Holy Cross 071716 bulletinfinal.pub


Holy Cross 071716 bulletinfinal.pub
H oly C ro s s Ca tho li c Ch u r ch
3 773 Ch am bl e e Tu cke r Ro ad, At l an t a, G e o rgi a 3 0 34 1
M ai l i n g A ddre s s: 3 1 75 H at haw ay Co u rt , A t l ant a, GA 3 03 4 1
P ho n e : 770 - 93 9 - 3 5 0 1 Fax : 770 - 72 33- 70 1 3 w w w. ho l ycro s sat l an t a. o rg
July 16 & 17, 2016
Fr. Jude Michael Krill OFM Conv.
[email protected], Ext. 237
Parochial Vicars
Fr. Gary Johnson OFM Conv.
[email protected],
Ext. 224
Fr. Abelardo Huanca OFM Conv.
[email protected],
Ext 225
In Residence
Fr. Reto Davatz OFM Conv.
Chaplain Blessed Trinity Catholic H.S.
Rev. Mr. Bernardo Buzeta
Rev. Dr. Dayle Geroski
Faith Formation Office
Director of Faith Formation
Barb Garvin, Ext. 233
[email protected]
Coordinator of Elem. Faith Formation
Aida Buzeta, Ext. 235
[email protected]
RCIA – English
Cindy Durham, 404-713-9117
[email protected]
Linda Smith
[email protected]
RICA – Spanish
Rev. Mr. Bernardo Buzeta
Aida Buzeta, Ext 235
[email protected]
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
DeAnna O’Brien, Ext. 232
[email protected]
Youth Minister
Peter Le, Ext. 201
[email protected]
Director of Music Ministry
Gail Goodman, Ext. 228
[email protected]
Business Manager
Beth Butler, Ext. 226
[email protected]
Assistant to the Business Manager
Gregg Watson, Ext. 242
Pastoral Associate
Monique Marlette, Ext. 223
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Yrene Lorenzo, Ext. 234
[email protected]
Sacramental Secretary
Penny Lampe, Ext. 252
[email protected]
Custodial Maintenance
Zlatko Halimic, Ext. 239
16th Sunday in Ordinary/160 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
We welc ome you to Holy Cross Paris h and hope you enjoy your experience here. If you would like
more information about our paris h or would like to pic kup a regis tration form, please visit our Welcome
Desk located in the narthex. You may also visit our website at www.holycrossatlanta.org.
Plan to join us! There is a place for everyone at Holy Cross.
Bienvenidos a la Iglesia de Holy Cross. Esperamos que disfruten su experiencia aquí. Si desean más
información sobre nuestra parroquia o les gustaría recoger un formulario de inscripción, por favor
visiten nuestro Escrit orio de Bienvenida en el vestíbulo. También pueden visit ar nuestro sitio de
internet en www.holycrossatlanta.org. Planeen unirse a nosotros!
Hay un lugar para todos en la Iglesia de Holy Cross.
From our Pastor/De Nuestro Párroco
Good People of Holy Cross,
Gente Buena de Holy Cross,
Well, today is a day to panic: You have 5 months and 2
weeks of shopping days left till Christmas! The
Annunciation proclamation by Gabriel to Mary after her
finding out she was to bring Jesus into the world, she was
also told: ‘And your kinswoman Elizabeth, who was
thought to be sterile is now in her 6th month, for nothing
is impossible for God.” Elizabeth gives birth to John the
Baptist, the last prophet of the Old Testament and the
first prophet of the New Testament. He prepares the way
for the Lord. John points out the Lord to the first
disciples, and, then, John says, I’m done. ‘He must
increase; I must decrease.’ You may wish to read Luke
1:46-55, the prayer of Zechariah, John’s Dad. It is prayed
by the church every morning during morning prayer. One
phrase strikes me: ‘You, my child, shall be called the
prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord
to prepare His way, to give His people knowledge of
salvation by the forgiveness of their sins. In the tender
compassion of our God the dawn from on high shall break
upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the
shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of
peace.’ The call of Jeremiah the prophet also contains
powerful words: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I
knew you; before you were born I consecrated you; a
prophet to the nations I appointed you.’ Jeremiah
objects. God says, ‘Do not say I am too young. To
whomever I send you, you shall go.’ And God’s
assurance: God touches Jeremiah’s mouth and says, ‘See
I place my words in your mouth, and I set you over
nations, to build and to plant.’
