquarters) or 1n Buenos
He asked us to send hlm a proposed program outlIne and we
pranlSed to do so.
On Friday night, GUlllermo and Amaha Polack, presldent of the
Congregaclon and of WIZO, respectively, gave a lovely receptIon 1n our
honor at their home. I had another long conversatIon WIth IsraelI
Ambassador Dov Schmorak (whom we met on Aug. 15) who felt our VISItS
especially with Alfons!n and Caputo were very Important for ArgentIne
Jewry and for Israel.
Especially 1nteresting, was the presence of the Phlllpplne
Ambassador to the EEC, an elegant lady, who IS the chan of the
steerlng commIttee of the NaLrobl women's conference. Amalla Polack,
an Lmpressive person, Informed us of the strong interventions she made
WIth the PhLlippine ambassador in order to counter antI-Israel
act1vIty at Nairobi. AmalIa asked us to send her any materlals we
have on Na~rob~ that she could dlsseminate to her contacts. Also
present was Supreme Court Justice, Or. Carlos Fyat, a yood f['lend of
Jews and of Israel.
On ArgentIna, In SlIlI:
We have a role to play In USIng our Amerlcan Influence to
Impact on the Alfons1n Government's attItudes and polICIes
toward ArgentIn1an Jewry and Israel;
We can strengthen our programmatIc bonds WIth OAIA and AMlA,
which I now belleve wIll be welcomed;
We can play a unIque role In sponsorIng conferences at
unIVersltIes in Buenos ALres on pluralIsm and hlJTlan nghts
for wh~ch we now have InVItatIons;
We have an Important role to play with our frIends In the
Roman Catholic Church in help1ng them counter antI-SemItIsm
and strengthen POSItIve attitudes toward Jews, Ju~alsm and
Jacobo and I arrived on Montevldeo on August 13, and spent a
non-stop gruelIng day of meetings and conferences untIl 1 a.m. the
next nIght.
Uruguay ~s a small but ~nterestlng country. Out of a general
of nearly three million people, ~t has a JewIsh populatIon
numbering about 30,000.
Like Argentina, it IS also very much European, 85$ white (2)~
Itallan), 5~10S mestlZo, 3-5$ black.
Roman Cathoilcs are 66\,
Protestants 2S, Jews, 2S, nonprofesslng estlmated at 30S. Uruguay,
unlIke Argentlna and Brazil, has complete separatIon of church and
state, and the CatholIC church plays a receSSIVe role 10 public
Of lts 59.4 billIon GNP, 40' of Its exports are wool and meat.
It is a predominantly agrLcultural SOCIety, seeking to develop
Dominated by a mllitary junta SInce 1977, Uruguay went through a
virtual civil war between the Tupamaros guerrillas and the mILItary
government with heavy violatlon of human fights and much repressIon.
As we were In MonteVIdeo, the SOCiety was preparing itself for a
transformatlon from ~111tary rule to a democratic election.
In ou~ meetlngs with the heads of the Uruguayan Jewlsh communIty
and the abrasive Israeli ambassador, we were told that relat lons
between Uruguay and Israel could not be better. There 15 substantul
trade (Israel buys $Z5 mlll ton a year tn meats), Uruguay lAIys only $3
million in technical supplies but efforts are being made to Improve
that. There are exchanges of dIplomatIC V\SltS and cultural exchanges. But Uruguayan Jews are uncomfortable about the COZIness WIth
the military Junta.
There is a very high rate of allyah to Israel -- Slnce 1948, some
There is growing Intermarrlage.
Jews are not very confident about the future.
12,000 Jews have emigrated to Israel.
Should the Blanco party defeat the rullng ColoradO party Whlch 15
so friendly to Israel, Jews also worry whether there wlll be any shift
in pollcy toward a more "th1rd world" pollcy.
While we had
editors of the major
particularly to help
neighbors which were
good meetings with U.S. Ambassador Aranda and
dailles, the Montevidean JeWish leaders wanted us
them organize their contacts w1th thelr ChristIan
VIrtually non-eXIstent.
At a meeting called by Dr. Pedro Sclofsky and JU110 Benslon, 1
addressed a large meeting of Catholics, Protestants, Evangellcals and
Jews -- the largest turnout they ever had, they told me. That Olgllt
they proceeded to organize a Conference of ChrIstians and Jews.
They asked for our contlnued contact and help and we promlsed to
respond positlvely.
Beyond the spec! flc Implicatlons for AJe' 5 future program
activity in South Ame~lca that have been suggested earlier tn thIS
report, there is the large over-arching issue: should AJC reopen Its
South American office In Buenos Aires?
On several occaSIons, Argentine government offIcials have inVIted
In addItion, as
this report Indicates, leaders of Jewish communIties In ArgentIna,
Brazil, and Uruguay have asked us to return to Buenos Aires. CatholIC
AJe to return and have pledged thelr cooperatIon.
church officials clearly have welcomed our return as a program
I am now persuaded that AJe should give positIve conSIderatIon to
taking that step. The question Is what form should our return lake?
Should it be a modest office with a cocrespondent working under Jacobo
Kovadloff' s dit'ect~on in New York? Should Jacobo be encouraged to
Should it be a maJor staff person with a strong
administrative operation to service South American Jewry (and world
Jewry) in distinctive ways?
These are questions that AJCts International Affairs Commission
will now have to consider and present to the officers and Board of
Governors for determination.
September 20, 1984
EI rabmo Or Marc H
Tanenbaum, durante la
Vlslta que reallzara a
nuestra dJreccu,n
B.. DIA Recibio
la Visits
Del Dr. Tanenbaum
El pasado lunes EL OIA se
haolO con Iii vlslta del director
del Deparlamento de RelacloneS' Internaclonales del
American Jewish Committee
raclna Dr
Marc H
que departlO arnaDIII'-
me"t .. eOn nue:stro director
Rafael Noboa y lo s redactores
polilicos 51 Horaclo GarCia
Mendez y Mario Rebllffel
Fundado en 1906 el American Jewish Committee es una
de las m<1l' Imporlanles oroan,zaClones eXlstentes en Estados Un,dos en malena de
de/echos hl/manos 5, bien
tlene como mls.On bASICii la
de combatlr Iii Inloleranel" y
proleger los dereches elYlles
~ reilOloSOS de los luClIDS promueve a nlYel mundlal el meloram'anto da las ralac,ones
entre todos los pul!blos en
aras de la toleranc,a. y el respelO Clue debe e~'SIIl entre
EI Dr Tanenbaum as Sin du
da una deslacada personal!da(l y as conslderado en su
pa,s uno de lOS m.lis competenles dll'Qentes rellQlo sos
de ta aCluahdad Posee un lar110 y dlSl'n~u,do CU((lcutum en
ta (lefansa de lo s derechos
humanos la prolecc,6n de 109
relu~,ados y en general todos
los problemas Clue afectan de
una manera u otra la vida (lei
Su ~lfa por eslas lalltudes
amencanas obedece a su Cleseo de conocer personalmente la real,dad de nuestros
pa,ses y tomar as, conoCIm'enlO dlleCIO de las s'
luac,ones Clue hOy ,mperan en
esta parle del mundo
E~pllc6 la forma en aue generalmenle se Irala de actuar
para la soluel6n de problemas
entre grupos ra(l ,calmente anlagon,slas de dlferentes fllo
sof,as relLg'osaS
oeufrlO rec,enlemenla an la
Ind,a donde tropas del QOb,erno deb,eron Iralnrse en
combale con los m'embros de
laseeta da los sh '~s (le 10 que
lamenlablemenle resultO una
cruenta batal'a
La orgamzac,on a la que
pertenece el Dr Tanenbaum
Irata s,empre (le desp e rtar la
alenc,6n mund'al sobre
hechos que a su IU'C'O re
Qu,eren la Intervenc,On exlerna en forma cje una acc,On
concertacja que pres,one
sobre 01 gob'erno -caso cje
In<l,a- 0 sobre las autofldades locales para defender los
(lerechos humanos Que sa
ven amenazados
Ta mendo en cuenta la reahdad de tanlos pa,ses ospeCIIllmente en algunas partes
de AfrIca y el tremen(lo movlm,ento de relug,ados Que
puade orlglna,sa cua"do la
ouerra 0 la vlolencla Inlerna
promueven la hu,da de
aUlenes ven iOU9 v,das amflnazadas fll Dr
a",m6 la naces'dad de unil acc,6" concertada para ev,tar
estas verd.deru IraQedlas
Nuastro d,sllnQu,do v'sitanIe asluvo acompatlado en la
ocaSl6n por fli Sr Isaac Hu.lin
Nahm,as d,reclor Qeneral del
Com,ltI Cenlral Israeilla del
Uruguay y por el Sr Ja.cot,",
Kova.dlol d"eClor del So\,l'~
American Affalls and SP4Im~r
August 1~, 1984
Montevideo, Uruguay
La Realidod Judia en EE.UU.
