COLEGIO SAGRADOCORAZÓN ÁREA: INGLÉS CURSO: 1º CORAZÓN CONTENIDOS PRIMER TRIMESTRE Unidad 1 Estructuras principales Where’s my (pen)? It’s here. Where’s my (purple) (pencil case). The (pencil case) is (on the shelf). Put the (pencil case) on / in / under (the desk). Estructuras recicladas What’s this? It’s (a pen). What colour is it? It’s(purple). Vocabulario esencial book, computer, crayon, pen, pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler, school bag, sharpener, bin, board, chair, cupboard, desk and shelf. Vocabulario reciclado Los números del 1 al 10. Colores: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, brown, pink, purple, white, black. Los días de la semana: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación Sonido consonántico ‘r’ (red, rabbit, ruler) Unidad 2 Estructuras principales What is it? Is it a (bike)? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. What’s your favourite toy? My favourite toy is a(ball). It’s (old). My favourite toy is (old). My (scooter) is (slow). Estructuras recicladas It’s (red). Put (the car) (in the cupboard). Vocabulario esencial ball, car, computer game, dinosaur, doll, kite, robot, scooter, teddy, train,big, fast, new, old, slow, small Vocabulario reciclado Los números del 1 al 10 Colores: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, brown, pink, purple, white, black. book, computer, crayon, pen, pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler, school bag, sharpener Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Sonido consonántico ‘s’ (six, snakes, slow, scooter) Unidad 3 Estructuras principales I’ve got (a big nose). I’ve got (small eyes). My friend has got (long hair). He’s / She’s got (blue eyes). Estructuras recicladas I’ve got (a friend called Beth). Vocabulario esencial arms, ears, eyes, feet, fingers, head, legs,mouth, nose, toes,black hair, blonde hair, brown hair, long hair, red hair, short hair. Vocabulario reciclado Los números del 1 al 10 ball, car, computer game, dinosaur, doll, kite, robot, scooter, teddy, train big, small. Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Sonido consonántico ‘h’ (Helen, happy, hippo, hops) SEGUNDO TRIMESTRE Unidad 4 Estructuras principales I like (fruit). I love (ice cream). I don’t like (cake). Do you like (fruit)? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Estructuras recicladas I’ve got (rice and eggs). What about you? What’s your favourite (food)? It’s (ice cream). Vocabulario esencial cake, chicken, chips, eggs, fish, fruit, ice cream, meat, rice, salad, cherry, coconut, grape, mango, lemon, peach Vocabulario reciclado arms, ears, eyes, feet, fingers, head, legs, mouth, nose, toes; bananas, juggle, toy, delicious, healthy Los días de la semana Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Sonido consonántico ‘j’ (Jim, juggles, jam, juice, jelly) Unidad 5 Estructuras principales Can you see (a cow)? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. (Cats) can (climb). (Cats) can’t (swim). Can you (swim)? Yes, I can. No, I can’t Estructuras recicladas I’ve got (two legs). Is it a (cow)? Yes, it is. I love(the goats). I like (the garden). Vocabulario esencial bird, cat, chicken, cow, duck, frog, goat, horse,pig, sheep, climb, fly, jump, run, swim, walk Vocabulario reciclado Colores Los números del 1 al 10 big, small; cake, chicken, chips, eggs, fish, fruit, grapes, ice cream, meat, rice, salad, vegetables; delicious; ruler, rubber; doll, robot; ear, toes; garden; juggle; ride a bike Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Sonido consonántico ‘sh’ (shush, shout, sheep) Unidad 6 Estructuras principales Where’s my brother / sister? He’s / She’s (on the swing). Where are (Beth and Molly)? They’re (behind) the (tree). Estructuras recicladas I can (see) (six flowers). Put the (pen near the computer). Vocabulario esencial climbing frame, roundabout, see-saw, slide, swing, bush, flower, grass, rock, tree, behind, between, in front of, near, next to Vocabulario reciclado climb, jump, run; bird, cat, cow, dog, duck,frog, goat, horse, pig, sheep; brother, sister; big;in, on, under; long; train, ball; finger; flowers, garden; bin, books, chair, computer, pencil,rubber, ruler, school bag Colores Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Sonido consonántico ‘w’ (Wally, worm, washes, windows) TERCER TRIMESTRE Unidad 7 Estructuras principales There’s a (hospital) in my town. There are (two toyshops). How many (cars) are there? There are (twenty) cars. Estructuras recicladas I love (sweets). I don’t like (cats). I like (a quiet life). Vocabulario esencial bookshop, café, cinema, hospital, restaurant, sweet shop, swimming pool, supermarket, toyshop, zoo,boat, bus, helicopter, lorry, motorbike, train Vocabulario reciclado Los números del 1 al 10 ; Los días de la semana Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Sonido consonántico ‘z’ (lazy, zebra, zoo) Unidad 8 Estructuras principales What are you wearing? I’m wearing a (shorts) and (a T-shirt). What is he / she wearing? He / She is wearing (a T-shirt). What’s he / she doing? He’s / She’s (sailing a boat). Estructuras recicladas Let’s (swim in the lake). You can / can’t (swim today). There are (lots of fun activities). There’s a (lake). What colour (is / are) your (sweater / trousers)? (It / they) (is / are) purple. Vocabulario esencial shirt, shoes, shorts, skirt, sweater, swimsuit, sunhat, trainers, trousers, T-shirt, play the guitar, play volleyball, ride a horse, sail a boat, sing songs Vocabulario reciclado bookshop, café, cinema, hospital, restaurant, sweet shop, supermarket, toyshop, zoo; fun, swim, lake Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Sonido consonántico ‘v’ (Vicky, vet, loves, volleyball) Unidad 9 Estructuras principales I (brush my teeth) every day. Me, too. I (have breakfast) every (morning). Estructuras recicladas Are you ready? Yes, I am. Me too. Let’s play. Can you (see my tooth)? No I can’t. Have you got (a wobbly tooth)? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Yes, that’s right. That isn’t right. My turn. Vocabulario esencial brush my teeth, comb my hair, get dressed,get up, go to bed, go to school, have a shower, make my bed, sleep, wash my face, breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, dinner in the evening, a snack at night Vocabulario reciclado shirt, shoes, skirt, sun hat, sweater, swimsuit,trainers, trousers, T-shirt Los días de la semana Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Sonido consonántico ‘th’ (three, thin, bath, Thursday) CRITERIOS DE CALIFICACIÓN OBSERVACIÓN SISTEMÁTICA (trabajo diario, participación, etc.) 60% PRUEBAS 30% ACTITUD 10% COLEGIO SAGRADOCORAZÓN ÁREA: INGLÉS CURSO: CORAZÓN 2º PRIMARIA CONTENIDOS PRIMER TRIMESTRE UNIDAD 1: Moveyourbody Estructuras principales Do youplayanysports? I play (tennis) I go (swimming) (onSaturdays) Do you (playfootball/gocycling)? Yes, I do/ No, I don´t He / She (plays))( tennis) He/ She (Kicks/ throws) Estructuras recicladas I (like/love) I don´tlike/ love Do youlike….? Yes I do. No I don´t Vocabulario esencial Baseball, basketball, cycling, football, hockey, rollerblading, skateboarding, swimming, tennis, volleyball. Bounce, catch, hit, jump, kick, throw. Vocabulario reciclado I like, I love , I don´tlike Decir palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Las grafías alternativas ‘ai’ / ‘ay’ (snails, play, rain, day) UNIDAD 2: Let´sgo shopping Estructuras principales • Can I have (a / an / some) …, please? • Yes, of course. Hereyou are. • Thankyouverymuch. • Howmuchisthis? • Howmuch are these? Estructuras recicladas • It’s / They’re (twenty) cents. • I like / I love / I don’tlike … Vocabulario clave bread, carrots, greenbeans, ham, lemons, peaches, potatoes, sweets, tomatoes, yogurt los números del 1 al 50 Vocabulario reciclado apples, cake, cheese, chicken, chips, eggs, fish, fruit, grapes, ice cream, meat, milk, oranges, pasta, pears, pineapple, rice, sandwich, sausages, vegetables, water, watermelon, delicious, breakfast, lunch, dinner Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Las grafías alternativas ‘ee’ / ‘ea’ (Queen, Jean, eats, meat, green, sheep, cheese) UNIDAD 3: At the zoo Estructuras principales • It’sgot (longhair). • Has itgot (longhair)? • Yes, it has. / No, ithasn’t. • They’vegot (fourlegs). • Havetheygot (fourlegs)? • Yes, theyhave. / No, theyhaven’t. • Ithasn’tgot (a beak). Theyhaven’tgot (wings). Estructuras recicladas • I’vegot … Vocabulario clave crocodile, elephant, giraffe, hippo, lion, lizard, monkey, penguin, snake, tiger; beak, body, face, tail, teeth, wings Vocabulario reciclado bird, cat, chicken, cow, dog, duck, goat, horse, parrot, pig, sheep, zebra, arms, ears, face, fingers, hair, legs, mouth, neck, toes, colour, trees, water, big, long, climb, fly. Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Las grafías alternativas ‘oo’ / ‘ui’ (kangaroo, goose, swimsuit, fruitjuice, pool) SEGUNDO TRIMESTRE UNIDAD 4: Thenaturetrail Estructuras principales What are youdoing? I am (walking) (onthe path). Are you (swimming) (in thelake)? Yes, I am. / No, I’mnot. What‘s he / shedoing? He’s / She’s (running) (up thehill). Is he / sherunning up a hill? Yes, he / sheis. / No, he / sheisn’t. Estructuras recicladas Is he / she (climbing)? Vocabulario clave bridge, forest, grass, hill, lake, leaves, path, river, road, sand, across, along, down, up Vocabulario reciclado big, blue, bushes, dark, flowers, green, lake, long, river, tree, climb, jump, play, ride (a horse / a bike), run, sail (a boat), swim, walk, in, on Yes, he / sheis. / No, he / sheisn’t Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Las grafías alternativas ‘or’ / ‘al’ (horse, shorts, walks, talks, storm) UNIDAD 5: Thefrozenlake Estructuras principales What are youdoing? We’re (skating). Are you (dancing)? Yes, we are. / No, wearen’t. What are youdoing? We’re (skating). Are they (skating)? Yes, they are. / No, theyaren’t. They’re (fat) snowmen. He’sgot a (dirty) (hat). Estructuras recicladas • Thisis… These are… • He’s (taking / moving) Vocabulario clave dance, drink, eat, listen to music, make a snowman, play, skate, smile, take a photo,wave, clean, dirty , fat, short, tall, thin Vocabulario reciclado climb, fly, jump, ride (a horse / bike), run, sail(a boat), swim, swing, throw big, fast, new, old, orange, slow, small, white carrot, eyes, hat, scarf, tummy Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Las grafías alternativas ‘oa’ / ‘ow’ (snowman, goat, coat, row, yellow, boat, rainbow) UNIDAD 6: Allyear round Estructuras principales • What do you / they do (in summer)? • We (go to thebeach). They (go to thebeach). • Do they (celebrate Halloween)? • Yes, they do. / No, theydon’t. • When’syourbirthday? • Mybirthdayisonthe (eighteenth of June). Estructuras recicladas • What’syourfavourite …? Vocabulario clave Celebrate Halloween, eatchestnuts, finishschool, go to thebeach, open presents,plantseeds, smell flowers, wearwarm clothes, first – thirty-first, spring, summer, autumn, winter. Vocabulario reciclado cold, cool, hot, warm, climb, dance, drink, eat, fly, jump, listen(to music), make (a snowman), play, ride (ahorse / bike), run, sail (a boat), skate, smile, swim, swing, take a photo, throw / catch /kick / bounce (a ball), wave Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Las