Harper Park Middle School - Loudoun County Public Schools


Harper Park Middle School - Loudoun County Public Schools
Harper Park
Middle School
We ARE Harper Park
April 2014
701 Potomac Station Drive, Leesburg, VA 20176
School Hours 8:30-3:18
Main 571-252-2820 / Attendance 571-252-2822 / Clinic 571-252-2821
By Beth Robinson
Quarter Four has begun and Spring is here! No time to rest on our laurels yet. Students need to stay focused on the rest of the school year
because they have a lot to accomplish in less than 43 school days!
April is a busy Month at Harper Park. Please continue to check our website and the weekly newsflash for updates. Highlights of this month include Holocaust Museum Night put on by the 7th grade History Teachers
on April 8 from 6 PM – 8 PM, the 6th grade heads to American University
for their College in Six Field Trip on April 21 and ‘Mark, The Speakerman’
will address our entire student body on April 28th with a motivational
message about hard work, doing your best and making good choices.
We continue to focus on good attendance. If students aren’t in school,
they miss valuable instruction that cannot be replaced. So far, for the
school year Harper Park has the best attendance for all middle schools
in Loudoun County. Thank you for supporting your children’s education
by ensuring they come to school on time.
As warmer weather is upon us, please review the school dress code
with your children, which can be found in their student agenda. We
have been reminding all students of this on the morning announcements. I have also reminded students that many of them have grown
considerably this winter and to double check that their Spring fashions
from last year still fit appropriately. Thank you for helping us with this.
SOL’s are just around the corner, beginning the first week of May.
Teachers and students are reviewing to prepare for these very important assessments. Students should review Math daily, practice on
Study Island, get a good night’s rest and eat a healthy breakfast.
Thank you all for your ongoing support. I hope you all have a restful and
safe Spring Break.
Important Dates
Apr 2
8th Grade visits
Heritage HS
Apr 9
Report Cards Sent
Apr 10
Volunteer Brunch
Apr 14-18
Apr 21
Spring Break
College in Six
Field Trip
Apr 25
7th Grade Party
7-9 PM
Apr 28
8th Grade Panoramic
HPMS Contacts
Main office
Principal…………..………………………...Beth Robinson
Secretary……………………………………..….Sarah Fedak
Assistant Principal…………………………...Don Keener
Bookkeeper……………………………………...Susan Lang
Assistant Principal………………………..Katie Johnson
Secretary.………………………………….Christine Granja
Parent Liaison……………………………….Neldy Negron
Nurse…………………………………………..Terri Thomson
House A (8th Grade)
House B (7th Grade)
Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Beth Woodford
Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Meshelle Cary
Counselor . . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie Kole
Counselor . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cherie Krisa
Attendance Secretary . . Linda Young
Secretary. . . . .. . . . . . . . . Debbie Wishmyer
House C (6th Grade)
Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fitzroy Frew
Counselor . . . . . . . . . . Zamarit Simpkins
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . Catherine Happersett
Visitor, Volunteer, and Late
Student Sign in Procedure
All visitors need to stop by the main office upon arrival. All
visitors, volunteers, and late students will log into the computer located in the Main Office. A pass or nametag will automatically print out. While at HPMS, all people signing in
will be required to wear a visitor’s name tag. Students will
take their late pass to their House office and sign in there as
well. Please be prepared to show a valid ID.
Harper Park Middle School parents: we need your
help! When your child is absent, please call the attendance line at 571-252-2822 or email at [email protected] to notify the school. For your convenience, this is a 24-hour answering machine. An
absence will be unexcused if the school does not
receive a note or a phone message from the parent
or guardian.
Early Dismissals
If at all possible, please send a note in with your child the morning of an appointment. The student’s house secretary will write a pass to excuse the student at the appropriate time. This will alleviate the need to disrupt the
classroom and your child will be waiting in the front office when you arrive. If sending a note is not possible,
please arrive 5 minutes early to assure a smooth pickup of your student.
