February 2016 - City of New Haven


February 2016 - City of New Haven
Toni Harp, Mayor
Migdalia Castro, Director
165 Church St. New Haven, CT
Dixwell/Newhallville Senior Center
255 Goffe St.
Atwater Senior Center
26 Atwater St.
East Shore Senior Center
411 Townsend Avenue
Queridos Vecinos y Amigos:
Dear Neighbors and Friends:
As we flip the calendar it’s important to remember: we must all be careful about walking and driving when snow and ice conditions exist. Slippery surfaces are perilous
and must be avoided when possible. An unexpected fall or injury
would surely spoil this winter for any of us.
As a reminder, during bad winter weather New Haven residents
can call 203-946-SNOW for information about closures and cancellations, and 203-946-8221 to report hazardous conditions. City
residents can also report trouble spots at SeeClickFix.com.
On February at the Ives Main Branch of the New Haven Free
Public Library it will be ‘Mardi Gras’ in New Haven, from 5:30 until
9:30 p.m. This annual ‘masquerade madness’ – to benefit the library foundation, which helps underwrite library expenses – includes a New Haven version of the famous festival, and a silent
auction as well.
And while it may be a cold, wintery February, there are many opportunities to maintain great spirits. February is Black History
Month, and includes back-to-back holidays mid-month: Valentine’s
Day on February 14th and then President’s Day on February 15th.
And don’t forget this extra special occasion this month. Since 2016
is a leap year, we’ll have a February 29th for the first time since
2012 – a date some call ‘Sadie Hawkins Day. No matter what you
call it, it’ll be a Monday – enjoy!
Stay warm, stay dry, and stay healthy until then!
With best wishes,
Toni N. Harp, Mayor
Mientras el tiempo va pasando es importante recordarle que sean cuidadosos cuando caminan en la nieve o en las condiciones resbalosas. Estos sititos resbalosos deben prevenirse como sea posible. Una
caída inesperada podrá estropear la temporada del invierno.
Un recordatorio, durante la temporada de invierno los residentes de New
Haven pueden llamar al (203) 946-SNOW para información sobre las
cancelaciones y cierre de facilidades, o para reportar condiciones peligrosas. Los residentes de New Haven pueden también reportarlo a
través de “SeeClickFix.com”
El 9 de Febrero en la Biblioteca Principal Ives se celebrara ‘Mardi Gras’
de 5:30 pm a 9:30 pm. Este evento anual de Máscaras, se celebra para
recaudar fondos para la fundación de la Biblioteca, que ayuda a sufragar
los gastos de la biblioteca – incluye una versión de este famoso festival
en New Haven y también se realiza una subasta silenciosa.
Y mientras las condiciones están frías, Febrero bisiesto, hay muchas
maneras de mantener un buen espíritu. Febrero es el mes de la Historia
Afroamericana, e incluye días feriados espalda con espalda a mediados
del mes: El 14 de Febrero se celebra el Día de la Amistad y el día 15 de
Febrero es el Día de los Presidentes.
Y no se olviden esta ocasión especial de este mes. Ya que el 2016 es
año bisiesto, tendremos Febrero 29 por primera vez desde el 2012 – un
día que le llaman “Día de Sadie Hawkins” No importante como usted le
llame será un Lunes – disfrútenlo!
Manténganse calientes, manténganse secos, y manténganse saludables!
Deseándoles mucha suerte,
Toni N. Harp, Alcaldesa
Arlene Davis-Rudd, Commission on Aging Commissioner
Dr. Carter G. Woodson (10/19/1875—4/03/1950)
Dr. Benjamin Hooks (1/31/1925—4/15/2010)
Travel with me as I search through decades of my personal archives, selecting the article, "Why Black History
Month?" that was first written three decades ago. Authored by the brilliant, now deceased, former NAACP Executive Director, Dr. Benjamin Hooks, this article first appeared in their CRISIS Magazine, in which he was also
the Editor. Let me add that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) will be
celebrating its 107th Anniversary on February 12th.
Following, are selected excerpts from the thought-provoking article from CRISIS Magazine, "Why Black History
"Why black History Month or Week or why any special time set aside to reflect, study, or observe what has
gone on before us in Black Life in this country? To ask the question, of course, is to answer it. For, if the history
of Black people had been included in our text books in equitable fashion with White history. Since the beginning
of our public school system, there will be no need to set aside time each year for our citizens, Black and White,
Red and Yellow, rich and poor, or male and female, to observe it."
"Nonetheless, I am tempted from time-to-time to query family, friends and associates, not rhetorically, but in a
real sense to test, again, the validity of the assumption, and in so doing, gauge once more, how much or little
we Blacks have narrowed the yawning gap of equity, justice and opportunity in this home of the brave and land
of the free, and to attempt to drum up needed energy to continue the struggle.
However, to look critically at our history once a year, is to invite pain as well as comfort. For so much of our history is awash with blood, agony, shattered lives and dreams of chains or chattel slavery, some of the worst the
world has ever known."
