Toro Park School - Washington Union School District / Overview
Toro Park School - Washington Union School District / Overview
WASHINGTON UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014 - 2015 BACK TO SCHOOL - WELCOME! DISTRICT FORMS ONE PER STUDENT - RETURN WITH CHILD THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM – Please complete the form online and print out. Return this form on August 20th, the first day of school. TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET AGREEMENT – Please review and sign the Internet and Technology Agreement with your student. ONE PER FAMILY - RETURN WITH YOUNGEST CHILD THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL SCHOOL BUS APPLICATION - If you intend for your child to ride the school bus, complete the bus application and return with payment. BUS RIDING GUIDELINES - Please review the Bus Riding Guidelines with your student. It is important they know and obey safety rules. FREE/REDUCED LUNCH/MILK PROGRAM - Fill out the appropriate form and return, even if you do not qualify. If you do qualify please attach the supporting documentation. ANNUAL NOTIFICATION TO PARENTS BOOKLET – This booklet is included in the mailing and must be reviewed by both parent and student, a signature is required on the Emergency Information Form. Also please complete and return the inside front cover of the booklet. PARENTS’ CLUB INFORMATION - Please read through this information and fill out the appropriate forms. WUEF – Complete donation information and return the first day of school or mail to WUEF. INFORMATION ONLY: FORM NOT INCLUDED MEDICATION DURING SCHOOL HOURS - These forms will be available at your child’s school. If you have a child who needs to take any kind of medication, whether prescription or over the counter, we need a doctor’s release form on file in the office. THIS IS A STATE LAW. STUDENT ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE – Included in this mailing. If you wish the additional insurance, fill out and return with payment to the insurance company. Also, please sign the acknowledgment of notification on the Emergency Information Form. DISASTER EMERGENCY PACK – Must be turned in by August 29th. SCHOOL CALENDAR 2014-2015 - Important dates are on the District’s calendar, available on the website. SCHOOL SPECIFIC FORMS TORO PARK SCHOOL TORO PARK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP – Please read with your child. Student and parent signature required. Return signature page (Page 2). LEARNING IS FUN – Grade level donation (Page 31). FOUR YEAR OLD KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS – All four year olds must have the Playground Structure Waiver on file. Return signature page (Page 34). WASHINGTON UNION SCHOOL WASHINGTON UNION SCHOOL HANDBOOK – Please read with your child. Student and parent signature required. Return acknowledgement slip (Page 19) SAN BENANCIO MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT - (Page 18). Please review with your student. Student and parent signature required. NO HARASSMENT POLICY - (Page 19) Please review with your student. Student and parent signature required. PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - (Page 20) Please review with your student. Student and Parent signature required. Return your completed information to your child’s school August 20th, the first day of school. Thank you for taking the time to complete all forms and to return them the first day of school. We look forward to another successful year. Washington Union School District Back-to-School Opportunities August 14, 2014 New Parent Information Meeting Washington: Toro Park: 3:00-4:00 4:30-5:00 August 19, 2014 Teacher Meet and Greet: Drop off supplies and meet your teacher Washington: 2:00-3:00 Toro Park: 2:30-3:15 August 21, 2014 New Parent Information Meeting San Benancio: 6:00pm August 21, 2014 San Benancio Middle School Sports Information Parent Meeting San Benancio: 6:30pm If you child is playing any sport at San Benancio Middle School this year we invite you to attend the Sports Parent Meeting. EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY PLEASE FILL IN ALL INFORMATION IF ANY CHANGE FROM LAST YEAR’S INFORMATION PLEASE PLACE A CHECK IN THE BOX Name Grade Last First Birthdate Rm Teacher M Birthplace Entrance Date Exit Date Home Address City Zip Mailing Address City Zip Child Lives With Home Phone Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Home Phone Employment/Father Military? Yes Cell # Business # Cell # No Employment/Mother Military? Business # Yes No Father’s Email Mother’s Email Names of Siblings Grade/Room School Transportation School to Home/Home to School (Circle all that apply) Bus Private Auto Walk Transit Other IMPORTANT: PLEASE INFORM OFFICE/TEACHER OF ANY CHANGES DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR Emergency Medical Release Authorization In accordance with the new federal guidelines of HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), I authorize my child’s health information to be shared with school staff. Name of Family Physician/Clinic Child’s insurance: MediCal Phone Healthy Families Does your child have any of the following: Allergies Asthma Glasses EpiPen Inhaler Hearing Aids Other None Member ID# Answer: Yes or No Mild Moderate Serious Seizures Diabetes Other Health Conditions (list): Life Threatening A physical condition preventing him/her from taking part in physical activities? (List): Medications he/she takes daily or seasonally: Medications needed at school: Medications needed at school (including inhalers) require a parent/MD medication consent form kept on file Yes No Permission is granted for my child to be interviewed / photographed for media purposes Name Grade Rm Teacher Last First M In case my child becomes ill or injured at school and parent contact cannot be made, you may contact or release my child to the following: Name City PH# Cell# Name City PH# Cell# Name City PH# Cell# Family Physician Address PH# I understand in an emergency when we cannot be contacted the school authorities will use their best judgment in the interest of our child’s health and welfare. The school assumes no financial responsibility. If emergency service involving medical action or treatment is required and neither parent/guardian nor the family physician can be reached for consent the district will call 911. In this circumstance emergency service personnel will be responsible for determining what type of care is required. Signature Yes Name of Medical Insurance No Policy/Member ID# FIELD TRIPS My child has my permission to participate in all school authorized field trips. Signature Yes No PARENTS AND PUPIL RIGHTS I have received the Parents’/Guardians’ Notification of Rights and Responsibilities. Signature Yes No In case of an accident at school, if contact cannot be made, can we take your child to a local physician/hospital? Signature Yes No I understand that the Washington Union School District does not provide accident medical insurance for students for school related injuries but does offer student insurance for voluntary purchase through Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Company, Inc. Signature Yes No I understand that falsifying any information on this card could result in the immediate transfer of my child to another school district. Signature Yes No DISASTER PREPAREDNESS INFORMATION In case of a school emergency, natural disaster, or other situation where students must be released to another adult besides myself, I authorize the school to release my student to the following person from my neighborhood. LIST NO LESS THAN THREE (3) PEOPLE FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD WITH PHONE NUMBERS: NAME HOME PHONE # CELL PHONE # WORK PHONE # Remember that it may be difficult to get to the school in some emergencies, so please do not list people out of the district area Parent/Guardian Signature Date Washington Union School District E 6163.4 Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy* 1. I will use technology in an appropriate, responsible, and ethical manner. 2. I will not access the control panel, system folder, or alter any other setting on public computers without explicit permission from an adult supervisor. 3. I will log in and out each time I use the computer. 4. I will accept responsibility for any damage to the computer caused by my misuse of the equipment. 5. I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number, or the name and location of my school without my parents’ permission. 6. I will tell my parents right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable. 7. I will never agree to get together with someone I “meet” online without first checking with my parents. If my parents agree to the meeting, I will be sure that it is in a public place and bring my mother or father along. 8. I will never send a person my picture or anything else without first checking with my parents. 9. I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I do, I will tell my parents right away so that they can take appropriate action. 10. I will talk with my parents so that we can set up rules for going online. We will decide upon the time of day that I can be online, the length of time I can be online and appropriate areas for me to visit. I will not access other areas or break these rules. 11. I will not give out my internet passwords to anyone (even my best friends) other than my parents. 12. I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or threaten my family’s privacy. 13. I will be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law. 14. I will try to spell everything correctly. 15. I will help my parents understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology. *Many policies adapted from and Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy* E 6163.4 Additional Guidelines for Middle School* 16. I will not plagiarize. Instead, I will expand on others’ ideas and give credit where it is due. 17. I will use language appropriate for school. 18. I will not insult my fellow students or their writing. 19. I will not bully others in my blog posts or in my comments or emails. 20. I will never access another student’s account in order to pose as them or look at their personal content. 21. I will not spam (including, but not limited to meaningless messages, mass messages, and repetitive messages.) 22. I will respect the public nature of online information, and in doing so, I will respect the wishes of my fellow students for keeping their information private. 23. I will only post or email things that I am comfortable with everyone seeing; other things I will keep as drafts. 24. I will not use my public writing (blog posts, comments, discussion topics) as a chat room. 25. I will use my school online content as an extension of the classroom. In doing so, I will not say anything online that would not be said in the classroom. WE have read and understand the Technology/Internet Responsible Use policy. Student Name Grade Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date Teacher *Many policies adapted from and Washington Union School District 43 San Benancio Road Salinas, California Bus Riding Guidelines The following rules of conduct shall apply to all students who ride the school buses of the Washington Union School District: 1. Student shall obey and show respect to the bus driver at all times. a. Students must respond promptly to the directions of the bus driver. b. Students must give proper identification when requested by driver. 2. Students are not to move toward the bus until the bus comes to a complete stop and the doors open. 3. Students must remain seated facing the front of the bus and shall not change seats while bus is in motion or without permission of bus driver. 4. Students shall not litter, eat, drink, except for water, or chew gum while riding a school bus. Students who are diabetic may eat food on the bus. 5. The following distracting disturbances and/or acts of vandalism are prohibited at the bus stop and while riding the bus: a. Bullying or verbal abuse. b. Abusive body contact (slapping, hitting, tripping, poking, shoving, pulling hair, and the like) in or when loading or unloading bus. c. Using profane language or obscene gestures. d. Putting any part of body out of bus window at any time. e. Creating excessive noise inside the bus and yelling at people outside the bus. f. Unauthorized opening, closing or tampering of any kind with bus doors or emergency exits. g. Any type of damage or defacing of bus. h. Lighting of matches and cigarettes or smoking on bus. i. Throwing any objects in, out of, or at the bus. j. Transporting live animals, reptiles or insects on a school bus , except for guide, signal or service dogs. k. Tampering with radio or bus controls. 6. Students must not wear hats or caps while riding on the school bus. 7. Students must use their regularly assigned bus stop going to and from school. 8. During a red light pick up, after the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver has stopped traffic in both directions the driver will tell the students to walk, not run as they cross the street. The students must cross the roadway between the driver and the front of the bus, never behind the driver or to the rear of the bus. 9. During a red light drop off the students will remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. When the driver tells the students to exit the bus, the students will wait at the right front corner of the bus. The driver will tell the student when it is safe to cross. The students must cross the roadway between the driver and the front of the bus, never behind the driver or to the rear of the bus. WASHINGTON UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT APPLICATION FOR SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION Dear Parents/Guardians of Washington Union School District: If you wish to apply for bus transportation for your child/children, please complete the form below and return it to your school office with a check for the appropriate amount. Please do not send cash. Make your check payable to the Washington Union School District. Your canceled check will serve as your receipt. If there are any questions, please call Tracie Corpuz or Dee Baker at the District Office (484-2166) for further information. Fee must be paid by September 12, 2014. BUS TRANSPORTATION REQUEST Student Last Name First Name Grade 1 __________________________________________________________ 2 __________________________________________________________ 3 __________________________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________________________ $235.00 = 1 Student $398.00 = 2 Students $470.00 = 3 or more Students Parent Name____________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________Phone_____________ Total Amount Enclosed $__________________(Required) Parent Signature(Required)________________________________________________ For Office Use Only: Date Paid__________ Amount Paid____________ WASHINGTON UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Application for Free·School Bus Transportation Dear Parents/Guardian: · ..To apply for free school bus Transportation service you must return a completed and signed.application to your child's school. · I hereby· apply for a free school bus pass for: · Last Name First Name 1. 