St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Community


St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Community
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Parish Community
7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506
Parish Office/Ministry Center: phone, 781-9855 – fax, 683-4114
Rectory: 683-0800
School: 684-1091
Ministered by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC)
Rev. Gene Sabio, MSC, Pastor
Rev. Benjamin Alforque, MSC, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Nicolas B. Gito, MSC, Parochial Vicar
Deacon John De Gano
Deacon Don Tillitson
Mass Schedule
Saturday Evening:
Sunday Schedule:
5:15 pm - Vigil Mass
6:30 am, 8:30 am,
10:15 am - Interpreted for Deaf
12:00 pm, 1:30 pm (español),
5:15 pm
Holy Days: (Except Christmas & New Year’s)
Vigil Mass on Eve of Holy Days at 5:15 pm;
8:00 am, 10:15 am & 7:00 pm
Daily: (Monday thru Saturday) 8:00 am
First Friday: Novena to the Sacred Heart - 8:30 am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Friday after 8 am Mass until 8 am Saturday
First Saturday: Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - 8:30 am
Confessions: Saturday, 4:00 - 5:00 pm and daily upon request
Marriages: 781-9855 (9 months preparation required)
Baptismal Instruction: 781-9855 ext. 10
Bautizos en Español: 781-9855 ext. 10
Children’s Homily: During 8:30 & 10:15 Masses; children 1st thru 6th grade
Nursery: (Children under three years of age) held in Parish Hall during Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 am Masses
Sick Calls (during Office hours): 781-9855
Emergencies & Sick Calls (after office hours): 683-0800 ext. 25
Parish Office in the Ministry Center
Monday through Friday
9:00 am-5:00 pm
St. Catherine’s Website:
MSC Website:
Further information located in Parish Directory
SEPTEMBER 23, 2007
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Page 2
We, the people of St. Catherine of Alexandria, gather as a
community inspired by the Holy Spirit. We come to know and
give glory to God through the love shown in the Body of
Christ by our worship, evangelization and ministry.
Mass Intentions - Intenciónes de Misas
6:30 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
5:15 pm
Anna Gross
Luisa Iniguez
Rose & Ruel May
Intentions of Jason Chavez
Corazon & Otilio Jalao
8:00 am Lucy L. Nunez
5:30 pm Intentions of Judge Timothy J. Heaslet
8:00 am
5:30 pm
Maria Flores
Mrs. Bobby Ruth Ranieri
8:00 am Douglas L. Maxwell
5:30 pm
8:00 am Pat Malkowski
5:30 pm Ed Rix
8:00 am Intentions of the Karhan Family
5:30 pm Louise Murphy
8:00 am
10:00 am
George Abbey
AFV - Edward M. Nichols
5:15 pm Mary Orr
6:30 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
5:15 pm
Marguerita Duenas
George Ryan Sr.
Phyllis Canady
James May
Diana Flores
Symbolizes Soul of Deceased
Small Groups
Now forming several small groups of 8-14 adult
Catholic Christians for conversation, study, fellowship.
Meet days, nights, weekends, or weekdays. Members chose time, day, and place for their group.
Faith Sharing groups or Bible Study groups
Call Liz 951-789-4642 or Bev @951-689-1710.
Or complete this short form and return it to the parish
office or the collection basket
7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside
Nosotros, el pueblo de Santa Catarina de Alejandría, nos
reunimos como una comunidad inspirada en el Espiritu
Santo. Reconocemos y le damos gloria a Dios por el amor
que nos ha mostrado en el cuerpo de Cristo, a través de
evangelización y ministerio.
2007 Fall Combined Collection
Today, with Catholics throughout the world, we are
called to offer our prayers and generous financial support, through the FALL COMBINED COLLECTION,
for the worldwide mission of Jesus.
Your gift to the Fall Combined Collection helps…
• People in remote villages and city barrios, through
the witness and work of local priests.
• Children, the elderly, refugees, the sick and orphans,
through the service of Religious Sisters and Brothers.
• To bring the Gospel to the poorest of our human
family and to proclaim the message of hope and
peace that only Christ can give.
For the first time ever, as a courtesy to our parishioners who prefer to do things online, gifts can be made
electronically through Parish Pay.
Please visit
www.sbdiocese to make your gift today. Please note,
your statement will say ParishPay not Diocese of San
Bernardino or Fall Combined Collection. If you have
questions, please contact the Diocesan Development
Office at (909) 475-5460.
Lastly, please offer prayers for the work of the Church
in the Missions today in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, Latin America and US. And please be as generous as you can today.