"In 1915, 101 years ago, it was Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a Black educator, historian and editor who organized
the Association for The Study of Negro Life and History, and in order to popularize the Study of Negro History,
in 1926, inaugurated Black History Week , which encompassed Abraham Lincoln's birthday and that of Fredrick
"Black History week grew because of a need and by popular demand it had expanded to Black History month.
Dr. Woodson, who had received a PhD from Harvard University, knew that Blacks needed to understand their
history in order to walk straight and proud as free men and women. He, also, knew that White people needed,
even more, to know Black History in order to come to equitable terms with this minority in their midst."
"Black History Month is here as a constant reminder, to them and to us, of what we have done, are doing, and
must continue to do that is positive and uplifting. So let us keep engaging in and studying Black History, and in
so doing, prepare ourselves for the future."
Atwater: Happy Birthday Alice Berman!
Atwater: Dedication of Atwater’s Game Room
to the late Gus Cuomo
Civil Rights Activist: Daniel “Danny” Gant
By: Margery Mills
Danny Gant is a relatively new member of the Dixwell-Newhallville Senior Club (he joined about a year ago)
but it is not hard to pick him out here at the senior center. Danny is the one you will find wearing a colorful and
flowing African designed garb and he seems to wear a different one every day.
Another colorful part of Danny comes out in a story he relates about one part of his life which has a strong historical bearing. It starts in Buffalo, New York and over a half-century later continues on in New Haven.
Born in Buffalo, Danny said as a youth he was on that rough road leading to nothing but trouble and thought it
best to leave town in order to keep himself on the straight and narrow. In 1956, age 23, he moved to Providence, Rhode Island and right away got into trouble, “by accident,” he emphasized. Accused of assault at a
haberdashery store, he was arrested, landed in jail and ended up on the evening television news.
Instead of it being an end, it was the beginning of a sojourn which took him from a troubled youth to almost a
lifetime of being a civil rights worker. A representative from CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) saw his story
on the news and with the help of a lawyer got Danny out of jail. In gratitude, Danny asked him what he could do
to thank him for getting him out. “Join my organization,” he told me. “And I did and I never looked back.”
CORE’s main concern was in working for equal rights for African Americans. Voter registration, discrimination
issues in employment, education, and housing were some of the issues and they also worked closely with the
Urban League.
Danny started with CORE first working in a small office compiling names of people interested in joining, then
moving on up to becoming a Chapter Chairman. From Chapter Chairman he moved up to Field Secretary for
the North Eastern Region and that meant he would get calls from the National Office in New York to go to different troubled spots anywhere in the country which might need help in integrating schools or hotels or whatever trouble was happening. In 1965 he was sent to Baltimore to help with a youth training program and a school
to train troubled youth in job skills and in getting their GED.
(Story Continued on the Next Page)
Ato the National Convention in Baltimore, he met James Farmer, Roy Innis, Lincoln Lynch, the hierarchy of
CORE. In 1968 he was sent from Baltimore to New York as Field Secretary and for one whole year leaving on
January 3 and returning on December 23, he was away and in the field, moving from one place to another which
might involve organizing rallies, seminars, being a public speaker wherever in the country he was needed.
He recalls one unforgettable and scary voter registration dispute which took place in Biloxi, Mississippi. Around
1959 or 1960 he along with others were arrested and put in jail for trying to get African Americans registered to
vote. The good news is that they won their case and those disenfranchised were able to vote. But the bad news
was that after being released from jail, he was not permitted to leave Biloxi as he and others were to be served
with additional warrants and might face more jail time. Even though he was watched closely to prevent him from
leaving, Danny told how he managed to escape by hiding in a hearse to avoid being seen and was able to get to
the airport and get out of Biloxi.
He went on freedom marches all over the country including the famous 1963 March on Washington. Danny
worked as Field Secretary until 1972 when he decided it was time to call it a day. By then, he said, “I was tired.”
What brought him to New Haven? He explained how he was living alone at the time in Brooklyn, in BedfordStuyvesant “Bed-Stye,” New York and working with the United States Amateur Boxing Federation as a referee
which is something he still does. My son and daughter live in New Haven and he said they “begged me to move
here to New Haven.” That was in 2014. Shortly after moving, he joined the Dixwell-Newhallville Senior Center
where he is a very active member joining in club activities. One of them is being a member of the DixwellNewhallville Senior Theater Club where he has already been seen in a performance and is busy rehearsing for
What else is he doing? Well, Danny is busy working on finishing a book about his life, so the rest of his story will
be told.
Announcements from Migdalia Castro,
Director of Elderly Services
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 from 12 P.M. to 4 P.M. the Department of Elderly Services’ Annual Seniors of the Year Award Luncheon at Anthony’s Ocean View; Tickets: $30/
person; for more information: contact your local resident service coordinator
Friday, April 8, 2016 is the deadline for purchasing tickets for the Department of Elderly
Services’ Annual Seniors of the Year Award Luncheon; to purchase your ticket ($30/
person) please see your local resident service coordinator
Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 7 P.M. the U.S. Navy Concert Band will be performing at
Yale University Woolsey Hall (500 College Street); Free Admission; for more information: usnavyband.eventbrite.com
Free Tax Return Preparation for Qualifying Taxpayers
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $53,267 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals.
