

Sunday, January 10, 2016
Saint Kilian Parish
485 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735
The Catholic family of St. Kilian Parish seeks to be a vibrant,
welcoming community of faith, guided by the Holy Spirit, nourished
by God’s word and the Eucharist, and committed to witnessing God
in and through our neighbors.
+ Hospitality: St. Kilian parish strives to be a welcoming, dynamic faith community.
+ The Eucharist and liturgy: We seek to nourish the faith life of the parish by celebrating meaningful
liturgies, and offering opportunities for a wide range of prayerful experiences.
+ Lifelong Faith Formation: We are dedicated to inspiring the young and the old through lifelong
education, and formation of minds and hearts.
+ Stewardship: In all aspects of our faith we share our time, talent, and treasure through stewardship.
+ Parish Social Ministry: We bring our faith to life by serving others through compassionate
personal outreach and commitment to social justice.
Rev. Bruce J. Powers, Pastor - [email protected]
Rev. Michael F. Duffy - [email protected]
Rev. José Luis Tenas - (Hispanic Ministry)
[Most Rev. John C. Dunne - (Retired - In Residence)]
[Rev. Augustine Fernando - (Retired - In Residence)]
Deacon Frank D. Barone
Deacon Francis P. Marino
Deacon Mark Wetzel
Deacon William A. Weiss
[Deacon Lucio L. Cotone (Retired)]
[Deacon George B. Owen (Retired)]
Mrs. Claire Stiglic - Associate Director Religious Education [email protected] - (516) 694-0633
Mrs. Kathleen Singleton - Associate Director Religious
Education [email protected] - (516) 694-0633
Mrs. Nina Petersen - Social Ministry/Outreach [email protected] - (516) 756-9656
Mr. Paul C. Phinney - Music Director [email protected] - (516) 420-0950
Mr. DJ Schultz -Youth Minister - [email protected] - (516)
Mr. Frank Shanley - Business Manager- [email protected]
Rectory Support Staff
Mrs. Eileen Donohue - Bulletin /Website - [email protected]
Mrs. Barbara Geary - Pastor’s Secretary / [email protected]
Mrs. Maureen Ihm - Secretary - [email protected]
Mrs. Grace Kaufold - Census Program - [email protected]
Schedule of Masses
Saturday Evening: 5:00p.m.
Misas en Español: 6:30 p.m. Saturday Cada Sábado
Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Family Mass & Youth Mass: 9:30 a.m. 2nd & 4th Sunday
Weekdays: 7 a.m. St. Benedict Chapel - 9 a.m. Church
Saturday: 7:30 a.m. St. Benedict Chapel
Holydays: As announced in the bulletin
Reconciliation - Confessions - Mon.: 1-2 p.m. &
Sat. - 4:00 p.m.
Rectory Office Hours - Mon. - Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Sunday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Rectory Office: (516) 249-0127
Fax:(516) 249-7131
Website: www.stkilian.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Pastoral Council
Finance Committee
Mrs. Carol Budinoff
Mrs. Anne Carter
Mrs. Addie DeVincentis
Mr. Geoff Fenwick
Mr. Timothy Fierst
Mr. Brian McKenna
Mrs. Elizabeth Noveck
Mr. James Porter
Mr. David Rodenburg
Mr. Victor Albanese - Trustee
Mr. Pierre Lehmuller - Trustee
Deacon Frank Barone
Ms. Jill VonHegel
Mr. Richard Merzbacher
Mr. Frank Shanley
Mr. Edward A. Smith
Deacon William Weiss
Mr. Stephen G. Wilson
Pastoral Council e-mail [email protected]
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
“John answered them all,
saying, “I am baptizing you
with water, but one
mightier than I is coming. I
am not worthy to loosen the
thongs of his sandals. He
will baptize you with the
Holy Spirit and fire.” After all the people had been
baptized and Jesus also had been baptized and was
praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit
descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a
voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son;
with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3: 15-22)
into the place of sinners. His inaugural gesture is an
anticipation of the Cross… The Baptism is an
acceptance of death for the sins of humanity, and the
voice that calls out ‘This is my beloved Son’ over the
baptismal waters is an anticipatory reference to the
resurrection. This also explains why, in his own
discourses, Jesus uses the word baptism to refer to his
death.” (Pope Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth)
In the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke)
the baptism of John is clearly a baptism of repentance
for the forgiveness of sins. However, in the Gospel of
John (the Fourth Gospel written at the end of the first
century and clearly emphasizing the divinity of Jesus
Christ) the baptism is simply a tool to reveal the
identity of Jesus and is not associated with forgiveness
of sins. The main role that John has is not to baptize.
Rather he comes to bear witness to Jesus as the Light,
the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,
the Chosen One, the Bridegroom and the ‘preexistent
Word’ coming into the world.