If you are in the 5th grade or at least 10
years old and have received your First Holy
Communion you can become an Altar
Server. It's a wonderful way to serve God
and our parish community.
If you are interested, give us a call and we
can sign you up. Training date and time will
be announced after signups. Please call
and leave a message at 683-0800 ext. 14.
Acts of the Apostles
with Dr. Bob Ferrett
Thursdays in the Parish Hall
Sept. 6—Oct 18 (Seven sessions)
Choose 2:00-3:30 PM or 7:00-8:30 PM
Yes, I would like more information about Small Groups.
Come and learn about the early Christian Community.
For Sept. 27 read: Acts 15:36-20:38
or e-mail
Bring your Bible and join us.
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 3
September 23, 2007
The parable of the master and
the steward is a troublesome one
with many interpretations, some
of which can be found in today's
Gospel (prudence, making
friends, trustworthiness, serving
one master). It bothers us that the steward is praised for
cheating. But perhaps it is "dishonest wealth" that the
steward has been managing for the master all along. In
that case we might not be so uncomfortable with the
steward's dishonest dealings. We would feel that the steward made things right for the debtors in the parable. Whatever the situation, the steward certainly did not serve the
interests of the master in the parable. Instead, by easing
the burden of the poor debtors, the steward served his
own self-interest, the interests of the debtors, and the interest of God "who lifts up the poor" (Psalm 113:7).
Today's scriptures leave no doubt that lifting up the lowliest in society is essential to serving God, our one and only
master. In St. Paul's words, God "wills everyone to be
saved"--both spiritually and physically (1 Timothy 2:4).
But how are we to assist God in lifting up the poor? Are
we to make more time to hold our children in our arms, or
to move closer to our aging parents? Should we contribute more money or goods to those less fortunate than we
are? Should we defend a co-worker who is being ridiculed, invest in socially responsible stocks, or actively
seek legislation to protect the vulnerable in our society?
Each of us must daily discover how to serve God--or risk
dire consequences. Today's reading from Amos clearly
describes God's disgust with those who "trample upon the
needy and destroy the poor of the land!" (Amos 8:4) It is
in our own true self-interest to lift up the poor in this life,
for when we die it is the lowly ones who will be waiting
in paradise to lift us up and welcome us into our "eternal
dwellings." Copyright (c) 2006, World Library Publications. .
Fiscal Year July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008
Summary of W eekly Sunday Offering
September 16, 2007
Sept. 2nd
Sept. 9th
Sept. 16th
YTD Actual Collections
YTD Budgeted Collections
YTD Collection Shortfall
Thank you for your sacrificial gift to our parish. May
God bless you and your fam ily.
La parábola del amo y el administrador es dificultosa y tiene muchas
interpretaciones, algunas de las
cuales se encuentran en el mismo
Evangelio de hoy (la prudencia, hacer amigos, ser digno de confianza,
servir a un solo amo). Nos molesta que el dueño alabe al administrador por haber hecho trampa. Pero tal vez lo que el administrador manejaba para el amo era una "riqueza deshonesta". En ese caso tal vez no nos sintamos tan incómodos con
las trampas del administrador. Nos parecerá entonces que el
administrador está haciendo justicia a los deudores del amo.
Sea cual fuere la situación, el administrador no estaba sirviendo
los intereses de su patrono. Más bien, al aliviar las cargas de los
pobres deudores, ese administrador estaba sirviendo su propio
interés, los intereses de los deudores y los intereses de Dios,
que "levanta del polvo al desvalido" (Salmo 113:7).
Las lecturas de hoy no dejan lugar a dudas acerca de que, levantar a los desvalidos de nuestra sociedad es parte esencial de
lo que significa servir a Dios, nuestro único amo y Señor.
Como nos dice san Pablo: "Dios quiere que todos se salven" tanto espiritual como físicamente (1 Timoteo 2:4). Pero, ¿cómo
vamos a ayudar a Dios a levantar al pobre y al desvalido?
¿Buscaremos el tiempo para abrazar a nuestros hijos e hijas, o
para acercarnos más a nuestros padres según van envejeciendo?
¿Debemos de contribuir con más dinero o comida, ropa, etc.,
para los que tienen menos que nosotros? ¿O defender a un compañero de trabajo que está siendo ridiculizado? ¿Debiéramos tal
vez hacer inversiones en las acciones de compañías socialmente
responsables, o luchar por conseguir legislación en favor de los
miembros más vulnerables de nuestra sociedad?
