February Events - First United Methodist Church


February Events - First United Methodist Church
Dodge City First United Methodist Church
I. N. K.
February, 2016
Dodge City First United Methodist Church is a place where people encounter Christ, believe,
are made new, and go out service to Christ and neighbor.
February Events
Ash Wednesday
3 opportunities
on February 10th
These 20 minute services
Will be held in the
At 12 Noon,
5:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Office is closed
February 15th in observance
of President’s Day
Jerre’s Column
Tania’s Column
Alma’s Column
Bryce’s Column
Sarah’s Column & Lists
UMW Reading Program
Congregational News
Lenten Schedule
Insert Vital Stats & Calendar
“How Are We Doing?”
In a recent article in “Ministry
Matters”, a weekly online
publication for clergy, author Peter
Surran, states, “according to a 2012
Pew Research Center poll, 2.4
percent of Americans identified
themselves as atheist. This was up
from 1.6 percent just five years
earlier, in 2007. The same poll
revealed that most atheists tend to be male (67
percent) and are proportionally younger and
more likely to have college degrees than the
general American population.”
Atheism is different from agnosticism.
According to the online version of the Oxford
Dictionary, an agnostic is defined as “a person
who believes that nothing is known or can be
known of the existence or nature of God or of
anything beyond material phenomena; a
person who claims neither faith nor disbelief
in God.” Using the same source an
atheist is defined as “a person who has
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of
God or gods”.
Male or female, younger or older, agnostic
or atheist, the trend is disconcerting. The
general message of promoting the faith and
belief in God does not seem to be reaching the
population of the world. It would seem that
on the whole the message of belief in the
existence of God has gone in a different
direction than we intended. We may do well
to explore our belief systems and invite others
to go deeper in belief in God than we have ever
gone before.
So, how are we doing? We may need to
examine the ways we share our faith with
others in ways that they might be engaged to
“join in” the journey to deeper faith. Christ
encouraged the first faith followers (the
disciples) to do just that.
During the next 30 days, or so, the
members and friends of First United
Methodist Church of Dodge City, Kansas will
definitely be exploring and examining our
beliefs and our faith as we begin the Lenten
Journey. Our theme for this season is
“Crossroads, our Journey to the Cross.”
Please consider joining us as we go deeper in
our belief and re-discover or discover in a new
way our belief in God.
All the best,
“¿Como estamos?”
En un reciente artículo en “Materia
Ministerial” publicación semanal para
clérigos, autor Peter Surran, dice,
“según una encuesta en el Centro de
Investigaciones del 2012, 2.4 porciento
de estadounidense se identifican a sí
mismos como ateos. El porcentaje
subió en cinco años en el 2007 era 1.6
porciento. Esta misma encuesta revelo
que los hombres tienden hacer el
porcentaje más alto de los ateos (67
por ciento) y son proporcionalmente más
joven y más probabilidades de tener un título
universitario de la población estadounidense
en general.
El ateísmo es diferente del agnosticismo. De
acuerdo con la versión en línea del Diccionario
Oxford, un agnóstico se define como "una
persona que cree que nada se sabe o puede
saber de la existencia o de la naturaleza de
Dios o de algo más allá de los fenómenos
materiales; una persona que dice no tener ni
la fe ni la incredulidad en Dios. "El uso de la
misma fuente un ateo se define como" una
persona que tiene la incredulidad o la falta de
creencia en la existencia de Dios o de los
dioses". Hombre o mujer, joven o viejo,
agnósticos o ateos, la tendencia es
desconcertante. El mensaje general de
promover la fe y la creencia en Dios no parece
estar llegando a la población del mundo.
