Self Care Program - Portland Community College


Self Care Program - Portland Community College
Welcome to our second annual
PCC Rock Creek - Women’s Resource Center
“Women, Art, & Activism”
SelfSelf - Care
“Women, Art, & Activism”
Schedule of Events
Registration & Continental Breakfast
Keynote Speaker
First Breakout Session
Second Breakout Session
Third Breakout Session
“Mock Tail” Networking Lounge
*Everything in Bold will be held in Event Center, Bldg 9 *
Women’s Resource Center
April 13th, 2012
8:00am - 5:00pm
Rock Creek Campus Event Center
“In our world, divide and conquer must become define and empower.”
~Audre Lorde~
T h e Wom e n’ s R e s o u r c e C e n t e r pr o v i de s a c e n tr a l
l o c a t i o n f or se r v i c e s t h a t s u p p or t t h e a c a d e m i c
a c h i e v e m e n t o f w om e n , w h i le w o r ki n g t o i nc r e a se
a c c e s s t o e d u c a ti o n f or w om e n, i m pr ov e th e r e t e n ti on of w om e n s tu de n ts a t th e c o l le g e , a n d e nc ou r a ge w om e n ’ s l e a d e r sh i p de v e lo pm e nt .
F o r m o r e in f o r m a t io n , c o n t a c t :
K r i s te n M a r t in
WR C C o or di na to r
P h o ne : 9 71 - 7 22- 74 4 8
E - Ma i l: kr i s te n . m a r ti n1 @ pc c . e du
Keynote Speaker
Breakout Session 1
Love and Self-Care
10 :00 am—11 :15 am
Roslyn Farrington
Vicarious Trauma and
Burnout in Faculty, Staff
and Professionals: Risks
and Prevention
BLDG 7 RM. 101
Roslyn has been a faculty member in Portland State University’s Women’s Studies Department since 2002. She spent years as the Executive
Director of the Oregon Commission for Women and is the founder of All
About Community, a counseling business dedicated to building the beloved community, one person, one organization, one community at a
time. Roslyn’s mission is to build a community based on unconditional
love where all people have a voice.
In response to questions about her workshop on Women, Love and Self
Care, Roslyn says, “ offers women the opportunity to explore and analyze aspects of love, self-esteem and self-care. It examines how our culture challenges women’s efforts to be self-loving and self-affirming. It
teaches participants tools for self-care. It explores practices that can
support our conscious efforts towards self loving and affirming on a daily
basis. In addition, it makes connections between the care of our mind
and spirit and better health overall. These practices will enhance all aspects of our lives. These practices will empower women to get healthy
by taking action to improve their physical health.”
Courses taught:
WS 308U bell hooks, WS 308U Women, Writing & Memoir, WS 330U Women of Color in U.S.,WS 410 Women, Love & Self-Care, WS 410 Women, Writing & Personal Transformation, WS 410 Audre Lorde
Charlene Hansen,
PCC Faculty
BLDG 5 RM. 114
Participate in a 50 minute
Zumba fitness movement session! Zumba Fitness is a LatinWe work in a unique environ- inspired, calorie-burning
ment where we are confronted dance fitness-party. Since its
everyday with a student popu- inception in 2001, the Zumba
lation that experiences disprogram has grown to become
tinct struggles. Trauma fothe world’s largest dancecused studies have shown that fitness program with more
90% of the population we
than 12 million people of all
work with has experienced
shapes, sizes and ages taking
some type of trauma at least
weekly classes in over 110,000
once in their lifetime. How we locations across more than 125
experience and respond to our countries.
students and clients affects
our professional and personal
Women & Writing
lives. Vicarious Trauma is deRoslyn Farrington,
PSU Faculty
fined as a negative response
that happens over time when
BLDG 7 RM. 106
dealing with a challenging
population. Vicarious Trauma
Are you an aspiring writer?
and it’s related concepts are
Roslyn Farrington teaches
real and valid responses to our
writing as a form of self-care
continual compassion for our
and self-expression. She teachstudents. This presentation
es a variety of courses at Portwill define and describe these
land State including Women,
responses, explain the risks,
Writing, & Memoir, and
and outline prevention techWomen, Writing and Personal
niques faculty and staff can
Transformation. She also
utilize to make sure we keep a teaches numerous other classes
positive outlook and a supin Women Studies that explore
portive environment for ourfamous women authors, such
selves and those we work
as bell hooks and Audre Lorde.