2. 3. 4. I certify that we are qualified for a free us pass based on the following: Check one Foster Child AFDC Recipient AFDC#: Food Stamp Eligibility food Stamp#:...._ Requirement of IEP Income at or below the following levels: _ _ Please attach a copy of the above checked documentation. Free Eligibility Scale Family Size Gross Income Weekly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross Income Monthly 292 394 495 597 698 800 901 1003 1265 1705 2144 2584 3024 3464 3904 4344 1. Total number in family now living In this household. 2. Total family Income before deduction: Yearly• _ Monthly, I certify that the above information is true. Signature Date Gross Income Yearly Weekly :_ 15,171 20,449 25,727 31,005 36,283 41,561 46,839 52,117 _ Other _ Please attach required documentation. ·Print Parent Name Address Washington Union School District Application For Free and Reduced-Price Meals ******USE BLACK OR BLUE INK AND PRINT NEATLY WITHIN BOXES****** (Complete ONE Application per Household) SECTION A. CHILDREN INFORMATION All Households Complete This Section. Enter all children's personal (earned) gross income, by amount, and how often received by placing a circle around the correct Income Codes: W=Weekly, E=Every 2 Weeks, T=Twice a Month, M=Monthly, Y=Yearly. Racial and Ethnic Identities (optional) 1. Circle one Ethnic Identity: N=Not Hispanic/Latino or H=Hispanic/Latino 2. Circle one or more racial identities: (Regardless of ethnicity) A=Asian, W=White, B=Black or African American, I=American Native or Alsaka Native, P=Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander GRADE LAST NAME, FIRST NAME SCHOOL (Write "NONE" if not in school) Racial and Ethnic Identities: (Optional) Date of Birth (Optional) Circle One Ethnic Identity j N OR H A W B I P k N OR H A W B I P l N OR H A W B I P m N OR H A W B I P n N OR H A W B I P If the child you are applying for is Homeless, Migrant, or Runaway, contact the school and CIRCLE appropriate letter: H M R MARK "X" Mark "X" if Child's Personal If Foster No Income Earned Income Child Circle one or more q q q q q Source of Income (Work)? $ $ $ Paid How Often? (Circle) ENTER Benefit Type: CalFresh, CalWORKs, Kin-GAP, FDPIR ENTER Benefit Case Number W E T M Y q q q q $ W E T M Y W E T M Y $ Households submitting an application with a Benefit Case Number for CalFresh/CalWORKs for EACH child or an Adult household member, please skip to Section C and complete. W E T M Y W E T M Y A Foster Child that is under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court, is eligible for free meals. This eligiblity is not extended to non-foster children in the household. SECTION B. ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: Enter Gross Income Under Each Income Type each Household Member Receives and "How Often" the Income is Received by using the Choose one or more r following Income Codes: W=Weekly, E=Every 2 Weeks, T=Twice a Month, M=Monthly, Y=Yearly. If No Income, You MUST Mark the "No Income box." DO NOT Leave Blank. Adult's Full Name (Do not repeat names from Section A) Richard, Larath j k MARK Gross Earnings from Work Paid Indicate Pay from Pensions, Retirement, Social Security, "X" If No Before Deductions, Include How VA benefits Income All jobs Often? $ 199.98 W $ $ 141.65 Income Source? Pension Welfare Benefits, Paid Child Support, How Often? Alimony Payments Y $ M $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ m $ $ Child Support Any Other Income, Including Temporary Income $ l $ $ Paid How Often? $ $ n 99.99 Income Source? $ $ $ $ 550.00 Income Source? Rental Income Paid How Often? Enter Benefit Type: CalFresh, CalWORKS, Kin-GAP, FDPIR Enter Benefit M $ $ $ $ $ meals may be submitted at any Education Code 49557(a): Applications for Free and reduced-price time during a school day. Children participating in the National School Lunch Program will not be overtly identified by the use of special tokens, special tickets, special serving lines, separate entrances, separate dining areas, or by any other means. I certify (promise) that all of the above information is true and correct and that all income is reported. I understand that this information is given in given in connection with the receipt of federal funds that school officials may verify the information on the application at any time, and that deliberate misrepresentation of the information may subject me to prosecution under applicable State and federal laws. SECTION C. CONTACT INFORMATION, CERTIFICATIONS, AND SIGNATURE: Printed name of adult household member completing this form Signature of adult household member completing this form Date _______________________________________________________X ___________________________________________________ __________________ Federal Information Statement on letter to households Last 4 digits of Social Security Number (SSN) ___ ___ ___ ___ r I do not have a SSN. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address, Apt #, etc. City State Zip Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number E-mail Address DO NOT Write Below This Line-For School Use Only: CA Application Approved: HSLD Size: ________________ q Free based on: c CalFRESH c Direct Certifed as: H M c CalWORKS c Household Income c KinGap c Zero Income c FDPIR c Foster Child Only c Direct Certification HSLD Annual Income: $ ___________________ q Denied based on: R c Income Too High c Incomplete q Reduced based on: c Household Income Annual Income Conversion Factors: Weekly X 52, Every 2 Weeks X 26, Twice A Month X 24, Monthly X 12 The USDA and the CDE are equal opportunity providers and employers q Categorically: C Determining Official's Signature & Date ____________________________________________________ _______________ Confirming Official's Signature & Date ____________________________________________________ ________________ Verification Official's Signature & Date ____________________________________________________ ________________ Generated by the CA Dept. of Education mealapplicationJun2012 Determining Official's Signature & Date WASHINGTON UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Disaster Preparedness Information Dear Parents: Washington Union School District is continuing to monitor and expand its Disaster Preparedness Plan. Student emergency bags are an element of that plan. Each year we collect supplies and information which will enable our schools to be more prepared to care for our students in the event of an emergency. Please complete the Disaster Preparedness Information on the bottom of the Emergency Information Form. This is special release information to be filled out for your child. This information will be used only in the event of a major earthquake or other disaster; it does not replace the additional “Emergency Information” which is used when your child is sick or injured. In the event of a disaster, the staffs of the three schools in the Washington Union School District will release your child only to those individuals whose names are listed in the “Disaster Preparedness Information” section. Please consider carefully, local individuals to whom you wish to entrust your child, as well as each individual’s ability to reach the school in the case of damage to roads and/or power lines. Please consult with these individuals/families prior to listing their names on your child’s form. It is important that no one individual/family be responsible for more children than would be appropriate in an emergency situation. Remember that under no circumstance will your child be released to any individual who is not named in the “Disaster Preparedness Information” section of the Emergency Information form. A comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Plan must consider our student’s safety, food, water, medical needs and sanitation. Obtaining and storing food that will be familiar and appealing to the children, that has a long shelf life and requires no preparation is a difficult task. In an attempt to design a plan that will create the most normal and familiar environment for our students, we are asking parents to provide an emergency “food bag” for each child enrolled. This bag should contain foods that your child will enjoy from the attached list. Your child’s bag will be stored in his/her classroom until the end of the school year, at which time it will be returned to you for your own use. Please select your child’s “meal” from the following list and place the items in a zip-lock bag labeled with his/her full name, grade and teacher. Place the label facing out. Please include in the bag any medications your child would require in a 24 hour period and an extra pair of glasses (if you have them) if your child cannot see without his/her glasses. A comforting note written by you for your child would be a helpful addition. For your convenience, you may order your child’s Emergency Food Bag from Parents’ Club. The enclosed form which is included in this packet needs to be completed by Friday, August 29th. A basic emergency “food bag” will be delivered directly to your child’s classroom. If your child attends “Time for Me”, an additional emergency “food bag” will also be required. Please note that only the basic items will be provided in the purchased emergency bags. Once school begins, please give your child’s teacher any medications or eye glasses (if needed) and a comforting note from you to your child, if you desire. If your child has any special dietary needs, you may want to provide your own emergency “food bag” as recommended below. F:\dpalmer\Backup 012512\Back To School 2013 14\Disaster Preparedness Letter 2013 14.doc ALL FOOD ITEMS SHOULD HAVE PULL-TOP LIDS AND BE EASY TO OPEN; NO FOODS SHOULD REQUIRE A CAN OPENER. The following is a list of recommended items to include in the emergency “food bag”: 1. One or two of the following: Pull-top can (3-4 oz.) of tuna or chicken (packed in water) Small package of processed cheese (non-refrigerated type) Small package of unsalted nuts or trail mix 2. One or two of the following: Pull-top can of fruit or pudding Small package of dried fruit or fruit roll 3. One or two of the following: Granola bar (without chocolate coating) Small package crackers (unsalted or low salt) 4. 16 oz. water bottle 4. A spoon 5. Medications/eye glasses (if needed) 6. A comforting note from you to your child 7. Name label facing out (child’s name, grade and teacher) PLEASE INCLUDE ONLY NON-PERISHABLE FOODS IN YOUR CHILD’S EMERGENCY “FOOD BAG”. AVOID SALTY FOOD, FOODS THAT REQUIRE ADDING WATER, FOODS THAT REQUIRE HEATING, FOODS THAT HAVE BEEN REFRIGERATED OR FROZEN, AND ESPECIALLY ANY FOODS THAT YOUR CHILD WILL NOT EAT! PLEASE RETURN YOUR CHILD’S EMERGENCY “FOOD BAG” TO HIS/HER TEACHER NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th. If you choose to order from Parents’ Club, your bag will be delivered directly to your child’s classroom. Thank you for your help and support. Please be assured that the safety of your child is our greatest concern and that we will do whatever is necessary and possible to ensure his/her safety in the event of an earthquake or other major disaster occurring during school hours. Our district’s Disaster Preparedness Plan is updated annually and we coordinate with the County and State Offices of Emergency Services to conduct drills on a regular basis. If you are ordering your emergency “food bag” from Parents’ Club please fill in the information below: Should you have any questions, please contact your school principal. Sincerely, Dee Baker Superintendent F:\dpalmer\Backup 012512\Back To School 2013 14\Disaster Preparedness Letter 2013 14.doc A Parents’ Club Service Classroom Emergency Bags In the event of an earthquake or other unforeseen emergency where your child must remain on the school site for an extended time, the state requires that every school have an emergency plan in place. Part of this plan includes having nonperishable food and water for each child. Parents’ Club provides emergency bags for you to purchase for the 2014-2015 school year. Please see letter from Dee Baker, Superintendent for more information. Emergency Bags are $10.00 each Please fill out a separate form for each child Please fill out the form below and return this page to any of the schools with a Check made payable to Parents’ Club by Friday, August 29th! Please add your “Total Due” to Parents’ Club Annual Membership Drive Form. We are not able to accommodate for allergies at this time. Child’s Name: ___________________________________ Grade: _____ Teacher: ________________ Time for Me Bag: ______ ____ Yes! I would like to help assemble the bags, please contact me: Name, Phone & E-mail: ________________________________________ Any questions or concerns please contact Diane Malik at [email protected] WUSD Parents’ Club 2014-2015 Directory Listing & Purchase Form One Form Per Family. Due August 29th If you wish for your contact information to be included, please sign, complete and submit this form by Friday, August 