victoria - Francisco De la Barra


victoria - Francisco De la Barra
Francisco De la Barra | 2011
Paintings by
Francisco De la Barra
August 2011
Imprimé au Canada
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© 2015 Publicaciones Anselm 310-4725 rue Messier, Montréal, Québec H2H 2J2 Canada
I wanted to thank:
Villa Victoria Center for the Arts and Inquilinos Boriquas en acción.
All the residents of Villa Victoria that participated in the project.
In particular to:
Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez for her work as curator of La Galería
Casey Bell for his work at Cacique Children’s Learning Center
Anabel and Casey were key in the succes of this project.
Muchas Gracias!
The Individual
In each portrait I have not painted a person, but a community. This is why in each depiction appear multiple
aspects of the life in Villa Victoria. Some of the subjects
that surface frequently are: city life, solidarity, joy, sadness, pride, fear, conflict, music, pain, celebration, and
El Individuo
En cada retrato no he pintado una persona, sino una
comunidad. Es por eso que en cada retrato aparecen
múltiples aspectos de la vida en Villa Victoria. Algunos
de los temas que me repiten son: urbanidad, solidaridad,
alegría, tristeza, orgullo, temor, conflicto, música, dolor,
celebración y diversidad.
The Community
I saw a lot of nostalgia for the island, the life back there
in comparison with the life right here. The neighbors are
very attached to their land, the land which they left, or
the land that they inhabit in the South End.
La Comunidad
Oí hablar mucho de la nostalgia por la isla, de la vida allá
en comparación con la vida acá. Los vecinos están muy
apegados a su tierra ya sea una tierra que han dejado, o
una tierra que habitan hoy en el South End.
The Materials
The materials that I used were selected for specific reasons. I used spices because they refer to culture; clay
because it comes from the Land; and ashes because they
make reference to ancestors.
Los Materiales
Los materiales que ocupo los seleccioné por razones bien
específicas. Utilicé especias porque hablan de cultura;
arcilla porque viene de la tierra; y cenizas porque hacen
referencia a nuestros antepasados.
Villa Victoria has had a long and complex trajectory; It
has built itself not only to provide housing for the community but also services for its residents. It is a complex
and organized structure that is able to help residents in
need and to educate the new generations. With this project I had the opportunity to speak with old and young
people. This generational range had me reflect about the
past and the future of the neighborhood. This community has a rich history in tradition, and has a promissory
future since it owns its destiny.
Villa Victoria ha recorrido un camino largo y complejo,
ha sabido construirse y proteger a sus residentes. Es una
sociedad compleja y organizada que es capaz de asistir a
los mas débiles y educar a las nuevas generaciones. Con
este proyecto tuve la oportunidad de hablar con viejos y
jóvenes. Esta brecha generacional me hizo reflexionar
acerca del pasado y el futuro del vecindario. Esta comunidad tiene una historia rica en tradición, y tiene un futuro
promisorio ya que es dueña de su destino.
Here are the reasons why I wanted to call this exhibition
Victory, this community is an example to imitate, and
that makes it a Victoria.
Francisco De la Barra, 2011
Es por eso que la exposición la he querido llamar Victoria,
esta comunidad es un ejemplo a imitar, y eso la hace una
Francisco De la Barra, 2011
“Allá 01” | 2010 | 14x10” | Pencil and clay on paper
“Yan I” | 2011 | 16x12” | Pencil, clay, annatto, and charcoal on canvas
“Trevor I” | 2011 | 16x12” | Pencil, clay, turmeric, ashes, and charcoal on canvas
“Raymon I” | 2011 | 24x18” | Pencil, clay, and annatto on canvas
“Luis II” | 2011 | 36x24” | Pencil, charcoal, and clay on canvas
“Allá 02” | 2010 | 14x10” | Pencil and clay on paper
“Steven I” | 2011 | 20x16” | Pencil, sazón, ashes, and clay on canvas
“Aimee I” | 2011 | 24x18” | Pencil, turmeric, and clay on canvas
“Elianny II” | 2011 | 36x24” | Pencil, charcoal, and clay on canvas
“Maria II” | 2011 | 36x24” | Pencil and clay on canvas
