Fatima Rosary: Mary has a “Peace Plan from Heaven.” In each of the


Fatima Rosary: Mary has a “Peace Plan from Heaven.” In each of the
Be a Servant of God
Be a Servant of God
In the late 19th century the United States and Western
Europe were in the height of the industrial revolution. The
invention of engines and the development of factories gave
quick pace to development and production of goods. These
new innovations required the employment of great numbers
of people who would move to cities from the farms to
spend the larger part of every day working in the new
factories and mills. Certainly there were abuses on the part
of factory and business owners who took advantage of their
employees, but this newness also allowed many people to
make a decent living from the sweat of their brow being
able to buy property and goods which would not have been
otherwise possible. This is the value of labor, or work.
This week we commemorate Labor Day in which we take a
pause to honor the ideals of work and those who work for a
living, which is the majority of our society. This is a
secular holiday but it is one with Christian ideals as well.
For more than a century the popes have written of the
importance of work in peoples lives. Work is directed
toward what Pope Leo XIII identified as man’s right to
obtain property. This pope wrote an encyclical in 1891 on
the topic of work and property called, Rerum Novarum,
which would eventually be the foundation upon which
Pope John Paul II would form his own ideas and actions
that challenged communism. The Church has firmly held
that it is man’s right to work so that he may possess
property and goods and that it is the role of the government
not to provide and regulate these goods but to protect man’s
right to earn them. In this day of economic hardships these
ideals seem to take on new relevance. First of all because
work is a good and even manual work is a gift and must be
treasured as such. Secondly there is nothing wrong with
being poor. The Church has long accepted that even people
who work will at times be poor and there is no indignity in
that. Finally people must work. This can be difficult in
poor economic times have, but work must be a goal as no
one is entitled to have a living without working for it. We
would do well to remember that the goal of work is to
obtain what we need in this life and for the ownership of
property and goods. It is not meant as a means to keep up
with others, to give us everything we want or to make life
easy, properly understood it is a means to receive the
bounty of God so freely shared with us. Happy Labor Day.
Ser un Servidor de Dios
Ser un Servidor de Dios
Durante la parte anterior del siglo 19 los Estado Unidos y
Europa se encontraron en un fenómeno nombrado la
revolución industrial. Durante esta época nos encontramos con
el desarrollo de fábricas que rápidamente acrecentaron la
producción de bienes materiales. Estas innovaciones
necesitaban grandes cantidades de trabajadores que
comenzaron a mudarse de los campos a las ciudades para
gastar la mayor parte de sus días trabajando en las fábricas.
Por supuesto hubo muchos abusos por parte de empresarios
sobre los trabajadores, pero estas novedades también dejaron
que muchos, por primera vez, pudieran vivir por medio del
esfuerzo de su trabajo y poseer propiedad y bienes materiales.
Este es el valor del trabajo. Esta semana recordamos el día del
trabajo, Labor Day, en el cual tomamos una pausa para honrar
los ideales del trabajo y aquellos que trabajan por su vivir que
somos casi todos. Este es un día secular, pero también tiene
ideales cristianos. Por más de un siglo los papas han escrito
sobre la importancia del trabajo. Según el Papa Leo XIII el
trabajo tiene como su propósito el derecho del hombre de
poseer su propiedad. Este papa escribió una encíclica sobre los
temas del trabajo y la propiedad, Rerum Novarum, en el año
1891, en la cual forma la fundación de los ideales y acciones
del Papa Juan Pablo II en sus luchas contra el comunismo. La
Iglesia siempre ha mantenido que es el derecho del hombre
trabajar para poder poseer propiedad y bienes, y que el papel
del estado es guardar este derecho. En estos días de
dificultades económicas estos ideales toman nueva
importancia. En primer lugar no tiene nada de mal el trabajo
aunque sea labor manual sigue siendo don de Dios y así se
debe conservar. Segundamente no tiene nada de mal ser pobre.
La Iglesia ha siempre mantenido que habrá pobreza aun
cuando uno tenga trabajo y que no hay ninguna indignidad en
ser pobre. Finalmente, el hombre tiene que trabajar. Nadie
tiene el derecho de hacer su vida sin trabajar, a nadie se le debe
la vida sin trabajo. Haremos bien tener en mente que el
propósito del trabajo es conseguirnos lo que necesitamos para
vivir y para poseer propiedad y bienes. No es para darnos lo
que otros tienen, ni para hacer la vida fácil, pero para recibir
los dones de la bondad de Dios. Disfruten el día festivo.
Por Jesús y María,
Padre Flores
In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Flores
Fatima Rosary: Mary has a “Peace Plan from Heaven.” In each of the six appearances
at Fatima, she asked for the daily Rosary. Come learn more at the bilingual Rosary
Processions. Feel free to bring a flower to honor Mary. Meet in the Narthex on
Tuesday, September 13th, at 7pm.
