Hector Perea Manera - ICM


Hector Perea Manera - ICM
Hector Perea Manera
Personal address:
Carrer Argüelles, 2, 1ª
08301-Mataró (Spain)
Work adress:
Institut de Ciéncies del Mar-CSIC
Centre Mediterrani d’Investigacions Marines i
Ambientals (CMIMA)
Passeig Marítim de la Barceloneta, 37-49
08003-Barcelona (Spain)
Birth date: 20/03/1972 – Mataró (Spain)
Nationality: Spanish
Telephone: (+34) (ext. 1514) (office)
Fax: (+34)
Cell telephone: (+34) 636.93.96.18
e-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
web page:
Present position
November 2011 – Present: Researcher
Juan de la Cierva contract
Barcelons Center for Subsurface Imaging (http://www.barcelona-csi.cmima.csic.es/)
Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC (Spain)
Previous research and teaching positions
April 2010 – November 2011: Researcher and assistant professor
Reitoria UL contract
Instituto Dom Luiz Associated Laboratory (http://idl.ul.pt/)
Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
September 2009 – September 2010: Assistant professor
Faculdade de Ciências da UL contract
Departmento de Geologia
Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
April 2007 – March 2010: Researcher
Faculdade de Ciências da UL contract
Instituto Dom Luiz Associated Laboratory (http://idl.ul.pt/)
Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
October 2006 – February 2007: Post-doc contract
Fundació Bosch i Gimpera – Universitat de Barcelona contract
Departament de Geodinàmica i Geofísica
Facultat de Geologia
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
1.- Academic degrees
2006 PhD in Geology
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Perea, H. (2006): Falles actives i perillositat sísmica al marge nord-occidental del solc de
València (Active faults and seismic hazard in the north-western margin of the València
trough). PhD Thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 382 p. (http://hdl.handle.net/10803/1919)
Supervisors: Dra. Eulàlia Masana and Dr. Pere Santanach
2002 Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA)
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Perea, H. (2002): Sismotectònica en falles extensives: La conca del solc de València
(Seismotectonics in extensional faults: the València trough basin). Dpt. Geodinàmica i
Geofísica, Universitat de Barcelona, 39 p.
1999 B.S. in Geology
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
2.- Other academic degrees
2006 Mention of European PhD
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
2000-2001 Graduated PhD courses: Earth Science Program
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Research interests
My research has been mainly focused in the identification of active faults, the characterization of
the earthquakes that these faults could produce and the earthquake interaction and triggering.
Therefore, my main research interests are related to active tectonics, paleoseismology,
neotectonics, seismotectonics, earthquake geology, tectonic geomorphology and seismic
hazard, onshore and offshore.
I am specialized in the detection and study of active faults in low strain zones (e.g. Iberian
Peninsula or Western Mediterranean). Onshore I have been working in landscape
geomorphology and morphometric quantification, in the analysis of paleoseismological trenches
and in the relation between earthquakes, historical or instrumental, and faults. Offshore I have
been involved in some oceanic research cruises that have given me experience in the
acquisition and on board analysis of bathymetric and seismic data in order to plan new survey
lines or coring places. Furthermore, I also have analyzed high resolution bathymetric data and
interpreted seismic data (sparker and multichannel profiles) to locate possible active faults,
determine seismic stratigraphic sequences and their ages, and, when possible, detect direct onfault submarine paleoearthquakes.
I have experience in the introduction of the geological data in probabilistic seismic hazard
assessment studies and in geomorphological and Quaternary geological cartography in various
geological environments (e.g. glacial or fluvial processes).
I have been working in low slip normal, inverse and strike-slip faults in the onshore and offshore
Iberian Peninsula (Catalan Coastal Ranges, East Betic Shear Zone, Iberian Massif, Western
Mediterranean, Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea) and, recently, in Latin America (Santa Marta
Range in Colombia and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt in Mexico).
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
Research projects
1. Currently active projects
SHAKE: Searching the record of past earthquakes in south Iberia: Advanced
technologies in terrestrial and marine paleoseismology
Project CGL2011-30005-C02-02 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)
P.I. Dr. Eulàlia Masana Closa (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) and Eulàlia Gràcia Mont
(Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC, Spain)
Caracterización de fallas sismogenéticas en el centro del cinturón volcánico
mexicano: Implicaciones para la peligrosidad sísmica y la inestabilidad de laderas
(Characterization of seismogenic faults in the center of the Mexican volcanic belt:
Implications for the seismic hazard and slope instability)
Project 129010 Basic Call CB-2009-01 funded by Consejo Nacional para la Ciencia y la
Tecnología (México)
P.I. Dr. Fco. Ramón Zuñiga Dávila Madrid (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
FINDER: Fault investigation with LIDAR for earthquake assessment
Project PTDC/CTE-GIX/113866/2009 funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
P.I. Dr. Glenda M. Besana-Ostman (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
2. Finished projects
Morfología tectónica de la cuenca fluvial del Guadiana. Interacción entre la
deformación cortical y la red de drenaje (Tectonic morphology of the Guadiana river
basin. Interaction between crustal deformation and drainage network)
Project CGL2008-03463 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)
P.I. Dr. Rosa María Tejero López (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
PALEOSISPOR: Pelsosismological study of active faults in Mainland Portugal
Project PTDC/CTE-GIN/66283/2006 funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
P.I. Dr. João Cabral (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Caracterização das estruturas neotectónicas (Miocénico superior-Actualidade) do
bordo sul do Sistema Central (fronteira entre Portugal e Espanha) (Characterization of
the neotectonic structures (upper Miocene-Present day) of the southern margin of the
Central System - Border between Portugal and Spain)
Acção integrada Luso-Espanhola (Bilateral cooperation project between Portugal and Spain)
P.I. Dr. João Cabral (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
EVENT: Integración de nuevas tecnologías en paleosismología: Caracterización de
fallas generadoras de terremotos y tsunamis en el sur de Iberia (EVENT: Integration of
new technologies in paleoseismology: Characterization of faults capable to produce
earthquakes and tsunamis in south Iberia)
Project CGL2006-12861-C02-02 funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain)
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
P.I. Dr. Eulàlia Masana Closa (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) and Eulàlia Gràcia Mont
(Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC, Spain)
Caracterización del potencial sísmico de la falla de Carboneras (Almería) mediante
trincheras (Seismic potential characterization of the Carboneras fault (Almería, SE Spain)
by means of trenches)
Project CGL2004-20214-E funded by the Dirección General de Investigación (Spain)
P.I. Dr. Eulàlia Masana Closa (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
IMPULS: Estudio paleosismológico integrado de estructuras activas en el margen sur
de Iberia (IMPULS: Paleoseismological integred study of active structures in the south
margin of Iberia)
Project REN 2003-05996/MAR funded by the Programa Nacional de Recursos Naturales
P.I. Dr. Eulàlia Gràcia Mont (Unitat de Tecnologia Marina-CSIC, Spain)
SAFE: Slow active faults in Europe. Assessing fundamental input for seismic risk in
regions of low seismicity
Project EVG1-CT-2000-00023 funded by the European Union
P.I. Dr. Pere Santanach Prat (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
FAUST: Faults as a seismologists tool. From Faults on the field to Faults Model and
Seismic Hazard
Project ENV4-CT97-0578 funded by the European Union
P.I. Dr. Pere Santanach Prat (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Geologic and geophysics surveys
1. Offshore surveys
February-March 2012
Campaign: M86/5
Campaign chief: Dr. Christian Hensen, researcher of the IFM-GEOMAR (Germany)
Research vessel: FS Meteor (German)
Objectives: Looking for cold-seeps using very high resolution images with AUV and seismic
data and taking geochemistry samples for gas and fluid analysis in the Gulf of Cadis (South
Iberian Peninsula).
Task: Operator of the Parasound sounder (high resolution sediment profiler), responsible of
generating a kingdom suite project with the parasound profiles and part of the team that
selected the coring sites.
September-October 2011
Campaign: TOPOMED
Campaign chief: Dra. Eulàlia Gràcia and Dr. Rafael Bartolomé, researchers of the UTMCSIC (Spain)
Research vessel: BIO Sarmiento de Gamboa (Spanish)
Objectives: Obtain high resolution and penetration multi-channel seismic data in the Alboran
Sea (South Iberian Peninsula).
Task: Operator of the Parasound sounder (high resolution sediment profiler) and part of the
team that discussed the campaign seismic lines. Responsible of the shift.