Parecería que, en general, el mensaje de la
creencia en la existencia de Dios ha ido en una
dirección diferente de lo previsto. Quizás
podamos examinarnos nosotros mismos e
invitar a otros a profundizar en confiar, creer
en Dios en maneras que no hemos
experimentado. Entonces, ¿cómo estamos? Es
posible que necesitemos examinar las formas
en que compartimos nuestra fe con otros en
formas que podrían estar animados a "unirse"
en el viaje a la fe más profunda. Cristo animó
a los seguidores de la fe (los discípulos) para
hacer precisamente eso. Durante los próximos
30 días, más o menos, los miembros y amigos
de la Primera Iglesia Metodista Unida de
Dodge City, Kansas definitivamente
exploraremos y examinaremos nuestras
creencias y nuestra fe al comenzar el camino
cuaresmal. Nuestro tema para esta temporada
es " Cruce de caminos, nuestro viaje a la
Cruz". Por favor, considere unirse a nosotros a
medida que profundizamos en nuestra
creencia y volver a descubrir o descubrir una
nueva manera nuestra creencia en Dios.
Todo lo mejor, Jerre
From my heart to yours
Desde mi corazón al tuyo
In the love of Christ,
El que no lleva su cruz y viene en
pos de mí, no puede ser mi
Lucas 14:27
Los discípulos comprendían el
significado de las palabras de Jesús.
Seguramente habían visto, o sabían, que
los criminales eran ejecutados en una cruz.
Sabían que llevar la cruz significaba una
sola cosa: Era un viaje en una sola
dirección; los hombres condenados a tan
horrible suplicio jamás regresaron a sus
hogares, y nadie volvió a verlos.
En otras palabras, llevar la cruz era
sinónimo de muerte.
El discípulo de Jesús que lleva la cruz
muere a la vida antigua.
El principio de la vida antigua era el yo.
El principio de la nueva vida no es el yo,
sino Cristo.
Es una vida con el yo crucificado, una
vida en la que la voluntad de Dios es
suprema en cada cosa que se emprende.
Es seguir a Cristo en su senda de
negación propia. Es aceptar el sufrimiento
como parte de la vida.
La vieja criatura ha muerto, y ya no
respondemos a su llamado; respondemos,
más bien, a los impulsos del hombre
Pero el programa del nuevo hombre ve al
mundo de otra manera: ya no para buscar
los deleites del pecado, sino a los
pecadores perdidos.
Llevar la cruz significa morir a las
pasiones de la carne; y morir al programa
del hombre viejo, que consistía en marchar
al ritmo del mundo.
Nadie llega jamás a ser discípulo de
Cristo, y vive una vida fácil a la vez.
Pastor Tania
En el amor de Cristo,
Whoever does not bear his own cross
and come after me, cannot be my
Luke 14:27
The disciples understood the meaning
of Jesus' words.
They must have seen or knew that
criminals were executed on a cross.
They knew that carrying the cross
means only one thing: It was a journey in
one direction; men condemned to
horrible torture never returned home, and
no one saw them again. In other words,
carrying the cross was synonymous with
The disciple of Jesus carrying the cross
dying to the old life. The principle of
ancient life was me. The principle of the
new life is not I, but Christ.
It is a life with me crucified, a life in
which God's will is paramount in
everything that is undertaken. It is to
follow Christ in the path of self-denial.
You accept suffering as part of life.
The old creature is dead, and no longer
responds to his call; we respond, rather,
to the impulses of the new man.
But the program of the new man sees
the world differently: not to seek the
pleasures of sin, but the lost sinners.
To carry the cross means dying to the
passions of the flesh; and dying to the
old man, that was to march to the beat of
the world program.
No one ever becomes a disciple of
Christ, and lives a simple life at a time.
Pastora Tania
Colossians 3:17 (NIV)
Colosenses 3:17 (NVI)
Y todo lo que hagan, de
palabra o de obra, háganlo
en el nombre del Señor
Jesús, dando gracias a
Dios el Padre por medio de
And whatever you
do, whether in word or
deed, do it all in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving
thanks to God the Father
through him.
Looks like holidays are over. Maybe
they are, but life is about to start.