29th. To purchase the directory, please complete the information in Steps 1-4 of this form and submit with payment. The directory will be distributed in early October to your youngest child’s classroom. Step #1—Signature Required for Directory Listing Please indicate: (a) Directory Listing & Purchase _____ (b) Directory Listing Only ____ I hereby release the following information for inclusion in the 2014-2015 WUSD School Directory. If purchasing, I agree to abide by the WUSD School Directory Use Restrictions stated as follows; “The WUSD School Directory contains private and personal information about students and families. Recipients of the Directory agree to use the WUSD Directory only to facilitate functions and activities of the WUSD and its students; agree not to disseminate or disclose the contents of the WUSD Directory to any third party individuals or organizations; and agree not to use the WUSD Directory for business or commercial purposes or for solicitations.” X _________________________ Signature _______________________ ___________________ _________ Printed Name Phone Number Date Step #2—WUSD Student Information List Youngest to Oldest Last Name First Name Grade Last Name First Name Grade Youngest WUSD Child’s Teacher: __________________________________ Step #3—Household Information (Entries Optional) Primary Household Alternate Household Parent’s Names Street Address City, State, Zip Home or Primary Phone Secondary Phone E-mail Address Step #4—Directory Purchase Order Please add your “Total Due” to Parents’ Club Annual Membership Drive Form. Size Price Qty Total Amount Package Deal—1 Booklet & 1 Pocket $15.00 $ Booklet 8.5” X 7” Only (Only booklet contains email addresses) Pocket Book Only $12.00 $ $7.00 $ Total Due $ For Parents Club Use Only Date Received: ___________ Paid by: __________ Entered: __________ Verified: _________ Comments: ___________________________ Parents’ Club Annual Membership Drive 2014-2015 All parents are truly members of Parents’ Club! - A district-wide organization made up of parents and teachers who share the common goal of fostering and facilitating a strong sense of school & community spirit. Please show your support for the many Parents’ Club sponsored activities by volunteering below and including your annual $20 donation with your back-to-school paperwork. With your donation Parents’ Club is able to: ● provide monetary gifts to teachers twice per year to use for their specific classroom needs; ● host wonderful family events such as the Harvest Carnival, Holiday Arts Fair, and Open House Dinners; ● sponsor a variety of educational and informational speakers; ● offer district-wide services including the school directory, spirit wear and emergency bags; ● show appreciation for our amazing teachers and secretaries with annual luncheons. Parents’ Club Annual Membership (only one per family)..................................…....................... Emergency Bag- $10.00 per bag or provide your own bag. (See WUSD letter from Dee Baker)... Harvest Carnival Donation......................................................................................................... Directory Order (please attach order form)................................................................................... Spirit Wear Order (please attach order form)............................................................................... $20.00 $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ For your convenience, please write one check for the total amount to “Parents’ Club”...........Total $_______ Volunteering makes a difference! Parents’ Club needs volunteers to make all of our activities successful. Research shows grades go up, test scores rise and behavior improves when parents are involved. Please sign up for as many committees as you can. Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you. Parents’ Club Sponsored Activities School Directory Aug./Sept. ◯assist with proofreading, sorting and distribution Harvest Carnival Oct. 18, 2014 ◯ set-up/clean-up ◯chair a committee ◯help day of event Holiday Gift Fair Dec. 14, 2014 ◯ set-up (12/13) ◯ assist day of event ◯ clean-up (12/15) Hospitality Committee August May ◯help with fall “welcome back” and/or ◯spring “appreciation” luncheons for teachers and secretaries Baking and/or fruit or vegetable donations as needed Provide ◯ home baked goodies ◯fresh fruit ◯ veggies for variety of functions as needed throughout the year Mark your calendars...our first Parents’ Club Meeting of the new school year is scheduled for Monday, September 8, 2014 at 4pm in Room 10 at San Benancio Middle School - right next to the office. Name_________________________________________________________________Phone#________________ E-Mail_______________________________________________________________________________________ Child(ren)’s Name(s)___________________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name _______________________________________________________________________________ PARENT VOLUNTEERING - The variety of activities and opportunities for involvement available to our families is part of what makes Washington Union School District so special. Many of these activities are made possible through the dedication of parent volunteers. Please return this form with your back-to-school paperwork. Name:________________________________________________Phone:#___________________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Please take a minute to select a few ways you can volunteer by marking the bubbles below Art Docent Program ◯Hands-on (work directly with the children on monthly art projects as directed by Coordinator) ◯Picture of the Month (Give presentations on famous artists and their work) ◯Toro Park ◯Washington Union ◯ San Benancio Box Tops for Education ◯Promote and publicize the collection of box tops as well as perform basic paperwork ◯Toro Park ◯Washington Union ◯ San Benancio Coaches & Assistants for Afterschool Sports Programs at SBMS ◯ Fall Soccer ◯ Fall Volleyball ◯ Winter Basketball ◯ Spring Track ◯ Spring Tennis ◯ Spring Golf ◯ General Sports Fundraising Dance Chaperone ◯Chaperone SBMS dances, usually on Friday nights Dance Festival ◯ Help with Toro Park School’s end of year dance festival on 6/3/15 ◯ Help with Snack Bar End of Year BBQ ◯Help with 6th or 7th grade BBQ at Toro Regional Park (Same day as Dance Festival) on 6/3/15 ◯ Set-up ◯ Supervise activities ◯Clean-up ◯ Food Donation Graduation for SBMS ◯Help plan 8th grade grad ceremony (6/4/15 @ 4pm), dance, and end of year festivities Guest Reader ◯Read books to classes during library period at Toro Park School Ice Cream Sales ◯Distribute ice-cream on Fridays at Toro Park School from 11:50am-12:30pm Just Run ◯Help coordinate this Big Sur Marathon sponsored event that promotes health, fitness, good citizenship and fun! ◯Toro Park ◯Washington Union Library Assistant ◯Toro Park - assist with Book Fair Volunteers ◯WU - varied ◯SBMS - assist in library during lunch (12-12:45 pm) and after school (3-4pm) for library to remain open Magazine Drive ◯Assist SBMS Student Council with annual magazine sales to pay for student activities Music Program ◯ Assist with Fundraiser ◯ Coordinate concert refreshments P.E. Assistant ◯Assist with P.E. for 4th and 5th grade classes after lunch (approx. 12:25pm - 2pm) Student Council Snack & Lunch Help ◯Assist Student Council with Snack &/or Lunchtime Sales ◯WU ◯Assist with Costco Runs to purchase snack bar food as needed Tico’s Tacos Fridays ◯Pick up and deliver tacos from Tico’s Tacos to SBMS to be sold at lunch on Fridays Yearbook Assistant ◯Help with yearbook production at Washington Union ◯SBMS Child(ren)’s Name(s)______________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Toro Park School Spirit Wear! Parents’ Club Sponsored! Toro Park School Spirit Wear Order Form Please complete the form below and return it to any of the schools on the first day of school with your other forms. Please include your “total amount due” on Parents’ Club Annual Membership Drive Form. NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS. Your merchandise will be sent home with your child. Questions? Please call Chris Larson at (831) 601-3789 Toro Park Student’s Name: Teacher: Parent Name: Phone: Youth Items Cost Gold T-Shirt $15 Navy T-Shirt $15 Ash Crew Sweatshirt $20 Navy Crew Sweatshirt $20 Ash Hooded Sweatshirt $23 Navy Hooded Sweatshirt $23 Navy Sweatpants $20 Green Sweatpants $20 Adult Items Cost Gold T-Shirt $15 Navy T-Shirt $15 Ash Crew Sweatshirt $20 Navy Crew Sweatshirt $20 Ash Hooded Sweatshirt $23 Navy Hooded Sweatshirt $23 X-Small Size 2-4 Small Size 6-8 Medium Size 10-12 Small Medium Large Large X-Large Size Size 14-16 18-20 X-Large XX-Large (Add $2) Total Amount Due: $ Extended Price Extended Price schoolClub representative, at any of the schools when you aany Parents' find out your child's classroom assignment, with a check made out to Parents' Club. NO RETURNS OR EXCHANGES! Any questions please contact Chris Larson at 601-3789. Thank You! Washington Union Educational Foundation Created to support and enhance the educational programs of the Washington Union School District. President Why do we need an Educational Foundation? Vice-President Our school district receives most of its funding from the State of California. Significantly reduced state funding has impacted our district by cutting into our already limited classroom budget. Many of the programs that enhance the educational programs in our district are made possible by WUEF donations. Your donations are even more critical in these lean budget years. Amanda Campion Tanya Reinhardt Treasurer Stephanie Schoeder Where does your money go? Secretary Jennifer McVay Board Members Carli Chasen Jennifer Dickson Jaymie Findley Just $185 per student Debra Josue Ashley McDonnell Jennifer McVay Lisa Milburn The cost to provide art and music each year is approximately $185 per student, or $15.42 per month. $15.42 per month for a year of art and music? Think about how much you spend each month on gym memberships, gymnastics, karate, or Starbucks. Our online option allows you to pay using a credit card through our secure website and you can even spread your payments out over the school year! Julie Pavek We want everyone to participate Allie Szaszy Francesca Singh Trihn Retterer WUEF provides almost $200,000 per year in grants to the district that allow funding for: Our award winning Art Docent program in full Vocal music teachers at every grade level in full Our award winning Instrumental Music program in the upper grades in full New document scanners, printers, digital cameras, and other technology needs for the classroom New computers for the computer labs on each campus Our goal is to have 100% of the families in our district participate in the Fall Campaign because 100% of the students in our district benefit from funds raised by WUEF. If you cannot donate $185 per child, please donate what you are able to give. No amount is too small! All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Melissa Young Thank you in advance for your generous support! With your help, our district continues to stand out among the rest. 820 Park Row, Box 473 Salinas, CA 93901 WUEF is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #77-0037407 Yes! Our family supports Art, Music, and Technology! We support Art, Music and Technology. We support Art, Music and Technology for one student. We support Art, Music and Technology for two students. We support Art, Music and Technology for three students. $_____ $185 $370 $555 WUEF is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #77-0037407 All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Name: Address: Phone: Email: Child Name/s: Teacher/s: Make a credit card payment online through our secure website: (do not add “www”) We are also happy to process your credit card payments when you provide the following information: VISA MasterCard Discover Card Number: Card Security Code: American Express Expiration Date: Signature: I would like to make a one-time donation in the amount of $______________. I would like to make a monthly donation in the amount of $__________ per month for __________months. Please return this form with your check or credit card info on the first day of school or mail to: WUEF 820 Park Row, Box 473 Salinas, CA 93901 For questions or more information, please contact Missy Young (277-9995) or Kori Lukasko (229-0985). Thank you in advance for your generous support! Washington Union School District 2014-15 District Calendar Adopted Month JULY 43 San Benancio Road Salinas, CA (831) 484 2166 Superintendent Mrs. Dee Baker Administrative Manager Ms. Tracie Corpuz Fiscal Analyst Ms. Kay Weldon M 2/12/2014 7 14 21 28 T 1 8 15 22 29 W 2 9 16 23 30 Th 3 10 17 24 31 8 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 21 1H 8 15 22 29 23 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 3 10 17 24 4 11H 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27H 7 14 21 28H 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31H 4 11 18 25H 5 12 19 26 5 12 19H 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1H 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 2 9 16H 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 6 13 Mar 4: Minimum Day 19 20 Mar 19 & 20: Parent/Teacher Conferences 26 27 6H 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3H 10 17 24 4 11 18 25H 5 12 19 26 6 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 AUGUST Board of Trustees Ms. Suzanne du Verrier Mrs. Kathy LaGrandeur Mr. Tom Mallett Mr. John Vorwerck Ms. Emily Hull-Parsons SEPT OCT Schools Toro Park Elementary 484-9691 NOV Washington Union Elementary 484 1331 San Benancio Middle School 484 1172 F 4H 11 18 25 COMMENT July 4: Holiday Aug 15: New Teacher Training Day Aug 18 & 19: Teacher Work Days Aug 20: First Day of School Sept 1: Labor Day Holiday Oct. 6-10: Parent/Teacher Conferences Oct. 29: Minimum Day Nov 7: End of First Trimester Nov 11: Veterans Day Holiday Nov 12: Minimum Day Nov 24-28: Thanksgiving Break 14 DEC Teacher Work Days (Non-Student Days) The following teacher work days will be used for training or preparation as described