Jennifer Stearns Buttrick - Cancer Support Community Greater Miami
Jennifer Stearns Buttrick - Cancer Support Community Greater Miami
The Cancer Support Community Greater Miami is part of a national non-profit organization that provides emotional and educational support services completely FREE of charge to adults with cancer, as well as their loved ones, no matter the stage of their disease or recovery. Our program features support groups, lectures, workshops, and mind-body offerings all led by professionals licensed in their field of expertise. These services are provided under one roof in a setting that is designed to feel like a home allowing for a warm and comforting environment. All dollars raised through the generosity of the community stay in Miami to fund our free services for South Florida cancer patients and their families. 8609 South Dixie Highway • Miami, FL 33143 Tel: 305.668.5900 • Fax: 305.668.0048 HEaRT & STaR awaRD DinnER The 10th Anniversary Proudly presented by Cancer Support Community Greater Miami Thursday, March 8, 2012 Thank you to honorees Jennifer Stearns Buttrick and SAP International and the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami. You enhance the gift of life for so many in our community with your time and support. The Fluxman Family HEaRT & STaR awaRD DinnER The 10th Anniversary HOnORinG Jennifer Stearns Buttrick CHaMpiOn OF THE HUMan SpiRiT awaRD RECipiEnT & SAP International CHaMpiOn OF THE COMMUniTy SpiRiT awaRD RECipiEnT FEaTURinG Diana Gonzalez nBC6 Health Reporter Mistress of Ceremonies 1 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr 2012 Heart & S tar Committee Thank you for your dedication of time, talent and treasure. Chanin & Adam Carlin • Candace D. Falsetto • Ana Hughes Freund • Laura M. Goldberg • Carmen Perez Lourdes B. Rodriguez • Aida & Joseph Roisman • Lourdes Rosales • Kim Sarkisian • Amy Scharlin Debra Schottenstein • Kara Stearns Sharp • Edie Spiegel • Laurie Stein • Carole Wright • Pamela Zakheim Evening Program Welcome Diana Gonzalez nBC6 Health Reporter, Mistress of Ceremonies About the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami Dr. Peggy Rios, Ph.D. program Director, Cancer Support Community Greater Miami Award Presentations SAP International Champion of the Community Spirit award Recipient Jennifer Stearns Buttrick Champion of the Human Spirit award Recipient Pamela Zakheim, M.Ed. Founder’s award Recipient The Giving Tree Dr. Richard Zakheim Founding Board Member, Cancer Support Community Greater Miami Special Drawing Closing Remarks Erik S. Sherman Chairman of the Board, Cancer Support Community Greater Miami Dinner Menu First Course Butternut squash bisque with toasted almonds, mixed green salad with a light vinaigrette, freshly baked breads and rolls with roasted garlic spread and margarine Main Course Marinated grilled filet of beef with a smoked tomato sauce, tarragon garlic aioli, pommes William and vegetable Dessert Mini flourless chocolate cake, key lime mousse, fruit tartlet MiSTRESS OF CEREMOniES Diana Gonzalez This evening’s Mistress of Ceremonies is NBC6 Health Reporter, Diana Gonzalez. Diana was the recipient of the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami’s Champion of the Community Spirit award in 2002 and is also a former host for our fundraiser. She is also the sophisticated voice in our promotional video. Diana has donated her time and talents to our organization for close to a decade, and we are most grateful. Diana is the NBC6 Health Reporter, bringing South Florida the latest news in medicine and health care. A veteran NBC6 WTVJ reporter, she started her career in Miami in 1978 as a news reporter and then worked as a producer for “Montage,” a weekly magazine show. Throughout her extensive broadcast news career, Diana Gonzalez has received numerous regional and national awards including: 2000 Food Science Journalism Award by the Institute of Food Technologists for “Cancer Fighting Foods,” three Florida Emmys, a National Emmy Award nomination in 1996 for coverage of Hurricane Opal, an “Award for Excellence in Medical Journalism” from the Florida Medical Association, “Woman of Distinction” from the Weizmann Institute of Science, a “Silver Circle” from NATAS. Diana is a proud Gator, having received her Bachelor of Science degree in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Florida. In addition to her education and years of work experience, being a cancer survivor enhances her ability to cover health news. Diana says her biggest accomplishment is raising two wonderful daughters, Gillian and Jackie Durruthy. 3 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr Professional Advisory Board Jorge C. Antunez de Mayolo, M.D. Nilza Kallos, M.D., P.A. Frank J. Penedo, Ph.D. Oncologist/Hematologist Mercy Hospital Breast Health & Diagnostic Ultrasound Breast Health Center Associate Professor of Psychology University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine Macarena Carretero, M.D. Nicholas Lambrou, M.D. Breast Health Center (retired) Miami Gynelogic Oncology Steven Poliakoff, M.D. Stephanie Carter, Ph.D. Adrian Legaspi, M.D. Founder and CEO South Florida Gynecologic Oncologists Psychologist and Author Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychology Surgical Oncologist Mt. Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Centers Christina Pozo-Kaderman, Ph.D. Pat Collins, R.N, MSN, AOCN Alan Livingstone, M.D. Nurse Educator (retired) South Miami Hospital Professor and Chairman Division of Surgery, Oncology Associate VP for Clinical Affairs, Co-Medical Director University of Miami Medical Group University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine W. Jarrard Goodwin, M.D. Chief Medical Officer, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Chairman, Department of Otorhinolaryngology Deborah O. Heros, M.D. Administrative Director Courtelis Center University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine Patrick Reynolds, M.D. Director Cancer Pain Management Services Mt. Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center Steven Olszewski, M.D. Michael B. Troner, M.D. Radiation Oncologist Oncology Hematology Radiation Care, LLC Oncologist/Hematologist Advanced Medical Specialties Chief of Neurology University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine Grace Wang, M.D. Oncologist/Hematologist Advanced Medical Specialties Community Ambassadors Charles E. Alvarez Alan Goldfarb, Esq. Suzanne Sarsfield Executive Vice President, Sales, PDSHeart Alan Goldfarb, P.A. Trial Attorneys Forethought Marketing Mary Babcock-Pahules Meg Green, CFP Joan Scheiner President: Hail Mary & Co. President, Meg Green & Associates Chairman, University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Kashyap Bakhai, CPA Mark J. Heise, Esq. Partner, Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLP Partner, Boies, Schiller & Flexner, LLP J. David Scheiner Macys Past President Nargis Kassamali Darlene Boytell-Perez Luminaire Galloway Medical Park Jeff Schottenstein President, Schottenstein Realty Susan D. Kronick Robert E. Dady, Esq. Cindy A. Schwartz, MS Linda S. McKenzie Program Director, Fellowship House Olin McKenzie, III, DDS Fleta Stamen, Esq. Executive Vice President Sabadell United Bank Lee J. Osiason, Esq. Lee J. Osiason, P.A. Associate General Counsel Office of the General Counsel Florida International University Mary Frank, Ph.D. Bobette Reeder, M.S. Lynne Steinfurth Maria B. Freed, MHSA Ramon Rodriguez-Torres, M.D. Cheryl N. Trane President & CEO, RT Corp. Tutorial Resources Siegfred Rivera Lerner De La Torre and Sobel, P.A. James Dockerty Judy Weisenfeld, LICSW MESSaGE FROM THE CHaiRMan Erik S. Sherman 2011 was a momentous year for the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami. We supported our twenty thousandth participant, and just as importantly we helped over 3,400 members of our community who came to visit our facility throughout the year. 2012 is set to be another notable year as we will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary. I am honored to be your incoming Chairman knowing the best is still yet to come for our organization and the people we serve. At the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami people are empowered by knowledge, strengthen by action, and sustained by community. All of our services are offered free of charge. Strong evidence continues to support the utilization of psycho-social needs as an integral part of quality care that can improve health and minimize disease symptoms. There is nowhere else in Miami where participants and their families can access this comprehensive psycho-social support at one location. Your support this evening, your continued support throughout the year, and your support in the past, is what keeps our doors open to ensure that we can continue to provide these valuable services to individuals and families who have been affected by cancer. In conjunction with the cutting edge medical treatments available in Miami, we as an organization provide a unique component to overall care. Listening to our participants, hearing their stories, seeing their progress is what drives all of us to improve our programs and stay focused on our services. This evening we are honoring two extraordinary recipients each who has their own