In addition to VITA, the Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) program offers free tax help for all taxpayers, particularly those
who are 60 years of age and older, specializing in questions about pensions and retirement-related issues unique to seniors.
The IRS-certified volunteers who provide tax counseling are often retired individuals associated with non-profit organizations
that receive grants from the IRS.
Before going to a VITA or TCE site, see Publication 3676-B for services provided and check out the What to Bring page to ensure you have all the required documents and information our volunteers will need to help you. *Note: available services can
vary at each site due to the availability of volunteers certified with the tax law expertise required for your return.
Find a VITA or TCE Site Near You
VITA and TCE sites are generally located at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls and other convenient locations across the country. To locate the nearest VITA or TCE site near you call 800-906-9887.
At select tax sites, taxpayers also have an option to prepare their own basic federal and state tax return for free using Webbased tax preparation software with an IRS-certified volunteer to help guide you through the process. This option is only available at locations that list “Self-Prep” in the site listing.
A majority of the TCE sites are operated by the AARP Foundation’s Tax Aide program. To locate the nearest AARP TCE TaxAide site between January and April use the AARP Site Locator Tool or call 888-227-7669.
What to Bring to Your Local VITA or TCE Site:
1. Proof of identification (photo ID)
2. Social Security cards for you, your spouse and dependents or a Social Security number verification letter issued by the Social Security Administration
3. An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) assignment letter may be substituted for you, your spouse and your
dependents if you do not have a Social Security number
4. Proof of foreign status, if applying for an ITIN
5. Birth dates for you, your spouse and dependents on the tax return
6. Wage and earning statements (Form W-2, W-2G, 1099-R,1099-Misc) from all employers
7. Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099)
8. A copy of last year’s federal and state returns, if available
9. Proof of bank account routing and account numbers for direct deposit such as a blank check
10. To file taxes electronically on a married-filing-joint tax return, both spouses must be present to sign the required forms
Preparación Gratuita de Impuestos para los Contribuyentes que Califiquen
El programa de asistencia voluntaria de impuestos (VITA) ofrece ayuda gratuita para la preparación de impuestos a personas
que generalmente generan un salario menos de $53,267, las personas con discapacidad, contribuyentes que tienen dificultad
con el inglés y los ancianos que necesitan ayuda para la preparación de sus propias declaraciones de impuestos. Voluntarios
certificados por el IRS ofrecen preparación de la planilla electrónica básica gratuita a personas que califiquen.
Además de VITA, (TCE) dan el asesoramiento fiscal para la ayuda de los impuestos gratis a personas mayores, particularmente
aquellos que son 60 años de edad y mayores, están especializados a contestar preguntas sobre pensiones y cuestiones
relacionadas con la jubilación solo para las personas mayores. Los voluntarios certificados por el IRS que proporcionan
asesoría fiscal son a menudo individuos jubilados asociados con organizaciones sin fines de lucro que reciben donaciones del
Antes de ir a una de las localidades de VITA o TCE, por favor vea la publicación 3676-B para asegurarse de los documentos
necesarios. *Nota: servicios disponibles pueden variar en cada localidad debido a la disponibilidad de voluntarios certificados
con la experiencia necesaria para su reembolso.
Para Encontrar Una Oficina de VITA o TCE Más Cercana
Para encontrar una oficina de VITA o TCE más cercana generalmente estas oficinas están ubicados en centros comunitarios,
bibliotecas, escuelas, centros comerciales y otros lugares convenientes en todo el país. Para encontrar el sitio más cercano de
VITA o TCE llame al 800-906-9887.
Los contribuyentes también tienen una opción para preparar sus propios impuestos ya sea federal o estatal gratis usando el
software de preparación de impuestos basados en Web con un voluntario certificado por el IRS para ayudar a guiarle a través
del proceso. Esta opción sólo está disponible en los lugares en la lista “Self-Prep”.
La mayoría de los sitios de las expresiones culturales tradicionales son operados por el programa de la Fundación AARP Tax
Aide. Para localizar el sitio más cercano de TCE de AARP “Tax-Aide” entre los meses de enero y abril utilice la herramienta
AARP o llame al 888-227-7669.
Qué Debe Traer a la Oficina de VITA
1. Prueba de identificación
2. Tarjetas de seguro social suya, su cónyuge y sus dependientes o una carta de verificación de número de seguro social
expedido por la administración del Seguro Social
3. Una carta de asignación del número de identificación de Contribuyente Individual (ITIN)
4. Fecha de nacimiento de usted, su cónyuge y los dependientes en la declaración de impuestos
5. Declaraciones y sueldos (formulario W-2, W - 2G, 1099-R, 1099-Misc) de todos los empleadores
6. Declaraciones de intereses y dividendos de los bancos (formas 1099)
7. Copia del la declaración de impuestos del año pasado federal y estatal
8. Debe traer su chequera para el depósito directo Si está casado(a) deben estar presentes los dos ya que tienen que firmar la
planilla de impuestos. Copia del total pagado por el dueño de cuidados de niños y el número de identificación del dueño de
centro de cuidados de niños. Formas 1095-A, B o C, declaraciones de cuidado de salud. Copias de transcripciones de
ingresos del IRS y del estado, si es aplicable.
