Newsletter / Boletín - Vol. 10 Issue 3 June / July 2014


Newsletter / Boletín - Vol. 10 Issue 3 June / July 2014
Newsletter / Boletín - Vol. 10 Issue 3
June / July 2014
Table of Contents
1. Cover
2. Table of Contents
Eva Ordóñez Olivas
Executive Director/CEO
3. Sizzling Safe Summer Pool Parties
Eloisa Johnson
Greg Acedo
Program Manager
Affordable Housing Disposition Program
State Farm - Owner/Agent
Jay O. Olivas
Maricopa County Department of
Health Vice Chair
Multi-Media/Facility Services
& Newsletter Production
Venus Ramirez
7. Grant Park Pool Party / Father’s Day Event
Rachel Johnson
Maricopa Integrated Health System
8. Air Quality in PHX & Central City South
Wendoly Abrego
4. University Park Pool
5. Community Action Team
6. Swim Lessons
9. Construction Notice
Special Projects
RJ Shannon
Patricia Arviso
Arizona Department
of Health Services
Special Projects
11. Staying Healthy in Arizona’s Summer Heat
Violeta Ramos
Special Projects
12. District 8 News
Grace Salinas
Marcos de Niza Community
Raul Daniels
Business Outreach
10. Heat Relief Fact Sheet
Mara DeLuca Funke
Kendra Cea
Arizona Public Service
Member Emeritus
Julian Sodari III
Special Projects
13. Proposed Police Precincts
Sue Moyer
14. Summer Food Service Program
Special Projects—Volunteer
15. A Mobile Market
Special Projects—Volunteer
Yvonne Ayon
Erika Graves
16. Harmon Library
ASU Intern
17. Harmon Library
18. Hispanic Town Hall Meeting
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, PRC must make a reasonable accommodation
to allow a person with a disability to take part in a program, service or activity. For example,
this means that if necessary, PRC must provide sign language interpreters for people who
are deaf, a wheelchair accessible location, or enlarged print materials. It also means that
PRC will take any other reasonable action that allows you to take part in and understand a
program or activity, including making reasonable changes to an activity. If you believe that
you will not be able to understand or take part in a program or activity because of your
disability, please let us know of your disability needs in advance it at all possible.
Please contact PRC at 602-253-6895.
June / July 2014
Según la Ley para Americanos con Discapacidades (ADA), PRC tiene la obligación de
realizar esfuerzos razonables para facilitar que las personas discapacitadas puedan participar de los programas, servicios o actividades. Esto quiere decir, por ejemplo, que PRC
debe proveer intérpretes de lenguaje de señas para las personas sordas, una localización
accesible por silla de ruedas, o materiales impresos en letra agrandada. También significa
que PRC hará un esfuerzo razonable para que usted pueda participar en una actividad o
comprenderla, incluyendo cambios razonables en la actividad. Si usted cree que no podrá
entender una actividad o participar en ella a causa de su impedimento, por favor, comuníquenos de antemano su impedimento si le es posible. Por favor, llame a PRC al
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 2
June / July 2014
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1102 West Van Buren Street
Itty Bitty Beach Party
University Park Pool
June 27, 9:30- 11:30am
Itty Bitty Beach parties are for guests ages 6 years and
younger and their families. Enjoy festive music, a water
safety puppet show, games, dance contests, swimsuit contests, Hawaiian leis, sunglasses, prizes and more!!
June / July 2014
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Central City South Residents and Stakeholders—Everyone is invited
Community Action Team Meeting - CAT
“Fighting blight and crime together, connecting our community”
Emmett McLoughlin Community Training and Education Center
1150 S. 7th Avenue (NW Corner / 7th Avenue & Buckeye Road - Light refreshments will be served
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Next Meeting:
9-11 Presentation
- Crime updates
- Neighborhood announcements
Thursday September 11, 2014
Facilitated by Phoenix Revitalization Corporation
[email protected] / Office: 602-253-6895
Supported by:
Looking for an Affordable Apartment to rent?
If you are in need of an affordable apartment to rent, please visit our web-site at or call Phoenix Revitalization Corporation (602) 253-6895.
We can provide you with a list of rental properties and qualification guidelines.
Affordable Housing List Disclaimer:
Phoenix Revitalization Corporation is neither affiliated nor endorses any of these properties.
Property owners establish their own rental guidelines, according to state and federal law,
and have the right to decline your application to be a tenant if you do not meet their qualifications.
Silent Witness is a Metro Phoenix program designed to provide you
with an anonymous means of providing police with information on
non-drug felony crimes you have witnessed or may have knowledge
of. If you provide information that leads to the arrest of a criminal or
outstanding fugitive, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to
$1000.00. Note that some unsolved crimes have reward amounts
greater than $1000.00, paid for by friends, family, or victim reward
To be eligible for cash rewards of up to $1000.00, you must call to
obtain a secret code!
