Lobometrics Wireless Catalogue


Lobometrics Wireless Catalogue
Extienda sus LAN sin límites con enlaces inalámbricos
para exteriores. Hasta 400Mbps y centenares de km.
¿Se trata de acceso por satélite?
No. El sistema implementado por Lobometrics no depende de terceros es
muchísimo más rápido, sencillo y económico y está basado en la comunicación
entre los puntos remotos por radiofrecuencia terrestre.
¿Qué velocidades puedo obtener?
Lobometrics dispone de dispositivos capaces de transmitir hasta 400Mb netos
por segundo, es decir, lo suficiente para dar un servicio de calidad a miles de
usuarios. Como no todo el mundo necesita 400Mbps, Lobometrics también
dispone de modelos de 35, 50 y 100Mbps.
¿Requiere permisos administrativos?
No, los sistemas Lobometrics trabajan en las bandas de 2.4GHz o 5.X GHz, es
decir, son de uso libre y ni su instalación ni su utilización requieren trámites ni
¿Cuál es el coste?
El coste se reduce a tan solo el precio de las radios Lobometrics (una en cada
punto a conectar), sus respectivas antenas y su instalación.
¿Es un sistema fiable?
Los sistemas Lobometrics están certificados IP67 para resistir las condiciones de
exteriores más extremas y están siendo utilizados en miles de instalaciones en
todo el mundo, desde ayuntamientos a industrias, empresas constructoras,
Fuerzas Armadas, aeropuertos, estaciones de esquí o incluso Juegos Olímpicos.
¿Es un sistema seguro?
Los enlaces de Lobometrics pueden establecer túneles inalámbricos VPN por
IPSec con encriptación 3DES, el estandar de máxima seguridad en redes
corporativas. Los sistemas Lobometrics también permiten el uso de frecuencias
intermedias no detectables.
¿Cuál es realmente su utilidad práctica?
Interconectar dos redes por radiofrecuencia con sistemas Lobometrics es como si
tendiésemos un cable Ethernet entre las dos redes. La transparencia es total,
podrá compartir cualquier recurso, incluido, naturalmente, Internet.
Lobometrics Wireless
Distribuido en exclusiva por 34Telecom
Las infraestructuras básicas en el mundo del siglo XXI son más
que agua, energía y carreteras, las empresas necesitan,
estén donde estén, acceso a Internet, acceso a oficinas
remotas, telefonía IP... las empresas necesitan
conectividad rápida, estable y económicamente
Los enlaces inalámbricos de larga distancia de
Lobometrics permiten conectar entre sí oficinas, almacenes, obras y cualquier
red informática a distancias de centenares de kilómetros y con velocidades de hasta 400Mbps
a costes razonables, sin cables ni complejas instalaciones, sin necesidad de permisos
administrativos y utilizando su propia infraestructura, sin cuotas y sin depender de
Lobometrics manufactura sistemas profesionales de transmisión inalámbrica que permiten
llevar las comunicaciones más avanzadas a cualquier lugar a costes que hasta ahora parecían
imposibles, costes asumibles por pequeños municipios, comunidades y PYMEs.
34Telecom, representante de Lobometrics en España, es el más importante mayorista de
sistemas inalámbricos de transmisión de datos del sur de Europa, una empresa curtida con la
experiencia de instalaciones en más de 25 paises, en desiertos, mar y alta montaña, una
empresa que pone a disposición de quién lo precise los recursos necesarios para que nadie se
quede atras, por eso 34Telecom garantiza sus instalaciones ¿ no queda satisfecho ? Le
devolvemos su dinero. Llame sin compromiso al 902.33.22.88
o diríjase a [email protected] y le informaremos.
34Telecom : www.34t.com / 902.33.22.88
Lobometrics : www.lobometrics.com
Cobertura de red inalámbrica en grandes
extensiones de interiores con calidad y control.
Las personas necesitan, estén donde estén, acceso a Internet,
acceso a redes locales u oficinas remotas, telefonía IP... y las
organizaciones, para continuar siendo competitivas,
desean ofertar esos servicios de conectividad a
costes razonables pero con la prudencia que los
continuos cambios tecnológicos exigen.
¿Cuantos usuarios soportan ?
Existen dispositivos Lobometrics que soportan hasta 400 usuarios, y se pueden
instalar tantos dispositivos como se desee ya que su tecnología de múltiples
radios permite el enlace inalámbrico entre los mismos y un crecimiento a medida.
¿Que cobertura puedo preveer?
Es difícil de determinar de modo genérico ya que depende de centenares de
variables. Lo que si podemos afirmar es que en las mismas condiciones, un
dispositivo de red inalámbrica Lobometrics suele disponer de entre 3 y 10 veces
más cobertura que un dispositivo estandar. Solicitenos un estudio de su caso.
¿Requiere que los usuarios de la red inalámbrica tengan nivel técnico?
No. Sin preconfiguraciones previas, los usuarios solo tendrán que introducir su
nombre y clave en una pantalla que les saldrá automáticamente al iniciar su
navegador de Internet.
¿Son fáciles de gestionar?
Las redes inalámbricas son la alternativa más flexible,
su instalación es rápida y no intrusiva, y su disposición puede crecer o
modificarse a la par de las necesidades. Las redes inalámbricas Lobometrics reunen además
unos elementos que las hacen una de las alternativas más interesantes. Mayor cobertura que
permite la instalación de menos elementos, es decir, menor impacto visual y menor coste,
control de usuarios y accesos integrados en el dispositivo, evitando la necesidad de adquirir
sistemas auxiliares de control, y un hardware modular actualizable a futuras tecnologías, por
eso, los sistemas de red inalámbrica de Lobometrics forman parte de la infraestructura de
muchas de las mayores organizaciones del mundo, desde entidades públicas, aeropuertos,
hoteles y corporaciones a fábricas, almacenes o clubs.
34Telecom, representante de Lobometrics en España, es el más importante mayorista de
sistemas inalámbricos de transmisión de datos del sur de Europa, una empresa curtida con la
experiencia de instalaciones en más de 25 paises, por eso 34Telecom garantiza sus instalaciones ¿ no queda satisfecho ? Le devolvemos su dinero. Llame sin compromiso al
902.33.22.88 o diríjase a [email protected] y le informaremos.
El control de usuarios es sencillo y se administra desde el propio equipo. Desde
las altas y bajas, hasta las limitaciones de tiempo, velocidad o servicios.