Children are learning how Jesus
grew from baby, to a boy to a man
and now is time for life to begin. Just
like Jesus had to grow in order for
God’s plan to take place in him, we
also have to grow and be
transformed for God’s plan can take
place in us.
Join us in prayer to prepare for the
new journey in our lives. Let God
guide us as we also prepare for Lent,
time to reflect.
**Volunteers needed** (rotation)
 Sunday School leaders
1st-5th grade
 First Gifts
 Kids club Leaders and
snack donations.
 Wednesday night Kids
Zone 3 yrs old – 5th grade
Blessings! Alma Flores
Parece que las fiestas se
terminaron. Puede que así sea. Pero
la vida está por comenzar. Los niños
están aprendiendo sobre la
transformación de Jesús, de bebé, a
niño y a hombre y ahora la vida
comienza. Así como Jesús creció
para que el plan de Dios se llevara a
cabo en su vida, también nosotros
debemos crecer y transformarnos
para que el plan de Dios se lleve a
cabo en nuestras vidas,
Acompáñenos a orar para
prepararnos para una nueva etapa
de nuestras vidas. Dejemos que Dios
nos guie, mientras nos preparamos
para entrar en tiempo de Cuaresma
tiempo de reflexión.
**Necesitamos voluntarios**
 Escuela Dominical
1ro-5to grado
 First Gift –Historias
 Club de niños líderes y
donaciones para
 Miércoles por la noche
Zona de niños 3 años – 5to
Alma Flores
Student Ministries
A Note From Bryce
"He said to him, "If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the
- Luke 16:31
This month, our youth will continue to look at the
importance that the New Testament places on faith through our
B-Team characters, with one slight change. Instead of people
who illustrate great faith, this month we will look at characters
who are lacking in faith.
In stories like the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16, we
find an illustration of the difference between a person of faith
(Lazarus) that earns the reward of heaven, and a person who
lacks in faith (the rich man) that is sent into eternal torment.
Perhaps the most telling aspect of this story comes in the final
statement, in which we find that people who do not believe
through words, will also not believe by witnessing the
As we look at this story, and others about people lacking in
faith, we will have a chance to face our own doubts. We will be
challenged to believe on word of mouth alone. Are you one who
believes in what cannot be seen? Are you willing to place your
faith in stories that have been told for hundreds of years? Or do
you keep waiting for some fantastic encounter that will
ultimately not change your beliefs?
Weekly Programs
Sunday School: Our Sunday School program meets Sunday
mornings from 10-11 in the RZ Room. We are working on
"Synago" - from the greek meaning, "Come Together."
Throughout this study we will discover how in working as a
group, we draw closer to each other and to God.
RZ (Reality Zone): Our youth ministry offers youth an
opportunity to discover what it means to be in a real, authentic
relationship with the God who created, redeems, and sustains
all things. This year we are studying "The B-Team" in which
we learn about Biblical characters who have been lost to time.
Middle school meets from 4:15-7:30, while high school meets
from 5:30-8:15.
What to Know:
On February 4, our youth will
leave on our annual ski retreat.
This year, we will be traveling to
Red River, New Mexico for a
couple of days of skiing.
Each year, we take these trips
because of the amount of quality
spiritual development that occurs
on the trip. We spend about 12
hours in deep spiritual
development. This year we will
be looking at stories in Scripture
where people encountered God
on a mountain. Through this
theme, we will be more aware of
how each of us encounters God as
we travel to the mountain, and
from there, how we encounter
God in our daily lives.
Upcoming Dates:
Feb 3
Ski Retreat
Feb 4-7
Sunday School
Feb 7
Ash Wednesday
Feb 10
Feb 10
Sunday School
Feb 14
Feb 17
Sunday School
Feb 21
Feb 24
Sunday School
Feb 28
Let us all share the love of
God, Every day, in every
way we can!
The Healer
By Sharon and Tim Emswiler
How could this be?
It was a large impressive waiting room.
It had all the latest magazines and most
comfortable chairs.
It was fairly full.