in the district and Dec. 22-Jan. 2: Winter Break 25 & 31: Christmas Holiday 15 JAN school staff development plans. These are non-student days. Mon. & Tues., Aug. 18 & 19 Monday, January 5 Friday, June 5 Jan 1: New Year's Day Holiday Jan. 5: Teacher Work Day Jan. 6: Classes Resume Jan 19H: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 18 FEB Feb 16: Presidents' Day Holiday Feb 27: End of Second Trimester 19 Classified 10 month employees: Work all student days. MARCH Do not work holidays (H) or vacation days. 20 12 month employees: No work on 13 holidays (H) and individually APRIL scheduled vacation. April 3: Easter Holiday April 6: Holiday April 7: Classes Resume 18 Student Days Taught: 180 MAY Teacher Work Days 4 TOTAL: 184 Classified/Mgmt. Holidays: 13 13 May 25: Memorial Day Holiday May 29: Minimum Day 20 Legend: Collaboration Day Minimum Day Parent/Teacher Conferences JUNE 4 30 June 4: Eighth Grade Graduation June 4: Last Day of School (Min. Day) June 5: Teacher Work Day Washington Union School District District Calendar 2014-2015 Back-to –School Nights Kindergarten- Toro Park School San Benancio Middle School Washington Union School First–Third-Toro Park School 8/21/14 8/26/14 8/28/14 9/2/14 Open Houses Washington Union School Toro Park School San Benancio Middle School 5/14/15 5/19/15 5/21/15 End of Trimester November 7, 2014 February 27, 2015 June 4, 2015 Report Card Home November 21, 2014 March 13, 2015 June 4, 2015 Parent Conferences – 7 Days October 6-10, 2014 March 19 & 20, 2015 School Dismissal Time/ Parent Conferences Toro Park School 12:45 Washington Union School 12:15 San Benancio Middle School 11:45 Minimum Days – 5 Days October 29, 2014 November 12, 2014 March 4, 2015 May 29, 2015 June 4, 2015 School Dismissal Time on Minimum Days Toro Park School 11:45 Washington Union School 12:15 San Benancio Middle School 12:45 Collaboration Days - 16 Days Sept. 3 & 17, 2014 Jan. 7 & 21, 2015 Oct. 1 & 15, 2014 Feb. 4 & 18, 2015 Nov. 5 & 19, 2014 Mar. 18, 2015 Dec. 3 & 17, 2014 April 15, 2015 May 6 & 20, 2015 School Dismissal Time-Restructured Days Toro Park School 12:45 San Benancio Middle School 1:05 Washington Union School 1:30 Testing & Make-up’s TBD Graduation June 4, 2015 @ 4:00 P.M. F:\dbaker\MyFiles\District\District Calendar\Back Side 1415.doc Toro Park School “A Great Place to Start!” School Handbook Welcome! Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! I look forward to another exciting year school and welcome all returning and new members to our school family. Included in this handbook is information on school hours, procedures, playground expectations, and other important information. Please read it and discuss the contents of this handbook with your family to understand all student responsibilities and school expectations. This handbook will also serve as a resource for you throughout the school year. Additional information is available on our website at Please take the time to register on the website and to sign up for e-alerts that will be sent when new information is posted. The website has monthly newsletters, and other information about Toro Park School and the Washington Union School District. In addition, each teacher maintains a website with important information about their individual class. Please remember we are all here to help, so don’t hesitate to contact us at (831) 4849691 if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Carissa Edeza Principal Please cut here and return to your child’s teacher. ACKNOWLEDGMENT SLIP Student’s Name: _________________________________________ Grade: ________ Teacher’s Name: _________________________________________ Room # _______ I have read the Student/Parent Handbook and discussed it with my child. I understand that this page is to be signed and returned to my child’s teacher at Toro Park School. Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________ Student Signature_________________________________________ Date _________ 2 Table of Contents WELCOME STAFF INFORMATION BELL SCHEDULE MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULES SCHOOL ROUTINES AND PROCEDURES Student Arrival and Departure Student Drop Off and Pick Up Transportation Bus Behavior Closed Campus Emergency Cards Bicycles Classroom Rules Classroom Communication Assemblies Minimum Days Cell Phones, Electronic Devices, Toys, Sports Equip School Attire Lost and Found Lunch and Nutrition Milk and Orange Juice Purchases Ice Cream Fridays Birthday and Holiday Celebrations DISCIPLINE PLAN Character Counts Recognition School Rules Playground Rules Playground Structures Conflict Resolution Kelso’s Choices Code of Conduct Discipline Report Classroom Suspension School Suspension ATTENDANCE Absences Tardies Truancies Early Release Change in Normal Departure MEDICATION AND HEALTH AIDE INFORMATION Health Regulations Medications HOMEWORK GUIDE PARENT INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION School Site Council Art Docents EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES LEARNING IS FUN - GRADE LEVEL DONATION REQUEST SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS PLAYGROUND STRUCTURE WAIVER 2 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 13 16 16 17 17 18 19 21 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 29 29 30 31 32 34 3 Toro Park School Staff Information 22500 Portola Drive, Salinas, CA 93908 Mailing Address: 43 San Benancio Road, Salinas, CA 93908 Office: 831.484.9691 Fax: 831.484.5666 Principal: Secretary: Health Clerk: Head Custodian: Custodians: Ext. Carissa Edeza Ms. Kathleen Dunlap René Baxter Mr. Martin Saldana Mr. Jose Hernandez Mr. Corino Flores Name Room # Kindergarten Teachers: 101 Mrs. Amy Romero 102 Mrs. Cindy McKibbin 103 Mrs. Ashleigh Anderson 104 Mrs. Carla Caballo 107 Ms. Bleicher 1 2 3 4 7 Second Grade Teachers: 113 Mr. Michael Sedgwick 116 Mrs. Lori Grainger 110 Mrs. Heather Goin 115 Ms. Kimi Kato 13 16 11 15 x 202 x 200 x 203 Ext. Name Room # First Grade Teachers: 117 Ms. Suzy Roedell 118 Mrs. Stacy Carnazzo 119 Mrs. Pam Singley 121 Mrs. Karen McCall 17 18 19 21 Third Grade Teachers: 105 Mrs. Cathy Watt 106 Ms. Susie Muller 108 Mrs. Lisa Parker 109 Miss Angela Lauer 5 6 8 9 Music Teacher 123 Ms. MaryClare Martin A Special Education Staff 120 773 254 Ms. Maria Elena Ayala Ms. Vicki Madigan Mr. Ron Pinsky Mr. Hank Phelps Learning Center Teacher Speech and Language Teacher School Psychologist School Psychologist 20 MPR Office Office Instructional Assistants Mrs. Suzy Chaffee Mrs. Janet Gates Mrs. Cathy Vanoli Ms. Sonia Dominguez Ms. Claudia Andrade Mrs. Juliana Arroyo (Library) Mr. Kerry Hobbs (Computer Lab) 4 Toro Park School BELL SCHEDULE GRADES 1, 2, 3 REGULAR DAY SCHEDULE MINIMUM DAY (11:45 Dismissal) 8:10 10:00 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 11:40 – 12:20 12:00 – 12:40 1:35 – 1:45 2:20 8:10 10:00 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 11:45 Classes Begin 1st Recess 2nd Recess Lunch for 1st & 2nd Grades Lunch for 3rd Grade Recess for 1st & 2nd Grades Dismissal Classes Begin 1st Recess 2nd Recess Dismissal COLLABORATION DAYS & PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES 8:10 10:00 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 11:40 – 12:20 12:00 – 12:40 12:45 Classes Begin 1st Recess 2nd Recess Lunch for 1st & 2nd Grades Lunch for 3rd Grade Dismissal Collaboration Day Dates 9/3, 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/18, 4/15, 5/6 & 5/20 Parent Conference Dates October 6-10, 2014 March 19 & 20, 2015 KINDERGARTEN SESSION A & Kinder Plus SESSION B 8:10 Classes Begin 11:30 Dismissal 9:00 Classes Begin 12:20 Dismissal Minimum Day Dates 10/29, 11/12, 3/4, 5/29 & 6/4 On Minimum Days (11:45 Dismissal) All Kindergarteners will attend Session A Schedule (10/29, 11/12, 3/4, 5/29, 6/4) Kindergarteners attend their regular session on Collaboration Days. 5 Toro Park School Early Dismissal Dates 2014 - 2015 Parent/Teacher Conferences – 7 Days (12:45 Dismissal) October 6 - 10, 2014 March 19 -20, 2015 Minimum Days – 5 Days (11:45 Dismissal, no lunch) All Kindergarteners attend Session A on Minimum Days October 29, 2014 November 12, 2014 March 4, 2015 May 29, 2015 June 4, 2015 Restructured Days – 16 Days (12:45 Dismissal) September 3, 2014 September 17, 2014 October 1, 2014 October 15, 2014 November 5, 2014 November 19, 2014 December 3, 2014 December 17, 2014 January 7, 2015 January 21, 2015 February 4, 2015 February 18, 2015 March 18, 2015 April 15, 2015 May 6, 2015 May 20, 2015 6 School Routines and Procedures Student Arrival and Departure Students should not arrive at school before 8:00 am No supervision is provided until that time. Parents picking up children should do so within 10 minutes of the 2:20 pm dismissal time. Student Drop Off and Pick Up MORNING DROP OFF: Please enter on the northeast side of the school and pull up to the unloading zone in front of the kindergarten building. This area is a loading and unloading area for cars only. If you wish to walk your child to class or need to park for some other reason, then please go into the parking lots in front of or alongside the kindergarten building. Please do not park in the loading and unloading area. After the last school bus has arrived in the morning, the car unloading zone can be extended to include the curb area in front of the office building. (This area is the designated bus loading and unloading area.) Please do not form a double line when unloading students and always try to have your passengers ready to get out of the car quickly. Please move up as far as possible along the curb area. The line moves along efficiently when everyone cooperates. When exiting the drop off area, cars to the left pull through and exit onto Portola, cars to the right turn right and drive past the busses to the exit only driveway and exit onto Portola. AFTERNOON PICK–UP: Kindergarteners exit through the kindergarten building. All the 1st-3rd classes pass through the lunch patio when dismissing from school. Therefore, the best place to meet your child is at the lunch patio (not by the classrooms). Students leave their rooms at the 2:20 bell, so if you wait in the patio your child will be coming along with their class. For safety reasons, all students who are “walkers” or those who ride bicycles are asked to wait in the patio area until all the buses have left the area. If you plan to pick up your child but are delayed, s/he will be supervised in the patio area until the buses leave, and then taken to the office to wait for you. If it is difficult for you to leave your car and meet your child by the gate, because you have small children with you, have your student wait with the “walkers” in the patio area. You can wait in your car, with your younger children, until the busses leave and then drive up to the curb area in front of the kindergarten. Your student will be dismissed from the patio area and can walk to your car at the curb area. Walkers are walked to the two corners nearest the school (Davenrich and Torero) and supervised as they cross the street. PARKING: The front parking lot is designated for Toro Park School parents, visitors and anyone who needs handicapped parking. The parking places on the northeast side of the school (alongside of the kindergarten building) are for employees, volunteers and visitors. Most of the parking spaces on the southwest side are used by the parents and employees of the Toro Park Deaf and Hard of Hearing School. The drive on that side of the school is for EXITING ONLY. Transportation Many students ride the bus to and from school. There is bus fee for each student. Applications are available for fee assistance for those who meet the criteria. Applications must be filed each year. Students who have paid the bus fee are authorized to ride a specific bus and be dropped off at a specific bus stop. If you would like your child to ride another bus to visit a friend or attend a club meeting, you must send a note to the teacher on the day of the change. (If it is a regularly scheduled event, such as a Girl Scout meeting every Wednesday, one note for the whole school year will be sufficient). You must also send a note if your child usually rides a bus and you or someone else will be picking him/her up at the regular dismissal time. If we do not receive a note, your child will be required to board his/her regular bus. If a bus/van is filled to capacity guest riders will not be allowed to ride, and parents will be called to pick up their student. 7 Bus Behavior All students who ride the bus to and from school or for any school activity are expected to behave according to the established bus behavior rules. 1. Be on time at the bus stop 2. Form a line at lease 6 feet from where the bus will come to a complete stop. 3. Board and ride the bus quietly and politely. 4. Take a seat as directed by the driver: follow directions the first time they are given. 5. Always face forward in the seat; keep your feet under the seat. 6. Remain seated in the same seat for the entire trip. 7. Keep your hands, arms, legs and objects to yourself. 8. Remain seated until the bus comes to a compete stop and the door has been opened. 