Fr. James - Christ the King Catholic Church
Fr. James - Christ the King Catholic Church
MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 15, 2014 Dear Friends, Trinity Sunday is one of the most interesting feast days of the year for the very fact that the Most Holy Trinity is both a total mystery and a total reality in our lives. How can this be? First off, there is simply no way to ever explain the Holy Trinity: Three Persons in One God! But in an odd way, the Trinity is part of every relationship too! From a theological perspective we know that the Son proceeds from the Father and then the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. But this isn’t exactly easy to understand. The theological fact is that there has never been a time when any of the Persons in the Holy Trinity haven’t existed. They are the three Persons of the One God and there has never been a time when God has not existed. God is and all of time and space flows from God. So when we consider the Holy Trinity we have to use our religious imagination. You might recall a homily I gave once where I told the story of JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis. They were friends in England, Tolkien a Catholic and Lewis an Anglican. They were great friends and would sit up and debate about theology into the late hours of the night. Once Tolkien said to Lewis, “Lewis you don’t have a problem with struggle with a lack of religious imagination.” The only way you and I can ever begin to believe in the Holy Trinity is to engage our religious imagination. This is not religious fantasy either. We have to believe that it is possible for there to be Three Persons in One God and that it is possible that Jesus, the 2nd Person of the Trinity, lived on this earth 2000 years ago AND is the Son who has always been God throughout time and even before time. He is the Word that spoke all that is into existence. We have to use our imagination to try to understand the Trinity. But as I said earlier in this essay, we can also understand the Trinity quite easily by our own lives. Imagine the Father loving the Son as part of his begetting the Son. The Son then receives that Love in a most perfect way and because of that returns that Love to the Father. The Father, who is the originator of perfect Love, then returns more love to the Son who returns that love back to the Father who returns more to the Son and so on and so forth. This giving and receiving of Love is infinite; there’s never a time when they are not loving each other. That love is the Holy Spirit. We see this all the time when Husbands and Wives live out lives of love, when friends love friends, when parents love children and when children love parents. The love we share each and every day as people is an exact replica of the Trinitarian love that has always been part of the Godhead. This is why, even though the Trinity is a total mystery, it is also totally part of our every day lives. When we chose to love each other it is a Trinity of persons too. Take care, Fr. James Weekly Mass Intentions 14th 5PM †Mary Catherine Walsh 15th 8AM †Pablo Moreno 10:30AM †John & Frances Antunes 5PM Pro Populo 16th 8AM †Anna Tamez 17th 6:30PM 18th 8AM Poor Souls in Purgatory 20th 6:30PM †Sam Hawkins 21st 8AM †Henry Wallace Please pray for those in our Parish who are ill. The list is posted at the entrance to the Oratory. Please remember to contact the office with any changes. Our Military Serving Overseas Phillip Aiello Mark Barreras Maj. David L. Gomez Maj. Deana S. Gomez, USAF Olivia Hunte Matt Jakircevic Maj. Reggie Jamo Christopher Kroll Capt. Jason Piper Curtis James Walters II Wilbert Witt VIEW THIS BULLETIN ONLINE AT WWW.CTKBELTON.ORG JOIN OUR GROUP PAGE ON FACEBOOK @ CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH BELTON! MOST HOLY TRINITY At CTK this Week Today Catolocismo Class VII 9:15 Parish Hall Central Texas Voices for Life Raffle Ticket Sale After Mass Wednesday Joyful Hearts Moms 10:00-1:00 Parish Hall Mary Queen of the Rosary Meeting 7:00 PM Gift Shop Thursday 4th Degree Knights 7:00 PM Parish Hall CTK ACTS Women 7:00 PM Cristus Center Friday Spanish Prayer Group 7:00 PM Parish Hall JUNE 15, 2014 Stewardship Report June 8 Black Bag Collection Next Weekend Received Goal Difference $13,883.50 $14,000.00 $ (116.50) Additional Debt Reduction from Springfest Earnings $51,000 Loan Balance $499,975 In every way we must keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said, “It is more blessed to give than it is to receive.” Acts of the Apostles 20:35 CTK Food Pantry Month of May Served 97 Families 368 Individuals 11 New Clients January - May 442 Families were served 1,756 Individuals 33 New Clients June 14-15 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity This Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity invites us to enter into the mystery and dynamism of our Triune God. Our God is not an abstract force, but three persons so united in love that they are One. We are baptized into that dynamic love and now God’s life and breath are ours. We are challenged by this feast to let God’s love tranform us more fully so that it pours out of us in all our words and actions. Such love enables us to be freed from fear and to lead others to that freedom. How can we give witness to this freedom this week, especially as we approach the Fortnight for Freedom? Please