For many centuries, water was used ritually by the
Jewish people, to purify and cleanse. The baptism by
John however, is very different from these religious
actions. The call of John to the bank of the river
Jordan is a call to conversion that gives the whole life
of the one being washed a new direction forever.
Immersion into the waters symbolizes
death to the immorality of the past and the
“He will baptize you
In our baptism, each of us has been
unfolding of a new life. The baptism by
with the Holy Spirit and
into the Body of Christ. We
John contains the seed of Christian
are members of his Body, the Church.
baptism -which is an immersion into the
The Vatican Council makes clear that we are
life-giving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For
Christians, baptism is a rebirth in the power of the Holy fundamentally equal through our common baptism,
with different roles and responsibilities in the
Spirit, where we are clothed with the divine glory of
proclamation of the gospel. “Everything which has
God; and commissioned to carry on the saving work of
been said so far concerning the People of God
Christ until he returns.
(chapter 2 of the Dogmatic Constitution on the
Church) applies equally to the laity, religious and
John is quite clear that there is One on the scene
clergy… The lay apostolate… is a participation in the
who is far greater than he is. God’s saving action has
saving mission of the Church itself. Through their
come among human beings in a profoundly new way.
baptism and confirmation, all are commissioned to
The Baptist knows that his own role as a prophet is to
that apostolate by the Lord himself.”
prepare a path for this mysterious holy one. His
mission as the last of the prophets is directed toward
The spirituality of stewardship in our parish, refers
the Messiah: “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit
to everything we do and say after we give our lives
and fire.” The Baptist knew that wonderful, awesome
over to Jesus Christ. Thank you for your fine
things were about to unfold.
stewardship in our faith community. Together as a
family of disciples we collaborate, using our gifts and
Why did Jesus begin his public ministry with a
talents, our roles and responsibilities for the glory and
baptism of repentance by John? Here is Pope Benedict
honor of God until the Lord returns.
XVI’s explanation:
“… Jesus loaded the burden of all mankind’s guilt upon
his shoulders; he bore it down into the depths of the
Jordan. He inaugurated his public activity by stepping
Father Bruce
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
A Jubilee Year of Mercy!
SUNDAY - January 10 - The Baptism of the Lord
- Readings: 1st—Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11; 2nd—Titus
2:11-14; 3:4-7; Gospel—Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
St. Kilian Women’s Guild
For the Parishioners of St. Kilian
George & Victoria Markunas
12:30pm Joan Cardno
Ferdinando Saccone
Bruno DeFelippis
Helen Ianno
MONDAY - January 11 - Weekday
Michael Caramante
Monsignor Peter W. Zendzian
TUESDAY - January 12 - Weekday
Francis Vizzo
Peggy Sisti
WEDNESDAY - January 13 - Weekday
Russell Mohr
Christine Carosella
THURSDAY - January 14 -Weekday
Alphonso Cosentino
Michael A. Lorusso
FRIDAY - January 15 - Weekday
Michael Wejciechowski
Helen Merrell
SATURDAY - January 16 - Weekday
Giovanni Mazzei
5:00pm Dennis McSweeney
The Ring Family
Special Intention
Judy Ann Sweeney
SUNDAY - January 17 - Second Sunday in
Ordinary Time - Readings: 1st—Isaiah 62:1-5;
2nd—1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Gospel—John 2:1-11
John Della Sala
Yolanda & Dominik Marotta
For the Parishioners of St. Kilian
12:30pm Mary Zaccagnino
Pedro Nieva
Abraham I. Lubordus
Carol & Thomas Robinson
Pope Francis has declared a Year of Mercy! There has
been quite a bit of excitement and information regarding this wonderful Year of Jubilee!
In joining with the celebration, we will be providing to
you each month a “Stewardship Connections” column
for your bulletin. Each brief insert will highlight and
make connections between The Year of Mercy and our
lives as Christian Stewards. We hope you utilize this
Stewardship Connections
Mercy...What about Me?
by Laurie Whitfield
Our Holy Father has declared a
year of Jubilee - The Year of Mercy!
Pope Francis’ wish for us in this Jubilee
is to consciously “take-a-step” forward
on our journey of faith to experience
spiritual conversion. As steward disciples, we are well aware that conversion
is possible only by accepting God’s
grace joined with our desire to follow
more closely and deepen our relationship with Christ.
What a journey this year will be!
Let’s begin this Year of Mercy by being merciful
with ourselves. We are God’s great works of art! Perhaps
the first door to pass through is the one that rids us of clutter
and fills us with faith, positivity, prayer, joy, laughter, love,
gratitude, community, service, ministry, stewardship!