unique story, and each who has demonstrated leadership in our community. Our Champion of Human Spirit is Jennifer Stearns Buttrick and our Champion of Community Spirit is SAP International. These honors showcase the fight and defeat each of us can accomplish and exemplifies the commitment and passion of community involvement. Jennifer’s dedication to South Florida stretches far beyond just our organization. Her involvement in many other organizations should not go unnoticed and illustrates the true meaning of community. As we get ready to celebrate our 10th Anniversary SAP International marks its 40th Anniversary. Their philosophy of empowering people, products, and partners to unleash new value for customers and entire industries, mirrors our philosophy in how empowering our participants through our psycho-social support can help them cope and fight cancer. Tonight we are also recognizing Pamela Zakheim as the recipient of our very first Founder’s Award. We are very proud to introduce this new recognition as it allows a platform for paying tribute to our visionary leader and this new annual award for excellence in volunteerism. Pam’s dedication and passion is what opened our doors, and her continued leadership motivates all of us to be better, do better, and give more of ourselves. Congratulations to all of our recipients this year as each of you have helped to make this evening’s event special and memorable. You all have so much to be proud of, and tonight is a celebration of what you have accomplished. On behalf of our current participants, and future participants thank you for your support this evening and your continued involvement through the year and years to come. The best is still yet to come for all of us and we look forward to what is next and remain dedicated to our community and those affected by cancer. Erik S. Sherman Chairman of the Board, Cancer Support Community Greater Miami 5 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr Board of Directors Executive Officers Directors Founder & president pamela Katz Zakheim, M.Ed. adam E. Carlin Joseph Roisman Bermont/Carlin Group – Perry Ellis International Executive Vice-President Chairman Erik S. Sherman John Hancock Life Insurance Co. Investment Advisor Representative Vice Chairman John arasi Sharp General Contractors President Secretary Richard Rubinson, M.D. Cardiothoracic Surgeon (Retired) MorganStanley Smith Barney Director Wealth Management – Portfolio Management Director Candace Falsetto Northern Trust Bank Vice President, Commercial Banking Group pete izaguirre Pantry Liquors & Fine Wines Owner Jane Mass R.n., M.S.n. (Retired) Margarita M. pons, Cpa, MBa Advanced Medical Specialties, LLC Chief Financial Officer & Executive Director Debra Schottenstein adam Spiegel Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Principal, Tax and Accounting Edie Spiegel Robert Stamen, Esq. arturo Mesa Packman, Neuwahl & Rosenberg Miami Breast Institute and Radiology Association of South Miami, PLCC Co-founder and Executive Director Carole wright arnaldo perez Carnival Corporation General Counsel & Senior Vice President – Legal Gibraltar Private Senior Vice President Private Banking Officer Richard Zakheim, M.D. Miami Children's Hospital Founder & Director Emeritus: Pediatric Cardiology Department Director: Adult Congenital Heart Program Staff Executive Director Danielle F. Spiegelman program Director Peggy Rios, Ph.D. Outreach Coordinator Amparo Alvarez program assistant Miriam Prieto Lopez administrative assistant Susie Winslow-Garcia Facilitators Mae S. Greenberg, LMHC Oscar R. Hernandez, M.D. Eric Torres, Psy.D. Gloria Montes de Oca, Ph.D. Janny Rodriguez, M.S. Ed. instructors Felipe Azambuja , MA, LMT Cathee Connor Lise Efronson Jorge Gonzalez Nancy Greene Fishman JoAnn Sheehe Elisa Smith Dieticians Deborah Contreras, RD, LD/N Karla Otero, RD, LD Rachel Richardson, RD, LN Joseph Roisman Joan Gaines, Ph.D. Astrid Nicastri Deborah Jay Curtin Robert Derhagopian, M.D. Mark Levitats a SaLUTE TO OUR HEaRTS & STaRS Debra Green Strochak There are two key components to this Cancer Support Community Greater Miami program. One is the instillation of hope at a time when too often things feel hopeless, and the other is building community at a time when too often one feels alone. Our two prestigious award categories, the Champion of the Human Spirit, and the Champion of the Community Spirit, have been created in recognition of these two important elements. Adam Carlin The Champion of the Human Spirit The Champion of the Human Spirit award is designed to honor a cancer survivor or support person. The recipient is always a person who has become a beacon of light and hope for others whose lives have been impacted by cancer. We have chosen a star to symbolize this award. Nargis Kassamali past Recipients: Suzanne & James Dockerty 2011 ~ Joseph Roisman December 2009 ~ Joan Gaines, Ph.D. March 2009 ~ Astrid Nicastri 2008 ~ Deborah Jay Curtin 2007 ~ Mark Levitats 2006 ~ Debra Green Strochak 2005 ~ Nargis Kassamali 2004 ~ Joan Scheiner 2002 ~ Diana Gonzalez, NBC6 Health Anchor 2001 ~ Joni Grant Green, Ph.D. Joan Scheiner Sheldon Anderson The Champion of the Community Spirit The Champion of the Community Spirit award is designed to honor those who have displayed a commitment to the Greater Miami community through their own good works. The recipient must be an example of the best sense of “community.” We have chosen a heart to symbolize this award. past Recipients: Diana Gonzalez 2011 ~ Adam Carlin December 2009 ~ Suzanne & James Dockerty March 2009 ~ Sheldon Anderson 2008 ~ Mehmet Bayraktar 2007 ~ Carnival Corporation 2006 ~ Evelyn Langlieb Greer 2005 ~ Mehdi Ghomeshi 2004 ~ Darlene & Jorge M. Perez 2002 ~ Chesterfield Smith 2001 ~ Ramon Rodriguez-Torres, M.D. Joni Grant Green, Ph.D. Dr. Jarrard Goodwin Ramon RodriguezTorres, M.D. Chesterfield Smith Darlene & Jorge Perez Mehmet Bayraktar Carnival Corporation Mehdi Ghomeshi Evelyn Langlieb Greer 7 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr CHaMpiOn OF THE COMMUniTy SpiRiT SAP International “On behalf of SAP Latin America & Caribbean, I am truly honored to represent a company whose mission is to make the world run better at every level. Helping the community is a critical component of our success formula; for giving back to those who need is the best way to do the most good and make the largest impact in the world.” - Rodolpho Cardenuto, President, SAP Latin America & Caribbean Headquartered in Walldorf, Germany, SAP is the market leader in enterprise application software. Founded in 1972, SAP (which stands for "Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing") has a rich history of innovation and growth as a true industry leader. SAP applications and services enable more than 183,000 customers worldwide to operate profitably, adapt continuously and grow sustainably. SAP's story is one of a steady rise from a small, five-man operation headquartered in southwest Germany's Rhein-Neckar district to one of the world's largest independent software providers and an employer of more than 55,000 people in over 50 countries worldwide. 2012 marks the 40th year of SAP helping the world run better–and they are just getting started! SAP's philosophy is that the power of their people, products, and partners unleashes growth and creates significant new value for customers, SAP, and ultimately, entire industries and the economy at large. Building on 40 years of innovation, SAP continues to enable people, companies and organizations to better understand and more quickly act upon customer demands, unexpected events and new opportunities. SAP International opened their Latin American Division in Miami 10 years ago. Led by President Rodolpho Cardenuto, SAP International has been a solid contributor in community outreach. In 2007, they established a local philanthropic and community relations program, organizing volunteers and donating funds to many South Florida non-profits. SAP has donated time and financial resources to Jackson Memorial Hospital, Children's Home Society, Junior Achievement, and the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami. Their global charitable interests are concentrated in meeting basic needs, promoting education and providing economic opportunities to entrepreneurs through technology. In 2010 alone, this dynamic and extraordinary company invested $24 million worldwide to those in need. SAP's mission is to help companies of all sizes and industries run better. Their vision is to help the world run better. Now more than ever, SAP helps the world run better by improving people's lives. We think they are achieving that just by their actions here in South Florida. CHaMpiOn OF THE HUMan SpiRiT Jennifer Stearns Buttrick I am fortunate to be surrounded by a tremendous support network of family, friends and colleagues who guided me through my health crisis. Additionally, I am the beneficiary of the extraordinary vision of philanthropists and community leaders who created and supported vital resources for cancer patients and their families in our community. I firmly believe that everyone facing a cancer diagnosis should have the same support and access to services that I had. I strive to help achieve this any way that I can. I am humbled and honored to receive the Champion of