Michelle Hayes,
PSU Graduate Student
Author of Anna Holy Woman
Intro to Zumba
T h e F e m in i s t Ma n
Eduardo Martinez,
PCC Staff
BLDG 7 RM. 107
Feminism is the belief in the
social, political, and economic
equality of the sexes. Eduardo
Martinez, self-proclaimed feminist, and PCC Director of TRIO
Programs, will explore topics of
feminism and how men can support women in our quest for
equality. This promises to be a
very interesting and mindopening session! Everyone is
C o m o Co m e n za r /
E x pa n d ir t u Ne go c i o
Eduardo Corona,
Business Training Coordinator for
Adelante Mujeres
BLDG 7 RM. 121
sas empresarias que ya han tenido la oportunidad de recibir la
ayuda de Adelante Empresas y
tienen su negocio corriendo, en
fase de lanzamiento o en fase de
A m o r y Co n f l ic to
Rut Martinez-Alicea, PCC SAFE
Program Coordinator
BLDG 7 RM. 108
Un dialogo facilitado en un ambiente seguro y de confianza
donde las participantes tendrán
la oportunidad de compartir y
discutir sus experiencias de
“Amor y Conflicto” en términos
individuales y globales. Esta esta una sesión interactiva las experiencias de las participantes
serán honrada y usadas como
S t ic k s a n d S t o n e s m a y
break my bones but
w o r d s w il l b r e a k m y
h e a r t : T h e Em o ti o n a l l y
A b u s iv e R e l a t i o n s h i pWh a t I t is a n d H o w to
S po t i t .
Vinicia Blanco, Blancos Green Cleaners
Maria Garcia, Cocina Cultural
Ivonne Rivero, Traductora e InterChris Huffine, Psy. D. Licensed
prete independiente
Estaremos hablando de la importancia de planificar en cuanto a tu negocio se refiere, una
breve descripción de las partes
mas importantes del Plan de Negocios y como implementarlo en
la realidad con la ayuda de
nuestra programa Adelante Empresas de la organización Adelante Mujeres, siempre tomando
en cuenta nuestros valores del
triple balance: Economía, Ecología y Equidad. Asi mismo contaremos con testimonies de exito-
BLDG 7 RM. 109
When people hear the words
“domestic violence” they typically think of a physically brutal relationship. However, most
abusive relationships have
mainly or only emotional abuse
with little to no physical abuse.
This workshop will outline the
core qualities of abusive relationships and help clarify the
differences between normal and
healthy conflict and unhealthy,
destructive conflict.
Lunch Panel
12 :00p m-12:45p m (Ev en t Center)
Local Women’s Activist Panel: Exploring the
different ways women are making a difference
in our communities and our world.
Rev. Kate Lore,
Social Justice Minister
L o r e , h e l p e d o p e n t wo s h e l t e r s f o r
homeless families, the Goose Hollow
Family Shelter; and Thirteen Salmon
Family Center. Kate’s goal as the
Social Justice Minister is to inspire,
educate and mobilize congregants to
m a k e t h e wo r l d a b e t t e r p l a c e . S h e
shares Michael Dyson’s belief that
“ s o c i a l ju s t i c e i s wh a t l o v e l o o k s
l i k e wh e n i t s p e a k s i n p u b l i c . ”
Whether she is preaching, moderating a community forum, leading a
march or facilitating a class or retreat, her aim is to harness love’s
wisdom to build connections between peoples and earth and to
overcome systems of oppression.