Maybe there will be several doors to pass through this year
and this is the first! This door will bring you out from some
of the self-darkness into the light. You are a wonderfully
gifted child of God! Let your light shine for all to see! You
will now be more ready to be merciful to others and practice
better the corporal and spiritual works of mercy! The door
is open...it is up to us to be ready to pass through! Happy
Saturday, January 16
5:00 p.m. Fr. Bruce
6:30 p.m. Fr. Jose
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 117
8:00 a.m.
Fr. Gus
9:30 a.m.
Fr. Duffy
11:00 a.m.
Fr. Bruce
12:30 p.m.
Fr. Duffy
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Rest in Peace
We remember those who have
died in our parish community
this week:
The following are the weekly collections for:
January 2,3, 2016.......................$30,394.49
(Last year 2015) ......................$22,713.00
Solemnity of Mary .....................$9,252.00
Marie Cody-Torlincasi
Frank P. Trifaro
Loreto Lucchetti
Marie Santasier
Carlos Guido Capdevila
January 2, 3, 2016 ............2604
(Last year 2015) ...............2236
Parish Collection report-Week of January 2, 3, 2016
Number Of
Amt. in Env.
5pm - Sat.
Mail in Envelopes: $5481.00
Bulletin Reflection:
Jesus, whom God called “my beloved Son,” is also the “servant”
of whom Isaiah speaks in the first reading. We who are baptized in Christ must follow His example and use our time and
resources in the service of God and neighbor.
Living Stewardship:
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who
answer their baptismal call to believe with joy by placing their
gifts and resources, their very selves, at God’s service not only
in the Church but in the world!
First Announcement
Vincent Devine (St. Kilian) & Lauren Cappelli (St. Pius)
Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord; and let the
perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and
the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy
of God Rest in Peace. Amen
Nathaniel Thomas Cunningham
Tristan Leigh Simcox
As a praying community, we
automatically ask prayers for all
those who are ill. Names added
to the list will remain on for a
maximum of 3 weeks. If the
individual is still in need of
prayers, the office would have to
be notified to continue for an additional 3 weeks.
If you do not desire to be listed, please inform us.
Frank Burnside; Msgr. Tom Hartman; Sarita Donald;
Denise Wagner; Helen Norjen; John Nelson, Sr.;
John Nelson, Jr.; Kerri Ihm; Rosemarie Oliver; Jane
Deglman; Hugh Gilmore; Theresa Ross; Vincent
Thomas Marino; Bill Razzano; Phillip Frogge;
Debra Donald; Raymond Reilly.
And prayers for our children: Gwendolyn Rose;
Kyle Patrick Johnson; Jillian Cordi; Baby Julia
Rose Manno; Olivia Macchio; Collin Huber; Michael
Cardone; Baby Kathleen Scelfo; Baby Olivia Scelfo;
Mackenzie Jordan Borchers.
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
St. Kilian Women’s Guild
Women of Faith
Women of Vision
Women of Gentleness
Women Centered in God
Please join us for our next meeting
Thursday, January 14th at 7:30 PM
Blue Room in the lower level
of the Church.
Our guest speaker will be
John Dugan, Owner of
Farmingdale Physical Therapy East,
Who will show us how to
Keep active during the winter months.
All women of the parish are welcome.
Please wear your sweats.
Catholic Schools’ Week Open Houses
St. Rose of Lima, Massapequa - Part-time
Nursery and Pre K, full day kindergarten through grade 8.
Open House - Tuesday, February 2 from
9:30 - 10:45 AM.
See classes in session, meet school parents,
board members and the principal, take a tour.
In the evening from 7:00-8:00 PM.
Call 516-541-1546 to schedule a tour during
the AM or PM.
St. Edward the Confessor, Syosset, NY 516-921-7767. Extended & Half-Day
Nursery & Pre-K Classes, Before and
After Care.
Open House Sunday, January 31 from
10:30 AM- 1 PM,
2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal
Serving God by Serving Others
Readings for the Week of January 10, 2016
St. Kilian’s goal for 2015 was $133,000.00.
Pledges totaled $116, 060.00 or 87.26% of goal.
Payments received so far total $114,661.25.
Thank you for your generous support of the 2015
Catholic Ministries Appeal. Completing your 2015
pledge ensures that our Parish will benefit by
receiving our full rebate.
Is 40:1-5, 9-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 1
104:1b- 4, 24-25, 27-30/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7
or Acts 10:34-38/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
1 Sm 1:1-8/Ps 116:12-19/Mk 1:14-20
1 Sm 1:9-20/1 Sm 2:1, 4-8/Mk 1:21-28
1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10/Mk
1 Sm 4:1-11/Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25/
Mk 1:40-45
1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Ps 89:16-19/Mk 2:1-12
1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a/Ps 21:2-7/Mk
Next Sunday:
Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-10/1 Cor 12:4-11/
Jn 2:1-11
©Liturgical Publications Inc
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
This letter brings with it my sincere hope that your Christmas and New Year’s Holidays were
filled with many blessings and that God continues to share his love and graces with you throughout
the coming year.
