SJV Bulletin For February 14, 2016


SJV Bulletin For February 14, 2016
St. John Vianney Catholic
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. 4:30p.m..
Wednesday 9:00 a.m.—7:30 p.m.
1920 Skyview Drive • Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Phone/Teléfono (770) 941-2807
Fax (770) 941-5821
Sacramental Emergency: 404-895-8479
Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. (Contemporary)
10:30 a.m., 12:00 Noon.
Misas en Español
7:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Monday & Thursday 7:00 p.m.
(Lyke Chapel)
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. (Lyke Chapel)
Wednesday 8:00 a.m (Lyke Chapel). & 7:30
p.m. (Spanish) (Main Church)
Friday 8:00 a.m. (Lyke Chapel)
First Friday Adoration 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
(Lyke Chapel)
Rev. Ignacio Morales,
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678-981-5226
Rev. Mark Thomas,
Parochial Vicar
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678-981-5227
Rev. Mr. Frank Przybylek
Rev. Mr. Johnny Rentas
Rev. Mr. Carlos Garcia
Rev. Mr. Richard Searls
Phone: 678-981-5233
Mrs. Sharon Loiselle
Faith Formation Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678-981-5232
Mr. Karl Kuhlken
Youth Minister
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678-981-5231
Mrs. Christine Butler
Communication Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678-981-5230
Rev. Mr. Carlos García
Confirmation Coordinator /
Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Judy Sheridan
Admin. Asst.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678-981-5228
Mrs. Mónica Aguirre
Parish Secretary
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678-981-5229
February 14, 2016
First Sunday of lent
1 domingo de Cuaresma
Una Nota del Párroco
Mass Intentions for the Week of
February 15th, 2016—February 21st 2016
Monday, February 15
7:00PM Liturgy of the Word Service
Tuesday, February 16
8:00 AM Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, February 17
8:00AM Souls in Purgatory
7:30 PM +Maria Salud Perez Padilla 3 yr death
anniversary: Filemon Medina
Thursday, February 18
7:00 PM +Dave Philipp: Terry Philipp
Friday, February 19
8:00 AM +Theresa Bell: Barbara Necaise
Saturday, February 20
5:00 PM + Michael Cockerham:Kof C Council 12580
Sunday February 21
7:00 AM The health and finding Celerino Avilez
Alvarado: Carmen Perez and Family
9:00 AM + Lou Costello: Jack and Pat Clower
10:30 AM Healing and restoration for Mrs. Judy
12:00 PM +Barb Dormer: Sharon Loisele
1:30 PM + Reginalda Reveles: Familia Salazar
Lecturas de esta semana
February 15th, 2016—February 21st, 2016
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
Mt 25:31-46
Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15
Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
Lk 11:29-32
Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;
Mt 7:7-12
Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8;
Mt 5:43-48
Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14;
Phil 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]; Lk 9:28b-36
Peace to all!
“You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him
alone shall you serve”. Lk 4, 8.
We sometimes forget to exercise and eat right,
but little reminders help us stay on track: a
framed picture of my family hiking together, a
calorie-counting app on my phone. Then we ask
ourselves, why do we have problems with little
reminders about following God? We cannot see God
physically, so a crucifix on the wall, some good
spiritual reading, or a set daily prayer time are some
ways we remind ourselves that He is with us
always. He is our most important goal. What
reminders can you use during Lent to help your
family stay on the right track toward God’s kingdom?
“Jesús le replicó: «La Escritura dice: Adorarás al
Señor tu Dios y a él sólo servirás.” Lucas 4,8
Muchas veces olvidamos hacer ejercicio o comer
bien. Mas simples recordatorios nos ayudan a
enfocarnos como por ejemplo, una foto de la familia
haciendo ejercicio o bajar una aplicación de conteo
de calorías en tu celular. Hay que preguntarnos, por
qué se nos hace difícil seguir a Dios? Sabemos que a
Dios no se lo puede ver físicamente, pero un
crucifijo en casa, un buen libro de espiritualidad, o
una reflexión diaria, simplemente algo que nos recuerde que Él está siempre con nosotros. Dios es
nuestra meta más importante. Cuáles serán nuestros
recordatorios podrías usar esta Cuaresma y guiar a
nuestras familias hacia el Reino de Dios?