Pues bien, hoy es un día de pánico: Usted tiene tan solo 5
meses y 2 semanas para comprar antes de que llegue la
Navidad! El anuncio del ángel Gabriel a María después de
ella enterarse de que traería a Jesús al mundo, continuó:
'Y tu pariente Isabel, que se pensaba que era estéril ya
está en su sexto mes de embarazo, porque nada es
imposible para Dios." Elizabeth da a luz a Juan el Bautista,
el último profeta del Antiguo Testamento y el primer
profeta del Nuevo Testamento. El prepara el camino para
el Señor. Juan le señala al Señor a los primeros discípulos,
y, a continuación, Juan dice, he terminado. "Él debe
crecer; Yo debo disminuir" Es posible que desee leer
Lucas 1:68-79, la oración de Zacarías, padre de Juan. Es
rezada por la iglesia todos los días durante la oración de la
mañana. Una frase que me llama la atención: "a ti, niño,
te llamarán profeta del Altísimo; porque irás delante del
Señor para preparar sus caminos, anunciando a su pueblo
la salvación, el perdón de sus pecados. Por la entrañable
misericordia de nuestro Dios, nos visitará el sol que nace
de lo alto, para iluminar a los que viven en tinieblas y en
sombra de muerte, para guiar nuestros pasos por el
camino de la paz." La llamada del profeta Jeremías
también contiene poderosas palabras: "Antes de
formarte en el seno de tu madre, ya te conocía; antes de
que tu nacieras, ya te consagré; y te destine a ser profeta
de las naciones.' Jeremías se opone. Dios dice: "No digas
soy demasiado joven. A donde quiera que yo te envíe,
irás' Y Dios asegura: Dios toca la boca de Jeremías y le
dice: 'Mira, yo pongo mis palabras en tu boca, y te
encargo los pueblos y las naciones, para edificar y para
Important things to remember:
Cosas importantes a recordar:
He nacido ESPECIAL. Puede que no lo crea, pero Dios así
lo hizo. Dios tiene un propósito para mí.
Lo mismo que Juan y Jeremías: debo preparar el camino
del Señor; señalar a Jesús a otras personas; y después
quitarme del camino!
Para poder hacer esto, Jesús debe aumentar en mi vida, y
yo disminuir. Cuanto más me lleno de su Palabra y de sus
Sacramentos, más me lleno de Dios. Hay que deshacerse
de toda la basura de manera que haya más espacio para
que Jesús habite, hasta el momento en que ya no haya
basura, y yo viva, me mueva y respire a Jesús.
I am born SPECIAL. I may not think so, but God
does. God has a PURPOSE for me.
It’s the same as John and Jeremiah: to prepare the way
of the Lord; to point other people to Jesus; and then to
get out of the way!
In order to do that, Jesus must increase in my life, and I
must decrease. The more I am filled with Word and
Sacrament, the more God fills me. We need to get rid of
all the junk so that there’s more room for Jesus to dwell,
until such time as there is no junk and I live, move, and
breathe Jesus.
Usted es especial, amado, bendecido y perdonado,
You are special, loved, blessed and forgiven, called and
llamado y enviado por delante, y siempre recuerde que
sent forth and always remember nothing is impossible for
nada es imposible para Dios!
Padre Jude Michael
Fr. Jude Michael
Parish Registration:
Welcome to Holy Cross. If you would like to become a
registered member of our parish family, you may pickup a
registration form from our Welcome Desk or from the parish
office. When completed, you may drop it off at the parish
office, mail it in or hand it to one of our Welcome Desk
volunteers. Registration forms are also available at
Registración en la Parroquia:
Bienvenido a la parroquia de Holy Cross. Si desea ser un
miembro registrado en nuestra familia parroquial, debe
completar el formulario “Registración Parroquial” ubicado
en el escritorio de bienvenida o en la oficina de la
parroquia. Al completarlo lo puede enviar por correo,
entregarlo en la oficina parroquial o en la mesa de
bienvenida con uno de los voluntarios. El formulario
también esta disponible en: www.holycrossatlanta.org.