We wish to thank you for your continued leadership support of your Parish and the Catholic Ministries
Appeal. We are so deeply grateful for the extraordinary sacrifices that you have made to support the
work of our church on Long Island. Your generosity and commitment to our faith, and community fills
me with confidence that many wonderful things will continue to take place in our Diocese.
Last year because of your support we not only were able to continue to bring religious education to
more than 100,000 students in public schools, but we were also able to initiate a special training
program for Catechists so they can assist the ever-growing number of autistic children in our
community. We were proud to ordain five priests for the Diocese of Rockville Centre and continue
to support the men in our Diaconate program, all of which you help make possible.
Last year at secular college campuses across our Island more than 3,500 students a month participated
in Mass and other faith-based activities. At one of the campuses students didn’t have a sacred place
to pray so they worked together with our Office of Campus Ministry to convert a storage closet into
a chapel. These young adults are growing in their faith and you are helping them to do that.
Please know how grateful I am for your support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal, and in all
humbleness on behalf of all who would benefit from your kindness, I am asking you to make a gift to
the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal and, so that together as one faith family, we can continue to meet
the needs of our community.
With gratitude and prayers, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop of Rockville Centre
To learn more about the Catholic Ministries Appeal, see our video at www.CatholicMinistriesAppeal.org
Diocese of Rockville Centre • PO Box 4000, Rockville Centre, NY 11571-4000 • 516.379.5210 x 2
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Outreach is our parish community’s response to the Gospel call to help those in need.
We serve anyone who lives within our parish boundaries regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.
We are located at 140 Elizabeth Street but our main entrance is in the parking lot facing Conklin Street.
We are also available certain Saturdays by appointment only. Spanish translators are available Tuesdays and Fridays.
For further information please call 516-756-9656
Nina Petersen, Director of Outreach
Thanks to St. Kilian Parishioners, it was a Merry Christmas for many!
We distributed food and gifts to over 450 people for Christmas. Your generosity has been truly heart warming and we want you to
know that together we made a difference in many lives this holiday season. –Nina
This week our pantry could use the items listed
below. Just drop your donation in the bin in
the gathering space of the church or bring it
to Outreach during our regular business
Mayonnaise (small jars ok)
Do you need food assistance but work weekdays? Our
pantry is open one Saturday per month, by appointment
only. Please call for further information about this
emergency assistance.
Did you know we offer Employment Assistance
(resume writing, interview coaching, job search tips)? Our
Employment Counselor is here Thursdays from 11:00am
to 2:30pm. If interested, call for an appointment.
Are you having trouble paying for heat and/or saving on home energy this season?
If so, you may be eligible for one of many programs available to LOW INCOME residents,
such as:
HEAP- A federally funded annual supplement to assist households with heating costs.
Regular Heap benefits are available to income-eligible households that pay directly for heat or pay for heat in
their rent. For eligibility guidelines, see http://otda.ny.gov/programs/heap/. Applications can be made (1) online at
https://www.mybenefits.ny.gov/ OR (2) senior citizens call the Office of the Aging (Nassau: 516-227-7386, Suffolk:
631-853-8326) OR (3) all others call: EAC in Nassau at 516-565-4327 or Central HEAP in Suffolk 631-853-8825.
SNAP/TA recipients should be automatically enrolled. Call Outreach for further information.
Emergency Heap- the household must have already received a regular heap benefit and be in an “emergency
situation”. Heating included in rent is not eligible. EMERGENCY HEAP OPENS Jan 4th.
HEAP Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement- is available to help income-eligible homeowners repair or
replace furnaces, boilers and other direct heating components necessary to keep the home’s primary heating
source functional. To receive a benefit, an application must be made in person at the local dept of social services.
Reap – is a PSEG program for income-eligible customers to help save energy and lower electric bills. In addition
to surveying the home and giving energy advice, PSEG may install energy efficient products. You are eligible for
REAP if you have a PSEG account number, live in 1-4 family dwelling unit that is your primary residence, and you
meet the income guidelines. To learn more about REAP call 1-800-263-6786, e-mail REAPLI@PSEGLI or
PROJECT WARMTH – a local, EMERGENCY fuel assistance fund administered by United Way of LI to help with
a fuel and/or fuel-related electricity crisis. Applications cannot be made directly through United Way; Outreach
can process these applications for eligible individuals or families. Applicant must show a heating and/or fuelrelated electric bill in applicant’s name and address that is in termination, pending disconnect or severely overdue,
or be financially unable to secure heating when tank is empty/near empty. Note- HEAP-eligible individuals MUST
apply to HEAP before being considered for Project Warmth. Those who received Project Warmth benefits for
2013-2014 and 2014-2015 heating seasons are not eligible.