Vista por el Dr. Tanenbaum
D",._ 110 brw. "lilt. ,...Uad• • Mom-L
dao por .1 DINCtw d.1 CkpelUm'nto de ~
cion.. Intw,.,.c: ...... I.. d., Am .... cafI J .......
CommlttH, ,.blno Dr M.~ H T'IIInN"m, EL
PAIS IUVO opomnld.d III dl.lqllr c:cIn ., vtf,L
tantl sob ... dl..,._ d. I. func:l6n l1li_
d• • mp."" ~ III I. rnllct.4 lufl• •n los ....
tadot Ullldlll ... I!IO& .1 Amerh:all <J_I.h C-mlttet OS II orpnlnc:l6n plonere en los ~cIot
Unldlll an m.rl. 4. d.ret" ....... m.nos au mL
lIOn n la dlt c:,"",bltlr la rntoll,.nc:1a, p~,
las dlrec:hos dylles y ...1181050. 1M los
.111 y en .1 extulor y pramov., .. mal_.
mt,ntG d. I.. ",1.c:Iona h"'m..... em... todOIt
'011 pueblo. cltl mllllllo,
EI Dr, T.n.lIlNlul'fl, un ttomb'" 1M lIdad m..
dllnl y paiD Intrec:lno. tan a.poc:to mh btwn
dIo 'JKutlyo IntlmKlonll, .. 101111 perwon.11dtd
dllttcad., ....Ido c:omo uno d. lot dl.. dirt.
11m.. ".II,tOlOl nortlllmlnca_ m" 'nfl~
t ... y .... PII..:Ios. en unl ancvlSta 1I.c:10II.I1.
OtI.nta UII. I.,.. Y d"'llIlIIllI. ca"..... lila.
tlonld. ton las dsrec:llol h",mln01l I ntv.1 IIIW•
.,.clo,"I. y on tems. rallttvos e 1«1 ",fvatlda..
.1 h.mbre en el mundo, y till I'I'.clone. ....
rlor ... prestldo Importtntes " " ' _
nlo. .1Ib II Con'I'IIO d. Etttd01l Ual_ ..oN
En reapu"•• la preaunte sobr• •, mottve
da au aI" pOr Arntl'1C1 L.tlna, .1 D,. T I _
blu", respond. "qUO .1 hebe,.. hKllo C:II'8O dtI
Dpto dl Rel.c:lonas Ellterlo.... d.1 ComIU. hi
qUirldo palper d. c:e~ I.. ".elld.d. . . nMI
,..c:10II.1 y d, I. colectlvldad Judi. como O,r",...
paso p.,. un duempello ellt., dl .... tern, ~
QU, 110 es 10 mlsmo lilli' 10 qua ocur,. '" un
pal. qUI vlvlrlo d. eerc:t" d • • 110 " la Informacl4n fretrmented.
, '1111 dlo IUCar lin. ent",tata ".lIndl It! E~
tadas Unldos po~ ""e....o dol Am.,lcan Jewish
CommlttOl respec:to •
mlnorr.. 4lnlc.. J ....
dlos. n.,ras. cal6Uc:oa, ot<: "n IS• • f.
"EI "'111;\10 e~. tomparatlvo" .flrm6 Tln.n.
baum, ''sln ember,o .ll\Inas Pllblfcaelon . . . p••
reellron rtStrln,ld. . . les I",dlos y con 101 _.
t",dlot hlc"os pa• •1 A..IC dl,lo,.IOII.dOl"
"En las Est"dOl Unldo. hy mlo. de 100 n~
mllltlml)lonulas, como, Pllvls Po'
el.mplo 51 •• 10m. la estadt.tlca )' la dlc • .alo
110, no IIfI Ind,carl. el torrlble problem. d" la
OObl'lll entre los nqros qUI ",present. el 50'1.
d. los d_upedos en I" ml),orll dl la, n ..
cion.. Im.rlcanl.·
...;;lEn 11116 . .lNIn dl. . A_d.. _
"La tVllllrll )' ,. edllc.cl6n Ion .1,0 lin .,.,.1.
. .do ."tre los '",dlol que 10 remonl.n 0 los
orlll.n.. d" I. BIbll. Plre "p~"ndorla ere n~
t ..,,10 le,,11 P • • 111 .n
el ludlo h. per·
u..,.,.do. y dej.ndo d. lado dl$trI Ctlon" ha
prOCU,.do m"jo,.r 1101 nlvel Intelectual y acad"
mlto L. m.yorl. d • •lIes Ion promlollalOi 0
"mpres.rlos Independlentu",
-lCu" _ ,. .....cl6n d. I.. ludl.. cen Jt
'Y lal fln.rares'
, Los ludlD:l Ion letlves .n lI",bas, PI" te.
nlendo an cuenta un I5lud,o realludo PO' "For.
tune SO'. ,e\lll" espeelalluda en llrandol 111.
dUllrl •• )' co",oredones muilln.clonal". que .on
I•• IIIU" dlrl."" I. economl. ""I.. dollnld"ns. nos
.nconl~lmos con 'lUll "n el "ltlmo 1110
nl. 500 1610 hlbl. Z Judlal EI eomerelo y In
flnllUll estin eseneiliment. en ITIIInOI d" pro.
udonel. I"Slo s.lo". Los ludles no son \In
dorn,nllntea tOmO III los qvl" ... lI.cor 'P"rsetr
T'enon In"u!!ncl.. pero ... o e. 10 .proplldo y
EI rablno Nfadounl$rtN tJt
Tenab,um con nu8ltto Dlf8Ofo1
Mllltfn Aguirre
11,11'&<1 da Ie n.lurallZ. propll d. I. _Itdld
.mo"'cana Dlterant.. llrupos on dlfl".nt.. "'0mentoI " med,d. que IIclendoll .n I. neel.
oc:on6mleo, Illment.n 11,1 Intlu.nola OOlltlca,
-,CoS",o .. Intcran Judi.. y er1ltlt,.., lHoy
aleiln rlCl'luof
AI contra rio La .... 1.cl6n ent .... los IIIdlO5 )'
los e.I." on05 on ESI.dos Unldos nunca hi lidoo
n'''lOr A partir del Concilio II d.
1965, )' m. n::ed II d'''080 Y trebaJo conJunlO In
p~oblomu SOCIIlIII com lines tenemos ralltlon ..
formel"" con elt6rTc:ot. prolestant.., ancllc:a1lOll
'1 "v.. ng6I1tcno en lodes 1.1 eilldadll, EI ;)rob'"
mo t.lve>: se .. al revta, qvo oomos d.m •• llu
bien oceplados Hay muchos ludlO5 que .qlll • ....,
.b"ndonar I. c:omunld.d y .,.Imll ...... 4O"Jo d.
los easamlenlos se hacen ont.o Illdfos )' trJ~
llanos Eso Indle. qU" ,I "ntl· tlln.
lin nlv", mil)' balo Lo •• nto 1'10 •• tan ton
olgllien qUi 'Odla Los ludlos lIOn Plrfec:temeoto
-,Deurr. 10 mlomo .1 ~f
• Por supueslo lnleruan las cualldad.. "r.
sonale.. no h. _liquet. qVO IIOVln Ello podrl.
trearnos lin problema '11,1. es el d. penter t.
comunld.d pe .. .,. una 1"'"DI1lnl. pili. d.