Melissa Rico,
cally underrepresented students to
increase access to higher education,
both locally and nationally. She
hopes to one day become the Dean of
Students at a college or university.
Brenda Ivelisse,
Rock Creek Associate Dean of
Brenda Ivelisse is a transformative
educator in Portland, Oregon where
she is active within the immigrant
rights community. As a fourth
generation educator in her family,
she continues the tradition of
challenging students to develop
themselves as individuals, realize
their voice, and use that voice to
speak out about things they care
Student at OSU & Rock
Creek Staff
Becca Ellenbecker
Melissa Rico is a senior at Oregon
State University majoring in Ethnic
Studies. She is currently working as
the Campus Tour Coordinator and
Migrant Education Liaison at Portland Community College. Melissa’s
passion for education has earned her
opportunities to intern with the
University of Vermont in the Dean
of Students Office and with the University of Arkansas in the office of
Pre-College Programs. Her activism
work has ranged from helping PCCRC launch the first Semana de La
Raza (2006) and RC-Canteen (2009)
on campus to advocating for histori-
Becca is currently dual-enrolled at
PCC Rock Creek and Marylhurst
University. She works as a student
advocate in the Women's Resource
Center and is a Mentor for the New
Directions Program. She has a passion for Social Justice and Activism.
Student & WRC Advocate
These four women will share
their personal journeys from
finding their voice to becoming active on both a local and
global scale.
My Self-Care Plan
Life-Long Learning
Human Connections
1 :00p m-2:15 p m
Promoting a Sexual Assault Free Environment—PCC SAFE Peer
BLDG 7 RM. 108
Breakout Session 2
Cual es tu plan de Cuidado Personal?
What is your Self-Care Plan?
PCC: SAFE is the only program
of its kind at a community college in the United States. PCC:
SAFE is a comprehensive educational and outreach program
that benefits students, staff
and faculty. We promote a Sexual Assault Free Environment
so that sexual violence is not a
deterrent to pursue educational and professional goals.
Self-Defense Class
Sydney Elliott (1pm-4pm)
BLDG 5 RM. 114
Sydney Elliott has taught violence prevention and women’s
self-defense for 20 years. She
was a member of the Attorney
General’s Sexual Assault Task
Force, a Women Strength volunteer, and worked in Educational Outreach for the Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center. She has been
teaching self-defense workshops at PCC for the past 10
Women & the Art of
Balancing our multiple
Anne Willis Elizabeth Sosa
BLDG 7 RM. 107
We all carry within ourselves
multiple identities and roles
that encompass who we are.
Day to day life often goes by so
quickly we rarely have the opportunity to reflect on the
parts of ourselves that make up
our identity. This presentation
will invite participants to
spend time identifying, understanding and celebrating their
multiple identities-gender,
sexuality, race, ethnicity, disability status and more!
The Hair We Wear
Donna Boston
BLDG 7 RM. 105
Donna Boston has worked with
hair for many years. She will
discuss how our identity is often associated with our hair,
current hair trends, and hair
care dos and don'ts.
Breakout Session 3
2 :30p m-3:45 p m
Tools and Weapons:
Art and the Feminist
Prudence Roberts,
PCC Instructor
BLDG 7 RM. 101
This session will focus on female artists of the 1960s forward and some groundbreaking
works in the realms of performance, video, photography and
Relaciones Saludables
Nelson Flores, Latino Relationship & Marriage Educator
BLDG 7 RM. 106
Las relaciones no siempre
son como las esperamos. Algunas veces son relaciones
grandiosas, y otras veces
son muy complicadas. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar
las herramientas practicas
que le ayudaran a construir
y mantener relaciones exitosas. Así que, lo mas que usted aprenda a superar sus
problemas cotidianos y
aprenda a nuevas maneras de
relacionarse en forma saludable, mas seguro y confiado
se sentirá en la toma de decisiones que realiza en su
A r t & Cr a f t - O - R a m a
(B i l i n gu a l )
BLDG 7 RM. 109
Feeling crafty? Choose from
a variety of craft projects &
work at your own pace. Decorate a butterfly, design
your own flower pot or gift
bag, make a friendship bead
bracelet and a personal coupon book. Join us!