Lobometrics Wireless
Distribuido en exclusiva por 34Telecom
34Telecom : www.34t.com / 902.33.22.88
Lobometrics : www.lobometrics.com
Suministro inalámbrico a redes o a Internet
a usuarios en grandes extensiones de exteriores
Terminales de contenedores, clubs náuticos, clubs de golf, estadios, explotaciones agrícolas,
poblaciones rurales, pistas de esquí, obras e infraestructuras públicas como autopistas... hay
infinidad de casos en que se precisa dar acceso a red a un número importante de usuarios
dispersos en un área geográfica extensa, muchas veces en condiciones adversas donde las
redes inalámbricas son en la actualidad la única vía realista.
En el amplio mercado de redes inalámbricas Lobometrics se diferencia por una única
combinación de elementos :
Los sistemas Lobometrics con potencias antes de antena regulables de hasta 1W
y con sensibilidades de recepción de hasta -105dBi ofrecen los mayores niveles
de cobertura y homogeneidad del mercado. Compare y verá la diferencia.
Los sistemas Lobometrics están certificados IP67, es decir, impermeables a polvo
y fluidos, y están construidos en sólido chasis de aluminio con grosor de paredes
de 4mm. Térmicamente, las electróncias de los dispositivos Lobometrics son de
estándar industrial y soportan temperaturas exteriores que pueden oscilar entre
los -20ºC y los +70ºC.
Bandas de operación
Los dispositivos Lobometrics pueden programarse para trabajar tanto en bandas
libres como en bandas licenciadas.
Los sistemas Lobometrics incorporan los procesadores más potentes del
mercado (hasta Pentium IV a 2.8GHz) que les permite soportar niveles de carga
muy altos durante periodos ilimitados sin desconexiones y con un nivel siempre
mínimo de latencias.
Control, auditoría y seguridad
Los sistemas Lobometrics incorporan todas las herramientas de control, auditoría
y seguridad que la más compleja organización puede precisar, desde control de
ancho de banda, priorización de paquetes relacional y en cascada (indispensable
para servicios de VozIP), redundancia, control de acceso programable por
usuario, contraseña, IP, MAC, día de la semana y hora, encriptación WPA2,
servidor de túneles VPN PPTP, L2TP e IPSec... y más de 200 funcionalidades
No es casualidad que estén siendo utilizados en miles de instalaciones en todo el
mundo, desde ayuntamientos a industrias, empresas constructoras, Fuerzas Armadas,
aeropuertos, estaciones de esquí o incluso Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno.
Lobometrics Wireless
Distribuido en exclusiva por 34Telecom
Las redes inalámbricas Lobometrics dan cobertura en grandes extensiones con un solo
dispositivo gracias a su elevada potencia (regulables hasta 1W ) y elevada sensibilidad (hasta
-105dB), y, en caso de ser preciso ampliar la cobertura estos permiten, gracias a sus múltiples
radios por equipo, configuraciones en malla que proporcionan escalabilidad en la cobertura
sin necesidad de invertir en infraestructuras terrestres, es decir, permiten el encadenamiento
inalámbrico ilimitado de dispositivos sin degradación de prestaciones. Esta posibilidad
también permite crear áreas de cobertura muy precisas y no homogeneas.
En actividades donde la conectividad es crítica, los sistemas Lobometrics incorporan también
unas prestaciones de redundacia únicas que van desde la creación de clusters (grupos) de
dispositivos que operan como si fuesen uno solo de modo que la operatividad se mantiene
aunque varias unidades fallen, pasando por protocolos redundantes y la programabilidad de
enlaces alternativos que automaticamente se activan en caso de que el sistema detecten
problemas de conectividad.
34Telecom, representante de Lobometrics en España, es el más importante mayorista de
sistemas inalámbricos de transmisión de datos del sur de Europa, por eso 34Telecom garantiza
sus instalaciones ¿ no queda satisfecho ? Le devolvemos su
dinero. Infórmese sin compromiso llamando al 902.33.22.88.
34Telecom : www.34t.com / 902.33.22.88
Lobometrics : www.lobometrics.com
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
Up to 4 radios
for unrivaled flexibility
2GHz-4GHz 5GHz-6GHz
Up to 200km (650mW)
and up to 400Mbps
Advanced encription
and IPSec 3Des VPNs
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Applications - Hotspot services
Within any given metropolitan, suburban or rural area, broadband
wireless access is by far the easiest and most cost-effective way
to realize your high performance network. Whether you're
creating a network from scratch, or need to augment or replace
your existing wire line links, broadband wireless access is the
most common alternative. Put simply, wireless has the lowest cost
and most easily implemented solution today for the last mile. A
hotspot is any public area where computers that have been fitted
with wireless network technology can gain access to the Internet
or a controled network. The computer accomplishes this by
contacting a nearby wireless network with its internal NIC
(Network Interface Card). The NIC seeks out the radio waves
generated by wireless networks. When it detects a signal strong
enough, it asks permission to log on to the network. Though this
access is often free, other times the wireless network requires
registration and a small fee before it will grant the computer
Many cities and towns have installed wireless
networks for their citizenry and visitors by
creating a large, free hotspot that covers
a specific area of the city. People can
park in such areas and use
laptops to do online business,
collect or send email, or hop
on to a VPN (Virtual Private
Network). Gaining access
to the Internet from a
vehicle can be extremely
handy. When traveling, one
can pull over to look up
directions or phone
numbers, or to get
traffic or flight
information, among
countless other uses.
All Lobometrics
wireless devices
integrate a complete
professional hotspot
manager with advanced AAA.
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
Up to 4 radios
for unrivaled flexibility
2GHz-4GHz 5GHz-6GHz
Up to 200km (650mW)
and up to 400Mbps
Advanced encription
and IPSec 3Des VPNs
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Applications - Linking data networks
Wireless is easily the lowest cost and most easily implemented
solution today for the increasing backhaul demands for a remote
network. The easiest and most cost effective way of addresing the
growing demands for bandwidth in those corporate links is by
providing connectivity between the various network components
using high performance wireless systems.
Wireless can complement or replace an existing leased line and
offer a quick upgrade when links need more bandwidth.
Replacing a wired line with wireless also eliminates an annually
recurring cost. A wireless component might also be the only
solution where there is no wired line feasibility due to physical or
other reasons.
Lobometrics wireless links can be based on IPSec VPN tunneling
with 3Des encryption and with optional layer 2 transparency.