"'Id, nel. II nlvel de elenelas socii III, QU. I.
rellelOn .nlre lvdlos '1 erostrenos ectlo en lin .Ito
nlv.1 d. 'IISP"O mutuo y aeeplatl6n
_Una IIltlm. p,...untl. listed .. rtlelp6 lit I.
pri", ••, .udl_Ia d. dlripntos ludl_ cen .1
Papa JUln Pablo" De IId,r ......1_ • !ld...
,..11.1010 lQII' Imprul6ft Ie praduJ07
• Es un hombre QU. Imprnlon • • norm.mlnte
Sin IU8e~ • dud,. una '"u.a IntelOCIUII Impo,.
tant. Uno ."parlment. en Intells.nelo .1 ton.
ven . ~ c:on 61
DE SEPTiiilEiiMiiBiiRE_DiiEiii19ii84iiiiiii_ _.0.,.y,.t.~
Reunion con el Presidente
de Argentina
NUEVA YORK - El presldente
de Atgentma. Raul Alfons(o,
.. merece todD nuestro apoyo
P!~C~CO ~ dijO
Tanenbaum,aI comentar 50bre
las unpreslOnes de un Vl8Je reahzado en la segunda semana de
este mes, dlJo que el proceso de
democratlzac16n de la Argentma
ha temdo Impacto en "Brasil,
Uruguay y ottos paises latInoa-
Tanembaum mform6 que co-
mumcO al presldente argentmo
su ImpreslOn de que el pueblo
delos Estados UDldos "Ie bnnda
su apoyo en los esfuerzos para
restaurar la democracta" Agreg6 que mlentras Alfonsfn lueha
con sus grandes problemas econOnucos"merece yneceSlta todD
nuestro apoyo moral y prActlco"
AgregO que se reumO con el
presldente argeounD y con el
canciller. Dante Caputo, para ms.
cutIr el proyecto de ley probJblendo la discnmmacI6n rac1Al
y rehglosa Tanembaum dlJO
haber reclbldo segundades de
que el proyecto pronto sera
somelldo al Parlamento
IndteO Tanembaum que Arthur PereU'8 de CasnIho Neto,
secretano general del Mmlsteno de JUStlC:1a de Brasll,le mdtoo
que no sera. pemlltula la ImportacIOn"8 nuestro pals de la mtolerancl8 del confhcto del Medlo
ExpresO tamblen quele mantfestO al funclonano preocupacIOn por el hecho de que BraSIl,
armas, vende grandes canudades de eqUIPOS Mhcosa Iraq y a
ArablB. Saudlta OIJO que se Ie
pldlO a Pereira supervIsIOn
estrlcta para eVltar que esas
armas use transfonnen en un
chantaJe econOmlCO contra
Israel y en preslones polltlcas y
soctales contra los Judfos del
AgregO que expuso 8 vanos
funaonanos brasllet'los la preocupaclOn por una sene de aCCIOnes antIserrutas asf como otra
dlnguias contra el goblemo de
Israel reahzadas en Sao Paulo,
durante una conferencla de la
OrgaruzaclOn para la LIberaclOn
de PalestlDa
Tanenbaum dlJo que el Brasil
"esta pasando ahara por una
sene de camblos politIcos, econOmJcos y soc18les que pueden
mflwr senamente en las relaClones Norte-Sur y a11D en la paz
en el Onente MedlO"
Fmalmente Tanenbaum dtJo
que todos los estadouDidenses,
cnstIanos y ludios, deben conocer "a ese glgante dormldo
cuando el Brasll conuence a despertarse, nos afectara a todos"
$~OOAU\~@$ .
q ue el Ernbolodor de Israel, Nathonl el
Motalon y SU colego de los Estodo5 Un ldos,
thomas Aranda, reclbreran en sus respectryos
despochos 01 Robma Dr Morc H Ta nnenbaum y 01 penochsta Jacobo Kovod loff, b n ndondoles el Director de Asuntos Inte rnac,o-nales de l A merica n Jewish Comm ittee un V I Vida panorama de los reloClones ludeo-cnstlOnos en e l Mundo actual , que eston o van-
zonda IX'Sltlvamente. esforzondose muchos
Jero rquras cnstlo nos en cumpl., con 10 declarOClon voh cano " Nost ro Aela te". e n e l sentldo de respeto r 10 forma en que los JudlOs
se yen a SI mlsm os, que es 10 m elDr Mo nera
d e delar de la do este reotlpos que no cand lcen
con Ie reo lidod, 10 dlgn ldod y 10 e reat lv,dod
del pueblo y de l hombre Iud lOS
~ @ffil
~ @] ~ ~ Uil @ ~ @) ~©
Conoeiama. olga de 10 h.cldez, el conocl""ento '! II! e_perienCla del Ralrlno Tonnenbaum a troves de mucho. de IU. orticulos.
porte de 101 cuole."," en los uft.mos anos en " Semanor'a Hebreo" ConoeerIe personalmenre fue, pue., uno enorme satlsfacc.on y uno muy po"tIVO experiencio para nOlOtrOi. T'",e Mucho que ded, y sobe
como hacerlo
La oreshguo un imp.... l... ante curltculum
del cual .abrosole" entre mucho. de IU' respon.abllrdades, el d e Olfector de Asunt" Internaelonales del Com.te Judla Americana y
(lnterlormente su Director de A,UlltO. Inte"reilq.osas, mlembra fundodor dol Canute de (lnlace del Seeretorlado Vaheallo
sabre Reloclonel Judeo.Cat611coI, m.embra
del Com.te Judio Intorno"onol para COllsultag y de un Camire s imilar del
ConSOlO Mundlal de IgleSIaS (protestante.),
U"leo Robina observodor en 01 Conelho Vot,cano II. ", ..mbra del Com.te Asesar de 10
ComISlO" Pre'ldencial del Goblerno de los
U UU. sobre 01 Holocaulto, e Integrant. de'
Com,te de 'n"e.hgaelo" de los Derechos Humonos del E.tudNJ de Prlo"dades para 10 Decoda del 80 de fa A.oclaelOn de PolitiCO Ext.rlor de los E.tado. Unldo. y otras cargo. de
.. m,for Jerarquia
Su anfltrron local fue .1 Com,te Central israel.ta del Uruguay y pora 1010 un d,o y med ia se Ie preparo uno agenda, como nos dlJo ~
can humor, reolmente "antll enuta", -,Se me
qUlere matar oqui1 pregunto entre espantado,
reslgnodo '! ,.sueno Yo poco dOlpues de liegar el domingo de tarde tUYO una reunion
de- mas de tres horos ~on 10 ComlSlon para
los Relaclone. J'udeo-Cnl hanas del Comlte
Central Isroel,t,. en el genttl hogor del Dr
Pedro SdoCsky, Sccretono General del C.C I.
y su elposo, donde nOI relata .nteresonte. aspectos v 0plnlones de .u experlenCla en 10
matena ell 101 EE.UU. y en el mundo Tambien tuva e"euentros con 10 prensa
EI lunes de monona tuvlmOl el gUlto de
desayunar co., el Robina Tannenbaum y grabor'e U" re~rtaJe poro "SemonollO Hebreo"
en comooiiia de nuestTa apreclodo amigo, e'
pertOdllta Jacoba KovadfoH, dlreetar del De-
lr@l[fi][ffi@ [ru ~ CIDlill U1Ji1
partamonto Lottnoomerlcano, y mediaS en espanol del Comlte Judlo .Americana en Nuevo
York, que vlaJa Junto 01 Robina Tannenbaum
en esta ""ltO continental. A mbas hues pedes
fueron reelbldos par 10. EmbaJadorel de (1todos Unldo., Thomas Al'Clnda J de Israel,
Nathaniel Matalon y por el .A.rzoblSpo de
Montey,deo, Monseiior Carlos Porteh. a qUlen
el Robina Tannenbuum prelento SUI respeta.
y con qUlen converlo lobre las relaelanes judeo-eatoheas, que s e eltrechan en mutua
cooperaelon n nlvel mundlal, can Inte res en
canaceI' los de Monlonor Pcuteh e.