With grateful hearts, we THANK YOU for helping us to help others!
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Scout Sunday – February 7th –
9:30 Mass
Cub Scout Religious Emblems
Youth Events for Middle and
Tigers and Wolves (1st and 2nd
High School Teens:
1/10 9:30am - Youth Mass in Church (all teens are
invited to sit and sing with us) 8am rehearsal in church
music room.
Bears and Webelos (3rd
through 5th Graders)
1/10 6pm-9pm - SKY meets at school cafeteria (rear
basement entrance) for hockey, pizza, and faith talk+
We then move Church food collection to pantry and
Head down to rectory youth room by 8:15 to
continue with High School SKY J
1/15 6:30pm – 10:30pm - Meet at rectory parking lot
for Holy Hour / Dodgeball for a ride and we’ll drive to St
Ignatius of Loyola, Hicksville
1/17 6pm-9pm SKY meets at school cafeteria (rear
basement entrance) for hockey, pizza, and faith talk+
We then move Church food collection to pantry and head
down to rectory youth room by 8:15 to continue with High
School SKY J
1/21 Thursday 6pm -7pm - Music Choir Practice
Church Music Room, Basement. WE NEED YOUTH
SINGERS for our choir!
1/24 9:30am - Youth Mass in Church (all teens are
invited to sit and sing with us) 8am rehearsal in church
music room
1/24 6pm-9pm - Bowling night, meet @ Farmingdale
lanes at 6pm to sign in, 10 dollars per teen.
1/30 - Save Date - Community Service trip to NYC to
help Hope for Future food Pantry. Contact DJ for details
about that SATURDAY’S event if available.
Contact Youth Minister DJ Schultz:
[email protected] or [email protected] to
volunteer and for any information. Join Sky facebook
page@ (Sky) and be a member+
Cub Scouts who have completed their Emblem
Workbooks – please advise your Pack’s Religious
Coordinator to finalize details. Emblems will be
presented at 9:30 Mass on February 7th, followed by
All Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Leaders and
Adults in Scouting are invited to attend in uniform to
celebrate Scout Sunday.
For additional information, please contact your Pack’s
Religious Coordinator or Jeanne Pawlowski (St. Kilians
Parish Cub Scout/Boy Scout Catholic Emblem
Coordinator) (516) 694-9321.
Counseling Information for Families and
Living Waters, located on Wolf Hill Road in Melville, on
the grounds of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, provides
individual and group therapy with a Christian
perspective - 631-754-3990 email:
[email protected].
Our pastor, Father Bruce Powers, besides his
graduate degree in theology from the major seminary in
Huntington, New York, holds a Masters degree in
Pastoral Counseling from St. John’s University ( M.S. in
Ed.). In addition, he has received certification in
substance abuse counseling from South Oaks Institute in
Amityville, New York. If you would like his counsel on
personal and family difficulties, please contact him at St.
Kilian rectory: 516-249-0127 or email him for an
appointment: [email protected]
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Friday, January 29th –
Paint n Sip Night !
7 PM – 9:30 PM in the Parish Center
Join us for an evening of fun and bring out your inner artist!
Paint n sip while supporting Family Life Ministry.
There will be raffles and snacks available for purchase.
Tickets $40 – only limited number available so please
email Barbara McNulty to reserve your ticket!
[email protected]
Help support Family Ministry and the PBJ Gang.
This is an adult-only evening. Thank you.
To celebrate this Year of Mercy, we are forming a Family PBJ Gang.
We will come together once a month and make Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches to help feed the hungry of our
area. All ages are welcome to join us – children grades 8 and younger must be accompanied by an Adult. Yes,
students can receive Community Service Hours for this evening.
What’s needed ?
-Arrive at 7pm in the School Cafeteria.
Please wear a hat or head covering and tie your hair back. If you have plastic or latex gloves, please bring them
with you.
-Each family is asked to bring 2 loaves of bread..and either creamy peanut butter or grape jelly.
-Everyone will sign in upon arrival and all help with clean up at the end of the night.
When we are done, sandwiches will be boxed up and delivered Saturday morning to The Soup Kitchen.
For more info — and to sign up and reserve your spot – please go to the Parish Website
And click on the PBJ picture of the Slideshow or go to the Family Ministry page.
-If you can’t be there but want to support us here’s what we need:
Fold over sandwich baggies.
Styrofoam plates.
Styrofoam bowls.
Latex gloves.
Rectangular plastic table cloths or a giant roll of table cloths.
Real kitchen cutlery - - we need butter knives and spoons. They don’t have to match!!
(not the plastic ones because they break too easily.)