"IN THE SPOTLIGHT”: Mr. Daniel (Danny) Gant
Created by: Gwendolen “Gwen” Grady
Psycho Therapist
Narrated by: Daniel Gant
Mr. Daniel “Danny” Gant, 82, is a 1980 graduate of Lincoln University (Lincoln, PA) with his
master’s degree.
I have served as a public servant for a majority of his life. My public servant work began
as a junior counselor at a drug and alcohol program in upstate Pennsylvania. It was the
first program of its kind. The program dealt with people who were battling drug and alcohol
problems. After leaving there I went to Atlantic City, NJ to a program called, "Addiction Research Program". There I worked tirelessly helping people to get off and stay off of their
addictions. During that period I had an 85% success rate. Later, I left the “Addiction Research Program” to work in another drug and alcohol program––this time I became a Behavioral Therapist.
Prior to and including now I am a referee for the Amateur Boxing Federation. We take children all over the world to enhance their boxing skills. We traveled to places such as: the
Bahamas, Brazil, Germany, England and West Africa.
While in West Africa, I developed an appreciation and a deep
love for wearing African printed cloths. I traveled to Ghana,
West Africa and fell in love with the people, the Ghanaian culture and the town. My
connection to Ghana was immense, and as a result, I became a dual citizen to help
the young boxers remain in school. I encouraged financial independence amongst
my students; I was passionate about motivating them to become entrepreneurs as
opposed to finding a job immediately after graduating from school.
I intend to go back and stay at least three months so I may be a pillar of our society. I have coined Ghana as my native home. Not only can I share my African heritage, but I also vowed to only wear African garments, frequently. To date, I have
been wearing African cloth for over 30 years.
I am a civil rights activist. I have marched with Dr. James Farmer, Stokely Carmichael and Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. During the pinnacle of my civil rights activity, I had the pleasure of meeting Fannie Lou Hamer and Maya Angelou. They helped mold me into the person I am today.
I am in the process in writing a book that is projected to be in circulation between January 2016 and December
Saturday, February 6, 2016
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Monday, February 8, 2016
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Monday, February 8, 2016
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Monday, February 8, 2016
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Liberty Community
Liberty Community
Microsoft PowerPoint
Intro Class
The Art of Daycations
Liberty Community
Liberty Community
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Microsoft PowerPoint
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Intermediate Class
Basic Computer Skills
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Class at Wilson Every
Thursday 10AM
Liberty Community
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Thursday, February 11, 2016
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Knit Together
Thursday, February 11, 2016
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Yale––Science in the
News 2016
Friday, February 12, 2016
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Liberty Community
2016 Healthy Body,
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Healthy Mind Series
Liberty Community
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Liberty Community
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Liberty Community
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Liberty Community
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Photo Editing Intro
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Basic Computer Skills
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Class at Wilson Every
Thursday 10AM
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––
Community Program Room
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Wilson Library
Main Library––Tech
Main Library ––
Children’s Program
Main Library––
Community Program Room
Main Library––Tech
Mitchell Library
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Wilson Library
Actividades de la bibioteca continua en la próximal página
Thursday, February 18, 2016
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Thursday, February 18, 2016
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Knit Together
Thursday, February 18, 2016
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Main Library––Tech
Main Library ––
Children’s Program
Mitchell Library
Friday, February 19, 2016
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Liberty Community
Main Library––Tech
Saturday, February 20, 2016
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Liberty Community
Main Library––Tech
Monday, February 22, 2016
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Dignity Music
Convert Series
Main Library
Monday, February 22, 2016
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Liberty Community
Main Library––Tech
Monday, February 22, 2016
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Microsoft PowerPoint
Intro Class
Main Library––Tech
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Liberty Community
Main Library––Tech
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Microsoft PowerPoint
Intro Class
Basic Computer
Skills Class at Wilson
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Every Thursday
Liberty Community
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Thursday, February 25, 2016
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Friday, February 26, 2016
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday, February 27, 2016
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Saturday, February 27, 2016
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Monday, February 29, 2016
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Monday, February 29, 2016
Liberty Community
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Knit Together
Liberty Community
Liberty Community
Tall As the Baobab
Tree––Film Showing
Liberty Community
Google Docs Intro
Main Library––Tech
Wilson Library
Main Library––Tech
Main Library –– Children’s Program
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Mitchell Library
Main Library––Tech
Main Library––Tech
Dixwell/Newhallville: Narratives with Kate Smith
Dixwell/Newhallville: Happy Birthday
Irrita Osborn,
Elderly Services
Computer Room (8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.)
1, 8, 15, 22,
29, 2016
Morning Coffee (9:00 a.m.)
Tai Chi (10:00 a.m.)
Breakfast Club (9:00) Lunch (11:30)
Sewing (12:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.)