All students must be in their classroom by the 8:30 a.m.
bell. Any student arriving to class after the 8:30 a.m. bell
will be considered “tardy” and must sign in at the main
office and receive a “tardy” pass. A parent/guardian
should accompany his/her child to the office or send a
note with the child when arriving late to school.
School Work Requests
When students are absent, the parent /guardian should call
the Absentee Line at 571-252-2822 and inform the school
of the reason of absence and when they will return to
school. When a student misses 3 or more days, the parent/
guardian may request missed school work from their child’s
counselor. The class work will be available for pick up on the
following day. Please do not request class work on the Absentee Line.
Procedimiento de Registro de Entrada
para Visitantes, Voluntarios y Estudiantes que Llegan Tarde a la Escuela.
Todos los visitantes deben reportarse a la oficina
principal a su llegada. Cada visitante, voluntario, y
todos los estudiantes que lleguen tarde a la escuela deberán registrarse en la computadora que
se encuentra en la oficina principal. Se imprimirá
automáticamente un pase o una etiqueta con su
nombre. Se require que los visitantes o voluntarios porten a la vista la etiqueta con su nombre
mientras se encuentren en HPMS. Los estudiantes llevarán su pase de retardo a la oficina de
su área y se registrarán ahí también. Los visitantes y voluntarios deberán mostrar una identificación con fotografía.
Salida Temprano
Se les suplica que cuando tengan
que recoger a sus estudiantes temprano, envíen una nota con su hijo/
a a la secretaria de su area. La secretaria expedirá un pase para que el
estudiante pueda salir de la clase a
la hora apropiada. Esto evitará que
haya interrupciones durante la
clase, y su hijo/a le estará esperando en la oficina principal cuando
usted llegue. Si no le fuera possible
enviar la nota, por favor llegue a la
escuela 5 minutos antes de la hora
que desea recoger a su estudiante.
Trabajo Escolar Faltante
Cuando su hijo/a esté ausente, por favor
llame al teléfono (571)252-2822, para reportar la ausencia. Para su comodidad Contamos con una contestadora automática
que funciona 24 horas al día. Incluya la
siguiente información:
Cuando un estudiante se ausente de la escuela durante 3 días o más, el padre/tutor puede solicitar el trabajo escolar faltante al consejero de su hijo/a. El consejero tendra las asignaciones listas para ser recogidas al
día siguiente. Por favor no solicite el trabajo escolar
faltante en el teléfono en que se reportan las ausencias.
Nombre del estudiante y grado.
Motivo de la ausencia, y la fecha en que
regresará a la escuela.
Su relación con el estudiante.
Si va al doctor, pídale una nota y envíela a la
secretaria del grado cuando regrese a la escuela.
Se considerará como ausencia injustificada
si la escuela no recibe un mensaje telefónico, o una nota del medico.
Todos los estudiantes deberán estar en su
salón de clases cuando suene la campana de
las 8:30 a.m. A los estudiantes que se
presenten a su clase después de las 8:30
a.m. se les marcara “tade” . Deberán registrarse en la oficina principal donde se les proporcionará un pase de retardo. El padre/
tutor deberá acompañar a su estudiante a la
oficina, o enviar una nota.
Deans News
Eighth Grade Dean
Mark your calendar…
Apr. 2
8th Grade Student Transition Visit to HHS (during the school day.) Students must
have a signed parent permission form in order to attend this trip.
Apr. 28
8th Grade Class Picture
May 24
8th Grade Class Trip to Hershey Park 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Please contact your student’s Civics teacher if you have questions about chaperones, forms, or payment.
June 11
8th Grade Awards Ceremony
Students should plan to dress in appropriate professional attire.
June 12
End of Year SOL Success Celebration
Thank you to our 8th grade families who made contributions to our class donated T-shirt
fund. We appreciate your kindness and generosity! For those who ordered a shirt, the T-shirts
will be delivered to students after spring break.
