Universidad de Costa Rica


Universidad de Costa Rica
 Universidad de Costa Rica
San José, Costa Rica
Dear future San José student,
¡Bienvenido! We’re excited that you’re preparing to study abroad on an IFSA-Butler program and have
chosen the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) in San José, Costa Rica as your destination. San José is a
beautiful city in Costa Rica’s central valley region, surrounded by volcanoes and coffee plantations. As
the capital city of Costa Rica, it offers many cultural attractions, sporting events and entertainment, all
found in a busy, yet manageable, urban setting. We’re sure you’re going to love studying there!
This document contains important information about academics and housing for the UCR program. After
reading through this document, please complete and return the family placement form, course
preference form and academic essay. Forms can be sent to IFSA-Butler via mail, fax or e-mail.
If you have not done so already, you can begin your program application online at www.ifsabutler.org/apply/apply-online. To complete your application, you must submit a few forms in addition to
the online application in order for your complete application to be reviewed by the selection committee.
Please click on the link for “Supplemental forms for intermediate and advanced Spanish-speaking
programs” at www.ifsa-butler.org/apply/forms. Acceptance decisions are sent via e-mail within seven to
ten days after the submission of your complete application.
As your IFSA-Butler program advisor, I’m here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have
right up until the moment you board your flight for Costa Rica. I have traveled extensively through Latin
America, including Costa Rica. Once you arrive in Costa Rica, you’ll be in the very competent hands of
our resident staff. Until then, please feel free to contact me at any time. You can reach me at:
Institute for Study Abroad, Butler University
1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Toll Free: 800-858-0229 ext. 4264
Direct: 317-940-4264
Fax: 317-940-9704
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.ifsa-butler.org
I’m looking forward to working with you over the next few months!
Ashley Anderson
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
Family Placement Form
Programs in Latin America
Keep this page. Fill out the attached program family preference questionnaire, make a
copy of it for your records, and return it to us within 10 days.
Study abroad is much more than academics. Learning takes place not only during class, but 24 hours a day. One of the best
out-of-class experiences is the homestay. It is a vital, required component of our program. Additionally, living with a host
family is the factor most cited as helping improve students’ Spanish.
We’ve found that students who are happy with their housing are generally happy in their adopted country. To make the
most of living with a host family, you must be flexible.
1. Redefine family. Most students on our program imagine the perfect host family as one with two parents, some college-
aged kids and a dog; however, we have very few families in our program that conform to that image. Generally, such
families have very little time or space to commit to international students and are too busy to really interact with the
international student.
On the other hand, few students enter our program excited about the prospect of living with a widow or single mother,
but sometimes these less traditional families provide the best experiences. Older widows or couples have already
raised their children and are familiar with the expectations of a young, newly-independent adult. Many truly enjoy the
company of the student. Because we “recycle” host families that receive favorable ratings from students, we have a
large number of this type of family.
2. Taste all the food given to you. The foods you eat abroad will be very different from those to which you are accus-
tomed. Even if you are certain that you will not like a new food, try it anyway out of politeness.
A special note to vegetarians: vegetarians are poorly understood in Latin America, and they are often undernourished.
Before departing the United States, you should decide how strict you are going to be. You should be as flexible as you
feel comfortable, and be careful to stay healthy by including enough vitamins, calcium and proteins in your diet.
3. Smoking is still considered socially acceptable in many parts of Latin America, and so the likelihood of being placed in
a home where people smoke is quite high. For this reason, we cannot guarantee that you will be placed in a non-smoking household, if that is what you prefer.
4. Be prepared to give up some independence. U.S. students have more disposable income and independence than
young adults in other countries and societies in the world. Students in Latin America usually live at home with their
parents throughout their college years, and they maintain the parent/child relationship until later in life.
Your host parents will treat you just as they are accustomed to treating others of your age group. Some students compare living with a host family to returning to high school; you will be in classes during the day and return each night to
a family that is concerned about your well-being. What U.S. students may consider controlling behavior by the host
family is usually a legitimate concern for their safety. Most host families relax their rules after a few weeks of getting to
know the student.
5. What’s the single most important factor? Host family assignments are made using the information you provide on the
attached questionnaire. While we try to accommodate your preferences when placing you, we can’t always take all of
them into account. Please indicate what is most important to you so we can concentrate on your top priority when
placing you with a host family.
While most host families have an altruistic interest in sharing their home, culture and country with a international student,
the family receives a monthly payment for the housing service it provides. As a paying guest, you should feel comfortable
in your new home. If you are unhappy after a trial period of a few weeks, discuss your housing situation with our resident
director. We’ll help you resolve any problems.
* Please refer to the “Living with a Host Family” section of the Preparing to Study Abroad booklet for more detailed information.