Cada uno de nosotros tiene que ir descubriendo día a día cómo
servir a Dios -o arriesgarnos a sufrir las horrendas consecuencias. La primera lectura de hoy, tomada del libro del profeta
Amós, nos describe claramente la repugnancia que siente Dios
hacia los "explotadores del pobre, que quisieran hacer desaparecer a los humildes" (Amós 8:4). Es por nuestro propio interés
que debemos levantar a los desvalidos en esta vida, porque
cuando nos llegue la hora de la muerte, ellos son los que nos
estarán esperando en el paraíso, para levantarnos y recibirnos
en las "moradas eternas".
2007 Diocesan Development Fund
As of September 16, 2007
Total Pledges Made
Less: DDF Assessment
Total Pledges Made to the Parish
Total Pledged Payments received
Less: DDF Assessment
Cash to the Parish (PDF)
Total number of donors :
Total Unpaid Pledges
% of unpaid pledges
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 4
Olivia Garcia x 25
Rachel Mahoney x 26
Parish Ministry Formation Program (PMFP)
The Parish Ministry Formation Program (PMFP) of the
Diocese of San Bernardino is a training program designed to prepare the lay members of the Catholic
Church in the Diocese of San Bernardino to exercise
ministries in the parish setting.
Lance Wiseman
Archie LaSalle
September 23, 2007
781-9855 x 14
LIFE TEEN (high school age teen)
Tonight Sunday – 9/23/07 “Activate” – Have you
ever watched a crazy game show and said to yourself
“that not that hard, I can do better”? Here’s your
chance to beat the clock at Life Night. This night is at
the Youth House at 7:00 PM.
Are you already in a parish ministry and want to reenergize your faith and commitment? Or is the Holy Next Sunday – 9/30/07 No LIFE Night – See you at
Spirit moving you to commit to a ministry but first you the St. Catherine church festival – “Find Archie – he
want to deepen your understanding of your faith? Then will give you a prize”.
PMFP is for you.
We will host this program here at St. Catherine starting
October 20, 2007. Come to the Ministry Center and pick
up more information regarding this program and keep an
eye on the bulletin for more information. Contact Olivia
Garcia at (951) 781-9855 x25.
El Instituto de Formación para Los Ministerios
de la Diócesis de San Bernardino es un programa de entrenamiento diseñado para preparer a los miembros laicos
de la Iglesia Católica de la Diócesis de San Bernardino
para ejercer ministerios en un ambiente parroquial. El programa completo de Formación para Ministros Parroquiales
(PMFP) consiste de un taller de un día bilingüe Iniciando el
Camino que sera 20 de octubre, 2007 y de cuatro minicursos Teológicos pastorales (Llamados a Ser Discípulos,
Experiencia de Dios, Jesús e Iglesia), terminando con un
retiro de un día bilingüe Llamados a Servir y Además se
requiere un curso de Especialización que es ofrecido por
oficinas Diocesanas responsables de los ministerios parroquiales en particular.
Encontrada aplicaciónes y más información en el ministerio
central de la Parroquia. Sobre el Programa o preguntas
por favor de llamar Olivia Garcia 781-9855
Ministry to Developmentally Disabled Adults
Looking for a chance to meet people and have fun? We
are forming a new ministry at St. Catherine’s to welcome and offer a sense of belonging to parishioners with
developmental disabilities. Together, we will plan spiritual and social events that will enable fuller participation
in the faith and life of our parish community. If you, a
family member, or friend would like to LEAP with
FAITH or volunteer to assist with this special ministry
please call Monique Sanchez at 784-2718 or Deacon
John DeGano at 781-9855.
Remember every Sunday is LIFE NIGHT from 7:00
PM to 8:30 PM at the Youth House. 6956 Nixon St.
All High School age Youth are welcome to come over
as soon as the LIFE TEEN Mass ends.
Magic Mountain Trip
Saturday, November 17, 2007 – Cost $45.00
The Thrill of Knowing Christ!
Inspiration is unlike any other event with skits, talks,
praise & worship music, rides, adoration & Mass. All
this takes place at Magic Mountain theme park and is
a great day. This day-long event has limited space, so
contact Archie at 684-1065. This if the last weekend
to reserve your space!
Youth Service Hours
Catholic Daughters of America are hosting a luncheon
on Saturday, October 6th from 11 AM to 2 PM and
need youth to help serving. Please contact Lance at
ext. 14 to sign up.
World Youth Day 2008 – Fundraiser
available for sale, stop by the Ministry Center, M-F 9
AM to 5 PM to order or pick up a book. If you have
never used Entertainment coupon books before, you’re
missing out. You save up to 50% off dining out, saving on all types of entertainment & things you do
every day. A great deal for only $20.00 and all proceeds help support our youth.