All of these folks were here to see one
of the three doctors.
But in one corner
Over thereWas an old woman sobbing.
At first she had been crying softly.
But then she broke into full-blown
Some deep lonely raw hurt was pushing
away at this woman.
And now the dam had broken.
The tears were rushing forth.
All of us in the waiting room looked at
each other embarrassed.
We don’t know what to do.
So we tried to act polite and ignore the
But a little boy clear in far corner of the
room came tottering over to the old
womanTottering on his not-too-steady, two year
old legs.
He went straight to the woman
Caressed her face with his hands
And said,
“All right, all right, all right.”
The woman’s sobs subsided.
She took his hands in hers and gently
kissed them.
The beginnings of a smile played on her
And all of us were awestruck at seeing
The littlest person in our midst as
The healer.
Below are the names of those who are
Wednesday evening meals, and Upper Rooms
for the month of February.
February 7
Pat Shrader
February 14
February 21
Virginia Clark
February 28
Mrs. O.L. Barngrover
February 7
Charlcie Black
February 14
February 21
Virginia Clark
February 28
January 31- Feb 6
Kacee Smith
February 7-13
Kathie Schlereth
February 14-20
February 21-27
February 3
February 10
Friends of Doug Smith
February 17
February 24
Ann Frigon
Ann Frigon & Preferred Investments
12 noon to 1 p.m.
February 17th Our Lady of Guadalupe
- 3231 N. 14th
February 24th Christ the King
Lutheran Church – 1008 W. Beeson
March 2nd First Baptist Church 1310 N. Second Avenue
March 9th First Southern Baptist
Church – 3106 N 14th Avenue
March 16th First United Methodist
Church - 210 Soule
Readers for the 2015
UMW Reading Program
Anyone can be a reader, no matter what your
age or gender. There are books for teens, and a
variety of books for the youngsters. If you are
still in preschool, ask mom or dad to read to
you. For the 2015 year, there were 26 readers
and a total of 190 books were read. The most
any one person read was 26. Wow, Dorothy!
2015 readers are as follows:
Eldon Becker
Joan Becker
Monica Bounds
Gwen Brooks
Virginia Clark
Sylvia Cronin
Grace Davis
Susan Finley
Sarah Godbey
Susan Hansen
Bonita Hizar
Dorothy Huck
Donna Imel
Margaret Irons
Judy Lenz
Gwen Long
Dorothy Lowry
Kay MacKinnon
Theo Melia
Donnis Schmitt
Esther Stephenson
Jackie Trindle
Mary Lou Warren
Pat Kolb
Peg Abbey
We challenge each of you to read at least one
book during 2016. Books are on the UMW cart
in the Library. Just sign the card and leave it on
the cart. There are about 100 books to choose
Pat Kolb, Peg Abbey UMW Librarians
Praying for Strangers
by River Jordan
Have you made a New Year’s Resolution this
year? The author’s resolution was to pray for
one stranger every day. Sometimes she prayed
silently or just before bed. But most times she
said, “You are my stranger today. May I ask
your name?” Then she would explain her
resolution and ask what they needed a prayer
for. The results were amazing. In story after
story, the stranger needed many prayers and
was uplifted by the encounter. Not only did
River Jordan change the lives of many others,
but her life changed as well.
I made a resolution once, and I have kept it for
many years. It was about prayer. We may not
be able to accost strangers, but we can smile
and try to be pleasant to those we do not know.
And we can pray for them. God will hear us.
Pat Kolb
Spiritual Growth (2013)
The Keystone Sunday School Class would like
to take this time to say “Thank you all” for your
support during our recent yearly pecan sales.
We continue t be amazed at how fast we are
able to move the pecans. This year we received
the pecans a little later than usual but sold out
of them within the first two weeks of our
designated sales time.
The funds received from the sale of the
pecans are used to support our church
missions. Some of the donations were also
made to memorials of past members of our
class and organizations within our church.