the Human Spirit Award. Jennifer is a cancer survivor who was diagnosed with kidney cancer two days after giving birth to her third child. Since her diagnosis and treatment, Jennifer has dedicated herself to raising funds for research, advocacy and awareness. Professionally, Jennifer is Of Counsel to Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. as Director of Pro Bono and Community Services. Jennifer is a staunch advocate for the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. She served as the Chair of Designed for a Cure, a fundraising event for Sylvester, in 2009 and 2011 and is a member of Sylvester’s Board of Governors. She serves on the Advisory Board of the Dolphins Cycling Challenge, an annual event that benefits Sylvester. Jennifer is an advocate of what she describes as the “active patient” model of care and has spoken as a patient-panelist at the Well Being Well Conference hosted by Sylvester in 2008 and 2011. Jennifer's other affiliations and recognitions include: Vice President, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden; 2009, 2011 and 2012 Chair of the New World Symphony’s “It’s a Family Affair”; Voices for Children 2009 Corporate Leadership Award recipient; Junior League of Miami 2006 Rebecca Herndon Bush Award recipient; and Lawyers for Children America 2010 Pro Bono Award recipient. Jennifer is married to Matt and they have three boys, Zachary, Joshua and Joseph. 9 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr Special Drawing Enter to win one of the items listed below. Tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100. Good luck! Your Diamond Jubilee A dream vacation for two aboard the celebrated Queen Elizabeth! Enjoy this royal 12-night Mediterranean cruise in an AA Grade Club Balcony stateroom with Britannia Club dining. VIP package includes champagne in cabin upon arrival and invitation to the Captain’s Cocktail Party. The trip must be taken in 2012. Airfare, transfers, beverages and other onboard services are not included. Generously donated by Cunard. Valued at $8,800 “RUN-a-WAY” Style Take a fashionable exit with the help of European houses Henry Cuir and Valentino! Pack for two in this hand crafted luxurious Henry Cuir oversized black leather Gulliv Weekender. Be a vacation diva with your Valentino Rockstud Handbag which features a goldtone stud trim on top handles, shoulder strap and an embossed plaque. Kick off the adventure with a glam $300 gift certificate courtesy of Elemis Spa. Weekender and Handbag are generously donated by Capretto Shoes, South Miami. Valued at $5,570 The Crown Jewel This pendant embodies only the boldest and most interesting of characteristics. An 11.75 carat pear shaped amethyst pendant bordered by seventeen black rose cut diamonds and one rose cut white diamond weighing in at almost three carats total, all structured in 18kt white gold. The pendant is on an 18kt white gold cable link chain. Experience the sweet feeling of royalty with this grand pendant today. Hand-made. One of a kind. Generously donated and created by H&H Jewels, Coconut Grove. Valued at $6,950 Girls Day Out Hello ladies....Neiman Marcus is calling! Enjoy a lunch for you and 24 of your closest girlfriends hosted by Neiman Marcus. This legendary retailer will also provide a special fashion presentation of their latest spring collections and must-have items. Generously donated by Neiman Marcus, Coral Gables. (Restrictions apply). Valued at $1,800 Thank you to our Generous Special Drawing Donors! LETTER FROM THE pROGRaM DiRECTOR Peggy rios, Ph .D. The Cancer Support Community Greater Miami reached its 10th year serving people affected by cancer in Miami-Dade. Since 2002, we have touched the lives of over 20,000 people affected by cancer through our onsite, offsite and online services. In these ten years we have provided nearly 99,000 service hours. Our team offered close to 18,500 hours of mind body programs, 5,936 hours of educational programs, and 17,176 hours of support sessions. We have been able to do this thanks to the generous support of our donors and community foundations. Organizations such as the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, The Miami Foundation, and the Peacock Foundation have enabled us to maintain and strengthen our presence in underserved communities such as the Latino and Black communities. Through a grant from Susan G. Komen for the Cure, programming at Jackson Memorial Hospital has solidified and the Cancer Support Community is now an ongoing source of education and support for patients from the Taylor Breast Health Center. Over this last decade, we are proud to say that we have also worked closely with Baptist Congregational Health to help address the needs of cancer survivors in the faith-based communities in Miami-Dade. We have organized educational and support programs in the community and have also participated in cross-training so that each organization can learn from one another and strengthen our collaboration. Our work in the community has also made it possible to partner with Baptist Health South Florida, which now sponsors monthly workshops where its top oncology professionals share their knowledge and expertise with our participants. We also have a thriving support program for children whose parents or grandparents have cancer - the "Family Circle" program. This program has been supported by the Batchelor Foundation and the Hurlburt Foundation. The Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation and the Carnival Foundation have also joined us and provided grant money to run several networking and support groups. It is a source of great pride to have our work recognized by these great foundations and organizations. We will remain steadfast in our dedication to be the gold standard in psycho-social care for cancer survivors so that we continue to be worthy of the support of our generous benefactors. We provide these high quality programs guided by a model of support first developed in 1982 - the Patient Active Concept© which has since then evolved to make the Cancer Support Community an international leader in the field of cancer support. Every aspect of our program (support groups, educational workshops, mind-body stress reduction programs, and social activities) is grounded in evidence-based research validating its effectiveness in diminishing distress and improving quality of life for cancer patients and caregivers. Our national affiliate monitors programs closely to ensure that each affiliate meets this standard. On a national level, we are proud to have established strong collaborative relationships with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute of Health (NIH). In addition, the Cancer Support Community Headquarters is involved in numerous national research projects with partners such as Stanford University and the University of California at San Francisco. I thank all of our grantors, donors, and volunteers for the many ways you have helped us. Support is a crucial element in cancer survivorship, and the Cancer Support Community invites you to continue with us as we expand and enhance our services in South Florida so that no one has to face cancer alone. Finally, I want to take a moment to remember those who have passed through our doors and who have shared their courage and zest of life with us. Our participants continue to bring our center to life and to make our vision and mission at the Cancer Support Community a reality. peggy Rios, ph.D. Program Director, Cancer Support Community Greater Miami 11 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr “Because of you, Pam, It ’s Always Something...wOnDErFUL” Pamela Katz Zakheim 2012 FOUnDER’S awaRD RECipiEnT Honoring Excellence in Volunteerism Cancer Support Community Greater Miami Celebrating 10 years and counting Heart & Star award Dinner • March 8, 2012 13 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr THE FaCTS • More than 12 million cancer survivors are living with cancer in the U.S. today. • One in every two men and one in every three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. • about 100,000 people will be diagnosed with cancer this year just in Florida alone. • your chance of knowing someone with cancer is 100%. OUR MiSSiOn To ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community. OUR pHiLOSOpHy Cancer patients who fight for their recovery along with their health care team will improve the quality of their lives and may enhance the possibility of their recovery. To ensure that our services do not increase the burdens on those already dealing with life-threatening issues, as well as to make ourselves available to the greatest number of people, all services are always offered completely free of charge to all who enter our doors. OUR HiSTORy In July 2009, The Wellness Community - National and Gilda’s Club joined forces to become the largest provider of cancer support worldwide. The combined organization is now called the Cancer Support Community. In March of 2010 we, in Miami, officially changed our name from The Wellness Community-Greater Miami to the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami. We believe that this new name better represents that which we do. The first Wellness Community opened its doors in Santa Monica California in 1982; the first