Supplies can be dropped off at the Religious Ed Office or in the box in the Rectory.
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
The IRA Charitable
Rollover is back and is
now permanent!
What’s called a rollover is actually a “qualified charitable distribution”
that can be made to our Parish.
1. You are at least 70 1/2 years old on the date you make your gift
2. Your IRA is a traditional or Roth
3. You don’t exceed your personal maximum of $100,000 per year in qualified charitable
You will not have to report your distribution as income. It will be free of
federal and New York State income tax, and it will count toward your
required minimum distribution (RMD).
The best way for you to start is with your IRA custodian. Tell them you want to
make a “qualified charitable distribution”. In most cases you will only have to fill out
a simple form.
VERY IMPORTANT!! Your gift must go directly from your IRA to the Parish.
If you receive the money first then you’ll be taxed on it like any other
Example: Mrs. Connors, age 76, has $125,000 in a traditional IRA and would like to
contribute $5,000 to her Parish in 2016. Upon hearing of the Charitable IRA Rollover
opportunity, she directs the custodian of her IRA to transfer this amount not later
than December 31, 2016 directly to the Parish as a 2016 gift. She will not be subject
to income tax on her $5,000 qualified charitable distribution.
This information is not intended and should not be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. For such advice,
please consult an attorney, tax advisor or investment professional.
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Jan. 10 (Sunday)
CYO Basketball - 1:00pm - Auditorium
SKYouth - 6pm - Cafeteria
Alanon Support Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Jan. 11 (Monday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
Seniors - 11am - Parish Ctr.
Reconciliation - 1pm - Church
Eucharistic Adoration - 4pm - 9pm - St. Benedict Chapel
Miraculous Medal Novena - 7:30pm - St. Benedict Chapel
Divorced & Separated - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Jan. 12 (Tuesday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
Seniors - 11am - Parish Ctr.
Eucharistic Adoration - 4pm-8pm - St. Benedict Chapel
CYO Basketball - 4:30pm - Auditorium
NA Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Jan. 13 (Wednesday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
Bible Study - 10:30am- 12:30pm -Parish Center
Eucharistic Adoration - 4pm-8pm - St. Benedict Chapel
AA Support Meeting - 7pm - Parish Ctr.
Spanish Charismatic Renewal - 7pm - Cafeteria
Scout Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
CYO Basketball - 8pm - Auditorium
Charismatic Prayer Group - 8pm - St. Benedict Chapel
Jan. 14 (Thursday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
Eucharistic Adoration - 4-8pm - St. Benedict Chapel
Women’s Guild - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Jan. 15 (Friday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
Eucharistic Adoration - 4-8pm - St. Benedict Chapel
CYO Volleyball - 4pm - Auditorium
Jan. 16 (Saturday)
CYO Basketball - 1pm - Auditorium
Reconciliation - 4- 4:45pm - Church
Spanish Youth Group - 7pm - Cafeteria
Jan. 17 (Sunday)
CYO Basketball - 1:00pm - Auditorium
SKYouth - 6pm - Cafeteria
Alanon Support Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for submissions to
the weekly bulletin is Tuesday morning. Your announcement
may be emailed to [email protected] or dropped off in
the rectory, but it must be received before noon on Tuesday
to be included in the next weekend bulletin.
The bulletin is published each week on our web site
at www.stkilian.com. You may also email any questions or
requests to the rectory office at [email protected] call
Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the
month at 2:00 p.m. in the church. Spanish Baptisms are
celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. Parents
are required to participate in one Sacramental Preparation
session. These meetings are held on the first and third Sunday
of each month. After attending the 9:30am Mass, parents
should proceed to the Parish Center (below the church) for
the Baptism Preparation Class. Godparents are welcome.
Please call the rectory to arrange an interview with a deacon
or priest to register for the preparation session and the Baptism
ceremony. Additional information on Baptism is available on
the parish website: www.stkilian.com
Reconciliation - Confessions are heard in the church on
Mondays, 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Saturdays, 4:00-4:45 p.m.; and in
the rectory by appointment. Confessions are not heard on
Mondays that are Holy Days or public holidays.
Confessions in Spanish by appointment. Please call the
rectory at (516)249-0127.
Matrimony - Marriage arrangements should be made with a
deacon or priest at least six months before the proposed
wedding date. No dates for marriage will be given over the
phone. Note: The interview to schedule the marriage date
at St. Kilian should be completed before commitments are
made with a catering hall. Additional information is available
on the parish website: www.stkilian.com.