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
May-June 2010
Campaign: EVENT-DEEP
Campaign chief: Dr. Rafael Bartolomé, researcher of the UTM-CSIC (Spain)
Research vessel: BIO Sarmiento de Gamboa (Spanish)
Objectives: Obtain high resolution multi-channel seismic data in the Alboran Sea and Gulf of
Cadis (South Iberian Peninsula).
Task: Operator of the Parasound sounder (high resolution sediment profiler) and part of the
team that discussed the campaign seismic lines. Responsible of the shift.
September 2009
Campaign chief: Dr. Rafael Bartolomé and Dr. Claudio Lo Iacono, researchers of the UTMCSIC (Spain)
Research vessel: BIO García del Cid (Spanish)
Objectives: Obtain high resolution sparker seismic data in the Carboneras and Dalias fault
zones (Alboran Sea, SE Spain) and in the Bajo Segura zone (western Mediterranean, SE
Task: Control the sparker seismic acquisition. Responsible of the shift.
May 2006
Campaign: IMPULS
Campaign chief: Dra. Eulàlia Gràcia, researcher of the UTM-CSIC (Spain)
Research vessel: BIO Hespérides (Spanish)
Objectives: Obtain high resolution multichannel seismic data (Geometrix GeoEel),
bathimetric data (Simrad EM120), very high resolution seismic data (TOPAS PS18) and
gravity cores, in the Carboneras fault zone (Alboran Sea, SE Spain).
Task: Control the multichannel seismic acquisition.
September 2001
Campaign: HITS
Campaign chief: Dra. Eulàlia Gràcia, researcher of the UTM-CSIC (Spain)
Research vessel: BIO Hespérides (Spanish)
Objectives: Obtain data with side scan sonar (TOBI), bathimetric data (EM1200) and very
high resolution seismic data (BPS-TOPAS), in the zones of the Carboneras fault (Alboran
Sea, SE Spain) and in the Marqués de Pombal fault (Atlantic Ocean, SW Portugal).
Task: Control and operate the TOPAS sounder (high resolution sediment profiler).
2. Onshore surveys
October 2000 – March 2013
Type of campaign: Various field paleoseismological campaigns
Objectives: Obtain paleoseismological data from the opening of trenches in different
geological environments and in different fault types, in the Iberian Peninsula and in the
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (Mexico).
Responsible: Dr. Eulàlia Masana (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain), Dr. João Cabral
(Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) and Dr. Ramón Zuñiga and Dr. María Ortuño
(Universidad Autónoma de México, Mexico).
July 2007 and September 2011
Type of campaign: Two field GPS campaigns
Objectives: Obtain GPS data in the Vale do Tejo and Algarve (Portugal).
Responsible: Dr. Virgilio Mendes, Dr. Antónia Pagarete and Dr. João Cabral (Universidade
de Lisboa, Portugal).
June 2007
Type of campaign: Field geophysics campaign
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
Objectives: Obtain electrical resistivity data across the Vidigueira-Moura fault (Alentejo,
Responsible: Dr. Fernando Santos and Dr. João Cabral (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal).
June 2006 to March 2007
Type of campaign: Field geological cartography
Objectives: Map the Quaternary units to produce a geological map 1:25000 in the Tremp and
Pobla de Segur basins (Pyrenees; Spain).
Responsible: Dr. Antòn Muñoz (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
August 1999 and September 2004
Type of campaign: Two field geophysics campaigns
Objectives: Obtain magnetotelluric data in the western and central Pyrenees (Spain).
Responsible: Dr. Jaume Pous Fabregas, Dr. Pilar Queralt and Dr. Juan José Ledo,
(Universitat de Barcelona, Spain).
Scientific collaborations
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Since 2000. Dr. Eulàlia Masana, Dr. María Ortuño and Dr. Pere Santanach. In the scope of my
PhD studies and later projects (FAUST, SAFE, IMPULS, EVENT and SHAKE). Development of
active tectonics and paleoseismological studies in the eastern and south-eastern Iberian
Peninsula. Organization of the IBERFAUL congress.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Since 2001. Dr. Jose Jesus Martínez-Díaz, Dr. Gerardo de Vicente and Dr. Juan Miguel Insua.
Collaboration in different geological and paleoseismological field campaigns in southeastern
and western Iberian Peninsula, historical earthquakes modeling and participation in a Bilateral
Collaboration Projects between Portugal and Spain. Organization of the IBERFAUL congress.
Unitat Técnica Marina – CSIC (Spain)
Since 2001. Dr. Eulàlia Gràcia, Dr. Rafael Bartolomé and Dr. Claudio Lo Iacono. Participation in
different offshore campaigns in western Mediterranean and Gulf of Cadiz and collaboration in
different research projects (IMPULS, EVENT and SHAKE)
Universitet i Bergen (Norway)
Since 2003. Dr. Kuvvet Atakan. Collaboration in european projects (FAUST and SAFE) and
development of a seismic hazard study in the western margin of the València trough (Spain)
introducing active faults as sources.
Instituto Dom Luiz – Univestidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
Since 2006. Dr. João Cabral, Dr. Fernando Santos, Dr. Virgilio Mendes, Dr. António Brum, Dr.
Antonio Pagarete and Dr. Luis Matias. Collaboration in project PALEOSISPOR, performing
paleoseismological, geophysical and GPS studies in Portugal.
Univestidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
Since 2008. Dr. Pedro Cunha and Dr. Fernando Carlos Lopes. Collaboration in project
PALEOSISPOR, performing paleoseismological and collecting sediment samples to OSL dating
in Portugal.
Instituto Superior Técnico – Univestidade Técnica de Lisboa (Portugal)
Since 2009. Dr. João Fonseca, Dr. Susana Vilanova and Dr. Glenda M. Besana-Ostman.
Collaboration in projects PALEOSISPOR and FINDER, performing paleoseismologica and
geophysical studies in Vale do Tejo and Vilariça fault (Portugal). Discussion of the
seismotectonic zonation of Portugal and Iberian Peninsula
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
San Diego State University (United States)
Since 2009. Dr. Tom Rockwell. Collaboration in PALEOSISPOR project performing
paleoseismologica studies Vilariça fault (Portugal).
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (Spain)
Since 2009. Dr. Julián García-Mayordomo, Dr. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Pascua and Dr. Raul
Pérez-López. Organization of the IBERFAUL congress and discussion of the seismotectònic
zonation of Spain and Iberian Peninsula.
Universidad de Alicante (Spain)
Since 2010. Dr. Pedro Alfaro. Collaboration in the EVENT project to correlate onshore and
offshore geological structures in the Bajo Segura Basin (Spain).
Centro de Geociéncias – Universidad Autonoma de México (México)
Since 2011. Dr. Ramón Zuñiga and Dr. Pierre Lacan. Collaboration in the paleoseismological
study of the active faults in the Central Acambay Graben in the Trans-mexican Volcanic Belt
(Pre-doc period)
(IDL Researcher)
(CSIC Researcher)
SCI Journals
5 (2)
5 (2)
5 (2)
Other publications
4 (1)
18 (6)
1 (-)
(In brackets number of publications as first author)
Number of citations: 114 (consulted 11/06/2013 in Scopus)
H index: 6 (consulted 11/06/2013 in Scopus)
1. Publications in SCI journals
[16] Martínez-Loriente, S., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Sallarès, V., Connors, C., Perea, H., Lo
Iacono, C., Klaeschen, D., Terrinha, P., Dañobeitia, J.J. and Zitellini, N. (accepted): Active
deformation in old oceanic lithosphere: Seismic imaging of the Coral Patch Ridge area (SW
Iberian Margin) and significance for earthquake hazard. Geochemistry, Geophysics,
Geosystems (G-Cubed).
[15] Alfaro, P., Bartolomé, R., Borque, M.J., Estevez, A., García-Mayordomo, J., GarcíaTortosa, F.j., Gil, A., Gràcia, E., Lo Iacono, C. and Perea, H. (2012): The Bajo Segura Fault
Zone: Active blind thrusting in the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain). Journal of Iberian Geology,
38(1), 271-284 (doi:10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39217).