REMEMBER - Applebee's Tuesdays
Eating any Tuesday at 3820 Mulberry St.
will be good for your Youth Ministry program.
Must have flyer for us to get credit.
Flyer available at the Ministry Center. Thank You.
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 5
Activities Calendar
Week of September 24th-September 30th (as of )
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30-9:00 pm
8:00 am – 6 pm
10:00 am
11:30 am
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
September 24th
Ministry Center
MC Room 1
September 25th
Parish Festival set up
Parish Hall
Little Rock-Paul’s Letters Youth House
Good Grief Process
Ministry Center
Life Teen Choir Rehearsal Church
Visioning/Planning Team
MC Spirituality Room
7:00 pm
Grupo de Oración Meeting MC Room 1
7:00 pm
Core Team Meeting
Youth House
September 26th
8:00 am – 6 pm
Parish Festival set up
Parish Hall
9:00 am& 6-7 pm Sacred Heart Prayer Group Church (Side Chapel)
10:00 am
St. Jude’s Wirebenders
Youth House
7:00-9:30 pm
Traditional Choir Rehearsal Church
September 27th
8:00 am – 6 pm
Parish Festival set up
Parish Hall
2:00 pm-3:30 pm Bible Study
MC Spirituality Room
7:00 pm
Filmin Meeting
MC Room 2
7:00 pm
FCCW Meeting
MC Spirituality Room
September 28th
7:00 am -11pm
Parish Festival
Parish Hall
7:00 pm
Filipino Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm
Sp. Choir Rehearsal
MC Room 1
September 29th
7:00 am -11pm
Parish Festival
Parish Hall
September 30th
7:00 am -11pm
Parish Festival
Parish Hall
8:00 am -1:00 pm RCIA
MC Spirituality Room
10:00-11:30 am
Gospel Choir Rehearsal
MC Room 1
12:30 pm
Spanish Choir Rehearsal
MC Room 1
3:30 pm
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal Church
Blue Army Prayer
Good Grief Process
Stephen Ministry
World Youth Day 2008
September 23, 2007
The Second Vatican
Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,
Lumen Gentium, (trans.
Light of the World), in
its definition of the Church, describes the Church, first, as
Mystery, then, as People of God, before it describes her
as Hierarchy. This is quite an interesting shift of perspective on the Church’s self-understanding: from the
pre-Vatican II hierarchical model to that of being a Mystery, of being People of God, served by the ordained
ministries as a hierarchy for service.
The Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern
World, Gaudium et Spes, (trans. Joy and Hope), opens
up with a proclamation that the joys and hopes of humanity are the joys and hopes of the People of God.
This is significant in that the Church now explicitly affirms
what she has lived for all along: her existence and life
are not confined to the four walls of the church building,
nor to the celebration of the liturgy and the sacraments,
nor to the esoteric world of the spirit, but that she has in
fact embraced the world, and the life in the world, the
materiality and physicality of God’s creation, as the
proper arena of her mission to continue to preach the
good news of God’s Reign and to be the instrument of
God’s on-going work of salvation-redemption.
In a remarkable living out of this identity of the Church,
the Synod of Bishops in 1971 declared that “Action on
behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of
the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of
the preaching of the Gospel, or, in other words, of the
Church's mission for the redemption of the human race
and its liberation from every oppressive situation.”
In my recent travels attending one national conference
and one international conference, this identity and mission of the Church are once again put to bear on the
phenomena of migrations, refugees and international
trafficking of women and children.
Whatever our views are on the real experiences of migrations, the campaign for reforms in immigration laws
and the sanctuary movement, it would be well for us to
reflect on the following questions from the point of view
of the radicality of our Christian faith, of our being
Church: why are there no boundaries for capital?
Why would human labor, the dignity of labor, the huSaturday, October 13th.
man person that socially produces and reproduces
Doors will open at 6:00 PM in the Parish Hall, with capital be hemmed in by borders? What do these
signs of the times – borderless capital and beseiged
the tournament starting at 6:30 PM.
human labor - mean for us who are Catholics, memCost is $50.00. Tickets available after 8:30 and 10:15 bers of the universal mystical body of Christ?
Texas Hold’em
Poker Tournament - Fundraiser
This tournament will be held to
support our youth who will
attend World Youth Day 2008.
AM masses today or by calling Lance Wiseman at
781-9855, ext. 14.
We are looking for Community support. If you would
like to sponsor a table or donate items to this fundraiser, please contact Lance at the above number.
How do we preach God’s love, justice and peace and our
being a redeemed community in this situation of conflictivity that produces injustice and suffering, scandalous
riches for a few and poverty for the majority, confusion
and insecurity for all? – Fr. Ben
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 6
Wag your tail! Stomp your hooves!