Lobometrics high-capacity Ethernet bridges provide the industry's
most reliable, secure and easily-deployed solutions for
interconnecting corporate and telecommunications
networks. Lobo OSB family of point-to-point
wireless Ethernet bridges provide
transparent, carrier-class connectivity
with performance options ranging
from 35 to 400 Mbps - easily
integrating VPN, real-time
video, voice-over-IP, and
digital PBX connections
over a single wireless
network. Lobometrics
point-to-point products are
the fastest and most
economical solutions for
expanding or extending
infrastructures delivering capacities
from fractional T1 to OC-3
wherever needed.
Traffic between
networks is fully
encrypted, and distances
can be up to 200km with
speeds upscaled up to 400Mbps
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
Up to 4 radios
for unrivaled flexibility
2GHz-4GHz 5GHz-6GHz
Up to 200km (650mW)
and up to 400Mbps
Advanced encription
and IPSec 3Des VPNs
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Applications - Internet satellite links sharing
Wireless and satellite communications can complement each
other to provide a cost effective end-to-end solution. Having
multiple VSAT terminals is expensive. Using wireless backhauls,
access points and client devices, can reduce the costs for VSAT
operators and service providers by extending their range of
operation and by offering more value-added services.
In a typical deployment, a VSAT serves as a backbone and
connects to a wireless access point to create a Wireless LAN. The
access point combined with a sector or omni antenna provides
point-to-multipoint coverage in a Line of Sight (LOS) or Near Line
of Sight (NrLOS) condition to multiple customers equipped with
client devices and directional antennas. Customers may range
from large businesses to individual residents. To extend the
WLAN coverage even further, long range backhauls can be used.
The VSAT connects to backhauls which form point-to-point links to
connect isolated businesses, villages or towns. At the remote end,
the backhaul will be connected to an access point which will serve
the customers as already described.
One of the most amazing advantages of
satellite Internet access shared through
wireless terrestrial networks is the
portability of the complete
infraestructure. One example.
On June 4, 2002, the Zeyzoun
dam in Syria ruptured.
Twenty people died and
thousands were left
homeless. Four days later,
at the invitation of the
Syrian government and the
Red Crescent, a team of
emergency wireless
specialists set off for
the disaster scene.
Télécoms sans Frontières
was out of the Zeyzoun dam
region by June 16th, after
establishing immediate emergency
services that were taken over by local
and international long-term relief workers.
Success was achived by creating low-cost,
rugged, solar-powered, wireless Internet
satellite links in areas of Africa where wired
infrastructure is non-existent and economically
With Lobometrics and Satellite
hotspots become portable.
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
Up to 4 radios
for unrivaled flexibility
2GHz-4GHz 5GHz-6GHz
Up to 200km (650mW)
and up to 400Mbps
Advanced encription
and IPSec 3Des VPNs
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Applications - Industry
Whether it is for forestry, oil & gas, transportation or utilities, for
various industries, wireless networks using Lobometrics Wireless
systems can aid in communication, tracking, monitoring and
maintenance of various processes and systems. Eliminate the
recurring costs of leasing lines or the truck roll involved in repairing
fixed wires. In typical SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition) and telemetry applications, wireless networks are
ideal for installation at remote sites and give the flexibility and
mobility to move points in the network according to changing
requirements. Another potential implementation is in the area of
public utility operators. Public utility operations have been
revolutionized through the use of automatic meter reading (AMR),
government controlled and private public utility organizations are
reaping the benefits of up-to-the-minute usage statistics and the
ability to monitor and control utility access points remotely.
Whether it is electric, natural gas, water or other utilities, AMR
systems are being installed across the US, saving utility
companies millions of dollars. These tremendous savings
are provided by dramatic improvements in usage
statistics and reductions in overhead and
employee hours as employee meter
reading positions are eliminated.
Public utilities can collect meter
data wirelessly simply by
driving a data collection
vehicle through business
and residential areas, or
the same information can
be gathered up-to-theminute from out in the field
when a city deploys a
wireless municipal private
Data can be monitored
in control rooms or
through handheld
terminals. Handheld terminals
are typically limited to a very
small communication area, usually
no more than 30m. However,
Lobometrics high power and sensibility
enables handheld terminals have range that
can extend many times beyond the typical
scenario, greatly enhancing the flexibility in the
implementation of handheld applications.
Monitorization without cables
opens unlimited possibilities
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
Up to 4 radios
for unrivaled flexibility
2GHz-4GHz 5GHz-6GHz
Up to 200km (650mW)
and up to 400Mbps
Advanced encription
and IPSec 3Des VPNs
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Applications - Telephone & residential services
VoIP gateways have become the world's de facto standard in
building voice and video over IP products and services. These
gateways provide real-time voice and video IP communications.
Many large SMEs are already looking to VoIP service providers for
their needs. So are many developing countries that see VoIP as a
way to provide services to remote areas that are currently not
reachable through traditional means or are under-served with
terrestrial infrastructure.
Today, hundreds of thousands of people around the world use
commercially deployed IP-centric products and services for next
generation networks. However, the focus now is not just getting
the VoIP service running but in delivering secure and high quality
The versatility and high performance of the Lobometrics range of
products opens up enormous potential for wireless VoIP
deployment over Wide Area Networks (WAN). The Intelligent
wireless Lobo platform can support multiple VoIP
connections for last mile connectivity. VoIP
compatibility of the Lobo platform ensures the
quick adoption and success of these
applications for service providers,
governments and enterprises.
Lobometrics devices include
low latency protocols and
packet management to give
the needed performance
edge for trouble-free VoIP
operation even in gatewayless scenarios, where
communications are
directly managed with
hundreds of VoIP
wireless terminals
Complete XXI
century voice+data
infrastructure can now
be deployed in days and at
fraction of traditional cost
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Product overview
Lobometrics is exclusively focussed on wireless networking
equipment, which is divided in two different segments of products, on
one hand was Lobometrics calls Wireless Servers, which are devices
designed to be the implemented as the core of wireless networks,
delivering, regulating and securing traffic, and, on the other, CPE
devices designed to be deployed in high volumes at customer
premises by telcos.
On the wireless servers side, Lobometrics devices can be
distinguished by the networking load it can support, the maximum
speed of the connections and the radio bands used on those
Key in the network load capabilities is the systems main CPU,
Lobometrics systems are equiped with three ranges of CPU, starting
with the low load MIPS cores, then the middle load PowerPC cores,
and finally, the heavy load systems based on the last generation of
Intel cores, so product range expands from single high sensibility low
power radio systems paired with low load CPUs to devices with multihigh-power-radios (up to 4) paired with heavy load CPUs. Each
device with output powers of up to 1W and amazing recieve
sensibilities of up to -105dB.