Anointing of the Sick - The Sacrament of the Anointing of
the Sick may be received by any Catholic who is preparing for
surgery, or is of advanced age, or is seriously ill. The
sacrament is the Church’s prayer for health and healing and
should not be delayed until there is danger of death. Please
call the rectory to speak with a priest. Also, to arrange for
Communion to be brought to the homebound, please call the
rectory to have a priest visit. After the priest visits,
arrangements can be made for a Eucharistic Minister to
regularly bring communion to the homebound.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA (Becoming A Catholic) Anyone who is inquiring
about becoming a Catholic, and who has not been baptized,
or who has been baptized in another Christian community is
invited to inquire into the RCIA. Please call the rectory for
information at (516)249-0127.
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
1/10 (Sun) - 10:30-10:55AM—PRO-LIFE
meeting: CANCELED.
Please help with the March For Life
signups in the Gathering Space.
1/16 (Sat) - 10:30-11:30AM Prayer vigil outside
Planned Parenthood, 35 Carman’s
Rd, Massapequa.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
After Jesus was baptized, he saw the Spirit of God
descending like a dover and a voice was heard “This
is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”
As we give to the poor, we also can hear these same
As you help those who are suffering,
know in your heart the truth of the words “you
are my beloved in whom I am well pleased”.
If you are in need of assistance or would like information about joining or contributing to the Society,
please call 516-473-9562. Leave a message and a
phone number. A member will return your call as
soon as possible. You may visit our website at
www.svdprvc.org. Please remember the Poor Boxes
at the exits of the church. They are the Bread Boxes
of the poor and hungry.
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Separated and Divorced Support Group
A ten week program for those separated or
going through the process of separation or
divorce. The program is designed to help
men and women find encouragement as they
explore and experience the emotions and
issues associated with separation and
Date: Friday, January 22, 2016 - 7:30pm
St. William the Abbot Church, 2000 Jackson Ave., Seaford, NY 11783
Cost $20.00 for 10 week session.
For information call Rosemarie Cavallaro 516528-0665 or Carol Milito 516-432-2241 or
email: [email protected]
Knight At the Races
Friday, Jeanuary 22, 2016
Knights of Columbus
1 Morton St. Farmingdale, NY 11735
Tellers Open at
Meal at
Races Start at
Tickets $12.00 per person
(Includes Food, Beverages and Dessert)
For Tickets, Call 631-755-2204 and ask
for: Joe Del; Chris Hillier; Terry Dowd;
Ken Ostrowski
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Catholic Health Services
At the heart of Health
FREE Lecture January 12, 2016 at 7PM
“Diabetes Prevention: What You Need to
Also Offering Group Classes and Individual
Call 516-520-2214 for more information.
St. Joseph Hospital 4295 Hempstead Turnpike, Bethpage NY 11714
Support & Prayer Ministry for Catholic
Gays/Lesbians, Parents & their Families
Third Tuesday of each month - 7pm
Info: Michael Coffey at 917-589-7146
Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,
Mediante esta carta les expreso mis sinceros deseos que su celebración de
las fiestas de Navidad y Año Nuevo hayan estado llenas de bendiciones y
también mi deseo de que en el año venidero Dios continúe compartiendo
con ustedes su amor y gracias.
Queremos expresarles nuestro agradecimiento por su perseverancia en el
liderazgo de su parroquia y con la Campaña de Apoyo a Ministerios
Católicos. Nos sentimos sumamente agradecidos por el extraordinario
sacrificio que Ud. hace apoyando el trabajo de nuestra iglesia en Long
Island. Su generosidad y compromiso tanto con nuestra fe como con
nuestra comunidad, me da la confianza de que cosas maravillosas
continuaran sucediendo en nuestra Diócesis.
El año pasado, gracias a su apoyo, pudimos no solo continuar impartiendo
educación religiosa a más de 100,000 estudiantes de escuelas públicas,
sino que también pudimos iniciar un programa especial de capacitación para
Catequistas para que así puedan ayudar al creciente número de niños
autistas en nuestra comunidad. Todo esto fue posible gracias a su ayuda.
También el año pasado, hemos actuado en diferentes campus de
universidades laicas en todo Long Island: Cada mes, más de 3,500
estudiantes de estas universidades asistieron a misa o participaron en otras
actividades relacionadas con la fe. Incluso en uno de estos campus
universitarios, los estudiantes ni siquiera tenían un lugar adecuado donde
orar; así es que ellos en conjunto con nuestra Oficina Ministerial de ese
Campus, convirtieron un área de almacenamiento en una capilla. Así estos
jóvenes adultos están creciendo en su fe y Ud. nos está ayudando a que así
Quiero que Ud. sepa que estoy sumamente agradecido por su ayuda a la
Campaña de Apoyo a los Ministerios Católicos, y humildemente, a nombre
de todos aquellos que se benefician de su generosidad, solicito que hagan
una donación a la Campaña del 2016 de los Ministerios Católicos; de
manera que juntos, como una familia de fe, podamos continuar asistiendo
las necesidades de nuestra comunidad.