“Maria I” | 2011 | 24x18” | Pencil, charcoal, and clay on canvas
“Anabel I” | 2011 | 24x18” | Pencil, clay, charcoal, and annatto on canvas
“Glorinett I” | 2011 | 24x18” | Pencil, clay, turmeric, charcoal, and annatto on canvas
“DeAndre I” | 2011 | 20x16” | Pencil, clay, and sazón on canvas
“Angela I” | 2011 | 21x17” | Pencil, clay, and ashes on canvas
“Angela II” | 2011 | 36x24” | Pencil, clay, ashes, and annatto on canvas
“Casey I” | 2011 | 36x24” | Pencil, clay, turmeric, and charcoal on canvas
“Casey II” | 2011 | 24x18” | Pencil, charcoal, and turmeric on canvas
“Francisco I” | 2011 | 16x12” | Pencil, charcoal, and clay on canvas
“Francisco II” | 2011 | 36x24” | Pencil and charcoal on canvas
Born 1970, Santiago, Chile. Live and work in Montreal, Canada
Selected individual exhibits
2012 Souvenirs, Armory Cultural Center, Somerville, MA
2011 Victoria, Villa Victoria Center for the Arts Gallery, South End, Boston
2009 In Transition, University Church Gallery, Cambridge, MA
2009 The Unseen, Chimera Gallery, Nashua, New Hampshire
2007 Expressions, Willoughby & Baltic Gallery, Somerville, MA
Selected collective exhibits
2011 Chain Letter, Samsøn Projects, Boston
2011 Spain, Real Colegio Complutense, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
2010 Familiar Faces, Gallery 360, Northeastern University, Boston
2009 6th Juried Exhibition, Tufts University Gallery, Medford, MA
2009 Armory ART Start!, Armory Cultural Center, Somerville, MA
2008 Artist’s Choice, Somerville Museum, Somerville, MA
2007 Summer, Baak Gallery, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA
2000 Earth Bound, Hampden Gallery, UMass, Amherst, MA
Village Éphemère, Montreal, Canada (installation)
Park (ing) day, Montreal, Canada (installation)
Village Éphemère, Montreal, Canada (installation)
Saint-Lambert Art Fair, Montreal, Canada
Benefit Summer Auction, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
America Remixed, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Viewing programs
Boston Drawing Project Flat files, Carroll & Sons, Boston
(curated by Joseph Carroll) Active from 2011
Grants and awards
2013 Village Éphemère, Audience award for installation “Belvédère du vent”
2009 Somerville Arts Council, Grant
1997 Fulbright fellowship, Grant
2012 Somerville Salon Series, collaboration with the Somerville Arts Council
“Masculinity Now”, artists: Jesse Burke and Caleb Cole
2011 Somerville Salon Series, collaboration with the Somerville Arts Council
“Materials as a Medium for Expression”, artists: Esther Solondz & Judith Klausner
Press coverage
Gardner, Jan, “Literary news from around New England”, The Boston Globe
Cardin, Mich, “Portrait series celebrates the faces of Villa Victoria”, South End Patch
Ackerman, Meghann, “Somerville artist spices up his portraits“, Somerville Journal
Fairclough, Julia “Artist creates spicy portraits of Somerville chefs”, The Somerville News
Sands, Ian “Power to the people.” The Boston Phoenix
Strutt, Rachel, “Nibble, exploring food, art and culture in Union Square”,
Somerville Arts Council Publication, 2012
Lectures and Public Speaking engagements
2014 Doing it with less (ephemeral solutions, here to stay),
Conference “Planning for the possible”, TUFTS University, Medford, MA
2011 How experimentation changed my work, Gonson series,
Cambridge Center for Adult Communication, Cambridge, MA
2011 Artist talk, Victoria, Villa Victoria Center for the Arts Gallery, Boston
2009 Artist talk, 6th Juried Exhibition, Tufts University Gallery, Medford, MA
2011 Victoria, Portraits of multiethnic community, South End, Boston
2010 Spice Union, Portraits of ethnic cuisine chefs in Union Square, Somerville
2009 Shelter, Portraits of homeless shelter residents in Davis Square, Somerville
10-11 Residence, Villa Victoria Center for the Arts, Boston
10-11 Group Show Coordinator, Somerville Museum
10-11 Board member, Somerville Arts Council
09-11 Open Studios, Nashua, NH; Boston, MA; Somerville, MA
96-97 Painting lessons with Félix Lazo, Chile
87-88 Drawing lessons with Eugenio Brozalez, Chile
Spanish, English, French
Contact: [email protected] | (617) 830-1830 |
Publicaciones Anselm

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