Apart from hardware, Lobo advanced carrier-grade OS is standard on
all systems. Lobo advanced OS has, by far, the most advanced set of
features ever seen on a wireless device, this is why, more than the
traditional “Access Point” term, Lobometrics has coined the “Wireless
server” term. Lobometrics OS includes full telco level routing OS,
including clustering of devices for high availability, high bandwidth
capillarity with the possibility of applying load balancing and
bandwidth bonding. Also QoS has been carefully developed,
Lobometrics systems have the best and most advanced bandwidth
management and quality assurance features available in any wireless
device on the market.
On outdoor devices, all hardware and software possibilities may add
up to nothing if the system in not build to withstand long term
deployments in the most harsh environments. Also in this
Lobometrics is unique. All Lobometrics Wireless Servers share a high
quality outdoor alloy platform cemented on an ultra-durable, corrosion
resistant AlMgSi structure, covered by a layer of anticorrosion
treatment, as well as three layers of a blend of synthetic rubber with
silicon crystals on all areas with joints. All Lobometrics devices are
also equiped with special outdoor barrel data connectors enabling its
waterproof IP67 certification. Lobometrics devices are also the
wireless systems available with most optimized thermodynamics, its
frame was fully designed to achieve an extreme level of heat
dissipation that added to its working temperatures of -30ºC to +70ºC
makes of Lobometrics the best devices for continuous outdoor
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Hardware details
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
AlMgSi alloy shell
Lobometrics AlMgSi alloy casing provides a light but
resistant and protective shell for outdoor deployment.
With walls of minimum 4mm Lobometrics devices can
withstand heavy structural stress, good isolation and
achieve high thermal inertias.
Anticorrosion layer
Lobometrics devices pass through a electrolytic
passivation process used to increase the thickness and
density of the natural oxide layer on the surface
increasing corrosion resistance and wear resistance.
This protective film covers all the device surface inside
out and guarantees excellent resistance in harsh
External and internal fins
Electronics generate heat, and heat degrades
performance, this is why Lobometrics products are
designed from ground up to dissipate as much heat as
possible through radiation. Its external array of 20mm
comb or fin like protrusions increase the surface contact
with the air, and thus the rate of heat dissipation.
Rubber + Silica layer
Water tightness and protection is achieved through
sealing of all joins and reinforced through a three layer
synthetic rubber coating in all critical areas that resists
moister, acids, abrasion, weathering, electrical shock,
skidding/slipping and corrosion..
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Hardware details
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Vibration protection
Vibrations can be generated by motors, mounting poles
and towers exposed to wind, generators and a long list
of very common hardware, and can decrease
performance and dramatically degrade life of electronic
systems, this is why all the electronics on Lobometrics
devices are mounted on floating high frequency
vibration absorbers. As a result, Lobometrics devices
can be mounted almost anywhere.
Sealed antenna and data connectors
Connectors in Lobometrics devices are sealed both
inside and outside with a special mix of natural rubber
and silicon.
BD8 proffessional outdoor barrel data connectors
Power and data travel together through the Ethernet
cable, the use of professional outdoor barrel data
connectors gives better isolation, better PoE power
conductivity and radically reduces short-circuit
downtimes caused by moister or dust..
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Hardware details
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
All Lobometrics devices include standard both
themultifunction plate and the expansion plate. With this
elements, customers can deploy Lobometrics devices
fast and solidly.
Expansion plate
An unlimited number of expansion plates can be added
to the standard multifunction plate adding 3D orientation
posibilities and direct antenna mounting.
Multifunction plate
Lobometrics designed a special hardened alloy
multifunction installation plate that enables a wide
variety of deployments with just one basic element.
Antenna cable guides
Thick high quality low loss antenna cables can be
directly guided and fixed.
Lobo vertically adjustable lockers / fastners
Connectors in Lobometrics devices are sealed both
inside and outside with a special mix of natural rubber
and silicon.
Pole/Mast mount
Lobometrics devices can be directly installed in masts /
Wall mount
Lobometrics devices can be directly installed in walls.
Adjustable antenna mount
Up to two directional or omnidirectional antennas can be
direcly mounted and rotated.
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Performance data
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Super wireless coverage :
High max. receive sensibility
High recieve sensibility combined with high output
power are the elements that determine the wireless
coverage of a wireless system. Lobometrics devices
have an extraordinary recieve sensibility of -105dBi,
much higher than the industry average of -94dBi,
specially if we consider that every 2dBi approximately
may double coverage.
Super wireless coverage :
High maximum output power
With output powers of up to 29dB, and considering that
every extra 2 dB may double coverage, Lobometrics
gives between four and eight times more reach and a
much faster link at equal distances when compared to
any competing product.
Up to 160MHz of bandwidth in bonded connections
Radios in Lobometrics systems can be bonded to act as
a single link adding up speeds for a total of up to
400Mbps in 160MHz which can be distributed in diverse
Bandwidth bonding in Lobometrics Wireless systems
can be user defined from 5MHz to 160MHz giving an
unprecedented flexibility in a non static wireless
spectrum that might change because of legislative
updates or by the installation of new networks and other
wireless services.
The possibility of distributing links in a wide range of
bands and frequencies lets users get the maximum
speed out of every drop of free spectrum.
40MHz Super channels
Every radio can use up to 40MHz channels which
means double bandwidth per radio when compared to
standard WiFi.
5MHz Mini channels
In areas with high density of networks the use of ultranarrow connections of just 5MHz enables links that
otherwise would be impossible due to interferences.
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Software details
The O.S.
Lobometrics wireless devices are equiped with the most advanced
OS available in its category. Some of its features are :
Powerful QoS and Bandwidth Control
Bandwidth Control is a set of mechanisms that control data rate
allocation, delay variability, timely delivery, and delivery reliability. The
Lobometrics OS supports the following queuing disciplines:
PFIFO - Packets First-In First-Out
BFIFO - Bytes First-In First-Out
SFQ - Stochastic Fairness Queuing
RED - Random Early Detect
PCQ - Per Connection Queue
HTB - Hierarchical Token Bucket
Quality of Service (QoS) means that the router should prioritize and
shape network traffic. QoS is not so much about limiting, it is more
about providing quality. Below are listed the some features of
Lobometrics OS Bandwidth Control mechanism:
limit data rate for certain IP adresses, subnets, protocols, ports,
and other parameters
limit peer-to-peer traffic
prioritize some packet flows over others
use queue bursts for faster WEB browsing
apply queues on fixed time intervals
share available traffic among users equally, or depending on the
load of the channel
Stateful firewall
The firewall implements packet filtering and thereby provides security
functions that are used to manage data flow to, from and through the
router. Along with the Network Address Translation it serve as a tool
for preventing unauthorized access to directly attached networks and
the router itself as well as a filter for outgoing traffic.