[14] García-Mayordomo, J., Unsua-Arévalo, J.M., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Jiménez-Díaz, A.,
Martín-Banda, R., Martín-Alfageme, S., Álvarez-Gómez, J.A., Rodríguez-Peces, M., PérezLópez, R., Rodríguez-Pascua, M.A., Masana, E., Perea, H., Martín-González, F., GinerRobles, J., Nemser, E.S., Cabral, J. and QAFI Compilers (2012): The Quaternary Active
Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI v.2.0). Journal of Iberian Geology, 38(1), 285-302
[13] Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Moreno, X., Stich, D., Martínez-Diaz, J.J.,
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
Bozzano, G., Martínez-Loriente, S., Perea, H., Masana, E., Dañobeitia, J.J., Tello, O., Sanz,
J.L., Carreño, E. and EVENT-SHELF Team (2012): Acoustic and seismic imaging of the
active Adra Fault (NE Alboran Sea): In search for the source of the 1910 Adra Earthquake.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 3255-3267 (doi:10.5194/nhess-12-32552012).
[12] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Alfaro, P., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Moreno, X., Masana, E.
and EVENT-SHELF Team (2012): Quaternary active tectonic structures in the offshore Bajo
Segura basin (SE Iberian Peninsula – Mediterranean Sea). Natural Hazards and Earth
System Sciences, 12, 3151-3168 (doi:10.5194/nhess-12-3151-2012).
[11] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2012): An active zone characterized by slow
normal faults, the northwestern margin of the València trough (NE Iberia): a review. Journal
of Iberian Geology, 38(1), 31-52 (doi:10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39204).
[10] Brum da Silveira, A., Cabral, J., Perea, H. and Ribeiro, A. (2009): Evidence for coupled
reverse and normal faulting reactivation in a compressive stress regime. An example: The
[9] Monteiro Santos, F.A., Perea, H., Massoud, U.A., Plancha, J.P., Marques, J. and Cabral,
J. (2009): Using tensorial electrical survey to locate fault systems. Journal of Geophysics and
Engineering, 6, 390-400. doi:10.1088/1742-2132/6/4/007.
[8] Perea, H. (2009): The catalan seismic crisis (1427 and 1428): Geological sources and
earthquake triggering. Journal of Geodynamics, 47, 259-270. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2009.01.002.
[7] Ortuño, M., Queralt, P., Martí, A., Ledo, J., Masana, E., Perea, H. and Santanach, P.
(2008): North Maladeta fault (Spanish Central Pyrenees) as the Vielha 1923 earthquake
seismic source: Recent activity revealed by geomorphological and geophysical research.
Tectonophysics, 453, 246-262. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.06.016.
[6] Perea, H. and Atakan, K. (2007): Influence of slow active faults and the variability of their
seismic parameters in seismic hazard assessment: the example of the northwestern margin
of the València trough. Natural Hazards, 43, 379-396. doi:10.1007/s11069-007-9135-0.
[5] Gràcia, E., Pallàs, R., Soto, J.I., Comas, M., Moreno, X., Masana, E., Santanach, P.,
Diez, S., Garcia, M., Dañobeitia, J.J., and HITS Team (among them Perea, H.) (2006):
Active Faulting offshore SE Spain (Alboran Sea): Implications for Earthquake Hazard
Assessment in the South Iberian Margin. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 241(3-4), 734-749.
[4] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2006): A pragmatic approach to seismic
parameters in regions with low seismicity: the case of eastern Iberia. Natural Hazards, 39,
451-477. doi:10.1007/s11069-006-0013-y.
[3] Gomez, O., Blondel, P., Gràcia, E., Dañobeitia, J.J. and HITS 2001 science party (among
them Perea, H.) (2005). Quantitative textural analysis of TOBI sonar imagery along the
Almería Canyon (Almería Margin, Alboran Sea, SE Spain). In: D. M. Hodgson and S. S. Flint
(eds). Submarine Slope Systems: Processes and Products. Geological Society Special
Publication, 244, 141-154.
[2] Masana, E., Pallàs, R., Perea, H., Ortuño, M., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., García-Meléndez, E.
and Santanach, P. (2005): Large Holocene morphogenic earthquakes along the Albox fault,
Betic Cordillera, Spain. Journal of Geodynamics, 40, 119-133. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2005.07.002.
[1] Perea, H., Figueiredo, P., Carner, J., Gambini, S., Boydell, K. and participants to
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
Europaleos (2003): Paleoseismological data from a new trench across the El Camp fault
(Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Iberian Peninsula). Annals of Geophysics, 46, 763-774.
2. Publications submitted or in preparation
[3] Perea, H., Gràcia, E. and Bartolomé, R. (in prep.): Direct paleoearthquakes recognition
and uncertainty analysis in an offshore slow moving fault: The Santa Pola fault (Bajo Segura
Basin – Western Mediterranean Sea).
[2] Vilanova, S.P., Nemser, E., Besana-Ostman, G.M., Bezzeghoud, M., Borges, J.F., Brum
da Silveira, A., Cabral, J., Carvalho, J., Cunha, P.P., Rias, R.P., Madeira, J., Lopes, F.C.,
Oliveira, C.S., Perea, H., García-Mayordomo, J., Wong, I., Ardvisson, R. and Fonseca,
J.F.D.B. (in prep.): Incorporating descriptive metadata into seismic source zone models for
seismic hazard assessment.
[1] Giaconia, F., Booth-Rea, G., Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Calahorrano, A., Lo
Iacono, C., Vendrell, M.G., Cameselle, A.L., Costa, S., Gómez de la Peña, L., MartínezLoriente, S., Perea, H. and Viñas, M. (submitted): Compressional tectonic inversion of the
Algero-Balearic basin: Latemost Miocene to present oblique convergence at the Palomares
margin (western Mediterranean). Tectonics.
3. Extended abstracts with external review
[18] Ranero, C.R., Gràcia, E., Sallarès, V., Garcia, X., Gallart, J., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono,
C., Martínez-Loriente, S., Moreno, X., Prada, M., Perea, H., Vendrell, M.G., Grevemeyer, I.,
Moeller, S., Jegen, M., Evans, R. and Zitellini, N. (2012): The Western Mediterranean Pairs
of Basin and Arc Systems. Geotemas, 13, 1598-1601.
[17] Bartolomé, R., Gràcia, E., Lo Iacono, C., Martínez-Loriente, S., Moreno, X., Perea, H.,
Masana, E. and EVENT DEEP working group (2010): Seismic imaging of active faults in the
Southern Alboran sea (SE Iberian margin): First results of the 2010 EVENT-DEEP cruise. In:
Contribución de la geología al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica (Insua, J.M. and MartínGonzález, F., eds.). 155-158.
[16] Cabral, J., Perea, H., Marques Figueiredo, P., Besana-Ostman, G.M., Brum da Silveira,
A., Cunha, P.P., Gomes, A., Lopes, F.C., Pereira, D. and Rockwell, T. (2010): Preliminary
results of a paleoseismological study of the Vilariça fault (NE Portugal). In: Contribución de la
geología al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica (Insua, J.M. and Martín-González, F., eds.).
[15] García-Mayordomo, J., Unsua-Arévalo, J.M., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Perea, H., ÁlvarezGómez, J.A., Martín-González, F., González, Á., Lafuente, P., Pérez-López, R., RodríguezPascua, M.A., Giner-Robles, J., Azañón, J.M., Masana, E. and Moreno, X. (2010): Modelo
integral de zonas sismogénicas de España (Integrated seismogenic source-zones model for
Spain). In: Contribución de la geología al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica (Insua, J.M. and
Martín-González, F., eds.). 193-196.
[14] Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Moreno, X., Martínez-Loriente, S., Perea, H.,
Masana, E., Pallàs, R., Diez, S., Dañobeitia, J.J., Terrinha, P. and Zitallini, N. (2010):
Characterizing active faults and associated mass transport deposits in the south Iberian
margin (Alboran sea and Gulf of Cadiz): On-fault and off-fault paleoseismic evidence. In:
Contribución de la geología al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica (Insua, J.M. and MartínGonzález, F., eds.). 163-166.
[13] Masana, E., Gràcia, E., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Moreno, X., Ortuño, M., Perea, H.,
Khazaradze, G., Pallàs, R., Rodés, A., Queralt, P., Coll, M., Bartomolé, R., García-
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
Meléndez, E., Ruano, P., Stepancikova, P., Dañobeitia, J.J. and Santanach, P. (2010):
Characterizing the seismic potential of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (EBSZ), a major source
of earthquakes in southeastern Iberia. In: Contribución de la geología al análisis de la
peligrosidad sísmica (Insua, J.M. and Martín-González, F., eds.). 101-104.