¿Sabía usted que puede recibir actualizaciones sobre las
actividades y eventos de la parroquia directamente en su
correo electrónico? Para recibir actualizaciones
simplemente vaya a nuestro sitio web,
www.holycrossatlanta.org, y busque por un sobre en la
columna derecha de la página web. Suscribirse es fácil y
seguro. Las actualizaciones las recibirá al principio de cada
mes, a excepción de las notificaciones y recordatorios
¿Encerrado en casa?
¿Conoces a un feligrés que no pueda salir de su casa
debido a una enfermedad o por su avanzada edad, y le
gustaría recibir la Comunión? Por favor, póngase en
contacto con el Fr. Abelardo Huanca al 770-939-3501 Ext.
Env ío de información para el Boletín:
El contenido para el boletín debe ser recibido en la oficina
parroquial a más tardar el Viernes a las 9:00am una
semana antes de su publicación. Por favor envíe sus
presentaciones a [email protected].
Monthly Parish e-newsletter:
Did you know that you can receive updates about parish
activities, events and funeral notices directly to your
email? To receive updates simply go to our website,
www.holycrossatlanta.org, and look for the envelope on the
right hand column of the webpage. Subscribing is easy and
safe. Mailings will be done at the beginning of the month,
except for important notifications and reminders.
Homebound? Do you know a parishioner who is
homebound due to illness, or is elderly and would like to
receive Communion? Please contact Eileen Anandappa at
Bulletin Submission Information:
Bulletin content must be received in the parish office no
later than Friday at 9:00am of the week prior to publication.
Please email your submissions to
[email protected].
Altar Flow ers
The altar flowers may be given in memory or honor of loved
ones. To schedule your altar flower intentions please call
Martha Murphy at 770-934-1464.
Flores para el Altar:
Las flores del altar pueden ser dedicadas a una intención
especial tal como cumpleaños, aniversario de muerte o de
matrimonio etc. Si desea hacer su donación por favor
comuníquese con Monique Marlette de 9am - 1pm de
lunes a viernes, al 770-939-3501 Ext 223.
Where: Holy Cross Catholic
Church Parish Hall
When: Saturday, August 6th
Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $10 per person;
$75 per table of Eight
(a vailable at the door)
Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Assembly #172
Food & Dri nks will be for sale
Proceeds will help support semina rians s cheduled to go i n the milita ry.
Knight of Columbus
Archbishop Gerald P. O’Hara
Assembly #172
General Inform ation / Inform ación General
Parish Office/Oficina Parroquial: 770-939-3501, 9am -4pm
Faith Form ation/Form ación en la Fe: 678-689-2819
Mass Times/Horario de Misas
Monday - Saturday/Lunes a Sábado: 9:15am
5:00pm Vigil
6:30pm Spanish/
Vigilia Español
7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am,
1:15pm Spanish/Español
Burmese Mass (3rd Sunday)
3:00pm Burmese
Saturday / Sábado
After 9:15am Mass or
by appointment.
Después de la Misa de las
9:15am o con cita.
Parish Office Hours/Horas de la Oficina Parroquial
Becoming a CATECHIST…
the Office of Faith Formation
needs your help.
Being a Catechist is the gift God gives us to
share our Catholic faith with others and to
help mold our young Catholics into people of
faith. As we begin pla nning for next year we
have several Catechist openings. Catechist
positio ns are open to seniors in high school
through adulthood.
Training will be provid ed over the Summer.
Listen to your heart and see if God is calling
you to be a Catechist or Assistant.
Baptism Und er 6 Year s of Ag e
Par ents are r equired to be members of the parish for at least si x months and ar e
required to c ompl ete a prepar ation program. NEXT C LASS WILL BE JUNE 25th AT
9AM. C all the parish office to res er ve a spac e i n the Baptis m cl ass, held q uarterl y.
Baptis ms are c elebrated on the third Saturday of the month at 11:00 am. (No baptis ms
during Lent)
Marriag e: This sacrament requir es c ompl eti on of a marriage pr eparation program
(gener ally fi ve to si x months i n length), as well as other noti fications. You must als o be a
registered member of the c hurc h for thr ee months befor e s ecuri ng a cal endar date for
your weddi ng. Pleas e c ontac t the parish offic e for mor e i nformati on.
