saint john of god parish


saint john of god parish
84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722
Phone: 234-6535 * Fax: 234-7474 * Email: [email protected]
Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Humberto Contreras, Associate Pastor
Sr. Valerie Scholl, CSJ, Pastoral Associate / Admin.
Dcn. Ronald J. Gillette
Sr. Claudia Allen, CSJ, Apostolado Hispano
Dcn. Frank Gariboldi
Mrs. Maggie Martin, Religious Education
Mrs. Patricia Walsh, Cemetery Secretary
Mrs. Ana Sullivan, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator
Mrs. Eleanor Gould, Music Ministry
Parish Center: 234-6535
Religious Education: 234-4040
Outreach Office: 234-1884
Cemetery Office: 234-6535 x135
Apostolado Hispano
234-6535 x 106
Equipo Pastoral Que Habla Español
Parish Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9AM – 4:30 PM
Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor
Rev. Humberto Contreras,
Pastor Asociado
Hna. Claudia Allen, CSJ
Sra. Ana Sullivan,
Ministerio Social
Sunday: 9 AM – 2 PM
(Mass Cards)
Emergency Sick Calls Any Time
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Chapel
Sunday: 8 AM Church
9:30 AM Church
11:00 AM Chapel
Misas En Español
Sábado: 7:00 PM Capilla
Domingo: 9:30 AM Capilla
12:30 PM Capilla
Martes: 7:30 PM Capilla
Weekday Masses
Monday – Saturday:
9 AM Church
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Monday at 9 AM Mass
Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM in the Church
or by appointment. Please call the Parish Center.
Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sunday at 2 PM. Parents must register
at the Parish Center at least 1 month before the baptism.
Marriage: Those wishing to be married must make arrangements
at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Center.
Our Lady of Providence Regional School
Pre-K (4 yrs.) through 8th Grade
234-1113 or 234-6324
Principal: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo
February 20, 2011 
Bautizos en Español:
2ndo y 4tro Domingo de cada mes, 2 PM Los padres de los niños
deben ir a la oficina antes de inscribirlos. Llame 234-6535 x 106
para una cita.
Confesiones: Los sábados a las 4:00 PM
Primera Comunión y Confirmación:
Niños de 6 hasta los 17años deben asistir a las clases de
Educación Religiosa de acuerdo a su edad. Llame: 234-4040
Sacramentos Para Los Adultos:
(18 años en adelante) Llame 234-6535 x 106 para más
información. Las clases para los adultos son los domingos a las
11 AM.
Matrimonio: Inscribirse 6 meses antes de la fecha de al boda.
Llame: 234- 6535 para hablar con un miembro del Equipo
Pastoral que habla español.
Nuestra Señora de la Providencia Escuela Católica
Pre-K (4 años) hasta 8vo grado
234-1113 o 234-6324
Principale: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for the Week of February 20:
– 9:00AM
– 9:00AM
Wednesday – 9:00AM
– 9:30AM
– 11:00AM
– Martha Doyle & Lillian Reeg
– Mitchell & Maher Families
– Eileen & Fred Mott
& Lawrence Burnham
– Eleanor Maher
– Kevin Shanley
– Adele Cuemo
– Those Enrolled in the
Society of Prayer
– Adelaide & Clem Novack
– People of St. John of God
Monday, February 21st –
Saint Peter Damian, bishop & doctor of Church
Sir. 1:1-10; Mk 9:14-29
9:00AM – Daily Mass –
Treating others as we think
they deserve is risky
business. Lacking God’s allseeing vision, we can’t read
hearts. How often do we
judge someone only to
discover later that his
motives were not what we
had guessed? Jesus offers
a better way: love others
whether they deserve it or not. Doing so, we’re only
passing along what we’ve already received: God’s
given us grace beyond our merits. “He makes his
sun rise on the bad and the good” (Matthew 5:45).
Assuming the best of others, loving and forgiving
them, we imitate our heavenly Father and inch
toward that perfect holiness we’re all called to.
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A.
Illustration © 2010 M. Erspamer, OSB.
Text, Wade Wisler © 2010 OCP.
All rights reserved.