As noted above, on Wednesday, April 2, our 8th grade students will visit Heritage High
School to prepare for their transition to that community. Additionally, in preparation for the
high school transition, I would like to encourage you and your student to attend evening or
weekend events at Heritage High School. Whether it is music, drama, or sports, participating as
a spectator at any activity will help your student begin to consider how they might become involved in the high school community after they leave Harper Park. Please begin checking the
HHS webpage and calendar for information and events.
Please contact your student’s teacher(s) if you have a question and/or need to schedule a
conference. If you need any assistance, you may also contact me at
[email protected]
As always, thank you for sending us respectful and responsible students who are ready to
meet the challenges of each school day!
Mary Beth Woodford
8th Grade Dean
Deans News
Seventh Grade Dean
Spring Ahead to Greater Learning
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.
–Henry Ford
Spring has taken the long way around this year. Welcome Spring! As we move into fourth
quarter, let’s remember that learning is a participation activity just as the many athletic activities where our children are involved. Students must be actively engaged each day in every way
at school if they are to achieve success. This quarter, help your student maintain focus on
school and school work as they feel the draw of warm weather and outdoor events tugging at
their thoughts. Have conversations with them daily about school-ask about the who, what,
where, when, why and how of each aspect of their day. By engaging your children at home,
you help them engage at school.
During the month of April, students will receive third quarter report cards, have the opportunity to experience “Lunch with your student”, refresh and renew with Spring Break, experience the P.E. sponsored activity “Hurricane Mile” and the 7th grade party. A busy month indeed! All occurring as we prepare for SOLs in May. Parents, we will be asking for volunteers
and food donations for the seventh grade party which is Friday, April 25, 2014, from 7:00 to
9:00 p.m. in the main and auxiliary gyms. The PTA volunteer coordinator will make contact
with parents in the near future.
As always, when the weather turns warm, there is an abundance of dress code violations. I
ask that parents remain familiar with the dress code as printed in the student handbook. Assist your middle school child with decisions as to what is appropriate to wear to school based
on the printed code. I usually tell the students “If you have to ask if a garment is okay to wear
to school, it probably isn’t”.
Enjoy your spring break and looking forward to seeing many of you at the party on the 25th.
Meshelle H. Cary
7th Grade Dean
[email protected]
Deans News
Sixth Grade Dean
For the month of April, there are three topics to be discussed:
Field Trip: As previously mentioned, the sixth grade field trip to American University will
be held on Monday, April 21. This is the Monday immediately following spring break, so I
am asking that vacation plans be made accordingly. The purpose of the trip will be to expose students to the concept of college, given that many of our sixth graders will be taking
high school credit classes next year. Information about the trip and the opportunity to
volunteer was sent home with students.
Cell Phones: Recently, there has been a rash of incidents involving sixth graders and the
usage of phones at school. As a reminder, phones must be turned off and placed in students’ lockers for the duration of the school day. There are no exceptions to this rule. If a
student is found with his or her phone, it will be confiscated and returned only to a parent.
Dress Code: If a student chooses to wear leggings, yoga pants, tights, etc., the shirt,
blouse, dress, etc. that is worn with it must be long enough to covet the student’s midthigh. If a student chooses to wear a dress, skirt, or shorts, it must be long enough to
touch the tips of the student’s middle fingers when extended in a relaxed manner at the
sides. Any student who is found to be in violation of the dress code will be given three options: change immediately into appropriate dress, call home in the hopes of appropriate
clothing being brought to school, or be placed in in-school-restriction for the remainder of
the day.
If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please share them with me at
[email protected] or at (571) 252-2820. Thanks.
Counselors’ Corner
With the warmer and sunnier days ahead of us, our students are especially looking forward to spending time outdoors and with friends. Let’s continue to remind and encourage them to remain focused on their work and
study habits in order to complete the school year successfully. The SOL
testing will begin the week of May 6th. The last day to make changes for
course selections is Friday, June 20th.
