St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church


St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church
St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church
591 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA 30238
“Walking United As Faithful Disciples of Jesus Christ”
“Caminando Unidos Como Discipulos Fieles de Jesucristo”
Weekly Bulletin
September 18, 2016
Weekend Masses/
Misas de Fin de Semana
4:00 PM
7:30 AM 9:00AM 10:45AM
12:30 PM (Español)
5:00 PM Teen Mass
7:00 PM (Español)
Holy Days/Dias de Obligación
Vigil/Vigilia 7:00 PM (English)
Holy Day 8:30 AM
7:00 PM (English)
7:00PM (Español)
Weekday Masses/Misas entre Semana
Thursday(Españ ol)7:30PM
Morning Prayer/OraciónMatutina
Pastoral Council Contact for Month:
Kathy Randall
[email protected]
Timeframes for Events // Períodos de tiempo para Eventos
Old/Antiguo: 11:00am
New/Nuevo: 10:30am
Old/Antiguo: 2:00pm
New/Nuevo: 1:00pm
Confessions/Confesiones: 3:00pm
Mass/Misa at 4:00pm
Events include weddings, Quinceañeras, special liturgies.
Los eventos incluyen bodas, quinceañeras, liturgias especiales
September 18, 2016
TwentyTwenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time /Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
8:30AMMass: +RevMichaelMcWhorterbyAnhTran&CharlieCraig
5:00PMMass: +MaryJaneHeisterkampbyherhusband,Ron
7:30AMMass: +SandyCarringtonbyHelenMurtha
9:00AMMass: +FranPaytonbyJohnDevlin&JeanHess
12:30PMMass: +RaquelRodriguezy+FranciscoRodgriguezdeparte
5:00PMMass: FortheNeedsofAllParishioners(Arch)
7:00PMMass: EnaccióndegraciasporJoeDíazyfamilia
8:30AMMass: +RevMichaelMcWhorterbyAnhTran&CharlieCraig
8:30AMMass: +RevMichaelMcWhorterbyAnhTran&CharlieCraig
7:00PMMass: +EdRichardsonby+ArleneRichardson
8:30AMMass: +MariaLyThiLuatbyDich&KimLy
8:30AMMass: +RevMichaelMcWhorterbyAnhTran&CharlieCraig
5:00PMMass: +SteveMankowskibyKnightsofColumbus
7:30AMMass: +EdFinewskibyJim&SamOliver
9:00AMMass: +JohnPatrick&+KevinMichaelMcKennabytheir
12:30PMMass: +MercedesOrozcoDiazdepartedelafamiliaDiaz
5:00PMMass: +KyenKnowlesbyStPhilipBeniziParishioners
7:00PMMass: Portodosnuestrosfeligreses(Arc.)
Prayer List ~Lista de Oración
This Week at a Glance ~ Esta Semana
7:00 am Cruzados de la Cruz, Rm 202 (HEB)
10:30 am RCIA—English/Español (JP/SD)
10:45 am Adult Ed—Growing/God’s Word, Rm 200 (HEB)
12:00 pm Carmelite Formation Class, St Clare Rm (SD)
12:00 pm Africa in Christ Mtg, Rm 201 (HEB)
12:15 pm Charismatic Prayer Group, Rm 200 (HEB)
12:15 pm Francophone Committee Mtg, Board Rm (SD)
2:00 pm Environmental Ministry Mtg, Mother Teresa Rm (JP)
2:00 pm Fundraiser—Luncheon Emmaus Group (FH)
2:00 pm Carmelite Mtg, St Francis Rm (SD)
5:00 pm Cursillos—Español, Rm 302 (JP)
6:00 pm Finance Council Mtg, Rm 203 (HEB)
6:30 pm Men’s Catholic Fellowship, Prayer Rm (SD)
6:30 pm Adult Ed—Writing Your Way Home, Rm 106 (HEB)
7:00 pm Social Justice Committee Mtg, Rms 108/110 (HEB)
10:00 am Craft Group, Rm 302 (JP)
6:30 pm Financial Peace University, Rm 106 (HEB)
6:30 pm Adult Ed—Choice Wine, Rms 108/110 (HEB)
7:00 pm ESL Classes, Rms 200-207 (HEB)
7:00 pm Adult Ed—Scripture Study, Rms 108/110 (HEB)
9:30 am Scripture Study, Rms 108/110 (HEB)