Tuesday, February 22nd –
Chair of Saint Peter, apostle
1Pt. 5:1-4; Mk 16:13-19
9:00AM – Daily Mass
7:30PM – Misa en Español – (Capilla)
Weekend of February 5th / 6th
Wednesday, February 23rd –
Saint Polycarp, bishop & martyr
Sir. 4:11-19; Mk 9:38-40
2011 Sunday Collection
Late Church in Need
Church in Need
2010 Sunday Collection
Late Church in Need
9:00AM – Daily Mass –
Thursday, February 24th –
Sir. 5:1-8; Mk 9:41-50
9:00AM – Daily Mass –
Friday, February 25th –
Sir. 6:5-17; Mk 10:1-12
9:00 AM – Daily Mass –
Saturday, February 26th –
Sir. 17:1-15; Mk 10:13-16
9:00 AM – Daily Mass
5:00 PM – Vigil Mass
7:00 PM – Misa en Español
– Mass – English
– Mass – English
– Misa en Español
– Mass – English
– Misa en Español
5:00PM (English)
7:00PM (Spanish)
8:00AM (English)
9:30AM (English)
9:30AM (Spanish)
11:00AM (English)
12:30PM (Spanish)
Restoring the Glory….
Sunday, February 27th –
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is. 49:14-15; 1Cor. 4:1-5; Mt. 6:24-34
$ 7,848.00
$ 2,077.00
$ 7,060.00
to welcome…to worship…
to grow…to serve…
Pledge Report:
Total Paid to Date: $ 1,152,336.75
$ 138,553.00
Bread & Wine Memorial for This Week:
In Loving Memory Of:
Rita & Michael J. Byrne
Requested By:
Diane & Jim Byrne & Family
Presidents’ Day
February 21, 2011
The Parish
Offices will be
closed on
February 21st in observance of
Presidents’ Day.
The Offices will reopen on
Tuesday morning at 9:00AM.
Remember in your thoughts and
prayers, the Sick of the Parish...
Joseph Acciarito
Jacob Aceiedo
Mary Alfieri
Helen Boeke
William Campbell
Russell Carter
Sandy Comito
Gerri Eshun
Ron Gillette II
Carol Hemmerich
Catherine Hennessy
Elaine O’Mara Hulbert
Karen Kelly
Eileen Lamanna
Kathleen Lamanna
Eddie Linz
Gerolyn Diaz Martinez
Erwin McCalla
Judith McEvoy
Mike Meola, Sr.
Liz Mouzakes
Carmen Ramos
Janette D. Reilly
Grabiel Rivera
George Santiago
Marie Shay
Linda Smith
Stanley Tesoro
George Tintugo
Joseph Vereline,Jr.
Mary Weber
Barbara Warfield
Timmy Warfield
The Christian Mothers would like
to thank all who supported our
cake sale last weekend. First ,
thank you to our members who
outdid themselves with the
number of baked goods they made.
Thank you to all who baked the
delicious goodies, purchased (and
we hope you enjoyed) and helped
sell. A special “thank you” to
Danny for bringing up the tables
and chairs. We appreciate your
help. Each of you made our
Valentine Cake Sale a success.
Thank You !!!
Tickets on Sale
At all the Masses
Open Bar—Buffet — DJ
Door Prizes—Auction Table
For Tickets call:
Deacon Ron at 2346535 ext.105
Mary Ann Gruner at
234-8118 After 6PM
Religious Education Office
Mrs. Maggie Martin, Director
Telephone: 631-234-4040-Email: [email protected]
Office hours for week of February 20:
The Religious Education
Office is closed for
Winter Recess.
There are NO CLASSES.
We will re-open at 1:00pm on
Monday, February 28.
Upcoming Events:
“The Passion Narratives”
All are welcome to join us as we break open sacred
scripture and reflect on the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Two sessions will be offered in order to
accommodate all that would like to make this a part
of their personal observance of Lent.
Contact Maggie Martin at 234-4040 to pre-register
for either of the sessions:
Monday evenings from 5:30pm – 6:45pm
Discussion & video in the School Library
(March 14, 21, 28, April 5 & 12)
Tuesday mornings from 9:45am – 11:00am
Discussion & video in the Chapel
(March 15, 22, 29, April 5 & 12)
Please bring a Bible, or one will be provided for you.
In order to prepare for each session, readings and
discussion questions will be posted in the bulletin
We need young people
to join the Children’s
choir. Any one in third
Grade or higher is
invited to join us. We need
singers. come and join us At
our next rehearsal.