In Christ,
Fr. Ignacio Morales
Todays Readings
Lecturas de hoy
Deuteronomy/Deuteronomio 26:4-10
Romans/Romanos 10:8-13
13:13 [13:4-13]
Today’s reading from
Deuteronomy provides
instructions for a ceremony of offering the first
fruits to the “LORD, your
God” (v.4). This phrase
is characteristic of the
author of Deuteronomy
as it identifies the LORD
as the God of Israel, in
contrast to the various
gods of Egypt and Canaan. Because it was the
LORD who delivered them from Egypt and rescued them at the
sea, the Israelites pledge to accept the LORD as their own god,
exclusive of the gods of their neighbors. Offering the first fruits
acknowledges that they would have nothing without the LORD’S
help. During their forty years in the wilderness Israel learned to
rely on the LORD for their existence.
Paul tells the Romans that dependence on God is the key to
salvation. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be
saved” (v.13). He tells us that we are called to “confess with
(our) mouth…and believe in (our heart)” (v.9) in order to be
“justified” and “saved.” In the biblical world to be justified is to
be made right with God. The heart was the organ of decisionmaking and thought, not of emotion as in our day. So believing
with our heart means that we have incorporated our belief into
our way of thinking and living.
Luke tells us that after Jesus was baptized he “was led by
the Spirit into the desert…to be tempted by the devil” (vv.1-2).
Jesus’ temptations have to deal with satisfying his human hunger, acquiring power and trusting God. But in each case he replies to the devil using verses of scripture. His dependence is on
God. And ours should be as well. Interestingly Luke tells us that
after the devil “finished every temptation, he departed from him
for a time” (v.13). This implies that the devil is not done with
his work. We know from personal experience that temptation is
not something that we encounter once in life. And the example
of Jesus teaches us that with the help of God and God’s word,
we can resist temptation.
For Reflection: Does my life indicate that I “believe in my
heart”? Do I employ God’s Word to resist temptation?
Pro-Life Notes
For all Christians: May God grant us courage to
embrace the precious gift of life, even in the most
difficult of circumstances. We pray to the Lord:
is with us every step of the way, giving us
the grace we need. God invites us to embrace the
lives we have been given, for as long as they are
given. Every life is worth living.”
— 2015-16 Respect Life Program Flyer
Psalms/Salmos 91:1-2, 10-11,
12-13, 14-15
Luke / Lucas 4:1-13
La Iglesia, como Jesús, no
recibe la tentación diabólica
de una vez para siempre. Por eso hay que estar siempre
en vela, ya que, cuando menos se piense, el demonio
encontrará la ocasión más oportuna para él y menos
esperada para la misma Iglesia. Y no se olvide que lo
diabólico está encarnado en las estructuras del poder
Celebramos en la Eucaristía las primicias de
nuestra salvación. Jesús ha vencido definitivamente el
poder del mal, ha sido liberado del cuerpo de muerte y
transportado a una tierra nueva. En este sacramento
proclamamos que por Jesús todo hombre tiene el poder
de Dios para superar las pruebas de la existencia.
Cuando comulgamos, recibimos la prenda de nuestra
propia victoria.eucarística.
Weekly Stewardship Scripture Reflections
Today’s first reading describes the offering of first
fruits the people of Israel were to present to the
Lord in thanksgiving for their deliverance from
Egypt and the gift of the promised land. Is my
offering at today’s Mass an appropriate response
to the many blessings the Lord has given me?
Reflexión de Corresponsabilidad
La primera lectura de hoy describe el ofrecimiento
de los primeros frutos que el pueblo de Israel debía
presenter al Señor en agradecimiento por su liberación de Egipto y el regalo de la tierra prometida.
¿Es mi ofrenda en la misa de hoy una respuesta
apropiada a las muchas bendiciones que el Señor
me ha dado?
Por todos los cristianos: para que Dios
nos conceda la valentía de afirmar el
incomparable don de la vida, aún en
las circunstancias más difíciles;
Roguemos al Señor
“Jesús está con nosotros en cada paso
del camino, dándonos la gracia que necesitamos. Dios
nos invita a abrazar la vida que se nos ha dado, por el
tiempo que se nos da. Cada vida merece vivir". — Volante
del Programa Respetemos la Vida 2015-16
Si estás interesado en ser parte de
nuestra Comunidad de Fe en esta
Parroquia, no olvides registrarte.
Connect With Your Parish
Lunes: 12:00 pm. a 4:00 pm.
Martes: 12:00 pm a 4:00pm
Miércoles: 3:30pm a 7:30pm
Jueves: 12:00pm a 4:00pm
Viernes: 12:00pm a 4:00pm
Mercy Prayer
Grade School Children
M is for Mercy, love given for free.
is for Ever, to infinity.
is for Rich, in grace from above.
is for Christ, the face of God’s love.
is for Year, this time we can share to
ask God for mercy together in prayer.