These include Methodist VIM group, Youth ski
trips, yearly shoe project, helped with procuring
more bells for the bell choir and made funds
available to church members who needed
financial assistance in helping with costs of
medications and road trips associated with
treatment of health problems. If there are
needs within the church we can support that
have not been a part of our contributions in the
past, please feel free to contact the Keystone
Class for considerations of a donation. Thanks
again for your support and we’ll see ya at the
kitchen window of the church next fall.
God Bless you all.
Keystone Sunday School Class
Christmas Decorating Teams
…Thank You…
A special thank you goes out to these two
teams who helped with the interior decoration
before and after Christmas. First, a “thank you”
to those who helped prepare our church so
beautifully for Christmas. Second a “thank you”
to those who helped bring our church facility
out of the season of Christmas in to the season
of Epiphany.
The Christmas Decorating Team consisted of;
Nancy Sapp & the members of the Sanctuary
Choir, Steve Cauble, Bob Melia, Marshall Perez,
Sherry Polkinghorn, Erma Algers, John Algers,
Judy Lenz, Jim Kirby, Susan Hansen, Jim Reneau,
Judy Bleumer and Linda Denning.
The Christmas Un-Decorating Team consisted
of Marcia Astleford, Brad Astleford, Marshall
Perez, Bob Melia, Jim Reneau, Matt Gerard,
Jacque Kemmerer, Gerald Kemmerer, Jan Scott,
Steve Cauble, Sherry Polkinghorn, Jalynn Nolte,
Jim Kirby, and Susan Hansen.
Guests in Worship Sunday
We were delighted to welcome these
guests at our services:
(December 24, 2015)
In – Town
Annette Aldape, Terry Webb.
Out – of – Town
Danny & Gail Dennis, Alisha & Jaycie
Ontiberos, William Sawyer, Jim & Mary
Shultz, Darrel & Vicki Siminston, Judy
Thomas, Tim Trowbridge, Leona Derkson,
Patrick, Erin, Ali & Anderson Gleason, Kent
& Terri Hermes, Roger, Jolana, Janae &
Ryan Perkins.
(December 27, 2015)
In – Town
Hector Salinas.
Out – of – Town
Andy, Dayna, Nathan & Megan Jones.
(January 3, 2015)
(January 10, 2015)
In – Town
Terry Webb, Mardy Westeman, Jarosley
Espindola, Ashley Espindola, Yudis Morgan,
Emanuel Reyes, Gladys Perez, Marling
Pastran, Jessica Salas, Olga Romero, Angel.
Out – of – Town
(January 17, 2015)
In – Town
Betsy Allison, Gabby Garcia, Maritza
Sedano, Francisco Sedano, Yaquelin
Sedano, Liliana Sedano, Andres Sedano.
Out – of – Town
Emmah Nukano.
Out – of Town Bulletins
Penny Lopp & Theo Melia, Milpitas, CA
Patrice Feldt, Gilbert, AZ
Brad, Melyssa, Ethan & Kaylee White,
Windsor, CO
Patrice Feldt, Garden City, KS
We express our sympathy to…
…the family of Jean Koelling.
…Lisa Hager & family on the
death of her grandmother.
…the family of Jeanette Shewey.
…the family of Gwen Long.
…Glenn Truitt & family on the death of his
Jean M. Koelling
2:00 PM with Mr. Jeff Hiers presiding.
Burial followed at Bucklin Cemetery in
Bucklin. Memorials are suggested to Manor
of The Plains in care of the funeral home.
( November 29, 1920 - December 27, 2015 )
Dodge City - Jean M. Koelling, 95, died
December 27, 2015 at Western Plains
Medical Complex, Dodge City. She was
born on November 29, 1920 at Bucklin,
Kansas the daughter of G.T. and Margaret
(Dykes) Emmons.