10 relaclonado can el ambito uruguayo,
AI medlodio hubo uno alamblco de dirt·
gentes de
coleetl".dad convocodo pOl' el
Camire Centrol Isroe hta en IU .ede. de mos
de dos horas, -respondlenda el Tannenbaum a muchos 0 Interesonte. preguntas que
Ie fueron formulodas, partlclpando mos torte en otro extenso reun.on, esta "eJ: can dignotauos de 10 Iqlesla Cotoheo, de d.yersas
Iglellos Protestant e., el Gran Robina Berman,
Rob,na Ktlpper y los Integrontes de 10 Comllion dcl C C.I. para las Reloelone. JudeaCrlstlanal ASlStleron olrededor de velnte persona'idodes Crtstlanos. entre ellal el Vlcepresldente de In ConferenCla Epllcopal Uruguo yo, Monsenor Jose Gotardl, el Padre Orlando
Romero y Leonel Verisllmo entre otros cot';'"
Ilco" el -Po l tar GUillermo MlloYon, 'I el Pastor Cesar Rodriguez Jourdan, director del Inst.tuto Eeumen.eo, entre mas flguras prGtestantes
En nue.tro proximo numero ofreceremos
mCis detqlles de lC's Impartantes act""dades
~ump"dos can mohyo de 10 presenCIO del Roblno Tannenbaum ., de J Kavodfoff Mlentros, queremos fe!tcltor 01 Comlte Central fs,oellta par su preporaclon de toda. 10. ochYldades senalodOI y 10 ef'Clente moydlzacu)'"
que ella reqult'o de su parte, I.endo de jushCIG menelonar en esc se nhdo 01 Vlce-presldente e" elerCICIO. Cr. JuliO Benluin. 01 Secretollo General Dr Pedro Sclofsky y 01 DIrector E,ecuh"o Sr. Isaac Hazan, qUlenel pel'sonlfleon el esfuerzo reahzada POI' dltlgentes
y funclona"os, COlt obnegaclon y allmllmo.
can gran elltto.
Buenos Ai res , Arg e nti na
Augus t 16 , 198 4
Bueaos AIres. jueves 1. de aaosto de 1"4
Caputo recibio a un
lider judeoamericano
lterpar!amoDl&na M_~ 10 cit los ,S dolepdos .. ,
dI:stlDtd c:omeDtel pollt1caS ntaroD ImI propoesta de Irak. ell Ia
euaJ • eoDdeDO • Israel par loa cIerechoI bomuoa '1 que, II bien Ie aDlIrII:I6 qae Ie babfaa
PreasI del Palacio Sao MartiD. teftot Albmo
TamI:Ile 1efta16 que bablaD taablado ClOG el
clllClller. rau del YOto upatlDo ell la reGu16n de Gmebra pol' . . . . . r . lIumaaoa.
aDeltro pals apoy6 aDa ~
_ _ Arab< .............. do lsi... par ..
coDColcaciOn de dlcboa del! 1'01 c.puto
-&jo- uplJc6 que habia lido ImI mala interpretaclOD de laa mstruccJoDeB emanadas de 11
Canctl1ena J que • pamr de la astmClOn del
los encit .... DO .. paecItD
aPoJar4 lI"pm
IIIlndtt!:ba9b:amaJIOa .msptradoI eo ldeaa poUbcas.
I.e apao eatoDceI eJ nbiD:! TaDtDbamn
qoe: IDa recieDtaDeIIte, en elll!DD de la UaI6D
AI &enDiDar 11 eutaevista., el YlSlt&Dte 1 el
duedor de AsuDtos s..damericaDoI de 11 eab·
dad, Jacobo Kodadloff, wocwahaGL ala ala
de ~ ac:ompabdr8 p:II' el darector de
Ez:plI06 Tanenbaum qae babla mamlestado
a1 _
eI beoopIioto do los l - aorteatnel"lCllHB 1 eI de otr'OIlfUPOI pot 1a trait.ClOD pKfIlCIl de- l1li aob:lfll'DO de facto • UIII
pbleroo democr,Ulto, como la qae Ie rqutr6
ttl la ArpatiDa
Ie'" IIIItraJeDdo •
, DO01 _
DaraDtt mAl de . . bon. eIbnv.yer eoe-el
.. IIC1ller. !lute ea..... 01 _
cit ReI&<
doDa Ldet
h ~ del ComiIt Jucbo NortHmenc&IIO, rabiDo Marc: Toecbaam, q1lIm
reaUza IIZI.I pa pol' s-d,mtrtea
absteaklo. DO blbla ocumdo esi
ADte este le6alamJeato. comeDt6 el repreIelltaDte de .. eDUdid jDdeoDOi l:eamencano,
el e&Ddlhr &J ae liDO Ie expres6 que lamentaba Is Idtuaa6D
recordo quela actatud de
los pulameotanos DO FUede Itr CODtrolada
par ~I pbiemo DaC10IIal
Por IllUmo Tneabao.m il1form6 que
Caputo, ~neDdo COlI npres81 IDStrucClODeS de AlfoaIm, hlbUI dLspoesto, "aaD •
costa de los iDcoDvauetltes que It pacheru
prexotar", qat 11 Ar&tntma: IIOSCeodrt qoe \
"los derecbol bumaDOS DO puedea aer cbscnmmadol pol' paJSel 0 bloques de palses". eo
todOilos faros doDde It presente e] tema
Buenos Aires, Argentina
August 16, 1984
Juevea 16 d. agolto d. 1984
Por un Error, i8. Argentina Condeno ia Politica Israeli, Afirmo Dante Caputo
EL nlblno
Marc Tanenbaum, director de
RelaClOnes Inlemac lonales del Comlte
Judlo-norteamerlcano, se entrevlSIO durdnte
una hora con cl caneiller Dante Caputo con
qUlen trato aspectos de la posIcion argcntlnll
sobre los derechos humanos y lit dl<;Crlmma
<-Ion racial AI termmo de la enirevista Td
nenbaum acompanadoporJacoboKovadloA
(lirettor de AsuntQl> Sudamcncanos de aque
Iia entldlld concurrlO a la sala de perlod_stas
de la caocillerl8 para dar detalles de la en
lrevlsta Informo que uno de los prlnClpatcs
tern a, tratados lue tJ de la actllud del delegado {ugentmo en 18 reunIOn rcailzada en
marzo por ia COllllSlondc Dercchos I-tumanos
de las Naelonc'! Unldas en Gmebra En
OC8"110n la Argentina vola favorablemcntc un
pro)'ccto dc rcsolucI6n presentado [lor los
itrabes que condcnaba cnerglcamente la po
hllca Israeli Segun la yerslOn de Tanem
baum, Caputo expllC() que el voto argentmo
favorable a la resoluclon habla sido un error
ya que se hablan dado mstrucelones para que
no se yoten favorablemente aquellas resolu
clones que mete Ian cuestlOnes pollheas con
lo~ dercchos humanos Tanenbaum lamb_en
~i'lalo que en una reC lcnte reunion de la
Union lnlerparlamentarla Mundlal Irak
habla presenlado una resolucI6n contra Is
rael la que hablaSldoyotada fayorablemente
por los 1$ representantes Bl'1.'entinos presente~, SI bIen se habIB dlcho que era una
abstcnclOn caputo respondlO que lanlenUtba
esc "'010, pero que 18 delegaclOn III> era parte
del goblerno, sino que "Ie trataba de una delegaclon de parlamentanos de ambos partldos
,. ::...
:Tn/o,...."a!tl/t) ..7J.AI/1
h HI''!,
n RacinG lIaro Tann.nb_
11er Caill.1to,
d. Rala-
cionn Intarno.cionalea d.el Amerioan JaNi8h
Com1 ttee f en v{aparas d, Dt,ll entfeVietal> c.t1cialsa con e1 preB1dan~B !lton.!n y 81 cancireclb1do an u.n9. a8e16n 118 10. com1816n direot1va de la DAI!..