Institute for Study Abroad®1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208-3345 • www.ifsa-butler.org • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704
Family Placement Form
Por favor, completar y entregar en 10 días a:
Institute for Study Abroad, Butler University
1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305
Indianapolis, IN 46208-3345
317-940-9704 Fax
Nombre: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Programa y país: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Teléfono: _____________________________________ Universidad EE.UU.: ___________________________________________
Edad: _______________________________________________________
Costa Rica/Peru:
Sem. 1 (Primavera EE.UU.)
Año Académico (Sem. 2, 1)
Sem. 2 (Otoño EE.UU.)
Año (Sem. 1, 2)
Otoño EE.UU.
Primavera EE.UU.
Año Académico
Preguntas sobre la salud y la dieta
¿Actualmente estás bajo un programa de dieta estricto? ¿Cuán flexible es tu dieta?
¿Eres vegetariano(a)?
En caso afirmativo, ¿qué no comes?
Carne roja
Productos de leche
Otro (por favor indique)
¿Eres alérgico a algún alimento?
¿Tienes alergias o condiciones médicas que requieren arreglos especiales? Por favor, explícalos. (opcional)
¿Tendrías algún inconveniente en vivir en una casa con animales domésticos?
¿Fumas productos de tabaco?
¿Tienes alergias al humo?
La familia
¿Con cuál tipo de familia prefieres vivir?
¿Cuál papel te gustaría hacer dentro de la familia?
Por favor, indica tus preferencias personales de uno a cuatro.
(1=más preferido, 4=menos preferido)
_____ Familia con niños
_____ Familia con hijos de nivel universitario
_____ Familia sin hijos
_____ Mujer soltera o viuda
Muy independiente: No te molesta si la familia está fuera
de la casa la mayor parte del tiempo. Pocas actividades
con la familia. Mucho tiempo y espacio para ti mismo(a).
Algo interactivo: Quieres participar en las actividades de
la familia, y a la misma vez mantener tu independencia.
Quieres que la familia te invite a participar en actividades suyas, pero no sentirte obligado(a).
Muy interactivo: Deseas integrarte con la rutina diaria de
la familia y ser considerado(a) como hijo o hija real.
Prefieres comer la cena todas las noches con la familia.
Institute for Study Abroad®1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208-3345 • www.ifsa-butler.org • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704
¿Cuál es tu carrera universitaria?
¿Cuáles son tus afiliaciones religiosas o étnicas? (opcional)
¿Qué característica consideras más importante en una familia?
¿Qué nos falta preguntarte?
Por favor utiliza el espacio siguiente para hacer una descripción de ti mismo(a) con más detalles. Infórmanos de tus características personales (por ejemplo, conversador, muy organizado(a), tímido(a), etc.), lo que te gusta y no te gusta, deportes
favoritos, pasatiempos, y otros intereses. Añade aquí cualquier otra información que consideres importante que nosotros sepamos en cuanto a tu estadía en una familia.
Everything on this form will be shared with the host family unless you indicate otherwise. Is there information on this form you
prefer we do not share with them? If so, please indicate below:
Solo para los estudiantes que van a la Universidad Nacional en Costa Rica:
Cuál vivienda prefieres:
centro de la ciudad
en los alrededores
pueblos cercanos
Housing Contract
I affirm that the above information is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Institute for
Study Abroad assumes no responsibility for any problems resulting from being supplied with incorrect or incomplete information on this form, and I also understand that once a housing assignment is given, no changes can be made.
I understand and agree that I shall pay to IFSA-Butler all fees associated with the housing to which I am assigned as outlined in
the program fee information provided to me by IFSA-Butler with my program contract.
Housing assignments are for the duration of the program, and the Institute for Study Abroad provides no alternate housing.
IFSA-Butler will not refund any sums paid for housing if a student vacates his or her housing for any reason, either voluntarily
or involuntarily, before the end of the semester or term.
I understand that while housing is guaranteed, my first choice of accommodation is not.
I understand and agree that living in housing arranged by IFSA-Butler is a requirement of the program to which I have been
admitted. I further understand and agree that if I refuse or fail to live in program housing, I will be subject to dismissal from the
program, withdrawal of services by IFSA-Butler, and/or loss of academic credit, with no refund of fees paid.
Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: ______________________________
Institute for Study Abroad®1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208-3345 • www.ifsa-butler.org • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704
Universidad de Costa Rica
San José, Costa Rica
Finding University Courses
The following information is designed to help you find courses for your upcoming study abroad semester
or year. Please thoroughly read this document, which will help you complete the attached course
preference form. Don’t forget to review the program course syllabi found in the “Program Courses”
section of your program materials.
What UCR courses am I eligible to take?
As an IFSA-Butler student, you may enroll in undergraduate courses for which you are qualified and
space is available. Additionally, you may enroll in open courses as long as you meet any prerequisites
and have the adequate level of Spanish. Most of the UCR facultades offer courses in which you can
enroll. While many course descriptions may be found online, course syllabi may not be available until
the beginning of your semester.
Keep in mind the following:
 Nivel I corresponds with first-year courses; Nivel 2 corresponds to second-year courses, etc.