6:00 pm Legion of Mary—English, Rm 100 (HEB)
6:15 pm Men’s Cursillo, Rm 302 (JP)
6:30 pm Cursillo Prayer Grp, Board Rm (SD)
7:00 pm ESL Classes, Rms 200-207 (HEB)
7:00 pm Francophone Prayer Grp, Prayer Rm (SD)
7:00 pm EstudiodelaBiblia-Español,saladeSanFrancisco(SD)
7:00 pm Rel Ed—Formación de Catequistas Español, Rms 108/110 (HEB)
7:00 pm La oración y la adoración Taller de Vida - Español,
Salón de Madre Teresa (JP)
7:30 pm Mindfulness Class, Rms 205/207 (HEB)
9:00 am Desayuno con Jesús - Español, Rm 302 (JP)
9:30 am Blood of Jesus Prayer Grp, Mother Teresa Rm (JP)
10:00 am Secular Franciscan Council Mtg, Board Rm (SD)
3:00 pm Reconciliation
4:00 pm International Night Mass & Celebration
We Are Here to Serve ~ Estamos aquí para Servirle
7:00 am Cruzados de la Cruz, Rm 202 (HEB)
10:30 am RCIA—English/Español (JP/SD)
10:45 am Adult Ed—Growing/God’s Word, Rm 200 (HEB)
12:15 pm Charismatic Prayer Group, Rm 200 (HEB)
12:15pm Nigerian Executive Board Mtg, Rm 203 (HEB)
12:30pm Black Catholic Heritae Mtg, Rms 108/110 (HEB)
2:00 pm/3:00 pm Bautismo—Espanol/Baptism—English (Church)
Mercy in the Ministry of Jesus
Pondering Jesus’ healing presence among the people of the first century,
we may find His mercy in our midst. Join this retreat at the Blessed Trinity
Shrine Retreat center and find how Jesus’ mercy might relate to your own
life. The retreat will be held September 23-26. Contact the retreat center
at [email protected] or 334-855-4474 for more information or to register.
Time Talent Treasure Tiempo Talento Tesoro
Offertory / Stewardship ~ Ofertorio / Administracion
The Second Collection next weekend
will be for the Diocesan St. Vincent
de Paul Society. Our gifts to this collection go directly to provide emergency
shelter, food, clothing, and educational resources to those living in hardship with the ultimate goal of
achieving self-sufficiency. We can, like Christ, serve the poorest of the poor among us through our wholehearted support of
St. Vincent de Paul Georgia.
El próximo fin de semana la Segunda Colecta será para el
Diocesano de San Vicente de Paúl. Nuestros regalos a esta colecta van directamente para proporcionar refugio
de emergencia, alimentos, ropa, y los recursos educativos a
los que viven en la miseria, con el objetivo final de lograr la
autosuficiencia. Podemos, como Cristo, servir a los más pobres de los pobres entre nosotros a través de nuestro apoyo
incondicional de San Vicente de Paul Georgia.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to
Etienne & Vilma Rodriguez on the
death of Etienne’s mother, +Raquel
Rodriguez de Rodriguez; to Tanya
Schwartz & Antoinette Irons on the
death of their niece, +Kimberly Green;
to the Callocchio Family on the death of
+Carol Callocchio; to the Ashe Griffin
on the death of his niece, +Regina Watson; to Helen Murtha & Betty Monteau on the death of
their brother, +John Hackett; to Marian Wagner on the
death of her husband, +Jim Wagner; to Teresa Borrego &
Annie Tayong on the death of their father, +Vicente
Borrego; to Mariela Ruiz on the death of her mother,
+Mariela de los Angeles Ruiz. Please keep them and all
the faithful departed in prayer.