Dsspu.b de las palabras da b1envanlc1a POl' parte del preeide"te de 1a DAIA,doctor Slon Cohen Imnch, a1 rabino Tar.nenbawD:"""i1,11an
nno acoJI.p.l.,nado por el. d!.rector de aBLlIltoa latlnoOamer1cano8 J...J.C pan. . :Jacobo lCovadlof'f'- saa.alo tQ"Itre otraa COSaB BI,l complace"lcla por hacer usc de 1a palabra en uno. ent1da.d COIllO la D.dIA,conoclaa internaclona.1.mente :t aprec1ada camo
eJemlJlo pdSa otraa ."tl.d.a.des 81mllarea en d1 vera as lc:tl tu.dee.
TranBcrlb1moe a continuac16n, 81 report~J. ~~
recido en Uundo Iaraelita(25.8.84),ef'ec'iuaWl por 81 per1o..lista A.r1el Ploehehuk.
contra la unica democracia,del Le~ante
• Lo. Judlo. Dort.eIJJlerl~·
DOS lie IUlaloen fehcrt por I.
recuperlcloll de II dem.ocrl
CII eD II ArleauD,,. ea 1.1
COl:I'yeUICIOnu que mlntu
ve COD el prelldlat.e AI
10n".11 y el uncIUer Capu&o
Its ellprue auesuo fume
lPOYO I lot es fueno. por
ef"nur ellOblcrao
tUCIODa) 1 el IInpeno de 101
DeH'C1UM HumeDOI Plro
Llmblen deJ" eD claro que
e'lt eipootJaeo la'belo ..
v Ina amlralmenw del.-lea'
tedo sI'Pttl"uer. elmeIpb
uble lporo de II Ar,entlnl
dClDocr"lcll _ VOLlC-IODn.
vlruhatlmeal.e eatllsrl'
ehe. o,que,Lldll pol" loa
pluel 'rabel Y .UI leC\lldore' oportu","''' ea loe foro.
lawrlllle.lIlnele. Uptlclal
!DenLt ea II UN La verdad
qUI ruuha iaeomptenllbl~
que Ull ,0blerDo democr'U
00 - co"'o ~ .urCldo fehz.
lrIt;nt.e ell 1. ArlentlDe P"~ .u elplldarlUO I propu'"
LoU burdlmtnu dJS.criaunl
tOfll.: ,ue \lea de" •
de51rUIl I I unlc' democr a
e'l es"t.cllt.e ea wdo el )Iedlo Orltntt como iii el Ee&a'i
do ~e ~~e.1
E,te. cILe,cr~c.. p. ~
lab,.1 f"eroD ea"nclldll.
con II ubll p,ec"lon que u
,u u,.c~n'tIC. por el f I
blno Mire
LIIull' ~ R.elICIQA.' ID-~
l~rnlclon&ll!lJ del A,menc.a1
J I<.,sb ~ommlu.c ... ~n UD
dl.logo u;.clu,,"o con M UN
mo. Informldo en unl edt
Cion .nlenor el nombrldo
dlrl,tnl.e ulu"o dill alr'l
tn Uti capiLli en ..u J)rlmt·
,. VI5IL1 • nue,lro pill
1C0mpitiado por el dlreeLOr
de lIunl.OI Illloolme"uno'
de d.ebo or,.nIlJJlo tl P9'j
nO,OlrOl b.eD lonocldo·
Jacobo KondJoff. qu •• a
lletle en 'u hlber una profl
CUI lflytctOtil el ·"er".eIO
de 1'$ C""IS InlOutuClonllu
en nuestro medlo'
EI rlblno T.ntnb.urn"
ua. 'I,ur. de u:le~ .nl.el per·.,
flld·e. 10, IhOli "lllvcle, dtl
"dulllo ]udeonortllmen:, Por .. formlcloo
J"d" ; 'tnhr (IVn,SUl
pr(.lp'O del e$plfl\1I C(.I"'VI
veneld de 101 Est.dol
Umdol - conceotr6 IU. ine •
yorel esfuenos eo el elmpo
del e.Q1e.fld.m.enLO .n .... reOD ~
- "'11
fUlonllyIe luehl contrll•• '
pffyenelOnt5 nh"asa. y rl
C1l1., en LOdI~ IUS form.s,.
alunl::U Rlsle record.,.
como lC,llmonlC de I, 1111 •
pon.ncll de .u ,eluDn ea
LID Itnllbiu esfera. aM
IIII~ como uoleo rabl_.!
eD eODdlci6n de 'Ob"~1
dor upl"cllJ" • III dthbe ...·
clones del Concilio VltlClnO
tJ I' 1I1lC,r6 1'1 pnmer &rupo
de dlrllentel JUcba. que
f"eron reClbldo' por e) piP'
J"an Plbl0 II • poeo d.
ssumlt II mllzunl )tlllur.
d .. III,le"e en61.c.
Esplntu lensible y ,biar- ,
LO I toil" I " recllmldo,,"
Judi" dup"e,. como e.
ob\ 10 por I " r .. span'lblb
dldes que conlin I • •
funelon .... unl In"'"" Ilbor
en ddensa de 11 Iml.11I •
In...,ndld de II VII!I judi"
)' no .61D en 1. U1II60 linD
-mb In, de lUI bon ... r ••• e.
Am"fic-latlnl. con 1'1 enf.
• II' col«ldo boy por hoy.
en I. clhente Ir,,1 (",nLto• Ime,ielnl que tembll", ..
proyect.a "ieoSible" eD ...
vi.u\1atlcI60 ,udl..
ND.s de eILtlft.r ell
LOJicel 1. re,onlnCIl que ft
breve vlli}ll deipeN ell
n"uUo media. LlnLO en II
'10\11&0 comun.LlrlO como.
JJlIS en II'
ufn" 8'Ub~rnllivls poilU
cal r eclesilluCI' E. ob
VIO, por 10 unto
penodlco entrcvllwre a)
huesped PI" reub., lUI
0pln.o,.., ,ob,e lUI ,el'
Uonu en I. mttropoll y COD
dens., SUi reneIlonel .obrl
11,uno, tem.I Dill que ICg'
Cllntel p.rl I, vldl Judll de
e.LI bora e,pecllltDealoe Q .
10 IOaellW Q comll ...
flldld 11- cebo dE"
c"elllro.a eqUI EJ rabl_
T_folieum. pt'st e 15111 md)·
I.(plel compromllOe y eu
.,endl llenl' d.o mllee
'd. preruenc •• II dl'lo,o COD
unl converslclCO It e:l
t.endui mucbo roh del uelD
po .u\lclJ.lmen&.e flJldo
'que e1 Impefltivo prlmor
cbal del dlrllent.l! J"d,o ..
eltrechu 11 c(lmunIC_c.6a
ICOD Dl1tstrO prnodllrDo".
,'HJlD .U U..c;,1 ... yer.·
t<"_ - (c~~i!i>\!a~"-"
(Tionl ell 1. p'aina anterior.)
que tltlnlnar toll ,I
challl.J' obUruccioll •• U
4,..bto en I.. ~onlere"cl ••
mundl.ln No JlUtde .er
qua ,nru.ntro. ton 1D!'
porhnw-, como ,I rlc,,-rl!.e
aoblt I. CUt'I'lIOn demolr"l
IntornacloD.1 0
De.d, lu.lO. I, p"l'Inq
Inkl.t qllt' k h,tlm" a
nue.tro In .. ,locul.or .. "
lJer. I
I., Impr",on,.
lid.. hu'.o d. ,UI ,ftU'ltVII~. ton ,I pluldenlM d, t,
N,cl6n docLOr Alfoal/al"
c.ntIJl" nIfty C.puw
£J tabUlO,
tr.. pun11.l.hll' 101 COD
.epUl. qUI
,I pn
mer "'InditinG y ,I t.ltul.,
del P,ll"o Sill
till. Conl"nlmOI ltD ,I co
"H.nlO de I, pr••• nlA' nOLa
,I ,fUldeflLe
AUo'lfn como ,I mhu.tro
C.pus,o colt,C',d,.,on Ie ,.
pud,.r ktmln.n .... rnenLe to
d, lorml de .,I~cI6n InLJ
..mlta 0
prfJ1,IlCIOI r,lI
rlcl.1.1 Por un rl.
mLn ... 1 prult'plo moral ck I,
d.moer.tla hemo. d. com
1'10.0. 0
bat'f II 1IItlSt"utl!mo en I,
Ara.nuni~ ."pr,s.ron cOin
CIIHIlLerMnLe II p,nldl"'" 'I
,I clntlll" Lo. dOl m. . .,
IUf.ron que no tKlllma"n
n'ulnoi par. utlrp.r .1
odlO .nClNmIU.n tod ••• u.