Gilda’s Club, in New York City in 1995. Our Miami affiliate opened in April, 2002 and since that time, we have provided a wide array of psycho-social support and educational services to close to 20,000 Miami-Dade cancer patients, their families and their loved ones. For each affiliate, the primary purpose of our national headquarters is to provide strong clinical oversight and quality control over local programs. It is important to emphasize that each affiliate of the Cancer Support Community raises its own funds and is governed by its local Board of Directors. In other words, money raised in Miami stays in Miami. As we anticipated during our formation activities, the demand for our services is great. We have responded by providing bilingual programs six days a week during both day and evening hours. Locally we have established good working relationships with the large medical and hospital community in Miami to ensure that we are meeting their patients’ needs for psycho-social oncology services. Additionally, we have collaborative relationships with the local chapters of the American Cancer Society, La Liga Contra el Cancer, the International Myeloma Foundation, The FL Breast CA Foundation, the University of Miami’s Breast Cancer, “Coping and Recovery” Project, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Inc., among others. Nationally we are proud to have strong collaborative relationships with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute of Health (NIH). We are supported solely though grants, corporate and foundation gifts, donations from individuals, and, signature special events such as our annual Tee Off Fore Wellness Golf & Tennis Tournament featuring the Thea Cup and this evening’s Heart & Star Award Dinner. Please visit our website for to see our monthly calendar and special programs: CanCER SUppORT COMMUniTy GREaTER MiaMi The Cancer Support Community offers a comprehensive group of educational services as well as psychological and social support programs, completely free of charge, to adults with cancer and their loved ones. Our services are offered as an integral part of conventional medical treatment and are available from the moment one is diagnosed. We do not offer medical or alternative treatments of any kind. Our participants come to us from the entire Greater Miami area. They have been diagnosed with all types of cancer, at all stages, and range in age from young adults to senior citizens. We offer our free services to all who come to us, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, etc. We also offer culturally appropriate programs in Spanish to increase our ability to reach out to the diversified population in our region. All of our services are provided under one roof, in a setting designed to feel like a home. Only professionals licensed in their fields of expertise facilitate groups and lead workshops. Bilingual programs are offered Monday through Saturday, daytime and evening hours, most on a drop-in basis. We are proud to report that every program we offer is based on the latest research regarding the psycho-social needs of cancer patients. There is nowhere else in the Greater Miami area where patients and their families can access such comprehensive psycho-social support at one location. OUR pROGRaMS paRTiCipanT GROUpS Ongoing, weekly groups facilitated by licensed mental health professionals. In these groups, people with cancer draw support from each other and explore new ways to deal with the stressors of their disease. FaMiLy GROUpS Because cancer impacts the family and friends of the person with cancer, we offer a comprehensive program of support to loved ones and caregivers, including, but not limited to, ongoing weekly support groups facilitated by licensed mental health professionals. MOnTHLy DiSEaSE-SpECiFiC nETwORKinG GROUpS Disease-specific support and education groups for cancer patients, family members, and friends to share feelings and concerns about particular diagnoses, treatment outcome, or other related matters. Networking groups currently available include brain tumors, breast cancer, head and neck cancers, leukemia and lymphoma, lung cancer and multiple myeloma. EDUCaTiOnaL pROGRaMS anD wORKSHOpS Interactive learning opportunities provided by experts on a variety of topics that are related to cancer treatment, reducing stress, and maximizing health. Programs include: medical updates; managing the side effects of treatment, such as fatigue and pain; family issues related to having a serious illness; financial and legal matters; and quality of life concerns. We also offer a series of programs specifically designed to help the young children of adults with cancer. OnGOinG LiFE EnHanCEMEnT pROGRaMS These programs are conducted by instructors with expertise in such areas as stress reduction, nutrition, exercise, and visualization of relaxation. They provide the opportunity to learn more about the field of the mind-body connection. Participants learn techniques, which they can use at home, to reduce stress and enhance their physical and emotional well-being. Weekly classes include Yoga, Tai Chi, Gentle Exercise and Relaxation/Visualization classes. Monthly classes include Nutrition and Cancer workshops. 15 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr Welcome The Cancer Support Community Greater Miami is housed in a facility that is approximately 4,800 square feet. Most of our programs are offered, under this one roof. While the facility is part of a strip mall located at the intersection of US1 and North Kendall Drive, as people walk through our doors they enter a warm, welcoming space that is not clinical in any way. We are grateful to Darlene & Jorge perez for their generous gift of the build-out of our space. Each of the rooms is decorated to feel like a home, with comfortable, casual sofas and chairs, coffee tables, lamps, paintings and other beautiful art. Macy’s graciously donated their interior design services as well as all of the furnishings throughout the Cancer Support Community. The beautiful Pergo® flooring was donated and installed by Mr. & Mrs. Karl Stenstrom. Living room & Kitchen The entry way above leads directly into the living room, just as it does in any home. The living room has a comfortable seating area and is open to both our gentle exercise room and our kitchen. Our kitchen is fully stocked and is used for cooking demonstrations that follow the recommended guidelines developed by the National Cancer Institute as well as for social gatherings for our participants. The kitchen cabinets were a gift from Stan Krieger, and the appliances were a gift from Mark Lawrence. Group rooms We have two rooms that serve as meeting rooms for our various group activities, including the support groups we offer each week. One of our group rooms has been dedicated to the memory of Lilliam Briggs Winograd through a generous donation from Meg & Richard Green. The second group room has been dedicated to the memory of both Brenda Zakheim and Gilda Radner from pamela & Richard Zakheim. Gentle Exercise room The gentle exercise area provides an open space for yoga, Tai Chi and other programs that we provide to help people overcome the side-effects of radiation and chemotherapy, as well as to help them manage pain and stress. It is also the site for many of our social events and educational presentations. 17 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr Library We have a library area containing shelves filled with books and pamphlets of interest to cancer patients and their families, as well as a computer to allow for internet research. This room exists because of the generosity of Mary & Howard Frank. Program room We also have a playfully decorated room that is both inviting and comfortable for children. Here we provide support services for children who have a parent, grandparent or guardian with cancer. This space is also an additional program room and conference room when needed. The Giving Tree One of the décor highlights within the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami happens to be a very special handmade installation that serves as a unique focal point as well as our main donor recognition piece. The Giving Tree, pictured below, hangs within our living room. Through the generosity of the Strochak, Green and Goldban families, we were able to contract Santa Fe artist David Ross to design and create this 8 ft. tall wood sculpture. As its name implies, The Giving Tree is filled with leaves, each bearing the donor name and to whom the leaf is “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of.” The leaf’s color is designated to signify the level of giving noted below. Additionally, a legend explaining the various colors, and what level of giving they signify, is tastefully displayed next to the tree. as part of our continued fundraising efforts, we hope to grow even deeper roots in our community and sprout many more leaves. we need you to further sow the seeds of giving by generously donating to The Giving Tree. please join others before you and consider being part of this heartfelt philanthropic program. Orange Leaf: Red Leaf: Green Leaf: Gold Leaf: Silver Leaf: $ 15,000 – $ 20,000 $ 10,000 – $ 14,999 $ 5,000 – $ 9,999 $ 2,500 – $ 4,999 $ 1,000 – $ 2,499 Please note that all Giving Tree Leaves are a one-time donation and are 100% tax-deductible. 