Lunch (11:30)
Pokeno/cards/games/pool (1-4:00)
Computer Room (8:30-3:30)
Sr. Drama Club (1:00-3:00)
Movie (1:00)
Coffee (9:00); Yoga (10:00)
Computer, Pool Room & Cards, Knitting/
Crocheting (8:30—3:30)
Breakfast Club (9:00-10:00)
Coffee & Conversation (9:00)
Lunch (11:30)
Tai Chi (10:00)
Let’s Make a Deal (10:00)
Art Class (11:00)
Lunch (11:30)
Lunch, Listen & Learn (11:30)
Progressive Bingo (12:30)
Computer Class (1:00)
Line Dancing (5:00)
Free Blood Pressure Screening (10:30)
Crafts (12:30-2:00)
February: 2, 9, Hispanic Entertainment (1:00-2:30)
16, 23,
Pool/ Wii/ Ping Pong/Pokeno
Cards/Games (1:00-4:00)
Computer Room (8:30-3:30)
Coffee (9:00) ; Yoga (10:00)
February: 3,
Yoga & Pilates (10:00)
10, 17, 24,
Computer, Pool Room & Cards, Knitting/
Crocheting (8:30-3:30)
Lunch (11:30)
Pool/Wii/Ping Pong/Pokeno
Cards/Games, Bingo (1:00)
Reminiscing - Call for information
Computer Room (8:30-3:30)
Project Mothercare (8:30-2:00)
Yoga/pilates/zumba (10:00)
4, 11, 18, 25, Lunch (11:30)
Ceramics (12:00-4:00)
Dance (1:00)
Pool, ping pong, games (1-4:00)
Computer, Pool Room & Cards, Knitting/
Crocheting (8:30-3:30)
Computer Room (8:30-3:30)
Breakfast Club (9:00-10:00) Lunch (11:30) Coffee & Conversation (9:30)
Knitting/Crocheting (1:00)
Dixwell Senior Center/Association Meeting
(every Wednesday)
Food Bank (2:00)
Yoga 10:30-11:30; Lunch (11:30)
Mahjong (12:30)
Knit/Crochet/Sew (1:00-3:00)
Bingo (1:00) Arts & Crafts (1:30)
Computer Class (5:00)
Computer, Pool Room & Cards, Knitting/
Crocheting (8:30-3:30)
Breakfast Club (9:00-10:00)
Yoga (10:00); Reminiscing (11:00)
Lunch (11:30)
Sewing Class (1:00)
Line Dancing (5:00)
Hispanic Dancing (1:00)
Pool Room & Cards, Knitting/
Computer Room (8:30-3:30); Morning Cof- Computer,
Crocheting (8:30-3:30)
fee (9:00)
Breakfast Club (9:00-10:00)
February: 5, Project Eldercare (9:30-12:30)
12, 19, 26,
Lunch (11:30)
Yoga - Debbie Kahan (9:30-10:30)
Sr. Drama Group (1:00-3:00
Lunch (11:30) Ceramics (1:00—4:00)
Bingo (1:30)
Pool/Wii/Ping Pong/Pokeno (1-4)
Computer Room (8:30-3:30)
Computer Room (8:30-3:30)
Coffee & Conversation (9:30)
Tai Chi-Kathy Trusdell(10-11:00)
Lunch (11:30)
Progressive Bingo (1-3)
Computer Room (8:30-3:30); Coffee &
Lunch (11:30); Ceramics OR Sewing
Card Sharks (12:30-3); Sewing Class
(Call for more Info)
Stuffed Salmon/
Sweet & Sour Pork;
Broccoli Stuffed Chicken w/ Shrimp Bisque; LS
Beef Stew; Bowtie NooRosemary Cream
Brown Rice; Oriental
Supreme Sauce; Roasted Crackers; Spinach Fritdles; Diced Squash;
Sauce; Mashed PotaBlend; Wheat Bread;
Sweet Potato; Collard
tata; Carrots; Zucchini;
Wheat Dinner Roll; Fresh to; California Blend;
Mandarin Oranges;
Greens; Wheat Bread;
Wheat Bread; Pears;
Fruit; Low Fat Milk
Marble Bread; Apple
Low Fat Milk
Fresh Fruit; Low Fat Milk
Low Fat Milk
Juice; Ice Vanilla
Cake; Low Fat Milk
Chinese New Year
Mandarin Chicken;
Rice; Oriental Vegetables; Oatmeal Bread;
Mandarin Oranges;
Low Fat Milk
Crab Cake/Tartar Sauce/
Lemon; Coleslaw Vinaigrette; Corn on the Cob;
Whole Wheat Bread;
Pineapple Juice; Marble
Cake; Low Fat Milk
Ash Wednesday
Fish Almondine; Small
Turkey/LS Gravy; Sweet
Baked Potato w/Sour
Potato Pone; Green Beans;
Cream; French Green
Cranberry Sauce; PumperBeans; Wheat Dinner
nickel Bread; Fresh Fruit;
Roll; Angel Food Cake
Low Fat Milk
w/Strawberry Topping;
Low Fat Milk
Cheese Lasagna w/
Parmesan Cheese;
Tossed Salad w/Tomato
& Italian Dressing; Italian Bread; Grape Juice;
Valentine Cookie; Low
Fat Milk
Chicken Noodle Soup w/
Presidents Day Menu Swedish Meatballs w/
Broccoli Quiche; ScandiCrackers; Light Crunch Fish
Breaded Veal Cutlet w/LS LS Mushroom Gravy;
navian Blend Vegetaw/Tartar Sauce/Lemon;
Presidents’ Day
Gravy; Smashed Potato; Bowtie Noodles; Baked