'orm.s , ,",clle.. 'alud,
r.. En eM •• ntldo. h ••ido que ltD 10. ,r61u
mo. dl" .llob .. ,no envl."
.. Co"""o un ptoy-.:to dlt
que u.nde .. tnltodudr
ua in.lrumento lel.1 p.r.
.. nclour I. .ct~a dJ ...
dador. del a.U.,mIU ••o ,
el 0d,0 r.dal
-E.t.oea tuU' "clI·
.Iea'· .ptKi6a ,DlllltrDlsa
.,y 4u' h,"141O"" I. DO ...
... bDpotUIn'" cu••tW. 4-
hee • I. acUtD4 .',d.f.....
I. tlWllpAa. .0••
LortJo. .ny .aUI.,..., ....
l.rHl ,
v., IIIUlldJ.n
-CvmoIT. di •• per.i -~
rac, knkrn.nier,....
~r.'" d.l •• nqu .... ud . .
10' udln cia iDa £
InIt tUet
Un' 01 per la ,.men.....,.,
poald6n "a.ntbl••1lI W il· ,
&hnos .1'Ot, .1 'po)'.r lat·
dativ . . . . , ••IV.WI.DY ••
I.nud .. Aza: aI
COD"'St.o" dlfaftlN' • Jar...
i030 aJ
-of \a
•• ,,. . . . . . tlbl fit.d
,. pot "Will In. •
,...1110 jIHIl.'ClD.
"',lr.rl ••• n",
htu" ..h.. ., en .alla;
facclC~n puedo dKJr Ciw UiD
.. • 1 p'••lIlenw COInO ,I l"1li1
aistro afirm.Nto qIN, "
,del.n'" .. ,eloma,' la tla·
du:loD.l,POl!LlU • ~utdl"
&intr.-;'-:JtnLJftI .nw la .1
'".c.on d. hr ..l , .1 }.ftdlo
0r,.nw La m."I'.'U rI •••
men!.e a mil In!.erlocutor..
~ pO.lura.
rnmblu. c:~on\tll:'d.~
enl111.r I.e
mil .c:onomlro. .0C:18Ie.,
cultur.i •• 0 IIlrlct.amrn~
"'''nleo. ,un ..aploLldo.
'ISLtm~llnm"nt.e p'ra de
nl,rar a hr..I) .lllon.lmo.
en un •• berrlnU- dun.lur,
U....cl6n de uln convocaLO
rill InLern.donale, Tonao
1.lmp,u,on Iohor. qu •• Iao
blnno drmocilollco del. A,..
"nl'nl procurlr' recuf,car
I... PISO. equivocoe d. un
ntl.n'" pludo. y promove
'"' una poHtlce para .",.r.,.
Lal ,cclon chlnt'J"t.a •• pe_
ClitmenLe en .1 cOrlrulO T"
-U.ted ae r.".16 Lamb ...
eon dltla.nta. dl I. DAJA ,
de ouo. Mc\ore. In,Ulu
elonaln Por otr. pa,y, b.
"auldo da c.,"
clao.rlentln. , rnln""'v,
cootecto .n d'ltloLOa opor
tuoldlde, .0
COft IU' VOCtrOl "PrI"ota
tJ YOI A II I.. co.,. .,pueek
'.rnol .U oplnl6. ,01>", la dlflmlklrl. dl que
rue ob,eto II d.,laend. coIIIUlll\an. Judi. de nUMI.rO
por p.,y d. ol.mu_
""',..Ido., • rol. .. ••
coodurta dur",'" alMlllbrio
p •••do, lIO l.all lejuo.
• •• 1. Araen'lna'
-Como vlllllnw 110 '0),
Indlrado .mlllr
~'rtcl.done, .ob,e I. euu
lieS" S4Jo •• del c..o rtcor
--'" como p.ull ddu.ltofll
"condurt.Judr. u"a .. b.a
_nullcl. da I, OUlma"
"Ho juquII II 'u pr6Jlmo ,I
-i- e.u •• n II IUlar ... 101
lIodlo, produc.'oa· La (0mlulld.a '11".I,.enhn.
' ... \onen por
" " crltic.l,
dllrcU ••• I
)' " q1M 1.1
dlrl •• nda comu.h.r', Ja . . :
0II1a.ntio. e."""o .Ia altura '
-.. .u. debtoru Judloo ,I
1.cW con .II..,..../, dipS I
• d•• POI Ja .',n.. ,JOI I•. '
wr.... Jud/o., dea",o
,..lblhdld . . . . . I. pave ,
.m"'ltftd. E.. w,.a. .c
d6tt h. ttnado at r-.:onoo
" ...nto de todo e' "''',' •
lHh'l Pero. l"J"t.o .610 01
UJ,O' de I. Araenhn. '001
o. qu, tlfnell I. aU1o"d,d'
•• lur.1 .. Juqor a a". d,ri J
r:. d. flrord.,
' 411'nlro de .-e conte .. te ~
,.ndo. ..
, qu"
u",bi,. .. I t
'1 .. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . (,.".d • .- .Icu,.
cI~n_e. C01l1r. loa dl,.Ct"Le.
I. "M.
JUd/O' dt Of'cldsnl.t
cl.lmenl.l d, Unl
410.1. por.u pI.aun'" • "'Ih
PIICI" .n produelr 10'
1.11110' • .rurno. par. re.c.
lit. nUflUo, d.1
Holoeau.LO De tod. form.
qu,de blfn fn ,I Am.
rlun J,wllh Commit",
Jim'. I t d.j6 .1r.p" por la
camp.e. dif.matona .ludl
m' I
-A 1.11011 de 1. dr.m'lIca'
UperlerlcII dr e.ta. ullUDaa
d'ced .. y lu.,o d. 10 .ucedl.
do coo I.. comunld.des .0
Cabl, Hlnf'lua ,.
&0dlvl• •11 )0. plIse, de 10 6r.
_V... l'nNlur"",
que vl.I"; .Ipn ti.fDpo
""", '010 qUldan ICluol
lII'n", tie. ,.",Ih .. Judi ••
Por 10 "nLO
.In '.null e"
.1 .n~hSI' d• . '.odo' pro
dutldol. no llt"e •• nude, del problem. Judlo'"
rn ... pI .. cent,o.m.fletl
no AliI. '0
CIOtlU. el .ntllemll .. mo no
Ullt.e en 'u ver'16" • d,s.
En c.mblo f"ncloill
un. IClIV, otlclno de Ja
OLP. con cen. de un cent.
nar de .aen .... Jlrof.. ,onl
I....1 .eI'V,cIO d. la a,ILa
cion .ntl$IOnlac.. , Intu.,...
.If en toda JI COIlVUIIlO"'~'
E'r I I .1 lrav. pt-I'a~
que desde I. 6pllCl Judi'.
enclerrllo N,cI'.Cu, •• ndl
nllta p.ra "osotro' Po,
.stamo. . .,e.
una .rn.n .... d. ""
IJItllemltJlft)O dlJlIoto d.
nr'C'Ler pollllcO t. lurlaa
par. tnfrtnt.rlo Llmb,,5n d,
be .dKu.tlt a hne"""er'l\~
C"tICOS y no convenCIO".
- No prodl,lJO preorup.
cl4n tOW 10. Judlo. nnn,e
amUlc.nOl 01 Iv.nOf' ...
Sao Pao lo , Brazil
Week of Augu st S. 1984
Rabino d08
EUA fala 80bre
a violencia
I'.. Tanenbaum
0 :abIDo DOI'tie-uI1erIeo Marc
chtp. bole .... 'au10. a convlte da CoqrepClo Israen.
ta PauUata. para fuer uma palestra
I e.ta no1te sobre "Vllorea ReUgosos
auma Era de Vlolfnc1a" 0 rablno.
difttor de relae6u lDtmred"·!· do
American Jew1ab CommIttee•• coabeeldo DOl EUA .POl' IUa atuaclo DI.
defeaadoadlmtoa_ TIDeD-
baum tntetrou trfa IPVDOI de DOI'teIIDWicaDoa envtadot 80 .udette
ulitleo para tnve.sUpr 0 drama dol
.. vIe_1U, eooIIeddOl
como MIt ...... Ele tambtm eoordenou diverau openQ&es d.1juda a
vltImu cIe ...... doUblDD._
I U _ _ .Amf1Ieaem.
