Pseudo-Reflexive Verbs


Pseudo-Reflexive Verbs
7A Sol y viento
Pseudo-Reflexive Verbs
There is a class of verbs in Spanish called pseudo-reflexives that are used to express a change in
emotion. The equivalent in English is to get or to become + a state or condition. The English
equivalent does not normally contain –self / selves, which would be a true reflexive. Compare
the following.
Juan se vio.
Juan se enojó
Me hablo constantemente.
Me ofendo fácilmente.
John saw himself. (true reflexive)
John got angry. (pseudo/reflexive)
I talk to myself constantly. (true reflexive)
I get offended easily. (pseudo-reflexive)
Regular reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, se) are still required. Many of the verbs you
learned earlier, as well as others, can be used in pseudo-reflexive constructions.
to get bored
to become happy
to get tired
to become confused
to get depressed
to get frustrated
to get irritated
Sentirse (ie, i)
to get offended
to become worried
to feel
In Spanish, several verbal phrases also express the equivalent of to get or to become + a state or
condition. One of these is ponerse, which can be used with a number of adjectives to express the same
meanings as certain pseudo-reflexive verbs.
Me puse muy enojado.
I got (became) angry.
Marta se puso bien frustrada.
María got (became) really frustrated.
In addition, volverse can be used with adjectives like loco to express a more permanent type of change,
one that is often but not always sudden. Such expressions don’t usually mean crazy in the temporary
sense of he went nuts. This would be rendered by ponerse or actuar, often with another adjective.
El señor se volvió loco.
The man went crazy (insane).
Se puso furioso.
He went nuts.
Actuó de una manera loca.
He was (acting) crazy.
Finally, hacerse is used to express changes such as getting rich, becoming famous, and so forth. In such
cases, the subject tends to directly cause the action, which is why hacer is used.
Se hizo millonario.
He became a millionaire.