grafías alternativas ‘ir’ / ‘ur’ (purple, turtle, birthday, first, third) TERCER TRIMESTRE UNIDAD 7: Myhouse Estructuras principales • There’s / isn’t a (garage). • There are / aren’tany (bedrooms). • Whoseisthis? • It’s (mine / yours / his / hers). Estructuras recicladas • have a shower Vocabulario clave bathroom, bedroom, diningroom, flat, garage, garden, hall, house, kitchen, livingroom, box, camera, clock, phone, radio, watch. Vocabulario reciclado bed, book, chair, door, floor, mouse, shoe, shower, eat, run, watch TV, water flowers, funfair Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Las grafías alternativas ‘ou’ / ‘ow’ (brown, cow, loud, mouse, around, house) UNIDAD 8: Allaroundthetown Estructuras principales • Isthere a (bank)? Yes, thereis. / No, thereisn’t. • Are thereany (museums)? Yes, there are. / No, therearen’t. • Turn (right / left) here. • How do I get to the (post office)? • Gostraighton. Estructuras recicladas • It’s (between / in front of / next to) ... • Remember! Vocabulario clave • baker’s, bank, bus station, car park,chemist’s, firestation, museum, policestation, post office, trainstation • gostraighton, turn (left / right), from, to Vocabulario reciclado • bookshop, bike, café, cinema, hospital, park, restaurant, supermarket, sweet shop, swimming pool, town, toyshop, zoo Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Las grafías alternativas ‘igh’ / ‘y’ (fly, light, night) UNIDAD 9: Holidayfun Estructuras principales • Wherewereyou (yesterday?) • I was at the (circus). • Who’sthat (man)? • He’smy (uncle). • Who are thosemen? • They’remy (uncles). Estructuras recicladas • We’replaying (hide and seek). • I’m (painting) a cup. • We can (play / see / do) ... Vocabulario clave • aquarium, castle, chocolate factory, circus,funfair, safari park, sciencemuseum, sports centre, theatre, waterpark • child, children, man, men, woman, women Vocabulario reciclado •baker’s, bank, bus station, car park,chemist’s, firestation, museum, policestation, post office, trainstation días de la semana, yesterday • cold, cloudy, hot, sunny • aunt, brother, cousin, family, father,grandfather, grandmother, mother, sister,uncle. Practicar la escucha de palabras con la siguiente pronunciación: Las grafías alternativas ‘air’ / ‘ear’ (bear, pear, stairs, funfair. CRITERIOS DE CALIFICACIÓN 60% Observación sistemática(preguntas orales, actividades de clase, trabajos de grupo…) 30% pruebas escritas y orales 10% actitud COLEGIO SAGRADOCORAZÓN ÁREA: ENGLISH CURSO: 3º PRIMARIA CORAZÓN CONTENIDOS PRIMER TRIMESTRE - Places in a school School subjects Household chores Free-time activities Health problems Healthy habits SEGUNDO TRTIMESTRE - Food Adjectives to describe food Sea animals Adjectives to describe animals/people Water sports equipment Adeverbs os manner TERCER TRIMESTRE - Household objects Personal belongings TV programmes More free-time activities Attractions at festivals Telling the time CRITERIOS DE CALIFICACIÓN - Observación directa---60% Exámenes-----------------30% Actitud---------------------10% COLEGIO SAGRADOCORAZÓN ÁREA: INGLÉS CURSO: 4 CORAZÓN CONTENIDOS PRIMER TRIMESTRE UNIDAD 1 Vocabulary: biscuits, butter, chocolate chips, coconut, cream, our, jam, nuts, oil, raisins, salt, sugar Actions: add, chop, heat, mix, pour, stir Structures: How much (sugar) do we need? How many (nuts) do we need? • We need a lot of / some / a little (sugar). We need a lot of / some / a few (nuts). • What do I / you / we / they need to do? • What does he / she need to do? • First / Next / Then / After that / Finally, I / you / he / she / we / they need / needs to (chop the carrots). UNIDAD 2 Vocabulary: active, con dent, friendly, kind, lazy, noisy, quiet, shy, tidy, unfriendly, unkind, untidy. Actions: get a pet, go on a plane, learn to walk, move house, start nursery school, write a story. Structures: / He / She was / wasn’t (active). You / We / They were / weren’t (lazy). Was I / he / she (shy)? Yes I / he / she was. / No, I / he / she wasn’t. Were you / we / they (con dent)? Yes, you / we / they were. / No, you / we / they weren’t. • I (started nursery school) when I was (three). Did you (learn to walk) when you were (one)? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. UNIDAD 3 Vocabulary: active, con dent, friendly, kind, lazy, noisy, quiet, shy, tidy, unfriendly, unkind, untidy. Actions: get a pet, go on a plane, learn to walk, move house, start nursery school, write a story. Structures: / He / She was / wasn’t (active). You / We / They were / weren’t (lazy). Was I / he / she (shy)? Yes I / he / she was. / No, I / he / she wasn’t. Were you / we / they (con dent)? Yes, you / we / they were. / No, you / we / they weren’t. • I (started nursery school) when I was (three). Did you (learn to walk) when you were (one)? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. SEGUNDO TRTIMESTRE UNIDAD 4 Vocabulary: asteroid belt, astronaut, comet, Jupiter, Mercury, meteorite, Neptune, planets, rings, rocket, satellite, Venus, expensive, heavy, interesting, modern, powerful, shiny. Structures: (Jupiter) is the (biggest) planet. (Mercury) is the (closest) planet to Earth. The (red) rocket is the (heaviest) rocket. UNIDAD 5 Vocabulary: cymbals, drums, electric guitar, keyboard, tambourine, xylophone. Actions: go bowling, go hiking, go horse riding, go sailing, go shopping, go windsurng, have a barbecue, have an ice lolly, have a picnic, make a cake, play table tennis, ride a mountain bike Structures: • If it’s (sunny), we can (have a picnic). If it’s (raining), we can’t (have a barbecue). • I’d rather (play the drums) than (sing). Would you rather (eat a cake) or (eat an ice