consider Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for the month of June: †That the unemployed my receive support and find the work they need to live in dignity… †Que las personas desempleadas recipban apoyo y encuentren el trabajo que necesitan para vivir dignamente †That Europe my rediscover its Christian roots through the witness of believers… †Que Eropa redescubra sus raíces Cristianas a través del testimonio de los creyentes... Please consider using the following mediation for the Feast of Corpus Christi (June 22) †For a greater belief in the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist... †Por que exista una mayor creencia en la Verdadera Presencia de Jesuscristo en la Eucaristía VIEW THIS BULLETIN ONLINE AT WWW.CTKBELTON.ORG JOIN OUR GROUP PAGE ON FACEBOOK @ CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH BELTON! MOST HOLY TRINITY Congreso Católica de Familias: “La Algría del Amor” Sábado, 21 de junio del 2014. ¡Día para unir a su famila y renovar su fe y amor en Dios! Habrá talleres para niños de 5-12 años y para adolescentes 13-17 años. Se llevara a cabo en el Palmer Event Center. La Misa de Apertura será celebrada por el Obispo Joe Vásquez. Para más información o para obtener sus boletos hablar al 512-745-0574 o al sitio web Deferred Action for childhood arrivals Meeting (DACA) There will be a FREE informational meeing with lawyers on August 23 at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Temple. The meeting will begin at 9AM. This meeting is organized through the Austin Interfaith by the Equal Justice Center. If you think you qualify, please make plans to attend. Junta de acción diferida para jovenes Habrá una reunión informativa GRATIS con abogados, el 23 de agosto en Our Lady of Guadalupe en Temple. La reunión comenzará a las 9AM. Este encuentro está organizado por el Centro de Justicia e Igualdad. Es elgible si tiene por lo menos 15 años de edad y tenían menos de 31 años de edad en junio 15, 2012 y entraron al país antes de los 16 años de edad. Men’s Mass July 19 Bishop Joe Vásquez will celebrate the sixth annual Men's Mass July 19 at 10 a.m. at St. Mary Cathedral in Austin. Men throughout the Austin Diocese are invited to celebrate the Eucharist. A reception will follow in the Bishop's Hall. This Mass is sponsored by the Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men (CTFCM). For more information about CTFCM, visit JUNE 15, 2014 Ministerios Hispanos en Cristo Rey Catolicismo es tu historia... Únanse con nosotros para ver las ultimas 5 partes sobre nuestra religión. El Padre Robert Barron de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago presenta sujetos como Conocer a Dios, La Comunión de Los Santos, y La Liturgia. Domingos en el Salón Viejo de la parroquia entre 9:15-10:15 a.m. La Palabra Entre Nosotros estará en el vestíbulo para La temporada de Pasqua/ Estos libros son buenos para usar en la espiritualidad de este tiempo sagrado. !Por favor, solo un libro por familia, gracias! Grupo de Oracion Carismática en español. Cada tercer viernes del mes a las 7PM en el salon de la iglesia para masine or masion. Call Ben 254-624-8206 Cedarbrake Retreat Center presenta Retiro en Español Sábado, 28 de junio Redescubran a la Santísima Trinidad como una comunión de amor, y nuestro llamado a entrar y vivir en esta comunión. Le invitamos a este retiro donde meditaremos las maneras de cómo podemos atraer a la gente a esta comunión y cómo mantener la unidad en nuestras comunidades. A través de la eucaristía podemos llegar a ser la imagen de Dios en el mundo, esa imagen que Jesus anhelaba cuando dijo: “Permite, oh Padre, que alcancen la perfección En la unidad, y así el mundo reconozca que tú me enviaste y que los has amado a ellos tal como me has amado a mí.” El costo es $25. Por favor registrese antes del 25 de Junio 254-780-2436 On this, your final weekend at CTK, we take a moment to thank you, Fr. James, for the pastoral care, the wonderful homilies, & the administration of our parish. We will remember you in our prayers and pray for you and your new parish to be blessed and to grow in ways in which God leads. MOST HOLY TRINITY Events June 1- CONFIRMATION RETREAT PLANNING 5 9-12 - Garner State Park Camping Trip 12 - High School Six Flags 15 - CONFIRMATION RETREAT PLANNING 6 19-21 - Servus Dei for 6th-8th grade 22 - SUMMER SNL 6PM - Come meet the new Youth Minister Abigail Riley! 27 - TEC for 16 years old and up July PLAN AHEAD FOR JULY! 11 - Hawaiian Falls! 12-13 - Leadership Retreat 17 - Cross Training incoming freshmen $185 Diocese of Austin 18-20 - Confirmation Retreat $45 Pick up Packets in Office P JUNE 15, 2014 Religious Education Spotlight Students: Plan to attend VBS this summer beginning July 28. Catechists: Remember to pray for all your students to have a safe summer. Parents: This year there will be changes to the schedule for RE formation. Please note the new days and times: Sunday, 9:15-10:15 AM - PreK 4 - 1st grade Monday, 6-7:15 PM - ALL Sacrament Classes - Sacrament Class First Confession/ Communion (2nd Grade, RCIA adapted for children, SSPC) Tuesday, 6-7:15 PM - 2nd –5th Grades Wednesday, 6-7:15PM - 6th-8th Grades ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Love children? Love the Lord? Then please consider being a Catechist and teaching the children the GOOD NEWS! Stop by my office or email me at [email protected] to discuss this. Rita Motl, DRE astoral Plan Update and Survey