Oracion de la Misericordia
Para niños de edad escolar
M es por Misericordia, mas que amor para todos.
I es por Iglesia, somos una familia.
S es por Servicio, a los mas necesitados.
E es por Esperanza, de una vida plena.
R es por Reino, venga a nosotros.
I es por Invocar, la presencia de Dios.
C es por Cristo, Nuestro Señor
O es por Oracion, hablar con Dios.
R es por Resurreccion, somos testigos.
D es por Discipulos, nosotros lo somos
I es por Invitacion, a segir a Jesus.
A es por Amen.
What you give for Lent, doesn’t just
change Lives.. It Changes the Planet.
Pick up your Rice Bowl in the Gathering Area
Lo que usted da durante la Cuaresma, No solo Cambia Vidas…
Cambia el Planeta…
Recoja su Plato de Arroz en
el area Comun
Próxima fecha es 4 de Marzo del 2016
February 14, 2016
What is meant by Transubstantiation?
Sign up for our electronic newsletter
Join our Facebook Family
Check out our Parish Photo Album
View the Parish Calendar
View current and past bulletins
Horarios para Atención
en Español
Se les invita a todos
A la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento,
Los primeros Viernes de cada mes
En la capilla (Lyke Chapel)
De 8:00am a 7:00pm
Transubstantiation is the complete change of the
substance of bread and wine into the essence of
Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity by a validly
ordained priest during the Consecration at the Mass, so
that only the accidents of bread and wine remain.
Accidents, also called appearances, species or
properties, by definition are those things whose
essence naturally requires that they exist in another
being. Accidents may be physical such as size and
shape. Therefore, the look, taste, feel, etc. of the bread
and wine remain, but by the supernatural divine power
of Jesus, the essence of Jesus becomes the True, Real
and Substantial Jesus in the Eucharist and is believed by
FAITH! In scripture Jesus tells us in John 6:50-55: “This
is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a
man may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread
which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this
bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I shall
give for his life of the world is my flesh. The Jews then
disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man
give us his flesh to eat?” So Jesus said to them, “Truly,
truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of
man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he
who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life;
and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is
food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who
eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in
him.” Read Sections 1373 – 1377 and 1413 in the
Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Come and give your Love to Him by spending
some quiet time allowing Him to give you His Love on
Friday, March 4, 2016 between 8:00AM and 7:00PM
when Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will be Exposed
in the Monstrance. NOTE: If you would like to commit to a particular time monthly or have any questions,
please call Herb Blanchard at 678-945-7585 or e-mail
me at [email protected]. Please contact Herb
Blanchard with any questions or comments. Please sign
in and out on the table in the rear of the chapel so we
can be sure that someone is visiting our Lord all the
time He is exposed in the Monstrance. Thanks for
your time spent with HIM!
Council of Catholic Women (CCW)
Our next regular meeting is at 7:30 p.m.
on Monday, February 22nd in the St.
John room; after 7:00 p.m. Mass.
Light refreshments will be served.
All women of the Parish are welcome.
We hope to see you there.
February 15, 7:30 PM
Please Join us
Calling All Readers….
In your prayers/ En Nuestras Oraciones:
Elizabeth Hernandez Oliva. Pilar and Carlos Otero,
Judy Sheridan, Phillip Bazzinett, Grace Bringman,
Winefred Moton-Connor, Patricia Lee, Terry Brown,
Carolyn West, Oneida Chapple, Angelica HernandezOrtiz, Rina Reyes, Beverlee Leo, Cooper Hayes,
Carlos Handal, Jose Epifanio Botello, Olga Caubo,
Carlos Silva, Rita Parr, Marie White, Eddie Gough,
Pat Stewart, David Merryman, Richard Ernst, Stella
Carlson, Earl Thibodeau, Louis Panezich, Ron
Gaillard, Merry Trahan, Flavia
Recendiz, Sharon Byce, Anne Brown,
Shirley Fields, Consuelo Zaragoza,
Santos Aguirre
Next Meeting:
Saturday, February 27th
Meeting is in Social Hall
after 5PM Mass
Book: Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania
By: Erik Larson
All are Welcome! Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Thank You for bringing hope to those in need!