[12] Nemser, E.S., García-Mayordomo, J., Cabral, J., Fonseca, J.F.B.D., Martínez-Díaz, J.J.,
Vilanova, S. and the 2010 Working Group on Iberian Seismogenic Sources (among them
Perea, H.) (2010): Compilation of parameterized seismogenic sources in Iberia for the
SHARE European-scale seismic source model. In: Contribución de la geología al análisis de
la peligrosidad sísmica (Insua, J.M. and Martín-González, F., eds.). 201-204.
[11] Ortuño, M. and Perea, H. (2010): El terremoto de Vielha de 1923 (pirineos centrales):
Fuente sismogenética, variación del esfuerzo de coulomb y distribución la sismicidad
posterior (The 1923 Vielha earthquake (Central Pyrenees): seismogenetic source, coulomb
stress transfer and subsequent distributin of the seismicity). In: Contribución de la geología
al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica (Insua, J.M. and Martín-González, F., eds.).15-18.
[10] Perea, H., Cabral, J., Marques Figueiredo, P., Besana-Ostman, G.M., Brum da Silveira,
A., Cunha, P.P., Gomes, A., Lopes, F.C., Pereira, D. and Rockwell, T. (2010): Actividade
sísmica quaternária da falha da Vilariça (NE Portugal): Resultados preliminares de um
estudo paleossismológico (Quaternary seismic activity of the Vilariça fault (NE Portugal):
Preliminary results of a paleoseismological study). e-Terra, vol. 11, n. 6
[9] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Masana, E. and EVENT-SHELF
Team (2010): Structure and potential seismogenic sources of the offshore Bajo Segura fault
zone, SE Iberian Peninsula (Mediterranean sea). Looking for the source of the 1829
Torrevieja earthquake. In: Contribución de la geología al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica
(Insua, J.M. and Martín-González, F., eds.). 113-116.
[8] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2010): Geomorphological features of mountain
fronts controlled by low slip extensional faults: the northwester margin of the València trough.
In: Contribución de la geología al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica (Insua, J.M. and MartínGonzález, F., eds.). 19-22.
[7] Santanach, P., Masana, E. and Perea, H. (2010): The El Camp fault revisited: A 300 ka
long paleoseismic history of a low-slip normal fault in northeastern Iberia. In: Contribución de
la geología al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica (Insua, J.M. and Martín-González, F., eds.).
[6] Vilanova, S.P., Oliveira, C.S., Brum da Silveira, A., Madeira, J., Nemser, E., Fonseca,
J.F.D.B., Arvidsson, R., Besana-Ostman, G.M., Bezzeghoud, M., Borges, J.F., Cabral, J.,
Carvalho, J., Cunha, P.P., Dias, R.P., Lopes, F.C., Perea, H. and Wong, I. (2010): New
seismic source zone model for Portugal and Azores for use in project SHARE: Methodology
and preliminary results. In: Contribución de la geología al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica
(Insua, J.M. and Martín-González, F., eds.). 205-206.
[5] Perea, H. (2008): La crisis sísmica catalana de 1427 y 1428: Probables fuentes de los
terremotos. Geotemas, 10, 1039-1042.
[4] Masana, E., Perea, H., Ortuño, M., Martíez-Díaz, J. and Santanach, P. (2004):
Dislocaciones históricas en la terminación suroccidental de la falla de Alhama de Murcia.
Primeros resultados del estudio paleosísmico. Geotemas, 6(3), 167-170.
[3] Ortuño, M., Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2004): La falla del norte de la
Maladeta, ¿fuente sísmica del terremoto de Biela(11 de Noviembre de 1923)?. Geotemas,
6(3), 171-174.
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
[2] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2004): Determinación del grado de actividad
de fallas extensivas en zonas de deformación lenta y su influencia en los estudios de
peligrosidad sísmica. Geotemas, 6(3), 175-178.
[1] Vizcaino, A., Gràcia, E., Pallàs, R., Terrinha, P., Escutia, C., Dañobeitia, J.J., Jacobs, C.,
and HITS cruise party (among them Perea, H.) (2004). Estudio de alta resolución de las
fallas activas y procesos sedimentarios asociados al Cañón de São Vicente, margen
Sudoeste de Iberia. Geotemas, 6(5), 215-218.
4. Geological Maps
[2] Muñoz, J.A., Carrera, N., Mencos, J., Beamud, B., Perea, H., Arbués, P., Rivas, G., Sola,
J., Montaner, J., Picart, J., Serra, L., Caus, E., Boix, C., Villalonga, R., Martínez, R., Vicedo,
V. and Rosell, J. (2009): Mapa geològic de Catalunya escala 1:25000. Full de Tremp 252-12 (65-22). Institut Geològic de Catalunya / Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya
[1] Muñoz, J.A., Carrera, N., Mencos, J., Beamud, B., Perea, H., Arbués, P., Rivas, G.,
Bausà, J., García-Senz, J.M., Sola, J., Montaner, J., Serra, L., Picart, J., Caus, E., Boix, C.,
Villalonga, R., Martínez, R., Vicedo, V. and Rosell, J. (2010): Mapa geològic de Catalunya
escala 1:25000. Full d’Aramunt 252-2-2 (66-22). Institut Geològic de Catalunya/Institut
5. Science outreach
[2] Perea, H. (2010-2011): Os terramotos: Risco e perigosidade. Geonovas, 23-24, 19-20.
[1] Perea, H. (2008): Os terramotos: Risco e perigosidade. In Mateus, A. (Coord.), Desastres
Naturais: Minimizar os riscos, maximizar a consciencialização. Departamento de Geologia
FCUL, Lisboa, pp. 7-8 (http://geologia.fc.ul.pt/documents/86.pdf).
Invited talks and congresses
1. Congress organization
IBERFAULT 2010. First Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology
Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committees.
October 27th to 29th 2010, Sigüenza (Spain)
2. Invited talks
Title:”La crisis sísmica catalana: Fuentes geológicas y desencadenamiento de terremotos”
(The Catalan seismic crises: Geological sources and earthquake triggering).
Place/Institution: Centro de Geociencias de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México –
Queretaro (Mexico)
March 2011
Title: De la geología a la peligrosidad sísmica (From geology to seismic hazard)
Place/Institution: Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Bogotá (Colombia)
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
September 2009
Title: De la geología a la peligrosidad sísmica (From geology to seismic hazard)
Place/Institution: Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín (Colombia)
September 2009
Title: La geomorfología como indicador de la tectónica activa (Geomorphology as indicator of
active tectonics)
Place/Institution: Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín (Colombia)
September 2009
Title: “De la geología a la peligrosidad sísmica” (From geology to seismic hazard).
Place/Institution: XII Congreso Colombiano de Geología – Paipa (Colombia).
Date: Septiembre 2009
Title: “De la geologia a la perillositat sísmica: Diferents aproximacions per la detecció de
falles actives” (From geology to seismic hazard: Different approaches to detect active faults).
Place/Institution: CMIMA-CSIC (Barcelona, Spain)
Date: February 2009
Title: “Fallas activas y peligrosidad sísmica: El margen noroccidental del surco de Valencia
(NE Península Ibérica)” (Active faults and seismic hazard: The northeastern margin of the
València trough (NE Iberian Peninsula)).
Place: Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal).
Date: October 2007.
3. Abstracts to congresses
[78] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Bartolome, R., Ranero, C.R., Lo Iacono, C., Martínez-Loriente, S.,
Moreno, X., Gómez de la Peña, L. and EVENT-DEEP and TOPOMED-GASSIS teams
(2013): Multi-scale seismic imaging and evidences of Quaternary activity of the Yussuf fault
system (Alboran Sea). CRAAG Intrnational Symposium. Commemoration of the Boumerdes
earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8), 10 years after: The large Mediterranean earthquakes,
from past to present. 21-23 May, Algiers (Algeria).
[77] Gràcia, E., Ranero, C.R., Perea, H., Bartolome, R., Lo Iacono, C., Moreno, X., MartínezLoriente, S., Gomez de la Peña, L., Masana, E. and Yelles, A.K. (2013: Multiscale seismic
characterization of active faults in the South-Western Mediterranean and Alboran Basin:
Implications for earthquake and tsunami. CRAAG Intrnational Symposium. Commemoration
of the Boumerdes earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8), 10 years after: The large
Mediterranean earthquakes, from past to present. 21-23 May, Algiers (Algeria).