Expresamos nuestro más sincero pésame a Etienne y
Vilma Rodriguez en la muerte de Etienne’s madre,
+ Raquel Rodríguez de Rodríguez; a Tanya Schwartz &
Antoinette Irons, en la muerte de su sobrina,
+Kimberly Green; a la Familia Callocchio, en la muerte de
+Carol Callocchio; a Ashe Griffin, en la muerte de su sobrina, +Regina Watson; a Helen Murtha & Betty Monteau,
en la muerte de su hermano, +John Hackett; a Marian
Wagner, en la muerte de su esposo, +Jim Wagner; a
Teresa Borrego & Annie Tayong en la muerte de su
padre, +Vicente Borrego; a Mariela Ruiz en la muerte de
su madre, +Mariela de los Angeles Ruiz. Favor de mantenerlos y a todos los fieles difuntos en sus oraciones.
The Flowers on the Altar this
weekend are in memory of
+Florentine Nsoumbi on the
1st Anniversary of death by
Anne Florence Bakinde
The dishonest manage
in today’s parable knew
how to manipulate money to his own advantage. But the Gospel warns that no one can serve both God
and money. Which do I serve? Is my stewardship such that
anyone can tell?
El administrador deshonesto en la parábola de
hoy sabia como manipular el dinero para su
propia ventaja. Pero el Evangelio advierte que nadie puede
server a Dios y al dinero. A cual sirvo yo? Es mi administración
de los bienes de Dios tal que cualquiera se puede da cuenta?
A “Memorial for Aborted Children” will
be presented for anyone touched by
abortion on Friday, October 7, at
7:00pm at St Michael the Archangel
parish in Woodstock. The presentation will be led by Fr Larry Niese and
will include a testimony offered by
Lauren Whitaker with music by Patrick
Williams. For more information, see
our Facebook page—Atlanta Memorial Service for Aborted
Children—or email Lauren at [email protected].
Un “Memorándum para Niños Abortados” se presentará para
cualquier persona afectada por el aborto el viernes, 7 de
octubre, a las 7:00pm en la parroquia San Michael el
Arcángel en Woodstock. La presentación será dirigida por el
Padre Larry Niese e incluirá un testimonio ofrecido por
Lauren Whitaker con música de Patrick Williams. Para
obtener más información, vea nuestra página en Facebook
— Atlanta Service Memorial for Aborted Children, o a
Lauren por correo electrónico a [email protected].
Welcome to Our New Parishioners
Bienvenido a Nuestros Nuevos Miembros
Mr. & Mrs. Sanuel Egbuziem
Dwayne Rajcoomar
Tamra Preston
Mr. & Mrs. Damaso Aviles
Mr. & Mrs. Diego Avila
Cynthia Campbell
September 18, 2016
TwentyTwenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time /Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
In today’s Gospel we see that prudent decisiveness means that we recognize
that all our choices in daily living are really choices for eternal life. Admission
into heaven is something money cannot buy. The only currency that has
any value to secure our entrance is that of love. Gifts to St Vincent de Paul
shows you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering.
En el Evangelio de hoy vemos que la decisión prudente significa que reconocemos que todas nuestras opciones en la vida diaria son realmente opciones para
la vida eterna. La entrada al cielo es algo que el dinero no puede comprar. La
única moneda que tiene cualquier valor para asegurar nuestra entrada es la del amor. Regalos a San Vicente de
Paul demuestra que usted es un signo del amor de Dios a los que sufren.
Do you live with the self-condemnation of abortion? Do you think there is no forgiveness? Do
you live with anxiety, fear, panic, and depression?
Good News! God desires you to be healed and
whole. He wants you to be joyful again. We can
help. Come to our next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
on September 30/October 1-2. PATH (PostAbortion Treatment & Healing) will be facilitating
a weekend long retreat where broken hearts can be
rebuilt, renewed, redeemed. For more information, visit the website at or call 404-717-5557.