bles; Roast Potato;
Wild Rice Pilaf; Spinach
Centers are Closed
Green Beans; Wheat
Acorn Squash; Rye
Wheat Dinner Roll;
Salad w/Carrot & Raspberry
Bread; Fresh Fruit; Cherry Bread; Fruit Cocktail;
Fresh Fruit; Low Fat
Vinaigrette; Marble Rye;
Pie; Low Fat Milk
Low Fat Milk
Pineapple; Low Fat Milk
Beef & Bean Chili;
Baked Potato/Sour
Cream; Fiesta Blend;
Tortilla Chips; Mixed
Fruit Juice; Diet Fruited Jell-O w/Toppings;
Low Fat Milk
Meatloaf/LS gravy;
Mashed Potato; Green
Beans; Pumpernickel
Bread; Apricots; Low
Fat Milk
Minestrone Soup w/LS
Spinach Grandioli;
Herb Roasted Chicken
Pot Roast/LS Gravy;
Crackers; Seafood Salad
Tossed Salad w/Olives
w/LS Gravy; Confetti Smashed Potato; Mixed
Plate w/Seafood Salad;
& Balsamic Vinaigrette;
Brown Rice; Green Vegetables; Wheat Bread;
Lettuce; Tomato; Beat
Broccoli; Parmesan
Beans; Marble Rye;
Cranberry Juice; Carrot
Salad; Portuguese Roll;
Cheese; Garlic Bread;
Pears; Low Fat Milk
Cake; Low Fat Milk
Fresh Fruit; Low Fat Milk
Pineapple; Low Fat Milk
Latino Menu—Atwater Senior Center & Casa Otoñal
1 cup Spanish Style Veg Beef Stew
½ cup Rice
½ cup Diced squash
1 Wheat dinner roll
Fresh fruit
8 oz low fat milk
6 oz Shrimp bisque w/ 2 LS Crackers
3/4c Tuna Salad on 1c Lettuce W/Celery, Cucumber, Carrot
Italian Dressing
1 slice wheat bread
½ cup Pears
8 oz low fat milk
3 oz Pork Chop in Red Sauce
1/2c Rice w/Beans
1/2c Yucca
1 slice Whole wheat bread
4 oz Pineapple juice
1 slice Marble cake
8 oz low fat milk
3 oz Spanish Lasagna w/1 Tbsp Parmesan cheese
1 cup Tossed salad with tomato and Italian dressing
1 slice Italian bread
½ cup Grape Juice
Valentine cookie
8 oz low fat milk
Choice Menu
3 oz Sliced Butterball Turkey with cranberry sauce
2 slices whole grain bread w/mayo
½ c German potato salad
1 c Fresh Spinach Salad/Vinaigrette
½ c. Watermelon
8 oz. LF Milk
Presidents’ Day
1 oz. Sliced Virginia Ham/1 oz Swiss Cheese
Mustard/1 Mayonnaise
1/2c Salad (Tomato, Onion, Cucumber, Basil)
½ C. Coleslaw W/Shredded Carrot
Fresh Fruit
Cherry Pie
8 oz. LF Milk
6 oz Chicken noodle soup w/2 crackers
Mediterranean Tuna Wrap on Whole Wheat Wrap
(Shredded Lettuce, Red Onion, Olives, Parsley & Lemon Zest
½ c. Broccoli & Cauliflower Salad
½ c. Waldorf Salad
8 oz. LF Milk
Presidents’ Day
3 oz Roast Pernil w/ 1/2c White Rice
1/2c Pink Beans in Sauce
1 slice wheat bread
Fresh fruit
2/16- cherry pie
8 oz low fat milk
3 oz Spanish Baked Fish
1/2c Rice W/Pigeon Peas
1 cup Tossed salad with olives and balsamic vinaigrette
1 slice Garlic bread
½ cup pineapple
8 oz low fat milk
6 oz Minestrone soup w/ 2 LS crackers
2 oz Thin Sliced Medium Roast Beef & 1oz Sliced Cheese w/
Onions & Tomato on Kaiser Roll w/ 1 tsp Mayo/ Mustard
1/2c Potato Salad
Fresh Fruit
8 oz. LF Milk
LS Chicken Orzo Soup w/ 2 LS Crackers
New York Hero – Smoked Turkey, Ham & Provolone W/ LS
Italian Dressing , Sliced Tomato, Green Peppers, Lettuce
½ c. Tomato Cucumber Salad
4 oz Cranberry juice
1 slice Carrot cake
8 oz. LF Milk
Laundromats that Offer Free Pick & Delivery
(Lavandería que ofrecen Recogido y Entrega)
Peoples Laundromat
(Lavanderia Peoples)
238 Grand Avenue
New Haven, CT
Haven Laundromat
(Lavanderia Haven)
566 Ferry Street
New Haven, CT
5 Stars Laundromat
(Lavanderia 5 Starts Stars)
151 Howard Avenue
New Haven, CT
Spotless Laundromat
(Lavanderia Spotless)
818 First Avenue
West Haven, CT
In The New Haven Area- Free Pick up
& Delivery of clothes & $1.00/lbs. Min
of 15 lbs. is free to pick up & deliver
(En el área de New Haven Entrega/
Recogido de la ropa $1.00/lbs. Min. De
5 Lbs. el recogido de ropa es gratis y
la entrega)
In The Fair Haven Area-Free Pick Up
& Delivery of a person. To pick up &
deliver clothes min. of 20lbs is free.