Mark your calendar:
Parent Meeting for families with children
receiving First Holy Communion in the
Spring will be held during your child’s class
time on Saturday, March 5 (8:30am OR
10:30am) & Wednesday, March 16
(4:45pm). All parents, including OLOP
parents may attend any session that is
If you attended last year, please do not hesitate to
join us again this year. Each time we break open the
Word, it speaks to us for the times that we are
currently experiencing. Our Lord, Jesus Christ gave
His life for our salvation. Let us take time during
Lent to reflect on that great sacrifice.
“The Acts of the Apostles”
In the Easter Season, Maggie Martin will offer a
scripture study course on “The Acts of the Apostles”.
Acts is an anonymous book, attributed to the author
of Luke. It takes us from the disciples, frightened in the
upper room, to the Ascension, Pentecost, the early trials
of the Apostolic Church, the outward mission from
Jerusalem, to Paul’s 3 journeys, ending with Paul’s
ministry in Rome. It begins where the Gospels leave off,
and helps us to understand the trials and triumphs,
challenges and blessings, as the early Church took root.
A full reading of the Gospel of Luke & Acts is
recommended. Dates and time for this course are to be
announced. If interested, please contact Maggie Martin
at 234-4040.
Eucharistic Ministers
& Lectors
We need more parishioners to
serve in these ministries.
Our Lord is calling you
to help serve at his Mass.
Speak to Fr. Chris or Deacon Ron
Middle States
Telephone: 234-6324
Visit us at:
Mrs. Jo Ann DiNardo, Principal
A Piece of Providence
Open House
Due to the weather on
February 2, we had to
cancel our open house.
We will reschedule it at a
later time. Tours can be arranged by
appointment. Please call the school office
if you are interested.
Registration for new families
is now open.
If you would like to register,
please call the school at
234-6324 or stop in.
January 28,2011
Dear Father Christopher Nowak
and Parishioners of St. John of God,
The students of 8th Grade would like to take
this opportunity to thank you for all of the support
that you give to the school of Our Lady of
Providence. It is because of your sacrifices that
we are able to receive a rewarding education in
an atmosphere of peace and Christ’s love.
At Our Lady of Providence we experience
growth in a friendly, caring, nurturing
environment. But, we are also able to grow
closer to God.
Again, we would like to tell you how we truly
are grateful for your sacrifice and support to
keep our education and relationship with Christ
The 8th Grade Students
of Our Lady of Providence Regional School
82 Carleton Avenue - Central Islip, NY11722 - www/
Box Tops for Education & Campbell
Soup Labels & Empty Inkjets.
Black History Month
February is Black History Month. We had a
wonderful visit from Darcel Whitten-Wilamowski,
the Diocesan coordinator or the Ministry to
Catholics of African Ancestry. She visited our
school on Friday, February 11 to speak to our
5th, 6th, and 7th graders about the appearance
of the Blessed Mother to children in Rwanda.
She was also the guest speaker at Pin Day for
the 8th grade on February 4th.
Please place the above
items in the collection
basket or drop them off at
the Parish Office. Box Tops for
Education are many products Please
check your purchases for the box tops.
We also collect Labels for Education.
We get 10cents for each Box Top
Coupon. With your help, we have
received over $4,600.00 since we
started collecting. Thank you for your
continued support. It is greatly
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
234-6535, ext. 103
In the Gospel today, Jesus
challenges us by saying: “You
must be perfected as your
heavenly Father is perfect.” The Gospel
reminds us that to be sons and daughters of
our heavenly Father we must love our
enemies, pray for the good and bad, just and
We should also consider that what
we do with our lives often affects the poor.
Much time is spent discussing problems about
the poor but seldom do we directly affect their
lives. We must try to involve the poor in the
projects which we organize and help them in
such a way that they will be able to help
themselves to rise out of their poverty and
maintain their human dignity. When we give
to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace
and joy into our hearts and into our lives.
Consider answering the call to take
care of God’s poor by joining the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul. We meet on the third
Tuesday of each month at 12:30PM in the
Conference Room of the Parish Center. Join
us and learn to take care of God’s poor.
Please consider joining the
Adult Choir!
Telephone: 234-1884
Ana Sullivan, Coordinator
to all parishioners for your continued
support of our Outreach Center.