All women are invited to the MAGNIFICAT PRAYER BREAKFAST
on Saturday, February 20, 2016 from 9:30 a.m.-12:00 noon at
Holy Cross Church, 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta. The
guest speaker will be Arlene Walrath of Good Shepherd Catholic
Church in Cumming, GA. Breakfast reservations are $15 and
must be made in advance. Please mail checks payable to
Magnificat Joyful Visitation by February 14th to: Jo Ann
Rademacher, 1260 Mountain Ivey Court, Sugar Hill, GA 30518.
Check-in is at the door for reservations only. For more
information, call Jo Ann Rademacher at 770-831-0693.
The St. John Vianney Council 12580 Knights of Columbus will hold a Fish Fry each Friday during Lent.
Feb. 12, 2016 - March 18, 2016
5:15 PM to 6:45 PM
Dine in and take out meals available
$7.50 for adults, $3.50 for children, and
$28.00 maximum for families
To the parents of EDGE Students
This week at Edge we have no class tonight
Spring 2016 High School Retreat
March 11-13
Woodland Christian Camp
$75.00 per Student
Forms and money due no later than March 1st
El Concilio 12580 de los Caballeros de Colon tendran
venta de Pescado Frito, los Viernes durante la Cuaresma
12 de Febrero a 18 de Marzo
5:15 PM a 6:45 PM
Coma aqui, o lleve con usted
$7.50 por adulto, $3.50 por niño, y
Maximo $28.00 Por Familia
No solo
de Pan
se vive
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Catholic School
Faith, Knowledge, Service, Integrity
Calling all IHM School Alumni & Parents of
Alumni: Save the Date! The IHM Alumni
Mass & Reception will be held on Saturday,
March 5, 2016. Please join us at 4 p.m. for
Mass and then stay for a reception
immediately following in the lower level of
the Church.
Childcare will be provided by Divine Playtime.
We hope to see you there!
In today’s Gospel, Jesus overcomes the
temptations to wealth, power and esteem. As we begin Lent, may we open
our hearts to the grace of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul envelope will help
the poor to celebrate the grace of God’s love this
We are in need of canned soups and personal
care items, such as shampoo, lotions, etc.
Volunteers are needed to help handle the numerous requests for
assistance that come into the St. Vincent de Paul Society. If
you can donate some time to assist in this ministry, please call
the parish office at 770-941-2807
Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Wednesday: 6:00 - 7:15 p.m.
Any other time by
Anointing may be conferred on
anyone who suffers from a
chronic illness, entering the
hospital, facing surgery or the infirmities of
age. Arrangements must be made by calling
the parish office.
Este sacramento puede recibirlo cualquier persona
que sufra una enfermedad crónica, o que necesita
ser hospitalizada para someterse a cirugía o por
causa de edad. Para recibir el sacramento lo único
es llamar a la oficina.
Preparations for the Reception of this
Sacrament have special criteria and
instructions. Call Mrs. Mónica Aguirre for
further details.
Para recibir este Sacramento se requiere ciertos
requisitos especiales. Llame a Sra. Mónica Aguirre
para más detalles.
Preparations for the Reception of this
Sacrament has special criteria and
instructions. Contact a Priest or Deacon for
further details.
Para recibir este Sacramento se requiere ciertos
requisitos especiales. Contacte al Sacerdote o a
unos de los Diáconos para más detalles.
Administración de Tesoro
As disciples we are called to
be faithful stewards of time,
talent and treasure.
February 7th $ 14,460.65
Thank you for your continued
generosity! Please remember SJV in your will
and estate planning!
¡Gracias por su continua generosidad!
Por favor recuerden a SJV en su planificación de
ultima disposición y testamento.
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Hispanic Intercession Prayer Group
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Bible Study
Bible Study Spanish
Traditional Choir
Religious Ed Classes
7:00 PM
Religious Ed Classes
10:30 AM
Mystery of God Study
5:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Kof C Fish Fry
Stations of the Cross
Viacrusis (Spanish)
Charismatic Prayer Group
5:30 AM
6:00 PM
St. Francis Table Team 1
Hispanic Choir
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
RCIA (Chapel)
RCIA (St. Johns Room)
Life Teen/ EDGE
Save the Date
Women’s Day of Reflection
March 5, 2016
CCW will sponsor a
Women’s Lenten Day of Reflection
for the Women of St. John Vianney
at 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. in the
Social Hall on Saturday, March 5th
Martha Smith will be
the guest speaker.
Light breakfast and lunch
will be served.
All Women of the
Parish are welcome.
Please RSVP to Mary Boyd at
404.219.8126 or
[email protected]

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