Rosario de Fátima: María tiene un “Plan de paz para llegar al cielo.” En cada una de
las seis apariciones a Fátima, ella pedio que recemos el Rosario diario. Vengan a
prender mas en el Rosario bilingüe. Pueden traer una flor en honor de María.
Estaremos en el Nártex el Martes, 13 de Septiembre, a las 7p.m.
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$ 8,786
$ 9,417
$ 7,864
$ 7,190
$ 8,786
$ 9,417
$ 7,864
$ 7,190
Segunda Colecta para las caridades: $ 3,164
Charities Second Collection: $ 3,164
2016 Idaho Catholic Appeal
Collected to Date
Balance Remaining
Please Give Generously to Help Support ICA
The Parish Office be will closed
on Labor Day, September 5th.
La Oficina de la parroquia estara
cerrada el 5 de septiembre por el
dia del trabajo.
2016 Campaña católica
del Diezmo
Recaudado asta la Fecha
Falta por Recaudar
Por favor de y sea generoso con la
campaña Catolica del Diezmo
SEPTEMBER 16 - 9am-2pm
Blood Drive at OLV in the
Holy Family Hall. Please call the
Parish Office to register or go to
redcrossblood.org and click on
Our Lady of the Valley Drive.
16 DE SEPTIEMBRE de -9 a.m.2 p.m. Donación de Sangre en
NSV en el salón de la Sagrada
Familia. Por favor llame a la
oficina para registrarse o visite el
sitio web redcrossblood.org,
Haga clic en Nuestra Señora del
Valle Drive.
Page 2
August 27-28  27-28 de agosto
September 10-11  10-11 de septiembre
September 17-18  17-18 de septiembre
Pre-K, elementary, middle school, high school, and adults.
Pre-Kinder, primaria, secundaria, preparatoria, y adultos.
Call the parish office with questions at 208-459-3653.
Llame a la oficina de la parroquia si tiene preguntas 208-459-3653.
Patricia Guerrero, Family Ministry Assistant/Asistente de Ministerio Familiar
Patricia is an experienced parish minister, having worked as a Children’s Ministry assistant at St. John’s
Cathedral. She is wife to her husband Art and mother of five children ranging from teen to toddler.
Patricia speaks Spanish and English, and her love for the Eucharist shines when she is working with all
Patricia tiene experiencia en el ministerio de la parroquia, ha trabajado como asistente del Ministerio de
los niños en la catedral de San Juan. Ella es esposa y madre de cinco niños desde 18 meses hasta la
adolecencia. Patricia habla inglés y español, y su amor por la Eucaristía brilla cuando ella trabaja con
personas de todas las edades.
Thania Beltran, Director of Children’s Ministry/el Director del Ministerio de Niños
Thania is only weeks into the job, but she is bursting with joy at being commissioned to share Christ in her
work. Thania graduated from College of Idaho in May, and during the last year she was a campus
ministry intern at C of I, helped launch the 2C Catholic Young Adult group, volunteered as a Teen POD
leader on Wednesdays, and was a group leader at VBS. She is fluent in English and Spanish.
Thania ha estado solamente dos semanas en el trabajo, pero ella esta muy entusiasmada y llene de
alegría por ser la encargado de compartir a Cristo en su trabajo. Thania se graduó de la Universidad de
Idaho en mayo, y durante el año pasado era una interna pastoral universitaria en el C de I, ayudó a
formar el grupo de jóvenes adultos 2C Católicos, se ofreció como un líder en los grupos pequeños de
adolescentes los miércoles, y ayudo como líder de grupo en VBS . Thania habla Inglés y Español.
Daniel Miller, Director of Youth Ministry/el Director de Ministerio de Jovenes
Daniel came to OLV after two years at Mount Angel Seminary, four in parish youth ministry, and four at Seattle
Pacific University. Daniel focuses on building relationships, growing closer to Christ and the Church, and making
disciples. He directs Junior High Rally and Junior High Camp for the Diocese and is always up for a game of soccer
or a scoop of ice cream.
Daniel llegó a la NSV después de estar dos años en el Seminario Monte Ángel, cuatro años como director del
ministerio de jóvenes en la parroquia Santa Elizabeth, y cuatro en la Universidad de Seattle Pacific. Daniel está
enfocado en construir relaciones, cada vez más cerca de Cristo y la Iglesia, y formar discípulos. El dirige Junior
High Rally y el campamento de los adolecentes para la Diócesis y está listo siempre para un partido de
fútbol o un helado.
Page 3
Jueves, 8 de
septiembre a las
Smoky Mountain
Pizza en Nampa
September 8,
Smoky Mountain
Pizza in Nampa
 Young Adults, age
18-35, los adultos
jóvenes de 18-35 años.