$1.00/lbs. charge of washing clothes.
(En el área de Fair Haven Recogido/
Entrega de ropa Min. de 20 Lbs. es
gratis $1.00/Lbs. Cargo de lavado de
In the New Haven Area- Free Pick Up
& Delivery. To pick up & delivery
clothes is a $5.00 fee + $1.00/lbs.
(En el área de New Haven Entrega/
Recogido de Ropa es $5.00 cargo +
In the New Haven Area-Free Clothes
Pick Up & Delivery with $1.05/lbs.
(En el área de New Haven Entrega y
Recogido de Ropa es gratis con $1.05/
City of New Haven—Elderly Services Department
714 Dixwell Ave.
New Haven
321 Eastern St.
New Haven
306 Grand Ave.
New Haven
325 Ferry St.
New Haven
88 York St
New Haven
1471 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
Berney’s Pharmacy
615 Howard Ave
New Haven
66 Church St.
New Haven
Visels Pharmacy
Bella Vista
Hancock Pharmacy
Rite Aid
Rite Aid
New Haven
CVS Pharmacy
Chapel St. Pharmacy
Cornell Scott
Health Ce r
P armac
Hancock Pharmacy
Beacon Pre cr
P armac
382 Grand Ave.
New Haven
215 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
1219 Chapel
New Haven
428 Columbus
New Haven
Only in the Dixwell Area
Bella Vista
Free Delivery & Pick Up: New Haven, West
Haven & Hamden
Free Delivery in the New Haven area
No Delivery
No Delivery
Free Delivery & Pick Up: All over town
and in Hartford once a week
Free Delivery in the New Haven Area
Free Delivery & Pick Up: Fair Haven, New Haven, North Haven, East Haven, West Haven,
and Hamden
No Delivery
Free Delivery & Pick Up in the New Haven
No Deliveries
Grand Ave.
New Haven
Free Delivery & Pick up in New Haven,
1 Long Warf
New Haven
Free Delivery in the New Haven area
New Haven Deliveries $2.00 charge for
(fee for multiple orders will be waived)
875 Foxon Rd.
East Haven
Ciudad de New Haven
Departamento de Servicios a los
Farmacia Visels
714 Dixwell Ave.
New Haven
Bella Vista
321 Eastern St.
New Haven
Farmacia Hancock
306 Grand Ave.
New Haven
325 Ferry St.
New Haven
88 York St
New Haven
1471 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
Farmacia Berney
615 Howard Ave
New Haven
Rite Aid
Rite Aid
Farmacia New
Farmacia CVS
Farmacia Chapel
Farmacia Cornell Scott
Health Ce r
Farmacia People
Farmacia Hancock
Farmacia Beacon
66 Church St.
New Haven
382 Grand Ave.
New Haven
Solo en la área de Dixwell
Bella Vista
215 Whalley Ave.
New Haven
1219 Chapel St.
New Haven
428 Columbus Ave.
New Haven
375 Washington Ave.
North Haven
1 Long Warf
New Haven
875 Foxon Rd.
East Haven
Entrega/Recogido Gratis New Haven, West
& Hamden
Entrega Gratis en el área de New Haven
No Entregas
No Entregas
Entrega/Recogido Gratis: En todos los
pueblos y una vez en la
semana en Hartford
Free Delivery in the New Haven Area
Free Delivery & Pick Up: Fair Haven, New Haven, North Haven, East Haven, West Haven,
& Hamden
No Delivery
Entrega/Recogido Gratis en el área de New
No Entregas
Entrega/Recogido Gratis en New Haven,
West Haven, East Haven, Hamden, Branford, Wallingford and Meriden
Entregas Gratis en el área de New Haven
$2 entregas en New Haven
(múltiples entregas el cargo se
(203) 248-4471
(203) 488-4248
(203) 777-3998
(203) 787-1055
(203) 848-6746
(203) 603-9809
(203) 773-8998
1248 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
875 W Main Street
Branford, CT 06405
325 Ferry Street
New Haven, CT 06513
379 Whalley Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
180 Temple Street
New Haven, CT 06510
72 Orange Street
New Haven, CT 06511
721 Orange Street
New Haven, CT 06511
482 Greenwich Avenue
New Haven, CT 06519
Whitney Ville Food Center
Four Season Market
Edge of the Woods
Ninth Square Market
P&M Orange Street Market
Full service groceries, produce, meats,
and Fish. No deliveries.