[76] Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Moreno, X., Perea, H., Ranero, C.R., MartínezLoriente, S., Masana, E., Diez, S. and Dañobeitia, J.J. (2013): Multiscale seismic
characterization of active faults in the Alboran Basin: Implications for earthquake and
tsunami hazard in the western Mediterranean coasts. AAPG European Regional Conference,
8-10 April, Barcelona (Spain).
[75] Martínez-Loriente, S., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Connors, C., Sallarès, V., Perea, H., Lo
Iacono, C., Klaeschen, D., Dañobeitia, J.J. and Zitellini, N. (2013): Active faulting on the
Coral Patch Ridge area (SW Iberian Margin) based on high-resolution PSDM seismic
profiles: significance for earthquake and tsunami hazard. AAPG European Regional
Conference, 8-10 April, Barcelona (Spain).
[74] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Ranero, C.R., Lo Iacono, C., Martínez-Loriente, S.
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
and Moreno, X. (2013): Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Strike-slip Yussuf Fault System
(Alboran Sea). AAPG European Regional Conference, 8-10 April, Barcelona (Spain).
[73] Ortuño-Candela, M., Zúñiga, R., Corominas, O., Perea, H., Ramírez Herrera, M.T.,
Stepancikova, P., Villamor, P., Aguirre, G. and Norini, G. (2012): Paleoseismology of the
Venta de Bravo, Tepuxtepec and Temascalcingo faults (Transmexican Volcanic Belt). Unión
Geofísica Mexicana Annual Meeting, 28 October-2 November, Puerto Vallarta (Mexico).
[72] Bartolomé, R., Gràcia, E., Ranero, C., Lo Iacono, C., Martínez-Loriente, S., Perea, H.
and Dañobeitia, J.J. (2012): Seismic imaging of submarine seismogenic faults beneath the
western Alboran Sea (SE Iberian margin). PANAF meeting, 8-12 October, Istanbul (Turkey).
[71] Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Moreno, X., Perea, H., Martínez-Loriente, S.,
Masana, E., Pallàs, R., Díaz, S. and Dañobeitia, J.J. (2012): Active strike-slip faults offshore
the South Iberian Margin (Alboran Sean and Gulf of Cadiz): Implications for submarine
paleoseismology. PANAF meeting, 8-12 October, Istanbul (Turkey).
[70] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Alfaro, P., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Moreno, X. and Masana,
E. (2012): Paleoseismological and active tectonics studies on the offshore Bajo Segura Fault
Zone (SE Iberian Peninsula – Mediterranean Sea). PANAF meeting, 8-12 October, Istanbul
[69] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Ranero, C., Lo Iacono, C., Martínez-Loriente, S.,
Moreno, X. and EVENT-DEEP and TOPOMED-GASSIS Teams (2012): The strike-slip
Yussuf fault system (Alboran Sea): Multi-scale seismic imaging and evidences of Quaternary
activity. PANAF meeting, 8-12 October, Istanbul (Turkey).
[68] Nemser, E.S., Basili, R., Kastelic, V., García-Mayordomo, J., Cabral, J., Fonseca,
J.F.B.D., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Vilanova, S. and the 2010 Working Group on Iberian
Seismogenic (among them Perea, H.) (2012): Database of Iberian seismogenic sources
parameterized for use in the SHARE European-scale seismic source model. 15th World
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 24-28 September, Lisboa (Portugal).
[67] García-Mayordomo, J., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Capote, R., Martín-Banda, R., InsuaArévalo, J.M., Álvarez-Gómez, J.A., Perea, H., González, Á., Lafuente, P., Martín-González,
F., Pérez-López, R., Rodríguez-Pascua, M.A., Giner-Robles, J., Azañón, J.M., Masana, E.,
Moreno, X., Benito, B., Rivas, A., Gaspar-Escribano, J.M., Cabañas, L., Vilanova, S.,
Fonseca, J., Nemser, E. and Baize, S. (2012): Seismogenic source model for the calculation
of seismic hazard in Spain. 7ª Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofisica, 2529 Junio, San Sebastián (Spain).
[66] Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R, Lo Iacono, C, Moreno, X, Martínez-Loriente, S., Perea, H.,
Ranero, C.R., Masana, E., Pallàs, R. and Dañobeitia, J. (2012): Active faulting and slope
failures in the south iberian margins: overview and implications for earthquake and tsunami
hazard assessment. Deep-sea and sub-seafloor frontiers conference, 11-14 March, Sitges
[65] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Alfaro, P., Bartolomé, R, Lo Iacono, C, Moreno, X, Masana, E.
and EVENT-SHELF Team (2012): Active tectonics and paleoseismological studies on the
offshore Bajo Segura basin faults (SE Iberian Peninsula – Mediterranean sea). Deep-sea
and sub-seafloor frontiers conference, 11-14 March, Sitges (Spain).
[64] Idárraga-García, J. and Perea, H. (2011): Tectônica activa em El frente de montaña
occidental de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (NE de Colômbia), primeros resultados. XIV
Congreso Latinoamericano de Geología y XIII Congreso Colombiano de Geología, Medellín
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
(Colombia), 31 August – 2 September 2011.
[63] Ortuño Candela, M., Zuñiga, R., Corominas, O., Perea, H., Ramírez Herrera, M.T.,
Stepancikova, P., Villamor, P., Aguirre, G. and Norini, G. (2011): Caracterización de fallas
sismogenéticas en el centro del Cinturón Volcánico Trans-mexicano. Resultados
preliminares. XIV Congreso Latinoamericano de Geología y XIII Congreso Colombiano de
Geología, Medellín (Colombia), 31 August – 2 September 2011.
[62] García-Mayordomo, J., Insua-Arévalo, J.M., Jiménez-Díaz, A., Álvarez-Gómez, J.A.,
Rodríguez-Peces, M.J., Martín-Alfageme, S., Pérez-López, R., Martínez-Díaz, J.J.,
Rodríguez-Páscua, M.A., Masana, E., Perea, H., Moreno, X., González, A., Lafuente, P.,
Azañón, J.M., Martín-González, F., Giner-Robles, J., Vilanova, S., Nemser, E.S., Cabral, J.
and Fonseca, J.F.B.D. (2011): Contribuciones recientes de la geología al análisis de la
peligrosidad sísmica en España. 4o Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria Sísmica, Granada
(Spain), 18-20 May 2011.
[61] Bartolomé, R., Gràcia, E., Lo Iacono, C., Martínez-Loriente, S., Moreno, X., Perea, H.,
Masana, E. and EVENT DEEP working group (2010): Seismic imaging of active faults in the
Southern Alboran sea (SE Iberian margin): First results of the 2010 EVENT-DEEP cruise.
IBERFAULT 2010: First Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology, Sigüenza
(Spain), 27-29 October 2010, 155-158.
[60] Cabral, J., Perea, H., Marques Figueiredo, P., Besana-Ostman, G.M., Brum da Silveira,
A., Cunha, P.P., Gomes, A., Lopes, F.C., Pereira, D. and Rockwell, T. (2010): Preliminary
results of a paleoseismological study of the Vilariça fault (NE Portugal). IBERFAULT 2010:
First Iberianmeeting on active faults and paleoseismology, Sigüenza (Spain), 27-29 October
2010, 41-44.
[59] García-Mayordomo, J., Unsua-Arévalo, J.M., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Perea, H., ÁlvarezGómez, J.A., Martín-González, F., González, Á., Lafuente, P., Pérez-López, R., RodríguezPascua, M.A., Giner-Robles, J., Azañón, J.M., Masana, E. and Moreno, X. (2010): Modelo
integral de zonas sismogénicas de España (Integrated seismogenic source-zones model for
Spain). IBERFAULT 2010: First Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology,
Sigüenza (Spain), 27-29 October 2010, 193-196.
[58] Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Moreno, X., Martínez-Loriente, S., Perea, H.,
Masana, E., Pallàs, R., Diez, S., Dañobeitia, J.J., Terrinha, P. and Zitallini, N. (2010):
Characterizing active faults and associated mass transport deposits in the south Iberian
margin (Alboran sea and Gulf of Cadiz): On-fault and off-fault paleoseismic evidence.
IBERFAULT 2010: First Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology, Sigüenza
(Spain), 27-29 October 2010, 163-166.