¿Vives con la auto condenación del aborto? ¿Crees que no hay
¿Vives con ansiedad, miedo, pánico y
depresión? ¡Buenas noticias! Dios quiere que usted sea sanado
completamente. Él quiere que usted sea feliz otra vez. Nosotros
podemos ayudar. Para obtener información sobre los retiros del
Viñedo de Raquel en español, llame al 470-258-3433.
Writing your Way Home —
Using Art and Writing to Inspire the Soul
When: Mondays at 6:30pm beginning
tomorrow, September 19
Where: Room 106, Hartmayer Education Building (HEB)
Explore your creativity and spirituality through
writing and art. Join us in using writing and art
as a tool to find out who you are and how you
make sense of your life. All meetings will be
casual, informal, non-professional, and open to
all seekers. Facilitated by Sharon Graham,
Spiritual Director and Author. Bring a notebook
and pen. Space is limited; call Althea Fletcher at 770-478-0178
x149 to reserve your spot!
Altar Linen Ministry Needs YOUR Help!
Please prayerfully consider joining this ministry to
clean the altar linens on a rotating basis (to include
washing & ironing after the weekend Masses, and
returning them before the following weekend). For
more information or to be on the list, call Yone Daly
at 770-478-0179 x182. (This ministry is different from the “Altar Care
Ministry” that cleans the church).
Por favor consideren unirse a este Ministerio para lavar los paños del
altar en una base rotativa (que incluye después de las misas de fin de
semana, lavar, planchar y devolverlos antes del fin de semana
siguiente). Para más información o para ponerse en la lista, llame a
Yone Daly en 770-478-0179 x182. (Este Ministerio es diferente al del
"Ministerio del Cuidado del Altar"que limpia la iglesia).
October is Respect Life Month - On
October 2nd, a 1-hour silent prayer vigil
will take place on North Main Street in
Jonesboro to pray for our nation and for an
end to abortion. Life Chain Prayer Vigil
will begin at the corner of North Main Street at 3:00pm. All are
welcome to attend. For more information, contact Tina Knight
at [email protected].
Octubre es el Mes de Respeto a la Vida - El 2 de octubre, una
vigilia de oración en silencio de 1 hora se llevará a cabo en
North Main Street en Jonesboro para orar por nuestra nación y
por el fin del aborto. La Vigilia de Rezo de Cadena de Vida
comenzará en la esquina de North Main Street a las 3:00 pm.
Todos son bienvenidos a asistir. Para obtener más información,
póngase en contacto con Tina Kight en [email protected].
Parking / Estacionamiento
Please be respectful of fellow parishioners. On Saturday evenings and Sundays the San Damiano parking
lot is reserved for Seniors (65 and older) and those with handicap parking permits. All other handicap
parking spots should be reserved for those with permits, including the ones behind the church. Also, please
observe the areas marked “NO PARKING” in front of the parish hall and white garage as well as other curbside
areas around the property. These areas must be kept clear for emergency vehicles and access to the garage.
Please park in the marked spaces.
Por favor sea respetuoso con los demás feligreses. Los sábados por la tarde y los domingos el estacionamiento de San
Damiano está reservado para las personas mayores (65 años y mas viejo) y personas discapacitadas y con permisos
de estacionamiento. Todas las demás plazas de estacionamiento para discapacitados deben reservarse para aquellos con
permisos, incluyendo los que están detrás de la iglesia. También, por favor, tenga en cuenta las áreas marcadas " NO PARKING" en la parte delantera del salón parroquial y garaje blanco así como otras áreas alrededor de la propiedad. Estas
zonas deben estar despejada para los vehículos de emergencia y el acceso al garaje.
Por favor estacione en los espacios marcados.