19 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr Sponsors* pLaTinUM HEaRTS Baptist Health South Florida Chanin & Adam Carlin The Fluxman Family Foundation GOLDEn HEaRTS Carnival Corporation & PLC Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Perry Ellis International SAP International Pamela & Richard Zakheim STERLinG HEaRTS Advanced Medical Specialties The Buttrick Family The Freund Family Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust Greenberg Traurig LLP GYN Oncology of Miami/Dr. Nicholas Lambrou & Dr. Troy Gatcliffe Northern Trust Packman, Neuwahl & Rosenberg, P.A. Pantry Liquors Margarita Pons, CPA, MBA Debra & Jeff Schottenstein Aida & Joseph Roisman Lindsay Spalding & Julie Steven Edie & Firth Spiegel Stearns, Weaver, Miller, Weissler, Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center/ University of Miami Health System In-Kind Donors* Andrew Duany Photography InBloom Group LLC Fare to Remember MAC Parking Gables Linen Nu-Designs, Inc. Hitched Event Rentals Reflections Productions, Inc. Imagine That Miami Graphic Design Southern Wine & Spirits, Inc. Temple Beth Am Thank you to our Generous Sponsors and in-Kind Donors! *As of February 28, 2012. LETTER FROM THE ExECUTiVE DiRECTOR Danielle F. Spiegelman The Cancer Support Community Greater Miami (CSCGM) has been blessed to have the steadfast and loyal support of dedicated volunteers, and individual and corporate donors who have stood by our organization–in both good and challenging times. Ten years of hard work and determination by so many in this room and throughout the United States have nurtured one person’s vision. A promise twice over realized–once to her best friend, and again a second time to her husband; our Founder & President, Pamela Katz Zakheim was embraced by two communities and founded Cancer Support Communities in both Boston and Greater Miami. Pam, your smile lights up a room and your ability to mobilize the many, and the most cautious one, is inspirational to all those who have had the pleasure of watching you do so these many years. The gift of the Cancer Support Community has been a critical and comforting resource to thousands of deserving cancer patients. We applaud your insight and fortitude and congratulate you tonight as our first Cancer Support Community Greater Miami Founder’s Award recipient. This new honor is for excellence in volunteerism–how fitting for our Founder! Since our opening in April of 2002, the incredible people of South Florida have welcomed us, taken up our cause and partnered as cherished advocates. Every day we celebrate our combined accomplishments as they to sustain us and enable us to continue to provide FREE support to cancer patients and loved ones. It gives me great pride to share this special evening with you as we pay tribute to Jennifer Stearns Buttrick and SAP International at this 10th Anniversary Heart & Star Award Dinner. During the many months leading up to our event, I have had the privilege of working with Jennifer. I have learned about her personal journey and the unique experiences that have shaped her life. I have shared stories with her loving family and friends and have had a smile on my face each time I have looked at her baby photos and those of her three beautiful boys! Jennifer is a true Champion in every sense of the word and I congratulate her as our 2012 Champion of the Human Spirit Award recipient. Thank you for honoring us by representing the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami with such dignity and grace. Through its philanthropic commitment, SAP International is working to shape the landscape of South Florida for the better. In a year where this global computer and applications software giant is celebrating its 40th Anniversary, we welcome the opportunity to recognize its daily acts of kindness within our community. SAP International is committed to our hometown. SAP’s mission and basic company principles position them as a most deserving recipient of the 2012 Champion of the Community Spirit Award. Involved in a variety of deserving charities locally, this dynamic and extraordinary company invested $24 million worldwide just in 2010 alone! A herculean feat with unimaginable implications globally for so much good! As we look ahead, we warmly welcome Erik Sherman, our 2012 – 2014 Board Chairman. Erik is a charismatic and passionate professional and has been devoted to our mission for more than seven years as a steadfast volunteer. We are so pleased to have you in this role and know that you will do great things for our community. I would also like to recognize Adam Spiegel, our immediate past Board Chairman. He has been a strong, generous and resourceful leader who dedicated countless hours to our organization. I personally thank you once again for taking your mother’s great advice and convincing me to follow my heart to the Cancer Support Community. It’s been almost two years since I began my work as the Executive Director; however, it took only a few short weeks to realize that this opportunity would truly be the most satisfying and heartfelt position of my career. There has not been a day that has passed since joining this well-formed team of professionals, board members, community ambassadors and physicians, that I have not felt this way. Those whom are the closest to me know this to be true statement and one that I openly share when asked about my work and the CSCGM. If you have not already done so, please visit the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami to learn more about what we do every day. Become an advocate for our mission. Donate to a Program. Volunteer. Attend another signature event. Join a committee. Talk to the members of our Board of Directors. Take a tour. Tell a cancer patient about our FREE support groups and services. Be a Champion too! Danielle F. Spiegelman Executive Director, Cancer Support Community Greater Miami 21 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr Cancer Support Communities Throughout the world The Cancer Support Community Greater Miami is a member of the largest non-profit international network providing cancer support worldwide. Our organization is currently comprised of nearly 50 affiliates nationwide, 12 affiliates in development and has over 100 satellite locations. There are also international sites, including Wellness Communities in Tel Aviv and Tokyo and Gilda’s Clubs in Canada. There is also an Internet based “Virtual Cancer Support Community” that reaches rural areas in the U.S. and other countries. Additionally, in 2003, we established an on-line support program for teens with cancer and their parents called Group Loop. HEaDQUaRTERS - WASHINGTON, DC 1050 17th Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202.659.9709 • Fax: 202.974.7999 Toll-free phone: 1.888.793.9355 [email protected] UniTED STaTES aFFiLiaTES aRiZOna TWC ARIZONA 360 E. Palm Lane Phoenix, AZ 85004-1531 Phone: 602.712.1006 • Fax: 602.712.1009 CaLiFORnia GC DESERT CITIES 67-625 East Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 7A Cathedral City, CA 92234 Phone: 760.770.5678 • Fax: 760.770.5667 FLORiDa GC SOUTH FLORIDA 119 Rose Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Phone: 954.763.6776 • Fax: 954.763.6761 MaSSaCHUSETTS CSC MASSACHUSETTS SOUTH SHORE 120 Longwater Drive, Suite 104 Norwell, MA 02061 Phone: 781.610.1490 CSC GREATER MIAMI 8609 South Dixie Highway Miami, FL 33143 Phone: 305.668.5900 • Fax: 305.668.0048 MiCHiGan GC METRO DETROIT 3517 Rochester Road Royal Oak, MI 48073 Phone: 248.577.0800 • Fax: 248.577.0898 CSC FLORIDA SUNCOAST 5481 Communications Way Sarasota, FL 34240-8476 Phone: 941.921.5539 • Fax: 941.921.5061 GC GRAND RAPIDS 1806 Bridge Street, NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Phone: 616.453.8300 • Fax: 616.453.8355 GEORGia CSC ATLANTA 5775 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Suite C-225 Atlanta, GA 30342 Phone: 404.843.1880 • Fax: 404.843.1780 CSC GREATER ANN ARBOR 2010 Hogback Road, Suite 3 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Phone: 734.975.2500 • Fax: 734.975.2525 iLLinOiS GC CHICAGO 537 North Wells Street Chicago, IL 60654 Phone: 312.464.9900 • Fax: 312.464.1487 MiSSOURi CSC GREATER ST. LOUIS 1058 Old Des Peres Road St. Louis, MO 63131 Phone: 314.238.2000 • Fax: 314.909.9900 inDiana CSC CENTRAL INDIANA 5150 West 71st St. Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: 317.257.1505 • Fax: 317.254.4534 GC KANSAS CITY P.O. Box 413907 21 West 43rd Street Kansas City, MO 64111 Phone: 816.531.5444 • Fax: 816.931.4424 iOwa GC QUAD CITIES 1234 East River Drive Davenport, IA 52803 Phone: 563.326.7504 • Fax: 563.323.1658. MOnTana CSC MONTANA 102 S. 11th Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: 406.582.1600 • Fax: 406.582.5822 KEnTUCKy GC LOUISVILLE P.O. Box 4061, 633 Baxter Avenue Louisville, KY 40204 Phone: 502.583-0075 • Fax: 502.583.2004 nEw JERSEy GC NORTHERN NEW JERSEY 575 Main Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: 201.457.1670 • Fax: 201.457.1697 DELawaRE CSC DELAWARE 4810 Lancaster Pike Wilmington, DE 19807 Phone: 302.995.2850 • Fax: 302.995.0834 CSC DELMARVA 560 Riverside Drive Suite 106, Building A Salisbury, MD 21801 Phone: 410.546.1200 • Fax: 410.546.2542 GC SOUTH JERSEY 700 New Road Linwood, NJ 08221-1237 Phone: 609.926.2699 • Fax: 609.926.2688 CSC PASADENA 200 E. Del Mar, Suite 118 Pasadena, CA 91105 Phone: 626.796.1083 • Fax: 626.796.0601 CSC REDONDO BEACH 109 W. Torrance Blvd., #100 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Phone: 310.376.3550 • Fax: 310.372.2094 CSC SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA 3276 McNutt Avenue Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Phone: 925.933.0107 • Fax: 925.933.0249 TWC VALLEY/VENTURA 530 Hampshire Road Westlake Village, CA 91361 Phone: 805.379.4777 • Fax: 805.371.6231 CSC SANTA MONICA 1990 S. Bundy Drive, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone: 310.314.2555 • Fax: 310.979.7586 CSC CENTRAL NEW JERSEY 3 Crossroads Drive Bedminster, NJ 07921 Phone: 908.658.5400 • Fax: 908.658.5404 CSC LEHIGH VALLEY 3400 Bath Pike Bethlehem, PA 18017 Phone: 610.861.7555 • Fax: 610.861.9177 CSC NORTHERN JERSEY SHORE The Diney Goldsmith Center 613 Hope Road Eatontown, NJ 07724 Phone: 732.578.9200 ● Fax: 732.578.9201 CSC PHILADELPHIA The Suzanne Morgan Center at Ridgeland 4100 Chamounix Drive Philadelphia, PA 19131 Phone: 215.879.7733 • Fax: 215.879.6575 nEw yORK GC NEW YORK CITY 195 West Houston Street New York, NY 10014 Phone: 212.647.9700 • Fax: 212.647.1154 TEnnESSEE GC NASHVILLE 1707 Division Street Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: 615.329.1124 • Fax: 615.329.1167 GC ROCHESTER 255 Alexander Street Rochester, NY 14607 Phone: 585.423.9700 • Fax: 585.423.9072 CSC EAST TENNESSEE 2230 Sutherland Avenue Knoxville, TN 37919 Phone: 865.546.4661 • Fax: 865.522.0938 GC WESTCHESTER 80 Maple Avenue White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914.644.8844 • Fax: 914.644.8284 TExaS CSC NORTH TEXAS One Works of Grace Plaza 2710 Oak Lawn Dallas, TX 75219 Phone: 214.219.8877 • Fax: 214.219.5544 GC WESTERN NEW YORK 1140 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14209 Phone: 716.332.5900 • Fax: 716.362.0842 OHiO TWC GREATER CINCINNATI-NORTHERN KENTUCKY 4918 Cooper Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 Phone: 513.791.4060 • Fax: 513.791.8239 CSC CENTRAL OHIO 10330 Sawmill Parkway Suite 600 Powell, OH 43065 Phone: 614.791.9510 • Fax: 614.791.9610 CSC WESTERN OHIO 4801 Hempstead Station Drive, Suite B Dayton, OH 45429 Phone: 937.223.4117 • Fax: 937.223.4118 pEnnSyLVania GC DELAWARE VALLEY 200 Kirk Road Warminster, PA 18974 Phone: 215.441.3290 • Fax: 215.441.3295 GC WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 2816 Smallman Street Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4722 Phone: 412.338.1919 • Fax: 412.338.1920 waSHinGTOn GC SEATTLE 1400 Broadway Seattle, WA 98122 Phone: 206.709.1400 • Fax: 206.709.9719 wiSCOnSin GC MADISON 7907 UW Health Court Middleton, WI 53562 Phone: 608.828.8880 GC SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN 4050 North Oakland Avenue Shorewood, WI 53211 Phone: 414.962.8201 • Fax: 414.962.9470 inTERnaTiOnaL aFFiLiaTES CanaDa GC GREATER TORONTO 110 Lombard Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 1M3 Phone: 416.214.9898 • Fax: 416.214.0346 GC SIMCOE MUSKOKA (FORMERLY BARRIE, ONTARIO) 10 Quarry Ridge Road Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4M 7G1 Phone: 705.726.5199 • 705.726.7101 Fax iSRaEL TWC TEL AVIV (Beit Mati) 7 Revivim Street Givatayim 53103 Israel Phone: 972.3.731.5097 • Fax: 972.3.571.9578 Japan The Wellness Community Japan The Japan Wellness Community Akasaka Village 701 6-4-20, Akasaka, Minato.Ku Tokyo, JAPAN 1070052 Phone: 81.3.5545.1805 • Fax: 81.3.5545.1806 aFFiLiaTES in DEVELOpMEnT CaLiFORnia TWC CALIFORNIA CENTRAL COAST 614 13th Street Paso Robles, CA 93446 Phone: 805.238.4411 COLORaDO CSC COLORADO 1825 Marion St Denver, CO 80218 COnnECTiCUT CSC SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT P. O. Box 2182 Branford CT 06405-2182 Phone: 203.488.7549 inDiana GC EVANSVILLE P.O. Box 5134 Evansville, IN 47716 Phone: 812.402.8667 MinnESOTa GC TWIN CITIES P.O. Box 413907 5115 Excelsior Blvd., #448 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Phone: 612.227.2147 nORTH CaROLina CSC EASTERN NC 1406 Hammersmith Dr Winterville, NC 28590 Phone: 252.364.1190 [email protected] TExaS CSC CENTRAL TEXAS 5708 Hero Drive Austin, TX 78735 Phone: 512.358.9876 CanaDa GC SOUTHEASTERN ONTARIO 774C Baker Crescent Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7M 6P6 Phone: 613.507.3333 [email protected] 23 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr From January 2000 - February 2012 $250,000 - $400,000 Susan G. Komen for the Cure Carnival Corporation Pamela & Richard Zakheim $100,000 - $249,999 Chanin & Adam Carlin Mary & Howard Frank Health Foundation of South Florida Rudy J. Kranys Peacock Foundation, Inc. $50,000 - $99,999 Advanced Medical Specialties Carmen & John Arasi Baptist Health South Florida, Inc. Sharon L. Kranys Moriarty & Associates of Florida, Inc. Morrison Brown Argiz & Farra, LLC Osiason Educational Foundation, Inc. Debra & Jeff Schottenstein Carrie & Erik Sherman Tere & Adam Spiegel Fleta & Robert Stamen Lynne & Paul Steinfurth The Wasie Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Countrywide Home Loans Dade Community Foundation Mollie & Robert Dady Suzanne & James Dockerty Karel & George Foti Alan Goldfarb Joni & Donald Green Meg & Richard Green Elizabeth & Mark Heise The Hurlburt Foundation, Inc. Nargis & Nasir Kassamali The Ethel & W. George Kennedy Family Foundation Mellon United National Bank Nordstrom Northern Trust Maragarita Pons, CPA, MBA Debi & Ken Strochak The Bachelor Foundation, Inc. Judith & Joseph Weisenfeld $10,000 - $24,999 American Society for Radiation Oncology Anonymous Mary Babcock-Pahules Lang Baumgarten Bill Ussery Motors, Inc. Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Blank Charitable Foundation, Inc. Boston Scientific Foundation, Inc. Barbara Calev Cancer Support Community Headquarters Stephanie & Francis Carter Laura Coulter-Jones Foundation De Lange Family Foundation DP Property Holding, LLC James & Barbara Eroncig Federated Department Stores, Inc. Flagship Resort Development Corp. The Fluxman Family Foundation Jefferson Lee Ford III Memorial Foundation Maria B. Freed Gibraltar Bank Rita Glassman & Sheryl Rosenfield Greenberg Traurig, LLP Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Greenwald Joni & Donald Green Ollie Ladd Hill Tamara Moravia Israel & William McCarthy Tati & Ezra Katz Michael Latterner Drs. Madeleen & Ildefonso Mas Linda & Olin McKenzie Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Macy’s Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Miller Family Foundation Bonnie Ladd Muller Jane & Al Nahmad Carlos & Robin Palomares Papa John's Pizzeria LLC Lawrence & Patricia Paretta Perry Ellis International Bobette & Steele Reeder Gudelia & Ramon Rodriguez-Torres Edward Charles Rogers Cessy & Richard Rubinson, M.D. Ruth Anderson Foundation SAP Charitable Fund SapientNitro Suzanne Sarsfield Joan & J. David Scheiner South Miami GOG / Dr. Ricardo Estape & Eric Estape Dr. Firth & Edie Spiegel Debi & Ken Strochak Patricia & John B. Thompson Cheryl & Reuben Trane Weintraub Family Foundation Carole Wright $5, 000 - $9,999 1040 Biscayne Associates, Inc. Nilda & Amado Acosta ADDMCO ADP Meena & Kashyap Bakhai Blank Charitable Foundation, Inc. Jackie & Burt Bloom Philippe Boutboul Braman Family Foundation Donna & David Buchwald Josephine Burke Michael Capponi Macarena Carretero, M.D. Century Homebuilders LLC Certified Home Loans of Florida, Inc. Bea & Peter Citron Coldwell Banker, LTD Dacra Design Associates, LTD Lorna Davis Barbara & James Eroncig Esslinger Wooten Maxwell Eric N. Falkenberg Denny & Paul Feinsilver Florman Family Foundation, Inc. Flos U.S.A. Incorporated Fowler Rodriguez Valdes-Fauli Ivy Fraidin & Steve Greenberg Susan & Bruce Frank Gables Engineering, Inc. Russell W. & Ronalee E. Galbut Fund GlaxoSmithKline Goldfarb, Gold, Gonzalez & Wald, PA Great Florida Bank Grossman & Roth, PA Elizabeth Welch, M.D. & Lloyd Hershman, M.D. Hubbard & Reed Hughes, LLP Hunton & Williams K & L Gates, LLP Drs. Nilza & Tamas Kallos Kaufman Rossin & Co. John W. Keller, III Kimerly & Bradley Keywell Marian Krutulis Lady Suzanna & Charlton Tweed Charitable Foundation Isabel & Marvin Leibowitz Tamara Israel & William McCarthy Jan & Daniel Lewis Libra Foundation Marilyn & Stephen Liedman Living Divani Luminaire, Inc. Mark McGovern Millennium Partners Morse, LLC Murai Wald Biondo & Moreno, P.A. Malcolm & Edith Neuwahl O Property Collection Steven Olszewski, M.D. & Robin Amster Kelly & Dan Osman Dr. Grace Wang & Dr. Steven Pabalan Carmen & Arnaldo Perez Val Perez Podhurst Orseck P.A. Jason Port Marilyn & Neil Ramo Maria & Don Reilly Retail Ventures Service, Inc Oscar Roger ~ Groves Properties, Ltd. Aida & Joseph Roisman Bonnie & John Seipp Rodger Shay Sanford Shkolnik The Shepard Broad Foundation, Inc. Shutts & Bowen, LLP Lindsay Spalding & Julie Steven Stearns, Weaver, Miller, Weissler, Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. Michael Steffens & Marjorie Goldman The Dave & Mary Alper JCC Elizabeth & Geevy Thomas Takeko Toyama, MD Rosemary Trane Tropical Auto Tag Agency, Inc Turnberry Associates Union Planters Bank Corp University of Miami – Coral Gables Campus Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center / Miller School of Medicine Barbara & Frederick Wallace Wartsila