She and her family moved to Copeland in
1923, she attended and graduated from
Copeland High School in 1938. Jean
furthered her education by attending and
graduating from Dodge City Community
College in 1940, and went on to earn a
Degree in English from Fort Hays State
University in 1942. Mrs. Koelling taught
English at the Dodge City Middle School for
many years. She married Everett E. Koelling
on May 16, 1942 in Wichita, Kansas, he
preceded her in death on December 28,
She was a member of the First United
Methodist Church, UMW, and the Dodge
City Country Club all of Dodge City.
Survivors include a daughter Sue Ann Soto
of Dodge City; Foster Child Margo Puls of
Lexington, Nebraska; four grandchildren
Carol, Jason and wife Shana, Gary and wife
Alyssa, JoAnna. She is also survived by
eight great grandchildren Koal, Lillian,
Henry, Zachary, Isaac, Jessalyn, Ethan,
Brooke and two sister-in-laws Adabelle
Koelling and Vede Koelling.
She was preceded in death by her parents
and several special cousins.
Funeral service was held at Swaim Funeral
Home on Thursday, December 31, 2015 at
Jeanette Shewey
( May 06, 1932 - January 05, 2016 )
DODGE CITY - Jeanette Shewey, 83, died
January 5, 2016 at Manor of The Plains in
Dodge City. She was born on May 6, 1932
at Whiting, the daughter of Albert and Nina
(Draney) Wissler.
She married Estel Shewey on June 24, 1950
in Sabetha, he preceded her in death on May
10, 1980. Mrs. Shewey was a realtor in
Dodge City from 1967 until her retirement
in 2006. She enjoyed traveling, camping and
jewelry making in her spare time.
Jeanette was a member of the National
Association of Realtors, Howard Gotschall
V.F.W. Post #1714 Ladies Auxiliary, the
Dodge City Moose Lodge, and the First
United Methodist Church.
Survivors include a son, Michael Shewey of
Dodge City; one daughter, Linda Griffin of
Bomayor, Texas, as well as two
grandchildren, four great grandchildren and
many nieces and nephews.
Memorial service was held at Swaim
Funeral Home on Friday January 8, 2016 at
2:00 PM with Rev. Jeff Turner presiding.
Inurnment followed at Greencrest Cemetery
in Dodge City. Memorials are suggested to
the American Heart Association in care of
the funeral home. Thoughts and memories
may be shared in the online guest book at
Gwendolyn P. Long
( August 23, 1932 - January 13, 2016 )
Dodge City - Gwendolyn P. Long, 83, died
January 13, 2016 at Trinity Manor in Dodge
City. She was born on August 23, 1932 near
Ingalls the daughter of Pearl O. and Frances
(Israel) Moore.
Funeral service was held at First United
Methodist Church on Tuesday, January 19,
2016 at 10:00 Am with Rev. Jerre Nolte
presiding. Burial followed at Maple Grove
Cemetery in Dodge City. Memorials are
suggested to First United Methodist Church
or the Circle of Hope in care of the funeral
Gwen graduated from Cimarron High
School in 1950. On November 11, 1951, she
married Richard L. Long at the First United
Methodist Church in Cimarron, he survives.
Gwen spent two years in Norfolk, Virginia,
while Richard was stationed with the Navy
there. She has been a resident of Dodge City
for 63 years. She was a active member of the
First United Methodist Church of Dodge
City where she was a member of the United
Methodist Women Circle. Gwen worked
with her sons on 4-H projects. She also
volunteered for Meals on Wheels, Pink
Ladies at Western Plains Medical Complex.
She enjoyed 40 years of Square Dancing in
Pairs and Squares Club. Gwen loved to do
needle point and won many blue ribbons at
County and State Fairs. She was also a
member for 47 years of the Happy Hours
Extension Unit.
Survivors include her husband Richard Long
of the home; two sons Craig Long and wife
Sandy of Dodge City; Kyle Long and wife
Denise of Great Bend, Kansas, grandsons
Mike Long and children of Wichita, and
Tyler Long of Topeka. She is also
survivored by three sisters Glennys Chalkey
of Cimarron, Glatha Denton and husband
Jack of Dodge City, and Gyra Miller of
Dodge City. She will be missed by her many
nieces and nephews and lifelong friends.