11"&1. AJJm dtaao, tundoU uma OJIIDIIopr1m1doa
za;lo de spolo a JudeWi e crt.atloll
na tJDIlo Sovtft1ca. Em
It"l8. fol eonvldado pelo entlo prest_
dent.e JImIDy carter Itf portavoz da comun1dade judalea DOI.Cor.
dos de "Camp David Tanenbaum
tambfm • eonhecid.o como um Uder
ec::w:nhl1co e to1 0 Cnieo reblno presente 80 CODdUo Vatieano n Sua
palestra serf. b 20h30, na CIP. fIn
1ng1es eom
Rabino dos EVA avalia
o dialogo com catolicos
o rabJno Marc Tanenbaum. um
dos maIs iDfIuentes e resptltados u·
clereI ecumentcoa dos EstadOl Unl·
doo. ebogou 011_.810 Paulo. pll8
aval1lr 0 PlOii 0 do d1tloIO cat6l1co-JUClaleo DO Bru:D. I: • prtmelra vez
que 0 rabtDo v1Ilta • AmfrIca do Su!
e, altm de manter d1versos cantatas
com • coIetlW1ade 1IrteUta, ele pcUdpa hole t nolte de uma c:onferfn..
dalObre 0 tema "Vilorea R*UglOIM
nWOl. Era de Vlolfneta", que Hrt
rnllzIda. 19 20h3D, nil congrega.;lo
Israellta PaullSta
Dtretor de rtla~Oes lntemae1ona1s do Am"""n lewish CDmmittee,
Tanenbaum. fol 0 Qn1co rabino presente ao II Concllio do VlltlC8ll0 e
partldpou da prUDen conferfne1a
otlelal eoDOedldIl pelo papa Jolo
Paulo D. Uder:es JUd.IIeoI mundilla
8elUndo 0 rab1Do IImr7 Sobel, que ~
Ie\llOfttztlO em sao Paulo, ''TaDeD.
baum ded1ca sua vida .. aproxlma·
-;1.0 com. 01 CI18tI08, rnsaltando ..
dea Judalcaa do ertJtlamJmo e Il
Indlvlalb11ldac1e dos dlreitos bumanoa"
Nuc1do na Ucrtnta, onele seus
pals enun vlt1mU de persegu1~o
rellgt08l, Tanenbaum. emJirOu, a1nill ~, para 08 Estados Unld08
'undador e d1rtIente aa comlsdo
bilateral do 8ecretartado do Vatlcano para RelacOea Catalco..Judalcas,
"seu tlabalho ecum!Jl1co ~ um elementa eat.l1sadOl para IIRUv1dades
pot D6a exHddas no Brasil", d1I8e 0
nbtDo SObel, resaaltando que, hi '
do1l IDOS, em 810 Paulo, fol crtada,
lOb 0 patrocfDlo da CNBB. uma coIDSIaIO nactonal do dWogo eat6l1cojuda1eo,"que Ie concretlZou com a
pubUcaCIO de ortentacOes pill'&. os
cat4l1cos no ~n.amento com os
judeus" Sobel acredIta que 0 traba·
tho ecum~nlco, "confopne a receptlvldade, sens.tbWdIlde e apolo que
nunea faltou da CNBS nellSe aentl·
do" podert, "em futuro greve, ex·
presaar pubUcamente 0 reco1lhed.mento da comunldade Jl1dalca do
BruU pell 1D1c1atlVI do VatlcaDo em
reconheeer 0 Estado de Israel"
o rablDo Tenenbaum Bert. m:ebtdo hoJe pelo carcleal-aR;eb18po de
810 Paulo e, em aegulda. partldpa
de uma reun1lo da Com1lalo Hadanal do DWogo ReUgloso Cat6UeoJuda1.eo. juntamente com c10m Luciano Mendes de Almeida, seerett· .
rt~ da CNBB, e dem 81nWo
Bolm. blspo responalvel pela Unhll
eewntntca cia coa1ederaclo Amanhl to tarde, 0 rablno embarell para
BuenOi A1te&.
Sao Paolo, Srazi I
Dr Marc H Tanenbaum dlreto( de
Relac;oes InternaclonalS do American
JeWish Committee tem uma longa e
notavel carreira no campo da luta pe
los dlreltos humanos
Ex dlretor de Assuntos Interrehglo
50S do AJC 0 rabloo Tanenbaum fOI
2pontado numa recenle pesquisa de
oplnlao publica como ·um dos 10 mals
mfluentes e respeltados llderes reh
glosos dos Estados Umdos· Urn artl
go de capa na revista New Vortl: 0
descreveu como · 0 principal Iider ecu
menlco Judeu da atuahdade'
FOI convldado pelo presldente Jim
my Carter para seT 0 porta VOl da co
mumdade l udalca norte ameri cana r'IUm
grupo de del hderes rellglos05 e aca
dernlc05 encarregados de avallar a
sltuac;ao naclonal nas reunlOes de
cupula reahladas em Camp David em
1979 FOI tambem nomeado consultor
do ' Presldent s Commission on the
A. convlte do " International Rescue
Committee' 0 dr Tanenbaum Integrou
I,.!:s cornltlVas de hderes ameTicanos
envlados para Investlgar a tragedl&
dos 'boat people" Vletnamllas e das
vltlmas cambOJlanas conlrlbulOdo as
Slm para salvar a Vida de mllhares de
reluglados Indochlneses Coordenou
lambem dlversas operaC;Oes de auxi
ho as vilimas de guerra e opressac
no llbano Nigeria Uganda E!lopla
(os falashas I Afegamstao, PolOma
Haiti e America Central £ fundador e
co presldente do "National Interrell
glous Task Force on Soviet Jewry
que da asslstllnCla a Judeus e crlstaos
opTiffildos na Umao Sovlellca e Europa
Or iental
Em marc;o de 1979 101 convldado a
reunlr se em Bonn com 0 chanceler
Helmut Schmidt e pari amentares ale
maes para dlscullr a revogac;ao do es
tatuto de prescnc;ao em relac;ao aos
cnmlnOsos de guerra nUlstas
Dr Tanenbaum e lundador e dm
gente da comlssio bilateral do Secre
uHlado do Vahcano para Relac;6es Ca
tohco Judalcas bern como de urn or
gao similar sob os ausplCIOS do Con
selho Mundlal de Jgrelas FOl 0 UniCO
rablno presente ao Segundo Conci Ito
do Vat.cano e partlClpoU da pTimeITCI
audll1nCIa ollclal cancedlda a IIderes
judolcas mundlalS pelo Papa Joao Pau
10 II na Cldade do Vatlcano FOI tam
bern 0 pnmelTO Judeu a dlscursar pe
rante 4000 delegados partlclpantes da
Sex!a Assemblela do Conselho Mun
dial de Igre,as reahlada em Vancou
ver no mes de ju!ho de 1983
Atuou como conselhelTO da Rede
NBC de Televisao por da ela
borac;ao dos fIImes • Jesus de Nalare
e "Holocausto '
Orador dos mals requlsltados ja
marcou sua presenc;a nas prinCipalS
UniverSldades e Instlt Ulc;Oes religlosas
dos Estados Unldos EUropa e Israel
bern como em dlversos congressos na
ClonalS e InternaClonalS £ autor e edl
tor de Inumeros IIvros e art.gos
Dr Marc H Tanenbaum prolerlra
urna conferenCla na Congrega~ao Is
raehta Pauhsta na qUinta felTa dla 9
de a90sto as 20 30 horas Seu terna
sera ·Vatores Rellglosos numa Era de
VlOlencla· Falara em Ingl65 com tr a
du~ao consecutlva para 0 portugues
Todos estiO cordial mente convlda
dos para asslStlT e prestlglar uma pet
sonalidade bnlhante de renome mun
RIO de Janeiro, Brazi I
Dlretor·Redator-Chefe ROBERTO MARINHO
ANO ut_ II .. ole ""nel,o t..-9I telra 7"000"10 eM
''''_H 18 53$
Te61ogo iudeu defende
. -
aproXlmacao com CrIstaos
Reconhel;:ldo mundlalmeote por
lUI atuatlo em campanhat de defe
sa dos tllreltos bumanns, 0 te6logo
Marc'B Tanenbaum, diretor de Re·
internaClOoals do
mo e na falta de compreensJo do sta
ntflC:ado do plurallsmo etnlco, reU·
gl050 e poUtlco a cau. da dlflculda
de de (oovlvlo que Imper. hOle entre
os povos \
No RIo desde 0
desta se·
mana, Marc Tanenbaum tern enCOD
tro bOle pela mauM com 0
Cardeal Eualmo Sales, para tratar
de assuntos rel,clonados com 0 myel
de eDtrosamento da cOMwudade lUdateD com a Igre]. CatQbca DO Bra-
sd Este entenmmento tern sldo uma
das pnoClpalS preotupae6es de Ta·
nenbaum desde menino, quando ou·
VIU as pnmetrll hlst6rias sobre 0
OdIO e a vmsanea nas rela~lies entre
ludeus e cnstlos
Doutor em Llteratura e TeoloSla,
;ablDo da Isre)a ludaic., Marc Ta·
nenbaum, que nasceu nos Estados
UOldos, fOI apoQtado em recente pes·
qUlsa como "um dos dez IIderes reb·
SWiGS mals lDfluentes e respelU.vel5
da Amenca" Em 19'19, fOI (oovlda·
do pelo Presldente Jlmmv Carter a
parhclpar, como Hder rudeu.