IP Address Lists
Firewall address lists allow user to create lists of IP addresses
grouped together. Firewall filter, mangle and NAT facilities can use
address lists to match packets against them. The address list records
could be updated dynamically.
Lobometrics OS implements RIP Version 1 (RFC1058) and Version 2
(RFC 2453). RIP enables routers in an autonomous system to
exchange routing information. It always uses the best path (the path
with the fewest number of hops (i.e. routers)) available.
Lobometrics OS implements OSPF Version 2 (RFC 2328). The OSPF
protocol is the link-state protocol that takes care of the routes in the
dynamic network structure that can employ different paths to its
subnetworks. It always chooses shortest path to the subnetwork first.
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) allows setting up an interdomain
dynamic routing system that automatically updates routing tables of
devices running BGP in case of network topology changes.
Lobometrics OS supports BGP Version 4, as defined in RFC1771.
Network loops may emerge (intentionally or not) in complex
topologies. Without any special treatment, loops would prevent
network from functioning normally, as they would lead to avalanchelike packet multiplication. Each bridge runs an algorithm which
calculates how the loop can be prevented. STP allows bridges to
communicate with each other, so they can negotiate a loop free
topology. All other alternative connections that would otherwise form
loops, are put to standby, so that should the main connection fail,
another connection could take its place. This algorithm exchange
configuration messages (BPDU - Bridge Protocol Data Unit)
periodically, so that all bridges would be updated with the newest
information about changes in network topology. STP selects root
bridge which is responosible for network reconfiguration, such as
blocking and opening ports of the other bridges.
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Software details
The O.S.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) implementation in the
Lobometrics OS is RFC2338 compliant. VRRP protocol is used to
ensure constant access to some resources. Two or more routers
(referred as VRRP Routers in this context) create a highly available
cluster (also referred as Virtual routers) with dynamic fail over. Each
router can participate in not more than 255 virtual routers per
interface. Many modern routers support this protocol. Network setups
with VRRP clusters provide high availability for routers without using
clumsy ping-based scripts.
The mangle facility allows to mark IP packets with special marks.
These marks are used by various other router facilities to identify the
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
packets. Additionaly, the mangle facility is used to modify some fields
in the IP header, like TOS (DSCP) and TTL fields. Mangle is a kind of
'marker' that marks packets for future processing with special marks.
Many other facilities in RouterOS make use of these marks, e.g.
queue trees and NAT. They identify a packet based on its mark and
process it accordingly. The mangle marks exist only within the router,
they are not transmitted across the network.
Network Address Translation (NAT) is a router facility that replaces
source and (or) destination IP addresses of the IP packet as it pass
through thhe router. It is most commonly used to enable multiple host
on a private network to access the Internet using a single public IP
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Software details
The O.S.
DHCP Server, Client and Relay
The DHCP protocol gives and allocates IP addresses to IP clients.
The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is needed for easy
distribution of IP addresses in a network. The Lobometrics OS
implementation includes both - server and client parts and is
compliant with RFC2131. The DHCP Server service can work with
pools of non-contiguous IPs.
Dynamic Routes
Automatically created routes for networks, which are directly
accessed through an interface. They appear automatically, when
adding a new IP address. Dynamic routes are also added by routing
PPPoE Server and Client
A routing mechanism that enables packet routing along multiple paths
with equal cost and ensures load balancing. With ECMP routing, you
can use more than one gateway for one destination network.
Secure and authenticated way of connecting users to a network.
Commonly used by Telcos and ISPs. The PPPoE (Point to Point
Protocol over Ethernet) protocol provides extensive user
management, network management and accounting benefits to ISPs
and network administrators. Currently PPPoE is used mainly by ISPs
to control client connections for xDSL and cable modems as well as
plain Ethernet networks. PPPoE is an extension of the standard Point
to Point Protocol (PPP). The difference between them is expressed in
transport method: PPPoE employs Ethernet instead of modem
connection. Lobometrics OS can act as a RADIUS client - you can use
a RADIUS server to authenticate PPPoE clients and use accounting
for them.
Policy based Routing
PPTP Server and Client
A routing mechanism where the next hop (gateway) for a packet is
chosen, based on a policy, which is configured by the network
Widely-used low security protocol for deploying VPN networks.
Static Routes
User-defined routes that specify the router which can forward traffic to
the specified destination network. They are useful for specifying the
default gateway.
Equal Cost Multi-Path Routing (ECMP)
EOIP Server and Client
Ethernet-level tunnel. Alows bridging of remote networks and
bonding. When the bridging function of the device is enabled, all
Ethernet traffic (all Ethernet protocols) will be bridged just as if there
where a physical Ethernet interface and cable between the two
IPSec Server and Client
Standard method for multi-protocol high-grade security using
encrypted communications over IP networks.
IPIP Server and Client
Fast and simple IP level tunnel. The IPIP tunnelling implementation on
the Lobometrics OS is RFC 2003 compliant. IPIP tunnel is a simple
protocol that encapsulates IP packets in IP to make a tunnel between
two devices.
L2TP Server and Client
Common protocol for deploying VPN networks. Uses IPsec for
authentication information exchange and supports encrypted tunnels
over IP.
Layer 2 network circuit segregation. VLAN is an implementation of the
802.1Q VLAN protocol. It allows you to have multiple Virtual LANs on
a single ethernet or wireless interface, giving the ability to segregate
LANs efficiently. It supports up to 4095 vlan interfaces, each with a
unique VLAN ID, per ethernet device. Many routers, including Cisco
and Linux based, and many Layer 2 switches also support it. A VLAN
is a logical grouping that allows end users to communicate as if they
were physically connected to a single isolated LAN, independent of
the physical configuration of the network. VLAN support adds a new
dimension of security and cost savings permitting the sharing of a
physical network while logically maintaining separation among
unrelated users.