[57] Masana, E., Gràcia, E., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Moreno, X., Ortuño, M., Perea, H.,
Khazaradze, G., Pallàs, R., Rodés, A., Queralt, P., Coll, M., Bartomolé, R., GarcíaMeléndez, E., Ruano, P., Stepancikova, P., Dañobeitia, J.J. and Santanach, P. (2010):
Characterizing the seismic potential of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (EBSZ), a major source
of earthquakes in southeastern Iberia. IBERFAULT 2010: First Iberian meeting on active
faults and paleoseismology, Sigüenza (Spain), 27-29 October 2010, 101-104.
[56] Nemser, E.S., García-Mayordomo, J., Cabral, J., Fonseca, J.F.B.D., Martínez-Díaz, J.J.,
Vilanova, S. and the 2010 Working Group on Iberian Seismogenic Sources (among them
Perea, H.) (2010): Compilation of parameterized seismogenic sources in Iberia for the
SHARE European-scale seismic source model. IBERFAULT 2010: First Iberian meeting on
active faults and paleoseismology, Sigüenza (Spain), 27-29 October 2010, 201-204.
[55] Ortuño, M. and Perea, H. (2010): El terremoto de Vielha de 1923 (pirineos centrales):
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
Fuente sismogenética, variación del esfuerzo de coulomb y distribución la sismicidad
posterior (The 1923 Vielha earthquake (Central Pyrenees): seismogenetic source, coulomb
stress transfer and subsequent distributin of the seismicity). IBERFAULT 2010: First Iberian
meeting on active faults and paleoseismology, Sigüenza (Spain), 27-29 October 2010, 1518.
[54] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Masana, E. and EVENT-SHELF
Team (2010): Structure and potential seismogenic sources of the offshore Bajo Segura fault
zone, SE Iberian Peninsula (Mediterranean sea). Looking for the source of the 1829
Torrevieja earthquake. IBERFAULT 2010: First Iberian meeting on active faults and
paleoseismology, Sigüenza (Spain), 27-29 October 2010, 113-116.
[53] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2010): Geomorphological features of
mountain fronts controlled by low slip extensional faults: the northweastern margin of the
València trough. IBERFAULT 2010: First Iberian meeting on active faults and
paleoseismology, Sigüenza (Spain), 27-29 October 2010, 19-22.
[52] Santanach, P., Masana, E. and Perea, H. (2010): The El Camp fault revisited: A 300 ka
long paleoseismic history of a low-slip normal fault in northeastern Iberia. IBERFAULT 2010:
First Iberian meeting on active faults and paleoseismology, Sigüenza (Spain), 27-29 October
2010, 23-26.
[51] Vilanova, S.P., Oliveira, C.S., Brum da Silveira, A., Madeira, J., Nemser, E., Fonseca,
J.F.D.B., Arvidsson, R., Besana-Ostman, G.M., Bezzeghoud, M., Borges, J.F., Cabral, J.,
Carvalho, J., Cunha, P.P., Dias, R.P., Lopes, F.C., Perea, H. and Wong, I. (2010): New
seismic source zone model for Portugal and Azores for use in project SHARE: Methodology
and preliminary results. IBERFAULT 2010: First Iberian meeting on active faults and
paleoseismology, Sigüenza (Spain), 27-29 October 2010, 205-206.
[50] D’Almeida, L., Rosas, F., Perea, H. and Moulin, M. (2010): Hanging wall strain
accommodation during thrust reactivation of basement normal faults: comparative analogue
modeling of smooth (convex-concave) and flat-ramp (stair-stepping) fault geometries.
Geomod 2010, Lisboa (Portugal), 27-29 September 2010.
[49] Bartolomé, R., Gràcia, E., Lo Iacono, C., Martínez-Loriente, S., Moreno, X., Perea, H.,
Terrinha, P., Zitellini, N., Dañobeitia, J.J. and EVENT DEEP working group (2010): Seismic
imaging of seismogenic (active strike-slip) faults in the South Iberian margin. ESF-FWF
Conference – Submarine Paleoseismology: The offshore search of large Holocene
earthquakes, Obergurgl (Austria), 11-16 September 2010.
[48] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Masana, E. and EVENT-SHELF
Team (2010): Onshore-offshore correlation of active structures in the Bajo Segura fault zone
(Western Mediterranean Sea): Looking for the source of the 1829 Torrevieja Earthquake.
ESF-FWF Conference – Submarine Paleoseismology: The offshore search of large
Holocene earthquakes, Obergurgl (Austria), 11-16 September 2010.
[47] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Lo Iacono, C. and Masana, E. (2010): Offshore
active structures in the Bajo Segura fault zone (Western Mediterranean Sea): Looking for the
source of the 1829 Torrevieja Earthquake. European Seismological Comission 32nd General
Assembly, Montpellier (France), September 6th to 10th 2010.
[46] Perea, H., Cabral, J., Marques Figueiredo, P., Besana-Ostman, G.M., Brum da Silveira,
A., Cunha, P.P., Gomes, A., Lopes, F.C., Pereira, D. and Rockwell, T. (2010): Actividade
sísmica quaternária da falha da Vilariça (NE Portugal): Resultados preliminares de um
estudo paleossismológico (Quaternary seismic activity of the Vilariça fault (NE Portugal):
Preliminary results of a paleoseismological study). e-Terra – VIII Congresso Nacional de
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
Geologia, Braga (Portugal), July 12th to 14th 2010, vol. 11, n. 6.
[45] García-Mayordomo, J., Perea, H., Ortuño, M. and Insua-Arévalo, J.M. (2010): Active
fault studies in the Pyrenees. First Iberian Workshop for Project SHARE, Olhão (Portugal),
January 14th to 16th 2010.
[44] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Masana, E., Bartomolmé, R., and Santanach, P. (2010): Active
faults in the Mediterranean offshore. First Iberian Workshop for Project SHARE, Olhão
(Portugal), January 14th to 16th 2010.
[43] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2010): Active faults on the NW margin of the
València trough. First Iberian Workshop for Project SHARE, Olhão (Portugal), January 14th
to 16th 2010.
[42] Perea, H. (2009): De la geología a la peligrosidad sísmica. XII Congreso Colombiano de
Geología, Paipa (Colombia), September 7th to 11th 2009.
[41] Lo Iacono, C., Gràcia, E., Bartolmé, R., Orejas, C., Gori, A., Gili, J.M., Dañobeitia, J.J.
and EVENT-Shelf Team (among them Perea, H.) (2009): Cold-water coral carbonate
mounds and associated habitats of the Chella Seamount (Alboran Sea – SW
Mediterranean). GEOHAB 2009 – Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping,
Trondheim (Norway), May 5th to 8th 2009.
[40] Perea, H. (2009): The Catalan seismic crisis (1427 and 1428; NE Iberian Peninsula):
Geological sources and earthquake triggering. 2nd International Seminar on Prediction of
Earthquakes, Lisboa (Portugal), April 29th to 30th 2009.
[39] Lo Iacono, C., Bartomolmé, R., Gràcia, E., Monteys, X., Perea, H., Gori, A. and EVENTShelf Team (2009): Cold-water coral carbonate mounds and associated habitats of the
Chella Seamount (Alboran Sea – SW Mediterranean). EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna
(Austria), April 20th to 24th 2009.
[38] Lo Iacono, C., Gràcia, E., Bartolomé, R., Comas, M.C., Dañobeitia, J.J. and EVENTShelf Team (among them Perea, H.) (2009): Acoustic imaging of the carbonate mounds in
the Chella Bank (Eastern Alboran Sea – SW Mediterranean). “Geo-marine Research on the
Mediterranean and European-Atlantic Margins”, International Conference and TTR-17th
Post-Cruise Meeting of the Training-through-Research Programme. Granada (Spain),
February 2nd to 5th, 2009.
[37] Perea, H. (2009): The Catalan seismic crisis (1427 and 1428; NE Iberian Peninsula):
Geological sources and earthquake triggering. EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna
(Austria), April 20th to 24th 2009.
[36] Perea, H., Gràcia, E., Bartomolmé, R., Lo Iacono, C., Masana, E. and EVENT-SHELF
Team (2009): Structure and potential seismogenic and tsunamigenic sources of the offshore
Bajo Segura fault zone, SE Iberian Peninsula (Mediterranean Sea): Preliminary results. EGU
General Assembly 2009, Vienna (Austria), April 20th to 24th 2009.