9. Remember to pick up your materials before you leave the bus. 10. Get off only at your designated stop unless you have a note. 11. Extra belongings should remain at home (unless child has permission to bring to school) 12. Help take good care of the bus; pick up litter and refrain from writing on or damaging the bus. 13. Go directly home after getting off the bus. 14. Kindergarten students must be met at the bus in order to be dropped off. While riding the school bus, students are expected to follow the directions of the driver. The driver has the responsibility to transport students to and from school and on study trips safely. This is a huge responsibility, and students need to cooperate with the driver in order to accomplish this task. The bus driver has the authority to assign seats to students when necessary. He or she also has the authority to stop the bus if a student or students are behaving in a manner that restricts his or her ability to transport students safely. When a driver feels that a student is behaving in a manner that could lead to an unsafe condition, he or she may issue a bus citation. In most cases a bus citation is a formal warning that bus behavior is unacceptable. A second (2nd) citation may result in suspension of bus riding privileges for up to 5 school days. Additional suspensions may lead to suspension of bus privileges for the remainder of the school year. Such a suspension is an extreme measure, but when it comes to student safety, extreme measures are merited. Closed Campus Toro Park School follows a closed campus policy. Students must stay on the school grounds from the time they arrive, until dismissal or until they are picked up by a parent/guardian or by the school bus. To ensure the safety of our students, the gates to the school are locked at 8:10 am. The patio gates are open from 2:15 pm until 2:30 pm for dismissal. Due to safety and staffing concerns, we are not able to open the side gates on Davenrich or Torero before or after school. Parents, volunteers and visitors are required to sign in and out in the school office during school hours. Guests to the campus will be given a visitor’s sticker to identify that they have checked in with the office. Emergency Cards Please call the school anytime there is a change of home phone number, employment, babysitter, or emergency numbers. In an emergency situation it is extremely important that this information is current. 8 Bicycles Students are permitted to ride bicycles to and from school. Students must wear protective helmets and are expected to lock their bike to the racks located on each side of the school campus. The school and the district assume no responsibility for damage or theft of bicycles ridden to school. Classroom Rules Each teacher has a set of classroom rules and a classroom discipline plan. Although classroom rules may vary from teacher to teacher, they are similar and consistent with the school’s Behavioral Expectations. Each teacher will review his/her classroom rules and classroom discipline policy during Back to School Night and parents should review these rules and keep a copy of them on hand as a reference if needed. Classroom Communication Each teacher maintains a website, has email access and voicemail. Each teacher has their own style and preference of being contacted and will share that with you at Back to School Night. All written communication is best sent to school in your child’s folder. If you need to contact the teacher during the school day, the office will direct your call to the teacher’s voicemail or take a message. If a question or concern is to arise, please contact the teacher directly to resolve the issue. If you are not comfortable speaking with the teacher or you are unable to resolve the issue, please contact the school principal for assistance. Homework Homework is a regular part of the Toro Park School academic program. Homework comes in a variety of forms, including practicing skills and concepts presented in class, reading, researching, studying for tests, and preparing for class demonstrations or presentations. Most homework assignments are short-term: given one day, and expected to be returned the next. Some teachers may also give long-term assignments such as book reports or projects. Teachers will review their homework policy with you at Back to School Night. Students are given a homework folder at the beginning of the year. Replacement folders cost $1.50 in the office. More information about the school’s homework policy can be found on page 27 and on the website. Assemblies: Assemblies are held either in the Multipurpose Room or outside in the Amphitheater area behind the MPR. Before Assembly: • Teachers escort their students to the assembly in a quiet, orderly manner. • Teachers will direct students to their seating area. All students sit either on the floor or grass in “criss-cross” style with their hands in their lap, or on their chairs with their feet on the floor/ground and their hands in their lap. During Assembly: • Give the performers the courtesy of proper attention. • Clap at the appropriate time. • Whistling and yelling is not permitted. After Assembly: • Under the direction of their teacher, students leave in a orderly manner. 9 Minimum Days Certain days have been set aside during the school year for parent conferences and meetings. Please check the Bell Schedule for Minimum Day schedules. On 11:45 Dismissal days, no lunch is held. On 12:45 Dismissal days, students will need to bring a lunch. You will be notified of any upcoming minimum days and they are also noted on the school calendar. All kindergarten students attend Session A (8:10 to 11:30) on minimum days. Cell Phones, Electronic Devices, Toys and Sports Equipment Non-school items - such as toys, i-pods, cell phones, sports equipment and any other electronic devices are not allowed at school without the permission of the teacher. Any unauthorized item will be kept by the teacher until the end of the school day. A further incident may require parents to retrieve items from the Principal. When students have permission to bring items from home, the item should be clearly labeled with the student’s name. The school will assume no responsibility for the loss of any personal item brought to school under any circumstance. Replicas of weapons, particularly guns, are treated with utmost seriousness. Toy guns can look much like the real thing, and we will treat situations with replicas as if they were real to protect the safety of students and staff. The Monterey County Sheriff’s Department may be involved in such situations. Replicas of weapons will not be returned to students under any circumstances Appropriate School Attire Our dress code is designed to promote a safe learning environment for our students. Students should dress in clothing that allows them to be comfortable and active. Dressing in layers is encouraged as the mornings are cold and the afternoons are can be quite warm. GUIDELINES 1. Skirts, dresses and shorts should be worn at an appropriate length. Please remember that students are asked to sit criss-cross on the floor, and their clothing should not prohibit them from sitting comfortably. Students can wear leggings or shorts under their shorts, skirts or dresses. 2. Shirts, blouses or dresses must have sleeves. Students may wear tank tops, however no spaghetti strap, halter, or crop tops are allowed. 3. Children should wear clothes that are appropriate for school projects, activities and weather conditions. 4. Midriffs must be covered (front and back) even during P.E. Undergarments are to be appropriately covered at all times. 5. Hats, shirts, or jackets with inappropriate pictures or words are not allowed at school. 6. Students are to wear shoes appropriate for P.E. No flip flops allowed. For safety reasons, all shoes/sandals must have a back or heel strap. If the need arises, parents may be contacted to bring a change of clothing for their student. In some cases the situation may be handled at school by asking students to change into clothes from the clothes closet. When a child needs a change of clothing, the school office does have a collection of clothes available in selected sizes. If you feel more comfortable, you can pack a change of clothing in a plastic bag with your child’s full name, date and teacher’s name. It will be held in the office until needed. Lost and Found Please label all items of clothing, lunch boxes, etc. with your child’s first initial and last name. Please check the lost and found on the lunch patio often as all unclaimed clothes will be donated to a charitable organization in December and June. 10 Lunch and Nutrition All students must bring their own lunch; food is not provided. At lunchtime students can purchase milk and orange juice. Students may also bring a snack to eat during the morning recess. LUNCHTIME RULES: Lunch period should be a pleasant and relaxing time for all students. Students will walk to the lunch patio and sit at their assigned lunch table with their class. 1. Students will use quiet voices and keep all food in their lunch containers, bags or in their mouths. They will keep their eating area clean. 2. Students will remain seated while eating. They may raise their hand for assistance, to get a drink of water or to use the restroom. 3. Due to serious food allergies: Trading food or snacks is prohibited. 4. When students have finished eating, they should remain seated and wait to be excused to throw away their trash. 5. After trash is thrown away and the table area is clean, students are to put their heads down and wait quietly to signal they are ready for dismissal. 6. When dismissed, students return their lunch bags to their backpacks and either return to class or walk to the playground. 7. Students may take longer to eat, but may be asked to move to another area after their class is dismissed. 8. PLEASE DO NOT BRING MICROWAVABLE MEALS TO SCHOOL. There are no facilities for students to heat their lunch. 9. PLEASE DO NOT BRING GLASS CONTAINERS TO SCHOOL. Milk and Orange Juice Purchases: Milk and Orange Juice are available every day during lunch for 1st thru 3rd graders and during snack for kindergartners. Orange Juice money is collected on Tuesdays for $.50/carton, and milk money is collected on Thursdays for $.50/carton or $2.50 for 5 tickets. Ice Cream Fridays: Ice Cream is available for purchase on Friday’s for grades 1st – 3rd at a cost of $1.00. Birthday and Holiday Celebrations Throughout the school year we know that many of you will be providing party snacks for our classrooms for holiday and birthday celebrations. Below are some ideas for healthy party treats. Whether it’s for a holiday party or to celebrate your child’s birthday, we would appreciate your help with promoting healthy eating habits for our kids. Healthy Party Treat Ideas: • Fruit kabobs • Veggies with low fat dip • Meat wraps with low fat condiments • Soft pretzels • Popcorn filled birthday bags or clear plastic gloves • Pretzel rods dipped in chocolate • Apple slices with cheese • Lowfat granola bars • Mini whole wheat bagels with low fat cream cheese • Angel food cake • 100% fruit bars (frozen) • Yogurt bars (frozen) 11 • Chex mix • Strawberries • Grapes • Lowfat muffins • Fruit smoothies • Whole wheat pita bread with bean dip • Whole grain crackers with string cheese or hummus • Trail mix (whole grain, low-sugar cereals mixed with dried fruit, pretzels, etc.) • Graham crackers • Animal crackers 12 Discipline Plan PHILOSOPHY: Toro Park School provides a climate that promotes a positive learning environment where students academically, emotionally and socially thrive. Every student had the right to learn and be safe from physical and emotional harm. Appropriate behavior is the responsibility of each student. Students, parents and staff cooperate to help students meet that goal. The goals of our discipline plan are to: • • • • Develop the habits of good character representing the six pillars of Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Fairness and Citizenship. Provide and promote instructional time that is free from excessive interruption. Ensure a learning environment that is safe, both physically and emotionally. Encourage positive self-esteem that comes with good character. STANDARDS OF GOOD CHARACTER: We follow the Character Counts! Program that promotes the following six pillars of character: Trustworthiness – being honest, telling the truth, keeping promises, and being loyal so people can trust you. Trustworthy people don’t lie, cheat or steal. They also have the courage to stand up for what is right. Respect – treating others the way you want to be treated, accepting differences, being polite and courteous to everyone. Respectful people solve conflicts peacefully. Responsibility – working hard and doing what you are supposed to do. Responsible people take care of their own things. They also do what they say they are going to do, so people can count on them. Caring – being kind, helpful and generous. Caring people are not selfish. They care about other’s feelings, and are forgiving. Fairness – playing by the rules, taking turns, and sharing. Fair people are open-minded, do not blame others, and listen to both sides before making a decision. Citizenship – cooperating with others, obeying the rules and laws, and respecting the authority of parents, teachers, and other adults. Good citizens do their share. They work to protect the environment and make their school and community a better place. CHARACTER COUNTS! ® A person’s "character" is the summation of his or her habits, attitudes and attributes. Because those qualities are learned, they can also be purposefully taught. And they should be — because good character doesn’t happen automatically, and it’s too important to be left to chance. The effectiveness and well-being of individuals, their organizations and their society depend on it. It is always primarily a parent’s job to teach a child how to behave and make wise choices, but schools, other institutions and adults working with young people play critical support roles. Character Education programs in schools have been proven to increase student performance, decrease discipline problems and increase student involvement in their communities. The research that has been done on the “CHARACTER COUNTS!” program corroborates these 13 findings and shows dramatically reduced behavior problems, reduced truancy, and increased test scores. The research makes it clear that when kids learn a consistent set of universal values and teachers model those values and imbed them into the curriculum, behavior improves and educational focus soars. Today, CHARACTER COUNTS! has become the most widely implemented approach to character education. The CHARACTER COUNTS! Program incorporates Six Pillars of Character (Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship) into the existing curriculum and management programs already in place to make focusing on good character a part of everything done at a school, focusing on the rewards of character instead of punishments. TRRFCC Students can use this acronym to help them remember that people with good character are terrific: T rustworthiness R espect R esponsibility F airness C aring C itizenship 3rd Week of October 14 Character Carousel® The following characters are used at Toro Park to help students identify the different traits of the CHARACTER COUNTS! program. Shinrai (derived from the Japanese for “trust”) is the CAMEL who always keeps her promises, always does what she says she’ll do and is loyal, honest and punctual. Austus (derived from the Estonian for “respect”) is the LION who is confident that respect is one of the highest qualities one can have — for nature, for others and for oneself. Ansvar (derived from the Norwegian for “responsible”) is the ELEPHANT with colorful ribbons ties around his trunk and tail to help him remember his responsibilities. Guisto (derived from the Italian for “fair”) is the GIRAFFE who always tries to do what’s right. Guisto uses his long neck to see all sides of any issue and has a gentle way of helping others do the same. Karina (derived from the Spanish for “caring”) is the KANGAROO who has a seemingly endless supply of “things” inside her pouch, including a special box of little hearts for children she meets on her travels. Kupa (derived from the Hawaiian for “citizen”) is the BEAR who considers herself a citizen of the world. A philosopher and poet, she believes that we are all part of the same family and must do our share to help each other. 