A r t & A c t iv is m
P a tt y Coa t ne y M. E d.
A r ti s t & A c ti v i s t
BLDG 7 RM. 121
Art provides a powerful format for self-expression, often serving as the impetus
for social change. In this
workshop, we will explore
the ways art can transform
personal narrative into an
empowered call for action.
No art experience necessary.
Craftivism: A College
Student’s Story
Becca Ellenbecker
BLDG 7 RM. 101
time when most people
value gender equality, why
has the word feminist become so stigmatized? In
this workshop we’ll cover
the history of the word
feminist and its multiple
meanings, but we’ll also
confront the hairy, lesbian,
man-hating stereotypes of
the backlash against feminism and learn more about
what we can do to reclaim
feminism’s power.
“Okay, you have our attention.” On Monday, February
13, the PCC Rock Creek college campus witnessed the
reactions of students, staff
and faculty when 75 Barbie
dolls were taped up all over
campus holding signs with
quotes that raised awareness about domestic violence. By the end of the
El Arte de la
week channel 6 & channel 2
n e w s h a d c o v e r e d t h e e v e n t Sharo Reyes, CEO Consolturia Prisma Communications,
with live coverage & news
articles. Come & hear RC
RM. 107
WRC advocate Becca Ellenbecker’s student activism
El arte de la comunicación
la llave del Éxito.” Mejora
tus relaciones familiar, laThe “F” Word: What b o r a l e s y s o c i a l e s , a l c a n z a
Does Feminism Mean? t u s m e t a s a t r a v é s d e u n a
Dr. Andrea Lowgren, PCC
Women’s Studies Professor C o m u n i c a c i ó n E f e c t i v a y
BLDG 7 RM. 121
Es una charla motivacional
que les ayudara a reflexio“I myself have never been
nar y reconocer las herraable to find out precisely
mientas que les ayudaran
what feminism is: I only
know that people call me a en su camino diario al éxito, llámese familiar, labofeminist whenever I express sentiments that dif- ral o profesional.
ferentiate me from a doormat. “ (Rebecca West) In a
Breakout Session 3
Mujeres y el Arte de
Balancear Nuestras
Múltiples Identidades
Anne Willis & Elizabeth
BLDG 7 RM. 107
Por la naturaleza como mujeres
cargamos en nosotras mismas
múltiples identidades e interpretamos diferentes personajes
en la vida diaria. La mayoría del
tiempo esto pasa desapercibido,
raramente nos damos cuenta de
ello, como resultado no nos damos la oportunidad de reflexionar en cada una de las partes de
nosotras mismas, que son los
rasgos característicos de nuestra identidad. En esta sesión se
invita a las participantes a
identificar, entender y celebrar
sus múltiples identidades,
ejemplos, raza, etnicidad, sexualidad, incapacidades y mucho más.
Women’s Self-Defense
Sydney Elliott (1pm-4pm)
BLDG 7 RM. 114
Sydney Elliott has taught violence prevention and women’s
self-defense for 20 years. She
was a member of the Attorney
General’s Sexual Assault Task
Force, a Women Strength volunteer, and worked in Educational Outreach for the Tillamook County Women’s Re-
source Center. She has been
teaching self-defense workshops for PCC for the past 10
The Art of Feminist SelfCare
Anne Willis Pacific Univ.
BLDG 7 RM. 108
“It is no measure of health to be
well adjusted to a profoundly
sick society.” (Krishnamurti)
Have you ever found yourself
wondering: how does society
impact my health and well being? How can I balance my own
needs with what is expected of
me from society? What is
“normal” behavior and why?