Wireless WDS
WDS (Wireless Distribution System) allows packets to pass from one
wireless AP (Access Point) to another, just as if the APs were ports on
a wired Ethernet switch. APs must use the same standard (802.11a,
802.11b or 802.11g) and work on the same frequencies in order to
connect to each other. Lobometrics WDS links can be static or
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Software details
The O.S.
Wireless Virtual Access Points (VAP)
Variable Wireless burst time
Virtual Access Point (VAP) interface is used to have an additional APs
in a single radio. You can create a new AP with different ssid and macaddress. It can be compared with a VLAN where the ssid from VAP is
the VLAN tag and the hardware interface is the VLAN switch. You can
add up to 128 VAP interfaces for each hardware interface.
In Lobometrics OS the time in microseconds which will be used to
send data without stopping can be user defined, enabling extra speed
in several network topologies like point to point links.
Wireless AP-Bridge mode
The Lobometrics device is operating as an Access Point.
Wireless Bridge
The Lobometrics device is operating as a bridge.
Wireless Station
Wireless Compression
If enabled it advertizes that it is capable to use hardware data
compression. If a client, connected to this AP also supports and is
configured to use the hardware data compression, it requests the AP
to use compression. This property does not affect clients which do not
support compression.
User defined country selection
The Lobometrics device is operating as a client.
Limits wireless settings (frequency and transmit power) to those
which are allowed in the selected country.
Wireless WDS Station
WCRL (Wireless Client Rate Limit)
The Lobometrics device is working as a station, but can communicate
with a WDS peer.
Limits in bps the maximum link speed individually per client without
having to get intor more advanced general bandwidth management.
Wireless WDS Slave
Highly granular Wireless Security
The Lobometrics device is working as it would work in ap-bridge
mode, but it adapts to its WDS peer's frequency if it is changed.
Lobometrics wireless devices are equipped with the most advanced
security protocols available (including 64/128/256 bit WEP, WPA and
WPA2 with AES), network managers can create an unlimited number
of security profiles/strategies and let the Lobometrics system apply
one or the other depending on user defined variables, and even
further, Lobometrics Wireless devices can apply different profiles to
different concurrent connections.
Wireless proprietary high performance Backbone protocols
Lobometrics wireless devices include a set of high throughput, low
latency protocols with full duplex communications for point to point
and point to multipoint links. The performance enhancement provided
by this protocols ensures quality of services like VoIP (Voice over IP)
and other speed or latency dependent services.
Wireless Mesh mode
Inter-Client forwarding
In its Wireless Mesh mode, both routed or Layer 2 transparent with
dynamic WDS Lobometrics wireless devices can be used to create
easily expanding and dynamic networks.
Network manager can configure if he wants to disable the forwarding
to wireless clients of transmitted data. If disabled clients can’t
communicate between them but a considerable amount of wireless
bandwidth is recovered.
Dynamic and static Wireless ACK timeouts
Scan List + DFS
Acknowledgement code timeout (transmission acceptance timeout)
in microseconds for acknowledgement messages. Can be configured
to be auto-adaptive for each context or to use a fixed user selected
Lobometrics device can be configured to use a fixed user selectable
wireless channel or let the device scan channel list from "scan-list"
and chooses the frequency which is with the lowest amount of other
networks detected or use “scan lists” but exclude channels with radar
Asymmetric antennas
Can be configured to use different set of antennas for transmitting and
ARP multimode
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol setting) can be enabled or
disabled and, if enabled, configured to act in standard mode, in proxy
mode or in replay only mode.
Configurable Wireless Disconnect Timeout (WDT)
When a link has no connection for more than a user defined given time
the Lobometrics device considers that connection lost and re-initiates
a connection negotiation with that device. Setting values for WDT
enables faster wireless networks on deployments where
disconnections are very often or very rare by avoiding the CPU
overhead of unnecessary renegotiations.
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Software details
The O.S.
Configurable Wireless send retry time
Layer 2 Network Discovery and device configuration
Time, after which we repeat to communicate with a wireless device, if
a data transmission has failed. Fine-tunning this value can speed
wireless networks by lowering overhead dedicated to clients with
weak links.
All Lobometrics devices can be accessed at OSI Layer 2, that means
that to configure a Lobometrics device you don’t need to be in the
same IP subnet so Lobometrics devices can be configured and
monitored with maximum flexibility and in any circumstance. Any
Lobometrics device can be used to access remotely another
Lobometrics device using OSI Layer 2 connections
Configurable Wireless maximum clients
Maximal number of clients allowed to connect to AP. Real life
experiments show that 130 clients can work with one AP, using traffic
shaping. If there is no control on the maximum amount of clients that
can connect to an AP, a storm of connections can bring that AP down.
Configurable MTU
MTU value (Maximum Transmission Unit) can be user defined
between 68 and 1600.
Configurable Noise Floor Threshold
Value in dBm below which we say that it is rather noise than a normal
signal. By using this threshold network can be speeded by avoiding
the overhead of negotiating connections to devices who's signal
levels are two low, and by saving the bandwidth that is dedicated to
packet retransmit in links with bad quality.
Configurable radio output power calibration
To ensure performance of the wireless links over temperature and
environmental changes (day/night, summer/winter, low/high traffic),
the Lobometrics OS performs periodic calibration of the radios and
readjusts power values.
Configurable preambles
To maximize compatibility with other wireless devices, Lobometrics
OS can be configured to use short, long or simultaneously both
Scripting host
Users can build applications to be executed internally on Lobometrics
Wireless devices, an unlimited number of applications can run
concurrently. All system variables (connections, signal quality, traffic,
...just about anything) are software variables so network
administrators can easily build intelligent wireless systems that
perfectly fit on the users needs, for example, Lobometrics devices can
easily be programmed so if a given connection has less that X users
and total bandwidth used is less than Z it should make a secondary
link and open certain services.
This feature probably makes Lobometrics Wireless devices the most
powerful and versatile wireless data devices in the market.
System Scheduler
Lobometrics devices can be directly programmed to automatically
change between an unlimited number of configurations depending on
time and date.
Network monitor
Lobometrics devices can be easily programmed to take certain
actions based on network events, for example, if a server is lost, it can
automatically redirect its traffic to a secondary server.
Internal tools : Bandwidth test
Lobometrics OS lets network managers configure the radio transmit
power used per protocol or link speed.
Used bandwidth can be monitored in TCP and UDP with variable
packet sizes. NWT also lets network managers measure with
precision the performance of the wireless networks, and enables
more optimized configurations through comparative tests.
NTP Client and Server
Internal tools : Packet Sniffer
NTP protocol allows synchronizing time among computers in network.