When placing your order for delivery,
ask for Store Manger and indicate order.
Delivery & transportation home, are available
in their four passenger service van.
Delivery minimum of $40.00.
No Minimum fee just $9.00 delivery charge.
Meats, cold cuts, produce, dairy, frozen foods,
$15.00 delivery charge
Meats, deli, desserts, hot & cold salad bar
and take out, bakery. Will prepare meal
per request
When placing your order for delivery,
Ask for Store Manger, and indicate order/
Delivery; transportation home is
available in their four passenger service
van. Minimum purchase of $40.00
Natural health food, organic produce,
gourmets items, groceries, bakery, flowers,
hot and cold deli, coffee, juice bar,
vitamins, cosmetics, etc.
Full Deli, hot and cold salad bar
hot and cold subs, produce, dairy, soup,
pasta, basic toiletries (they deliver w/
Minimum purchase of $20.00)
Delivery to Tower One/Tower East
only. Hot and cold deli, dairy products,
fruit, soups (Ask for Eddie)
Delivery minimum $12.00
Local Grocers that Deliver or Provide Rides Home with Groceries
Telephone No.
Department of Elderly Services
City of New Haven
(203) 248-4471
(203) 488-4248
(203) 777-3998
(203) 787-1055
(203) 848-6746
(203) 603-9809
(203) 773-8998
1248 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
875 W Main Street
Branford, CT 06405
325 Ferry Street
New Haven, CT 06513
379 Whalley Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
180 Temple Street
New Haven, CT 06510
72 Orange Street
New Haven, CT 06511
721 Orange Street
New Haven, CT 06511
482 Greenwich Avenue
New Haven, CT 06519
Whitney Ville Food Center
Four Season Market
Edge of the Woods
Ninth Square Market
P&M Orange Street Market
Servicio completo para los comestibles, productos,
carnes y pescado. No se proee transportación.
Cuando haga una order para que se la envíen,
pregunte por el Gerente, e indique que necesita
que le den transportación a la casa, se provee
transportación en la guagua de 4 pasajeros.
Mínimo de $40.00.
Cuando haga su comprar Pregunte por el Gerente e
indique que neceista transportación a la casa, esta
disponible en una guagua de 4 pasajeros
Mínimo $40.00.
Comida buena para la salud productos orgánicos,
articulos gourmets, comestibles, pastelerías,
flores, comida caliente y frías, café, jugos,
vitaminas, cosméticos, etc.
Deli completo, ensaladas caliente y frías
sándwiches fríos y calientes, productos lácteos
sopas, pasta, artículos misceláneos, proveen
transportación, Mínimo $20.00.
Proveen transportación a Tower One/Tower East
solamente. Deli caliente o fríos, productos lácteos,
frutas, sopas (Pregunte por Eddie)
Proveen transportación con un mínimo $12.00
Carnes, deli para sándwiches,
variedad de ensaladas frías y calientes. Puede ordenar
para llevar
Le preparan la orden como la pida.
$15 cargo por la transportación
No cargos mínimos solo $9 cargos por transportación.
Carnes, deli para sándwiches, productos,
lácteos, y postres
Tiendas que Le Proveen Transportacion con Sus Compras de Alimentos
Departamento Servicios a los Envejecientes
Ciudad de New Haven
New Haven, Connecticut Department of Elderly Services
(Departamento de Servicios para Ancianos en New Haven, Connecticut)
 Migdalia Castro, Director; 203-946-7854 [email protected] (Directora del Departamento de Envejecientos)
 Georgiann Dogolo, Elderly Services Specialist (Especialista Servicios Envejecientes); 203-946-2272
 Douglas Toth, Elderly Services Specialist (Especialista Servicios Envejecientes); 203-946-8585
 Maya Welfare, Newspaper Editor and Spanish Translator (Editora del Periodico y Traductora); [email protected]
 Mercedes Felix, Spanish Translator (Traductora); 203-946-8200
 Suzanne Smith, Circulation Manager (Gerente Circulación); Atwater Senior Center; 26 Atwater Street; Tel. 203-946-8558
 Gwen Grady; Elderly Services Specialist; Dixwell/Newhallville Senior Center; 255 Goffe Street; Tel: 203-946-8541
 Michelle Clary-Butler, Elderly Services Specialist; East Shore Senior Center; 411 Townsend Avenue; 203-946-8544
 Filomena Fiondella; Elderly Services Special-
Valentine’s Day
MAYOR'S OFFICE — 203-946-8200 (OFIDINA
PUBLIC WORKS—203-946-7700 (HOURS 7:00 A.M -3:00 P.M. M-F) (TRABAJOS PÚBLICOS)