The 3rd Annual Blessing of the
Animals will be celebrated by
Deacon John on October 6, 2007
at 9 a.m. on the steps of the
Genesis 1:15 reminds us that God
was pleased with his creation and
blessed it from the very beginning of time.
In recognition of this and in honor of Francis of Assisi
(saint and deacon!), we gather to renew that blessing
upon our hairy, furry, scaly, feathery, etc. friends, who
will receive a special blessing in recognition of their
important role in our lives and world.
September 23, 2007
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Court Mystical Rose #1411
Fashion Show & Luncheon
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Parish Hall 12:00 Noon
Price $ 15
Proceeds benefit local charities
Fashions provided by Steinmart Raffle Prizes
For tickets call: Regina Joly (951) 787-8617
Mary Maston (951) 684-2774
St. Catherine Parish is hosting the Hamburger/Hot dog Food booth at the Festival this year. We need your help. Please
donate the following items;
Animal friends in the past have included a tortoise,
Frozen Hamburger Patties
rats, guinea pigs, cats and dogs, and fish and birds. We Hotdogs
expect to have horse join us for the first time this year! Hamburger/Hotdog Buns
All (humans, too!) are invited to attend this joyous
Frozen French Fries
Large cans of Chili
Tomatoes, Lettuce
Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Relish Packets White Onions
Proceeds will benefit St. Catherine Parish. Thank you
Each year the attendance grows and the animals get for your support. Should you have any questions,
larger. Some seating will be available, but BYOC please contact Marcus Jones (909) 241-7485.
(bring your own chair, perch, etc.) is highly advised.
For more information, please call Deacon John at
(951) 781-9855, ext. 11.
Faith and works are like the light and heat to a candle;
they cannot be separated. —Anonymous
Catholic Speakers Series
The first Monday of each month beginning
October 1, 7 – 9 p.m. in the Parish Hall
(Mark these 8 dates on your calendar:
10/1, 11/5, 12/3, 1/7, 2/4, 3/3, 5/5, and 6/2)
Our first speaker will be
Father Michael Manning, SVD
Topic of his presentation: Protecting the Living.”
Catholic Mission Outreach will again be
hosting the Parish Festival White Elephant Sale on September 28th, 29th and
30th. We need you, our extended family,
to help with donations of table top items in
good clean condition. We ask for items
such as kitchenware, small appliances, ceramics, dishes,
books, cd's, dvd's, toys, knickknacks, etc. Please no clothing, furniture or computers. If you are not sure if we can
use an item, or need a pickup of a donation, call : Dave
Heney, 359-1651; Walter Andrews, 789-0186; or Ed
McBride, 780-2574. We will be making pickups starting
Sept 1st, but you may bring items to the Festival. Please
do not drop items off at the church or ministry center.
The Parish Evangelization team has been canvassing
Father Michael Manning, whose popular TV program “The
local neighborhoods introducing our parish to new
Word in the World” airs every Wednesday morning at 8:30
a.m. on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). (Dish 260, Di- residents of Riverside. If you would like to join us in
welcoming Catholics (and others) to our parish comrect TV 372, Charter 33)
If you want equal justice for all, and
true freedom and lasting peace,
then, America, defend life! All the
great causes that are yours today will have meaning only
to the extent that you guarantee the right to life and
protect the human person." Pope John Paul I
munity, please contact Tony Griffin at (951) 784-5003
or Deacon John at (951) 781-9855, ext. 11.
We will schedule training in Door to Door greeting
this Fall for those interested in this opportunity to live
Jesus’ Great Commission by helping to ‘gather the
lost sheep’ of our parish.
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 7
September 23, 2007
News from St. Catherine School bÇx fÑ|Ü|à? bÇx VÉÅÅâÇ|àç
Join us at the Festival!
Our Festival is upon us and begins this next week starting Friday and lasting through Sunday evening.
This annual tradition not only raises much needed funding for the school, but involves all of us in the
community – both the parish and the school – and that builds our fellowship across the parking lot as
One Spirit, One Community.
This is the first of our major events for the school this year and we are excited. Our parents and many members from
the parish ministry come together to cook food (just try walking past the food court along the back of the school and
not be tempted by the aroma from so many savory dinner options), operate games (many of which are operated by
the parents of each grade – skill levels vary from 5 to 95 – come win something stuffed and huggable), and there’s
crafts, shopping, entertainment, a true festival! All this is done while the kids (and some of us older kids) are whirling
around on rides ranging from roller coasters to funhouses (while some of our over-21-year-olds enjoy a beer or margarita). Set aside some time to bring your family over this weekend to truly enjoy your parish and your school having
fun together.