If there is an Internet connection available it can read current exact
time from an free atomic clock server and through its Lobometrics
NTP server service synchronized the whole network on that time
Network packets can be captured, shown and even exported to a file
directly from the Lobometrics device.
Configurable transmit power
DDNS Client
Lobometrics wireless devices can be directly hooked to Internet with a
public dynamic IP and its services will still be accesible through a fixed
domain name. Lobometrics device will communicate with the
Dynamic DNS server and update on current IP.
Internal tools : Ping and Trace
Lobometrics enables easy network management through its set of
internal tools for administrators. All tools are executed within the
Lobometrics device so the network manager needs no special PC and
applications. Included in the set of tools are the basic and
indispensable Ping and Trace utilities. Every installed Lobometrics
device is a complete network tool with deep analysis features.
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Software details
The O.S.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
Internal tools : Torch
Internal/External tools : anti-vandal and anti-sabotage tools
Realtime Traffic Monitor called also torch is used for monitoring traffic
that is going through an interface. You can monitor traffic classified by
protocol name, source address, destination address, port. Torch
shows the protocols you have chosen and mean transmitted and
received data rate for each of them.
Lobometrics wireless devices are designed to be in public places,
from malls to ski slopes, so they include specific features that no other
wireless device in the market has. Not only there is no possibility of
physically resetting the device from the outside, also, there is a
special software tool that automatically refreshes to the last verified
administrator configuration every 24h at a given time so, in case a
device is modified by an un authorised user, or even if the password
are changed by a hacker, the devices returns automatically to the
administrators control and services are re-stablished.
Internal tools : Professional Hotspot with AAA
The Lobometrics HotSpot Gateway enables the creation and
management of public network access for clients using wireless or
wired network connections. HotSpot Gateway features:
Authentication of clients using local client database, or RADIUS
Accounting using local database, or RADIUS server
Walled-garden system so non registred users can access some
web pages without authorization.
HotSpot is a way to authorize users to access some network
resources. It does not provide traffic encryption. To log in, users may
use almost any web browser (either HTTP or HTTPS protocol), so
they are not required to install additional software.
The gateway is accounting the uptime and amount of traffic each of its
clients have used, and also can send this information to a RADIUS
server. The HotSpot system may limit each particular user's bitrate,
total amount of traffic, uptime and some other parameters. The
HotSpot system is targeted to provide authentication within a local
network (to access the Internet), but may as well be used to authorize
access from outer networks to access local resources. Configuring
Walled Garden feature, it is possible to allow users to access some
web pages without the need of prior authentication.
In case the administration password is lost, Lobometrics devices has
a time limited software tool unique per device that enables executing a
password reset.
Each Lobometrics device manufactured has an unique encription key
for communications.
Internal/External tools : LoboClone
Lobometrics devices are used in many big deployments where
hundreds or even thousand of units have to be installed with the
minimum costs. Lobometrics devices include specific tools for this
scenarios, for example, LoboClone lets user defined areas of
configuration of a Lobometrics Wireless device to be exported to a file
that can be re-imported to any other Lobometrics device.
Administration : Multiple access methods
Lobometrics wireless devices can be administred through a wide
variety of interfaces, from easy Web interface to a deep graphic tools
of a low bandwidth console mode. Lobometrics devices can be
accesed by their IP or their MAC address, and needs no prior
installation of software in the PC.
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
Lobometrics Wireless
Superior wireless data systems
With its enhanced security, IP67
design, alloy casing, networking OS
and wireless throughputs of up to
400Mbps, Lobometrics Wireless
systems delivers the best
price/performance ratio available in
the wireless data industry, offering
enterprise users the benefits of high
speed links, topology versatility,
corporate grade security and
industrial grade robustness.
Operating in the 900MHz, 2.xGHz,
3.xGHz and 5.xGHz bands
Lobometrics devices can be
deployed in both free non-licensed
frequencies or in private frequencies.
Focused exclusively on wireless data
transmission, Lobometrics is
commited to long-term product
support and clear upgrade paths to
future technologies like MIMO or
WiMAX.This is why Lobometrics
Wireless has become one of the
preffered choices.
The range
Speed Index
MIPS low load
MIPS low load
MIPS low load
MIPS low load
MIPS medium load
MIPS medium load
MIPS medium load
MIPS medium load
PowerPC high load
MIPS medium load
PowerPC high load
PowerPC high load
PowerPC high load
MIPS medium load
MIPS medium load
MIPS medium load
MIPS medium load
MIPS medium load
MIPS medium load
PowerPC high load
PowerPC high load
Intel Ultra load
Intel Ultra load
Intel Ultra load
Intel Ultra load
Intel Ultra load
Intel Ultra load
PowerPC high load
PowerPC high load
PowerPC high load
Intel Ultra load
Intel Ultra load
170 LI
170 LI
170 LI
170 LI
400 LI
400 LI
400 LI
400 LI
1350 LI
400 LI
1350 LI
1350 LI
1350 LI
400 LI
1350 LI
1350 LI
400 LI
400 LI
400 LI
1350 LI
1350 LI
2700 LI
2700 LI
2700 LI
2700 LI
2700 LI
2700 LI
1350 LI
1350 LI
1350 LI
2700 LI
2700 LI
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
6100 MHz band
6000 MHz band
4900 MHz band
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
Lobometrics OS v9
5900 MHz band
5800 MHz band
5700 MHz band
5600 MHz band
5500 MHz band
5400 MHz band
5300 MHz band
5200 MHz band
5100 MHz band
5000 MHz band
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
-105 dB
3700 MHz band
3600 MHz band
3500 MHz band
3400 MHz band
Recieve max.
20 dB
26 dB
28 dB
20 dB
20 dB
26 dB
28 dB
20 dB
20 dB
26 dB
28 dB
20 dB
26 dB
26 dB
28 dB
28 dB
26 dB
28 dB
26 dB
28 dB
26 dB
26 dB
28 dB
26 dB
28 dB
26 dB
28 dB
27 dB
27 dB
27 dB
27 dB
29 dB
900 MHz band
Emitt max.