June / July 2014
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 5
STARBABIES (Recommended Ages: 6 months to 2 years)
The purpose of this course is to develop a high comfort
level in the water, while training parents in water safety
and drowning prevention. This course does not teach children to become accomplished swimmers or to survive in the
water; it does provide a confidence-building, fun and loving
experience. One parent or caregiver must be in the water with
each child. Swim diapers are required.
WHITE STAR (Recommended Ages: 3 years to 5 years)
If your child is afraid of the water, cannot swim at all, and does not like to get their
face wet; then this is the class for them! This course will develop a high comfort level in
the water and a readiness to swim. Instructors will emphasize the development of jumping
in, kicking to the surface of the water, getting air and returning to the wall. Safety skills, entries and exits will also be highlighted in this course. This class approaches teaching swimming through creative and fun activities in the water. Children must be able to support themselves by holding onto the side of the pool, and be able to participate without parental presence, in order to enroll in this class.
This course is designed for children who are NOT afraid of the water, can float on
their front and their back and who can jump in and return to the surface of the water
without help. This course will develop correct body rotation and forward movement in the
water. Instructors will emphasize independent floating, gliding, and arm strokes combined
with kicking. Recognizing distressed swimmers, getting help, and entries/exits from deep
water will also be taught in this course. Completion of Stage White prior to this class is not
necessary as long as children exhibit complete comfort in the water.
This course is recommended for children who can tread water, swim basic freestyle
and can swim in deep water. The development of breath control, side breathing, and independent gliding will be emphasized. Safety skills including treading water and putting on a
lifejacket while in the water will also be taught.. Children should be able to perform all the
skills from Stage Red prior to enrolling in this course .
June / July 2014
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Sizzling Safe Summer Kicks Off at Grant Park - June 12, 2014
City of Phoenix HOPE VI Father’s Day Event in June 2014
June / July 2014
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Air Quality in Phoenix and Central City South
Part Two: Reporting Air Quality Complaints
By Katelyn Parady
[email protected]
Issues with the air affect everybody in Phoenix, but
the residents of Central City South especially have
to deal with pollution, dust, and other emissions from
freeways, vacant lots, and industrial and commercial
activities. Because of this, the Central City South
newsletter is publishing a series of articles about
how to protect your family and community from air
pollution. This month, we’re sharing information
about reporting air quality complaints.
Have you ever seen dust blowing off of a vacant lot
or worried that a business near your home might be
breaking air pollution rules? The Maricopa County
Air Quality Department can’t have inspectors in every part of the city at all times. For that reason, the
department counts on you and your neighbors to report potential air quality violations related to dust,
emissions, smoking vehicles, burn activities, and
You can reach the department’s complaint line at
602-372-2703, where both English and Spanish
speakers will be waiting to help you. Have as much
information as you can about the air quality issue
you’d like to report. For example, it’s helpful if you
can describe the problem you’re reporting and give
an address or directions to the location where you
think someone needs to do an inspection.
You do not have to give out any personal details
about who you are or where you live to report a
concern. If you’d like the inspector to call you back
and tell you what they did in response to your complaint, you can leave your phone number. But
that’s up to you.
If you would rather report a problem online, just go
ReportViolation.aspx. Click on the link to “air quality
violation”, “dust control violation” or “smoking vehicle” and a form will appear for you to fill out. When
you make a complaint online, you do have to give
your name and address, so if you want to be anonymous, call the hotline instead!
Dear Vista College Prep Supporters
The results are in! We are thrilled to announce that in
our inaugural year, Vista College Prep scholars made
an average of 1.6 years of literacy growth as measured
by the STEP assessment. Thanks to the amazing hard
work of our scholars, the game-changing dedication of
our staff, and the endless support from our parents and
community, Vista College Prep scholars have proven
that demographics do not determine destiny.
June / July 2014
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June / July 2014
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Heat Relief Fact Sheet
June / July 2014
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Staying Healthy in Arizona’s Deadly Summer Heat
June / July 2014
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June / July 2014
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June / July 2014
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Councilman Valenzuela
"Recently, the City Council
took an important step in what
has been a challenging budget process. During the past
few months, we have heard
from residents, business and
community leaders, and city
employees about the city's
2014/2015 budget. When we
started this process, we were
facing a $37.7 million shortfall.
The budget that was passed
balances revenue and expenses, without impacting
city programs and services, preserves jobs, and accelerates the hiring of police officers and firefighters.
I would like to thank all of those who were involved
and engaged in this important process.
June / July 2014
During these tough economic times, our city employees are taking a reduction in compensation
while continuing to deliver quality programs and services to our residents. I volunteered to stand with
our great employees and take a voluntary reduction
in my compensation. We are all in this together and
it will take shared sacrifices to ensure we continue
moving our city in a positive direction - ensuring
safe neighborhoods and quality of life for our employees and residents. Finally, I will continue to
work on your behalf to make public safety the top
priority of the city. With this vote, we are a step closer to being able to hire police officers in the first
quarter of 2015. Together, we must continue to
keep our families safe, strengthen our neighborhoods and build our economy."
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June / July 2014
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1325 South 5th Ave.