[35] Masana, E., Moreno, X., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Ortuño, M., Perea, H., Gràcia, E. and
Santanach, J. (2008): Paleoseismology in Eastern Spain. 4th TOPO-EUROPE Workshop, El
Escorial (Spain), 5-8 October 2008.
[34] Perea, H. and Cabral, J. (2008): Fontes geologicas de terramotos históricos e relação
de desencadeamento entre eventos: ejemplo da crise sísmica catalã de 1427 e 1428.
GGET’2008-8ª Conferência Anual, 24-25 de Julho 2008, Memórias nº13, 122-125.
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
[33] Perea, H. (2008): Tectonica activa na avaliação do risco sísmico. Ciencia 2008 –
Encontro com a Ciencia em Portugal, Lisboa (Portugal), 2-4 Julho 2008.
[32] Perea, H. (2008): La crisis sísmica catalana de 1427 y 1428: Probables fuentes de los
terremotos. Geotemas-VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
(Spain), 14-18 julio 2008, 10, 1039-1042.
[31] Gràcia, E., Vizcaino, A., Bartolomé, R., Asioli, A., Escutia, C., García Orellana, J.,
Terrinha, P., Villaseñor, A., Díez, S., Martínez, S., Dañobeitia, J. and HITS and SWIM
Cruises (among them Perea, H.) (2007): Active faulting and holocene paleoseismic record
offshore Portugal, Southwest Iberian Margin. IUGG XXIV General Assembly – Perugia 2007.
Abstract 7813.
[30] Masana, E., Moreno, X., Gràcia, E., Santanach, P., Perea, H., Cabral, J., Ruano, P.,
Piqué, O. and Pallàs, R. (2007): The seismic potential of a silent and slow moving fault: the
Carboneras fault (Eastern Betic Shear Zone, southern Spain). IUGG XXIV General
Assembly – Perugia 2007. Abstract 9684.
[29] Moreno, X., Gràcia, E., Masana, E., Bartolomé, R., Bozzano, G., Rubio, E., Casas, D.,
Lo Iacono, C., Asioli, A., Reicherter, K., Dañobeitia, J.J., Santanach, P. and IMPULS Team
(among them Perea, H.) (2007): Evidence of recent activity along the offshore Carboneras
fault (SE Iberian margin) based on high-resolution acoustic and seismic imaging. IUGG XXIV
General Assembly – Perugia 2007. Abstract 10225.
[28] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2007): Identifying active faults and obtaining
their seismic parameters in low strain zones: The northwester margin of the Valencia trough.
IUGG XXIV General Assembly – Perugia 2007. Abstract 4238.
[27] Queralt,P., Benjumea, B., Ledo, J., Garreta, M., Coll, M., Martí, A., Gabàs, A., Falgàs,
E., Marcuello, A., Masana, E., Moreno, X., Perea, H., Ortuño, M., and Santanach, P. (2007):
Imaging active faults in slow deformation zones by geoelectromagnetic methods. IUGG XXIV
General Assembly – Perugia 2007. Abstract 11546.
[26] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2007): Fallas activas y peligrosidad sísmica
en el margen noroccidental del surco de Valencia. 3er Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria
Sísmica – Girona 2007.
[25] Moreno, X., Masana, E., Gràcia, E., Pallàs, R., Santanach, P., Dañobeitia, J.J. and
IMPULS Team (among them Perea, H.) (2006): Active tectonics along the Carboneras fault
(SE Iberian margin): Onshore-offshore paleoseismological approach. EOS Trans. AGU,
87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T13B-0503.
[24] Ortuño, M., Ledo, J., Martí, A., Perea, H., Queralt, P. and Santanach, P. (2006):
Geomorphological and geophysical approach to the Northern Maladeta fault recent activity.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly – Viena 2006.
[23] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2005): From geomorphology to seismic
hazard in zones with slow slip rate faults: The north-western margin of the València trough.
6th International Conference on Geomorphology – Zaragoza 2005.
[22] Masana, E., Santanach, P., Perea, H. and Martíez-Díaz, J. (2004): Reliability of
recurrence intervals in slow-moving faults. The case of eastern Spain. 32nd International
Geological Congress-Florence 2004.
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
[21] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2004): Estimating fault activity in low slip-rate
systems: the eastern Iberian Peninsula. 32nd International Geological Congress-Florence
[20] Masana, E., Perea, H., Ortuño, M., Martíez-Díaz, J. and Santanach, P. (2004):
Dislocaciones históricas en la terminación suroccidental de la falla de Alhama de Murcia.
Primeros resultados del estudio paleosísmico. Geotemas-VI Congreso Geológico de
España, Zaragoza, 12-15 julio 2004, 6(3), 167-170.
[19] Ortuño, M., Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2004): La falla del norte de la
Maladeta, ¿fuente sísmica del terremoto de Biela(11 de Noviembre de 1923)?. Geotemas-VI
Congreso Geológico de España, Zaragoza, 12-15 julio 2004, 6(3), 171-174.
[18] Perea, H., Masana, E. and Santanach, P. (2004): Determinación del grado de actividad
de fallas extensivas en zonas de deformación lenta y su influencia en los estudios de
peligrosidad sísmica. Geotemas-VI Congreso Geológico de España, Zaragoza, 12-15 julio
2004, 6(3), 175-178.
[17] Vizcaino, A., Gràcia, E., Pallàs, R., Terrinha, P., Escutia, C., Dañobeitia, J.J., Jacobs,
C., and HITS cruise party (among them Perea, H.) (2004). Estudio de alta resolución de las
fallas activas y procesos sedimentarios asociados al Cañón de São Vicente, margen
Sudoeste de Iberia. Geotemas-VI Congreso Geológico de España, Zaragoza, 12-15 julio
2004, 6(5), 215-218.
[16] Gràcia, E., Soto, J.I., Marin, M.A., Vizcaino, A., and HITS cruise party (among them
Perea, H.) (2004). High-Resolution Imaging of the Carboneras fault zone on the Almeria
Margin (NE Alboran Sea): Paleoseismic Implications. 37th Commission for the Scientific
Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea-CIESM, Barcelona (7-11 June 2004).
[15] Marín, M.A., Gràcia, E., Soto, J.I., Blondel, P., Gómez-Sichi, O., HITS cruise party
(among them Perea, H.) (2003). Tectonic Control on the Sedimentary Architecture of the
Almeria MARGIN (Alboran Sea): High-Resolution Imaging. Deep Water Processes in
Modern and Ancient Environments, Barcelona and Ainsa (Spain), (15-19 September 2003).
[14] Terrinha, P., Zitellini, N., Matias L., Gràcia, E., Ribeiro, A., Mendes Víctor, L.,
Dañobeitia, J.J., Pinheiro, L.M., Gafeira, J., Matias, H., Roque, C., E BIGSETS, TTR-10,
PARSIFAL E hits tripulações científicas (among them Perea, H.) (2003). Falha de Marquês
de Pombal: estrutura sismo-tsunamigénica do sismo de Lisboa de 1 de Novembro de 1755?
Estrutura, morfologia e sedimentação associadas. Congresso Nacional de Geologia.
Caparica (Portugal) (4-6 Junio).
[13] Gràcia, E., Pallàs, R., Casas, D., Willmott, V., García-Orellana, J., Dañobeitia, J.J. and
HITS cruise party (among them Perea, H.) (2003). Submarine landslides associated to active
faulting offshore Portugal (SW Iberian Margin): Paleoseismic implications. EGS - AGU - EUG
Joint Assembly, Nice (France), (6-11 April).
[12] Gràcia, E., Dañobeitia, J.J., Terrinha, P. Blondel, P., and HITS cruise party (among them
Perea, H.) (2003). High-Resolution TOBI Imaging of Active Structures Offshore Portugal
(36º-3730’N), SW Iberian Margin. 4o Simposio sobre el Margen Ibérico Atlántico, Vigo, (8-11
[11] Gómez Sichi, O., Blondel, PH., Gràcia, E., Dañobeitia, J.J. and the HITS-2001 scientific
party (among them Perea, H.) (2003). Sonar imagery of submarine landslides and the
shallow continental margin in the Almería Margin (Alborán Sea), Western Mediterranean.
SLOPE 2003, Submarine Slope Systems: Processes, Products and Prediction, Liverpool
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
(UK), (28-29 April).
[10] Blondel, PH., Gómez Sichi, O., Gràcia, E., Dañobeitia, J.J. and the HITS-2001 scientific
party (among them Perea, H.) (2003) Geostatistics of sonar images from the Almería Margin
(Alborán Sea), Western Mediterranean. SLOPE 2003, Submarine Slope Systems:
Processes, Products and Prediction, Liverpool (UK), (28-29 April).