2700 MHz band
2600 MHz band
2500 MHz band
2400 MHz band
2300 MHz band
Lobo 912
Lobo 912R
Lobo 912RS
Lobo 912N
Lobo 924
Lobo 924R
Lobo 924RS
Lobo 924N
Lobo 924NX
Lobo 924T
Lobo 924TS
Lobo 924H
Lobo 924HR
Lobo 952T
Lobo 952TS
Lobo 952TH
Lobo 954R
Lobo 954RS
Lobo 954T
Lobo 954TS
Lobo 954HR
Lobo 968R
Lobo 968RS
Lobo 968E
Lobo 968ES
Lobo 968T
Lobo 968TS
Lobo 935R
Lobo 935T
Lobo 935H
Lobo 935TX
Lobo 901T
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2
1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2
2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3
Number of radios working in the given frequency (in this case 1)
Maximum power of 20db emitting in that frequency
Maximum power of 26db emitting in that frequency
Maximum power of 27db emitting in that frequency
Maximum power of 28db emitting in that frequency
Maximum power of 29db emitting in that frequency
Prospective customers should not get
confused by their competitive price, the
new Lobometrics CPE series are
probably the most feature rich CPE
devices in the market, build from ground
up to meet the specifications that WISPs
demand. All Lobometrics CPE devices
have a compact design, integrate a
powerful directional antenna and, are
powered through PoE and, following
Lobometrics standards, have high transmission powers and extraordinary
sensitivity that enables cost-effective
deployments both in 2.X and in 5.X
Wireless security
- Access Control List
- WEP 64/128
- VLAN 802.1Q support
- PPTP VPN client
Wireless Tuning
- TX Power
- TX Rate
- ACK Timeout
- Compression, Bursting and FastFrames
- WMM (Wireles QoS)
Voice. Video. Best effort. Background
- MAC Spoofing
- Country code selection (auto-TX power)
At the core of the user experience. ®
Operational modes
- Station (no network behind)
- Client (network behind)
Miura Plus
One 200mW 802.11b/g radio
Heavy load CPE CPU
One 802.11b/g high frequency range radio
From 2.312 MHz to 2.732 MHz
Output power of 200 mW and max receive sensibility : -105dB
Heavy load 200Mhz MIPS4000 CPE CPU
Light synthetic enclosure
Integrated 17dBi directional (32ºH / 18ºV)
No external antenna connectors
Single 10/100 Mbps Ethernet conector
Power through Ethernet (PoE). Injector and adapter included.
Miura Pro
One 63mW 802.11a/b/g radio
Heavy load CPE CPU
Atheros Super AG
CPE devices
Atheros' Super AG is a series of intelligent
mechanisms that engage when additional
bandwidth is available and/or needed. It
increases the actual end user throughput of
an 802.11a/b/g network.
These features include (1) bursting, (2)
compression, (3) fastframes, and (4) dynamic
turbo. These four capabilities operate
independently to enhance the throughput of a
One 802.11a/b/g high frequency range radio
From 2.312 MHz to 2.732 MHz
From 4.900 MHz to 6.100 MHz
Output power of 63 mW and max receive sensibility : -105dB
Heavy load 200Mhz MIPS4000 CPE CPU
Light synthetic enclosure
Integrated 17dBi directional (32ºH / 18ºV)
One N-Female external antenna connectors
Single 10/100 Mbps Ethernet conector
Power through Ethernet (PoE). Injector and adapter included.
Miura Five
One 400mW 802.11a radio
Heavy load CPE CPU
One 802.11a high frequency range radio
From 4.900 MHz to 6.100 MHz
Output power of 400 mW and receive sensibility : -105dB
Heavy load 200Mhz MIPS4000 CPE CPU
Light synthetic enclosure
Integrated 20dBi directional (16ºH / 11ºV)
No external antenna connectors
Single 10/100 Mbps Ethernet conector
Power through Ethernet (PoE). Injector and adapter included.
- Layer 2 (MAC Address) forwarding
QoS Bandwidth management
- Commited Information Rate (CIR)
- Peak Information Rate (PIR)
- Commited Burst Size (CBS)
- Excess Burst Size (EBS) based on :
Input/Output interface. Source
IP/Subnet. Source port(s). Source
MAC. Destination IP/Subnet.
Destination port(s). Destination MAC.
Protocol. Application
- P2P filtering and bandwodth control
- Layer 3 (IP Address) forwarding
- Static routing
Firewall / NAT
- Input/Output interface
- Source IP/Subnet
- Port(s)
- Source MAC
- Destination IP/Subnet
- Protocol
- Connection state
VPN / Tunneling
- PPPoE client
- PPTP client
Monitor utilities
- Ping and Trace
- DHCP Server, client and relay
Lobometrics Miura CPE
El único enlace
profesional del
mercado que
se configura
y optimiza
No todo el
mundo quiere ni
necesita un sistema
complejo ni tener que aprender
redes avanzadas.
Enlaces de
hasta 5 km
Velocidad max
neta 120Mbps
Twin Radio
Full Duplex
Lobometrics presenta los enlaces inalámbricos PnL (Plug-and-Link). Enlaces de
larga distancia y altísimas prestaciones donde el usuario solo tiene que conectar
el cable, todo el resto es automático. Conectar y utilizar, sin configuraciones, sin
complicaciones, y sin renunciar a las más avanzadas prestaciones.
Lobometrics airCable : El primer enlace inalámbrico PnL del mercado
Para los que
saben apreciar
lo sencillo
Multiple Input Multiple Output
BMAP 802.11n
Luchando por
cada rebote
Elementos tales como edificios, mobiliario interior
o urbano y demás obstáculos dificultan e incluso
pueden llegar a bloquear las comunicaciones
inalámbricas. La penetrabilidad de estas
estructuras viene determinada por la longitud de
onda, es decir, tanto WiMAX como WiFi penetran las
estructuras de igual forma a la misma frecuencia. Son
los rebotes generados por esos obstáculos los que, en
caso de poder ser racionalizados permiten regenerar e
incluso acelerar la comunicación.
El punto de acceso inalámbrico Lobometrics BMAP utiliza las
tecnologías MIMO del WiMAX para ofrecer conectividad en
escenarios difíciles o incluso para conseguir velocidades elevadas
en entornos sin línea visual o con gran cantidad de obstáculos.
Las cuatro antenas integradas en el Lobometrics BMAP se encargan de recibir
cada onda, tanto portadora como rebotada para regenerar la señal de clientes
802.11a/b/g y además multiplicar al velocidad mediante multiportadoras
concurrentes en conexiones con sistemas 802.11n.
El Lobometrics BMAP MIMO está básicamente destinado a pequeñas
instalaciones con requerimientos medios o semi-profesionales.
Lobometrics BMAP : Punto de acceso MIMO para interiores/escenarios urbanos

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