North America, Inc. Waste Services, Inc West Flagler Associates Ltd. Williamson Automotive Dennis Wiseman Carole Wright $1,000 - $4,999 1100 Brickell Venture Partners, LLC 1700 Meridian Associates, LLC Elizabeth & Maurice Adams Adorno & Yoss, PC Akerman Senterfitt Charlie Alvarez Emilio & Martha Alvarez Manuel Alvarez Andrew S. Lebowitz Charitable Foundation Madeleine & Micky Arison A.E. Elroy & Jean Arnason ASA Chrome, Inc Austin & Stanovich Risk Managers, LLC Auto Tag Management Group, Inc. B & B Italia USA, Inc Robert Baer Baker Foundation Thomas Bales, Jr. Brett Ballinger Bank of America Barco Holdings, LLC Barry Wish Family Foundation Juan Pablo Bayona Lisa Behnke Berman & Berman P.A. Yanira Bermudez Jayusia & Alan Bernstein Francyn & Bob Berrin Mr. & Mrs. Ben Bistrong Marie & Michael Black Bonnie Blaire Boffi Spa John Bohatch Ronald Book Florencio & Morayma Boucourt William T. Brady, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Brea Brickell Motors Cristina & Bobby Brochin Paula & Robert Brockway Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Brown Don Browne Jeffrey Bryan Ingersoll & Rooney Buchanan Jim Bulger Jennifer & Matthew Buttrick Ralph Button Enrique Cabanilla Cabi Developers LLC Dr. Sherwood Cantor Donald Carlin Tercilla Carmencita Libia Casas-Justice Albert Castellon Causeway Square Centene Management Company LLC Libby & Joseph Cerniglia Cervera Real Estate Gary Chaffin Luis G. Chiappy Chicago Title Insurance Company Therese & Joe Ciampa Citi Smith Barney Clarence Wolf Jr. and Alma B. Wolf Foundation Coadvantage Resources, Inc Coconut Grove Bank Joseph T. Comras Michael Comras Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Cora Coral Gables Community Foundation, Inc. Core Design Group Kathryn Pinkus & Victor Corzo Crushco LLC Hugo Cuevas-Mohr Mr. & Mrs. Jay Curtin Wanda Custer CyberKnife Center Shelley B. Daniel Danna-Gracey, Inc. Luis de Armas & Ellen Downey Suzanne De Maria Edward de Valle Manuel & Marlene De Zarraga Deering Properties, LLC Robert Derhagopian, M.D. Scott Deutsch Caron & Robert Dockerty Margaret Dockerty Betty Dubick Susan & James Dubin Roger Dunwell, Melissa & Ariel Rhoda & Ira Ehrenkrantz Elemis Spa - Steiner Corporation Estoril, Inc. EUSA Pharma Everglades Steel Corporation Colleen & Richard Fain Javier Falla Candace & Michael Falsetto Joseph Farcus Andrew Feldman Lori & Milton Ferrell Gregg Fierman Steven Fiske J. Patrick Fitzgerald Floors & Walls Inc. Florida Power & Light Hector Fortun Fortune International Equity Foundation for Human Enrichment Nelson Fox Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, PC Susan & Bruce Frank Lewis A. Fraser Stanford Freedam Philip & Ellen Freidin Ana Hughes-Freund & Enrique Freund Robert M. Friedman Fru Management, Inc. Boris & Raquel Gabay Gables Park Tower Limited Dr. Joan Gaines Russell Galbut Arthur J. Gallagher Shari Lynn Gantman Pamela Garrison Gator Development Corporation Donna F. Genet Genomic Health, Inc. Charles George Judith & Phillip George Alison & Samuel Gersten Joan Getz Cindy & Victor Giron Todd Glaser Harvey & Muriel Goldberg Bernard Goldsmith Goldstein Schechter Price Lucas Horwitz & Co. Nancy & Howard Gordon Louan & Robert Gordon Matt Gracey Donald Green Seth Greenberg Cynthia L. Greene, P.A. Evelyn & Bruce Greer Kenneth Grossman Grovenor House, LLC Groves Properties, LTD Guttenmacher, Bohatch & Barinaga-Burch, P.A. GYN Oncology of Miami / Dr. Nicholas Lambrou & Dr. Troy Gatcliffe Eric D. Hadar Sandra & Duco Hamasaki Susie & Bob Hannan Hard Rock Cafe - Orlando James D. Harper, Jr. Deborah F. Harris Kathy & Jim Harris Harrison & Shriftman LLC Jim Haulein Betty Hawk Robert C. Hector, Jr. Julia Heller Melchior B. Heller Carmen Lina Herrera Jean H. Hicks Highwinds Realthy Advisors Inc. Janet Hiles Jodi Hoffman, LLP Hogan & Hartson Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation Tibor Hollo Home Show Management Corp. Sara Horton Hotels AB William Houchins Robert H. Hubsch Donna Huck Integrated Security Systems Lilian & Pete Izaguirre Lindsay Jackman Wendy Levy Jackson Jarbas, Inc. JFL Ventures, Inc. John P & Anne W. McNulty Foundation Marlene & Robert Josefsberg K Mack, LLC K.A.S. & Associates Arlene & Al Kahn Kim & William Kaskal Zubin Kassamali Andi & Bruce Katz Don & Bernice Katz Michael J. Katz & Barbara Dutmers, M.D. Kathleen Kennedy Thomas R. Ketteler Stephanie & Fred Keywell Terri Kibler Deborah Koch Kristin Koenig Claudia & Dennis Koltun KPMG Katherine & Alan Krinzman Latham & Watkins LLP Ruth Latterner Lauren's Light, Inc. Lauris Boulanger, Inc. Gladys Lavina-Ortega Leader Trade Solutions Corp. Charlotte B. Leatherman Luz & Donald Le Baron Scott Leeds Helene Levin Jennifer & Eric Levin Donna & Jonathan Levinson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Levitats Meron Levitats Mario Lichtenstein Alan & Diane Lieberman Mr. & Mrs. Martin Liebling Marvin Liebowitz Diane & Pedro Lopez Liz Whitney Tippett Foundation Lott & Friedland, PA Dawn Lovell Ludlam Dixie Animal Clinic Lilliam & Gus Machado Denise Zimmer Madan Curtis J. Maese Jayne Malfitano Sandra & Arnold Mannis Mr. & Mrs. George Manouilidis Christine Mara Jane & Stewart Marcus Gwen Margolis Martin & Constance Collins Margulies Markowitz, Davis, Ringel & Trusty David Marquette Candy Martin & Jay Kaba 25 HeArT & StAr AwArD DinnEr Elizabeth Martino Mass Mutual Financial Group Jane & Paul Mass Flora Mayora P. Isabel & M. Sean McBrayer Karen & Robert H. McCammon Ann & John McNulty Virginia Mead Meland Russin Hellinger & Budwick, P.A. Alexander Menendez Mercedes-Benz of Coral Gables Anamary Quiros Mesa, M.D. & Art Mesa Sharon Messer Miami Christian School Miami Heat Family Outreach Charitable Fund Miami Waste Paper Company Miami-Dade County Miccosukee Indian Gaming Marian & Marc Milgram Susan Miller Nancy & Richard Milsten Paulette Mintz Alan Mishael Mr. & Mrs. Chris Moebus Albert molina Lou Moore Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. MorganStanley SmithBarney Morris Family Foundation Joan Morrison Susan & David Morton Mr. & Mrs. Jay Morton-Leventhal Morton's Restaurant Group, Inc. John Moxon Isabel Mulholland Nature's Produce Jennifer & Joseph Natoli Nature's Produce Gabriel Navarro David C. Neale Network for Medical Communication & Research Network Media Group, Inc Stanley Newmark North Dade Medical Foundation North Shore Medical Center Alfred J. Novak Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Mike Nunez Cathee O'Connor Olympus Holdings, Inc. Omega Risk Management LLC Omni Colonnade Hotel One Ocean Plaza 2001, LTD Sharon O'Rourke OSI Pharmaceuticals Suat Palpas Pamsco, Inc. Pan American Marble & Stone Co. Pandiscio Inc. Anne & Charles Papy Don Paul & Vanessa Cisneros Pavarini Construction Co. Jeffrey Peck Darlene Boytell Perez & Jorge Perez Shirley Perlman Carmen Lopez Peters Joseph L. Petrole Pharmed Group Philips International Holding Corp. Philips Lake Worth, L.P. Everette & Diane Phillips Philip Pilevsky Pine Island Tomato Farms Inc. Plantation Fashion Mall Steve Plotkin Richard Pollack Pollo Tropical Polo Plastic Surgery PA Jeanette & Donald Poole Lisi Port Steven Posner Jim Post James Postlewait Iris & Jerome Price Ellen & Maidad Rabina Sarah Rader Glenn Ravelo Regions Morgan Keegan Private Banking Edward D. Reilly Shalom Reiser Sylvia Reiser Eva & Guillermo Retchkiman Carlos A Rivas Robbins, Tunkey, Ross, Amsel, Raben & Waxman, P.A. Craig Robins Maria Amela Rodrigues Neil Rollnick Gail & Michael Rosenberg Estelle & George Rosenfield Susan & Robert Rosenthal Sue & John Rossler Roth, Rousso & Darrach, P.A. Alex Roush Olivia & Ron Rothstein Anne Marie & Tom Rozek Stuart Rubin Nancy & Nels Rundgren Lois Russell Ryder Charitable Foundation Lu Anne Sadler Kevin Sarsfield Liliam Sarsfield Saul Schottenstein Foundation Arthur Scheinholz Kelly Schild Kathie & Jim Schlesinger Schlessinger Companies, LLC Marita & John Scholtz James Scholz Judy Schottenstein Steven Schuble Sue Kronick & Edward Manno Shumsky Cindy & Steven Schwartz Martin A. Schwartz Robert & Holly Schwartztol Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates, Inc. Carlos Segrera Danielle Selem David Seltzer Carolina Sendon Inge Sengelmann Lilian & David Serviansky Antonio Sierra Jacqueline Silverman Stuart Singer Barry Sloan Lawrence J. Smith Stephen & Carole Smith Sol Sotherby's International Realty South Beach Resort Management, LLC Southern Hill Real Estate, Inc. Southern Wine & Spirits Charitable Foundation Phillip Sroka Jean & Eugene Stark Ellen & Mark Starkman Starwood Urban, LLC Diana & Eugene Stearns Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. Sen. Paul B. Steinberg Riva & Jay Steinman Lloraine Punancy Stewart Pat Strawgate Jason Strochak & Vicki Greenbaum Cleide Suguihara SunLife Financial - Robert Georgiou Janice Sussman Gene Swindle Susanna Taddei Rhoni & Ned Tannebaum Stanley Tate Taubco Laurie Stein & Michael Tein Terra-Archiplan Robin Tassler & Roger Terrone The Arden Group, Inc. The Bank of New York Mellon The Bank Atlantic Foundation Inc. The BG Group, LLC The Brazilian Court The Charles & Marabeth Causey Foundation The Chrysalis Consulting Group The Collection The Comras Company of Florida, Inc. The Eaton Law Firm, LLC The Greenwich Group International, LLC The Heat Group Foundation The Interiors Group (Michelle Reich) The Mailman Foundation, Inc. The Miami Heat The Sobel Family