Anointing of th e Sick: Paris hioners must notify the parish offic e to recei ve a
communion visi tati on or anoi nti ng by a pries t i n the home or hospi tal.
Bautismos para niños menores de 6 años: Las charlas o pláticas Bautismales
son el primero y segundo miércoles del mes (puede variar según calendario
parroquial). Los bautismos se celebran en grupo el tercer sábado de cada mes a
las 12pm. Requisitos: Los padres deben estar registrados en la Parroquia 3 meses
mínimo antes de la celebración del Bautismo, asistir a 2 pláticas y entregar acta de
nacimiento del niño/a. Los Padrinos deben asistir a 2 pláticas bautismales y
presentar constancia de elegibilidad como padrino “Sponsor Letter” firmada por el
párroco de su parroquia. Todos los documentos, junto con el formulario “Registro
Bautismal” deben ser presentados en la primera plática. Para más información, en
la mesa de bienvenida puede encontrar el formulario y fechas de las celebraciones.
(No hay clases bautismales durante Cuaresma Febrero 10 a Marzo 20)
Presentaciones (No es un Sacramento): Para niños y niñas de 40 días o de 3 años
de edad. Completar el formulario “Solicitud de Presentación” para el jueves anterior
a la Presentación. Los niños de 3 años deben estar bautizados.
Matrimonios: Como requisito deben completar una preparación matrimonial y ser
mie mbros de la parroquia por no menos de 6 meses. Para mas información,
comuníquese con Monique Marlettet al 770-939-3501, ext. 223
Unción de los Enfermos: Si tiene un familiar enfermo o conocido, puede llamar
para que el Sacerdote o un Ministro Extraordinario de la Comunión lo visite. Para
mas información comuníquese con el Fr. Abelardo Huanca al 770-939-3501, Ext.
225. Lo visitaremos y oraremos por él.
Help is needed with:
• First Grade (Sunday and Wednesday)
• Second Grade (Sunday 10:15am)
• Fifth Grade (Sunday and Wednesday)
• Sacramental classes in 7 th and 8 th -12th
Grades (Sundays or Wednesdays)
For more information contact:
Aida Buzeta at 770 939-3501 ext 235
Family Activities Coordinators are also
needed for each session
(Sunday and Wednesday.)
This is a new position .
You will work as a team to put on 3-7 family
activities during the year.
Barb Garvin 770 939-3501 ext 233
Our Condolences
Deacon Bob Dotson, former Holy
Cross parishioner, passed away on
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Condolences may be sent to:
Robert Dotson Jr
25 Ravenwood Drive
Fletcher, NC 28732
Mass Intentions/Intenciones
Sunday/Domingo 7/17
Sixteenth Sunda y in Ordinary Time
5:00pm Vigil
Olivia & Jerome Adler
Paul Adler
Sister Jeanette Adler, OSV
6:30pm* Vigilia Leokadja Zielinkski
Leokadja Zielinkski
Leokadja Zielinkski
Irma Oathoudt
For the people of Holy Cross/
Por la gente de Holy Cross
Gene Scherer , Marie Walsh &
Bob Speltz
Monday/Lunes 7/18
Jack Florella
Tuesday/Martes 7/19
Lu Nguyen
Marina Antonia Villalbosa de Rio
Wednesday/Miércoles 7/20
Ernie Robillard
Thursday/Jue ves 7/21
Willy Perez
Friday/Viernes 7/22
Memorial of Saint Mary Magdalene
Lucue Lavine
Ruthie Krarup
Saturday/Sábado 7/23
Devin Michael Winter
5:00pm Vigil
Bill Hightower
Kathy Banks
Sara Andrews
6:30pm* Vigilia Leokadja Zielinkski
Por favor
recuerde en
sus oraciones:
Fred Eshelman, Claudia Whaley, Connie
Bleicher, Jeannie Ranalli, John J. Millin,
George Kovacich, Delores Hall, Yvonne
Talley, Karen Marah, Maya Wright,
Glenda Youngblood, John Joseph, Betty
Spencer, Teodolinda Hernandez, Sheila
Noone, Bob McKinnon, Jim Bergman,
Brenda Costner, Denise Tripoli Nicolson,
Kerri Brow n, Aleyda Reticker, Jeanne
Smith, Pastor Perry, Marion Van
Sertima, Petronilla Rickaby, Jose Cruz
Maldonado, Gloria Barco, Rick Odenkirk,
Roger Henderson, Anna Marie Whitacre,
Jenny Westerbeck, Margie Smith, Dr.