 I Ciclo (primer ciclo) is a U.S. spring semester (February to July)
 II Ciclo (segundo ciclo) is a U.S. fall semester (July to December)
 Anual refers to full-year courses.
 When the word Latina appears alone in a course title, it means classic, not Latino ethnicity. This
applies mostly to literature courses.
Are there any restrictions or additional requirements for courses I can take?
While the majority of classes at UCR are available for IFSA-Butler students,
please keep the following points in mind:
 All courses are conducted in Spanish by UCR faculty
 You can only enroll in annual courses if you plan to study
the entire Costa Rican academic year, starting in February
and ending in December.
 Health sciences courses (medical school, pharmacy,
dentistry, nutrition, etc.) are available only to students
who fulfill all prerequisites and present a formal request
to take courses as early as possible.
 Performing arts courses may require an audition.
 You can only register for two courses in general studies.
 UCR may limit enrollment in certain courses to those
students who have very good command of the language, have received high grades in previous
Spanish courses, have a high GPA and have placed into a higher level of Spanish during
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
How are UCR courses different from the courses at my U.S. university?
The system of higher education in Costa Rica is more specialized than the U.S. liberal arts curriculum,
which means that tico students enter university with some background in the subjects they wish to
study. Therefore, local students take most of, if not all, their courses in one faculty and receive a degree
in one field. In the U.S. system, students take a little of everything and don’t specialize until a couple of
years into their studies.
Additionally, you might notice that your tico classmates know each other very well. This is because
students enroll in carreras rather than majors. Carreras are similar to majors in the United States but with
a more structured program of study and fewer elective courses. Students from the same carrera enroll in
the same courses together during their entire undergraduate career.
Where can I find a list of courses that UCR offers?
The list of courses that might be offered at UCR can be found on the IFSA-Butler website at
http://www.ifsa-butler.org/universidad-de-costa-rica.html. You can access class information by
following these steps:
1. Click on “Course Catalog.” This will take you directly to the Guía de Cursos y Horarios.
2. On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see a list of departments and subjects. Click on a
department or subject that interests you (i.e. Facultad de Ciencias or Biología).
3. You will be directed to a list of courses that may be available during your semester or year abroad.
4. Be sure to pay attention to the following: sigla (course number), nombre (course name), credits
(C), and requisite y corequisites (prerequisites and co requisites). A corequisite is a class you must
take in conjunction with the class in which you want to enroll.
If a particular course you are looking for is not listed, contact your program advisor for more information.
Course availability changes every semester.
I need to provide course descriptions and/or syllabi to
my home university advisor. Where can I find those?
If course descriptions or syllabi are not available online,
contact your program advisor for assistance. Please
provide the following information in your request:
 University department/facultad
 Course title
 Course number (if available)
Please limit your request to 10 courses at a time. Keep in
mind that it may take a few days to a month to obtain this
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
Universidad de Costa Rica
San José, Costa Rica
Course Preference Form
Name: __________________________________________ U.S. Institution: _________________________________
Major:___________________________________________ Semester Abroad: 1 Ciclo (U.S. spring) 2 Ciclo (U.S. fall)
This is not a final registration form for the Universidad de Costa Rica; all course listings are provisional
until you arrive in Costa Rica for orientation.
Instructions: Please complete this form and return it to IFSA-Butler. Select 10 courses from the UCR online course
catalog and list them below in order of preference. See the “Finding University Courses” for instructions on
navigating UCR’s course catalog. An official from your home university (academic advisor) must approve your
selections by signing under the “Autorización Prof. Guía” for each course. You do not need to list IFSA-Butler
program courses. Contact your IFSA-Butler program advisor with questions at 800-858-0229.
Primera opción de cursos:
Nombre del Curso
(Course name)
Autorización Prof. Guía
(Advisor Signature)
Cursos adicionales:
Nombre del Curso
Autorización Prof. Guía
Cursos requeridos para graduarse (si necesita algún curso para graduarse, anótelo nuevamente):
Nombre del Curso
Créditos Autorización Prof. Guía
By signing the Course Preference Form, I understand that this is not a finalized course registration form and that
courses for my study abroad semester will not be finalized until I arrive in Costa Rica for orientation. It is my
responsibility to make sure all course credit and grades will transfer to my U.S. institution.
Student Signature _______________________________________________________ Date __________________
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org
Universidad de Costa Rica
San José, Costa Rica
Academic Essay
Name: __________________________________________ U.S. Institution: _________________________________
Major:___________________________________________ Semester Abroad: 1 Ciclo (U.S. spring) 2 Ciclo (U.S. fall)
Please use this space (and additional paper, if needed) to explain why you have chosen to study abroad at UCR and
what you plan to study while in Costa Rica. This essay should be at least 250 words and written in Spanish. Please
type or print clearly.
Institute for Study Abroad® • 1100 W. 42nd St., Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 • 800-858-0229 • Fax: 317-940-9704 • www.ifsa-butler.org