June-July, 2014
Summer Reading Program for All Ages!
May 29 – July 26, 2014
And…Special Programs: Tuesdays at 2:00
June 3-July 15 Space, Magic; Reptiles, more
Family Storytime – Weekly (Ages birth to five with caregiver)
Tuesdays, 5:15-6:00pm
Children birth to five accompanied by a caregiver. Have fun sharing books, fingerplays,
songs, flannel board stories, and more. Learn tips to build a foundation for reading
including using interactive reading activities.
Library Explorers - Weekly (Ages 7-11)
Thursdays, 4:00-5:00pm
Enjoy interesting and fun afterschool activities like fun with STEM (science, technology,
engineering and math), building with Lego blocks, games, and more!
Young @ Art – Weekly (Ages 5-11)
Saturdays, 1:00am – 2:00pm
Come get creative with an easy arts and crafts project for children. Younger
children may need caregiver assistance.
TEENS (Ages 12-18):
Club Harmon – Biweekly (Ages 12-18)
1st and 3rd Wednesdays 4:00-6:00pm
1st Wednesdays –Anime
3rd Wednesdays - Crafts, games, science and more!
Wednesday, June 4
Wednesday, June 18
Wednesday, July 2
Wednesday, July 16
Discover Your Family History – Monthly, 2nd Saturday
2nd Saturday of the month,
11:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday, June 14
Saturday, July 12
Need direction in researching your family background? The Black Family
Genealogy & History Society is here to help. All are welcome to attend
this monthly meeting where members share their research techniques,
family stories, and experiences. ALL ethnicities are welcome.
FREE online resume help,
career training and more!
Here’s a great resource to help you at every stage of the
job-seeking process. Log on to
and click on PhoenixWorks to find information about
June / July 2014
applying for unemployment benefits
finding the nearest local workforce center
writing a resume or cover letter
getting ready for an interview
online job-searching
effective networking
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 16
Junio-Julio, 2014
¡El Programa de Lectura para el Verano –
Para todas las edades!
El 29 de mayo al 26 de julio, 2014
Y…Programas especiales Los martes a las 2:00
Del 3 de junio al 15 de julio: El espacio; la magia; los reptiles, y más
Hora de cuentos para familias– Semanal (Para niños hasta 5 años)
Los martes, 5:15 - 6:00
Programa presentado para niños recién nacidos hasta 5 años acompañados por una persona mayor. Diviértanse con sus niños por medio de actividades, lecturas, canciones, juegos de dedos,
cuentos relatados con pizarra de fieltro, y más. Aprendan pistas para crear una base para la lectura, incluso actividades interactivas de lectura.
Los Aventureros - Semanal (Edades 7-11)
Los jueves, 4:00-5:00pm
Disfrute una nueva actividad cada semana después de la escuela: actividades divertidas de
STEM (ciencia-tecnología-ingeniería-matemáticas), construcción con bloques plásticos
Legos, juegos, y más!
“Young @ Art” (Arte para los niños) Semanal (Edades 5-11)
Los sábados,
1:00am – 2:00pm
¡Use sus fuerzas creativas haciendo proyectos de arte y manualidades sencillas!
Para niños de 5 a 11 años. Los niños más jóvenes necesitarán la ayuda de una persona mayor.
ADOLESCENTES (De 12-18 años)
Club Harmon - Dos miércoles al mes
El primer y el tercer miércoles del mes
El primer miércoles, el 4 de junio y el 2 de julio:
El tercer miércoles, el 18 de junio y el 16 de julio:
¡Juegos, actividades de artes y
ciencias, y más!
Descubra Su Historia Familiar – Mensual, El segundo sábado del mes
El segundo sábado del mes
11:00am – 1:00pm
Sábado, el 14 de junio
Sábado, el 12 de julio
¿Le hace falta dirección en la búsqueda de información acerca de sus antepasados? La
sociedad “Black Family Genealogy & History Society” está para servirles. Todos están
invitados a asistir a la reunión mensual en la cual los miembros comparten sus métodos
de investigación, sus cuentos familiares, y sus experiencias en hacer sus búsquedas.
Abierto a personas de cualquier grupo étnico.
¡GRATIS ayuda de curriculum vitae en línea,
formación de carrera y más!
Aquí está un gran recurso para ayudarle en cada etapa
del proceso de búsquedas de empleo. Inicie al sitio y haga clic PhoenixWorks
para mas información sobre:
June / July 2014
 solicitando beneficios de Seguro por Desempleo
 encontrando recursos locales para ayudar con
las búsquedas de empleo
currículum vitae y cartas de presentación
 preparación para entrevistas
 búsquedas de empleo en linea
 gestión de redes eficaz
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 17
Have an article or would like to suggest a topic for us to cover?
Submit your articles for the Central City South Newsletter to
[email protected]
June / July 2014
Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 18

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2015 Community Connection Fair - Phoenix Revitalization Corporation Central City South - A Community for All Ages / Una comunidad para todas las edades Page 10

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