Don Ebersbacher, Beverly Cash, Leroi
Basilio, DeAnna Thomas, Salin and
Henry Bllings, Deli McCarthy, Martin
Steiner, Jim O’Malley, Margherita
Maresca, John Farrell, Nancy Pedro,
David & Ahas Crawford, Maria Vasquez,
Doug Frassrand, Richard Garvin, Winnie
Ricoford, Ed Zerrer, Isabel Garces, Chip
Wells, Randy Sharp, Bonnie Bishop,
Diana Kahres, Jenna Goodman, Jill
Stew art, Catherine Henry, Dolores
Kolvenbach, Carol Gilman, Glenda
Rogers, Kim Krabe Barnes, Joan Bjork,
Rob Anderson, Tom Melvin, Jimmy
Oliver, Andy Aguilar, Hemona Samuel,
Michael Edw ard Welch, Katherine Million
Welch, Noreen Mastriani, Linda Speight,
Karen O’Briant Miller, Marietta
Tevarayan, Maureen Whitmer, Edith
Leisen, Rita Wright, Sue Weiss, Michael
Daunt & Rose Erbs.
If you would like the name of a loved one
added to our published prayer list, please
call the church office at 770-939-3501, or
email your request to
[email protected].
Indiv iduals w ill be kept on our prayer list
for six weeks.
Sunday/Domingo 7/24
For the people of Holy Cross/
Por la gente de Holy Cross
Angie Daunt
Gloria Joseph
Leokadja Zielinkski
Ralph Davis
Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial a 770939-3501 si desea poner a un familiar en la
lista de oraciones, también cuando la salud
de alguien mejore o si ellos necesitan ser
removidos de la lista. También nos puede
mandar un mensaje por correo electrónico a
[email protected].
Holy Cross Drama Camp presents:
Thor ou ghly Modern Millie.
July 22 & 23 @ 8:00pm
July 24 @ 4:00pm
$5 Students and $10 Adults
Ticket s c an be pu rcha sed th rough t he Chu rch Of fice
Monday— Friday be tween 9am— 4pm
Or af ter Ma sse s the wee kend of July 16 th and 17th
It s 1922, and small-town gi rl Millie Dillmount has ju st a rrived in Ne w Yo rk Cit y, read y to ma ke her d ream s
come true. Millies plan i s simple: find a job a s a se cre tary fo r an eligible bachelor, and the n marry him. It
doesn ’t ta ke long, howe ve r, fo r Millie’s tho roughly modern plan to go a wry. He r conniving landlady plot s t o
kidnap Millies be st friend and sell he r into slave ry in Hong Kong, he r wealthy bo ss seem s enti rely
unintere sted in her flirtation s, and — worst o f all — the man with whom she fall s head o ve r heel s in love
doesn ’t have a penny to hi s name. Winne r of the 2002 Tony Awa rd for Be st Mu sical, thi s bright , funn y, a nd
charming mu sical comedy i s a hea rtfelt valentine to New York City and the people who love he r.
Filled with frisky flappers, dashing leading men and a dragon-lady of a villainess audiences will love to hate, Thoroughly
Modern Millie is a perfectly constructed evening of madcap merriment. Don’t miss it.
Families in Faith - Breathing In, Breathin OUt
Before you read this take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Inhale and exhale. Breathing in and
out multiple times each minute is an automatic activity essential to life. How ridiculous it would be for
someone to ask us, "which is more important: inhaling or exhaling?" We would immediately
recognize that without both activities we cease to exist.