Foundation Fern & Danny Toccin Steve Torcise Janet Tralins Warren & Randi Trazenfeld Deborah & Michael Troner, M.D. Vivian & Abe Tuchman Urban Investments Advisors, LLC Stefany Vad Variety Travel James Varnadoe Kelley & Paul Verrochi Sonnia & Miguel Viyella Katherine & Kenneth Voss Wachovia Bank Wade Electric, Inc. Waltman & Cohen Waste Management Rick Weider Karl Weigant Dr. & Mrs. Malvin Weinberger Judy & Sherwood Weiser Merle Weiss Robert Wennett Noah Weitz Florence & Robert Werner White & Case Whole Foods Market Wild Oats Markets, Inc. Terry & Kris Williams Norma & Alan Wilson Denise Wohl Women's Fund of Miami-Dade County Karleton B. Wulf Revocable Trust Janice & Ivan Zuckerman Janet & E. Richard Yulman Susan & Richard Zinn Renee & Allan Zwerner ǯ Ǥ Ǥ Dz dz ǡ ǡǡ 27 Our Admiration and Gratitude for Jennifer Stearns Buttrick’s Continuous Efforts and Outstanding Leadership in our Mission to CurE CAnCEr. Denny & Paul Feinsilver and Family Congratulations to our friend Jennifer on your great work and this well-deserved recognition. Jeff & Cathy Bartel Dadeland Plaza Shopping Center 9529 South Dixie Highway, Pinecrest, FL 33156 Phone: 305-663-8699 29 Having your money in the right place is one thing. Having your heart in the right place is another. At Northern Trust, we’ve spent over 120 years meeting the financial needs of our clients while never forgetting how much our community needs us too. That’s why we’re proud to support the 2012 Heart & Star Award Dinner. For more information, visit or contact. Candace Daniele Falsetto, Vice President 700 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131 305-789-1129 Wealth & Investment Management | Trust & Estate Services | Private Banking Congratulations to Jennifer Stearns Buttrick. As a survivor, activist and leader you inspire us all every day. We join so many who are grateful for your good health and fierce determination to find a cure. Sending love and continued support to Pam Zakheim who will always be in our hearts and is truly a star in the fight to celebrate “life beyond cancer”. Joan & David Scheiner 31 33 The Heart of Cancer Support The world’s most powerful, most unstoppable force is the human spirit. It is where darkness ends and healing begins. Baptist Health is proud to support tonight’s 10th Annual Heart & Star Dinner. We join the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami in honoring Jennifer Stearns Buttrick recipient of the Champion of the Human Spirit Award. Your continued advocacy and your dedication to cancer research and awareness are an inspiration to us all. Committed to our faith-based charitable mission of medical excellence A Star in the World of Business The most influential, admirable organizations are those that exist to serve their communities. At Baptist Health, we believe that nothing strengthens a company more than a moral, ethical foundation. That is why we are pleased to support tonight’s 10th Annual Heart & Star Dinner, and proudly honor SAP International recipient of the Champion of the Community Spirit Award. SAP International is a major organization that has never forgotten its humble beginnings. Your positive vision continues to make our community — and the world — a better place. Committed to our faith-based charitable mission of medical excellence 35 John was diagnosed with cancer 3,426 hugs ago. Cancer is our SPECIALTY. Healing is our PASSION. Cancer survivors know every day and every moment is precious. At Advanced Medical Specialties, we understand the physical and emotional challenges of this disease and we offer the latest oncology treatments, clinical research and personal support to help patients get back to their lives. Our physicians are dedicated to providing advanced cancer care with a personalized touch, right here in Miami-Dade county. The Physicians of Advanced Medical Specialties proudly support the 10th Anniversary Heart & Star Award Dinner honoring Jennifer Stearns Buttrick and SAP International 37 Jennifer Stearns Buttrick Champion of the Human Spirit & SAP International Champion of the Community Spirit and to Cancer Support community greater miami on your 10th Anniversary 39 Congratulations to Jennifer Stearns Buttrick, a dear friend who inspires us everyday. Sue Kronick and Edward Manno Shumsky 41 Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust is proud to support Cancer Support Community 2012 Heart & Star Award Dinner The 10th Anniversary Congratulations to honorees Jennifer Stearns Buttrick & SAP International Carole Wright Senior Vice President Private Banker 305.381.8801 [email protected] Lourdes Rodriguez Vice President Private Wealth Advisor 305.476.5680 [email protected] Private Banking Investment Services Trust Services Fiduciary Services Mortgage Lending Residential Construction Lending Commercial Real Estate Coral Gables • Downtown (Miami) • Fort Lauderdale • Miami Beach • Naples • New York • Ocean Reef • South Miami Congrats, Jennifer, on a well-deserved honor. Fondly, Joan McCaughan Jennifer, it is not surprising you are being honored, your incredible work for cancer research is outstanding and just demonstrates the amazing woman that you are. I am honored to know you and call you friend. Congratulations. Betty Lopez-Castro Congratulations Jennifer – We are so proud of what you do. Melissa & Taylor White Congratulations and best wishes to Jennifer Stearns Buttrick on being named Champion of the Human Spirit. Steven and Margaret Chaneles To our brave, beautiful Jodi Mazer, we love you! Sheri & David Stone Jenn & Kevin Lett For always knowing everything that my Mom doesn't, I love you. Gideon ~ Pam and Richard Zakheim ~ Thank you for all you do for our community and congratulations on the 10th Anniversary of the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami Drs. Ildefonso & Madeleen Mas 43 Dr. Firth and Edie Spiegel proudly honor the service of the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami, its Honorees, its staff, and our son, Adam Spiegel, immediate Past President, on this auspicious occasion. After years of work in the field, we are delighted to endorse their message of hope and healing that is the commitment of this incredible organization. 45 CONGRATULATIONS to Honorees Jennifer Stearns Buttrick & SAP International And thank you Cancer Support Community Greater Miami for 10 years of service in our community. Packman neuwahl & RosenbeRg Attorneys at Law 1500 San Remo Ave., #125, Coral Gables, FL 33146 Tel:(305) 665-3311 • Fax:(305) 665-1244 Web: Our sincere congratulations to the evening’s honorees and to Cancer Support Community Greater Miami. Your work is inspirational. 5822 Sunset Drive • South Miami, FL 33143-5220 • 305.661.7767 47 Greenberg Traurig proudly supports the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami and its mission to provide psycho-social support and educational services to Miami-Dade cancer patients, their families and their loved ones. Congratulations to this year’s honorees: Jennifer Stearns Buttrick SAP International 1800 Attorneys in 33 Locations° Greenberg Traurig is a service mark and trade name of Greenberg Traurig, LLP and Greenberg Traurig, P.A. ©2012 Greenberg Traurig, LLP. Attorneys at Law. All rights reserved. Contact: Mark A. Salky in Miami at 305.579.0500. °These numbers are subject to fluctuation. 13957 In Honor of Pam Zakheim for your amazing and unparalleled contribution to the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami. Your dedication has been an inspiration to me. Carole Wright 49 f In Honor Of Jennifer Buttrick and all the lives you touch in our community. a In Honor of Jennifer Stearns Buttrick With love, Yolanda & Jeff Berkowitz from Philip, Julie, Maya & Shuli Rosenfeld f “Actions and words are the windows through which the heart is seen” - American Proverb We are honored to support the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami and its loving staff Our most heartfelt congratulations to Jennifer Buttrick for her dedication and service and to fellow honoree SAP International. Your commitment is truly appreciated. Enrique Freund and Ana Hughes-Freund x We extend our sincerest admiration and respect to Pam Zakheim. Your determination, relentless hard work and passion have built the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami and sustained it for ten years. Congratulations! x Mary and Howard Frank 51 FOSTERING HOPE. INSPIRING CHANGE. MAKING A DIFFERENCE. WE SALUTE THE CANCER SUPPORT COMMUNITY GREATER MIAMI ON THEIR 10TH ANNIVERSARY AND HONOREES JENNIFER STEARNS BUTTRICK AND SAP INTERNATIONAL CORAL GABLES Ships’ Registry: Bermuda. ©CUNARD 2012. QUEEN mary 2, Trans-Atlantic Crossing – After a standing ovation for the Cunard Royal Singers and Dancers, it was off to the Queen’s Room for a night of ballroom dancing. Enjoy your own grand celebration – visit to request a complimentary brochure or DVD, and explore Cunard’s QUEEN mary 2,® queen Victoria® and queen elizabeth.® For information, contact your Travel Agent or call Cunard at (800) 728-6273. FEEL FAMOUS. SAIL CUNARD. CUNARD LINE is proud to sponsor the CANCER SUPPORT COMMUNITY GREATER MIAMI 53 Congratulations to Pam Zakheim, recipient of the first Cancer Support Community Greater Miami Founder’s Award. Your vision, tenacity, and leadership have inspired us all. Debra & Jeff Schottenstein 55