amencano, oos encontros de Camp
David Tomou partetambem nBS de·
legae6es encarresadas de mvesttgar
a SltuaeAO de refua18dos vietnaml·
tas e cambojanos e de vtbmas de ou·
tras guerras e conflitos
o Dr Tanenbaum acredita que es·
ses coorrontos tenbam bOle uma co·
nolaelo bem dlversa da que levou os
russos da I8re]a crlsti orlodoxa a
aUrar um parente seu nas aguu de
um rio Por ttlS das dlspulas ternto.
rialS e do deselo de controle das fontes de pretr61eo e de outras tlquezas
esU. 0 fanahsmo, que agora nlo e 56
rebgloso, lem bra Este e 0 grande
mal de nossos tempos, alerta, por
que pressupae lDevltavelmente 0 de
para methornr
o Ta;.;iiim.
(onvlvlo entre os
seJo de enerminlo de todas as ten·
dAnclas de pensamento - reil81oso,
polibco, fIJ.os6flCO, moral - contri
nas ou rnesmo dlvergentes da ractAo mils sedenta de poder
Para 0 te610go amencano, 0 dlalo·
go e 0 plurallimo em todos os nlvelS
poderlo conduztr os povos a urn me·
lbor entendlmento
Marc Taoenbaum era bem erlan·
ea quando OUVIU de seu avo 0 relato
de como um de seus tios, ludeu, ba·
via sldo eondenado A morte por um
grupo de eristios em um vllareJo da
Uerirua, durante as comemorae6es
da Semana Santa A morte, por afo
samento. fOI a resposta do grupe da
19rela ortodoxa russa Aacusaeio de
que "Jesus Cnsta havta sldo morto
pelos Judeus", conta 0 te61ogo Du
rante mUltos anos, ele acredttou que
a Igrela ensti fosse assassina de lU
_ A reeonelba~Ao aconteceu
quando eomecel a ter amlgOS ens
tios que falavam em compalxlo, em
benevolencla, em arnor A grande
revelaeio vma bem malS tarde, du
raote 0 Concillo do Vatteano 11,
quando 0 Papa Jolo XXIII destgDou
o Cardeal Bea para estudar as rela
eOes entre 0 mundo eat6lleo e 0 mun
do Judalco
Rabbi Tanenbaum To Speak on 'Religious
Values in an Age of Violence
SAO PAULO IBU) Dr Marc H Tanenbaum,
mternatlonal relations of
the Amerlcaa Jewl.b
Committee. will dehver
an address at the
Congregac;lo hraeht.
Rua AntOniO
Carlos, 653). on Thursday, AU8ust 9 at 830
p m He will speak In
English. wtth consecuhve
translation Into Por.
tuguese on the theme
'ReIIllou Vlluet In ..
Aae of VloIeaee.'
Rabbi Tanenbaum has
a long an distinguished
career III unIVersal
human flghlS Formerly
the Ale's mterrehglous
affaIrs director. he was
a recent
testified before the Senate
Foreign Relations
Committee and the
House Foreign Affalts
Committee on "Moral
Imperatives In
Formahon of American
Foreign POlicy .. He has
also testified before
national poll as "one of
the 10 most mnuentlal
and respected religious
leaders In Amenca " A
cover story In New York
magazine deSCribed him
as "the foremost Iewlsh Congressional commit·
ecumemcal leader In the tees on world refugee
world today"
problems, and played a
Dr Tanenbaum has key role m organlzmg
served as a member of White House conferences
the prestigious Human on Foreign Aid
PreSident Jimmy
the Carter
,"VI ted
Foreign Pohcy Asso· Tanenbaum
as the
of American JeWish leader
Pnorltles for the 1980s among ten national
In recent years, he has rehRlous and academiC
Sao Paol o , BraZil
Week of August 5, 1984
Bnzll'. 01" Enallllh L.n. . .e Delt"
spokesmen to diSCUSS
"the State of the Nahon"
at Camp David summit
meetings In 1979 He
was also appomted as a
member of the AdVISOry
Prts.ldent's Commluion
on the Holocaust
At the inVitation of the
International Rescue
Committee. he Joaned
deleaahons of prorrunent
American leaders to
carry out three separate
fact·'mdln8 mvesllga·
tlons of the plight cf the
Vietnamese "boat
people" and Cambodian
refugees, which con·
tnbuted to the saving of
tens of thousands of lives
of Indochtnese refugees
He has organized many
relief efforts for vlchms
of war and confhct.
Includlns lebanese.
Nigerians. Ugandans,
the Falashas of Etluopla,
AfghaniS, HUhans.
Central Amencans and
Polish refugees He IS a
founder and co-ch8Jr·
man of the Na tional
InterreligIOUS Task force
on Soviet Jewry, which
aids oppressed Jews and
Chmhans IR the Soviet
UOion and Eastern
In March 1979, he was
IRvlted to consult With
Chancellor Helmut
Schmidt and German
parliamentary offiCIals an
Bonn on the abohhon of
the statute of limitations
on Nall war cnmmals
Dr Tanenbaum IS a
founder and leading
member of the JOint
halson committee of the
Vatlc!'n Secretanat on
Dr Marc H T.n.nbaum". a long and dtstl~
gulshed c ....r In UhIV.,..1 hUmiln rights
Cathohc·Jewlsh Rela·
tlOns and the Interna·
tlOnal JeWish Committee
for InterreligiOU S
Consultations. and of a
Similar body With the
Churches He was the
only rabbi at Vahcan
CounCil II •. and parh·
clpated In the first
oHlclal audience of world
JeWish leaders With Pope
Paul John II IR Vatican
City He was also the
fIrst Jew to address 4.000
delegates attendIR8 the
Sixth Assembly of the
Churches IR Vancouver
In July 1983
He served as consul·
tant to the NBC ·TV
nlne·hour speCial
"Holocaust" and earher
was co n sulta nt 10 the
Rabbi Tanenbaum has
lectured at major unIYer
sltles. semmatles. re
hglou!.: and educational
bodies 10 the Umled
States, Europe and
Israel. and at numerous
natIOnal and mterna
tlonal conferences He IS
the author and editor of
several pubhshed books
and articles
a re cordially
welcome to attend theThursday adQress and
lend prestige to a btl·
lltant and world renow·
ned personality
For further Infor·
matlon. please establish
contact With Rabbi Sobel
at 256·7811 (S30 Paulo)

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