lolly)? UNIDAD 6 Vocabulary: blender, cooker, dishwasher, DVD player, fridge, hairdryer, hoover, microwave, printer, tablet, toaster, washing machine, cotton, gold, leather, plastic, silver, wool. Structures: A (hairdryer) is used for (drying your hair). (Microwaves) are used for (heating food). • What’s it used for? It’s used for (washing your clothes). What are they used for? They’re used for (making toast). • A (sweater) is made of (wool). (Boots) are made of (leather). What’s it made of? What are they made of? They’re made of (leather). TERCER TRIMESTRE UNIDAD 7 Vocabulary: adventure playground, airport, art gallery, bowling alley, cinema, football stadium, hotel, ice rink, library, market, shopping centre, university, helicopter, hot-air balloon, motorbike, submarine, tram, underground. Structure: • Will there be (libraries) in the future? Yes, there will. / No, there won’t. (Cars) will / won’t (have wings). I think that (robots) will (drive). UNIDAD 8 Vocabulary: Artist, carpenter, chef, dentist, driver, hairdresser, lawyer, mechanic, nurse, photographer, waiter, vet, clinic, factory, garage, of ce, salon, workshop Structure: Do I / you / we / they have to (wear a uniform)? Yes, I / you / we / they do. No, I / you / we / they don’t. • Does he / she / it have to (work very hard)? Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she / it doesn’t. I / You / We / They have to (work at night). • He / She / It has to (like animals). • (A hairdresser) is a person who works in (a salon). (A salon) is a place where (a hairdresser) works. UNIDAD 9 Vocabulary: Artist, carpenter, chef, dentist, driver, hairdresser, lawyer, mechanic, nurse, photographer, waiter, vet, clinic, factory, garage, of ce, salon, workshop Structure: Do I / you / we / they have to (wear a uniform)? Yes, I / you / we / they do. No, I / you / we / they don’t. • Does he / she / it have to (work very hard)? Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she / it doesn’t. I / You / We / They have to (work at night). • He / She / It has to (like animals). • (A hairdresser) is a person who works in (a salon). (A salon) is a place where (a hairdresser) works. CRITERIOS DE CALIFICACIÓN Observación sistemática: 60% Exámenes: 30% Actitud: 10% COLEGIO SAGRADOCORAZÓN ÁREA: INGLÉS CURSO: 5º CORAZÓN CONTENIDOS PRIMER TRIMESTRE UNIDAD 1: - Learn the names of different clothes - Talk about routines (present simple) and actions that are happening at the moment (present continuous) - Describing clothes using too and not enough - Work in a group to design a sport kit UNIDAD 2: - Learn the names of adventure holiday activities and equipment - Describe events in the past and ask questions about them - Ask and answer about my last summer holiday - Read and write a travel blog - Give a presentation about my favourite place to visit. UNIDAD 3: - Learn the names of different places in a city - Talk about what I was doing yesterday - Describe what people were doing in a city scene - Read and write a story opener SEGUNDO TRIMESTRE UNIDAD 4: - Learn the names of objects and activities related to communication and technology - Talk about obligation in the present and past - Talk about machines and games using if - Read and write a website review - Give a presentation about my favourite object UNIDAD 5: - Name and describe diferente wild animals - Make deductions about animals - Use my senses to describe things - Read and write a newspaper report UNIDAD 6: - Name different kinds of entertainment - Talk about experiences I’have in the past - Use the present perfect simple and the past simple together - Read and write different kinds of poems Give a presentation about my favourite kind of entertainment TERCER TRIMESTRE UNIDAD 7: - Name different ways to prepare for a party - Talk about things I’ve already done and things i haven’t done yet - Talk about things I’ve just done and that others have just done - Read and write a publicity leaflet UNIDAD 8: - Learn the names of objects and materials that we recycicle - Talk about things that are produced in different countries - Learn about how different materials are recycled - Read and write some instructions - Ask and answer questions about the environment UNIDAD 9: - Name natural places in the world - Talk about things I’m planning to do - Talk about what I’ll take on a trip and why - Read a website review and write a travel itinerary CRITERIOS DE CALIFICACIÓN Observación sistemática: 60% Exámenes: 30% Actitud: 10% COLEGIO SAGRADOCORAZÓN ÁREA: ENGLISH CURSO: 6º Primaria CORAZÓN CONTENIDOS PRIMER TRIMESTRE: STARTER UNIT Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Negación (negative sentences con not, never, no (Adj.), nobody, nothing; No (+ negative tag)). Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: presente (simple present); Expresión del aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); durativo (present and past continuous); Expresión de la modalidad: necesidad (must; need); Expresión de la existencia (there is/are); Estructuras Estructuras principales - The children live in a big town, don’t they? - Cats aren’t predators, are they? Otras estructuras - Which languages are spoken in (Scotland)? (English, Gaelic and Scots) are spoken in (Scotland). Estructuras recicladas - You must be over seven years old to have a ride and children must be with an adult. There is / isn’t a (stadium). There are (two squares). There aren’t any (bridges). Is there a (skate park in our town)? Are there any (statues in our town)? - Which school do you go to? Are you ready then? - Present simple affirmative, negative and question form Present continuous affirmative, negative and