Con gratitud, y oraciones, quedo de Ud.
Sinceramente en Cristo,
Obispo de Rockville Centre
Para información adicional y aprender más sobre la Campaña de Apoyo a los
Ministerios Católicos, vea nuestro video en ww.CatholicMinistriesAppeal.org
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Celebremos Los Sacramentos
Todos los Sábados a las 6:15PM.
Se celebra cada cuarto domingo de
mes, a las 2:00 de la tarde. Es
requisito para los papás y padrinos,
atender la clase pre-bautismal, cada
tercer miércoles de mes a las 6:30 PM,
en la parte baja de la Iglesia. Por favor llame a la rectoría para
hacer su cita con el sacerdote, para llenar el formato; usted
deberá traer el certificado o registro de nacimiento de su niño.
Los niños de 6 años ó más, deberán asistir a las clases de
catequesis regular.
PADRINOS: Deben ser católicos, con los Sacramentos de
Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación; solteros ó casados por la
Iglesia. Deben traer una notificación indicando que están
registrados o son miembros de la Parroquia, en donde viven ó
adonde asisten a misa. No pueden ser padrinos las personas
que tienen parejas sin haberse casados por la Iglesia.
Deben haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y
Confirmación ó estar asistiendo a las clases regulares de
Educación Religiosa ó RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para
invitamos a una preparación espiritual de conversión a la fé
católica. Favor comunicarse con la Hna: Reina Vásquez
(631)902-9969. Las clases iniciarán en septiembre.
Es necesario hacer una entrevista con el Sacerdote ó Diácono de
la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación, para la celebración de
su boda. Es imprescindible que todas las parejas, asistan a
PRE-CANA (charlas pre-matrimoniales), para poder casarse.
Para mayor información, llamar a la Rectoría (516)-249-0127
P. Jose o hablar con él, después de la Misa, los sábados.
Todos los miércoles de 6:00 a 9:00 PM, en el Grupo de Oración.
Lugar: Cafetería.
C iclos de Fe
10 DE ENERO DE 2016
El Bautismo del Señor
La fiesta del Bautismo del Señor es la última
del tiempo navideño. En ella se expresa, como en la
Epifanía, que Jesús, ese Niño, envuelto en pañales y
recostado en un pesebre es la manifestación de Dios
mismo entre nosotros. Durante la Navidad vivimos un
tiempo extraordinario; parece que el mundo se
detenga y aprenda a hacer el bien. La alegría es
desbordante, las personas se encuentran, se
reconcilian, se dan regalos. El ambiente en la liturgia
es de gozo, de ternura y sencillez. El evangelista
Lucas, presentando la predicación del Bautista, nos
enfoca en una doble observación. El pueblo estaba en
expectación. De hecho la gente creía que Juan era el
Mesías. Pero Juan aclara y encamina hacia el
verdadero Mesías con su propio testimonio.
Hoy es un domingo que nos llena de nostalgia
invitándonos al equilibrio entre la Navidad que
termina y que tiene un sentido extraordinario y la
entrada al ciclo ordinario; en la liturgia empezaremos
a seguir al Señor en la normalidad de la vida
cotidiana. Pero antes de eso vale la pena detenernos y
pensar en la importancia de nuestro propio bautismo.
¿Te has dado cuenta de que eres hijo, hija de Dios?
¿Sabes lo que quiere decir seguir al Mesías?
¿Comprendes el compromiso de estar vinculados a la
misión de Jesucristo? Hoy es el día preciso de
comenzar de nuevo, centrarnos en la vida pública de
Jesús en sus milagros y su deseo de que el Reino de
Dios se cumpla entre nosotros. Hacer presente a Jesús
en el mundo con sencillez y apertura de corazón. ¡Eso
hace un verdadero discípulo de Jesucristo!
Llamar a la Rectoría, inmediatamente en caso de emergencia o
enfermedad, para que la persona reciba los Sacramentos
necesarios. (516)- 249-0127 Ext. 129 Padre Jose.
(Renovación Carismática) Todos los miércoles de 7 a 9:30 PM en
la cafetería, Y Hora Santa en la iglesia todos los Segundos
miércoles de cada mes, de 7:30-8:30pm.
Se reúnen todos los sábados, después de Misa. Para
información, hablar con Nelson (516)351-8913/ Erlin (631)7051229.
Sucedió que entre la gente que se bautizaba, también Jesús
fue bautizado. Mientras éste oraba, se abrió el cielo y el
Espíritu Santo bajó sobre él en forma sensible, como de una
paloma. - Lc 3, 21-22
Leccionario I © 1976 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la
Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.
St. Kilian Catholic Church - www.stkilian.com

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Saint Kilian Parish

Saint Kilian Parish Sibling discounts are available. More details will be available at the registration.

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