Participants will ponder these
questions as well as learn tools
for self-care from a feminist
psychological perspective. Let’s
discuss society and empower
ourselves to thrive in this
Todo Empieza en la
Nelson Flores, Latino Relationship & Marriage
BLDG 7 RM. 106
La familia es el medio por cual
nuestra personalidad, carácter y
efectividad se desarrolla y se
nutre. Es donde crecemos y de
allí depende si nos formamos en
hombres o mujeres con valores y
metas bien definidas y firmes.
Mocktail & Networking Lounge
4:00pm-5:00pm Event Center
Sponsored by Dr. Rules’ (Rock Creek Campus President) Office
Silent Auction
Bid on an assortment of baskets created and donated by
several different PCC Rock
Creek departments. Winners
will be announced at 4:30pm.
Many thanks to ASPCC, RC President’s Office, Student Development, Food Services, NW Families, Adelante Mujeres,
Our Keynote speacker Roslyn Farrington, Our panelists
Melissa Rico, Brenda Maldonado, Rev. Kate Lore, The Women’s Resource Center Advocates, and all of our volunteers.
A special thanks to Ginger Smith, Mandy Ellertson and Nelly
Thanks to all our presenter’s and speakers for participating
in our second annual Women’s Self-Care Retreat! We could
not have done this without you.
Please take a moment to fill out a Participant Evaluation
Form that will help us in determining what direction to take
our Women’s Self-Care Retreat in the future. Your input is
greatly appreciated.
PCC Classes for Women,
About Women, etc.
WS 101 Women’s Studies
WS 201 Women of the World
WS 202 Women Working for Change
SOC 218 Sociology of Gender
MSD 198a Male/Female Communication Differences
HST 204 History of Women in the US Pre-Colonial to 1877
HST 205 US Women: 1877 to Present
HST 225 History of Women, Sex and the Family
ENG 260 Intro to Women Writers
New Directions /
Transiciones Oeste
Is a program for single mothers
and displaced homemakers who
are committed to making positive changes in their lives. The
focus of the program is on increasing self-awareness and self-esteem and improving life skills. The goal is to assist student in making a
career choice and developing skills that will lead to
financial independence.
Classes are tuition free
Earn four college credits
Child-Care & transportation assistance available
On-going support and advising available to New
Direction’s graduates through the Women’s Resource Center and Student Services of Rock Creek
New Directions Instructor: Peggy Olson
Transiciones Oeste Intructor: Alicia Gonzalez
Contact [email protected] for more information and orientation dates
Women’s Resource Center
K r i s te n M a r t in
Ma i r a R a m i r e z
A li c e Ba b i a
Richell Chiu
N a di ne Mu sa f i r i
Ma r i b e l V a s q u e z
B e c c a E l le nb e c k e r
Ma r i a Ga r c i a
G e u r i f H e r na nd e z
Eric Ruiz
A l ic ia G o n z a l e z
Assistant Coordinator
Y e s s ic a Ha r d in
Admin Assistant
Feminism is:
Dead * Something that happened in
the 70’s. A movement that’s still
relevant today * A communist plot.
A terrorist plot. Some kind of plot.
* A nice idea whose time has come.
A nice idea whose time has gone *
About choice and control. About
eliminating control-top lingerie *
A satanic ritual. A cult. A club * A conspiracy to make
men wear pink * A movement that seeks justice for
women. A movement that is unjust to men * For men as
well as women. For sons as well as daughters * The anti-dote to the old boys club. The pre-cursor to the new
girls club * A movement that died with the birth of the
Kadashians and Jersey Shore * Alive and well and living Anchorage, New York City, Asheville, St. Louis,
~ M is s y P a r k ~
F ou nd e r of T i tl e N i n e Ma ga z i n e
Special thank you for all who sponsored a student!!
If you would like to make a contribution to our
Women Returning to College Scholarship fund
please donate online at:
Designate donation to:
New Directions or Transiciones Oeste

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