question form Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - block of flats, bridge, cycle path, department store, factory, hot-air balloon, skate park, stadium, statue, square, tunnel Otro vocabulario - barn owl, bird’s eye view, community, global project, in danger, make a difference, nest, nest box, online form, predator, species - Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Gaelic, Japanese, Scots, Swedish - Bélgica, China, Ecuador, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, Scotland, Sweden Vocabulario reciclado believe, climb, dislike, eat, go, know, prefer, swim, travel, want, work, understand; English, French, German, Spanish, USA; cat, countryside, dog, fox UNIT ONE Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Finalidad (to- infinitive, e. g. I did it to help her); Relaciones temporales (when; before; after). Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Negación (negative sentences con not, never, no) Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: presente (simple present); pasado (past simple, present perfect) Expresión del aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); duración (past continuous); Expresión de la modalidad: factualidad (declarative sentences); capacidad (can); posibilidad (may); necesidad (must; need); obligación (have (got) to; imperative); permiso (can; may); intención (going to; will). Expresión de la cantidad (singular / plural; cardinal numerals up to four digits; ordinal numerals up to two digits. Expresión del espacio (prepositions and adverbs of location, position, distance, motion, direction, origin and arrangement). Expresión del tiempo (points (e.g. quarter past five); divisions (e. g. half an hour, summer), and indications (e. g. now, tomorrow (morning)) of time; duración (e. g. for two days); anterioridad (before); posterioridad (after); Estructuras Estructuras principales - While I was (taking photos), he (agreed to sign a football). I (saw a hot-air balloon) while I was,(walking to school). - I enjoyed (reading about Bertrand Piccard). - (Piccard) promised to (make his plane fasternext time). Otras estructuras - Can you remember what was happening at the station? The hot-air balloon looked like a floating ball. The ship stopped moving. I’m not sure. I suppose that they like to have new experiences. Estructuras recicladas What do you do to help save the planet’s energy? Which poster idea would you choose? I’d choose the one about (different nationalities). You can’t catch a bus here. Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - arrivals, boarding pass, check-in desk, departures, flight attendant, hand luggage, land, passenger, queue, runway, take off, trolley - backpacker, guard, guest, lift, platform, reception, receptionist, ticket office, tourist, information centre Ampliación de vocabulario - announcement, board the airplane, customs, fuel, gate, miss a flight Otro vocabulario - explorer, first-class, fuel, international flight , lifeboat, nationality, porthole, steward, solar powered plane - energy, exhibition, iceberg, solar panels - experience, fact, fictional, opinion, scene, senses; huge, nervous - maybe, perhaps - hold hands, imagine, promise, sink Vocabulario reciclado adventure, airport, bus journey, crash, hot-air balloon, lifejacket, orchestra, passport, ship, suitcase; battery, football team, poster, sign, smoke, stairs; agree, decide, feel, like, look, show, smell, smoke, sound, stop, suggest, taste, travel, try, walk around UNIT TWO Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Negación (negative sentences con not, never, no) Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: presente (simple present); past (past simple, present perfect); Future (going to; will). Expresión del aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); durativo (present and past continuous); habitual (simple tenses (+ Adv., e.g. always, everyday)) Expresión de la modalidad: factualidad (declarative sentences); capacidad (can); posibilidad (may); necesidad (must; need); obligación (have (got) to; imperative); permiso (can; may); intención (going to; will). Expression divisions (e. g. half an hour, summer), and indications (e. g. now, tomorrow (morning)) of time; duración (e. g. for two days); anterioridad (before); posterioridad (after); sequence (first…then); simultaneousness (at the same time); frecuencia (e. g. sometimes, on Sundays). Estructuras - Estructuras principales - Have I / you / we / they ever (been sailing)? Yes, I / you / we / they have. No, I / you / we / - Has he / she ever (done athletics)? Yes, he / she has. No, he / she hasn’t. - When did I / you / he / she / we / they (go sailing)? How long have I / you / we / they (played tennis)? I / You / We / They have (played tennis) for two years. - How long has he / she (studied French)? He / She has (studied French) since last year. Otras estructuras - Why don’t we talk about this picture first? What do you think about karate? Estructuras recicladas - You need (a net and a ball). You must (pass the ball to your teammates and hit it over the net). You mustn’t (hit it with your hand). Ross is mad about (flying). All five styles develop discipline and self-control. I prefer collecting stamps to cards. I’d rather collect stamps than cards. I think that Gisela is an amazing sportswoman. She came first in two races. Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - archery, athletics, crash mat, fencing, gymnastics, hoop, martial arts, net, racket, rope, trampolining, water polo - belong to a sport club, collect cards, do circus skills, do needlework, do photography, go to drama class, make models, sing in a choir Ampliación de vocabulario - bend, dive, score, serve, shoot, stretch Otro vocabulario - after-school club, karate, kitesurfing, kung fu, martial arts, shuttlecock, skipping, tug-of-war - bow, court, field, goal posts, leotard, mask, running track, sword, target - balance, concentrate, discipline, flexibility, powerful, self-confident, self-control, speed, strength - monk - amazing, astonishing, brilliant, enormous, fantastic, fascinating, massive - internet access, online games, social networking Sites Vocabulario reciclado belt, champion, chess, school gym; get fit; hardworking UNIT THREE Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Relaciones temporales (when; before; after). Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Negación (negative sentences con not, never, no) Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: presente (simple present); past (past simple, present perfect); Future (going to; will). Expresión del aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); durativo (present and past continuous); habitual (simple tenses (+ Adv., e.g. always, everyday)) Expresión de la modalidad: factualidad (declarative sentences); capacidad (can); posibilidad (may); necesidad (must; need); obligación (have (got) to; imperative); permiso (can; may); intención (going to; will). Expresión de la existencia (there is/are); entidad (nouns and pronouns, articles, demonstratives); Cantidad: all, many, a lot, some, (a) few, (a) little, more, much, half, a bottle/cup/glass/piece of. Degree: very, too, enough). Expresión de indicaciones: (e. g. now, tomorrow (morning)) of time; duración (e. g. for two days); anterioridad (before); posterioridad (after); sequence (first…then); frecuencia (e. g. sometimes, on Sundays). Estructuras Estructuras principales - There are too many / aren’t enough (tomatoes) this year. - There is too much / isn’t enough (rain) at this time of year. - We need to make a cake. You needn’t stop eating sugar completely. - You should go swimming this weekend. You shouldn’t eat too many chocolate bars. - We must go shopping before the shops close. We mustn’t be late. Otras estructuras - Then they roasted and ground them. Some people argue that fast food is unhealthy. Some people say that we could use this time more effectively. Estructuras recicladas (Are) there any (tomatoes in guacamole)? How often do you (drink water)? I (drink water twice a day). Do you often eat fast food? The table is reserved for 1pm. Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - an avocado, beans, beef, a chilli pepper, cinnamon, corn, garlic, a lime, an onion, peanuts, prawns, turkey - do exercise, drink fizzy drinks, drink water, eat fruit and vegetables, eat junk food, go for walks, rest, spend time on the computer Ampliación de vocabulario - blend, boil, chop, fry, mix, slice Otro vocabulario - cocoa, diet, fast food, pods, powder, saturated fat, spices, vanilla - dry, ground, roast, save time, water plants - addictive, bitter - all year round - keeping fit, eating healthily, rest, relaxation Vocabulario reciclado invite, wake up; doctor, hospital, volunteers; cheap, delicious, healthy; chocolate, salt, sugar; also, firstly, furthermore, however, on the one hand, on the other hand, secondly Key vocabulary: - barbecues, beetroot, candle, carols, Christmas Eve, Christmas traditions, dessert, fishing, popcorn, roast turkey, sing carols, surfing, swimming SEGUNDO TRTIMESTRE UNIT FOUR Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Negación (negative sentences con not, never, no (Adj.), nobody, nothing; No (+ negative tag)). Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: presente (simple present); past (past simple, present perfect); Future (going to; will). Expresión del aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); Expresión de la modalidad: factualidad (declarative sentences); obligación (have (got) to; imperative); intención (going to; will). Cantidad: Degree: very, too, enough). Expresión del tiempo frecuencia (e. g. sometimes, on Sundays). Estructuras Estructuras principales - The puppet was / wasn’t made last week. - The puppets were / weren’t painted by the children. - When was (the picture painted)? - Who were (the songs sung) by? Otras estructuras - I’m not very sure. I haven’t got a clue. I’ve got no idea. I definitely know this one. I’m not certain. I’m sure I know the answer. Manga drawings are like comics that tell stories. Why have I only got odd socks? Estructuras recicladas - If you pull hard enough, the tree will bend. Have you ever (made a film)? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. When did you do that? I’ve never (composed a song). How long have you (collected manga comic books)? Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - beads, clay, costume, create an animation, do ceramics, do origami, do traditional dancing, make a film, make jewellery, perform a play, puppet, stage - actor, composer, fashion designer, film director, graffiti artist, novelist, photographer, sound engineer Ampliación de vocabulario - landscape, oil painting, portrait, sketch, still life, watercolour Otro vocabulario - characters, code, computer coding, hieroglyphics, letters, symbols - current affairs, film set, reporter, story-writing competition, website Vocabulario reciclado funny; invite; boat trip, computer game; shadow puppets, sticks; kitten, monkey UNIT FIVE Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Negación (negative sentences con not, never, no (Adj.), nobody, nothing; No (+ negative tag)). Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: past (past simple, present perfect); Expresión de aspecto: puntual (simple tenses)); habitual (simple tenses (+ Adv., e.g. always, everyday)); Expresión del espacio (prepositions and adverbs of location, position, distance, motion, direction, origin and arrangement). Expresión del tiempo frecuencia (e. g. sometimes, on Sundays). Estructuras Estructuras principales - He said (he was happy with the results). - He told me / He said (he liked oranges and apples). - She told me / She said (they weren’t very good at tennis). - He said / He told me (it would rain tomorrow). - She said / She told me (they could read Arabic). Otras estructuras - Darkness has always interested me so I wanted to write about it. It looks like a large piece of boring grey rock. It was so popular that they started a second group. Estructuras recicladas - Which language does hamster come from? It comes from German. If you want to be a journalist, this is for you. How / When and where did it happen? What was she like? What’s the name of your new film? Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - advert, blog post, brochure, cartoon, chat message, email, greetings card, leaflet, note, sign, sign language, text message - article, caption, fashion section, front page, headline, interview, reporter, review, Sports news, world news Ampliación de vocabulario - chat, design, draw, post, type, write Otro vocabulario - characters, code, computer coding, hieroglyphics, letters, symbols - current affairs, film set, reporter, story-writing competition, website - keep up, look forward to, take turns, work it out - active, nervous, polite, professional, surprised, thrilled - ancient Egyptians / Greeks / Romans Vocabulario reciclado do homework, juggle, keep a blog, meet people, skate; engines, dance club, volunteers; excited, friendly, profd. UNIT SIX Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Negación (negative sentences con not, never, no (Adj.), nobody, nothing; No (+ negative tag)). Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: presente (simple present); past (past simple, present perfect); Future (going to; will). Expresión del aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); Expresión de la modalidad: posibilidad (may); permiso (can; may); intención (going to; will). Expresión de la entidad: (nouns and pronouns, articles, demonstratives); Expresión del tiempo frecuencia (e. g. sometimes, on Sundays). Expresión de modo Estructuras Estructuras principales - I will definitely be (an archaeologist).I probably won’t be (a politician). - I may / might / could be (a chemist). - Do you think I / you / he / she / we /they will (be famous)? Otras estructuras - When she was eight, Evelyn began studying the piano. I don’t know. I don’t think so. I’m not sure. I doubt it. You never know. I don’t know the word for it, but (it’s used for protecting your eyes). I imagine that life will be very different in the future. Estructuras recicladas I’ve played the guitar for four years. It was buried in (1980). A vet has to have a degree. A vet doesn’t have to work at night. Do you (wear a uniform)? I hope that there aren’t any wars. Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - archaeologist, businessperson, computer technician, detective, electrician, Graphics designer, physiotherapist, plumber, politician, security guard, tour guide, veterinary nurse - fall in love, get a job, go backpacking, go to university, have children, learn to drive, leave home, start a business Ampliación de vocabulario - building site, factory, office, studio, surgery, Workshops Otro vocabulario - in (one year’s) time, in (three months’ time), next week, the day after tomorrow, this evening - ambition, challenge, cure, deaf, disease, fingertips, vibrations - arcade game, BMX bike, calculator, cassette, football training, percussion, time capsule, zerogravity games - frustrated, positive, solar-powered - general description, opinión Vocabulario reciclado accommodation, brochure, entertainment; artist, astronaut, firefighter, musician, teacher Key vocabulary: - aquarium, block rivers, botanical gardens, build houses, climate change, destroy, disappear, endangered species, extinct, habitat, hunt, orang-utan, polar bears, pollute water, protect, survive, vaquita, wildlife refuge, zoo TERCER TRIMESTRE UNIT SEVEN Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Finalidad (to- infinitive, e. g. I did it to help her); Comparative (as Adj. as; smaller (than); the biggest). Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Negación (negative sentences con not, never, no (Adj.), nobody, nothing; No (+ negative tag)). Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: presente (simple present); past (past simple, present perfect); Future (going to; will). Expresión del aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); durativo (present and past continuous); Expresión de la modalidad: factualidad (declarative sentences); capacidad (can); intención (going to; will). Cantidad: Degree: very, too, enough). Expresión de modo: (Adv. of manner, e.g. slowly, well). Estructuras Estructuras principales - I’m too old to play with teddies now. - He isn’t old enough to buy a mobile phone. - My sister is (not) as tall as her friends. - If we buy Fairtrade products, it’ll help the workers in poor países. - If I finish my homework early, I’ll play games on the computer. - If it doesn’t rain, we’ll play tennis. - If you don’t buy a ticket, you won’t win a prize. - What will you do if you miss the bus this afternoon? Otras estructuras - Can I see your receipt? Would you like your money back? Haggling isn’t easy! Skate away today with Supa Skates! Estructuras recicladas - Buy one now before we run out! - How much pocket money does Bella receive? - What would you sell at the sale? - How much would you sell it for? - They help them organise their production. Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - bank notes, cashier, coins, credit card, customer, moneybox, price tag, purse, receipt, save money, spend money, till - bent, cracked, faulty, loose, ripped, scratched, Stained Ampliación de vocabulario - cents, euros, pence, pounds, yen, yuan Otro vocabulario - bargain, business, craftspeople, salesperson, slogan, trade, quote - advertise, compare, complain, encourage, give advice / instructions, raise interest, (to) trade - dime, nickel, quarter - disappointed, fair, superstitious - fibreglass, plastic, polyester - waveboard - alliteration, rhyme Vocabulario reciclado big, expensive, old, remote-controlled, tall; boat, cotton, dollar, good / bad luck, kite, online, pocket money; receive UNIT EIGHT Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Negación (negative sentences con not, never, no (Adj.), nobody, nothing; No (+ negative tag)). Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: presente (simple present); past (past simple, present perfect); Future (going to; will). Expresión del aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); Expresión del espacio (prepositions and adverbs of location, position, distance, motion, direction, origin and arrangement). Expresión de modo: (Adv. of manner, e.g. slowly, well). Estructuras Estructuras principales - If I lived in las Islas Galápagos, I would go wildlife spotting. - If I lived in las Islas Galápagos, I wouldn’t climb a volcano. - I would go wildlife spotting if I lived in las Islas Galápagos. - What would you do if you were lost at sea? - If I was lost at sea, I would make a sail for my boat. Otras estructuras - I doubt it. It’s very unlikely. You never know. - I think the (tent) would be a good idea. That’s a good point. I see what you mean. Estructuras recicladas - I wonder if I’ll find a better place to live tomorrow. Milo and I love our cave. Would you like to visit the giant tortoise reserve? If I go shopping, I’ll buy a T-shirt. While they were still sailing towards las Islas Galápagos, their luck changed. Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - coral, boogie boarding, giant tortoise, hammock, have a nap, palm tree, sea kayaking, sea lion, scuba diving, shore, tropical fish, wildlife spotting - be invisible, be the president, have three wishes, meet a famous person, see an alien, travel in space, travel back in time, win the lottery Ampliación de vocabulario - dock, lagoon, reef, rock pool, sand dune, tide Otro vocabulario - go sailing, climb a volcano, rescue - Unires, stream, sun cream, tent, whale; lifeboat, shelter, sink, sunburnt, yacht - autobiographical, fictional, heading, reflection - anyone, anywhere, anything Vocabulario reciclado clean a beach, find, lose, meet, visit, win; adventure holiday, compass, desert island, environment, hungry, thirsty; I, me, my, mine, our, ours, we, us UNIT NINE Estructuras sintácticas: Expresión de relaciones lógicas: conjunción (and); disyunción (or); Relaciones temporales (when; before; after). Afirmación (affirmative sentences; Yes (+ tag)). Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. questions). Expresión del tiempo: presente (simple present); past (past simple, present perfect); Future (going to; will). Expresión del aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); durativo (present and past continuous); Expresión de la existencia (there is/are); entidad (nouns and pronouns, articles, demonstratives); quality ((very +) Adj.). Expresión de la cantidad (singular / plural; cardinal numerals up to four digits; ordinal numerals up to two digits. Expresión de modo: (Adv. of manner, e.g. slowly, well). Estructuras Estructuras principales - I / You / He / She / We / They used to (study History). - I / You / He / She / We / They didn’t use to (play computer games). - Did I / you / he / she / we / they use to (have the Internet)? Yes, I / you / he / she / we / they did. No, I / you / he / she / we / they didn’t. - I’m going to have lunch at two o’clock. - I’ll answer the telephone. I think he’ll pass the exam. Otras estructuras - Then they roasted and ground them. Some people argue that fast food is unhealthy. Some people say that we could use this time more effectively. Estructuras recicladas - (Are) there any (tomatoes in guacamole)? How often do you (drink water)? I (drink water twice a day). Do you often eat fast food? The table is reserved for 1pm. Vocabulario Vocabulario clave - blackboard, canvas, chalk, easel, goggles, headphones, interactive whiteboard, laboratory, laptop, oil paints, overall, rows of desks - Chemistry, geometry set, Literature, locker, musical instrument, Physics, desportes kit, timetable Ampliación de vocabulario - absent, certificate, grades, present, register, report card Otro vocabulario - (to) award, be strict, carry rucksacks, impress, punish pupils, sit in rows, stay organised, work in silence - agony aunt column, ceremony, dynamite, homework diary, Nobel Prize, obituary, performing arts - anxious, bossy, sympathetic Vocabulario reciclado go shopping / to my grandparent’s house; dream / secondary school; active, adventurous, boring, brave, friendly, helpful, important, shy CRITERIOS DE CALIFICACIÓN Para el área de Inglés en sexto curso de Primaria se establecen los siguientes criterios de calificación durante el curso 15-16: Observación sistemática en el aula: participación, trabajo cooperativo, interés, ejercicios de clase,…: 60% Exámenes o controles sobre contenidos del área: 30% Actitud: 10%