And as I said, this raises important money for us. We all know how hard it is for our ministries and the school to operate within the tight budgets we maintain as good stewards of our resources. Your participation is not only community building, it is an important help to us financially. Thank you to all who come to our Festival – it’s a fun way to
empower our ministry and your help is important to all of us. I look forward to seeing you there!
Yours in Christ,
Rick Howick
School Principal
You may contact our school about
anything of interest at (951) 684-1091
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Annual Parish Festival
Join us for family fun
Friday, Sept. 28—5 PM to midnight
Saturday, Sept. 29—3 PM to midnight
Sunday, Sept. 30—11 AM to 8 PM
Rides, Raffle, Entertainment,
Food and much more.
Presale ride tickets available
now in the school office.
10 tickets for $15.
3 day wristband for $50.
If you can help with donations or in any
other way, please call or e-mail Nina
Acosta at (951) 684-1091 or [email protected].
Colecta Combinada de Otoño 2007
El día de hoy, junto con los católicos en todo el mundo,
somos llamados a ofrecer nuestras oraciones y apoyo
monetario generoso, por medio de la OLECTA
COMBINADA DE OTOÑO, para la misión mundial de
Su donativo a la Colecta Combinada de Otoño ayuda..
♦ A personas en aldeas remotas y barrios de ciudad, por
medio del testimonio y trabajo de los sacerdotes locales.
♦ A los niños, los ancianos, los refugiados, los enfermos
y los huérfanos, por medio del servicio de los Hermanos
y Hermanas Religiosas.
♦ A llevar el Evangelio a los miembros más pobres de
nuestra familia humana y a proclamar el mensaje de
esperanza y paz que sólo Cristo puede dar.
Por primera vez, como una cortesía a nuestros feligreses que prefieren hacer las cosas vía Internet, los donativos se pueden hacer electrónicamente por medio de
ParishPay. Por favor consulte para
hacer su donativo hoy. Por favor note que su estado de
cuenta dirá ParishPay y no Diocese of San Bernardino o
Colecta Combinada de Otoño. Si tiene preguntas, por
favor comuníquese con la Oficina Diocesana de
Desarrollo llamando al (909) 475-5460.
Por último, por favor ofrezca sus oraciones por la labor
de la Iglesia en las Misiones actuales en África, Asia,
las Islas del Pacífico, América Latina y los Estados Unidos. Y por favor, sea lo más generoso posible hoy.
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 8
Prayer for Military personnel in hostile territories,
Prayer for the Sick, call Carolyn, 781-9855 x22.
Prayer for Special Needs, call msg. line, 683-0800 x20.
Names submitted for the prayer list for the sick are kept on
the list for 3 months. If you wish a name to remain on the list
for a longer time or to add a new name, please call 781-9855
ext. 22. If leaving a message, please leave your name and
number so information can be verified.
THE LIST. Thank you.
Please pray for Peace and for a safe return home of
our military personnel stationed in hostile territories:
Steven Magdaleno
Anthony Lopez III
Sgt. Danielle Willis
Erik Navarrette
Cathy Chavez
Sgt. Kenneth Kelly
Martin Saine
PFC Jacob Romero
Doug Searcy
Matthew Shafer
Sgt. David Katz
PFC Kieran Dohr
Gerardo Rodriguez
Sgt. Alex Gonzalez
Francisco Alvin
SFC Daniel Cabral
Sgt. Matt Truex
SSgt. Carlos V. Cardoza
Danyale Davis
SSgt. Richard Guillen-Avila
Chief Rob Harless
Cmdr. Usher Barnum, Jr.
Patrick Craig
PLEASE LET US KNOW when someone on the
list has returned home safely. Thank you.