She was preceded in death by three sons
Klayton, Klinton and Brentley.
If you know someone has gone into the
hospital, will have surgery or needs a visitplease call the church office- 227-8181 (Anytime
day or night- if it's after office hours you can
leave a message on the answering machine.) Or
call Sarah - 338-7526. Thank you!! We'd rather
hear 6 times than not at all!
A 2016 Lenten Crossroads
“Journey to the Cross”
Over the last two-thousand years, or so, in the organized church, the Season of Lent has
been a season of life to respectfully and discretely, reflect on the meaning of repentance and
reconciliation in one’s life.
The Lenten Journey has a beginning and an ending. The Lenten Journey, the 40 day season
of Lent, begins on, Wednesday, February 10, 2016 with Ash Wednesday. There will be three
Ash Wednesday worship service opportunities for you. All of these 20 minute services will be
held in the Church sanctuary. The times are 12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
The seven Sunday’s of Lent will feature a different lectionary theme scripture and a “take
away” thought, a token, or a covenant promise.
A Lenten Bible Study titled, “John” a new Bible study released by author and United
Methodist minister, the Rev. Dr. Adam Hamilton, will be held on Wednesday’s at 6:00 p.m.
The very popular Dodge City Ministerial Alliance’s “Lenten Luncheon” series takes place at
various churches around the community on Wednesday’s from 12:00 noon through 1:00 p.m.
First United Methodist Church will host the Lenten Luncheon on Wednesday, March 16, 2016.
The Lenten Journey comes to a climatic point during Holy Week at First United Methodist
Church with Palm Sunday on Sunday March 20, 2016. There will be a procession of palms and
children singing “loud hosannas” throughout the experience. Throughout the week the church
will be open to those who desire to seek solace and sanctuary. The Maundy-Thursday
experience of communion and symbolic foot-washing and stripping the altar will take place on
Thursday March 24, 2016. A Good Friday Tenebrae observance of light and dark will be held on
Friday, March 25, 2016.
The Lenten Journey ends on Sunday, March 27, 2016, Easter Sunday morning, with an inside
Easter Sunrise service on placing the altar back at 7:30 a.m. The celebration continues with the
Sanctuary Choir joyously sharing an Easter Cantata during the 8:55 a.m. worship service and
then the Casa de Oración and Solid Ground Contemporary services at 11:00 a.m.
The Church’s Vital Statistics
Last Year
Last Year
Last Year
YTD avg
Ministry & Mission Giving
Needed for 2016: $76,782
Last Year
Last Year
Last Year
No Service
Persons From Our Congregation Living in Nursing/Rest Homes
(Does not include those in Independent Living Apartments at Manor of the Plains)
Please remember in prayer those in nursing/rest homes.
If you know of anyone we have missed,
call us at 227-8181.
Trinity Manor
Georgene Nuss
Darleen Mapel
Velma Faulds
Patsy Craven
Inez Stoltz
Joyce Crosby
Richard Woodworth
Jim Creevey
Micaela Mendoza
Dick Kline
Donnis Schmitt
Don & Betty
Larry & Janet
Lucille McGrew
Leon Allen
Anna Allen
Manor of the Plains
Lula May Woodson
Bob Borthwick
Dale Tuxhorn
Rex McGugin
Dora Lee Starks
Irene Hastings
Everett Fieser
Norma Schoen
Bob Swaim
Good Samaritan
Dorothy Huck
Virginia Bierce
Edna Maley
Linda Mahieu
Alice Kolsky
Garden City
Marjory Howarter
Ilah Stone
Jacquelin Kirmer
First United Methodist Church
…a community of joy!
210 Soule
Dodge City, Kansas 67801
(620) 227-8181
February 2016
Non-Profit Organization
Permit No. 148
Dodge City, Kansas 67801
Change Service Requested

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