6th Grade: Students have completed the course selection process for seventh grade and have returned their forms. Any changes should be made
in writing and returned to Mrs. Simpkins. The final date to make changes
is June 13th. Should you have questions about courses or future academic
planning contact Mrs. Simpkins.
Please don’t hesitate to call or email Mrs. Simpkins with any questions/
concerns you have regarding your child.
7th Grade: Student will begin completing their Five-Year Plans individually with Mrs. Krisa. The plans will come home to parents as they are completed.
The fourth quarter is a very important time for students to maintain their
focus. Each of them should be spending about an hour per night completing homework and reviewing notes from class.
Academy of Science
A Spring Information Session for the Academy of Science will be held
on Thursday May 8th, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Dominion High School
auditorium. Although the session is primarily for current 7th grade students/parents, anyone is welcome. Please feel free to call
Mrs. Krisa with any questions you may have at 571-2522820.
Counselors’ Corner
8th Grade: Our rising 9th grade students will visit Heritage High School
on April 2nd and will receive a tour of the school, learn about sports, clubs,
and student activities. They will also receive information from school
counselors on how to have a successful freshman year. Course selection
for 9th grade is complete. Any additional changes must be made before
June 20. Students completed their 4 Year Plan during course selection
through Naviance. You can access Naviance at www.connection.navaince
.com/harperpark. The high school counselors will use this information to
help plan with your child over the course of 4 years on actual courses he/
she will take.
Expunging Credit Bearing Courses – For 7th and 8th Graders Taking High
School Classes
Based on a provision of the Virginia Standards of Accreditation, a middle
school student who has taken a high school credit course (such as Algebra
I; Geometry; or a foreign language) may elect to have the grade expunged
from the high school record. If desired, the course may be retaken. Courses can be expunged at the end of the 7th and 8th grade year. The seventh
grade counselor will expunge the 7th grade high school courses, whereas
the high school will expunge 8th grade courses. You must complete a request to have your student’s high school grade expunged. You will find
with the final eighth grade report card a letter explaining the expunging of
grades and credits from a student’s high school records. The parent must
complete and submit to the high school the form to request to expunge
any rising 9th grader’s high school credit classes taken in middle school by
August 15th, 2014. The decision to expunge, or not, is irrevocable. No
changes are allowed after a student enters high school. If you have any
questions regarding this, please call your child’s middle school counselor.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE for Parents and Students
RE: Dress Code at Harper Park
LCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities - Dress Code:
‘All students are expected to dress appropriately for a K-12 educational
environment. Any clothing that interferes with or disrupts the educational
environment is unacceptable. …Clothing should fit, be neat and clean, and
conform to standards of safety, good taste, and decency. Clothing that exposes cleavage, private parts, the midriff, or undergarments, or that is otherwise sexually provocative, is prohibited. …Students not complying with
this code will be asked to cover the non-complying clothing, or change
clothes. Repeated infractions will result in disciplinary action. The principal
of each school is authorized to develop and implement such regulations as
are necessary to meet the responsibilities of the school as stated herein.’
As a reminder, when your Harper Park student chooses to wear spandex pants/leggings to school, please be sure that he/she is also
wearing a top (shirt, blouse, sweatshirt, sweater) that is long enough
to cover his/her bottom. Ideally, the top should extend in length to
the lower thigh area just above the knee. A top worn with spandex
pants/leggings should be long enough that it does not ride up and
need to be pulled down to cover a student’s backside throughout the
At Harper Park, student clothing should display good taste and decency,
and should not be disruptive to others.
Dress code violations are handled on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the school administration.
Reminders from the School Health Clinic
Our school’s health clinic specialist/registered nurse is Terri
Thomson R.N. She works in the clinic each day from 8:00 a.m.
until 3:30 p.m. A health clinic specialist (HCS) works under the
direction and supervision of a registered nurse (resource nurse).
School staff can contact the school resource nurse at any time
for advice or emergencies. HCSs are trained in first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), use of an external automatic defibrillator (AED), and medication administration. The resource
nurse visits the school regularly. Please check the website for
the resource nurse for your school. Clinic personnel (HCSs and
nurses) are not allowed to make a medical diagnosis. If you
have an urgent medical concern, please take your child to their
personal physician or a medical facility.