Inhale too frequently and we hyperventilate, eventually passing out. Hold our breath refusing to
exhale the same reality bests us; we pass out. Inhaling deeply and exhaling completely is the
optimal response for our bodies. We are created for this balanced, rhythmic activity. Such a basic
movement enables our existence and enhances all we do.
Elite athletes often travel to high altitude training centers to use this basic breathing in and out to
work out and improve their athletic abilities. The high altitude training enhances the capacity to
perform through the basic act of inhaling and exhaling. As the athlete trains, the body trains as well,
modifying itself to carry more oxygen through the blood to all parts of the body.
Prayer and service are the inhaling and exhaling of the spiritual life. Neither has a priority and
each aids the other in strengthening our service to the Lord. Contemplation is the high altitude
training of the spiritual life. Through meditation, our prayer enables us to receive God's grace
throughout every aspect of our life.
Mary and Martha are the supporting characters in this week's gospel; they are too often portrayed
as squabbling siblings. Theirs is not a story about a bossy, demanding hostess and her lazy sister.
Rather they are living examples of the necessary pairing of prayer and service. Disciples of Jesus
are not excused from service nor are we called to a life of private contemplation. The gospel story
does not ask us to pick a winner, either Martha or Mary. It asks us to listen to the breathing of Jesus
-- inhaling, exhaling--calling us to prayer and to service, balanced in our life, enriching our days,
keeping us on the road with Jesus, journeying towards the Father, living in the Kingdom of God.
Summer offers us the opportunity to examine our breathing. Is there a measured, steady balance
in our faith life? Have we been running too hard for too long, gasping for air? Have
we been sedentary, needing some deep breathing exercises? The choice is not
Martha or Mary, prayer or service, but rather setting our breath in harmony with
God's, sending life and love to the world. Breathe in deeply the love of God. Let
that breath be exhaled in love and service to others.
Louanne Bachner
July 2 & 3 - $32,042.77
July 9 & 10 - $28,701.27
Thank you for your continued generosity!
Gracias por tu generosidad.
July Second Collect
Segunda Colectas de julio
Jul y 23 & 24
no second collect/no ha y segunda colecta
Jul y 30 & 31
ARCH - Mission Coopera ;ve Progra m/
ARCO - Progra ma Coopera;vo Misión
In Today’s Gospel, Jesus and His Apostles are on their way to
Jerusalem for Passover. In other words He is journeying to His
Crucifixion and Resurrection. It is important for us to keep that in mind.
He stops in Bethany to visit Martha and Mary. Bethany is only two
miles from Jerusalem, so there is a strong sense of foreboding if we
keep that in mind.
However, the focus of this reading is on many other issues and items
usually. Nevertheless, as is always the case in Holy Scripture, there is
a stewardship message for us here. We could cite hospitality as both
Martha and Mary in their own ways welcome Jesus and make Him at
The first and main message for us is that the Lord was welcomed into
their home. Each of us is a potential home for Jesus. Do we welcome
Him? Or are we too busy with our own pursuits, our own
distractions, to find a time each day to welcome the Lord
into our homes, our very being? There are so many
people who cannot seem to find time for the Lord. They
are so busy that Jesus never even gets into their houses.
Rather than debate whether Martha or Mary do the right
thing, we should first make sure that our Savior is
welcomed into our hearts each and every day.
Parish News
The flowers on the altar this weekend are
in memory of
Paul Hall
given by his wife Delores and family.
Las flores en el altar este fin de semana son
en memoria de
Tuesday, July 26th
Can't Hear? Come Hear!
Free Hearing Screenings after the 9:15 AM M ass
Tuesday, July 26th in the Assembly Room.
You may call and schedule an appointment time or
simply walk-in.
Paul Hall
dada por su esposa Delores y familiar.
Can you stay with me one hour?
Adora on Guardians needed:
Puede acom pañar al San#simo 1 hora?
Necesitamos Guardianes de adoración para los
siguientes días:
Wednesday 12pm-1pm
Miércoles 12pm-1pm
Contact Kay Warthman at
[email protected] or call 770-493-1345
Si te interesa tomar una hora estable de adoración, te
puedes comunicar con: Le cia Oña te, 770-360-9786.