15 We define discipline as a process of promoting a positive and supportive learning environment throughout the school. Such a climate can be realized when the school is characterized by: • • • • • • • Mutual respect of students and staff. A high regard for the dignity of all persons. A challenging instructional program. Effective classroom management. Established standards for school wide and classroom behavior. A commitment to maintain an environment free from intimidation, bullying and harassment. A commitment to promote positive discipline and enforce established codes of conduct. These principles are modeled by the whole staff and form the basis for developing school rules. Rules are essential to ensure the rights of all. School rules work best when: • • • • Expectations are clearly defined. Rewards are used to reinforce appropriate behavior. Consequences result from negative behaviors. Rewards and consequences are applied fairly and consistently. RECOGNITION: Students will receive recognition for academic achievement, attendance and demonstration of Character Counts traits. • • Classroom teachers and specialists offer a variety of incentives, awards and privileges to students for both academic and social accomplishments. Yard duty supervisors will issue “Character Awards” to students who exhibit especially good character on the playground. These tickets will be displayed in a prominent place. SCHOOL RULES: Students will demonstrate the following behaviors: 1. Show respect for adults and other children. 2. Be considerate of others. Positive comments and encouragement among students helps make the classroom and playground a pleasant place. 3. Students will treat the property of others and school equipment and property with respect. 4. Keep hands, feet and objects to oneself. 5. WALK in rooms, on sidewalks and on ramps. 6. Students will follow the directions of the adult in charge. 7. Refrain from bullying and harassment. 8. Use appropriate language, no profanity. 9. Ask permission before leaving the classroom or playground and carry a bathroom or office passes where appropriate. 10. Refrain from chewing gum, unless used for a special activity inside the classroom. 11. Use school computers and the internet according to the WUSD Technology and Internet Responsible Use Policy. 12. Follow the dress code. 13. Hats, caps, bandanas and other similar headwear shall not be worn indoors (unless medically necessary). 14. Follow WUSD Bus Riding Guidelines. 15. Pets of any kind are not allowed without prior teacher permission. 16 PLAYGROUND RULES: Recesses are designed to allow children to have a snack, go to the restroom, play and socialize. During this time, chasing games or other rough activities are not allowed in order to avoid children running into each other or receiving injuries through falls. Playground supervision is provided by teaching staff and yard duty supervisors. Parents are encouraged to report to the principal any concerns they have about playground issues. Everyone wishes to maintain the playground as a safe and enjoyable place for students. 1. 2. 3. 4. Play by game rules. All equipment is to be shared. Games are open to all students. Jump ropes are for jumping only. Tag games are allowed if supervised by an adult. Tag games on grass field only. 5. Tackling, wrestling and play fighting are prohibited. 6. Do not pick up lizards, frogs, newts, etc. Report all snakes to playground supervisor immediately. 7. Snacks must be eaten while seated. Students may sit on steps behind the 2nd and 3rd grade buildings or on the border of the bark box. Pick up all trash and dispose of properly when finished. 8. Playground equipment is to be returned after students finish playing with them or recess is completed. 9. At recess time, students are to be on the playground and not in the hallways or on the ramps unless directed by an adult. 10. Off-Limit play areas include behind the snack bar, bleachers, garden, and near bushes next to fences. 11. Stop and freeze when the bell rings. Walk to class after the whistle blows twice. PLAYGROUND PLAY STRUCTURES: There are two box areas with play structures for students to enjoy. The smaller box is for Kindergarten and first graders only, with the exception of the hanging bar which all grade levels may use. The larger box is for students who are five years or older unless a waiver is signed by the parents. 1. Swings are for swinging only; Lines for the swings always form behind each swing, on other side of black plastic siding of the bark box. Students count to 60 loud enough so the person on the swing can hear. One student may be on a swing at a time. Students always swing in the direction facing inside the bark box. Students may not jump out of swings. Both hands must be on the chains. No swinging left to right, facing down on stomach or holding hands. 2. Blue Swing – students with disabilities have first choice in using it. If they are not using the swing, other students may use. One student may be on swing at a time. Hands must be on the chains. Legs must be hanging down and not crossed in swing. Use caution when pushing the swing and step away to avoid being hit. 17 3. Slides are for sliding only: One child at a time, feet first, sitting down; Use stairs only to reach to top; No climbing from the bottom of the slide to reach the top; Slide all the way down. No jumping off from the top of the slide structure. 4. Zip Line is for one person at a time. Student must be able to reach the handle while standing on the platform. Line forms on ground behind the standing platform. One student may be on the standing platform at a time. Do not push off the poles with feet. 5. See-Saw is for two to four students. Students must have feet on foot rests and two hands on the handlebars. No one may sit in middle or backwards on seats. 6. Spinner in the large box is for one or two children. Spinner must be still to get on and no jumping off while spinning. While waiting for a turn, students are to sit on edge of box and count to 60. 7. Spinner seat in the small box is for one child at a time. 8. Pedal Stepper is for one student at a time. Hold on to handles and make sure feet are secure on pedals. 9. Barrel Roller is for one student at a time. Students must hold on to both handles to avoid falling. 10. Ladder Monkey Bars are to be used by one child at a time. Line forms on the platform by the bridge. Use only one direction across, starting at the bridge platform. No climbing on top of the bars. 11. Turning Wheel is for use by one child at a time. Students must be able to reach the bar while standing on the platform. Two hands are to be used while spinning and students are to drop down to the ground after one spin. A line is formed on the platform for students waiting for a turn. 12. Single Bars are for one student at a time. Two hands are to be on bars at all times. Other Box Reminders No running, playing tag or throwing bark. Be careful walking near swings or spinning wheel. For insurance liability reasons, we cannot allow four year old kindergarten students to play on the larger structure unless you sign a waiver giving your permission. If you prefer not to sign the waiver, your child will need to wait until his or her fifth birthday to play on the big play structure. Please complete the waiver at the end of the handbook if your child is under 5 years of age. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Conflict and disagreements are normal and often happen when children get together. However, hurtful words, gestures, or physical attacks are unacceptable ways to deal with conflict and disagreement at school. Our goal here at Toro Park is to teach students several positive ways to deal with these difficult situations using the skills taught in Kelso’s Choices Conflict Management for Children. 18 Kelso’s Choices Conflict Resolution Program The Kelso’s Choices program is proven to: Empower young people with the ability to determine their own behavior, encouraging an internal locus of control and appropriate problem ownership. Statements such as “He made me do it!” and “She did it first!” become obsolete as students become accountable for their own choices. Reduce tattling through a proactive, preventative approach that keeps small problems from escalating and prevents negative attention-getting mechanisms from occurring. Systematize expectations of student behavior and provides consistency in rules and discipline on a school-wide basis. Provide a cognitive structure for discriminating between “small” problems young people can resolve and “big” problems that require adult intervention. Increase feelings of personal competence as young people successfully resolve conflicts, both within structured lessons and in their own lives. Give young people an important conflict resolution tool they can use when adults are not available or readily accessible. These situations might include riding bikes around the neighborhood or waiting at the bus stop. On the playground, students are asked to use Kelso’s Choices to solve small problems. If they have used at least two choices and the problem is not resolved, they can then ask for an adult to help intervene. Large problems can be immediately taken to an adult. There are three kinds of big problems. There are problems that are dangerous (someone could get hurt), there are problems that are against the law and then there are really, really scary problems. Please encourage your child to use Kelso’s Choices when they have a conflict with another student at school. 19 20 Code of Conduct The intent of the Code of Conduct is to give all students, staff, and parents a common set of rules and consequences to expect when inappropriate behavior occurs. Each incidence of inappropriate behavior is reviewed carefully, and consequences are given accordingly. The staff reserves the right to make decisions that may include but is not limited to the below infractions and actions. The Code of Conduct is enforced from the time students leave home in the morning until they arrive home in the afternoon and at all school sponsored activities including field trips and any other school related activities. Students should be aware that the school’s Code of Conduct also covers behavior at school bus stops. Category I Infractions *Language •Potty Talk (inappropriate discussion of body functions) •Unkind words *Purposefully Interrupting *Playing Rough – unintentional or accidental contact *Play Fighting Actions o Verbal or Written Warning (teacher) o Consequences may include: time out, restricted area, and/or peer restriction o Repeated infraction subject to parent contact and/or conference (3 or more) o Behavior contract o Problem Solving Worksheet Category II Infractions *Teasing/Name Calling *Defiance •Refuses to follow directions given by an *Put Downs *Excluding Others adult *Throwing food or other objects •Back Talk to an adult *Out of Bounds •Non-Verbal body language *Entering a Building without permission •Refuses to do class work from an adult *Actions which Impede Other Students’ *Playing in the bathroom Learning *Profanity *Lying *Cheating *Hurting Others’ Feelings Actions o Discipline Report to office and teacher o Consequences may include: time out, restricted area o Parent contact and/or conference o Behavior contract o Problem Solving Worksheet o Suspension 21 Category III Infractions *Physically Attacking with the Intent to Hurt or Harm any Person on Campus For example: •Slapping •Elbowing •Biting •Kicking •Showing Rage/Aggression •Spitting •Hitting •Head butting •Kneeing •Lunging with an implement •Choking •Etc. *Throwing objects to cause harm or damage property *Hiding or running away from adult supervision *Bullying •Intentional •Repeated •Imbalance of power through: verbal, non-verbal, or physical threats •Repeated Exclusion *Intimidation – actions that may cause fear, humiliation or injury. *Harassment – verbal or physical conduct directed at someone’s personal characteristics. *Weapons, drugs or paraphernalia, tobacco, matches, lighters, etc. *Lewd or sexual behavior *Vandalism Actions o Discipline Report to office and teacher o Parent contact and/or conference o Behavior contract o Suspension (in house or at home) WUSD Definition of Bullying: “Purposely hurting others through words or actions.” Whether physical, verbal, or electronic, bullying is often specifically defined by the following: 1) It is intentional 2) It is repeated 3) There is an imbalance of power between the bully and the target (physical size, social status, etc.) Harmful Behaviors that may or may not fully qualify as Bullying 1) Physical — hitting, kicking, tripping, and other forms of assault 2) Verbal — teasing, insults, name calling, spreading rumors 3) Non-verbal/Emotional — social exclusion, taking or damaging possessions, intimidating gestures 4) Cyber — sending unkind, hostile, or threatening messages via email, text, or social networking sites (Adapted from Character Counts! and the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights and then U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division) 22 DISCIPLINE REPORT: A Discipline Report is used to inform the student’s teacher and/or school principal of infractions that need follow-up. For Category I Infractions: • • • • Completed by aide, specialist, teacher, yard duty or other school employee and given to the student’s teacher. Classroom teacher maintains a log of citations for each student. Consequences are administered by the student’s teacher. Actions are outlined in the Code of Conduct. Three or more citations in one trimester results in referral to school principal. For Category II & III Infractions: • • • • Completed by aide, specialist, teacher, yard duty or other school employee and given to the school principal. In cases where a student must be removed from the classroom immediately, a phone call to the office is sufficient. A completed Discipline Report must be completed and sent to the office at the next break. Consequences are administered by the principal. Actions are outlined in the Code of Conduct. The principal will maintain a record of referrals to the office and suspensions. Note: Participation in assemblies, field trips and special school or classroom activities is contingent upon acceptable attendance and behavior. CLASSROOM SUSPENSION: If at any time a student’s behavior becomes so severe that a teacher feels he or she may not be able to conduct class constructively, a Classroom Suspension may be administered. This type of suspension may last the remainder of the day and the next day. Parents will be contacted by the teacher administering the suspension. SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Students may be suspended from school attendance for specific violations of the Board of Trustee adopted Code of Conduct, a provision of the Education Code, the Penal Code, or the Health and Welfare Code. Suspensions range form 1 to 5 days at a time depending on the severity of the violation. Students may be suspended up to 20 days during a single school year. All suspensions are administered within the provisions outlined in the Education Code (EC 48000). Parents are always involved and informed when a suspension in administered. During the suspension, the student may be held accountable for homework and other assignments by individual classroom teachers. Teachers will give the student a reasonable amount of time to make up any missed assignments. Parents are required to attend a readmission conference before a student will be allowed to return to regular attendance. 23 Attendance Your child’s attendance in school is very important for their learning progression. Each subject is taught in sequence which builds understanding and correct habits of studying. In order to be ready for new steps in learning, your child must have mastered the previous step and be sufficiently ready to profit from new materials. While a student may be able to make up the work they missed, they can not make up the classroom experience. The Washington Union School District receives revenue from the state, local property taxes and personal donations. The State of California funds schools $45.00 per day for students who are in class only. PLEASE schedule family trips and vacations during the regular breaks in the school calendar. Besides missing valuable instruction, a child’s absence directly affects the District’s budget. Absences - please call the Toro Park School office 484 – 9691: Whenever your child will not be in school, please call the school office anytime before class begins. Please do not call the teacher’s voicemail as we may not get the message until later in the day. We always need to hear from a parent or guardian if your child will not be attending school for any reason. Students may be excused from school for the following reasons: Illness, accident, visit to a medical practitioner, funeral of an immediate family member, or attendance at a religious retreat or observance of a religious holiday. Five or More Consecutive Days Absent : If your child will be absent from school five or more consecutive days, an Independent Study Contract will provide your child the needed classroom work to keep them up-to-date. The Independent Study Contract also financially benefits our school through ADA apportionment. Independent Study Contracts must be requested from the school office at least two weeks prior to the planned date of absence. All assigned work is due on the date that your student returns to school. Trips not covered by Independent Study Contracts will be considered unexcused absences and count towards truancy. Tardies: It is very important for your child to arrive on time to class. Within the first few minutes of class, the teacher informs students of the day’s events. When a child arrives late to school, it disrupts the synergy for the other students with the teacher. If your child will be late to school, please call the school office to advise us of your delay. You will need to come into the school office and sign your child in on the Parent sign-in /sign-out sheet. Please note that oversleeping, mechanical car problems, traffic delays and other common reasons for tardiness are not excused. The District provides transportation to all students within its boundaries. If you choose to transport your student, please plan ahead to ensure that you will arrive on time. Truancies: Students who are absent from school for any reason other than listed above will be considered truant and absences will be recorded as unexcused. Three or more unexcused absences, three or more tardies of 30 minutes, or ANY combination of three absences or tardies without a valid excuse during the school YEAR make a child truant under Ed Code Section 48260. Students who are truant three or more times during a year will be declared habitual truants. Your child’s regular attendance is important to his/her future. 24 Students miss out on important instruction when they are absent. The Monterey County Office of Education and the Washington Union School District will be working in coordination with the Monterey County District Attorney, the Department of Social Services, and the Probation Department to reduce pupil absences. Response to pupil attendance will be enforced in the following manner: 1. If you child is absent from school without a valid excuse for three or more days, student will be listed as truant and parents will receive a First Notice of Truancy. 2. If you child is truant for one to three days after receiving the First Notice of Truancy, your child will be declared a habitual truant, parents will be notified in writing that such action has been taken and they will be given the opportunity to meet with school authorities to discuss their child’s attendance problem. The District Attorney will also receive notification of the truancy report. 3. If school authorities and the District Attorney are unable to correct the student’s attendance problems, a petition may be filed on behalf of the pupil in juvenile court, and if warranted, criminal charges will be filed against the parent. We believe by carefully verifying pupil attendance and by maintaining contact with parents, the teacher will be able to provide your child with improved educational opportunities and a positive learning environment. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or principal during the school year regarding your child’s attendance and academic progress. Early Release from school: Whenever your child will be picked up early, please send a note in your child’s folder to the teacher noting the time you need your child in the office. You will also need to come to the school office to sign your child out on the Parent sign-in / sign-out sheet. Please make every effort to schedule your child’s medical and dental appointments for later in the day. A Change to Your Child’s Normal Departure Routine from School: Whenever your child will change from their regular departure routine, please send a note in your child’s folder to the teacher noting the date, the change to the routine and your signature. If the change includes riding the bus, which your child doesn’t normally do, a sheet with 10 one-way bus pass is available to purchase for $15.00 from the school office. Please attach the bus pass to the note. This note will also be given to the bus driver. 25 Medication and Health Aide Information Injuries and Illness: If a child is injured or becomes ill at school, the parents will be notified by the health aide or secretary. Therefore, it is very important that your child’s emergency card information be kept up-to-date with home, work and cell phone numbers. If the parents are not available, and the situation is serious, the person(s) designated to be contacted in case of an emergency will be notified. A teacher or staff member will issue a pass if a student needs medical attention. If there is an emergency, the student should go directly to the school office. For serious injuries or injuries to the head, parents are telephoned immediately. If parents are unavailable, the person(s) on the emergency contact are called. If the parent and designated people cannot be contacted and the child’s condition worsens, 911 will be called. Under Ed Code 49407, no school district shall be held liable for the reasonable treatment of a student without the consent of the parent/guardian when the student requires reasonable medical treatment and the parent/guardian cannot be reached, unless a written objection to medial treatment has been filed with the school. Health Regulations: DO NOT bring your child if one or more of the following symptoms of illness are apparent. We want all the healthy children protected from illness. Each parent needs to be responsible for the health of his/her own child. - Temperature of 99.1 or above - Matter (yellow discharge) in the eyes - Copious amount of nasal drainage - First two days your child in on antibiotics - Rash behind ears or on body - Sore throat or difficulty swallowing - Incessant coughing - Diarrhea - Pain anywhere in the body - Headache - Vomiting within last 24 hours - Sleepy, fatigued, fussy behavior Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medication: Medical authorization and parental permission are required for all medication administered by the Health Aide or secretary at our school. In the event that a Medication Consent Form is not yet signed by both the student’s physician and parent/guardian, the student’s parent/guardian will need to administer the medication at school. School personnel may not administer any medication without the signed Medication Consent Form. Students’ may not keep any medication in their possession while at school. If it is necessary that a medication be given during school hours, the following regulations must be followed: The Medication Consent Form on file with the health aide with appropriate signatures. Medication must be brought to school in the original container labeled by a pharmacist. The label is to include the student’s name, doctor’s name, medication, strength, dosage and time(s) the medication is to be given. Any changes to the medication will require another Medical Consent Form to be completed. 26 Toro Park School “A Great Place to Start” HOMEWORK GUIDE The governing board of the Washington Union School District considers homework to be an important part of the instructional program. A carefully designed homework plan can contribute significantly to your child’s academic success. For any homework plan to be effective it requires the full participation of three important people: the student, the parent, and the teacher. In education we often refer to the 3R’s, but when referring to homework the 3A’s are more appropriate: atmosphere, attitude, and appropriateness. As a parent, the atmosphere that you create in your home for homework helps your child to approach the assignment with an attitude that is productive for learning. Your child ’ s teacher will make sure that assignments are appropriate and that they reinforce learning that is taking place in the classroom or prepare students for classroom work. In order for your child to fully benefit from the assigned homework, we urge your active participation in this three way partnership. The benefits include: improved study habits, self discipline, and higher academic achievement. Why do we have homework? 1. To provide extra practice on work that has been introduced at school. 2. To extend and enhance school learned knowledge and skills. 3. To develop responsible attitudes, good study habits and effective time management skills. 4. To promote extra time to complete or make up missed work. Some facts to remember: 1. The length of time needed to complete homework varies according to the age of the student and the purpose of the assignment. 2. Children have different needs. Some need additional practice at home, while others benefit from activities that apply the skills mastered at school. 