The Thrift Shop and
the Food Pantry
will be closed on
February 21st
in observance of Presidents’ Day
La Tienda de mercado barato y la
despensa de alimentos estará
cerrada el Lunes, 21 de febrero en
la celebración del Día de los
New Members Always Welcome!
We would like to invite all
those who would be
interested in joining us in giving praise
to God as part of the Saint John of God
Music Worship Program.
All are welcome! Rehearsals are on
Wednesday Evenings at 7:30PM in the
Chapel. The Rehearsal Schedule will be
posted in the bulletin. If you are
interested, we invite you to come to our
next rehearsal.
In the Thrift Shop,
we currently
have a great
selection of gift
a 65 piece set of dishes (Blue
Danube), a Lateral thigh Trainer
and many new items!
Please stop by and browse.
CHOIR Rehearsal
Mark Your Calendar
February 20th — .Ministry to Catholics
of African Ancestry Annual Blood Drive
8:30AM to 2:30PM in the School Cafeteria.
Please share this lifesaving gift!
March 5th — Parish Saint Patrick—
Saint Joseph Annual Dinner Dance —
7:30PM to 11:30PM will be held at the Knights
of Columbus Hall— Open Bar, Dinner, DJ, Door
Prizes, Auction Table, 50/50
March 7th – Confraternity of
Christian Mothers will hold their monthly
Meeting at 7:30 PM in the School Small Cafeteria
All women of the parish are invited.
7:30PM in the Chapel:
February 23**
March 2nd
March 9th**
March 16th
March 23rd
April 6th
April 13th
April 20th
April 27th
March 8th — Feast of Saint John of
God —
Adult Choir Wednesday
March 9th — Ash Wednesday — Lent
Begins —
 March 13th – Holy Name Society
will gather at the 8:00AM Mass with their monthly
meeting following. All members of the Parish are
invited to join them.
March 13th – 11:00AM Mass –
Rite of Christian Initiation for Children –
Rite of Sending
March 13th – Ministry to Catholics of
African Ancestry will meeting at 12Noon in
Children’s Choir Thursday
7:00-8:00PM in the Chapel:
February 24th**
March 3rd
March 6th Sing
March 10th
March 17th
March 24th
March 31st
April 3rd Sing
April 7th
April 14th
Room 11 of Our Lady of Providence School. All
are invited.
March 14th through April 12—
April 21st**
April 28th
May 1st
May 5th
May 12th
May 19th
May 26th
June 2nd
June 5th
St. Joseph Renewal Center
“the Passion Narratives” Series.
Given by Maggie Martin For your
convenience Discussion and Video will be held
on Monday evenings from 5:30pm to 6:45pm or
Tuesday mornings from 9:45am to 11:00am. In
order to prepare for each session, readings and
discussion questions will be posted in the bulletin
March 15th – Society of St. Vincent
de Paul – 12:30PM -- Monthly meeting in
the Conference Room of the Parish Center.
are welcome!!!
May 4th
May 11th**
May 8th
May 25th
June 1st
June 8th
June 15th
June 22nd
March 17th — Feast of Saint Patrick
March 19th — Feast of Saint Joseph
1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood
Telephone: 631-273-1187, Ext. 23
Wednesday, March 2nd—7:30-9:00PM
Title: “Deepening your Spiritual Practice
through the use of FOCUSING”
Facilitator: Kathy Porter
Offering: $15.00
Tuesday, March 8th—10AM-12Noon
Women’s Gathering “A Time Set Aside for YOU”
Presenters: Tina Cafaro & Joan Vessio
Offering: $15.00
Call for reservations: 273-1187, Ext. 23
From Father Chris:
Your Favorite and
Most Meaningful Prayer
Here in the Bulletin to Share.
I would like to start a new ongoing column
here in the bulletin. Wouldn’t it be wonderful
if we each shared our favorite and most
meaningful prayers, spiritual poems, and
religious articles with the entire community.
If you would like to do so please submit your
prayers, poems, and articles to Fr. Chris by
bringing them to the Parish Office or emailing them to: [email protected]. or
[email protected]. Please keep in mind that
depending on space, content, and the amount
of prayers submitted, that not all may make it
into the bulletin. You can submit them
anonymously or with your name.