Próximas Ultreyas parroquiales en Español en Holy Cross
Miércoles 20 de Julio - 7:00 pm
(Todos los tercer miércoles del mes)
*Puedes traer algo para compar r
Two summers ago, the outside of our church was painted
by an army of volunteers. They came with their equipment,
and Holy Cross paid for the paint and our church looks
wonderful! Last summer the inside of our religious
education wing was painted by many who so joyfully and
generously gave of their time and talent. This summer, the
administration wing needs attention. We will provide the
paint, the food, and you provide the painting power! If you
wish to be a painter, a helper, a cleaner upper, a food
provider, a sign up list will be in the Narthex. Prep evening
on Friday, August 5th and Painting Day, Saturday, August
6th. Many hands make light work! Please plan to help.
Fr. Jude Michael
Hace 2 años, el exterior de la iglesia fue pintada por un
ejército de voluntarios. Llegaron con sus equipos, Holy Cross
compro la pintura y nuestra iglesia quedó maravilloso! El
verano pasado el interior de nuestra escuela de Formación en
la Fe fue pintada por muchos de los que con alegría y
generosidad dieron su tiempo y talento. Este verano, las
oficinas administrativas necesita atención. Vamos a
proporcionar la pintura y la comida! Si usted desea ser un
pintor, un ayudante, un encargado de limpieza, un proveedor
de alimentos, una lista de registro estará en el vestíbulo de
la Iglesia. Comenzando los preparativos la noche del viernes,
5 de agosto y pintura el sábado 6 de agosto. Más manos
hacen el trabajo ligero! Por favor haga planes para ayudar.
P. Jude Michael
Parish News
N45 RCIA C89::4:
Welcome to the Parish!
Bienvenidos a la Parroquia!
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New Members!
Tell Someone About Our Inquiry Class
Nuevos Feligreses!
Do you know s omeone who has been thinking about
becoming Catholic? Maybe a friend or family member has
been com ing to Mass or asking ques;ons about the Catholic
The Franciscan Friars, Deacons,
and our staff give a warm welcome
to the new members
of our parish.
Adult Inquiry is the first step in the RCIA process. At Inquiry,
they will get answers to their ques;ons about how to
become Catholic and together we will begin to explore the
Catholic faith.
Los Sacerdotes Franciscanos, Diáconos
y el personal administra vo les da una
cordial bienvenida a los nuevos
miembros parroquiales.
Won’t you invite them to aHend our Inquiry session next
Sunday? Offer to come with your friend or family member:
10:30 a.m. – Noon in Room 7-8 of the Re ligious Educa;on
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you
will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
– Luke 6:37
Andrés and María Silva
Antonio and Isis Pérez-Hernández
Aurelia Cortes
Dervan Smith
Elda Pérez
Eric Garrett
Fernando and María Martínez
Francis and María Khai
Hilaire and Cindy de Sa
Jair and Maribel Vázquez-Arcos
Jesus and Laura Ramirez
José and Biviana Toro
José and Cecilia Pichardo
Kevin Ogbebor
Margarito and Claudia Amaya
Nick Weinmiller
Olga Molina
Salvador and Raquel González-Silva
Theresa Simonetti
For informa;on about joining the class, come to Inquiry on
July 24 or contact Cindy Durham:
(404) 713-9117 or [email protected]
hHp://holycrossatlanta.org (click the Becoming Ca tholic
DeAnna O’Brien, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
DeAnna has been a parish part time Youth Minister for over 14 years serving at St. Augustine in
Covington and St. Marguerite D'Youville in Lawrenceville. She is a graduate of St. Pius X High School
and Georgia Southern University where she received a Bachelor Degree in Education. DeAnna and
her husband Kevin met in their high school youth ministry program and have been married for 21 years
and have 6 children. DeAnna brings to us experience in Youth Ministry and a loving desire to serve the
youth Church. As fulltime Coordinator of Youth Ministry, she will help Holy Cross continue to look at
how to best educate and serve the young church. Welcome DeAnna, we are glad you have joined our
Faith Formation Team.
The Office of Faith Formation will host a meet and greet on Wednesday, July 27 from 7:00-8:00pm.
We encourage all Catechist, Middle and High School youth and their families to join us in welcoming
DeAnna to Holy Cross.

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