Please Pray for the Sick
Por Favor Oren Por Los Enfermos
Alma Acosta
Guadalupe Acosta
Joseph Acosta
Maria Alarcon
Rosemarie Anderson
E.E. Gene Barrett
Tanya Butzloff
Luis Chavez
Ruthanne Christianson
Bob Condran
Dcn. Sal Correa
Mari Costello
Bill Dressman
Bea Fernandez
Fr. David Fitzgerald
Ann Friedrich
Gloria Furlan
Diandra Galarza
Margaret Gardis
Eric Gensch
Ryan Gensch
Frank Gorback
Charles Gordon
Cheryl Gordon
Inez Gordon
Richard Heil
David Heller
Paula Krull
Ed LaBrie
Eddie Lopez
Jacinta Lowell
Mildred Lucas
Robert Maldonado
Karen Mankin
Frances Martinez
Frankie Montalvo
Victoria Montalvo
Micaela Maestas
Bob Matterano
Alba McGarvey
Fr. Richard McGee
Merci Moreno
Marlene Morgan
Jean Murphy
Bill Nassar
Michael O’Keefe
Violet O’Keefe
Charley Olivas
Dee Palmer
Mary Pantoja
Ray Perez
Kolan Peterson
John Pitino
Angie Quiroz
Marie Reilly
Jessica Riboni
Carol Richardson
Otilia Riestra
Leone Rife
Alexia Rodgers
Sabrina Rodriguez
Cecilia Sablo
Aurora Saldaña
Daniel Saldana
Vannys Salinas
Ramon Santos
Pat Saumell
Patricia Scileppi
Kathleen Serra
Tony Serra
Maryann Shappi
Randy Solis, Sr.
Lee Spriggs
Fr. Jim Stauber
Albert & Marjorie Susanka
Edwin Swartley
Marlyn Taub
Bill Trainer
Frances Vasquez
Reynaldo Ventura
Vicente C. Ventura
Nancy Warkentien
Chris & Ed Wegele
Dan Webb
Katie Webb
Christopher R. Weeks
Joe White
Brooklynne Williams
McKayla Wood
John Zaragoza
Maria Zix
September 23, 2007
On Saturday, we put our fingers in the
dike. We visited a family in which the principal bread winner recently suffered a
stroke. His insurance is about to run out.
Recently, they went to apply for Medical;
however, before the stroke, the husband had
cosigned or signed on auto loans for his two
When Medical checked his eligibility, they
found the two cars. Apparently, in order to qualify for
Medical, you can't have assets. The sons offered to
sell the cars, but what they can get for the cars will
not cover the cost of the loans.
We provided them with some food and we helped
keep the light and water on with utility help. They are
behind in the mortgage and their gas bill.
We are not able to report a perfect outcome. Your
generosity allowed us to help lighten their load a bit.
The Sixth Annual Blue Mass
Tuesday September 25 at 5 PM
St. Theresa Church in Palm Springs
This event recognizes all those in public safety professions who dedicate their lives in the service and protection of others. Those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty will be honored. A ceremony in
which badges will be blessed will also take place.
There will be a dinner reception following the Mass.
For more information, please contact Eddie Garcia at
(951) 827-4427 or e-mail [email protected]
Isaac Society
We will be assisting the residents at Chapman Convalescent Hospital in Bingo on October 3 at 6:00 pm. Join us and help put
smiles on their faces. They love to see the
children so bring your entire family along. For more information call Diana 784-8014 or Walter 789-0186.
Ezr 1:1-6; Lk 8:16-18
Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Lk 8:19-21
Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9; Lk 9:1-6
Hg 1:1-8; Lk 9:7-9
Hg 2:1-9; Lk 9:18-22
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Jn 1:47-51
Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31
Ezr 1:1-6; Lc 8:16-18
Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Lc 8:19-21
Ezr 9:5-9; Lc 9:1-6
Ag 1:1-8; Lc 9:7-9
The Rosary is said twice daily
Ag 2:1-9; Lc 9:18-22
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 o Apo 12:7-12a; Jn 1:47-51
at 7:30AM in the Family Chapel, Sábado:
Am 6:1a, 4-7; Sal 146 (145); 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lc 16:19-31
& after the 800 AM Mass.