From: Anonymous
Hear our humble prayer, oh God, for our friends
the animals, especially for animals who are
frightened, hungry, hunted, lost, hurt, deserted,
or suffering, for those who must be put to death
or under go surgery. We entreat for them all thy
mercy and pity and for those who deal with
animals, we ask a heart of compassion, gentle
hands and kindly words. Make us ourselves to
be true friends to animals and so to share the
blessings o the merciful. Amen
From: Emma Knudsen
For every pain that I must bear,
For every burden, for every care,
There is a reason!
For every grief that bows my head,
For every teardrop that is shed,
There is a reason!
For every hurt, for every plight,
For every lonely painful night,
There is a reason!
But if I trust in God as I should,
All will end for my eternal good.
HE knows the reason!
Every new day is a blessing from God!
It offers many gifts.
Untie the ribbons!
Rev. Rogan / Fr. John P. Halpin
Knights of Columbus Council #1816
62 Carleton Av, Central Islip
Hall Rentals For All Occasions
Call us at: 348-3507
Rev. Rogan / Fr. John P. Halpin
Knights of Columbus Council #1816
62 Carleton Av, Central Islip
Telephone: 631-348-3507
2 & 4th Tuesday
of each month At 7:00PM
New Members Always Welcome
Office of Worship
Diocese of Rockville Centre
“On Sunday, April 3, 2011,
couples married 50 years or
more are invited to a special
mass to be celebrated by Bishop
William Murphy at the Church of St.
Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville at 2:30PM.
Please pick up your registration card at the
Parish Office, fill it out and return it to the
Parish Office in time to reach the Diocese of
Rockville Centre no later than March 17th.
Approximately one week before the
ceremony, information regarding the day will
be mailed to you. There will be another
celebration in the fall for those who may find
that date more convenient. If you have any
questions, you may call 515-678-5800,
Extension 207.
Announced Masses, Bread & Wine
and Altar Candle Memorials are still
available for 2011 year. If
you would like a special date
for 2011, call the Parish
office before it is taken.
Somos La Parroquia de San Juan de Dios - comprometidos a La Fe, La Familia, y La Comunidad!
Para Acoger….Para Alabar
Para Crecer….Para Servir
Cantidad total de los Compromisos
$ 1,290,889.75
Cantidad total de los Pagos
$ 1,152,553.75
A veces la noción del arrepentimiento parece anticuada, ingenua y hasta necia. Pero si
buscas locura, la encontrarás en las lecturas de
Comencemos con Levítico y la amonestación “no te vengues ni guardes rencor” (Levítico
19:18). Por supuesto que hemos escuchado este
mensaje antes, y por eso puede que olvidemos lo
alejado que está de las “realidades prácticas de la
vida”, contra las que nos advierte san Pablo. Será
mejor que quien se considere sabio “se haga ignorante”, porque “la sabiduría de este mundo es ignorancia ante Dios” (1 Corintios 3:18, 19).
Esta “locura” continúa en el Evangelio:
“No hagan resistencia al hombre malo” (Mateo
5:39). De hecho, presenta la otra mejilla, si has
sido golpeado. Dale tu abrigo al que te pide la camisa. Sé como Dios que manda el sol y la lluvia
sobre justos e injustos. “Sean perfectos”, dice
Está invitado a tener un encuentro
personal con Cristo a través de un
Para hombres el cursillo será marzo
del 17 al 20 y para las mujeres hay un
cursillo en abril del 14 al 17. Si tiene
interés favor de llamar a Digna Sandi
a 631-664-3765 o Dolores Martí a 631342-9185
Ustedes pueden encontrar muchas
cosas que se necesitan al precio muy bajo. Hay ropa de todos tamaños, y de todas clases. También hay juegos de platos, una vajilla, varias electrónicas como
la computadora nueva (Compact), cafeteras, maquina de coser, y muchas otras
cosas. Venga y mire. Está abierta los
Domingos de 10 AM– 2 PM y lunes
a jueves de las mismas horas. Por
la noche lunes y jueves de 6 a 7 PM
puede comprar algo.( Está cerrada
los viernes y sábados)
Sir 1:1-10; Mc 9:14-29
1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19
Sir 4:11-19; Mc 9:38-40
Sir 5:1-8; Mc 9:41-50
Sir 6:5-17; Mc 10:1-12
Sir 17:1-15; Mc 10:13-16
Is 49:14-15; Sal 62 (61);
1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34
¿COSTO? $80
Para mas información puede llamar a
Luis Reyes a 631-739-3326 o La Oficina
de la Renovación
Carismática : 516-678-5800
From Father Chris:
I am pleased to say that the members of the St. John of God Parish
Council met on Saturday, February 12, 2011. After a period of prayer and introductions they got down
to business. As the first order of business There will be a survey that you the parishioner can fill out.