Summary The Steering Committee met on May 31 and reviewed all the data collected for the Pastoral Plan that included summaries from the listening sessions, focus groups, parishioners’ surveys and priests’ surveys. The committee engaged in a prayerful discernment process to begin to identify key themes that could be the focus of the new plan. The work of the committee was presented to the team of Essential Conversations that will begin to write the first draft of the plan and present it to the committee in August. A summary of the survey results is attached. Complete results and data will soon be made available on the Pastoral Plan website. Highlights of the Survey Results There were 4,125 respondents (3,880 English, 245 Spanish) Respondent Demographics—just over 60% women and nearly 40% men responded. Age: An encouraging 10% of respondents are under 21; 8% are young adults (between 21and 30); Generation X (between 31 and 49) is represented by 30% ; and Baby Boomers (between 50 and 69) comprise 40%; with Seniors (70+) at 12%. About half, regardless of English or Spanish speaking, report that their faith is at the center of their life, and that they base important decisions on it. An overwhelming proportion (93%) of parishioners considers that teaching children the Catholic faith is important or very important. Meaningful prayer & worship follows closely with 91% rating important or very important. Nearly 90% of parishioners find it important or very important that the parish supports their spiritual growth, provides adult Catholic education and focuses on youth and young adults. Connecting faith to work/family life is considered an important or very important area of focus for 81% of the respondents, tied with focusing on learning church teachings (81%). Learning more about how to pray is important or very important to nearly threefourths (74%) of the parishioners and learning how to speak about or share faith (witness) is important or very important to nearly 70% of respondents. Half of the respondents agree or strongly agree that they would like their parish to better collaborate with other parishes, followed closely by a desire for greater involvement in parish life (49%). Priests’ survey results: Offering meaningful prayer and worship, as well as a focus on youth and young adults, and supporting spiritual growth were top parish priorities for priests. Priests say the most important things the Diocese of Austin must address as it plans for its future are evangelization; spreading the Good News; young adult faith formation and ministry; and how to minister to a growing population. MOST HOLY TRINITY Volunteers are needed: Translators Social Workers Receptionists Nurses Dentists Dental Hygienists Dental Assistants Webpage Managers Fundraisers Database Managers Event Planners Grantwriters JUNE 15, 2014 Clinic Hours Wednesday 1-4PM Thursday 1-4PM - Counseling 6-9PM - Medical & Dental 2210-B Holland Rd Belton TX 76513 254-939-5600 Holy Trinity Catholic High School Is seeking a Part time High School German teacher for the 2014-2015 School year. Please contact Principal Veronica Alonzo [email protected] Fr. James Ekeocha and the parishioners of St Luke Catholic Church cordially invite you to hear Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, Executive Director of Busted Halo Ministries and international radio personality, at St Luke Catholic Church in Temple on Sunday, June 29, at 1:30 p.m. Fr. Dave will discuss “How Pope Francis Is Changing the World.” Fr. Dave will speak at St. Luke as part of the New Evangelism: Catholicism in the 21st Century - St. Luke CARE Speaker Series, a vibrant forum that features discussions of the most important topics facing the Catholic Church today. Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, is director of Busted Halo ®, the Paulist ministry & media outreach to those in their 20s & 30s. He is publisher of, aimed at spiritual seekers, and Young Adult Ministry in a Box, a subscription service for parishes. He hosts “The Busted Halo Show” nightly on SiriusXM radio, cohosts “Conversation with Cardinal Dolan” and has appeared in/ on CNN, The History Channel, NBC News, Fox & Friends, The Today Show, The New York Times and The Daily Show. Fr. Dave worked in campus ministry at the Universities of Colorado and Texas, and developed ministry programs for the Military Archdiocese. Prior to his ordination, he directed television for MTV and Comedy Central. ESL English As Second Language ESL Classes are Free to the Public at Temple College Free GED Classes are offered for any students who have completed ESL New Orientation is August 11-14, 2014 5:30-8:30PM Call to get an appointment for orientation at 254-298-8620 or 254-338-6167 Email any questions to [email protected] June 18: Back to Ordinary (Time) Now What? Retreat lead by Fr. Bill Wack at Cedarbrake Retreat Center June 20: 7:00 PM Healing Mass, Santa Cruz Catholic Church, 1100 Main St, Buda. June 28: ”Meditacion sobre la Santisima Trinidad” Retiro en Español. Rosa Bejar & Mario Godoy. 254-780-2436 June 29: 1:30 Fr. Dave Dwyer at St Luke, Temple Aug 11-14: 5:30-8:30 PM ESL New Orientation. Call for appointment 254-298-8620 or 254-338-6167 Sept. 27-Oct. 3: Pilgrimage to Mexico and the Shine of Our Lady of Guadalupe with Dcn. Jerry Klement. Contact 254-773-1561 Nov. 10-20: Italy Pilgrimage with Fr. James Ekeocha. Contact Kathy Pappenfort 979-587-0595.