[9] Santanach, P., Masana, E. and Perea, H. (2002): Structure of the Montroig scarp (El
Camp fault, NE Iberian Peninsula): paleoseismological implications. En: XXVIII general
assembly of the European Seismological Comission (ESC), 1-6 September 2002 Génova,
Italy. Book of abstracts. Universidad de Génova, 204.
[8] Gràcia, E., Dañobeitia, J.J., Terrinha, P. Blondel, P., Farran, M., Jacobs, C., and HITS
cruise party (among them Perea, H.) (2002). Active processes on the SW Iberian Margin:
High-resolution sidescan sonar mapping of the "Marques de Pombal" fault and associated
structures. 27th European Geophysical Society (E.G.S.), Nice (France), (21-26 April).
[7] Terrinha, P., Pinheiro, L.M., Monteiro, J.H., Ivanov, M.K., Gracia, E., Dañobeitia, J.J.,
Henriet, J.P., Matias, L., Matias, H., TTR10 and HITS Shipboard Scientific Parties (among
them Perea, H.) (2002). Tsunamigenic-seismogenic structures, neotectonics, sedimentary
processes and slope instability on the southwest Portuguese Margin. 27th European
Geophysical Society (E.G.S.), Nice (France), (21-26 April).
[6] Gràcia, E., Dañobeitia, and HITS cruise party (among them Perea, H.) (2002). HighResolution Imaging of Active faults in the SW Iberian Margin: Implications for Earthquake
and Tsunami Hazard Assessment. 4th European ODP Forum, Tromso (Noruega), (10-12
[5] Gràcia, E., Dañobeitia, J.J., Terrinha, P. blondel, P., Jacobs, C., Fernández, M. and HITS
cruise party (among them Perea, H.) (2002). High-Resolution Imaging of Active Faults in the
SW Iberian Margin from the HITS Marine Geophysical Survey. 3a Asamblea HispanoPortuguesa de Geodesia y Geofisica, (4-8 Febrero), Valencia.
[4] Gràcia, E., Dañobeitia, J.J., Terrinha, P. Blondel, P., Roque, C., Gafeira, J., and HITS
scientific cruise party (among them Perea, H.) (2002). Structure, active tectonics, mass
wasting and sedimentary/erosion processes in the area of the Marques de Pombal – San
Vicente Canyon, SW Portuguese Margin. Results from deep towed side scan sonar (TOBI).
Geosphere/Biosphere/Hydrosphere Coupling Processes, Fluid Escape Structures and
Tectonics at Continental Margins and Ocean Ridges International Conference and TTR-11
Post-Cruise Meeting (UNESCO-IOC), Aveiro, Portugal, (30th January – 2nd February).
[3] Delgado, J., Gómez, J., Roman, M.J., Gràcia, E., and HITS cruise party (among them
Perea, H.) (2002). Bathymetric and morphologic classification using a geostatistical
approach and application to the Alboran Sea (W Mediterranean). IV European Conference
on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, geoENV2002. UPC, Barcelona, (27-29
[2] Marques Figueiredo, P., Perea, H., Carner, J., Gambini, S. and Boydell, K. (2001):
Europaleos: new data on paleoseismological studies in the El Camp Fault, Spain. En:
Litchfield, N.J.(comp.) Ten years of paleoseismology in the ILP: progress and prospects. 1721 December 2001, Kaikoura, New Zeland. Programme and Abstracts. Institute of
Geological and Nuclear Sciences information series 50, 58-61.
[1] Gràcia, E., Dañobeitia, J.J., and HITS cruise party (among them Perea, H.) (2001): HighResolution Imaging of Tsunamigenic Structures in the SW Iberian Margin (Eurasia-Africa
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
Convergence): Implications for Seismic Hazard Assessment. EOS Trans AGU, 82(47), Fall
meeting Suppl., San Francisco (USA), S51B-0610.
Teaching experience
1. Undergraduate studies
Course: Geologic Information Systems (Portugues: Sistemas de Informação Geológica)
Objectives: Introduction to GIS applications in geology
Degree: 3rd year Geology
Position: Assistant professor
During autumn semester in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 (6 credit ECTS)
Universidade de Lisboa
Course: 3D Geology (Spanish title: Geologia 3D)
Objectives: Field work to understand the 3D geometry of geological structures.
Degree: 4th year Eng. Geology
Position: Field assistant professor
May 2005 (2 field days)
Universitat de Barcelona
Course: Geodynamics (Spanish title: Geodinámica interna)
Objectives: Introduction to structural geology field work.
Degree: 2nd year Eng. Geology
Position: Field assistant professor
February 2005 (1 field day)
Universitat de Barcelona
Course: Regional geological study (Spanish title: Monografía de una unidad regional)
Objectives: Field work along a regional geological unit to understand the general geometry
and its evolution along the time.
Degree: 4th year Geology
Position: Assistant professor
June 2003 (10 field days)
Universitat de Barcelona
Course: Field geological cartography (Spanish title: Campamento pluridisciplinar)
Objectives: Introduction to geological cartography field work.
Degree: 2nd year Geology
Position: Assistant professor
May 2003 (8 field days)
Universitat de Barcelona
2. Master studies
Course: Natural hazards – Seismic hazard
Objectives: General overview of seismic hazard, from faults as source of the earthquakes to
seismic hazard assessment.
Degree: Master course Geology
Position: Assistant professor
October – November 2007 (8 h.)
Universidade de Lisboa
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
3. Short courses
Course: Neotectonics and paleoseismology as a support of seismic hazard assessment
(Spanish title: La neotectónica yla paleosismología como apoyo a la evaluación de la
amenaza sísmica) (23 h.)
Objective: Introduction to active tectonics and paleoseismological studies as a tool to
improve the seismic hazard assessment.
Place/Institution: Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín (Colombia).
Date: 24, 25 and 26 September 2009
Course: Neotectonics and paleoseismology (Spanish title: Neotectónica y paleosismología)
(16 h.)
Objective: Introduction to active tectonics and paleoseismological studies as a tool to
improve the seismic hazard assessment.
Place/Institution: XII Congreso Colombiano de Geología – Paipa (Colombia).
Date: 7 and 8 September 2009
Other merits
1. Working universities and research centers
Center: Institut de Ciències del Mar – CSIC
City: Barcelona
Country: Spain Date: December 2011 to present
Theme: Research in active tectonics and paleosismology mainly focused on the offshore
(western Mediterranean, Alboran sea and Guls of Cadiz) but also on the onshore
(southeastern Iberian Peninsula and Mexico), and integration of data between both.
Research collaboration: Dr. Eulàlia Gràcia
Center: Instituto Dom Luiz – Faculdade de Ciências – Universidade de Lisboa
City: Lisboa Country: Portugal
Date: April 2007 to November 2011
Theme: Research in onshore and offshore active tectonics and paleosismology in Iberian
Peninsula, western Mediterranean, Gulf of Cadiz and Mexico.
Research collaboration: Dr. João Cabral
Center: Institutt for Geovitenskap – Universitetet i Bergen
City: Bergen Country: Norway
Date: July-December 2003
Theme: Introduction to the seismic hazard assessment techniques and realization of a
probabilistic seismic hazard study in the north-western margin of the València trough.
Research supervisor: Dr. Kuvvet Atakan
Center: Dept. Geodinàmica I Geofísica – Facultat de Geologia – Universitat de Barcelona
City: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Date: May 2000 to March 2007
Theme: Realization of the PhD thesis and Post-doctoral position in Quatarnary geological
Research supervisor: Dr. Pere Santanach, Dr. Eulàlia Masana and Dr. Josep Anton Muñoz.
2. Languages
Catalan (mother tongue)
Spanish (mother tongue)
English (correctly read, spoken and written)
Portugugues (correctly read, spoken and written)
Hector Perea Manera
June 2013
3. Geoscience computer software
ArcGIS (geographyc information system)
Kingdom suite (seismic reflection interpretation)
GMT (graph and map plotting)
Coulomb (static strain change modeling)
ProMAX (seismic processing)
4. Other activities
Activity: Geoscience weekly seminar
Group: Barcelona Center for Subsurface Imaging – Geoscience Department
Center: Institut de Ciéncies del Mar
Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
From April 2012 to present

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