3. Homework may be an enriching activity. Family visits to places of historic, cultural, environmental, or recreational interest will extend and reinforce the school experience for children. Homework Checklist for Teachers • I plan homework that is related to classroom activities and is appropriate for student’s maturity, level of learning, and attention span. • I assign homework that may require: - 10 to 20 minutes for first grade - 20 to 30 minutes for second grade - 30 to 45 minutes for third grade • I make sure that students understand what is required in the homework assignments. • I monitor the completion and accuracy of homework assignments. • I inform the parents of a child who repeatedly fails to complete homework assignments. • I recognize homework that is done especially well. • I sign homework or assignment sheets, if requested to do so. 27 • I monitor the completion and accuracy of homework assignments. • I regularly assign homework Monday through Thursday. Sometimes special assignments may require work over the weekend. Homework Checklist for Parents • I help my child to balance play and sports with homework and other after school responsibilities. • I provide a quiet place for my child to study. • I encourage my child to complete homework assignments carefully and on time. • I give assistance and guidance when needed, but allow my child to learn by doing their own work. • I praise my child for effort, as well as for work well done. • When necessary, I send a note to the teacher indicating that the assignment: - was too difficult for my child - took longer than the recommended time to complete. - was not completed due to an unusual family situation. • I sign homework or assignment sheets if requested to do so. • I monitor the completion and/or accuracy of the assignment, as requested. Homework Checklist for Students • I listen carefully to the teacher’s directions regarding homework and I ask questions if something is not clear. • I take the assignment and necessary materials home. • I take enough time to complete the assigned work. • I complete homework carefully and neatly. • I return homework to the teacher when it is due. • When requested, I record all my assignments on my homework assignment sheet and ask my parent to sign it. 28 Parent Involvement and Participation Toro Park School welcomes parent involvement and participation in school and community activities. Parents are encouraged to join the Parents’ Club, participate in WUEF (Washington Union Educational Foundation) activities, be an Art Docent, and be an active member of the School Site Council. We also welcome parents as volunteers for school activities, field trips, and the book fairs. Teachers welcome parents who are interested in assisting with class activities. One of the strengths of the Washington Union School District and Toro Park School is strong and supportive parents. We believe that all parents can find a way to support their child’s education through the variety of opportunities available. Parent volunteer services are a valuable part of our school program. Each time you volunteer at the school, to work in a classroom or on a special project, you must stop by the office and sign in on the volunteer sign-in sheet and pick up a volunteer badge. If you do not check in at the office you will be asked to return to the office to sign-in. For more information about our volunteer program at Toro Park, please refer to the Volunteer Handbook on our website. School Site Council The Toro Park School Site Council meets monthly to monitor and provide input to the school program. Each month, October through May, the SSC meets after school in the Multipurpose Room. Elected staff members and others participate in monthly curricular presentations. Opportunities are available for parents to provide suggestions for instructional improvement. The SSC works with the staff to develop a school plan that will provide a guide for instructional programs, both regular education and special education, and student services. Each spring the District conducts an annual survey to determine satisfaction with the school program. Results of these surveys are available for public review in the school office. Each year the SSC also presents to the Board of Trustees an annual report. This report reviews the accomplishments of the SSC goals during the year. Also included is information regarding the level of student achievement during the year as measured by standardized tests, district expectations, and other criteria as determined by the Board of Trustees. Art Docents Toro Park School students are privileged to enjoy the services of the Art Docent program. The Washington Union Art Docent program is one of the most outstanding examples of such programs statewide. This program (funded by WUEF) provides high quality art (both hands-on and appreciation) programs for all students in the district. Volunteer Art Docents are trained to work with students in a variety of art media including paint, clay, textiles, weaving, etc., and typically work in teams and specialize in a particular grade level. For more information about volunteer opportunities or donate to the program, please contact Linda Jang, Art Docent Coordinator, at 484-1172. 29 EXTRA CURRICULUR ACTIVITIES Technology Our goal at Toro Park School is that by the end of 3rd grade, students will - Use basic computer tools and commands (e.g. the mouse and print command). - Use simple computer learning applications and cd-rom. - Use simple word processing programs (e.g. writing center). - Use simple applications for self-expression (e.g. KidPix). - Explore child friendly sites on the internet. Each student attends the computer lab with their class during one scheduled visit each week. Teachers may utilize the lab at other times during the week. In addition, each classroom has computers available for student use. Music & Art Through the generosity of the Washington Union Educational Foundation (WUEF), we have a part-time music instructor. Each grade level has a music lesson once a week and has one grade level performance per year. In addition, third graders learn to play the recorder in the spring. The Art Docent Program, also supported through WUEF, is a unique cultural enrichment program in the visual arts in the Washington Union School District. Trained volunteers from the school community visit every classroom each month to present a hands-on art lesson and a Picture of the Month art appreciation lesson. In the spring, a district Art Show is presented at San Benancio Middle School. Library Our library is located in the MPR behind the school office. Students may check out books once a week during their library time. Incentives are provided for students who complete a monthly reading log. Twice a year, once during Back to Night and once during Open House, we have a Book Fair where you can purchase books and other products. The proceeds from the Book Fairs help purchase library and media supplies to help support our academic programs here at Toro Park. Just Run We are proud to be a partner in the Big Sur Marathon Just Run program. Students work individually and as a class to accumulate miles throughout the year in “reach” Boston for the Boston Marathon. During the school year, there are local events where students can participate sponsored by the Big Sur Marathon. 30 LEARNING IS FUN Dear Parents, Each grade level at Toro Park School has a rich, varied curriculum with high academic standards for all students. Lessons are planned to help all students meet grade level standards and also develop skills to prepare them to be successful students and citizens. As we plan learning activities and special projects in language arts, math, social studies, science, art, and drama; we often need special materials to make the lessons more fun, motivating and interesting for the class. To help purchase these special items, we ask each family for a donation of $15.00 to their child’s grade level. If you would like to make this donation, please complete the form below and attach it to your check. (If you have children in different grade levels, please make out each grade level check separately.) Thank you for your continuing support of our school programs. Yours truly, The Toro Park School Staff ►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►► Toro Park Teacher: ____________________________________________ Attached is a check (made payable to Toro Park School Student Council) for ______ grade level materials. Parent’s Name _______________________________________________ Please Print Student’s Name______________________________________________ Please Print 31 School Supply List Please do not label supplies as all will be shared. Thank You. Kindergarten Plus (K+) and Kindergarten ____ 2 boxes Crayola Classic Colors crayons (8 count only please) ____ 3 Elmer’s Purple LARGE glue sticks ____ 1 pair Kids’ scissors (blunt tip) Fiskars ____ 1 large box facial tissues ____ 1 Pental eraser ____ 1 box Crayola classic washable large markers 8 count broad tip ____ 1 box Crayola colored pencils 12 count ____ 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer (boys) ____ 1 large box of baby wipes (girls) ____ 2 reams white copy paper 8 ½ x 11 1st Grade ____ 2 Boxes of 24 Crayola crayons (Please, no more than 24) and No Washable Please ____ 3 Box sharpened Ticonderoga No.2 yellow pencils (No “cool” pencils please) ____ 8 Large glue sticks ____ 2 boxes 8 count Broad Classic Crayola Colored Markers non-toxic and washable ____ 1 box 12 count sharpened Crayola classic colored pencils ____ 1 Pair Fiskars scissors ____ 2 Large Magic Rub erasers - Please, no pink erasers ____ 2 Skinny bullet tip black dry erase markers ____ 2 Thin black felt tip markers ____ 1 large box of Facial Tissue ____ 2 Reams white copy paper 8 ½ x 11 ____ 1 Box Unscented Baby Wipes ____ 1 box Ziplock bags - Sandwich size (girls) / Gallon size (boys) 32 2nd Grade ____ 1 Box of 24 Crayola crayons ____ 1 Clear Pencil Box –suggest “Spacemaker” (5” x 8” x 3”) ____ 1 Box of 12 sharpened Colored pencils ____ 1 set of 8 thick broad-tip markers, (Crayola type) non-toxic and washable ____ 1 set of 8 thin fine point markers, (Crayola type) non-toxic and washable ____ 2 Large glue sticks (to be replenished when needed) ____ 2 boxes Ticonderoga No. 2 pencils sharpened ____ 1 pair Fiskars scissors ____ 6 large Magic Rub erasers ____ 1 set 8 watercolors (Prang or Crayola) ____ 1 large box of Facial Tissue ____ 1 pack unscented baby wipes ____ 1 ream of green copy paper 8 ½ x 11 ____ 1 ream of yellow copy paper 8 ½ x 11 3rd Grade ____ 1 plastic pencil box – 5” x 8” x 3” pencil box ____ 2 boxes of sharpened Ticonderoga No. 2 pencils, ____ 2 White Magic Rub erasers ____ 1 package or box of pencil top erasers ____ 3 large glue sticks ____ 1 black Sharpie pen ____ 1 pair of student Fiskars pointed tip scissors ____ 2 sets of 12 sharpened Crayola colored pencils In the Pencil Box please place the following purchased items: 5 Sharpened No. 2 pencils 1 large Magic Rub Eraser 5 pencil top erasers 1 scissors 1 large glue stick 1 set colored pencils 1 set markers 1 set crayons ____ 2 sets of 8 thin Crayola Markers - non-toxic and washable ____ 1 box of 16 Crayola crayons ____ 1 dry erase eraser ____ 2 rolls of brand name paper towels ____ 1 box of baby wipes unscented ____ l box Anti-Bacterial wipes ____ 2 large boxes of brand name facial tissue ____ 1 ream of green copy paper 8 ½ x 11 ____ 1 ream of yellow copy paper 8 ½ x 11 33 ALL FOOD ITEMS SHOULD HAVE PULL-TOP LIDS AND BE EASY TO OPEN; NO FOODS SHOULD REQUIRE A CAN OPENER. The following is a list of recommended items to include in the emergency “food bag”: 1. One or two of the following: Pull-top can (3-4 oz.) of tuna or chicken (packed in water) Small package of processed cheese (non-refrigerated type) Small package of unsalted nuts or trail mix 2. One or two of the following: Pull-top can of fruit or pudding Small package of dried fruit or fruit roll 3. One or two of the following: Granola bar (without chocolate coating) Small package crackers (unsalted or low salt) 4. 16 oz. water bottle 4. A spoon 5. Medications/eye glasses (if needed) 6. A comforting note from you to your child 7. Name label facing out (child’s name, grade and teacher) PLEASE INCLUDE ONLY NON-PERISHABLE FOODS IN YOUR CHILD’S EMERGENCY “FOOD BAG”. AVOID SALTY FOOD, FOODS THAT REQUIRE ADDING WATER, FOODS THAT REQUIRE HEATING, FOODS THAT HAVE BEEN REFRIGERATED OR FROZEN, AND ESPECIALLY ANY FOODS THAT YOUR CHILD WILL NOT EAT! PLEASE RETURN YOUR CHILD’S EMERGENCY “FOOD BAG” TO HIS/HER TEACHER NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th. If you choose to order from Parents’ Club, your bag will be delivered directly to your child’s classroom. Thank you for your help and support. Please be assured that the safety of your child is our greatest concern and that we will do whatever is necessary and possible to ensure his/her safety in the event of an earthquake or other major disaster occurring during school hours. Our district’s Disaster Preparedness Plan is updated annually and we coordinate with the County and State Offices of Emergency Services to conduct drills on a regular basis. If you are ordering your emergency “food bag” from Parents’ Club please fill in the information below: Should you have any questions, please contact your school principal. Sincerely, Dee Baker Superintendent F:\dpalmer\Backup 012512\Back To School 2013 14\Disaster Preparedness Letter 2013 14.doc Playground Structure Waiver Dear Parents of Four Year Old Kindergarten Students, We have a wonderful playground structure on the lower playground. It is designed for students aged five and above. Students are taught safety procedures for the different play areas on the structure. Under the supervision of teachers and instructional assistants, the kindergarten students are allowed to play on the structure during their recess. As with any large play structure designed for a span of ages, some of the play events are more challenging than others. The structure is designed to limit access to some of the play events by making the steps too high or the reach too far for smaller children. For insurance liability reasons, we cannot allow four year old kindergarten students to play on the structure unless you sign a waiver giving your permission. If you prefer not to sign the waiver, your child will need to wait until his or her fifth birthday to play on the big play structure. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about this. ****************************************************************************** Date___________________ I understand that the play structure on the lower playground is designed for children ages five and above. My child, _______________________, will not be five years old until _______________. ____ I give permission for my child to play on the large play structure before their fifth birthday. If your child is enrolled in Time for Me this permission will extend to the daycare program also. ____ I prefer to have my child wait until his/her fifth birthday on _________________ to play on the large play structure. Parent Signature___________________________ 34