Office of Religious Education Oficina de Educación Religiosa
Preschool—5th Grade - Preescolar-5to Grado
Important Dates: * October 15—Sacrament Classes begin
Important Information: * Register at the Religious Education Office in the Hartmayer
Education Building (Mon—Thurs, 9:00am-2:00pm; Sun, 10:30am –1:30pm)
* To receive First Communion, children must be enrolled in both regular Religious Education
and Sacramental classes. Check with the Religious Education Office for more information on classes and registration.
Fechas Importantes: * Octubre 15—Comienzo de Las Clases de los Sacramentos
Información Importante: * Regístrese en la Oficina de Educación Religiosa en el Edificio de Educación Hartmayer
(Lunes—Jueves, 9:00am-2:00pm; Domingo, 10:30am –1:30pm)
* Para recibir la Primera Comunión, los niños deben estar registrados en ambas clases de Educación Religiosa y clases Sacramental. Consulte con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa para obtener más información sobre las clases y registro.
High School Classes: September 18, 25
Middle School Classes: September 18, 25
Plan Ahead:
Middle School—
School—Fun Day at St Philip’s - Trunk or Treat on October 29
High School—
School—Fall Retreat—
Retreat—October 2121-23
Confirmation Information:
Confirmation for teenagers at St Philip’s takes place in the
10th grade or after the teen has completed 2 years of Faith Formation. Normally this would include grades 8
and 9 with Confirmation being received in the 10th grade year. If a teenager did not attend Faith Formation in
8th grade, they should enroll in the High School Youth Group for grade years 9 and 10, receiving Confirmation in the 11th grade year. Registration forms for Confirmation are available now online or can be obtained
from the Religious Education Office. .For more information on Confirmation requirements, contact Susan
Baker at 770-478-0178 x110 or [email protected].
There are lots of ways to stay up to date on information about the Youth Group! Email me at
[email protected] and get our weekly email alerts. If you use Remind, add our classes for more up to date information (High School: @spbh; Middle School: a@spbm).
What: Adult Confirmation Preparation Classes
When: Saturdays, October 1, 15, 22, 29 from 9:00am to 12:30 pm
Where: Room 106 (HEB)
Confirmation Date: Sunday, November 6
Are you an adult St Philip parishioner and have not made your Confirmation? If you are 20 years
or older, receiving Eucharist regularly, and would like to be confirmed, contact Lorraine Miller at
770-478-0178 x114 or email at [email protected] to register or inquire about the process.
Important: Participants must register and bring a copy of their Baptismal certificate to the first
session. Also, bring a pen, notebook, highlighter, and a BIBLE.
Integrating the latest findings from modern science with the timeless teachings of the Faith
and the wisdom of the saints, The Choice Wine: 7 Steps to a Superabundant Marriage places
authentic marital happiness within every couple’s reach.
When: Tuesday evenings 6:30pm-8:30pm which began September 6.
Where: Mar y Mauldin Room (108/110)
Cost: Fr ee
Childcare is also available at no cost. Call Althea Fletcher 770-478-0178 X 149 to register
for child care by September 1.
September 18, 2016
TwentyTwenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time /Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Upcoming Events Próximos Acontecimientos
Want to Help
with Youth Ministry?
The Youth Ministry could
use some more adults who
are willing to learn about
their own faith as they teach
and guide Middle School
and High School students
who are learning their faith.
For more information or to
add your name, contact Susan Baker at 770-478-0178
x110 or [email protected].
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
with Fr. John
Plan ahead to follow in the Footsteps of Jesus with this 10-day
pilgrimage to take place next
year. It’s time to plan ahead—
spaces do go fast! The scheduled dates are November 6-15,
2017 (enrollment/deposit deadline January 30, 2017). Flyers
with more information and daily itineraries are available in
the Gathering Space or the Parish Office.
Laudato Si and Me / Laudato Si y Yo
Water is essential to our everyday lives—our supplies are limited. What you can do: wash only full loads
of laundry and dishes—saves up to 50 gallons per week; fix household leaks promptly—saves up to 20
gallons per day.