The survey will ask your input on the: sacramental life, social/event life, and fundraising aspects of the
parish. Your input will be important for future planning. Secondly, the Council decided to promote
the sacrament of marriage at least for the next two years. As a beginning, I, Fr. Humberto, Sr. Claudia,
and Deacon Ron will work to develop further the Pre-Cana Program. It is only through good marital
preparation that we can have some certitude that a couple knows each other well enough to make a
lifetime commitment. The Council is and always will be evenly divided between English and Spanish
community representatives. Several more members still have to be appointed. Each member (there
are several couples who occupy one seat) will serve a term of 2 to 3 years. Please keep them in your
On a completely different topic: most of you are aware of the upcoming liturgical changes
that are going to take place in the mass, mainly with the language. The Third Edition of the Roman
Missal will be implemented in Advent in November of 2011. Many of the prayers and responses
during the mass will change. The changes mainly relate to how the Latin is translated into English.
The translation we have now is based on the “meaning” and “sense” of the text. Whereas the Third
Edition in English will be a more of a word for word translation, which will seem initially a bit
awkward. When the priest says: “The Lord be with you.” Your response will be: “ And with your
Spirit” Those of you who remember the Latin, remember this is exactly what was said. All of the
language changes we will go over in the homily at mass so that as a parish we will be ready at the
beginning of Advent in 2011. Again, these changes will only affect the mass in English not in Spanish.
When the Spanish Roman Missal was translated it was done so by the word for word process, so
nothing in Spanish has to change. Deacon Ron and myself just went on a workshop that explained
how there have been numerous liturgical renewals in the history of the church, this is just one of
many, so please be patient.
God’s Blessings Always, Fr. Chris N.
De Padre Chris:
Estoy contento decir que el Consejo Parroquial de San Juan de Dios se reunió el sábado, 12
de febrero, 2011. Después de un período de oración y presentaciones, los miembros comenzaron a
tratar de los asuntos importantes. Primero, habrá una encuesta que usted, parroquiano (a), va a ser
pedido a llenar. La encuesta le preguntará su opinión de la vida sacramental, la vida social que
incluye los eventos que tenemos y los aspectos de levantar fondos en la parroquia. Su información
va a ser importante para planificación futura. En segundo lugar, El Consejo decidió a promover el
sacramento de matrimonio para los próximos dos años, por lo menos. Para comenzar, yo, Padre
Humberto, Sr. Claudia, y Diácono Ron nos reuniremos para desarrollar más adelante el programa
de Pre-Cana. Solamente a través de la buena preparación marital podemos tener la certidumbre que
la pareja conoce uno y otro suficiente bien para hacer un compromiso que va a durar toda la vida. El
Consejo es y siempre será dividido igualmente entre los representantes que hablan inglés y los que
hablan español. Algunos más miembros todavía necesitan ser nombrados. Cada miembro ( hay
algunas parejas que ocupan un asiento y se consideran como un miembro) servirá un termino de
dos o tres años. Favor de mantenerlos presentes en sus oraciones.
Un Tema Distinta: Quizás la mayoría se den cuenta de los cambios litúrgicos que van a
tomar lugar en Adviento de 2011. Estos cambios afectan el Misal Romano que se usa en Inglés.
Algunas respuestas y oraciones en inglés van a cambiar. Sin embargo, El Misal Romano en español
no va a cambiar. La razón es porque las oraciones que se usan en el Misal Romano español son
traducciones casi palabra por palabra del Latín. Esto no es el caso en Inglés. Diácono Ron y yo
fuimos a un taller que nos explica cuan numeroso son las renovaciones litúrgicas en la historia de la
Iglesia. Este cambio es solamente uno de muchos.
Bendiciones Siempre, P. Chris N.

Documentos relacionados