AFRICAN AMERICAN MINISTRY Marcus Jones, (909) 241-7485
ALTAR SERVERS.................................................683-0800 ext.14
ANNULMENTS………………..……Deacon Don, 781-9855 ext.16
………[email protected]
BEREAVEMENT………………….…………….......781-9855 ext.18
CATHOLIC MISSION OUTREACH..........Dave Heney, 359-1651
……...Marty & Mary Swanson, 781-9855 x29
.. …..Ricardo & Ana Maria Calderón, 786-9445
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS…............................ 683-0800 ext.14
GLOBAL SOLIDARITY…………...Deacon Don, 781-9855 ext.16
……………[email protected]
GRIEF SUPPORT...............................................781-9855 ext. 18
HEALTH MINISTRY…DebbieThomas, MaryMolle, 683-0800 x24
INTERCESSORY PRAYER………………………683-0800 ext. 20
ISAAC SOCIETY......................................Diana Nelson, 784-8014
.................Walter Andrews, 789-0186
LECTORS............................................................ 683-0800 ext. 14
MARRIAGE PREPARATION….Roger& Arlene Bauby, 907-1381
MINISTERIO HISPANO:.....................................683-0800 ext. 28
BAUTISMOS.........................Cecilia Jiménez, 781-9855 ext.10
BIENVENIDA....................Henry y Carmen Morales, 369-1185
CATECISMO EN ESPANOL....Olivia Garcia, 781-9855 ext. 25
CORO...............................................Rafael Jiménez, 653-2582
GRUPO DE ORACIÓN....................Amanda Robles, 689-2903
LAS GUADALUPANAS.................Carmen Morales, 369-1185
LECTORES................................Mariana Thompson, 247-3826
PRO-VIDA.................................Maria Teresa Orona, 780-4717
UJIERES...............................................Oscar Lopez, 657-1820
MOTHERS & OTHERS....................................Michelle, 778-0472
NEWCOMERS....................................Debbie Friedrich, 787-8227
NURSERY.............................Rachel Mahoney, 781-9855, ext. 26
PARISH BLOOD BANK.............................Jo Scarano, 684-9785
PRISON MINISTRY......................Deacon Don, 781-9855 ext. 16
………[email protected]
RE-MEMBERING CHURCH (Inactive Catholic):
................Jo Scarano, 684-9785
RESPECT LIFE....................................Colleen Wilson, 681-9752
SENIOR MINISTRY..................................Mary Icampo, 788-3892
SMALL FAITH COMMUNITIES…..Liz Barnum, 683-0800 ext. 23
...……….…………...or 789-4642
STEPHEN MINISTRY.........................Mary Lou Couch, 682-6377
ST. JUDE’S WIREBENDERS.................Nancy Fowler, 683-5981
DIRECTOR OF LAY MINISTRY..........Gretchen Tillitson, ext. 11
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION.....................Gretchen Tillitson, ext. 11
MUSIC COORDINATOR...........................Jeanine Trent, ext. 17
PASTOR..................................Fr. Generoso Sabio, MSC,ext. 21
PAROCHIAL VICAR...........Fr. Benjamin Alforque, MSC, ext. 27
PAROCHIAL VICAR.................Fr. Nicolas Gito, MSC, ext. 24
DEACONS......................................Deacon Don Tillitson, ext. 16
.................Deacon John DeGano, ext. 11
ADMIN. ASST. & BULLETIN EDITOR....Carolyn Bilinski ext. 22
BUSINESS MANAGER...........................Ronna Bugarin, ext. 23
..……………..…Lance Wiseman, ext. 14
PARISH SECRETARY..........................Cecilia Jiménez, ext. 10
YOUTH MINISTER …………………...Archie LaSalle, 684-1065
(Located in Ministry Center)
PROGRAM COORDINATOR…....Rachel Mahoney, ext. 26
ADULT FAITH FORMATION..............Dr. Bob Ferrett, 697-7733
PRINCIPAL..............................................................Rick Howick
SECRETARY……….................................................Kelly Tyrrell
OFFICE ASSISTANT……….…………………Gina Corby-Potter
AIDS HOTLINE......................................................1-800-499-2437
CATHOLIC CHARITIES ………………………..…..(909) 370-1293
CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS....................Ann Henderson, 687-5611
DIOC COUNCIL/CATH WOMEN….Mary Jane Thomas, 734-0972
ENGAGED ENCOUNTER................Lisa & Jim Platske, 276-0518
......Judi Hubbard, 789-4275……...Ana Maria Calderón, 786-9445
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS.........................Bruce Miller, 656-1981
..........................Tom Walsh, 781-9584
MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER..George & Kenna Nauenburg, 685-8919
SERRA CLUB.............................John & Ursula Dudley, 687-8097
RIVERSIDE LIFE SERVICES ………………………..951-784-2422
ST. VINCENT de PAUL HELPLINE...............................684-7386 PREGNANCY HOT LINE…………………………... (909) 985-0205
ADOPTION NEEDS ………call Family Services (1-800-464-2367)
SOCIAL CONCERNS…...John & Cheryl De Gano, 781-9855 x11 RACHEL'S VINEYARD POST-ABORTION HEALING & RECONCILIAUSHERS.................................................................683-0800 ext.14 TION: .1-877-HOPE-4-ME, 325-7702 or
FINANCE COUNCIL........John Friedrich (Chair), Ellen Brasee, Jose Granados,Marcus Jones, Al Lara, Charles Schneider,
Ty Schmidt, Ed Thurin
PASTORAL COUNCIL: Debbie Friedrich (Chair), Liz Barnum, Bev Bromley, Ernie da Jose, Maryann Koehler, Dave Meier,
Teresa Peck, Scott Pianalto

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