El agua es esencial a nuestras vidas diarias — nuestras provisiones son limitadas. Lo que usted puede
hacer: llenar la lavadora de ropa y la de platos al máximo--- ahorrando hasta 50 galones por semana;
arregle escapes de agua en el hogar rápidamente, ahorrando hasta 20 galones por día.
St. Philip’s 16th Annual International Night
Saturday, September 24th
Multicultural Mass—4:00pm
Celebration on the Parish Grounds—5:30-8:00pm
Delicious ethnic food from 22 countries. You are welcome to dress in
your favorite ethnic attire to represent your nationality.
Enjoy lively music from Around the World
A great evening for the entire family at no charge.
Look for RSVP sheets in the Gathering Space of the Church (we want
to have enough food for everyone!). For more information, contact Kathy at 770-478-0178 x150.
16ta Noche Internacional de San Felipe Benizi
Sábado 24 de Septiembre
Misa Multicultural—4:00pm
Celebración en los Terrenos Parroquiales—5:30-8:00pm
Deliciosa comida étnica de 22 países. Usted es bienvenido a vestirse con
su traje étnico favorito para representar a su nacionalidad.
Disfrute de música en vivo de Alrededor del Mundo
Una gran noche para toda la familia sin costo alguno.
Vea las hojas de reservación en el Área de Entrada de la Iglesia (¡queremos
asegurarnos de tener suficiente comida para todos!). Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Kathy en 770-478-0178 x150.
The Ministry of the Word is a fundamental element of evangelization because it involves
the proclamation of Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God. “The Word of God nourished
both evangelizers and those who are being evangelized so that each one may continue to
grow in his or her Christian life.” (USCCB) In 1935, the Vatican asked every country to
acknowledge the importance of the Church’s teaching ministry to honor those who serve
the Christian Community as catechists. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
has designated the third Sunday in September as Catechetical Sunday. Those whom the
community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for
their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role each
person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this
mission as a community of faith. What does “Catechetical” mean? Many Catholics have
used the word “catechism” for years and know it has to with the compendium of the
Church's teachings. The toot word, “catechesis” means “to echo or to resound.” Catechesis
is the act of resounding or bringing the Church’s teachings to the world—and a catechist is
one who teaches in the name of the Church. Catechesis is a distinct and special ministry
with a profound dignity, which is why they are formally commissioned in the Church.
El Ministerio de la Palabra es un elemento fundamental de la evangelización, porque se trata de la proclamación de Jesucristo, la
Palabra eterna de Dios. "La Palabra de Dios nutre evangelizadores y los evangelizan para que cada uno pueda seguir creciendo en
su vida Cristiana". (USCCB) En 1935, el Vaticano le pidió a cada país que reconociera la importancia del Ministerio de enseñanza
de la iglesia para honrar a los que sirven a la Comunidad Cristiana como catequistas. La Conferencia de obispos católicos de los
Estados Unidos ha designado el tercer domingo de septiembre como el Domingo Catequético. Aquellos a quienes la comunidad ha
designado al servicio como catequistas serán llamados a ser comisionados para su Ministerio. Domingo Catequético es una oportunidad maravillosa para reflexionar sobre el papel que desempeña cada persona, en virtud del bautismo, en la transmisión de la fe
y ser testigo del Evangelio. Domingo Catequético es una oportunidad para que todos puedan dedicarse a esta misión como una
comunidad de fe. ¿Qué significa "Catequético"? Muchos católicos han utilizado la palabra "Catecismo"durante años y saben que tiene que ver con el compendio de las enseñanzas de la iglesia. La raíz de la palabra, "catequesis"significa "eco o resonar". Catequesis es
la acción de resonar o traer las enseñanzas de la iglesia al mundo, y el catequista es el que enseña en nombre de la iglesia. Catequesis es un Ministerio distinto y especial con una profunda dignidad, razón por la cual son formalmente reconocidos en la iglesia.

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