Loudoun County Public Schools
Parent Resource Center
Event Schedule
All Events are Held at:
LCPS Administrative Building
21000 Education Court, Ashburn, 20148
Events will be cancelled when schools are closed or after school activities cancelled.
Call 571-252-2185 or go to www.lcps.org/prc to register.
Titles are link to the flyer and registration.
Keys to Successful Toileting
April 9 at 9 am
Determining readiness, developing routines, overcoming fear, pre-teaching
Play Skills
May 8 at 9 am
For young children with Autism and related developmental disabilities.
Designed for children who are just acquiring play skills or have not yet developed them.
If due to a disability, you need assistance or an interpreter, call 571-2522185 10 days before an event.
Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Loudoun
Centro de Recursos para Padres
Horario de Eventos
Todos los eventos se llevarán a cabo en:
El Edificio Administrativo de LCPS
21000 Education Court, Ashburn, 20148
Los eventos se cancelarán si hay cierre de escuelas o si las actividades
después de escuela han sido canceladas.
Llamar al 571-252-2185 o ir a www.lcps.org/prc para matricularse.
Los títulos están enlazados con la volante y la matricula.
Claves para el Éxito con el Baño
9 de abril a las 9 am
Determinación de Preparación, Rutinas de Desarrollo, Superando el Miedo, Preenseñanza
Habilidades de Juego
8 de mayo a las 9 am
Para niños pequeños con autismo y discapacidades de desarrollo relacionadas.
Diseñadas para niños quienes apenas están adquiriendo las habilidades de juego
que no las han desarrollado todavía.
Si debido a una discapacidad, usted necesita ayuda o a un intérprete,
llamar al 571-252-2185 10 días previos al evento.
Don’t miss out on ordering a yearbook!
Price: $32
How to Order:
Go online to www.yearbookordercenter.com
Call toll-free 1-866-287-3096
Order #13872
Any questions?
Please email Ms. Chamblin:
[email protected]
Sensational Science News
During the month of April, the 8th grade science students will begin their SOL
review by practicing concepts learned during 6th and 7th grade science classes. Students will play games on SOL pass review and have a parent/teacher/
responsible adult initial on their pass worksheet when the students have successfully master the topic (90% or better). Each worksheet will count as a quiz
grade toward the 4th quarter. Choosing not to do the review will cause the
fourth quarter grades to drop a grade.
In class, we will be reviewing states of matter and compounds, elements and
mixtures. Students will have multiple messy labs such as oobleck and will celebrate the end of the compound and mixtures unit with a treat day. You will
be hearing more details from your child's teacher soon.
Seventh grade students will be continuing their research on biomes and will be
transforming the 7 grade halls to display several different biomes. We will
then be exploring ecology and ecosystems.
Sixth grade students will be finishing up their study of weather and climate.
Next we will be studying resources and watersheds.
Study Island - Parents, please have your children practice
math daily. Check out our website for more information.
Chorus News!
Congratulations to the following students for making
All-State Chorus this year!
Caitlin Bowman
Vivian Chen
Holly Foxhall
Tis the season of colds
and sniffles - Teachers are
requesting donations of
boxes of facial tissue. Please send your donations into your child’s
homeroom teacher. Thank you!
Hannah Giessler
The event will be held April
24-26 in
Harrisonburg, VA.
Encore will be performing
in the Cherry Blossom Festival Parade on April 12th.
Look for us on the news!
Confused about A day
vs. B day?
The entire calendar is
mapped out for you on
the school website.
Simply click on the
With the coupon (from the attached form) or the coupon on your smartphone, you
can BUY ONE SUB and GET ANOTHER SUB for $2.00. The $2.00 is a donation to
the school. If you are going to get subs for your whole family, you may use more
than 1 coupon, but must have additional people with you to make another purchase. ENJOY AND THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

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