 Friends, faith, beer (or
beverages), food, and a
fantastic atmosphere.
Amigos, fe, cerveza
(bebidas), comida, y un
ambiente fantástico.
 Questions?
Preguntas? Contact
Thania Beltran at
[email protected]
or 459-3653, ext. 3008.
New Names
Nuevos nombres
We want to create an irresistible environment during Family
Ministry, and it starts with the names of our programs. We
have new ones!
Queremos crear un ambiente irresistible durante el
Ministerio Familiar, comienza con los nuevos nombres de
nuestros programas. Que Tenemos!
St. Paul encourages us to “fight the good fight” (2 Tim 4:7).
Following his lead, our program for 6th-12th graders is
San Pablo nos anima a "pelear la buena batalla" (2 Tim 4:
7). Siguiendo su ejemplo, nuestro programa para los adolesentes en grados 6º al 12º es GOOD FIGHTERS.
What was Confirmation is now IGNITERS because the sacrament of Confirmation ignites the fire of the Holy Spirit in
those that receive it.
Lo que fue la confirmación es ahora equipos de IGNITERS,
porque el sacramento de la Confirmación enciende el fuego del Espíritu Santo en los que la reciben.
What used to be Religious Education, Faith Formation, or
Children’s Ministry is now ROCKSTARS because Jesus
told us the Church is our ROCK. Pre-kindergarten to fifth
graders are invited to be Rockstars each week.
Lo que era grupo de educación religiosa, formación en la
fe, o el Ministerio de los niños se ha convertido en ROCKSTARS porque Jesús nos dijo que la Iglesia es nuestra
roca. Pre-kinder de infantes a quinto grado están invitados
a eventos de Rockstars cada semana
What used to be First Communion is now RECEIVERS to
remind us to receive God’s love in the Eucharist with
thanks, respect, and the desire to follow Jesus.
Lo que solía ser grupo de la primera comunión es ahora
RECEIVERS que nos recuerda a recibir el amor de Dios en
la Eucaristía con agradecimiento, el respeto y el deseo de
seguir a Jesús.
Join Our Flock! Get text updates on OLV activities by texting
OLV2003 to 84576.
¡Unirse a nuestro rebaño! Usted puede unirse mandando por
texto la palabra OLV2003 al numero 202-765-3441.
Page 4
Not Catholic? Have you or someone you know been thinking of becoming
Catholic or perhaps are curious about what Catholics believe?
Sessions will begin in late September. Watch the bulletin or website for
details of dates, times and location. Sessions are free and all are welcome.
Sign-up in the Narthex or call the Parish Office.
The Great Adventure ~ Jeff Cavin
Tuesday night ~ Bible Study
The Book of James: Pearls for Wise Living
James is one of the most practical books of the
Bible. Its teachings speak loudly to those who
feel torn between the competing demands of
this world and their faith. This study offers
“Pearls for Wise Living” by applying the wisdom
of James to our current day. James offers a
wealth of practical solutions for handling and
even sanctifying everyday circumstances. Join
us in the JPII room beginning September 6 at
7:00pm continuing every Tuesday, the last class
being on November 15. For more information
and to register, call Hans & Janene Nederend at
208-573-2955 or e-mail at [email protected]
OLV “Women of Faith”
Join us for Faith, Fellowship, Food & Fun!!
Our first gathering is September 14 from
9:30am-12pm in the John Paul II Room
We meet every Wednesday through May.
For more information, please
call Kim Henning at 402-4718
Advertiser of the Week
Grab some Summer Goodness
Made and Delivered Fresh Daily!
2108 Caldwell Blvd., Ste 109, Nampa
Sunday Night Adult BibleStudy
Begins Sunday, September 11th at 6:30
John Paul II Room - All Are Invited
This is a fascinating foundational Bible study
which takes us on a journey from Genesis to
Revelation, going deep into salvation history as it
is woven all through the scriptures. We will see
how all the major people, places and events reveal
God's plan in so many ways.
We always have time for fellowship, so please
bring a treat to share. Bring a copy of the Bible
and a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic
Church, which can be a hard copy or is also
available on-line on your smartphone or tablet.
There is a cost for the workbook that goes with the
Any questions, please call Pam Haddock
at 722-5709.
Mark your calendars for the Capstone Missions 9th Annual Fall Fiesta on October 1,
2016. We are changing locations this year
and will be at the Zion's Bank building in
downtown Boise! The evening will be filled
with great food, entertainment, and live and
silent auctions. All proceeds benefit
Capstone Missions and will help us build a
better future for Tijuana, Mexico’s orphans
and poor. Tickets and more information can
be found on our website at
If you are interested in making a donation or
donating an auction item, contact Jaime
Ephraim at 208.996.0101 or
[email protected].
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